The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 29, 1868, Image 2

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JUfaktt fnil| §m to. n v aAMUaLi a > n r->- Offiau imui c? mi Ilium ttkrm orncut jouhnal or ymi city. I.A«i.*>T <ITV CUUTI.ATIO!* LAT(ut Dili] Outalxtoia a S*rtk*r» Otarpi* ATLANTA. OA-i WrU*HM>AT MORXIHU AI RII- «• i"*A »JK Pttlf «ll>K*r «* iw, CEN. U. 8. GRANT, OP ILUXUIt. lallwh Klrrtrf. It us piftwro lu Mui'tnrp teU ut.r CBeJ^VW*® gfectiua »*l Col. K I* ffolteoh as 1,, argue lu *wv. ft«y-fi*ar k*-.r (mu td&dallys hie i* A4Tft. Thwhstow. *o shall c-tuiDeii.e puMuhiug th> ..ffietn] rrtihw u» tabular form. a«.d will fill .At <»ur table u# IbA return* r*a» Lus We tieetii It ÜBOorrflarj to tittup •UTprrj««*r with returns which er* wnxdficiel unrA jfafalk it* Vi the liforty of t*' p4rty fn«rr* 1* the pfi•prveiy -4 Lin.. KitiT ■«» t «XITtCOUiJO th# UpftedilO*!, *!. » sr»* it ■martin w nn.b* «W(mL TANARUS! Lemr . f in’tery m tbs boor of stagnant mUy .t»4 kinJc* m We »tiould iui forgef "IbU li»* i* n»»lc u| of nenli'M or dal**-*. bm of lutl* things, ii «h;<‘h sod *. au*! -mail giv«.o .voluntarily, ar*- vh#l win and pmurri' the h set and **+'nre rowfoit ‘‘Kririi'Uup. I<or« niJ liali si.ijirfd fo'the watchword of all men who would deliver lb* Rtate from turn and ******* pteaarv* tb* Uni in. Our people «h*>ull dwell tng«c<«r tti «oity. Tb* Mmrmm T«l*|tapß. lit bare «h< J tears om lira hoc. and i thi able and tiuu ho«foe* l j-*wm-! but wh«*u l «• pnrUiia-J the election 01-Oca Gordon by twenty thousand Majority. we qn t vwpog and look te laughing. But eapecte. tiona will prove lit*, death of Boss 4 yet W. hope, bi trvw, hr mnt Ur» kmg ••**! en/*y htwiaelf hugely. The hull* i* "**r, and •• have co unkind words in *ter« for the vnr. qutsbfd Til* Km. li hs* lest: ou* lot to |so** ll.rvami* • moat trying ordeal, during tin- L.-aied and violent finrvu which Lju j~-t U. n tnujkt tea ter luuAtr and happy cb**< Tl»# opj-»%ithm per** hare foutjb? iw •»*it • Vigor and deter tuirm 11 - a-unity. a belter «ao*. Lot D'>* that the battle i» etx’ltd and lb* State *n«ed tu the I'lKiu, «• a-let ku*4 precuagii to «r«() u*« n. ber of tl*a cfwit in Omrgia will* !at »i*hm for their orer- ut at. 1 future pcoapunty Kllfltllll) n. OOk. As tin *ju.*U.U of elhnbdity under the nr a Fr -Tfr. t.*t fT 'rr rr. mrnt is w* om re great mUrtat, we Ln« been at auiut, pain* t' |dnrf Ufor* our nadcra oacft-tal ojuni *u nis-tu thu poutt- A |*-na>u who b»-lbv*(r U i«! an .»&< * brf <rc the srar but wh » v.duntallty a; \ 1 and abetteil th.'-rebellion by h< a mil *4h'» at on. tin** dunii a * thr war. ‘--ncHt tk- ufuuoti */ the a* t v t.Mnrr !»• I*.'lf be •• i-..- if ri- l • «t Wi’f U r • » n a- * • ifiibhig bet. r«hcT|i jj prrwtr* Sbr,‘tft * -*l faith. and» nir 4 r«ab*fate u w f tb* r«r m. i ami from tb* opefntSm of tie* ’ftth arnica and M ■ - . s*nt ti in fr-Mu eftVlstf tm i- -t • . Unisjfc A Tman hliiTraat 1 Mar an r. f ( /kpf. b •«**. .UIVIWS '1.4 /»«.« i. / incurs. Qa. Apni li. UKs ( The H*x«b K*4 lb tm t*ou Act ( Cougrra I. cUrea •* That nutil th- i-eojM- .-f MM-t r*-tKI Malm a halt he. by law. admitted t r\ , -'ss. outi-o. m iw (<« £r* • if . f n:!**d *’arr*. »ry mtl Trrti- Ibcta wh- h aa«y cnM tb» mu dull t»e «U—a and frivtiwmid «j«i»« A • Under Un pm*lai i. I t L-: ktilh Nvuirtt of the m*im aef. *lft* «f »«;.( Ht*»r vuuu*>! W m '.xaUA- i to reprr- vHtart7-3xs td Ice grews until th*y ahalt ratifi. and sh. Cutudi luUuti. HtthWifUed l*» in. m Uii Wr be Lnus atro.*n> u A. U- at-.l t;- : has* ap hase adapted th- «n.* nJuMi.t t. ih« (Iwadiiu tionrs.f Uie l inie*l Mft(r\ |>rop.*nl by <«m grwna. ami b»-w« n Art *W 14. *nA aaid Ar tftele ahull have bee* nr u |-art -i ihr ♦ n«*a: tuu>4. us iha L. ataUa f -•**•■ and other provi»t<ui» of |h- lUa-h ruetK*n 4<i* clearly show Uu*t vhat, i«r irraoirul x:aay eyurt m tloorina. hufcmu i».« falAiluK-ct rs thr ahoTc ccinditaona, must b- Jet mod pr -v*- • axial oblr." Thr bupfdeim utary Um uualmt Art pmw*d July lfHh, 1807, all - • litcets •de.-t. ! <*r appointed onk-t th* j*r>.«tsi »ne! f vri, meet of a f*tnte. to Uk* u.d mU-iiU th* oath of i ffi. * j-r- cr. and by Lv f th*> I nilr-i Ndr* " TLi* iuak- « a \iujlti ti of eligibility b> » tind.,- .. j.r *i*i :.a1 poTrrrm»enl very naaie/taJiy d»ri. .*. »j fr«jin cither eligibility »o rrpttniimi a* * %.*ur v.i ehffiHlity t*< o«*- nn-l-t i! j r . ~f it* |impo*rd Cmstitni tonal aioendmemt Brlifr eUrring upon Id* dune-,a prosfuon* al oflbwv Is rrsjun* and. a mtuug .Hl** r* to ewear that he haa neaUu r* light uor acetpt.J r nUeimpti l i avow • fan li mus üb| -rffict* v.L.trsrr, Under at.y authority, or |rv tended f»»ohrnTy in ho«tih|y t-. the United ’ huin Hr — 4 L«hl oflicr ui*4cr th® of the B>aU> of tie«iigia ah.ic that Stnt? a«a uj boetiiity to the United Kutes H* k 4 run* , .joimily tncligibia to off: . K*uai governm* ut It is uot dr i .*d neremnc> ry here to dts.*ujift iLe rff et ih va-w ..f the law may have aa th ofb»r oft ns lint U*fp». lafiotTbaato lie t .kei: - th< State u v.h urstter .pmwi«Fw»nl {J *v* mtrufit.Hid tb* m. io |<er« of the l.cuisiaiim nin<t l*e ifurd'And t > hold nflir* niid. t ihs' | [i.ti>.ioiM«l v*.»v, niiu*>iit Om. tax. ( signed) li. r Dit m A A (S &billisa*l Kleettea Krlara*. faije.T CoiWTt For ( .utUdilpUi 1 o4i a K 'aii>«t 1 ‘ouailtuti >u 7T#.I ftntlork I S’*?. <i*»» dun 7tik agniu«i f '••unlitntkwi HJftt. Ond..uV*il. U.j| luck 7^2. Winwrrh U>»v- i oi agaitmt ( , iAwrih.o look *"i. Ilaaais Cvi HI • U « «Uih* I.Qfaf. K *0 l Mai ><« ntniU k 1 f»J -. v ngHfcMbpv4'**•’wCv korO..„; l j.,i J , ti Jor ‘*iM*tntKm 416. . M<rfc 1.-fJSV; jnt ya- • 1* r On.-Ulnti M* l.J7<»; ft<*«vn .*/ . . t**jMV* r»r tjglijr*. •J>ra-*rtiy Ww <>*•**«. <r If* JM -n <i. mv into. (kina4lv>N< n.ilM* ih. ’ CWCliilh*. ITT*. WaiM.t; Cot ITV 1 MM_ IIUU.N »LW*th> * V.«*»»t*S> lUwiSii nm a» • nyrvni »■— The rieeUon Mvaa ao far unlirai*. Ike nlan Uon of BnlloeL wtth nm ahehit endwaakf which -he twos! aantfVMM —ls tkft WpfXXt boo do nut attempt to toll* *“ on y* nnrilay, Us tka hunt ppnoccata. tiial hia naayua iy fMttoy Wnik ere u*on-eaJ. The tnJbcatMWS kowwwaa. wore i. rVctiy mtmfactory to fw muni, that fan U»-.n-j»a«l at lcnat, w old be reached, while the great jMobebi&tj is that the clean aajoetty wiU not fall tar below hfte.'n 4he figure we heve for i»--ic'e day* Ijtao elarnnog It will require te.a-«»w weeiimUhw k—J the nsJ »* 1 b*e can hardly be ob taiti.d befiwr tl * end of the week, if that fearly Enongh hi known afaea*iy to sali«f.» the |»nUte of Col Hnlkrk* rUrtimi bwt th. pntkhc will have to wait *»*«>• .fays U ( »re the exact t->o< i>f the new c*n-Isr- »* t- I VAinr-,1 Vi ' t-* ' * b J - 1,5 e»f*-- : il. .-;ti vr have . r* iiu« frr® t--* -fa-w e*•untie* to !• ctu any d.* ;.l«sd opuu -a *TT* 1; rut b **n party Hi *4a«e»te Lmm a n*cht t.. rvf.uce os- 1 tht* «urrea, f.w neree twfor* -x in the face .«f snrh . a fearful t«fq.A«Hk»4i In the Ant |4a«'e, tb* tousutatsoa and ho-..#*lnirtsa tb* ti *n ass the sir »>t Tht*, by U. X com-' - ut, »k- D*uiver«»y «u|fered W remain m» cl* uno* dl..*ii*,< (be jeerty t »*-- tbetr ots u* Sotrng tw ox it- lied lh* oj |c*utioo mad* a tire, t fight against thet'na- Hnll.iek s maj *nt? swi-1 have lent dqttbled. at loast % A*f cm Ihe IWttoevwt*.- >*at.dar l bearer tu •or of th- first v-niwuou Jl tbe Nett In the Army of Virgin** b- •cLhnJ a repwka »h*« tn*( wa» anaxvtely dimmed b% the J *sir«*u* TANARUS: ! - . .»rs»—i.l »•* i ->-• newal* J— - : S.ti, ■ u tar. . 1 . • he ar-•** ix-uu alnnsH a pnemb th* of a o uitX. W a MftJt fteeood naiy to le* In (leacr. l*e Ift a* courtly a* he Wu ga*lax t in war In fart, he rml m |hW ath tboee fine at triUntes ri uijud*'‘vtd which «i.d«ar bun W> the j- ; • and cauv-a then; to i* light P> .lu him i- iv t *r regard (HD*r»l (keJ>n ae the ngrat mac in tbe iVmorrmUr |*trty of ‘..'.'TV-A sod. of t urwr the kw-lnH to l-sl We 1 I D 4 L»r.*-V. Lh**«s is men Mi the SU:» st, -.11 h*T, the e a- that he ra«i Hwtftov, the tnuiupb oter him was n# which may be jostly b-stated of by rterx E* [»ttdman in Circwjgm. A 6 Ai Wt t.Adtb Birct Ike .teCOTbiBCd «>{. p -**Uc-u «*f nearly th- entire |c«o *f the Hut Hid the press *.a fit hi m*o a fair and te(«n«« fight. Me u.d i-u*v Would u*4 hase I •*:. so hard to oserrotae but au h so but • ' It aew f*t t-j lay aside the wrapong ‘>t lue and tLiu *h tbe •■J u -i \th«iii <( b*’-My-raging and, ' - * - ...t :.»U l t fnghun th.—* • i.u w era Unci dt- b* t- - • nak kn««**l t«. *utr,J : lit*- «c. u/g*- ■•( rq<r jak Ik* ha* l**efe s tr.-u;-ud- u* *k io ••»*rr me, but l»».*w w*ll it ti %«• l« en lnuW]U.*d • »Vrf, U alt eel*. 1 l»y the ir-wlt of lov V(H«* V n .». VtUt* L*>i h* < • utUsl tl*'- c.xnlun* • J J J .itloti of Slat' end lii is.tcipnl .fa*- »i • an*l I*.* Suit’d mtlusu-te of a.! the is,lr ,u* .> *i ißts Tht* »i. MuaJi vj - T-gith-i they I*d the |s»w«*r U> terrify lug i. lh* «Ut« i d«*c . of • i— *a* T*d »tt-» the** | **• is lu*« tsteHcd eub r» *• v»ty ■*! tu* -r , uausu i I h*» i.ase i—i it-* «-pf».rtuu*( > . |o •uiiaira-t* ur iu)|*.b ivrvestrwctHK* nsovemeat . lent, wtth ibe r.sit. they b*re and lT.e rrcmtinicU- si if* triumph osrr them *W * It »o*m4 S- ».« al»r if tbe Has ds*l led take uni.' its* >f eocne crsJil tor the sueesee of tbe l%cp«ibi«< KX. party in U». • «tup*igti W* have hwoo -w ;rkin£/*ubtß '-he f .rtr- oi -H lh* ene- U*>, boneith the vs rj ifl->atha of hie cantHHi. VN, hate, in hft brer, bearding the W<m to Hi« Jen The Tow. f • ountTee -»f the Fxnie we hftve always‘r-gs- ie-1 SS safe hence we found it BKiaSary t*» d.r~et <mr stkuh n tu the sir* ngbol is of idle cuetay If we did ad •mcnvmi >u mptnnng thews, we so rwloce*) their strength that th-f u- nut rtsoe xml With til fine liuyorUes which they rUinat, and « !.ich we were realty appretwinesve they w.mld »«H Ou the on**anry. <terdcm • wmj *nty is n el •r- as Ur-<- u might reasonably have be* i, ex|*erted, * Laie in ut«ny cMinteea it kJU f irlxftl * tlot vr Vo«!d tun U«& rrrj witting l t. *-Je Io bicq before the fdertftva Tht* xa • * that we . v-r - i|*H t-.{ or -xiaU ever have -vje tc I I*. scAosupnah. and the fact that U has Ueu ac« ..mp4M*L- 1 is the h* si t. slioioutel tL.*t wc Im?c n«-t Ifthirisl truitlaswiy W* have U-en in many hotly c«mteet« 1 earn (eugoa, bat we have never yet been in one in wl*K L ec Lad a mere loetdixm* f .v.t- trr than w« ha*i in tilts- W» have Uxu met, him and "gain, w ‘th the m««*t •corrikmi a- UM and Violent thi*w4- Wo have been ma ligned and Wnsr. prr*.-nte*| by the pTraa, and tnar>> of the pe-ph Io fact, every tisilalJe means that could be devised hew been ted to intimidate «• cr dn* v na net of thn ring Lint u uas ad anuhad nothing. We were hoo tmi aud earnest in «*ar • ten*ice to have the .State * r«**'*»r>sut»eusl and it* position orv d*r the wing <-f tl.c Natt«*naJ (h/Vrrniurnl. rhe -pic, w* *ovw. were hankmpfiand M»- i..• 't 1 ite Mj wu* ds -oomkaed and !*cc -ining rn<*r« so. Our in-1 isinai jltnifii* were crip l-hd and unpr-.fttable Morel.»h tal «nd pj t ical min were startag u* iu tl.. Iwe *.* n> way l*» ayntd the otter drantaUon eith which w.- vi ri- throatenc*! but to accept the Upi* •>! pace and r« anion pr-ifaral ns by ih. -d the t uited Mat/a Wp haw# iJr.iMladUiH p r*uU nt!) a* an •• *{s*«liet»cyr f which poMuised os dclivemure. Tbruugb the • aj*ar of it, ;«# have labored in nij hi end 4hy In tehr ths« the pxxvpb might b* fnnitehcd with .bxrutueatery * vukeM* of the right, mm ib« right was bj ifafa who favored tmxmtUrm Uott We did flifal •**-*d lbs sbmtOte **f <kd HeUoch. to show far tc * mm- eptsidy Wt bay* »msl Ua pvupb 1 m - , tod agsit*. We hsv«< h*ar\l (•<.*«* e>mi« of the leading a*«l* of Um Stale, who esstl we j *oo* wmd. «SMk ...*«■■#«* «• *>*• rn a *u rwi »ort W. nM om, mmi mr-m Us* » haw tiimmpmmi. v« r-guJ S *• fc> ——l Ml |««<>* us tk* >ra*M.f UM—r M— ■UcV k*.l*M aut*rdl. mam. W.Sw* f—f Ibt Um mimy im UiflVuU u> «ut. b„* MM h vuo, w* ftnrf arm H *H .*• mtotm. Os 04. a « -*—ISMj mjf .< v i ■'■■■-, u> Rui kw. Uf.»* Sm ,n l. U »W K> Inmm-U t*«* —JJi >M Sour tuu M *-.-*-!> MkU til* nI«MV tj kwn, **• *t~» at t— •mmmimm ta* tram • p'-itJ tb* *-wt H. *■ i—Umm Os Rm \ u»tur»l attMumU. ralUnWI »*.l unbßtb- I M#d tj * liknO U—ln. In p«»«, k. in ' tliWnJld b— n« toll on J Ufc#, nub tinrk hau.nod nn nhoalJ joJc* *>• “ ».»•■* b—- i ? wts * 34- Jfti hAt 1 raw* led in this mat*, be has ktnxhkft reptile tu>a »fft i*».e ia*inte«*ft Hie »u:eree«asre * sil t-Wmiified with the State, and be, as moch as any ,-ia. is u*t* rested iu IteVMlg a goo-1 (VucUtuti.-n and a g-od State Govern men L W'beo he MMiiutb the dutice «-f the office of ii-t- m w- pidw-f h< wiil call around huie i tilled end m* u lu the State to fill the ecvwral p aitvui* re* Hi sp ; j.wgnwrwvwh - ■ *uk ft UMk aft. { the «**.».. - * • |*er>phft. lie ie an d.-r n- nn a perfeeGy free to do -bfti I- I—-4 for the - .tab people This he mil! end ( MMt *h». m order that harmony no»y te* rrwt red as wao* as poisulvte. l a-bf >»• a*fn»T- -*frstu>n the new ( foatitutK o will quick, i Iv nt. tali- -n an I th* p«q*»e will moon lUyTir. t i nap the t-*uvfitv of M« wtxm and l»b --rral § r ivishmiv Iu fa t. we HOW have bigl. bopse l.n thuKift, and believe that ftbe will a. u-be restored brail her political rights.sod I that the old time pnupenty will again reteru l.r’Mwee an*i wtak- ws tec* ft»te- happy and 1 pxeiwti! Th** Ja*u:t*-n the Ku bae nesuu*. and lh the I sdrufaj of recountntethm, has nw»—nitty ! nl—utified it wtth the R-{teN|Aau {any it h*- «wg the only party in tb** State that eoaght bo . . . t#*l ttfiou the Ismt p oilble lxnn«. which were tbuee premTibed by Congreaa We ICfiOfiOtSe iu this jwvity an aciincwldgement of the prtn . cipic# which rmuuteiu the ladeetructiNe am Xj of the Rain Hi It seeks to preserve the uspews <*f tlie Uas a by rvoaviftictifti; it upon s bans that w'i]! atobl future dt—atMbc Uot*. by tbe removal t*L the *d tneai s*lvanugc and wfthi&al interest* The source «f previous rapiarwe and va lent pohucal ; Mfitauu, was the efT-rt* tnat wefe ma*te to luaintaiu m tec ! 1.1 evd***us of the roam try. divtinettve iaeUtutu»u*. distinctive #*veml ism and distinctive industry. I‘hcee are n-»w done swey with tl.r >ugh tue agency of the H<- p*it ti'*an party. a»d aw thU party bat control of the tevveruni'-wt- and will eirn’ie*' tlxat AwUoi fur lour years, at least, it is ruiuOtU* iu|>fiuef that u will carry out its iuteiiluui ft r* . /r_ ll* lr« veri.i,,* ~ u t*. . theory f uoivernul Irv- docii au i the j*crms neat UU.IT of the Ma*s, the N*U- U*i li I- |U meat U the cxuiu; aud |>rtamry p*‘wrr Thi». %»kik >w. lias always bv.en s*lvei«M to the te >wtbr-rb theory *4 .‘wtai* L. h nU, but Mis a | pr >gr«aH*ivw llienr) ss is prnwn hy iu» vstab ! lisiiiuent D|V u lb' till us id aii hxftucr pkii |to.'ai erwad-v- k v«r sauce its incipK ucy. Una tb«*»ry bas l*eeu couiuatUnl by js»iuo if the Im-nt Aoetk-ja stsls-m-u , bat, lu spite »*f ail lof .position, it h*u» grown o|<arati*e. It |*toea m utei ms »%/ fiw the I fiuft. aud. having won up« tbe held, has a r*eaoiw*U* right to letaand r«*Hganuai*oo up *u tL. prtncapiea which Lrvam| bed in the war We ark now led « the present an*! v ry proh> aide pvTaiauriit - the ry. (ip* [.nilmi t*» it is eimplv an sfitul lu stay the pmgtcwi of a UfBR.I - l-y throwing f.att;«*r* ta its nstu --mi U gwm«.*l by vi 4eut bostftfaty tu wbat may in ter way bo sVouIaJ, •mb a lusbr arquveeeence, an* wi •• Ti*S.'*'l IU gfjo.l faith, Wld tsniper tiss denial!.is that an* Uksty to be made, and render the change that will have t«* lie ftn»bry*.n« Uas rigid and I*-*- ra*l*c*l We tkerst k*> throw - irwoJvv- up» ,n the irrw—ilde ennrent of pro grsaa, and will unite with tboes wh*> main ta r that the nun nr f thefUafas is in *fpamble and shuoifl l-e so tu <.r.»er ' * rve an.l maintain da national <*■ 'mak- bat one step to advance of the j nm we have ocewfwnd at an advocate of v. mstmeMoa We tvnve b«en compelled by th exigaacy of tb# stream amore# b) ra-yr*h with the UspabUcau party withoat formally uioaUfyiag oumelvsei with It We anw opwnly sod eanduUy ev->w o«r aiUgisn e t-> the great Kepaldican pro greaeive movement, which ie (mag anew forth to the aim. and anew irapatae hi oar —mu il affairs wh eh Will lie manifest e*l vooti a- tbs a**ia# and nmiua-n attend - tog ♦he change *hml have subsided. With this pe/ty we shall w*»rfc ui fatare. believing that we ars thereby m uutaining the reoee of popular li forty, and the unity of the Nates and their ayfanlrty under thi General Govern inaut. As iu the past, wc shall observe a dee mod eration. his-rally alUiwmg all men s right V their individual • j irn-ft* We ehalMiifow h*r the JwrlqMsftat of the Mate ta ill that will tend to enrich it and give it dignity and eon stderalkm am*iog Other Nates of the l irnm We have mst r*>rd«sl fas bugs teward ftfl the pw*>|»te of end have m> desire other than tu are th— and arniet in el«v« ting the State to its old grandeur which ws# DM aarpa—e.l by any State of the Union Mare, then, we have mapped oWt oar future Course, and o«r -reaaooe for its akipbon We deam onr rwasnae fool and suffix icoL W** hoW the pnacipte to he sound and logical that il is vrorwe than foolish to so—bat what is already a snore— To tbia et*d we shall en deavor to edaewte the minds n# the people trasUag l« the fntore fix approbation es onr c«»nr#a. The people am o«v-» far behiod fimr »aadevs.aa«l the movement with which we now unite wtll aim be the popular one s**nth as it is already the popular one ffortli < iA. A D. Nunally. Hervater (Ikn i eleetc! from the Jfith Hr*uat*tel fiistnet. is at the Jlational Cal T. J. Rpacr, a metnfor of the Coarea* tft*>o, ie also at the National lie is presumed io be elected Ntoatur front the 22.1 H»«atorftal DWt rial uetir ttrtsim w I* Ibrapp, E*fi. retiree from '.he I folly Opinion. John If ffleyd I Go..*" assumed c*>otr*4 Ws wish the turtgpvog and ftaiosusg pent— every InmgMmMa —falsei BY TEUSGKAPH mmocutmv rum rnttarvum. .HOOK K—ATTIIKM Wistfm- >ioh, April M -The Flouae ilid ao I Mr Huianer la the Impsacbmstd Onari, | propuand a aioUoa, wt ich hee ever, the! after i ©MuncUua by a vote, a anyurUy of ] Sue Senate shall decide regarding the qualifi . qat—ue required lev a sums—or. j Mr. William* muued. In the House foils a see tufo- ju—4 aduut- I ting Xutih Carubna and Le/umiaua. on' the j ejApihHi of fihe fouiteenth article, ami pro ; vidtag no earJuaoo class (ryai auflxag# now } eufranchised, and no adanfa—oa of those aaa ; faanefafoeA by the loanawt>th artiste, until tu* I stored vs therhu prortded Hajaufilk/v ■« hau psutyma vd. show thv woihe over —m tbousaud aboht Colored (Mrgvtua, claim tug to reprint two hundred aegr*»ee. atteaded the Second Ward Conservative Nominating Cutivvnt* *n Ne gro urgaaiaatHna arc ajqar-i.tly falling to pfteuea. Havanan. April IK The total city v.»te te a# follow* I’ jt the Convtitoiioa. 2. k>4 , against the t'oastitutiuu, 2, G4<i , liallock. the Kadi<'al ran-hdftte for Governor. , Gor d*x>, Ihxaoeratu' oaadidatc for Governor, 2. Xhe, CUXte Ufa lhvt can J» let a for (fogr>- 2,816 , Fitch, Item.*crati.' oaa*li«Ute for (Vu grass. Audi . Bradley, th- oolura.l He* lie at can dldate for Slate Set—lnr, t,7'»2 . I enter, Ite Hiorratie candidate fur State Sauab*r. 2,(07. Naw Vuaa. April 28 Tbe et—iner Chatfh ccy has arrived bnagiwg |Kid,ihO iu Trsaa ora t j April gfc If .th If u—s oUTSfaha ! meat voted adJres#«w to the iu isgarO { to Alfred's injury D 'lsraau slated that Napier ■ Al ysamian *‘ i |J<Mt wae.miy ajualAl by (\>rtaa iu Meiico ’ The House of Commons rveuutad the Irish : question v_-* J NIGHT DISPATCHES. VH ami? hot os. April 2M. Ibe fuUowmg is 1 the t«0 of Hr. Rumner'e proposition Wnntvu. It x pronto! to th- OuneUln't*— us. the Uom*d btatsa, that on tnat of impea -h- J meet by the Senate, 0" person shall so c. n virted wiihoQi the eauxrurrvu* *• of two-thirds ; * f the meuifore preeuut; but this requirement «>f two-thmfa te not eiteud*- I to the jo-lgo nftents on such trials, which tv tv vi u subject to : the general lav that a nnqcmty prevail thcref »re. in order to remove any doubt there from - Ordered. That any question which may arise with regard to the yndiremeat shall be detenuine*l by a majority of the members present The following are nniong the sentences °f ! manager Williams' *pe«<*h *» I,«*»*k at the Woody carnival of New. «Means, and show merry to i-rynliy and tqpoccnc*. ami not treason ___ After Wiiliama conelotoi, Bet Arr etplama«l ttte r* eoomsrtins with the A&n Urtenf - fair Alluding to Nelson's reference thereto, ' Butter eat I it we- hot only a aappraeai .nos the truth, but a i'iiv-*H‘ou of falvchcKHl Nelson replied that this was not the time I** njeui'iro characters with Ituller, that lotld so ’ h’tie some other hiua Nelson did nut thtuk ; he w«ml«l hy th*' e*H*ipans*>n Ccuuderabl- ncikiurtil ene«e*l want*d b» say something, but Senator Conklin,;, wb« w-»s sitting near him, eanl. I‘Uftfafftl, so quu»t.” Tlm» afl.ui -«ul-tith'd wUh math kappreaw*! wrath. Mr K vnrts omiarnc and. aud his first sc cut | Lo-Ld ths'cintail as*eu»bUg«>. Il« spoke {u» adj. 'Qrnrneiit, and will -.mtimte l.»-ni »r lmltcau job ar# thst Mr liavia will not so trad a! the nett term of the L'ourL It is state-i on public but doubtful author ity that General (lnuit has advised Guu to <!**-line the War lte|>arlUMMiL, an*l re>|a«al Uio Presi.lout te withdraw hie MBA. Full Cauiu. t I'H aj. A -ynopeu of Mr Ev#rt a spertih is utterly iui| | -ssable Alluding to the parti— te the tnai iu the Ifouee a# th« a. tfo Preei tleiit ss the srnise-1. th«> Hsuate as Juror*, and the Chief Justice (irafttjilg. Ml Everts fta.-l, we want im vrdimteera Ixt no otic raiaw-axi sm h as a little sing. r te ynette the contest ante.*' Arguing th-ju b -ial '■lieracter of the |>m r—.hng«. Everts ssul. iu refUy tu nil the mn •gera wh*> prof—s t.i-sj>cak m I—hall <*f ait Che people he would reply Mi one faj/- r—enting but one voice, "Thou -halt a«>t lake the n-\m« ol the Lord thy G«»d in vain." , Naw (foixaaa, April 28 In Special UnU Off, Gen Bm-haxtan a !»oard <»f ,-JIU car* to ctamiue and ramjet the v«h—of Uie late el.** tjnii. and r«‘pirt the r—till to the Commanding tjemral us the Diafant The board will make jmrst- rrj.<,rU of the r t< - ua the Countitati >n and for tntinl# r • of Uon gva— At o«-sts.April 2M The unofficial count of ninety eountiee give Buthwk. Ha heal. 2,26 rt majenty lorty-twu conati— to h—r from, which will probablv I—aon Bullock's majority, and Uavr-a the rsautt of tbe election doubtful. He h wond. April W Oen RchuflelJ t*»-d.»y epp.*iata*l John E Hi*>k— Mayor of Port amtaUh, and a Use of Cotmeihasn for that Ml J. John If ill wards, owe of It— proprietors ,4 the Hpottewmel Hotel, us Tuesday wok lu Umated to some friends that they w .qUI n<H nee him again, and has stone been mi—mg fall this a/tern*- *«*, wheu he vm found in the canal with a bullet hole la hie head. Gov. Weils was serenaded te-night m —so. hrat*on of Uie HepuWican vix*torl— in the Hootk Gea. ftcbofield iss<te*l an order filing quar aatme regulations for veawels eommi; te Vir ginia fruui infected posts. New Osi juas April 2w —Coiteu quiet and ; deelHte*l aiiddßag 32 jc, sales 450 bates re j neipta »12, no experts ttegar no—met | FWrar dull, taper-fin- fit fif*. Corn qniM and Ana at 91 te I 02. Gate 7&e. Hay advaaeed i fai te fcte Pork 420 tiff Baonn firm sh.rnl | ders 171 to 14s; cl— r sid-s 1«j lu INjr. Lard fina tMoree Pi 4 to Ififc; la keg 12| te 'Jfte tl .UIU) H4*r!tng 5! Ito 14 Now Ink | | pr.iumui. A|*fii iS S*l BnimportMii. rua | wt* Unul, Tu to 7«*. Li^l, April 2R 4'oiuti dull aud <W ■iinad , iMrtM*. a(.l—J» -m Im 14 r l to n*d: .«!*• lo.onri halaa, Ortaun IS|4 N ta r„«« April ft-OSM datl aii.l • ato.l, lowrr. Hala* 90* tMlra al SV fVar Jail »B<i .’> Io Kir towrr WlrM aattra tot I u> ir Invar fora anrhaagod. PlDTiai.toa > 8to; Da. po*fc IS. OrosarMa RaiaA apot T 4 to Tie Fr.ifhu Jnll I’.aK-a. mil, * Sir Oaid IMJ IWtl roapo*M in. Marliaa ! datl al IKA kuna.«4 April Ut Cvtloa dull al tRr. ! float Arm and artire; pruoa uokaapJ Stoat Rim Uas dalt. tfMto RI 10, pattotr AI M) Uau doll ami um-toatp-L it), Rna at IS II Pn,.Minna ruicbam(*d. Ciamaan. April M. . Rkoar Arm Cmn adraaaiap tor Pnmmam. Maml) Mam pork RM m tom MtonMar. lit to l»|r; —*** atdaa I7|*. Eard Hkto Moatr*. A|v>l to Oattm atomd doll ami aoaUaal Rato US toto Mto itomamto 4Op toto #****»*». A, ri; * -Wetta* Mkl IHI •'* ISW IWUlgul * taMpi WT w* b kmuni. April A -Nekik* M» : „ «*«. | *"•. “•i'Vßteg. u initially. Mr. to Up Caaai—M Lf*u A -Oitk* la M mid •Aim Ail*. Tl b*lo* M 111 to Mr R.ota|.<* MM* NEW A DVBHTISEMEWTS Excursion to Fairburn. X f DCXKKJI 4 Um fmkMiai ft, iini, . tft } foe Um Kfutiio Fairborn tm ' Ratarday. Way M O—trnl Fr—hji iitn M Ik, fr >«■ J C. Vrhfttner ARhomr slmi t iTtwhyurtau a.'it feme L. B Davta, : Jsr •A'**!, iiuw r r fWt. isumi I M *«—>•: Us La*., It VMM k. L J—. <**urgia t X«uoui g—g, wykt Cow* bch—L fr—i HR* Barf U r M %• T ..VW4 ; *--»■* **■* »tffc each Aw |kc P> n*- C*»# «rtU KUtp mi ’ l*«rt M Dsfto ta Is4* ..a <bU»i«Sk» 1 *>M4 tu thai part tMI b>W» Bo «M MtlMllMl VSkMI • t W U AT AUCTION. A»I*« I UUU FIELD tII.AMN —perl~r puwsr. A«.l 000 l .41. NAVY fckVor.VIE. MU, be k 4| I Tt* M»raln«;, at Eik • tarttuu R. .*;• M BILL, H* 7 * It An^ikwMr. iu lin nkrupir y. l« tM I'ntii i i\H tr .r rat I n.ri *:*»»» r> a is* Vofcuito* Ptaun i of Ur *~u. In is# suixr e i It A SMITH 401. (I O NoWRIJ A IV» ) fKfffil A i # H«nkmi>4« | t T t-OM Um> appß—U*mi of DicAorw.u U WmAm. .A* i/ NfOM l NU.I Ktu4i«|ia.iiiiMb«an«tl«rWiU( • •» - n.i ***•<"*« “« UM c-Uu+m «f aael Haak rap 4 be held *1 II uf><r. Walk— ouunty. M the i OmM dmA. ixi Uio ’ll <!•} ul Mtv, I ton. r»r U*« |mr ■ t-on nnniMil in the 37tR • lion id ih# Hnnlr«|>i Art >4 . MmM. I |to» I* If WAI.EBH MO» ■?* S—iit r In liuukruptc), IV H. HtltMlfU « <»mmr i At last*. Ga April S. tu— ) ipills IN TU 4MY4 NOTICE-. Itm n Ins uh daj - -1- to .A l». lasn. • Wert ant im Bankrupt* y •a* Uniel agnftbto Um NUir .-4 MOBANT C ROVFAH. to • la the limutr <4 Wry* nu t *»t*te to imawgm. has tar« adjudged a bankrupt uo bia eera leUU'S) Ihrt lha paj-rurnt of AO/ Debt* and in, lie U*ary *»f toy hu|«rtj U W giog b. unb Bankrupt t.. him nr lor Uta Bar. an i Ur l Transfer 4 any property I7 htra ar* f rbiddqu by Law . that a M<M4m< > 'the 1 Vedt btra 4 the aasl Hankm;A to pun Utnr lel u and t > (Wb* on* or iwuri Aaatrfßeua ul !>;»:. %iil l« bei<l at a Ctmrl of tiai.krupu j U be L..:d u at the Heg talar • Ufte ta lb# I'altoJ nun*, li .tot. Attain., «MwrgiA. totora lawaoti Hie. k. ka-, . fLgtat< r, •nt Uta IMh da/ of May A. V Iton. at !0 o U. k » m CH4U.B* If ELTtA. Apr Mil lVp‘|r Mwahak aa UrßS^ttfir In iUnltrii|iin. rkited irtra mimniiu s om. E i tiUiU.llt.tiffU A. IMA t 'lUlla IS TO UIVE NurUl TW .« Um At it day 1 pf 4'»t-nnn. A I». Vto. * Wmaiii •»» bankrupt, y waa krto hum! the Eaton of ' 1 WU.I.IAM U. DOEIEB. >4 . t‘-'«»aty of ttordoa. state ,4 (k*4gi», who Itaa bean nrfjudewrf a baAkrwpi ,•« toa own 1 alt ; Uoa; that tha r»j a>*ul of any L)«Ua aod ttia Ltvlivary ; of any I‘npart* l*> mb Laokrupt to him or ; f-u Ins dv, as.4 tLc Transfer us an; It|ml/ Im htu>. ar. furbhftdaM b* Law , that a MewtUk* ..f ilia (Tadltrra of tkw.aatd I'-aoknti t t» pr..%a »t« ir I*etla an t t<> Cbtpito omb or toora Atoanefs us felc Ksitu. WIU ha t««kl at a 1 obj* of haakruptry. to lw h.,ld< b at tha lU«Utfar • txtew. to the ( stud but. a Hob 1. Alia* U • bafffu. haftw* Uwcin lUark Heiiltorr. ->u U.. Uth itoy 4 May, JL D. IM*. at U -'da* a w ('IIAKI.F.S II ELYEA. apr« It t*pt I' E IfirTtrl. —IT Till r I t’KITCD t»TAUSN MtILSII U b on H E. I An-arr. Ua. Apri' to i<ra j 1 rpHls U* TU UIVE KfTTK’E IT.S» no Ui« lto|, day |of Man.). A t> Itoa. a W arrant iu lianknii*. > • u laaue.l ac*tn.l Lhr rauf "f MILLS W. IOIIKNUK. af Huwia. In the IVtanty of fT<.y«l and Mate <f f treorxva. who haa U-o*. a4ysdg-d a iLankmpt -.** hte ow«< Mltoa. and that lh>< I‘ayruent of any i-. hu and Is i hr*fy of any Pr-'prrty halußstns to au. h Iwuilrupt to j him. or tor b:« •*#. sad th«- Tran.tor of any iTi I arty i hy han an- by law. that a Mn tins .-f Uo t Terliv-ea of the Mkl Hankrtipi t . |>r-*we thetr Is-ht 1 and to dtoOto BBM « B"N AMipwe.-e ,rs hi. Ya will t-e beta at a ttourk >ti Iteufcni yU j tola hoht. n at the Hetfiater • udhw. t uih-l Mstea II 4rl,* (to. bo fur. I.WM Mai k**Mlpf. oil the lMii I*> at M.y,- a. I* ttok, •« IB nvha k . W t'IIAKIJCM II aLVEA. •prto II Imp II * Marwhal. a. Mrae*u«er In HnnkriipEcT. I HITI l* HTII Lb MAItbHAt. H ttkrii E.l truru. tka , Aj-ni ga. tags ) rran 1* TOO nr B lOTKm-nii OB tha Nth day of I Fabroary,. A. t).. I*bN. a Warrant la>i|d.*y •u iwual a.,*:n.t the eauu of KATB4KIU BAEMOK, of . In tha BOturty of htoyd aw.l nuu us lUaryta. whi hoa boon adjudrrorf a Ibuikrwpt si hu own HetiUoi. that the l*ayawMii f any Is-toa and Um l-uw ery of any i-etoutflsw tu aur.h Uackropt a. biiu nt (or hi. uaa. an l Um Trauafar us any Tr>*|«erty hr kiw are fc-rtn t-teii by 1m« . U*at a M*euw« of Lpa €r*J't- r. es tha aaut Itai.krwpl to prore thtor M-u Bawl U fVvw • e.e or to re kaoimMMW of hM Batoto will he bakl at a t.mrt «4 ttoukrwtib y, to ha h-Mtew to the Ergtaler'■ Ufltoa, In Um t a Had Mate* B-det Alton la UanrgtA. before Ibock. Eagltoer. ua ito l»th day and May. A I* IBM. to 10 B'rhiofc a w ( iUKI.IS If kLYEA. a(-r*b* U N-v f IV N Marehat. aa Mreamg. r In the Plairtrl « •■il.f lb. I nl«rrf RUli* for g»r Northern lll.lrlrl af (leergla. In the matter of I »M B mUHI.kY.j In Hanhrwy>4.-r. M» M. Hank* upt 1 rpUK aa*4 Bonk •dipt Uanng |eUU->n* and the t'tort tor l » itnbirf* from ah hi* «Mda and. r the hooknipt Act us Marrh-V IKT. Oottcw Is Lt *. y gtt« n to all pereno. mter»to«-d to appear on tha Sth day of M*. lade at IboVVwk th lit#focewo.yo. at (TiamKer. us tfcr Mid Iwhr t (•—ito. tMfur- I**m Mat.H one of the Itogien r. of the aaid *V«*rl In n*nkru|.. y at tha haer . ofto-r la lb- ui Jfwni»Mr M. ta th* t’hV tod State. Rotrf. Atlanta. Gb,, and ahoW <«um why the l-rayer of the toad poitu -o us the Hankrupt ah.,nM B“t he granted. w.toeaa Uo R.4MW«Uto J -hti Pr«klB«. In to* »*.' of aaid hutri t (VlWl and th. Bml tltere f I « -Uy r 'fl»rw • W a HWTTH .ve READ! IT, KANES baa s>v to » owe of tha terr- •* • atorka of lUe«to. Hh mm, aru» *hua Hi and lag. IB the Stole of (toorglh. REFLECT That ha hAA apeail the Urger pwia-rJ of hta Ufa In thia bnlarn. and I4m> whole of two year a tome* the war ta totylMg U-eada tor aerorai tonton Huua* ttiat be i-oya on mr «aou. and aella only t»r Cash and with a trade tnrmaarag bey> ml ail prw -<teok I-th at Wh-bmU aO.l Re*ail ho -wn aR.-rd lha amalli to prußta. ACT By he-btng to ihta mm e* M»«. yon bwy New itunrfa rot «ltad ifrrf fn| IB R* y»w H». prtoearan'th# hank to* Ms WOK Ft*!**<• trade. iUuMmUr th« Plaue aoJ Si^u. 1. T. MAN Kb, lAoen't lUubtlA* n«e Whltobhll 4 Hooter eto aprTT -toe la the INetrkt » wart a# tba I ailed Haler hr Ihe bawl her a IHdrlrl a# UeMfto. U * fc #ino*~^HMßI f j %Aatwrri 80. M. rflin el *e>ne« *w«w imu I ■*• Omt l. 1 . >e«i *e —J W. h*w (—.»**> ——' U ihiihi,i in. m.r* j. ur. e*. u l—vj givA - 1, Win 11l «*!•.. *l* w.,. i».*. - w k-.|itiitiln«...iire>U e e*a Hei-I. (let Wn r.. a»e»Hli»». X— 4 , w.lWli.lwUie Ml ta Mne>! - M.eto mmm 0,0 lent—* . to u. Mr e t0..1. n ■■**,. -1 eee »ht u— *r.r« e ik« wm ißn e m .»ni*e •Awl* *.* iiiia i,_**y *» ,me*r e"g i~ ~ | e eoei e ■re **• Antmaeh Melt re. kikoewM e m cm. awe iw m m«mu.owe j IMW. T^JiSSm^trrcii'SS WJL OMr, of laM OtoTßp. Bad TVnias Ufeo <d vwtoigw r. OWN da aI pa wuhta nM PWhtto, aaah H whma brn hoa* I4MH haahruwh a* ha Crwa po- Mhoa h* tha Bbdrlil Cart of aais N*ui, t ItodN lowbßb. ikrßA iu of Apeu. A I*. Ibis. XAMBB MrEIKIiBT • to* B-*H - —j STAT* OF ÜBl -NJIA - Ootofttoll Oonnty Wtoaooa iwowp* S.whr ben net of of Boob lie ton hay bn mad. repronenra to Um t .mrt to hto pnuumi. -Inly «tod Bad eaterwd on Be.nrd. that by hoy folly adtotme totad Bun* Mrwwebey . etoato IVue to. to die ON poowoM eoyemnd. km 1 deed and iWitllak, in ohow raw*, if any they .da, why aont Elerwuw ahtobi t»rd bo dlarbyrgyb from hto eto i-wutoMp. and rroai>e tothew .and dtomtaylon, on the bsto M ados at Orlohoy. lad*. E. C BKAVBjut. ! »* bid Oedinory HBOFOMALM. ’ UhAMfVAbtAh* TRto M'Lir*at Dteißi i t tDn*ftaua| of vh> jtbip, Ftonda k Atohomo - Chief Uuo kThu'-i . «HNr- Aihato, n*. April JL ltod J 1 <kAUH Fryf ioooli of hw rooeired to Muy oAm u*.- | H ui lx a, kd«h at May. Ifbb oiwhx-h Uom u*.y wiU j Ftotonoi CeunAery, at 10,000 Htnliob, I T«* he us good oaeigto bend plan. IM fr»m oap. h-ur | (4| f.04 k«g, too m htodum thh k. and ftta |t| It*, lew Whi. plau.-t on anil p.uuted to awe end. and U» t-Aeo two •s-nte to white point They will a!»> has* |o | •*» ** ttere.i amt anlerol la bio. I, in n-.M-nlajim wuh I tola nhkh will be fur mAh.* I by the fdß.er la ■ K t- wy. ! The u*u*i re^utreu.euU lor b*l. Ar . will be r u,t hull Itthwioatloa will he luruiatw-l oa apulhcAtl-u* . 04 thia ufßa* Itolivnr/ to •unmiffo two.week, after pnhoi ta awarded- and tkeehm Onto, .toitwemd wHhn* ftwcdve i * * -A* from date to ><uwUß*4 n l rutewal. .u.stWl he.oduewerf PropoaaUNrNUki •. aod addinnmd m naITUN. HU Ittog Uyn. 4 g M, IV S A , vTwtog M , U Mil huL - *p» K onKh TOBACCOB. \i ' K have u. a appmulnd to.k.NTS hy tha Mannfm 1* Uirorator th« ante of thatr pn-lmd* la AtlanU. *wd are pr- parwl tv bli uvdora hr aay *T twkib HMOk’IVO AMR 4 HKHIS44 TODAIttk Wr a iiuw .dT.rtuh, with other, tha jNtoly srlrt.ra hd hr—*. to OOMMONWBAI/TII b.r (Tewing; and mum AND FLO WE EH 1 1 Sm-A .uu MERKIBti 4 LEYUEN. apr Ml* < M< r. haul* Vfhite4iU alrnek. DR. C H. MONTGOMERY. “•*» I or. Marietta and »*•«*.|»tie« ItraoU. Kim BfTILDIWG, BtoMb4 riobf tor to-lto. llriiilis, in €*tait Im. r IVIII. aaderm.-r.'--.! a »ntd aaiMHtiMe that wa have btted ft dp one to the h*a.tnu—«nt 114 ft BOIMb tu the .-tty at the J.nriLH of Kat htm an«l Itmnil at* seta. Where wa will dtopoea to tha del won— to 1-1 OfMitw jv«r I")rln k, ASI* LAOKI PUR AT *5 por QI hih. Cali ai -t coo»tor* ynuml'n . f tha truth of what wa a«y 141 ar* inr* h> plana* >.<u aprti XI imX 4 Hlt'EH. "The Staple and Needful." i * M..KEKN V4TKI4. V.y H-mctWa Bitten IwaAa’a rUuuu ii UMt*» lUu* Jaaao. CBtoftount,. ~ IkhaUiaN**. Turn tiround tltng- r. No- tub Lee. »,**. Mulph M.wp suipfc Elm-, l biff Bohn, fail re. ctt. .1 from hew lift direct, per ateamer lamee VUXIM A • RAM tft UuUwnto and ketaU I *rumr»e*« and t'h*n.<at«. a, r 24 dx wit In-m Kwtmuai H-S. i u l( VHI m n\K AMI I’MKFI ft.*'' KNET* tXKUAIHE, Barry • TrNnp.,.r.»o^ Lyon a Eatluatr *u. In4*.t a bi- im to \owtk, l-ul.ti* . I.strth** Toth t li»*ihr run. Isa t gnu Itruwn Windaor Bußft- p* kage. Ivw a gen. hrowit WtntW.r Moß|* IP. » *r«, llftilnt Bar Nr hap -l!». bar*. L-o .gen ||<M** y Sunp, Harm « Hhastng »Twain J.iet'--eit-'d fr-m K*w Y<>rh. direct, |#r »t. aiu. r Jamn Adgor hy WII.IJMIN 4 OM4RK. Wboiamleand Hr tail tnwggiate and IbeaileU, Cod*? National f!--lel api M -OJtwII “ l*tmr lt« Culmlbc.** |/\riU<T V A Nil J.A, I J KtUw t l‘it*. 4)-pie , Eitm t l.nt—ti, K* Jr*, i Au* .. fitrat urang-'. KxtrwrA I'cßcfc. 1 lira, t Hae(>te-rr . Kitrm t Huawte-rir. J • i-..' -»l fr»»ui M. « T-wk direct, per atnaioer ~J.*wew A.tgar." by tft'il.l/B »N 4 • HANK. » W li—ie and hu tail I'rggub and ( Uamlata. aprto d.k wit rmlrr NaUmtal Hotel IS OTfrf!. ~ ' tort* * l»*t>»T A hwwiM gt taTSAMg.rra ) i- .r*»U. at . Atlnota. Ua . April JO. IBM. | I tft II » aallbl pNtdttf an. tUm. u<t Tl EJII»4T. Aprtl ii. I- at IS u chart a w at th Gnii-nnamt •4>at*hw, c.wm rto line —J h>ff atroeu, AU—ta • 2,123 Poundß of Sole Leather. Thia lew Ilu r ruay Kr **— op«B ap|ii-au-Mi to tt>« Su penuWodeot to thr- niattteo, f. r 100 day a prow b> *»!.• form CAbM. Ity order if U»L ling, tl—. Hnlua Halt—, t hies H. i FIBXBWnKTI! 1«C Lbn»C BACk lalhctry. *l*rjl At la rhbrg* -4 ItofuiC Auction. orrw a I*r»—r Abb lun— VomuMmit. I 4tu*t*. «a . Aprtl iA. ISM ) IWIIXboU Bi aiumoourti f-du. *Uy April wait. TRbB, at the Am-riuh tee-oof WOUabi M Mill. —eu lug at Iti -> •h* k ». H , the b44»w ug artwlea af con deauied t'kdhi y.omy—lU«r *—Equipage, rts *1 Map r*«t*ra 4 > ada* 14 l r—a t ap* * l* |E aawnach*. . TJ (hy Nuinbgra. M Mft»wnd*. Yar-ta Lana. >ll C—ta—a. A LulEwm « eau. J Aina, IT Os.4c.wU. flbOMy Eetlico. t v«f Hkhkeu. mWmmmbmK to Bed Barba. at Ntrftnkht, A Wall T—ta. 4 O>4aBMA Ton ta A tfoapftal Trgrfe, J Boa— tai T—t Fib a TBrirva that. By ur ler to Maps- tleaieral Mamie. M J FABBNVuRrH. lat Lb—t A4th I at—try. 4. A U M to tiharg* to Uepto WM M MILL, An.ift. neer apt to—44 A.UOTXOM. (»rri- a Lur- r ab*. IN— i an».i QmmiiAftTik,t Art. 4 wta. Uh. April M. IBM I IW ILL atol at pubUr auctVw. comm—rtoag at to ft. U Thura.Ly April MUt. HMb. at the AtfttoftOß IheNua to W M nut, the f-Jl.*wlßg arthdaa to Quarter tuaelev • Bt»rea tu, 1.808 r-jorula (uni, 3.001 Pound* May. t >Vhl Hate, »|0 Part Pttocl A M* MbU Maru—e. 1.3 T? 'lrani Harks, 1A TUea. 1» lluraa Lower a ,— a lautitj to iUmkatuiU i and < arpegter • Tonle f«y onter to Major fft*neral M«nde 1 H J fAKNbWoRTH. lat Li—t MUi Inf—try A. A Q M . IB rhaoga to Depat W M. HILL. Akrtlontcr. aprto At notTvf.. Th* at*ne aaUe will taka place to the Uoeei nmeul tfttahh* i.>rncr . f lTb*r and Li— strotoo. Into—l to A* tM« Room, ae erab-U Nko* II 1 FA BBS WORTH, r H A.. Hope* g— rVrmaeftee OHU a fa*pto gM . Atlanta, April FT, IhBB aprto-jt In tit* IllNrht t wnrt af th* lnM«d Bin lea, Fnr the t—thtro IM*4vlel wf lUargla. Ia tha Bator to ) MIIIAUNI, OMiTH 4 00., sMIKIJto 4 BMI IM. In Bissatm-v WM Bk EMfTH. ands »■ *»4»«at rr. *. MATHEW HUELIm •an krw|4* ) fflu whnftM U Bab/ .-erra Th# HfeUralgumt heawhy 1 glV«y —dire to hlk appointueni aa tatog—a to it - eetaira to «il*kla MmiUi 4 (V, MkUhla 4 H—Uh. Wm H Burttli and Mathew WtHME of Wawr—b>B. Warv— Counts, denrgtn, eTtkl*- lha ***** named IHafikeC who lure be— MM..; BankrwpU tkatr wwa twAKh*—. hy the iStorito (%mrt to atotf iHtorica l—ed at Ware April MB, IBM E. I B7TTU ordered U*e above h* poldftahod In flfen BSW la* »-Mw a weeh lur three week* A. C» FUfTIE. m%rn 3A wJw Register In Hitalmiplcy. In lift* DUUU4 O—etto Wm I toted Mtona 4*r Uhw #— UMtrUI of Unoggta , In the BftMd of ) TMoMAB a. OAT. > U Buikrkpby a-i-e J flaw m tm mm »M MM #• IM M ulml k 1 ikMlmlMN * m —*»—•< K Y>M.-Ik. ia a m gjo# m Ba*>, »Ik»HU M m» ■ “—» K. . K KAPITAL KONIBKit! WILLSON A CRANE, ffWMI TU do* A DlVlAi VSftbilwhwil hbH U. ftft. Chmalbi, Holr l Uutl<ftug, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA, WkatMlf ul X.lkll lk.Bl.ra ta min >M Drauu, Uraa*. Nnlklan **u». 1-aUu. Hriuk.., a,t-lli*i. M I Maw Olka. A- Mr. MM -WM. k tarn IM I* «a» ToUM kMfctaa. nkruktac KatneM. kr ! 11.1.M1M k itaik MtamilltaMlta paktar. n pMi. aialn, »!»■ mi... -mMw »u~ Umi tatataa. ka* art. Ua mm. »mmm. ta -MM. » ILmm> IM am a«» i.m-mL, i Mr.,l MMta) Wtak .iaU.ltMMaiaftlM B*IW,, -r-u-l. >tl, 11. 4UM.U w. k, llkau.. IrIMM » tatt... Ural mot Ik. Uk I, UM.r.l., mmmm.. .1 "C » * ■ nine tta. 1 n. kill W r ItaMital. I>, II inn., in fl II .. ] Or. Ur H. fa ailtar. m>l Hoa II PM.rv. kttwuta, <l4 *kna« taaiMl ttaamanllV iM>l. hml rMtabta IWiamlM. Mr W Iw tam. ml Ural. - I rtant UU, m. l-»«aiU nl Itanj Lurkta. aol Mr u l th* Ini tau, i|Mdl. J Urantal aKkr-u -I ] IIIM Wtanaa la -U«M tarbal Imm l« J.. IVM MUM rv, mi fir. hta uruiil lllrutM h. <k WMcrUAinh D-iMaal iuvuiim tb» rturktaM iil.i-u Ikal U.rlr I-rr>r>rrTi'.» Mil la I I rl .lllr M wl I. lIM mm*" »«h IV4r rita,M. dan iuioMtar ftrlr r | arkrha H hhMMlia. Lh-U. . him impmuWy la. flat tefnat ck£L J * VIUjHOH. . u h’. ctakhr. mfc C.irmia. 11 ,MI» Ml« Itarlluni HWr, k <V . hwr Mf-tu., |. tUrrMl k i Real Estate Sale. llfltt >*• B*dd heUre th* O—H sUmm dnor. ta Ike f? egy to AUnefte. baiarday, tb* Ith day ..f May. Itobto 110 chmb*. 1 ****• “•»»*«• a, afloat. , lying and Imiiig ( In tha 13th dltortto of Walker cuuuty <>*ur«ta. and con , taloing ***** hundred and altty arrre. mxa *w Uoa. ar nwdiug b> the .ngiual survey Hold lh« pr-.,«Hy «.ril U iflenn. H— hrup* THhw perfect. —ls poet lie#. b-rmacnaA. KOAU R KOVELAR. apri wOw Awifßff'ft Sth. I f ! bbd by virtn* -rt a dorr— 1a Bankruptcy lu ( tl.* if Maetiß <k*Ud.— aod Wm T 1 aside* I Mikftrupu. I wtN anil ai publtc ton u*n. before Ih * i.rt (I..M* dvoy In th# Win to LextaglvM. tm the i county Ol Oolethuqpß and Mate to Oeurata, >m the bm I u—lay in iuu* im it, during Uio legal h-'.ura of aale Om- hundred and eight. > u acr«e of MuX more or Una. tmug u*« w**4 porthu to tr*. t .* wbu I. aald Mae uo ('Udder# now Uv— Atei. *4 th* —tua time and |d*ce. eightydhrm acre*, ittnre ur Wee. botog U*# weet piultub to tract of laud on whU 1* Win T Fartiuir i*,jw U*ce. in *a!d <-*-ÜBty B H BANNA. IT. I Ays iT-TPFW Aai:..-.. e. Aahigßfr'b Nvlirs*. lu the Dtgtrkd ('oust to the Ltoted NU>>« fur the Mouthm* istrw.l to Georgia In tl*# matter to ‘ ) u-nTbi liAI.E BROWN. J In Bankniptcy. NbatfWpf ) 'lVlir uurfereftgued hereby gives notteg us hto ftp 1 i- iuUncut Aeetgbce to U»ltai halk Brown, of s*- «aonah in Um oownty to t balhaae and State to •**<>rgla. withto aatd Iwho ha* ho— adjudged a bank mpt op *m hto own potJUon hj- th. Idairtto Court to •aid iHetfVT. U 4. iUUJtRn. aprll wbw Asalgu* # fn the BUlrlrt (—Hos lb* l alt«d bint— Bar lh« konthtm Dtatrlrl of Ututgla. In Ih# matter of I | 11IUH. W gLARTFRMAK. In Dai.kngdry Bankrupt ) I)lß*lA* 1 Iw Uta order us Frank A it—aolu—. KegtoU-r in Htoikritpl. .. a aex-oud g< uora! maeUag to cmdltorwof Um —id Bankni|d w.U U* lu-ld at ih» law toll. « to Pmkk B. UeeeelLne. :n Um city (J fU«hb rial., at 10 o’clock a. ft* ,uu Um litth *t%» of ’April A l>. I** r. V RIIBrNHOI. Aprs w/w ' Aaalgora. AbaiFuty’\ Ao(ln. la tbs l*wrtK‘T''-»ito iiNr !>n*ti r- s tub tormw Lramiuf -r <lt--aui# In the luntter of ) HENRY 4. Cl| *PM AN, j lu ll—kruiX-y Bankrupt ) r pilE nndfT-s'.gurd hereby O >Uc* of hta I alAtoton a* Aaetgncc .*f Henry A. nt»]Mbau, o| . to urn bus. In the ruaty.of Mua<.g*a. MtnL of Ooirf. ffia, wlthiu aanl I«»lrk1, wh-> ha* I#, n adjodimd a Hat*krun* «t*u* hmowu p*UMuU hj Uw inatrltl Overt to aat.l lbetrut i*hb -.1 CvidßaLuS. Ua , Man U SI . lbCb. JOHN JOHKHOIf. ipET -Wjvr _ AbAgiise. In the Dletrlrt Court nf the Isllto btntea far Ihe VsrthirN Iltatrtel of Rmm’|la. * In the malter nf i J AMEN BtmCU. { In Bankruptcy Bankrupt ) 1 tpHE nf l-ralgti*-.! bnrehy gives noth* of bia Appoint -1 lunnt aa Aae4gu«w of JAMM BlTlk'll. |to Ut* rkrftnty of Walker and mat* to UcnrvU, edhlu oanl luatrict. who ha# bo— akljudgml a Bank, rupt U|-.i. hie uwu putltbu* bi tb- IH-Vito ( mrl >4 mid Ism net. Lora O CRAWFORD. aprlA -w3w Angiwt. Amljtwt'v Xotliv. l|) Um Dmtrtrt Court of tha I'nllcd Hlalro Air the bmithem iMtaVV l Ooorgia « In U*< mailer to ) MRKJ R. MYHU k. la Baakruplry. bank—pi ; ) tu erttMM rr ■*? noacww* f |VI!K undaraign*.! hereby grr#* ootn-o to hi# ft m—t aa A—ftgnaa of lteu;a«eiu H My rich of tha ' ueatv to Bald win and Ptnte of U*>Wfia. within •all biotrtci, who ha# bo— adywdged a Bankrupt upon hlB own 1*4*14 by Um IHofflrl inert to aald ntMtrtrt OUVFJt p BONNER. Aprllwlw Aaoftgneo AmOfWPP’B Hole. 11" ILL bo atild, tb* Aral Tu—day in May mat. TV Imfovo tb* Hoe#r doer to Forsyth -inly . | Ua., between Ih* legal 1.-.sra of able. Um Adi—g | pnrpeety. t» wit l«4aof lank} nnn*L*m 131A IMA, 13AI. aod IA acre* to lot number I ltd. ta Um Sd dmirtto ami tot aerth.n to Imytk ownnty. fftenrgtn. I— aankne IX4I and IMA under lon—, aleo. kda numbers 14. 17. Id U. 4A. IT.K ssandbß, to the »and dlotnrt —d Bret aoetiuw to said court ty Alon. owe niMttrtded half to hH anmbnr «Xu. la th* 3d diairb t and lot «hn. of aald o—aty dUtrut an.l lat a*> Uuu of Bold *—at>. regarded a# very valnatdo fur mining purp— Alan, one undi *sb-l third to » a*-r— of land, and tod taayanl, in Cum Bfttng, in-iwß dowdy's lanyard Ala*., 1 wily gal on lettm. 1 dork. I nth, 1 higs I- a—rw wag—. <•»** mdmdod half of Wravtolug ihreoher, 1 <i.add*-barrel*.] •but iron. 3 amp# to th* lataed Hut— 1 Huuxer ■ map to Ueorgftn. and an bwahota. n*«r* or hw* AU ooht aa Um proj—ty to Talbot trtrh ktami. Hankrup . of Eiw •yth omwt v hr Um b—ebt to hi* creditors. ISAAC H. CL4.MI NT. apri* -3Bd a Anrtftm# 193 KwHkrßplrL I'* »ui I'istfti i c«nmr om tb* Übitko Nr * ra# roa ru Mtotrubha Dwrtivr «>r Uauwu, In tb* rtSHw Rf ) LORH CAHN. ta Bank—ptry. Bankrupt I TINIIIrt Is V>gtv«no4ft.«o*ftcoa week for three weeks. 1 that I havn hen appointed Aaelgua* to the aaute to Lenta Caha. of ih# • Ity to Atl—U. In the —ant) of . EaUun m aahl Ibeirvt. who ha* be— adJndcal a Bankniut up— hia own peUtkm by tb* Irtelrtto Court to aalfi LSnftr u ! ALOI'ETVb M mEINHARDT, •priwSw 4oal|frt*e In th# Btatr Wt taart sf Ikv t allrd state#, War Alan Horthirß IMotv let o€ U#orgln. In the mailer of 1 kiII|E| FTATT. J la B—kroph-y THE andertogticl b< re|.y fire# i»rtl.« of his Bp ptoutm—t Assignee nf RIAL R. RVATT. to the county to Walker and Mate to < .oorgta, srtthla ■aid Uabrb t. who he# hooo adjwdged a B—kmr< nymn his own pcUUoo hy the Dtstrlrt Court to sai-t DWtrtrL ADIBbOK It HoWTJ.. aprU wlw Assign* a. Attftinff't Hale. IN parauß—w of ab order of Coart, *» will aaU to the high—l bidder, (or o—h. At Mona MouoUtn On.. Bautrday. Um MR day of May bait - Town krta a umbers A < and U, ia Um Wwa of Mono Mountain. frw (frm an —as bran-re* *s tba property to Ue—ga 1 B—dkoy, Daok—M. JOHN THOMAJ. JOB* tt. STEWART. Natftnwto Rainthlbi— «vy weokly t AhblfnkfeNl Ndtirr, In the inetrtri Court of th# Cnjled HUP* fw lla Northern IHrtrtct to Georgia, la Um mtotrr of JAMEM M ACNTIN. KUtNi'll B. WorrilAK. jo«hd7 >“KKk lln iMnbrupMy. j JAM» w. WARE, ami FORTES R. CHATMAN. Bbnkropt* r |VRR nmlandgund her*hy givao ntot—to hi* appoint -1 moot A—suer of Faster 1 Chap— and J—. w War*, of Onluashua, Jam— b. AMR to Fayatte *tll*. FirtlfU B. Wort Bail, to MwlvdAir county. J—MU T Groan, of Troup mtnlf, sad Joagtia J Ha—. of dnw—uw#w‘. On. wtOrtn aald DlatrtcC, who has* W— adiudgod Bankrwnts up— Umtr own pah. Unoa. by Rm lMairtto Court of said lbobrtto lu—ai Newnon, tha 304 day to April. 4. p IM§. ISAAC N. OHANNnN, M»» 3A wJw 4SBlgß*e» A#**l*l*trater'i Hal*. |>» rtt» «< *» '«*m from Um Onrl M Or#Mr. ft M kM.r mmmtj, min U, hU, mi Ikk *M Tm £, In tU,. Uta. M Ik. (tawrt Iw. k« k 2 to SS*"*" ““ ematrne *l. *B M«* «>l. la lk« MU dmriM M M Mrtkto ..( Walkm M, Ml M Uto mm* <4*. a Umato iMUk, tata# Os Ok* heirs SDd read it* ue Tort— «wR IAEB M IWOEltft. Un r TANARUS, ™* ■ H .1 I Im liuuliru|>f« y. ! la Trk Dirrmtcs Cucw or TUX Cbxtzu IVi#rs# > •« THA Noaiaxns Diwnti< r wr O*oa»it In Um mallar of i WILLIAM C. IJtVKJOf. J . . ANblktsik K LOYKJoY, r *» iMhkruplry Bankrupt* all whom it may r*—ni Tb# srihrt ybfi 1 Ikoreby f Ivas lwU«- to fall inuliiUbOit aa 4 WiUtam C. I»vejuy #Jml Atoirsrwti R Low;--) .-I Moriwtolor <<mut> and HUU to U«..f,-<a. both to • Iwui have luvii aln.lf.l Hawk rupt# m ll.wr own |» UUon, by Um l»ta&1>l Court to the I bit* *1 *<#••-* fur **V L'uatcuL Ukal ai Nawwaw. Um tub <U» to' April. A P ! JAMnt J. M. hINI kk apvA- wlw —tgnee > tit !(♦*. Iu the Dlatrtrt Court of Um Cured HUI.-a fto Um N -rtl. eru l>l*tr*« I to (b>«r)|U ft* lha matte# to ) It* It— f. at All#. FRANK LIE H. <»AY. j u.ibi.l d*j -f Vi •>. HankrißM. ) la—. is tu give Doth.# <dftca a Book for thn* we*-4# 1 that 1 ha«# he— duly apf'tonhH] Aa*m< • *•« tl*. anttl Huukrupt. adjudgoil a tft— krupt ap. w hi# hvb i ni<*to by ihg i%Crfct Ocwrt toaahi Dirtnct. UKDItUE Vft ADAIR. H**T w»w AaalKbk*. In the Dtalrlrt I owrt us the I ullrd RAhlee. Ear th* bwwlhorw Dtatrlrt of (.mrfls. Ia tb* mathr if i DAVID DAVUdbiN. Jis Btikkmrv Baakrwpt ) IyritNCAHT to the order of Frank < ll<*m-!Ui»k Rogialwr la Batikruptry. a a. < to.d gsiu rel nmotiw of tlm creditors of the aal.l Baukrupl will Im- behl #t the law odh-e to Frank rt Heoaeßiwe. In th# mty to h# ftananh, at Itlo'cka k a. M.. uu tb* |Tth .lay *d Apro 4. I». IM* p V. BOBIMiOIV aprs -sryw * As*tgo*« In fRr DhArkl loarl nf IR* Lulled bint*, far Ikt Vsilbtrs Iltatrtrt rrf Umrgls. In th# natter of 1 Is Banlmyt r. WM. F. JACK. It—krupt j Mn ba TUB sai l B—krupt having Bwiitltomd lh< Court f r A dlarhorgu from all hw drLtk wi< vabli uu«ler 11... Imokrupt Act of Mar h J. laFJ. in-lt. • tt l*ort*y i all |»*reto*s lutoroatad to appear **u Um 3a**i day « t Ai rU . IR> #4 10 o'thrt k U> the f*.ren*«*u, at ChaintM-r. <*l the aahl iMatrtrt ( ourt. brtnre Insrw>n Hl*, k un# to the Ragißiers to Ut* aald I Wirt lu Uasikruj ». y, at Um H* g.tater • ' fb* - in lU-.m Sual- r *4 lu ih. Lhi tod Niate* liutgl. Attnnta. Ua, and show * —*• ski the nrayor 4 tke sai l imUtitoi nf the Hanlrtkjd Bfctolld •k.l W graiit/**l Asto fitrUiur n.ittre 1# hereby k ir*M. that the —naukl au*l third meetings toNSdNnrt will I*, held at th*> gm* time #••<! pla*.* f j Wmboo* the Htm.—ld# F.rek »* ( | Jndg»- to aoi.l Irtatrict Court, an! th< seal thereto, thn isth da> ol Api 11. laOb. W. lx. KM ITU. aprli W3w r Clerk \dHiivtftsfrattrr's s«lr. (1 HOltaU nCKEEBOuCNTY By virtue of aw *•. W d#r 4 th# Court to Ordinary to Pw-k—a will h* aolduit Um Arrf Tueadny la May imst. IRA at the Court Huu#* and aur 4a aald owunty. btow—n legal -.iw hours. Um tract to kand Fr—rt# Whrh-het r* aided at the tus« us Rio death, belug forty acre# »f 1..i vmnibrr HH. m frtb dvoD u-y ward 3d srrtlou v» hrttrv< •••only Ftare loloralrfy well improved T*nn* raab Manta LMh, l*A r M ttUDFItEY. Art... r dal- ui U pun to Francis WtarUbel ■it h jaa led prsino llu. Irt th# IMetrlct Coart sf the t nlte«t btsir« fnr (Rr ftaslkrm lllrtrlrl of Urargls. nit Imam* B—krupt ) fJNHt said Bank nipt baring p*4ittooe*l Ih# C.-urt h»r K. a distolArgc (MR all bia dobta provsbi# etuh rU. Bankrupt A<tto Manta 3d. »«B»T. n -U<«- »• tmn-by fts.-u ••» all L.-raiiita Intern*l*-O to »pj##r uu th** Arst <t#/ M# IWM. it 10 o’clnrk a. M . at ChaanU r# to Ui* •aid I’isUv t ( >urt. Im Frank H He—oß*im. »>., . •»# «*f the Registers «f awJ Court lu Bankrupt >. »t taka ofbue at the »jsw Oflbv* to Elog A HrauKat u. Fort Valley, <4.«*rgta, and ahow cause why Um i re*. i to tha aal.l petition to tb# Haiikru|A ftfennkl uut I. grnnUsi. And further lurtic* U,gtr* u U>at th* a» . aitd third ni*# tings of rrcrtltur* Will he b*dd ak U* iu< tluir Mid | Is -e IRe M*NV•ruble Jtowi JuOi. (bkaL) of sold (\juyx, at rtavannali. • iaot>*>a. li.. JMth day 4 March. kaMi JAM MiFMAKkoV apri wsw txe rk Annlßiare's Hdir. 11MIJ. I- aotaL wu Um btwt TumUl to kAay own TV before th# rtowrt Mosm* dwor, iulftovir*-«. Wall..i. cru—ty- Our ah we house *n*l lot <«nlalßug .um third <4 an acre, lytug an the west ai.U* to Bnnd street, at pr»w* nt .ta .npm.U<y J R Bui l< tab Also, aim Itwuae au*l l<*t, i .rt.Unaokf uu. lwiU ». »». #t |W— ebt is ■ BUled by Rev —— Malat>i ffcrfd a# tl*. prof—ty to J W. L rtwiih. Also —half-acre twi. tying h—4 to J b thmu- - tr>t Htod aa Um piwpoVty <>f John FeUtrn A10... <*»»e tra. t wf land lying In livrlnut li *vmu*L •laually known*# the l%*a Haro, .-••utalnlug U»r~ I • Iretl and mv—ty thn BRbr<w. dior- or I—a K*4d as tl pr- party ol FhH*r kt Rb rj AH anfcl In a-cmlu eltl. order < f Um HoR. osrurtl Andrews, Ib-gtn. iu Hankmplry. IV H WALK KL As*»v*‘c •>! J'V 1. HiUltb «?■ ■’ Bt>rU »xw FrlAcr 4 Laoceb.m lk»lcu<ta’« Notin’. Iu THB Duitlrr t’uP3t to TrtN UuttWW Ufslss » • tus A-t Tttrn lH«mu-T u» ilaoumi Id the umttcr of \ KUHLIi U 4 k U'l„ f JOHN WAI.EKU. and } In Baukritphy. ML HALL*. EHRIJCIf ! Bankrnpte. TVO vbutu U may .onrm: Tb* un<BMrtfgb-"< her. i gIVOS notke of bt« apptonMßMt Amigos# i A A. Ehrttrh sad B H Haul, naifi tb# firm »*u>. Fbrtkh 4 KauJ. John Walter, —d HWihnto «♦. Khrtw i all us Lowndes ortunty. lu th# rttai# to Oonrgta, *Mh —id Dtatrlrt. who haw bo#u adjudged flawkvwfrts ej thoir own prtltl<ma by Um Dtairh-t tteri of sni.t ln trtri- R A. FFEFfkFK aprlA—wbg Aostgiik* A—!****'* HrUcf. • a Ibc Ulstrtrl Coart wg thr t wtiwsi Mat* . Bar the fteslkfrs Utstrirl wf Usorgu. In the matur to I JOHN LEE. ! Ia Hut«tim<T D J. MnDCMIAIXV f Bnnkmpto. ! rpo WHOM IT WAT OOXTERN TVw bndorsigo 1 X , 4#rel7 gives notice to hto appolntuseui a# A ■%w of John Lao. to Om oottuty to War#, and l> J MnDn—ld. to (Ra oonnty of BrooAt. and Malta to u#* (kb within aaU Dtatotcl, who have been ad»n*L -i nanhriuda upon Umir ov» i-<u by tb* Dwtn t Obßft to anl*l IdatrtcL W. C. MtoUU. UprlA- wJw Abrtgti*- Skid OUUETT - m*w«».« altar data horoto. ALaAkraUoo will be mart* »•*• tl.* Court to ordtoaiy of an(d eouatj, for tone* to aofl ail tho ro«| catat* to Jure—4*4 Alton, aaeenoert. hw tb# hwnobt to heirs and < itdihws to aaid darwaac! IM* April bi. HR WM. M, ALLEN aprtfi RMpri 354 HbrtWW»r la the Ptorirt l—rt wg tu# Unites! Italr., Far Uta Nrtharu Utrtrtrl nf UraigU. In Rm bftdWnr to ) JAJdltb HENIRiN. J lx Biiumit Baiitarupt. ) rpHR Biidarutgwad hereby gtv— not tea of bia ap A pdahurat aa kndgtin at JAJMHE fiKJMUK, to the outtly to Wstkar and Bib to (I—rgta. wtUun aaid diatri. t, who baa boon adjudged a Bnnkrvi) t gnnUa owa |wtilk)«i by lha tXatrtrt Court to aa. I ADIfcHON P HOWFI . prtd - wlw AoUfita, Isa Ihs IlMrtrtC—rtaflhtl aibd kUi*. Rot AK* Northern Oiatrlrl sf Ds—gin. In Um matter to i . . I iso. L. Uittll.TuN. ! la.Uukmpth-l. SkWn#<t I l< “- **■ <l*nt Mlit IWnkrk|it tM.ltl, MtHktatal tb* Om.ii » l A t ttataip Stata *n M* lab# li.imbli .taW. u.. SMtkrai* itaof Mkrrh I met. ntaMI,taM.),MH m Ut tMtaw li-taMta to knatai m tb. IIU.Uki.I Ski, lie, at tktaatunb ta lb* to**#*.*. M (bn.',., of IlMtald UHtrtrtOnart. U*ta* lawaoa MM.).. **ta of tb* k.tttanr. of lb* *M4 <**Mt m HuMruf M lb* Hactatar't >«» la So»m SoabM M. OU.. I , M «#•* KoM. kSbata, (Mono*. M. 4 Mo. om *< , tb. ptnjmt *( lb* MM |*»ta M lb* baatMM* Mtainmi SbM* tbn lfi*mr*bta Joha Kttan . I Mp nl tb* atad IwiM Ooart. and t 1... i | ktal tbMwl. tht. m Ant of Mar. I. I——' n ■irtutt w, a smith. ciMt ROPaoAia U*rfM> Ir.Tb* bmum Ukt.htm*.> llltal* 04, 4v*U tab. IM4 I USALSC WWSSkI* ta b**M Hi. m« IbMtad u.ul mMb«'Hta > UMM*BtaM.T’ittabtatataa* 1 *"* 1 7,800 Pounds Extra Flonr, Wt mlu. HAM to Re owtart per pwuua Th Ra iißvki ml at ggßafto e rt*-roh— Daßtm.*- MtaM* * set «*—. Tw»yEf ktolrtl to"to» aaiondgusL and wwwh.-i sh%sSSZ s# •> mm s. t tr— ,1 ba...