The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 16, 1868, Image 1

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Sth» —*«**•> - -Jaw-^■■a3Brr ia"g tk4Mm ee miwmm• * <•' OU»|. Par Arnnwit . 00 " - » in, Par « 00 *#• iNrjuruHjr nr kprutcA. ma - MATH* «»► UIVMIVUIIU. Tbro*3^toUto Two Maiatbo . i *Oft M# Sn.uW. m«M MM* •—» n.wll(airM »» MJ* MrlfWM ..a «. ta_—‘ «.«■ —ta ru *M*r 4.iraMMwe... —•* 4* 00 SEi>* ... W*r iM.mii . M.W «*-•» <oo* tfa* iriwa* < M» - aifciri*tV*« M .u « « 00.00 I**JO ..-•BAtatae TOOK 100 00 UOJ» UrnOaVß* fiw • w»o ynwO 4-0 OttV •IU wIU I- mm I at a Salatelare at m» pat ► » re“ aj«*n, .* HI Una. m teaa. *» tka ■>« Uref0...... ...... 11. an.l a* -art. anlnniMH taMn M reate Tm 1M at .till wa|Ml. nr U* -t.uaalaal la a|re*a. Uiafca a ajaar*. I an. . Mia. bttra a. are afte* Ik* teM te ,"** M* Ua ant*4 to* Itoto. -- —.-.-. U- .a.-i-.l a. -•err-eira imttm o to* far each i»o—ion®- «u ..4/ imiU roUMIaM leeerUoU. Md 10 «M fl* » tun-rn—. > .and« M»rj n^TonirtoS.wto-to* er sews. ftoUrUwi l*om twry (U e V.., lU itiiaM flOMttao of tto KMM t*om> •**-<r*»t THR KM A orKIiJK iit if mi •om’K BPILUD— om Alabama steewt. • .HiiklTß THE I'ttffornt B. BETWEEN * OEOID AMU WIUTIUUIJ DAY MORNING AFHn* i »»> -Vr, K«..T*c«Tr fct Che flWflf d—to Rf* Ur* at Oop>l(« 01 A “OSMIr- ' AM h~~* Fl4o OEI Moioo G. Ortttamta ooU Ami Nur—wari rritog to Ito **hiUi Tto . 109 10 Itool Ami MM -< •"*7 Item <*u«i>l Um fEwtoas atom. M.-**> tiorvoh. InoCtoMrol Ursut AuU OIUK hu liuot om. Htfmt ’ Kamil. fwOownl (tom. Eurreh I Mem* f«*r Um Vmmrn FU* V. *UI every Owltoir tow 1 1 to worn •# KksMiMtmrlto** rwiU W— oil V»r,iuU. MM#. A.rnft Ito ttoUll to Trlftft |da*i*E Aad «kt »»*Mom ttotlta. fMlJr ftj—.rT****>•*• «*■ >■>>■ Ami It to uof totooi Tn burnt Um mom of Uattersl i Iroto Ami uuk* Jim ItMlWiil . aVmU k»at U|W4I Um J *4 tftv. |>«4al» »nr Jirkkuß • *r»*r. T.. tnUie onlj to* U** a—u WE#> i«iUh< DM* —Te. H r all I tor bUI Um «or boa »bed. Hf oil «• tef* to U. Be'tl mil/ 4*. Um ftterttant «••>» Tlkot Oral* Um poufato tto Uufrobl Dwnlt' ‘A* rUa*T'r«loN>io« Itorib. uni Horn, omi Wool Wf M roJj to UMtowiUi. W,ih rtiMfloj otomU RiritowroJ Uroot |T,«ai potMto nwnto.. Hcrroli too Um ohatil i*o»< oM Krom riory Uooa»» Up. Awl rvory nu moot roll/ mom To mu Um I'oh* obt|’ llurnUa ! ||lui r»U ' r*. f..r Um too A Huatfl tor (hr < OMpoIRO. ov urn OiAVSOO. i , .44 Hi.nmtoto# dowuonrU «.» Um m» Ttor« gown * roll; to* Wfi AI tot toitof/ luoo tor poor* ftMl n*Ul Non UAft too bOAtlarr bigb , ..>«>« i-ra itom fruoft Um h.U ui vou.l Ai'oomt <*ur kmtor droo. A ami a rowU Um toroftout of tbo ftUUo With noooy o louA borrob ! TWO r«OUOa W/O. ' toft*, And tolo 4b* I'ummUou. ThMt fhtoor. boyo. rl*oor ► or toftlbark la <mr mu from laU»«Ul t«- UlonUl'faaa'O UmUi IhOrTf. lit* l oaaau moot b* ftOVtod. toac uuo wo gird OWE o rum* »*** r«.r thl* tb«* otorm wo*»«i btoiod to tot Um oppoUli f (Ml. A.. In dMtoftrttoMO 4mm . to 11 ctooMT UM itonoutoiiuo «m to till uttu; o baud hurrob I TVft rommm. Woo. «mo. Aitot )>ilb to# Ihtton rioo. Ttooi l boor.'Hoy*. *Wwr Tor Bw'bo* w u«r hum. I>m rtwbl wtH o**d oorh (iwumi'»w«A And iM*n*ftOkto pobr4nC*o boort. i .**M Mtl* WM|> Oil WOO Os OIWO/ A«tol h«*J to* I—l wort W. ,i into to—. trilb n*ooj o tood borrob i Thm f«n, bop, mwo. And into Um I’oton r.too Tbon ctooor. tviy*. iWr, tow Hunntfe to owr nun •Itullrarh.lbr 4 « rfr(*bO|«r| .** I a.l ituU«H*k lu4M a r«M»«W*nt of 0««orgU i* u ytoiia. Unrug Uin *buU us that Um# bf l,a. n|,| Jxt't litluaatrtn«*a |mr««ila »fth .ino wa, tau.l lw« mainiiwa! Um chkinakr W til irr*pfkkcbkl4* gauHamwi. Ik »U« in. Übn Sltal.. bn waa nalMna.l aa a awil nann anti a mnn nf alrsH Irtwuaai hakill aU iiMt|ttakwi<at inl-^Ti!V Tim ftkpaia nlki In. Ittua baaJ tat*.l wan U-tai kunwu, *|Mkk olbin in lla. lilttinl UTtna IU f..m, tut.l .luritlK tba- war. tu* baa auttlabt . | „ Am. rt fttMalinw an > ttiiMlaaa# nntl pfom-rwl -- nuniHtrr. I Siting ih. wboln nf bia I. n V is' lift 111 lb* Stniih, ha lwa wwr.r tbma ~tjj|;l i.. furfatt 111- Mkar-m <Jllia SooUirnt jwo- Jiha. Hwt tv tar tI.M lb« Huan—ttnaliau j-.rlj I nut anlrtkait limt na Um panfar man k'r Utrt.iTOtt* <4 at; dtnmt.nrr.l tlrnl ba iu a ■>«*r|i*t »nag«or.’’ a Italian." ■ atl*vntur«r.' uni an "Inlnrlopar ". - What n )nw*l m canalalinmy arban rwartn.l to atich ctlrcmlljr aa Ifua. WhM an utaninaMa 11 tiiua o( initial charaatna Uiik awb of on-c.-lk*.' a«(rnc«ia Vatiljr. men bnan n*au i It. inat-l vea 1-aar In ijpiorwno* ui<l intotbrWMic. itvi acwfimr fin.lint mil .tolltfylug pnsatplc n.tb annul .UaMUUiuM mil aarrow-aaintlkd !> met Ice W. bnaa lb* blnlmnt uaoialiiwt Ihnl Cal lauUunk. if cbwkkl. wUI (ntbaf almkl him tk* (Inal K-cnHainan in Uanrgtk. Hia a|ip<HnU>aiiU will laa with a apaoual Jin the 41- im Ih* *)'|K>int*iv To all the jntlirU .ffitta la* will n|rp.iiut aneb man aa will latiii inlly amt naparliaU; unal. Ih* lawa of tba Luit> Tn all ether oftlcaa nr aanat and nw|aWi ll,lilt;. ho will *H*4nt men <4 munbMabad ai4l ita ami mlafrit;. Wwlmaa Iu twllaw ha h> umhaf no ttle.lirm to a*; oak Ua ta in llie harnla 'if Ih* Manila <4 Kaoonattnnthui, .u 4, U *U*Ual, will ba bia. la Dm paof4* <4 i l,a KUia. ami nacnta Um lawn na fcirty ami i*Hy aa an; man Thon«b h« wan ant boew Hi ih.. Mala, tan jrwar*' daaotlon la laatana baa# turn oawtarail all bia paaanawl iUmaUa la tka ..umnnit; a he*, he raaMut Ha, aa mnab .. an; m>*. blniarawiatl la a (oml |H**aam.iii I ,* tbaaaita. to* 4 m itaiinaaUA. to *l*4* hi. mlafaat tram ik# ln!*ra*l r 4 *T*O <4b*r in .tymtt; bi44*f In »b* Mato. Tka gnat hnUahalhm which u lutog *»i“nl I,; Ih* .ipfaafttoli iwammrar M* urnttm, i* ■twl ift# bfta mtnlhtogi «<*■%• Ob to# to ..Mntftoaat tor Matotbiß H 14*4 *» t*4 rtm<—ai*«4 aboaift atkiUa aw-oa»*4 Demnaata U lb* (W Ml u* toOMrtog. irnmk vi Um* Mkigai W Ih. to,^.4Mbbq*a4w. Una wib pan** 4 THE DAILY NEW ERA BY SAMUEL HARD. VoUto TfpU f U»Hlo. Tito toMraib «f ck 1. a ButVwk. U»r Co# oiitvtkwtol Gownor. «tM be louikl bok»w. IW4 U eMftcwto <4 Otovyu*. mad to itow UTMIr written mek pMmcro| h io. j bow muilT ito —OtnoivU. mtui bow rlowrty .trflne.! U bid podltowi Therm Hi wo no fonlUplMwtkWi of worßo. no otUmjH to rviuk> lb# truth l»y thf» *• oltni rwilo4 to. W# mj *g+ lti *Jvl pnwbr it rad H merry Uor until you will know ift by Uwi HtTiog bw uuoiumonnijr wuniMtol lor tlkfl uAm of (knarnfir, try o l'4«Vfalto» filly rtpreMOtiUß * lug* moj-nij of ll»** r«4* ro o 4 Uto Ktifttw. 1 Jo mil f«fl ol liljcrty to •ItoiVAcnrd Ihoir wtaboo by rofiMtog to boro>|H tbo grant Loßnr mm imiwnl My only <t«oura is W» boos oorvie** t«> Utw wkolo |M4>|ti» of our graU ft tut**, with wL<m my loi boo boou «n- iu lmild»u|» up her wool* |4nr»4 oml iu r#»i»* lug btr pmulrnitol ui.lntorkl nml rouimwrcinl uyaUn, utftdtw tbo braiij/n tnluauci' 4 n rittl £o**rt>mM«it, in which all hot rHfrd»» may pnr ttrffinlft. To Utr lYrttHatnmmiMp ot Utim of^def ! II V .‘Va-rj a-ff art limit Itoi til VOtO(L Th« (’ouotllntiou gik>|,HnJ by th»* loir* Con* vtruUtan U hcfiHw you. It wm my pririlcK© to aid in tho fon&ntioii of thot inainituwtit. 0n.4 Qini ti liwmo familiar with not only tbo let* Ur of tliiM fun Uiiiful.kJ law. Lut oioo witb th* Hpint Mi<l Um iutentiono of thond aho trnmnd IL Mr goto* orti recortLxl upon nil iu fnh ouo broikcUm, oml it in thorWoro buut itonry for me to outer into Miy oUUiuwul of my po litical prinoi|4»*to, otlu#r thou to mv Uiol I RtM>l folly m«i4uiUa| I** th« new < Vnatoitu toou. oral h.kwr nn ooruato tlcoire to Titnlbm throw great meawnroa-tlm ' lUIUf atoi ibe "UtoNalMMr uul tbo* lUftbl* out romntl I tropic lo toko roumga- for the lutdri-, wiUi o full Ejouirouc*) Uuki the rcoulto of their lobar •kboll bd oujojrMl by lb*iu*rlvr» oud tbato foui tltow. It will he the duty of the tteuorol Awmbly lo pruvid* % Ihuroagh m \ »U-ui of eiitoklMNi for th. Stub* If rallrd l*y your totH lo (toniuiu the unit id poatitou of yonr (W ExecaUve. it will k my duty, nnd no I roe n pUnmirq. to ikaminjto to the Saanote. for ciaubnunUou. p r»on« vhioo poet iw rvine. Well etonbliuhcd cLotortat and aUtiity. hove M-eorb.l for llimaUw the (HMdblcnee of their frU«w-c.4Ji*«no in Untf (► •ptoiM iluinoU 041*1 wtkode At newt. b> uoo*n of thmr known iuUUigviMM< ond morel worth, f«*r the pmatoto to which they mny be rrcji nicnd«tol. will ensure Ifielr ooi»finu*ti'»u by lb* reptvwH ntahroft of tij.» propb •• With uotoioi t(M»erd none, witii ctiniiiy b*r nil," looking ,oo|y Vj th*i ghwy. |>care. Mi A pitutponty for oar fKddc fttnte. nod the j-mp* tuifj T*f okm. ririf |p>Ter»o»ewt Und, 1 bore th* honor to hr your fellow cRi /*»u. H H. Iti*«*4>ir«. Tm «iie Vewng tore -f fo«rgl.. Ktihw Ihiity .W fi.j. W<n t** Attttw toe. tbrtaugh yoru ioloiuiao, to puhlmb o piece 41 direwrd rhMly to the y«WUg lueu «and 1 Tbto io a lime which cnite iu <|iteiiUuni*ll th* reeourceo of our people. We ore. by circum tonnoew, ptnce.l in E |mmuUoh from wh*«h rt wifi b# r«ry ififßcnli b» ntncutr owf-ctm* All know tbr reloUve ytowatonunf tbo i»«* to*' tlotto. North End South. onferMr to th- idle wnr W«' ki»a»w full wdl R»o rrwwH of that war. Wo know that 4 *itrack Utot (irgck. nn*! the hrnr«at nf th# hntre tank ri*c mo mnr» Tbr Hi wiUi pinned oil nfwwi the oimgf in. Tin* daetoioo wan ngninat b«r. and the North bw" n«i« forth the victor. The priufct|il*a ndfo> (iftted by the Stole Right* Dcin.wrmcy w«nt tluwrn with the H*rr«uder us Ijo«' and Jobntoan. Tbr grant nrajofily of the Houtbarw pto»fU hwrr t*krn the anmaaty ontU. It beooaicE Jm no mm. hi emery mtl the tortn* injpoa*«d by Hint «with. There ore la the Stole of 4h orgtn to-day but two parti—♦ the Unronntrwditon and Utr AnU-Recocnitntrtiou. or DrnorrxW party. The one Hi Iktor of the r—toratrou ol (•aorgxn to bar original pnnttiou io the Union the other in *»fw of military mle, nnd the tototlou of the tonte m it* pc—ent tmtu utolod condition The great thing with the IVmotowttr party ia nbu*»«. viliAaatkui and •4oonu Tlfoy attempt to moke terry thing mean and rrdicalooa that rmanatoj from the llccontoraction party. Merry man who baa tM'btiMNM anougb to ndvoaote renottotoortKm under the ' Sbaruian bill," U ddnoanood ad a traitor, an mtotoj hw rode, ns nn ndeocatt of negro cqnahty, Miwumaoy. ato. Mneh drt> Uhj airauo utod by the IVmoemcy to drier »U yowtig men and timid moo fn»ui the a—artion of Abeir tone aanliuii ut< When Loo and Johuaton sarreuderad their anniee. U»e diwim of qeewaoian and atavery w— aeniad. It «m datanoiaeil tkat Utr right of aoc—ora Was a fallacy and that ala vw v ahontd no loagwr art to in tba United Htotea. Wa thou began to think of tbo plan of r» cooat ruciioti Prraldcnt Job noon formed ki* plan and appointed Jam— Jobnaon IVoeia ivMud Governor, and conferred upon him Urg»- l>owero greater than any military oocnkMud dor now aofoya. A OwivcntAoo w— nailed Pr—idnnt Johnaou had arm At. in the moan time, to dufranch!wr a large nwmbar us tbr How them paopia The fiofiauml Uoenrnor tunned hia |>roclaniattoN cnoeming a Coneon b<m of the paupie us deirfu, to form a Qua* Mti tut ion Neither the Urge number diatom ohtoad by Praaidont Johneon, mv tbo nagreeo, were taken tulo conaidaraUaw in that Coneon tkm. Hat ahont o«e-third of the people of Gootgin wem repr—opted ThU Ounw—tomn. rwpr—ting hwt the third, proceeded to fom. a OowabtnUoi! This Cawnttortiow. ih— farm ndg waa waver aubcniUcd to the people of Goargta tor their rmbfteetKm. la fact# th* Ountoltotiim of lAA&. in it* lommtoou. woo K- U«Bl town beginning U> end. and the Pmrt deal know ftkand nn coweldor ul it, as hia prac Imiti w ahotra The OawaUUltiow aayo that tba United Rtntoa ahtol gimtowtoa to each Hi ate a KagwhAtoOn Am o t Oomwwnl. bat tort by no manna Of* ton! tba PvwanUnt m ttm rutted Htotea. m& bm tht* rtgt>< In toe fomtolhm of bb Imm nf Qfiaiitob—ib •* ■mat have the oat of (Ungr—a. nod tbo nwmwt of Um PrrtoUnt in the art, or b9a ftb and NA ptomga wear H, NaNbot Aw ftoilm m*» toe Oowgr—a awdibb flba Uaitod Abb* Ahw, waiibtoof*"***gttoNNfttoWtopto auibad Awm of dproiwtoi Tk* "-T4P7~ #1 Ik. I 1 a !!**! 11l 111. a) ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING* APRIL Ik, 1868. uuikgk «uldtrfaig OwjMokanfca hiftlni; la tkaaaHtag #p <4 MM# gi m— ua# a# ah* | ftoutli aaaawarraalf i b; la». imMO»» | bkttag to fc*<# mj «f ftMftae*!. waa* wili.*| I# anafl th* w(4 iaat l) th* . rraaktaal. If th* BuWlvwm tola* woaM aa- i Um (toatttkttoakl Aai into an! It m> .utnuUal hi that, LagMlkl W. Tha; inUoc* DanUj rafnaej it TUk Mktknl tot na fra* 1# nflakii aafttag* ntthin am n#n hm dara. bat joktljr aM4 Uto ft* ahacid w# ba*. n tuaMalkhoai tar thn full t* (Inn r»a*a. if ikk ftld—a kCaar thwa t* T#tk W* rafoMd tbeaa naOt) bran of raktoto icm Th* t!m*l IHaM# Wiag th* ooa I|#a< ■#! g*a - at. aa# kt than U> in#i#* kaiahrt larau, a* J M>V» wa ahontd bam. not ant; ih# anml maak. bat aln negr- aathng*. ftaul l kwk for nulling ala* and*, tha etmokMUar a* It waa not to ba aoppnawj ihnt ih# |»w*t waa 14 t4to au.itr tan*. W* hannw n*(#aoJ raatoration and#, tho plan* offerer! op lo UHa tana, 0 ingi nm pnaaad aa a#A frt> > tha Pritolantial Mu. tbridin, Uta Mo KooUr ero Htata# Into Uilitar; Uiatitrta. anthariznl ■be rresidrai to a|>point amnmnbrUiftrli. wbuae power and dote** aa nlibtarr eomman.l or were ,1,-ftne. 1 !,; Um #H net V#da, tbia bill, thou piaml i Qtambut waa eallr.l in (tootgia. aftor Um dna regtotr. I Kim of all in* la. black ao.l whit* oaer , lartlrtWH; ream old, (With tba elortf4,oll of Ul* rat; few enlwb.l b; lha bill, i and thane infer*, Um* ragtaferni, bad a right lo caM Ihrii ratoa aithaa for a* againal a Oonmnlim Hu of th# pooptc' of Ooorgin law U lo oast their Tota# In iaaor of a Coo tmiUou. It wan aanwnibl »1 b; Ih# Mill Uri ('onunandar for tba eipreaa parfiosa of term lag a Con all! at w fur tha tote, b; wbv h inekiis wc ooald be ireturud to our original p» mi# ta th# Union. Th* ffelagat*# to tost Ooamallan hsa« frajoad a ConatUofeua. nod it I* aabnulU.! to a# for oor rattftreliuii Tha qkMtan to *4#4i wa raUf; and ba naasred to to* gaalUuu odg Inahj orww|4«d by aa, or ahsQ wa jdnl it and ranatlt. nailer reUttor; rwle, **4 ton no Trie, vkaterai la lb* floerni#MUl 1 L, aa aa indi rid oal. Intoad in coat my rt#. |* taror of ran *Q»la#i. ahlantol* lhar# aa* arena f i.tar. - lo the ('onatitotiuo I would Uka to bar* chaoga.l; ;#r, aaktag It at • whoto, w* am cowiptoUd to ackauwla-lg* Ural ft w a mj good ooc. Tonag men us Oeofgto. I ask ;o, in tbr,.. sm4* roar garjadtoa#. I aaa a ; mao, and claim i right thru t.i speak (If lam callad |Hwaaaigaaows. ha rt a. i Ta. great object wr aboald bar# to ri«w ia Um good >4 oar nwatr; and tha ntonrataoa'of oar antlr# Stoi* to her origteat patoum to tha Uatoa. i know fall wall that tha** of u who am 4t lo *4 met. rettorail.#* will ha ftaaaanaad aa ocal awaga iloacrUm us oar m«* aa iahaesi. and *nw.#rh; the rnmgwltioii of a cwrlaia atom 4 oar aaw fanglail 4**ao«fwcy. 1. for one. re willing to ..built In ibc octree lam Chru#, hlaaaair, white aywre aarth, witb all bia poodnaaa ao.l |>«ri(y. was tiliftad. atHuuJ an.l i treated with enutempt C»n wc, than, as mor- j Ul awai. anfcymt Stull Uiu.a lo air. look fir hrtl- r traatomnt at fk* hamb ,4 nur aiuuial , W* can «bu!r Ih - aoalal nalrarmil tt,at la |wac. f tied h; tba ibioocrac; towsnla Ihoaa rii. , liar. Ul limiest; and 1m4.1u.w. t*. c one .as t ojwiol; m favor id reitoeai mi, s&4 in •wfip.'rt of the r-ciKinrocteiii m#,iiouc. Itat Uudl il | ba aaa. . aa, later me* of ttomyria. that w* . were mi Wile maso. au fata# to kuaw, aa.l Ui I Miaaiio and. that w, .tore no! a*nwrl car u. U . ut*i,uuua upeal;. iiatfbaml; and al#»ra-b.iaul ' ( f hear it .aid upon oar slr«.-U, If we rote f.l . rnldkiotuMi aivl tha ramaatmete.ti oandabd . . that wc a-Y.-r uur ruaiHiili,»n wUb dec, or;, vale the negro ticket, ao,l bid ivin n t*. all re- ! -petal,).. «,cl;. iioM it comm t.» tbi«T \x« wc to ho pcoarrilNvl'fhr uptokwTii woke ? Wlhj ( i- it lo#bv rUiu«*riu«i lor litwrty. tb«*ir rigk'a ( an«l free.lout fnuu opprcaaiou, bwt (Um van..- , Mm *»f fWmocracr. Who cmM trtwnnige over nn, ft Hi l Kara u» think as they ilo.or not xl all ' Wo ore t*>M that il U uupofHilar to a«l»o> ot- HnliitohJUMft aiftai the ateeUoa ol iiutkM-k. tb it ItnUirt m ih'Mimt* but au aii.t j that the f Nmwtimti* n wo* fr«mo«l by “car]# i , Hlatc of lii**»rjfui For th* aake ot argum* at, j grunt that thia ta true, we mwet Mill ackuoal- j #(lir« rkfti the t'dtnaiktntioii (ku# fran»c,l is f.a j —jicnor to that fr»m<rt hemtoforv by our i»»- tdUgunl ftaorgian*. , | Tka (VmotUitlAow of I*o4 woo an iliegai oa«s ; It woo fHnel by rme-thlnt of the peopla of | Georgia, stfcl Hewer *nbrnltte«l to thru* for rat- t lOcotioa. Still, wc went willing lo Uke it oiml , ha govi-rBaU ky it, mm il waa. The , < oootitutma of tfMM kra toga) awe. IVmel by .. the people of Georgia, (for if the majority ol ( through their repr—! bo | voice ia tha fonttatiow. it waa their ovt fonli , ao l bo ob# la lo Mama hot thorn—N—) an.l ia | now baittej to wa Aw roUAeaUoa Ijo( no oil ©ome ftwwmrtf in ortHri ptuJani ami vote for it What can wa aspect to gain by voting it down? Nothing, I answer, bat forthtu .h« franrkmaniml ami the orgam—ti—i of th* Htata by tha negroea OB.i tha few whit— who ran mha*rtt>« to the Uat oath. If Z waa tiie ■troogoot advocaU of State righto in GeorgK I would flavor iwti AoaUou aa a mat lor of polley aioma It U the hart thug Oaorgm aaa a—r have Wa a—y powlUyiwvg worn Vn th* cf nbe of the obleat mew in *mr KLote, "we cannot bUml ruotti«'r «nch \4ainW r wa ttteuU iu thu of th* aunuidiaent to the ( (RUtitntidß.'' Wb; talk aa auxdi of nagru anffrage whan ft ta a l»l tea*, a thing that wc cannot avoid, however tench wo n-a; desire it Wa raaognto* in !bi. tin I lock, the ra|ir*aau. Ulive of KcMnatraetton In the event of bra election, maturation ia Been re In the rnai of hw defeat, very ancertaln Ju.lgv Irwin, though ackiiowtodftad b; B)aalf and moat <4 u#r people aa a good man. baa eona* oal io Um lutenwt nf Um Uaraocralic part;, an.) ia opp.iailiou lo recuau4nicte«>. Xonng naa us (todrgto ft will not do for aa In plana b!.‘ ia power The naan wlaa bad judicial arrnplaa about taking a aaal to lb* Convention, (when alcctod aa a ibJngale iw that body, jat a lima •ban ttooagaa naadad b.« bant area la form her organie few. and who tod aa4 ham the beldam* and aianbood In Wand lb* store aa.l Ui* abteM that woatd hare been benpeil npea bin. to lb* a rani wf bia partirepatKiu to that t»4y. ton#ll an# neat I# ilmli Ito tbs Mgb aat placs la owr gftt. atel aidcad to mpport amt conreg* aaoagb I# aatod hi Making V* wan! pmna and fttoftto la* aa mMy (ba CommlHrnUm* olaai BbNboli- mo 4 m—i ta Omgrma who can tok* tka tom onto, and all wUI jrat go - Many aa a reamaga bast * I naald ato yma to cam an* tvoaa a party, to. (OCXeaa of wkleh ,g#a( fttesa /©*• tea* vub lbs .ItoalftT In* and lubatna. bat on Irf--- g«. ■ (teas m aatodmdfta#B«fr»i#*aa toiaillito 11, 1 hmUto Iw tba widtore 14 OtoWOk *f Otoftftto W y#a #*#•>»# *to ft* to*## to pm tor, ito#. ya# writ h* aaftad * ftsdtoal, —aa *. and ii n j(k*ag dftlmalaift Otowkai •ftkfti -WhaC to* mm#r -Iwwift ih*j atom —a weald small a# mart' Vbm [ iba opprabiun too# aa anylbiag bettor to ba | tom*, L. for ana. oiU.wtoiagi; adopt to II j aomaa too* am sag a. *f tba bomb ftilayab; ) and ammoMt; (a Ibagnvmamial bare bteuiaa j iwwarta to anatol gag Han. and lbs um of aistb. bweb affafe bast anil amst B<a ya*s away. Aft gaamaawato bare that toroas, <<#irekdatei and rrvolationa W. bare paaasd toaoagk * grand raralttUun. bat oar govna teard itiU criat* Tba Han and tbu bare fttUea. and tbr dare and #ny>< aara oval too land frreu aaa sstiea*#; to ih* uthcr. W« are ia a ap«*d; vay to bappe area and (,rt**wi lijr If w. ala tret Ira* to oarasirea, and tb. pmgrenaa* p* iu. itbe of ike agi, all will yatgu walk foti aa all eotas for ward .#1 tba da; i4 •MHa x»! c—i *>«x votra r 4i* fat— ul nUftkeaiam. I mtu mot ati aJveatu im. iaiu a C—uripan by birth tha Ummw of tay UKvaon lia bann! bnwatli the »h! of Cnaur- Eio. No fwiauva of bUxk hva# math of lia «oo # aßd Drxuw ■ Hbo, ami on ona m*-nrt than mjarlf would olmml a km/ aa— (A wanxtrr tatMw of —4/ b«i>M who fail in a h*jp«b— cam—, or buuut the gftlU—ry ami luwvrry «4 th— who ail 11 hve to Ore thr hular** us tbair «ft«V H4U kt UA« imcU aa tb j axial acknowUnlga lha tb<4aa4. ami ruw uu iugb w oor Motto iu lh« c.*oin» cmiiiam iUtiAob tKm." tha owty mam fu —w (•<#. fma* ttUrt tuiu xivl watnyliijii. KroHMTlu-t Tli-v HFi Vn and nKrMxrr. ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF GEORGIA.. Wißranrof, IK C. April 7. 196 K i It*a uu«)«-nugut U havtug Uth CfuvtitoUwi a MttmillM by the eumfitationxl cimveuium ' ofGcorpia to rtait tL« uatioua) cnpital ui<l 1 pc—ewt the Bat «>f umra rvcosißiwAil fur re lief fmm political diaabiliUeik, m* wcfl a* to roauuaml to tha favurwlAa co—ilcrHiox of rongrcaa tha relief monger— ccmlainM iu oor new oooatiUftUoik, aad having performed that rlaty, <l—pi it |>roj»er in prvaent to the the result of 0«r «ni-aif»n, together with oor view* a j»«o prmliug qo—tioos. Ou oor arrival at WaaLiogtoo. Coogvcm wan engaged in the trial of th* Tra-knl of the Uuitad fttatea, and thi« trial ao orrnpW the time that very Bttie other botiiw## cfiM he <icvnc. We hud before each Hoaae tha reautn 11 WUI of tha oonv—Uun. with the Ikt of nouu* reeom mao dad fur relief from pofiticml tiiaahih tit—, and circulated among the Coagr—mneu on# hatnlreal copie# of oar crmstitatifw*. eoo taiaiug owr relief atUcle. We ibu no-t m«iu her* of the KccoofttnirUow ('ouniU/v. and 1 converacdl freely witii Hauators ami Keprraawt atlvev retftlire to (be objarta of owr miftflion. j Tti* wnMinml prevailing amongst fen j gremmaß. a* h» oar ref** f m*wi»urr*. mv-ibh U» he that this ta a mere l *cmJ qo. action havinp | refereidce to th«]ao)h ot Oeorgia an 1 her lo cal ii*tare»ti», whicL will le aft—l In c«.naidera [ lion aiv! fttoljudicaUsiii <*f oar State coarta here { after, atul that the) mill )>e no r4#»t>*c]e in the 1 way of the rectqiiion of owr conbUtulioo l»y * I Oungreie--. ‘ Wt ~te tl.ert f.ii. rWarty of U. opbux, | ■t! il is—ls r..ii«4tilati.»n ia ratifl-•! !>. the jie»- ] ph- uul the rte-mirtnidirtn jurlv anrcaada »»i > {the elect)nw of nfAcerw iu tlo orgEolhstion of | fttat* pt. vet mu -lit, vbi arc trße anil loyal ! men, and who can take the r—juir* l '«athv ' 1 thru oar bn—laml au.l relief latoaMtrav will |!- —r. (Vuigi. Oreftoen feceni to l*e wviii’i hal ! altokut relieving |to-imr*n- in reltrl H< d.-ra f»t*i« ♦ i p.liiu al and we arc in I•»«-**.I 1 lieliere that very few, if stir «iH I— fliikllr f 1 r**lH*vad wutil om election i over an! lie ! kn/>wn h-»w thr eleciioti h# < • n** o. !! »» ) thn— deft trim* and it# e. imp it Inf bn f #-! 1 ! in fb** r»u,teat. , i We »r»‘ iojiure.l |.<r h men in hah hou».'d r»4 ( onj'r* - %u I tAgti affi. i«N n. U>- 1 tn.litvr) and jn Hriml cVpartmentm nf th»' G*iv> ' : i /nmuit, tlkftt should fle«wpia ratify the eon 1 xlitiitiofi and •h**'t armud Union r*-ri mint met » j iotifrt* the regnUr iwwiiuiv* of the party j to fill the office* of the new (joo*mm« ul, there i I #IM be wo dUßmlty u* tkav—u any true and ! worthy man wh-» naed hi*> ir«l!nen* , e u> twirtk*' , ! ikhuut that —awit ratio rod from ail defoaUiiti— ! Any man who mav ba aiacte.l t» o/A*. on U»c j T-conitntcNna tkkat, and can #bow th.*? he 1 I fttipporUHl in good faith th-- ro&iiaatmn of the i emwUtotinii. ami »aoU*n*d th* lagulu eandi j dote* of Uu* party iu th* atacUor*, will r lieVed in time f.n him to eiil. r nj-.n ti. tj#- | | charge of the d»H*. «ot |m wAice Wlolat t hie j in true, wa ai*>> deem it proper to ftiiOe that j . from mliat wc are told by m> >(U*oiUi>K auat- , , ben of the dominant party in t\>ngte#-. it will ! !be entirely aaelciM for any man t*> aipirf to I ofß—ai |»irttioa who ia Ineligible wader extat mg kamra. for aw< k will not ba relieved, nor al , lowed to hohi uttca, if ha oppuacw rv-tlomt inti ' or tba friend* of reouuatmctiou I Party liwea are very Aarr»ty (brawn, and | parti— differ widely, and pohfcaal fertiwg i« i vary hittarfla tha whole North It ft**m«to ha lha flirt pwrpn— of Uiiwgra— to ao .irggn im the South—n HUt—that they will ba con trotted by tfß* and rehab la Union loan and recawetrwotkmiaU It ta BBid that tba Pnat deni, when he proposed to organise the rebel SKUa, Aioqualdied men when ba cu-odered Iham ini—mol lo hia policy or dang—.*— to A*> (ktianu—iL Oowwre— proooav to do bo more, only to orgsmise acoorahig to law. and Um tha pro—rvaUm of tha whak nation The Repwtiiicaua —y the war won fowgbt and woo oil tbrtr W«m*, and that they believe the— hi—s right ami tha opfKxung a— wrung and ifcaßgftfnai They waga that th— aan In* ho panne a—it p— , bo endannr pmapentv tn ttw Howth. wait! tha Mfuind Hute gm ernmaota ora in the hand* of Union men. who dapraeal* r—mm. rhanrpHiu— tfou. kb.i Thtx being the known fried delenntn«tton of lha moat ean—at men us tha natam. the party paw trolling the w*r wmkißg and |*eace-pre aerrtwe power of wir Go—ram cot. it ii ntiar ly —it—i Aw men at the South, at th*> hasard ul all that we chart#h ua earth, to tuBMBd in tmv cf thee, facta, let U—oa men in GeorgVk take aoorage IxH na |ml forth oar wlaeat and hart m— for uAkec. and Inna phanUy elect them, then peace and good gov axnment will he —cored lift*, liberty, and pruparty will ba —f« in Georg** witkoei the nonatant nrralbacv nf tha miktnrr Tlibi—i Up rttfm th— ini wrtk the rwcoo drarßoa party, and aid t» vwsUrtßg the HUU to Um Union. —U ba —Na—d whoa they need it. white unrepentant rebaK and Ik— who opaaae —nirt—tnw. will ast ba robe—d and cannot hold nflirt The towns rt now flrtrty mm Am im Georgia, and Hrt I nto® or Am— It that Union mm mart now Mt whether we or* lo Nve in paawa nt haw—, doing Bnto onr BUghkcra eo wa wonfld ho— thorn do onto no. or be Mityirtiil fra— otnSrty ot driven flrton onr bn— Wa ho— shown all hbo—lily to thn— who o—o —h—d na Wo ha— pm booml IO Nih |B HOB— and —gj mid forget the terrible pm t wa ho— b—n mod avnfla smd nmwlflmory- We ha— nppn—d nil p—flpfli— We ho— es— fll trtart by mi ilory —wifl—logo and —m—hot of pf>r ly. Wa hate dooo boA—r than an imamoli •*w ti—*mad wa anabt do. Ob* aob— bare met —e e—ore—l of nil food mow Now we a— —— e^kAm rtt awAWh— amm »mad no Aria iMwrt ia IMA Mil Ml. >1 My" tWy -Mm Mm U wedfldnos e—ls we shortd ho— *«n— * SSSTsrfiSSS oq-eomd BOrirt ON— —a —r —— TVfty are b«w try—g lha a— Think of it, U—moaml Th—k of ri. won | who ha— boon trial n—(*—■ tori—. , add fcunp-mUo m the —io4» rart boenn— yun weald not ad—ft that —i — to n w— tha only w—aMflfß remedy for oil ariN Wa triad tto —lo of Ihsoe —on thorn, and wo flmd that the* wa— Banker wma. joafl. nor so nr—sfrl; ami we aonnot trmd the— gpw General GcwNm all on—lsßod. wiflh o« Ihrir now* fry on the woo ride; and C »fln> *1 Rhrtek m ran— o—ring ths I'niud, rcinnofl—crioß, ralkf. Ur and-fW eiemenu. with oil tbrtr M—lm nm thr nSE— Free fOMft of ißfaifl AeOfUs wbirb will yvn pert—? lawn B— rt Uaur gia. goud mot* of all nartt—. comm turw—4 hke tk4n aad anile with— in giving peace aad 'onAV—ft- to <—r growl rid H—to. Owr party ratoa the oaten*, and will tor p— lo eaoac. lie not do—nod or frigflft—al by forte cry oi negn> <h—ftinofle— a—l carpet-tog rart. This cry or—— from bwngry. d—o-printed «»flrte ani tan. whc. whowrasr it aaata Ihrir t —gnwrif—QTßoaSlart* tor the tri dietnet > It C<— fnjflM th wc who have Bn nower. w—Ven. oj jeOrkotrtm. mid never wifi La— efthcr Uwe «sa inw io oiXßS—m. 0— N—to m—h lUr puw»4% 61 the Governn—4 arc tor rtC kid tie tort of tto nfttiua ia with na We have now a chew re to place Gaucgio aw an ft>|iul futding wrih rtr —ee Atal—. ami when wc are in power wa will poo— to the world 4 bat l uion anefi can ami anil govern irmly, aiady. and well Qe—grim. \ mmm tmrm. ito • aUttcUwiftU, lUrtri mew all* ah wntie and rally fur the roul afl the toMl aad the waive la— *4 runt totoved Vitoto Art yo— iriky—g ry to r.» U4T« the CSumrasssnouS and iU : rev« See that every Uatow —tr m priflwi H'-ia autiediy unlit U— polrt cflu— urn the ihl. aad. uo t word lor afl* all eill be mmll Tim sill you bare the jyq/ii—turn of wwn— • »ini/ Omrgia, one. mor«t In ths UnA—, rw i Jcewscftl and rvyffttftcrated. I—nn Hujuairr J. H PtIIOTT. a. u. BaUwE'i nOßßamn—d ras Kon»f I*— BUI. I Karb hand rt a flamity. or gward—B, or : (rr»6c. of a family ri minor children, eholl be • util led to • to luewtcod •*# realty lo the vniae of tono tbou—nd dollar*, tu rpweia, and per# eorial property t»» the vala*- of owe Irt.nmnd dollara in apene. toth ic be vetoed at (he time they a re m( aywrt. And no Co—t, or Muftirirrtftl «*fli (i in th** State, shnfl r—r have jnnfeb« tton, or aathonty to enforce my jodgmeut,. decree. nccxlME again*! —id I prqwrly no eot including tori Wfl* |W' vcn.fiit* may U nab thereon, from tuue lo tiuic -exrftpt for taxea, money borrow ed ai.d i t pended In U* mijeuv——nfl of tba boaieetoed. or for the [mieluM B—Cf of the #aine. and for rti**r d.*oe tto—, o* nit Mal ' foTtiiabc*! thcirtr. or rcmnul nf «e< —bras 1< theiwm And it <d.#J) to the duty of the Gcnctml Aw# mblv. aa early a* |kca«t*cal4a, to pmi uh . by law, for Um- arUiUfc apart and aal ' inUmiji if mbl |>rojenv aa*l t*> euari taws Aw ' Ito full and MBpUl# pturtl and wcaiMj 1 (if tbr ftome-tthe ride 440. oral U-nrit rt v—d Iftiii lic# ae oforwoi.l , 11. All piw|»rii .*4' *bc *Ji'. in l*4<r puaa— •tea at tto Untv of b#<r meriiagv. aad oil prop • r»\ -ikcn I<* iuhcrii~t. nr acd|a»r.-.t by tor, dnllmiMM b«» orpnrat* fw.qwaty. exm! aofl ! to '.told* be tto debt* <4 hft| bUfttekft* t* Kli|iwiiiu Swo—va. II Nifty eaie ft giewt uraHMl ui lf>wUf f J irtne eh«* prof—* U> to cftwlkUto for rika IN 111# «|*t*r<4ft. tong rl.runi, in lht« Slate, and , Um- —U re etoi. ruitwltr e* 11 tto .far ll< >A*. aU#i are ritjllde U>-j»4h*ft TANARUS“ ' li luuret to ki.Mle«ri*efoi. that lor the parpo s-M . i ihi- clcetdoa. the p*aftliug ft turn. I—l ! *•• tto4 #>Mtet44ul4tm **( tto .Htotea, known ere thr IUU adU to. |rvp«ol by 4 nngvs— . Mi 1 edu|*t*ftl by Uiuftl *1 the NuTthc— HUM, miui to foMWftWiel a« alread) ia knee, —■ wii'li Oft lhie nuie cownui. auder tto Rrcoo | MUurtua* acte. to repr. *eLd in t'^mgr—a e*. til tUa«t nu>. ii'lui 1.l ftliftll to Oabqded by tto tfft|nieite Kuril tor of Stale*. Tto vct>m rt that article U amfl Hi tto qurriMWi of j ifly t*» aira read# v. hblhrWft: Kim . A N«* I‘croun ehftU to ft Seawtur or ( U* I r.e. liUtive IB (Vrigreea, or .lector rt I‘ite- I i dent and V—e Pr— nflenl. or hold my ofhae, civil or military, wader the Lulled HtaAoe, or any Htata who. bavin** previoßEly taken ftn .Milk, a# • ui .in tor of t'oßgnwa, or an crib j cer ut tto l Slab'*, or —a m—ulee rtany M«l- or a* au axxativc or jsfli j rial rticer us any htolc. lo «upf*ort Ito t'Ow , rt tto United Moire, ehnM have gogv-d IU or retollton ag—net the Ok me, or given aid comflnrt lo the innrmfl— thereof- Rat may. by a— of two , thirdft rt each llonwr, H—W —eh dfteehrlrtT. Ry an Art <»f t'ougrvwa, pa—d July lWh, ÜBm, It *• bb'darrd that tto W—Ai vxaenti— V r judicial .dice to any Stale, ■ shall be ooa •4me! flu inched' all cflnl oflAc— rt—ted by law f.»r tto' bdminrtflration rt any general law rt a Stoic, or f »r (hr Nlmnrina— rt jnriisr. I*. rv*bn» lie.|oalii«-d by ito f.tregoing pro , nam— frrnu h< Idlng <»#ce, —4 to ptw- M ut thtnuftrivee »« mndnlat—. bat abonbl they do ao, all tto vote* cant for them will be e*ore than thrown away ll cannot be expected that hftajnaliflk ! perw—M, if sire tod. will bt no— nu«aoo<*d. All r Iccttono rt —ch pmaons mnefl tucvoennly be set —nlc. and the oJtont be fUUI provided Am in the new Co—Aitatflcm. ■Y AUTHORITY. 1* L Ht* If AC T H Porti«'tJi Congrowg or m U N I T 1 •; 1 > HTA T K 1 .Uteri *t ift# rum .V—ft. •ftfoft Ml Mm ew4 UJ mt Ift* CWf rni W i .ftiwqft ■. te Mwrwf mt (HftftlE. w> m ft—Q> .Bwrri V rieceft. A. if. MM: waa reir-r—u M Smfm rOee. lb ■»— Amy yf Effm*. A. /MET, I* we« ee MT—*«*—p. Stari—grtJrtp A. P I—7. « «e to aefoi tori Amy V tota e—roe ftto « ftwft eeSU Eeririm. to MwftUri Jay V to /ota ee wfttat ta t rftwri a eri Sm Amy toeea—r. ft |» —T —to Cu!m USB -An ft— ft toe Hue to tto —to ri to* —ft Hew— rt ftri wtoEeq ta ftgstowh tarsi Onß—■» UUvre -4 vi.* ' tvrkKl Bn i >< 4eto» la mwMri That 4to event weft* to lew ri gta emeei S«v rt Jalj. ft—Bwa Natonri sod siQ ta ta eecß ■taka, rt tori *q«ai *o itortr tft new w I seree to eecE rt ewhn —S rry r11 toilvea ta ttoye w. to ito —pneftft rt i—III n»a ftgvtoeJtaral ■ ilaw ll *. » B— ta —ft —ta rt If hr—El la ito we— ■tanner aa « ff-*-- bast too a Stake rt ito Tataa rt ito «rt> rt —e —• rt "rid We Algewvrd. toh Rlrt (llf An^E^k^^vto^HftKEw re Bag to w—l rt tto ta—ta —4 ■bß-rii—rt w teUTrre rt Ito Uatod Btatas rt 4nto« (a Oangrwwi M ,*■ #«• re* (rere# mrnmrnm. * te*«»i« afore a*. rfoiKM »l *V i*i. red >*,'■— I #M I*4* ggSrrcsr sap*. * aw i- rft i ‘ ii ' re. ißnbrei# m tea—d—test ffH iJUTitereb geae .Kir two^dgMfogigreW rjaJjUte «te» a#i* m im *i te* i 17 Hire** ■>■### fore. I* foti i*iii 11,11 fore 1 1 a.4 te* ren.n terere *1 Ore rem refth*aa*. ted te* im>* m I rt— WB——— taStaean-ri—— to ta—A. ftp— week Jrif m. tart ( UU. Btort rt rertata art Be ttewortafl to —a Bewert w— K—w oi to—- —(fte nt (to r—tod —me rt —errftß w t^Jßgr— tori *• to ft Been to tom to. wm> ww«l wmftii flair tawrtsp— ll Baa *> krt eritakm—t as— tto si—- w— m$ ftp—, iriftton km Ir l ato Mr—. mmJ iw rßniini r iw*B —— or W—e Brat uhEMw—. 4ft! rjwit kn -- - - or rt— tn arm* Atm 4* —# to* 11 OAm* nmnm mmtnrnmt —sti r—w—toft I—»/?!——a"a—jArtS^kT’a—SS *Lm*r sea rmnjvel n»ri nerirr er owlur may *\ 1711r7. —AT UJL 4# Art ta WU* re— Vert Beads r eta HonDL MAT LXX rin Act ftnlft stary!*- » rt atm Ari to ■—ritoto—ftJJ-vv ftJflrtoMto^ —V rt Barra, arinw toadft-il and "Ui era. OBd tto Art —iba art ry —rtofte. |fti * nm tae iw—y mirl —J at Br*. tooto Eon. vwd and —ShA maST•*»—red io tore tmnm Ito n—otort ****** m mmm toy UhrLT —aa— rw «to immrnty tori Amy rt Murk, fle gar one B—ei eigEt ECTdffwt syi nUi taeto rt ggwTlSSr|cftr"tift«. toft— <ton C^yto^Srißria—fl-ita m io*tomo w—7wwmaflwort —a nimiiwr mmeta. and ta ito —WE ■—i wrßf rt Cuftw oson—r rt an fl—n 1 to oold mm alma tor# newer, —mart ta mem——revel rt B# Ommet at cS^w=£L3tS?£?sS kL*T‘‘fofora* Srefo ■jt “-Oi bt reiaarer iff* MM re fo|#teteM 1 te* retetfS Juren orarere.'* rereireat. B„ Hi ■rereiafop#** te* ii er* a. —r._* are* re ■ «fote*> Bre*x tare re- *.*> .1 te readfotertsfo (1 w 11. Mir ren te* rererere. U «ortl eriHwamßßnßßsßßlßi —■»£ SB&flr sseri. tee ' tor—> IT* foirre ■ re "rT movedaittor to to ■ IBWi J rtEeer io ee ■■■! 4 Cam touto vr by —• ttaw—B rt to away. Andnaßeff to to top at an— a—a—tor ta ramw* (Trees to r ftelrert Ito toe ami w*yr/ > iiwietalrei.tan rt Uis wt —d to M— ta w—m mta aorytam—tarr to*'. A. And to B larttor ewwAri. Ito« to toerto nf i |taW“ | * ' •“* * **Eo to ee—dMew—tarf ta art va—tad -Onarttap—to Ac Ito awe* ■— iiei re—stet rt tto r*hri —ekm —terel MarvE to ton to 1 end Tam ta—ri wto aert 01. to) toaaOi »■ yota" I hj mrt art vhaH art to —tae to lira tararu total derale vart' to n ai.l « itov. Ire. and we-E —ed Eaer j**ew v»u«r no. HraadtawSg —rtam—m* tart tael—v —rt r#» Santa to tatataSOWp—taiHdeuttoi m fan ffftoto 7 ' 4 ‘moMtafftolTin—T t —ftl"* 4 to«totori^. f wEkrft Itafi to ntaarned ril kta reg—rtoen —ft w tto cemmo—ttaw fenerel rt Bw rirtrtrt. w— m be— —L. 4 and to B (onto* fttorioi. TW to* torn to . tart —d meftwtag rt —a —m yreera—ei 1a arid «ei 'rk’totoTkl mmh TrtmTl T^to- IvHeimiSanTrt Sto r*taed —e er ant. eadVtoiE.r iT TANARUS" B ea JmertW N* to r»gftWftvsi at> totaljmTtta 1 — 1 Jw« A- raririlwS ad <*vfl ritaew cr—Oed Er taw tar tto ■ toi ift—rti n f . War 1 Aid Ee A Entaf ne» 4TW Ito Gen# »-T ] —V ta—ita—wta ata tow War rt a—er UilF-- Eandml end ftOrwia. Med tto Irenrde rt | r*Ct«arenea "808 »t snefl to tE. j , Sar—nTwri ta rvtoe 'wr » jfo-rwrel rtl Ser deca, —e us—kn U«rt» and *«•— Ertag nta to! (Bet Utyjneeaeart re—to* tow —f , tad. ftftri"—eft pi re— HH nrt to klta—i Ito v—a - j And a—fc Earni-EoAetan, B—fw—r prata4 wfcd —rt m para., wto w iew a—e prawn Ut kj nIM van —re art Ee— wtay ■—*— *. neaarnn ta— tL •* —r to. ha —tad ta E* wcaml -w ta «LTrererereftrejfo^»yre.4ere**. Mtejrei^re *!*7 *Lraf7T*a7 BsTrer? iSTiref" ** k " 4^taM4j|teteH!*teMfote«re 3S k v^^^re^p!tel , for*“i4foir* •< teT 7!f*3 *». M >re te A ferrrec re«B«4 TVM forre-a tej "reretea * re; KB# -te *“ - t'anre tear tecx 11. are te # fortter Martel. IM all te* for. - * -*■*- rea* is#*#* tereaiM# ■I n nlniii tea* te I tefofo. te (te tret itel all tea uteres ttrere# rear te tad; are ■rete-tl, —mri mta. ncsmdcm ouLm. iftftriw rt tto lb— rt Brereernta> us Ba r. VIDK. I rt —ft B—Ota —to te—4 rw I. ... teMaarelltere-re..te,re L. a. j Tin toni—dtoUrtrt flEta^r— r—raei B< Em —taßßri "Ob art —pwft—OftaOwy ta art era Bad *Aa art to arwvEta tor fl— mare ■ Nrt art raw an— rt tto- rJUak mat—' pa—ed tto earned tart «i . ItaW, E fti died and ataEv—w. and ito oH , mtfssaa&sits HJ» lira- BaeNk tto Baw— rt laraia—Wvc in* i («nded. ta pnrenftnre rt tto 0 a —ill ■. ta renwßl f ‘ —• wa—. and ■ mill*. Ttel te* Mi *9 fte* 181 teirfo <# te* ■area*.* ■ |l 1 »#a»««re *** (fore m. a. u a. 1# n . re. a. tb •* re# Pwna #*are* t foil ««. I TtetereM* teMtecßaM. te rereare# tea srsrr^ir^-S I te tea Iml 6m e terete Mfotete M* Il I I are* rerty reare. are* tea art re,| l m ate*7 teforte-. III! I are te* i.rely tea* te* •» Matte. 'Mail 4a. late are Bltf saare. ' laiaiai* »a tea ftrefo*. ■re M tea #wMfoa< «. tea rate* teMaa «S are te| i Orel, aa* areal 4* tea ftrefo a# fore m te* ante*. «Mi te* —, ■ m te* fore rent ii mure tea ten foa.lare*. Tfo* tea WO *a yrere. IBatfo* at tea forerererereSM >» n— w *****. sow * weftasr- CBtrt Otari itlT Um-AftrißrilMri —re wtaE —to B« « ra—riod to m» Brawta and Btareert B—t ■■ e 111 II ir —aOwMftd Stataart |—ire, In «Vi— — w >a- ■ aa—Etad. ttat >to rvelder I rt Bw l etod htaww to. ttSkTSfcTM tvursrs renfore# .■■ *I area reare . « n areirell tereare. re* fofra ft —Mate* Mare#re«fo#ft so •Oeeere I*, eare reiMM#4«eMfo«»*re#rete.-... i mil 1 Or yobur ud smjsg ijssxsjrsttj la Mr* for UM lailtiw Uk! fr» mm> aM I* um —ti — r i fl» 1 uaWttfwfta ii <aj Th— 11 -„«*** VjUrv-U U **»67 hunt*# iwtaciatjt a»» tu rant** um Utaliao mtMa mm aanyya wmm mmc a* Uta BcirAyj— taUta aai nww »—r—»B/ a W t "taw"*ta>*?Sb» <* > » •iwchp—irk. *n4 la vWi AMfVI or <ttatrlrta tM. ■fcaQ Im ininwi Utah* qf gitam>aa<iMiii>»> » 014 UtU*. BCT lri Md |WI arvu. *IM arMcted Kkd —* —tartt-ti jh aa*4 bktMM to tor tf*ta#« tto*»<a. au-* to- a-w at ssssttsi'szssz -srrS: tow a»l >*m< a—mw and i of Um Cwtol Mm Ttol Um di-rtal w Atotrwto —ail ta niTTbt ftatoa. u.*SutC (tflK katanad. Um l—yn Fart* MaUr—l Eaatora Dirt M». —« —kta* mrnmmttf —— ftoi «fto^^“) « MtoMa «U Ito frK«tU<( aarta -u* of Ik* Act. <«« k« Md and AAy & —■■ I —an: to MM to tta Ui —Uirj < tw UtorvM to t-timwjtj— SIT— *ulTp— *ta itof t fatan‘*£jSto<^ uJ^^L S*r. « 4ad to II torttof ■«»!. Ttol Um 1 itrtur cf War to raqatr*.! to *\? l"l«? hau iMttoV 1 a*'to? tWlTldl *■« T -i—r *tot »- t~—itt •I — ■ - ■—«-« *- In/wto a— maitoiiiimlwi m 4 Mi la —no* (*M, Ito to at. rH»n W< Wm tar**——j* Um i U Mini 1 frtoniww tow Um Ucuraun at tta w • 1 wi ttotoa Md T—rv%u— to «<aau*4 n.Myaato. fa W tafita—t<“—* i—« ~ *•' ■—»>■* —«-!» ! cwrtor aa, to kto -4t 1 tol tot « 4—■> ■■ l i. TV- all i toMtoi to ■ i i—i I Udi to I toart to aaaaa to«I. U ! u. p»jr, .v<iuato- *■*>—n- at— a } M«to»toM*a<* toMntoarw 4«; toltottkntofaairva. TUi aaai e mud* rlaaara —»nrt llatr —Hta uto iha Mu U> Vraa Um liiiWtol* :auJ;u IpfmM, toly 9. ** CJLAJ*- IZXUI - j~airl ii — * Ualmi >4 C—• of Ik* C—tta HuU> • »a 4 —artml by Um to—to atol id—aa. I iiyiwa latfrw at tto Datod Mtoa «T Itotoa k Otoyraa to mbIM. That. *w «ta yarf*. and *arry—« Itoto dirt tta Miitoto ancto —* k. paNtr * VtoMk Cm *m 1j iaa 11 ~ cf dtoat -4 of ai ad Ito CUM Mi tto «V II—MU o« OW kydihr, **Bta al <toa—a M Ika imrtj Ml da/ U A*ctL ta-taU a*<i ai(f Mi. ti# OiM—'Bar ta. b* Mrttod try fnalal M tto l atonl —atai. by aad vuk Hm ad>Ma aaal cMMt Cto —Mato. dMll to UtoMrd a i—f ar adM M fail km bm a wrnom at Ihna II mmm d doli—. and laa &2&TI x 9f » ■'_— ■!—i '■ a# toaaiUtoj —> ft*aa lb« yd—» of In raMi—ra la O—cto mmu 1. lad to 4 hir—ar —ar>a 1. Ttol U Ika Pml Oi—iMMMaalMM^—fiaba'lkfMaid. asl •and 4My P-r c# tto nai i- 1 kldnw ■ »■*"—* n. WJn-1 —J »") U. -T» IX « |ili..r Hi rtmxlm 'o. UK i'um Tfc(ii g m^t Kl t-T.>7 k KfanjU ►. Kto «uC | ik k~u .. uk ruM I ÜBM tor <m—uatoaatoaa mt Ika a—yiaak a—i ad Um | mammary wto way W cbaic hy —«% . • at a/ —ary aUm tr*aaurj <«karvM* «n>r<i—Ud. j i a >yawad. Ja>y —. UUt. jOB If mil 4k 4rt ato—ttoory ad tot «*» ‘ Afvr n nap ka/*p—« rt um w—to M t— fan 11] Htab* In tto tou l*ar padtag 1’ thirty. >Utk*—ia ha—lrrd mad wuyarM. a»4 *» •kat >uyi— Mr U —totol by tto toa-M aad tow od bv» Mi a «.d to r—M.I ttda 4 Iwarira ia O—rra , i a—li -u Ika* Ito Mto lad—■ /aru— ad axto at I t4,m * '• «kk'« w ka a« afyr t-^haaw^b^»—‘ rTJttobpdito atar^.d"!! 1 tCto—ba ! 1 **« «*M| iawMr—l. >Mbtoaa hu» a*— Ua f ! kaTSt to/'iSVtr, toa »oato a—aMM—M * * tot *4ad all kw ik..Mwa to toto—. ito tog- Mdn V» D4>r to-’lDd.* adii *uy ladtoa Uritoa ara » to—Ms 11 p iaM » aad to axpmm MMU I tto rto la- i . . wmi la Mpawbai a trtoy *4h aa j I—hau iHto I «al*l ab (tf.'-ut mu..., Mtkwu to b «HW —M* { Ito a-l to-a- by Mm. , tayakd ! »|ipi at 9mH to 1U» | ui:s»)i,rjioKs. JL tto I attoi flUtoa yartotoato la tor U—a and to* l a—aal fa- , Ltoba a* Km. la »aCL J b| tto tom* ■—* Hoaaa U M*wito : U*p* l Ito 4 wad !—m towi • I* * —fTw* aa ; a atol I Thai tto ■■ I |u ad to* I aaJ scalaa MUm Bhtoia—l FahtoMi ato to toad itoto to* ,- ymmr a—bto— bMadrr I aad a»Ujr«»»*a. M* aabt a , Um ana raaa a— mm a—l —i.l b—mry ip—m todnaar. I tVa —«b—urtva* —w»«d to «»m Wa» w—da •—a ad Jaaaart '—•■i. —%U«a ladjliMl . ayy. II til—» »aa |aaa*.tol 4a by Um —at rra.J«UA « and ia* tw. r%fcta— bk—lwd aad auty-Mi. aud *4 1 t—nur nr—M— MU. *Var apyatotoMM* U toda • a—r r■— «a—< —r I 1L Ha* to hiihMaM—ra hraai toa» to Uwpraa. | iaM M to naawuMaa U»to raaMitalai. aOb a to— > cm aS yuMbmi that may a«—r TTT Vtolto r. —Ma —al! -art al l-to m . wjl tto call wd tto rnMiimi mr y tr — a—l. «bra ♦ MMywaty .apaulac I. akaU —**• tor*i rata* aud mrala * wmm ma§ to il arj tar -rlcat utaa. »ui> ; M wte to dNt a TtoMta—HtM Itott aw taatar i— to to abar'-u* ad -a -to ■ aaar p—rrn*. . abaii yaaartoa* «U ai tii—i al to rn—iaai.M. Mbl b> ! t iin ar n ' M MMa? to *1 uiLbk r?a toTrlu—fdtaw TL mmmtmmaam y *K mTT«h. «mST« >.*■ u &—• . MM*. _ “ U* ‘iuiin kk!sk. 'rktESlliwu ip “ >»" 4Kd Impt ow Mr. k h«‘ tv MOT twain * 4rth*u 'ml *T u. laM Mn or W fcTtW (.nnwwu k 7 iKli.kfcuk Pm mm. mu m kaiwa «M« Uw> mUMuKmI Hu w K U Ik. ’ | —l*» - ■■»“"■**■ «p “ j ‘•pilk 51k1.4 WWklkW. PTKkIgpMJ a* u. wnlui <4 UK t- MMk* Wto>. *»a M • Ik. ukrtw c 4 w-u-w p uruplurp kr«r.wi K-. akilklwlMklai *» iHimk. ra. Ik. KWMT«|Wi4 nnlliprrtkr, rtwau^lar. | For to ai r ia—ry —*— ol tab—a— a—i artrrn aar ' Tk« ta tto odtaaa —Vto—a—l Saw l«t aad tar to i MIMM td a iiitoUU- lanUMaata aad Jr *^ >l> f* f V. T " wll ‘ oA-r lk k- J ""l—Tba k total rraaltod, Thai k akaU Im tod—/ wd to fa—l aatot at War \ art. aad ad to n— g -Hi— tatrmauanit to (\<a«Tpaa. lb —* to ItaftotoMata od Mata, a toaatol Mala— in i -f to mum — trtorh to aaiMMdtttMaa harala ao |Ui ataail ara a—da by to— wap antra*. A/p—L Mtock IS. IMT pu. XI » lh..WiM ntoMtar lk.ThM fcrajpwi pMM «. Ik. tapniMl i. IM nil Ml »•• Hi ■--. by w MillM H mi •< kpwab MKPUM Mar » OW»r*—. I ■Mil. HUM—pinMknw ■plnl.l «< ' JoMKkw M *“ l **f •u ol Hikjwki. “wk—— l *•«■* pu. nykMwi mpjSimi -■ -klk.l -*■ WblM I^~ rnlirikMi nww. Mb ■i< IM «■>! Pm TbrHtorj at tkwM." M w. lb. MIMfcl W lltMiMI w. »- tmm * Mb r*> flu, —)U i a k tto —roni and Uit* rwalitMi. art— all 11 * 41 ■wM kj IM M 4M> HUM. p ki« <4 tk. I btMl Ob. P MPb m ' “ mb Pl. Ik. Op o«kb. P OMfk. b. ». I bay kkbf W. PMPW bi UMk 1...1» p a4p L. bk rP* bM I" i .IM bp ■« m a b Hi pkay 4 Mo> MP ol k4H. MPI'P •> Mb P«P *■■ Mb, fcbQp yroHMOob PPppbp H. lb. wwb k. k. k«nlOPbil«p"'lb‘ HHi Jpfo*lk | Ik*. •it boP My MklbP. *P Sa SjgSTart jarjjt g! !r* 4 jixvxr*r^2!^jrt2r: rttii.^£sjSK , wii Jgtt3ißEtfaa.itSar ISl’u tVS*""'“—o—CMW* kojfc S-»JB^"Sygas W ( ..W - P tk. M-M p OPm iim-HMuw im.. rl x^gijS , gg^r zrsszsz S* '£2! ** ’** -, *< «*" IkuM Wt. 4MM- IkU «. to»i. Ar ti rMßbdjyta Inaalr aa' «.**, •/ towarwr'r*.4 •f tar ratad —told Naadia Tta— tto aw buadrad 1 o.^— - -y—, , * md» aad Uadb— —wr a» apuM 1 dufowh >» u „ s^*w s s2£as3E.Ssr i £ |MJ tat» to tii Ij. M brt—m—l, —rrh si I—7 hn 7 «PPi km u . , W*r a. turn t .r*£ r *' taMccal try—aa tar ltoab—4 **lL*+ tJ MAiUt" tar «to.' Ar u ..wirdtytatoartadtaw d»«rwto.~ W to I to*ro V dtotow « «W J ljk Mto. -1 X th— to iwcrtoy .and War to awd u } « »u> r>i ~ to tom «waPtolkrv*r*a. Iwfl *»«■, wadotor and b-tad w w itoMp Ctow. wtoT.ilw to tto to to baa-l .and—. —a ad to PHb brMMPiMba .up.. 4>r Ik. m , M 1 AM M ■ MMOMM. Tbll IM krnlai ow.kMM*iMki>Hb iik.iM«n.a 3 sSartts sc? ■MM.IIMAIO7. r*“ * '■*■' *m.iph b. mrpr •» »»«.• i« tk. BmrxAtu-mt at tha ' b— to yn-. kto mrn aai I Ito*-i,u. Irw uap—wl Vtooto tor 4<wr Itarywww »%t» -p. «iu rutowt *4 -btw Uu *kUvu.v kb. tod b>ytwrtto bMrodtoi rrrafeto toad .» r * ta^d. T*U2 0 9—h an .^Mt w«htoM haadrad wad —!;««»•. lfc» Wta 'Vuu.U b—a arara bahutadl) cuikUtaU frw tta wrv ism •««•*-* tta-k. —< ta-ww . aad utovaaa. aa*4 vurda ar* aitaw srwudbUl aaai t— —toad* t - p—t ad to a. t otor*- aa vuaaad by to Thirty k*ath ( Myna TT.r* r 0r w tod byjto daw mad ta w* of bynkta. tawaf Ita Itokudtwwa TV—to "tot to arwvtda tkaaaaaad —won fn.— )U * wr * — *° , S ** ** I—fin." "t'wrain i. W - akd ia toady—atokl by —-a—C ttar tto MurU l’ - to panrra«to towtad “Ouwl <«MMaaa to vwda *tjana.ta kM£ 4rrtariß». Marrlt ». I—7 Um. J J 4 to— fmwbiiaa dor tto aw oaoor* s«ir rrya to * top tto— M«*rii la—* krv. ana |«t r t—ran. to ——toy u— a—l oocunn-r tal j.«, pt—M tar ad—* ty tta .fwa—r. aad /toa «/ *i B , u fto* tto toxaUf) tf ßar ba a%4 ton lut * tod akd dimtad to aaaaa aariaya. *ui« tur a »aij- • aa— to rwanrrl tatoo —to aud < w'cLVp M .i*k,"P<OM P HUP. b»M.p pH MPUI b. kOkO. kMd HkJ -- ‘ ~ -a„ MPUtiMM p M mrn, P4UPJ..I o* M ww. IHHOtllll P IM M.U Jaa 1..a1l Mp. P|Mph UMP M p 51y44,. m 4 Hup M. ■P’rUWMCP M IHympM P hwHuM KbU 13. IHt. :■» O! 1 « Mil ra. Ok aft lb Mfta, ~, ■4k Ul k, PHp m AM mMM UAUb ar.- ... Or Or WO>> pHK Lira. P - ■ ..„ boo l P Tool. yr.ib.Uad la bkP. m I. yarl I , SpO tna kaa'd 4k a'i MipbaPOHpJoolp b, P-M. Md Or PHI yoy-.p ■OPHl.inuii,,. bPlbO >P. POM Ml 111 bii...fclM l .Hi lpOLlkiaiM. IM.pi. yro.iMl bkOHMi [kb. tk. oklHtPl... 1.. M~’l rOoHl...ftl -I robMO P .rbtkp Xbl.. o-«rWy |kM Hi MPp OkHPPdM. .. , —. OKP.rPb p wkofc ppi M Inul) bap.: ~ 1., tarda, arrow*, ur dhar ta>toa*a—i. aaj «b b w.oii .». •«. wrd —a a—a para tto otak—ar p uui ..| , M ttoar toa— by ito taap>vtor v oa l- * w 4 .atom - IHm tay la. Arr«o '«> Uarcb tX IM. 1 1%.. n >o taia.di—ao *NM tto -toad I*o. .« 1 wtooUa*. and ok —to «**•! Poractur. I*ol^. (10 4 -adtad by Um to—to akd Boaor M »Ut—m ^ lto f»oitM» —atao dia—l hi iXm-.m tod ’" " l —to—to pMtooto! l **“ J *ad purtaol (rtu kMotcta waa—ia. *ba .4 *m4 T.*i —Hto—Tm—* toTyu—il— kT"* OioJ wtoa a—tad attor autto u—a *»U. tto“—T, •hall to itay par r-taa ad —ddm. a»i to «,, opera* lon—a— to—<* I—p.wtol (n«, • rrej,, ima. m —ad to r*o|«>rmJ t., wtro, aa— aakta par prmtnl aa I If). *n U.O ll] A ItoauJ—*na to tortuu— a C.—tno t ..f « ■Mitor al hi—tto l-aakd—M topocto t ud tto l Oitod fcaU-a al A—rTtqp. um. illl O H.W I ky m Mdnapp. r, y—U uml Oft*/ b» .l|U.p WubMJ 40. m,”, ikp ■■'*» w P "WPP PUI H-pOy o-Xj. ' 2LT^; 1 attk tky Um P M IMP op • • ..... pi j bo* b. 4ti m Orkproo. jkd m APIA ... •Xu>'bpd-w rood rw»~XhE»*'iwtrr£ OdOdMpOMM Mkodkyb torn pOK I'HMbd HOOP P lon- la 00. kOM.WM.TMI Ik*' M.UO.UOHI ba .ol b. 1 kMfPbaaraao. CO aoaa Wo- .. tu. 1 bPM OK Akd M»r li.byi .xbtiblkf ba tl.. Ink. I-UO-U Ik. K PM. b«p | om. la IM KPI w»y. W ftt. *1 tk"' l |i day al oytKnba. aao. li.olal ayblp. baaU.p . nTo woroT 1 - " ' too. O adbUo bp hMk OO II wyi o J o anK Or O. IbO-a. .and Ok PPM kro, O. p k » tL~ , P IIP UpbPbKb bb*^k.^y— Q-. tu r-k-TSfl “mmpo SrtXW. .Ok u.| /pal toaOtkaiyaarHUf Or Ok lot—u too WO Ok OaOM MU ad 111 l WaaM paw LOW bp.Kdb.dtor Tary a., o « -.'ud by IM too aad Buaa. W Ipoon OH PM l la CaftjKba m yitol.a.. aa/ pm P aw '.ajartod b/ miMbm p K K.w™ p totoPOuO Or ya a. ill,. „ , to# ol My. utow—ntaa —d N|UUhta m tto 'm 7 i?*. 1 "n bSw'iiahp 1 Thai Ha bpr. an P M Trawry ba aol M MaUy o tabtoa to adM. M pa. yakl ik My Mao pervUH/U4i ink- Maori IMi-rtol Ob. ojuad tow duo U-- prtod top IP. Utop* * Or ay .la.iblya P bA« >.ia.i| Oto »bbto toaj*bT* bypbd ]to w7b yarywa yfba to toa toißO O P Jmaa. to# ii n a..,. taiaadaulrPoOt ftaOP, TMd too aaaao aball Ml. a#/ b. Mao ytotoW Tor. A bad baa CtotOar aadad. Tkad IM kou ry ipyurrd Jlk ft l^ifMiXpy/uTrmim^apr' IwldadXboA. aulln ..nj to MrUl£oßP wy atom, m Um P uparoai oak k aM da avm wy yualko p Ha daum Uai-pad by awl aM. abu Poll |Ptoa wrk Patio addHan.4l AyfMTp Oarrb U ItoT i Ka. 14 Alb Pdakua a, mm. raid IM bo., p Mb ! M.I >.' laanl M lb. kpp ud IM Ipbkun 041 p HaaO n fr-w Ik. tkwd Uar P OwrwMr. Mb Km<l .ml -it/-i. lalkvr/ draa bay P do. ..... rUbtpa haadvad ud P.ty mrp. by to. Otoato aol toaaw p ; arm and tk. I .dadto.kb p Atowlaa to Uuayao w* Odabdal TOP IM lao. pod by lb. Ipbbdn a. ‘ aaaably .4 toa tanbdy P lap OrtO, w toatoto aw ao atoto bpykk ua lb. tool day p - r ul f- aol Pityai. aol Pipy w Ok r M. Arm/. adtoanSa KdaMr-rK. P aap Twnior, ad Mato May j poll ban IM warn kpaa aol dMaOtokO ao. bad Pa akfa-Pbd aol Pfaad by toa (awn... datoto! lal «■ wt|i .Kto.aaawra.atoa aad M wp P t'uaw wa AyypmTa.khO. MOI. |M IA) A Mm won. «.l OPInAM Utodawa p Ik w. a, UK laybwpn ladalta ,and torpoiaain ■odndtoltoMto ap( Cmw p toywnt, Haw P M radOd OtodM P taadPw .. IlmT'd M ■pl*A oarawaalp i iana ■ atobaap tto Hotokioydcf. la toa Itowai- r ibnrpm fftrrai. ar.rpi .... ■ato.oPl.rP 1 UHMIAtoIOUIAIj to l. 11 W.S Ito tafto aw p rmaoba. n opy A. . Id toPdlkato. P toy |i.w u to ft toa a. a ' t jcnE ft-i toA—"l ta Ita nA m*i W tta Bata, w,» tat *4 *•«•♦ *—• U4VMMU (4 ■——!*, •—I t >»»■<! *