The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 08, 1868, Image 2

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lam* g*fa gw «r». ayjuo——gnu mmmap. awfetthW—WWl—ik—kto—' OffC »t lO'iM*L or THt CITY l. titum CITY CIKCTI.ATIO!h t.vrfmt Drily CAmmlafaß ia Whn «BWffa at£antsu ga.. WBDNSNOAT MORWnifl. A#EH. * I**; rwa ruupnr in »•••. QEN. U. «. GRANT, ur ILLUWt. nEcoM*n»ucrioi* ticket. I>M uaVMMMUR. R. B. BCLLOCK, of Ktimota «wrn mwaiwu. Irt Diamc< -J .W. ClitT U Lliatetet R M. ffIDTEIJ M Dtatnct—WM. I». KDWARIrt. Ml Iritlnr* ntirrKi. Y GOYV sikDMA r H nmt fob DmtesaA-JuHS A. WIMFI TO, Dwtrid JAW** ATKIN* Fob rtaarv.-* Writ t-nermn t JAKKN L Or to.xcmCaewrx FLATruHM. RE»it.vm> nui wt Pteiwr. Lie* *"' ,m TOTBB OOABITTCnaS FBiSt? 9t TBt COS snrotiosAi. ooftkktio® of this st»i* sow *\ntKTKT> TFit w* nmm>t to tw ..nw.nflßUlFl'Wor I»..«|>-H.> THU cojnrrrrcncax» oe* HaWo**. * ,r w*cn ocaru won no wutm it BMOirCF. f*IY VBB W»B «SI» BTMOBT to tse sob. b. a mum. cbsmubti roi BOVBBBOB wane* wan TUI «B BABBUm.I BOJUM? TIB FBBOUWOr fifiOOUBTBI'CTIOyi TO BAOTY i■■ , Ml mir u* nu bob. • i ■claqck nc nn nmfiiarr Mm*., abb bbwao. iu rr TBBtB wn» Vi ,dnae Ms brethren of th**e ObWk to blbbt clear of all bbcbtt rotm. »i oanra* Thav* te toaabl* abaad, B Falo lallßUl. IB Itw OfUMM aBFBFBfWI < f y**»*rJ*.' .1 MTSOOB th, *te(nmrat u mad* <<*•< 1 ril-rM 4 naoiMMM Übbbb. by or milk tba knowledge Bad coßßral. or Bl Ike r*«iW»« of Dr Hurd. aafaag paoSßißrj anl far lb. Eb. Th. >bl«Ml it BBgmliftedly «*l»r I M 1« offsteri mry "wdaKanatbar. or BBT wbero fa- be Dr BbtJ. ragoml. or of mj own rnfltroß, aahiag aid km tba Ybi. oor h»To I, I.: BBT Utur, aoagbt t# bar* t» daw lijr Ruu tban that, no applicate*. baa rear baaa wb to the far aid fur the Baa by any oar. Dr Bard «appto* bfc are train* and maos pee fa. own baritH* •> « P»ra»rv TBat i *•- U •■Gamgmiw moat tub. 'wr***.' «»>«- Loehnnaabd Dirteiet Attorney Fit* gal to Coßgraaß This will rail us, fait rt sight oot an it theta What will Loebran* and tbr ambition, Dvttrid Attorney ray fa all Ifa*’ pB-Qua Alibi »ro far pahhe odk» wtU d wwU to trail Bad corrtaUy poadcr Grolral 1 Mfob'i rrcmt or irr. No Vi DiMarbara n( tbr public prart-ran mol bi* t Ur. N I . to adfootaga gr -Dtßfy’Bßpißrt ffaß Or»d.H. rod r tho ekoß of Jbdgß Irwin Oar word for it. Gardoa tsonameh a Fipr r ’rt Tb» Biia.i i bio MUfa bod bow wool, fa g > m flora ta tabs tba tup. -Ltuw Paaff mmi l i *l. NUkI. "THmgj* chut* i #jw 04 b*T» * bM promt*'? m 4 ?*»?**? rm tL,* paper, »ad Om r*iUr*t»oo <d mUJ *b%tg€* by the lilC* tkimy BBoonta fa ncthinrj ir.caa than L-ind. and not rary amrf triad at fa.: BiM, ■rod. B»l. Wo foot parFfifa* * • ao arm-lr , Wbob tho Aagorte Chroofafa A brotir. l of Baaday hat, Jablrrhrd ua fa-ifay'. boa. hood , Cmoaa* Tb* anußoa ..f trtioWi taos a , wry Wttat rhartrtar. tod duoaffanoroi Mrod. a grrot Mjaatar*. Tb* rtoiro** of tho Mbt it wrll talralafad t" Imd Miorbbf. aad w. ■ root adtdaMoa af .tni aao* yarradt tb* an 1 tfcot'i talodU ratal < *t*o.i Brat■ i W* at* nriMbi glad ttdi.ia u! gffat joy froM aR fdgtaaf tUs (V ngmp.ioo»! Pfamu. Atbiaa old b* dartwl btrood fa. faodow of a doubt (mb. F. K & Young. bt< *«»m pbflhod Bbd ya)Un> oj«rou»nt. r... ii- laOan gtmm pat. Ob sort watt far fa* »«> trait, aa tba departing OB* fa too ti-arify ladrod with ißOßßtrarpon poo. lyo *« bk. and admin tb* tfauand. Ul I. n >o young aad ao good looking that rr can t .par. bia 081 of tb* dtMrtrt, at boat far fa* wit two ; yaari Comb ay, G*o*tai, tod w.'ll tak* a I boat par to Atki*. and. fa i*rooMra*ta*B | Mn aoßtfintao B ioU.i i* a ■..ifagT*- Mgba. Tba raciortnnrttoofatr of roltoocOßoty will oiMtat tbaOtty Ball toaugbt, at 8 odor k. to BiiMloalar—u- I**— 1 **— fnr tba Lagbiatur. T. lA* tbit orroafm to mark that fa* pmon« ■ataobad aanat br m of rbuarfar aad rtoml tag. rack aa will command tba conddroc* aad | raapart Os fa-wit r* r un»anit* Tb* *pp.. ■iuon tirkrt ois tb* daid, aad *a take it t* graatod fa ay arr gdttlrmra who on tomb aad that ao ta*f nil b. W Butarord in tbafr babalf Bparakr* will b* mid* on (ktoyakaitaf w* ytprri banbwg. Mgraaaatatioa of tba bona aad «*<• prawat Id all attend that fan da an a Boot**. "Qoorgmaa ami rule ffaorgta," •*•«» la La tba batUr cry of til. *CM9aU»d l-ar - mcy tathiafMatr U that ain't' oM Bua«m purr •4Uow.Koruin.i-.:' u.*n w* kaoa nothing of tb* meaning of •>• I- IX Inr did not nut attgfahor -thr lal*llii;.nc«r - tjbt fai i<U* ia tba day* of "Ru-i. and F>» er-rr) W* a*k fir iaforaubon Away with Mirti tom air rant. *1 i* a ttiuk iu tb* noatriln of romamn * MB*, aad an "oid rchml d*aoa*< at aao. Wttb prupnny. adopt it Acrutding to tba ml* of aotloß, M a moo t* bora in lrrlan I England or A Wham* hr »nT bold oflfa* ia Georgia, tbbagi. hr be a of th* fa*t for la*tj yog Wh»t ImUifao oill twalloa tbtaf <Eb dkall aa* tampr'i of the oppoatUnn tin . MMtha mm pom ito cam* want eg con 8 deaf la Ur ms." ■ f Geu *nd It. tiefeot gtoreaHr TOO tatfah rnfagar. gMiU* UMB, too Maeb riaagai Vkdenr. and nor. aarood aborrkiilod off tb* old Whig j«rty. and if M la oot aloyprd. wifl promth. death *f th* ■ I afcl Armor racy ta the pnaaut eaura*. Wo takatM* book, brrwi. by martini that fare* ia bgß Ittllr idt ta kill. *h» » Dab rtiEiiWj, *•« »• ban goad faflw mV * T "n‘ ««t**«W 111 i I—jin - Mwthbr wadbrowato party bgpy oloM«*fMkMtK ,r '' lnv * n aaefc a. HEMbtWat MMm Wrwwhr Tba g.i.ikigftui. ia rSL.JL.iL. t 111 « *UJ frn aiaaaon*. MM: ' mabigg fa do wHbWwm. hk* tb* MM.d Mar «# la lb, to y h*va atraady K.*d tb* air with pMacM. thru ronU lan tak*« deep in aril aad Bit bra, and if w*aa*. ndn>«l I'rMpilnaa. yiafkaaad ml fa* mat. w* a ill Maataawo ii me*, drnlk" The aborr ritracA, trom Gra. Unadoa'r Aa gu*u Kpranh, abowt fa* aabaw with whiab hr tghia lb. CaaattWtWew abd rrftw Vaa«. bar. wHef mm I hit o«r fX* ad, tba (laei, aak* roar rotra. wbda be UUrTiy appaaat ra- Irof. and .a a natwtal email wooM rota roa to gratify ■ Wraagr obatnnary *fr»'»*l tb* atraotiaw bieaii In ki« 1 a*»l. apmeb arma(dwig Ua* noaiua tl.ui fc*< <ta»rat:a,tr, lb. IhHliienrer. hi* ««J. porfar wpndt brat a* ...iiojii** 1 ,i.i*utata. a ha -Tabnanu*. “ Hu* lima o~i .«i and boC'irod Dread, if rtarfad, artai fa *up pot tit f ~lt faatrro in pm *aadnac« upon Ik* peupac Hi aaa* aifal* aad MnHMi aa**Mrt a which if adnytr.l without ***i*'l» i* *l* our death Hoi i« fa* lu. -i ail fat*, ta Baal of wadaang ha* hand, at tb* *tt.4e lawfully h. »oluat**r» lo ..ear fa aappat I'pa* tie*. Alt* fa* air wiua it* puafaia If I lariat, tiaa Gordon will Mppurt Ike CoaMUabon but how » H* will app.nnt du,lrena wbo Will d*. Ui* fa* radfaf nieaaar*. aoranUltatioaai *aa l wall eua.* ui*t* tb# t\ ta akjiataaua .4 ail it* orenglb *r*i ufafuln**. Vailh Utrh *f*n a. fauaUfUreu*. wa tbfak h. raonaatraettuatet ran rot* to anak* tt*aa fawaal iu Gow-ra-r. eo rrhef man can rot# tx kin) , ao lorrr .4 peace,« ho wi*b*« tb* . xntry toafau*t .aid proaparity, oan rot* fu, Loaa He will be .lefmtad. and Bull ck wiU U tb" led by atleaat twenty fauuaaaJ na*yor,t. Man. HtU. Vt * learn that Ihl* pink nf ail bauaaan (wr ftcbdn ir adridag tb. people aii 1»*1 tb •Seat, fa anclally dtaoard every nun and wp ■l*ll wbo afeotaro tbaaiaa lee* in faroe of re ccnataacUon. W* are not anipriwJ at tho. fnr Heat Hid ae tb* (bof af all Ik* padaural fool* In Oaorgu Hia uabnJlcl rfaU aee a ill finallr Me *«d upow laia nww dUy pal., an.) w» treat tb* row inatraatkoo pony aa*y be u Jared to treat boa. adfa all Uae ectaudrrati m ' aad kind aaa. wbtrh oogbt to b* t utia-l upeo kaaotao* aod aaad Mae., fkmal outre cum It ktr fkforitr battle rry. whhdl |wn»a* tbr of bar . aaa* and fa* aaturai da paanly of ha* uaaaahad heart We arc t. ld that Hen it a Method in asbawte* If ibie hr aao oaw in**) Uatbodaat fuataib ougbt fa tab. him in band aad leaeb kin. those I miuh nf wtwbaaa and charity laayht by fa* btaana l Hadcmei. Who Umaght it aot rubbery to beg., ger hearrn of hi* pro#.»cr lo order to ate. aarh afanrna a* pnur heu (run. fa* tarnbU c<.n..-.p:eocea-I that 'l*y which faall ' born a* an rrm, nag alt acohiii* ' Tba am. wfa run Ua.-V far old and young to bate, b* . ,.f pobticai di9*r*orau. ha oot hi»J aid. aad ae I*l tree th* panyt. will l-e b* fang da oitid or led aa’.iay by hii% A* a general thin- the I*- pic ar» nobt. aod iu*n wbo *r» r G ; * ‘ a l i. L* l .*• i l -''ll , f*r U.lrar B*u. ha* "fun* mlo fa* at*, of j Caan. aod run granUy after the erryi of It* ; Uam " and if w* arptekr o<x wt'.l perish in the gmarayinge <4 ox* “ U a Knhoda*t hr tu«r*t b* » xp-tf in ,h*o laan af rbantr. a Cloud wnaaoat water. • tree without fruit, twwa diaad plucked up by tba mot* "A raging ware nf th* am ua a •Moll way, roaming OtU *tf ifl* OVA »lafMU«. E • »t»r (f<Mg>ow<y v lo »h*«t vt r# • a tiiml Uw bUeknmm o i irhui ht **m ' , A Ifui |«p*f Atauli Onuvt Ufa-thi l» f* 1 , <*D«v» * wr«o<| ft»U*r in B( !/wi« «o 4 »fttr*ird % tn kir'tMf* nui* %o 1 c4d ima. if ’ (ktloUA. Lii l: M ( H lUffrt * l.igßßEiff |anntmi" ft * j'ur** *. ,*»IJ ic<licntr..»« tU-- Mei|-r»»|* f ii%i wb «i >l r.fae** io'f.4ke« thtfe, lutln ! iai gxmta Uil m t tikitMMf t-* » i whirh •rw *kt4 fr> Mr wbo %i* , ( tkfalibi >1 tu U><fJlDr tlhdtk (ait tm *4 Ut%U " KoW ( I w* tnipM l#| Inf* f«» 4ilfrr fr*.m Uim M«4 m - |«B> til—r inraim rwqnir—« mu mkd*? ,W« huiA Uut ••nlrtj ro*j U» '—o ■—>i Wiit tm+Hi, »atl «• tup* T*m j \ edit'd* kuw U*« lo rcfra*n fr du h*xuf ! |fnt»trr orrr tht L*ro % mm? pmtmm t u —ark *4 ibn«gkt EOii •xienaH— | us «b«a ti* m 4*ndic>4s iu &*ilt mnd oid i ♦ m*f>, .m ..fH—n b# w %mm or U*4 • imtt * -~«J*«|artin*< *!»y lie axagr «umm kL{i j nteU«*rtu»! yitmu * **» ■-1 —IWT. and an* |mM m mnrn wU> » iouimm bM*i ' ucobfe mi W'fuM H*r«« far tbr n>«ja»gtfnfst at tkr * aflktT* «f • wiM Tb# ktfk#— k*t*4l#«u do t »I»ejh fHtnjfj tb# l*tnLntt ih mcM proai n#«rtp2«rrr; »b»e why •hnoH tWIWIh rr.fic af dual baa »«r« Miribbtrr in % T#un ih#w p»(M ? ExA+f-'Jt ** 14KU Dlaf I " * TI»» nrth little nj io#t gni on* uyn l«u i »* nto* to gtr# ar * inu *»! fall tving , j nt iu aHmj io*iunation*, l ot «# will **t#nd ta it* cuf 10-ntofrov with * front »n4 rif»r Mit- , j mkfU (a lb* MvanifNi Vic hnr« gEianl * ttruag po*t*t by »r tb# little pimp*# rfantler. ibl it i* #v idrat k>ali that it frnn i hnip ita tNtli, •« *ball folly Aeprirr It c 4 Morr v# gH tbr with ft i, i. t. ritffi*. Tbh# (feotir-OMii. ikxminaiw l »u tn# !#«( i oo^frrAHionni Dulfiai. I#uu» rnlmbb 1,00 r#c«a«#d by •*, «iil not tm , Um lory arhite rot# of hm Dwanrl - to 4 l>r tie rmoti that b*ha r*'*#otly iMport#4 M apev Heal h#f* by th# daftmet “A. i. m — ■ kaovi) us late daj* as tba Mon#, th# fW*t npnotl# of •tkwi vtinkr" #n4 other rcjmJiy drietaUbU i t>nr pot—a . l—dtat any* Thing* are looking tumiy . anti Balluvk ukr-.* ] mrrakm Tk# Cowm»Uf. ita too popnUt (vt ih#«n t» tui*rk. an 1 li*e <rpp ontttem in * : etyikicnl party, «ilh w*f« a I*-m b r mud fumy >«rc - i Krfku/J<r.,* Fits it ta a * t:<hip* t b*KK* *• ** m.<J tb. *-• cnjln] < ! ktii'K'ti iv»itg before tkey non+inu—■! tim, o#ft*iNtriK'j, t;u)y tb >tl »ft pF* ft gn#r# i xn in th# h#i»t t . icm! tb# , mkoi ami ta.p' lit*. aftirir* fit ib« Uajinf 1 (ftsooion. obefroctiff) of «* li SUa m»r #y#« oitb trnrtf. nrul r« .»•#*. b#n4 | U. bun in ahflan# f*f Ui« oft prM»r dnprar#<l hnrnmtir W# Um «k«4 innr* i or nr tb# foil) of nucb l»#u •» iL*u*e W right, am! (Ui t4d Sn##d. alia—t t»y Ww bf*g#b#Ml bat np to iktn writing w# mn «ftmo#ru no rinibU •ignaof r#fomi “%ufi<T* t#m. why wtß r» **•" tkihH m bUkldfi tft ib«;r «ftrfl in r*m. *n I w# can only ffi"kln: “Kpbraim t* jutuwi lo *&Am- l#( him * lon#.** # <«*. y«rrtw aMWtrt Hwb Mill. A eoMtnanienUon (mn Col. Fnm>«. in no «V»l to H<>n H. II liUl’v lettrr at tba 14tb all . hu bf#n rw#Mr#4 for pnMtmttuii in lb Ka\ bat wo let# far lb a# mmu» Ii ml] np j prnr t t-rnmmw A >,aaeatio* of niHrtlr fa eteariy abralaipaj ) Rib *»y» be bß< * daicuaamt Uatu Farrow, (u [ , griNM. U> whieb Farm* glr** tb* Be, and wMlh lie lament Furrow oaila fcr, nRWbg oar farwwnd dollar* fnrita prodaeUou ftn Mtiela knvtnff npp4 *** WrUm HEwUi- 1 jaftarr M «rnkk my prirok epjmyUit «m an* j *NH> l»kiit»fcf|»apnrt^i&ii| w |>r f - c «Hi«i In «Kta %bai t <v»4Mni ilu'-piaper | \imm I- fina«#M|4w4 to lb# fMp n- ] fiflllj by puii*i m# In punu of »' i#w« «w I d«ua aal maanniaaß an 4 I b-r. d*- nounew4 An |«#|*r»«<o# tba Umlfctfcamr in | ■nek mow as I oppmprint* and }m4* ' UtmnwnMni I knn U« te tke e4*nr «« i tba fin* UtynMimrlnn, mm Mw> iu pn|«ev «M iwtfJ, lU «klur mtvrmud one tb#l U# ha«u »w* rt#tnaJ tW tin prfchmli ts rnml.l b a r#>Utc «. o/riMtony MJ—R»y or<W< »mi be nna a>m|Ua4 to take tb# type 4o«ii I air.. Ikrqyflr—y «>mnp>-ll#«l w» 4*-fc# fnr tU pvn#rtiU tb# |*ubbmUui a4 lUc cx*x»tHi-Tikk<i" ietrir#<l Ui. l-nt. in A# RiF*»un«, it ##n !•** wtrn M arr etteo by any man. fru-ni us fc*n, »ko imv iUi#< In fMtti it. ImK* I). iVn «» l*waWlla «*tUH« #1 ■•rltllH INHhfpwwiki Utii. Juuim* I. rVxr.nlcg nn4 Col H T Karrow rr*t lo ln»r# *|wkm r##t *r4#r at U . neflh. bat lb# mouhrn baton nnbxr.vrable. the Lfretinj:#** *n#,l in fri<k\ It*- 17ib NoUIU IKTTKNi KNim TilK PKOPLK. | W«-aUn •' all uae U' rwctir# Hlrr# from aii j t difwwtMMM »bow ■ok a —pul utii fc«n#ral A'knuge I r 4 opintna on tb# f«rt <*f tb# in H>**t of rautmln n mil Ituilo* k Tk#rw nrm bn# ; h-#r» *nr to fk# emnpiete atxl »J. <«- •ir# Buct-eM ■if Lxitb. I—t th* rboax ym tkuiy b-iOK vrootffat Mmply refer to (1m Mk-lt wotti 1 reortr# T'Hk*. mifimtioa m>l baiUutk d«(#u Uk—H#nd rta— *bJ i<***.-»( Ibau | lh#y nr< two Mro rrM-ks Uw* 1 tk#r w*b bw front Mmi ft# Aftmi Ibuo- mi < >4UT TlfenT bi« fcrbf I»*aa -or i I <}##■<> aw mm 4B# M« Wi«ns UtuUMXVdhfi lb# ‘ MaJotUy won I*l W Tb# »»ct?r* wiU t* a ! ; erwwkmv on*, n apu*- rt th# 1 i t UxtJ ai# iaiOUWtl ttli- -AA* of tb# oUtfUe- | I riotkiM#. Many wwHiti#» mh! aMtltHw *k cb, two | * t—k» ago. «>4UIM r i ; ItaltuHl ai*»4. p#rk«pa. —•# of lb* • w«puu»t ImiAcutß'U WWUAdi Us dmf KJr»h*ifUaM .# H-f. juriiie- for Tb—a ihajorttifn «r# f* Ir iDcrmun*. unt at amnt iwttwr*. w# have | uni) apn*# ( U>* u*lk*wiun. l>ktromuc, <1 a , Apul ?**»> &Uor AUi: bou t fad u» —awl aa- lU b. aa. j fur iliattkr thecou**a,» U) tb u utuier ss*tte ' punter Aft tra ark to Htsarei VeiU (Ur gu for »Ultat»w atti BuU* **. »* lb- t»r u « ; | t»<JH of th- E»a. wttb fhf Cou*tdtnl».»n an l | ! Ocnr Hit—• a ap—W. I karwnot #-#n a ti>«n 1 |a bo laml ntnU U*« Co»*#Utntw»n t or U>« , • Hrowft 4 that waa not fc»r rattAmti <r. • *l*4 M«ti«*l wH tbwl *# #rM- I U. aet a ! man ii(fbt. after b'> baa take atat#m#nu #■•( <piotnt»•—*•, u<i taU- r-*. at'Xibm fr.*m tb# OppuMtico. prr— or #pr*k*rK , ! i* to abd»jr htua tb* r«nj*titnt»u an J b« aara, , I *'WwU* I And It 4«U# dtthm m Cron wbat Mr L ao an>! #o oniif it wna. * Ton will p#w##rffe tb# trwtk of lU«« atat#- I iikbU rhea yon ca>o*ii— lUa' but a pop#/ < T ’ ; tb# oppmirton. wo n*. f bar# a—n m baaril, ] bar* pnbh—B*d tb# i Lnmirkmtrnm ur (ktr Hr«>wn a , rp tft Tin: Italy !.u[m us lb# »p|HMutU'ti i# in kr#pe*»H tb# p#»»pb* tv ooraat us lb# tru** taaip*. i anal parti<win* Iy *4 Um petniuM us tk (Vnali rntJOTi When* *'rtli*rar#Fclvbten#,lFMktk#s** , Mihjea'tu. . 1 fat #Old X -I- ..! I•. nkrra, Uk>) )pv«. iu tbuur mlb tetoi •• to 4 an.l | 1 to tba# Wbo rMI aitmtofatrr .« to | tb# tut— at Um tiawiri— S#«<l vti ibo 4 ie«!a«nU all w# want H light ! anal tb troth Rw tu buaaaiiwiV, April 1. 1 iuf. , Ito 4 Kmu a>Orb KreliUti Iu iulmu t | jou fbnl U 4 caoM of IU . Union ban uin * 1 bnen inotw tw tb— twgwm nniv th# , war I ban now. TW C o—lUiiUtou. num> uUr prupAa bate aaaa awl rkad H. bns b##n gtfkt tay t mnb nil tb# Mn It ia pco«.»uo<» ! token aa a vtol* tho Wot that Georgia k— —»rM Oar b—t lawywra any tb« : ayatw— «a— pM*i an lb# b—4 in tba —nnirv . 1 *r>4 fc* fkr *tjp#nnr tn anythin t* here*. A*r# poo j i .Tbow# pufbuoa rebUg lot U#l, axul jirutvl- | mg an tmpka bnta-at-adA #teta)b Irrnn l« ry j and ink. a— r*(forbad no atmuOntly jiirt, ai l ! \ ar# -nr—ftpoodtogir popiktr ffllßO, ’Wf i •boat* off nr any n»wt» ahj—^i*>uae«e«f.t «,.• ‘ yoa’jfc-i#n ' c«4lac4M**; law >#(«,«• U.B— * | j “#» WUppuri b— Wen fro— fbe f—T d#rt—.l * i leu— bnnbwp 4»en a.#n raawi a—i ■ #1 by Haw M4r. au.l kAiiamg wbat Ii ttn thf*y j i bad I-ft la be nuui by lb# dienff i #Rr— bnnn|{ l*#«b 'car«*wii<4 <4l tb# track, j ; aod a minor batng nrrrt*t her- that frwra ia f I —nlifibK baa jfiwo tb# iiuinmw'« nf lb.- ' , anetion a aboek fro— wktob lb*y ca&n*4 re *>r#r Thoy a#wm not to know mttmt to do. \ an*i dam I Ibmlt any UmUc #nn rally lb#au Ratiftcntton and 801 l rk ar# auffMdy to tb# —ran dam, ant both wall unity bra hand «uao e ( IMsyont) Ocoxafc. .. April I. Imsh ; l¥w 4>W Two wewka «p> I wn —r# to.* oie-ity woo I*l gu #«,aia»t raUb>‘au*>a. but now - ,la U«Md U will go fur fabAcotf en. Hal look nod r—turatd m lo tb# I umb by a band ao—# ma#ocHj W# or# gn—ifig gr—nd #r«ry , day AH that ia n##d#*t ta fmagh <ty»e* f- r j tba pnopl# to «ar and r«ad lb# ( »****l*tuu.ia f**r 1 tha—lran. Wb-u :t»u eau b# don# thn# u ! no flffwlty, kn att tb#n koow that (enoey— i—r before had on# mu Üb#ral. ao and ral>*alnt#d to do —much far th# #*Ucn- • turn and g#a—l adran—#nt of tb* Laboring j nan Thn C*«oaulnUon U gafiuag grobod ; #—ry day. «nd BnlbMdt g«UmA f mat tba * Comm ttuteon lUti«f (turn ibtb eootixled when th# no- | (fro (now from and wnttble—. ■ nn# a baa— us ) rr#d*t, on wbk-U muat u’J .l*bta waa l .uudmL i I ta, a# It abould ft*#, on# of tb# w* *>4 popular f—l«r—, #nd ouw wbieh m win aimg loont Irtnnd# lo tba grtai caaua# of n -n atroetiou Re«t a«.si)ird lb# innuk <>f th» 1 Untnn will hear a good report €>•*» "ol H u i roll. ’’ Tank*#?*'**. T* R»IVf Veltfß y> MtHvr; ika* bu iato*l. #**nlto«uU*y. ibal. ’ i to anoura (L# t«lt> l peort«l#d f«>» Iu lUe (\*n*U ; Iqlkhi, ju t iflitM l# jiu b* rut*-; Rot ual; fir j rat>beat>«Hi b«4 iklWt, tbat J Ufftg'W IrkWillf to tb# fooatnation may bo Be Mre U> tub f>*r Uttllock and reliwf man for lb# Srnate that bia apooMriiß—Tii* mar i»# roai/ned, and for th# —a aurt of u*#m Uih> j aod tried fn#ud« «*f tb# Data for »—Mo 1 of tb# Hoow. that th# retiei oU«ia— hi 41# CooMitntloo may nut b# mad# ralncl# n l*y | unfrvtodlr liftidHi »n | Th« k K K 'a, (Know Kuutbtug K *u»p4r * ■ lure i, anow they ctand no rbaneo of -Imiay i « lh#ir ca—lnlaM fur tio—or, bnt —pardmft j ; tha (ktnaral Am*r>M) the ungnardod point us 1 tb# friend* of th# C<>n>*titaiM>a. R#ltef end lU- j #onatnaati«H». will make a t;. I aernre control in ilutt Wl} I L#t th# fnattdaof lUc-maten. i»*mi. j tion. Ral »el and liulkeh rally an “a nu«t to tbr ; j loan who imiw#rtedij anpport tbam kcA'ovw— ru -wow Cot. AtbtfTT* Appnlni—ttnr*. r.i tfar Brown ami Col Atkin*. randsLtU I for Orngrroa fnxl fa* 7U> Ihrtrv-t will *4 i dßaa* tba jx *t* at fa* #.«- amt tuac. * nn—ml' Korn*. Friday. April idfa. at iVt A a HaßMiarrilla, *if ill, April Ufa. at t». m. I flat, a a Mxk wiß llNgit fa* mooting * u Bom* W tba ion. ; l+'lßUH' U: '■> fa* C.M- 1 iijbfii— bod star f|—MtrthVHu* p—ty a— j 1 Mmi on (find* <<f |bx> l a—l drw*/uct*Wi T— lharder f — woe n— lg. 1 at Vntduata, ' Lt.wnd— couuty lo ba vSd*waa#*l hr l»r J W j OUI, our <*ndwdat# for Oomgryum i Tba i ink r.uewd a row and l—M ip t the ——ting A (»<t—f>b*r m jn#t 1 4w—Awd, Mj—bg H-tk kg— a witty at y-*l j d#r waa I—Mi oimW Iba bntldtug wktab lb# . Ui- can— belli, and—tly pie—d lha— fbc { I the purpgnw «f and« utreying tfe eutunna*liet\ce. j Tb# tikfakl farther th# aflau | I he# rwifrl *y»w« —e.-tro-al. and tb# Mayor id j j tha loan ha* oajk-d a n—cting of dti/.#o# ta j I* vprvMiff their ladignat an *4 Ou« Jatlardly oat* j r * fr }fkdt! At t»KNMtffiaa;Jtf* .* Omn-pMsJtr jd*J t i MMh a— the ntoana »#J hytb«- foe* of teen*- j ! -front* aA r it» defeat Truly the ukoa.* at# j ' Approfwiate to the end in new \vT#rth»le** »1J i h>r HulKa k aad I lb# SiVbH*AU flff 1 «*f imUaiuar (be f 4lowing letter. It riH M ..rn that th« I r—d that ha# thrown ii|M—lb# wat. t i* beginmmr to relarn unto u •Thing, i. a Ukirm, April A'TMVt /»• '• and AtLtm** IWißhil liar : my natrh# ftirt iiTift' wrrrxr: T' Quid'e*' It—fffa|4*v .»f jinir* If. I #:** *•• ruueh | l. newd with th*- 4}b of hn writing ami, lb# honorable let <wrd be ha- anint*uti. «»alh plnr# I b tarv tb- | Ui' tmr t that I l*a»# omdt kal in W' tu* a Mub#**rlftM-r to'lit e ‘'Daily Xaw Eli, fur tii< , etn'ln vida. aa ‘.her a} p *ar in prtttl ! l- X I>. y*B thiifa -"QXT.r <i.:iTTX.‘ ~iu |• ■ ■ ‘ I’ half in!.'l,*l .it t! * | v 11 a,ht ! ' «la*wrrm.# April H. iKrVS Mr ft/.' - 1 nolle* that *>ni# *»f the aau I ircot.Hiniftina pr— and apeaknra Mr irtring 1 i rircuhitioti to tb# feU* rej*«irt (lubt f bur# *akl 1 1 dr#w W 7 more than I waoi entitled |nu » | .am-tuber «*f lb# ('otisfitutiimal t\ia* ! FAFtIIAUU. 04. lluib *-k •vudife.l no immut tyr m» fur more tban l «• *ntltl#d 10. 1 newer preaocited ay *UC4i ar-. ;4* , n:jti I I:4Va- He Irr —id that 1 did. TV will »Uat#Ui*fK te tb* (nnrif Mtou of lha •1 tanner— olxtnmtioniafr* wh.» f«itin*j in th# ! dwapwmie lu rogaiu p><wrr, or# a—king I lo drag ip—*l wttiaene «t <wta lu tb# aw con tempttl»b* lerol to win. U tli«h uii-.-ondncl ha# j I d#»#t v vtiiy r#«lnccd iU*iu—t<ea. VV t . Smith —-——■ Bletewp Htrknilh. Tb# N*n < hri—n# l'trai’in* apeak* • i Ifcehop ■ Ib . kwitb iu lha following hand**— tnanmu. • We kii< #U- I‘*abwp well eiiongh la* eo*l*»re# i all tb «i •anbwau l g a#l us luui. Here # the , i’lt‘ M. Blitflr, |(s.l It. T* B* t Dr. 1 ..‘ckwitk, wa# |»r—rnft«Mt#4 Vfrdnt* day *« iha*iavm«nM eu—mnnt#altoo which bm! 1 but befp haftffg noticed, unrr, ; Ibat'li »enr brief, it k-ittHal tn the lor# and f re«ji»vl *\tf alt rnufty, M and wra% ac<xuu|>a | b*ed by ,t meat tieft) and henry nlhi ! tew service, apod which tha word* >*t this nu I F|gned not# are n-»w Wing «ngra—<l IH Ii ! ft j—lmUr at 3 r. b., by the Don cbartrain (twin fnr Moftnlw, <m ht# way lo hn» ’ new h»n»e "me f.>r life fin (imrgu H# will lM4«»>ui{waid by m—»e metnftyrirv nf hi# v<w try A# Car a* M>>bib W# >ay f«n wa ib« ! < *non* "I the Ajuancan church liave require and. * »UJ#e Uj " liansb r of lludiupChaaa from Ohl<* j t<> •!#, Ui*! a I >: - -010 l»isb*q» #bonM ix » vrr lw tran t r»*<l fr m offa toamdh 1 er That th" » !o«|cr.t rtn.l mart untiring andea #rg#:i-* al- rgyuion m.i* bar# all nf lb# Inr*. 1 an.l hvyb.t in flbnrp<a whMi iwt only “all , Trinity. ** tmt nil of hi* <*wn arm imnn! >n nwi attbdier* who Cim under tb# »ouwd of hia clarioa v *(c# and magical tnrtuei*## h*vw me # mled him. ix «U of human good that w* 1 «ooH »wh for biro dm'- ill things *l-*# will | be add*- \ therrby. Pw—Weraey ffefrwy—■■■(■»< toy % mb, t wlwra. S.) more u wmtt.gafa.l act of par# 4«wpab«ui a—a aver cc muuuad apoo a civiliaad pwupla, htnifa under tb# foruu of C oaaUUiUonal C—v eiWNwi, tban the d*t*r—iw#Uon of Gawaial 'Mend# Bnhix k shall be tb* noil Go—ntor * f UaMVM. for in nn ntbar light awn wu vi#w hu* row—* in ikundiwg in a-leww— tbwl Jw4g* Irwin H ta»<dtCibi#. Mar# tban twaaty dwy« bar. #U|w#*l atne* Judge Irwui wa# awzx—wc •and as a candidate. «mly /lfUeu will now pw— IfaßfAffr the etectioti aud rat Gawarwi Mawilc af|.-» (aa w# or., raliafaiy informed) giving aa '■onAft.that Irwin wtrnM •*** mtiwly aorwp tfaiiU tii kim ami tb# He- I mat- am) uo* when (her# b M tint" i*r the p~ >pl# 4.. d—t about and—l-ct a >*todrltle. b* adopt# a arhedi Judj# Irwin lo d»#fttoc. Ww tbtnk that - •moral klaati# baa ju#« a* n. w*b :tgibt Ut Urfco* an order d—taruig Hoi lo*'k G-»v*T.i " a-i la.- hit# U< dii Uta U» tU» I*e. >p(t< • f Ib# Htai# wi*r» may or may oot rnw. ami w# .ntiwiiely prefer bia pruaapt ad- j.tion .4 that rmirae. ‘Mr (elewrwn. fr**wi Atlanta »tat#<* (bat w m v p»rilT of th# l>* i .u«K*rat«f Onirai l*i«cMhr ('• nattfe* bare howw ao in tiam—t aa to ruab into the trap t (or them by Unufe and k" and#m rof>f>era wad bav# agreed to ahauduo Irwin and put nn (bt Gordon Tb* fat Ifetoorrwj ahonkl bav# Good by Irwin (u the stutter end Tbia in tn- um# for warertwg -# 4<nbb Tb# ft at nrtnoipl#’ Involve.l n» |mr**A nay te—biNla, lu*roic action L#t ua atiow in nai Norti—ni W. yew. to the •Urtfe n«*rld.- that the* uvopl# of (kfftrgia will R--t atirmidwr. asorpt tbr High lo row. wbat ki ll# of frwNloiw id .Bpmiow m Iwft them by ib«< urtb# of th# Military bilk We wort* our pA' * now tha Uoalrwl CUna mitt*# should bar# known it that before the day of al#cur*n. if tb«re appear# a rowarmabk, jwoap#ct us h.s ilu h-o. (ran Mead* will de etar# Gen. (bwdon nmligiMa. W* know that b# wnU «lo tt, aad that b<* will «lo U with much moil Show .»f jUHtMiwtbaw m the «war« of either Judge* Re*'## *«# Irwin. Wh.xl will WU do thou ' Uji wci b atSid ffOU* lb« hcgimitag that - H—ae wa* a gTnU blander W* a»jmr*i-rd in tft»# iWtauon of owr kwrb feats# w# d* l net hk# la mppanr «w|>ttou» in our w*w , and boewnaa ww wore aaiiaffatl that Jndgw I ram would niak# a good rn*r# and a good C—nrcrnor Judge Ko#*« was. U side*, wittwftrnwti in tun# to g«v# our friend* t 'APmgimwt tb# Slate ampl# opporannity to h# fully adn—l in v« latom lo tb« cbawg*. hum baww mat Oh* a rpnMli Mom wad m wr«M he HuposMblo lor war poopl# tw c«— rm itnu# up >n ‘»>rdoo of any f>th r couduhiU tie# we twrnewtty beg (fen fKirdon not k» per m|t th M Olac of liiff nsiiie, (Hit to go on, a* h# ha# ao gallantly lw.gwi, m raara—g th# lire Htate for Irwm. l/*t th# }#• nfe #k-et Irwin and towUhs right us Gewarol MatuU to fhetato wbo w« ibnll rot# for I*4 w# Jw»# tbwl nr# are not « wly I—mb tn name hut lot out actions atow that wa are wwAy of tb# name amt aaajriaUon of ibo— noH# aptril* at tba North who ar# LwMiiwg tli*r« with Um op borU of Hadicalmm ten osr ri-'lit# ami Ui* pr—erralion of u«r ftxmor. * led as wad th« name of Irnm to owr ma-t bawd, and ts y down w# wig. set rt ft—with ‘•or color* floating *m the l»r*#«e Ww want no faltwriwg now If ww bwaMwt* w# a#« Iwat. Wa cannot el—nge tr-fd In fee# of tha ena—y and to near to lue work*. Cuiisag# oiul hubb runs now u.o*t win. or Uie hziil- a Ww —nai anwod lb# wbwfffß. and with tba kali cry of Irwm and hfearty on owr Mp#. rt—k brwsrly opoo tho iwdkf mrii of owr > Diet- Ww rauat v.JI apou Andrew JobnaorA, wbo ia y— a bttfe wbda f—ul—t af tba Uai (#4 Mat#*, to —bd Menu* bowlHftf bflar hi* Ulnwtmoa# pr#d*<*e—or. and gfv# —i for a few w#ck» at l#a#t a n— who will give •»< fair fdsy and bo <ipan Acid. Away, than. wKb aujr tonbwr at—pi >la ptewwa Mend# at lb* asp*— id tba paawle c right a l jet w« wet ftfk# wi, aud out bn dm on nbugl by nary rhaAg* In tb# opioiotM of anr ( fuaatar. 7 (towaml Gordon baa and tw hi* nawat to make hH n«—• grant nn a pnfaiof, M W ba* nftr—df mad# ft a* * akiUAil iwUitorr a—«*dar loot Itiu dedia# to rwn ki—M and «m hia fe—ft* to nwpport Irwin .iwynafa OyrpMt & .Vwff mH. r#r tb* l a—Hßit i jfei—(rwiiua wwd •sffiflKacrr- Da wane nil* •• tlrt, •• •• Mmj'u rroL 7 1 Wimhiiii, tfffll.-ialkonn at Uw ntennief a p>«a> Coart Inna that arwa nt»u. bw Tin O.—<t baW Uui a '■*■■l WH)llht*awM» Na*la Wt ca Mim <f p*a*9L Th- m* OnattikM la Mina ana a da- I. air a Till- iwv™ **■«** «Uum Uliad It . - IWady Inv. tt.hwil-u Damn. (In C.ICU •cTOmM. tiaadaai r Ohk>. a. <-*«wa Dw« caatie tick* kp in laatM tu->orM; Tti* OaaioanU ha«a aala) ICa-kwi. tvaa n •*»« lUfHihiHiaa iaat war. tn Cianaani rwara .Irtu., a laarar, } halts 4*n> \ MHitv u l.tM I\p lifitw Ojitiu»i O April 7. >The llefiibtn'ab* eWi 1* of th* W I\»B Ilmf« Horrio. April G The finDifuo. ms) n It) m I.B*o. Tk« nfnhitrMt* iimmm their majority ua jotad l«Dot. tluu imwikk * rmlt ml VfetUai iHilmi K^uinr Month aa u April 7 T>‘At+y UeOen. a main- I*rafl4t i mmAuui Parliament wee al.d dVM.t Ml (HtllVMt lrv-(U\ TtiH •MAirill Nn . ~ ~ ~~ r~' ~ j Mi»MT lURPATITHKH W b *i>,.ro!«, April 7. l'l ijoti. 1U n j hurto au l Jl>t Hj»ynf. kwh ! w**u l o*lUhl uu liiani ami lueily < n daavor 1 U induce t<uu lo interfere with H»Jr» r Uhl Ail (4«hl( il lien j Thowih* « uu^rttiluml Hires iboaseuJ u*Kr>MM e*k •«-1 to li- i Urri* Senator Jobiiwm thinks tti** (iwrra j ■rout «A* mill m*i*i thro* to their n*uv* j •'••untry. Tha cuv ilutfUr «m iiUiklnl fur oa* vw*r • I vitii mi aiueui|»t*«t.uii ||r Rnrunarn motion. i tnkmff the appointing power from tb« Mayor mmll tritium it t.i i ui. -il MI BfefM heiug to J give the negroea ugh** Adopted by a vote of i 23W1U The Navy appropriation lull \ *%**.{ An j •men I roe til ml«<iug the new strength. vm : last. Aft* r exeoaure ***siou. the tb*’ Senate tJ• joaroed < ini in V4TI. April T. Ibe tleui<vrau eles'l e l the City Oout at bummor »ud When Mi.trr Republican majority leal 2. IUO Ki* RHOVD, April 7. lien. IL H Welle, of j Alexjtinlnii. thi* (Morning, took the .«ih of of- i Are m (lo?*nK»r of soul fiihret on ' the Jntiro of tb.? office. N’rw OftijuMM. April & An order i**ng.t •orae ikyt ego by {’hid of Police Willhmivmiu. to one of but lueuieueuU, relative to the di«- j powtka of the police foreea, vw a«sf>an4rd by Mavtr 1 teeth Wdhaiuenn pvouwteMl in e ceneU- letter. okMiiig aa follow* if thoee ‘ who ere personally iotrrented iu tbe gruhl po- j Ulioal non last now pending. llaatr* tn menip j nletc a portion «»r ell of the (tolice force of | th»e ctly f»»r their ota purpose, they WiH And \ ea ineitrmmtntehi* oJ.atiw U in their wey iu the deia-rminiUion of thie «*fh<- • to omfiur th< ] ofrieli.n. of the police force to »ti teoUiant>' i liierthNi*, end it U twhererl that not only (he | l »w. hut the will of tbepeoph* viiUuaum line j Ileal li pi vlerrml ebergmi of duednnhen. -us '• ordere, lueuhoidmetioa auA hnlflMi to Mi J eopetioi oflW«r. and cun dart an)*#< onuag eu j ofthun end e At et« uUa us the U>«ai i.f |e|ir» coukoueen>oen on hU urday evanuia. * »uma* *ue yree hmumU U* Wil iowe'ii kteiMVw on the -Hb of April, eud he w«* *uajM i,iL>d fruiu tierciaißK Uh- dll tree of hie office until farther nfii. HL tie* haehaeia hae eei eetd* ttu» Kaepeti and ordered Wilhameou ftu roatiuae to dteoharge the datiee ,u Ohaef of Poliee uaul farther order* from headquarter* Fifth lliiue rj llietnct Both Heath ami WiUibnmuo were epyoMUel by Mbendao Al % DeaioeraUo parociuai c roveniiutt un Seiui.U) night, a tall pariah aud innaicfpai liehet eae luMamated. end a o e»4aUoa wee adopted lapmdmg the MtaU iVntnl Coat an h tee to eg am plane bef.erv (he peo|4e li.r noati aecH for Blau* htleiy retire.l hy the .<o«u attMee. and All the veaeadea #r ut 4arl« aa*oti or other amm*t** Alan, a ra*.itelio<j >aq<uauK •“ canjijala* to pi*<lg* Ibemaelro* fa nfijiaa, Uw- c.nufaatum Mnemi bae* TeßfarJaj. whicti proair* ie.l fa* l*i«Rf*ph Imm in all direction*. Ikuoib. April 7. fan,. Walla, after bav sass UAeu fan oafa of oAe*. mr invited tel visit the Convnultne Judge I’n.lrrw.cjd, lo intro.lno;nf Mm, mxtocnnd bia |>uliiu'*l neva Wall* made a abort addraaa, aad lo fat pr tnt. He aid tiial I,* fat abort Ulun he abooid bold office, be fa.mid endeavor fa promote fan imparity nl all fan |XOpl* of Iba Hi ate and afar*ld try fa pruui.x.. tb* hannooy nf lb* t»- paMinao parly a* the only orKiunuimu Ibrontrb abieb that proaparrty redid ever oom* A re* dnt.ou, offera.l by a oolorad armulxr. prohihrtuitf fa* l,*yrslstarn from a oyataru of *e[mrote* for tb* ta.) race*. aaa diaewmed all Bay Tba btaob doteyafan urgeal ii ailb heal, one or two tbrnauaiuft t. > Oj.pnan fan adaption of if tbia waa not m*v>rpe.ralnd. Kvaxsvnxs, lao , April & Fh* Hrmsuati bav# eamad Ibu loan for tb* find fan* in sne oral year* S*» Voaß. April 7 Odfaa dull and an snttte.l. fully lr lower, aate* fib) bate* *t 88 to IB|C . cbiefiy 2be Floor 10 lo 1&C lower - Wheal |e tower l'..m Isa be lower, while S-nitbnea fit IB to I F« . veil... »l II ui I A-, INrt new Ui. aid fib *7, perm* IB II- Lead fiinier at IB| lo 171*. tlroaaria* qmai. Frelg.da qaint. Hold ifftj rerpint; IVfi'i, II North Oar otma anxi (I A Sterling .tall Auanwra. April 7. Gotten earner. a*lea AM) balae. receipta ISO, middling '771 to JH . Steak -m band 7,880. Hewtr April 7. -CnAtna eale* reme_ ra* nets** 711. Evpnvta 188 81. loom. April 7.- Floor; anparfin* *7 A<l Corn 87 i. FA I‘roriumu tea* axaited. Mom pnek «* VI te> 77 80 Khoolder* IS. . dear fata* IT|o to 17fa. Ixrd tfifa. Uanoß, April 7. lemiola U3|. Honda 781 Lovbbpoob. April 7. -Cotton ctoaml qaiet faouab a frafltnm hlgbet. Fpland* IJ, lo IB4d. Orteßna 184 to tt|d Flaw i -ar anaa. April J le.Uon irvaaalar, Bale* tpm bBl*B: mal.lfanf. Bufir. riiimlr M3 balmi. e>p*xA« Xfifii balae. aalea rarierday IBW, reorinfa i net ii d«ng, ,1, 711 fair*. **■ pen* A,861 hate* Ftewr .lend, and Ann #n parfiae Bln to Ml W. abda. nb* BA4 (Sara Bern 81 ufi kiila Ufa lowa, at 7M Hay better, prime Ohio river till fa 80 OU M*aa pork t'Jl li Its eon <]ah t and firm. faonldaia 181 •. rtear .Ides lb|o lard qnMt aa.l (nn, p-lni-fn tier*. FT*; keg ISe OaU 1881, fttee Hng. babk. 51 fa St 1 j New T.xk eight |c pro- UlMlttl - HtinwAaa April 7 Cotton Ball at 'J*- - Floor unchanged Wheat vary fira- White «M 81 10 fa Au, yeBoW 81 HA. Uala and iy* Baribaagni. Maa, peril SBB Bfi lead ITJ fa 17fa Haeaa aet hr* rib riffaa !#.. dear able* 17a; riurahAen l«*j hams ill lo JBsu Omaavam. April 7. Fawririnaf baoyaai, bar pack 887. lard 17a. eta se atden 17a ■Afltkhn Ufa fievaaasß. April J. dloUan laacriri npafad •joint #pkl ciosod jfkffkr wdksi kit ft—lew nl Wfa; 11111— IJMB babm; aaparia Maa cmm*tn,lAp*r. omama riiAmi fa Mfifiit bbUb filfe bakm, ifittilfaFi ri#*s#S raoatpm 1.188 AMm; h vapirtß. •Mat - An il »| pteuae for the Oe-Wee W ee ■ hhei, -ehlph II a ether p» Mint *r. ■f: Tbm m hdd. ea the leeau «k 4*r* peaehfteeee eemejaeAeMr »el»f i 1 the (Ncubedq tHaerel of the hr l *Mhtf ea Me W m* i a es tW OeaaffMea. hr the My. Mhnlll lilltleee to the tUpiM of fh* UaMed Htotoa. ead eU rhn nthreto to he elertod ee provided ta thie end mk& derttne to he bp e*** ■ fe w Uj to 4ey. et the Alwret'ea es the Oeaerel tote I n^altoc -kmi et etod Meotjwa en the aMrtooe of IhaCen | fee tieeiivw. eeahw el u«p«*. e^fctoereef th* WetoWMhnaHl. tit ell ether.le.t . .«<etA to uptothionen for avhwe ehail M the «eeo f ee pmuhd by tue trt us ktom uto 4.e—i MA. tor Nto. at ftw etorliaa eh (he totiAte pixittMlflPWwaai. AM Mepe Mpnl Mud. to rt putfihh wita» jilt to five the neetaeerj order* to our| lato sheet the fuver*toa yrvn»i leei. eed ceaev do. return* to he wade e»d oecuhqUee J etoctiue to ' >aato hy he proper pawn Bui thie orduMuce efcall ...a eftoT to VUe»ree of the Ker. who ehe« he •torted ateacL «e» to eheU he fiovMed tor hv the feet **et>- ret daeteilAy. eeut otherwlee ywM ide.l ter * » to* ii v. by the prvvfcaaae es veld Urdiaeaea the ; maa.ln.fc Geuteul le reptiUJ to row oeHIA. etee «f < toctoa to he taeued to tbnee yereoa* wto> m*y be etortod to eetd eOtoee. eo.l that he May not Hr ultrt - dpeirto .Taf fcngllu jf iiaiiin ID h anud ( t i»-reou* uielimbto to todd uftoe, to eefce the M*eetu« Io« eU waceraed to the «f u>< j m u.« ; to the CtoMtltatiou us Ito I bUed HUim. impn—d by Ouffreee end deetfmatrd M the IMb Irtl I < to. Ohich eeeitoa be deeuta. lie the frmn«rt.i« i. 1 wtor eyi'lweMe t.» the etoetoto es etheere proeitod tor | bv eeal « wdiuMm. aud it at tehue* j f ■>»«• . j Ho ptrtuii ehali to a Hrutiut w tk|.n <eil* I are in «Mcuiwaa. or A-tof ot rreaideat eud Vtoe tore ; Miuet, uAtoe. rt«tl or itulltar; tuitor to< ; Cn u j fitaiee. er euder auj Male, thi, aa» u.fc §»re. ; 1 < uely taken an oath, aa a n.iuU <»f ('wifrvat, Os M | • fee oarer of the I uitatu Niat-* «T ee • w-iuher .4 ei.> 1 j xtato lytortn, or ee ea eeerettve '+ )Mk lai otton j i > k *e f «tote. to Mpert tto itonetiteweu .4 the Pelted > Ntalee, ehali here ea gaged to in Wto Hue or nhellbi eeeieel the ee>, or giv*e aid or remiutt U Ito eee Irutot ttor. .. But Coagrrae may, by a vote us |ee l third, iff rare H »eer rwn »• each %tieabUlly ’ * tltonUofi u atoo failed %a tto «th Hertiua of'thr »«* ptoeaeatary lUuuetomtouu Act of Coagveee. whUh raatn-l Jeljr mb. IMT. ta wiueh H t« declared that - tto j words etecutlTc or judicial ulhre le any male atoll , be ctieetreed to include all civil oAtoae rreetod b» leer !• -r tto altoibletratitie of any ««aaral Uv us a j stale, or for the fedjui»wtrati->» es jeatlre. ’ 111 Thefultowtag ere the ndteere to be elected at j , the awruerihiac eieedt.m ta tto Atoie U Georgia, endrr 1 I tbe igotletaes us the foregoing Ordloau. e and the An ! : >d Cnngreee aettooUiug the rtectlua. u» «it * t flovwrner of the ‘dote, toaatort au.t ItofH-reerite- | iiv-e to the Geuenl AaeesaMy. aad tor each eouety in U»e mete • Clerk of the hojwrtor Ooarh »tohaery, Utor ' id. Tat ColUrtor, Tax lUcetver, Treaeur- r, Owaoer , j and Hurra yvr. , Alan, feeven mrmhert .4 tto ]«b»ite\4hrv|weolnb.r a of tto t’nlted Hu tot Oobgreaa. being »oe turwher to ! to alerted front rarh us Ito r.wgraaatuaal Utotrieta in , tto Htnte. aa eetohhehwd by an ovdlnnare of eased <!on | •UlnltoiaJ (wnrrutom. eetilled An U> ea- | <’.>!>» r-a»4u*el DUMelt" ado|»b J Her- b Mb. , 1 «M fey toder <4 V.;or (tonera! Meade H r. BARSTOW. A|w7 A. nag AedaUat Adjotoat deueraL IlKiitirimM Tatar* Mudrtnv tuerai. t. t j ((Jleeeghh Aiahaina and ruiruu, Atuvu. fla . A|>rtl «. tone ) (leaeel Order*, X»». 0). ’ I ! The ftrant aeeaealnaltot. at Cotnmbee. Ueoigta 1 *»f the Hon 0 V AxMarraa. lato a member of ito Con i | NttxtouUir>afwtt.m es eald fcUto. and <4h r arte of j j vkdwnrrand air.wily f. % «nnl«r.l about tto earn* Uno* j ( in TVUMU pirto us tU. lllatvi. 1, and tto aiuiuUaua<ut puhlk euou of Imxudiery eru. Im, aud thr r®. by ' many peranav of threaiecUHg httcr*. In dl rat lug a cun j rert us ferto.n r by vtetoure and hMirntdettnu. to alamo ; j a*d et. m«« ahww« pert >4 the yfepnlntl m and by Uii , meant illeit tbe reenita >4 pe»‘bag etoAtone ie Uu* | Diet net. all of eherh a. to ap|nr«ntlj "m from * , ! n. ret urgaalxaltoe. tor no good purpoee. which moi. ' to be rajiUfty feprtedlng thr-mgl* thee® Mat* *. mat mi *i I BK Miir. tor tbe Wnanmndtng newoeal t» vent all . ptraelrt agelnet the rnntm teetoo eg eorh tote, the pub tomxam of eaoh arttclee the iwwhng of eugh letter* or nonem-Mng thruietjree with etoh e*U organnatleo* 1 aad to aeeur* all the gvd pewple us tbit DuuiO that j he will eee all the power* he p meet* to |<totet tton In the peweahle epjwymeut of ttoir bona, e aad prop •rt/ and ie the nrfrtn «r their pereunal rtgbu an.l . gMml privilege* U. Bt thevefure duerte eh nulHary aud (*«tl Ooto*r* in thie iHemct, to tab* tto muet prompt meaeuree Jn arrant and bring to trial all pereone who may hareAfhr 1 print, peblum or tn any manner give Heenlatlon au«l V ihheity leeeeh Ini a Mary paper* or tbreelemag let | trr». and fiirlhmeant* to arveet aU piweuu* who may to Mown to have pertiwpaiad In any eneb a. te of vto- ] tonr- aa above referred to, rceutting In br«e* to« of U* j pen.-* aud In jury to perenwe or property Til fto Commanding rwmeral furthermore hrhli the eamAnatom es all nmyiiai. >eh prtoting adh-e* or vttmr pameea from prtnWag or pnhUahtng any arU 1 . lee er jnpec* toad og to prodme Intitnldatton. not or j bbiudetod. an*! any newepaper roniainlog any aocb j pobllcaltont. or peeve pobbtJilUj- tbe earn*, win be 1 fetoj-i and, and Ma propgtet.-m. tdlbwe and <>«b*e panie* 1 wnwri.i Utnrewim on being ranW>tod beCcwr a miU ! tary < umaUtaaen will be antueel to Aa* aad tmprteua meat uc *ach other pannittoa as may be draued ealu | ids to the ..fence oomibllte<l- IT All puhh.' wrtteya and eiwabera are mjUaed to | from inflaaamahwy appmto to tbe pnetone ami ! pr-jadtoee us the peupte. and from imhUahing ar my { tog anything calculated tv produce breaebee es the peace, or to Intimidate any pi-reoae the exrrrtm af tbefe/p. litlnJ pnrQego. V Mlßtarv tXmnuamdara of Puada, flhavtfte of c«un turn. Mayor* and other mnnitopai oAeer*. are hereto re*(«tfwd to oegaufen* patrola aud other my the dntocUoa of aurb peanooa ae avail us the secrecy of the night Aw exeruMng their criminal par |-me* M.titary (‘mnvaender* »f Pnet* are required hi e. * tliat I toe order la daly and fhltbfnilf executed by the rfvtl eothonlMa wMbln their jaHelfe Um. end to promptly report any failure or aa wUKwgaeeeua th* part of mid anihortlle*. who will be held gntqert to Uto prnalttee attarberl to iianMen.* of the order* rtua nxting from throe Hendqeerier* Military Oommaad ere are rottowtaad and dSeaated. whan In their jadg mat th* earn* may be aw we eery to organ***, from tto reliable aad law-abiding rttiaaga. pemea to tod to lb* preeervattoo af Uv aud order In their reepaettro dletrirta, tbe expense* attending the par •*<* math ten anr* of throe pneaee t<» be rtwrgad to the egrvfhl oaua ee or marMpe'.Maa, ae the cnee may ho. Vs. Tbefontomading (toMral rolle o>. all good «JU aeua to aid In tto prseerrelhin <4 the prora. an I tone Met in th* ferrret and punish awed of r vole tor* Os UU* ordm and the rrtmtaal law* of tb* Slate, and ha ad mowtah** them that onto** Mt* df MtmkUfVw ami vtntonce are rbeahed aud pnoleamd. bloody rotaHetUm may be prwobed, the panea of aocMy aa Ungarod or •uftrvevtod, end mu. b Inn.went btood be ahad Vil Tto ca*mending offkor* of all mUttory pueto in tbt* DutrV-t Vin. Immediately an the receipt of this order, ranee Its contents to be geneatoty made known end deliver eeptei thewwf to aU .-ivU odbwra editor* of aowapaper* and preeei ■ and ntuer parttro to be eportaDy adroUJ thereby, within the limit* us their By order es MsM*G»»eMl Maude A r ba furrow, apt! - Awing Asm-teat Adjutant tlmmrto to. W. AO AIM. AnrUeamr. I>H THOMPHON S PROPERTY ■ WILL *eM oa tto jnaum mi JfKXT WhliMm 1 PAY, tb* aft of April. cnmaelM at 3 ..'clack, Sto vary in ditto IwitMn bd to Ih* jnnrttow to WWmyt aud Pawn lb tercel., and Immediately OktMfbr TWH.Pf Muenm. Me at the comer es Taw ami Pryor rtmete Pariiro hehimg •tom*, aghirt Pi TVaepeon ran aa* <b*m to payment lev Term* On. ball ***h •- tan* *■ i.i mu aad t*.4va uumthe with lateroet Item er* ateryodhr li. «. AIIAUL. Real fill, l >f* and Ptro lueuranr* A«*bt. Ogtoai tto » Hal trued Rto-k app Redbmal Mali •rSTte mmm pmputy m h\t. My b—fp—i requiring that 1 ItoJ rarouva to lie rity. I pUI mat. wW, to a careful and other wma ■auphdni party my Mean, HOUWT AIRY, wrtl known aa ana to le meet deritobte uOCMTRf HEATH In iMBe Oemwla. .vmtolnteg ahowt thirty acre*., di I Blips mag flftdUfSa. SmMii. Lam. friwm ete.. He Dm store la Bunowe tor broftk and toaadp to •MNWUnitof meaery, m vMI ee mid Cm Mm abnnd »«.•»» and fmiiii Mena. bu^ooo;; uMroTtEStw. It iujiu *-'» mMm wm*. term* . wm W «bmk Mrn, Utetkm. mM *m H** ■Mr te te« -tete <M u.wMte. wm REFLECT ••• ” Thai he ha* apMt lb* larger pu.Sh/d of kU We la ibte bwalaeae. and Abe whole of tw« year, alar* th* war to baying Goode fur aevacal heutbara Boadm-tbat be bay* un for Cash, and stole only fur cash aad with a trade imremtog beyond all prerodsai. beth to W hoW-eel* aad lUAail. be ran aiord the eaaallaet pro«* ACT By L feu* to Ik.* toot I IhAm» you bay. New Gouda racetred every week m the )W. Bis prb-r* ml be bant, ter euiUuua u* the MUGf. AMOK. LKATBKK •aa Hlfor FIRMHo wade EftjuiMlubßr the Fl** ami Sign. «. T. BAUMS. If- .te • m.iullD, ur WlMiabafl A Banter et-1 ■PM • rintifß. Lwutw loam ahd m ildiho ahoi iaiiom I reeroe U> alrbt to JtThiß MMITHU OPPUIK. Xeter) * huildiag. Pern btrve torero Tb* lrmuivr may be loeud to th* OMce. J R WALLAt'fe It frrrtoiteat pro leni. Krcrlvrr’i N»lr-P*tlp»r4. ■ M purwaanos us aa order made by Man. iahn ('ofilro 1 Judge of the L3ow*ka tArcuit, tn th* *ro* to Mealy, i Berry A On. John 0. Pgeß ito V.A PMttlpe va At ; huu opera thaiae and Rntldfjm Aaa* niallin. 1. a* •* ctover u. etodpwee* u* Tuesday the Slh day to May. late, will proceed te aad on tha premtnaa to pubfe ontcry to the btghero biddm the ftdfewlag daeavtoed properly ; to wit Parte of cite Me Xua. (if and tj) twrate -or>* i eud twenljT-two m the city of Atlanta. Ouuaty to Pul i ten. Wale of Georgia, fronting on Marl tola atreet un* ' hundred eud afty fro* and running bnri ahmg tenner , ly Wadley, a.>w Foray th rtroet. omr haadrad fret, lb* ! • Efenae i* on said propariy. Tbe term* of tb* ■ah' ere h> be one* fourth «esb aad the balaar* In three -quel luefeaitokent*. one reaproilerty at tear eight aad twtor* uemths w»Ui Uih-veaA. the purchaser tunUks noSae tberator. femda fer the tlttee wiQ be g»V*a. but the title will be retained untal ad lbs punharo ptorelapnld. Maid baDdlag te tonr etovte* high abue* th* baseiirnt. divided lake six atoraa. kv* to them a A 1 by |«> feet, end one M by 30 feet, with th* bnuou, i under *-« b Tb* upper |mrtten has M room* fronAiSfc on Mart, tie klrro-i and hi itpon Poroytli atrv#A and te» j Opera Moon* .» by > G f*»t at. I M Seat bataroa Aw and ceiling, with ample room ter etelrwaya aud varii i bate. The well* us aatd bulidiog are bahl to bred . line a aplrinUd iron front, and la now completed ready I r the roof. Tb* baildtng U *4amrebly 1 seated for th* lor a luck It U latrotded. both ter atoro> and Opeew Huua*. Tb* rapid growth to Atlanta, Me .roitral laoainn and n« futor* yruAedi leak* lb* i ahov* property worth) the aUeatum of oepueiieta. aa i ' good paving invmttorfaL Tb* sale being made by au order to t>mrt, tt wUI b* pnaktir* and tiUea perleet WM M AKMII AM. Receive* i Altai i*. April TANARUS, lie. dfwAdSwb* , tn thf Dlflilct Loan to Uae Ant ted ktatee, Per the leattere Ulelrtrt of (l«or«l*- Ik Ui* matter es l DAVID DAVIDSuN. ! U K*ftnrr. r Henknipt. ) |>t HKI ANT te tbe (utter us Prank il Hroeekiu*. I Register tn RaiikniiWcy, * w wid general iu*et(«g to Ibe >redlhir* nf Ui* sai l Bankrupt vritl be |,«M at , Uie law tdfere to Frank H HroeeiUoa. iu tb* tite to tte ' vaauab. to t# k k. M . **o tha lttb day of April, A D. lam p. v. KGUINhON, apr* wtw Aartgwe* In tha BtelrlVl l aarlef Ik* t'nltrd Htatee for th# Bnntlaern IMetrlaS nf Ueargta. la the matter to l Ttl(te W Gt'ARTIUtkIAH. . In Bankruptey bankrupt ) ' |>Dfetl ART tetb* order us Prank R. Haaaeiiiw*. i 1 KaglateJ-la baukruptey. a aeromd gorowaJ maatiag I of . red More of th* mid Bankrupt roll b* bald to lb* law agfee of Frank It. Haroelhn*. ai the cite to Manta nab. at Iti o'afcu-k a u . on tb* IWh day to ApH) A ft. iaaa P v-RoblMHO*. ap.f el* Aeetgae* Its HBMkr«|»tcy. 1 in lb* iHekrirt foart to th* l etted Metro for tb* tteatbem Instytto to Oanegte In th* matter to l ORAB. A APSMUkM,’ fc TROg TRAPMA*. ■ m>BQM i < I etwee nettes af tea gimknvi aa aaemnee of < Uariea Kanfmaa. Omwgel Mroterogb Rtopa N A berdueU. Thomas (hacman. Grim J Peacock. On , brtal BaHg. WUitam LTOhuau. Alfred tkihvwly snrt Jeeoh Aron, offttoambaa, Mamrgae rematy. Oa.. wUh ; ia mid Dmmtct. each to wham Am heaa adjadgl a Hei>knipt upon bte ova pfehteaa by tha DtetrtrtOourt I toaaid Mateiet bated to Newweo. the tufay to April A. 0. IMA. JAMBS J M. KIHLRY. ape*—w9w Assignee In KaaUrentry- Im rwa DurmioT Oovnt un m I'hvjxd him vua na Hmimwo DmvmrT oa oennui* iu tha mauer to 1 ALLSX J BOVfe MOM M HDBBT. I AtJJURMB^ WlUld- ; lu bauimp4. > irnnSrrt nni. | j r |>» wltoiu tt may aonreni Tb* nuderwtgiiad hereby 1 five* a anna to bis *p» ton tenant ae kertgne* to Alien 4. Brora of Mivtwather eonate. iamro M Rare* to YSwip . .Minty Robert R. Nwi.t >4 r«j»^ tell rv.noty »unty, im. wikhka aatd Unrt, aarb to whum bee mafftkCDt.^** Dated at Rewoan tb* Sth day to April. A. 11,11 ISA A*' R BMAMPUII. eprS wlw Aaatgar* In UMkrapUr la rwa I'awai r Omar an tbs llamm Sum r>a ran Nromm Itemucr on Qsumu In the matter of ) I. W OOMirrMBMAM, | in Bankruptey bank rapt. . ) rim eU wbnai H may romnra Tbe madenßpied 1 bam by glare neßni to te* ■pptoaixasntaa AaMgt e» of J. V. OxaatnghM to fb« c<masy of Oatathorp* end male to Georgia. wMbta «M Ptertrt. wha ha* bemi |djadflad a Bankrupt yon bi* own pateteoa. by lb* B. M. BARNETT. kpnt wtw A algae* In Banfernptry- In tb ■ Dumwr Com on Tti Uarrai. Hr*tv* rroi nu Runwsana Dtarmcr er Onanui* ta tb* matter of ) Wu T. PAIUOMt. ( In Bankrrpt y Bahkropt I tol wheat II may fooaern The amterkigoed s&*rZSl&*Jg&£~ bean adJodfad a Bankrupt upon bte own petition, hy tbe IHtoftet fhnrt of said District B IL fURSkTT •pri wtw Aatogha* In BBBtLFBMIey. la twx Durrharr Com or nu Uarran Sum roa rwa Ronravaa IKwnitrr on Hamm In the nutter to 1 M ANTON UinJDmx. in Bambini l y, BtotbrapA. ) ah whom U may ronrora The nadrotogate 1 hereby a»v*a nottee totes appiuatm nuts* A*atgte*r •>f Keeton tilkhiv, of Ui* • aunty to UrUurj* and Klale to Georgia. wWbta mid iHrirlro. who ha* time, •dieAg*d a Msnßmpt apaa bte .mm ptotttoa, by tbe DGtHto ivmt to atod rtetenf B 0 BARJtRTT. ■pri wPw Aeetgxe*. Iu HankmgMry. Is fit DiennrT Osrvm ttvefns run wnju»s c'urnooi. I . - . .jHXMOw n urtm or. | *• ° ■m‘u |’ , *''"***** j IM-lknn.Vmi^a^lDjM A t n■ * . WW .1 A MM fill t ■VCMJft. ...... ■JCfTft j»flrsa»» A PHOOLAMA HON. 5 UNUIIItU. By THOMAS H. BUGKH PHTblwal Uram -r wM n-Sr7P<i«ib>uiv “**■ »c- Un ta* o( icOt A. >WKr. i-r run lu. ui tku uU MM hu lut (u» iuw - 1 ten UMteWte rT tOntm. fc. twv u.u ... Mtetumamh* i rtna a reward af Two hoc nSriliaw epywk 1 a■*. sad delivery to tb atod Balerd te tb* lend to m>d rotwly and mab Ball Ae ■ Sri over charge and reoairv ail aßbvr* >u lUSteta. • i«Uand military lob# ttellant In eml**' artag to appaabaad tb* edto ri*H»rd. la order Cbro k. maybe frpangfrt Id trial fan the üßmr ■ with which b* Given nv bnmt aad tha ail to tha BteW. » th* Ospttnl la MBladgwim*. tbl* meond day to Ajw> la lb* year to any Lord tableau bnadrod ami tttt> ettod. kßi to MteJadri—drsrw to 1* I'm led mat*. - imstMh th* siatery-aarurul MB M. BTORR bwt Brig. Ban C * Army, frovisteato Groaem: By Bte flea Brian. C V. Vajuarm. ttefi U. R. Army, inwriary to (Bate DEte'WrnOS; bellard I* shoot 30 run of age. ahoat • frot lu tucb #* high, wwgba sow- M* pea ads, dmk rwmp**»->'. •fttttoidr bteafe Isis llltea Aortd. aa If from drtak. w«sr* beard all oven hu fern, apeak* wakfey »a> poitteiy. bae a had r witeSanriw msepl while rot, rortoag --- t A PROCLAMATION. L -—frroHMi?*-. By THOMAS H RUGER, PrevleAennl Uevtraer nf eaM Walt. w H Mil MAR, tote Ad integwi st a«o ksa bnaa rav.**J •> ' *wb wnaltu.l tb* nip to Gahanna, aa the sight to the antu Marrfe IMA «pon tha Imdy to Oaaaer W Aura*, by nekarora and dfeanafeee parwu, amt ttito eaui Xuuwu eqj BljßStean pvwtihtn Red front ' the prtanpto* oa anrnmame*. to the »hend os Ms* gas roobty. flulA aud » reward to Mte* Thowaeu.t IxtUare Jig tha daivery to sal aad every un* to tb* oGmw prtmipal* or aaaanaurlee to lb* mbi tibrnff Aad 14a BMW saner charge end repair* *4l «Aw« ... uu* Hurt*, civil and military, to be vtgtUot ta go.Uu ■•nna to imwaannii tb* eald uakaewa and 4«gu.» -1 proeAau. W order Ist ifef be bmeMM to trial T t th uSanaa wAb nidi ley eland charged Given under mt band and th*#ml to thr atetr. •' tb* oafriul. Ui MlUadf-vllle. this IMrlk Uy .4 A)«u. is th* year ofonr Lund mtoitim kandrod euU ■tit. rtgbt. aad to th* lude|>end«tee of tbe (*mied nut. * t America th* ton ate secvmd THU K. Rt. gau Bel. Brte. Gen. V. « Army. Provtnonal itoverno' F y th* Governor C. W. Wanuikw. cant l R. Army. Re. rvtery to Ittnte apt? n Wrotarn A Atlmilic Hm'ilio i.I Ovn< * Mtrm on Tki*»aaT*ri.M. i AHaoth «*». April •. IMG i |>KRfM)NH dartnag te wga.r »lL U tee. 1 «ne- I the lamut oo ibi* Rued, tear**t ibci' l«.iu«i i . tte- pine of regietratron In their .ttrtrvt. f»*» .4 . bu<> eud return. Thie apltoea to ell parecwis antiOi-d te r*v>e<*r •c i. out regard te Oupw or ptotfewt turo g Jolfb It. Pi 4 K epritT )w ' Marti-r us Trxe*i*-i t*«teo Horses nt Auction. YITIIJ. be atod at pnhllu euidhui at tb.. n ff iw»l NUMm, . ..iu.-r 4 Pr...r *k | feue el/rei* AlleaU. tie. et Id k. at . FtoJsy. April HR?. IM* la Urg. Rim CAItMJAMh Uf»Rhfe*. eml tw.. . ireltei.l HADOI.b HORgHK 111 fc.ouul . f their ecril. . « teu.. ri-qubod By ordcrtolbdto CLhcrte Mtfe«K r. it ji*d!» m»j 4r*vi«**(»f(li t. ■t*r7 44ls»< Ptebnrsu.'. f leer flvll Fua i Auction. Otm Fhror tvn Paanai«i Qrumsuttfe , AruKii, Ua . Apnl i. tMi- i WILL be void at p-.hßr xaettoo. et tte buvwv m*nt kteblfe*. corner to Dtor ami Uh Atlanta. roaHnenrtag at lo *. u . FrM*y. A| Iflte, Uw fulkiwuig «Juarlurfue*ter‘i Htorte. vt* A Horen*. g*et* Atubuleßi I *'Men. - a ktalsa. a Rmau Saddb* • ASkbtkUacro, ICA Drain Skcb • aria Mule Nam*mb. Al*<>. a qsenlitv to iheiv-p.- sad Wtetowrlgb?• Toni* and Mean* of Trauep> >rUUoo Itewe guunei* ar* tai entubl* • ondltios for fenniofc purpo*.-*. *.*-« ■mg be aeri an siHtestuni fee the fteptwinundent to OwcnuMSi teahlee ter three day* yru>r to ih* aeiv TerWia »* AHH By orders! tlesnrsl Mesde - ti j riRNbWOhIH let Lhest NUi iLfsatry, A A O. ks . In rbsrfo *»f I)u»4 W. M HILL, Vn. U i.u-r efwUt M NOTICK. Umoa Unror A iMriCheiue ytutuuiKO* ■. i Forsyth * . Atlanta. Oa . April 7. I*6» ( fe'ot'M H«A<’* RADOLR HORHR*. te addUioe ».* f thou* samed aturve. will be eold *• th* rime t<w.< end place Teams fill By nrder to Uaj<* Uenenai Meade LJ FARM WORTH lax. LmtiL SStb latent ry. •pri it lie pot vJu*rt*rmroUr U H A HoartlißM lK AYR three an fang Aha. large, nkrih* rwosia. amiable ter tea time: ran afeaft •to«*ainudsi* » f*» maai day into re f. mo r—rastil. end my tate# te enpplied with ta* beet Um merkrt siord* Can tmnmdiattov MRS. MOYIR. epcT -M Pesltrei etreto THE BEEN UHE. IAHT FKKIOHT UNK gBTWEKN •T. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE —AMP— ATDS.NTA.. NO CHANGE OF CARS Bmntwi Louisville or Hickman anti Atl&uta. TIME KDUQEO TO 5B HOURS. UKUIiCTION ih UATLh , rruiß attention to BBIPPSteH >■ called to tbe ftotew I ing T/w lu<c« by the (Wws IM*+ te ithuu #rin» Luukevlite Freni Hi. Luate let (ten.... .... tt* 4 II V 4 hi Cteee IX3 I at 3d Otero tin | «• *G» fTaaa ft * 111 Baron, pr its u>* M t it Timm. Apples. Oaten*. iMkatrwn, pr IJbL »w IVY Matt. (THR us. Fleeter. sgMd. a in agj fhmthfeMhar bM «ys y «a goto, pr kwdki.% m m Wbasx. Rye, Bsrl. y, pr bushel M u Ykaenri KB to Isdss wMI he atv*«. at es dHtoiito M toauaa ter Lun. Uim«. end Over T«t t r r ;y * -H b ?J!?!. t T? T dGBNB PKt'l. M. T . %. teJL R. R tmU U tkAYTDN 1 ADAIR. I ‘GHIBIIBBiOtt Hf6Ff«llß||U amt wroujuu oakum* in OtocvplSß and Fpo vlaloßa, Bari aide to WbGebtol atrori. to draw serO. fro,- Atkwmin bmgie, HAYK male errsagtaa tale te famish, ta any ro* ahoakkaßanttUp. eßteaa to the ftotewma >m » at4t ntani imas, via; (U. mm 4 tar Otratar nltal.l, Ik. --■ h— mmta. ■»>»*.Mpnlnlii •> IV— r-niitaM. tw ik OUIM t apuh / - toihiu. > am*mu oomrrr -tW ateh. VT MtarUta tarat. Mil «l k. -U- k Ik. 0— OKU. <* W.I raa-tr, tar Im k. m« »n “* l l «l l -ll> *»». «mm-I. tar Ik. bMM*I i( ktan Ml MU- V-M <«M Tk *ro »<.iro «n*. ■ *um. «»•»«•*•»< bMita. UroltaMnlw’i tel*. <iuiMu>nuMiv«Km..tatiiiMiita .. U ,J H, 1.-,, ml| I***.** 1 .» *» k» MM. om. • imOmii im, i.». i-MM cmmr. Mm imi MtakMM. Mot Mkl teror Ml. I> tt-lie roSTi «M M HI.. Ml* mm rtiwta IMMI Mm 4 it rtaM-.. M IMItaMM ktatelta. ptw.tatanMr.-li itaik.-tal Ttowi—k fell I IMk. MM. 4. a MkOLKT. Um; k( t-tata—l ■ BMfl.y Vl/lU.k. —kjnlk. CM TtaMß :o *i>m W | V> kM.OWtatataiOM . —i,.. COAL! GOAL! At Onettr 'inhwto 94mm BMMWJ>»«iWtaM»A*»«wg JtaM nnMtata ”■