The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 12, 1868, Image 1

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Atlanta f«U|.aUw Anu i ta.ll uu ttuacainHU • ' m Daily, Par Assam .x.ot. ...*» 00 ■' r i Mn*i* - - - %o efaekly Era Bw Ima * 00 aa- IXTASUH.T IB aneaiua. -mm SITH or ADVaSTUIIU tluftw M- ftUl* ,‘TvftMot» * ' Oft. M v - >. '•MfWftWK Iftiitftr* .*7TT" r. 7.. I SULW it*« i*>.« ZZjim it.®' HI 1 um i<Sft £S SS nviWiVW Ml* MW «*> 4 ,«r. ' *•* Who# *•.* , M HIT J_Tt-W i** muo ij \ —ft*«a. aa ta fur • lunaar pwi«il tern term rote wkii m ineated •« • Wsfami of t«Mif par •oL froM tk« fttevt !#•* «, (t MltaMOl I <—«■ •» **■»*-• i.» lun ui mm miMi. «* *" ■l*< l « l *• K*y -igrsf- »*——— -- iTi ii mill mu u. uttul (x u«». HT.MM Mum g to V. Uttm* “ <ll X sou**— •' ™ **: .tonxhu olfc* rut >4 • uti-rni cww ft *»*• * ar laftftrttoa. ■" w ai ftHMftr i«w • to** mm ***■ oes uotxfta. ■mu —i ““ *•* Hl-Ml IM ■•ly *~aia prluuMim tntetott. te M #—«• far . um-rttoto . rrrry ' yeiteaSC UM* r >< tbe rmrumm »«»ua of *be *U ognMlf THK KKA OVriCK , JM ,g( inn itaumu ox alabama eTaarr. • •i-rut-iTi t«k iK»oT*»mtJL »rrwKE* ft*OAl> AMD linUUU. ' sDAT MOKNIV f.*r tb# hra 4 »U«« f«*» «tor 4 • I »r« H-i»kU rr*’H ft'tuUta* Airawftl to Isa am Tb#€atm • r»Uytm« vwy . xvatse.Erst' IUH X»tbM> ttws.B.-.taU-'.-l « -xl , ti. Krtf. Wh *. loMtf a tote* buml ' Tku row*. boy*. Ami kj4h *• Vnten . Uu: Than tern*. broya. i'to«. for WHorA raxmr um. Krmu emote to niwMi gmafartfc tfaerv. 1 tor I fttnn mW **• m*ad. K, ihu w« flrJ our Mfmar tm fur UU* Um atom Vft'v# Inw4 Hu *4 Ha- W»-*A»<»* lr*». Aim! ftkta dlat»n#4k..ea draw H.-lf.lftftb* OftftMHfatab on W ttb uiany * W»»*d hannb I Ttom *■■*. bova, . Aadjata lift- I:*v.*n ctan v Th* a rb#vr. fo»ya. rWr for » Ui ««*tr «»•« rhr n«M M2s«sl rtffc I Ai .1 i.»r*« tft ii paU-toVa k#«rt . .Ilia W 4 ft* rwrop «il wrv*«r ***|, Ao<t hr*! ib» tm/Uum't **»**r( A*';l wtorfti übl tit»V> lift*. fur )>nyrM* truth ft*»d law. A«.i thftft «• »i u»fthr U>. avlhln rtu? W.-:. n*MT ft W*ftd harraft l Tbift rtiflft, Wn». ««»*. A I*4 )««U» th* V 111*HI .-Ui, Thau • haar. h«.y», <h«f I ».r 1Wjo» A M <>IU HMU H. U. «oll»<k'. ■»<! *»■?. Hum am. I Kuril IhmloT* Uiuitv. or Kn.irdini. "t'. of> bwrlv <■* iui»(*cbrWiMi. «huU l» iriil. 1 to a b. uiMotnul <>l r**Mjr I" Hi" TAlnr ~tt«o ibooiMUil .l.’tbir.. in Aiwu-i*. aihl |u*r ... ,1 j rnpi-rt) In Uu- »»!«» of mill ibuawUnl j .(..llaim 111 bulb 111 bu vulilr.l Hi Ihu ; ■ huh III.} mi »>t npuil. Uol no Court, or i Vlilii.tHrt»f ffltn r I" till" Hlnlr. r troll <ml U.,vA jm urlirtrod. or unhurt!.;. In riifiui'u ao< i, tftM'rcA. ui vAK'itiM'ii *g«nuU ao.l p; I'. rlv «<I «el nj'urt-*>rlu4»iia »orb iui- I I .rtiotll. HUM* tm MlAilr ibet.OU, fIOUI 111.,. In Uu,. • rcn|il 1.1 Urc*. tnom j liorriiw i ,n.l rt|N i,.b>.l 111 lb« irujaowimllt lin, hnuiowtrttU, or lor 11.0 jurmbuKA monnj ol lt.» .to, aml lor .lon. iltutorm, to iiial.tial ; IbArtum Ami »« Ahull I- ihu dalyntlho | ~. m ini Aroo-n.Uv, »• ,-Aily a» |>rantioubl«, b, j .11.1. . ||J l»*. »,r Ibo •Mtliill! t|uH All.l *»1 .ui,ui ,1 1 mihl property, uiiil b* firurt laua lor . full Ainl O .iuplr-U pr,4o. lion noil norurily tl,. HA Inn 111 llto nob IIAA AO.I In-at fit of .Alt I | „l 110. »A uTorMUtl. II All pmiwrty nf lb, tuft-, in h« pour. . | .too ul lUo Uuie ol b.r mart au,l all proji- } .11) ~|,. o Ui. lltbrnltnl, or aonuiwsl I,Jr bur. f ball r. unm, Itot «t purnlo pro|Atrty. ami mil j in Italilr flit lb. .lolvta of b« bnataml • B.llurU. Ikt lara'-Aa**.,.- IVI llulbn-k bun toon a of (ifmrfm i„ u y, ,ra. lbiriQK tb. uli<4« of that tlui. b. I, An Aji(>liril blinnrAf to t.iwtniAci. imranlta trtlb . .oma, nutl liaa »u.lAiuti.l lh. ,'Uwelrr of ,ii irrt-|,i,nii-h«l4. R-ntlmio* *•* Aork. In. oulttm Hum. bu van aalmnuaj as a f»«4b»- iu«n nutl A At All of Alim laam habtU ujml ...l.matloastl uUrunty. fix papcra wbxc b. has li««d Aixt tTUM but kaoa a. a|mk mi him m lb. bipliAnt Itimr Huloia, sari tlurluM lb. uur, be has Mialaia .,l a Aue r.|iaiAlitm an a taanoiat ahtl tfeaaml i unit,nun uAUA«ar. Durum tba abole of bia leu yttan Iti. tu tba boutb. be li** neaar doaa ~< mM la btrft.l the otrttaiui of tb* Mvuthani pao |.lr Hal now that life fUeOßatruftton (ntrly liaa aaiacttal mat an lb. yrapa ana f n liovonau ul (iroTHMsU in .u.l.leulj liiacofvratl , tint be ua "earpal-ltaj|»t." • "aMlaVag.* i Van In « ail»*otßr»r.“ and aa •‘tab-rtupar *- wiutl aJ. ««l i« rruaiatenej when earrta«i b> net ritruiartj aa rbla What an MtvrtraMa loatnpa Os Aeelfonaf fbaWftr tbia «au*e af |.i.te«lnre iO|fl(ea»A. Vxtiy, am baaa (ha ' t, email eon t ear In l;«aw«flM (bloiarauee. ,1.1 are ettafuiin.liutr ami •lulltfjntf Jirtaetpb* a ilb a laoAt iltAKiarttnii ami narrow atlmUtf ,aa,'lire ’ ’—.— . , fc ,» W. be fa tba bißbeat naoraaee. Ural Oft. l I lull.mb. if ebtriart, wait aalbar aboal bia, tba in'll grbllaaaaitbi Uafft Bia appoiatarniia at 1 In. maria with a .perml rttgar.l In tb. *<- ..eaaal iba afta.iafaa, To all tba jntltenal ibeoa bn will anna rasa aa arid faitb- I illy and imparli eiaoaU ibe lawa of tba 'Uala To all olber oft«aa of irnat aad raapon ,ir au.t mlagrity. Wab**.i rcaaoc to believe l,e |< a Ildar no piedfu to aay earn Ha la b> Iba baßda of tbe intmim of lUeaaatnistbjm. ■ml. If aleeied, wMt be irta to lha panpt. of Ihe Htala, and tumb iba laws aa fclrijr anti i illj a, any man. Thoughb. was ant bnrn in ilia Hlate. tan yams' lie mat oft to baainaa bam baa otnlaead all bia paraoaal lalarenU m tba .mmoaliy "bar* be raaMea. Ha, aa maeb .e my oh, la ibUmatxl la V good b.r Uaorgla, fa Ua impoaaibla is aagaiabn bia inUrsat from We hirers* af awry a*bar boldar la lha Htala. Tbs gnat biliftnHii aWab ta bawg naiaetl by tba awroftHaa fMimr Via naHntj. la i,at t*a Idk maraWlaga a/«ri!y IlHtaola- HiiiH-airl far rnfaMboa nr rayeoaf. ft la a Miifaaaioa of »W**«fa fahtbepataaimmi rrbfeh __,, ii g|pf{)o fitftHhbMWii Ml ikft fab, mirn Um bifttebrng. htftM* * yyyiMrtg tkwvMftwwlL THE DAILY NEW ERA. BY SAMUEL BARD. Ta aha faaagf fa fa«awg«a The td.liaaaofO*. *-» Beßort. tb. Oan autafuatal raadidata for Oovaraor. will b. foe a. I below. Band H ofalaaaa nf ffarwgia. rugi aaa bow fenaly wrttUa uaei pajaguplt D. bow mealy Ma AanHaiAam. and b-a timely tie*and ia Ua poaitiou There la no reiUyfr, DO fairtopltfaitloa Os ».,.vb. no ailexpa lo avUi Uh> (rail) by tb* fitrn (ft. Wa kj *k*>u, r»ut wu.t jh»d4i-r u rrtod it «»**ry cUy aulil \nr. will knoo’ ii by LmuL ♦ Haring bjr’H «tminui<*aftly MoaiioAied lor the o flk'o of Govftnu*. by « (vwroutioM fuUy . rtprrft*ntmg a tan?* «>* (lift voUra <4 ibr touic, J do tool l«K I at hlx rty to (hair 4ub«ft by to *fofl Iba ({refti bon..r (biu ooofarred. U\ • >ul > Ufafaim m l»kM of aarvMM to. iba «4ob |h*«|J« of <»ar great RUt**, wilb whom my l*H 1.-tx bfftu mi Urnft amJ |>tn>ift>Uy MMli. in bmlJi ig up her wm(«* |ibc«i nod iu rwtir lUg be* tMftmltol Ittiiooinal au.l «<*«iu*rrei*l •y>4eou. n»»d*r the Twa!/ti tettoan**' of to rtrfl gotf*ruHvrni, in wliM* all bar ritor»u* may p*r ili ip.ite To tb* rtftiitVftuiiMilltHl «*f thiw olijeft toiy ftVrfy «*ffnrt *hiiH f»* d*vAtnl Tb* ('«»M«tUa(b)» *ib>|U*-U by tlie tub l%*»- rfitu*-n is bwiurwytia. It a.v« my j»rtnlftg* lo toidui tb* formation of (but mfairnm**»*t, an«l tbn« to (***<*ttK fftmilmr with n**» only ih* let ter of ibis fuftibnftittit) law, t*nt *l%i with tb* •janl ftU'l tba iubmlitmH t/f tb<>«* wliO Irtuot tl it. My »•**<** of* reronlal «f*mi oil »U r*n oon brAO*b*ft. ami tt U ibi-ftTft r-Maiy for uic Uj cuUr into ai*jr .Ulf-nu ut o# my pn blimi uVb*r tbv i to «awy ttnt I ■lftti l fully i-oßiuiUt* l h io-w Omtatilu Uoti. ulid bftVi- an uwri*uwt • i Mri to vital;;. ; lliitK gn-ivt muuiitrrs* -thtf “Ri lu*f*‘ an.l ihr 1 •‘H'Wtt**tfair ami iliUn iiiii tir loir^tntitfafl |HM(,Ie to take rwimgt (nr ilm* luturr. with * full ci that live y»—ultH if lbv»i i*la r •liuU Ih) cmiJi'V'l by lluutffa U< mi l tiotr lnt«- ibwN. It will b« ib* kity of the Uettml A-*w Hitb to pruriili h thorough * \ • «• ».j i-i . .(u.***i»oul«ir i tb* SUU if rftjlr-fl by yvwi '«o»*4 in itapUm* Um t'&wit- . «-«1 Iftiftltiou of you I ( hit! Kill util*, it «* ilf .Ik: J iiit duty. Mini im> i*»i( a plf-n-uifa. to tnxutuat* |> tb*' Sniftt*. for eoitllrtiiitHon, |m ift*>n« «l.ow pft-ifa*i t#w. Vt-li <*\ * h vract r and Ability huv* for th*m-4v»- tb*' *oi)ftflfaU<** <>f lh*u fallow-rili/»iih in tlwsir ifa «|fai'iiv«< limirii'U, atul ft lioac Aldoam, by rnusou ' Os thru known mtflhg.m »• mi liu >rnl worth, f.*r tlu |f*ol«o«ft b* w tu*** U»* y »u»y U* rm oiu j tuimkil, will • »! »4tr.» IhAt A,ifrm.alrtu by lb* j hffDwialfttlVT* of lb»* |>* • • (kith m* :r t *f*rj n*M». . vi »U» rl.ft»*4> to* • all.’Vinkfi.: ..sf, * ll.e gin,,. [>«•.• al . T | pruftpartiy for *»ur uoUt< •. ami ih<* j luity of fro**. «iril povmuin nt Übronghoiit ib»* j Urnl. 1 hftVfa tin- honor to 1- your follow rile | torn. U H k : Tw lhr V*«N| Hfft «»f tof*i|t*. Klilor UnUf Vr Kr<t Will you alloa m*. f through your rotuuinM. I<> fml>l)ili n pi*** a»1 i ifnwft«Hl rhi*My th* young m*tt <*f <l*orj;t« I'bU in u timr whti'li *nlU in i|U*slb»i) all tin rraDurr*ft of our |ftH*pb- We me, by rirenro * ftiaur**. plft**il m • |*omilh>u from whtrh it will Ih* T«ry illfheui; ta •'ttru-fata ptywlve* All know thr raJalTr* poaittoti of tb* 1* • m*« - lious. Nmth anil tSouth. ftulr»r*nr to thr Ul* war We know full w«Ji iba rfaftiill of lU*t war Wo know that ~( ira» i matUr*«k. mu*l j Ibfa bravafat <<f thr bftfft MHiik !•> nnr u*- iuorv j Tba South plM***d all U|a»n tbr fttitiggl*. Tb*- ih-ciaioti wa* agaiiiat l*4*r. ami tb* North h ■«* eotnr lorth lb® victor. Th* pncH-tplfa-**»- i ratfsj by th* Stair Kigbta Denmcr*) wi-nt : down with th* *nrr*ntl*r of Ix** ami Jobimtoti. IV totwat majority of tb* K*»4t *« |**pl« bur* Ukfti ihu ftuin*aty owth. It becomes ua. j u wen. to curry i»ut tb* b-rms ittpoanl by tk*l oath. Vh*o* • to* in ih¥ Sut* of 6. orffta to iUy bat two |Mftrtn‘ft tb* Krrouuti iotio«i amt the Anti-Keconat ruction, or lVm«*critir p*yt| . Tbe «M in Tatouf of fb*> ruatombon ol Georfift to ber original pomtion tu th* Union tho otlwr far Cfttcw of ttti&tjtfy mk>. ant ft* i retention of ft. Male In ila pieaaat tram mala* i-oaditina. Tba great llilag with Ilia Dewocrstk party ta abaae, vtliflrali „i an.l MOTTO. They attempt ta make aYwything and mUsslnaa ibai aaiaualaa li.aa iba lfanmatriFlbm party. E*<wy taan who baa baldnaaa t-aaagii ta adraeata laeaafaraeliaa B«kr ilia "Hharuian bill,*-1, .laaoauaad u a IraMor. au mea.y labia raee. aa aa adrenal, o i aagn ■upevmaiy. etc Mooli are tbe aiaana uae.l by Ibe llaluoeraej In dries all young aian anil lined aieu fhwi tile -aaerlmn of their true mnuiounU. When le*e and dubnatuu snrrendi red th--. ,ruiian Ibe doom ol areoaaton &ad ala very w«« aaaled. II Wa, determined lha I lb# rigid ol aaeaaaioa We* a fallacy, and ll»l alinold no longer evlal talks HaltedHtetea. Wa ibaa began lo tkaub of tba pisa ol m rnafaHaikou TiwaiJeui Jobsam foraied Ma plaawmd npptbated Jaotea duhnann IV,n» tonal OoTsnbw, and ooafamd upon him large power, gmalu Ibaaa aay miktan dur BOW imjoya. A Oonraation Waa mlleiL fobaaoa bad mmmti, ft lb- mea#- Une, Id diafranchla* a Ibtj. ftMrtai wf the Houlbaea paojde. Tba Promateaal Uyiaaai taanx! Ua proclamation eonreulhg a Coot. u U,wt of Iba paepl* <fa < lai nfa, 10 Sam a IVm aUtnUou. ball bar lb. katga uwibir dodnut eblaad by Preaidenl dohnaon. nor th" negroes, wewalabaa, lab, eanaidwmUon >u Ikd IbaMe lion, bat abowl one lhir.l of the profit, of Oagigia were rrywaeiil«d Tbia I’amveaAfciß, lapraaenling tail lha third, procevaled l„ f.wia a Consulafton Tbl« fVmal dolion Ihu- 1.-no ■ ad, Was waver awbrnilted b, lha |wa,ple of tbafta for alUftt'alnui In feet, the Cowatilnltoa of Ha... in Ha awmalinn, wa* M lagal foam hafaaaing lo .ad. and iba l*fwai dval knew lt,aad ao ooaaadeovl it, aa hi- pror lamabou abowa. Tkc ftnwatftnilM aaya that th. Catted States abaft gnaraot, ~ lo am-h Mate a HrpiiUinaa tons of ffovaruaw-ni. but tbta by tewwai my» tkai the Piaabul ia tba United Mates, and baa this rig In la tba birmaltaa at kkia from af Ctararaaoml. a mwathovalbeafa of Coygrraa, awdth. aaaavrt afflat fttafailiiat tafttfak or Ida aa*o ami I® M—n ■ QT»r Ha WNflKg Umt OW4g?*aft I'osftUlWi ftkr INtoik*! MNtAvR - IBroro Hteftraf iHalfHm gaammt., tb* pm- Tka Gssgkca* at tko PatleA Mataa. at ATLANTA, GA„ SUNDAY MOIiNING, APRIL 12, 18C8. thuogh txmftukrittg ih* of tb# !V«udrat is the Mttißg up of fiUki gov roiucuki ia the Soßtii M ftawsiTfttoiwl by kv, (aevarthftlft— htoUlig to bare ftuy tlifSortocoa at dutarUao wm willing to accept the work (hue by Um Prt*i.U:nl. if the Htou* WorUI *v or pi the CiUMtitaUoMl A—ndtowtl It vm ftiilMuittcMl lo their f ifkln aww They imlig ttftttily rftfuacd it TW# am*u&m*nt loft uji fr*.- tu r> galftte uitfmg* within u«r o*tou bor <Wft. tut jufttiy Mftjmg we »houfol not bftva rt {ira*ftntft»km fur Uie negroes in (kin grftftv. if vs did out ftlhm them to rot* We r*fuft*4 term* of re *duu«Mto*n. The United Hifttaa bring the ooofjutrruig pow er, aww fit ih*»i lo iinpooft hnrabvr ienuit, and toidgtoft ws abould ham, nol <*t*iy the ft»*tul mtont. font alw> negro anffiwg*. Woouvld Wok for nothing ctae uwlet the cure urn* (wore* It was not to be eoppoa*Bl thni tha erwM|o*nag power Took) com ivtkkr ii r— We knmag r#luea<l rtaiaMtMi uud* r th* plana ufwwi up tu lbo* Um< , i ungrcft* paw J au wet over th* IV-oidenUftl veto, dividing the two hutoih *rn KUl< i into MilUery I>iatricta, ftUiboru*«l th* I*ruaiiWut to appoint a cotaaamirr to —*h vhtfab- |M>to*r aiftl dnti*a as luiliiar, ronimauil er were df-fiua.l t»y tb* **xl ma Uu«t*T (lit* folll, thus |RW*it, ft CdlOTfUtioti Wft*. *ftll«d iu (it'orgia. after th«* «lu* rfagintra turn *.f ell*k Mark aul whit* over twf uiy-oua yrars ukl. (with th* *\<*|>Uua thr rrrr few MtAnArd l»y the Lifl.) un i fotcT". thflft ragiftter*.!, had 1 thcif r.htm *ilb*r for »r Again-. 1 a CouveDUoii. The majority of lh« p*-'pl* of Georgia a*ft fit to cant rotgs in fav>>r of a Con ?»nt»«.n It was **ft*niM*d by th* MdtUry (’omujfiudf i fur th# *\pre«w purpoftf- i-T form tug a Couaiitatioa for lb* Shitr, hr which, toifoiift we oouhl !►* r*fahirt and lonnr .Jrig'iru*! |g>- bUmu m th# Union. -Th* Ikkgfttcx tu that CoiDiutiuu have framed a 4'oiaftUtutiuti, and it t* suhmUU'd i<> lis fur our ratiicAiion. the queeiioo is, khali we ratify ainl b* U> the po«itk>ii ung hioily oocupird hy u«, at klmli we defeat it and r.uuftia uuder imhUij ri*i*. and here uu vuice fthatt vt iiu the U<»v*fntu< ul ? I, as on ludi . toidval. ml* ml to coml uiy rote in faror of rwti ftt'fttion. although there ar« sum* featur* i in the i’uufttituliun 1 would like to hare changed . >ot t UJdng it m a » bolt , tt) are coni}# il.d to ark now Ifadgt* that it m a very good out Young men of Georgia. I aak you I • throw ft-tiii* )t»nr prejudice*. lam * >• uug men. ami claim • right thus to ftp.-eh. (If I am Cal lid pit »')UJp*U m», he it Bo .j TANARUS; great ohjjcct wc fthopl 1 here in new is the g h*»l of our count*# end the restoration of uur native Kiel* to her poaition in th*- t’niou. I know full Wfall th-.i them* us ae who sec tu to advix-atc rrttifi.' kiiAu will tm doncHinccd as weal liwsgM d,Hfit#ift t our nur* oe inkfiitxi* and unworthy th* r*H»gtiili< nos e • • rtaiu rlftK* of odr in ft faugh#) democracy. I, for one. aui willing tu submit to the oatraein id Chrpit. himself, while ujh>u wdh all hi* arid purity. »*» vrilifted, abused and treated with (SHII«IU|H Ci*n We, thfU, ft*. VOt b-1 uien, stobjaet al ell tlnii a t*. err look f* r M'tter treatment at the Lauds of our flimiMH? \S * a* , itaily li»* »ucial «*-ti.wiiun that it* p. 4< li.-.-tl hy the .lemucrocy t*»w*r.t., th ah*> har« the boneaty aiul l*d<lu*-HB to rout# *M»t <>|h*nlr in favor of ratifi and »u sup|K»»\ of th* r#ce»natnic(i<*n tuMiiiue*. But .ball it l»e fteid of us, young »*n of Ueorgie, thit Wr a*rc too low, ao BiMn, so fol**e to honor and tu tmtiibood. tbet w* dur* not Okwert our own topiokm* opritly, fi-arheftiv ami aburfa-Usir.l ’ I bear it neld nj#>« onr atr* -ta. if w*< vote U*r ralifii-wtion and th* reconstruction candnlufoK that w* a* r*r onr eounrctiun with decency, r**ti> the Drf*Tti tlrk.l, end tiid a*h*w» to ell r*- topecteltlc t«vl*!r He# it a>tnr to this? Arc rr# to hr proacnlg*d f»r t»}dnlon*ft seke f Who i*. it t*» <Uy i'Uim'h iug for iiberty, their rights end fhwaicMV from o}vpr*wafoiu, font thi« earn# * laftft «»f democracy, who w.rukl tyrannir- or. r n«. end ».ar* us thins m they <V«.or i*'T at ,dl Wt- are t**ld that it is nnpo}>uler t.» a level r i<m and th* elcoti -n «*f Meßrvk; ttmi Bullock I** muhing hut sn •e.leeutarcr.and Hint th*’ ('ou«tituii*Hi ft an framed by •Verpct boggenr. and m- i» ft»i • lt**f B-i interest tn H»r Kikleuf Georgia. For the oak* of argument, grunt that ihu so true, we mn**t »tfll srknna l edge that lk# Onnfttitntitoii thue fronted »• far •openor to that fram 'd h«-rett>fi»rs by onr in telligent Grftsrgians. Th* C*»nfttiluti*>u of 1WY!» was an illegal one, it wo fronted by tu»* thiid of tbe people of (ii urgiA. aud never nnlwiiilteO h> them fur rat ideation. Still, we were willing tu take it and l*e gouruwl by it, illegal aa it waa. Th# Uoo All lotion of IMK tea logoi owe. framed b) Ih* j «j.-|4e of Georgia, (for If the majority of Georgians through their r*prwa»utali»«»ufood no voice in the fonuatiun. it was their own (unit ami no one ia to blame but UmneelrtM) ami is now *uhmiU«<d to os for ratification. Lot us all come forward ia aolid pbaUtu ou*l rote for it What can tore eipact to gain l>y tooting it down? Nothing. I amitorar. bat farther di»- franclnacment and the organixAtion of the Kioto by tbrtiftgroea and the fkw whites who can labtoeribe to tb* teat oath. If I waa the •troagest advikoate of Ktate right* ia Georgia, I would fariir ratificotiem os a matter of policy alone. It ia the beat thiug Georgia can ever hare. We may possibly have wore*. Tn the language cf on# of the abl«t»t men in oar Kbit* . ••«-# raiiuot d*nd anoihci ftach>l4.jmdcT a** w«- mad* la thr njrcthm of th* srawndtwent tu the f’oiiatitatiofi ~ Why talk *» much of n«gro suffrage, when it i* a filial flud, a thing that tore t*annut avoid, however much we may ihfturc It We rerogui** iu Gal. Bullock, the reprraeu latlvu of B*cuustrnrtioto. Tn th« event of id* tolectioti, ri'storatian hi nacvre. In the erewt of hla defeat, very towertala JaV# Irwin, though Acknowledgad by mysrlf sru! moat of oar p**)ilr on a good man, ban cum* out in U»e Ivtercftt of th* Democratic |ftitr, and in opportUoti to rmieatnaiKHi. Young men of Georgi*. ft will «w 4 do f**f to* to pU*w hi*v in poWtor. The man who had Jadirial ft era plea about taking a seal tu th* Guqvrulha*, (• h* r* r Isetoe it a* «da legal a too that body. > at a Uwh wh*«n Georgia wee«K>l b%-r l**al iumi tu f**m» l»rr organic law. and who" dM t»«il have firti boldnoMt »>».I aaatthood n* eUa t the *lars and the ahwoft HiW would have been Iteaped o|***»i hui in th* I‘Vt'Ut of U»m |Mrtidpi(i.>n iu ib#t body, shook! not u«»w he rkvted to tha hiph e«t ploc# in owe gift, ami asked lo support and *irente that law which ha cu«M wot mu«t« r eiW7ngfa awovgh too omtont ta makhag. Wa want pern* ami qaittvd*. Let os ratify the t owatitvtfoMi elect Walkoek am) men too U«wgreae who cam tab* the loot <mlh. # oml all •ill yet go '‘marry aa a marriage b*ll." 1 w. >nkl vak yoa too oomo oat from a party. IU laoreas of whtoeh w*wt Ouw® t« rwa iu> more with tkuktoalaf bw «o 4 hktoakiq bvt a hieh atill eiwta tm toomewhal es ay atogsaisail form, aa ad Hvpefttmvat u. end h—lthto*v the wallatoa m iKeßtote mt Uvoqpo. If you aee fit loeostm oaf i« fhtoato of T*t*fir« Gamye« wMlheeadM a BaihaM. —hurag, Mtd evan?hivgeLelva*eimdfeM«L HlHvhat "fkdkkift “A rumthr •ay other name would amefl aa awe*t " When the opposition show n% aayUiiaf better to be doaa, 1. Lx ah, viUyiliistli od>pt it It ■»vi» that anaotig aa of the Hooch dtoakryalty aad aniinocitv lo Ih* gdvoruan of bar# beeotne paoftp *rU to eoctal puailioo. and tuv Icat of wvwth Koch e€«4a aafauo* amM *ouu paea array. MU gnt mameota Aare their thrueo, convoWoaa and rovalatfiun* Wt h*v passed through « grand revolution bm our govvm meat etift ajustoo. The Hur< siul Hors have fallen and th* ttom srl «tnpM wav* over the load f.-utii u«u* kitrcioltj i > the other We axe ui a spMedy way tu a, happs •ne ao.l ptouapauly If M 4re bat true tu (suwlvn, an<l the prugrewave pnt.eiploa of tbe all will yet g- audL Let ua all r<>iu# fo*r waid us th# day us alecUoa ami coat oar votoa In favor us nUfteaU**) lam not an aivaeta n-r. lam a Gaorgian by birth the fonws of n»y anOtoftU>f« lie buried beneath tha soil of Geor gia- ha ratalie*. of buu- lme* nueth of Ms- Dixuu'e line, and n » one ao**ner Hat: myeeif would ab**« a Uar over tbe uuafor Um*s of «« berurfa who fell iu a hopak** canna, or honor tha gallantry and bravery us tlaoofa a k*» ktit! hv* I* • •** U»C MKrr* nf tberr failurt* But let ua Like f*#L as they ciist acknowledge the and rain* **u high os oar OnHtu is lit# (xnsiti t <«av*fai “Uslifioi tim. ■* as th* «'Bly ia*ati* 4t) Wtr (l«* rri* frr«n uttoi niln a **l »*r.wtr*tk n. kanxrrc: itiuto. tore ret INalMlcal Wlrllo | VY« *U* iu it «>ur duty t-< aa ru the pabh* ag iin«t ait Nnrwet pnhtfttod urgaaiaoti >fo* No matter what -bsdr-nf politic* they ar* ik-signed I |*» }<i<>p*igat«', th* y Or* <lamaging tn tb* puLii* n. I* feat, and of th« welUr« of lum i toe hiattjry <*f •och ••rgaaixsXiuua is s blr.t u|«>u tl*e annaU of tb* v-r! ! Tbe method ot tij- it uu ut augur. duplicity, Load and drcayAiun. aiai in a f**ru» of a fr*w gnv* mm< ot tike onm, they a**wtn tu lu.k.***- intrigue and plot against the woMort nf #**». •lane us ciUzolM, if nut agomet tiu- gm«xa tnstot- fWy at* rwwuiotMmory ia tbmi. i*oturm and **n»*<|V*nl]y dangermi*. for Ibe cowntry Is already alck unto death of revolutionary a<*h* imfa>. VYe r*u imogiu*- tu* coxthly g<tud that im hk»-lw to Im arcr>mpliah*«l Lknugit aarh instnmi* n rah lie* white they ox# cslrntated to breed social dlkturbaH#* *4 av» ry •eiiou* us tart*. The U< t l* well kuoyn tli..t *<t«h ‘oi.rauuz* li-ma ar* in rvi«t#no«. in th# c«niMtry M*-n aiii leagued together so r the faith'tauo* ul • >n« pultUonl intrigue, aud la aaan t ui«.-«tinga trananat thrtr busitrcaa. laying pint* aad de vuiitig nira*atca through which they may at 14iii mhcu*. They 1- ar to hold their r-*u*ui t itlou* in publin, rkiuslUto ratha* ft* erwt o*>u clave, wilder corn «»f a»ijbl Mr V»i*t» or,*to* We m.tki o-« w*r U}*#*n any on* <w-rsa:ration Os thl* kind, sot thcru t« IIIOTa than DIM iu th*p < »iioliy. aud wi> U,sk« wnr u|*ai ail alike. All alike ste Auiiftrntii fo* law and «*rd*r, and ahuuM k’ (UftHiutiU nsotwl l*> Lw -ftl iding cit ixdft, and. as I*, ft* }*fa.*lkU. silppr -aaod b) tha auih«*riUea. Wa rail ujvon Gen* ral M*ade, aft the only jH»wer aulh«>rtr <1 t«> taka engnirauc- of *acb matt- r». t«» hw hi* influefi** k»r t - ..*- *uj»prr*- fai««n r»f Din-li **» r*n»r» ? » -m«* Wt m/nitbeoniv pn-ft-duu «*t n-* out*. t»ut *l oIL N-> in »tt#r huw [aadaative lit# iuuu« niul*i fth«ch U»*y art or gaiilXfatl. they ar.< all vtcioas ip th* i* t inien rm*. aa«l *!»**«iM l»* tti«r«*f»tinned Tlia hutory t»f sueli iKgauisatiou* tu other MMiatoto ;* * mm ('•onmautaxy ii|*un nvilixa ti**B. la iuisM etiwy m*lanca th**y hat «* proven t«» Ih* th* pcreuraOr* of tn*d»*, Mwt*dntti»ti and i*ih* i vkdavcv They ar# rolaulolcd t*» frut and dlfatiuh the }MlMlc lull* 1. to Q»wft># *•**- pieion between friend am! fr.ew.l m foci lh«y iwwnis* too gootl t<# .i co'ictri **r r *n.munlty, ftbihi o»ey conjure up *t*tu «§«*' »**n» ••( a itigu ol oil whirl* w» s»r* l-y n • turnn# kuh-h, t-. eaaanrwtr- G* M l.a< th# to prohibit Mich* clkim**. Aii-| , i I it. The a.d(ij au 1 arc u illy u! * a t«t) daniaud* rvlief 110444 ( Im* mil'll llwl IS gru-aiug il|»**U itos* pnitin* min i, and tli* aoover th* arm of power Uarricnd* i the urgtotoiftatnwx., |hft kaMtaril **ll lw fur Um-gon 1-rai fteliale *4 th* poopl*. T H. Sin## tb# ab*-re iv» type, thr Or der ftoai G#n Muode upon Uus aul*j*ct has Uvu Lauded m, and appWfat* ii* this lsawa us th« Kao. toCtlgttotllty |« U«rc. It may anv# * gruut iui *unt of if thoa* who prepay to be ctuadkLt*** for «*GW tn the approaching election, in this Slat#, and the vot#r. alwi, shuald coustdor w#U th# *ju#fa tnmi. “wh** me ohgibi# lu ufficaf“ It moat la understood, that for th* purpo se* of this election, the (*«odmg uiu ndmmit to the CouaUtuUuu 4 lha UtoiU-d Stoatea, known a* tb* 14th article, proponed by Goagrwaa ami «*|opt**l by moot of the Northern Htatao, moat lc considered os already in for##, inas much as this State cannot, uwdor the Uocou •iryttsm acta, be represented ia 4-ongrroa an til that amendment shall b« adopted by th* rcqniftite unmher of Stair* Th# ■edion of that artmia beanug tu lha ipiooUon 4 eligibil ity Iu uflo . roads m followa: S*» R No jvraon shall be a Saaatar or U.iwt**cnulivu in Congress, oi «k*L-r of IV*a idfaftt amt Yiec l*rr **»!«*nt, or bobi any tvffic*. civil or nsihury. andcr th* Untied States, or un lefany Slat*. whu + havjug pr*vH»u*4y Ukon an oath, a* a member of or a*, an offi cer of tha United Stale*, or as a member ot any Slot# l>*gi*Llurc, or a* aa cvceutiv* jo<K ciai o«.m r of any Wteto. lo #upport tu* C«n atiliiUuU of th* Utoih'd St alee, ahall ha>« on gag«d w m-nnrvs'LMMi or r«*b*4ii-»n ogainot th* aame, or given awl nr tnnif*>rt t.» th* nmuii-K Uincf. Vut tkihgress may, by a vofo* of two- Uatodi >1 #och Houm, rwtoova swch *UsebUi«\. By an Act oi C'angnwa, pa mad July U*h, IA6T. it ia declared that th* word# #, *i*c4itfvs or judicial offiev iu any State,'* siudl be cou •trufad to torliHl* all civil ofios created hy law for th* MksiHhtntMß of any general lew of a Htatof, or for tho adsoinifttration of jinttoe. Tcvwntts disqualified by th# fotoWguing prv» TuMtotofmßi holding afirr, ought toot to prv ft*nt th*m***lvfa* M « eeit'Udatfas, hwt shoek! they iki **, all flu- vt»t»N east fur them will be hhw thau tho»wn awey. It caumd he eapeeird iliet d»H«pifthfl* 1 prOuma. if *l##t*d, will be r*w»- uiiei<>uol All * In'lKMis of such persons mud n#c«MM*rdy b* *-#t a«*d*. sixl tha otto«* b* lii|#*l a» pruri*lc*l for ui th* new (\«rtitati«*n. t errvpSten Hml Mere. Th# Mk*Wing atataxucni, asyw the Horn* GodiVr. G fbwn a highly r*e}>*ota!d* and hot* nralilr c*«tfl#man whose veracity k» beyewd qu*faU«*n. Our in formant ifiiw that hhnaelf ami one other member of the Atlanta conven tion h*m and John U UeklweH, analwr from Tump county, admit that h*. OsMvsll, draw full pav foe the fit days wan of tho son town tmn from U* tsmhw llhh toe Jmmmmrr 4th- - 21 dev■*. t*>7 Hr W <1 Kami. of Oowwin county, "U« inhuman* Uftta**, he eekl that he iliww Kl moeeUmwhe wvw ■■mi l l too, ott he asked hr; *«d that ell the favor*as nf Mr. H. H Maihtrk- ehoirman of th* ImNtfaw Urn mitt**. g**t fall pay far lha Um daring the fftcwon, or pert pag. jaat as they ashed Ibe. The peopt* .Ktght tn know how the “flUhaT 1 Cost nUoa ha* aqmndmnd their amoey and . I how Ruth oh a# corse frtewde tour himself 1 'Cos «** imbw* W. Aul VASC o'er as Bka a I—is v dfco>l. I Aitei IS < vrltr amr ftffaftftSl ft es" | fl ■ sr-TO’’ ftsjOTrtT W,u« su-.lMrtud lu state UmrnL. tij . Mr>ls- . Uou :t til. ( -.Q.euIMS SSSfa 4>tsVfa« BBS rs- . <,utr«! 4, etiufj spss Hcbos. Hi terifas*. tbe snsibo, ui dsjr. b> arrrad ss s Mtsshfa nt tb. Ounrautiuo, snd tbsl vsrrsafa *m aud- is i vilb >uch citAsl-s Mtolotc. stirtnv -it. r .utisss were pe»d far Msrh wri j t ItMr k.t. Heart fa. us Lowts, draw toJ7 ; ! luor- than b# wa* entitled toss, he deewtt apni | , his «>ft u a rtiAc«tc »tpnrn knurrr. end when hi« ifatwe troaUUsi him. h« fan return the | ma*untlol>r Angier. «g* nt. who j has all It# M .ixiafa and vosrhn in his po»- • erase >u. j The be** charga against tha of ! jO4 ifodkft-k ms anwurthy of asfa.t Bsllack’i IftlM Men astro. } Paksgrw ( dt 1 No court im this Blel* shall , Lav*- jfmadictoMan tu try or dntoename any soil | I oga:ti*t any resident of th* totftt* sp'ii any , ' enutract or ■grr *tD*nt ma V or iraptWi. or . | any i /iitrad mad* in renewal %A any I tt faii.t*;*.- prtur tu th* hooto day 4 J ane 1 iNfiTi N r • net or ■ennrtenal . C ! c#r «>f thia Hist * bam snttoeorny to saGov an; , j xi/uifant. e v»- utHAi. uc dftewiw, neJmd nr 1 vsm-J ujw.u any oonlrMt ••» agro*nicat wmA* j ! or ini|*liefl. or wpoe any loutr*.* t ui irucwai erf ; ! a debt jm fa the first day of June, j 1 tfoo rxrept In tha following cases | 1 In «mu agaMiftt towtiws where lh* Wuoto | • t«rr.f»*rty is to th* handi of the tiWhl i. ur has j • burn in veatoosi hv him in uiforv auocitoc cflocls , l>w tu his UatKJO, and lu etuis by lh* vendor 'of t‘s» ft *T estao- agwjuaf th# vmde». when j • toot more than om*-tot»trd of tha pnrrhe** «i<m- I • ry ban Iswm paiA and tn# rcadoe is in puwwo- i I inn of the loud ar specific effect* lot which | l L# La* o>»kl It. end hr rt7a**a fa deliver the ! Lsn.l or said eflhcfß fa fh* vendor. In mch ram* tb* cowrtoft an-i offtrwrv. may entmeiß )e- : rroJnrtmu ttid eoforr# jixigaicnU againol aai l ■ ti 14*i pf ipasl j ur land or «ff«acts. | X Ia hint* for th# liencAt of minors by j tranter* appointed bvAira the let a* Jena. I I MG. 3 In sorts again at <x*rpormlaom i» tfaur I ( o«pur*4# capacity, bat n«M eu os fa enforce ! (Le debt againot tbs afoa-khlrm or offi#*r« • thereof in th*tr ludimloai «-ajsactiy. to. In suit* by or htrrary motor • • tnli >u« for money kjeo*d property other than ’ tetsvea sokl, or eervfa m rv ulen-J by them A In suits ui d«4>U due far nuliMikai ut . tamiuai fta|iMfa |kM llftf Mtotto is Ly tbe m# j r)v«nic <.r iab-»rrr rt In cftjww where d*M an set wplsr w»y j of defence, aud the del t act np «fxcoeds any tieht die by fiafrudsn*. U» t '<*iahff. us which i th# r miU are denied j irt»L« U<m. 7. In all “th*r com iin which tha Geacral ' A •-.etn My wh.xlt. bylaw, gtwa mal courts er.J irfkefars janeli liofl. piwhftad that no ash #r •had Lava. •h.-.H tb- <j.n*r*i ra!-iy igivajsiMirt vtt or try ut g»»c * • jd<L'..i4 ut on. or enfotc* any il***. the crwivid- j i r»t;.*n of which w.w a otav* ur aievea, or far f th# bi»« thereof. {. I’oifagr »i>h X Ail a**uUeii» U4*d> *n l out t •i< retni iiuriug tli* l*f* n-1* 111 m wilb the in- , I trillion and for th** purpose of Mding and en- * i-vnr aatd r«*H Ui-si. **r where it was the I »ur}**»*- dt uifauttuii of nk ot lh# p*iUca fa au« Ii v>>utia. i U< aid ux « ucuurogc *u*.h r*bel li u. an 1 that fact w». knovrn fa the other j-ertj. wh*th#r said oatrad we* noefa by aay 1 or <r<irporat4>ni. « ilfo th# HtaU uc he* I fsdcraU States, or by a corporation, with a bnUirai }s-p*‘r|i, OC Ift-tft e«.‘U t*-* HW T* nalut- j ul (wr- n* are hrt-* \ d«H-lartxl t*» L-.v# l*en aud fa b# ilh ral, »n !’*!! koa k pruaa iseury c rt#*, btlf- or rrth*r *vklmct« us debt . uiadi- or • a*# i it#. I by th* pirta* fa seeb <wt« liwH, «»C either id Uuai 111 cuaaacliM; with . fawch iliogsi i«iuU*< l. ui aa the consideration for. ox in furtherance lfo*r»**rf *** h*r»*by *I»- . cJsrvif null and v»rf«l, and ehaN be ao faeki in : all t - mi rt* in Iht* Slat# w bra an attempt obeli - Is* tuaii- fa 4-nfuroe but each contract, or giv# r valubtf l • oav Mich t*l*l»gati<»u ux Wwlcmee of j •b 14. And in ell cae** eh*rw th* •lefoodaal. er any one inteaeated in the *v*at of th* sad, j i will make e pioa. aujipurted by Lm affidavit. ( •th«i be Laa r«su*»n to tis lieve that Ih* obj*e- j , firm m * vidaac* of in debtor* In #*». wpoa whrrb 1 tb* suit toe predicated, or aw* part ttoewnf. i ha- Ut u given or ftmoed far lh* illegal pur- , ptesc a!ur#-a.J. the Lordca of proof -bail b* . upon th* plaintiff fa eatisfy fb* court or jwry ‘ . that tbe bor.iL »!**»!. not*, btll. or other m- ! and t.m ul m*i#t>faiucsa.- «p>Ki which said *u;t v l.r-.light, is or ar# not. mat u aay |«ut there i ul f >uod«d upon, or ia any way c-iauecud a itli any auch illegal rwntrwrL aud has out I -##n used in aid of the robsituMi. end lha data j •»f •neb bond, dead, » *fa. Ull. or uthci ev»- ■ done# of indehtednosa. fthall nr* be cridawe* \ that it hoe ur ha« m>t. sacaoe ;U dels. U*u , opened, Iranaferrevl, ox used, tn mid i>f tbe r*- I beffioau I‘aiagrwph A U ahall hv in lha power of a ] uiejonty of th* General Aa»vsnbly lo aanosa and c dlect upon ell >labia, jod/mewte, er «m- M-a us a. Dun w hen due, faaudcd on any cun tract ma.l# or imr4uni b*far* the lrt if Jan# la the ileads of aay owe ut hie uwa right I or a* trul*. ipai or axtuvuev ot another. . . on or after lli« Lt us Janaary. IKOB, a Ut of ' aut aiceedtng S6 par *<mL. te be pekt by tha i-rcdilor un pa;u of furintare of the debt, hut | i her*#*M*- by hint a* to one-half agmimt ib* debtor, and collectable with the debt Pruw d*d, ILat this Ul shall n< 4 b# cuUvft'iad if tbe ilrbt or muae of ectltvn he aKand-wied or set tled without legal pcuOraK, or din palfment U Mtl«d withuct levy aud sal# And provi ded. further, this tax aboil n rt br levied an [ long as tha courts of Uue Stale ahall auto have j janadictfasi of auch debts or osaecft of aelKtn M..d Tan. j Let rvery vot*r rv member that Bullock ufor 1 1 rcH. f, and will inrf appoint Jadg"* oj»p»*s*d too it He x. also for e Lom »t*sd. end vnH mrt apjHiuit Jadgae oppomw! to it. Thewe arv iwt> uupwiaat facie which Oho poor hfaunug in«n moat not forget He la tofio far rd n the }>oor as well oe the rich lie ii in fact th* jH-v'pl** c iiiifaUle. and will tlmtancw Irwin ol m.HJt without an toffiwi. BY AUTHORITY. r u al l c ac l k or un Portiotlx O on« ru^u m rats UNITED S i' A J- 1 : S, M Ok ft‘u u s*Mk«a. «*a*.a Uasa oaS «rtS *s tkr (VyV' Ml Uu IMfaftf y (Vmlu. s« Mlmmiif. tkr KmrUt y Jfeml. A. O tssT: mb «s .Wftteila*. W tkuse s»f •/ JfsrrA A. l> I mb:, to mrrt mm U ~tSumAt, «A* U.r J a* v */ Jm Sr X p let, 04 ft a M( M. « fs«s*rt im <n «*u .Wsrsrrtsf. *** form!, tk Sap »' rmU /Wy «s lUitft dtm a egburmaX m mrti mm TWr* te tkr tie ftif .v»*ft>i * a. />. isrr. aisa mm timimig hmt Say of mmd rntlml to* ftW te *f i wrftfor, h A. Mat. iMKV. lIUL Vi AM utoaiWii too tb huh .4 S# teibajvjravteim af an JUrt tfthnac *> Agru «V to» a mm -111 toy to# Waneia std Bmbs .4 M#|irnvp ftUift ol Uo t'ftWa tain <rt tsettoliil TIM Ms e*fts» mml* by law 1 hm sw « Ax) of Jwi>. -rtMrw aweßnsi m>4 tit\y «* v ft) mmmh MmU, »f load *rt«al M Wttoriy Iftaftiul •*». t* rm.k ol ,u tort#** surf i \ fttatn i m »'« ar'**. *w too* uftnftftft** <»i Bstoatlfoltlaa agrawHuroi ia *» UftftUl fa tba S»aW ol StehtoftSOs !- tl~ te* ieam.-r aa a iMwafei feai tea rtkwe <rt ftoa Ite at •»# 1 at* Os ito# pater *rf mftl law. ArprsteL Mart h ». MTL CHAP XXIV.--An on tote* m r*rt f * itraUte toO* I'mhitoc teak, ami to< •rtte Pwrpste |i 14 earM by lha irwator urt loas «f byoaaa ten «t «hs Usatoftrf eaitom of iwwim m owiw* toostttelr I. That tfa aarn ol towate Iboeate htikmn a ta tewby Htettel teas say fete? ta Ow torus* ary wet liter dm (fhtetomto toft fa rtpenf by IS* ■i ftSiry «f »fa latater teOor te swparrttes *f te lirtoitfti «rt hr Itefcrf . stoiftM ia, M gtafaj. hUfagr *• Oan to toaOfa MOarthrr mateA. Tfa an r mymkrm serf athiratt in us tfa Ofaifat faOrttoag aba# fa mart# nftOer te Omtow aa.) w>p>t rfaae of the ift Mtm f tfa CWptto I automate. Apawote Httelto UO«4 r«AF imi - ia fatowejmhamofttowv to as Art mtt ttofa -MlJtaW liter Aypaphte* fa aasrtry ClrU MyrteMt fateWMte toar tfa Thm .a rtft^ ' S—B sJfsmTlTSssiM ■4 IBs M4—K-J IS IM MbMrt >Mii MX k. MtoJ ton postal tba ni Bassary aa to»o torrtora tfarfto?by Ifasr nmm * £SS 4WI 4 tmxr xrvm.- ta Art far «1M o*itH .A arwa te Atoms serf OaUavs mars, teigaata A. toa rt awaSrt by tpr teli art How f ifao«H<- taSlvas or l> TiJiaA ■>ste at AmaTkra ta Ooe«r'— mmmmmmtAmh Isa mwSir ae astto** afaii fa - « beirt W» fa a damrtar bom te mrmy *bo fair, late or AprU, ftpfaa benteat mud mxtj tw. asJ •fttou allte iwvprr aefborWy ar lasea irrt obtil 11 1. Jes» wtetat *faU rtte er Malar of Ms y*y. litalf pagmna. oe uSber fa kamsa. te Uua set tefi fa ..ssatead ntofyai Us*« taawmA bf tfa tarn of faa tiut'Mfap u ammm gitew <4 MS l.wilt— app* teirt) ito tooth «'Jlal J XUI-i* Art to teibhab ovtaa tmA bods B« a ssertarf )-y (fa WM>al« an 1 H -oar of Iqms ■ ■■■ram I E Tftrt tfa b Slow leg fa ratonfafasj a* hiws toiArtrt a- Oftn* hrt Agprmwt. iftty 19. HAT 1 11 if Tlf |i Us MegTiai rtwra* m Art aa« tW«t 'A* Art to Muetak turn Um ■*..<> rfb'MttCw ■ma dc us tfa fate Oafa. ' | m».l an tfa ute ear or Manta. Iljbtoi ■■ b— Aaa 1 art Maty aroau. amt ifa Act i igi ft ■ fry Uiani... » >mt tfa twatatoy tfarrt Aay rt Mar#b. Hjlftta So* rrt and ortr time. Ito tt mfti«l toi tfa Bvftlr as»A Jfoas cf ll#|ir mm-t* butw rt tfa r«lr4 Ota ■ of Aaa—Wm m teim »* i mblftA. Tbal Mta baaaby Sart—art b> fta— Isa tfa « tata Iteet as4 masaana id ifa ft « rt to- sroad A R M Mate. *Aa Onwaft f eiqfa bwertrauasd miyartaa. aatofal *■Aa au tow JWT T)A) > r tfa (4—r- r&. ). ul f « am ta—t rt tfa rtet atoatro. -and rt tfa art myU- MfaSTte yaar ma luofaot 1 as«bt boftAnatAUl Jiij •raws, (bar tfa r>fvawsiu ten *natu»* ta tfa rHtoi Bum rt \taftte to rtto Uraas ftoito « oaisaua. ta ■lansta'. MlMWta||» lalaiw. I/miaisw rkwvla. I m. and Atenaas wm act teal btaft- g ’ and art ibi’waa»r art pmaiifttuu. u irtund. am to fa aasUtaWaA aobjert tm all owp« to a. tfa fa taery «uftftirtm rt te WRiiWn Atotn tos. ant v, te aiUfavwy us Comgrcaa Ota- 1 And fa tt Darter «ate TW tfa war ■Bandar rt aaj fans namsrf u> naaufatoMc power, latprt to* Isa Haappruwal rt tfa (i*ur*J Cf Vm f-maaA. vbmav«» la tfa •"tasra rt aM-ii c -uwaa o A*r tfa|j*otior adiuUiariaOoft rt tatol id ■■-*• rw,*ir» tt, hmmmt fa fat or tote my (iitrSote er del/ia aerb Atauvt naA-r soy p-*»r. .toctow aye ate uml or lataaasty tawln 11 fh*. u eras'ay. m ta-mrif anAar. any UMata-l an *a tfa *• r •.- n*t--ntthwart. «w any mitmtaryl «w 4rri» ate c*r>- ■**i>Sa!teal to tfaSmspyruval rt te da - raJ tm afateas4. teM be* • pa war a» pravtofa ttram Wtaw fa Oma tow Isa prisaMi ■■ rt tfa aaU datum of am a ■Sbrrvar parew so mapeedsd or resa>-«oA. to? tfa 4*- rtt rt aama lowpatoai t iRiiH or sate r rt tfa army te by te sm Setta I rt worn* rtto-r parwus . tu u#t y#ta (tfa eat. and h» OO wsn-fa w m by rt- stßfo m diptem. er albars ton. Ota- 1 AaA fa tt farter saerta 1. TW to tuuermi U tfa army rt tfa Oft*tod Ota • ifa W.«to*ate4 mxim afl r**. **aJ. »pt«a*Sit **nm*i. Aal fa II raeter msefart, Tfa tfa acfta rt tba Aim rt Ota wmf lArmly tame ta nmovtaf toe asrt Atotneta pnm Mamai< tfa fwac-tfau f civil rdintva. serf uyrttaj MO in to Mm ataad. ar* kftwrtoy ooftlnert PasatAs 1. Ifa* si pras tote* am or favitaflar rpprteto* by any Oafart mafar aa saierftM tfataartaw rt assy carA rtkaa, su mm r* uwvftdaaibar vy tfa nlbtor; ia owibuib! *f tfa diaartot. cv by tfa flail rt te army Ami n «faa fa tfa Arts rt aecb oommenAar !■» rmau*« (rvaa odboa aa -* all prntmmm afa as* dtotouysi to tfa rwvfi wnt rt tfa I'bfad ftds or wfa aa. tbaer rtbrtol m -1 .ataca to Stay nmnrr b> Outer tamy. yraiant. or ofaamci (fa Am sett ympa* adtoiaiaim.te af Uu ftf* staA te mm u* vtaA a ha sepa ■—'fttar.* •to. A Aftd fa e tartfar as» tsd. l ata tfa faarda rt fipatito m pwvdal te to te *1 asBIW - »■ » « tfaTlT™* r Sternai r’-nuas*' est!- rafat . I aaairt term two. autana fartial el ■) »* < V ami u fa-Oasta raaowtows. pass I tens ta-utj farm, rtptas tebrt aart aity-«te abaft Oa*» I**# tort Nta* fa team to (rnram w mtaUni to fa r*ysta*d cter mod art. mmu tfa ate rK|«ffal by soaf ft t abaft ft* fa aoniait oe atkcft qoaati..a. fat fto pmwuai BfaU fa faMurr l ante* •—.-a Snarl afa. Ascftfa Dst fa ta UU and ÜbMc- U> ftftd aarh iwarrf aitoll atna ham p-war ft> row>M . an-a Ooarl. aay ona A -wefitne tfa ;tei. »»•.,* / asy l«r*a tiftUfttos i.ydntaa; brtisi rmmry cm* rt r*- bmmmi Uj tfa faanl to rftrpaAar aa appfaaftE asd ta ravry oaftr at rtriktfa t > aam tem tfa fa* •> Writer pruatAad. tfa tfa ataaft aaafta a sab o* taaaa.wftedsm. wfarft abaft to r.toftl wMO Isa ragtatsau-w Ua* a* tfa .»m«*alrt titer at of tte JM*n 4 mrium* Um- tl. Asa grows la ol * orb meant or awk aartotog tram ifa H«l PrmvlaA. TW fa yams abaC fa- AfayeaHAwd a* •r cataw to t Asa ba U hrttar e usrftad TW tba tvm m- >■*■( «rffarttfat. tfa ao faJc cw who baa hart my riaratn. or )mhc%ml cAkcm im mm, oTnoSTTaI te ttasem ar ao*. amTteew fa am fatefa aerb TZHi «ftfata emta* ***aaranva or jsUrt aOb* .to aay Mas* so ml nib Mat tt.amt aimll b* i lime tto maAtoia ail cavil adtam otoftfal toy ba to fa i tatai mn c-t as? ffroarai ba of a Ato*#. -v for te •lantern ■ rt Ota - 7. A-rt fa ti tortfaw TW Isa tua- te ntopWns tfa ortfbfa I ■gjrtaata a pvtbl te lb as7 Atatnrt fa •ttamtoml Aa Asa Am day rt Orftafae •acltaam imartrrd and tatywn afa tfa bmb rt i ntftMWft *ha i fava y Mia. nrt a aftnli to tbaaz fcsartwno day* y*rv« u my rfwtka Asa un aad ytarw tfaewrt. to rvna* ftw • parvrt rt Ova Asya, tfa lagtrtvte-i nasa, afa Spue fatof mltoa •fa ifai aay pata nos eiiiiaf temaj baa bm nv mtov L to alnAa tfa ftarav rt aecb paraun trum Im* Hrt kfa sorb ) irwaft ftbsfi aal W iPatoi I to via Asa aart tote rtrtt a too, rtarsee te mm parW. add to aacb im*”*n M»a aaaawa of all Jvwuat wta. at Cfai riaw i t i ~ te nmwe artwai toßtoiad bp ate art wfa fa«« art faftft ft*ras ta twemarad. aftd os mm ■ball, at any Ume, ba aellUii I to ba rvybimi i or fa *ab by rvmm rt aej nrortM yarAan ar amnatoy i« any art ot wrttoata tneb jack:* rt 4 lad W it fbrtfar ssetad. TW aartee Ibef rt aaM taat-maafa artabsU be mtmmtrmmd to inn •• i Asa aasmaflwf pansral aaofa «m*. rttaftw fa •bad Aaaaa « ftteM. fa v —ai any wtomfar rt e beard rt nftotl ■ and to appomi ntfar ta bto a*aad. afa a> AH any vmmnrv ta afab board Ha a, Asa fa ■ tarttarr ammtod. TW ad lambam rt aart tote* rt raptatmtana and mil yorauna bamalb r rfafad <w ap|ftfa**rf *> »• fa* factory dirtrteU. aadar my m ft bad Atofa sv mnetalpa atoiriAj. or by •totatl u RfAtaant rt tfa Atatnrt c iato« it ir>. •baO fa rftßftirfa to Mbs aart to art as ifa tfa oalb o# Wi> ymnvted by ham fur adtoan of Iba t mfad bta lo Asa ba ft fftfftbi r mmmrfmd TW as dto rirt rt Ml Os tfa aternw «W ig rlfttov* artiftc «»dar tfaaa. tart fa based ta baa tftlia by any oftw rt aay mU rtfarr rt tba tfalfa Mbta>* Hoc. tl. Asa ba ft fertbaw —a S t TW ad toe jwo » fauna nf tbta tn abd of lbs octo lu » huh tbia ta auy* — -s--M i— oomerafa lilanlli t-■ ifa tfat an tfa li»Uo:« tb«rt-4 ÜB«jr to fftfy afa pevtorafr cerrwd Nt snirnx* cnijrAi. "* *** r.'VVnc' n ■ aA-Vftt rt tfa bwtr pm Anatj- rr Iv TWA K*ieu Oft tecrxmacyTßnvaa. r. %. 1 ifa* stab. laT t Isa Ptftefmi rt ibe l salsa ten baatag rtefa .t- te dimaart bpnawrt’nta wbbb it ongtaafa!. U>« toll mlirtrt -Ae art anfvtota rrtrry to ae arc anu ! Ufa Aft ftft I#provide far iba morm $h totpiwn. mil rt te robot Wtaftrv ta««al m tfa arc*-toi day >•( fad tafhfa* ben Arad ml atrty-mvm. and tfa at »ui V faamt»ry tterrt*» »* nrt ae iba twcuty-Uurd day , rt tfarvh. M,ThA«*ai hartrrt taswm< That tfa bid te pmmm. Atoaliirda rt iba R<*a* rt ItaTHftiblina ■,-rrtn| to pm ifa aoaua Stars McPBCKSON Oact B. k. I . ft. no, !uiurt *v Tftß r«rvat» OxtTWa. 1 iuty Ift MIT. i Tba fanato ba»>•« ft#" wsitad. •« |*rwmv rt ifa !'.*»#aitftUun. w. r#. .atabv tfa UU mUU.iI “An ai ant (tomafttorr As an art eabikrt At art lo lor lha stir tdOMi pis* .-casßcut rt tfa ratfa Mata a. **« In# tv rt Man-b. * 4«tto#a hmi Jrc I Md«ii.-«iaa.Mkd Asa aft aupttaumtary tborrrbv Ipaaacl m tba taaety tbanl day rt kUnb. cagbUv*. Vfttolrad te rtvtv #m," rrtnrard b tb# Moon u# H.ptv*.nirtttaa by ibe farttaal rt te I fttart OAft* ■*. • «ih tua rtgo*«».**, and aal by te H-msa rt fafwv-- •. I.uiirs to te Ransar. asm th* ftssp ml tfa hw ktarot n««nube te toU Jbs..wU TW ib# bill ta* itom, t«<* third* rt te* aim J. w. rohannr. By wr. I. MolMMUlsl*. Cktaf (Work. , < UAK XXXII.—On fat to oßtobfab tW «lAb twAria MaUto t- dtaai into* liei» •imtod by tbr tatsir te Itai) #f lUjhi-s#*b * Wiwa rt ifa rnltod CttMcw rt AmwV* ut Oerotfmm as ro-sibkad. TW ibe fvmi*. Irt te LaiAed ftta* mm ba. i *O-4 b# U faev* y, MtOoaseed to ap|Mftt a ortuxni*»ou ft rnatai* of ttarae afar -r* rt teamy tod baton tba r*sA rt brigadier gitevk. wfa, toeetec with X- ik. TavWw. (Vmaatadubir rt Indian AJblra. tobn • Hew . uroroa. • hirri-| rt tea tbnbAk rt »ftAtari Atom rt te tasaii'.. X V Taping, te Jufa U daeborw. *fad ! bam pawrt te awlfarHy to aad toptlbav tfa rbtate tebaidftim rt aadi k ante ur trtbm of I* hmnwa aaa vnhy war rptefat tfa l attod teW >r asartA te adapademroma aw tear arts rt fartlltty. te ta IfaJdtarWMn. enter ttoWMOn rt tbe fwhrt. 1 nnha »ud imrhi In fate aaM baedamtrtbra ajgb I irmly dlpebdl mm, aafaS te lU artaow *. #*»#. Vto rabroart mw k«Mu« to «*• MONra TembMiea. m 4 nu m rtl M Bhaiy frTlfe* ££** ** *** * ******* aafcrfy ■rv. 1 iAdUN further Tkn mml r» M ,i, ; » wtw an rafolrrrt W aoabUaa an 1 arter* a rtfcrtrl ar 1 MMmrfMMtoy t<m>« mww. •* { Uar l art o*l trtbea n-,w <ia*,jiM tairtbwy oato i (X* lU*ty nmauli* aoa tot y aiaftoy n d UBf <m p*r- I wtochtfM f baa TStpaten ar I emgeana. aart a obvn dflnct or llairv M (tar* | ■UtoJ be nft nat uiW.#- ar (main* k<U ti mmrnhU the m.j rb i*.tt*rai aal paaßoral (.3IAU Bod irnrf nr Lie Ultoa. tooa ao aatatoart. M (Wak u«. ff»ii by { Oaacraaa. toto ba M) mu farnMCMto Cwaaa La | aairt 1 1 bear to ba tarart. i urna. ae.l mm garawe • MW «iUßb«v« at bb trtbaa <Mi ba aggMßUh Io» M« Lkmrmtm oUhoal Um laradßUu of tb* Irthao ta- i taewab <l ercaarf aAoaa anrt taatorM 4 u* « n ,*—< Ma*aa . Pr- -X* That tba rtWMU or rfwMrv-M AaU b. a# harabxl aa ao* w» tobaabri wttb traoto on lfhoori *■ «aaa4 by aatbamp to (ha Lalßart Mate*, aar nu ta* root# to lb- H rUmu f*o Üb: haUr-0.1 UmCkmi P» abun. of Um irv—d mob mi Iba AObbUc aart fwil* MaUmad by tbe awy Mac. A A art baa fWrUmr taacaert. I bat Iba lutoeaiag ; aaam to ooaay are ban bj ap|im|jrtalart »«t ad aoj m-’mmr ta tb* imaary. to *ll Ta carry cai the pr» i Ttaaaaw i n»a pracarttag am tuat to tbo a«. wua ba* , teJ Ift; U» )um»l .btofre BteW tba barrotery 1 but wptraito a nu; W>UWr a/rtif Ummaaltm j Croßi tba I at A* kaorta or «nto*a aart a«l Urn yntav I «*-• ad tba C oMart —i. three botartml tfowaaart t Mara. •** « hart ba M Bert bar Tba* tba Mai. fry I to War ta Jir.i u, f aratab >■ agp rtaima. i tart pr ilcrrtif «and tba obibbpm Marti | M iihvi tba barb ary to tow 4a Baa a*. A bart ba u (Wtw MBUO, lUt rs a**] mb *i la UM Burt Mi V> an* peace, Man u*r V-rnmary br*r. aadrf Iba toati o -rs tb. ' rr» *ii. ut. ia Mraapy mUu«OM to a-oyt tu. »r. • arat Maba aa4 Irmtura*. la -nram*—l oaijaaia r art bababaa* at Mar towba 1 aaaa m I u mtmtma. mmi tjt mmmtt i»r»m ut tmr\yem a, u>U,4| awi. um) U uanM/ fcr tba —pyaww ft. llau ; M* A kart ba u Mrtbar aaacUU. T bat ab > «a»it—ra ‘ a> an.r|4art aba£ U |Mad «p>ja tbr ana s ots. la • r*-afHa t to pay. aabatalan r aart r §*■ gamaal. , to i— trA,ja i tha nt-«» army M< 1. A art Ua M tarlbr factal. Tba* wU niaa» f «■ «aan lap at iMtr uartcr Uua at ba tba Praat i< lt /-b C«M HUM urladit; any rarb (tmiin tart aD «rrrt> toAta a aa mu aa «tobb« fed Ibaaa i him. 4pyrr»o>4 inly 3D UKT. cur IIIUL -JLa uav>orT)'i>to **• ; be*! • totoiii «Uti tbc taatsaaM ud ta um ad CJartw ch Ha I'aibd nuM Um cjßicnuuatot of tal D« .1 MMtort b; tfc* v«ub an! Hwaw of lyran toll.#* &' b» Partai Mm 4 iMirua ta O nmiaaa aa- | Maaltod. TtoA fur u« yojpuaa ot carryuag Urto ro«rt Ml# oatfaßttoa *i!b (ba KrpMito erf VrwraaU. ft r tito * #tj>aaal irf rMnaa ad eami <4 Iba laKad Matoa aa to* ud (bat Brja.lrtb MgßaO at • ar#. *• aa Ik* My c/f April. #tgb>raa baa4ra4 urf | • atyw-t. iba <?- an ■—4 ba afr«ata* by ibr hnwaku ( (I. < ronwHltmi by UJ aitb tba aJ».a» * ao4 aaa .aai >rf tb- baatr. ibab lb ukatrt a e aiya ##« ua fkrt '«< ki# ama«# at Utraa u iwal bil*r> aort ton 44hn a day ta —mp'ißrfv c «rs (ranffia u- 1 Caam Lr tba but «ctobl) tot an Tt y pat tntt tb# jtoo f bia aalraoio to*rt rtotonibg U • buca .VtfTU.' toraUßßib a. ad bto aßc. 3. bad U a larttor atotal. Ibal U Uw PraM- , 4aal abai afU to appM iba Uto.rtot Baa Hurt rt A' l uitort BMaa m VtoarxaaU, tu putm tba dityra erf • r %B)a arr tblrr M# anatoato#-. aDaraaaa aaab I ad bay par au tarn ad Um ma toreui.tor r* owu-aai puranua b' lb# ff .UU«CI *f tbr Bix.tb ► - ti<»« rs (h at od A <a.t ifbii ai.tb. aigblaaa labbal aal bfty ata. "Tl regoiato Um itiji amr aul oubautor ay*u-tu« »I ■ Pi mi tuir«a ' Ml » bad barfMlbarcuctoi nat iba Mabai be. and tort by ta. aalbanaart to cuaba aab pm#W4ua Uto oto*r ton, (JTETuto toaul) .rs Um l au-rt lutH Ijf U- . nay naaafliic erf lb# tuatxr#. aa l «rs ow< a#crvt#ry ik -.ay W r,to by tba » •maakail lain. ( roißaanttoiba ad U.a . umjaa, aa ba an«S Wa !aat iWI ptvy*i lb.. 4- Au i ba It taitoM ana.tort. TbaA >a.,a ma# rt , atoar; aa cuay ba na» ■ aaa’ y to carry oat Urn prrrrfbma •and Mrta art br.aart tb#y ar* baraby iff aa prtoi . I tot to ) any Baary la tba Iraaaary aurt utbarvtaa apprjynab t Apiroral, July ID. lb! ( UA. IXIIT. —Ac JU2 »B>. a,U» iry ai -Aa tot ra* fctbg liyrvprfbK# b> wpyly MbimMi ta tbr A, • r epnu* r.« fur «o: ttngaui ad tba a-toair us um Qaa#4 flUUa* bar (ba taraT |aar ttoiim laa- Ihtrty. togtfaaa bnartr 1 art *ity t~* - atbar Par;-aaa. be U aflal Uy Um art aj aaJ liaat rs laai- -f »' t'altoal Saab# >4 Afartoa ta t’-atfr-a aa aa!.«l. Tbaa Um rewladUf purtton od a.* taaa all ito aa* iraaur.l Aa art aiataivg a}pr*t -»et» wv> *oj yiy bA-Metw ta (to afiprayrfuaiai far aaMMfaa a tyabtarf (to b a ala to (to tuurf Biln. tor tba lab j m rt.vbag Jaa# tbxrtMrfb. afbtoaa bmabraj ab 4 U>- baartrarf aJTailMDra. aa a (art ail lava als a iba hirfbai. Uw tora iton to ah r to tmiu yub m* Iblim trilx • are krrert>T rnaatol. muj a-.tebto! to-naadfe be ta larml iu my rftoMag a triarfy toB aay lnDee Otto Btoil m aavt.yentoh.M- ■to baatr aaa ra.k iiyei Mali ba flrfat be iabk> by fa b- aaJ iba > ua. w to tot) " *««”—i. J*r»» #»f. ki:s< urnoN’s. fVa. 1., a ba# Aim ofyaaa.' u.< u tveer Jtol lUMutafeutoi U» rmmhim Mr Mufrte .rs (b# t erttort Ifato t parti taabi tn U IPraabwa ato Ibr I Mu . Übtotoc ai Part#, ta lab. Baarfeerf py t|p* » aal» aart Hoaa# to HaperaroU hH« to ttsr ' a.lad Mato* od tMerhra la O- to I ■ iiwbUrf. 1 lbaa lb# waiaiatoeei to Mm l aaaart Man • to Um t Uwraal EabA tuai Mbe ball at Part* f Me 1 tb“ >W>r,< • tmmi to arto-ar '. toaa toaavtert by *ba mH reaula ' »0M "and iftoMar? MdyAfMto’, togbtoan uaurtml aarf arty-ai* area* erf Mb# thirty aa ahni ■■■ i ■ Wb* •** prorvl rt for by U#r yaal raatoalma to iu.T Pa rbbtwa baartrwrf anrf nttr#n aa4 ad} (Beat. aotoauaaaaMra- abuae #py -«ubE*< ul • ton La- . after uaiobJ far U Tbii tba nifaßileab'Di r yea ral eb#3 ba La yrato .Uirt to Um ».n alwlra ikai ctoUtihrt *:U. a «4a ni Vbai iba nwaaien to aleaU aaraa al Part* aa Bfii<i SITS? to lb- vmißMtorpaml. a*rf' *toa 1 eeywty 4L Mai aab nM raw* aart mu# Imm a* may ba aaoaaaart far «Mb ia*f *.rfV 'K. auL J~«f' f «4n t m her# yinia.LeU fitoa lb--«r -era xx*mb~r. • to. la tba aba# w od Iba rnia to 1-aM-n pra«n: abaa preaiAc at w aiwtof ito tip i#a ~n anrt U- etaanwttoc Mart bamuan to (fuap* i | eraaoa o-rs ——*—nj (•abl) tamhrf, toiug -vi . beat to tto ratlMl rfA-hra, kaowti to >m> aklMhJ la aay < \ to auceto Ito e»MbW»on m babalf to tto l JiMIMUr ] I “iTniiilß-rMwm —.l ruib »» U. m—..n» o>. ■ J -rt—lit- ..■Caato >a4 4rawgb>—aa i . aart aaay ragagw eat fide an onaiMltotnarr ihall art aa agvat D«r tto if« ar aaAa ad aay artbt to tba tiAMtoa. ar to la- , Imtoet Alractty or tartlrrctly ta an« proMta froai aay aach Bttcb MBL. 1 Anrt ba U f«nbar laatoradL Tbal tftjr Ibuaa anJ AoOara. -r aa aaacb tbamrf w May ba b#» iaary for the pary aaa atowraMy (pntbl ata ha*to>y ayfna ! prtalart uat od aay Bbamjc u* (be Craaaaxy u* 1 tohrt 1 ta aiynyrßled Pur aJitßiitoa’ (PifhU (r«a JUra X.el i» H*'f I Par baayieton to aart fiafftx Ituaa Main t Im. . Per return frafibt erf artlrlaa mml by (to laitart ' rtoaa or bat to tba fmrnuaiat by tart. • u!oaJ* fhr ibartßr anrt trm laeareaia an tba artfcrba to* taaA ! Per art-IttbtrtMl ataa II» «cr at Pana, ua tba >*!#•-» , me ••%•«%■ » or caypkttMLU! bothlutb aurt la ynwarts artjA.'anl. I Pur tto ntlUbei »rs taa*btMA acrVaaluaai aart rr art f.r Iba aaarfua , t baUd au* to UtaauaM tto #art aMnroitar# to tbe I'auaJ Hlcto. aaJ (or , Ito cuOecttuo od ganuei.* to agrvvUnu al prrtathno onrtrrtb - prflH toalawn U* (W jan-a.. Par tbr bi-aaeaaryr eapanae to otokrUaf. toaii.t*. UU.Uif, aart uMbibg atiacrabOrmi aart nictolbtrj nu b ifMI Ma eabMllam ad U»# ml#, ral . e totb to (be I'ahnl Mafra. F,r Me m-»aaqr aypraee ad bbarn Bnrt nin er j >».# la C*e A* at Part# aart In ¥«ab. an*t fc» tn. u . a. rouaaa. aial othe r « x;-. n*aa <rf > |A« oißßltoM . Aar A Aart ba If farther b aal rad. That It Mall ha I tba rtat* od tba paMBl «nt at tow York, tort to Um ( DBiabc l piaMll Bhn« to fanemti u> e.eigrea#. ihroagk Uu layaitßilib to «UU a rt-taiWJ KUWeu. nl I el the mai avr to *kkf tba np-tnl t» aree b»re*n aa- I thorlaart ar» mm by lbeau Anwvrrrt. March IX 1-T [>*.» 1) t Uaeahati-ai the Tilna for lb# fane (rteiaet at Uit lßph.v«aieui to iba Pux atrt da**- aa Rivera. ttaatovart by tbe baaU aart H**a«a ud Krprweenla- Lvm to tar Uaitad tWaßea to lama ia t oarmeae eeaibled lbal tba Uaaa )m««lrtart far tba •aapkuau od Um Uaprovwaurnt od Ua Pot aart MPmcosmib rtvare. aart a naafr the tmmr. Ir a*w«*aa tbna od aa •toad CtoMPba. appivrea A»f«to *fbth. torfuteer. kuartn rt aad hw-ly U«. aatltlcl **Ab a#C to grant a <wr laia yaauUty ad fort \> aid to iba i«l*wwml to iba Put aart «iMxwMln mm aa-l to o uml tbe *#»e b, a .-aaa] in tbe Tairtfurr to Wtaruaata.” ba ai*l U»# ana b«r.*by to aatourto.l f r Ur laraa to 6*# »«•» trow aart altar Uaa a|<pro*al od Ibte rvMrtuUooL aitb ell Ibr rlibla anrt nrtriW*« ..'cb-mrt by aairt at Array'd ManA IX MMI. p«* ».i a sumnsLiia Th “'' °* °°^ ■r—Kml hr #• »">*» »K» Wl Us *«”• bs— o 4 iM Ca»l »**b» ol Amrn-m >o . a. earn » #*f. Ileal tba i' «B«e to KmyMu U and (bay brrelir are pr#a#o«6d V* >leafye Pnab**dy. rs Mmmcluj erta* tor km C aal and paatowr kwebrro- »b alnag a large iu *. to naueay. ammiatlng b> (»*■ isUliun rt» - U»O a U»e pmratoftoe to edarMlon la tbe ware rtra Miale ad tbe eanthem aart ao«ib«*aWa ItiM. um l*e rib to wl.urh. aacuntißg to bla illreo ftob, are Mba dtatr.balart annum tba rtabre pafmta Una. wl'boot Bay rttoUdcUon. #a*wpt *bal ta*) be Into ia oaarte «ir *rf*rt«rttp« to uar futoeaa to . i Mat ba it tttrtbar raealrert. 1 ba* M »be.l b. tbe rtaty to tbe Pro* i Wart la ree# a b«*i mortal to be etzwok. oHb autoabla rtrrirwa and laa. i|A«oew, «bhb. tageUier with a . *<t»y to tbla l m 11 . eWA» bo pr# MBtto to (r. ftiatol) to tbe mb* y tW to tbe Untie*. M-1* c. Mar X Aito b* rt toithyr veatoeaJ. TkU a aalrti-ot ••at to MMaerj to ra*o tbu re**rfitofc>a> ttoo aieul ie vrr*z?z~™! - 11 mmiilMHUn (jj/j »M«iutMaM«? tTTTTu*! IM !«■»» Ur.<3«cad Alitor s U flX£- ■****> M MrV-t tka MM at **. *M» , " n »i‘ 'Oaaak yufii. m»ika uwAtu I M IMaWM -»■ I 111 f,ltuU .u and r' W la.r MHI NftMl ippn44 MMh 14. UR. . .■* *1 ■ »iM>iiHltw iiiatej^rf 4 T^7— * **?*" "■f* •*— jr**" raw akM» mlmu* < aaa'^'a’ r*~ M MUt at Ika Tuaaarr >.■<>.> Mu.. SSHKfSIfBaS Mlawuaa ► TUat au uiul ukk. aaU '*'•**• «■ »M*ur Ika (Mat Mum ■UlLHturn >H**M lklkl —~ kl ruat >■ Ml. U Muua aa aaU. Ota>lMa>«r>TMaar/ ™““* Mkaa. aa *»«!. ai uieoiiMj mnm mm aMI 4mk .«n i u u.. im«7 cl Ik. lmi«) . mi >■-—■. - - •*«w *? dnrrann mi rnm twMum kiu w ptod .«W (to tr—nr; Ar*a>rvei‘. IU ch n. UVT . 7 , Jan U..MIU aaliamu M »■ filar) u a, an aaaa auka Itupart, at ta. OaMI •MatuftMiaa. Ur ta. t'_ an... ujaa. ujisa au la.ul I taauav i m ~, / “* t .aa »L« ibM Uh M*iian *d o» mU bo>7jr.j a r.*a~i ft* ara u <tr(WlMrTi.U. bvtMjn*.. udMki rr <4 Im luitad AM at Ommm tau. Unto. to tton of— n. y ,r» .<f tA- ulmml * - - ■■c. 1 And bn ti taniMrrMutrwi. -'«- ] * to i«4 *» •ntk.*mrj w, M>|f mH, , uf|rfil , «7M« Iwc «k a/ AMb«4 *4m»U. r wldor* «k«4. MnrrJl *3. lfefl *." * . ; *-- x f*-dtou»i t 144*7 .-a U~ »■**“« <4 *4 -AAU, ptofufe 1 —MI Ato-on. *r°* i*ny«»**d Vawl. and tr t*n«r bkr^.—» W,m *' »■ «*• «rs Ik* ball '(Ukir.i *,» ** P irvT *4« la t>m« rwsw tonn ttßpnct* and wW, •tod M -Htor rtfrea*. ffprumd March o*. ««*. -•<!!***. i-IImIM and (lily tov.D. tto w irvU • Vnr.ida **? "MUM fra. tto pnrv *•!■*» * ■Mrmtod udrr (A*- b—rfYn« 1 “*< *•**■' oml orb■ rnn. Mid »ard* am a lb.. b*U ia l »m ittoiwW m pmr\ MUw * « afon* •*4. aa fUtol hr rnm Tabrif ftlntfc Copcrim TWv ** * -»rau ond MtorV - ZT**? ** 1 **mm MhmdMjqS Amtrirm fm Om aar— iafl‘ I. F!"W >™ »l I»w« iu M > Sr J V«ra«T%rti iJTi •ilaai » i V«4." Ma «u*4a W4M( a--aa • Arrto.Tr;. M-U> JX MM t Tic •.; A fUM.; & u.m prmAtw* (kr nac^aaary Mir a «L»f> (J*faa* Mnu LaA* Krw *u-| Ulu> Outanu. fca a>: ilary, aaval and ■- -lamrri u. |. .r 4rato-rd *, CM In* aad //•«« »/ hrnldir-« V TaH-d Ammm m iW^ ThAtlkr S-cratarj ullMi U uU Im h brr4o Miiad MuMldltocW M catotor aarrar.. attk p*.,. kr a a*U|r . M« aa.*dafc« a*M«a fK*r*U, of Mttdi’i k-M»m aa.l 4MOto.M. tug mi..urj, ( uml c*m*mL4*x>4j pur J»ataSSSi3£rjrSs£ *° 1 retaaU&d 10 tk* ÜBfra>«a.«at a# |—rlrrrr •ad rt*«a a. *ha north wu )*toa. Avraorns bUrvk a, MO. .' v ‘- ■*■«* m ■wrad«a u»« auok mv.u« ,u An AU U- CtornJ util«WW \« Act bD r r.., l > «riL r War *^-^r T «f tha lira. «f n. h,-r4 pmdM M «*<* or.^iM atoaav. Mtol tor Vnr; iaa." a^rurad Au»u>i UtortMth. rUJUrrc id AtotvJ b| (Mr SemmU aad ffnin ,/ ff-. t . j. »ij iua.m «. a b.t(|b. aau - - ,„ J “ ■”'< “• aa. uUUI aa at., 1“"* *» ~™«r Itu Htaa dpuur., a aSSsfSSS •’■»!»auuuußaa. Uu Ml to-ar*(7 PMtod in mmk. UaM . «W. ..r u a K U»# ad rtork adlto Aralr lutm i« f b . m • Mb. pan of M« 4r^lhi kt«M try U.r u;ap> rtun. wJ tU .... fa. mm* Ara. Araiiln. Mar i b U IMT H. u nadtal a, tUa Aaaata aal Hum. at - - tat. ..a .A ta. Cattal IMu at la>n ~, Tiaurv.. f* l * l M aal At M |— u >UM ta Hut a*aU aa k ratal. and faki apoa aadtrrna* ptuk. auJ tat Ann kk r~mm+mrnm. aa. atuaa iaaa t Wf Ckaa kat kaa UpM kutat aa*. aaU Maa >M. ««-*U alto, p-t -..a.1n a/7u44t aad akaa Ma at <*4kac aat■ at ikaa aaaa. Ika ka> “ k!IT ’"“i «J 'Mat aaal Out Itu*. -aa.k 'Uaraa^U^k-uijaa,^ n-iu^T' ■*» , *?to- »» rxto. au Mm ku ■HIM nd nkra. ‘ Irrvrto. Mnrrli A. MVT (Ao. IX] A H-to htotow to bmUHto • Q-llirl «| * M —*r r? vry— ry *• « * . '." ■■ “*“ *7 “* •*•<* ‘tatraa aa *si; l£t~ ttuaMk.araMM.UakaU.tik kaaa. aua.. •Uk at M Mat Ma"* 5*J. <kt ,r aaal ttuttataar at kT*,.?? 1 °HtUI k» aUUit PaUU**kMuy,,^,! 1 TWr^ Ba « tMkUkflk. Maka kt Mkua nt _ kUaaa at aka I’aaaad Uaaaa at kMMk ta .. ■..tulUk. 1M tka MM k Mkuul b. iST-T UuuJ kakant. ■» l-uuu at *ba MU aa laaaa w'laTW, Mm tak. tkkkUkka. aaak r Ikial j aaaaa ta tka a aaal aa#. M tak* ttaal aa tka tka... t to; of Srptoabrr. nso Piim toMno bototi « “H™* kaaktakMak, taUa Ik M HI r lat»ulMiaaal. attar tka faaaaaa alkaaal Itau to ulryMa ku Mkk «» kJkaaai a a awuUUaa ilkidkaikM.kkk Ur at t. a at? kata. U at taaat aka aaaukttar k A ... r inaU.Ukat fiknk, au *■» aarg U>> K ir—toif -Q— to not'd! O Wl itv mmv U ttor «AoJ bo«« &. w *vr u< r»> Tali tool trhkck ho ton 111 Inf Ml I krrmm.: MtorvA M, lAT jX. IX’ »<Aat A——i*»i* pn «i4ui( tor tbr liupcTto- Uuo ukto lb> OAttod Atotoo mi tnrtoia Wert* of Aft Ms Mtol far ottorr fttry oii. Bo tt mmi4t«4 by ttoo lour «f Immi übiNdtortodlbMif Mn» m I Vrarao to i nfbto 1. Ttol tow tod oftar Ibr paigi of up top ( I* ►> Ika 11. klMauwainkl. rkw Üb! u ■"‘““g aUM luJktkul taa. ..tat* -A tka T'taaafT aaar kraktrtC* I**"*" 1 **"*" ** ** ■u ! lat ka II farlkar rtuntra.l, rWt Ika Mar U 7 Otuta Vrakaat, ka ak< ka ikaaak, ta ajUauka. f rrttlkk ta* dauaa fall ua aat Uaata acnctkaaiat at aklkat, tniautak tak. Ik* Pkltkk Uka kanta ta* tkimllaalMkaaMa at kt a.l ymr l-aaa. aa-l to rau« Ika Mka taa art ataaat atatliart at lUa 11 HTt.ll ik aktt-a aa, ka - 1 1 it t kaauta peku W Ika ««M o» taaa. ha. laaj atv! aitr t|kl MtaMatl. Tkat On. kttt>. ahall »;.i.| utoij to otototo gbHobi •to- A A toft bo it fortAM- Mdlui. Tbto IAo h.vrOi l y ni ttol Tlftonri 10 hmmrnHj ntorntod mmd %» Jtok-otoUtotoA ttoo «topk>7ito«tot of W 7 oOW*r or p0f0.4. ruapkrynd toadcr thr kt* tor lb» ooltowdloti and dlr». t Uto to ttootoor totof—ty dtotov-to us tho Unitoul to».. • brnmr in tom Unr wrnik to m> k-«|ii totdra ind Bo to tonbr mIAtIo»J to tordu «p% u> >«or or .dbm ul mtomto mimm* to »*U dto trvn to; ol too <U»to*o toss—j by •**! ».to wt>» rtoodl forOrm »nHt totor. rlAwl toldlttoftol tpitwd. Mm- 1* X. IMT 14 1 A A> kfoAt. lu tutor rtokd Ito UvuW tor M»U >. ttotod Jd >1- dmuion 9t tho Lrfvdau r« ktol M s*iit« l> fr»n» tk* third T*mj of Afnabi-r. toes* Am MM . tUblora bunlint Mil ditj toM R*f»h*4 »** Ua* !toa*U ktod Mra» of lU^w—lu totohtod. Ttol too to*. |*o~-d by thu LtotoTT ii u orß*li * *4 (br lirtiu-rr .4 N«w IfeUus of ttolbfd *►. •ton. »bi.h to(M on tW Ibtod Any of u**;ti i* « n huii.lrrd And. oUj ato, ofkd Mtoia« •*• U.- Unrly nrto <toy Jannorj. HpAtom bajnlmt aad mxi a»4 dfnd by W r M Army, m*m* m» mrnmiy aad actum •»«« rnvf us «|4 Tomiory of km M# ami Shall hm ibo OMUO tow and idart as (ban gb (Ito ■to- Mtd MfMd by Ito poof ■»• duly apvMfutosl. ototoft to (br ftrtaro rvrtoton and ai> ymal of CVwpi Mtoh M. Uft. [No txy A RrWntloo iwarmtof «b> rnffonb / Por • *»• « 1-fd—otl- Itoroton «f Ito I’Mtod Maim lU»d*Hlb» tbo Hrator and Bwmb of %un»i. bra of Ito rtotrd Mtotoo <4 Aonnnon 4 . „r •rmbtod. Ttoal Ml poranotoMftM BflitoM. nr>..*ol tbo Ci-Ideal blatoo ar« yttoubftod from nwUf to> itof tom, or idßoml otow not *r**»**i y outto<rtM I br ( MnrcA r. lift. la BssknifOr. a rka Lturmarr OokkT ar rka Carr, t Itatk m raajjwnuu Oarathr au Itaxa.i* im’ww ?v|sS£nSUl| la Baaaaantl. T T P»*f to* aiytiralioi if (tootoM (X U dpim idtnriktotoof ton.ynon D. Brki**.*,,. H lAm bmp ortMi«*d Ibsi a moad rotor ml totoum 1% « Tkditor* .4 mtd ha -Irayf to- bAf M itorani. Itom»< «H«*). Atoorru. u. mfcj dlfrli-f, .« ttor jfTlb 4m •* April. A 1> IM. If tto dfbm -ts v % Wfmmu. 4m ito IAT- !*• Ito Wtb Of (to BafitoMT’t Art of Mar* h M. Itot * * *i.rtCMNi a BBOOAK •prk.nfw «n AMtftoo