The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 07, 1868, Image 1

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' v Otity. ©«l >W 0* “ ©f a—* y *0 Weakly Era. Aw—i J 00 mt antaaujur a unma -ta un> o» auaaaTMiiu. Tba** Mow tka ITwwMmM*. One Me- *U .. n«»W *tran . 1,l 'flaja' n*« 'paw ;r£ —l§-§3- £2 raw) raw tawe ~t oatwaa.■ ...< •*.» IWT «*.«o «g, *■«; MW ...g?uir«in b« LJrte? aTSSIoJSSor -ut. Iw tta •>*>•• tan Fur rarW ajaan of letbraa orlta. torta ti*t tamm -■o*. H.M4»rMttn»ni«»i imtaH* U omiU 1 ,11 Um* ot alii er taoMtaU ta an ,k, a aWaara T.roa *Mk Mar, oc «a 4m>uiJ a«ar Ika tral ta i nanai n maack* *wta* t-r tayactWad U*ta ili.nia - *- -a. a‘a.,i ‘Tn’Tf.SStaSta « a'.wrrr*'.'"”'”: .«*d*r l*m*l ItMstM, AT* 111 *^-) r u T ai—to I JaSTaS . I,lliwm«ni Ui« Ufa head *f •» *m% aMpt so* towll na. u no* t«M 7-^1 JZwT»7sTfW«— rnm ml mku» i.i^m THUG Hul <>»■'►!< B * IH TVS HTK ■CU-IdOO OV ALABAMA 9TBUT, nffOMT* Tt* MfTOfTII'A IITWIW ftBOAD AML lin^lill. 11KSDAV MORNING APRIL 7. 1B6& For Um Fr» A <i«m| Nr thr < MMpil|i. ■T *«» *U*lt» Fr,4M UUUlttdl** w lb© »e» Ther* for* o rail? twg wy*. Anal a«q msa far |«m sod rlghl how hit* Ate Urt« ht*h I uUMI brother* from lh* h.B stod Whdd' VrtMßil ovr ImJm 4tm. AhJ rrirwU Ik* LIMMU *4 Ik* •»«<• With tusay ft \rn* bwrrsh ! • ? Theo row. bojl. cum r, Aad Jfltk to CTbm* rlAii IMA cfaMT, boys, chew. For feaßraft U >«r man In ut UMutti fa.raealh'gura ferth>. The t a*oa nuet bo ra*©d. l*er tkiw ww gird wr am Mr ea. for Uila tb© afarm p»*r« bfuved n • i©< th© oppueitluo (r«l, Walt cheer Ika CYmettlnMm <n M Ith neaf a loud k'trrah ! Tbm fowa. boy*. ©orai. Ami Join tb© Vnkm ©Wu Thea <Awr, bby*. ©tor Tor Be'lock .« oar mu 1 Ur rlkht will seed ©orh frwmim »ot*. And nerve aarh jntrtrt** k©ert. t row W 4 hi i»**p *H wroitg mj, And b©»l th© natiou a smart dVU «M«Uuwf|wtaloltßf. for |«i«rii». truth tad taw, AhJ item wa'll luaka tka wrtkia nn. . With many a Wud karrak ' Thaa c*m*K boy. cot»#. And jrHi* Uta I'utoM rkM. Thao rhear. Iwijra, rkaar. For b«lVvk ta our mu. •■Mollork, lb» Cm rpwt-koggr r. t ot lUllock Ua< Wen « r o%uWiot of <Jw»rgui ■ n tear* THiriltg llio wU.ilr of Ibit llmo bo l:o» ma iled Utnu»t*lf l*» iMIiIbOM purnuila with , . i.ntbAH nutaiunl tba «Untnet«*r of u. iii« proa.-baMr yonOiorii. Jn N«w York, till liattn- Ktolr, hf am eatfomcHl M a gabtlf huui oiiii a rnnii of Htnn t*oniucAM hatuta aa.l A hilegnly lb# |i»f>ont wboro Ua b** ltv»Ml Mint wan toatklF Vli, apook of bill) in (bo It in hr«l Hoforo, uwt dunut< iba war, bo baa oualaiu o.| a brio r.*|»utatioti a* a fluaaoior and goiirral tinaiuoaa r. Goring Ibo «b<do <»f bln i. n Team 1 lifo in Ibo Hoatb. bo taaa notar (b*no Riigbl to forfoiltbo oolooh* efiba Krortbom poo jdo Hot now that It ta Ro.'oaa«root*o« parly bn* oo!r« to«l him ao tbo prupoi man b*r t Inmuor of (t«orßik l lti« mublonly dinron>ro*l llml ho im a • Varf*wd lMggor,*’ a ••ncaUwAg/' • “Yankoo adronlitror.’* ar»«l an •Intortopor.'* Wliol a jo aot l« niaaiaUMJ wbon to •.nob crtmailjf lbi». What an admirable* foalura of oocUoimU rbkmnot tbia mmwli* of I rooodwro unggoatn. Verity, Mien h»v« gwen tbcmaotvoa r tor so ignoranoo and mtolorauoa. nd h»o r..ob*m»dmft amt atnltlfying juioripb mtli a un-ai dm;u«iiutf and narrow nnndod niafllN. \V» Uavo the bighaal aaanrauomi that CoL Hulbwk, if oloctod, wlllta*baaab«il bun Iba brat gontlomov Hi (Hor|k Uta appoiutmonU wUI \m lurtdo with a apodal roganl to tbo fit noaa of Iho appoiatoo. To all Iho jodifial ..fftroa bo will appoint anob bm»ii m will faith tally and impartially exocuta tbo lawn of tho State To ail otbor ofbcan of treat and roapon abtlity. bo will appoint m**n o< abil ity and IntogntT W« Kara raaaoa to ballaTa he in nndoT no plodgoo to any ooa. Ho U in the Imrnli of tbo friomla of Reoiawtroction, mid. it alocted. will U trno to tbo paoplo of (boHtnto. ami oifcnto ibo lawo ao fairly and iully aa apy man. Though ho woa not born in ibo Htato. ton yoar?’ deroMoo to boatoaa bara tioo fouUrod all Uw pcrmmal iutoreolo in tbo rt'muiMtoy übaro b« raaiiaa. Ha, aa Mcb .A wnr o*o, ioiutefwtaA in *om*n»«ut for (loorgia. for U lo U) Haparato bio latoroot trom tbo inWroal of tarry otbar p.< .party bolder in tho State Ibo great hulUhnlbM which u boing raraml bv the oppowtfoa prr« oror hU natirity. la bn*, tho bile mouthing*' of f<dljr. It ia too in- M-nlib ons for ref o tat bn* ar reproof. It to a ..uloaaton of wimkoemi and bopelomuioa. wbirh »b«fMd auvtle orery oo caUad Doaocratui iba an*i oet him to thinking It above a Uck <4 arguApaut that lately yield* the cam- MAimr 40 Uh» Bar.aad.iHUloadiK ** the atoo iton will if it. a. BatMfcS —moat— 4 *a« lioa ■»»•». I. lUoti tow! nt • "• ffnwrl**. « tiuw,*. of , Imdil; of nunm rkiMirn. »h»ll b» • ulillwl lo • lu mast**)! of rrolly l<> lh- «!«• <»f two ibouwuiil ili.llo)*. It) tp*Ok oO P #r ' ~>D»I |.r..|owtj I<> lh» t*l«* of oo» tbotowoU f|»Ust« In *twrt», loHh to b* t»lwhl at ibo tin, they ara at apart AaJ Goort* of Mtalatrrial nfllror in thla StaM, (ball a*ar tiara or aalboaity, to twfarra any j.nlgiaaat. dao.roa, or oioontioti Iftiotl aaid rropaHy an aat ajnrt inolu.ltng rteb lut provouioat, a> May b« taatir Ibaraoo, fttoaa iima In Ultra -aioapt for Uaaa. mwtay barrow ..l aatl atpawda.l in tba tiaproraaraal of Iba h.nuaataaj. or tor tba pan-baaa moaay of tba ~.u.a. an.l tor labor dorra tbaraon, or Matartol (umiabod Uiarafer. or Itoworal <* ao»t»)>ran iKaraon bad It abwil bo tba daty of tba i .-aand Aoaauibty, aa rarly aa praattoabla, to |.rt»,bto, by law. for Iba aattum apart and ral uaitua o 1 told proparty. bjkl to aaart lawa for lb., lull aw.l roartdata twotaaHto and aatatnty of tba naaa to Iba aala aaa bad baoait of aald ■ at.llaatokl.lHnH 11 111 pmpkrty af Hto Wtla, tnbcr|Ktoo» •.too at tba tbua of bar Marrla*o. tod •» rs •tty gtoaa to. labarttoW. m aa,atoad by bar. •ball ratobto bw Mvatot. prafarty. a»l wot b, ItobU tor tba dabta af bt* barbaaJ THEdATLY new era. BY HAMUKL BARI). Tw tki Fnal* *C kwryu The adtlreea of OoL 1 L Q "" Tj •v«iU the truth by tba *uU«iiag«* to idtrn r. sorted to. Wa My Again, read unt parotor iv rand U atary day uutil yon will know it by heart. Hating la*eti uuAnimoaAly nominaud for i tba oftnvt at (»o»*ii*tu, bt • ( ouriwlMt fnlly I irtpttM. tiling a large «»f lb« «»f the State, I do not leei at t<« Uieir wiabea by rtfaiiftfl aeewpi thr jjteal honor thus con totted. lft tmiy ileetr** )* t«» be ot ear nre bi tb# whole |tfrfd* ol mut my lot baa lewin ao long aud pleasantly coat. In bnilding oj* bee wa*t« ptor<«« end iu irtlt mg her priMitrateil in hiitrial and commercial ■yatem, under the U»ui»-u influence ol a ritil gotrinmcnt. in which all her citiren* may pAi tk'ipeto. Tw the consUliimaU-■ iof Ikti object rot every clfort shall Vo* denweti. Tto (inmlllaltoa kbftol I7 U»»* inie iVm vmrtuwi ia before ton. it wo* my pritihtg* to aid in the formatter) of that inUnimtwi, and II jfl.lff.ltifitoto! iMflllbl wMi not only the let ter of (lot fundamental law, bat a!*«> with the Apunt anti lhe intealron* 01 Ihnee who it«nir«l it My tote* ate recorded apu oil il* tari- j on* branch©*, and il I* thorwfare ■nneocaaanr for me to enter into any «aUiameu4 id my pe litical priwotplce, k.thcr than to «a\ that I totaud fully ciHiiniitir-.l m iL n»*w fonstitu li.Mi, and hate an emnett dvatre t-t tilaKzn th«MC great SITAX ire* the iteiirl .ni l (lie Honietoixad an*l thu» ruai>)« win 1 tuner 1 |w*ttpie |«> take coinage f**i thr tuture, wilb a full opanrance that the reanlP* ot Aheir Ulior »hail W # ti)«»yed by them** Ives and their Win dm*. It wilt be Iba daty of the Oeusral Aiuw-mbly to protide a thorough »J*Uiu of ediicaltot) iul the State If iwlidtl i>y y«»<ir roiaa lo iuwuia« the exalt ml (KHUtiun «»4 twtu rhtof CxrcuUva. and will be uiy duly, aud no Lea* a (•h-AMurr, to imudualt to the be noto, for « »uflrtu;bl**>n. peraoua whwtw |Ni>»l aertioe, well c*tuUi»hed « hatACln and nlubty. bate Hrcitred for theniHelt **» tlu* c« hi Admire of lh*-n fellow citireiia in llirir ie ■pectrve distncta, an.l win*, flint***, by reason of Ibetr kuoAu mlwlhgvuce An l mor*l worth, f*r the |WtokUioua l«» which they iu*y I- rrc«nn mended, wHI ensure thdr r mflnn^il« -»n In lb re|trr•H•nt.A , i\. n .»f Uie ptople, ••With o»al»;-** toward irnic, «iu, i baniyl t all.“ looking; »*nljr t • the glory, jteat'e und prosperity f*" *«tr rvdde .*btt»t«k, ami tha |»«*• |*e*- Iflity of free. < ittl gorrrmnciit thronghont tbo land: rhare fbe honor f»i Im your fellow citi- IM, Il H T* lire % mmrnm New «r Ororglt. Kt4o Im Ij .YuWill ven allow me, tbrongh yonr Mlann*. to pnbltoh a ptoeo a«l dowsed chiefly to the yonug mew of Georgia Thia t«a time which calls in *|ne*fion all the rematMi of our people. Wa me, by cm nu* •Uncoe, placed iu ft ptauUon fomi whb h il will be very diAmlt t.» i ilntris our** He* All know the o-lfttive {loajtioitid the {•■•sec. In him. Ninth and South, anlirkr to tb* Ute war We know lull well the imoilt 01 that wai. We know that ‘-Greek m«t Greek ftiitl the bravest of the brave aank to rtae m» mote The Sonlii plaord all ttputi the *im«gle Th<* dectaiou'wua agnluat her, and the North hen come forth the victor. The priurtplrw odvm eated by the Sial» Right* Demeeracy went down with tb< kiirieutlrr of Im*c and Johuduf). The groat majority of the flout |»e©pb have taken iho amnesty oath. It tiecoiuv* us, as man, to eairy oat the lertus iuipoaetl by that <wth. Th«tw are in the Slate of tVorgia to-day bat two partie* the lUcnaat*uction and the Anti-TUcoa'ttrwrtittu. or Dem<vratii party The fine in fliviw of tl»e rent oral ton ol Georgia to her original pooitiun In the rabm - the other hi favor of military n»W\ and the retention of tb«- State in ito prosent tram moled (*ondiucu The great thing with the Democratic |*arty to abuse, rillfleatbui and acoru. l*hcy aiimupt to make everything nsseu and seatoenloa* that stusnaimi tn*m the ReconstTactiou party, fcfery uiao who has bohloee* en«>ugh to ad%oaato l»cu—ffftotlon ■nder Iba • Sherman bill, ’ »s denoanced as a traitor, an enemy to hi* race, a* an advocate of negro equality, euprausoey. etc. Such ace the mean* used by the Democracy to drive all yowng men ami Utatd a*ew from the amuriton of thaii true arniimantH. When Lee sod Johnston A«rrvn«lerekl tlirir Armies, the. doom of aacesMiuu and slavery waa aaalml It wa* lUiarmined that the right of eccroaion was a fallacy, and that ala vary should no longer exist in the Totted State*. Wa then began to think of the plan ol »«- construction Premdent Johnson formed h|* plan and appointed Jamee Job neon IWto -1 octal Governor, and conferred upon him lorg.* powers greater than any military command dor now enjoys A Convention was called Ciumdsnt Johnaui had area At. in the nuou time, to - disfranchise a large nnmber wf the Southern people. The Provtokmal (Knernor issued Ida proclamation convening a Ounven Unn of the people of Georgia, to foi m a Con aiiiuitou. Neither th* large number disflan chtoe*l by Proaitlent Johoaoii, nor the negroe*. an* taken mL* Ok.neideraUmi in tbst Convrn lion. Hut akori one thir l of the people ol Georgia were repraeeutad. Thia Contention, repraeentiug l*wi the third, proceriW. to b»an a Constitution This Constitution, thn* form ed. was never submitted b» the people of (kaotgto tor their ratiAoaiion. In to<*C the Constitution of 180&, in Ha lon— Hon. waa il legal flam beginning t«» and. and tba ITeat dant knew U.snd eo considered it, aa’bis ptvr lamaticn ahoga Tba OmwMWhm says that the HaMod fUntea ahall gaarantee to each State a Republican form of Oovemment, but tbia by no means nays that tbs rrca*dent is the failed ilalflM Mid ha* Una right In the (••rmalkM nf Itoto tonn of Ooverameut, wa maet have the ari of Owagreae, ami the ament of tbs Premdent t« lha act, or hto vfl. and id, pamaga over it Mrithrr the TXMfldeut »* » tht Coajree* eowfliinta the Hnilia Ktatro - Hence, irither yf itovW «M» gaamtotee the pro Mribodtormof OnnoHunMi HHfl Oongman of tha United Malm At* ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1868. -I- ■■. mil !■—WTOBILt-1.. . thougb cookUkHo* ItouKotlfa ftoutoiU iato*wula« op oTStata ftotoMM*it ia Ik* Itoalk a* uwnMnl bj Ww, (a*nnk*toto h*t)D|| to k***M]r dtomm i or SwwrktoM), tm wOHag ta meotpl to* work tow* by to* I’rauJcat, if tu S.jnUwru Htoto* wowld *e cpt tha GooelitaUoaai Aoumdmeol It waa nfatto*—l to tfwii fwgttotoM* Tb«j uxlitf .•rtly ntart il TM* tantoni tart n* fra* totof WU Wftljl wttkt* om owa bur ■l*n, bo* jtoUj njiag tort w* WmH not bars rwproanatauoo for tha aegroea in Con gnto, it w* did *o» allow then to rote. W* rnlo**d tha** Mild Im ol J *-ntr~~ Th* HilUd Hto*« be in* thr Mniquartag pow er. tow It than to impva© harsher terms, and we should have, uut only tba atnand mant, bat also negro suffrage. We could k**k for nothin# elec under the ciromnstansea It wa# not lo be eappo**cd that the foogianai [ power »‘*ulil offer milder tonne We having | refused reetorafu'u under the plans < fftred up Ito thia time, t oggraaa paras*! aa act ovsr the Treat den Ual veto, dividing the ten Honth sen flames Into MilUnij PMtrfctl. aMhotUed the IVeridml to appoint a commamUr to aaeh. whose power and duties m mitttar/ command er were deflne.) by the uni act Under ibu bill, tbu* passed, * wa* rsltol in Georgia, after the due regrairs tioo of all male* black ami while over twenty-one yeenf old. (with the eiceptsoo of the very few Mclsded by tha bit!,) ora! the** voter*, thus registered, bail a right to cast their vote* either for nr agaiuai a CoaveaUun. Che majority of the peofde of Georgia saw At to nraf their votes in tovor of a Con vention It wa*. arasrahtod by the Military C-ommauder for the etpr**** pnrpriMc of form ing a Constitution for the fltal*', by whb'b in sans we U restored to onr original po *uu*>u in the Uukh. The Itolegatea to that Convention have frame*) a < ouatilnUon, and it ia anlimitted to us A»r onr rahflcntion The ijUcaUoa is, shall wa ratify and be rvatorod to the pomtAon urig mall) fM-rvtp»e*l by a». or shall wa dsfeal u and remain ttmlrr military rule, and have no voter whatever in th«> Governtuant ? 1. aa an tndl videal, intend locust my v*4aia favor of ran fictotion. although therr ars aona tontnroe in lira ( xmatiUMioii 1 would like to have changed yet, taking it as a whole, we are compelled to at knowledge that it la a very good one. Young tueu of Georgia. I ask you to throw aside yonr prejudice*. lam a young man, *n l claim a right thus to apeak (If 1 am called presitfuptno«A. tie it *O.) Tba great object we, ahoubl have in view la the good of our country and the rest oration of our naiHa Stair to her anginal potuso ia tha Unioti I know lull wall that tboee of na who see At to advocate >*tideation will be denounced ns soal awega -towerter* of onr twee as tafaaeou* and unworthy the !»•>-• «c«itbvn of a eertaiu vlto«* of our new faugled *b mocracy. I. for one, aut williug to aubmil to th* "aixoctani. —- « hrt*l. hiaraelf. while U|*ou earth, with all hra ■•VH'uflM end purity, wan vtliAed, abused and treat©.! a»th conteaajit I'an we, then, aa mor tal iin-fr. subject at all tiuiee to err, look for bettor treatment at the baud* of our enr-mica : Wr ***•<■ .bulv the social Owirsooun that l* proc ticod by the d*suorracy t**w*nl* ilmm who liavv the h«vneaty and bobiMet lo . <»mn out openly iu favor of ratification, and in eup|»ort of the recountrurtiou n**iuutee. But ahall it Im* amid ol ua, yonug men of Georgia, that w* were so low. »• nteau. so folee to honor aud to manhood, that we dare not ooeert our own opinions r>|M*nly fcorleasly and shove-U*ani ? I hear it said n|M>u our alietla, if wa vote f.»r ratification and (he rec*HiatrneUou comli-kato. that wa sever oer comaection with decency, vote the negro ticket sn«l twd alien |«» all re 'pectohle soriety Has it rorae to this’ Are we to h, j*rt>a( nbe«l f»»r ojituiotu's eale '/ Who »* it to .toy otootonng f**r liberty, their righto and Ireetloiu from <«|«preaauM». but thia same rtsoN «.f ilemocvaey. who would tyrannise over na, and Aav# ns think as they do,«*r not at all We are b*ld that it is uui*»l*uUr to ealv.vate rat ideal low Aud the *U'4ius of Ralb*ck, that liuUock 1* nothing but an advent tires.' ” ou*l that th** riowOuMcm waa frame*! by ‘>*arpet- Iwggcirt,* and uien who had no iuterrot in the Slate of Gnutgia. Tor the Make ol argument, grant that thU 1* true, we must null acknowl edge that the t’oustitulion thus framed w far superior to that framed heretofore by onr in* telligrut Georgian* The ('onatstution of lflha was ao illegal one, it waa ftstned by one-third of the people of Georgia, an.! never submitted to them for rat iflcatiou. Stilt, wa were willing to taka it ami be guv 1-rued by it. illegal aa it waa The ( onatituuon of IflflH ia a legal one. framed by th* p*v*ple of Georgia, (to? if the majonly of (ieorgians tbrongh their reprraeutativea, had no voice iu tba formation, it waa thair owa fault and bo dm ia to blame but themaslvea) and is now Mtouttsd to na for ratification Let ua nil oomc forward in solid phalanx aud vote for it What can we expect to gain by voting It down? Nothing. 1 anawar. but further dia —r-hi * and the orpmnation of tha HUM by tha negroas and the few whßee who .ra anbacribe to the Mat oath. If I waa the strongest advocate of State rights in Georgia, I would tovor ratification as a matter of policy atone. It to tha beat thiog Georgia con aver have. We may poMtbly bars worn* In the language cf one of the ablest men in our State, **we Cannot stand another such blunder a* we made iu tbe rejection of tbe aax udaient to the ConatiiuiLMi. Why talk wn mnob of nagr<> suffrage, whew il U a Axed toot, a thing that we can not avoid, however mneb ww may desire it W* reooguio* la Col Bultoek. the ropreeeu : iotive of Reconstruct ion. In th* event of bis flection* restoration )* aeon re. In the event of hia defeat, very uncertain. Jadge Irwin, though acknowledged by myealt and moat of our people aa a good man. has 00m* out in the internal of the Democratic party, aud in <>|»poaittoa to raronatruetton. Young meu of Georgia, il will not do for na to place tolas in {tow*-r The man who had jsdieml arvwplee sl*out taking a seat in the Ooovenitou. (whan fleeted aa a delegate to that body.) M a Urn# w han Georgia needed her bant men to form her organic law, and who did not* have the boldaras ami manhood to stand the alnra and the abuse tbat would have been beeped upon him in the event of hie participatton to that Itody, should not now he elected to the high •et |dace in our gift, aad asked to support and execute that tow which be could not muster rotting* enough to Mato in making We wool |»e*re ami quietude Let na ratify tbe < onatiftttitott etoct RaUook mad meu lo Utugrvea who can take the lent oath, and all will yet go ••merry ae a wanringi he*.* | would ask yon to come eat from a party, Ihe *o*o*o* of wbtoh worn! deem to ton m iiiotv with tha defeat nf Lae and Jn hasten, but which Mill extols hi inirkil nf an WfMriai I hostile to iba wettoro af ttoM of If fMMMI**— M* »«*••< ■*** tks. roa wfiib*«SMl k >*Mi)*l, mtmg, M* ■in.ifk*n**ik—»WH—. M ■*»* of ikM • WkW» t* •m* C imtf any other name would small aa awert. When the opposition dhow ui anything belter fa be done, f, for one, adopt it It •earai that among n* of the Health dtoh/yalti aad aaimoeity to tha govetaraHut have become pa report* to social poailkm. and th* teat of worth touch effete aotooa* mu*: pas* away. All gnvenmnmMa have throes. 1 coovuleiMm aad rrmtoaliau* W« kav*|emrrl through s grand rovulotion. bet our govera araat »tiU txraU. The fltara aud Bara have taßan, sad thr star* and «drfj rs wave ; over the load from <H*e rxtruudlj to the <HLsr We ara io * speed y way to feat oral »*» n. liappi uen* aud prrwpeiity Uwe are Imt true to oureelve*. aud tbr j*rogre*Nivo priori|4re of the ttgr. all will yet go well, f-ci ua all come for . word «> u the day us etowthm aa«l coat <»ur voir* in favor of ratiAcati>»u lam not ao odventa- I rer. lam a (reorgiaii by butb Lb* L •!»*» of my aacestor* lie burtod beneath thr soil of Geor- I gia No relative of mine lives north of Ms 1 Dixoa'a line, aad n » one easier than utyeelf would ah«vl a tear over the tmufor tOSWof OUT heroes wTT'* TefTTii a h'>j>rie«ui cause, or honor the gallantry and bravery of thoae who still Jive to ere tb*- frulure cf their efforts Hut let mh take (sett a* they exi«t 1 acknowledge the ttofeoi. and rat** mi high a* our motto in the comiu can vase . lUlift n I turn. ’ aa the only mean* tr. save Georgia frmu utteT ruin sim! nroet ration. Rcr*»varai‘Tlok Me Met train leal VhOII*. We ito-a It our duty to Warn tbe pnhiir agaurot all eecret prdilira) orgaiu/aii m* No limit. r what sl—b. J |*olitiCA they are ihwigned to propagate, they are dautffpntf to th*- jsibli mterest, and eubvenuv.* of the weliare of the |N*nple. Tbe history of such organ! cat too* i* a Idot apm the annal* of the world. Tbe method of Uieir management *«»*»»■- *loplicity, 1 fraud and .Inception, and in a form of a free gnTvruiuent like our*, they won to indirat* | intrigue ami plot again*t tbe welfan- of mno clan* of cibaetia, if tod against tbe govern ment. They are revolutionary in tbel nature, and con**N|uecifly dangcroux, for the country is already *iek onto death of rvv<>lntkmary 1 orb-mo* We can inmrinr no earthly go**.l that i* likely to Is; «rr*>mi4;&h—l thr<*Qgb such inAtnmifUtaltti***. wlui* they are CAlculaUd to breed aocial dieturliancc of a very action* uv ture The tort 1* well known that ouch nrgamza lions are Hi existence iu tbe country Meti are leagued together lot the furtu**rancr of aocne poiiucal intngtte. and iu necret laartiugo iranaoct their boaioem, toying plot* and de vising measures through which they tnay at taiti aucceoa They fear to hold their consul taleon* iu (siblic. ch«wiog rather, arcret «ou ctovr, uuder cover of night for their orgies WY make no war upon any on* orK»ui£aliou ' of thi* kind, for there is m«re thau one iu the country, and we make war aj>on all alike. All alike are itougen*u« to law and order, aud should H* dieroaufeatbiced by law-abiding cit ixaua. and. a* Ur aa jioerilde. xtippr* -*ed by the MlboritiM W« rail opou Geuersl Mial» , *- thr only power authorised to take cogni/au.-r .*( *arh inaUer*. to um- hie iufluence for tit* »upprca *K»u of xuch ••igani/.Oi »nx Wr air ot the tnj pree-im of no one, bat of all N» ui viler bow ee*lurtive the uaute nuder which th*y air or gauiAe«l, they are all victim* in lli**r tenden ci«m. aud ahtmld l*e discootiuur<l The history of *uch organuatfiti* iu *»4h<r rouutriee is a *o*l commentary upon rivdiAa -1 turn. Iu moat every im lance they have j>roven to be the precursor* of uiolia, a**n**inAlii u and other vUdanee lliey are ralculale«l to fret anil disturb the public untnt. to fit at* *uv picion between frieod and fnetxl in f.vt they promise o<> good to a country or • um.nutty, while they coujlirc up aMieip*'lou* yf •% reign of evil which we AYe by bn im-au**.suxnm- to eoconrage Gen M-a.b* has tl»e .•« to |»n Jiihit Hii.-h rli*ju*». an.l oogbt to flu The safety aud aecnnty of *«iH» •leinsa U raflrf from the a|>prehen«iou that la growing up>>n the public mind, and the sooner the wtroug arm of power barricade* the prugrra* of auch organ I ration*, the better it will be for the grn eral welfare of the jieople. ♦l\ R flliiee tbe alm»vc wa* 111 type, the Or der from Geo Meade u(>od this *nbjtci baa Mian hauikd in, and ap]>ear* in this issue of •lie K»a. nifiMiiijr i.i>a». \ It m*jr ut, , K™l uu-rnut ot l-.-nIJ, if tho** who piopOM lo b* mu.luUu.. for offir* in th. ,pf>rao-hing *l«>rtlon. tn thi. KLt*. M.l tb, Totrr. *l*o. d>»alJ roo»kler w*ll th« qa*»( lion, ’ who are eligible to oAre T' It mart h* un lerel.xKl. that for the piTj*. •nofthie eieolioD. tbe p*o.l>Dg ann-niimeet to IhaOoßrtatatioa of th* Uiutol Htrtr-. Inovu u th* 11th articU, propow»l by Oongram .nil adopte.l by notl of the Northern Stale*, mart be coortjered u *Jnmly in loro, mo much u thi* BtoU cannot, antler th* Keoon ■tractina act*, be tefr«—oletl in Congreoi on lil that (hell be adapted bj th* retjßlole aauber of State* Tha eeetKio of that orttel* baaring tn th* qoertjon of pligibtl - ity to oAoe. reed, m folio*. Snc' 1 No pw*on .hell b* * Senator or Re>.re«enutire ia Congmt. o* elector of rroo idaut anil Vice rresident, or any office, cietl or military, under the l'oiled State*, or and** any State, who. having preetouely taken aa oath, m * member of OongTMa, or a* aa offi cer of ttMl arted State*, or u a msmt-er of any State Lngirtalure, or ae an eiecattre or judi cial officer of any SlaJ*. to *o|>por» tbo Co*. .tituuoo of the United Stale*, ahall hare en gaged in iuetirrecttoo or mbollion ag.inet tb* more, or given aal or comfort to the ■ oerniee thereof. Bat Congnan m*>, by a vote of t*o third. of each Hottee, remove *t»ch di-abilitj. By *a Act of Coogt«—. paem.l J iily UKh. ISC7, it it deelarod that th* word* "euentiv* or jadicaal office m auv State. ' ahall be coo etroe.l to ioclod* all civil office* create.) by la* for the admuirtnUon of an) ’general la* of * State, or ter lh* admuurtratioo of ju.tioe. Peraon. dartpuKOd hr th* tangoing pro vision* from holding iffii 1 1, ought not to pee •rat thraiwfv** a. ora did, I rt. hot ohoald they do so. *ll th* vote* cart A* them will b* mom thau thrown away. It cannot b* *ip*rtw.l that dt*s**li«c l perwoo*. u rtected. will he com mtwwinll. t AU .iectiuni of each parson* mart niriwnnly be mt Hite and Urn office* be Iliad •* proviliJ ta in th* OWW Conrtitatkin Th* following rteiranwt. my* th* Borne Oonrta, I* from * htj|hly rHgmHtamlta. .’sgei himmii rad on. rthrt m*mh«r of th* Altentn *raera tta, heard lahn H. GaUvell. mwrahm from Tronp aonaty. mtart that ha. thill*ill, dm* (hit pay Kw th* SS day* Iran of th* oravra tion tram Pii—itt 15th te Jan awry ffih - W daya, »TSV a Smith, of Orate* i.—ty, om tnteraanl tertm. h* *aM that h* deraWf maw ihra ha «ra ratelted taaßh* wtewd ta. rad that AD th* tevonte* of Mr. B. a Bnßark. nhilrmra <4 the Auditing Own in him «wt fwfl ray tew Om Mm* teriteh* I ■ -om. «* part pat, )nrt «w ffi*y *te*d ta Dn pragte m know hra th* 'Bteta < on vent ton hra egnamdarad ffiter money, and how Baibw-k lamtawh farhirawrtl and eeamwerae nke • eararaw ate*4. A»4 oa4 caeMe ear meaftai *v*4s," [Lagrange reporter. We or* uirikontot to etuis 4ka4. ky a maria* Uou n4 the CoovwtMn mak lirisget* waa re •l*irwd to eenify upon honor, tn writing, tha u umber ml days he aarvod m a men bar at the ConvoDUon, and that wfr—Afl ware sands in oceonhroaa with such asrixAcalet klmihess *errin<r on rommittoro were paid for wirii sor vvoe. If Mi- W jU. hnuth. cd • o«Ha draw ft/7 i move than be wa* ontilled to. he drew it vpna I lafl own crrtdUnis L > r. and whre bis ' •BMtenoibU'uUwkin. ua can return the i Kinonni lo Dr. Aovnsr. dtobnratng ngsnl. who has af the'OfenTißG xnd r mchera Hi hi* pra*- Tbe boAi charge agamat the of IIV4 Hnitork ia unworthy of natica BeiUdh'd leltrV iMeatt. [ Phraqrtnoh 1. No cobil Oft thia fltnfs dbali have jnrwuiicUoo lo try or ilHammc any soil a«am*t any rrosient of th*- flMte span any (outroct or agreement mode or Implied, or upon any controd-t maJ<-‘ in rmml of any •HU exieUng prv-r to ihf ur»l day of June, 1A& Norrakall any eour* or mimetenri oA ! n +r of Oil* Seal** have autlifwily to any jutlguitmi, vaircfition »v tlecrae, r*-u<torr«l or npxt any canLsci w »*-*-»•»««t usA | or implies! or upon uij eonirnri in renewal of e debt exuding prior to tbe Ar*t day of June. 1 *l6O. except Ui the following Caere 1. In unit* airainat trustee* where the Irak i»roprrty i» iu -the hands of the trsA*, or hoe lawn Invested hr him in other sperifl- effects I im»w in hi* band*. »nd iu oniu by thr vendor pf tbe real estoto against the venuler. when not more than one-third of the purchase moo i ev ha* been paid, aud the vendee to in pose** 1 rion of thr land or tpretfle effects for which | he ha* sold it, aad he refrtwe to deliver the load or said effects to the veod>>r. In such ca*dsl the courts and officer* may entertain ju risdiction and enforce judgment* a«rainat said trust property or land or effeeta I In Suits for tic benefit of minora by J trustees app"tnt«-«l j»*: >n* tbe Ist of June. • IMS 3 Tn suite ogaTtud corpora too— in thair orporate caparity, bwt.uot ao na to anforoe tbe debt again vt Ihe Mock holders or officers 1 thsrwvf in tltolf iDdivi tnxl rapec*ty 4. Iu suits by ehenlai»4r or literary iasu i t a lions for money Loaned, props**/ other than teiavea noid, or services rendered by them 5. In «ait* or debt* due for mechanics) or manual labor, wheii tit© suit l* by the me chanic or laborer 6. In cases where the debt is set op bv way . af defend-, ant) tb* «I©M *©t ap ex* cede any debt due by defrndaul V plaintiff, of which the courts are denied janwjhelioft. 7 Io all other ca*« xto which tha Geoarol Aonerutfly shall, by law. give said cottrto sad officer* jonetiictioo provided that no officer ■ball have, nor shall the General Assembly give jartodict.ou t»r authority to try or giva ju>lgment on. or enforce any Mt, the oxnid • ration of which was a sieve nr *iavee. or for tbe hire thereof. INragraph i All c>katracu made and not «-aerated daring the late reltelliau with the in lention and for the narj>oae of aiding and eo . oqraging sokl rebellion, »>r where it was the purpose or ralentum of one of the )>*rti*e to »uch cootroA t to aid nr < n oarage suck rebel lion, sod that Met we» known to the other , parly, whether said eoutrart was made by any psvtott or cocporntiou, with the Htate or Con federate fltatea. or by a corporotum. with a natural peniuD. *r 1> t*»«n two or usora natur al person*, are hereto (©dared to have heen and to tie illegal, and Ail Unvto. deed*, prom lnaory notes, bull- or «*tber evidcncwo of debt ! made or executed by tli© part tee to tench con- I iract. »vr ‘ithsr of them in rouueetmu with 1 *urb illegal contrs< i. or as the r. BBi'ieratow for <v in furtbeeunoe ibmrf are hereto «le | ctoixxi null And vtsJL au<l shah U no h«4d in sH U-Mirtw in this ftoftte when su attempt shaji to made to enforce any *uch contract, or give vaiiditv to anv soch nWigntton or evidence of datt ' - And in oil nwNH where the •telesnlnav or but <«• interested in tb© event o# tha suit, wifi make a pl« a. wippvlsd by hia aflbftavit. that hv ha* renMfut to tolveve that the ohjee ti«*n or evidence of indriHevliMmi npen which the eua to prodicoted. or snase }*art thereof, ha* Iwen given or inwed lor th© illegal pwr poee sforcaaid. the tontoti of pc-»f «hal) be Upon the plaintiff to nstufy the conrt «r jury tbel tbe bomi, deed hole. bdi. tw Aher ©n t ter torn of imlehleoineae. wf«»n which said suit is brought, to or are not, n vr to any part there of loumtod upon, or in any way connected with say soch illegal contract, ami has not lteen used in aid of the rebellion, and th© date of neb bond. deed. note. Mil. or othet evi dence of indebtednro*. *hall not be evuience thst It bae t»r hoe not. «m©e tu date, been opened. Iransformi, or nani. in mol of the re bel Hon. Paragraph A U shall to in Ike power ot s majority of Um Qshsnti Atwerably to snasss and collect upon nil debts, yndgmwetn. or enu *es of action when due. founded on any con- Tract ma le or tmidisd before the let td Jane. I in tbe hands of any one tn hto own right /or a* trustee, agent or attorney of another, on or after the Ist of January, iflfti, a tax of not exceeding *5 per cent, to to paid by the creditor on paiu of forfeiture of the debt, but < hortfesble by him a* to ot»©-holf tgnmst the JeM«>r, and ooUectable with the debt: Provi ded. that Uus tax shall not to co!tooted if th© debt or cause of action be abandoned or set tied without legal proceaa. or if tr. judgment to settled without levy ami sale And provi ded. farther, tin tax shall uot to levied so long as the c harts of this htatr shah sot have jurtotiirtion of such debts or canae* of action Rbml TUIi. Let every voter remember thst Builuck is for relief. sn»i will not sppoiat Judges opposed to it He to also for a homestead, and will not appoint Judges opposed b> iL Thews ara two important fact* which the poor laboring men must »».*t forgvt lie i* sl»> tor alaiausg the poor a* well as the nek. IU to in fleet the people* raodxtou. and will dntanew Irwin ai m« 4 without an effort. BY AimtOWITY. ithuv acts er ras P»?rt u'tli ConttroHAi U N 1 T K D sT A TE S, ran 11 ra root -*-* —« •**■ *ra ara *i a* COu ff ■ H win. «• <*• moral i W—te, 3»ra"gskysf£ l ic-t aim ,s»M is foeinWr. a.atoewtr*h A. 0 mt. ■wtewtt* seteiiAWasq«4 Jmtm mmd cm* Uffiffiri m M*M ffiffiOi Amrnr+rnm. IL h* >to%. wAtaA Amw a w h«V ea fWe Asa MvtM 4m ¥ XmmkWg A D ism. BteßVffiffiO* s«p U ssto. mmd w ill Sto mmmi sag of raffiifak.a. m CHIP ixm -An art iwwililia IS me UUSe of hr taaska Um fovi«.«i <4 se Art r*4svta«; «*» Air* n: tarsi Oo**w» hHmrSM tommanisj m<mm u t ■eprsein. OUtM sI the r«Me4 m»n es AwMrtsa la Oratress iss-ir-- ‘ Hurt tb© (raal arafte by law at th* secraU 4sy at iatjr. hmmAt+A aa4 n» aarh SSMffi. St IsaA ©Sffiffil W MHi tbowteffiiwi srraa ftv raw es Ms ■■■!*■* sml .1 ■■>■*>»■ la orawrara S'© to liaraewis e< eatshMeAußs epweltaral ojttof.. is ex- WaJto to the AM*© of tohraefts la to boom owm sets TTibmt ~ hat bwa sMMof to I'bms si lb© ta A ...I*. t k, ta* tart* te* taw* rt Bi*»i ■ ■■■ta.l. Tta) te*Mrtrt ttete, »■—il **o ktaHtete—-te-teteta-teta. MteHtart Ita (ta— I* Mte, to- X. Awl to M tosher eaertriL that ok mp*" sa4 ffiMseslisas es Iks Chattel bottoms sheNtoanke wMtor to toi -Mss ato ssj irtois toto urbewt of to (Jmtttt eoissttsa. Appeeral March Mt, IW. tot loesttss to mslwwrattoto to me Tar fito Jsismmsp. togtoees bastes I to ttvtg toft to MraS evewaft. uu*M af to D«ud mato es AjaerVa tt Cooerras ■ smsMil. That to arraWartMof fwsetseef aastoa tta of Am*. nTto P f 1 rixa m" ssS to Mura Mow*, by toi oars raipk»yi—. bat the watii es 1 sffto^kiy 1 !? feS"" >irMi 5 cm at nvni-ism tm \W*m es «s*i h it MMciffid by to ftaaartte to Bowes cf hfrmu tali rmm at to l attad tteto at AaMrtca la Oeawwwe beM fa bes AfMsrfar torn to erw/ er be©? who fi».n tettr mt*4 BmaUtf fa ftfts tototarai soul to ato -I—am *f > i©u iijlt'wu las to if to fair hra att who. without prufra eadseritT er ttavs Am ofaufa. to V*l fae trtaato er ref se© tt eerra to ra dot* lto "toto •*» to^ra^rt«i , Sra*«fI r im3"!?'orae!sS ett*#r ase ©was .vtt es sar hwt iMij ram eoto er wffar may Mil iu' urr«d by to tt es hie Ht»sra«bty ts crass faly If. IWT. <ll Afl. XXIX. -Aa Art fa eatthttte sert.w PWltox Br U nartort by to ao4 Bra <4 frfMtse UUTW of to I roto Sox of Isev* u> l w*r**e sea©to<ltaf Tbat to ftrffawvag bs a> pm* MAIIL fnc. ft im nll w*«*» ras *’ A*narUuJ.Xp l t ."-.(■*■ Fnaa ItittS to fa ittao float Afvrrato. Holy >S. MT. CM %A. XXX. Aa A t erattsattiy (fa ea Act «ai Uml -Aa Art fa imroSm fav to ssara ttrte t to* onustt* «f to fisfat SfaAra•• t >eeii< aa to earato toy of March. *«iba baatoyh raft m%»j e©«aa. sa4 to Art wtoraulßn toefao. m— * 1 ra tfa» warnty tmoA tor of March Brtftbtoo baa<«©4ral Be U rasefad by to fall Mr SOU BuOffi* of %myr. mu* fabraa mt to I ffiMffid StM— «f Am©**, a.« i,aqar»ta» ra —mSttd. Thst » U bereWy ftettsrto fa aera toa ta« trw« la teas soJ ataffisrsq of to art of to saerai toy of 'is* ihonasiii ilgfa We ired rad a»Mr-ffiee»-u. •IMM Aa ert to |axmto fav to ara ■tori mt eraqisal of to ntoi Msni." ead of to art it* Mary tftwirtn. paaaad ea to to«* Urt to; U Morrb. to famr ara tb OSMt tffiftti baotoel sal suty •rwa. Mm to g iraroaieats too tuOOf ia to r>UI faffitas at Vuntaie, Uactb CaraMns. BaaiA Ofaahus. T?irarad ArtBBMS wars oat le«ai ttaiT^roraMratt. vrr* tn b« oasSnid eubfart tt si rraperti to to boU nary eoasaaaahsro es to to bra ftjatnefa. sa4 fa to fsnaaeMMt salhemj of Ua. X Aahbe tt factor aaMfad. Tbsl tb* ©aa. nisaicr es aay dtttnrt n—ai 1 La bom! art shah bra* yowar. aamffirt lo to dttsevrorai af to (i*rarsl of to sway es to Patted Stefas, sod to bs** *tot ull Sms*- re*>*te(l. *l—wv la tb* ffiyrahra at ra h -i-t l»r teura aad to turrlM of ottrtU^faw ißanqV Uokl or nmfa. say ertvu or mxuurj Jtt~ * or Satyr tt aock JHatrl 1 UkVr any pmwr styawiaaat or satbaetry Amrad from., w rrsa:*d uy. m i*ia*i Bffikr. say aoratol Wefa or to prtrru ■kern toraU. or soy otaatotflai or otor tt* mam tor* a 4 aad epos moA i i»| lattra er maovsl »«kte coos laafa. enttert fa to Ilasfi>rrttt us to Lfaram ss »h.rn 1. shall hra* *«w©r to pronto frtan Uass fa uom far to fafcrwum es to aad dour* of sorb aflb-or or pareoa so snfasadsS er rsasorad. by to de tail of aaara oofaiwfaai (Mit or aabber .4 to mmy Ot by to epiwsuaMttt rs aoja# otov parfas*. U yer -4eUte*rßß<aaMi a,o» othyratta woe. X Aad fa * further aaoefad. TLst to Orasrsi of to array es Mi* Catted Bus© 4 oUxU fa araesed w-Ah ill tb* flower* vi eoapaarara. rrannl *pr«c< sod dvfail jpaqit*d fa to yrra Weft 1 ■fa. A Aad fa tt factor *rtnd. Tbe* to sets of to Mi ws of to array elrradj tom la reraraa* rtrd rdhrerm. sartmasttK* rtber* ia Mmb' afasi, tre boreby orahraMd. flvwvteSed. Thtlaaj jfaera farrtn brr er bswsflw ipflrtalM by sar duenrt surorator to r sertiee to faoettam af aay <*rd ittr 1. bbt fa r» tUteredeWbsr by toT isry M ir la ■■ : it>« dietrrat, mt by the LisairM of to array Aad «t toi: fa to doty of each fa reran t tram atoe se >l ir—etd eh praarmß who er* falnyte I* the gatrrm ra«wt af to l.*Otted arases er who an to .r oft is l tt ohetrurt IhTdiM sad prover sdro.aieCra). >n of »- srf sad to eefa fa wfarh m tt ifi Um .afar. Sac. A Aad fa tt farther aarafad. ThM to 1- ard? of rtgrauaitori prvrhfad ftw ia to set saatol '-as art mil Irasrafary tt ea art matted Aa art to pewvids f v to mar* cmneat yunnsra 1 of tb* r«faJ sbsb©« paerai Msrrh two. hundred ex-1 axti war* •sdtufMiiute rotofibe, passed feUrOk three, vlftbfaaa baadred aad KBtyaevra to: km power. sttdtteMMl be meftr Maty fadssa aiiewinft to tta*t. or lodmi lan 1 s* they eras obtom. wbetfcr© aoeb iwrocra tt sttHli «fa be wyM—< niw sofa art. sttd lb* cstik ervjalrvd by rase *1 shad out be ra kea r» am each iraesioa. sad ao 1 irana toll fa 7‘it- m<A board sasU farti* Usst fa le ceSilte and Uneri tc saJ etteh hoard BbffiU sfan bsv« power LO exsmtte. ■odor oath, ifa fa edaiiaiMseat by aay —raterr mt racr. board,' soy era iadrtaf to qaottbatioo of say rrasTby to board tt apttara Bflflttwal. aad ia every • mat <4 *trU.ia4 I t as ma Tram the lei a* faan*!V CtotttUfa iMkfrad wttb Vbe r©*i*«r*ik©i ..*» L to - -in— im t yrat at to dtttnet. forth to gems 1i es each rdttwl or rate asnhiaa frra to to Pm* tod. Tbst no p**km> ton fa drasjaal-.fad s« wmber at aay board M reftMrattoa by rraara of rare or softer Hou ft. Aad fa U farther saarled. Thai to uae tt Ml sad raraeier of to rath prraertod tt raid a© ulra*MiSary art le. laraoaft Mb©r toaftte.l Um a© florae:. *b • boo far*, s raerafar af to ttflsftsture of say mot© or wbv Am bold am j *uc*t ©» or jtaJUoel eto* mi say Mess, whether fa bae tote* so oath to support to t raaitattm at to Ustod ttsara or art. aad wbetor tfaTtofUrtTor bad fated u fader*, sad who bra sA«r 111 1i lafloft * ‘ J “— apstaet the toraM. IS rattSlfttfa ramutrrm. \ cr fa rxA* . rad tbr *LaU fa <ra«rud!uadrta and rjTll nlrr T—tr 1 by ttw ftor th? i t'lilaftMMfl m at tec * games! isw of s fltttr ur fur to adauatttrsiKra ot fin T Aad fa it ttttoc «fc-W. That to too© far i-oapMisy to ungtsuu prasam o yrurtod fw m aald art ras/. la to ibscrrtkm of to <xmmmmmA. e at say dtsSrtrt fa »tte»ded fa to ins day 4 October. •gMm baodjwd sod a ity *r«m. aad to boards of rngietrottoa shall fara p*’orat, sad tt shall fa tow dray. mails i ms fawrv— dsr* yrfar fa say ©raccaei aadr * assd act. sad ttflua nrde eabt* flabfa nraw es tbs User sa*l |dsc* thereof, to wa fcw s pmod M 1 l«t days, to rrgletrstte* beta end afloa fatog ratte fted tftrat say iwrerti art «a titled tbvrsfa teas Iraa rag ipttmt fa emhe to asm© A rate prawra tta tt© bet. sad —cr para to.: we. fa shewed fa vto.— Aad aoch beard toU aftsn. Ann og to som© perfad add to each mr-rtry to aarara of aft jwrrara vttsitt Um* yeraera to required by ssftd art who have art fam slraady raftssend. sod •-> ran a M ur (OB©, fa aahtted fa fa erftatrred or fa rto by rcaeoo 4 say *x©cutfa© or satacMy lor say Art or that whwh vufai each pamiam or era ratty, would dtt«aaU> blra fiwm twgvttCMktea ur A Aad fa U fartfar etrarted. Tbsl socti n far af Htd M*i nmo 1 tat abate, bo oeratrned fa oatbanse to easaao btif graerai oa&od th ram. vtaiw fa toU Arara M aeodfat. fa raraei c say saw • ( s board es ragtttvatkoo sad fa appMi earth* f to l i ■OM. sod v U say vaewary ta each hoard ■m. ft had fa tt farther sasrSel. Tbs* est sseafar* at raid board* es isgittitti a end sB prraora faera/W •farted or sppattfad fa ofhc© la ooad m»Httry district*- •boll fa required fa take sod fa eubornte© to ratete of oMc© prrecrU*©d by ttw Ww rtborr* at to I u-tert ■is lee. ftn Ift Aad fa tt farther mortal. Tbst ae dttnrt *a*?! tw. boaai ta fas MxGTbT*say ofooma of ra; BUC. 11 Aad ho tl farther ettortod. Tkatt stt to K —lll —wr of too art rad of to acta to which this u **i I terrarUsry Mbl fa - uaMiw it ÜbasaUy. tn to ©*>l tot si. to ratrattt torrrt ara» fa fatty sad pcrfactiy carried «tt MCSCYXEB OOU il tpesfter at to Bora of ftepvwerat*. m of to t\ VI .» H The flrisOsat at to Cafftsd fiutos. favtog rrtorad to toMoranof lijin sMMe.ft ttwhtth Mowtesrad neat es to rehel too©*, paeaod mto seeoad toy of March, atpktaam teraivwl aad Mto-ae<rea. ood to act ■as l ißMMiteery toratee goosed on to tweafy tftttr-l day of ikanh, tofts!■ baadrod and eratprarawL. *Wfa ofatafaeas motto, tt* florae of IpwirniiWm tom comma*, ia flwrewnc© rt tb* OraelMaa e. fa nmnaidir the ran. . and Mrmiam l. Tbst th* ttU 4o flora two- thuds at th* ■ease of biranitei.ffi >#n*tag tt y— to sato 4U©M W»WT> MePHkBMON Ort M. IL V ft. U lulssmM n«rwayfc*mi Jaiy ift. IST ) Tbr faaos* fakfag pvrtwedvd. tt flaiwaia w 4 to —i*i anarary te so art rarafad *Aa orlhwfah Imt to© os©r* tthteot ggrorwraestt of to rebel fafa. sod af atyrawm. sod to art mrpfaomattry torrrt .« ©■■el op to Iwhy thhd day of Mowh. effttm teffifalred and ffiUy wra veftarrad to to Moue© of Miai iismiv ii by to Fraradeat «f to ratteed Mtttis. wtth fa* ihfiHleh*. aad rawt by to fl.mse . f Msprv* —— ato kaoasr. with tbe n»—g* es to htt Uhstrvttwhf meWI toifrad, Tbst to fall «fa paes. two third* us to araah- raranag to poos th© ram© met J. w. raMflflf. iMcnittj. h> v. j. lWUffii In OkMCkrt i-Hir. mu»wi)|i'^f». «o> c«ta» ta u . *-o*d h, ta ta«ta ta* Him* rt Cfini*. *u«« ta gukl ta*. H foi* I* 0»»«ri - *. **lM.tb***lMd»i «* ta ! •*-) tamta, ta* k* H tar—' y. ■*)>»)*■ I ta ta*MM • niwitai *»««—« w ta** ■■*<■**( ta—7 ta* tata* ta n*l*< Wltata* tatatal »ta. taHta* -itaCrt tairtar. - ----- - - Mitt* tatam, tata * ta— -77| at ta tiMwOta H tata* *awn at ta tatai*. • a tata ta* tata a tenn <•*> aga SSSsSSSsHrs: TOLL MM IU-BUW MW |MalltkiaHaM>Umi«i tor pma aul M«| ■» l»U •> u— or munrnt >«., «. MmM to BkfeUAc atoa atom - - itotof to of trairi to Ttolltoil—■ tmA —to to wIC to—l Itotoy far too wLt#.. "** ***** “* “* l<r ttr l T——de—ml* wtt« wow —apyiaa wrrturi a— *f ffce **ty mMMIm, mi m« |■■ Mj n#BM « par maw— Wfi mi uadM im«v ta—fattaw*. to wfeicbtb* tfe# niff.nn ar !• iWAaid [ —Mri in oMa tba rvto of u, .hul dgg or dM—totoarh aaU • tv**. roavarSHt}* *SmM nceltarto irtota. wiMM «r. a* farted. m 4 (ha aWtbn amrored toy ramamtUator toH lnrt.aa* to ba —tad Itonoa. aud w> pw««M m* Munmban of rwM m baa atuUl *w too | rtrl-ltl •ator taaaaoo wttfeont itoa pan— of ttoa tnboa ta tareoßad. HMtl oAmh aWd fliym erf tfaa Wat had ■ota, Until—. Tbaltfen dtatrlrl ar ifatr— —1 toa ao tolil aa aoi to iwt infer* with txarai oa hi—way. Inlai toy thartij olfla 0n« Staire, war wtto tba iMtoartaMlanMlctoiMi itoa C— * p* ettor SaUroad, toe la— Pm*- Railroad rwmmrm |«n --y gvdtoprayaMi roafc of Itoa Alliatsc aaJ PMit Railroad toy tfea *v of ittoainnp* ■we. a. 4ad toa t Aartbrr not Mi 1. Ttoa* Itoa tattowtas na* A BOMT an iffryrutod «mi at any a»-wse->* la tt.- tremury k> wit To rarty aart Um pwo *BKs- at &C urrrfdtag aertsow* of (tola art. m baa drodusdMy in—l 4rtar». ioaaito«tot|) || —7 •at itoa La fin» v» itor iteertr YT—SIp TMiawa aa aay from tfc' ) wtiia beam aa intm aa4 nark (to* pr—. Um at Itoa t attod StoUw. Uum heairad 11 ha— I •ar. « *iU >- rs foaatoar aain.l, Ttoat ttoa totrUarr vs War to required to- farm— treeaportattoe • a basal •are and ywawrttoa to tto* i*a mlaWawrr* Unto uamad J tiring ttoa dlarbanr »tor-.r duttaa H» 5 ltd »- it favttoar —il Ttoat If aa*d oom awaoi'n toil to aomre itoa matt of ttoa ladiaea to mw>*» ta ttoa r» err* uvea* and toll t. aarwvw pain a. ttoaa u.r -- -roar? of War. utor ttoa dtrmuum of Itoa Pr»a«latt. ta hereby lottoauad to anwpt ttoa aarrirae at Brttaial > 4-iaii froa Itoa tto’tfhan of ttoa arr srai toH aa j TwtHortea. to —anted m Wf — („ ! and rwUtov »■*, W-A tow tkaaaaad —a ta ; a iiftbar, aad few ma h km of amir* aa. ta feta jadf j m*mt, may toa h*n—fy | .r ttoa aopp ronton of Indtoa | Ha * toad ba it (wllar «utV4. Ttoat an a > Mingo ao am; u l atoail toa ptonod apua (to» MUba taortng. la i reaped U> pay « hrfbtt*. aahtoakrTK-- aod aqntptaawt. aa Itoa tr-xi|ia wl ttoa ngator araay vc ' am toa it mrttoar aaartrJ. Thai aad rwatoli •-■mar* rrport tto»'r |Qni Obtor ttoMart ta ttoa Kra* darn «rs Itoa ( Dttad totoakra. tortmtiaa try ntrfe I—tti i •ml a £ ..jraapnrwtm. «- -aa wall aa toy tb«aa , UW Appro* wl. *mij JO. IRK. UIP IXIUL-Aa toitoearry iato XJkI ttoa Oaa rwtiw wttb tha Ratmtoßr of Vwrnrta far ttoa A* I yin ai Burnt at IT l— of CHLmwa U ttoa- ( tottml Rtatrw i ttoa irdanaiat of ttoat l^abto Ba it i—d by ttoa Raaatoi am U -<«ar at Ripamia ' uu<mU ttoa laard Ibiw o< Amnncaui oray aa a* ail Jut Ttoat. for Oh# pwrpoaa of •rryu./ tato *fcrt tto- oaairatdMW wtlto Itoa RfMfr at T hart aula, tow ttoa adjtoataaaat o« rtatar <rf <abaraa of ttoa l aaart mum as ttoa Cr •'•mturrl of ttoat ItytUk, w*aa*l at Caracaa m ttoa t*r-»tyßftA fcy of Apatt 1-MtoihM hnawtrrit ami Mala •h. Itoa cr—wna*T Vo to* hfpiuatad toy ttoa Krramlrwt of ttoa t atAorf statra. by ami tilk Itoa hlnw | wwd emrst < Itoa tonab. htoall to* itoaif • roam wtMa u* full tof tola mrrwaa af Uwaa tk ■— * <atoar* t i*hM tow ttoa um • WhaUy and oa; iiniy iwwfiil la aoUh* tr -«• ttoa piaca of tou nillar* ta Oarwnaa, and fwtaratu* m hi* brwaa aftrr tto# trrn,la*Uw of tola Rk. to Aad ar a furttorr am tad. Ttoat if Itoa Bram Aaat Mall atari to apputat Itoa Mimator la UM af Oka ( nttoJ fhataa la VMawwi lt. to pwtonc B* too** af Mi malar atoafi nad«* a ■»pM,aan»i« tar lua mtimm < f flr.y jar (r»taa of ttoa lua torrataktOora aaawUoam Lt .'iutut tJumU. rtjjLtorr. ktotodrwl awd Afij wi. "To wfwlaa* Um toptowirtlr and ma—tor ryaiwi of ttoa l atot Stoma. h* 1 toad baa faratorr •—ad. Ttoat ttoa Btawlii t hr. ac t b—by la. aattoorlrad to cuato* pet ww ai.a t- r ttoa otiaamt npnr. of Mm t natoi a tutor hto&aa tor it* otaapt—tuna of ito# us.|arr. *af of ttoa mmcriun uaf br rtoaaaa by Stor »Wa—to- n, •toatl tom Mat aa* pray rr Be* «. Awd be »t fartwrr rwwrtwl. Ttoat ww-fc aai af iarwr) aa may br *i —aa jto arry oat Mm proelatum of aa act ba.aa l ttorjr awe tatty aypaapatoi>a4 aat af am awjwry la ttoa traaawry aat Hlkm* ifpruyrtatr I. fair ?•. 1-TT itotol* XXXIV -Aa toe’ arwawßatory <f la Irt ti kiap IpprwpriMMw* to hwtyrfy WtotOtof to «h* A4t«ryrrfMi* torwrawm Katmaa* af toa maata of toa Ceitad mm* Mr Um twai l«ar 'wdiaf /aw* ttory, *ayto‘raw lr:attol awd wityawm awd I.* ■• Mat Tmrpoaan 11# It amrVd by tl - toMb awd Ufa af tfrtu* UiiiM'jf Ur t uHel Stow af ito art, a ta Oaa arm » aattMi \ ftil u*« • «■*.- i a Stay part b-a af aarpuw ai otapartaoni*-i An >1 atotißf >|* --yr.■«.—•«. — r ply Aaflnrr - iaa to ttoa apyryrabai far rito'iapaat yaaa rwdum Jam ttoirualk. atybMaui toaadrod aad ala tj-arrta.- apt*<>oo*l March Nmty toato. aiptotoaß h-todrad awd aityawia. a> itoa epurda ?--Stow iwfl* •* wit "Awl all law* allow .ay ttoa l>*a> lrtat. ttoe Him tar. «4 Itoe lot- - w a ib Oawauaatomr ar Zwdtoa ARa.r* iot . Irwla*ruh aay lutoaa trtora ara toarrt-y rrywatod. aw Ia toafl brrawAar toa MlkJ cwrrwi ta orprtoatott* • traaly wMto my Rad&aa tnba will an appevartottato uttortoa rwrto h-iptoi» *toall toa Aral W rwadr toy Uw." to Ai-1 ttoa raw** w baratoy rap* a I ad * nwal. Pal* ». ItoV. IU;st>IA’TIONS. «o J.i * RaaulutAuw aapfH—wtor* to natoar lw*i RaaUuhK«a to tohalda ttoa Pwyh erf ttoa laatod taw t. ;wrt jwto u ttoa Adrai taya* <*f *to I ai*araaT Ki Rawrfrwd toy toil* awd Uooaa trf titwiaii u«ra .tl itoa I wltwl toatoa at tawv *to wfTiaa aa aoatotod. ! Ttoat (toa na* ■■*>• of Ito l auai to—a at ttoa I'uiorrtoi KiWMaa to toa toaii M Porto to ttoa • «wr nek teas tandrod awd atxfy am atoall mfd of ttoa evaamtaw-war yawi rwlatol torn wary r aitaiaainwrr. •hoar aapniairnaat waa appa»*ad toy Ito Jrtat raaafa Dow of Jaaaary ftmfr- to» , iftowa hnaalr and awd adrtc an aton of tto ttomy -naaMown wtotii airo.rt»«ot aa* pror^d.d f- -by ttoa >alwt amdaOtow of duty A.a. mjtototo towwdrw* aod Btty rfi. awd af aftar wodtod lor j U Ttoat ttoa caara ■ iMoaer-fowaral atoaß ba ttoa prata dawtaf Itoa nwikOai ttowa i aamtand. wtoto a oato >«• aS oaaatoaaa ttoat toay arm tlI. Ttoat ttoa «~uwiartoat ia ato.. amt at Barta aa •arty aa powaOde tofbaa ttoe of Ito extoibmaw. 1 ■pa ttoe caR at ttoa wawavtotoraiar ym—l. awd. wtow 1 nyrty nn»l. atoß wit* awrW natoa awd i ifb um aa avay toa i rraaary far dtoiwi hrtlua. »uA power to atort a ncrpnawml i«w Uhatr *to waaiai r. wto. Vo tto aW-re af ttoa wMaaitoMrwrr ywaroal ■am', fwaatdr at all wiaanwga of tto naMWaw. awd to ’ apwatat euaAWtfrtaaa awl rkamra <4 (roape. IV Ttoat (to .-owwaww way .tatiwa a t tin —al j arrow*. M racaadtad twawiy la a a arbor toiaf «ai raw* of tto l watad •aim, hwwwa ha to* akdiad m ■*« braack cf twduatry or art. wto ara toaraby aaBW atn t to accawd tto ertottHti.t* ia botootf of tto* I'aWad -Wto* V Ttoat tb« evamtawow aaa? e«a;doy a *ocT*tary awd cirri* tor tto* ewaamtaaaow. ttoa srrraaary aclrwußc aw «waaa awd draatbt—md way o ,*#* rnoabu vi Ttoat wawaMatHkawM cbwu wt a* apac; tar Itoa •bow or aata of aay artkda at (to rttottotthow. or tor la u Hoard dtrer-u* or iaftfc uy ta aa* prwdu (raw awy •orto Mttek. da. to Awd toa tt tartb r yaaa*«ad. Tto* »Ry ttoswa awd Anita ia. or ao work ft.tarf aa way to ar rraaary tof Bt parpta* anwalty tAed. ara torrab* ijy * *» appropoatoal For at huraal to**to«* (hw. Raw Y-rt to Ua*r» iV %rwwapurt*«M>a awd ftotytot frvw* Ma*ra to Knu. Tor retora CraMtot a* Mtaataa owwad toy tto taltad rwtra ar tort to> tb* coerrwaawt toy twtt.ndaatoi Tor uArtae and Are luanwra oa itor artw iaa ttoaa »vr ad tkChowal aw* i»*way at fam- t+ ttoa pU*. a aw>l ttoe -wu*i. < • rpptemaaUi bytidiwg. awd ta rw«w«a adyarawt t\w tto rrtotott w af —rMaea. *«T*cwMwal awd o*to er aad Mr tLw *a»rWm . * baxkl a*, to dia—a* tto -du.-ata.-u awd afru-mKanr l mtwd mh|m jm* tor under ttoajoaat rawrfatwo to. ttoat pamw. Bor tto aeoaaaary aapeam af eaUartfaay ctoaatr.uiy. ÜbrUtwt. awd packs*;- a*.waratoj«wwi awd ■Miltoaryi al 1 - i-ii—-■. b» nwQi'if tto rabibtttow af tto atlmral waaltto oi tfc- l ashed Stotoa. For tto M.m»ry irywar at tokatw* awd aatrw aar TV* us UK oWtcaa at Pwhrawd Saw Tart, awd tor tto ■lmitt—fa room*, awd erftor twrUrwtal cspacaaea of a» A Awd to it further iwwafHd. Ttoat tt atowL ba ttoa date U ttoa pawhi jjwld —^ tto 1 !wfiw 11 of StohOa. a Aatoili rt rtato—at af tto maawar la wtoieto tto aapmdHuraa toerala an ftoorvard are aiwda toy ttotoaa raapasASTaiy Appro* ManS IX IST V, 1, A ItaaolutMA tiUalaiplfc.* for ItoaCka tdoMow af tto Iwpnortawt hV tba F<n awd Vtoam am Rirarw Raaula«d by tto tom** ami tt>«— at Sura .aat* ueua erf tto CkWrf mama 4 A mm.-a la Oowatwaa aw i saatolart. Ttoat ttoa tarn prwevtod far Ito wmpiaitna of w-t us app.-ovod AttyaK alptolto. rtpbiaan buwdrc and awd toiyat. aottttol -Aa aai taprawt a <m tow qnaatfty oflawd to aid ta tto bwywmaWMat of tto Box awd Wlacnwala Haora, awd to> mwaart Ito aaam toy a oatwl ta tto Ttomrury oi^.^lw*—in.” to awd tto ww* toaraby Maxfwl. l h* ttoe tarw of Aao yrwra toaw awd Mtor tto ap|w*>rwi a# am loaatoittow. *ntto ad -■ r*‘ —*■ ifirak ll IOT. .■■imw |r.i.mi ik. naa u 0» (TM u> ■- -x- ffMtodj. kratbol tor tto dam la awd Hawao of Jtoprraaa tatlaaa af tto Vbttod Ntabw of Am"" pftjjtoiir ■ aa •am). eO. Itoa* ttoa ibawka oi Ciimi'toi fcaAftfUto toereby ara pirmatad to (Veoc** I ihk •ria* i r tu* «'oat awd p» uUar WimA«awor W«Nbf a las pa «"* *d atuway. awio«ati«M to two aUfttoHß tou •. f**r ttoe pr tmattuw >d adwraftaa ta tto tWatw Sb ttoaha p*w*b— af tto mwAAirw awd aonthiaiolarn Rain, Ito tourtta irf wtouß. wevurdtag ta tot* dtrac ttov ara to to dwtrltowtral ara nr 4 tto tato pipwla Maw. artttosM awy ttom Maw. aampt wtot May to toa»d i» mto ur || MMi at aaebslwaaa. toe. A Awd to Wmrttoa >awal* I. Ttoi tt kbaßiw tto duty «and ttoa Fraaidawt to rMRaa a paid madal to toa taptkw miinvytf tto* iwsSrSiW jpwa aaavad to MV. IWtody IB tor MtoM af *w il tto I'dM Wtafa. tor A A'»d to R RafAtov Ttoata owMawt otoAwt tomof to warfAb jmatotoa MBSfctotA MiwtoMPtor sSSnSBCa., • ‘» td’SiJIC ham Jt tarn ar Um. t.« ■». « 1 «A.W ml. ta ». tWM a n 1 i» t l_ .mm mmm »Jr, imm*i .aUr <w «k«r ■to* mtowhwwwar af toa tabu arf f iftalu MiMftpaA AppawawA. Maawto tt, MM. ttoat itoa dor radary oftWaTimwi i tow awd to ta bam. •mbaatoadtoioMdlar wdtod arf MMtoa fSd>. md aSSTawdiad^wStoaMtobhVia^CiaMjßrailMb bar*"toTSLh , w i awßaaMTtoT OWMad St— awd ttoti oaamaa. Approaad. Mama tt. MM. to SiMTi 11 ta iwtato Cam «CSS3SSt3OE tz£> atLftTs w».»fckbT »n«lm<awu. M. a> I. kUokk-.-*-. Amaru., Hut* fl, MR. I*£ ’ i UIM luUllw WMU( Ik. kau; mt Wu S3 task tmm lukl T»mh»i U Ik. ruui Uk.aou)Dn,iM, br ik. I’m -ytk. *. tmu Mn br MUU Vilik. far octoar Pmt'ibm to w Bn-*~ r—t ■ma* *r toanoaf.i., Af lA# f'aOaf Bate •/ dwarfed to (barm n That tto Fiiw—ry of War ba awd baaaby RMMami to tar* I■■ Mil kaawa iba. ) iMlp. aad otbar pvaywrt) of tba Latoad Stotaa. waw M (Stop Ctom a— xow torn Obto to toa tootod af am. ■ af toa aatom Swc.l Awd to It ItotoanaaafoaX TSt S>a to irtoarj Os War to awd baaatoy to awtiafaritoaailawrto aurptu. SyfeTftSrxsS tmatw. March to, ippi fYto. Ri Md IwnlUlhi la awpply aw Oawmii.n .a tto kwrutoaawt of tto -Aat to prwrM* araunl Marowue trows kwportad Wool, awd to otoar Barpaam" Wawwaaa. mttoawratoMWfof towbdl awMMsd -An Aai to pawaVda iwaraaaad aaaawwa Atom kwpaaAad wawt. rmpb impatoad wwdar too AawAtWf "Hml towk W Wnato 7 . awd wbarwax mU wwoda am to Iba aw gnimd U2L awd wara Inf I. laa part af tba art tto aaU. to paawad by tto TYlrty jllsstb Tbom Sb rs rwrfaf to to tow aad /toa Sp.iMl ■ r.awafto* t'oMto toata* dmrtea a* rtoy aawill f. That tto -Art to pmatda larraaaait rwwawm Maw* m porud wool, awd to atom ynrpmia." toamt I. to I awd la barnto amawdad by twirtoig afbov toa ward* Ttowa rmabtag wwaia, la Sm paragraph bawtod -CUm 1 fTlltj tto.- tto worda -fbaarta Vw r ! wools. ' Arrworxns. Marrb to ISM. !*a. t . A Ra*»iiatam proatdiac lur tto nriwiry Bar ray* to a totp Cawwl balwaaa Lada Rrva awd Lato uwaanu. tar wUthary, aaaat awd maaifTta par Bwaf by (A# torn aad Ftaa */ Byr.»rf*hto yto Itotof tom* dm*eto Wl CSmrmem wwrUa, Tba* tto Aocrwtary of War bo wad to w tomby am bar uadawd toitol to waw wr**yt attt pMm awd tor a absp * aoT to oralaaol MAca tola aad (to wstfikb ■towra ttoawwC <f aatotoa laaatos awA ftmaai >aa. for mittary. aaato awd rnwaamJ pur poaww awd that tto arpmaao of tto ww* to dafttym from tto auMA tppraprtoAaf to tto aetowf Pam twaw# ttoaa. Wgbiaaw bwwdrwdjwdatitydtxawdJMar^toro^ awd mroipa nbtin to tto imirianini t of barb awd rteora aw tto aaribwatoarnktoa. irrhma. Marvb B. lac: to"wmwTmtoTiw>!il iT*Awtot to'^ to tt* baarar to—nay «f tto Uam af Baaaiiamhi aw toard af Vaawto pmaiMil ta wtoia ar to part by Saw.' awd tototor htiito" Mprw*4 Aafuet ttorttoik. ilgtoaaa fair* 1 wiMy-tao towrfraf Ay lb* Jawk awd Jfcaw ts Apraerf* Uars tto—l Aaiwtrn to ftIUF a muaJUrd. Ttoa toa SMB dsrtotow af tto aWdb aaaMaw of m act —uttad "Aa Aai to aaMWd aw aat aaSAat aa art to yawtoda to SkatoAtor 111 artto af toa Maaaatpawaaa^ tMto. IW tto yaarafgßtoMltoiwtoadapdSSy-dwo. fe tor aw—dad toot 1 ■■an —may. Iw toa laawi toa—la ;ii~w*i Aad Aw. exaaapi a dWWWtoa toa aSMpHbm tr 3to a—to. ebaar. ar aparttoawt. ramiiiiui «and «r wito ami. tiap t mabapmef MaMaw maw bm aaawraly partad to atoaap. Jfbt w*ad*a rtoaato or to-: •a. toe eawamaf wtoto aSaftto irmly torn—J 0. by laato. wiwwa. ar atom fefemtoph. awd *tok aball W •towed twkoafa pan of tto 1 maser dotty». ' »» tbaar b sawi by Ow to—ctsra. fed da ask Aiwwn * mm aay - Arrworar. Marrb *X ;**. L 2 , tod Bsaalwa— Auu tba —Aa at Dwtj pa t wbrwUaa. aad ow WWa SpbaT Baiaftar* %rtwf. R* >t i*aafrh< by tba Sawatoawd W iwar af Stott* ■ tatrraa of tba l attad Stotaa af >—ra to Cnmtin ■mamMad. That torn aw« after tor pa—»> rs tot. rmalart m. toawa —» ba ami Cmat^S^^l—Kjawt—^?ajm^ta* 7 ■owoto—wd"?' wt— cbail ha rap—*d L .pf to iMwwi'ltai to itof- Bw Ujl to fena —a C4mf.>^vfja l—M. NfedM—d k* to act af O—um am c-^^w?s«rss^;«L raetty. liaitttfar by awy atbet pa—w, Iw to— tor —.ardor Mat—wr ba—M. maw MamipVafe cm*. baA4 ar a— —to rr top—. waa—. or —aa—wi. baa—tor to ha—daw at —toam Wtfbaay—aar af tha Uaftad Stotaa * • • wkt r2^7!tt to |— —l!ta •! !?il!l! tmaeta, CMMaram. totototo Ow— tt r» ?awwto!Bh Sf—!S S—aaf topie h—as toaV—« Stotaa af Aw— to Oa—— —byawt—ffta^wmwMba^a—!tt I W— toto ttoa yam— aowdawaam ta toa tm. y ir—nw Mto —OW—k MTS*, hatwaru . ... rato. (Mtonto rwrttaaf. (tape, waw—toy • b •a— la toa aa— way. ta fed# afhat aw tha tto. <„ day oi toUWtir. am* Daafewi i—ina —toid *s,d r—F-atHtoa. AwdHtab—Wy aaada ttoa top af tv. uaw, to admrtlaa tor bade, tor tba prStawiawi 1 T'to •»*«y days, to at to— om aiw—p«i at toa —■ a mt— af tto S— of CM—; am ».« paparjwkHtowd iw ta ttoa j Mpw, —tm . Qrftfea Pa—tt■ totT Itokfl bwoa'toa’p Mto —arty tad wbfeto ha —y da— a—Mtowt Arrsottto. March AA. HMT (So. IX Jwat S m ntotonw pwrrtdtwg tor toa Impart*, t— tha Urn— ta— af ooatota Verb* as— Duty —. awd tor otoar F—Mb ’ IBM MtoTT—LdS—Tf Ar—Smto Oaw—Taw ■awabtad. That —a awd aftor tha paaaap* MtSto j—t -aaaiatoaw. awy ab|— as— to—atad by aay todtobta atari 1 ibttrw of imßitd tor ft—d—torn aa a ftft hr tba Called r— artoawyStota. ccmwty. ar —ftpal paeaaww—4 —M haw—Wad irf dwty. uadar wwto rutoa —MM— M toa fltiratory af toa Tt.**ary a— y—aatow toe.) Awd ba it raatoos ma—4 T—tow Sam ury of tba Trmanry ba —ha haaahp to —harmed 1. ref— tba duuaa paU aw wj ala— kfrtawßwrai ma ibtoary tmpa—d toa Oh— Sto— —taa to* carnet Aacal year aa modal* aa tor iiwartoniafeT pu< poaaa. an.l t.> raavlt UhejtMteaoa^myji— WW*rfclwtr * iMyrna prtar to tor IhtrttiSl of —a. Wpttaaw baa And aad tatty Brnabtof. That —a aotttaw toati - —j kuaiuiuju mail H.P—d—f*(H'toTto «M^——twawfi^to o*«aa m fwirri nSiaary tl— ito af tow «—3HKt»a. wbawraar to htojwdsmawf thatr aarttre to w— l .> aaadad awd ba to baaahp awthartar4 ta hwbt lpta tncta awy port— of toa —aa uwwarwJ b? amt aria, wbo itoafl perform awch toittaa »ttoaa Ia Mtod B i) \!«tao**d. Maivb JA. ISA J ; (Xo. IA a Rrwuluahkai to make eabd the Laa* «f .\n M*iw- paaoed at tha itaafeaw af tha VapMwfewa bekl at tau Fa. ITOm tba tbird tto af itanaebor. laaa baadrwdaad ttytax. tatotrty Araf ttoy <1 Hn aery, a—tars* baadrid —tarty a— Beaut red by tba t.vaa at tba l iibf Ska— of liaartaa to Qaaprim aa -11 aibto I. Ttoa tba totaapaa— ba toa La—Asfeaa A* ■a—bfy at tba Tarrthury »rs Xaw Maxtao, atolWta •taw. wltorh bapaa aa tba tbbd daw af t—mb ■> •igbtaae haadrad tatty-tax. and awdtoa ua (fee thirty im day faaaary. i—fewi k— awd afxi. •arm. ■—' > *>J W F M Übf, artom——an ■alactaf—MMflMMMMlitoa. h—by daty appaaaMd. awbjrrt ta toa tototo rwaAtttoi ami «p pro—as Oaamaa* Appro—, iarek SA. IST lu tto^i—!Ufeto—H *JTtitoTtotad —I u^crf^^^ayitoamaM—^fto^—altTm —* ptoSto— I—■—totapywm la Bsskrvpssr- < 5 ts TW« itoiAin Opwwtor Dmohsm «ulAsrSmasu»|*i*.—.... fTFOM too a—a—wto— a— w Qua— — MtoHTjMB m Aprs. a. b. mm. m tow mSWa m m**— a* t*. zz?zzzrl : * m -*~ i ovmmm m torsi aprp— and