The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, May 22, 1868, Image 1

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mum, Ml At* to. as© wmsatKr •a- i-*n» to Wua m w • to mrnm M o-a*l «**l to Aaauu .. .. *OO a# iw* •*»»*» » a* M-WHJM* 40 m * I'M **» »i»r» n run* tom m* *©v—©» » %mm |M »* *smil '§* ' ' - to BtftA M «m» m* S«»m ««• MSI M ««• m#* ram «*■«• —*©■* ... .. ** • *<* mm .. ... <A| I|iA y .,>... . - tli l»^ 'H ».* to «> o^ne e* and teen. Bar taw Mt HH» . - *lkin"?i fftßLll hi «SaL * *>%—■ ■© til UKfarf V —©*4 #«W «*M. '•» hMMW I>«wli4Ml tntevrad© to to <fei»rpi ia* .1 * • ... to!«LSl efad©« Ito fared <4 -Hl-tol .. OM pee hfa© torttW !■ snrt im. fata* >4 —A© to* --•%* nptt% Ktonf4 Bw» '——l*l—rtov" « o Ito ttllMlcMMlMaf Hm «to Mparnlj I UK KHA omt'K IX INI >U< a Bl ItJNM UN lUMMI •TTHUTT. > mam ta■ imiua »©*>©!» i«i> vinuuu. UlKitif WlHilaa Kta4lt. !»> tbv »|-<«'taJ re©|tn ©A of- TinJ g«aUtaicu i* in. I p>f»i rac tfayrbdUi tm VLm I, farts* i»! » Wii 144- *r*»i m onr i*M*a I i U*t m KWLT. IV rndtartfeti am w*+ tint *# ar** '■• Uuaml U* »Vi«* that lUill* u k tntki tfad , 1; vrrrv. t , Mi..! that th. IV m. .t»u luiv« c*tr , »i I hutfe l»i inches us lb« L«*©(la-.Ucu* TjU »• ‘uil.tata.! Ihc may M wv tfoNf'.l ahcrat. pn*- 1 v »*t» • i-mfctim of polHsonf phikii»|iV that • ■»\ well 1 haließgt* th* atoiljr ol vmi* ami '• rwiid arHcuura 4?eqrwt»*iT* Wa are n<4 now to unravel »hi myxi+Ty, or |o f<*r »V luitk » Ik* Lot iv au*nkf<4 iv Übl»> rim* my. aud ; ©■ Hnd «*il who ©tnti'k Killy IVtlerwou, v« liali «w i.» "hold, m Iwere the mirror •i|» t.* rtilurr ►»lij TO Tfco W**m ffd »| oral to! loth* • i«.W |-' |4o «I Mtoldla au«! Lppar UwotKifa U* *■»* xmthnm ho t Month vmlrtn OcrtTgm tram hornM* fete Ihu tlraafsnnd Horn iua •ritir* for R.u!i»rali©tn w**r* malar ul> faki*v*'U-.t iu tkr "Mark bell.” and for the ©»m« rc»* } naHlial imltt'ixl tho. voQvioiion. Ike whiU tttfui.’ula were ri|tooVd to go Deui<*cr«t >cv j w Inr ••.t.ui'hfsl ml f*{ lW toato ol ..rd»r id tUiuKs am.l tend an keenly the •f» •lto*.rwi'» and hmtnilialion. that lan 1 ti om todiMiioi to wnto Vi < a Ihuo wr rtiieiiamrd a pOT|»oae to ‘Mlh* wr imn*\ »u lit*' e*ont td radnwl a»c atnl nook raprxto ataaun Uw mhu« people •i (HftfMt porlnMN of the Btwto; >**M »he do ;<-patent* Ol tha »lerttom bar. fatauad upon .11 UMkl the i-.uruHr.a that tha ©«§*• ta a | \ . Her man than the whit- mwlawat* ami that ; «. afconld puffer by Ih© ekutmgm. There «*n>a !•• Iwaa much polUwal \irtm«r and ’llf' Km* i-Morrd | wo|d«* U< South Weak-m '••••* >< ha ritahi a >»l it* a It) Middle ,»n«l I’p. rr ttoxWffi©. »a«l W© l*r -mUr aaarrt lliat they an* aaler cuatmtuoa *U« (raualiiwa. U< a«* r«u<« Umirr. to , • I I »•*•«• urgrti Wa are diapoaixt to »• *ke hi«u a v«4ar in .*rder to* r***ene sh« StaU • i-*.’ o mad aeaUwiur*. We «• Up4lm ala*re fr«.iu the IttlaUigrucrr ■ * »|*a|* r >*f Ihia ©ity v 4 Uut Thuix-Uy luom- j In Ike Till MialaUk It ta till* ll do* a »<*t iip i l*.v*r nk e.iitoiiAl. I»i*4 11 ii)i|K«rk hi a »rry l-t luiiirtit plare iu ito* cotnaiUN. Without ilia !•* tUK tbiik copied t*y a loadny ao dl*a| denis*'raiiv journal, from auolhi r equal l> i*rmtini|HOi*«is lh# plaiu iHfor-mw la, that tl» liilrllufiiifpr iudor** tha aaolimenta i%*WUd. tu I what ur© tboru) ar-ultmenbi * Siuiply I him • jm% •‘♦■nil> that **th»r*« a*i-m* to i*e aa n>« b |w|itWl virtue an.! amonff tha li*n4 piph .»< j>‘aliia* at*m Georgia, aa • iidi rnmnwig A Wt:e lairtHui of thd white© of M i ll*-a»ul I j'ja r (ii-uryu, "nud , Nay* the • lltor. **M> HNWIILT tiuquiT THAT TUKi AIR | r > M «tufQMuii *i» rmr ruAUrmum” I’wur MUtl p>N«lrri That u 'tarliiug iau iAge. No Southern writ#*r that we are aware . : baa ever dared to* give utterance to uncli n- journal dared to pntdudi aoeh with aj*|wi t. r»t npproral. Yat <nch h» the uUeeuue* - j tb. re it aland* What hi jt« meaning f What, I-it that the ••*a7»V i© fWfer.” pmmwt more l«diticm! virtue ami luti-grity." ©ml, it t« • prondlv* t?> neat rtad. **aru ©afer rnutoilttn© f the rierliu than the "mean oliilra" aid ‘la'd.iwag*. av tha I’ntan uuu 1 .-f Middle and rp|*rr ara ©tyled by th- p urnak ami would b© lemtan* of the am < -ilktol iVmocrary. I‘eojde of MhUiW* ami I'pper flaorgi*. what 1' ink you of -nrh arnt 1 tmemta ? Kafore and luring the reoemt aWwt»«m thoae who patriot 1- - »lljr a«'eepted the utiwtou, atnl twalnd to make tha beat «4 it Mgro auffmg* and all •ho rwaolrad to vote tot the excellent Comdi ■ MM'd l*v the Omwatlna. ©ml f.*r (' *1 Miilloek a© tha rvpraaeutativa of it© beuitV- id pMVtuhWHk wer© denounewd in uunHuumruil i-Mv ami tha -tlaat apt that© luap©d t»|MU tlieni Thaw, ail Mtirh wetw ai»uaad amt villi lied. Mad apokru of with eo»ta©npt. anoru and l< r I*ll*4. Aim pi; for demring *-*!ha I'hua nwdar tha maaawtmn wtueli romlkrvwd the nght of mlW* <« Ik* blank maa. Why I |l.t-MOM< (bay tbonght. and hope-1 they would dnw white UeomtinHaioMA from lhair r.,1. to power. d*j>nv«‘ tha Mack Mb right © render nugaiiu > the wie© uud hiituaHe proviunaa nf tha OrnnaUtutkHi. \..w, how mil? The whoction u over I In* oppnaitkm have been overwhelmingly de* f itc«i Th*jr t»HVe hern Uttnerl **iu © damn- H. m> deep UlO haml td roaumotiiin riuiiud ■ uli thmn, and lha» too by white votaa, ©f «r • li©vnig at««*|*ad lower toaenur© uagrovobw. 1 ban I boa© they visl*4 for copferrihg cm thane r the tight to v*4e TWtwwytoihahraipaetm ii.»im the ("onatitution ha© barn ratillad, ©ml r..| Itntlock elected,by the ©rhtto volar©. And I. *w thin new f©ngiad ©ml nawdtodged De . - f-.' T. bdW I**> tt Md Him*, mhl Olhna «i Mu. Uk. <iwf|uial.d ta ■ 1,. hM ilaafanylag awhaum. m.ulun«tj |.ro.taiu Ummgh lb«u rmunwarj MM tlu* ‘*M aifii ia haUar, - 1 «... "ntnra |«>lUinal TtHaM ami taM«rl l». aa* “ata aaMr «wk>4laaa nf «ka Iran FtM* Uuu tka laujjffakjt, an* IndaaMiana. „,.t 1 ■a.raafaUa wkita T!ttbw nun of MMdk and U|*»r (».«.Tfi«. a*4 all kaaaWM tka rotor* ~1 litnaa port.** <4 (taorgU kad k» ataak nul aakaa l» rntraal fntnt «k«ra Ik*.* knew ■I imM ba aknaut • , V.itara <** un) .t~«»r*a. jma THE DAILY NEW !•;11A. Ilf SAMI kL Bill!* | Mm* *"■• • r*aJ ■ -*♦ T *"* . h©** ©*tm«©«aupw4 ftotAra n©| iw4 tut gnat | km. nhtW mkalt-~- * ekWaa aui | «to ta Mm jit -a lan ana MkuM M aaU aa : anM ra*WM*e Mu Man nkuk » fmufnt ! k* tan wa -■* a«a. us •» U luiuku., - M M—a liAm tkny .Wank f « f*» »*• ni,.Mn«» |a r u.»ll»l».U ■«»- t*. | mlv-arwey «f troaUSMi « U> vuaanly ’ tihu‘tt whh the fUy©l4w«ii parly tt to I tn» the nelf (wt i »w lit* Ktete lltU thought to hav© Ha © .irk ad ©a atoctnw caiMaaA ! tod upoa ©he heat pamUa taa* whMt wr* | Itoww* pre nlef by l'»<f©a. We tae.^fuivw ! tu thie puiy mm •<Aaowt**(|*ato«rt oftto prtw . ctj.l. « ehtr fa mxintatlJi th. ibtlohurtllu Wiki ity if thv naheti. Xl »xki to p• * tiiv I (iMMoa of tk* I ’u»a*ci by rreu©»U«rtii)| H up© © l©u» tLto eiii ©nad fttlarw Aimi di© lion by thv ranmd of the mt*a of h»e©l i.lonUffw end wrtumiH tutormU The *©nv of |*rrn*Hi- ru)*4arr© ©ml vinhnt pa.nueai •.■tmuei, *u the elf wit- lh©l were made to i uMintAUi. in the iliffi-wnt m diww of the r»mn ! try. •ttatanctive liutilnti n., <itainrUui *Ki«l tun ©ml dbHinetitr indnMri ThaW ©re m»w done ©w©y with ftfcnNgh M.« f*f* Ik* ** pvrtv. Mad ©a tlii* |>*rty like e.-Htnd } *•< |li*» th**. 4 m»- at, au4 will nwimi li.«*l taiml fit f*mr yaar*-. ©t leant, it i* toaaonaXdo* ; to kuppiHie tliM U will earry tat It© tntentiou j of n the (eaVrVnniegt njMHi »!ta* thru ary r>l nidi rmol (r»*'-lotu Mil the pa*rui>i i nenl nnity af tha Shite*, t'.e <1- wrn ' ment Iwaing the ceolrml and primary povW, | Till*, it* know, b©« ©lw»y« Ivcn ©dv»-ne» tu IBlghkhi M it ia h progmwnc tkcoqr,M ta pr*ve« by it*. r*uto 1 tell men! nprt© the rmn* of ©lt former poltti ! r.»l atoh F.ver miwa* it* iaeipiruay, thw ! thi**»ryha* been iN»mlatt*l by motor of the l»ent Amer wn *ty*. -11..11 bet. in *1 ita . f nil Of»p««iti*>n. it h*A gv*»wi* i.|n niUVM- It prune entotl the w©r ft>r the I'nion. ©ml, •p>m tbeft-ld.h .* © twilktDAlil.- n ht t<ul* «Aod f»onr©ntntinn n|Mm ttiw prinrtrhw whtrh tn , um| bed in the wnr. We ©cknow ledK’n Um* jirwrut ©»d vary pr-*b nbie permanent «nprem©ey of thi* the*»ry.— op|H-Mtmn U» it U ©imply an to ©lay the progrt-MS of a toriiA>ko by tbr iwuig fw©th«»© tn \ 1! c-iin*'.! i-1 hoaUlity to wliAt may iu no w«y to* ©voi<|«d. while © tinu-ly ©r*|uie****unoe. ©n ampnenrence |i. !.te*! in good f©ith. will teiuprr the demaada that ©r« likely to be mule, ©nd rand. y tha change that will hnw lo hr tmdargmia law* rigid ©nd law© r»kdie©l W© therefore throw •ur aelntt ttf-m the Intihtlhh current of pr«>- grenk. ©ml will nsiu with tbo«« who inMnt.un Ui.kt the union o( the Htikta© im him-jiuntMe. au«l •It >nl«l lw ao in orvler to j-reaerve and main -1 Inin it© national dignity We m©ke bet one 1 ©tip m falnuK*. of the pooition We have occu pied ©a an ©dr.-mU- of rre*ou*trurtiou We have Uni tt>uip©ll«d by the nigency of the i-ireanivtanc* © to (s. opcri.t* with the K |»ab lit©u party wiihont formally i*lrutif\ir,; our «lm u Uh It. We m*w op uly ©ii*l candidly avow Out ©lie* glance to the great Heputdimii pr-*grewiive tnyvenieni, which 1© giving « n«’w birili t«* the i:4l’.or ©nd anew im|**tn© tu our nation.*] ©Hair© which will be mniufcnied a© mOoil a© tin* note* ©nd c©infuaiim nUmding tl*« change altail have ©ulamb'd With th«© pmiy ©u »Uall • oik in future, be Having that we at* thereby niamtaiuing the c©mw» «*f jioptilar lit* m. an«l the nnity us the State* *u«| th«ar e-piality un der the general Government. An In the put, we ©halt nl.serve © d«» mol er.tit.m, lilterally allowing ©ll men a ruhl to .thru Individual opinion©. \Tr thall Ul«»r f«*r the dcvelopniunt of the State in ©II that nil tend to enrich it and kit* it digulty and oon- Kid- ratiou among other State© of the X*u >m. | We have the mod cordial fa* ling© toward nil I pe*<pie of Cbewgi©, and have no dwitrr other than to **ee them pr »©p* r and aaaiai iu el vat big th*< Stair* to ita old gvwo«leur which wa© not kurpamaed by ait) St.»te m Uh* I’uiu i. Here, then, ©n have mop|>ed out owr future iv.nri-ki, and **m r«w©on© for ita a-lopU-.n \V* i d«<«'in unr rc©Mou© g.xnl ©nd aitflicient W. 1 hold the principle to to* aontid and logical dial it i* won. Dun fwlivb to comb©* wtmt ta already © alter'* aa. To thie cod we ©hall M *'.rwv»>r to rdtoito the nun.l© <>( the jeepliv irnains' to th** future for approbation of owr conn**’. The ©re never far behind their leattofH, and tl»«* won uicnt with which we uoW tuiite will Moou Ih» the |©>pular oou Sooth a© it ia alre©*ly the |K'pol©r one Nortli. «> I r I C I A \. . I.AWS OF THE UXITKO StATKS. /WW el tt< JtoMMl .Vr«w© •/ 0m /WfuVl A.^rrw. ARTICIjEB kdttkv vrmm IM««m ike roet DejewNno a* of tfae t oiled SUtoa *4 Vmcriea, rcprawnlcd by #t>hu A. Kmh«. •' 'tnu*t-©toner. an.| the 4d«ulai©traU**B of ifaf* fai**«kau of ttaly, |.y ( «vaU#rv A nvrto owwge TfaltMtt TfanUeto. tMrertor. Me., Me., b.4© vu»«to- I wUk tfa* i.*m «*ou y ©mvm©t© for Um> m<©ttn<-»no«i of Ike ('a*tnn « •necetM W-tvwu iSo tern conn trie© under «Ut« -f the dgSth Jn’\ IWt aa4 *• pauVlel ia Ikr IXIVUi ertk W of ©alU Ooawmw. Aimu 1. Tkeee ©halt he a n»©eUr rtikaoc** of «urPMp*ud«ac*s, u. . Uwe.l laatl* totweoak th- i-mI Irnomo.'i.i of tke rmtod mate* of Amelia© ©MI th* wwwd ©dmlntortomti qf the k 1 ■©>!»— ©f Italy mm well ter eorreep dene* «* •Ntoer of o*l.l .WUMAHCO *wl for th* ether, as **c ©u I rtrin»m*iD or dr«tt©**4 tor tor rtgm c« ©atoiw to wkkM the ThtweU ©*©* and Italy mmj reefMTMvetr *m m tnierm* Iten-« Thu iwreeiavwtewce *fa©o emtowre tke Mtewtw© 1. LeCtei©. *rdlMU7 ©MI regie*. r*.t ft. Sewey*|M*r«, prlbt© of at) VtofU, b>kfu. -■©»*, r** -. • u«r©'h»r» dreeln*©, }*m*oftT%T** hth*Mr*|»W. ■heete .4 Utah- i>rkW ur ertue*. *©d peUcra© ur ©a«*pWw es lurrv-haudlM. larkdni yniM and a <4© lIWV 11. Tto* oAre* ©rr Wte cvekawt* of the matte efaaHV, *• Ike i**S Os tke Volte.! ©totre. Rrm Tort. .Hi Ik** part 01 Itob - 1 Nnw travvOtug c®. 2 t'ani* rteta Wavetli©* ndke 1 Arm*©- -traveltli v* (dice The two adwintatrauona mar. fay nwuMi a^-*w*t PMUi't‘«*l» ©.Ulhioital ofll«v<e <4 ek.'faaiijje wU -«rlt •l.ait i*c fcmi'4 m Kwury. .*• ©*©pcu.l aa ><uMm* 1 f Acc of cv )uk**e. A© IIL Ketfa ©.iniluietration akail mil lie own arrange m*Me tor the deegakk of iu Mail* U- u»- »ifam. amt alien tvaaaperi tkrto *« lla oWu ripen*, to the ti-wM*- **nw mlaiatiwlkm to toe Mhir all all fae •m of tke two a4rnlal<tr*b**ti© whlofa afaaft have oh lamed tram the tntormcdlarto* the m*wt farorwkto j*e —if tonoe for ©web trami. and any anmunt so ad wmN t*y one ter Uw taker afaaU la* pevaidly rnm *vV'' AwrtrtJi It. ' tke atomtard watofal tor to* at*«4e rale off neU*** u>4 the iwteafrawpr akail fae rvw tetfawa, Oman grtmm, 1 1 aB other owraaratow© mawikmctl in Um* ae»- CWO yra—rak enki j Ml ntiti.W toah to Ike* Wktok the MtotollH N toah adopt tor tike “ftoViit * 4 ** >i * li *° * jtoSSwjSjy jSSHLft ■Jr2ra»f # iralle r 4 Vsl riwTSf ftiy* "1 1 » “AeA aNwya Ma aw tddto ui wturb t©>* tvM ■ |jHfimal totoiiiM wtogMer tw MMM tor M. ,im««MM» W *om* MhM M wapekeitir ifki«MMpt I© «•*» *f to«©Mfa*l wttoNko r?«»«Skr *——l k Mw MM immM .< MhEmmS*. N Mm* t- IWt Ml Ik. li.ii Jm* !<■ k»MM«»-i 0M **M* *M M. M ATLANTA, <iA„ FKiI>AY liOHMNtt, MAY Ti, l im. . -Tm .-.JrMa |Jt5sC.«pK?irSM ' M-> >.k,k« -.Mil . I^- •M. M tkM ■■*■!»« I M MM «Me Mkk II 1 MM k>M *• Mk * » r.,1 M, »k -H •«M m k> tW (MM M r—MM MM* j Er^4rsr^MSy^=: w I-ena m.M>*ia* r©W*m.e»f ***** to*B k* ■'♦to*©*- -* -TV rmapratoiiim e» to farad© vMas© mJTmrn to j grayfr ygAr.-gyiy.-?^ Vk. -owe© tn ■ *4 ©ay ktod. ttojCmkr i» paid, stoat to towatji 1 %m toto V rr ray ?l, c* ; Ll*r±S *■**»- ■—- - rva©4»-we *4 « -©rat ra to* r«*«to4 n»u* to ll * iw, 1 —*mr M U*tf ©Me* ©a *»«*•*! a« to <©B M—if VU **r nrain I liiiVa©© M*yr to »wieSe*a* wffa a© Uk* dleerWy wteifi© Im***©©© |fc> t« -matrk* %• Iket •-rgmaun* M, ©OM of Wn-kaf tto* 1 « otter »**■©*% MM©MiCW« to afai- fa Ikef *•* w©fi» «l*»l| rr-* •e D.uvras l*n» ■ fae lervaftiu* fame, and avail fa* t*v©nfal **k« p eftto© wtottol ngMku toe TV k* akail to a* «*ra©4ir>r I* rati hi the Ht.l Vd mate* aato V « >!■**! l* Itatf rut t ame M«m the Iwe aliuiMkaL m ©uUfa upaMit a© fidk wa. rnn ike tetal aaweuwk gs UeMw© m H—rad m> W©km. el del to tke ankove* us iweteUr fake*, and ml tirreaiil patera" ©iN* utW ©rtuS— Qme fatkn ©a aok k--tod fa? atnuterttok .1 ©kail tel© t the rust a* tte- rwhlnl. and raw us Mo* totenwidteh tranMt of U»* •owl© U draft**©k«e l* toe 'ter »*«J Uke hate** • S*U to equally *m*ted fa*»m. tte' twrj mtxaiatatre -1 ter* kkail U «a*i)ud> and lrva« tke e«oaal all ten wepw** aaptedT or Jnewto- touiiy paid e*wvrapo«Mto|.e and tke kk icat p*teta* * apo* arte tee »auuua«l ia re-r.'Ud k nra*rapk -4 an*, le Site aU us wktefa >faah rvudaed to the ora of the * tmtaiatrtemn artuck cui Awtl* LB IS. Tte . .--rruapo vtc©ra *>**.»' n*"t ip ike aeOVkd para *nH*k J artn **• im ©bad U drap©a I* •xnSemi te «uli Um ten r aytean of th- deepatokio© ©daun .-rrati-MD. faut ala©)• Uke!mlU»j| tte ftdtowtn* ruke 1© 1 The (-<rr< apiUkdune** mutt fa* uuJu band*, ac. n at tte rotdeikta can be r*edl j . laimc.d ft>) T’.ai v Hi wet be no written touiui knteu, «•* •pt Ute date, tke name of Ike ©ruder (k- addtwra. aLd Um price, and inartuUctnr-r© unit* iipun ©atepb** us mmfaa>il©» (c I 111. patter* of parti 1 mi> rtrafad afvty n aiitu* ter© as ©ad tiunp ««©bact«n lu any i-toar dr {©.» Iter- aka.i V admitted uu U*|©id nus other ar- W*te wkte© ml*fat tnpuw tte ether o-reep i»d©*re. *.w any arte le tte .-mhuUi. <tl Wfai. li may La pe, date tad fay tke Un or rv*aiateow© *f tke oteiry <4 .teattnakon * Auuu t ' ‘! It t© rvprcaaty ©e*«* and tlat mH Uteieu-U nrarra potitteme-rakarared ©UaO to nmmfd tm W cuwaky us OratmatMm tea any rhar©e wfaaareer nut *n linnetT mi-1 ! t-d far tht* raweinitton Preetde©. ■* * wUifae Thai any dwiy ©Ufa may te dike to th- r«*©M u*--u auy irthk, aiidt-r tte law* at to© ruaMry us Aral w n.tite.. may V c-dtecSed JUtru't a XL Tte too adinraANtrattone >i*a > raAabUak fay e«a<« a* oxrd. and in towfnrmity »ui Uli- arrait***wa»iiU la S r .at tte LL**-. tfar v. udiu u- upon wuu fa tUJVv ■dfa.-e© iua) r*|nrHwh •». Ji*n*. Iu o}mu utaite Ite .. rnepomtv'M*• .wgiuaua* Ik ut dratined tu terwrau •aame© b» whkh they may r*'ctprt*.wlb aenr* •« fn Um.rdlartra It 1© alwrav© w*d*r©kx*4 te©»- *er, that Mivk < ..rree trdrme ©hall <>ul) he .h*'t*<l with the m •rmatlo»©i |-e».' * at-i L-ii.-l t-y Una ivewflto, a»iomrnie,t by U*r p. •»(*** due to furaifn oeid/M, ur tor otbrr r-.tert W MMifr Aan* ta XU Tar j»m| drwartmeats .4 tte railed Ktetra ©nd a Italy IM i|T«*rai) « l> trwn«|Mwt *ratult"u«lr acrura their iwf «*w terriaprww ail e< rreepuadra e • in* fa ©kail V M'faiwei Mi cloaad mail© with aay .'.'watrtra to nltteh tkay ma; rawparU»*!y *erva a© tm t. nuediarwra© I'm*tda* afwrayw, TUatewnh cuweeyauew U.ail fae ©«e.*ed fay (fa# ..dinar. mrane of mat) on*. 1. yanre lt> wra. an*! tfaal tbr ©oimUt*© taking IV tear nu .4 am b ©raiuiu-u. ©rawice akail r«riiw*-mU» arerad the ktk< prtvttewe of fora traoail a. r>ra their 1. ape>4l rw amt»nw. For the Uteiput of ckrard matte t>y either admtu * trail.mi tor toe .©v-r fay ©m tfaw I drawing rate© aw dMpd b* to 'harmed aiwl r©otu4 by the a.tmiai©tratf«u rtokm* the raiift TU 1 (a ) K< r iraaaporL a.- ra tto water- >1 lira Ailaanc ><eai RtnuU l*er Nliflr U-tt-r rat. And 13 rrhU per fa' a'©*»**« »a «*»M#» oeramiradaner (k.) rev tranei- rt a r>ra tha water© of the Pariflc -ran. lu.Hfct* per eUi*l» !*!»•* rate, an t 20<<t U \vi ktangreiu ©at of uthra *rack- intern*©. t* > K<>r traua|M .rt ©reowa IV Mntitarrnr .an ara. to era to* «liul pMf ra graina us fate*©'* Bet. amt C*l crattera mt pmf Wito*ra«u net 4if other t'urrrafiowdeiMe M# • T**r intermediate terntonai U©u«p >r\ earh »d --11. .1. un ration -kali char*© amt veoHVa AV amranl ©rktefa It ©kail trare a Uially pant f r the aco.uni r f the -tW Ann.t r Till. Tti© ©,.-,.uul© l<©i«rMi the It" adtul n I*l rate at© ©hail to ©tekd fairartadr »ud faunuiial And vended a© aradity A© pnuHl.-Abk' aod Uir dot4>w office rhnll p*T e lialet* « brand due to ti e «r*dNnr offtew. niter by ■i.-lisdk© nm London or ai tte irtiLt ofltoe. a© tfa* • red 1 lot 4h* * may ileefre. Tke tate aw the • ■ >ui©reran of toe «*©a©y of ifa # teu .vrautrle© -Kail be fl iHjhjr common ©wr cement faetw ©ne Ifa© two .dtewn. Am u XIV. Wdi-n tn any port es etth# r onratrr a okrae.l mil te rrml ff"i*i *** IV-I 1* Wedfarf. »nli ft mB, ctpefiae fn the efface of lb co*Hitfy wtrace the (rana pwt!< made, enefa tranß|«*r( ©hail act Ira ©ntd-ct In A*) i-'-tal rltarye t) *ue fh»c Aoatn>t Um ..tfa. r. A am lb XV. C«*rre«|M.t'.Mmrac a*rteai©aiy ndakMK In CM© rawiai ©r nine ©toll he tranwbltted on lx "ifa aide© frrr of all c tiarire - Abtk'U XVI Iwttera wrongly ©eoL, nr wnwytv a-Ltncmd. to to 4 de lire rafale tor a liatewr ranee, and ail rcgtoW* «1 cto r» *n©»*uh*aor t»**t drllvaralde Nw any ranra. ©l.*li fae rr t**rtra*t ©a pr**tnpUy ©e pr©. ti.-ahte tr- tke oltka. At |t© .-.•et, if AJ»y »**m4 I© UtciMTe,! Any poif** on ri'tlUWed o*m«|miid*-nr# whlrfa may have been ■ karv*d ar*l***t 'he raiundnyafte r ©h«Il V dto-ha-pwl fnna ite na*>uoL All other (x»TTpe)K**<tewre a Inch caaWMl he delivered ©li©:i reinitn at tfa. (Uetxwition of the rraoivii. # * adrniu- IktfdUnn ArtuuXVU maaii mw us u»u j may to mutoally uaaraetuilk«l fTraa one iniiwMy h» tfa.* other by >uo*m of *u©tal numev wdar*, ©u.l the mtc© and iomUU©u may fae Ar ranged fay aerraturtit bet we.-u tfae two flepnrUner.U, *i am*u ae ©mil kmafrMMtl may to t-rau.l oonumteuk ABTI.XI Will Tfar two adralulttratiotui ©hall ta craw**4 reUfahab detailed rr*uUltoue tor the rie. ot).* of tV-ee artielrA, and Udk th© article© an.l tke ra*nlaU'>ne may be mod- I Bed fr.<n> time to ttiue by aecord <4 the tw"> adlulate trati raa. a* tk> 11 rig— -fa of toe rartra may re©Mire. Abth lb XIX. Tki© ounvwntkra abalt to V e«e*4 on tke Mret of April n«AL an.l ©ball continue tn ftooe «*fal awe year bum u.« tin*, ©ten one es tV centrafVWur paenra ©kaß have ftiveo to tfa* other imUce «f tea .tour. I > term mate tt uoUm a- 'iirr terminated or m.-tltexl t y tuntaai ©tfr.wrarai Airh U XI. Tki© ©hall be ratltM «m tke pert of th* United Si ©tee ky tk» JMetmvtor ttem-rnl. amt an tke part us Italy My ts*- MW©**«r Oeeraai i FteWto, ans IV rattft.wti.rae . « Hanged a© edrty ae poealhte In tvetmi.©*) where*d, Ik* tw>> »©ittV ©im faav© •11 to. himsl Uvetr name© and a Cited tfa.dr ©rade tllerH.v lion*' at l*l.wei»ee in duplicate ortylwai. tht© elgfath «toy «»f faoremher, A. IV ©t«l>t**i! biuMlvml and aiitjr* mVIl] JOHN A k ANNUfa. *l*o, tal ('cfmntaßi.raer. he., he. i*A©L UlO. BATTUfTA T VSTKBI*' 1 ’.ram. taefoncr of l*oett heicrma La>*aiwr«T. WTaalanetrm. Xomater V. I«7. lU* luf i-iaiuMkod and c.m«M«krrMd the fbew|p4itg art! «h* *4 a pnui <xm« cutkiu. fnr Um* m<*tli©< ats-Mi of tfa* orareatto© elrrwt. and br(w, u tha t i*H*d INate© 4 America and th© Hu*d<*«u of Italy under date of Nth ol Jaiy leas, wklrk were a*Tced upon ami at©ii*d lu <to I.ltcaie at l>w©ttrtfa on tte «Mtfbib day of November, uL< «>f tot© dcpartmewl, amt by t’fa©valor Advocate uk*- fanul IMUttata Ta*tc sta, chief director of tke metoffa* e (icpartoaeat of the Nioardmo ol Italy. 11l ttahfH of fat© .lepartnwrat, the ©dura it© bf ra* hereby ratlWe*! rad approved, br Mid with the advice and rraarttl cf tfae Krvid.-ut of the United HteAra. 1* witnara a faert A. I have caused the ©ral of the i uatoOoc. liepartaurait to bj hereto adHed. with my ekfnattirv. tke day and rrartrat atmve writ farm , ran. 1 Moveratrar WMh. Ifall I hereby approv© tk© ranerartton. and in thereof I bale osaant tfae artd *f th* Owtal it tate© to be aMUoL MUI. 1 AXPBKWr Ft) If KWOK. b*T ifa© fnraulrnt , , ■ William M. fwiw. W. cretary es ittato. Musical Boxes, TUyiic tea 1 «*iH te« ICv«ry variety ©f tkr m«m mrr**a« JC9 paakaratt. t nil XT ar. (.trawl norapawinn© far the invalid, a* ««N 1 aa to* iiwwamewta to to* prater famaf yTTan unr ■ pemni Alt Inf In* te that faeanik .of the tarate mr tv lart it year©, we «• able hi rafttty awjr want better and qnirker than any ©tor house f* the errantry M. J. FAIfaURO dh tU, irajx.rtera, ti Maktoa Lann, re rtalr*. warlt tas New Turk. INOTHBB IEIUTIM IN I’RK K f' iUNC f#th, W©7. . i MrVRKTKSN a OU„ .31 WllllMlM MUM... ©rw lak VKUMU V MtAdoMMiws F»|H»r UtoAlfim •ANt nrwviaa w mmmtv wmm* Ink*, totowi. fit Wafer©, M© ton ©-Ohm (ta** CM—ls. * vffakj taftow mmmrn «f an© they faraa adL* 1 r.T mmm *" m ! u*um ~~ TT m m ■*** nj mtr to to mu vaira wta»y weetl a*to x*to th / »tetoiACixrtouacim n©ra tew . If Ml toewnrd. a«mtata*raa e~i Ira • fa ■** :■*»♦ Mpwn■ s— ernrt ra he*" toe* *■ "©« tea*ra m -n, tke© V na* fatty *»nk*twv4 *©■©— W Ito* This Mi Burvkn te ftor ato pr *©-*■* ctra.'tarvrad. fat* dred aw* iweraanr.i.' te fatraw wan W any they *W. •fay *a*4 ©twn-MMte Vte* ftw« V A—kerptel tera ke tteMuNnu* an* r-w*»# tan—* es finwlmiya <* ! it* Are© llnwdat '© V*total-•* Imt* Th*© drat ©tk lam SC bJLA v cn*. tw nwarr wrarfafa’ ©ra »n* i in i 4 2 teittHiA. Lkffll kkLL nut »T¥ dfWrawu ' ' » » -M.-J MMMMMrMM M MM Hwt. 4. !•»***eu ©w to— cfarart m fa©e lukww dal* mnda. t te’ v Ban tatty adnxmwaerM Yk*i Rnarß’a UN4 i iraktotota t* atle aB prarame aamrarrad. fatw •Utet nwd uiti w. te aka* ran©. 0 ray they ran, why -aid iftwlaisteiik* ©krai I m Ni dn©fia»*>< fora* fat© tv Sara Mnwday la ikWakra traft TV© kprti Itttk. ) lwra. S. C SfLAVfato*. itedtaary a©wt©Moci ywtaH te (* AcJtoUiA. UMmu. i AjCJWTT WWeeea. ktoa 1 ttuv*. admit.rarmor .rs M-ary ©up* a.r ara*. *♦© *•*© to (V im Iw»4©of f-v trttrr© tt im rary (Wn Thnawtama ailtwrww© aura© A nr© fa—fay ©rate*©* tu ©ta**w aw©*, if ©ay iVy fanv*. why ©aad fa*f. o*l toe Ar*« M'Wta* i* Josy Best, ©fa--aid fad be irattkrftteL la vefa Mauler *ul brad a* * 'r.Urary. «V- i «w#te tkUi. IMT f nr* uurm ' tr&tumrr. ***** ir-eeftdttl . faXJliiilA. CAMrtISIX (WITT • Wk—m©, TO i I 1 l ara 1) 11* Wra. ©MiiWnt tnf iamra tt< faiV *l«*ttML tevmiito fa> «V (taut he Aim* fata Anal ra turn, that tw bae fell) adwtutmev©* Jam*© Mefafbra'© rrt-t* deed ami rr© ©fa—. V. ©b*—r ranra. tt ray tfa**y ©ra mb) a©l* wtmmtaCraLe cdmwkl not V Aratotf©* from, b » «*>i©'ktekrol■« *wd ox., .v© i.nw© «e **©mi— mi no U.e let Monday in Jm »y. lain nu© iraeary v*fa. S G BliTlM (Wdti ary xi.u to© pral—4 fa* (~S Suva LA. i'AM PttKLi. OOLMTT HV-t* <teer f A. Oatttrrll. A lmtuictraL.r f © illtan. tt (wewii dvr* t|, represent© t<> tfa* Oovirt m tit© ftui r- turn, defy 1 fated, that h* bae fully ©dunut«tor. . Wid—u. U to fa«tt*© Tkie I# te cate aU paawraa awinnuf. Ut. Irel ©ml ©eediteTA. te oboe «au-«. If any IV) ran. wh) mu 1 ad ouu.vtrafcMr ©hunii but V di©>-fa©ryy©4 from hi© adwta Wttratton ami r -odw tatter© at dientlraana -*-* to© Arte Memtny lu Uitotar I ©to* This April tinfa. 1"A» E. C. BCAVKSfa, Htttto pwte|« V tWdtnar? SHTATX ur <*l> IIP Ilk-CempWi Oranly WW*a- Jtwepfa IlortiaV). Eie* -uUrof M**ak Uort.©Vy, d©- "■ aai, tovrrmnta U tfae (*u*rt in fate petti um. dafy - RWhI and ©• feared o* faeoiwd. tk©: V fan© nail? adortem Ttii* ta tkcrikec.; to rMe ©1! pcrnwi© cmfcatfrftej' tie dred and if dtoira. te Akow ran, it mv ifa. y rrfy- efay aaiil Ei enter ©kratd M be *rakaryed W>*te nterakftp, atilt veroivr letter© >-4 JUmiwni ©e* fare* Mr*beta? ia tVtuter, l©4» A. C Hl..i VfaKs. ape V- A©d Mtatirtan If gal >Nllfrt.~n«yd ( mint?. i * I'J • toil A. rLuTDiXlUHTT,—Wharvaavdora trffaek IX ar ! Wit. I* Ldhcr. Admtcietratur© U t--m© n*-u. i mt Win. I- tW, rvymewna© fa. the Csart. UI IVu (©*u tee*, duly ttal and catered un r». wd. that IV) an* fbCy ©itttii i tate not h dkaau tolU © raft© ra Ikta iftow* tore t* «>ta«llp©ra ©.. a«W ©rn* I. fau-V-l an J'creditor* te ©how ma©r. If aay the? ran. wfaj ©sll a In. - ’ < t©tr»uwe raoefai me V drakanral ftaua ttnr wJ miOMMrafwwi. and reertv* tetter© of ttamln* >n ra tW fare* Monde) in July, ita* i*iera raotei my brat awd atortaj afenafeew. at sf.' 1 (Le. Some. da. Iwrfeitar J, Iwrr .tooyjwrfmprwfe. 3 JfX E LAMIiEKT. Ordtuarv 1 IIOIA. rUIXPOOUNTf Where©© S fa N« * I h. n , rv*f>rr*<-nt© to IV in bi© v-dt.-ui duly 1 ft tod and (©lUroi un m-..rd. that V* faa© felly adiultit*- | fa n-1 c*Uartee 11 IterLw • ©etAte I T Li© ietfaorwfur- to ttto aii cnocemed. kiadmd amt ' i-editor©. to ©face causa if any Ui*y can, *L) ©a. J Ev ' trtllof ©teiuid md Im- iliarharyvd frees bU EllttflAlp, ! Alui htoivv letters es dtamirafa-i*. un tke irrt Mania* j lu Jaiy. iaOH. ttteec under my Vnd and otoclal atgnntur*. tki© hi i *Uv <4 InreinWr. INN: j **-rkMndm prafraJ. Jti*tSLAlUUCSmt»*Ui*Ary < • r.iVBVTC'ltiWu c*if%¥» ~r \ ' I biefewom, adm rof Wm W Tutt. topr-n-ou to IV < unrt Lt> hw prUttoc duly fated awd enfawed ra record, | teat be baa fufay admiutotere.! nn Wni W Tuit • eetato: Tki© i© tVrvdor* feoetto all |«mui>>B- oraed, feuxlmd alnnuietrefa-r ©b 'ui.l not te dttatiacvo! fr. tn kU a) . ’i.lniHfeUra awd rcrefva teilra es dtamteafaei ra tV i faret ttowday t© April tattA. Oiwn aiuter my band and ©facial afarwaWc. (bi© ; Utfa day of ttef*««©uVr, IWt JBHE LAMUSItTH. rwdlnar? i mdan preft I/ - aunoi.. kliitii cxirjrrr wb««.. iw. 'A \ li Siwltk. adtu rof Kkralwtb Th.w|-* rrf*re©efata te tke c’.MOt in bte prtltlon defy fated and ecu re.f on ; rroef. that V ka* tatty attndawtrr—l Ttewpn s MUtr Tfai* la tber-rforv to cile ©U |m —ran cfaceraal. ktfadred ■' ©od . redibee. |o ©hue uam— . if any Mm i . an, eby aant ••Imifetanetar -void n*e te (h© hirr*4 Sw Kia ad tuiuiotradin and rxN»* Wur* .1 dlambef- n ra tfae ftret kl. today tn AprtL lidk Given under tn* bated mm idfanjal ©spmiurv thu flepL n b« r 41b. |«NT JXMttK ijkMSISTU. uedtaary ftlttfl 4m prrf©et 1/ffftl Yiliiw Mrriwrikftr i'wssljr. i* 1 utiuU. MliUWnilkH out XT V-Wttrm ‘ » John W It y.C faltntttttrfettr «and tk© ratal© «»f Sot> •rl * i AlUfaOfa, (te-.~i A©>d. lif l Wttill te U>* CNMUt that V bn© fnlly ©d>-. inuured ©aid Hubert li. ABi»«i re uu and petiliou© for W|i. r© of dienjlaaiun tnmi ©at.l Wart© Tkte to tVrefMe to cite nT perx-te© crewwrtxd. ll» dr—l Aud credttnee. V* ©tow mun. tt aay they ©na. why teller* t <U«UMU*« ©kculd fa<4 be leettad to erf John © IV*yd. aa admiuietrufaw of th* ratal© of Hubert ti. ilbx-n. am Ike let Mon.lay iu July, lira Given under my k©ud and "tttaAai -©rfuainr© ttd© Ite rvgiWr Utfa. iml. JAfa. W. SAXXISU. O. M r. InnVAui prAieM k) Irfigsl NwUtm ( ©WH* Ofassiy. (1 h ‘to* lA. IN>WETJt OOWT.- tkHWA ■©•fatal \f Hainan. Admlnfatretor .4 Jean* I. Home© rvpr* •nu a, tv Ouwrt Use bi© petition, duly toed and ©fa n-red u4i vw ord. last k# baa fully adfailntatomd Joan© , L HaU.efa-eetfatr Tki© to. tkrrrftnre, to cl to all perwem© ctmrcrvd. kia- , dre.l and credlkwe. fa. ©tow mur*. If any they mn. ©fay amd admtnietr*fa»f ©braid ru t be dtaekar©*-* free© In© adaatni-irntl-n ©ml receive fattier* el di©mta©fae> on Um farm Mawday in Jetty, imm If M MITv’UStX. Ordttmry Jars 4m (raked to STATIC or UIUIHIIIA. mu ETA ONRI -Wltore aa. K-d'crt W llnmlrli. AdaiiniaArator at Cieorge W. IfieJiu. r*“pr* ©eoto to IV iWt Isa fata JttStkta, duly 4to* mid ratered on nmrA that V faa© tolly ad ruiilet* red Grant© W Meadrto's nsm>© Tkto to tkeredra t»*etfer ai! |wr».tt>© ccmcemrd. ktndnei and credit**©*, l i Akow canae. if tot (Vy rak. why said 1 dmtm•train* ©fa-mid fart t*e 4>©rb©t|fed teem to© Ad inicuetreti-w.. ©fad receive teeter© es 4fa—it »n on IV ftrai Mi (day ta Aua'wL INAh. tofaW» dm * H. MITi SELL. Ordtamry. STATE OF UKOkGlk, lA>W*TA OOTWTT Where ae. Jcnatttaa T. Hraiy, Admlirfatrwtor *4 John H Neely, rape©—© to tke <>mrt to fata watatom. dniy i aVI awd ewtawed an record. Ural he tost toil? ■tantoil terwl John M Mraly‘a if Mil - This u tkaref'we to «Tta fall yr*’©i ct*noa#wed. %i»- drr 1 ©ad eredilare. to itat ranee, tt any tkay ran. why ©aid 4 Jmtwlattwfcw sbeuld wrt V dierlurwml tram bie fafmmlitttttwu. and rrceave lrtferr* of diwslwton ttfea ftret Monday tn AmnmC lira Math Hu B. M HITCMELU Ordinary ST AT SOW (ASOSGIA, (WWBTft OUVWTT WVra ta. Jam re torn**. •MCAttt ©f Rrtwfl Barrow. rvanexfiU fa> the Cttit to fata prtftttun duty ttrf wd . ankered use rra—l. tktt he ha© toly adtSlfrterad tU*> ! ert ftor raw’a ©elate, tku to >hrr©ftic© to rtto aS pfasia© rrtxwwed. fata dratl fafad ttadtow, to show era—*. If vy they -©a. why ©aid esrrnkw ah.mid m 4 he diikaiy©il tr*«n bw #i«u - fa-raklp. and receive tetter* nf dtontoatoa cm tV Arel , Saratov in Auguet IM4. Janaary MK Ito* f ton to—taw to M MITOKSLI, pm V H 44 Ortttnary ‘ p(*.-H»m. com* a*mn- viiwM *—• r ' I Hrawafear adsAlatatrafaw es Jibs© fwta nwe •rafe© feo Che (Wrl la his prtfttnn. doty died ©txTafa feered on racord. ifaai V tarn tolly admiktatorad tom Thtota. Suntoafa fa* tftto aS pttfewsi rraaisii, ki» deed awd creditors, to dhow n—ta. If fefaX they ran. Why stod Sdmtaiietrafa i ©hnnfcft im* he dto©ttsfap©4 ton btfa fadmfwtafisffam ©ad «mwtv© V>4m es dtawJettsa "o IV ftret Mofaday in Jnlj. 1444. k U. MITIWICLL. Ordinary |—• 4u prato tt to Milton XterHTi Mm. Urcu.XMU.Mma, omn x, «mb«x TV a, me A il>(,ia Me 111 IIIM). a. w imaiXaUe-'lUit » «•» MlWi lfci, Im. x-rt. Un MMM) [Mfme IT-HI ! ill IMM* • MMI M,M 4 tftu ml ) taMh-MMM X* Up* mex, u«dM©r ! Hmtolm, MX HMXWX MnaLlinu. .Ml I*M». Umm*M ■ ** ImimuMl IM «■» Ihnxmii* MU tax O/W* mnUnxi *»« uMxmxmcMMMM Tuiu-L.'mmmam >u Mm mumumm ! » >rakmtatt Mttrattft. ara iMm ara {SaSuSimZ-TTySu ri'dzzz X-Mupuy*" uts a S inei.iAi K. K. KAPITAL kOMIIMii WILLSON a CRANE. iMwreeem Tui *i wn, Cmrm.r HMirteM aa© S. H. C rxmMaa. *,U—I Mm»* Hxiutxi. ATLANTA. - GEORGIA. *• m.mi. xxu *••>••' i. rxm, mmu p, — me —uipx , ru,u. i» r . .«■#«, nun «mm, m. a rt |ir* * l D^wfrtf** 1 /T^Twl •tor tte R % If If,ob r. aarf M e B fletara. AWenra On Mte*tfa« «kltasil tV rarwfe©'— -4 «V ©4©fata awd raWette ftarartta. Mr W ItaU tterry atad Ita* few* rtraev rraw mm. to Atottß awd btei ltetk ©rad esm es ito tom few© a pev ©W»*i and Ihm rs to T* >*wr* ttpfltt.L is ©w* *rf «V faert luraara to ttm Ttot Stafae. ©to *lO fate ha per—si .Stol ete Ufa tTvmnpn * Hwtott. W« ene pm—tas to© Hirer— ■ -4 failratta tool tofa Nm sirrerae wftt hs w— —i I erf to kka vary fa— mmarirt —dJW afev— femitou wttfa sw wsdtoA. irwtya tota wtaft tonta temttys w ■■■■rStoita te rarviii l a Safa fare fttrtaN) ta©4fei I Isa fata Sens J S 41UA» H w. # ■ w rmASF (VMS If paars Wttfa Hwvltarai. Bfestay A On. fra M©meted © Cos c STATE HEAD Q.UARTERB . / -MM ... ' CuiiclieM. ('cMirnrtkmrrira, ('Aka, Bread, ('nukrnc Ar. C . W . JACK, J Wfeltxhall MCre«t, - - •» AHi.hlh, (imircl*. uirnurui i»i. uulsk m ! Oandioi. Cftk«*, Crackers, and Fancy Articles of Every Description. Mj et-jrt rai.Bcd to~j*mkafa as tVUtata A carton I i—peetann el ttoerf© stortaf Terra* ra raranto ! Le adurtej by tuesral tmUtega Wat—m ra fa- •wfaemer© franmtas Jif (Way .-aa praaiMy to | ■» ti - 1 TW %■ Am* ta • perteto teas es Um ©rwrfae mam In ■©•**, ©fad • fax fa ere rf*rf to tv ptodw Al 1 WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. < 'usdirn, ISO h ue LIU' fas 1© —J Rid PafadyMTT, WTI to “ IMS - - - - »*, ex— -> • J » -4» - MM- Ur— ■ tate ** - - - 3B.eerffa. Cun FrttftfM, Ac. ir» • (a-rrva©. Pte Itontas. p»f>- t n to hrarben, <*— Gnfaaa, Tiewsfam©. flra- it-rs. <\tae ».tt.r© tod—ra. .IHUmi. Aee rtxxi An*-era ta Unties and (am Crmokprn. te-ia. K utter. Arrow Sort. WfetasA, ttm»ara©l. 4nf©r c>yalac, chafer, free in. Milk. A. Fruits. Appta©. inssfan©. L—uk. (V.* Nate V Phtuopn.’ Worra—nhlra. (tatohbl H©»sr ami Miscellaneous: •RttdttfcSk IxUca, iaii w«ofa.» Xsferaeta, Brandkad Ftwtt. Plfa. ■attfre. tferrui. 4 :i>.« (Rc*. im. -a Us ©very vanrtr md ©tyto. bfefa 4s— fay tossmlil ar p—w. FHSfy ItepHrtnu'nt: ■ I-'j* tar ita nttem. itok©, FWew..rW, Wlßew Ware to henattfni trttftiis. and “in luf tfatuse t.> pteara tv »rv xi nmu <«xu> m m* m m. xm>mMMmlmmlilZir^lmlmlmmMMMiMmmMMmM^mxa^Mnm»axxMMmala,3aa THE NASHVILLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HropMU-, lo laxarr I.Hr.m I'.qlUkl, I'rimiMm. Ilt**r. • ■•plr xxrarltT lea caerenlrrd CapilMl ml ©400,. <H**l, •*** le M—U wruirl br tbr ami ■ubxteulUl C'eritelixl, or >N,h*illr. okkuil ».i«rr Pu, < ham c . mr i 1.1.1 am m , Ofßrr Iteffalnr Btnrf. A Unwin. No Hiulrlotloe upon Trarxl or naelrlxuoo. All Nlm MMM CxrfrHlmf Mlrr Ihrrr Prvalur, Air, Wra p*K. OPPIOERB: JOHN M BANS. Fresi<irnL J. C M.CRORT. Trrmnirrr J W. HOTTE, SxrrxUn D I*. FACKEEH, j T. A. ATCHISON. M. D., Arteerr OmumltinK Phyaiciiut. H. H. STOUT, M D.. (Iml A^nt I<t«fl«nvnoefa lu Alliinln: MOORE A MARSH. L <X I T L **lUJjs. FA INx A FARROTT. AJOam Jk HttOS.. OIJSSN, WRIOHT A OARR.! VAN EI*PM .* TIPFIN CXIX A HIU. RADWIXE Jk ffH, PRATT, rnwAßie k 00. wm m wujjamn a pro. JOHN H JAM KIA, A K SKAIKA J R. BOHTWM K. DR. JOILN G VEHTMOiaiLANI*. - No. JMrXf 1,1. Mll X nl mu X RAM U X 11.1,1 A MR, ti—© mi As—t. SI A titan m. THROUGH RATES OF FREIGHT M:iv OUI.KANS4B4 ATLANTA, VU MKMPUIM. / \W nwd after J IMF AST ft©. IBTt. tV rsfem es Tr— ! " f pnrssti ra fram Hew Ortwin te* A Grata, vta Be— fekk. wtti Vratattew© ! Wnerar fated It ta—i tl U pee ISSpswA© onfc © MSd RSfesrSi I Ibwefaie 1 A© per I<o (—da. THBODQH BILLB OF LADIHO vtll =. arm akd RATES GCAR ANTEKIJ. Time quicker Uun fcy ©ay •therKwte UMmu rn ihMO. m rip Uffi- «UI Xx premptiy ©tatted ©I ptanief dak rary { r*w farther tnfaeraeftan, Mto W J SO A. (ton©mi fasjirtofen t ©i S. ft c. B. 8.. MesipbiA. _ Or JOtM S »X | ynttft ti ktt© ■ta SIUH.K It NAMIIeTUN, ItfE MB KI.I PMI LIP MURDUfe F r u i t 8 v 1*111».^. (XBUAiA srrmw. v. total© ft Ne nwrf Imparted Wt— « AAWansy IWiett hew ins©. •Rtanto-dly IMIMUTANT NOTICE CONSUMERS OP COAL. Wfaitts a ituwsnliiitaife, 1 tlftwra Efaito fafa TfetNßnttiffee. J Ataman, ito. Mraeft BSB \ 4 Vk nwd faftor A«wil UL MAS ttte rata of Iflfafftt <w \ f Onfal wtS to redored ra ©ma Wf I ktt cento par fad© pew ten «f H pnwafts Ttatojmto I* ewatfam* to N©ee nsteU (fthVM.j(hr ■"**“** °“ WfMama'i^^i LaROQHI A feANOU, WHOLESALE CROCERA OommMon WTerobßiilft, ft IANBB stiwft H Bm i tain fekwdpe bAßfed. UfadlftolAfafaAsraiWfiil I taCSttfe4R to —Bm —taMta totajtot Rpovc*n* Ambrosia I-’On THE II Alll. I m prortMl *, H X o oXvxM tkaM, br IU. Hor. H -xx Mx Rxr k> CXH UmN, • lorn Ux Us ftaxx tmd IMOir. n i.itaolx Ox beam *4 IU Rxt n ux IU Bur xJ Bxxrd u jn. laiiix.ll, U IXX.HM *J Mm M rxUu ox It lax ta. Bar UM <X|MK*X» -V*r tux, i|« • - Mnrn .Xx, Bor lx na llritmU Ctolor n ux« nor ox Uk IU Ino U. IxM tar fun. U x -.X. II J uMaxtr or UmrU »J ymrUj xxkMi H U. UU our X, X'lMI I nJxMk.7 MU II X uUI Ik UM X°xxj UU (tax MX klrxx Ik U «k*l. k, Drxotam ul IXxtan Ik nxT ll~m •on xWu. uuu Uultar pm »4tu X> ilx.X k, IXMtaxOOl; •. c VXtak Ox; XkoMak. « Ox. Itar Tort mart* 1, THE GREEN LINE. KAHT FRKKHIT I.INK lIIrrWKKN ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE -AMD fa.TXkfa.WTfa.. NO CHANQK_OF CAVILS LouuTille or Hickman and Atlanta. TIME REOUCEOTO SS HOURS. KKOrC'TION IN MATES. TBS felftfettMto at ißffßl ta ssßad to KV toßi i i*4 Lew Itofera ta «h* Or©— Ufa* to Staawto new fsßtßiHti Btasm BL Lewie lilftoto ... »»H It to hi dsto 1 Cl I 43 Ad Cfeaaa 1 14 IS tohCtasn 41 l li Ssrvra-pr itotoe «4 111 Bttr, iffbft ■. Mtam pr—A I At 1 VT Matt, o©total, ftantsr. ptbht ft|4 IB Bnsf ft PwftftMd-. ... 1 1* >44 <tav«. pr bsftl 44 ta Whsatap* OmW. pr taMfeC.. x.x.v.r m *1 lhsettdbßßtaef Lnrftofa wto V - ran ta ptanto es •ftfpmdwL awd aB titan Imn. Dwawta© ttfad Ow ttoVt* •» iw wttfa I p» sfaffa y ta ptaid tit » mj ftadik dfisliifa ilni IB tftati, flto. tafl« hs ©faatorad m 4dks* ft ft ft ta Mjmrn w pab t ftT.I B ft 4t?B. MSB AURORA OIL ! Ti*lm Ouln(>rxi»il «>t | ■ wcta F4 > It RALE - Hl>» kl.l. * IIOLI.UIA* H. | »•* !» ■ i 111 .1. «kki |'*>l. « 4*k»a MpM iw a W rt* im ito «M «ov u /*•» o* bM Mo toilitoj# *• kMt, h* •**• • *-om «. • j b/atom omT * 9maoli * fa** l tW F*"**— l ««*• »l «wR»'« M«u*r r**oi I "•»>r"—*l MBM Mi Ok Imm ftfewto •Mr#* -mm 1 ****** | ■k It *A km |M»» M.. 1 fT*l O kv«M INK M MWimiß A 4-0 P-M W C i IhxV-L Mr > r.yrt.Mt A to- I-* W Onttßir Itrr S,|U M RsM-fai KMftMlrk.A IMS 8 TOP A H *F ■r« R»’»!A orußTinw rru. »<<i rtk«r % \ ■ >"*. Pino wtn. Stent art tiul Morris, / I lam»twfMrt <4 Or— l. Bf—r* ami Fpn|k* PIANO FORTES. r«« mh Flmki FftrVft. to »44ilh* u. thorr pr pStort Sto—iit tlrriUrtHtoßpX^Htfk!—rtS? »«nt| rtf To—. PoMf y «f T- wt, lbi rto M<j —4 |>M to—At— Ur* OR V Arm** (T—tort. Uko —«r Mto *TU»*kT fURO wm tototo wtuail rw toM rt UUo ■Mfti.rt fro I—o« —-4 too tort rt A—fl—kQiurtrrrtiftoMrT. —A to* orooft UiVirftM or* toaty Re n4n» to owv r»wi niio T4UCRIB M Villi »• %ho to«* hod lA to —ft in wftil) •*•*7 frtrt <4 tor 'irto«*4 wtU AO IMIm. will to l*rtp«J towrtftl >7 4TUDtn A MOUA wrll-ly 4to iimioto. A* In. NEW FREIGHT ROUTE. NEW OHIjBANB ATLANTA. THE fekowtotf Lw koto* tort toai «nrt to tvoav *»• Orto—o —4 All—to. »f| rfcc* fob naory lot. IMA. ■*T»—rrir»« fc »«rtoS^ AD Itoi m Or.*! to—ro oil lUU rttoxaf ocßfts r. ttm—. cJri rrscrs. r ItoCtoao liu moto |1 «i m cl— i wr cua i « UO— IFMCito.. - Ito UhCUoao iMkkua A4 TV«tor* B4ZU . • * fttoi »ffl to (to— to p*4aU • ftAjtotoC —A to» t jalor L—R. Ytoto tyi —J «toor r karroo wvU to fWMfMf tortloA M took to dolt***? Torto rto—tan—. to., —to *• ">Awil • «Ay* A A ft K. A»HJf R TRUE. IL T. VILA B. RtoiA a I). DiHAI » n LEE CRANDALL 4 CO. CiKtou F ».'tom —naw— I'OMNISKtON MERCIUKTK, 1W ttrartor Mr— ■«« CHI— Uobtaa* •mo if New Patent Pianos. ( KSTJt RLISUMUi 1K29.1 KAVKN ft BACON, KAMI rUIKKMR OF PIAMU rUHTKS. • nli jotot Murtißito o—toßtof Ml poI ■ >» 1 A* .•toklrtt Ttoftr.tou, toOrrrtonl —R»toy Rk —r Ha—> to to Ito oh at to' to to I u— to ■bo in torn m, M it atorto to# •—Rto,- ] SttofA- Uto —to "to to alto HiO> tolmlwilA— I to ft t—. AMM I—o. iwtof —v—to —Mr tool wwfkltoflfUM ordtaory Stow TV to— AMm 1 Utotok r—4 cry— too r»t» —I to avto o— - j ■Oft- toot .!• 'tMftloti qtrottry to P—tor tu. n— < AU r +i*£J***?!L | umcmi or m nv rail tumtsr - \Aimi arpMomu itamo* » m i—i to the k— to RATES A TUJtJOL fM —4 «A« Sr—l—* TVrtor* niwtotoHftulii) >■—Aor —4r—l> —o—4 to a —to Sag laar4i • tokrw to tb* p—v— M »t too to» I>* tt— rtb—a or to—to to rtMitoi I too —ton ■ —Ay krotototountotoAtoA to— ——tort —d r—.to— M fr— to i ■ toU —4 to too o—. —4 r totot 1 MMUIQ too nlrtbiy rAaaA. TW tort .4 UHo J, S to# otoa—p« to 4* rtßlto A— oM— —M to •la to rvmmmj pto—to too aortal , t—-Ao—4 «Ito tko aoR4 «—ttotoo A— too «ton to • Mai a— —— too A—rtt. til—Ay 4—« or yr* 1 via—y nAiraS— i— i ftp aAoto— M< too-i brtw to lo fthAalß A |y>vo»tof —4 y—by—to —. ft# , !—Ao4 —to to— potoM. M too maa tota to to# —bl hnari wtto too a— ——>■ I -tola mmn a— totoU to too Ih— RUv— IMto ■mUm au4 p nibai>ril—tot—* Aa oi—tool* « to to# too—» vSI «JrtO to— «b.—A. tort to ihx M 4 tor toto ■■ itoi —rto— to too to— ta# b—• to iaatexTVaoo!r a— a— im ui ta tool tt—o tootr nrtio ak to«o v— s rtfibio stir .ntr ft»l Jwfttfti*; Art >• to off ft !—»»■•- a—HR- lr UH CARS. S. c. JOHNSON. ATTORNKY AT LAW |t*w—rtiiUr |lß«toto Omislj. Vl r HX lift* fONMMftt Hi—lnto Aa tobrlMai w y Tt Wavf to—to lb# Stoo R>4pt iV—H. —I too DMivi t— (4 Mm PnttMi Ibtio »* too ) Atorw4 to Oi napj —fto-4# DB. 0 H. MONTGOMERY. Otot.l or. MorldHibAlSotAlfftftilitftla. EI LI STHLOIM. Amm4 fW <« »tm ~ NEW YORK MAOHIHERI DEPOT* V. ft r. I* L A OK, u« r».n at...i »•« 1«. Hi iti 1 ii « 1 Mn ft army ftmiftilln at mrcuK saw N11.1.M •TATKUiACT AMD rOCTAftLA Xraft KifimiM ft.Hr r. (•Omrit'a flftwi. ••# all #tw *«4- «*rfthc IwOtoM. Wft fftft ft* IMt. «# ft»r> i ft lift. aftft. »4 oUftr OwftftMft. M» Aft. Wt U 1 r*» ft i«.t MMormr oaou. aa w. A. dk> h .ituuirtn larrvrxAi'Tuix amaou to— a# w —in It ft 11 wft y Oai>|>ii... tmm-m <*aoloi mml .—j . . » *» ft M. mm MMh ftft X ; s: r£igiS^BSw££ I **-**■* fci \X> W t. ".-'S i»ftA.ft.«ftC w i citaSrrLSSHs. re r^sriL, Fat.l*. Mftrtts MftAft U’ “Aft —ft » Ah. ft ft. -I I*7*,* / ft ft. ftft.ft Aft. ft “* *■■'* ». >• ’ ft l ftaftT*ftTL X U— ft ft ft. inniirti it L— • - « 1 *** —uft '■ i ftnuS ’ “ T*l* T imftA ftft* WftMl* Uft MftftA UftAAMA ••UU.taril -i Aft. ftft— ft* ft ft— ft ft. Uftft ft ft, —TftSft ***7 J msr*“ *""*"*' T«TS£m*. Mil MtnftM Übi. (^ D » l ft(ft ~LIB >XM »T. —i 1 lift* ft ft.! ft. ftft —T.- . —.l ■*- ■ -IJ .. ft —1 ftftftft a, ft— —Aft ft. Oft. i.iiiAH 1 V** 1 #*« "“ft. “ —ft. -*» ftftr. —.ft mm ) W|—ftl axrA— I ft—i —ft T ft, h»uj —I Mftftl ft—. ft -I I 'Aft ApM. tan, , . *' x. v iximl —fl ftl ft* ft* M 00—1 flMtru. *tm» '-orftTT j ■ >r—i 4 T ft—l .n-’ftA ft ft an.—(ft -i ft ft. >'** «■ —I ft"— f ft W J ftft, ft. TV—« AW—.ft— lift*— A—r— t— ft ft., ft——l —ft - —lj «ft ftr— ft Ift « —JT ft .krftft— to ft ftft l ft— ftW. ft. ft Wtrtj A.— Aft. ft* *rft ft—- Aa-.- ft tft. —4 a . n—. M Uft, , rtr —ft 1 A V— —.— A M ft nMMfti —AA 5* >»—**—ftvp ft tk- 1 —... —a ftr—T -w j w—ft. *—a tv—, i -i. i Wl—ft— .f iftl—l Aft I—l . —ft —ftl (A— T w mm. WA»I-JA* l»* A-M AAiq, Ghubvia t4«rauj. i«nm -r. *a —■— . —»r ft—r» A—pt.—l Mil—, —ft— A—4 A— ! ****» l ‘gw | ■«. fwr o. —a ' *—— ... •■|-* T ! •* *• »**A A«—JTftftHfttW fV—rift Orft—UJ'ft i xr-: i mw*r—At. —ta-t—im— I Om. —Aft ft? A—4 M aAAAft ft|—MAW »r i Ift. lAA. A C. UAHAI, | •—? > —* pr. .. »J - j i ( ' wAAiiA. ua«wja ixxnrrr.-XA m ■ ,V* —*l ... .. l.—rATa H 1... —A JkA. T«W *■’ —A . |—ftft An ift«. Ift— ft | "~| ' ' Ift*—. "< A.UW— 4. Ak4 MV ft WJU—. AW A— »■ A—ft— —II -1 Tk— 14 t» H— ftl Ami o* maqaaa Ml , t— ft A— ft «hA.v V.A—, ——4 ft—, ft ,—? m.. Mb. IV. u—. .An— tfw fti— I— a— T ft.J ft. m, I mi 111 II ■—.ll—■ I ' to«U oto ho fniiM to i#arAt In tirauii a«4 Jtoa Ttotoo .« triUtom a itoaii *«•« tor hoai ocr4 <4R tto * ftv Ma Min, rovuny I tttortr Sbi KtotJ ctottoT? GSUMHI4. W RISER CX MR IT TVo lontola toto. to* If t HiMlil vt IR b« Bio to to too OMU* to Rto ' *MT7 <4 Wolbor AWti, ttoMVto H tbo tool r —b tons ator too otpcrvtoto to ItoO Rtotobofrm toto notoro tor toorw UtoU w ~t 114~ IJ to too oaiato «4 I to *4 botro Ofc.l a! «L.f' Wmm!" 4pi < |l, Mayl TT| |f | o. Iw 4 JLN^tnCT*.. / * Muiuoty WUJLCS.»*ncn Tv* m«m mw " T -tow orc*«*vuo. *HI W IM4. to# « Kto to Ito twin to Wort.-* evourty. ~r -inßa. •! Mo flttto Mftow km Itor Ur# rtpriOnc to too Mtto foou UUp •Mar Rr toa«a b> ato too bail bto tototo to l» ** Kotoh. lato to art n it. Ri Tau I tor to* b-OMoAA to brtro •»< v* <4 aaht laiivß Avrtl to. I toi to L IRXTH. *•*!» 4«W pro ‘rw »4 I4kY UMlaiHrmttoS Mr. (itoMiuncnnonnrn-Mttitotow «. T dm 4 to# - ■ w -‘—r u vai b* aoM oa «b# Ini Toiatoy to Mar a*to MR to tto CamoHßmmo 4o*rto oaa4 it—to. botortou Rftoaaßa kMtoraft too Mol 4 huto vboovf tnmeU Wtoktoto ■%- to4ml to to# tttoo <4 too | | ato Maty mmm to W mwt j ho* tolmbty tol topwri Torvaa oaoto Will Uto. Ito r. M OOKMRST. 44t0 r anoi to Ftotota VMtM | to4»«k] proto# «)• > WIXTUU A3fß ATUJrm ii AXI> irra MAT 11. ItRL PR—ISIM \ " TVo-oo «\ll ru oo t acrta iKHSO SORTS. UiVE ATLANTA ito MR. *• Solly fiafl - M || r ill | ■ Ma. p -j" f UviatoT toaT Tto ItoTto Mto OMb j 4J» r. to. Pollf*.#f*i|rt S«i iay*B Paßtoa itototo. urn umr. to. Uallr Ortol laHhttb Rtol ir rt*# to Wiw to 1« AM. f tony vrtb Irons* tor Iltato. Lytobhtoto Wort torttoto SbWttoii IV T~ toto Mott Ito ttrtrt t 'Morropunoui to 4 *. to Wooto «od a*od •tbor Minjiirt W LotomUto, oiwr. rvtvl bn tt>mpbaa. lb. Lotoa uU RSa Roto. OOWBO MOTTS. .% U 111 V K AT ATLANTA 1 Alt A. M. Poll* Mtoto laaMiia Wll— iUin&XOOUA t.M r M- MO iKtof tto Tvttono *4 MtoßtoM* o*4 Obaaa* Mito wrt Mmtphu atto ItaHtona MR rxoAo. t»4 DUN* to IR » K —auMf tto TVateo to Rboi Ttaanvi au4 «nRM Btoßbto*. 1 II.m» A. to DoUrompl Dwtoait) DtoJtoooo Irroiitototart Laov fa Mart to Rl» A. M-. titotoa RJW. OtomMt.U. Mb n* tto ttt I S R.lto r. to. Polly uMiyi tooiiya >a. *> * K.. (niM •#.! Hnduau tobraoto K * ,J ***" * t£ri°** T ** * u In lin ■ RrsNcf i rnrCTtotoi -r 'onto r or rv» Dwtv Vroruo *ut I* tbo oaltor to ) LBMIm to. MtU nR IL. { IS fcto»tokff RotoraK ) AMMXIMK r**u#rol SioilrtK *4 Uto C> S>IM to OM4 tookrtM vdi bn Iwdd to rw« Mtotor. to mu n» trbA. ooi *bw Mb to? ' < tooy, i P MS, to I t rtHft. a ato our to I' H Moftotii**. to*4(la ligitoi to Mtoto nto-i to —H IXtoHH. b*r Ito* | tt| an BtortoJ tv M» TTU boru— to too 4*l to Ctoto— rtMIM "to art b» •oltodMli » aalbort .tttovt tojMarlrwytci JMtivagfcnvt Ur t uitr»! NNrtoo. oi poavaßMtotoß to MM KDVAMS JAi &M>K b-rry. lb. ijtl! Mk. Ilto 4—l|V—. Ac. —fl •Vr M*o Moal V* rto Ptalrtll bfutßla. U *bo i*»oltrr *4 I I» fcobrvoltj. muni > oiikjt, bvknft i to A rpMB Mi Vuirapt haotrtf ptotoaH too Ohm Mr | A JVftAWrr may Ml If 4aMto ■rvttoto wtoa too Ibßlfto M '4 Morrb X MS. Mtoa MtowW gto> to oil aVtort to IHMf «■ to* MM Mb/ to Mas. to i» wto. js M ixtoto MtokotoOMtons ri Mm aood IrtoVrtH Oovab. b*4ttrvF. i MtolMb %. aa* ml to# RrtTrtiott o 4 to* aad4 M to Mnvirin t .. •i too oMbv «r ’rub* a. SMtoto**. iMiiion . toaarpi. av 4 rtttctwtUf too owfw rttoaMyrtavovr tbo nmikrv,n rt«U Rifall » a* Mao to Uk., totob vto tvs* 44 or Mm ardl SbiaM to too mm tow mi ytoaa mjto* toaMuato* Mm totoNs •— 1 IMA MOWOMOO. —.Tin tTrt. Aaalcm##'* toV. B T - ?jnrwi ii-