The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 08, 1868, Image 1

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TKRJM H'WMTTint . 'feoMx If*. Ngr lamm ■•• ••. ~ > oq «r wnmttlmVt jwa»c*. -to '* unu or tinimii* JUT'. EffTr ft navsTgozi- ! *■» wro, **.*» «.«4M«w i Hi SB mm rretmCtdamn J «P« torn M.M Aair tSutura 1 mm M M ..i*m<(wuiu j IS SB mi i.ssMara • Ti.m rareo ttouo* mvirnmwrato Mr • loaaw yrrto* mra* ...wltw V. larwtrd al ihMM »f tartar far >-v rrara at W Bara ar lata, for IBs drat :oat. Irak 11. at* far act til m I'fil 11 rwDiw M » all t.i uuvs at toll* u.****s|l. ar at vqrlrrisal la spaa", iwlt a auaa*. rat a wen. bshwr or aa Oatul guz ika tra* in idssonireoofo redraw onrararb folesßfogSw *■ alwiMnl Ilk at oetiess <* MaaMaanata. ivdra-Lrael Borera. ”an irTehtT at W* »**. <* ntmi ntt cam a Baa lar aa* Btaiiia Ba i*. uty emu par Urn* tor tow tatette. *Bf W ««*• *°» -to f—ftion # Zw." „Q>a fwuu nOMHttaO of te fcttfo —yrUliy tetrat THfC EH A urnts 10 IN TBS SSftCS OH iUUH* iTUItT, i‘M‘’WTt nr« MwamE*,* wmnuc* ■MO AD AMD WITTBUJJ. Wlfiiwmi MORNING APRIL •, i»* For Him K» A Uag Car Ua ( W WHO Stiaan rm« dotsuH tu te its ThM*Oo>M * tattyfe* *»T i amJ oirory mbb <‘>r te** a»d i*hi *<nr usu fata Mmr hick Com Isvttt-M Arte te klB Hud »o**l Arouail u»r leader draw. Aad route tfa« forafruct et te fttallo wtu. HMHf a load tarrmk ! Hmh in—i. boyt, oa—#. And Mn te I'tUoc clm ; TIM r—r. boya, teor. For Bub** k u oar biob From month U.moutkfo** forth terry. IV lu*® -umt be —ref, r.rf Uii<* w* jird oar htbhw oa. For tt>u te etarw bmd *v. M ttw ommtUaa frrt. A—l Item daaStMftfotl* «t—W J * r*ll • *»#or te On— tattof on With many • loud hurra fa I Tt—a ra-c, boy*, co—«>. AndM* te Union ok—. Tb«vo ofceor, Bwjr*. üb r. For Bollock U our a—. Tim *— At will UMXI e— -hßroo—mn a tote. And n*rr» tmeh potato'** k—rt. txom« W 4 a* #»»aj> ail wruog *wm/, AHd tNMfil te nHkkwt'tl OMAri- HVil wbrvJ oil OauriAlhlo Boa. 1 Fur pmo-r—a, truth mod low. And Out we ll —k« tb« wciiriu nag W .th enmnyr A load kurrok ! tom dan. TbMi rWr. Wya. olMwr. F<*r Bafiod l« oar uu (.< >HI >< >N AOCiEPTS ! HIS VIFWS ON THK rONSTITinONI l.kiT THK PKOPIrK MH4U IT I LRT IT STAWDI tfce OfWHtcli of Ota. Gordon ocoapiad about ou< hoar autl a half, in wbicii, afUr accepting lb« imuiaatioa, he dwelt at oome length upon iht iKi'n—iokiof radiadinm. the character of ib»* itien compooing that party, the infamous (Vn*tit<itkra which they were endearori&g to fulrn upon the |*eople, and ftnatly eiborted oil men who wonld «ave the State to come to the tHOtt on the 20th of April ncit— AM.iuli l*tify hdrSigmerr, April rih. Oar readers will do well to mark the term, we** “larnfon Coaannmoi Thia t« an itufortonoie speech to fail from the elo quent lipat of the gifted and gallant Gordon. It *implv —la hi* fate before the people. It runt* and defeats him. Gordon is a splendid fighter, but this style uf*j**ch making show* hiui to Im» a very poor politician. Old Juhal Knrly used to aay he fM hell on s Aank moe»wuei»t. M hat in thia caae he ha* made a nu— t aertons and aigfia! failure -- Th«—e whom the gcal* would destroy they tu*t make mad ' We not only idu>, bat we hire Gordon, aud It i-ink aa t« the very core of mr heart to be obliged to herald aooh an nnfortnnaU* speech a-i above t|aided, sad for which lb* 1 ntelUgetr ier i« re*j>oOHibU. Gan‘t the gTacioua old Ma.iiuu manage in m»c way to contradict it a* an error ill the reporter. We shall wait in breethlea* sileuoe for ah answer. *'Oh! that mine enemy bad written m book," * eight to have been in the report « * mind when be penned the fetal worda - nr • ISKAUOtIS <.l INMTITITIONY' -iallarh, Uu l arfaMaKn." Hallook b*x Wn * rnidwt of laraigift Iru jraruo. llamij Ih* whole ul that time be line *|>|>licit himaelf In bwslneea putawtU with nrariu. uni hu kHteined the rhueeter of an irreproeebeWe Ik Hew York, In. unlive Hale, be wee esteemed ee a »««I. mail and e miiu of etriel leiwyieai UUu ami iiw|in .lioiii-,1 u.le^nlv The jevjwre arbrre lie tier lived and wee bealknoWß, epmak uibim in the t.ij(bcftl lertuk lie (ore. bim) duriag Um war, be baa —ataiu eJ * fine rupuUtiuo a* a financier and general hnaineu luenatf**. Daring the wbale of bi* lea year, life iu Uie Soutli. ba hea never done aught brUirfeit Ibe eeleem of Ui* Souibem poo a— i, Hut now Ibet the BeronetracUoa parly hu a* tec ted him a* the proper nun (or (lovi rtior of ia atiddouly dieooeeeed that he la a "carpel-liaggar,” a "aoalearag." a ''Yankee adventurer, mol au • -interloper What a jewel la ooaatateney when carried to meh etlremity a* thia- Whal an afireiralde leaiare of aardiannl chareetar tkie mode of proerdun: anggeeia Yeriiy, then fine* Riven thamaeJ eea cm to ignomaoe end latoleraaee. aud ee- coufuandmg en.l .tolUfyiag principle with e uaet diegnelieg end narrow-minded priwilee. Vie hare th- highest assntaure* that 001. Italbvrk. if elected, w9l gather ale ml turn the Unit grnlleni-n ia iiaeogin. Ilia apjwrintnienie will be waits with a apeoial regard at the At ueat of the appointsa To ail lbe judicial eficiw ba will appulwt anek men aa sill faitb fuity asd uupartially avasula the taws of the State. Ts alt other cAese of Iraki aad fesprit, a''e. ha wilt appoint men ut Fatatillsbiil shit dy and integnty ' Wa have mama to heHerc be i* under no |>ledg*e to any one He ts in Ilia band* of the friend* of R-ossattaetron. Mid, il cteated. will he lie- to the people of the State, aod ramie the lawe ee fairly aud lully ae any man Though be w»e eoi bora In Hi- fit ate. tan jeer* de rotten to bnsinsa here has caatenul aft hat personal interests to the ■ .Humanity where he reside* He, s> muck » any one, ia lataasalad ia a good «evwtis«il torlVorgto. bw a i« Impoaeible to aepnral. hiaratcrael from the httonai of mrery other imiirerty holder In the Stole. As greet hullaballoo dkdeb I* baing rsb»J hylto. oupositKKi jrram over hie hat lb* wlto OMtoittol- ■>« hd»» “ “ .iqeifieent toe rafktoltea y nftot D*»» ..hoeld atari!e Sttow *a the. diets, and sM him to WSHtof, Ht—Wß • MsVn prowfk THE DAILY NEW ERA. BY SAMUEL BABB. Ts Ik. Paspts s £ oesegls. Tba adders, of Oci A B. BnOsek. lbs Onn atftelioasl Candidate for (Vo.amor, wiß be found below. Band h eblasM of Oesrnia, aad are how tersely written eeah paragraph U, how manly tto aenUmenU. and bow olearty defined is hie position. There la no verbiage, no moltipiicatiou ol wonis, no attempt to crude tba trwth by the aobteafogaa so often reacted to. We eey again, read end ponder U - read H every day outi! you will kaow it by heart. Having been wueuunoiuly anmiaatrd for the office of tiovsrnoi. by a (Vmvention fully rvpcreeuUng a large uiajonry of tb- a,Sera of the Ktate. I do not feel at hl«wty to duu-gard their Wisher Iry r.toaiug to accept tba great honirr thus oenfemd. Ily inly dwdre is to be of aervics to lb# Whole people of oar great HUdc, with a ham my lot baa been hmg and |d«aawnlly rest ui bmlding up bar waste pieces and in revie tog her prostrated indastriel aad commercial ayatem. under the benign influence *f e vied yoeerameat to which ell her cftireae mav per my every effort shell b« ilevrde.l. Tbe ' 'oustitntlor! adopted by the late Cow. veuliou is before you It Was my pnrdege to eld in the lorrnstiou of that inetnuuest. end tha* to jKcotnc fusilier with sot oety tbe let ter ut thie fnudsiiieutai law, but also with tbe ■putt and the intentions of thoes whs tramud It My votes are recorded epos all its ran on* braaebaa. and it is thersturs einiacssuinr tor ms to safer Into any statement of my po. litical priovlploa. oth-r thaw to my that I stand fntly committed to tb- new Conatitn lion, and hnva an earnest desire to vitalize those great, in ensures dbe "Uelier and the "HnnicsUsd and thus unable oar mined people lo take c.rnag. for the lelnrs. witli a toll assurance that the resulte of therr labor shall be enjoyed by themselves sad their fain - die*. D will be tbe duty of (lie General Assembly to provide a thorough system of education for the State. If called by your voles do assume tbe nail ed position of yont Chief Eueulive, it will be my duty, and no !• -• » pleasure, to nominate i hi eonfirtnation, peraona whoa- pssl service, well satahlmhed character aad ability, have —cure.l for themaelvcs the j confidence of their falUiw-citiiens in their re spective district*, and whine fitness, by reason , Os Utvir known intelligence aud tuoral worth, for the posiiionn to which they may be rocom mended, will ensure tiieir eoufli luati.m by tho ! representatives of the psopU " Willi tnaliee towsrd none, with obarttyfor alb” looking only to the glory, peace, au.l prosperity for our nobis Ktate, and tbe perpe tuity of free, rtvil government throughout the lata). I have the honor to be your fellow-rita seo, K B. IlrurN'K T— Ike Tseng fits af Ur*r|la, Klit-r /IrUy A-ie f.Vo • Will you allow me, through jour columns, to publish a piece ad domed chiefly to lbs young men of Georgia > Thia ua lime which calls in question all Ilia resources of our paopte. We are, by cireutu stani-es. place,! in a position from which it will lx, very difficult to rltiimls ontselvra. i Ail know the relative position of tb* two sec tlont. North and Houth, anterior to the late war We kaow full well tba result of Utal war. We know that "Greek mat Greek." and the bravest of the brave eank to nee no more Tbe South placed all upon tbe straggle. The deetsioo was against her, and tha North baa com a forth the victor. The principles advo cated by tha Mtate Bights Democracy went down with the surrender of Lea end )ohnstnn Tlie great map irity of tha Houl 'rern jssiple have taken the amnesty oath. It becomes as, ss men. to carry out the tanas unpaecd by that oath There are la tbe State of Georgia to-day but lwo parlies—the Beoonemtcu.m and (be knU-ltceonslmcUou, er Democratic parly. Tba one iu far eof Ihe raetorstton of Georgia to bra- original position In the Union the other In favor of military rate, and tbr retention of the Stele iu Its proven! Irani mrlrd coudiiion. The great thing with the Demur retie parly is abuse, vilification aud scorn. They attempt to make everything mean and radios Imm that,. ir in the uelnoi party. Kerry sum who bse holders, enough to advocate r*co net rue lion under the "Hherman Mil," it fisnonneed as a traitor, aa enemy to his rear, ss an advocate af Mfrongoaltty. supremacy, eke,, beeb sec the means used by the Deaucraey to drive all young men and timid men from the saactlnui of their true eentiznonta. When Lew and Joh&atou sui rendered their armies, the doom of secession and slavery was staled. It arms determined that the right of secession was e fallacy, and that slavery snotiU no longer exist in the Gal tad States We then began to thtbk of the plan of re construction. Preaidant Johnson formed his plan and appointed Jaoias Johnson Provis ional Governor, and conferred upon him luge powers -greater than any military command d«r now enjoys. A Convention was called. President Inhrmnn bed seen fit. in th. mean lime, p disfranchise a huge asm hot of tbe flootfaefn people. The Provisional Governor issued bis proclamation con veiling a Oonveu tion ol tbe people of 11 rorgia, to form e Gou •litnlum. Neither the Urge number disfran chised by Preaidaot Jobnaoa, nor Ihanegroea. were taken into eon aide ration M that Con van linn. Hat abonl one-third of the people of Georgia were represented This Convention. Wpresaaltug bat the third, proceeded to fortn e OeswUlution This Constitution, thus form ed, was never submitted to the people of Georgia for their reUfiaetnm. In bet, the Constitution of IMA. in its lonantton. was U legal from beginning to end, and tha Presi dent kaow HtOiafi so considered it, to his pno hunotton sftosrs The Oonoßtatkm mys that the United Htalu shall gnmantoe lo each Stale a It e pith lies n form of Oororamont. lmt Alla by no means nays that the Prvamlsnt is Ihu Uni Pol Ktotes. ami has this right. In the formal ion of this form of Government, we moat ham the ad of dengues, and tha ament of the President to the ed, nr Us Veto pad it* pasrege over H. Neither Ske Pismdnit nor He Oongreoe cmsHtiUe Q>- Halted Wot is. - » .mil ■ Ilf iiinif I th I I sorihod teres af Gevoramrsd the Oongrem of the PsMnfi Moms, at. ATLANTA, GA-y WKIDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1868. thomjh eonslderiag Ihaaertaavof tha lath* isHtog np offltalo gn r.ii—b la lbs •oath aa anwarasutofi by taw, (novesthatam hatfxg to have aay diflaraace or fitsiwihaioco,, www willing to accept tha work done by tha Breotdsah if the Sonthors Si el wonld ae oaptWa Osb—Mfitnast kmatSi i. It was •ufamttknfi to thofr ImgMsfiaraa TWy Mdtg naafty arfirnsfi S. Thfe smmfimaol loft as free to tagalala saflmgi wttda ear own boz ders, hot jfißffip saying that aa shoalt nM bare MptrascrihUen tor Wa agM W Goa gram. If wr ffid not sOow Wsbb to vote We refused these mild term* of ir efimln I IS The United States being the rsnqosving pow er. sew fit than to Impose hirehee lesmn, end bridges we ehootd knee, not only the ernes i moal, bat nlso negro wfiife We eawifi Inoh for nothtag else noder the eirownmtnncm It wns not to be supposed Ibet tbe oomgaenng poser would ofler milder terms We basing refused relocation ruder the plans uflerafi ap to this tane. Congress peeend an net over the Preetdeatial veto, disidiag the ten Boast,- era Ktatee into Mlbtary Duo nets, anthorined tba President to appoint a commander to eoch. Obueo power and duties as military command er were d-flned by the mid act ' Goiler tUe bail, tboe pmeed. a ( oovantioo ! was called in Georgia, after tbs dua ragtetra- I lion of all males blaek noil white wvar tw. tuy onr year* old, (with tb* exception of tbe very Ww sir laded by the bill, > end these voters Wastagaetemid, had a right toeowt their votes either for or against e Convention Tb* unmanly of the peopte of Georgia raw fit to coal their votes in. favor of a Coo vention. It woe assembled by We Mill lazy Commander for We express purpose of fann ing n Constitution for the State, by which means we could be restored to oar original po srlflaj-im f— ‘L - I-.' Tbs Dslogatas to Wat Convontlon have framed a Constitution, aad It is submitted to mi fur oar ratification Tbs question ts, shall we ratify and be matured to Wo position orig utslly occupied by ua, or aha 11 we defeat it aad remain under military rule, aad have no voice whatever in the Oovennaoal? I, so an indi vidual. intend to cast my vote fat favor of rati fication, although there are some feature* in tbe Coastitatiua I would Ilka to bare changed, yet. Inking it ae n whole, ws are compelled t . acknowledge Wot it is a vary good one. Young mee of Georgia, I ask you to throw aride your prejudices lam a yoong mau, and claim a right Wits to apeak. (If lam called presumptuous, be it no.) Tbe great object we should have Ut view i* the good of our country and the restoration of out native Ktate to her original position ixt the Coton. I know full well that those of ae who see fit to advocate ratification will be denounced as scal awags deserters of oar rasa a* inCtmou* and unworthy Ute recognition of n certs iu else* of osr new faugh and democracy 1, for one, aw witling to submit to We ostracism.— Christ, himself, while upon earth, with ell his goodness end parity, wee ailified, abused end treated with contempt Ran we. Wen. as mor tal wen, subject at all limes to err, look for better treatment at th* hands of our rnri&ita? W« aeo daily the social ostracism that l* prac ticed by the democracy towards those who have We honesty aad boldness to cons* dal openly in favor of ratification, and in rapport of the reconstruction nominee Bet shall it ba said of ua, young men of Georgia, that w* were so low, mi mean, so false to boom and to msnbo'wi, that wo dare not smart oar own opinions openly, fearlessly end ebeee beard ’ I hear it mid npna oar el reeks. IT we vote for ratification and tbe reconstruction eondidau. that ws aver oar connection a lib deeeaey, rote the argro ticket, end bad adzes to oil re ap-rtable society Has it eooae to (Me ? Are vrtnhr proscribed for opinion’s ask* ? Wb, ia it to-day clamoring for liberty, Weir rights ' aud freedom from opprvaaaoo, but this same ! o tare of democracy, who would tymanue over aa, and have a* think ss they do,or not et all. •W* are told that it ia unpopular to adrooat rslificktlna aad the clooboo of Haltocfc, that Bullock is ooWiog bat an ,‘advmtorar.‘" amt that Wo (XmaMiatioa was framed hy “eoipet- boggers, ” ami men who had no i lll— rest ta the Mate of Georgia. For We sake of argument, grant that this Is true, wa must still aekaowl adge that We Cottaiitqlioo thus framed ta fqr superior to that fremcl heretofore by oar in telligent Georgians The Constitution of lfttid was an illagal one, it was framed by nao-Wtrd of tba people of Georgia, and never submitted to them lor rat ification Still, ww wore willing to taka it anil bo govrrnad by it, illegal as It was. Tbr. CoksLitaboa of 1888 Ik a legal ana, fremsd by tbe |Ms>ple of Georgia, (for if We omjority of Georgians Ihrougii thiur representatives.had no voice in the foctaation. It was Weir own halt end no one is to blame bat themselves) sod Is now enbmtUed to ns for ratification. Let ns ell oome forward ia solid phalanx aad vote lot iL What ran ww expect to gain by voting jt doers 7 Nothing, I answer, bat farther die fraachißemeat and. tbe organisation *>< the State by the negroes aad tbe few whites who can rabeeribv lo Ike test oath. If I was tbs strongest edvooate of State rights la Georgia, I wonld favor ralificoltmi as a matter of policy stone nis Wa boot thing Oaoegis eaa ever bora. Wo may possibly have worse la the langnege cf one of We sblest men ia our Ktete, "we rsunot stand soothe, eoab blonder as we made in tlie rejection of We amendment to the Constitution." Why talk so maeb of negro suffrage, when it ia a fixed foot, a Wzag that wa cannot avoid ho worn mwah wo may domra it Wa recognise ia 00l Bullock, Wo repreeen tallve of Heooogtlhctioa Iu Ih# eared of hie electtoa, restoration i* secure. In the ereni of his dsfoat, very uncertain. Jodge Irwta. though aeknowladgod by myself and most of oar people so a good man. has oome oat in tbe interate of tbe Drawnroteo party aad ia oppomUaa to reoouatraotioa. Yoong men of Georgia. H will not do for OS to pfoca Mm ia power. The moo who had jmiieial scruples shoot taking s seat la the OooeeazUon, (when elected ee o delegate to Wot body, >at a Unee when Georgia needed her beat men to form bar organic law, aad who' did not bora We boldness aad manhood to stead Ws stars sad tbe abase that would have bean hooped open blot fat We event of bis psrttripetio* in Ibet body, should not now lie elaated lo Wo high tot place ta oar gift, aad ask*4 to support aad sxsotrts Wat law which bo eoold not muster raarwgz ra»ngh to eaetet so making. We want peso* end quietude. Let ae ratify tbe Conatitattua—(deal DaDoek send men to (Yingraee who ran teke tb* tee* onto, and aB will yet go "merry a* a mawiaga belt* I would oak yoa to eoma oat IWu a party. We raceme of wbtek warn down to rim no Store with the detoatef Lee nod Jrbamne, bat which still exists ia semi whet of aa iwgsaioed tono. even impediment to reaaaateoeMoa. ami hootile to W* wattare of tboHlteo es Oaorgto. torn, yoa wfilteratted a Asfltart, Btoknag. end everything etot hoes safl fiseedt. IMA who* off Mo’ “W’ibT* to* BBarar -A rat* by s«y other name wooid — «g ns b»oh." When Wo oppnstflia show os ivythrn* better ts bo diao. L tor eon, wfU.wdbogly adopt a. It osobbs tha* among ae of Wo tteotb dtetoyeby poosporu to social poritten, *md tbs teat of worth, hash »W.H aotmni moat soon pom swap. AB pvWBBa has* thru Ana, eowvwtrinao oqdmvMariirmi Wabatepaorad Wroagk * grrel twewtektoa. but oar goosm ■oal sfifll wdoti The Wore sod Ban bore (alien, and tbr store sad sMim* wore wear Wa load from one rUra-mty tv tbs other W* rre in * speedy way to restoration happi area and prosperity Uw* ere bat tra* to oarerivas, aad Wo pngi nimra irtoripim of tbe age. ell will yet go wefh Let as sll areas for la favor of ratification. lam not so advents rev. I are .Georgias by both Wr buora id my rue* store It* boned brier I h Wo aoti of Uoot gte. No relative of aw hve* aortb of Ms •cojoad Htaofi's ttoo, so-1 bu übfl mjOiU t llwui wjwMlf fiwM aM * Umr •*« ihf >W«sr iao4M of oar beroM wiu> foil in * LvpwfoMi «mw. or honor tbr |ifentn him! Ni?m of thoM who artall Hve to am thr f*ilnr« of thnr rffurU Bat l«t OH Uk« foci* u th*j «riit •cknowlcdg* th« drfoti, *ixl rmut* on high u oar «oUo in th« coming cmor*Hte Rj lion, - m (h« only mmua to Georgia from ultrr rain hu*l fimalgHiitm. ——, RjHajE&rr hl cno st font PftMltral Iwtrtbfi Wt tWia it oar duty lo warn ik»- HgalnHt tR mxtft poetical orgmaualiooH. No cufattrr wbal thaiU of poliUat thry are d«Mgx>«4 to proptgtU, thrj in damagm* lo lh<> paUlw interest, and Mitrreniarv of the wtifcte of th« paopfo. The hifttory of *arh org»a«lf(H;K>n* u ■ blot opoa tb« wacuite of Ufo torU. Th* method of their amnwffemejQt aagar* daptiaity, fruud and deception, aad ta a form «f * fo* (nv«ft>UM*a! lika oar*. Ih*y teetu to ind>c*t« ifitrigu* aad plot tb* welfare of »oia< clam of dtiseoH, if Ki garnet tbr gorwra meat They ar* rwwoiatoooary in th*f- aalare, and conweq&mxilj daof erotu, for the country ia already skk auto death of rerolaitnaary acbftmMe We can imagine no earthly good that >* likely to be *ccoajph«bcd tbroagb aoch uiHtnuuexitaJiU««. while th*ry are Cftlculwtcd to bread m«kl difttarbauc* of a eery aerK>a« u*- torc Tb* fact u well ktiowu that Kuch lyrgatiix*' turn* ar* ui axiaUac* m the country. lieu ar« leaf nod together fr th* tut thujrano* t A mom political uMrigoa, and in *«cr*t meeting* iranenet their bumma, laying plot* aad de tutaaniaa through which they may at tain HQoe***. Tb*y fear to hold tbs ir conaal iwtaona in public, choaing rather, eerrw* ooc ck»i nodtkr cover of night hr thear orgMM. We make no war upon any ooe srpajsstiwi of thia kind, for there ut more than oae in th* country, and wa :aair war upon all alike. All alike are d*ag**roa* to law and order, and •honld b* lUMOßßkrumiNl by law-wbtding cit- Unuft, and, a-* far a* powabi*. »upprvt»»Mtof by tb** autbonUe*. W* ceil Upon General IfreW a* th* only t power author;a Ato take of n.-li ' matter*, to bm- hie indneoc* for tbe *uppr»-» j mouof tench o»tt-iui*At!'»M* Wm mt-aii the ea|~ pfvwteA.iu of bo one, bat of ail No tnnuev how eednrttv# tbe name under which th* y wre of- I gama**d, they are all vwnon* ut thru letMirn cm*, and ahoahi be duckatmard Tb* bietory of each organi£*tto«»» in other | conatnra ts a aad commentary upon eivtUz*- tion. in moot every instance they have proven < lo be the prtmmm of tie'!•*». aweinstn n ! and ofhor uoteacn They ar* eakcolated to fret and diatnrb tbe public tn.nd, to errmU eoe pioson between bleed and friend -in fas t they protntec no good to a cooatr> nr co<ini#nutty, while they noq}ar«> up tuto-ifm'km. of a retfn «4 aril which we arc by no OMUw »rmow to eMNDRH* ilea Mrade ha* tbr peon to pruhibtt «ooh tUjaeN, aud oagbt lo do U. The safety aud weeunty of eucirty detiir U rebel from th# iipprt hrrtwUKt that ta growing apoa th* public mind, and tbe aouaer the atrong arm of power barnnadee th* progwa* of roch organiaal too*, th* hotter u will be lot the gen *ral welfare of the people. P S. Hinoe the above vu in type, the Ol der from Gen. Mamie apon thm outlet has been handed in, md appears in thia fowoe of th* £ti MlftMtMr Am It may Save a groat amount es tmnbl* if Ibnae who prwpoo* to be oaudftUtva for ofeo* ia the approaching election, ia s him «lUt#. aud the voder* alao, should coamder well the (|u*a- Uon* “who ar* eligible to odßeeT It moat be naderwtood, that far th* purpo ses of this election, the pending amendment to tb* Con (dilation of the Uuit*dßtal**, known aa the 14th article, proposed by Co&grem and adopted by mod of the Northern States, moat ba considered a* already to fore*, man mnch aa thfe Slate cannot, noder th* Raeon •traction acta, be represented in Congress on til that amendment shall b* adopted by tb* reqataite number of State*. Tb# aecboo of that article bearing m the question of eligibil ity to office, read* aa follow*: Bm. 1* No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Gougrass. or elector of Pr**- ident and Vice IVvahb«oT. or hold any office, civil or aiiltiaq-, under th* United Stale*, or antler any State, who, having prwviomdy taken an oath, aa a member of Ouugrvea. or a* aa offi cer of the United States* or as a member of any State Legislator*, or aa aa cuccntiw or judi cial officer of any State, to support the Coo sutotton of th* United SUtea, shall have en gaged in ioftorreetton or rebettnui agmtiMd the ntae, or given ud or oaufad to lb« eueaiic* thewfid But t ottgrm* may, by » vote of twnv third* of mck Hoaae, renmrv* each disability. By an Act of Congress, pa mol July 19th. 1807. It i* declared that the word* 'executive or judimal office tu aay Sute, shall be oon- Btmetl to inolod* nU fevil office* created by law forth* admin iteration of any (mmal U* of a Skate, or for tho gdfednfekpiffou of joikv Jfeteoma dfeguoMipl hy tho foregoing prdK nefotre tena bcMtag ofltee, rre«ki not to pos ooat Wrtaz elves re raarilitster. batekoefid Wry Ares, *ll We rotas soot fire Were ■«! be rears Wee Wrorrm easy H rznaoZ be rnyeteiri Wot (lieqtTslifle 1 Bereoae, U rlret.A Till be onto miflNii mn and Ali thctkni of ouch perwon* mute ttennraenly be ate rente, zM We oOm be filled re provided for la We new CoateilatMa. Panfiilre tears More. Tbe foUavtag etoleenat. osys Wr teres* Conner. Is bo« n bSoOf and oma other rerun her of th* Atfeteta omavon* tree beard Jotto M. CoUraU, reorebor Jrae. Troop ooaatv, afiatN Wet be. {blivet!, drew fell pay for We M dny* rooree edtbeeoavre bua foere Dei—> it MW to Joaaory «W - O dsn. MOT Mr. W. C, BaeW. oJ Owote ooreaty. Jar laforreibt teatee. be eeU Wet be firav W» MW Wan bo tore emitted to. el be nakad for . rod teal ail toe terorrieo of Mr * roavovWa her eg—refoovd teotr reovvy. nod Ate mom o*» a* Wmwoow fltea*. Ate oar mttAmi mte ir - (Lagrange Kepivter Ve ere author,fed to elate Wot, by o ,-reels tton of Wo Convenient, reck -'jlzylz tore t* qe,red to certify qwa bunoc. to writing, We oaezbrr of days be reread as n reerebre es We Crosrettoa. and Wat vuanb wore made ia ooeordoaer wIW tveb rtrvivlti Mure bore earviog jo eouzaxttrra were pezj ter earh aar vtor. II Mr W. C. tire Ilk. of r.,e els, drew *l7 more Wen be e.* ratzUod 10. be draw n opoa ! in era irrbbrtr vrv izeer. and when bio rrereareree ireokire brer be ran rrtora We } nmnonl is Dr. Irgbr. krlnrez.; agcel wb ) bar ell lb trarab uni vroacbere ia bin p- I zero,. Tbe bare t Large egearei We mt. gr-.ty ,f | Cid. baibick ir oawortby of nrazee BrllrvkV terltef teroretv. Trrngrapb 1 H" zoert in this Btnie sboli bin jtin*dictv»u to try or detoVtoine noy rail egninrl any rorzdent of (be Htett ups any contnat or wrerao nt oude or ira(rito,l, nr apoa coy (ratrzri mci* u renewal of nay debt exuding prror lo tbe first ,Uy of June. IHIY. Nor ebell ui roort or reznielevlml offi cer of ibis Hiree bets enWotily lo rnfol cr eny judgmeal. elerstzon. us decree, rembred tm t-eue 1 upon any erelrzd or atrrvartit made ' er implied, or upon any contract in renewal (4 r <Wbt rxbriimf prior to Ike firrt -lay cf J one, LBSS. eirapl HI tbr followbzg aarea L la vatu anaimH Ira sir re wkrr- We irnte property lo in Wr band* us Wo Irarrr*. or kro bran mrcterel by bun ia other rarer rffoeu now in bn band*, aad in aoita by We vendor | of tbe real relate again*! tbe vendee, rebec not more then oaa-tbzrd of tb* pwehaer azoa- I rj baa b**a peyA «nd tb* vender 1* in pvreree eiou of the land or epocific eKret* for which | he has aobl it, aad he refuvra to deliver We ’ land sr said rflecu to tbe vendor In each i oaaee lit courts ami "fhoera mar tulerretn jn r,adieu,>a aad rarfurra iedgiii«atr rgninte raid troat property or tend or (Sect*. 1 la suite for We benefit of «roses by Iraetow appoiolad be tore We lot of Anne. IMA. X In rate again*! corporations ia I ban corporate raperil) but net so oe to enforce the debt ngazzut lb* otockhul.ler* ■ V offirera thereof Ul *»« ladraiiaal capectiy t In sarle by ebencabs* or literary iuzOi , ieUooe for money tanned, property other tkau i ainvc* sold, or rervicee re mined bj them A In rail* or debu doe for mechanical or ; ntannnl lalior, when (be rat is by (be a* i ebamr on laborer. I A In rarer eber, lb* l.biie eel apby way | of dafetiaa aad Wr debt ate Bp exceedo any : debt dac by drfeadaut to plaintiff, of whirr, ' the courts are drozed j .r.sdicUoa. I 7. In all otto caaea in which tto General atoll, by law. give raid eornto aad uffioers jonadtrtioc. (wvvided that Bo officer ' *ball bare, nor Wall tbr General Assembly give juried,cl,ou or authority to try or give judgment on. or enforce auj debt, tbr c<xaud i .ration of which saa a slave or .laves, or for I tbe hire thereof. Paragraph i Ail contract* mede and not ; executed during We late t, tub Lon with We ia leation ami lot Wr purpura of aiding aad aa cooragtog said rsboUi-m. or store it waa We purpose or intention of one of ike partzee to each contract to aid or viconragr each rebel i.on, and Wat fact saz kuowu to tlzr otbcr parly, whether raid tract saa by an, person or corporate' wdh We Mate or Con . indeiate Matos. OI by e rorjairalb n. wiW s natural permm. or U , > en teo or mots inter al nerooaa, rae b.rei, deekued to bare been sod to be iltolai and all Iraada. deeds, proa ! ureory noton bill*, or utber rvidoccw of data I made or executed by tto jremee to aneb eon- Iract, or ettbsr us Waul in c.iauecdoa with each illegal eoauaat. or re tto rnn.i locaten for. at ta fortkcrsnra thereof ere hereby de olered nail end road, aud shall be re toed u, all tarerte za Ww Heats wbea aa atisrept atoll to mad* ta enforce ray aoch res,tract, re give valid,(v lo aay each obligation or eredress of del A Aad is all rare, ebrn Uiv drfsndaat, or rev mz rotereeiad ,c the event of We rat. will make a pies, aapp m«l by bis affidavit, Wat to has rasa,,,, to betora that tto efcfec. Hoa or evideaoe of rodebtedare* opoa which th* aad is prodi aid. or sorer pout thereof, bre bean given or wared for We illegal par poo* almond. W* boreUo of proof shall be opoa tto pkaiatifl to eettoy tto coarl or jury that tba bond, deed, note. tail, or other ere denore of iadebtedaeaa. opre whiek aud re it w brought. It or are ora, nor u aay part Were of founded apoa. or ia aay way eovoocted with any each illegal ore tract, aad too not been Orel ia aid of We rebnUire, end tto date of sank bred. deed. aft. bilL or ottot ovi deoor es zadehtsrinras. Wall not to evidrerw that it has er kaa not, race Ua date, been Uiraed. traredbnvd, or used, m aid of Wo re belltoa. itoagrapb A It ekoll be mWo povar of a itMuonty of the Goaoral Aewmbty ta rerere sad coUaot spun all debto jedgmreta. or oa» art of action when dae, fooaded on any ore tract Blade or implied before We lot id Jane. Utah, ia the hands of aay on* ia hu ova right Ol re tranter, agent or attorney ol realtor, on or attar We Ist us January, Utah a tax of m>t exceeding *S per cent., to ho paid by tto creditor on pain of forfeiture of Wo debt, bat chargeable by him re to oae-toll against tto debtor, aad ooHectelde wllh tto debt: LVoel - that thly Ut atoll not bo collected if W< debt ar nr on of action be abamlovod ok *rl- Urd without legal pruraaa. or if la jadgmozit be settled withocl (rvy ami aaie; ‘Ami provi ded, farther, Ww tax a ball not to levied *o long re tto eeurta of th,* Mate ebail not have jmnaritettoo of eoeb dabta or oarere of aotioa- Btte Ttete. tot every voter remrtator that Bnlkucktefor reJivl, and will not appoint Jut,'-* opposed to A Uik alao for a homeoter 1, aud r-fl, Nffi appoint Judges opposed lo It, There eta Iwo important fort* which tbe pour laboetag area mast not fidget. Hi i* etoi for edocatlag tto poor re well a* the neh Ur is in fort tto imoptea' evade Vs ta and vtU diezanoi I rata si most wvboal re sffißrl. IT AOTHOIMTY. 1* f »L I C AC T S Fovti ot Ia Cons; ros« UNITED STA T 1: S, r*smd M tAm BiM . mkmA mm Wrm ffite *#-1 « •fag V WmAmoAm> W r W Oil# fa i, ffite Rmiy, aw rf*, y JNrQfa, A. > MUT^wm A. B MOV; hm( «m mid HMOm * mmd mm tmmmi u» tmmm te feMii *i». Rg tewteififa tea « •md .tefe, M ate tea and mi/mirwil m mmt mm FWt 4mm OmIIM tep rs mr, A t* l«T; ate dkg te* Af BmrmAm, A. Jk MW osaf mn-tetotomiiiM m m+» te rrttertmft et tm A.4 nteißp w fete Bate Ontt»o*« Oft n *B*«te4 to 40* OiflHftN ate Wtemm mt Brffmmm- BUtn at lb* CwW tell* at HbbwHcb ta OuMfTfii— MMOkte tIM Ofiffi |TM» Mite* hr l»«r trf m* Wl te? af fuij. tagBHMM Imteflte ami HOy te. ta m*B »ot tote ta IbKtj ißrnmil aorta te te moofeii ml wfMflfataiw ta CofMii, te Ufa* m 1 1 IMrfeH te tea* * *tata of lb VmAmm at ate teto of fate o*Mßft Os ftte Iffiffi AjfrvtTd. IBftfte KK lltfl A«t W^yirteW^^teyrtelMt SfittrM State of teNta *tt wteK Tltat Cte flOta ol ttataty tkanaam I tetter C3S2MSlitete* twroit 1 rt (to WMtet ~«SroHroT teyraelo rat! iiOa re■ *a .. s MT-*rMre aroßwvrre, <tteta Bta feteftOtaß ate iirtWiß oTm* «n>fn it of itaOfaftel lanißtta iQQrrn I Oferdfa A>. MB. CffiAf. miffetaftßOHry Hi bIBO jrjTgaa gsMayYsss W lOe're IragG?‘w*Bef*Ss J 'hew.n *-M a, tfaMfiof. faf ter am k «obfm. M tt* mblm «f > rww —otayteta tata ■■tata»:*mOtabtataiii m . c«if te it tawmite hy Bt# ita lorn O k*pmo fitet of ta P»fta4 Otate «f Atateta te ihqhi tta-ia lo fa* • OMRfif Item Ite army m mmy who fauiA Iter HTfiffiOamtaao taOtamtetteffite iMttaite utakta at ApHi fefafcm tetaferte «te HOfte ate rfa.. trnota*teteMU, •l^taMitaftaOiMßtamte teC o>iwßM» !££?g , *f > rer%WM all Ira *ra Zu7 mm* toss tueartaO Sy tto re* si re < at rase roll IA IBM. ciitr xxix. -ab re w man and oral-* rre b.mis Bffi 11 fiMTVf fay Ita Otaftte ate ■ tata et tewiw Mtatatet. Tfaffit Uk# frteflMMO fa* taUtttated W fOTWI MillK. *rtuTL "**■“ ** Ftata ta iOflteO ta Ohm Fate Altar GTteVtey i*. taT CBAF. 11l ta A*i —|ta»— tetary |to mb Ati «*» ttai "Aa A<* H pmUlfi tar te Bur* ten—« u*r ter A Harte. itefifli faaMite* ate ta«ftf •te ta* Art pMM a—n Mfitei. yamamA am B* I»«a*9 UkJte oar af Harrfa. itafali— tea md am 4 mxtjmmaam •MtTiffi tiftt*! mate tain at Aa—t** *• in—w ** »gMthtaO. Tfaat tt m faster tater. rt w harm te te trwm tatate ffiflte ia—Ml—i at te *1 <4 te aammA O *f at Max- A. &im tfirn—m f olgio ko* ta»o bm4 tawi -arm*. eatafite -Ail act tapreruta te te akrogffi tenet r»* efSMM A te nteWMte" ate 4 tew* teTta* ate ta iu—l faaatef aad rn’ixj MM.m mm te r>*ntßiii*Mi te* »u>u»| ta te ntel Mtate af y Vat lA Ita»*A CwfMteffi teMA Ctatete. T-ito ate AfktaMfi Bar* aM HfHtai* fMOMMtaf. MM totawiteßi ghTtaapSi ■"7C Mt*!* 0 *MMi™ta teßatata real mta iter taCtaJam. mr 2 Ate fa* n tarter ■■■><■!, TW ten« rnamJm at an OtaMta maamaA ta *taO ata Ote te pffiMfti. —>*■»•• ta te iltapf —* •» tlMMftl Ot te Af at ta# n«rttaO taaon. mA tr hamw «taart te ter fWMi m> liftIWHT ta te «MteOtaOi fltataflftOr te pmyar iteiittawteft of te te tefl Mfita a. toMOtea rwaaoaatrtam «teortea te |**fr«ra»- an at (fltete taifrli i te te. >■ mvtat at teite jh»m- MAI ar SumM. ms *l*o XTmSmy ate ar 4mtj ta amrß oMtate Bute *atj pmwmr. ■lartiita umhcrmj Oterte tram, « jntßite hy. »zlre*rafoii*vw (toVrepsiret "wtoT r i r* ttoa to vs pun* t m pesvlAs fore o»» a* all of -rev r -lisai, ogfo v se soUste <C theen*y. ve hi re HI BlZwirl rt revs rtOer praase te rae ■osHU ra *■* to BB sazeortse .era rej hy is*T*- k, W. , S£» szm to trvsvssU Srevirereref^rt 1 * I *' r * res. a are to a fore mini. The* m» uss g 1 te ftOtata* Os te tataj A«t ta «-ta»/*ta^ j s&aaßaSjSsrajs ; fan or haamßar m —F Oitagu* n—tarn Ii ; * cunt** te tataMtam «f BMfteft affia*. taaar W rre ■Mtatetater fay te tafWtary otewr ta fliin n I•* te OMlrttah or fay te Q—•—* *f te arm, Ate u tea 'it re ttreyVieiror*!* foey rtrarar^se sire' a'l rrMlre'iran ' Wr A are he a fortase reaiOr*. tto the toania |rt pinr peraare foam rereretsg -rean < SPw^*‘SfoJre* l re<iremrez f rt"t>T reiT SraS* o"'l*i. J foalifoaTT’iv ,mB III." foeart Her ,h Vvssn, Unv. let' ~ hsmtred and ulrrev stoO toss i—v. rre n suai: a. men owj hsdre smevia* re r-gillzrenv rt tor. revere, to (■ irai , epre wt are or (ii foni m w a. (tog ra share, wtortor rev a,vara M rrettol » to rralMvs l reOer said ret. aa* re **m 'i |rti i hr are art rew art hr sraera... ra re easel wa, sre a* |— shall to eirteliin 1 sairw raw hrnj rW, mol to h saom. J fosei I aT* ls^sZiniiras^l Sr .azraiae i iihh'ii 10 . hoe to rarer ws* rt vs hyjtorere wiareforreeroreret.«^fo^rt reretUtorararert ran toMyreihr re^i'. re yfeoad. rtifowl m refo Oltfoi'iv. re re rssrez.t ire ran to orewfotoe m rasrara ire re tva. m OUto. steto Vv toa_totoo_ra_romto wgrertjto !>^eral.*wronreJ , |r J reTorfo rewlto rS hj tola re afoorerzmrert foil» gamarml fa* at • Otata, •* In* taw teataßßOtataoM «f T Ate “and w re erw re^M^orauhv rerea saw toss prarve. rad M ehs& to (Over tto tn>. ore para rerst n v^rewrafore' are tori rax rasraa to* raliure Ihrraz. tor torn v*« Wired. Is rare re area s* rack pses.u Bern is* re ra* rash » ires rare art to sfo oil toma in* zaeh hero* shW re». earuv <ks raw ssnre. Sfot lo si*, h rwwn?re sh rtjhrt raTrararaS has* Ifoartx iretrart. re* owes stoiL stray Btoa to ir—.f to to wgWZ.e.i wto res tor rarer* rt rer reran** Veto ** oreq ks rev rasra tare Jtmral m ~fto* * Ami tw it ftofora UT2L23 ?refoM U>v üßmnTi-f-| fMwte mtate » iihim, teMur ha te of rfetenteo ate ta fo**ett* aaoter ta fata Here, rtil to »and rat vrsrery to arch hose* aa • aa* to o farMwv IS rats* no re o (at iri rt rart hereto < raytsrraaea are si raora Isvießr ■ - r . .... - I*M q (hiresj Hint He rotor ray oe alto* Hire sr I foil rraZraZV. ar hy totau re siyawreal of (ha IBrtrtrr vra ran las. tore to irerVrd to tohr sod to robs into thrsrehrt stoss praaotore h] he te to or rt (hr I Whs* Ore I*. Aa* to a forttoe rare row' to Otoroct or so* rt the vTO-er sr ra '■«»■■■ “W* a»u—' fora saw, to tore* m re reosa kg tor . rail a rt s*v el st} Are rt IB* rritort entor Bnc-U. Ah* hsßtoitare ontor.l. ThMaßthryer vasres rt toss tot rad rt for are to atom tre ts ra, ■ln I story rare hr r-arena* Bhrmfor. to tto re* foot OB the lotoati Ben* war hr forty red ywtortr mrrwd ite. KSTTUB COLFAX. Btetr es te lomh af l>Mfti«»BHi R fWAUta Fro tail teas te fefoili pro Mbh»w U TBB Horn or IftIB—WMITBft, V. 0.1 ftlrUttviar | IW FriOfrte of te PatateltaOMfa m«ia« itait*. a ta te teßßMgf mm taute* it tefaan—l»4-AH forte hlibi ißtary ta mmomu ttad *Am act ta jporte for te mcmm wtarifoal aormw bm> ot te rote Ktate Pft»-f <ta te aacrmd Amy at March. fa MB •* of ate ftUta-oo re*, ate te act Bvipwtaßfo—tary BiMtn {ate oa te fair Ortri te of MarvA. fifglitaou fatehteatetate Mtoa.- ate fata .ftf#rtteoo tborofoo, te Hmmm of iiF«»ft»>ta» pa cootek. ta pMroMfoMeo of te OfloateteM. •» itetaftiOMr BfHHOT: ate terttte, TUI te UU A* pfotab tmo-tatadfo af te ■oae* of IfaprßMfiWiMg aararim* ta pam te ataa* Attata. W»WIA lIcfIEMOX. dark H. K* V. fr la tm* OtaMkta om «» Pxnta fnm \ Ml >k lta: j Th« irrmata faetifoa vni«MHlfd. ta fftUMMMhco of te i iHMiitikfl. ta rwvaUM te fad nWM -Ba ata MfetafiMfiOM) ta mb o*« volte 'taMlfaw#rta far te Mwta iitetaMt of te mMMm.' pfoffiOftd o»te tax-oof te •* MorrA. IfrA*—a ktate aatf lUtyotao, u 4 te artt MOffataalai tewata, Mteoi te Htaaty tfcte tests tarefa. Mehta tm Lite foof tenia i taattaf ta te tetafo r 4 Brrnramrmamiraa by te rawtatet us te Vatel Mtao. fitata fata efatetatatah fiufozl an* hy te Rcmom *f fafiffifi MMtaOfiflM ta te Otatata. With te m ■■■■»■ «f te te utaet retarnte te fatß IBofl tarn. That te fatal Oo tel teßMi of te Owiitaft ftproote ta pfeM te ww. AttaM 4 w. roWKT, BaoroMry, By W 1. fenPORBIfe, fteOfirt CHAP XXXIL—AH te ta nfafaßOk ftao ate oattttaa ■ taBM l«tea Ttteo Bfo M eoatef fay te Bmata BMf thm** Os Urvraaam fakttTMft of te rites State of A—ate ta Oob#mob m ooMbtad. TBol ifao Frtete t of te I’afta* State fao. ■nf faf ta faMT' T uSwrtMd ta MOMfeßt ft ooatataaMaa to rr. ret rt fora rt tto stray as* hrfov Oh ffio-MLcru&jßrj-Sk rtfooirortn B, fi Tnui ». zfofi jjwo fo.fooSmwrt ■fly so "gtfCsS* rtfoto SCSSSS»iMii?Z HAtwriVstalMAMlMkaivaaMittaO . *«W tar A* taitoaa al pmmom m 4 ata; ty,7*%^' *«|||| od iitatty £tsjg*alaM Mat's. mart M taaaasj?sag^r^ ' ■"HUM, Md u .kid, dttari i v «in*!tLi ■MI k* HAM MM a. (MOU M a. mMM *a •M HIM. iMUnh, k> imm Hi—!■ n by a* ntiataual m 4 parteatt |ii»iii MA Afar rial or <ftU W*M*» *Ni a* ratectod. aad tho —l—Cm l*y nr IW talkta mft yia»ltai»H tar ■tad klm farb* torrii t taww. a*4 a* pam—r •<* -i—bwa us «*l arte* tor* taw br inwil fa •"tar to,nr an —u« hwiihi ta <k* tab** •>. »■****» lata «*■— aad —f» r— ta ttt* latted -aft—. Kw*l>4. TMtta&tMarAMtnrtataCW toa—4 ata tato-tora talk tramt <n bipHway "•air I by iata .c*i of to* C toted Mm, aor vttfc ft* tb* C«oa r* rtAc toaftrrrd. toa U—— FMta tabMt Mm Dm tas. «r tta fig'll p na ■ I roata at Mm itanta ul hrtA H-ftmad wn* of ncaury If' boooby ■rail pnonj ial of a* 7 —y» la ita twiwy to M. To any «t Um pro « mou of tt* praatmt —nil ■■ ■ of ttai act, aa kaa "tawfMy tana—l I tan. to—anta —aßac—tor? of to* litonor to b—l mmA ftr—y tad soar aa a—y ta-r* ■■!—■ < - —1 himtaa to—t— Iron tor 1 jitfi la—dr u* ftnboa ml arrt tor pra—c tou”« Am 4ba H ftarton —all I. Tbta itatorttory ta War to f**v—4 to Itort tors irterv*. mt>M itinM iunaf to# (bcto-jr of tbnr f«tM tar-, ft. last to it ftiitoi tatootato Tbta ts —U —— raaiiri ta Iba wtaaft— amd Utl to —Wtoi*, taaa tor toe—7 of War. anto-r too dixacfloa of to# ta total 81. M tarrby atotawf to aeuryf too total na toai Mill! aad Trrrtftorlta. 1a ■f—li*d «n—paali i a—stir. —to *■ anJterT—."to —X —as b* a I n—7 tar to* aoppora «f ladte* *n~ ItolM Mfertbar an «>4aatoora —p— to pm. tto—g. iainta.l ra aa4 aa to* troop* to* rapwlrr army. •a* 7 Aad tor n tutor aarM. Tbs*. raid naata •Mam rrpirl toirfttop aa ftfni J Itm act to 11m ta—i uta afi 11 m iprai I—■ total aa rrVS«v *by tb#— CAAP. UIUI -U Aalto tarry -to EC*i ItaC— r—all- 1 natal; of V—r—la tor tb* Ad to* tar*—Ml *f tota Hrp—*tr ramhh rTStaTtaTtoTfSiMM ta"pSn top -£"5"?: to* \mmmamn awitoto# taapitoftita i ta tar to# aa tato Ik—at ta toai ErpaUb. api4 ta £—ara* am to* l ■toily Ml top * WriL I'tafttoi laairta aata auyai. to* Oitoßitaaii r to b* —>rfta*4 by too tTatoftrta ta to* r total bufti i. by —ta atto tor atari— artooa to USX tar bn a—rtoaaaf to— ihaatoto l*5C. paaaM ftor too liana i Italy acta a—aaan sy <w«fta to to*^ »toa* ta bl* p—l lMra t* Om*., tape. 1 4*4 toll tartoto —ant. Tbto if tor rr— to yrfaau to* dua** ta ta ftfly pj— ta toTaS^MlJtari^atoi^ta^ ata ta kaprota mpbiMafb. bactarod a»l ftft, tax. ~To wpalatr to* IpbaatK acta Tn—aiar qtoai ta to* L aftftata tatotaa Mm S. taf bo tt tortbar ocataad. Tbai toa Ftrabtax.: ba. acta bar*by la. antoorf r—l to amb* aaab prvr*au* ; !to tb* -ygy cSSj aae—7 *b n>*.< l -<* ct 2**rr t l>« (^aajMtom. •ftMttfOG •atartod. Thai nd mac ta araiy a* —ay bo an—vj to carry oat toa ymnatoa* ta Dm ata ba s *ad to*y ata baraby appruprtotoi mu ta •y mammy to toa irraaary eta oCb*rrna* ipfiipauu bfpavrad. ialy 18. IMS. CWaF XXXrr —ba 4>l—btiry ta Aa Ata m ft—p Appropriate—* to aappiy Dob. mbo— ib Dm far n—nap**! ba»— —« ta to* V*a* of toa Vmfta d Mala* far tot ft—al Ta— Mdlnp J«a# totny. tapbaM —ual—d aad ttuy-an ** i far afbar hr m aaartod by tba aata Bc*ua ta lunar ÜB-a ta toa l artort —al ta I— Cnfc,»to •■■Hrit. Tbta to* coadtabf poru -a ta »>a m taanatarpttttrd "toa an —biiap i|ipar|i illrai a* rap s^^^*TrmsJVjra acp—d lata i—*aty ai*to. affciaa ftmaPrif aad ratty an* to toa rrorPa lUk—top, la artta **Aa4 aU b—pbrftp to* l*ri ■< I—4. toa aorta tor lato wr. or tor O—aitotaitoir talbPtoa brrabr rn-tta. rrta —> rxp— to-ii b#r—Arr ba ta wn*4 to aapcatoftnp a trraty anb ary fawbaa tttoa tota aa appraprltatoa aatorafttaap • t axpaaaa toad br ft— ba raad* by toa." br aod to* —a fa b—by Appro lid. Mj aft. tapi. RESOLUTIONS. (to. A laoinaa rappfta—a—ry tojubar bat to | irtirtoa— to* Adraaftap- af to* Uaia—ta Ks < babe— taKno. to ur tt—rMfa CaMtoP PtoPa* "ta*A—ariaa to^f\toj—Tal ' naaiftfai. t Ibaft toa •—totals ta toa Uar—d ta— ' ta toa^pli—tajJtoMMtaaa —ba btaP at pm* to to* j aad anytai. atoa ta toa totaty «—ra—toa— «ba I aad Mty-Pi. aad ta *Am jourtoad tor. n Vm M ■■■!>■ ~i MS b. M |M •ata i to/rtaTta aTSfa ' pr—rr lotaatt a -!—.prra idrat bo—ftbtau into. | aba, to toa tatow— ta too raaiaa—nnaiia prai—i. abd— | rrta to ta *B -atolapo ta tb* w—laian.a. aad fa , apptaat araaatataßM aad d—taaaaa ta prrapta. IV Ttota toa o«talaka pay b ft—wi addin*—ta ii irnao mm raaaMb— twafy ta anuabar. b«|ap da m— ta toa Ctataad libra. I—ra to too rtdtato a} tniM?tor'mtbibato—*Ui torTlto—^totoi! W raapb*y * —ccatoryj—rt Vx"T^^ <T 'iri a—Taar toab act aa rpwta t—s. torrrtyir tadirarta*. to tot* pmdfa' taLa ray I. Aad b* II tonbM—Nad. to— I— tor sis 1111 awnpy ardftta. an fan*; a—*- prtotod aat of ray tooaaya to too toaantry ata otorr. T-TEErUdt. fra— S*w Tarb to Mart*, par braaaporudMß rad Waftpbt —oar Bam to fan* Par i—arra ttra—ftd af artatarw aaaad by toa UattrP ft— or faa« torpor—Ml! by todl rfatoato bat Par ad.H»toaai taoa . p*— ta Pam ta toa pafaoa' aad toa -aaarx." or tappi*—aftta batadiap. aad to **PW toa—SSbtowa of anrfctan. *prtc*i,Hata »ta oib- MaMtaaa'aai Mttoakwi ta Iba Uafttod Utobaa, aad far ttouftntoidijiirniaidia'li l rttonl pradandnai, r - —j, aad patotof totoaratopiral radiitotawiiata St” 'm r ■!«** i Par tba aaaaa—y ra—aaaa ta tobararr aad atom tap rma to toa Gdtoaa ta Varii rad Ha- Tort, aad far to* rxpa—aaaf otorta. taattb aatabfttoto rad brartabtt—iaa. laanp pad art- tatadnaial aapo—ta Baa. X bad ba II btorr —Nad. Tbal« toaßb* too Jbty ta toa pitoafbl aaaat ta H«« Tort, aad af to* cu—latotatta—jpaatallil toKtoi^ to toaarri Hto Onpra tJrutawT—mft* by toa— laMbfaSr'"* App—4. told IX IttfT (Bkv XI A Hairtaatira utod'ftc too TUna far tb* Ooa*- B*n ~Of tba lap—rta ta toa fit aad Wiacoa taa Blvaaa. ■nTal al MM m£?*“iJ!aEZ M MM. n»IMM|mH.I «M M i nswMM M tala |—i amy of toad 6u tad to tba laapiw* —aal ta tb* ■ m!*"*. TwnMT*M M>M M MM M*» lIMM Mr M «ra 1 Mm wMMI AgTASgS Mnllur Mr *MM» **s?? TM S MSk* U.«M«<*.»*.— m » SsifMMMMk. - Mfc *lmT»M>«»»*» ■—Msil, aS*k««ftMM MM# MS M «*r».*M 1 5 ■*• —r BKHMEMEHS J** I**- *1 »■■<■■■■>■* ■ M »M« k. <WM CM. —* mm. . MMU MpikMTmiiMT ffisgfflEfflas ”T af toa atattamb rnarn—rd bp dta—dtob tato* to—mi »i tab- ctn b* pata tabl toa r^iaa—i. titawii, IB* ab il, IPBV. W»I i. M>’cuMd *■*-• ■* m. MMTSr ti*ata try*— tor Utoabtad Taftaaftaar Ptatom, i fa* orb— Parpaaaa. to u - -m—Trar- y |a ■.■t.i r/ tor rau*d d—br Y dll-ilia to fto-r-■ —bi !r* >ori *** Mas AM M*MM II mill I. TMMMMi »< *m M aJ>MI»IMMtkMM -,• Ms S-M «'I*U * MlMk lo Mmm M. M. M * <!■■*■ I PTIM.P.. r M4IH. iM><m sm a. ur *»- *1 Mu KwIM K «M) ■HlliiiHii Mt. Sin Mill *OM “At* M |r ikl MM SMMM (tm uatMWS MM. MS Mr Mr M>mm " AM k. M»rtM MMWM VM ■Art ji-r M MFM SM MAMS. BSgSjSSfKiB ■tad™— pa—r iby toa ndrty-HbdlMabappMn. TW tora. to and —ptobd ftp tor Pb— bad tab—w <■— p i „ ‘ totaaf tor Cfadta Cbapaai —IM ' Tba* to* -bast to—aatato ban—arrd —a—» toa— ifa p—d rod, aad tor ator panaaaa." atop—afd. W aad ta bmiby ■-—dad by ——a O—y ata— ttba —rs« x«-vas«Ss Arr*>ub, Handi IX BT Ha. X | A b—taaltna |»maltaiip far toa aaraao bar r*y» tor • stop Qa—d bataaaa Ufa Iraata Laka Ua—rto. far adllftary. aorta aad a—a—rctat par —e«—r Os coat, to ba s—d* by aa o*l*9 far a n na—ta tobaa ■— O—n. aad an a— toa— toa ra— ■ Ppr f—l» dto toa ataftta Jaa* —rrftay a dMwtabtn<,. SS—raa'"ttora—to—atoJrtto— ** to,W toto—, Mrrrb «. I—3. . ,Sw» to., A l—rbtailita —■ ratonp Dm a—to —•turn af "ta Art » a—md aa Art—tfad Aa Arttoacarwl# far lb* botorr Haatfay ta tba Ur— of Pi—m— board of Toa—fa paa—dlad ta abate —ta pata by —i —i.' aad tor atoar Paraoaafa** ppa—mad A—a>f toita-to. ripba—a bawtoad awl «*p<«mft Tbta to* ttfto dmtaaa ta toa a—to uni— ta m artd Aa Act to aaia—l aa ata aatatod *a *rt t . prondo far toa btaftar —cmrtty ta ttba Ha— ta ——a 1 par* on board ta aararte paaptatod la abate pota by •I—a. aad tor ota— p—»■■—** Mtatal ftanp Air tatab. ta toa yaw bpbtaia baadred-ta AA j too. la im far in, ia dad tbta Intfp itaantofty. to too fawn b—ib ;rondtabftO—fttitoaaatoa toa oM-ato— u> £3 £i:SL?££ <—to—anta S3taMrt* W r **»—aiy paefad to taraaf. dgttaaalttto— ar fai ——marataatoto ttwl ba to—fj to——md ®i bj tortMMl ut a rate part of too ■!——or 4atapnaf«.l m tbatr ttoaa— by iba la— ta—. aad at a —fa far**.. i Ha— aap br*. Arrarrep. IB—ra 28, IBtS. IHb &Xl iobta ■ I—bttl— Axiom toa —la ta Opto or t al rtator. aad oa Wtoa Bpfaal Fat ail— i Ape-tap lattrt* of tbo l tiaoi ta *——in ta ! ——**"*• Tbotjfmi aad after toa pa— J tbta i MCTsSSf SztfSiS M M # MfIIMkMM MM y [Ht. wM. m ■m’a'X MIMMr fMMMMk M Mm, and Main Sa mm* awf? M adM SSMaTSLIdk. : *r*« —■» ***** *■#«»—» —MM.jM M adm, ••■* M **——M kaa (Ho. 11] AH— dtal —to tea—B— a o—»t « Mapb— af Cm#— "Mb toa H—tttttote Itepn tot aaadSy. Madt aa ky a.? dtaa kMA kMti Ml aaMklaa.aal.iM ar m Mam.... —M MM m did. ■ aMk »■ m rs MM , ?e , &a , ga. <r .rT*s';: =-^3StSSSI£i: v MU 111 T dll *r* M. ad' IMM M U.I mMTMM MM»M«<M| kd^MdJ. VanS SMM dM Ih. fdamk aaBMdM. Mr >k. tt.'il ■MMdMMttlMla MM kM-.a Ik M.M*d rali.attdiyallll.CMMM aMk*.. • ■aaliMaMatt.kkMOdaalaS. ... drdlrlirlir.ttMlliiikHMMlaadii. .1 mLmMMimM MdM *> *M ad IV MdA ld ataariMa MIM HrJT/SLnmm «T: naikatadMiadMidda ittittaai Mam. ttHtn ddsMS at MM aw araamdr aM. iiiHMidMlMd cinaarM. ad .... ISTZXSS! Hl£££ 2XTS££S m^ •to too —a— f—pa—m . r—f, Tfat lb# Pbtt—f— -Omirta. to ■ nmnaift— rtto ih- a*r«t. ta toa Pip—lift to—l to— toapwar tor*fata—v bad rtoft ba —ay H— rsarbet—X iiimmii . Marv-b H. UP {*» to i tea— Iranhitt— prnnd—p tor tor bpip. tm to— tor Obit*d Bto—a ta a—aftto Wart* of An —tap toaa. aod far ato— fa up i Hrtt —Nadby tbaHaataa—4lab—ta Ito—aw*, •tatoaa af too Xataad —ta A-artaa to C— —10 nimbfai. Tbta Host —4 after Ofa fbto—ft ta ito —to; . iqtaatt ia, aby at-ta at art fan iltoibF toy BbHrtlv at —mi mm ta BbßMto—to tor fttMttili——. » p— toa Otaftod Stefa* fomto —to —J —aa*. <«—. rr —apta pi——total babtoaKi# • kaaajMs.aMttMmka M MOM * tk- SainMry # iM tIiMW da* imm*. Mr. SAalkt f«Ma tdaatattd. IMttaMt. lary tato* Tr—— ry baaataba b—bpte— quo ii. zz'zzz a x Itrattt> MM k* tta m a«»la ar M. irM iaMaiittl t «. praM aad M adttdt Ma dddtaaa. My aMdaa MdrkM i-r. mt kM. dl Ijia I akkk M# kd l»l»tll «MtMr b |H|ittM»k*i IMS ad lata. a%IMa t>. MdaaMddrdM Hallli«,f>M MMMMi a*M» M St aMM ittc. S. AMkanfMtttiaaoM, ndMMnb aiy. MMaMg urn ' n.ikliarad aaMar tk. aeM Mr Ik. MmMr/mi.l 'iiki. wg»S I SCM(»'| ll ikM iMn ba k. kt£.'. ■aadkL MkakMMy aMadl m da a# mi ■M *f i*mn mt SrtarM radidda ta aMd db Mttdd atty krrtMai mt tka ddlMa MnoaM In akid arm mbo ts—st —Mb raab fatte i—ml tAlft^aii IX I—l (Ho 14.| A Hrardatfab n —afco —fad toa Lamooi Mm tato— l raTlto-*«b/toJ?Oajtf p£i-b I.tort 1 tem b«—drtd abd tts—toa. to tofttay-—to Bap ta Ito —Try. tophi— bnattrta bid tt—j —a— Boauhrad by tor U—bto —to Mn— ■ of H—ii nr mi. Hr— ta toa On to* Htolar ta A—art— to ftotaba—aa naibtort, Tb—iba to«a paaoad by IbHHI—A * umbty af —a Tarrtiury ta Haw ■—too. tottftl—Artr tom. vbftrt bapn tor AM 4at Bar—it . tort— bi— drto —d dityto, aad —Stop op tb* atnllMn? ttTm MttMlajid tkaftk. sy SSm MkM'uTtt potoal af Oab—rra. AppaaaniT— —«b IX IBB*. I*o IX J A lim'afttea wawrrbtop toa ttottana ta K a—a to* twptft—ifa —art— ta to* ftottod —Mr. H— ttoiftbf toa tof—fta —4 H— af flfaf—« Orta ta toa tftatod —to— ta A—tt— to tiln—yr.i* *a i—tori. Tbta aM prrap— to toa toplft—iTfawtra ta j Tr m a 1 OOto—BHA ifpHßrti* Htortb BX MB to itooadapter. Ib rant U— t m .a&ary —|