The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 09, 1868, Image 1

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Atburta £tfc few #n n&ftJM o* rticiiwuw • >oc Daffy, P»r Ammw .•*••<•« *§ 00 P*r ffiMl—.w- #0 •VMkty En, Pa, 1 00 or !>v«>utti m **v*Bce. mg natch up imrciTcmi. TtoMlMto mm m* r * . «nmlM *l«*n •»n*lht<tete flX**' »*«v» f«a«» SS £S ra«r «a«M ..... ........J *.fo MI mm kHuiMm flMt MJM ***• MM MM aft ivtamt. <o« «b m I*ll Cu*mA MM MO* MOO * ... itmJ. Cumum U.M MM tMM , t to# tMuak Tt M MBJO ima» AJuntnawM a* a mm pmnl Um ihn* u.uUl** vQI W iMTWI 01 M tWtot) Vt* v-nt. (tr-na Ow iDoffo rate* ><« Mcii of M U mm ur load, lor Hn IM tMr i«, |l, uml t* «arh wilMqiMl I—nlow M niM. r«wt itBM at -4*l m*—tt*/*»l, or it* «g|t&vteo— to op*v*. mat* a im • « Mli, Mura or ao d—ail oft— ite taaft to i 'rO— A.lroniP—yM MX too —arfcad fur Miurtlol time. aZzxaurr ? vw§ <^d - AH pt.rmXaii. if not*** to Mtomi— .u4— • U«oJ Hwomoos.-' OM oD« >»*■»■* Uo» • •MM’ymr In* a Moo oosa (ban o»o DOUiL • UMUuMMoha «teWr (Da bood of -fo-rlol kutkmm. « . nty r- iiU y*r Dm* Um arot loatrtkite. and 14 robte for V> i uiii oi —te—(l ioa, oa—tog i»ter—ttag or opuHuit oo«m fcdkMod Mom .row MMM. *o-o Hit« it r.. . ttoa rartaao ntmattao of tho itoto «oy grffty iMlrMl Til K KUA omen t*» tx rav unit a aon.m«o on madam* mm, orroatva Ta« foororru r. iinrnN / mo ad and aarrsaaio. TIIPRMDAV MOKNINO. APRIL V.'IMA Fur llto In A <«•■! ter (Jar 4 mt-|.*lgn M OKU ai injCsa I mi luouutoio* duorooorti to ttoo 000 ltori|.«i a itlijlai cry; A*4 **ovy ana A*r post* and r%bt Soar Una tote tooaaor btgh . • oiari brottorra trvm tb* h.U a—l ••-*.( And T"Wd Dm fbfgflMM of (too o*r*a w til. maoy atoal DaoroA I TD— to—*. bap*. «*m*. A ad Mia (too CoMMote*. I Km rDaoff. tooffO. .teM, Fur i« oar outi Frtol moat* NMhliVim toHto ttorry . 1 b* Inna onto bo mt«l. For (bit —» tord »—* »ra* to. Nor Mao oMtm ra*w bro*. » ho U 4 (too ai|iMia «ro<. And ai.-adtotto—D— a draw. w. U cDoto Mao OMXMMna .« wMb Mttfl toaU toMffato l A«>4 >o*» N»« t'Mua it. TtoMB dtooor, hoya. chmmr. Fur Bn’W-fc iauor nan Th# r%to( oIU Mod aOrli fn«Mi»‘» Mo, And •*—O oooto poarW a b—rt. i ou>* »■ t ua nro«a all wr-g a»i). And total lb* aoakM'a aauan Wall mix* oM do—potato Ha. For proffrooo, (roUi aa4 ttoa. And (to#* ora’ll Mato* (too W«*t» rMff \t «»b maoay a load toowato TWto rom*. bora, r^r. And )«4to Mr Vtobitortar . ‘ Thoto E'heor. boya. cboor. For Mae* It otu MM »(. M. Holterto'a NaMwl—4 aod *kmaan«a ttoo Bill. 1 Karli luaad <4 n lain 4) or ROanltoa, or j trmdiw, of • fiaotMy of Minor cUlnrn. nliaU U | • ntitlial to a hriuomilmul of traky 4«> lU« ffblwt * ••I two (houaiUMl tkaUtra, to a|M'cW, ami j-rr • >ual j.r«»|irrly lo ih« r«lo** i4 onr lhaiMMi 1 I rtlait iii iqatric, Im>Ui to be (altal tot the ninrlhr, a»r it n,Mit. An.l aft Court, or Mil.itl. rttl ..m. ••> ID tkw Hitt.', Hlltll ner iuitu ]uiU.Uctk>n. ortulbority, lo euforc* »u> jii'ituient. .1. nee. or H.-eutloa muJ ,< , . rl) to ■ ( a,Mil - in. farling turh ha l'i,.v. men Una a.«j If iut.l.. tberroa. from no..' in lime e*«-e,»t for ttiet, money Imitiow --I Mini Ml]•••... Vet 111 the Hi>|worouieMl of Ibe iiii' leeJ, or for ibr {.nrcbttr auw) of Ibe .me, tin) 1..i labor .tour ihtreou, or uu.Uriel Miuubed Ibeiifor. or roaentl o* ruraiubitn i. h I hereon. Aul U tbtjl be the July of die • i,. r*J AHwahty, w early at i.nn UoabU, to | |, liy lev. (or the ertttac apart and ral 'iv, ion of mill property, and lo enact lawe (or I lie foil Mini complete protection tnd mcarlly Ibe an* lo the ante ate nod turned! of aedd . I : ,millet til aforomiil 11. All property el the hH<a tu her peaaee ioii Ml Ibe time o* bar Niaige. emt oil peop -I ly yr.eM to, uiberNeti, ee ncrpnra.l by her, hall leeaaia bee aepteete properly, ead aot U' Iml.le for Ilie ilebtt of bar baetiaeil. -Htlltrb, ibe l’«rr*l-Mr|f»r ' l\i| I lull. n-1. btn I fen t r.Mtdmt el Ueorgit i. n fetre. tin ring Uit abate of that aline be in applied UuuteU to bipourea puiauiu with ,1. . cm. tud baa teataiatd Urn ebartcl.r of II irrvpiutchaMe genllearu la hew York. 111. irntfTt Mate, he wan releeruwl aa a feallo ,ll and n men us at rial IhiMaeta baMta add „M|ueaUimed urtegrtly The popora where ill. haa llre.l an.l «me heatkaonu. t,ieak ofMta 1.1 tboMfthadmw. it, IJinoll lie fort, and dadac tbe atr. ha haa ewNake . .1 it am. npulaUou aa a dotueter nod oawaaM t.utfuaoe mettifrr. lenrttq tba abet, at hie Inn yetrr' life hi the Mouth, he baeaareedear hi birfeii (be mt.-eui id Ike Hautharu peo ple. Ual mm that Ike Hi a—kiartier pall) bn» Mb-ete.l biaiaa Ike pauper naan tor . |. ivemor ol (leorftta,tfl>i ruAtenly thaememl Mint lie in a "eartmt-liadßar.'a 'V>tltatß,“ a ■1 enkie tilnnwrer." and an -tatartopar.V VVhttajeaeMr euunhHeuey when aotortad ta nil oh eiireawty an tbs Wktt tu adaaiaaWe i..dura of inaahmal obtmeter that aaadi of pco<-N.luie Muagentt. Verily, mnu hare girea tli. nitrlTCM t rer to hra«ra»or and miotertace, ■ i-1 are cmitonmlthg and eluHlPnag pnueipla .. 01. n luoM .linjutttuti a tel inmr-khtol i rnciiee. We bam (he Mphent aetarau. >e Ibtl Col. rMiUock, if Hentnil, will gather tluMt hhn the Mi.l fienllemen la kldtogtoAd. A|k)M>in(n<nU Mitt he and* ret lb a apeetal npMrdbi Um «t -liera at the tppotateu To all the judicial ..toemba wilt appotat aura manna wMi fbith lully tud imptrlttHy eaeaale Ibe Inae at the MMle To ell other idn* «and (rtti end taupe* ,iht«p, be wHtatpohikwran ul .taebhtbed tltl ity nnd.iutagrity. We hare raaaoa b> hattere he uader ae plpApmto aay eod Mata b. it... 1..u.b.0)r Ibe friende of KecouetrwthMi, .ad, II eteeted. wttl be true to dm people of Ibe Ultra, to.I laeeate the ktat tefolriyawd Hilly in any mnu. Though be ««t ant ham ta If .‘beta. Mu yuan' daroUeaM beam at bare 11.01 Ifutennl nil km petawni latereaUta Ihe ra niomaHy there He 1 1 jig,Mi Ha, on leach .n any um, It int»eaa>nd tl agaod grvnaHlMl mr (igorgibß>» A* IWMCOIto>» "■»■«*« Mr Internal ftuat the lapeiN mi erary other p. <|ieNy bidder ta the Mule rhe great huHoballon which It beta* rtiae.l i«u«h eat tor «i InHei ur aapraat Hw * .■fhlbMeM «t ataharw add «W| damoma Wbieb rhaoM Mtortte eeaayaamallaAPi imttatfca Mala, tad tat Mm' wIMMgt- totMw • l..ek rfHpHwat lhot tahty jdaktoi mam*- ( 0m #®n*- . on dffl prom it ‘ THE DAILY NEW ERA.' BY HAMI KL BARD. *a »i PaapM at amoacaa- Tbe addrrtt of Cub A & HaOuck. thr Con- Mtiutiooal randhlate for Oorernor. will be found below. Bead it oituene of Oaorgit. and eea how tenoly wruua aich poiogrtpb i«. how manly He aeullmeoU, and bow clearly drftncd te ble puoltiou. There It uo i.rtuage, ao oialbplicaMuii .4 wordt, no adeinpt so erade the Iratb by tbe eulHarfwpet w* Htcn retorted to. We M again, rreul and pnudrr H read U errey day uotil you wIB know H by brare Haring been aßtuiuioualy iiomimdeil (or Ibe officii ol Uerwer, bjr a (Voneiitbei fnlly j repiteciillqg a tafxe7u.ji.rilj ~l le., vnt< r. .»f tbe Hi ate, | ,1., out fee l At lile-rly t-» di.regnrd j Ibrir wrehea fry refoarnp l'~ .r, ,-pt rtic great holeir Uiua conferred. Uy .mly -Uur. I. Intto t*f *mc«i (• lu« wUoito pwufklu us Otot uvmU Suir. W»ib wlmwii iuj loi ktoM Imm-u v* Km**; »n l |*l* t*»l. iu builfting n|» brr wmli* *•*»! In r**»iv tug bar prtMtrnUsl iudnalrul bu>l riMimifTflu l •yotffß). (UmUw th* Imii n -4 * mil govwinut**itl, iu toll brr ritl/wun um v |mi f*» tin* (»f Jbk ! utv Hfort «fek#M Imi ikoffolfti lltr 4’oVMti Mil loti imV >j»!rd by Ihr tohtr <U*% YHiltM ii brfiW* yoa. ll «m uiy pßukiy Kv Mtl ut Ikr lormMftoti u 4 Ikat iMMUutoMMt. nw>l ttoua D> Imtaud* ftuniUtor With i*«4 only lto* l*t . ire t 4 UrMftcil—iruUi Uv, Imi rntmo viito thr H|«ir(l uni th* 4Btr«tu>n * of llto mm «bn lr*m*d t it. My voln «rw rrronltei *il i4* »u»- 1 o*a lrriAnrh*»H, M»ti it U tWolar* NmtCMXHM&rT j for me to flutrr Milo *ft v utoUwol «»f iojr |» j lilhwU f«rinri|)ira, otkrr ih iri lo n*y lU.»l I sl*n<l fully cum mill'll to lb** im» * !»«•(». Hu«l h*va tou r iffit- -l ilciira lo tilAltffi' j lb<tN* j'rrul ittfMttm Ibi- ’ UrluT Niul tlu* [ ‘•l|oiu.**4**a«t' thil l than cuMltit <Nir nuiid'tl liMpk to i lull DMUianrti tb*l Ilia roftlU of Ibrir labor i ilrnll If Mijnrf'l by tbnnarlwn win) ttowfr lain | ilirn % ! ll will Ibr tluly of lUr (i—ml AumlJ, I l« profftaU * ttoircngb »y«trm of rUnnaiM for I llto* SUto If rallra! l»y yojir n>le« to awoiuc Uir aiult- I ril |MHiiftiion of yiiitir Chief MNwlivr, it will Im my duly, ami n<> l««w»* * |»lr**»urr, lo iiotuinuU* te> Ih»* Rfti»!r, f r cofl®rßuiti«t>. pmiHMi wbo»*v |m*il well c*»l*Mi«io*tl fbamclcr •Mid Nbilliy. l»*v*» uccnrthl for Ibciuhelvia tor csinßArnor of tH<*u fe)|owr«itism* in Itorir rr «• per tiro <fiMtr(r(N, *n<l wlw# ftli»*Mi. by *B*dou of tboir known ißlrlligrnct mi l moral worth, fur llir iucimTo*!, will rnrtiro tin ir onirtrmatlon t*y Ibr r(>|>n<MiilAiivc« of lh** |n*oj»h " With DhAlirr t«> imm . with rlmttlyfor all,'" ln4Mlf <H»ly to tba fflwry, |w«c anil |»inn|»«»nty for **nr noble Hlatr, imkl th«* |W|»tr tuity of fmi, civil fjoti rnincnt tbroiifft*ifit ibr UiuL I bnvc tbe lo*n.*r t»> to* y*Mir ft-lbnr nU teu, K 11. Uuuam Ta* I tear Amm m • Mm *»f (iroi fla. hljnr /Aidy Abac >j.i Will you aib.w me, tbr.Migl. yaar eolaoin., to |ml.liah a ple.-e a.I dreane.l cbiegy to lh.. y.mng men of Uaairpia 1 Tbia u a Haae wbieh cal la in ipaaaUuu all (be reaoarcaa of our peofil.-. We are. Uy eIrCHOI stances, placed in a |.witlftii from which it will be eery diflicull Uj u lineal.- OHIM-Irm All ku..w Ibe rdativc pnaltmn of Ibe tail aec lion. North ami South, an terror ta lh,- lal. war We knew fall wall tbe result of dial war We know that "tireek mutUreak.'' an. l tha brerret of Um brare sank to rtae uo more Tbe Sooth plaeud all n,«m tlie atruggle Tb.' (b-esnon woa againal her, and lh# North has mao lurth tba rictoi. The |.rtucipl«i adro rated by tbu mat. Uigbla Hanaaereny areal down wßhthn airrendcr.if Tan and J.ihato m. The great ni*jorlty ftf Ibe KowfMru psotde bare taken tbe amnesty oalb. It lane man ua, aa men, to carry out Ibe terma itnpo' cd by that oath There ar* (h ihe State of (l eirgie o>slay but two pat Mew --tbe HocoaatrueWion ami the Anti-P...-oua(ntriiuu, or Umaocmtic party- Th. nan in fevnr of Ibe reelunUhm oi Georgia to lier original [.altloti In tbe Vaion Ibe other in torer of military rule, and tin retention of Jo but' in Me proaaat lioai mele.l <-oit.ifftoi Tbe great t lung with Ibe IbUßocratic pony la alraae, vilification and •eon. They aitempt to make everything mean and rrslicnloua that emanates troai Ibe HecunatruMim party ' k’-reev man who baa laddaraa lo adiuaata rvcoaatinetion Okdat tha "dhariuan bill.' la denouaead aa p Matter. o» rnmay to hla awe, aa aa advocate at negro cjualUy. anpreoiaay. ate. Saab are the means rmed by the (Viuocrecy so drive ell yuuog man and tnunl men from the emeriti hi of then Ira* aewtmaedta Wbon Les- and dnhankmi anrrandrra 1 their arauea. Ibe doom of aeeeuaHHi and ala very was aeabsL tl was determined that tbe light of seemmtoo ypta a fallacy, ami that aSavrwy abonUaa haapr exist la tha MbUe. Wcthan Wagm to think of Wra pfau of re ouamtraoituu. ‘IV-rUral hr — * 1 bis plan nud appointed fames Johnson Provta ional Oaawruoe. nod coalerrud n,>oit him Utg.- powers greater than aay military command dm mam oafnya A ton Hot Mu aaa aahatj • Praobtont Jobuam bad sewn to. Mi the maah tuue, lo diafrouebiae a huge attmbetr of Ibe Son them people. Tbe HrorUloaml Oorernor iaana.l Ida proeUm.liou coavvuaug a Gunva* tiun of (he people us Georgia, to br«i a On* atiteftoo Neither the large woodier dbfMui chine.l by President Jubeaou. U.W Ibe nagreaa. ware taken into couatderatiou In that t'oarea tern. Hut abaat aaa.third af tha people at Georgia ware tepreeanlej. Thie OonreMitoii. rapi i Milting bat Ibe third, proeected to bam • OtmwMwtbin. Tbie UauetMnUou. Ibna l..rm tad, Vto uaver aahnnue-l til Ibe peo|de of UssHMia tor Hear retiftcate>u. In (act, Ibe OaoaUtation of I IKK. in lla bmuatiou, in U lagol * ‘ 1(|l lll.ltoto 1( [I I and the I'rrei deot know IA and ao i it, ae bis pmc la an ring shown Tha that nation any* that too Pol tod Mints» shall guarantee to onto State a BepuMienn tomnaf litre irealrel bat this by ao aaaaaa nays (hat dm riMi iem la MM T T ntlr l ffatm, «Bml kto UMw ngkt. Xto moat hard tha am of Orntpain. a»d tha atom* af«• Pretodeul tefltoaS, XMtitoMf i Ms pnaaape ceee tt MaHha* tha OmaMantaaa Th. Cnn«rere 4 -ha tJkMad SaaHn at- ATLANTA, UA., THURSDAY MORNING, APR 11, tl. IH#H. though enact listing tbcnatbmuf Mm Pm H dint m the setting ap of Stole gnccwntonaSo m toe Heath aa nawenantad by lato, inaaaalhataa bating to hare aay dilhreati aa dM*mhanea\ ware w tiling ta are apt the wash dona by the Pi iiiirt if tba B uclhacn HtoUa would ad .ubmMkad to thair LagWatoßan They todtg uantJy mfaaad M. This atouadaaaoi Ml n data, ho* joally reyaag tore wu abanU act bare laptaaKilirn tow tha napreaa ka ton. irsa, if ww dbl wet aiiou tbam to rein We rets sail I bare mdd tcreaa af re admin ina - Tbe United Mate, bring the noanpairing pow er. mw HI then to lapse harsher terms, and Iddjna we Humid bare, nut only tbe amend metit. but also negro euSrage. Weeoaid look for nothing else aadai Uae nrr nnnuanrac It was nut to l*e nippurs! that toe corepaeriug |sjwrv eeaibl eder mildew tmiaa We baring ref uae, I iwnloeaUoii aadae toe plane .derail ap to Ibis time, t ougieua iremad aa act aw the Presidential reto, dividing ibe tan ttowlh eru Hi dee lul, lldiiarr IHetrarU. aatoont. -I tbe I'me ideal lo sppiaal a eommanderloeneb. ,tower and dniles re miiitarr erHwtuaa.l at wne .1. fined by tbe said net., * I ndar lh.a bill, litre pun I, a Uunveatnui was celled lo Georgia, after Ibe due rrgietra I re. of ail male, bin. k and while ever twenty-one years old, ( with tba earaptlim at the Very tow eaeladad by tba MM,) and tome v.4era Ihna regi«tered ba.l a right to ears tbeii roles either for or agiuiui a ('onrenliotL The majority oi 10. jr-yie .4 (iaorgla an* kl lo real their rotes m fuaar at a (Un real kin Ii area assembled by tbe Mtotory Oomnauidar tor the erprr-aa purpraw of fian lag a r.sislltalkM. lot (be Stale, by which means wc could be icaiorrd to our ongiaai po aumn in tha Union. Tbe tfeiegatea to that fiuirentfon hare stained a Onuafifution. and it la submitted to ua for out rntidcaimu lbe unaaXnn u.shall wu ratify and he riwhwud ta tha pagitian aa* inaily oc,Spied by Oh. or ahaH wadetoatt Maad remain Trader mSHary rule, and hare no refer wbalever in lh. UomuinmtV I. aa an mdi rid ual, iiiMiul to cad my rota ta faros af rati- Baa Haa although than aaa aatoo Baal in an m tb. r.iuatuntioa I wonlil Mu to hava chaaged. yet, taking Maa a whole we are compelled to Acknowledge that II it a very good one. Young mao of Georgia. I oak you tu throw mania year peapißieaa iam a young naan, and atoim a right thus to opanh. (If lam celled piswuraptamn. I>« It ao.l The great abject we «hnutl have In view is the goad Os our eouulry ami tha reafimtion of oat native Slaie I. > bet ueiguu 1 peeitom ta tha Uwoet. I know full well that three of oswbn ere Si to advocate rntiSratbin will be dsnowuend as seal swags deeertera of our race aa Infkoyotu and unworthy the re.sgt.ilion of a cwrtain clam of oar new faughal deatnemajr. L tat ore, am wilting to aebmil ta tba aauaaaaa.— Phnat. himaelf. while ttpou earth. wNh afl bis goodness and purity, was vltitod, abused and treated with coulempl Can wc, then, re Mor tal web. aalgeel at all Uuee to are, look tow heller treatment at tbe bead, of onr rei-nnewl We see dally tbe sect el netmoMm tbstle prac ticed by tbe demociscy towards three who have the honesty end butdrena to roiuo out openly iu tar or ol ntohcatruu, and in Skppotl of Ike Heownirwetlou nruuraae. that ahull H I.- acid of as, yew net man us Georgia, that ire were mi boa, a< mean, ao false toi honor and to manhood, tliol we due not uvwert onr own o|auoua opwuiy. feulaaely curl el.irr-buurl ’’ I brer it aald npon oar aaraela. If we vote tor ratißnrthm Ajid Ibe iecoualfn ctpm eamlid.iie llalvra-rvr oar eonoeeaiou vrllli .bs-enry, vote the u.-gro In k. I, and khl mltea In Ml to ajs'ctalilc pgreiety. Has it roue In tilt. * Are wc to l-» j-|.vs l llaid fill opiuiou'. eake ? Who la ll l- -day deal,.mg tor liUuiy, thau ugbta and frersbuu fnau o}i|mseiiou. tail tbto aware class of lb race racy who would tyreowiae over OS, and bare nr think m- they do.rar ir.4 at all M o are told that it is nnjsiptllar Jo advisieh laiißcniiou ami tor eiecfiuu of ItuUra'k, Ibal tlulloek rs nothing tint no ‘etri alweae.'W and Ibal the I'.sndilHfbm was fraiwad by “carpel l-aggers,'* nod men who bail no inlerwat in tbe stale of Georgia. For tbe aaku of argument, gi ml that tin. Is Hue. wa must aUll scknowl e.lge that tbe Gresitallaai tons fmaued I. far an|s-rior l» that framed heretofore by onr tn- UUigrut GrswgtaiM. Tlie at IWftA was an illegal ewe, It was (tamed by nne-third of the people of Georgia, and never sabuiitbsl to them sos rat ihoniauu. Hull, wa wan- watUtol M taholl and ha g» vetoed by W, lUegni re ta rear The OonatMotton wf IPAMn n legal owe. Homed by the people rtf Georgia, (tar If the insjftelty of Georgians through their repnaeatalirea, had uo roue m the iunualnut li was then owe fault sad aa ore It M Mima Mat thaanalrea) aoJ n now anlHniituri to na Mw irMtaßm. (wa on ad come forward In eoMd pbatanr end vote tor lb Wnat can wv aipret to gain by rettog 11 thiwal Nothing, loaswat. bwl dig (MMeby tb* negrena owdtoemw wtotMa whn can wabnerlbe to Ibe teat nnlh If 1 woe the sUuhgmt advocaU of Ntatc rights iu Oeorgk, I wowld fare. rattAaaltoaas a uaUat utpabey Merer Ik tetoe bsal lb lag llsargit wa aam have. Mfe may | iinAkly bare sane la tha langUAge r T one of the a Meet men In onr Slab . ''re ranaol .Undanoth. - .urh hlemV t re We mad* in I be ■VJwetKJN of kh* aniiwtamenl to tbc fNni.'. retsje." Why hdfc re maeh at negro enPrwfe, when M ts a flnnd Mod, b totag that we cannot avoid. However mneh wv may d.-eirv ib W. raeagwiw* in tkd. itolhreh. ton iwpamew lailti' of Reconstruction Hi the l out of hla . Iw-lion, reaforation is nature. Iu the event of hudeftoh ve«y wrearfm Jute* l-su*. ihongh aehbowl igi I kp myaell eerd wot us .sir pergrte re a goo.l men, hre noma ret hi the Interest oftV IViuoceeVV pmty, and la oppsritbio to Hcoasttor-tbra. Young men of Genrgtm it will oak do foe wa to plane hi i- in pwwew. Th* mau wbo bad «wdMai nernpire about lakiuif a seal in Mm (bevwabn, . whre elected re a delude so that body.) at a lore when Georgia needed her beat aaeu to bwiu bar uqpMto low. and *Uo did wait ham An hnhlaeaa red mpohoorl to stand the «bns and da- aksMe lire wnoid bars b»ea kuipeil wpre bin. In Um rwant of his patthdpafiou Ml MM re'iaJTrT, JTiriT'Ld Mted to aapptwtmd reewto that tsw wblcb bs enakd Ml M*w rnweaga awnwgb to enMaS ha aaoMam Wa want peace and (ptlafdi IM H iwMV iße taakre*. Md hi wßi yr 4 g» “maavy an a MatNphM** I wowM n* yew M .nan amt tram a pansy. Ut. sarea at atjUt MN dad* to tire ns - - r-A. Aha AAaaaiWm. lareJ'. AdXa^saa mort vnm iMmim (VlDc)i XIK BBfolß M ttm *g|.«NßMßfo*4 nd i si|i*fffootfcl Id M|A bwßbM (b* wsMar* W tba Mote of assagh U rov ere kt hi rere owi to laswt It Wfliaa. Men, you wtMhaaaMad • MaMmi dg*Mpt tat ttmr »ki*% rey ether reoM waMd ad as sweet * Wkea lbs tppoHMia Mow re reythtsf heater to be denar L tor ere wiM, MMogly adopt M. R •ream that reregas of the Mooli. dbkeyaMr and i Mai Hilly la ihapnewtomiil baenbaanmi |ireßiinls to neatai poaMhns. and the t*M of weeth- Wash aAM kdkwa area sore pom (Hhff* (BffVF tßxh*Ba •owvwhoere red mtatmtaaa Wehnsepaoaad •Mol ettil relate Tbs Mare sad Bare bare fallen. are! Me stare alto atrr|Ws wave ooet the land Warn tats retrareWy *■ Ibe oMre. Ww ore M n epaedy way an raairiretire, bafya aam aad [itM ■«*(• Ktt p» ba true In Camillas, awdtbepanyrebvwpnawfittaof tbe eg*, alt mil yet go well lot re all cares fee wand re tbs day at ettetinn end rant ore vote, to favor of tMidi'ieliAn 1 ore wot an Antis ire. lamaOnatfiawbybtnb-Utvbrereof my tt mitts Ms buried hrereih the watt at l .rev pa Mw ■ dines at miuc here north of Ms sen re* Uimi Nan, end ao urn sooner than myself .would Med a tear over tbe nosSnr laiMM of ore heroes who tail la a bofade.- eoase, oe bore Ibe galtanlry and brewery at threw Who reh bsc to eee Itae taiton af then eSusle. Hut tat retake frets as Ibey swim rekgrail lip. Me Octant, and ratre re high aa ttoo. re tba only areas - to rev.- t.ewvrta fire otter ms red print ration. Re. onsre'sHnrv W* .irere It onr duly to worn Ibe poldtr .pawns all astral publish! No lustier nbat tfaade of poHUrt they on demgred so they gee dtmet-my lo Ibe paUir I lutsreet. and of Ibe nalfaie of ibe ! imopie Tbe budury us rech orgsniinlvws u. e blot npow Me amneta at Mr wenbL Tbe tuethi.l of then management sapors dnpMctly. fraud and Aecepdoo. and lu a forth of « frrw govern toed* Nk> «OH, Ibisr Mnw to ioiliate latngrw aud plot against the nellarc of eum-- clans of enure* if not apataaf tbe grearn menL They me ravidalltsterj tu tbel retnre. end eemaesjoretlr dawgreona, for the country is already sick onto death of revolnliooary schemes We .an lawgiver no earthly good that is likely to be arvmrepliabed through each instrumentalitv** while they are aaleataied lo lrree.l social dt.inrlwi.ra- of a very eerioas ns ! > u rt The fact is well known Hurt such orgsuiin tiuns are in rtiatenar la the country. M.n are leagued together (or the fnrlhemaoe of •one political totrigo*, arel In esc ret wanting, transact their badness, laying plot, and de viaiug merest re through which they may at tain rtk-eeat They fear to buhl Ibrir I taiton. in iwU'ir. rhoeiog rather, secret coo i clave, under covet af night for their orgies : We no wer upon arty one arganuntiou at this hind, tor tonre ■ more than one in the eonntry. and we wake war spun all alike. All alike are danpevone to taw and or,Ur, and Me aid lie dyes, .noietialaval by Uw-abuluig ril lieu* ami. a. tel re poantbie, «U| •prareed by the aatburuin* We red apre Greeral Mend, m toe only power authorised to take ougauaarar 4 each matter* to tier hla wdaenee tor toe uppres ■utw of .uch otpanieafioo* Wv mere toe ewp pevetdre of no aaa, Iwi ut oU. No are! ter how seductive tbe naaw umter which they ore nr ganisod, they us aH -ran. in thru tondrti ciaa. sad ah..aid hedlsrawlreaisl The bmt.wy <4 each organuatvoas la inker raaint ri» . is e ra.l cwansnlsry n|.ai nnlvrn tv... in meal syrty m.lance they have (woven to be the prrcnreoi. <4 mob* aMwseittatnw ami other redraw. They are raknlaled to (rat and dtaSnrb toe polvln.- mind, to err an sun- J between frieml ami frreml in tact they ‘ pr..inter a.' gnu.) to a eonutrj or < majivnUy. while they snignre ap enhswpn'sass ul e reign us svti which we Ale by mi mean. ami. to eirr -vt-HO Gen. klemb' has the |»nsei to prohibit such draarre and -wght torto A The ad4y ami seeoiiiy ol *«cta4jr leniin li relief the that is growing open ths pab.n- wiml, sml the sooner the strong arm Os power barricades ths pmgtere ol sack orgskirnlioa* the better 4 will he for tor gen rial welfare of thr people B. » Ninos ths shove was in type, lbs Ur tier: I tom lire Mamie upon tots aolgect ban t-rrai banded m. and spprer. in tow twww us the Eea. KllglbilMy tnOMee. It may sore a grsnl armwnl of I rouble IT I heme she praposs lo He enmlidaiee foe o*tw in Uts sppcoarhlag stoetiOß, to this Mule, sml Ibr voters also. M ail enmMdsr well the .ine.- tire. “wbo sre sHgilds lo ofßcs T* II most bs Understood, that for toe purpo se. of this alrction, the pending smemlnMwf lo lb. Couatilntiou ol Ibe Cnibid Utate* known re lbs lftb art lei* proposed by Gangrene sml nioptod by moat of the Northern Mate* mast he considered as already to forte, tesm much aa this Mata nwsnf. ondsrths Basest strscUou sets, he represented In Ctwgrres an 111 that sea sml meal shall he adapted by the resyaisits nwmhtf <4 (Melos. TV, ssetioc of that srtlela bsstiag in Ms qacuHon -4 eHglHil ity to fldkce. rands ns Ibllnws- Kt. 1 No parson Moil bes Vootor or IlepreseaWHefin Osngesre. or rtsetor sfhra I .bust sml Tic* President, cw Hold any oMee, rivtt fti military, under th* rotted Male* or amiss any (Mai* who. Vvihg pewvtoady taken .n -nth. aa a member afCkmgrvta* ftrsssa nd err of lbs Hailed State* or ass member of any Stale Legislators, or a* aa ever stive nr Jodi rial odeer of aay Male, to oappurt Ibe Con .l Itfttloei of the t'uMed Main* Mel) bare ea grye.l in insorrectkw or rehelhon against the mss.. ee given of or rarefers to t're iiwuw. there-4 Met Ore it rare may. by a ante *f tore tbiele ftf rerh 100* tense vi sweb .MaabMMy My aa Act of (Vwgrens. pnsisi fair l*M. IM7, M Is deetare.l MM Ms words "nnaltu ee Ja.Metal eMreks nay Haste, shell be rara strwed >a feilwdi Ml rivtt Mr*, rarefied by tan fur Ike sAmiiiwtrsMnw of any greeral taw of • MM* nr Mr Me ndMMMWsMtow es jwntire ffBHMBB tfoß jftim nature from b khog «•<** nwghi not M pare sent MresmduM M iWBdhMgM, MM MmMtVv dneo. nN Mu refer rest fee Mem wdl be rares I has thi 'WU away. B renarW Vrvpara Ilka dssqaaltde.l pure** U decked. aM be rem in -Hilly fee ast rndda amt Ms torn b* MtM reps lefesf sense tha www HmWWeIG. y,- uffteM* m-mWmi vUI Ilf Jiwnl Mdreenihen mtmbaa nf Ms Affenta eoaven tire breed Jp>% % fema Unn ■ m Iwmkw IBM tn dreamy Mb— •l* ttm. Mr W th MmMlk es tfewsha CowessM-sr Hre wrenwdand Met- seorey, sad haw Bwttoeh nsi asm hfewfe fee hime.H ■ w. rack ream M, tod mnCsw Meemaemae deal sad m i mar aaa seirtW sis » ■ ~ (LagWOfi fepxM. » e sts auihocuttv to stata that, by a meetn iwn af ton f nwreulls* each tbhgM was rs qwund to aaauty spew brear, (a wrMvag. toe number of 4«J* bn nervod a A mewehnr es the Oemraniiom, and tom nertseli were made is aooucdnnee with each ,rrtiAcatee Memtan, tarring un even oi nit,. Were paid h* sweb set .tin*.. -AtJ ii Ml W. C, ttaallb. ot l ..wet* drew UT ase. Ibna he we* «alvlbd to. be drew il ep>io kla own rwrtilivain v|e*. kVa.*, end when hie euwsrtaucr uonlden bun, Iw ran retain toe aucaiMl U, [>r Awgvr agent, who in. all tlie aft.Hllrii. sod eadvr. In b>. p* Theban* ebar*e .qilssl toe .41 Cot Hiiftork ta unworthy <4 notice Belief ■re rer. Paragraph 1 No rooti la tote (Mate shell bar* juried). Ue. tu Uy m drier rWise nay end age-—I any vwlhsi of ike (train npre any conlrecl oe agreement Bis,le ~r implied, or apis any ruetrsrl rah ta renewal of Any <irbt rusting |Si.f I*, the inf day at Jane. IM N* sbatl any cmnV «r mi—nfevtoi of)I rer of ILIA Sure Irate antlvurily lo * af,Tv snj jmiguieul, NVee-nlvoo, Us de-'rae. rautaied or lire. I ape any eunir«ct vt * -re.ran al made or Ite|fhsl or upon anyruaivari m renewal of e debt existing pftor to Ik* Ar*t .tsy ‘4 June. I a6'.. rrcept in Ifer iulh.wing Caere 1. Is mtn sniiir lin -*i *— l property u ta the bends of lira lrrares, or haa been inrrared br bun tn other nreMr rfleeia now tn ku hand* and in lull* try toe eemho of Ibe real relate sj-siDet Ibe vrmlae. when not men than erne third of tbe pnri ben. mon ey bee been paid, end the vend** ta to p-race eton of the Go t or ffeb for which be b** sold tt, nod He refnsee to deliver ike Uud or raid efevta te tor vendor In such run the cowrie am I oMeem may entertsio JC rfeliciiun sad emferre jadgmenu Aysinst raid trust property or fend or rflM* 1 Is reh* Ibr tfe- leoM af ratarwv by trostsri epputnUsl before the let of Jwae. IMS. A In witln ageuvet rorpontaona in thru rocpoc eU rapacity, bn I m 4 so as to rnferce the .lebt egexnat tbe mneUuddera or oAcrrs thereof in their ItWHvVleel rapacity A ie suits by ehreWahte oe hieesry insti Isiurre fur money lovrad. property other toes slares sold, or tnrricee rrndrrad by toew A In suits or debts dor for mccbnniral or manual labor, when die sett ta by the me chanic« laborer. A in rares wVts toe drhtln rat opbr nay | (4 defence, and the deU set ap Miraits ear debt doe by defendant to ptarettg. of wkirk the courts AH denied Jorn.bottom 7. la nil other nnri in which tha (i in sml 1 Aearmbly shall, by taw. |-r sral courts and - nAoere jariadicthKi. jeonded that ao officer , shall hare, nor shall to. Getsrral A swmhjy etre jnnsdietire nr retbertiy tn try ar pr* ; jnitgrarel re. oe mitrwei rey del a. tor cmvavd erauon of which war a alavr or stares, or for I tbe bite thereof. Paragraph A All contract* made and not 1 . seceta.l donm: the tale rvtelben with tbe ta- Imtsun ami fee toe pwrpoe. of aiding and *n cowrugiug Saul rebeiliuu. *>r where il wee tbe purpose or intention of one of the parties lo im. h coot, act to aid or encourage rmch rebel bo* ami toot feet we. known to the other party, shot her retd omweet wee made by any or coryurnii. o, with th* Stake or Con federate State* or by a corporation, will- a enteral person, err hsfeMWk two oe more anim al person* are Hereby Uciarwd to base Lean and to be lUegoi. and ail bond* .bob, peon*, ireory note* bilt*. or other . ' .drncrN of Arbi or cwwled try the r*r»>T« to astch ttm tree*, or rwher of that is rrennrona with reM iltagnl eonkiwci. es aa ths oosrai brsfton for. or in 7srth iwnn re there-4. are berebr de clared noil an.l void, and shall be so bent in all Courts in thin Hula whre aa attempt shad In mod* to enforce war sack eum tact, er gire rainlwy lo any «ooh otoagatora or •rdrsnol tW t. And in all carnra when tor drier.,Ual. or am aaa Interests I -a thr erret of tor amt will make s pics, support*l by bra adhtar* that V haanmnun to beifem Ibal to* ufeer -1 100 or eridenos of indebted*are upon wkirk the reh w predicated, or are* prirt thereof, has bare gtrsk nr isrei I for tbs ills—l aa, pore skuwsni 1, the burden of proof shall br s|.* tor pfetoUM b. satisfy tor court ar jury (hat tbe Urad, tired, note. bill, ar other en .taares af lodcbtawhsem. apon wbtah nud sml ta linmgbl. tarrwrc not. sm ukay part I here of 1 —■ 7l* 1 apon. or ta any nay conacwtrd with ray reek Ufegml coul/act, sml has not ta-ea oral in aid ,4 the iMwIHon. and tor date of rook hand, drasd. nuts. UN. ar atom rat doner af m tahlolr -an ahall nut hr rrotaone tort U bar rr hre go* atnae ua dole, bare opart t. transferred, or oral, in aid of tbe rv krtffe* romgrnphh. Ik Mall br m ton pnwnr M • arrawgr rs Ihn itoml trasrshfg In rrram and outtrrt rp>« nU debt* jodgmanti. or raa ara of actiou when dor foundr-l on any ana- I tort made or immlfed lata- tor set t 4 Jrnr. Ik—, ta the hands 44 My ora m kra arm right nr ar grain, sgwal re atiurpn at roof bar. on or altar the Ist af Jsurarj. IMA a tat of not rrereding S8 par rent, to V past by -hr rnwdMnr an rats of (.-tomtom M Ms Ash* hat chargeable by bira aa to ■ half sgpiarl tor .iehto* ami aoUectebir with thr drfet Pr.rai ded, that tbie tat shall rat br ooiirrtcd if tbr debt at irant of act you to Mkad.rao.l or rn ttnd toth iuifegol gssi in art m yudgssrei be erttta.l will- -to Ur raM rata An.l pron ded, Infka. tfefe tax Mail not be tartad an long as thr oagrta at Mts Mats shall oat hats yanrMrlkwi to ■ ish IMti » garni of art ion mend rate. L l rrrry rout remambri ikrl Bnlkrt user rsdirl, and will nut appoint Jadgra to iL Ur ta stao (or n bomrrlrad. ami will not appoint Judge* opposed to it. I bene are two impdrtnst forts which toe poor laboring men moat sot forget. Qr is -too for edwraunj the poor os well aa (Hr rich. He is ia fact the (gupire' candidate, sad will dhtanr~ Irwin al n»ont wNhogl on effert ■T AUTHOXITT I’U IILIC Al' T H f l . -I'UutU Coilgi'uuo ur res U a\ 1 T ED S T A T BH, rnmm MM. rnjmm mmathau* flten#fV •« ten IKttrw: a/ <W—ttem. mm IF nil, tew terX 4i nf- Bmrr*. A. V Umt: wm a 4mm V Mmr*K4- n imr. <• mmt ir»« »—>. so mi** % A. * »•**. ■<••( «XM4»yMff«4(te :*tma* m mtmm mmM »*mr li|. site »mfw<> 4m,* am* .M* - -4-te m m+mrmM te mi bm T%tmm 4mm. 9m U* 4mm * Vm-H, A. D UTI. lust. M 4 laa-raty-tr* 4m* mi XfoMM-. mmA (W 4 Ar ter am* am at feisntra. * tk MB eg**. MUM—to Art rasta. m ms OHtart m tatafe, ra m .in ■■ at mat nqnig ta a«rvei gag mart id to Ms—sate rat gram rt g»v>ra.s m-n * (Dm IMm( (Mtetaa «4 kmma%cm m Q»d>h s BBssasswßrsi*iriia M (f RataMte Date a «wm«4 (Dm I atremrtfes vSm' Itollbrel stara mi Ifer Mr mm rt tamer a rarait rMuw tahra—jm^to—Ajmd.—r raw»*■ ****- * "***:• ami Cp—ffiliote oir (tec AWwrteHww-I aC Cttf Qm~teMMwflMn foM 4a*m*y tmummm off tte UtteUd »1m mT la (in •mmmmatmmA TVte (ta GtedtehM pmjt mo * mrMtm %mm fo* D—M4 wm Dm 4toted kte*UkwTrl (Dm kna* Uamrmmi, 4j thmm ten nip( i ymmm. tot (tew —Dmt * i Z W “* _ll 1 nUff (to toXafteTtoM 4to» md DUmi (tontei *•«*«■tmA Dr a (yriby feAfei Ujum 4 iiftei M or teMTywto DtiD imto mi (to, rtghftiH to (rw( mb4 MfDf. m 4 Mlmi. Mtttoi pvatoff txterffr MT toT* toll tout 4* imn Mi Ctotoi •> wtew Dtor* **• mm 4 tot* . toi jynto tmm tZXJTJfjrm***mnTt 'tlZHmlu (Jam kaamiftf (to toiX to ttttMAOit- ta c*mm* A\apmmmm4 t*j f. MFT. clAf. I SIX. Am Mte AtoDtoD teStite Iktoa to a TMiterto (Dm WiteteU »4 M-ma* U »»(>'■■■■ ! tfetiram ut (to I uiiferf lt«u« uT iawVH in C«igr»M> —Mire! TVdt tL* Ntuwmi br . wthl.Tkrttor ( U yarn 4 | Miner. Frmmm Ji—ite»(. «M KrXMk. i-mmkymi. v f\w Fmm toUMtevU te toco Fuul. AmxrammA, iu>r If. U mi • MDF. IXI Dm a t temt— r .UM ,1 as m paid Ural Aa kt» te yrvruu to Mw Mfearw toriwl * -w ffHterut <A tto tobte (totem. ’ mm (to mrmmi te| f Mmnte. M|Mma Dm a tod to mtUf mrmmm. Ait ID* to AOfiytete* feCHfy Itoto. | iw* <x» tto iw —y tord to; of Varrk. hcMma rw*l —a mityowM to M itertiil Dt (to I AID What JAutem* oi (Upn-m WtoTA Os tto 4to 4 mmmm ms utorv-» . n r m* i—al >■ and. IW MCI toterto te tow Dma (to Utam lutem( A»J —fop rX (to ffr< of (D MKtUfel to; ui M—rD. tmm ID tii 1 ~|tr itond ato uitTurw l dtod DteMW terMAMAto to to* Mtetotelfte rrteWrM I us (to rwDte Mtete* uwl rifil outoa «4 VteglMf. XortD kmtti Quite. M.r— m._ wto "wyrtetetoTTS Da rj r iteinlw «f ID* i MyiiH totervt* ail to um \mu at Mtetteantj of - x Atoto M fartDrr Alt. 4. TWat tto nmm mmmdmm us toss toMrtn atototf ta toftd to aDteM tew, k-rww-r. teftpH (a tto dteteppwMd «f ID* tteurral mi ihm ami of (Dm PteMarf ■Pi ■■ tod ftp Daw etort Lfl pw- Ste^tvJTAtewtoteteateto to^MwO •d—. Jr MdDrtaft fotfte toil tto *-imrv Xftw a 4 utoitai J» • tmmmiut V> tetd or ' Di. toss mil ar ai’affi 4D« ! MV dot; to am* -btoVl iiAirr Ate; 4*rfVw m • toited tehtor. tojrjatMtolW ttote u»* titans fcto? pr re fete from Ul V Dim flote tto pmrtnrmamrm us toa aaai tutor* of tmr* tad * ZSTrn •* «te Mto>. rj? jtoTsprs j» y to^Sw 1 wtottoiTy tor. X Dad to » Ditto atoml Ttmt (to tow: Os (Da Mte| U to* QM»m4 Dtote« oteaD br to*te^l m rnm yr«mljte| te-ctoto K tot. 4- tod to It ftodDir Otertof. Tto* tto act* of (Da 4tote of toa tamj itewtj 4 amt » wnnu di i< tor^i tnarj T dtofi ’ DrtoM tooyof —iD w— etoDWte* tmm i ttotoo am iftnH Ail wrote ato ar* totoffte to (D* r•*«r»- ■>«ted af too rafcad toatoa. or «to warn totor utotol to to —n* to amj atammmr to DMtetor. totop. >w»Dl. «r uDatrtert too tor ato moo i Dte itoo tea .4 toi act ato ID* on to wtooD fc te uliowili 7 Nte' X Ato Do H fetor v teteirted. Ttote (Dr DM f |T-^"~r — , ~A»tet te Ote feri —orlD 4 to to ID povooto too Lbs tefejoa ito (to teTKMtel of IDo nDf i(ate*, pAfe~wl Kfegcfc la-. M<ikt_aote Dtetorm4 Ated Mk»twartv. r . jrere/SfgMrt wure|*hg!rbrtra|Mwu|ra mhns’ taesmrain nranrerai Tratra.*lre mmknisgl b —rt art Mad ast bssamfeare rearm rasgran. and ns nirgg ferM ks essarared relrm rauh fesr-i rad fertfc gra fe ramggTnrew 'wrara ra ks rferangsgrd k gj gm l is at rartby^rttgrtriate£g!g|^^R^^reg I *ll rtdsl fe> keselmad raafe a wetaragurar km . «bteD tol Da NOMto to kg J ta»”ibt Sre re jSLiH *Mrt J ifeirMranl t Ant kN N Ores r reamed. Tkre ra trw. re wk'i kreraree ramkrart me fewren rt m/sraT NT wk.. ra.l krtd m, redta re , mfeirt -ra~JS os. usggmrran us ra Vansd mams NS re* S’aCaUmr Were krt— at red rt—n rareeSk*-crrre-t ky taw 0* fee a—tsgdndu ad ear tvnerwf k< / » kata, ra tar ra sdwgskdrgk ra rt ' at. 1 rad fen pmMrt marts* Tfet ra nra tar eretadstiac mr Nrtgkaf i«gH— ' U -rt bt few ta add ms mw. talks reusrggi rs ra reranmlra rt ns- dtanrlrt W rure.lrtlta gra_ i-vt fey af Urtrtrar, imnusins skad tasa power, eud n mab k* Ikesr —ta Cnra .sg fcirar Ire rex. yrtnr rarer raure ura as. red Hrarar^^JU^ kw i^apu^T rare tare ram psasra art anuitad ifcresm km sere mg INl.era, ta grra ra ram. rad Nock keara git tfe. dartag me sra rene* add nesrk icggnj fegmdd tag dmt time pemam m* gmkdamtaga raggtrad ta grtarf eke fees am fern slvsadr rerun I. rad raimm mail m aay a era fe mg—d *• te -retarget arks -Be s SadfeHOwSfeT rrartej. Tkre mrtgn tanr Lh ***■!mu l~f 1 1 te»i-4 (Davofte. aDwotof to Daato af lAptorm * 'mm4 to (ffftol ■■-Dvr te km toteX Ato to aa Oteff to ATOT to totP DtearX tejteQj totoDte tSmmkTrJqkm* to (Aba 1 (to teto'af ftocr ffttMTihol U; tote tar odDoaro of (Do I toto Dpc. Ml ttotodtotoiMto. Ttok* te> for toa rr mar af (Dr Xfowar wnDOii rnmtm wiDrtoot. •Oto Dm to—tet ui too Otosjte D; aa; opDteMD af Wj 4for of (Do roftod *»W* ma* IX Ato b* M DWIII ‘ TDat all (Do ica X mamma * (Dte w* Ato Jf (to tecto ta vDteD (Dte 10 nf II lODtory aDaH Do Itofl MDioaDy. to to* ato (Dm* aM (Dr tototot (Draraf W to toltj ato pavto Uj fATTOiI tDL xßrrus ouuxt xnrtorv mi (Do Un— of liimiidil ie •4 id* maJZm kV *' In tu Burma or Xmaimmx XXi jeta tarn, inn J sjSSSSSS2SCSrS te! toitetetto poteor* -cat us to* Dto tolwy yioto to (Da ooroto <ta> oi towX D»o Du Aril ato fD wwi. ato tto art .■j'erg toTMOi. (Do Boom of lpiinniDlliii mo •gad-1, to pwiitefi af (Do O ■iDtotell te. to wotobf tto oM**. ato ■■■Aim I. nud (Do IDU Am pOteA. ton (DlrAi of (Do Mr— oo of Mr 11— oDUiowa —■ Km to |—M (Do tete Ato*— tHWD HoMHOBtoN Otort IL X l . A. I* tut »um or m r«nu» turn j itoy to. IH r I Tto Dwteteto Dovtteff w-*—K r«n—or* o# «D* DMteiwHbto J^stCSZt*A Mtotot* j-M-tad aa to* mnv«l so) af Marc*. dpMMtofoi mad totvtevo. (to to* a t toto*—Motor; (DirriO. ItoteM to (Do toaotff (Dtoi —iff of Htoto. vlpDI— Doted tol at* Ortyawak.' oiOtefte i— ID* MJtetei (o-oiDHte by (Da FtooUtol * ID* Ifotor4 Btoftaa. —& Dte — to* MD—— too DIU to t—om, tor totefo ft too Drteteft* ««to*4teC D» r— ID* mam*, . . Afte»4: 9. 1. FIkBSIKT, fotewtory. ftrt.i. MBIUX ClMOhrt I CXAF. miL^Ate^A— ft* toteDMoD F—.a teMD <art— l—l VMM to* I*4*4 —fetes of A—(ro te ctorMMO lite-aX TD—tooJtoU- ( at (to fatted (Dm Dm. —l'(fMtei Sr aiwi. 4 ffi? *kjja*km *s* ftotor, OtototetoX Mto Aflkto. Dte X S -4ooteoofe ftodtoßtoof (Da Oo—todteoaof I—too Atot •aakPtegMOb—irt—nfe aagm at raw fees— ta gay rug mi Mira, mama rt raragtau i .a ihau wm if tii—mvMmmm mi E3£ES2££Ft=s far Hm —aa. z <— rtttiftftTtr pr—tag tart wta—TTW rWttnl M pMknl |«iwMa. tMI *«rMar«t sE3Mi»£ir SSSLTBStt W fa*—u( J— WW. lon-ottA. unt4 t—n»rt HmcSm *— a . fy ° r ~ L l^gj 7 7 rwSr—%l M 7l mam. or tfto yrnwid ro—c rt lfc» IHmIIi m 4 Ku*r Railroad Lt LU ««• •/ ItatogPllt !■!. mm * U4b*4 tariff n> I. Thai Uw * ■»»» •** ■—!—* » “•« •< •! 1 —weya l« tft* v mm wry. »o*M To wry «l ttw pav . atm rt tw procwlkap aa*—— rt tow art. uwa tern* : 4r*«i awl ftfty it Tin I 4>4tan. to —aalo tfto 1. -rrtory 1 4 tao t—orwr to ■> UK wk Malty Mia< m away fnaa «T t atii’ltoM or teihw tad tat tft* po—ar Mn *** 1 1 ftrl ' 11 **"""""* Ma. 4 Aad to a ta—r owartol TVal tla BMW. (ary tor tad i+.<r*Uum to to* otaioioo» -nor* w-ma mmmmi tatrtog Um iMrtorfr «j iWw 4atwa to i. 1M to it Urtto caarVvl Ttot if oaaJ tm i roaaa** to tfto narrakat ato tot to a* nr* pair . > jMtoi.-at. u Aonby i ntft to a<*p« tto ...nia enu Mate* mm! Tamtoatoto to «fato‘'tofaa fa —tn r. aad tor warto tana (4 •*»**.« aa. tat ftta j~lig a —Mttew 1 J IP T ".ina tomJWf Mftre aato l TV— all r —l. in a» aacaptad —ail to |toto I ap— tto aa. I mac w> r apart to par H —nag. il Atoiiim aad mjutfmM aI. m to Irwv* >4 mm n —Ur —j. M—T AaJ to tt fartft** aariil T—l —4 raaato ! iinarrr rtyort tor totop uto tow art la tto hat • to at of (to latart —tn. f—a— —7 aaHk troan. A 1 —4 to L - *— aa tutor* my mam (atom. Api—tto. tot/ Jk UK. v A&T XUUL- la tot to —ry —a Mi i too (to ta—a *tofttaa fttpwftftroi Viwwa.ta_ lar ito au to M aaaeto4 try tto to—to tad l*wr rt Brp—c taa< aa of tor Pa—tS TUfca l—adawmaa wwWrii. Ttot. t of '*rry tag —fto. *to^t « Uw tajcJ* Jm' ujflita—l any *v (to OMH—r to to it | il— I If toa w tft«i otted —aaaa.jfty pad a— t— a4*rr* praaaa ft-r. tfto Maw L-toasty awd ■ ir■atomy^urapto it la rotor ft— tto plaaa a# toa tola la Caawat, a*4 ratorwag to turn ft«—a. ataortft* t—ft—aa of toa l._i4ljattiwtojtrtKJknMto toa < natapaoo—r-r aator toa ooanaika ataaaaM. awrft —War toaii ran4*a a awpanaau ai lor toa aaraw < i <4 tfty par oeiaa of tto a— tor wtitora waatl ■ t pvauat w tto ppm——a of toa Mato aorttoa to toa art of Aagto* oaf——. Mftrtaaii toa4n*l awd ftaty •a. -To to—tali tto tfpAnaaartr ao4 cwoator aymkam ■ of to* fnltoS toatot " to. atol torrfey W. oottortaal to raoto m ast praottona uta «•*►•»«. itStoTtto wotaty <4 toa Da— •to— tar tor aaap aaiaiir to tto —pea, a—to toa aorr—7 wto —y bo toaw toy too Oaa taa n. aftall to— jaw aaol proper tor. t 4a4 tw 1 HMttoar i—rtii. T— aa— a— to wt— toyan 7 ——7^ipryn— wim u t awry la to* trwoowry ato 4k> t a— apyr yrOto Am—. itoy to »■« i • RIP ItllT —4a tot —waimry to “toa to« Uuf toptoofrrtaUua* to hrl; D*l—>r— la tto. I|ll ifiiiMiiwi Mr i la—pißl Ifrpitoi to too —a of toa Ctotod tar toa toeai T— rotia« loa* ttotrty. *«to*ooa •■■ ta i I aw 4 Hilyon-t aa J for ft* it tortofby tto* tonato • ami H»«ar of Brproora !tp mmm to a? »mm^to ll C—toto—T—toTTt— y**« w*H Jmm * ttoirt—to. *ft— ato ata tooo.!rr,l kaT o'il'-!****. la • —tor wpatol. a— ao *ipoaa toil tirtota tar toTtaaTtoTtiwlCto^ 1 v—aa— Approoo4. »m»y to I—7. lti:s< n.I’TK »\s. tu. |J A to—w ■lflianry i, oatoar ft ——ta— to —Hr ttoo ton A <4 too la—4 ft— tS^ifHrrrrrT***,.T': to I —Vtooa—fttSntola to too Smkt* aaftto y— —to—too—r*4 oatototorooooa.—to MWW to , »too» typo—*wl raa ftpaoto toy too >— to—ja ' toJoiKov O— to too t—rty o—mWiT— wftawi ■ ppi—la«ttil aaa proto—it tar toy —» y— na— toftoytoa. iictofaa ta—to— a— Wrayto t. —4 to ; ttorwauM tor u Ttatotoa I' —— - y #r—- aattwa—m—l ftp ill Ttoto too i— wltolna oftaft m— to WmU > •,.>*« a •%—p—aS— — totoro— aaaatoar. 1 otoali graaili to aft ■ i M—a to too (—aWoM a— tor , opy—4_ ■—l Ai—■ topaoapa. __ t iraaii. m< rv— Miw. tao—f «*t to- —toltoto—ft tw tofltoft —r toraaeft to (ato— ** ft*» •» twaafta —to in 11 I tor a— too iifttoiM ■ to hotatoTto todtotota— ao ft warary aa—wora —to—Oftaap———a T. Tito too MMftftto— —to —9*oy a i roitary —fl toatoa tar to* ao—MiftM—t ttoo mmammmry iwtlftr ao —MWta—d4—ftg—to—. a— —y eapaf. wtaU VI Itatwowfttato—r—iKtfttowt tar tor •—•or oata «f aay artktot to toa (Uta—. or —la a—4 aitocJo. —* Aa4 —ft I—tfta^r— 4—i. Ttmtjkti, ttoow pwoMto Jmoi awy rJ!—fa "STtoT*uaaaarT— — Bav Tor* ft tom for tr—tp it—i-'ft Mto tatopftt ftvau Barra to> tmrv F\JT ra—ra t—gftaf or—a >»— Uw Cto—M i *!a t—w —4 —onar oa t— tft«r , MB a— • poftar jw harto rrf«LmT« I— wa— aa *4 —fTlftiUnti t— to—on aaft—rva—roto too Uat——tea. a— for t— tolrrtMa to —M to ■—Ua—nl proto—m* uatorr t—l fftta— toa liito aarpaao. POT tor aa* i—ry wp —n to eaAasMftg. iitopMn U—. —I >ata< wto —t— rol —f mafltawptifti ■teftwat. to oa—p—a flft rtfl—a to I— —worm) —to *4 to* UaWatototaft— Pnr t— a i —ry asp— to ta—rm aa4 tiln aar «—la tor tto— at ——to a— Y<«ft. —to lor too ■ip i a ato to> auftoy. toft—towto^«— aou a— too caa——taw. •m . 3. Aato ft f—— i—ton i. TUi *« aft— tor —to to too ft—a—t Tort, ooto to too tor—ft *fta lvpait—wa» to mat* • w—i— rat to tor maaarr la fttaftta Star ttp-wlUnr** UrWn air toon— an- mo— ftp tftow. fa—wuoata A«ft«mrd. Baraft U. taft? ,Bu 1] A ftooet—Hift rol— —in Iftr Ttoro tar too Cww>- yhftoa of tba Iw proof* to to ttr. Pro w 4 W—- ota fttomr. I—rt 4 try to* ftwali t— ftwoo* to n |ranr»* 1 O— to ftt Vital —a to A—at— la O—fft— aa 1 rrfttftl. Tt— t—— Bftftot—4 tar too otoßf—tm to Itetyvora—ft too Fu» Wlatw—a^toa—^awJ lotto OaftilaT*ipftr— i tag— oaptoft. " ••—r 4 awJ tatay-wm. oo—t— Aatowi—• —a itoialll) totatto ft. to too —praoi—| to —* [at ato Wt—in (ta nwro, aad la a wart ftw aaaao sty , a to too TVrrttery to WUr—ata. ‘ tw —4 tfto aar ftmfty la oiftakd tar tfto tana to ft— pto— | frtwa aw 4 ataw —a a—rvoa* to tt— nattattaa. «ttft aft tfto rtfttoa atol prtrtowoa a—tar— by t— art ApfTrtid. Mardt If. ft* (Balt AM— ** pro— to (tort* h—) ftr— by ttw I»MI» —4 Hoaat to Baprearc I—ft to too UalW ft— to Aworta ta Owpwt SrJrrSSs; i S£ , SH rt!nr* •»“ ' •>»“.. ■» utlM W 0» ■ *• • ton. ►» »- !*<—*». « i totolil to *■»»*» iavr to* ll ' 1 — ** V Mtom ato* Il Iltli. atoan 55* V ■to 1 Atol to U mttoa ptoa I lan " Tltot to Ml to to. AX( lA Ato |TI IIM to Aatoto a a*i to a tol to to aartol .«* -•atoto tow Atol fa* HHato. .ttafa. -a | • - litotoi. tod <• to totortaA U< »T. Ml* «a afar Wra . to. to* H»l*rA HtoAaa. •to * Atol to w tori a. I AMtoaito Ma wOatol .Ato a todtor. to wan 'toa laatototto aKtoal A sa^S^ggfcS&TiSr !55;5^KS5rslSix•sr^^, ,, : Bttft —3tal ril ***■-——t— ttbrrJrrZzZrs «555 oad Iftutr ratal ■■ Aptam—. Vlftoft ft t—! » « —?*b!SSi*—TTtptaS?^ troaaory «4 —a ta—4 ftt—a. altar a—l ft— to , .«woor— by 4«w *4 ttw Urn oaror tar yaat u— tfto inatty Arrant a. Marr ft ft MR. I tfta ttanrrtary Worta tftra a—a aft— taynty o 4 —0 PaftO wMw, at (—aft Ctaaao. Oftto. tar tfta Tt *4 tft. N* twaai %•> ft— tar nfttfttal Vataaterr toltaora. a^l . far 4ftrr Ptrptti ta U rr—ftp—l taw— OAtof ita. -/ — toi—**, 11— tfto Hi —<t»j « »ar bo aw 4 fto—Sy— mXLTmZIx ; s aatfsßraaanaiysg •aa. Uftfti. to —o tea— «4 tnwgra ■/ (ko ootWw.l tart— tar 4i—ftia4 filal r ■fllfttatWo.if L ArtNAtatair—4l—lta taufttry. 4 War ft* a— tiwby ta —art—aa «tta—ft ——ao lotfttar. ftitrt—— 111 i*a « —ft—l —aroo to. ft a* owyjtarw toopwtao—. ml Mp— W ta. aoia-wor l *usln«a. Mm O. Mai I %m. A ( AoteU •—■ il— w'—ppl r aa O—na m tfta fcamtwrat <4 tfto -Art ta pawatala ■ rant la«w* taw* iAuf»— WT.—, a— ftw otaoo Niytfti Wanrto* an —aaaaaAwo— <4 tfto ft— —Mttr-.l -ao i Art ta K- t— la tiwtl r»to——b Taßftairtto.} Wl. Tl—a ta—itaa4—MMy ST*-’ * aa»4 • aaftt"—— ara m Uao , rtf—* Wl- mb4 —— iptaal laayart <4 tfta art alar. ! total. »* I*o sty —a fttrtr Bn (Wgna Tftarr- I . ta 4 r— ftp tar B—ta —4 800 V Btai n . - UmtSTl, r—B— V pap—AM (——»awrwif if. Tftanfto “Art to p—— ,j<wtßaijT —an ta—i tat iwnad *o*4. aw 4 tar rttata —yiai —ml W oad ft ftorofty ia It t sty tataftlag altar ttw w—» Do— ‘'f—afttg wo lift. toa p—tr—pi. tttad “itaat 1 C Mft—t Waata.- too *—t f—a4fVw< *ol—." imn: Marcta SB I—* Vo. f A ttaQa-tuta— poo oft—«»g ft* tfto ao pi fry fta r rrya tor a Hftip O—t t—*»a La— ttna—4 t—a tutar. tar wi—ary aarfa awJ (r/ftft-nia) yor poooo _ Broonaf ftp ta Kowaf* a*4 flttrrf Byn»— i*o of— ro— Jftatov af Jhmrnrtm/m (ft—paw aoa—. tftatßw —rrafttry a# W* M-g I— W ——sty a—star wa4 4tror—4 to —ato aarorya. onto ptooo ow 4 •rtiwtoteo c 4 cool. f* t oft; j. aaaf ft* namnmrtkkm Brta^a— I (Jattrto. ar Cat— —a —wpMMta too ■—of i—l—ip . uno. •Mb— ft— atrt ftxty oix. —4 Mania tan. g—m tioota*4 —4 aujomc. tar a—art—w aarwya r— g to t— —raa—i ■! af —an «a4Hw— ltta ai— anUa An——aft Mb UK. ftw BM A taaa—— aaaantftlar tfta outfit oacUaa .4 •Aa Ac* to —a—4 Art aft M—4 ‘U Art to prarvto taH of To— pr«i■■ 11 la wtatta —(apart to *aM *r Aa tmm * AA* OaMa AT *Q - **■*»<J; i*H , *g*A.iU walal uwu aaal ad lAI 1 aaaala taaalAa Aar Oa baikr n aaltl a. toa Aaaa d|aaan raaaaadaaaaad >la| *at la w*ali or paaa hr «tj m * •ta. eftaat. ar t—rt——l. ccw^aw^dTar O —ty par— to aft——, —a *oO—a —a— ar ftoi ta. too odw— rt art— S—iUn bv frooa say gya&w to— rt ta <‘a—JXta—Tta-Ti' m *ua—ro — ■■to* 1. Tfta* too— —A rftar tfta paaaag* of tot. y—k—wataor* dtoß to totoifto— 7ua aad t«Artod ft—a fttoftMta oobo— toft— aatatf otfA. a* tow —o of —toy ta— ta— aa* iwpwo t —a pta«v i—«—otat aaoataa —top p— a—ft— t —aatwvSFwSa-MB atwvSFwSa-MB —lta-M -rtfttoi, top—11 ta— ta-^ta«w» Arraco—. Maa— ftt. UR. . m ~ r £s m ? *~~ ts^ 9 T7rr* ' 4 tfto t— fl—taart ua sSSssSSSsSSaSK' at dpaadAO. fawAtoa JA ka AMAa. ar aM a*. and * Y/u..- ' "RSnStl SIaoS CmA ■AdAtoOMW Odd and lAIIdIA tAddiar • Ma^HaSSJfea^MrSTraSadTas l" smske (Wta. C—towtota. aw 4 tort—. Cftftgna. —Mftg IA» TOSSS.'MfiSi fi^rr- 1 —>J—. 4t04 to to too—ft? --a 4-4 « «to v mm tow tt——A. -tar tfto paa-pr rt taw o«at ■ mLWSS«K^ ddan ll i * OA* AndlaM HnlMia, Wl vfear* W wa? Mda^iadkldal, •a. lii fad kada paaahai far and Iddin - and tad dr OddA Adfaa a. AdAala Tall lia fan unwa™W VaaadA Afatai V faaaaddd CaMtJw'aa lAAaI TWI kd aad ddr da tdAQkaA <to» faTd I wTrda!da?faa ll ««'dOrA*aO far AddaafadnT^fa 1 * 'Jadj ar aadrard IdnAdTlM ka3dttta.l rra <a Jan aaaifar ad ntld and aaaddda a. w inaaria dr nanafra(l*dd w lamat ta—ty— ——a4—i ar tora———y— tt.'zzzz' zsrsr&iserzza wgi.nj'tfgg: «w ndlkaTii iai; faUdkr adfaaraaad ad laAfadd—lddOlddalai lOinddaaaa aa pfaij aA adAaa da ard Ad da adfadAd a« kltlail uiak i Afaartdd da Caaaad aua. taaaai 1» faaa J >pa Hi daar aarrAd k> aakaarr , aar Aid, afal far aa fanaakj adfauraad fa AaaaAr. ana mi. odrr ar aAfaatr and dland nv»i aa raaJ 4a. ' trtaaa aaw jmaa and afar luda laranaa I fa» awl arfa. afa. afaall pa»d aaatfa Juawa attixdt and l"« To. H ; fa ■aa.Aala.d V. aad raM4 Ua. Law .< 11.. i Ifakr t aa. Aaa Maa had dda latadaar. had al aania Tr, (Ma afar dldkfaAd Uaaraaarr.^ufa- M. 1.a.1i.4 uaj aal) at. la faair Id Ua. and Jaa. 1 Aaanfaa.l ks dr II aal aal Ada* ■ifaaafaa aa uaaadld I‘ araa. II and Id art ala duiw aa • Thai da laaaa dad* far da lad fair, and , wl tj ia lha Taanurj .a Ban Kraku aa Ua da ar aaaaa. afaa* faa«a> da AfaM Ad and IMafaa. i *aiaaa I i A ad dadao. m» aaaAda mi Ufa fart, fara Ad Adaaadi- Add Adii lad aau* ofttoUftpro tfto aa—o ft—• tot oA— aa tftu—w Uw aao ft— ftp— appp—| aw 4 ttgftal sty tap p—rwr Aaftr tppo—«o4. ta—tart ta ttw ta— n— atol op p—ral of Com* oa* Appr*—iTmatHi M. tftftT | Mu. IAI A Bow— ma—r—ftg tfta I’ttar* rt far •a— » Ifto lap ftw—Ur tap—— ttw t—ft*4 if— o* ..JSsau£isSLrtJsrr.£crt TSIaTLS fana or —tatal —ft—p to— ptPrta—(y a—ftoriw 4 sty <Y as—4. —ft*, ta la m l*t*f«Ht Otranto— i lifftw ftrtrva —a .Jadadgdg. r .. MAU4—• ta MIM -Mt> S-tataa.