The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 07, 1868, Image 2

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fails jm Cm Orrwui C«iWi'»»M*fc orriciAt uK.riraTY caai.ATioji Urg«t DuJj Su*n ATLANTA, OA TLTBBDAY MOANING APRIL 7. IM4 mui nu <ii»s> r « mm. GEN. U. a. CRANT, ttI'UAIMM. ~ 7-' " ‘ RECONSTRUCTION TICKET. .. pub Mviuuua. R. B. BULLOCK, nv MMOIMD C*l «T 7. POR C OR u HISS ■ 1M District—J W. CLIFT Id Dntnrt-E. R KHTTKLLI M Domot WM P. BDWARDtv «u> DteMt-SAMina. r. govl sth District -O. H. PRINCE . fllh District JOHN A WIMPY TfeDtomt JiME* AT*W* * For «b*.tob Sum Dsbtbk-t JAMKM L. Dl JKNINtt, Op PmwCown p, ATrtm j|. . uaotTtn. TBAT WI HJCMI OCB SrrroaT toiii uoirnTnot niKtii bt t»* oo*- unnuoiu oojmcmo* or trip n»n wow ‘ .UITi .pi, THAT Wg T A»*S! TO f** rau. OOWIIHUm »« <*• m*rWOB*L »»>• W» r * aunt übjcsst man TO unn rr KmOLtm. THAT W* HAAUt uCA aCTtuBT lotnioi.g B BOUOO*. OCB C4TOIHATB POBUOTMBOJA lUOirtß. THAT Wg KABttfcan.V BUjt t* J TWB fbibsp* of uoonnrrnin to battft tbi pomixatiox or nut nob. ». A BCixtxß IK TUI PHIHABt mno*. ABO BOBTAOI Hl* AT TUB TOTBA _____ ~ amt o*a r.ii.-. w. .drip* oor brethren tt IM* Organ to ■Uxt eI«U 0 l all MTITT POIJTI. .L ..EPaBR TUn M troahU «h»l. Tkt Opt ml nJ th* Irttt Lmmgm.. Did not tb* rim Langa* PBUbJiah you in ■-TI «M btn AM got ahaasafally be tray*-) than • Bow, "D>b*t," too mb thU q««HlOO Bt yoBI ItMBfB. * «• Up IM AkBH. m Warn* happy to b* nht. to atm* that »' bm.. not Rbcted g aingl* oppoattiac I'BhSto** 1b th< Bold, and wW u non. »• <L»‘» in Imwt to do it, Itb oor ofefocf lu MFBtl And not to blact them. The oppwtdßt, dwtti* prat ter* r-*n Bollock ib—nßdH at into, wfisak k* wonW aot how *aUo hod thru mod* at Tirfut Amo leqntthf Bad troth fni. Thau filthy, eboteaate alaaff Am ditgatl ad te* pru(Ja. wbtiS tb, voter* o t Omtgim wilt Matty to ao the diet* l*** l * B “ 4 Wright omd nB at kit kldu.J WIU do w*)f to pw tbit m lhat fdp** tod mm*, it Dtogr aa h* ll * «». W# hart t if gT»|di Or two tn 10-dty • Ear, rkugw* Dtngy *.tfc UOng «■■* •*»« to Gardes. hni to, At dni'al qaitr Jo iL W« wrotr tta paragraph, «mriy •» tbt uoroln*. babaiing ibßt abr aonUffu. tbmnag mi otoai pise, to IrU| Rtd re CRT. t BO* Uk« tlmu, book Ur ring douß yoR bod. Dia«y. •« *r* t aty for 1L tod wiU pnbiuih all your fntur. •haagn 'to front lot aorhißg.* A rtaat MnsitL W» htrr «BT FfctrU tod or;., b.l >pr br. rb4 rt. katiiy tßgn*»i) ptrp»nn< b> ioßkm . Mr CMtfni S'Bk inoTcmsui, by which to dwtrsci, root RBd dt<M« Ikm n»yilltoiM % bomt. sißr tMltd RRJ.X LR. Rtli-CvMgtU'R, ROtJ-IUU.r. Rbli'Bottcormd tmniMC We latrud 1* wbrp the fight, sad we mw gM to Imp the ■antic of juat ««ch t Jcb terja. L>. ot ( reoweml Jobaß. Gordon H. M Rt hon-w.bM l » Rad br woty ttgni that H »> act it war pw*» to tty ms tor the ttailtwtg, dMaatoa .w | kWM AwtMrt* Iwt fiatUat Rt Fwiytk- Ob Sanrday Mat. Col Farrow tpoho at Forsyth to a wary Lip. aadMowm B*s Hdl tpoka at tht wok- iub«. at a ddbiwtn pot»l la lb. town, tad pMinraly raf*»•» a paepaakan lor ditto—ot with Col limo, wo proaaa. Aim tho WBad Os a»ir«a»nt pifi—Uy Mroog to aaoaia too ataktog mom safar. tho Boa oat rotgraof Or« oo—try If HtU <tai oewt oar apaatota apon tb« Ouray, wbat ta to b» ooatw of pjwr link "Dtogy. tad huoow apoa:- iag irtaad. -Tarnpy*' Tha gee-1 wot* gna. br.pair ou,aad Bailor* will oorry iho Saw bp a wool* dtooM id <g»K»ral Msf<— Tb# JlOfl .R lAttSk «CTKC> ‘j* Uie hUaU» o*4 Ea. . la— n* debt al gratlto.le tor i. .nag m» off two old tumti.. lot Gubemalonal hoaon. to~w l : km-, aud Iroto Fur tar. BM Mail aspae them tumrt injwtber. at ah early day. • >*4 uouor sa .Mi. a pom of tbaak., togeth.r With .gold or tia oiadal. op doa't aioch ran which Jaat ban .. owl taka tba hharty of oaggoetiag that tba/ kaep dark. In order that oar Buad-l.mpaead old In— on WbiMkail ■tori don't find it aot Tta* tl.rp.o H.• I leg At that great gaibrna* of tho taublol "Tar uey" declared npcm hu aacrrd honor that be woa danpport rturd *l, beronii' ho kuaa hi. hrotha Otu mußiUblo and .Per fioepd, lk| J H. BtaaM. oo on iafonuml able oil the toottoua and played all t|>a elegaat, asd pat a gar Al dI Ml hoJl TM. 00. bally (or the Mtjoi, hot a liul. tight oo the boy* who aouai tho bm—ug with a rtew ot nadber lag and kiiliag off the tooail. Mu matter, boys, yon mam get up Rad com. agate Utagr la tba lira.a • b|> gtgaouo orgM gm.det i. al ii m tb. broth, aad don't Itauw whan to Jrap It Mill fioala at tu om b—l the man* or Irwut lor Uorantor. Why dou't ye tome oat fiat-fonted far Uoeomor. Dingy, froth# touon. ahU-rtltef, gatidiOmML.pd raadtdaU ? Tell oa or wp’U bote. JBfia—a Mai the raa.Ua Tht gellmeit Uordoo hap Utwo all iho wind oat of tha aatla of the Msoao f—ala aad the two aaudiianaa )oaraaU of that raltgfaunad and ra.portable city at. .imply oat io the ogM with too impair i doma. What a apeo- Udfiff to ha ear*, for all tha rapartoMMtp to be htffE Gartt l aha. go it lorn lie gfftha wCaaoa Leagti. ra" irmr tk*l tk ON— For Little D.agy. ba. iurua.l trailer, tieahaa all hu pledgee, and aold tbaat oat leak, atook aad barrel We totoa aothiag of tba laagae, being as open aad .worn enemy of all aoerwt pohucal order., hat if tba rharga ba trap, it la ral her a light paper oo Bad ha oil! do wall to Reap ouol and make raaitootnmi o goiehly at paaatbie. Fee. the motto, Dui«) "Tobe ur no! to ba. that', the fth X Tha hoaoiadw. of end * >ud SlWtoteaff abaata to—told k—U While MWttoi ’ OORDOK ACOKPTS; ■w n»t» «■ me cosartMtioN t LIT rwm PBOPLB MEAD ft t uit ir friAi: . i Thm ipMok of (nk Q*t*A<m oPrsp—4 §k»m* ; boar aad ■ b*i/. in which, after MMapNag { h« dvoN at >naic !«nc<h rp«»n \ lisa iggrwir asuf aAmlme, tka u 4 lb* men CtiMtitaUoa vbWb lb*r wsrs Msd«*TorUf I* upon tba paopU, and teOlj cnborUd *ll m*n who woill mrrt tba lo amn to Iba vwaaaa ua Iba 'iuab of April miL AM■ lnMgtntm . April HI Ow madirs will do wall to mark tba urn, ••liriMors Ocnrrmoj r “Nft Tbi* u an anfnrUnata tpweeh tn fmH frum tba elo ; hpa of tba fttfted and gallant Gordon I; simper m*U bi* talc btfbr* the people. It rogU and Jafeats ban fttndon is « w)iirt}«lid flfrhiar. but Ikw st?U of *|««ws ti n.sWin fc * shpws hua to baa *erw poor poliUrian OwUtiUl Kafir IT owr.l io «a> k# won *‘lm4l . on a flank MOTOsa»n( but in thia imjm Le Am i « toad* a »oat arrlnaa *nl »ur.»l ladura | • Tbw* whom lb«* god* w«aM Asy firwt took* mad.' W« bm umr Mm. bat wa kora (knios, nod It paioa ua U> tba very eotw of cox k«*rt i* > be : i biifiCtod to brrwlet »ttcu an nafnrtaantw tos above 4vuuU. aud fm which U*« laUlUgwa ear u reapaatoibbi Cau t the gractuu* old j | lltiiuu oktoikoge ia-waii wajr t * cauUdfidict U a* ton errur in tba reporter TV- shall Wtoj: in hreathNwia wlen an answer “Ob' that mine enemy had written j | * book*’’ ooghl to h»rc bfiseo in tbe rejvtrt j ; or"* mind whan be petm***! the fetal worth 00*~IKT\WOVS CdHUpTITION INtofr se* (MwUfifi ?,»onion t* down on the “ConebtuUi n lha gj SUM— to be for tt. yet T*i%# y Gordon for Gemscr! Constitution or no CiooMttation. that i the qoeation atetak*. l>»n ty , end »f y >u an* for tbe h w ran ron sapport tie open and avowed enemy ' Dingy graba at ewery bjd that fix* along ’ It ie wall tbe bt tie devil baa sorb on aroommo dating couacumot. ILsd it not been for line -kleuin feel, it woa Id bare gone up tong, long a*rn A Twaapwev In a Ten P*i At a later hour tbe band waa taken to the [ National Hotel, where Own. D H Hill who fcod jaat arrived in the city, waa serenaded, after which the parly repaired to the reel-lance of Gs» Gordon, and g»ee him a aer*aa*l j alao . and as tbe writer cloaea. the same gal laat yoang gentlemen are tbe InteHige«~er office with a tew dulcet sots* by way of lUastraung their approval of its po litical coon*. /abStyem-yr. April o<A "Little Drngy ’ Wa* left out ta the | cahlWhat vhb.itefal ingraitude ! Wgoder. I hy tbr Wtojr. da loot" -W** a drape’ tbe dear oh! *fon%er tcok after hi! that lues ' DmM> tsff* ui beidsa. ‘Then, let Gordon a»*l Gwrtgia l* the I watchword from tbe moan rams to the era board, aad let a'l go int*» the igbt reaolv-d lo not down tbe iafaan<>«« <'«etil*Uss - M*eo* . TrU<r*pk, .ipril m. I toddy baaed baa c-H K»« pu. up. and lAr 4 °C to deatroy tbe ‘nniamoa* Consii talKta ' ettboat remedy It i« aot* tbaahks ! !y tbe frit! me-H away at tbe fary n 4 bfe wratb, and that sbe eea wdl newer give as rry u-tber roar. Vdrwey * get bis . tail op. Ua*. and it »• dittcnll to tdl bow many ret* Klh*t o*oo brought feu Allan'*. yrwbtt a wa*t amount of ease Jaig- WbtOaker • old organ-gnnder woald gain, if be rouid nlevale hu mmd saflUMsniiy high, to al* | i-nd a tew good old f««bi<t>cd prayer meet logo. It eoaid do tb« old «00l goal* ns it dpeth fbe upright in heart • Wkik. Ua Um» h -da oat to Uerm. ! It moat aot be forgotten that K B BnlUwk hold t.fllce under the Confederate * rmCtfromeTir. Thar ba Totcntanaiiy gaae a*d and cttcufort t * tbe rebellion, and that b«* tt»k , au oath in swpport the (Vmatrtfittine nif the Coe - ‘ federal** Htafera • lhr-}y The tore ;a>st prof**>fKatie we know tube false In year duiing days. Dingy, try and ettek to tho truth, if you paaaibly can It will doabtiees require' a freat’HTort. t-al do, for ffaweary aake. make tb*- trwal for ooc* in your leng and eventful Ufa. Wdl fbe New Toady undertake to duay ibot B B. Bullock bald on »Ace ia the Horth babes the emr ? Win the asaae autbonty ancLfWtmke tn deny ( (hat be held an office under she Coufbdemte Government daring tbe war l Will Tandy tell ua how BuihS'k w abgibU to tbe ofler of Governor, nnder the 14th eetit ii of the amended Conatif ution. after banng beid office bofebro lb* war taking An oath tc *i)pf>ort Uh» CoaMHßtma of the t ntfeed ftfeataa * and then taking an active pari la the r»hellion. aeekiag and obtaining ffic® the Con | fodstnte QoiwaaffOt and taking an oath lo support tke Confederate ( VuiotiteOno. - Ldti* la rrmry import*at particular, the above m taint, aad intmde*! to deceive aad atalssJ tbe. qlmformed Away with eocb (rash To Com l>-wa -A letter from dtawart rcKAnty, aihlrraaed to tbi# paper, any* *Tbeve is a general impression here oioong the ad h err obi of Mr Bullock, tho* he will withdraw ! fmm tbe eaavaaa for Gutmior in (avor of Mr J K Braymnt. of Avfbki as ft m evident that Uattoek M iDel ‘giblr h« having Laid oWce under (be (kafaWsb GurernnieOf . "LuM+ * /hayy," April ilk That soeiulk a little like old Varney, sb- i* . a tia kettle tied to the tail of Dingy to do lb jinghag and the noe«y. fiov Browu is mid io teral ihr l.rt«b* of«r I This time we thick hahoa mr.stakes* tbe ameil of sour pottage for rare burs steak, hot *of. fwe, fried hau> and eggs. UttU Dingy «fiiM>‘( scent Brown tn the tune I' cal five bandied, and that * what ads Hannah Brawn was smarter than Chase, and mid -*nary stamp. Dingy" If it hurts. Dingy, it is your misfortune and not oar fault. We newer ad eased you feo go in on Cbao* for that thousand The Asa* Tandy to paragraphic si TW ,to quite s relief to us resder* The »ofe ' ‘upen apse* * the better I Ley |tfc» it. W« wim dvr the editor does art toss it all in blank it ; would specialty benefit it* pifnas fatti* i Dingy The abors i* aa sharp a* mad, anil mast have boen paggii.] by berogga himself Net tber Varney nor Woodward could got off as dackasmah 'an a&rrt to on*e their hewn Now, “Drngy. ” gat mad. and bit# off your none, and it will hart nobody but yon reel i OTT Tbe Editor of tbe Itosly Aew 7hmiy to •tuflering from an attack of oasunshtt brsiaa, and baa not prodawod a oaw arUato in tbe U»t two week* If he doea not insprove bte paper by tamiag It over to Brwwn k r«l>#* the Poet master at Havannob will have to dispense with b»m, and fill bin plane with a bm of aunss. LdtU Ihngy, April s sh If tbe Ena man te to ba dtoplaeud to give idaea ie a w»a of muse. »t will ant he ftertigg* 1 Hesst But HffspeceeUtlttf. Men who haven't paid any part of aa hou •at debt lor the last thirty years, ought aot to prat* over mueb about honor aad rsepsrfabtl j iLJ * A yiwng frktod at nor eld* >uggssts that wa sail Iba Democracy the “TartfeglhU candidate party. ** Will Dingy pi—— p—k bev woo* and t*U m what aka thinks of tha sag. lame? CM I— fpi. to—rtfljf 1 TAP (oUovibj oprd wp oofiy, yl *iq*A£ 1 haua tot Oftotuß <*( iotr.«.i—# Sum. Ua., IfS I, MB attm ty—»t I Ms attaatotm m hatlpiii ' ad to— aititU ha yomr t—bp ot fit *th hut. j ttkm from dm Mtao Moaaoßgor, tM* j— ' Pill piaft ywid. —to BQPTPrt Io that aathl* I om upr—otU oa tonal ripßaladlj chargod Hob R R Bollock with *• flout rorfßptooo Ml Sihia'iaaty.* W—fi| ana I am/ ha*a oaid of othan 1 torn bbmt oaad aook —fit cpuMraßßß hi— aud wtoh- I oat oitxmml Matouß. 1 )#o— bob the charge that I ham aa aa otfoattmt (it. I tome actor. at aa; It—'. Radar any ctr- CBlß— Uirpa. maJa any utaißßatma aa to Au iotaffrUF and Aooarty. teat hoop atomy* njiiA •and Auu itemnamlly aa a tnrty boa«oaW» n»o --tl«—to. Tho Mb— mgrr cam paAliah tkta o* a««, aa U ptoaaaa Huu F. Faaaoa ' Uonlap tlttotbla. tirU Hatalc a.ya Of* G.trdoß la ao far aa lha tart, Aar.- c. ate to kto kooalcaltta If plarfnl lArra anil probably b» ao f*ja.itloa to kia laauAßcatioa- li, Tidayrop*. Aft* IA. Wa Will lobirtu Miu Bo—i that all tho forte 1* tau't n«M I*, lit I. Sra-W a kaupladttc ytt -Va a*|<aaß lo pool Auu ua Ik to poult. It » Oaa of ttoiaa -joa.l .ou. phi,-A ba« two aldoa \S a like John but we can't lot Luu off to-, aaay. Jaat at ilia luu* . m WP- The Ai. 'y .Vr«e Lviy. cd tbh < tty. Iv alMisitig CLief Justice ('base, and Disking Jl , vera false aa l tnaiignani «ta?eweut* ui relation to bis supposed p'-l Utwii eenttUieutfi •• fJftl* J /hagif,' .iprii ith. Now. ••Dingy." yon know tbnt a a fib We i have nevr r ilmbml Mr Cbaae. for it ia not u* oca'vai daiACm wiib our m 4a of warfare, a* you veiv mril know. la Iflfll, CoL Bullock ws# u» all ap j psa«TM«ees. s VtodM-p—thi. Idslsfat. ing HeceeOKNOlst. Ittltr IhAJS. The abova is siaiply falsk. an.i -"lftngy" knows it "Va ar. a la-1 LO mrn that the B‘ Li^c* “Toady" (ksMiao* deny the tact that Hi um i <Hd takr aa -nth to *npo*x\ the |*erm*ne«t «\matitctnm of the Cos numerate Gorvtmaem ” L*tit frisky We do deny it, and broad the statement as basely false AtT Varney useaw hy lh« "kigh bird of Jove* tha Air* Well ah end Ws pre«un»«. l*e mean* for Bnil<x*k WP “Dingy'' has gs!k>}>* 1 «‘ff «m a new] f sod but where feu’ Where'ju» * /W • *" I WP Hem Benjamin M ftytr. M *' . h_. i our thauka for vala »bla public documents Ordtr n«. an. We direct special altcntinn to order from At | my H eat iq nor term. No. Si published in to- ! day's Ea*. I*V*urj.' Srv»KTN.. it Maurwrrt C*»l II I* Ekrrow sud lion- James L Du«(biag *tll ! sddxt» the ritigens of MArictl* and vicinity tbit day Everybody is tnvilad b> utleud Ealflk la Isrrsf Issal). s raruso srset'g av oot aauiue Hr Kim • ruck April X I fib" Pursuant to previous bsues. a if-odly num bar of tba oituvai of Marray county «**»en«l tu the Court Honaa to-day, for the purpose ( of arrangmc <wu*>liieiea A»r the eunnty *f fiota. On mottoo. Ipbfrt Wood, Roq . was calls*) j to tbe Chair, ands U Walla apfKHoted ftac ruUry The iweerttng bim> «.rgaat/e>l. Col C K Un.>yiee. of Whuhcld - ounty. vv culled for ; l Kidly. sod oddress-d the afe!entire aosemtilage in a spaoch of ao boar and a ball, urging tbe people to unite and go W work for fh* &>n fihtattnSi. BoMock, Atkins and Hstey He stu/wed tbe Bvc«Ufiity for lb a-lwpiiou by the people, an-! the grant impovtanca of pfacing men tn office who were In good «< ad lidic with the C-j ogress of the United SuLr, aud tu sympathy with the laboring utsn e interest aa dor the new etc netitmtoo The speech was well tilled, and will pro-va to be seswl sewn la g-*sd groaud The n<«mnatio(j* were a»ad« irnxntamu, ' Rod a apint of enthisieam pervaded th- an • Uve rank*. On Umj after rv ] q wee ting th- hN-r-tfiiy to furntah the Eat 1 with a copy of pro- cvdmga for pohlicaUuu R. W Worn- Chairman k M Wiua Secretary. Javurntn, Ga Apnl 4. 11165. £/b Da dy i!ru I'arvoaot lo a call, the Lxuiurrsta have this day be* a vulertainad by spc-echca on both sldm of tke pending pn- I itsral -|a*sUoo» iadg* Djamag came down an tbr uwnung train from Atlanta aud wvtb him came oar paouiuaag Toang fricad, George 8 Tbotua*. to take the aide of *Vrogruaa and penes. ' A« Mr. Peeples could no* be m Joaishiru until the up trn«u D*m M— < u Lbe |>«ople coul 1 not wait, and. on repairing Ui tb* Court House. H>m Jsme« Job noon wa* caUe*l to tb- Chair, not s« a party man. tot by a request from both parties, aad aalialartory U) all Mr Danmng waa tatr«fokuubii and apoke lu a door, earaent tone, for the canoe of Hecoa sUnclKJß and the adoption of the Conatfetu* Uon as tha common duty of alt Mr. Duaßing'■ topeueh was free from jnm»ual abuos. bat mu irssted the bsmeAts a bleb rvsaoreiion auold bring to our ronaiflo rountry, with the rtrt net at rife which now bang* iihe a mdUu«# sr-ati i -mr aecka, with no power toratnow it As to tbe relative merit* of Bull-*ck and Ir win. a* -son lid*tea tin Governor. Jo-lgs Dan rung ab»wed that ItuUork waa bis choice, and for him he «koul<l labor U> the end. and I think, from the earneet Attention of, the audience, a good laoprmmon waa made Tbe nett Spsmkar wba P. W Aleaander. the Itomociatic candulat* for |h« 3d Congraeaum al District. Bui he did aoi wiah to make s speech but tu show hiwwetf ta bU cvoMfettnea- CJ. At Ten IB Utjai 1-4UB. Mr Tbonote, ojio. trarjf oa- koowa. did Aw duty Ba a wridi.r Bill okea tba terrfp endai Ao Jaterißia*.! a. A. •aid. la maka a laattafi paaee, uid Ao «ue rop tryu, to Lna, praoporUF ltoa|h ropoßatepe llop aa tba fiiot atep, aud -bat laUtr akma voald aapptj our matt) vaata That it waa oariaaa to enmptom of tka foUiaa of tb. paat . that ml nit waa aot ralaW aad np*ai would briog bappiawaa aotil dooma day Mr Tkom aa ia a .it| ataa wbu will doaoikißg diateoc orakia for Armad or fop Ie mrwtsamß. Mr Tanaaaa abow.d tke bod ipmi why BAllopk akoald Aw afootad. aad ha ia. >n Iba obola. a mao of progn—ra utona. ao.t i. t >iag so ot oarnoe in ibia earn pat* CuTTor Waa. I HaUaiP toe RterW. A n-APBa, Oa. April fi. 1W mu or <V th‘ Amnog tha HOUR to ofl ean lo ba cAubm at the auantag efoption, tea HAonff. aad kJtojm fit lo* tAra ofiia oa Mr •a j. HaltWJ Ha io waHkaowD to the people of fit canty. «kou ba baa aarwod aoi apaoptaldy Ha to Joe op. aati.p praMfft, honor —d folly compotem to fill the datlaa at the ufffop. I dobM Ao glad to am b— ■liiHadL I bam btn btn Car aaoatal yean, and Ban latlSnl fimt Ao M a fowaafia tartoia Bloat gMtl— n Lot b— bamada fihtwtS Vto—. Goapwi at doaaa CArut, took place yeatarday It ia vail kaowa that Ba*. Job a W*jua Bank vitb. A Uv. Eaotot at Turntr Ckorck. Maw Orlpatos «*a auAßiiuoaalr aalAat to tba pppt tloa. fcoC la a aatalaat aod »B.*ma•»lay ifiltt MadtoS aad It a— aot tad mpm todty irtoattod that auMmlad to —Mia. tka da-, ttaa aud toukon at tka Btokopno. Biakop Ha. kwttk am rad ia «ku> eat* oa Toaiday. aad yootorday iba -wramoay at aaa aocrauua ta parfoi toad to fit. itdia'a (fittto, according to pmno— aoaoabopmauL Loag bafora tka appointed boar for tka —r ■ Boat of tka aprrtcpp tke and ank waa rr.iadad to raplatiua Ay ainoUin al all danoatiaauuaa, atraufpra from -Uataat part, at tka co«atry. and SAaaa attract*,) Ay tha Aoaak* tt tka rate—* to b» parformad. 'to aaab aide al tka akar waa eea tad a choir o ( abort fifty |PC aoua, wbuaa aioeieml ebtblira wan com tu aad lo Jo boaor to tba oocaaiou. Aboat ala— o> I >-t tba prudMioa of tey- BIPM. mioiattla and toakapa malted from tka leetdpoce of t'Abrlaa tlraaa- U|. aad aa tka bead eff U entered tha cborcA tka ckoir chant ed Ik# Ittltr realm Tbe proeeaaion inarched up tbe eaatra atoto. tka kjam and epptry lawn of Ckriat and 8c Joha a Ckarohaa takuw aaata na tba ngkl hand aide of tka atoU. while Ike oi 10later*, aboat forty ia iiiimbar. from differed parte of tba coaotry, took tboir 'pto eea dtrortly tu float of tha alter Hakta-I there came tb# fire ktahopa of the ohareh who tn add in tka. aotomtnly of th» caraoionial .1 b.y arra lltaku|M Youog. of Flrpida. Wil mar. of Lnoialana, Wtlmer. of Alabama. At kin-, -n. .-f North Oaroliua, aud Oraena. «rs Mi-a.aaipp. lha latter Iratag the preeidiag laai-rp. I heHa blgb dlAßitenaaof tke okarch **iki-d forward aad look aepte within tba chajuer). the candidate for honor* took hia neat within tha altar ratling The rector* and mtawtar* worn their a hue guwna. with biaoh auiyrir. e. tha bwurrrp.. black g -wna with wide flowing .leere. of while ]aau and white aar pllc. Tbo regular itorviea, aa aiarkad down ia tha lirognuaare. waa eoaimeuead with tba IntreU fa. eaxtii. aud follow log tku tka k'yrir Rttt’t and Yi.v*r rVcai, which aaa i baun«l by the choir aad paopla moat adtutra Ur Hiabep VI ilaier. of Alahauia, thaw aroa* aad d.iteared tlu eooaecratloti aermoa. taking for bi. teat tka loth and Ifitk rener at tke Jl chapter of Hi Paul a hot llpi.tle to Tim-'- iky. Tha era-n wa, rery laagtbt *6 uiuck ao ao lo preclude tbo poanbilily of our pab linking it in ita entirety, aad a .yao|wr» woald Dot do jaatiee to tka able ar.--iment of tho learned anil eulaeat dlrifte It teraatherl a romnendaU. afurit of catkolicity, wkila at tka mom uiu- being a clear aud forcibia aa* pnoodtng of tha dootnoea of tha Pro tea taut Kplaeopai t'burck lha ,|wakar airumad that that church had pr,.erred, m.-ra than any .Aker, tha forßaa ,0.1 apiat of tka priaubra char eh Tba rah .ar. -laaowinateraa weie funned by town who. at tke nacriAce at i atbolrcity, ware ao wadded t-, ou idea to a.l of idea*, that they peat out fr ni under the pr. tectmg mgM of tfu chttrpk ia order that they ought aonhip ae-uriUng to MH-HPI Thna, tha l’uritaaa. balag . iUibpraL, could not aaerifica thau Calrktiatic tocuuioa bi Ike Wood. eomprrhpaaiTn catko lien w at tbe chareL. and bad guaa oat of it and lormed a aatratate met. Agattb the uetteallate. I.e - Hilar raaaoua. Itad loft tha eharoh and an on through tba whole calendar of rakgmwi bekafo. The utuoa meptiags that bad town bald Ia differ eat aacUuu.. and tka freaaeat -*—*•—ijj— of palptta. by aioulin of -bilereal draomuia noo.. ba regar.lad aa a heallbj aign, aa ahuw tag that men of truly t brutun ipmt war# be gtaoiwg to think au.l to aecept ia all their falloea. tbe gtonoaa truth* of Ckrtottonity. ahtch hoi th* effect of brrugtag *ll deaotui natmae f-gether and woaid, tho apeaker hope,!, at had unite them m oa* graud Church of wtoml The I’ruteataat Lptacopnl Chayoh offered • auelea* fur tb* eeubluhaieni pf each - a church, lor in lU J.. trine, ooold ba fuan 1 MJBietbiug which would Mil the pacoliar j .rtaaa of rr r> Cbnatrau After drhrrnog a l.ugthy atpoaitton of l'roteateiil P.pie ojwl dootrtorb aud apeak lug •uU-furtbar with regard t- Cbnatian Catty, liiskop IVUmer the laymau us lha ebureh apon the mai.uer in abieb they akould support, apkold and nut thair Biakop in par tunning the grant aad holy work to which they bad called bnu Thr* cooclu.lo.l, Dr liackwrth aroae. »ad the b:dy'p. «. tka prop eoce of the o- ugr. galtou. chatted luu ro appeuag UP datiaa, aud manner of perform ing them. The i -uweenati- u aer. ur. proper eommaao .d at the I'oaoiaatoa of the warmou Dr. Hack* ilk walkol fur ward to tb* door of tka r-haacci. .her# Va* aret by Bitoiwa Wil mar. of Loumiana, and Atkiaooa. at North t aroiiaa. and proaented k> the uraaidrag Btok y Ora mr. Id Miaaiamppi. and lb* Aaa relate Bwbop... who. ur auap.r to tha mlutotion al laoMßtotean, a* to tka toallmoaud. at tka naa-hdal* for tka oSoa of Wtoee kec loan io otomdamor mad tk* call of Ike Mono* loatoatH*. tk«t of tho fitondiag Oommtttea. us Itoe panto** ia tk* Dunam of Oorngto. * centfimto of high chnmrtor from tka Htaadmg ( noafaii of fritoo* ta tk* Dioa*a* of Ho to*, aad too rartiflonte Hum top Btokop* of tow CaMad Btotea hut Iba Litany waa cheated by Biahap Vaaag of Flartoa. and r ipnaaat by tka cho u aad crmgmgalltm Th* Biakop afoot, m a cfou. oplra pomp, meitoil hi* pi toga, aad ha an* then aaaaafood. according to lha ratoa of tha ckarok. by Ihahop Gra aaa. Tha lent ti'iafor am taazt chanted by Btekop Yrnaag and anng by Iks chatr. after ahtch tka aata raoaj of "Impnmtino of Hnafit" waa par focmad. Tha Btahoji nfoat moamad tha toah op * *aw* aad aurplic. and kaalt at th* dour of tha ehußsel, while each of tk* fire Btahopa idaeait a hand a poo bt* bawd, and Biakop Yo*mg premouarad a broadtrtina apon him Thm ceremoaiy sorted, be walked forward and took hi. plac* among the lhahopa, clothed id the full majeatr aad lUgniiy the high and holy office. The chow licit perfurmod the following twruan tola - How tmantifnl era lha foot at thorn that preach tka Goanal of Peace, and briog glad tiding* us ffowd iking. Butnao* a, 16 i fteev.- Tb-tr at.and te gone oat into all 'and*, aad thair word, nalo tka eiute of tka woald. Hulaaa lix. A After a paoar of a lea mioutaa. tn allow theme who wished to nttta at Ihte part of the terete ato go out. to* Holy Communion ear no* aaa .tnin.uead, and the fiadrawent of the Ijwd't Supper admiowisrad. Th* .Asramo 'W.ii, 7Vewi»er>i, Ifymn udti. with 'A,rut Pair,, and Urlu ia KtrtitU (old chant by tk* choir, ami tha I tew* fiction concluded the aerwtea Tha '-oncrcrntfon cr.rvm.Hual aa* kaaiiuful and lute real mg tkronghoat. and the large conctmr** ta auandanaa Ml patiently until tk* end. although the aamcee weaa quite lengthy TA* mM> mm mat tha Mwrma N might bare boom. a. town aahmed oegirl.Tn.tij lo )<* a illfferene# of -pinUui between the thair and organ, probably the effect of a want of proper lahaamag. However, tos oaramo nj pagetd <A 111 A »fT7 UMtetaclcry manner, particnlarty an whan wa ra*fay tint there he- fiaaa menrad to toa Diocan* of Oaongia a l.mb-ip of a boa* akduy and trial**** of heart, of a boa. nohfonam of aatod and Christian spirit (bate can ha no doabt. ami wa aamffmt «'*•« our peupto that ao .mtnaat a *na- baa coma to lie. and labor among aa Ms parted bom his otd amirmttona auk regret! May b* find In ttaofgta warm hoapuntalitv that will make bun wrtonaaa. aad eanoa him tn foal font b* u enshrined In th* haarte and affae lion, of hia pwipia Kte. item TMan. W» ar* prepared to prist qatskly. promptly aad ia My quantity. Eteemon Ticket*, and alt other campaign matter hand m yoor radars without delay, aa tka nearer the luce us electing approach** tba greater will be Iba pee man and tk* tea* able wa shall k* to .anaiudate yog. Make your n.Hnmattogg and ae*.l for yarn Uckete The auu re.’ matractionmte feel that tke prmial M with them a Jealk etntgglr, and they weak with lha »a*rgy us dian latmn The friend* of RaUfioaUuc Bollock and toa IT man, moat work with eqaal KptriL rigur and dammtnafinw ..... rat. ttkla.’ Agpafntmaaa*. Ba-Uot llaa w a and 04 Atkin* mndidale AM Congress foam the Tib District, wlfl ad -o*l s a Barm onimtml a* m**nmi m Bam* an too MS. BY pE I I GH4PH i rtfflir.-f Wtotljl* i»PAtM>«- Qi 'munik 8 Dl 'TA ii W Woaucma, April V TA* UlbM ad yesterday to WMamfity. No -ipaantoi fit th* oily. , Mbmmui. April fi.—o*o. HSlmna utofonl r«|KXt ia rmyoit+i io ton*> ***•*&* Uoo. Tbs mv IfOfiolafearv aaUrsd tha BiaU Hnnsa at niirNt aad ©rdsrsd Ua arrval of tbo l|apar iotaadsntq who n>tmrod Uaa« Ua kayo. Goa GtUrru dreidaa Uat Ua MaU oOkara Uav<- ao right to axalnda Ua LaglaUtarv ftota tba Oapttol. Tlieis la om ia Ua Bsuata aad flva la Ik Moaaa Movtuoncaj* ▲|»ril I Sln-j'fmtd, oofti maadum- Ua UU-Diatriet of AUtaaaa. feo-day Unaad aa nriw Ua Ka klas KLsii. and ordstiag that lha various BLrriffit. Ma» oib, MsntUais. Moßialralaa. i'anaublaa. fStUI of J\Jicv aad Pplka. wftl ba bald arroqntabia by U« Past (oauussJvn over thr.r raafoo tiva DiatncU fur tka suppressi ju of tba iaiqiii loos orgsaiaation aad Us apprvbaasuui of lit tasaubsrs wksrsvor fouod. fbor# opprvhvn •ions are mads and thst'ods of Alabaais ia si- Isat oa Ua sahjvA t of tba uffvnaa for wkseb abarKod. tUa prwa>avra will be tamed over to U** proper military pflSt, Wtm WlinOo Mats mvDt nf tba offaiise. giving date, piaesa. and viinatsfi, villi a visor to trial by MiliUry Cuaiuiiaaiuo. AU placards an«l u«*sspajter cards *>f tbeKu- Klu& Klauare piolubitad, aud Ignorant of tbeir UMtf-ucs vrill out ba bwtd aa aa adequate ascuoa. it being tke buMaasa of tke civil aud military uAcsra to kouv vUI appertain to tbeir duties. Criiasna aot holding nE«, liko vim aot tv* ba keld guiltlaas Furt)<sr *»ai r«gv« will ba bald aa viideu of of doty W ssMiMur-iN. Apni &. f«elv« usgrv*s« war* •varupsd ta a small hal at Anaxidia Tvsksvy All drowned. NIGHT DUiPATGUEK. » N W**iih.ituji, |p|fl c Ihr ftiatto l>aj»te*t insat has advums that thsHpaiuah guvsTUMUI bos ralaoMcvl tka datiaa oa breads tuff •• uudar both tka bfvaiitab »u-l f-»rmgn flags. Tbs Ha pc t-»u« Court decided in favor of Mw Gamas, regarding Usr legtiuuaoy of tb*' mar riags of ZaUana ('arrierc to Daniel Clark, and tba validity of (.‘lark s «Ul of Dili Tbo saloa aufitsa Clark a will of 1811, arv uull Sheraton vißitm) Groat Tbs public debt baa decreased bast a uni lum. Tbs debt bearing coin iatrraat has ia rrsfiwfiffd sigbtasu million. Tbn debt >taring i» > interest ban tleersaaad saved au l » half aultioa Cook in tba Traaaary ba* - Wrsasvd flva and Ibrsv quarisr million Internal He van tta to-day eight buudiwd and Msty-tlirwc tkottaaad. The Buprt me Omrt, In tbe klatiiu aud Gill com. graaud a writ otbibmu corpru and err- UtroTk, returnable next tana, aad t>rdarvd a stay of priKSff-vltaga. KigUWsu email inwuv tu diffsreat part* of Connecticut show DsaaocraUf gains ot (vubfen drad and tiity * igbL. Tli- lb jhiMugain two Kiuidrvl and forty-Ursa, The Jloiukhi- Ie Lkssaa ora forty. Tbe llspuldicau l-><«« ( e*Hrs ttiio bumlrrd atid forty-tbrK'. Kifly cttias aad (owns show Dsuioerativ: ga«n« of eUwn hmdrwl aavl six. Republi can gsiaa. sight hau.lrsd aud thirty one. Ma jonty in those Uiwns Unrtscu bumlrsd. i SMgresstawal. axaiTV Mr WtLsou introduced * bill rvllrviug save rs! riUivas of Georgia from Jjw4»u< ul di-mbili t-.oa. Tbs prH'ssdings Mrt uiostljr cunflnstl to . fjuralc hilU. wbxia. lLa naval, aftproprutum hill was rr-miuirfol. aud tbe ftviiats then ad j.umied Tba Judienary i'oaiauttes «»f tbs ftsuata j cunsidarsd tka Alaliama bill Ctuisidvrabts «!iff«raoca of opinion siiats. Without action | adjourned Nrw Voaa, April and Cooaißctirat ro-ckcU Euglwb, Dsmovral* by an iocrraood msj.-rity say tvru thousand HaJiTY«>ai>. April f* Eagtisb‘s majority six bandrwd aad forty-sight H* gams o«e hun dred and saraaty-six. Tba Republicans claiaia tka Logmlotar* Caaaurrnir, April 6 Tba steamer ttea Gull, which left Cbarleatou on Halarday weak fin Baltimore, baa not since been board from Grave fears are entertained for her safety EirwMOKa. April A-Tba Convention has finished all tka report* before it, and will ad journ this wrwit There is mack interval in Republican «Hr* claa regarding th* appointment of a oaw Oor, amor Two CocaroiUee* have gone to Wash ington io prut oat against Gov. PierpotaL. who is also there A tnaasags frum Gen. Grant, it is stated, baa beau toooiwwd, directing Gao ScbofUld to snapaod hia order till further Orders Goa. Wvlla. tka new Governor, ia aot here Four ringleaders of the coal piU distur bance Were brought bars for trial. A dispatch from Washington to-night, frum high anUiarlly, aoßonocsa that Gan Wells will lie kora to-morrow and will b# insngnra tad. Nbw Yoke, April A Cotton daoidadly laa* aotiva. HtoJaa of f. 500 balaa al »to 39 jc Floor dull. ' Wheat ) to |o. higher White Bout horn corn II 18 to fl il;yeftpw •1 25 to fil 27. misad Wcstaru II St to ft EL Mesa pork. naw. ** 10. old *34 60. Lard ac tive at I* to 17|c. Or>»canvs stvatjy. Tur pentine *6 to 66 jr Roain $3 35 lo *7 00 Freight i-*w«r , aaU 5-18 , steam j to |. Gold 37J Star liag dull al 9|feo »| Luaww. April 6 CmwoU 934 Bfii.TTMiaE April 7. —Cotton quiet at S7c. Flour active and Whaat na < hang«Ml Cum strong white 81 11 ; yellow II Ulul i* fiats firm at 93c Rye ataa dy Mona pork qoiat at $35 75 - Hao.n active clear sidaa 16|c ; akottblara I*4. Hatambam. April 7 (V»Uoa qaiat aad oa cbanged Middling* 30c. Halve 300 Imlvs Receipt* 3.315 April <1 Oottoa irregular sad generally coaler, aalea 15,000 baJea. uplands on Ike apol Iff to Hid; afloat I3|d. Grlcana 13| lo 13|4. r»4iumi, April fi Cotton nominal, no saioa, moetpfin 1,160 balm, no siportt Orwonmerx, April i FVnr and ooru dull. Provwkms irregular. Mane park 636 80 lo •67 00 HhmtWsffa !S| to Vto\ clear sides 18| to 17c Lard 17««l Arot-eTA, April 6. - -Ootlon mark at opened at 30c fi>r nnddtlnga. and ckmad at a decline of 34 to tc Kolas of CTO boloe Reoefpfea 300 bales. mtddHoga at 38 to B6k- ' Col. N. f« EnigklwtU oddrwm tka people at tka fidlnwiagjataaaa, aamsdr (Mmmiftg. Tknaflar. April 7tk, (Court wevk > Pnkloasgo, NNmiimj, April I4tk, *• '* Dawnonvtftn. M •* fist, •* •• Tk# meeting of tka Rcfmktknn Party <niled for to night at the City Rail, for tk# pnrpoaa of nominating eouaty oflMera. In ksweby pon#d in nm#4 nWik ia My night, April mb, sf thvCHy Mel! nnd W4R kn imaftH ~ Tl *tm. —* ■ ' *«•• , 'IWitM.hM. H|ttels« utiMl **<N|AtakMaik|m naMiMr v—J* ■>■ Hoawn* a* wmt 0 in. !—«»< ■>—— «r<i<»MM, !■■■>■■. «r ik* (law m» Mr »■»» ithi* w <k* Cmmtmm ol at AM ogbA r— git f n a# pr#—dad tw%u#f,mh»Hini>lw«A« <im*ml —ij •*Aad *4 aM ***—ton on tta “In- of tfo Cam- ; u 4 for Ommr. watfi af ou«—«ifcq —tar* af tea Ik—l Aaaatobiy. MJWllrtlll h Ul Wttf £%■*- tww Mtfo ' wt»mi M,>» - Mto riirtii fofc Uw Ou—fotattan. mI at ab >»M—tadi aa<l tta rmri—a# gav—a—ml. Aud M—t* tV— Vt«fa t* rvpMlfofo fo itxt for aim—7 wfon In carry Mr aft** U>a fo-gni ag pMfWMu, and umm for Mua* in to mad# ai4 nnilitHi of a—toa to torn* by Ua prop— oftrm font Uu ordinal*** aUli a— apply to Jo—man ui Um Na> who —all ba (touted at **<k tin** u aboil ba proridad for by tk* Brat itenw ral Aaaoa—ty. uaui —toirwto* prootdwd lor by law.*' II A« by tea pro— u*a of a—d (bteunfoOfo a—aitejf Ora oral la nfMdnl to oim* curt ita* to* *f .VcUui, to b« uauad io them pmm abo may ba al»«tad to —1 oAom. Mid that ba may not b* aalb .1 liV'* fc iM» .orittkato* . f »U>tl-m t» W Uau*d fi> parwma tgaugftd* to todd otetw. ba call* toa> "fall r **a*a*d ta tb* pnuri—an. of On •of lb* to*nto«al to tfoa Cua-tfati ■■ mi tba Catted pmltoaad 1} r u «|to* ud tanlptt.d u tba IMb tnt ok. nbi> b Mlioa ba 4mmm. uakrr the mrowatnu-Uoa HU. apptlrabfo to tb* rtaettoo of iffori pKribtod for by mod «•niinaav'*. and ta aa Mknrt *ttb». S. Ho paraou abafl baa Hanoi nr or Ktymaab- M»* In r«MifrMM. or abator ui Fraddakt and Vka Praa. tfort. or fo-dany —ho*. rt*d, o» military Ukbr Cb« t attod —am*, or under any tun. wta. bfoiag pravt raaaiy to tan an ante. to a tana bar nf Cuagra**, nr an a* I fora» n( it* Utotod BUI* a, or an a —tor of any teat* 1 .-.ftotatara, or aa an rvamitiv* or jwtatal .duw o# any Kioto, to aupp—t tbaCu—*titaltoa oi tba rafted Mtataa. Stall bava angagcd la tn*nrrvc4fon or rabaOtob NPfotot tfoa —« ar gir«a aid ur uuasfott u tba A*—i intoa tfomaoi foot ft ipiat oaay. by a v—a <4 l»a --i tor dr af aarb Imr rataore rwcfa dtmHlHy ” ttiaotion ta afo> nallad to iba fob Nafoa af tba My pbMMMtory Hcunaamrii .n bat af Oforw. vbtcb patoad July lfob. IMI. to vbkb M ta darlarad toot Ik# word* *ai«mtl«r or Judicial ofooa to any SUto’ afoall ba > u—trtiad ta torlada tU rml rfoan rtaotad t*y taw for m*» fobduimwa at mrj gnanral In and • fob, or lor to* aduiU. I*l ration of joatlca 1 111 Tba ara tba. ta to atectod at tba ipi>r«dibf ■fottoon In ton fotofo of foaorfta, tator ton prwrtotona af foa ftif|dt| OtoUuur* and tfoa sod of < .•njrn. afotonttof Iba . to at* A t toaoanor af Iba foato. k« uatorr and Umprrnm uin- U«aa to U« Omaral AanamUy. and for rack «uauiy to toa foot* a Clark of Iba Hvpartor l Vmrt, Ordtnary. tfoor ts. Tas Caftaator. Ta* ltonttr, rnaMtrr, Canon btoci. «rtf aafoblnc* af too Uo*m of ai tfoa Dtdtod Matfo Ooo«raM, baton uua maotbar to ba aUsdad ttooi aai h at lb* t ~ i■«*■■■! i al Utirtrto to tb* Nfotn. aa nUWWKd by an v#rdta*n<» af aatd On* Mllnttoanl Onar*to««|. antttfod - An Ordtaanr* to to tnbifob nofoiai toil Dutrutn alfod I foanto etfo. “ i soy ardnr of ktajnr foooaral Mnfoto; so r. BdJMTOV. aprT AtUfof Aaattonnt Adjutant (taaaral Imyiirai Tuan dantM inanu. r. I «4roruta. Atabnina and fknblt.> > kiUjrrm. Mo . April t, 1«M } - 1 Iba raroot I*olo m m at «ntnaibno. uooiyu. of tfoa O. f AabMtob. tot* a atnU of tba ftofo ■UtaUnnU Oaurtntkto af said mu#, and actor acta of rtotonuaand atowtty <sHbtnltt«d about toa un# Un»r ta rartau parts of tbta Dbdrtto, and to* fo-ulfoa. ma 1 bfofoMfo to at f—foary arttotan. and toa ri for by cartnf acfoon, kfoMlntoar# and fot*a«i>laHiwi. Uforu and orrrawa a lor part of tba Mwiiito and by Ibta monjis affart lb* roaulU af pa»<Ufo« fotom to (bla Inoarlct, ad of wbtrh art* M parunrjy kumv foam a arrant orfaatoatlaa. for no yond purpaa*. vtforb arm* to ba rapidly apraadtap tbr.mpfo ttoaa* Biota*. n>aba* I I.araoonry for lb* Umnmauduap (tonaral b> warn all parannt agalafo to* rwuinfoa us nek act*, Iba pab u. niton of surb arttrla*. tb* aondtof of aurb Uttar* or .onnartttm torin**)r«* wttA an.-h aatl nnaalcnUto*. and to aooor* all toa good paapia af tot* DtaUtot tfoat to toll naa ail Iba porrara ba \ mmm *ai • b> pmtu t ton to to) i>aar**bto to»an< of fonr bam— and paop • Hjf and,Ml tba of tbatr par—nal rtpbta and pollto *i Vrt«lU«f— tl. B« tbarafora dtrato* all nttfory and toll nfluir*. ta tfot* Dbttrtet, to tab* Iba nod pronto —anru* to pato. pntotab or ta any mannor *!»• ciwaMtan and pubfortty to HMb ipcMbltary pip ira or Ibr—umtny Ist t«rn and fm tocmw* to arrant nil paraon* «b*> may bo hantra to tar* porti ipafod In any mk acta of rta )—*ao abova rafonvd to, raanlHnf to hrtoto of « Ui. Tba oammandtog itauansl turtoanaora to# tad* tba oundnrtnra of all acwapupnr*. job prtnuag oA n or otb*r >r »—* from printing nr pnbitMung any aril rim or pipara ft afofof to pmdmn t—mWMlon. rtot r># btoodafoni; and day aanapapsr afostototo# any «aab pabMctabma. at pram pnbitntant Iba aam*. rtHba •toppad. and Ua proprtaaor*. • Altar* nad ofonr pnrUna txmaartad thar—rHb on tatng untouf tafora a aalU tary ranataa wilj ta ratyoet ta Am and unprtonu want or anab attar pannttioa an mny bo foamod .tala bla ta Pto afftaaa c ammiu*d r? 411 public wTttura and *p*ak»r< a— enfofotad to mfonlo fouen luAonnuatory appanl* b> Iba pao—a* and pr*jodierr of too paupta, and tona pubUabtag or any la* onytoiim calmtatad to pr-dnv hr—, b— af tba panon ar so Inttmtdat* any pmi a* foam too mxmttUm of tbatr polito ol pr.»U*p— V. kt.Uur; OuanMubri of Pnfoa, ibartfa of ounfo tiaa. Mayors abd otbar mam. tpnl <4wn.. ar* b*vaby raqatrad to nrfaota# jntnd* and <4bor m*an« i..rtb* dataritaa af fork pamnn* a* avtal ttam—foa of Ita I*«ar*. Military Oonauafor* of Paata am to •aa tbat tbia ardor t* duly and faUbfally unatnl by tor Ctrl)** nthla tbdr ju/rt*dkltoc, *ju-l to ***ti*? fcyqrt tny fhUnr. or navffitogaaa* on tb. pan of a*td autbomi**, who vUI ba bald *u**artto tb I—taitUM Mtaebad to dtaohadiau«-a of (ta ordara —a uattng froia Ita*« M—dqoartor* Military Command «r» ara aatbortaad and dlr—t—l. wbau m toatr Judg mol to* an* may ba aaianaary. to urpmtaa. Dram to* rattohte and law abtdlaf atUmmmm. pom— to aid (a too | I’liirinßl of law and and— In toatr rnpiiMr dbdHcto. tba ary man attowdlnp tfoa for and natnbm •nr* of ton— paaa— to b* abarpad to toa s—atal annn a# or fttuutrlpalttlra. tb* <n*r may b* TI Tb* Couunaadto* Ornrral rnlla «>n all «nod eld Sana to aid to tb* praaarratloa of tb* p—. and In m atol fa tb* arrant aad pontahmaiH af rial—ara af tfoto •td*r and Iba artmiaal laws of tba Ma**. and ba ad mnnlata* 0— tbat «*J—a aata of totlrntdalton and riotonea ara ctavkad and pnmabad. bloody rstaltotkau may ba pnarokod, tta pan— of aocirty mdanaarod or ■nbrrrtod. and marb Id—t blond ba toad. Til. Tba c 1 anil aMu| ofii nra if to military pat# so Ibtalfou t»*t a *ll. Mhm*dudn|y on Iba raoatpt of tb— a*4n, mmm* Ita oonlant* to ba gan*ruli> and* bfouwai aud d«dir* r anplm ttaruof to all <lrd to on, adltfir* of naw«pap— and praaa** and aiamr partfoa to ta By or 4 af J—aral Manda a. r BAiurrov. apto - Acting Aaaftant Adjataal (tonaral In BfttofcrttpCcf. t MITBD KTAtm MABMaLI (ITPtlfo. I _ An—u, April«, IflAi | rpMUI IB TtJOlT* BOTIOB—Ttat an tba tod day of 1 Mml A. 1). toBB a Warrant ta Btabmpt , ana tmnad apaioat toa aatoto «f JACK L. WVLBOto, of BaMNbdowv, to Iba m»tf of Qgfotfcnry* and Btoto af Mooapla. wtatad>ifo i»hl bfßnMiptm bfooan* fitafou. font too Paynatu .Ttoy Cato* and Ita tafia ary af any Hf W ltoiiaglfol to mob BmSyqpt to him or for mb itm. nto (Ba TtandCr to any Fr—-to ta bln. ana —a— I-pa— of bta B*toi», wto ta tafti at a Oonrt W to ba baUon at Ita ta tator'a Ofo— to «b» C«mrt Mnnm. to tbariky «f Mn£ aafo Oa-Bfo tafora AltariO. ftmtor. Bay. Bfotator. onfta fob day nf M*>. A. at IB o’ckMb * a ■V.T U l»» JV. » MM&! !£h^ la task —n*«T. umiw mnt maiin om«> Mum. a a., mm a wm. I ria a to wra aoiKm-T«a» <» a. a* M ** *«*■>.*• >**»•» *—» a tKnXmftcj wm UW ■*»# *• MM r-f wtuaa * am. «li«Mm Mi niiaii a— i*npi ma 11 1 B«e« n*— Bulk Mrat. 80,000 Am ' 0,, “* nMni—iVailiinii vt.mmt, * ArtZrnTifcritMu^t. i srssTSa.i T)otann» iwirag u ral«<" *#< w mu i AT <*• P»«* ™ biTHm <*«*, u a U MM. IM « . 1 oMitav Ibta apnb— to aB >irnaa mutl*4 to rantator vttb •*«» rapard so rat— or jyoßMml bt— • mil* J °Ttmj.i7!bbm U. W AO4IB, Aertloa—r. DR THORfPSON*B PROPERTY. r WIJLL Ball Vi. to* pram— am' SttT WfcUKAb 1 I>AY, tb* Mb of April. .■* at B o'otorb. tbat rar > dmwabl* butbban sot toa ioantoa »i vt'h.trhall and Fnrulth —at*; and unanadl— y th.-rmfirr TW»LYI MUI nr CL Ufa tfon aamar lof Pair and Pryor atrr—a Kmrttra taldoap t-foau upmu Ikr Tbomi —1 tmn n— tb— to yaynral far I bit*. Tarn— On* bats <nab 1 b ln.# to —a and twalra % Plata ar* my dftar 3 -V" (i W ADAIU. K—tr %A% and Plr* lam ran m tp*|, Otora. Hu » Hailruid l»l-- k opp Nata#nnl H -tol j aprtlt It mum mm m hem. VI I bufou*— i . u " *l'*d OAT f «b*» —a to ta* .TI city. 1 anil rant, or I— . k> • ramffoi and otbar wwa anwpubt* party, my Pkaan. MOOVT AJKk, Vail Known on* us lb* maat .UatrabU CoUMTHY A&ATM rn Mi id la tiaorfto, ««muunap about tblrty arm*, dt , odid od Into Or. bardu. Oar.l—«. I—a. Pa— ur**, afo , , tor. Tb* Par* ta tom— tor baattb. and baarity us ■artntadißß a—nary. vail aotod far tfoa abnod —and vnriafy af ttBAPTBI* ftOIII np— | a. naadiM to part of Anptea, P—tfona. Paara. Plana*. »Jta—ton Ptoa. ttnpn. Anawb—a. to*., nto. Ban 1 aauor out >uUdi«HT». orctard*. Oard—. tirvapdo, ! toe., atr.. ALL !« tfoxM) OBCKB, and MB PAPjy can t toi tb* Ptor* wbo do— not •—tort TO KBtP THEM AO TBUt M A BABB CBAIICB 808 A UMOHTK ifoarm aojbt A-* (mAwroBU A PROCLAMATION, tl KOIUIIA. By THOMAS H HUGER, Prattalannl BSnwrrnnr nf anfol Mnt*. WUKIUUB. oBUAat fobnutM tar ta—l r—wtaad al ton lupatom—it tb— a mar for w— ■nmmlitoit to iba otty of Cotnmtaw. an tb* nfobt ul *L« BA us Ma—b. lass, apow tba tady of tbn—■ W Annum, by aaknown and dlmtaa* | ar—aa. and tb— mid an known and duo—**d yirama bam A—t from J—l— i bat* ibonaht prop—, tborator*. to kaan* tot* my imMan—tiatr, barvbr aArta 1 —ward af Ita Tkiu and Itotlar* for tfoa dull tary Arat mad* af —T ana af too p—a—pafo nr 11 mntn. to tta Atatoß of Bant «** county. Maotpto. and u ra—rd af than Tl—tl DoOmm tor tb* dabrvry of —ob md itwy —0 it tta •Hbar prtanpafo ->r *oa. ri— to tb* aatd Hfooriß Abd 1 do nmvtw • ba>r* cad r-i—ra all aßlaara to tbl* Bui*, otrtl and military *> ta nplfoat m and—t »ring to tpyrakiail tta mtd untaoato and Btfiil if luma), to ardor tb— ttay ta W—ffkt to trtal tor tb* ■■tan— with wfotob for aland eborgod CMtou Audtr BT aud tb- —al at Ibr rtal*. at tb* rapttol. to MihadpatoH* tbl* foorfo dny of April, in tb* yaar of —tr Lord atubtaan Kuadrod and *Uty . Might, and of tta btdopafodamw of tta Uataad Btot— of Am—too tta Atooty aocobd. TMOA B. A CORK B%L O—ik^U^A^Ariinj^ By tta Oor—wor 1 C. W Vnfto, • apt D. A. Army. form lory of Ami* * sprt At A PROCLAMATION. (I KOHOIA. ' By THOMAS H. HUGER, Pr*tl«l*u*l Oot*ran nf an 44 Hat*. WHAJiKAi. I—total informal ton Am foato rra—«ad at tbt* ttanaHtoant tb— a to—dor w— —amtttod to tba «-unty of FAB—t. Pfo tboTHb of Man b. ISAM, upon tta body of Mn A On—ar. by Itasa Babb—, abd tbat aatd A* ford baa Bod foam Jnattm - I bar* tbongbl pray—, ttamfor*, to lav Ibis toy vr itotottl na bam by afortog a rrw—d df Two Baa 4r«d Dollar* tor tta fopti dis and d*B*arr of Ita mid Ballard to tbo BfoortM of aatd mntotf and Wnto And Ida to—r afo—ga M— rog—r* ts affowrn to i tbl* foal*. ri»U and aalßtory. to ba rtotb—t In —ufoav ■ O—nto topr—m I Cta mtd HaDard. m «rd*r that h« t— yta brought to brtol tor tta afoa ultfo wbwi. u* 1 .jaSfaac ur* sax s?m i ta tta yoar us o— land ««—**n Anudr—l ami oUtf •Ifobt. and of tba ffodagModo—* of tta miM to— Os ! Avarua toa amnty aaonnd TMOA. U BVIiBB. Bit bJMjn l’ A. Army By Ita —orwur C, W. VBBAfo—. °B|»iir Jri A 7ihi Mallard w about BA p—m of ap*. about i tot bigb. Wgfob* OOfoM 1— pound*, dark ro#»,pWiu*o, •y— and tatr bf—b. -k nil fofo* d—ld. fi to—a drtttk. waam board all nmr bto to—, fotli ffol—Sy md potifoly. bto a And a -Mm an r 1 aucwpt wfoßa infog *vrT Bt la HABkniptfy, T»W ra TO onrm BOTVCH-Tlwt on Wo Ui day of i Aprti. a. D MSB. n Ton— to Ba—brnf—B w— t—d apain— too **tnfo of rERIMnOCI C. LOX|DUIK>. of fomnnab. (—y of CTtfb— foato of Ovirpto, wto h— bom aftiTut-adnl—foTfot onbfo own i.*4dfen,md itat tta my—l of auy fotaa. audita l*BT*f>7dmy proporty baton—| to aarb Btoßl il| lto tarn or for bto SvSr/JSLTTSS SJ&SS MtMnMltinnlMtMai* i. ck,>w«. <« mora .4 ki« MM, MX b. Ml M . OMrt VMrtnpM; w to toto— (mm tl V M. A. D lam, tAoTrtonb a. n . . WILLIAM Q. Itt£xßOß. •IWT.It V. A. MarabaL Bonoanpor. Ifo Hftfo Bmptfc). riw ni TO HIT* toiITUB TB—na ton Wto day us Bareb. A. D. IBgB. * Warrant m Bnabmptcy a— t—nad again— toa nafota of MaTTIIW L. BE TAM. of Party, la lb* County of Houston aatd foato of dn . vta tarn tmau adjudg*d Raukrupi* . m U—r own Patltlon; font toa Pay maat of any Dobto and Ita Mlmry - any Pn—rty tatoa-ap to aaab Baabrapta kotbamcofar tout* —i. a-1 tta Twnafoi of tar Trap toty by toam am furbfddiM by Law ttat * Maoltog «7to* Ctadttom of too aatd Aaab ray < 1 to from tbatr tabu and to CVm— on* naora A—tgv—a of ttatr tagato ba WM -a Oonrt of Biatowpßry ko ta bald— - tta La* QBm it Ring b Bran tarn, Fort Vuttoy. OnorgK tadmr f «L Baaa—Mnt. too.. Bapfotor. on tor UI dny of May, A. D. IBOA, —3 o*cfo— at WILLIAM O ovum. U A. Mwabil. ao Itamnagor aprT it Ih ItaßkrMptcy. riMUA a TO OITB BOTIOX Ttat on too —today of 1 Mar—, A. to. laaa. a Waam- to Banta-fory v—tmand agaba—Btooafotoof JOfoSI W KEPCIt. of , u tta County of Bryan and Btot* - itonptn. who bto tamaijadgod a Bn—rapt on bio ova P-Mlm -at lh« Pnyaao—.4 any L**b*o and too Ifobr am for— by Law; (tat A Maotota of too 6mdt«om of and Bankrupt, to prvro lb—r Dobto and to eboea* onuor mom Atolgwn—<f bio Batata wiD ta bald -a Oonrt - BiabraH i to bo taldon at too Otomof tta ta——or, rar Bay A Drayton atra—a. Aammwb.Qa.. tafora jr A. in-ton Ban., —aHr, na tba Bdtb day nf April. A. D. IBBA, - 11 « T cdo— 4. M. WM. ta. DICKSON, aprT—lt V. A. Ma ratal ao j ta BukrapiCf. riu n to aivt xmci Tui «. u. m m, n, M *" ’■ * P IMOJ Wmwm I. Dutnvr, THOMJU. *. HIJII, W hnui., m m» Oom*r of Ms of » a?g^,jiattArg*rsxi; s£3sS3«isi*S« SESaSBSSrSSSA? H**»nS fetter., MfekKlkaf. rfinuMa SBBaßilßWta —.. . : 110X901 Bto MwiauD W 1 \tJnOUJSrJtS!rijt xxv;. ■r efeeiwe Hell K v, ion M.j • rernfeerli * k. kftf .mi OtoWnefe ofei (Mi rwi Auction. wmeo Baa BO nan lay*—■ ifanwrsaaurku . Amvu. €»* Bp«11. IB— j ULTLLL In a—d pt—lk am Lon at tta itararu Vs so—t foabfoa, ooraar <f Ptwr *O.l Uaaarnn dgMtfb. IMA— f- at J# *n . rmfoy April )Ab. ■ MBi —a folawtap <ja*rtorm**ier a —am*, rit [ AfotoOta »n*AKkU«wUiiu>* [ i Wag-.* Aaddlta > llakifo.r 1.. Ml Omia Back* Agfoa font* Ham— IWSUjS—? -l-ATTTI.r 4 foSflSt— gtato osStouTmdlUoaV>T parpoam. .. i amy ta a*—» «n ; >» tta au part——dm t <* Oto—mat foatam foff Rtfm db|*v prior to tta aak By ordor ot ,%Mot itoarm] Moml*. a i. tuunvoniL Ist Ural Mlb iDfuntrr L ta tt. M . In rbarpaoT Daym W M BILL* Anc-M—r;. aprtoM lfo Bn-kruptci. rm U TO airt BOTICE-Tb— at tta Bl foj af AtaU- A. D IBBA. a Warrant ta foaS-l* * • I—nad agate— tta —UI* of ROBERT SMITH. «f Mason, la tta County of Blfob md foato if do—gia, wta baabmn adyndgod a Haakrnpt ua bn own Potltuon. and that Ita Paymant of any tabu and li brary of any Pn#p*rty b—uigmg m »toh banarvi 1 Wfoy JjA* a—, nad tha fratafor '•< my Prof—tj am by Law. urns «I—tfogdia cradWomoftoo aatd tomb nipt, ao pr—o tbatr itala and to etaom ono or mom kautpnaaa toa totau. oUI ta taM —a Court of Baukru|.try to ta botdro a# tba lapfolrria O—aa. in Ita Oonrt Mown*. Man*. iWartu. rrstJfrtfZm - WM. o WCEfolh. II. A. Mar—al M——«*•' rnmA m TO HIT* MOTHW—Tb— ua tta totb da* I of Marita A l) l—a. * Warr*— ... t.. fc l.i K vm laanr—apat—f (ta tout* .4 CUAELEA M. SUttatuk. of (uth tart. 4\mn»y Ranch dpi. ***.l mm.- .4 Uo—gu. • tab— taoti *.lj n Aga4 * bankrupt on Itiaowu hi'tn* Uta tta Paymont of any tfotan and »f *«j Fruperty tal»Wglng b> auvb Itakruyi. to-taat ur for lor a— and tta TVanalar <d any Dofeporty »r *•»** t* forhiddati by |*« . itat a IMtatng of for t'mdH .r* .4 tta «*U Uaukrupl to plot* italr IkCU afodt > INm^mouc-or man AmtgOMW of hi* K—* «UI b* told at ■ Oonrt us Baiikmitry. ta ta botom ai lb* «MDr* and C. B. Wootoa. to too otty ol Ifoa tuu, Wf»n P. A H— aaltto*. Mk) . RagioUr. on tta tTth -Uy -f \j-ru t l I—a. U to o-rlurk * M WILLIAM O. DiCkfo'V aprT It U. 8. MambUa* M— mmm —< Ifo H—all na pit t. THIH IB TO CMTE BOTTCK Tb— on Ita ftto d*> « t Mnrrb. A. D. IBBA. a Wartaai lu (Ui*.Ar:.|4. » I v— tmnad again— to* —tat* >«f Wild.|AM M f—V of Morgati. iu too CoanW of (Vall—nt• and M*t> • uauryto, Un adlndgnd A Bnubropt <u 1... own Poutkm. tb— tta Bairn—>l of any I Mg* aud >u IfeUrary of any Prup—ty taloapiap b> tm> h taukru|>«. to tom or for hi* a—, an I tha Ttoiifc-r .4 to) Pro| •tty k» btm am trintam by Law. tb— a Mrviutg ... thaCtadtkom <d tta aatd Hank mp 4 to |«rw« attar and (Vow («• or —or* Aa—parra of ht* total. • ill ta b*M —a «ta*ri of Banlurnp—o w to kta**. at tb*(dAo*of B. Woudan. tatfo* iiij Dbwaoa tnAur r B Hamahtn*. Ban. Bngtotor. »n tta of Aptli. A I>. IBBA at 10 uVtab an Wi 1.1.1 AM «• DICKHON . aprT It V A. Mnrabal a* 4—or-# iaa ttankrnplc), rW WTU IMVB Wm>T- an Ita l7iu .Uy t March. A. V. I—9. * Warrant ui tankrupt. , j m t—maJ again— tta —mu ft jebrr 11. oßirrrw. ■ Os M«wgan. Ui Ita (V—uty of Calbnaa and #ut- . f j ttaumka. wbo bm foaa adtndgod afomkruptoa hi* 1 p-iutua. Ui— to* Pay moot of any Ifotn. *»d tta l< 1 I *ry of any hojurlv taLmgtog toauob Baakrupi i» !**».. or for bla an. and tta Tto—r of any Property l>t tau. am fortoddafo by Law; —a Mo-lug us tta Cmdiicr of aatd tbutonapA. to pro** tfomr lwbt* and so ch**—- mm nr mom t*atgu**a ol bt* N—at*, will ta bri.l *i * Court of Bunk rapary to to toddou lk# I** udkr* C. B. Wvotow. la too —ay of foaw>« u#*»rr«- foAom F B U—a-Unr. Em . on lit* JTIb day .4 Ap».i A. D l BBS. M oVtork A. M WIU.IAM 0. DIOWOV —T li V. A. Mar— *l. a* Mmn ng« r lu Kinnki iiptc >. j rpUTK Dt TO OIVE EtfTICR That na to#' rtl da% JL us Mar. b. A I). I—l. a W*rrfo.i iu liaaknif* > ar** ifeMt.-l agftia— ita —uu of MEN BY L CORK 18. ofupl—taapo. ten— maaty nf Ma—and Mat- ol 1 M«/rgta, Wbo ha* In. a adjodgml a Dankrupi uu hi* o a it PMma, and to— to* Bapintat any foht* aud In Bmry of any Property foluaging A» nti Bankrupt \ - bln*, or for h«g no*, and tta iron*for of an? Pngvri - by btm am forbidtaii by las. Itat * Marting of tb. Omdttnm of lb* a—d Bankrupt, to ptvv* Umr lt*ht* and to rhxw oh* mart Aaalgri— >4 bt* totah will fotaltf —a Cnrt of Hukrat—v to ta tatdas tta Law OAcoofU. W Ftob. la Onl—b—nr, tta—rtA to hww T a Hmibh i Baa . Bipfasr. mfota I- da* . 1 May. A. P. ibbn. - 10 o'—orb a- v WM O DUManh. aprT It H. H Marnhat aa Mmarni.. t In Bu9lirtiß4cr. v. A. MAHMIIAL'g OFTII E. I Wturtt. to . IfHU I— I rite so TU If I VIC BUT ICL -.Thai on tta 31- and.;, • I Marrh. A. D. ISfo. a Warrabl fit n«likriiph \ ALBERT lU-til.l, af , io ita County of F»Uou. foal* v 4 Uroigia wfo ta* town adjudgwd a B—abrupt on bt* t’-i- Pun; to— tta Payment of my Dabta and Ita Wlraj at any ft up—tyb—gaging to *nrb Paakrupt so bi— ».r «b- am and toa Tfoaif— any Ftopait) t-y buu. am Birtofl—l My f-V; foaUfoa—top of to* tvwditor. of tta aate Banbi Upl «| prorw tb—# Dotfo and t > Ofoxim on# or Bbor* Ifoginwß of bi* Eatat*, will so hold—a O-rt Uankrupni. to ta fotd-o at ih Bngi—or'* Ofbro, la iho t*Mtod fob* BtoT. Atlarta Uito—ii. fodam Law ton foarb. Bob—tor, <m Ih* N't! day J April. A lV 1888. at i® u cdor , * a. CMARIdCH H ELY It apr* - 11 Orp'L D. B Marito—.a* Mmaeiigi r la B*akr«ia(c|i. # a mi—*l-» ovnes. i Muse. a. km l4. urn i THUK»» £ WOM)\ aft fefefciwe. io U.. itiwi ut<%Mk«n'»<4 «•!. 11 o—. ele» ofe.e-nj.--M. w. MM; mu 5 eej bobu fel Ur L: «)l Wloe««feW)*rti Bio-rop. I ss-txgyvS&?hsy.yg&.‘ W.OIIW fed feelwiH fa Ham Uwr IMM> ei< u Ifeemeee. komomomrn b» feu« xllleWki a»Cferto<feelifei 1 low I.Uomte.|fefe-.. a*M H— —t ttfehei Ummmomm,. iMn sßmFSrsiisi®v 7t * : i *’ O. M BLYIU •—7 11 fop Mar—l. a* Hksipt and t LOBftlA, iAM P BEL I (XKIJfTY. Two anmtl** V.T *'Ur d Am kamof. -adtmttnn W<T! to —add so tt a Oaa— Oaitoary of mid <wwnty. ter |*ar* to ml: *U ita mai —a us J—amtab Altai u*.•«*».!. (or lb* bonodl of baton to— tafadttora nf a—d to—a— Thi* W*... THE OEEN UK. MM KReiOHT t,INR BVTWF.KN ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE -AJtD ATtiANTA. NO CHANGE OF CAMS ■MU LouinriUe «r Hickman aud Ailasta. TIME KOUCCO TOSS HOURS. aßMimm i« aim. r e. lee Wo uita' v" room Lmoarto. me M Lo«,. »ltt lie U Cfeo ..... 11l la> »<»— »l 111 ICXEfW " a M* im .n MirurteUl 1 n tn Bggs&in-w ; J CL-r’k.' la niknaptri. a o.o—«o—teifecefea—feie.a.eoni, *■** is Metre. 11l »• a iaaßs«3fi&^ jaapwgfacagjca. ■** #»«"*■ «M *>**»■' —BA^A- I —te '■