The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 10, 1868, Image 1

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riuunwHMrmpn^ M *0 '• **"••«* •#■ » trt». Pn Annum 2 to Mr IlVfefeUkM HI 1»«U» ,M it,rat* t»» »imaiTi«no _ Ilfr* A‘WIW Oca** ■ \amewrraaavv M »,ur. .'."....!. ...-mi nm l»« •:::: :;. £S SS SS tSTkoltte , gg o.» «•« ttamm ...! **m mm «-•’ uni taoe kite- AM M.K t utow. AM WOO AM AM MM lAM „>iMoto*. . 1 AM MMt lAM uiiKoam tut • umi yonul too. tfeito ..Ou Ml bo biolil q> o lotoi ntliw ut mM| A ‘JIo IT* IMiunAWHiMio*. lumMlim M maw to* hwo o« orUW MM|«weU. |» Ho oMAmi M at***. ■ MlMfl ToiooAMm or a* MmIMIUMk »|*U OIMA IXrtMol M <nit n«i r*m I *r •» wammm »■ . M M at ■UTUT luff S i«M NH Umi ©** WtU». onto. to. fc«4 of -Amtol i . ..VMU A IMWMI ownio.. ml I" mu lot . .«t-a,*a*t toaortM*. o^'^lo—i , l«Mi«l'»AM ‘J»My fMOWO. *Slm oE* MoMMAiPmIibMA»I taaw4 mi kha tinritt it in Tn mki »iU44M»a o« iuuiu rrnrrr. nrfuirri m MTinwr KK.UH AMU W■ ITMU A IX. lltfUW kIORNINiI. APUL W ivwm A <t»N| r<K IB* 4 H mao luaiia rnwi IA-.untaina Juvruirai .1 I*l IW ti **•* • * raUjta*. . ...t o.orr ma* *"» A" |^ MM urn Mo V*"" »Wk ( brHIMOT I l ** 4ba A.H AflJ •<«VI AruMiMi oar draw. A *4 rrrtvA IW •* *<U' Wttfc BaMy * U*rt i. wvtti * TWfl <WfIM. Wjr*. And tats Mm I mAm * Ua TAm rbaar. bofa. rfcw, for buiUork la tmr man rnwi lumiUl In moratb’ziMa fart* IW ev). TW Cutau a»4 W •****!. l or this v» fir 4 war ma** ora. Ft* t*ia tW aktraa va ra bra*-I ftiWtb aMiaMMi f>rt. fad a fa#kU*ls*lfalM draw . W«*1I rkrar t*« twmuteei •»« Wit* MM) A Mbi k-rrah I TWu comm, boar*. coum. Aud )*4m Mm> rtikw .la* TW* (Amt. buy*, Ctovvr. For Vn'Urk la onr mar. Tba rigfcl will mod •krfe fnwauo i rot*. Ai<4 aam aack |MrW i twart. « .4»« W u* awrap all wmof mv Arad bawl lb. uatiuraa own **U wkrrl obi GraOfflta Into U*c Fi r prucraas, Urtilb a»*t lw«. inj tfa-a Wa ll pair Ikr wr'ltw rk*c nftfa ruaojr a leu4 ten*k ' Tkaw aaaw. kora, roto*. Aad k«*m Iks i ana • lax Tkaw . Am ar. boys. t-W«r. for UuMuak ia aw Mara 11. H. Multrark'a lla«*ali«4 aad KaaawfM. Ilaa Rill ----■ I K trb tuiui* *>• K'faidiAu.or I metre. of u fiuMil; rW situor rhtUlreM, shall be > utill* I to w iH'WralaMil «rt realty to lb* value •>( lw*» lioltwn*. I»1 a|Mw»w, Wttil pwr '•>uat tn tha «alii>‘ «»l onr ittuuiaail • l.»Uw tn tn MfMw b\ Im4Ai u» km lainwl At thr lima they wiw wri ajaut Amt no Oinurt, *•» KiatWrnal Aflbar in this KU4#. shwti am bara junwltelloH. or tqlhnnly, tn wniorow way jinignaaioi. «l*>«*r* «*, cw l>««*| t<4a mi wi w|«ut iiwluthbtf Much u*i uirnL" m mmj Im- nuwta tharrow, from nn»«* t<» tin*r racr|»tlof twarw. mowy Iwrror id au<l eipatiwl tn tha iniprovrmrnt of thn li.niiwwtru«l. or lor Uia |Miirhwsr ui*mry of Ibr utte. wtol for lwU>r *loua ihorMua, or iiAAt4|rii4l InintnhW'l |h*<af«M, or fenmawl of rurmnbran • r-a iWnraon Amt it ahull U tha itutjr of tin- Ur Dr rat Awwiubly, m mrtj m |>(irtteitila, U> |iro«i*l#. I») In, for lb« art ting Apart ao<l rwl i bat Aon nt aunt |iro|M>rtj, nml l*» euarf lawn f*a tbn frail ituil rompMe jhoU«*liou wn*t MCQhlj <>f th** M*ma to the aola turn wu«t bmrflt nf Mild liiUithm AM AltH#awl«l ti <tti payarty *4 Uo» wiia, io Im pontA **m»u At ll»«* tliua oi kr« »tt PTTTJI rriy j4mi to. mtraritrat, or wM|Utmd bjrVr. j altwll lautwiii bar |>roparfy, wn.t n*4 Ih> tiahta for tliw ilrbtM nf hoi bitAlMin*l. I "«aU»«h, Ika lArpal-k#c|*» l ot Itaffori h.v (wwo a rwwi«tw«it »»l (trorgiw tan r#ara liranng thw whotw of that UajAm .ha , U.m bunai Kto hnoairran iramtuita with j iioorran, ami haw »«ut«HHvl tha chnraeUr ol ! r•» irrv]H<urb«t4i< frnii«n»«*n In Nt* Toft, j U% nalATa St ala, hr wan AalWrWad aw A ganth* man kint a to a a of atrict kraminrww hwhtta ami liiufQonUoAMMl inlryfrity Tha p*|>ar* what* j tie ha* tired and waa hawt known afwak el him 1 tn tha highest Ihik tU-ture, an*) daring the war, he haw auaUin> r»l 4 tin* r**|*ui*tmu ifk Duiurm ami general Uimmai inanag*-r. 1 String lha wbote of hia leu year*’ lth» la Urn South, hr ha* never ttauv •nigt't to f*ral«Sth«e**teeiH of tba Son I hern jteo pta. Uul uoa that tha hanoaatrart »in (witiy haw rhdal boa aw tha fMopav wan for i (Miverant of fhanyimUia mnhlonly dtaaovere*! tUal ha m a 1“* " a "aralawag. * a ,*• Vauhr** j*»lveulurai , and an ••inlarhymr.**— Whai a Jewel u iNmsaaiencjr when oama«l to u* h ettremit y am thin Wbal an admiralUe taatura »and M«yoMl nhaaarler Uiia uiode of , l»i .M'ednre Vertljr, utrn hare gi thanuialtf* « vai to iguoionea amt intolavaace, ami are « and sioliitying j*nu< ij>lc a itli a mat ihagnwtiug an.l narrow-raiu4ed I^Vibe. Wa bare the higlMrat that Oi. HnlUrh. If alerted. MfrltfalharaliMt htm tha tlrrt g< atlemen In Ueorgiu. UU a|»pouitfltenlM will ha ittn«h» with t Apert a I ragaid tn thf flt itfaw «H the A(»puiut«a. Tn all lha jad tonal ~ttoeM h** will apirtnl anch men ae will ftuth tolly amt impartially wswanta the U*« of the Stala. l'«» all othei offtcea of Uitht and rewpon -itolltf, ha WAUapt*oia4mwu«d rrtahliahed khtl •»> nml mtegrlip. We have»>aaaon In balieve tie m oudrr m> phdgera In any one Ha ia in ilia baud* of ihefWamhiof Haoonatrnrttou. ind, if atactetl. rUI ha ftrne to Ihr paojiteof i b«* State, ami rteenta the lava na lately ami tally am any mat*. Though he torn* not horn in tha Slate, leu yawn* davottun to* hnatma bar* baa centred all kia pirnml tn leer ala in tha r .i.»manky wham ha vmk4mm. Urn, m mnab a« any one, takntrwaaied In n good gotatnmant for fleotfh*. bar ft «a ttgynaaiiito ia npmt til* intereei hram lha IkttMrt **f every oUwf j Uohler in tha *hdr Ilia great h«Hahattno which »a being raise*! t»y the oppoaition |imaa Otar hh nativity, i* bnt the WUe mnathtnga of fnII ta too ta - gutgnnt far whhtiai m rapraof It ia a ill wan in i es wmlmmmtmi hnpwtaawlHl»*l -rblrh *iivvM jhgh erary w-aallait Pi mcmut in tha WA —* m Km MAtrtlisi » 4mm,, t MW ft «««»«»(W MlrtyyWAi A*Mk- A» >MMilni*Wi«MM, «m*A>Wm rtkrwtt THE DAILY NEW ERA ltY SAMUKL BABI). T* «M rmmftm rfU..r,l. Tl» OdiMief CM. A B IMluck. Um Cm- MiUltou: CmUMM Oummmt. «« >*• bawl Mm. Bum* H MUm— o* (Morwu. «ul Ht horlmrl; wtHlmi «rh bow Mull 1U uWau'Dl-. *ud bow C*«lj bM pwlm. IbMw u w» ik> mw!ll|JI««o» «• wufiU, na MUnp. w> ,rm.W tbr Ini lb l.y tl» w. iKirn rMOrtad tn. W» mj n»J »»■! puu.b»i U rrw.l if 9trrr thr mrtil Tim wWlw* it Uj |MI. lUnuu Ijnii utniiuM ItW Un> offif. it! (lofnwtr. l.j « C..u.fuli tn lally | i.jHtwrnlutK i lint* uMtjwuy "1 I*- «'*«*• l,l 1 lb. St it.. I 4.* ImJ. f.. 1 .1 lil.t-rlj t • <ll*i*Kir.l ' wink*, l.y r. 1.i..i«. 1.. lb. k«.«' [ )> »u*a Uni* ••*nf»rre.l M) *niy «ieaire u |u Im **l •rivij-e to I lie j klMib* peojifaTiCnhf great Hut*, with whom my Wd baa !•*** **» bmo an 1 |»b'aa»»»il> ••*« ». tu hniblirag U|* her waste |da* e* amt m om 1 iwg her |»r<ararated tmfnatrial and eommemai kHrto, under tha l*aui/.u »i*llu*uce .4 a n»il govern me nt. in which all her citlre«M tn*v par drupel*-. To r*f I hi* object ! ht,! etrry rf“rt ahaH loi ih*i4et ’ ' 'IV rnuttltutluH elfli-i} li) Ihe late (’on ,fr »u»»a, la befikrw y*m U*m w» privilege to ' aid lit tin- formation nf ilia! Itmlnuucuf, and (bn* to benniuc * »U* a**i only the let* ’ terns tlih fiimUnmiUl law, but *lao with tU«* ajAtftt Mid the inietiUona «and lh*mi vim ttamed It. My vofea me recorded tpna aft Its rtri atu braueliea. and il i« thea*rU»ra euitaeemary tor me to enter into any at.itemcnt r»f my j»o- Utioal prUu-iplea, other than tn wav that 1 «tand-#i>th committed to the new Coturtitu Irani. «ui*l lau«»* an e,uue4 <lrairr In ntali/i* thnae (feat Mkemo«rea rtre ••|trt»ef mid lljr '•Hoi«e*te*«r* all*! thq* curable oor ruiu««t fmmij4* to lake oonrag* lor Hm lulnre, with a full aacttninee that she reaulta of their U!*«r aball be enjoyed by Ibeutertvee rami their faui ttiea. Il will he U*** cUly of tha Ur nan* l to )»rovid* ra thorofjjjh nyvtern of ednr*dots for 4bc Stale. 4 -t v If called t»y v»»nr vote* to ammo* th* malt ed |>u*Uio» of %«*ar i’bicf Krarutivr, il will !•# mv duly aud m* lew a phvMiire, tn nominate to tbe Hmti', fer < otifiimatiou, |M-rv>na i wbna# |muH «-oi«v, wrtl ertal4iMh<*>! e|*arart* r am! ability, lute ws ui«.! for Ihriuaelvcra lbc ; conftdenoe rt lh«r felhnw citizen a in Iheir re ijeclof dUirtct*, aud who*e fiiucw. by rcaaou «f their known iatrtligc«AC«t ami amrai worth, for tha pnvitinn* t*» which they may la* jrroni mumletl. wiliem*iAie then <ra>nritut-*4mn I t lb** reprcaautrativra of tin people •* Willi malice toward u*»nr, with t hanly h i ' proaperiiy M nor St and.», and tbv )wr|ie. twttr raf free, civil govcinwuut thronghnnt the tend, I hare lb« hernn to I* your Iclloa citi zen. ft K !lrtj.i* k Ta ikr Yaaai Man nf Ur erg In. Ktltor Mr% Vru f Wilt y*m alb*w me. ttmaigh >onr mlhuiio. to |Nitdiah a puoead ' di aaraed chief!y lira the young men of Georgia > This is a tun** which ndta iu ijuc»ii*m rail the . raaowtuaa ol onr •«*oplr We are. by mn*aai ataneea, placed tn a pwrtina fmw whn h it Will !w very dtflflcwlt to ettriewta «mi. -rtic*. Allkiroa the relative |«o*dtton of the tao aec- Unaa, M.qtb a«el S*mlli, an|eri«»i to tie* ial* war Wr km»w tall well the rmnll ..f Utal war We know that -t«r*rti mrt Urert and ' lit* Itravart of Mmi blare aaiik t*> rtae m* nitwr. ( The Smith placed all iI)WIW th* atmgpla. 1 lie iWcWeA rare* agaHm« her. and the Nnrtli lu* Conta for th the Victor The principle* a*lv*m 1 rated by the State Uighl* Dewrorrp* y went ' down willi tbe aiirreitdef *J im* ami Job untie* The great aujoMljr »f the Hoal'era j»e**|4*- have taken the amra*rty oath ft Mnaiei m, , aa men, to carry rant tha term* hy that oath. Thar* are ia lha <* -v<gi« to-day hut two parUc*-(ha Banamraolaa ’ and th* Aw4A»Hacnaat iwtka. or Uemraerahc party Tha nm» tn favor M the raatnaalrnai ol ’ Oaovgm tn her ortgfnal porttton tn the Fwlon the other in favor of military m!e. rand the SOhMfetfaw of the Stale nt iu pranu loatu malad aomhikM* Tha great thtoag with the Duwoevwttc party ia ahuraa. vtHieolkn* an I acorn They attempt to make everything mean aud re*lknib»UM (hat unarmUa from the lUeouahrwrUfWi party, haorj man who baa brahkneaa enough In totmtiU n an—trurttom under the **Sheruiaii NW," la deucaiwfwd aea traitor, nu euaiuy to hia mee, aa an ndvocwle of negro equality, aupremary, ehv Such rare tha uaaaa u**d bv tha Ihuwuotacy fn drive all youag ha*w aw«! taunt mtm tram the mucrtien of tbair Use ueWTtuleWta Whew Lee and Job baton Mtirramleicd their ranuhw. the ibaran of aacramiqto ami aUrary wa* wealetl It wa* detenutmrd that the right ol uicaaeA was a fallacy, and Hurt **Uvery «to»««M a* lowfPW ertet tn tba Twited State* Wa then began to think of the |*4au of re* : cinantrtirtAun. iVmidawt Johuauw formed hi*! pkn» aad appofwtad lawn Juhwnon I‘mvia tonal Governor, and conferred Upon him large ' poveni greater than any military command dvr nom eegoya. A lkmvwut»ou waa mllcii FraUdani dohwuou hud aeeu fa. iw th** mean time, to (hafmurhta* a huge nntuhei nf rhe Southern puefde. The Fmrkdimtl OoVrtraor iaeucl bia procUaration oonreuing a (.ramreit tH4t of the |i«n»fde id Georgia, to bw«M a tkaw adlntma Netthwr the Urge nmwlier .tiafraM rbreed by I'reuldewt Johnwon. nor tha iwgwus, were taken into consideration iu IHal (IfaVtii- U***i lint al* »nt «>ue Uiit*l of the ja*»*|*h- «*t Georgia were represented Thn Cnknutina, \ reprauendug hral the third peoeuedud •« famra nCVwmtMnrtoii TbU Courtttwtkiw, tlirara form ml, Waa nrvei -uUontted !•* the poraple <»f ( Georgia f*»t tUrtr i.*l:tt«v»ti*>n In hi the l Cuwfahwtlnn nf iWit&. in On tonualiim, wa* tl- Ugnl (MW hughiatWg t*» end. and the Fort i dmttwww it,and ora eowaldrred it. a* hi-* pmr ! tnmation ahnwra The ('.Mudiimkui vay* that j the United State* afadl goaiautee to each Hirta b Kupwldfcrwto kmu of Govemmeut but fabla hy wu wMHWWungu that tha rwartaat U the I mt-d Hfaiwa. and hna thi* rifdvt In tha fafahkA of lld% kwin of U«>verm«tcnt, wv i e lb* (0 a* M*. m I* M*n «»l fat 'pMMfafk nvuf 14, Nwfahwr (fa yhvwtdewt wer a»oMa» <rt.a imm Hum. art. Wf M» raMrtto!». p,.- »• ttaw i a* lb* Vtotot Wto M> ATLANTA, GA~ FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1868. tkoiwb MtoMMfeff tto trthmrt A* PNMtel j tol*« »»Mtog «|> arMtoM g. in—* to IS* , Hotoh Macmrrated hy b*. (wwrAll,** 1 totto# to fc«*» my Mtoia « AtowWani. wm* willipf to* work 6on» fcy tto PntodMt. HOf Unitot MMm raid »c . .pt to* dm Maatoni It i» MbaStMlto WMr UeAtoara. Vtoj utoig uuMjHtMtod * -na I MR lto*>H|ri*toh|itoto«Mi b-«-1 4mm *m» Jto*r «Ttof Wto ** e«ad mtf ! toto MVtMMMtottaa tor Wr Mfiiil to r«u- { If «• did *M alto* ttoM to nh »’• rotimd tton nrtM t-rwv. of iv-odnlittoa - Th* l'mto.l Mitn Mo« th« MMqo«rtß| p»«- | #r. M« to l ton to tn|»w bontor trnoi. ind 1 told,no v« MkhiM to**, oat <mlr th* nml ’! bat ii*j mflrmgr W«anU took i for orobm* *U» *».l»r tto Hmivtuni U- I m not to to —pp—wrl ttot thr oavprrrHjg ! ,M>V*r voold effrr lail.l.r Irrai Wr to*tlq( I rrfoonl Mtontion aodr, th. |dan* nffrnd Op Ito thta ttmr. «'.nr— pomal aa art orrr 1 tha PrrahtontUl **to, iMildtog thr Ira Month on Mtotra nrtn Mitihm Mtokta .alhotixr.f i hr Pimidrai to apyi.ol a raMaiia totoaarU. whnar pov*t aitd dahra aa laitMw. rraantoa l 1 rr arrrr drtlnr.l hy tto auJ art I'u.Vi thlr IhII. tha. laarl, a t'.•nvrHtt.'ll ... irltol IB Ito'txta. aJkoe thr .lur r. trot ol all malr. Mark aa.! akila om ! I* rrr/. '.j.t. i a Ith th* rir*p4r.a fit I thr TO; frv airludait h) th* hilt,; aad Q th*a* t utro. tha. rrgt.Ufr.l. tori a li||bl to root thnr vutoi ailtor lot -t touiul a ttotiauoa. Thr j map'rttjr of tha |>roptr *( or. lit to raal thru *otra in lan* of a too Trillion It hy tto Wihlait l uaiUWiirt lot lorTt|itT*M ,MK|rirr of total I lug a CunaUtuthai lot Ito Mutr, hy vha I. moans wr oonhl to tratoir.l loom irnginal |m rilhm in tha t'nioa. ; Tto Lxirgatr. hi that thin,aut ion tor* fnunad a I'iaiatnatiou. ami it u antmntir.l to or tor iw raudrniton. Th* unaMnni I*, .hall ! w ratify and ha irrtomt In tto portion otto i malty oranpiml hy on. nr .ImO wa dafml it ami rruuuu main ml*, aud tor* no TIM. , a hatrTrt to lha ii. T..niawut t I, m aa Tidaai. intaod toraal my *otam tofar of rail | hraiKai. oh boa,h thrtr m am* fcltair. in tto t'unrtttotaiu I v.n,M Uka to kn*artongt.l. I rat, taking it a. a * into, a, ta . r la J m aaknovtadp* that it ia a vary good one Vonug men of Georgia. I uak yon t« throw aahta your preprahen lam a y*uu« mu. 1 aud elaiiu a right tbwa to (If I am called preuatapluoua. he il ao. i Tba grart ohfurt we ahuuld bava in view im the good us oar cow it try and the raoftarufaoa nf our nwtiic state to her o* igmrt poaOKui fa the Untom. I know full well that thwnuwf wnwho *u* fa to advocate rurtdeatram will be denounced na anal awaga- daauriet* of oor race aa iihnoo* aud unwwrthy the tucoimiHou of A curtain riaaa of «Mir new laugted ilame*-pacy. 1. for cm a, am willing to aabunt to Urn ortracMWk ■ bfartat, hhnaelf. whdn upon earth, with all bia ; g«m T i»aua aud parity, waa vthAed. übraaed and . iruatoMl with conUau|Al. Gan wu, thenrta now tal turn, Kilprt at aM tin>*-a to err, b»**k l*»r irttar t realm ait l at tba h.-nula ol mu Mtraum * We ace tLilly llic aootal rt»U*ctoaa that ia by Ibe druMmrv y touar*lra tboae alto liava the houaaiy aad butilueaa l*> nnu« out openly in favor of raliAcatioa, and iu aup|MMi of the rerowatruetram u*ra«ince. fail ahall it j Iw aaul of wa, young ium «if Georgia. LUal ae j wvra a» low. »> mean, no fal*e to honor am) to ( nu*tilt kul. that ue dare u*4 ‘U«*eit our *>«u . • •piuioua ly feuibmdy and ab*>ve-brtid ? 1 hear il anal apow vm uAiert*. if ue v*»4e lor , roll ioufart aud lha in uaMiitrLfW nualdai* . , that a a aavur «*tt» ronneciim a Ith JeoMur), »'4r the uepiti lick cl. and U«1 adieu to all re- j Hf*re|aldr aeidf. !la* to cucuc U* Ibtot * Ara • eiu l«*> piisu nbed l'ii u|Hutou * sake t Who t* il l«»-* laj cUiw«Hing hir liU-tlj, thmt right a , Aii-t lc-MU»n II *HU opptuMMiotk. hui Ik* came t flaw <*( democracy, who uoohl tytunuize over j iw, ao*l toero ua Uuua aa Ihey *hi,m not al all "We are told that it am uu|M*]MiUr to a«lru*raate ratldiwlum atol Ike »ha kin *4 IUILm k Uu*l Ikiikai u* iiolliiUK but an Walvent irer. aiul tlntt the t'*»ti*«titn(A«>u wa-* fiau»e.l l«j "tarp-t t«agger>. an*l ia*-a who bad o*> ivlanrt in the Stale of giant lhal thm i« tine, «s murt at ill a<kn*»wl Cilge that Um<*WiMltuto»n thna framed to* far > aujMri h*t to lhal tram-*1 bcrvi«*fore by onr fa- Icfatgent (ieorgtans 1 Ue t 'otortltali-m of Ifaf we an one, *1 waa framed by awe thud of lh« peopfa of , tieovgia. an-J ton* aulutoUed to iheui far ra*- ifadata. Still, we ware wilting to taka it and Im* governed by it, illegal aa S Waa The ; ConatitutHm of Itfat to* n legal <**•• fnuue*l hy j th< people of Georgia, (far if tha nogonty of , G« iitgiam* through their raf>f«>l no voice in tha forutnfiou.' it vraa their own fault j and no ana fa to blame fat themealrea) ami fa ; now »uhuiUrd to ua far rotlAcatiou. Lrt wa all come forward in aolral |diafaai aa«l vole lor and Wbrt can wc atpeot tju gain by voting it. down? Nothing. I rauawrt twit farther di*. fwuriil—wnai aod tha of tha Sfala by the ocgroew and tha few wfaf *w who cun lamnbc u> tba leal uaih. U 1 waa the rtrongaei advocate of HUU righta in Georgia. I would favor latiftcution aa a matter of policy alone Ufa the beat lb lug Georgia wan over have. Wa may poeaibl) hara worse. In the language cf oo*- nf lha abtert men tn *uir State, **wa ran not »tan*l another *racb ldua*lrr aa we made in lha rejection of the ametnUactit to U*r ('owrtilulAou. Why talk au in track of negro suffrage, when il fa a Axed Curt, a thing that we munot avoid, bowwwr much wa may doMtre it. Wc rv*cogui/c in ('of. Mnlioek, lha iwprauau t>*tive <»f Uecouatiactrau* fa th** evwnt of hfa rteettom. rrrtnrmlKm fa weeuru. In the event • of hi** defeat, very uncertain. Judge Irwin, j tbough rack uowlrdged by uijtalf aiwl luoai of onr people aa a good mam baa come out iu the internet of the Democratic party , aud u> oppoaitiun to reconstruct*** Y<wiwk ««n sf ffartigia. it will aot d*> for aa to place hi*j> iu jraower. Tha man who bad judicial wTwplra al**»ui taking a aval in Ibe (kmvunUran* (when il ae a tlcfagAle to ll*at Utoty.i at a time wneu Ucuqpa neede*l her U-aft men tu form her organic law, au.l who did not have the faddueu* an*! ma<ib«io.| fa ratau-1 th*- 4wrra aud the a boae that wonbl have been lieajie-l upon h I IA. in the event of hw i*am*qrt..n fa that l*Oily. ahoubl mot now fa efartml to the rt "K pinoa In ont pH), Mnl ookod to anppoH and *<*mta (to* Inn ntitok ba ctnU no* Mart** ornwitoa iota apt in aatort to nrtktnp Va *aal pane, and qutatndn T M «■ r*ufv tto (Nawtitatkto alar* ItafUcb aawl ova to t -ioatiaa. aba son Inha (ba too* naU. *Md aU wtUyrtpu toarry aa a nmiatos* bail. 1 vttobl ato pm to ootoa on* Mm* • party tba anoonaa M vhtok ml dona to rtaa na KKHT with tbatWanla* Lma and Jobaaton, toil abtofa v-Ul arts* in .Qtoonbnt a* an .iipnitiaail torn. a> an 111 yiA*i H to rarmntrnatnin. and boalil* m tba naltnrs «l tba Mato -*f*l; rg‘- U yon no. A to oant* ant to few to nkln Man. ynn ntobaflAnd a SapHto. OMatonap. nn.l OTMrtblnp ataakamtwtoPMMi SMwbnl at *b(a* Vb<l‘l Ini un*r AMM by any rther ua« would smell aa sweet." When the lypiwfaiMS vhvw wa anything huMer la he down I. far una. w.H wftlattfj adopt it It ■earn > that aa of the South dfaaViyJhra and animoadjr to tha gwvuauurtt he ve buo*mde |iuasp*wte to auuhd poritkm. and Isa teal of worth. Such sdhgs wwhosi aorart muow purn •way. Ail frtWlMWs ham thru throe a, i- owvwkfawa and stonlwrtnaA W« ham |aimed ( through « gsmad Pieulwrtt x hat «ur g«»rem * arei.t arid nkU The Stars amt Mfarra Warn j fallen, and tha star* and atrip** uave over the laud fas* owe extieuuAy to tba other W* ara in a speedy way to metocaikm. bappi nem aad |Woapority If wa eve hot t*we to • »<irevives, and the {wogreafave jeioripleaof Use agw. all will pvt go wall. Let oa all mm for ward ou the day r 4 flhrtioa ml nut oor vote* A favor of ratiA- at* <n lam not an advwßtu rer. lam a Georgian Lj faith thefamuaofmy AiKwtota ike hwk od kaumtk Us* oral of fsont gfa. . No mini tvs of mine Hvee north of M<* aon.nwd Disow s line, and no one ao*mer thm. oiyaelf would ahed a tear over th* afa-t lni*Cto /«tf our hsrtiM who Ml n a hofielee* cuwae. of tumor tbe gslbrntry and T*ra»e»y at abo still fire to are U»e failure *4 tbrtr * fr<«u. Hat fat a* Ufa fart* a* lay nfar ' Mckuouledge the defeat *wd raww <*u high aA | <mr motto iu th* cuuia nuivm* RaliA * »H*o. aa the outr uuvmo* to mvr Ge .rwia fr«»u* ' utter min a »*t prostration KZ(‘iwsra*‘Ti'-ra *»f»i astlUril Ssrtolt** Wr it ***u duty to warw ifa pnld>*‘ agamat all aerret |h4iU* aI nrg»uw*u*Hi* S'«* ( UiAltcf wbal *dubafaof polMiru they are daewftural • pre damatfin? fa the pufdir | "» iwi-rrit-kr.rtm, UUekisrtlm r«>v Uil«ra4. aud snbvcruvr of the vmliv *>. , ! f )H-*gkfa Th* htehiry if aueb .wmu»uuUK*i*a i* a Unt upon the aanah oi the worhi Tlk iu«t|io*l of tbcfr nmnafrctnetit angttr* Joplunty. I hand ami dreepimw, ami in a »«*rui of a fine govt iumeni Ilk* ours, they «*etu t • imttcnlc uitngur aud pl*4 against ibe welf*r«* of smv clans of citueoa. If not againat the govern meat. They are rwvtdwUoaary in thei aatwrv. sod rouse*fneatly dangsrnns, for the country is already nick unfa death of irvidutomarra I acti-nie*. W«- na tsupn# no eutthly g«xii! | t i*At is lik« lj to l*e arc*>ml 4isbe.t through surh Ui«(ruiu«ulAkUe>, wbilr they are calculated to hrsed anrraet <h*4uii»ancc -if a very serum* nra tnre Tbe l*M*t Is w«rl! kooau tlint a«icb ••tgauirt- Uus* ar« tn riuirar*- fa th« ruaaiiy. Mru am league*! tag*ttirr for the furtheeaoe*- ot some political intrigue, and in merer meeting** transact their hnsitisns. laying plots and de vising rueuaurea through which they may Al tai u aik'cam They fear lo hold their onu*nl talious iu pqlhr, cfaietng rwthrr. a* crct coo clavt. under cover of night Ara then orgies. Wi* uiiki no war up>>n any erne uigmuaUou of thfa kind, far there fa more thau one iu the country, and we make vsr upon all alike. All alike are ihsprmi* to law an*! nr*V*r. aod ab*>ntd l*c diracoantctiance.! |»y law-abiding cit i/rns. and. *•* tar as prmraihle. by 1 thv pittorttiM Wb cult upon (mtotnl M*a*!c. aa tbe only power aathurizt and to take uf such matters, to u*v fa mguenc# fur the *u|i|ee> bim *4 bneh MV)|i*uirratimis W, mean tb- «*i|- p*cmloti of no «*ne. Iml «*f all No matter bow *e*lucttve the name under wbtrh they are or* gamxed, (hey arc all vicious iu their CMW, Mil l sht-Mld la, tl|%.'o|itiUar,l Th* birtory us such urgsuxAitorau* tu «ahcr | countries f« a ml c**nimentary npo« rivillju*- tlou. In mat every instance they have proven to It* the precrar»M*ra of m*4m. mu stnalravu and *#lbcr violence They are calculated to fret and disturb the |>ut4ic muni, to create »*!»- pir-ton between frieml amt friend in f*.-t (hey pr-mifae wo prad to | rouulry or «>m«iwjunity, • bile they oonjnr*- up *nti.-i|*w*itraua of a reign of evil wbieli we are bra t*. iuoumi miuknu to en«oord;*r Gen M>-el- has the p>we« to pekitat *ra«-h rltojra*-*s snd ought !•» d*» it. Tbe asirfy and of sociwty dcuuiA relief fioui (lie aptweb*-u«to>u that M growing apwi the |>ab)i** mind, ami the winner tbe rtroug arm of p»vn lamo-U the prtgrna ot such organ nations, the IkeUerlt will he for the gen eral welfare Ilf the |*eople. V ft Since the slaver was in type, the Or der iron* G**u ftwmfa u|m«i this hae bvo handed h, and appear, i* thfa i««rau at | the KlSglhllMj luASWtee. It may mve a great ram-uint of forabfa if (hove who |>rtpOMi to be cnmlraWt*** for ofltoe io the approaching election, Iw this State, ami the enter* also, should consider well th* qwm tiow. “who are eligible to o&Lrt'T It mum tie understood, that for th- |«qo. •tea of this e tori urn, the |«endinjr amen*tu>rnt to theCousOtuklrin of the United Stale*, known a* the ttth Article, propwel by tVapna aud adufSed by moat of the Sorthetu fttates, must be rnwsiilsrsd ae already In force, tue* much aa thfa Mato can art, waiter the Reccm struct too acta, he ywpwsaawted in (Vmgrc*. an til that AMeodwtont shall l*e adopt**! by the requisite number of Male*- Thv wcUu of that arUcte beanag ia the gncwtrain of «4igtbil - ity to afore, reads an fallow* Sr* S No |mason shall be a Seuuhw or Kc)»rc«MCitatfve hi (Vagram, or rtacim of Prc*.- i>tou( ami or fadd any ofo*>*. nv{T n* iuifit«ry, uudt-r the Vwlted KUIm, oi under any ft«ate. who. haviug )*r*viaua|y taken ara oath, aa a mem bar of Congress, oraaauofo cwr «t foe BfaiIMIIMMA <W M Wmcfal-rr wf anr Scat# ToOgflilaturv. ®r a** aa vuvutirc or judi cial ufocer of any Slate, lo support tba Co*.- «#•*.« .dt*a*»lm oboll tort. *c gaged in or rwbelltoui agrainM the same, or givm aid or comfort Iu tbe enemies thereof Rut t\mgrma may. by a vote of twv third? Os eufb rvmoes MI. L disalwlitr. RvMiAMW Odnrton r~~* Mr HHfc. INR7. H ia it**-ta(-d Ikal tba am i* "axacallT.. or jialirial oMcr in an, Hut-." akall ba crai rtmod hi inrind, ail mil aS<aa rmi-d l.y law M lb* utanakatin <4 any gauma* tow ATI Asm* <W«w tba ndaiiwuttariaa nljnatw- ISainai ih»*|nillßad by tba fenvang pro nrtana bon b. Idtag nSr . ongbt a. la pro mt UmrwtTF. aa ranbdotn bat abunU Ua< d*> an. .It tb. o*l. nwt Na Man wtH W nan tb.u tbn.wn aaay It now* l>a ai|wtr*l ibai .lia,naMhat pnraina if 4«i*ad. wdt ba <->«>■ nirtai I Allrlactinnaaianab paraaal «i* war manly ba ark aoMa. Md Aa idbran l*a ft Hr.l or |<rarhtad few in tba now CWkitwthwi. firmptfen Mw War. Tba Mlnwtoy atalamial. an tba Kaaar Oonrtaa. to ftwm a tofay rMportabta and bow ashble gnwilmWMl famWAn wnswfutp fa beyuttol nwrrtiaa Onr tnfewmnak rtntaa Am bnimtf and ana okbar maanbar a* Aa Alton la wana- Uan baud Mia W fkbtonb. Arbi (Iran Tronp omm*f. oAntt Itoi to, Oil tor 11. tow* toll pay tor AnUtoyn maam dlbnr.n tlan 4am Dranmbar IMb to iannorw Mb - IS kayo. IM Hr. W. C IfenUb. a* Ownato non My. wnr to town IM OtokH. bn ntod AM to* draw MT nram Aon ba nm oMNIad to. aB ba anbad mi AM ol Aa torrartaa nf Mr A t BnStrk. atotoWM to An laSUin Onm Mtum, a*k AS pnp toa An tto. tont| Aa "rSto Aa‘ Wlktor Conraation boa wjnin brrl tbetr oo* y. and haw ItallMk aaanrm fttomb taw blmad* *a4 a-4 rtviteaur ' (Lownnea Kavortnr. Wa ara anlbariaed in rtrla Aat. by n ram*a tun* of Aa l.aMraniian. roc* krtagalr War re qanwd la aratlky wpan tmr. m wrwrng thr nwtobir id daynbr rrrtwd aa n nml n a( bn CannMna. nod tbit wnmmr. war* nmda m inirtim- with icrb arrtlfeawkra. Mwtobom mniy- aa anmantlrr, war* paid tm ■<* arr vto li Nr W. <• Smith. *4 t'owwfa. d»vw tT7 iboti thsn he wa* eutiifal ie. he drew A vpnn Uis own iwvtitouts *pr». testov. aad whr» hfa ror*M tvacw InnaitikM liu. I** r»ti t 'in* the asWf/wutfa i>f Augraee. -iMtoirsfuff •**«>. who fads all the arrouote aad voacWec im hte pri* The tmae charts aqyaaM the rate nil us l *4. Huttoek »>• nwworthy us Mtei- •slUfk'i ■rttef ■usewrv • |’«r«gra ( di I. Ko court m thfa Mtale shall I 11. jtrrwiilKStoßQ t.» try or tfaiermme any a*it .gAIWM ai.y resident of the fttoto upon wwy - ontravt f*r agreeukr ut imkU nr implied, or upon any r«uirwet Mub>i* uj ir-uewwl of any 114 > \isting |*r»c tu tfa klay of June, j I Wai Skto ah alt any nram u» mmiMmul <fo j «v *4 this Stele Wave suihrtai j tu ewlortw muy a.lgubrul rir bU-'O <*v ifa*r rwullrj *m •mraed .»)*-.♦* any coUlrwrl *r r.;ieart umile < m iu.ptraevt. m wjem aav euutruet i-* trueuai rt j • thU eraialmg fwfav.fa the tote dray *4 Jnwe, TraC.'. rit-ept hi fat* wmg euram I. Iu rail ngni'irt tnutomu whet c tto* unat properly sulfa hamU us the trrrtv, or ha* l*eeti ie rested br bun tw other apervfk »Reefa let* in !.»• sash, aud m suit* by thr vvwdor » ' r. si eatwte agwiuat the vuudee. when T .lieamra^^ not tnorv than dfor-HaA * V m ■ . ra b»« Urt paid, sud lha vendee m iu )iui $- A •uwu ut this tend ur spox-ihr egucis Wu uhe-h | bv ba* *4l it. md Im rvtarae* Uj drhvrr the land or xiud --ffMi V> the voadir Iu vu*-h >’Mn llir rkMtris aad ofor«-«» uur * i.trrtaju ju- j rtanallCtHHl Wltol etif-Tr*- j*t|(B,<UU Mtol j (mat jinpwlj »»r land <*r effaei*. IX la suits for the fan*At rt mtoof* by traeteen apf* voted before the Ist at Jam* MR X la awls agaiuai rorporwtkmv tu thetv rorporatr qaimctty. Iml dm *n a* W> enforce j tb* debt aguiavt thv Mtorkbolafora nr nforer* , i thereof m Iheir ladiudto cupuetty. 4. In suite by rhantalde or literary luati luttooa for muaey louiid. pr »|wrty other than i vfavse aolwl. u« srrvK sm it**d» zoi by fay id. * la suite ur d«bu due bar air< lmateal or i UMonaJ lralior, when tl»«- suit ira by the me- , J rJuanae or laborer. t. Iw oaaea whert (Le debt fa aa; wpbt way , of dairaoc. and tha *Mrt «4 wp excuads any ! . debt doe by dsfoofeteu'. u> jifauohfl. of whirl j I llkii ct-art* are denied j ji \m\ ctiow ! 7. Ia all other u*om vtuek the General , Asrtciubly ahall, by law. giw autd coorl* aud I i>Qbomtu jerfadk-tiuo, providukl that wu ofoccr j I ahall hove, uw ahsll thv Gvarnd Aseembty giva junadiction or authority to fay or give jod>uiewl on, or eater*- any debt, the rqfasiJ- ' : rration of which was a slave or atevee, ot tar ! Ibe lore thereof. ramgraph X AIl caitedAU made aad wot toireaUfel during the fair rebellion with the ia , iimboo and fur ibra porpu**- of araliug an*! ta , coorragias said irfailmu, or überv U was Jh* p*iTi»>*# ox uiteetiivi us *wk of the portiae to su< h cuutiacl to aid «>t encourage »u-*b rebel li>>tta and that fact wa. ki*’uu to lh« other f-arty. wheihes eaid «.aitruct wa* made by any prrwui or corporation, with the fatal* or Con federal* Stale*, tv ii> a (t>r|A*CAitoai. wfah a oalarai )«•#*• *u, or Ulstcu two or uu*r« uator al psnMMraa, are hereby declarvd fa have beew Mid tuba iliugai, aad alt bonds, dcuda, neum iraraiwy nob-a. hiU«. or ufiicr rvuleao«» of debt | mstole ur executed l/y the partraca fa nock con tract. or other us tUmn in oonaartiou with sach illegal routract. <e aa tte rmut deration for, os hi fariheraxu r ibrtuof. ate hereby dr cterur! wall aad v«ud and ahail be ao hrtl iu all Coasts ia Lhti Sutr wfam an Attempt shah be mad# fa euf*>r< v ant ssradi rcmtrwct, or give validity IA any «urh idjltgairaraa «»r evid.uce of dclit, _ And in wM era*.-* where the defendant, or any use tnlerrawted iu thr event of the auit, will mnke a pfaraa. anp)*.irleil by bta afolanU that he has sea am to bahew that the ohfur txvu or cviilance of in.lratSealncm wpon which the salt fa predicated, or wuw part thmvof. b*w been given or imwed fur the illegal pur pose afar maul the bardeu of proof ahall he of-mi tha plaintiff fa eaUafjr Um court or jury that the beau!. HU or other ew ilcacua of tndet4e»faimra. up-mi which said aart fa brought, ia or are m< nor u any part tberc oi founded opon. or to any way «ooocctcd with way anch illegal contract, and hae not been araad ia aid of tW rctieliaou. and the dale of each bon>l deed, note, biU. or othei cri doucc of indehtedweraa. diah n-n be ertdence that it has or tn wot. amc* its dale, burn anuur l trunaforrr.l or uacd. la aid of lha rv betfkm. *• Il Aoll ba mA* pawar .4 a ■ußiitf ol Aa Olqiril AmH} to Mm aad nX-t apoa *ll jadatoanla. or rmu ■aa of ortkwi wbaa daa. t.-aiX.I an aa, ma nor. mo-lr* or UatdiaJ Or fora l fer las if Jaar. IWV., IB Aa bat. of oar ana A hi. owb nffet or aa man. again at altnrwaa of aaotfeor. au or after Ar lot of Jtaniy. 1(0, a tea of tod rxcaadlß( *0 par Ml. tv ba pud bj Ar rrrdiUw «na a ( (or(altar- of At debt, bat tuargaatda by kua a* to onr - half agtteu 11— .1. W.w, aad roOartolfa with A* d*M TV<tv lr.l. An IU thall WI ba todVrUd If Ar lain or rauaa of aaltoa A olua.l «H or .* t- Iln-I wilboat kgal prarrto or if iu jadpa i il I* Mil lad wtAuet Ury atol ulr Au.l |wr-ri .u.l far (bar. tfeb tat Aat I not A tortod ao Umg aa lha maria of Au Malt aball aot fear* juji-dkioun of taoh >tofeka or oanara of arttno Tkto. ljtl «mj rater ran—bar that BoDocb ta lot rrlral, am* «ill net afi—al Im %ra a|tpnra tta l it. Ibh aim —a haranalaait. —J will BM *|>|Kitat J»4gi appra.l to it. Tbcra kra I brU aliicb Lb* poat labanag pmb i mm! set taf>L Mr la ataa tar itrnabßj tb« l pi«>r a* rrll mm lb* nrb. ll* nla fact iba I | M|tn'. MUfiulat*. ao.l rill ilita—a Ir«i» kJ Ira—with— «#ap, •v authohity! I* l' II I. I C ACTS or m Fortieth Coup roww o* rmm UNITE D s T A T K s, ■ JT.rrf Swill 11. Mid ; VaOhnpfar *1 rd* +' lWa.nU«, on *■<!» A* jbwi 4a* i« «*. 4. /> ÜBf; «w ■ »»>roai«r fiitmtmm. to torfaeN .bap fa to~d. 4 l». AMI. •• «■« «"» <4# Uwm fa .to* .1. 0 Wfl. bNnli m*4 fiMr4 d+f •/ Jmtf. m4«m- i ra-ato ui HW mM Afam 4*#. tt* A-tonA 4m •- t, —< M fM. 1 4np •* 4 l> 144' -** - f ». Mi >II fatA II «« . #—d-W It* MM 4 ' +,**mmkir. and hvm. | CUkt. Pit- 4a Art goMwAta* m m* mm .%» K*~ •b R Ufai At ft» Ma» Ml Ron* of Hrfifiiß. UUfM ml llm ( aIM «*• M dm***co la i\m>»wi MWinl. TWt Mm irui mA kt law fa lk» ar<al *7 «i i rtgAUon Annio awd ai%4v<v v< «•> a fM*O.M lAuWmni >M UM of Mo aaaiM »( »» mMMi ■ a t\y, A* Mm MMHUMMMIIa ofa* nmmfa .«!fagon. hi on mmm to tto Mm. mi litoMki to tto m -i —■-- no m UiiwoH h— town • MM trf tto I iWw at tto KtfmmM, Mark ». IM!. dUr UII -Aa AM «• |—to> m tort far gvn ifai tto ftfcftr »mK Ml tor Mr N>f*« Ml H Mtod tor tto to—to —a VtMW t< tope* ran to— to Mo ran— ttotoo to Imortm M iMw —■toll. Ttot ft* MM to towv Mniintl totor* to Anwfag opprrygmmi. —I to —7 —f Mfhoto—» ■7 ■* «tto—UHto** I. to 4a to»—i Ito to to—toarr to to toMrtu tor to* —ana ito tto —to tottoM Ml |M>, to «ro4m» Atone *«ar-Sijri.'s=r' - tor- 1 An# to tttorttor —*to Tto m ■—tor. —i tfto—to—• to to* CUpAAi —M« towil to Ml. atolto tor MmMm —4 tip l total mmi tto —'-Moon to to—■*#*■■■ 4—to? **4 •*•»> atoto—S tor MMfa l. J^toiw ujTJ I a'to. f t-uau aualiTknTSato ruanan .Uanto la toa tab fe-rrtU »aaa B. to alrJt raS!iSf"bal : te»r A war i war aivHL—a* aa* ur tto laa at a.wn aa am aU ttotoa Ifeiraa a.a,aqua, to A amla* Tt Ifea BMaaq a»( Man ol fetoa* l a uoraa W OM l anaal aua of (non tm c n»r II ill 111 >*ll*. Ttot aaaoMßar m ouf ifeak to (alaa ar WU u to • tetata to-aa; ar_aaaf wto. bli* SuLTto aaru !M*Ur« aatoteto ur" nua-kto. “I •to. awtoM |IW« lanuawr or ter koto Oatnf to* fan feu MtoOMtot or ■ » lj btorrq Maato tea. *k»i »n*| av«B auimrt fort! -wamts aua -—i* : ‘ - Wian-i ISy mw sushofo haw evM ytte bu «f tea .-iiUsSiy «• rn * • ' Ml If. test. I'Ukf XXIX kn A* ’AWMi metaas F«i Wuada I Ww ra fnv4 iw H —IV aas *•-•» <M A ssbss! ir t TUI It* WSfaertae 1- toW**v»-*»i •• r** r mttm iuui. )rvu IftaSrail, m li*firtrafe»pi<c. U* l ayv rnu liras* m 4 u. War* ***■*». itfcvS. faJ) If. XrafT mwr All a* Act srasntetessrtsrr .%<• ara Ad < M IAS -Aa Art is pwmlt Wr tb* uw WMmvW <4 IBs bsli* mates. 1 i■»« '« *W Saf s i Mar. t rtraWn*A lirauilrvii wrt Wvty mms. ! zz m»W aewu I jr,: •* m Manx TW » n ****** Wwiar aS Da **«• ws m tras vtcAsaJ ■■•»■« *d Wt art *d sos -*» of Ifal. an Wuufnfa IwiMrt «»*)■**«• ••lote-! Am art ira ptevOa V* •*- 'forwai .to ta_, Muo* fa ul l* sctMcyte j J- - n sera., nsvi «* «w tssaSystevn Way rt MswA. tea »war ss thna—si sigM listkrtiaJ aui j mmZ fostSraw vfUiD^am_ tWw vtfaluf m foe wW» 1 !!!^yfa^Mra!ußrt , siljer<ias' jjnjwm jpmT va* ■^je«icassSs —ferdtoi tobrt mm i. ■M'ert*?*; 1 ******. svlys rt •» IBs ls|l rvvai sT lfc> uvavravl afvi Id run rt Wv trtasd WtaMvs. art W te. Vfa *fC *asy IW zn*u «tertsmaaa f4 art a. dMll rvqutr* < ( aa.ToTrtn ial Mtm atei Wfcv^. asn i— rt <VAcial < " “ »r*n?w. btotm Jomto. ni a’VaMIX . or Jot, la to, feotrtr nto aa; paaar to-a* a H' 9 1 »■— i' lUrWwnzy IsrivsA twa*. as ussaS by I u» .WMUrtu, aa*te <v t*v g^rvru uiarafr"SiteTte ffa"tiwwpr TtW**(te^umj^ l nail, Wfl wees V> prasraras fWui DM %u isu uT four <w suirarasr nf m übt el IW MU) rt Was PuMs4 WaSii maß *s Duu* I j WU* an Ika peusss rt r*mmmU. uhka utA. isGrttUnurt Iu tW yr«««Cnr aerWea lc aa. i lain It farew.- uvy Tte W« au rt i 1 “.atatomk Otator^nSr*.^ | tortor lull fcialtol 1. Ttot la; fmmmm In a ■ few* ar > uraafew mb•’OU* *7 mj toolrat. -tonin l r to nana too flauMaa, ator. na; to ra "toll! or IryL toaateal a* too am" a“'."atoa . oaoOtoaqaal to , nHI aha aa. toil .yil ta ifea grrara nto! of toa raritok Maaoa or »to oa> ifenrotocni to !ti .an. to to; toa— m to ate. ,»■' tn. aa ttotet toa kto nod arapor IllUlaro at tola art tek lha aaaa ta wkkefe Uto I ,|( I j Ha * Oort to « tartear toll* iI. Itor UW toarOa al r aariiinia iwortoak ktlalbat to Htto I -a. an •nfasMslU) Baud suMßrt ‘ls Bfr ink to ' Iks net sfoi-iswt gnviirumn. rt IW rrWi him ' paraaeS Maeen tvs, SpW kwuWrad art SDi e«n. iMrtWfefosn nm*Bu.“ pamrt Mast* twm*y u-un jTiiLaT uTraomtei auiiesii aSrt. sod U> asm WHrtrt by raM at aksW m W P«ui lsa i a sa aura laienvu. art •# jvnus rtnlt W nartwrt artiw—mbraartmar ii»nra» IksA WiasuSMl 4 Use to aaS »-> * ■UUB-I rtUbi ate* test, pmm** k> r uma/. **. Sm ■ lAlrn imf rvgirairtfcwa* bu« ta evsrjr ram mt J TarU. WaTfWsviilsra. Thm na b*nu>l ( as anc- A Ani be U fvwsr mwUM me Uu Ur- I is*)sells. «* . has *ssu * mu*>r rt Wrt imrtsßw rt my mate «* ay rfev-Uuw «s jiWrail rtfa m aay i?* W TI Jw"o>'*«rt WU W *» was; 'oaSlW mmy inert Mu rt alrts. e» teem* itoauran i Juafart. •ar t ifeallMHlvtWtavrt. TMWMWIw i .v mfam Um -eifmrt MvsUßate a irawwisS far is •art art may la me Wtervefom rt «W ■■aiuiu Irt l **•» moral w n rasa raw W Ike Wm 4m rt OriUsr [ ri^bteas ipshi 1 ■*! ailj-eru*. a*4 iw *esem *ra 11 iNteateua Wl Uw poa. s. aa4 S maM W mar MhJ* t asks an MHt mswl* )i*< artl*)« rt Sms Xkjh. IW rrtisCfafa-u WAra. au* am*a hmmr *»*► Art iwi say pasußu art uWi I dram hnv Wa wr isrrrt le ranW twas mv rt aack (mosm Wuaa tw , test, umA ntrl eerwea sWU art W afa-urt fa va*a. Au 4 raar* Wart skaß rtofe. Uunuf me aam* yasWA mAS ! Da sur* csfvrtrj «W wosavs rt a* fnus vte* mat tt»*v f isse ■ t*« qraWW uti ■*• wp*rt by an* art Wa. a m) um*. W numTlibf nk *v r i mi rt a*/ Wu ja *»■ ar ima ray fas an> art vs mug vU4 ertm mrh |urtri «s taart). *oraU ffeiwMy *im ffam as flue. A. Ami W a (MW ruacteX. TW* sartera farar rt sate Irt aimi.l art WU W <vi Mil fa iflleira t*»etusUMuraort fUswlaurtniert, main W •*al Amsm II wurami. fa n-usvf my BM*v rt a * faosdrt rsfltsteauua aaJ fa epM urtrr ta *iv rt asraWk oiw-v pnatflrt *▼ *• »a rtnw rt n* umi am. m Aad W W lvrtbrr rsatrt. That w ik ill Ml MMI Us «r Mill** vrt rns boars rt Mfliusal . isuuwrx'srrsrySrJss rtvfl rtrw rt m* IWMefl flnuaa WU. 11. Art Wtl fart*ss earaf-art. TWM all IW (ra*- • MAS rt IW* art aad rt the arm ic vrWr* mis » Mm I SsTSmw laterals Ikes am/ W (sL*j art paste-«I j aciTTUft oour ax. •soaker rt ran* fooMM rt Irfwaamm a R *- WADS. briMhalaf toa—toteto,-... b m kw toflauiTtrvH r Tm NiPlMil srav«ra S rscs. im ikstfo auflfort **A* a. t OMteMte) fa - aamToail' • fad *Aa art ta piflU foe Mm MR afltefaral w*«ni "teal rt m> rsksi rafatea. )oral ara IW sanrart W ral Mark *. Ujbfara baaflesd sod aiDv-m. isftWM I iipiii ißUryfo-rafapasart mfoa Is ag flfl I <Uj ; rt Matekv. vfaWevra kairtesliMd^yf^ Mvofa" vrn* *m wraafal m prar—sr. rt IW i Urtilnn s. fa ear^4^ tw oar. sod nrakrt. IW te W k (mbs. ts»(Wrta rt Um Merasv rt Jte|vrass a lal i ura araraMUf fa paaa IW Mara At*-* fcprar© McMlWumox (Mt M. a r a. Uifi wain «r rue l »m» Wtru, i Art) ». IST j TW flruale Wviufl *-***■>■ -t fa pransarae rt Am !li raaliaimra. fa r» n.urtJUr IW rt uliM I Ara k. < ; Mnp uaWry fa u act RiNH 1 -Ara act to /vravrafa Itllto !ntte totete teTS’itotoir 'a*bn toULrto ial ralvty is vara, and n» an ian*si atory Sim it. Mart m «W t tarty '!** so rt Marta UflSiain knraoirral aod «U|*<m. nturwd fa IW Boraas rt Hyr-i .israio Wf tW Wr rt IW GM HMra. !rt*!msUm iwili • •«* ite fei.M,. rt tefaral nWraUrt IW WM mdravrt, TW IW *»H »fa |rasa, iwbtklrd* rt Um faMSfa asvertu/ fa ptes IW UMrar AbrU 4. W. rvmilKT. NT I. MuEDT* Chart CUrt. r»Uf. iniL>Aa Art to ntotoA 1-vo.r n*h —rtola to— I—m Tntn. tnuron to tto UtoLd Mtfra to Awne. in itowlwn ■ ■Mini. Ttoto lto Front do* t to toa fnitoi Monro to. M tort «| I— toniw to to— T Mi M»* too rank to V——w gfahornL tW fagotto* ottA X. tt llyla. f—-town to ttotolftto i* ton ■ I— to toa a—a— A A ood ton A a—Wn tona HsxirrSErbr »toa fwtoM toraato. M ato— f tom M— to I—r. and to toa Mu* «a >4 to* M MM Mto.«Vto -*l Mi to tin triton .4 iw *1 to ton. mil iii-ww Mb —dal tot to—o f— to —n—J Ma ——l p—fto—iMng toa A—a to wltr—< naakto—r— — MitoMtoat— —4 —ti iragAMai to «** «. to toa —Mara Tu— —4 ato a aM am kk% mm at.dtoMU i ■ Ur too Into— >nn -to —t; Hot wn bo, i—yt 'tor .to a*4 nifl 17.11 to Ur l JH— a—mo. Man I I. T—ll Moira tnr itoto otto to : - ItttVj *Z ***** lM—!— r t—'t nJfrnir^tooS^na k—torn toon, ur tM —4 fn Ar to A Ini tor 4 fnrUw root—. TVo* Uw MCMatag in to oti"* Vo j orr? Uwjr» 4r»4 otto^—t^U^oor?A4toto^to o—Uw to -r—ry toa n—rotoO « n*j krioArr •»—' tAraa— Trmm tor ) toto —A or tntwn —4 to— too paato*- uun to to* I'fttto rairt. Urn A—. Moil, tAnnwart I ——w—toon. *3 rnro. ond pr—-Into A* tor t Ma»««n toatoa [ —wod Jvrttg Oto toiir—ggr to ttbtot —« A*.. i. AniAr a la*—rr^j— Tl—d nd com . mo. u. tto rioor*oot»i— —4 toll to oornrv ro. toon tto A- r.onrr to Wor —4 -r too Mro> u— to tto Krootomt. M torokf an—.r.xod to * cop* tto onto *t mu—tod *—— on Itooo tto to—*l to too oor •Mt t—Ml-om. n»4 rtn—N to* r tto noon i tow. la j nnrator. on 4 o—to loo— to Wnto w. <n too itoir I an—. —to on -rraa ry to* too *o| t nlii ■ a 04 MUa Or* 1 And to ti fnrttor noM Ttoi Ml »•—>»» ' Oh. ootr— —to |—4 too IU now &—t. « rHM.tu.jwf kotorag. ntoto. and M. tntMM'to and tto rag— r oarai tor. T lot to it fM—oo norul Ttoni onto o—a ! .oonro w—t MMr in— go on—* —nit. UoJt— tMU*. Apfrorod. 4m>J J*. MB- • 'AkP. 11l lIT- An A*4 M mrr-t Mi ■—<rt —0 «—- •onto— n«— tto to pnta to V—oto tar tto 44- —4 to (towo to Ql oo—to Ur rnUai too m. uwn,r too n o—to. a— tto no—M o— u toyt.. i tto. «oo to tto Caattol —o to Vnton <n t - O TMt. Mr tto pipm of nrrrwg mao —.l tto mar— nth (to llwn—r to In to—. Mr IU hV—nl to ’ln to Mara to tto UnMoi Mato tto ti tiiw—ototoa—.api«a lto twrfj day to Afrv > lata tou— to uiM-nt. tto I—no—r M to ■—HMto ky Uw I I' ■ loot to (to L'ato M— If at— —if* *M .raarat to to to—to. dal to MU—d imw* noon tettotokU i.rrM 11 to ttoro gtoo—4 A—w. tar tto torn* .rtwaty —4 an —ls orr—M I kyrat tato tto pAon. to too r—i— n tn fatorao. —4 ratnratog to too lor, altar tto torait——a to too »n.: t 4 to A Inruwr ana. to. IMI M tto (Vato —I —t to rat 'Q' ttao Win 1 nor too to— to tto ttoa—Moaooa—ia—in. to y—a MMtaa IToootir tool! inrtn s ■ pmm wfl m Mr Mo oor.An to tM yw —M to notao— nanmtat yam— ftc Ur to ttac oC—A wtan of tto ML "ft nniS.toMnw.fir r ra—tar —ran to to I—lon Min •Mr. AMi A Mr—or .oM.i IMtlMl—at to. nod tor.toy m. a— toatwl to nwto on— paw—un tar 0m (wuy— ox——ra of Mo Qo—Ma—a aMo tto ram ro- Man. facto Mag Mo n H»y to Mo Vm wd aaoow tar On—yw—Md tto aoto to U* !toito— >«at an4—a*?; tor t. t»4 to a tor—or —ami. Tto* on. a onoao 4 Os uif f taT —4 S^ T torrrtryr—rjtad j— U any at—ay to to taaaaary —1 duirtn Myrayriatai lyyrwi 4. d—y SB, MU iTlf Ullf 4a Aia—n to ~Aa Art nu AMg tyyrauti ia. to ny— into—nw n (to AMvartfUa. far naittig.*l Ktponaro to tto 00—tr to ttao iratti I Mr to torto Toar —drag i on* lA—y, r*gta*oan A— ir> A and tuq« 00* tar otAor ra*f aa i to N onaoa— tay to tooato —4 H »w to tafnooo Mwd y Jattol MXMO 4 Aunt at—f pLi Ilirt—rtoa U tto a—rrartata ma far ntaaaiat oryoa.u to tto A. not, to tto t—tnj —• tar Mo fal rooo ala dn— Mniotl. Mg AM— lnutw* ond ti ooren.- oyyr -rod tod to—ty —A. otgAM— ooaitai * ond ottojr M WO. M tto a— A tomafc M on “dad oa Aw oM.nt— tto M 1 trail, tto Mean tor* to On Isto Ur or Mr Onaaton—nor to (niton MrUtopnod Mod u uynn ota— Airraf.r Ao in t-nrfni M nog—Ma—g 0 tanalp on— tn; ho too lito —U— iron toil,l —ta.rttMg mrt nyao to Mot to wo U Ay Ao to ond Ito nw n Aorody tpff »(•*. Itfj A, fog". KIXH.I'TK >NS. flo 1) « tooton— —pp irnn to —nor toot todrun* to ■noil* tto rtoyta 4 tto I totod Mr* i-> nttatoli la tto ddroei—o« »l tto l ltofttl t\ Attorhn to 00. mn. Vnuirod Ay tto to—to a— Mu— 4 ■— ■ nto t**w I tto nitod Motor <4 laws U tVaur««w w MI. I. TAai Ma oaraaatraton tto In— —tar* 0< ttol.*—»r.UUw to to Arid M Porto ta tto rto^TtoT—■tlaoaa'taaTtlpf to~tto y— ooo—L j tow .4 Itoaary r«or—y-/«w ,ifW*». Ana— to -u. Mi oMo—MatAaray n.wnw too. | JoSTT*nJtatoM* u—dr* » *ll?*nvry—r^toft 1 — j oArr nrnrtiMi Mr n TA—ttao .I—rai i<ia I j I lil ota— to too fMnh * tot lto e—tarn— ibno <—ttobd. wtad 0 «otr , hi rtoootiroi tA— a—y orto 111. Ha tto it—n»i mow at I—*o to »oc\f to yon Air AoMn tto qui.m— tto »ilM|nt. , ay— Mo a— —Mo mi r r~ r I ‘ and. vtaon yrn—7 i—ll in nt. —I in—* on— rotaoand mgaM . Mum to air.aa—y to rlUMnt a.toon. n«A VZTtm Mo —lr .« ml Mo !■■!——m gra—ill TtAU Ito (—j— ntw wo> o—in not !* aiT to Mr r«M autonAnin H oa* Aron. Ato in—try or aft, nto or* Aaa— 7 a—taartard to ottoni tto nil— ra to— to tto tto— ttotw. % TAol Mo PiwinitaMiMi May myto) o owroaarv ond —totojA^—— a—aw Mo ao .ranry ororwdk | TT*THtot m——SaA— art 00 ——t Mr tto I —an or aato to —y artwu to tto 11A— ia or to to t r i—j. iu——p or taitaorfly m mm r pr—a> trow oa« i on—totlcM. to and I——ll rawdwbi. TA— A*y Mr Ito ynpHM mmUy op*, —rd. ora tool; —!*<- yriotad —t to —7 Mnr * ta Who tra.onrr n— totorr | *TorU—MtogA* Ao— Km Vo— to Bor** fr nigorrita 11 ond tan—i (Nan MmtoNrt> V— ntat An—At to —ao ana— Ay —. l uted ft— m ta— A* tto fin, —aiiot Ay tadhriianU for mortar and for Man— r. tto artnto tto* l "|Vr MM-noi rai rto forto mtto •>otorr grnnndo iiUm oal For ito —Attota—ito —rtfr—. agrv-nJo—I 000 l —- —333 ( Jt3vSji —o*oo. and i ito to —on.—.to —rt nMuoi yntoiii. ooior tto/uwit n*— An tfca* jnnwn* r— ito to*oooory rap—l I —if. 4n*r»m ntottog. ond 1 in—ag sAmM—i and nitMaiml wetaroo. t» m—lak Ma —Ufa— to tto aiinl «—Ufa to tto OdNMa for tto a r raoory I——a* to laArarr* ami agtra »• r (V. M tto Mr— at fnrta and San To—, and Mr tto Hf aw to « 11 art—Mtanan— oa 11 and II (artfaa* raaotood. rant« —bo IA. tot, us Ma g—iral aj— tat -—and totAo UM*trn|u>Mß <* 9Ub.VLu,M we.!.! to tto oionaor w vAkfa tto roy.t—fnrea an- ; tbottaod a* anaio Ay tm— ■ t»*to* dH*o«,d. Moo— 14 AM*. [3U. 1; A A i»A«n rsMatorar tto Ttnw Mr (to Oor l—Wua to tto Inyrornrat to tto F<— and WM w ora At v—o. wJlTto A. 1 MW Mofaoo oUirki M iwman oonAtod. TA—tto MMo oriel At* tar tto nn—fail of Mr ta—r—a— Mo K» —i Awwnoao r—or«. —I a —no) I—a—g tto oa—r. V} ho— Mr— to on irriuSir M* Bum. U tad h. ud u. tk. kfW.U ta Ik* ItaUQ I I tata k. U. «»». k. | ttatau lb* twtan and »> ■■■,!». taß. Ik. ■* kta*bj »«krad*d.*ta IV tan. 0. •«» r~- , <rakUtaub»B*"i!«ki>k ■*■■■ ■ «ktai Ik* rau.—d jeOlWta Itaknta HuHn tata'.ta, Meta O'. Bond*— Ay tto ita—to on.l Itonoo to I—o—- MltTfo to tu- unto At—ro to dan rt.a M ao- | —t *4. TAU tto *tak- 01 (■—.o tar and tAo? Aarto.y ore pr»noA4 to tto<n>r IWohty. * f MoooirAo- t ortt. to urn k oo« ond pw «Aar b'Utaw,-. M yMny a Uf* Ito to —rj. ami—hug to A— auiton do ; Mro. to tto A* wwinw of ad—on w ttotourodon-i tail* yram of Mr —M in and untAno.i.m | MU tto ww—o to taAMAt. oo—niinp to Ma Mrw i ton, or. U U —nwg tto 'Wrr j ?. TS"aT Ttot "n total to! Mo doty 04 tto Fro.l Uni to —* a pul l we*— W far V Otamd. »MA Obtuifa AtMi and —1 4«mh. ofairA, ! MpMt oih » -ow to tu* rwwd—tan. otaui to poo "■g<’ - W8..-wa^-| >. > kUtadteik.. tohto TM*.toduita - n*J u-e.r tu ‘h“ .*m BkMOtk ! fcLjt ffisr?!ta ■* V UUo taetaiu »* moii ••tataudSrabfta-nktaofitatudutaVh •**•**. ta* >v <**<■ taM Mara* •< W-ta.. rarra ta «k* l .Mud Mra* ta ikHki tk f«««’ ■ ■raratitat, Ttata mi » Ml —III dnirak ka rai He *tata kta> k* Hfl | Hl* I*M ta «r* mk-> ■tw sss,*: csrjoss* s r-todli.tooou nu.qnftt awdar Min MOM— ton O—a—c to Mo tow— A—Jra»o and nkym lyproMi. Ma— TtV M. fin. 4 UoH*i«—natai—„<■ - - *— ■—n i * ffco>totoi. impart— M to—jaa raw.ti vrarararad omm —Ota<*«* larairT. ura tkae. rai 2fta , k!^rad ,, »V rail braa kara i j— act tmiktaba —lav. M (hair -ta^HH ■■ ia mi ta braut* I* a*r»ai« a.* I rad noli ,«ta— I Mtaii » —Ora.mj. ! ta ta. - t-.dta ta i» * M> a*J tatara. kata aH ta*f —atal W Ik. 1 t.~ta*T ta Calkad taktaa. taVr rad kettan . 1 rxzrzr m m ’ r,mi ■—■■■ • *« w *«•"«. <Bn i* . I.i Imot mm .dtataß Btak.n 1. —a—) . . ta*. Iu lar. ** ratal* harat ta Ita ll.*-. OMo II <wn (ton (to h r tto T*o» to tA *• twnai t «yto— Mr itoatdoto Talm.Mor M—»*to. .to Ur totor Fsrponro. v u ..Utahivw. «ta taOe-. dta- . rt ra r*u Ota., ta iu,.. a. . .raw ikta Ika •»» lin ad »ta kaaed kaara* tataOU. .. 1 . •* trak*»r ——Ttak*. iital ata. ,r .... dta l rad k» and Ikrtlalu l.ra. Tktata. V .tat. ta (elaakdkMld tataHranrat b tadata k ucr,dra I taika. Btatataatatadara ael taadtral akra* .< |. I ara* I I . taltata ktatata ta CB. rarara adtadta ke- tka ata akddta.. - . I ... trawtatah Mkrta.*. tat V ■ : Jtata b*btwa k> *t*ii au (Nara* ... IL. ktalraldlk Vlfcir'idk 111 1 ta I k..-*.. WkkkCta. ta— link 11 ta tab ran 1 .1 wa w irau. Ik nraal iwtaap Bara Ikktaal ».ra. « •—a fcgtai. Be HI Ota.* ta. . ■ takrau taM rat kit. rai. auk -tkkkt. ktata ktaka aara n iitriataal* .aataad tara th. pan avMaawiidu krabac tltak tat » -d«- aad aka.ata rad arata ara ia tb..a iratakk aad aaaa taaaadid aa paal ta tk. a I ta. ■tad. »* pataad kj Tkdil, —B » aacraa. tk-n —a. Md tatattb tal —k. ta —■ ■■*-- —takk. fadtadO—ta—ttatata O utacraak it*. TkM— klßßraki - ■ aaaraaa Bata B* paktad ata. aad fed takaa jiiaom. abac ml. V ! rad ka Hill ktatadad ka .» au.d. ■ Itaka .takkax a ataa* la— patadra** MW Thai rata Map Waab - rarda takaada La.. o*a..aak. Muk W, NT. * udtii,.' ktaptakua prvtadtAd tu lb* nauaaaar. aar | B BULB—. 11l Os ill » fO| ~ta J I*»' -'uS-aa J Bata Bala. ata>. I ata.a Kan BkiU * I *.lar*. au ail.lur i.k*i. aad taßktata. UT p atatata kp Or .kaa/r aad Jbi.d talk, law tarar ta dtaraaa ta LW*.u «u.-k.l. V aalyta Bar ka aad ha e tank. .„k.,. •radrad diverted U raaaa ariija. auk Ik.. ... ** *tk aka BbO k. aa oOtar al .act*... • ata£—T^raLo—Mtmta •• ta~L rad*k— —iLpiaiTta raTS—: !”*■■■ —-.lnil! 11 ta; drraoß«n, VtorrA n. IMT. "An Art to——4 MtT—hii Aa tot tk> p*v«*ita t.Uuktara—ara, o<ta. Urata—ra»» W * r4 top** »toM or to part Ay j^a'ra—M*J JH—araitd i?*aßr ta fuitk, k. mmaSiTOr k-3 ta X'jsrs , irnt2c&x=i - Tu. takv acaaaa ar ta— BNiailiJl. rad ahkk aball V taarad taaaafc part « tataaea draa .-u.l „ braa *°Tta* 7 ™* l *" T ' r, *kd at a tab and a* ... —a ItTt. 1 tszi r—ta rradtataa. —ta —ka raw 'ratatad' rai yartad baaa tataa >t •—B taada ta *!».'* baarakßß—Mataß—a aara a*. rad data, rara rad •—a—rata ta— Btatatab —a a— Ika d,i, -OfO tad aara —aad data aa era —arad aa ra.. ****■ -B—. »».. ta— par praad. aaddiraapat S— —— tablin'4^* *" n **"" V—aaaa. ■ B da—at ky ra art ta Oa—ara. ar —rad ara-B—k ta,— Jgy, rratty. ara—aakTrar tatar parara.'la 1 traTf. •■n—kraaajj^lj^nh—— a rai lad lkaaata ta*—wm u "ti..,.1 ■■■—l.l.B— *I—III a iial k. ra, k. tarabfißß Hialtaadßtat aaa—ta Waa... i* t albl I—aii mi 11 iiatian I tan.!** f.— ** **r"‘ \z ■ata. tatbaaraal —. taa—tata. 'aa Bm iki.l i— ta—Bata—. aara baa—ataktaaa toa—i rai 111 B MB kadd ikbatabß tatak ntoa—a—aarta. a— para—.ta Bra trad. ggagasyfaSgSta^?, uLTTkrak ka a— dauaTratata **«*Mra> Mad ta, an. ’V. Id. brai In da lira paua—ra ku Iba lan ita ara—.— I—.ld—■ ta BtakTta” IM| ka. aad Ba o—r Palp tail Bad— ataadbp hrattarad —— ta Baaarara ads ta— rvrad —ar ta.— ta fa—.aa ——tktaT——f Ti ranjitaSny £,tai.sdta I Bra aa ratp.aadra—batata ratarara— talk. Bototf] to tto Tteomny nay ytwiilli (Mr t AMt Ar t» fortAor wrti li, Ito Mo Am tnry of tto Tnononry to uni An Aon Ay M noiAoraokl t r* toni tto .ttoiro pnti on any oMn ogrtroknra! »« otonory Wmpnrtoi tntn Mo 101 l i Mnhno Anrtap tto to Mtn Aooirtpth o oAA A nay Ao i—»wrt J Mr on* h ;rortPkuW yrtor to tto MpfMM og iono. MpAt-» Ur to-Tong Oditj oagAt PtorUKT TAol MM aon. t, Bg>n apply only too Moan pliMMn mr.d ini to A Imomr frniooi. Tfant tto to.. m I ry ofMn Tto non MfanNfay iHn ioto uni mind AM—MUM i’Mplgpni»A« to any ottovr or p»n> ■ Mptoyi I Mto tto nrM far tto nMrtto ./JW. townloM iltonn «*tn»g tto Wnitotnow. wtotproor to fato jo%n »t tor oocvto »• faw K *. no-ini Mi to fa* Aeraty mtA.tonoi to fanl.* oy— nay oMnor or Mrr* to MMron) nvoomo A* .wi it* fr'.On any itoHw to tto fafao «|wH by Onto v vo. nto rtoA yrrhon onrfa toUoo oitAont ndtffaooo *. IM7 ( Vo it A totootow i woAo nWto too Lnno.l ton Mel**» poo—4 to*A* itoon to too L* putont* Ail u swrta F«a (tom Uw Mini I*9jf Utormto.. rtyti M-n bn—trato anJ 4tty to. AlMrty Ito Ho> o< Jon ont.ii otgAnmn boniroi ani iity-tom Vootoßri by tAo H-noti goto ■■*oo* to MiniNinlo- Aooo to Mo I'oli Mtow to tnoto lo Oouno oombfad. TAnt too i* a i Ay Ito f mjrtll.vp>» aoaoMy to MoTorrtMry to too Voofn.. M to Ufa <w oMm. oWA tign an ito totoi Any to twin. owbfi bon far* 1 tto'MAru, nni ontoMn va (to U»trty itrto fat tmmmmn. <|>l ■ ton toil Mi -tty mm. Ani npnni by W. f. M Asmy. ortnag mmu. ani nrtfaw «mw r to oatd ItoMn to too £ it. MaAhm. Mr no* far* Mi Mi mflonpf tto tom* noi Am apyovoi nni fnoi Ay too wrorno* 4*b »pf »tnt*4. to Mo fanovo w vMMti tn.l fa* pvo«o) to Osnpan MrvMt. b M* I#; pto 141 and Um. otton No rim Mg Mr Twlaroi to Mr —ono M tto lOpfatotHr MrvMo to tto « ntoi MnMo tootovei to tto AM Mi lon to topw*mtu Ifrm to tto t utbto Mntotto AMerbo in f ungi*«• ** gmnAloiia TAnt oi mmmmmnm fan tfa w *om—i tto IttoMn wo tom omMngmg «M farm gg<« oNtann not yrriinoly faMrlit ito Tr MmvA uir. 1 fealialim^tcr. In TOO Owtmt OortT nr TWg pom. tTovr* r»n too i'h i■■ into Ifamry or ungou. STM aradßßßra adcatas— " —4» V ■—a aau«aatatata a nap * L> kiukuap. M MB—" •t'taaad Hill a raaaj rararal au...-,ta tka HBiaaraadd baataaratatab aa lawaaa.—laO artx FgtevTßgjg Kraaatak ra a— rat— ta ta—— *** - ““■* cot IB art i, avudk ait-"* ——«