The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, June 06, 1868, Image 1

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■ . rrr to *»Htj (rt. >— ii t 00 u • »-.u> a uvta« -m ■>m u* »iit*ar<w»* —-- -Tt f—f VIS ■MW- »!►*•» ti* Sb |»* mw- Mfe sett •hen. *»raes* *•*» ,MW MW as* 2s ■ • feww i UM H IM’ ..... I mm* mm mm mmmmmrn ......... mw mw mm .• • fe*fe nsfeam Ww MM tfe W V ’“^"-- y L • •••- * ''■* wH| U t» a irta I— .■•*•»! par *rt Dan IM iM«« rWa f»<* .*4 rt t# Mn m lex*. br W •««• -nmr %. li, Uul fi«» anha—iuent iu**. \»« M mats lu. b»«u of nftul »»• <x Its »-|UI»4mI I* ((Mr*, *4r a f*x- • -rah. i.b« *x m Varaui Wf iba firm m MM( w« wrt«4 fa* ifi<M few % I*»6*nrnnli at inWtl* ta U < barged a* i a Aar 1... .ITitastrara. ar. chargßsht. the rata .4 <u **«U *» yar foe • t-ae so— khan 4>ns *>>■ U 4 i>artMMu..i.uua4M UalM»l«f ~fepM«ai H.«.« ' i ij .. to- |~a lilt* for tr— Maartawi. 0.1 |0 caul* for « >ul . oujueut iuaarktan *<A 4.Mary «a»a»w»aultaboo». <smt—utug iuUi«Oih, <x «y.mwM a4«ito4 frow mry -jiartit Kent .<1.14 Um varuxe*— rt lb* Hist* —pee tally Til K Kflt A OITM K. ia in tm auu ■ urn i*iro on ammmi rra> it. orKbin ink Mamma, »muN M'tlt ARU WMITRJUUU Wntteu fcipr*m*ty If lb* l*mlv Rl« k*» i.jfi vn ihpaius «ovw br • • uirt*i. rn.l Main* to taftl.XbU a.u ta IM •afc'otsr walrahh* ».r.l Ai**l Northward Milling »> U* '%.u|h TM ea.lliup cry Utaanl Aud u***u of ttw; m* « ku t rs— Its, * * tig lit tlx gltfMl(th>iUl, II irrab l.urraJi fix o*n*Vfil<trnbt. %h«1 <ltn*r lua laimrr mil. Hurrah I Hurrah. M.. Oraeffil Mrnnt, hurrah I Hurrah for tb. I nto* »u« \l ilb ei.Tjr b mill. rofUi tti« am of Ks (iiutmiMi. n nft* f r.uu *>bl \ imiuie a hill*. '< • Ifo 9—iU to Te iaa (4a.i.» M. 4 rr.n bo«.xu Ibrtlla. V 4 l. n Him ia doiM ar il )oiu the Iniil, 4it.l It t« our iblrnl I. u Mat tbr MIM of 11rat. i A i l UiaAr blui Hfe-denl Hurrah 1 Hurrah . t. lit II *w.-«r u|iou tti« aw.Xvl *4 I h—ilr our J*. ha n't i,ra»r I *> U(U« iMityr tor lb* —* Wil l rail tha lotao un, tty alt Ua fifed tb# aar ha* abed. Hy all *« hin» b« o**. Till kar|.t lb# l«H>|>tr free Hurrah ' Hurrah. *b I h#y ra rallying Wall rally In tha Wrath. H Itt* itag:ug about* for Uaurrui Urarit l'(»•*«» rarh pafrlot mouth. Hurrah lor Uraol I tha about* umat roll Knmr r*rry t'nkui ft,.. A 10l Wary man mutt rally no a T i man tha In tor. ship Hurrah' Hurrah. i>W. THE REPUBUCAN PLATFORM. I lit* l k i liirlplfa of (Itr National Ur|Mit»lif an l*nrli KfeUik fiatrd. Lpuai Civil and Politloal Right* TO All N atioual Repudiation and Orimo Sy nonymous Terms. mi. ryi> or ta vai io> **l> IIOVrRNUOiT KIONOMV n»TOC*Ti:n. i hi: hhotm n«4i ok ankhi i \\( ITI/.K.Mh AUHOAI). The Dochu'atiou of Independence the True Foundation of Demo cratic Government •IMTIIKM* Uivtbrv mnaioinp. lit# f«*U*>wiug |tUtK>riu. Hportyl l*j ih# ComwilW# oti K nolilUooa, arat niunmnufly • loptnl by tb»' Mrtltooml R#p«bltfan f.»«4.«i mi wmiou at t b<*u (tH» 91M »n«4: n«a \«n*>*i,»i lUfutUforur ywriy «« lira I'm I«h1 Siralro*. esa. uibUxl lu Nuli«h»ml * .MivrnlhMi ilk ibr r-ity <1 (!llUM((UO« Lhr'JlHli lUj I>l May. lfWiM. utak# 11.4* Mlowiug tl. cUntIHAU yl princi |>t—i : Fir»l W u coutjraluUlu tl»«- coutilr voo (be AdHtirtHi sumw of Ut«' i« c<uialru«t»on policy . | (' w rvifMMb) b* lb# ruloptiou, ill a iimjoiiiy 4»f Ufa Suit-* btlvly lu rvl—llloo, of t‘oUMtituttoti* bmirtUf< C'jual civil ami political ngblii to all. hurl rrghrxl U aa lira dat.V of tha thwrnibtuit t<» nnsiAtu tbaa# malitnUou*, au<! to urcYWit tin }>#oplr of aurb KbUr* frtnu U ,ui' innitUat to n bUb< of anarchy H*« ihjal TM of ('ongr—M of M^nal b» *ll loybl Bit'll at the South aa- by fffry c*niM*Urßtloci «»l pub lic aab ty. ot gntliloel* ati«l of ptattoa, ami inaat 1m itiattitainwl, wlnl# the qtir-tiiui of •oiffraxa In all lh« ktyal Htutca pi4»|—*iy >•#- b-Bga lo the }—opt# ul ihiwe Slat*— Third. W« Hr-uon»u*c all form* of repudia tion aa a ttattpnal Mima and Uir naiiotial lutwr r*H|uirrai tba payn). u | of (be pubba to «U liUdBM in the ttIUHMI UHh to all • iwliton. *1 hr»tire and abnad, wd only ar- i lo (ho MU, tat <ta mnl a* tU* lav. vkU* It •« mlMMtil Kmrtb It n So* lu tta Uw of li. itai tawUta d><*MtMta*>lHw.L u.lrtta| «» U tmpull/ a. U. «.0..8al uhh «tU |mu mil. ri«b Tta utaal da*M, mkvM w t| hai b.»n fur tta imrrnlloa of it. Ualuu lut • cotur. -tiunH br attraJmf Otar a fkut I»r*o0 for tMfoupliou, and It a. tta duty of I '..Ugaaaa iMtfaduna Ita nu ot uttunau Ik. t» II wh.iMii,, rt HU |.iui!4y ba dnaa*. , Until I-bal Iba l«t |iulfoj 10. .butnak Mr Urilia I.f iM* l. Ul au Hoptat* our rra.l.t Dial laputalMa «MI ad tu taut Os woo. t at invar ni« and talMral iliao a. now pap. and rnuat ruaUuar la pop ao l«Of oa npafllio. |o.rtl*J u, Udal offm w nuaati, la lUraaUo.d i ...a #.Mad —iC tha ikwwl of Ita Voltad , Tffl; DAILY NEW ESA. HV SAMUIL BAUD. feaftw 4—M bnfiiw «Sbr-l «nb o*# frw t j Ml wna.w|. and IM a*rni|4* o* •b.r H beta beaa au ehanirfaUy nun—*l Ami fuWiwt b ! fbMfr JufeT.«.-» aIT trull j raJ.wi i* I funa "r —7 Efgbfb B- jm/aodly deplrxe the «Miw |!y aad <lMh of ibrmhaw lao *>tu wl , rmrret Ue* —woion «f Andre* JiAmea W ihf 1 IWkif ory. «bo k*r netr.l ttrerbeMUily t*« . ik« people Aha rlertwj him *b.i tl**r retue l.e I **• |4e-9|fed b» Mipfuirt. lie* n-urp i Irydf the And JuitM*U (mifhott». bvel'l l -d lo *1 | acutr the too*, he* iie.l hi* •lnca utfcer nAcm t*> t|(ie>re »i. l violate U>« : lev*, bae r-tnplored hie rtwmtr. power t<* render In-cure Ibe jrro-p. n,y. *. c. I.Wrty aud life of (be ritiaena; l.a* at»o»ed Um* per Joliing |>*ierr . linm d<-lM>trtic< and the N >tfilial laegiKlaturc iitycoti»ti|tit*oiia! Im jier»t»- tently and • • rmptlv rrrn»t«*«l. b> . \.*-ry mum* | tu bu power, rrtrj prop* r att*mpt el tin r» conatrartum of tba HlaU-a lately tu i*b* lli.*n , . la— pervert*-*! ilt«< piiUic ti*b> au • engine « I whuie—i. i "iru|4i.»n, ind lia been justly itui-uv *»cd |oi high crtiAii •* and- i.o-d*' the T.divot thpt\ five Setial..!» Ninth Ho d-tu»r. of tn. it loitam ami <>l ti«t an p -u 1- th.-it t- • t • mill m «.i.c« a AutgeW be in dl'isv. - lit 1.-1 U rtv„.t. editev.iy buXvi.l by tl» t Kite I Slut. *- a rrl of tit** feudal till.- It* I t llWl i l.) Ill# Uvr t*t nation* iinl »l war ail-i our n* llotial uud Uni. |* ii.Uc- V.lii. a1... | cl 11?.-pa mlr * lif it I*-. I t.l |h- j. ■ .|. 1.-.I in ,iH their i riglitK of ritl/cydilp A- tin •Ugh tin \ *rlr lie j tire bon. Mild If . < Itl. . .. .1 Ibe l ...led St*D «. 1 native or nattirntir'- l. juiMt Im* llatde to dr* j real aud in ip* itaiiniirut to am ludi.'h p<a*t ; tor *rt« done *.t i 'L it iu Uu» cotin'Uy. ‘ Aud if an arieeted an I im| nM>ueti. it .* the { rtmv Os the tbiftrnmgßT T V TTn^Tr.-r. 1 nliT- j half Tcuti. ot all who w inlattbful iu the ln al- of fli*' l it. w«i t!«• i* o*|e no.n entitled to nior* eapeafa) Imnor than tli«- btave auldioni and aeaiAiaß w)m emlureil Uie l.anUlii|-* of campaign ami cmiv* . Mini imp rtU*l Ihe.r bv. *in th*- h**r4 ice of the rt.HhtD 110 bourn ties and pen-tom* provhi* and by law f»*i the-. t»iAve defenders of Ibe aattou are nevet lo be forgotten The vnd. w- aud or phan* of the gallant dead are the ward* o| the pvupb, » *;icr» and lr-g . y lie*piis%thf l to the ua* Ikwi « probs (mg . are Eleventh Foreign emigration, which iu the }«f>t Iwvfo :i.t h .l e<> lunch to tb** and ilevelopni* id of the n -.>nr . > aud the »n --erlMMit pnot ol lb I* nation, "tl.. f)lum of lovtered and . ... om-.n-d I t a liU-rai mi. t jn-l policy. I‘welrth 'l hta convauttoa .UrUif it» »ym* patby with all the of»(>rew*cd pruj>lf «Ihi are •boggling for their right*. Hu motion ol Lieu* ral l*ul S. hur*, tbs Ud- Inwing additi n*l rr .oh»th»u» were ttnaattnooa* ly adopt* and i pill of the plalfottl! Wero/ie*/ That we hij,l.l\ coi.miend the -pint of aingnniiiimity wind fort>c*n%are with wh»«-l. the men who have aervrd in the rrWI- Itou, but now frankly Add Itoneaily c*> operate with it- ui reatoimg tb* pea*-# ot the country and r«* •itiitructiug tin Southern State Uov ernmeutN U|m.ii the tiaaiv of iui|*rtial lUKtice and tsptal, a#e Hs*e*red back let • the eoruninnu.n <>f (bv Loal p»-ople. and w* laror the removal of the diapml'fication* ami re utiict.ouf in»|«o**e*l up<»ti llf laic rebel* ia the name mewaiuw aa then *pir\t *»f loyalty vrtli direct, and as may U> omiHiAtrul with the sal ty us the loyal jn-'jdc. (t-itcs oi ’\iiAHl gi'od.’J fUnoimt 1 hat at ocoguute the gnat prho ciphsi laid down iu the immortal lh^Taration *d ln«le|H lob nee ae U*a ttW» t- »n.bta*u of ilenuM’tain government, ami we b il with uladuHa* every effort toward these principle* a In tag rvaltly on every inch of the \ u.ericat. a**il .owww Ttie 4i«l*ilon*l UrpAkllean Ku<*llo t itiNtnlllrr. Tha follow It.g are the Dime* of th# :’«Btla meu c«>u»|**amg the s»mmltte#. Alab.iua, J. I*. B. Blose; ArkstMM, K. F. lire* . t«lifoitia, Oeorge (!. (iorbau.. t'ol><ra*lo. Darnel Witter; Connecticut. H. If. Starkweather, lhkota, Si ttiMi Kduicndt. l>elaware. ldw .nl (1. litwdiord . I)lain* l id ( oiUUib.M, li. C«4U>vai; Florida, ti J tin wen. Lbmrgia, J H 4laldw«!l; Idaho, John t‘\, i«. J Ii .**-*!I j Jouea. Indiana. Cyrua M Alleo.lowa, J*«iah Fleteh*«r; Kan aa*. A«d:n A Marlin: Kentucky, Allen A Uattou. Loniauna, M If South ■ worth. Maun . la*»ia Barker. Alary land, L'haa. | L*. Fulton, Ma*a* hn-etiii. Wilhan t iafliu Michigan. Mr tlidhns. Minn<*a.*ta. I un T. A vary; VWtwuppi. A Fish. Mt-aouri, j (ten Beu. laigau. M -iltana, S. Wtla«, Nc- hruaka. F. V Taylor; Nevada, O.vrleA T IV hutg. New llati.pMhii•. W t\ i'hatnller, New Jersey, Jam* * Onp*iH. Nsw York. H.uwcw North Carolina, William Shsute; Obi**. H. li i'OVfh. Oregon, II W ('ortaSl. lVnnayl vama. M illnw 11. Kemble It hoi* In land Ly man Fiicxc. South OaroluiSk Joseph II Jenks; Trntiewßee, WiUutn B stokes. Teia*. A' J Hamilton. Vertmmt, \V. Burke. 1 Yirytah Franklin S Oumi; NVa*t Virgluia, Samuel li Knnn Wi*coson». Ihtvid Atwoml. Ml lion HbtriffN Haiti. tlfltXWsoki. t-torwths Oumi H«— 4-V U. Um TV Um town ei Atphsnuf. Mrltoa rinsato. mm he- Iwma Qm mmmi lu—rs «rfAs*» ea Um t—S TweWla; m Jaws MAt, the luhovtas | t« wit AU that tract pamrl tti taaA sMaslaA. IjrtNf »a4 USAtatnct sad Ist aT iSglllf Ohasohaa. aaw Mim eowsST Wat sa tha Chaßail n rtvsr. km —Um H * H—B -ah hivatthiMH l Md w« iI.SM. sea awaahww sat Im*«s4 *m •• tha «r iara-m ovwlmm i** •*'& ••• • fla Saval from kWhoa irartT fVamis Mrsmhy. haaerr rwyatv a*U <S • ‘JW S** 1 *•>» twtao, O. tta r-rm ' .. **-W**»*«■ tta » «• J ' 1 •“*»*. 1 Orta,. Tta Otata, *. tat a a kvrw m..* taHrtarmtaCi-aiuT*^ tataMta.- **V*ta X£L ASTA, OA„ SATCHHAY MOBXIKO, JUNE 6, IHtW. BV AUTNOKITY. .* c it 1.11: *T t - j i? 1 - rfltottl UolUJltfMM - F-- **. UNITED «T A T i: H, ' tatat Mta Ttar ■liming taM « *ta~> m Ita <ta * t, ta PtftriJ V tttata*, I m «tata to ta, ts moot I }. ita- —. «.tad. T if (»..>.«t «-» ft . j ' v tar), m ta kl.ta.tar. to 1004 tot .. 4*., 1. O Itn. Oft emtio .talta, doty Jo, 004 iu. *uf rda ta tad Off and ■'»«««« a IV. ta taaM tar ft J* -tafcr, A t> lad. mm m to *m I II hag *✓ Jfa—l f. mmd «Uh a mmJ 4*, ms /AM*-*—. Ao Ik im CHAV r«U 4a Art nw—*ta« to Um a— J>■ heart* the fru«Mh*wa n« aa Art r-bOr- «.. 4»-r. j t'icsJ * *'Uta*rrt j Be it *IW md hy the *-**U ant U n**a -f k/|n« <. nu... Hhik'MNUM rt 4*W*o«*a >• 4'--«*T. j Mvuil.iel, That tha f'Ml matte l-r U« of tb* *•* ad •t*j >f July. <*|Vi'-*a hwade-d a*4 HU) two. |» •* b lit boat «*|*MJ to Utirt) IS 'laidi lew* Aw **• a rt it* «-',*>ft . 1 rrfwt —anallv*. <• <N»yvaa. »■» tin |an«NM t>: >rt4ik..di.iuj| agrault»r*i ■ 4by« n «t ttaft.Vd Ul the HAtai- f Vvitrukt u lb* MW* maniir r »• if S-brwrta had i«en a Mt'«»( lb* ('akw ml tb. •lal* rt Um |<>—(t* 4 *4ml law f ' AHxwved. Mac b JO. IrtT. | l*H 41' WIV 4u A< tlo |k*iikU Hi IVt l>* fralliiK tha hiUa bn-inda, uJ l- « >UMV Furja-ta- a i lw II Ttaat-e,! t>y the ■U-ael* (tat It HUr / lupfuk i, j UU'O u( Um Lm<U«J nuu a ol Aam. • ia *>l4l j *«*• til Lie-1, Thai tb- — twasety tte>.taa*i J tb taler* I 1 t- uar% hj amwoprulaJ, -x»t -»f aay ■»•»***/ u. u.r Ut-w 1 : rwiar d^r-| rWU«I. •« l>« U.» sr- »> t*ry rt Um ItUni aoiUv th* ,«prm«k <i n the inbUn I us t»M tW|j.U4 * .t—A->*».• 1-1 (rwdUas. UHJw* ;* rvMimm »x»»k*r«. *—l J»uj-r >*l .• ibe j .i .. ; ..‘OHtada *i*d «4re* ta irvauj liva twp«u-l. hr *. X 4a-1 h* it IWrtUtM roa tr-l Tut mU r, rmira ! ** aHetaU- uaof lb- l rt hulidln - ahali he Ud«.ie ' ii 'Ui f IU. .lyv. tMi ait I aupert tm<«. yf lie ar bltecr . ( ! tii* k, 1 Ofr 1. 1 iS«:. «*»l4l* mil 4a k- I ta«ui»toaw •■atari to au 4kl*»l tVI au A.t Nkrtiug A|'i< prub-.M foraualr> . t 44*44* • of Uto (. "fim-mIU ibe \mi >b4it.( Ju» * thirty t-iabte* buttaW l aa-t Maty - .»bt. a*. J l -r rtber Ftirp IMA" |mw* 1 Mary/. S— iit. •4«hWeo bui*4r»dl 4Utl ail| arwf. I** *t »aart> 4 by Ue Nrna« ai, t Howe* rt k'pi • n trtiVr* o( tb* INM but-* rt A—erwa la C4—greee • • tae lit Med. That lie }4H>n*t i‘s ar.t4.-0 U 11 «H ibe *t .|r* riltetl IB Uta t.lie bowrt ah ail n-x he h. U l. icuwl tha awe-ary ywiuCliw aa havetofoer <b«u*. in tf»a Trawaary l>eg«rUß*u( ao>l tb- bureau* *lw*rrrt, by thrir owu emplufe**. but Um aua.t«*r rt peracg* —|>bve«*t la thi* amv* ahall a *t be iarra«wl Aptm.vett Anly IS. lar.t » HAP XXVIII Ini lU th- »t.brt of errtaia *4- dirr* aad Mai tor* therein and» iv u enai tdsl by the Hriiait- nu t How** rt lUprem i. Will** i4 the l tub'd Mtwtee rt Awmii ala CoUkjo -*> •tata-rnl.led. Thai »r> ■ohli. r « aa.K>r ahail !•* taArn .« 1 bel l to Iv a ,t—rtrr from U»r army *»r ua»y who tanh fu4* amwl n-ooluk to bia MilxUiMt waul th* BMC t»rn> of Aprtt, rtgtrtr.-u aZmI HID •».. **>l »h->, ' Ith ui |iivpr auiburii) or ban firat akmitol, •ltd <(Ui.' ku muiiuam <>r rrftt* to arnr* after aw*i dale. but .sxb.l44 hereia w-aitaa—<*l *h«ii operate aa a . «intaaiua at any h> irtaiv iw umsl by aay au. b *4 4*er t* a*.tor o< hu pay. Uuniy. j- inuon. or oAA—r al lowmwwa Ltal Lhta * t ahad tm cHutatiwad artrty aa a ! rein '•! rt any AtaabUity au. t. *uTt»*r ar aati -r —4* ba«« incurrwd hy th* Um* ol hta >-iuaetiahd)» «a i—- •|U« n*W rt bia iteaerthm A|*po>v*sl. July 14, ImTT. »‘M VP \\l\ 4u A*4 W —ikbltah «urlam IMM Ibmda Be .1 M.vl J by the Sunk and llonae rt Hepmaen Uttwaof the I un-*! Male* t>( Ainarv ain c-.uyr,M ml list. That the l<iki«lug he MtiMiXwil as pw( MADE. I* Kvwnu lU.tdW-f-.rd tn Mao Pt-4 A|>pro*»sl. July 1». WI lilt* Alt —Aa Art w—'k. mewtary to an 41 e».is u*dt 4u Art w isvwsds he tha a*or* (MRrtent o-*« ertinw :.t rt the we be I“ paaaad on tb, a* to. I •lay >c March. mrltlaM handle 4 and alaty ama, au<) the A< t ati| ci. inc-uUk<y U.eehlo, pawatnl i« the twenty third 4*> rt Ma.U, »ielit,en l.**j*4 m 4 He it ratriol by the Meoal- linl H ••** of tW|«reeen- Uii«-w and Um l a.lrst Vi*ii* -f 4mro.« m t i !*t*m •• lubWd. That it la hereby d* liral lo bar* tweo ib> true lulrni kbil —an.ita of Um act rt th# a*» ..I Mar. n.<MM»«h*>—4ttd eight hundred and utlreork. mUtM An act U* prevt te A> the Bwr, . !&. wait 4 t rmnieiil <4 the rebel Ntatew. and of tl. *.tA, kl n»« utary Hunk'. (■*■■*•! <h» tb»- twenty Uiird day rt Mart h tbe ***r «m tbowwaud ,»*hl fenalret aart *ut«. •even, that the r'v«riu*«aiie then r&.at.ttg In tbe rebel H%a»ewrt Vinrtion. M-xtt. larvMny*. fUnitb tVltiuk. »».-r K k* Mieeitaajppi. Alnbneita UmiMni. r.oTtda. 1, in. and ArUtnu wer* nut C- HUU iforenittMUta. aud that tberwnfWr want r-’^wbu—nu. tl nebauel were to be l unUoucd ewbyert In ail r-i« u U> U* ail .tnrr rrmintaudeni rt the reap* stive di.uvu. atrt W< the 4*4rau.owiit authority rt tmgreen. W* . A And be U further ruakd, Thai Um mar wander rt any dtatrtcS aaa»*«l to anUl act ahail bn*« pnWwr, auhjart U> the 4kanp|in-vai rt th* Uwnerai rt the army rt the l ulled NUli*. an ! k> h«i* *Be«A tiii d—nge )*s>«ad, whenever Iw the op4al< rt »«<-b .twaander tha pcT«cr adndr.tatratUH* I a*.-t *■ l shall mjair* tL. t*> auapeod or r—ova from i4h.-», or ftx-ai tbe jwl. m an -rt XtUiai dntww and lb- r aaavA— rt wA*bv pu# era. any - fll.vr or person huldtbg rt rtaniaing, or uev* haeiw* V. b(4d or rtremea. any defl wr nlNUrv rtVw «»r duty la «nrb ili*tn I under any p-wer eW fwn *1'in nl or authority .1. lived fra—, or grant'-! by. ,>r . sibtatunhr, any eo .-rt W-d mate or Usa govern meet therwnf. or any municipal rt cdher 4*» *)•« U»ere • rt. end up-hi an. b suage-nan nor rew-rraJ awch •'iwu mauler amblert U> the dtaapproTal of the O- urns! ** aforwwahl. aludU have power b» prmlde fra— tune !-■ UIW- h»r the pert irn-anc rt Um aa*d dotio* rt *«• h -m-'er rt |erw* *•> awapeuded .»r rwpwai hy the .V* tail rt sewn* competed oOkv r «*r aobtter rt thv ari».j .x by the appotutmewt rt a—a <4h. r |» rwoo to re form the wai* and A* hit vnrwu. u- »* . a*..-m-i !».* d-wtl. rvetgnntn—. or aU..r* .tav Him. A Aud twit fi.rtik.'., Thai the (v, r *i rt tbe ariay of tl.e t'nlt.d tnb< 'hail V —*l ,«rd with all tbe |h-w .r* of aua|*naeoo. rewto**!. a| t-unt : mrul. An t 4eia.l yranlcj tn the prs-ewdiog *•, tu>u to dtatrb't <>wu—aiutera an 4 Aud *- it further reacted, l uat tbe * u of tbe r4Ui 4va of Um ai—y already d>XM la rein IU MSAd tUtaUT.4* I-MWH4* etnmauvg Um rwUdtMHir rt ctvtl uflkcer*. and app4htiu4 rthera tn their Head, arc hrrvkqr iwaArmal Fms t-ted. 1 hat any petwon bervdo 1 Ac* rt hermit*r app-««»lo.l by aay d>*trk« • •xuiuauder U> eaerct— the lun Uun- rt any mvtt oh*. —« be ns in-nil all her by the wlbtary •>—.■#* tn comm an J of the 1 dtMrV.'t. nr by the Omeral of the army Aud It *h*fl be the duty rt such co— auder k* remove fie— eMkw aa ml resold all pereona who ar* duduyai to the g"trrx. 1 mint rt the Culled HimU— -r elm t»ee Useir <>«Uct*i tu 81.rn.1- m auy itiauuer to binder, delay prevent, or 1 obstruct the dee and Mv>p*r irfmtaMtaiMa rt thu a : aid iKbW to wbtrb tt ta supplementary sm .% Aud l*e «t further waartod. Thai the baud* rt rvyctatratiou prodded far la the a. t aouifed *' In a. t •*t pp«-mentary to aa act rawed 'An art te provide f. r UMjurtj- dkiWM f.miailiMSlb rebel toU* fu ilttote 1 nMtofrtiim.** paMnel Mar h te—it* three, eighteen haD-lml and mih »ir.i aikall KOl j*iarer. and It ahail !» their duty Ivkn* tb. re«ierreAtou of any pereoo. to ascertain, epua a. facte rt tofbrmatt Hi aa they .we eb—:n whrther -.Kit per— laentiUwt b* ba refiaVeiwd under eaA4 act. and the oath required by said at ahail «» x be raeHiuik* or. ee- A '.ueatkwt. and no jervo shall be fwetatrrwl •nhwa a—to heard shall decade thrt he la a—thd there, to; and aoch tuwrd aba,l also have power te esannn muter ortb. fV. be ad—t—nterw.! hy any aaa— bee rt Mac*, t-rard. any ana baaMvf the rpiaUS—nw> of any perean • 'aunlajj rnfaaiveu n . bet ta every shm of re fusal by the KWTd to rv«>et, r an appiuant. and to aver* .-see of strUta*’ h a name ft-n— the hat a* h—n After prvrated, tbe beard ahail —aka a not* or —a—oranduir Which ahail be rrtsrwcd with the rrgtsfcM* m tl*t to the C'tuMUidluc general at the -tUtnct, ae—g forth the grvntuU ■'( auch tefh—l or au> h vtrlkLne ttvmi the tod piuvtdad. That 00 pereiwi abaft be dte. t waftScd as —ember rt any hari rt rt gtstrati.— by rvaeon of ra.-* or nd<r 6 And ba ft forth, r enacted. TVU the tm. ta lent and ine—tiex rt tb* ‘—h prra. rlbed ta aatd M.p pketoenkary act te. f—un§ rtb.r Ut—ca.) that 00 r. eh ■ ba* been a eruSr rt the WgisUtwr* rt any —ate or who baa held any eieouttve or jiub. tai rth • tu any •eutc. whether he ha* taken au oath tu support the iVetUttb-w rt the I'nited kui** .>r —<(. an.! whethe r be wee boidlim au. b ofttoe at the ou—n>v to.-el . # tha rebefttor.. or had held It he tor* and who hna after ward* an garni tn ta—rroU-n or rwbaOk— afatort th* • oiled wtabM. w given aid or co-furl to tha rna—tee 1 hereof, te mtlttol to be rv«4—srwd or to >«m . and the word* -etartitlv. nr l»d! tal rt—ca to aav Stab- In —l4 oath —euttoeed abaft ba runstourd to latitats aft civil odtoa* crested hr —e for the ad—miatiwu- rt any federal hvefl Rtoto, or for the adaumatrvku rt u—ia. h». I. A»d ha H farther routed. That tha U—a tor . • x®|4*4iag the original ragt—tl- r provid'd R>r in •etal a.4 —ay. to tha dMcnrUnn rt the co—n—tor rt | any dMSrwt ha *«tan And to th* tret .My rt t>A*rr. , atdbta—a hoadrwd and nxty e*v«c; and the boards rt shaft hare p. eVr, and tt shaft be thrtr deur, aa——l a lag lenrv— day • t*rvx to any sfertton 1 under aaid art, and sp™ rveai—abU pehia nrttoa rt the tt—a and plan* thereof to rev to*, tor a prrtod of j A'* day*, the nfWfUka nets, and up— hr—« anti* , And that any perw-n art entitled thereto he* been rv*t tatered. In atrth* th* aa—e at a—*h para.— ftn— tbe a a—l a—<h wrae ahail art be e/A'wed to W4e a—ch board shall alnn. during Um aamr |-rVd add to SttSh fwgtotty Ibe ea—ee rt at p-reoe» who at that U—• fS— eea the qnaMto—S—a by sa*4 act who have art here already rewtatered . and no pnr— dnL at aay (to*, ha eeuttoj to be reg tatered ar to re— hy f I—l u rt any evecevee peed, a or a—aeefy torttty art Oft—M Vtfeh witto—« a—h gmnkm or mu a arty, wwftg —gptt—fi hi— fbrwts reglvlra— or SuaaanTrgaagaas e- .wtataSta ttaii ta»«4aw, talT a'jwiTiMiStaSea .**, r~ee H, Sr 1 *■. I■ot £ «ta W. Ata ta « Mrtta, .tatak. Tke ta a*»tat mm it And W rt farther .enctod Tbrt «i too -- ' to the > | pi I■■ l—ea ia * an 4 M -m- anted •** .- aafcLT—foe**? «hw4 —1 toatiert. TM tb* had do —a te* u .n rt ft t* x > | —eea—Av-e niwtai to th* r Alton lp.Wft. MarHKJuaili. Orta li It Ii la ia* lasars mm tub BmiU. htiu.t d—yto.tW-. J Th* keaaia bn*—a 11—hi la I—m mi rt ito t to —.,eita»4e* the toil . etttled An at •mrtta—*— mmf to —1 —a aatntod -as art to r—to - <* um —Tr dhbet u i rrw—ant us (h* k i l—Mt' ,-a«ee>tth« ta, V—4-4av rt Maw b rifAto r. b vai—t •id mit% »»,«. and tb* ta « eepyitoaurwtnry U» rveto. law 1 «»« iw« twenty ibinl day rt Me t. • gbto*— Kt—d-*4 %—I atot? seven.’ r*x«rw*d to Um line* f liepreeeu fall see by tto 1-n—hat rt Um t bSei Met—. ' • tb Kt* tk H.. and -v t by the H ue* rt Itofx. **i.M>Tta» ta- an* Wenel. e itb Um at— i—d rt Um Prv* ! “kul rviHiuua tb* bflt Ketart. TM* ih:'- Ltll 4* pas* tnuthwvto rt Um I vatu agrvtaln#- t I—>a tu ■**». j Atteet J or 1 HVD bv w j AU'la/.aAT\. t btef f t>rt t HAP XXIII Au bill, ratoi-usb fra. * Hdh certain H-nUle laden Tribe* Hr M H.fc U l by tb# Ib 4k*t« tar I it I tov-rveru *• ml—l. Thai the iTieiiAei t rt tur IrtUdTS—— »- aa lhe to heogi-y rtHhor—ed 1 ••*-—( a eaa v. .wet* nl tare* etooa-ra 4 lb* army nut beV « tu* rank 4 :.r—adtor prueeal. eto ettb * »• Tajrtrt, - mr ~ ~ I—han J he U li'u tkftaMj, » ba.r—» at th- (Van—tttk* *f tu-Dau limit Wt th- o. :-al. ti «k 1 H'|-aA. aud JAn ft rfi, m. *:.vU bav* peert and a*:<aerHy to all Vw-ifef.* tb, . xa-h i aud toaiurk ■<t au< h baud* r lr>U» rt Li—e a* are { te-e »-aw.ujf ear a«rauM< the t aite,l Kuwi . r ..*a.l , uag depradeu .. «(> .u» p- )>e iw'«4 1■ 4- r,.» tto artped fen—raa t< Utevr au rt h-MU.tty. aud .S : Uk.4* dwrman, uitator th* dtretka rt th# Irnutnl. t • make auJ r-e*. WIUi *aat tMuda t Irvbrv »«. t. ** may r-iaov* all tu#* .misee rt r«—>pi*.at »*. part, au.! at the anm- «wWuk aev-enty bar i«i» « au i pri pixT* rt>'Ug Um line* rt rauxoed iwv tout* ••—- tatr-.u-tod t*» the IVfV «*d o4h> r HaW'.flihrta, •! irak-I f tb> eeetont Temtone* amt •«. t> a* •* ' n. •> Utoly UMur* Cl* tit—tl.— lor Uk* lu4*4m and jra. - *.-,! anAXy tor Um white*. Hr 1 Aud be .1 further run. led. Thai **..l r«oa:. au—era ar* rr,|».rvd to -asauUm aa I aeivet • .Uetn tor , Ji»m.tta>t . .'entry auto aret ar<a t > rv - v* U».- it. Ui irtbee nn— o. »uj > :rt pmtoy • set ( 1 - lb«k» m ii.taiWSk nrt-to’e p»%.'mPi re*i 1 . j-r Ik.*.# ut f,**r»*h. at* uuder trvrty «ij«eU-*i»A to which th* golerw—eht U*s iu* r.«.kl rt - epeu*— Jr to eb. -h atod .>—taeion. ra .an obtain tto 1 —bf rt •rcupnte—, aud IU ebuh debut rt diet*vt* tto•, shall bs taiifhcient liHahto or |ruhf land to suable tb* aaid Irtbee. rrepe* lively, to support 1 rt. rttu—l and pursetts. hart dtstru tor die trwu, nb«4. *•• sdagtod and the arbor., n i|| i•% +4 by • ougre—. abaft be and remain |*mik' Li b. ttkce f•• MlGftßkßl t ;J« klCSlcd ILrrr-J- *u-l w pi.'—w.. ■ «>-f tneiii'Herv A said tribe* uitli rrrr to per—t*h-d t vutor ttor,-.ii eiuto—t the ("itu-aa.. 1. rt th- lr»b#» .u to.retod riivutattr—l and —nph.v —es the I u.ted —sue ll .rted. IT*—lto» dteUat .X di*uvie absu be ■» ktaAtakeat a* itart Vn taUWefvre With tr»v— on Wigbwata y«ra»*d by authunty rt th. l atol mates ti r «u>. tb net* •■/ tb- Vnh. ra Pn tti» Riiii-et. tie Cuke I « .in lUOvuad. the l nk« Pactto IHrnsl luf. rw Skou. rt Ui* prupueed *wik rt the AUeuto sad toito Iksdreed by Um way of Albu^aerx-ta*. Mr, A iud hr it further > ik*rtel. lb— tto li ituamj •SUM rt —tary are berahy appropriated out rt any luooeys Iu th* treasury, to ait Te carry i-ut the pr . iBUXm •>( Ito pre> *diau| iwtiu— rt tkt* At, hen •trwd aud on y thousand doUarv . V • x—wto tb* Sea«<*«ar, • 4 the Interior to aubsMt amh friendly lu l-siM aa n—y have a-(aerated .x —av tori— several, it ■—*!*** from tto- I .MUta ban.— or* and a.,4 th* proto- - tiun 14 the t utted B— tea, ll> ,v h—adrvd U»oaum:hJ duoara ito. 4 Aud to it farttor <l4*l*l. Tlel tto Hr-.-r»tary us War to resiured to furt.iau trau#(-<rL»;i 01. *>.h«a*t etiew, —ad proto, tout to the ooaiiauN—res tor—a bhiited Janug the .I.U harge of their dub-* tto* l And to It further M—to 4. Th— if —i-i run wau.tff» Cad k< aarers »ha rtMMt rt the ltadiau* u remove to the rveerv—toha au 1 lad te am—re pee... than tl..' >• .r-Anry of War eml-r U.e dsrwniou 4 tb* 1 Tv—dent ta tor#*.* aoth-xU-d tn arrays th* aervtor* of tmwbtsl vrteu leers I rot a the • acem* w* of the arv era. huu. aud 1 cmbxve. lu .—geeis-vl «>ni|< a*..l laaivan aba, B*-t *ar«<*,l4un tor IbnaiaJ w-u in number, and frt such toruj ••( arntow a*, tu Ua« ; —rat. BU} to BeveaAf) lx the aepprsssi »u .4 luduu. U-wUhUaa. lib'. A. And to It fuith, r au*. 1c ! Th— aft rtutn ia mu tavrylsl shaft to pto eJ npn tto —ib- f otiag. tn reeptaWt lo pay c.oU—uju »Bbai*4en<~e and • (Uipamet. M tha tr-tajp* .X lb* rnKUiai ar—y tor. T Otad be it forth- 1 tu—te*!. Th— • I nwu—m •hi— rv fifl lb*4r tUi. .4 Blui. • this tot ha the I i»a deut rt ihe Ustk and —ale* ..'miaow **’» •tivetUM *i»d >M rurresfta'toAsn w as wrft a* *»ida u hy the— taken. Ap(XV.«tad. July JM. lAbl CAAP XXXIH IB m. aery uit hf*ct tto «\—• trutl'ii •tl Br ibe R-pal ik- rt Vrt» arts i- r Ad littaUueni rt tIUMM rt l it >an« mi Uae ( rt— aa tb* QforUMSt .< it.— lUpnMU Er it reacted by tto lto«w A&.I H uae rt Keyweaea tali * *■» rt Um t'atVrd —eb* rt America -a tTeigrv— a* Stain bird. I hat bar the pnrpow-rt carrytag mb' *B., t the .uinutue etkh the kepnb.K .4 Veaur.uta. ter th toU«rtOMNil of rt——a rt ctuaaes of the l*i lad B—l-e . the t». venuesni us th— »U-p«tht»c atgite,l at tto •••* ie iha lerotydktth day rt ApriL aggh—ru t.eerfrrd aud •tvtr-sAi. tha lV.mmiH.inw Be b* open'.4 by ti*e Prvm tiHA rt tb* l nite4 at—*, hy amt eub tto and ixmarut rt the shoat-. nhaM »•* —toe. and a*• u.p saiieu tn Pi*t fee h»a mrvu -a rt thru* the-. 4 (A-itarv. and Beu ito tara a .lav in neewM: sm *4 rt«.dxi k •» jwitaM U the Um- a> •.xaili and amwLn i nrvnjSed ta 1- >mv rr m the yea.* rt* hia rvi4 mv t« t tirv. e» au.i r—ert »n. la hte b -tee. dk r tto l-e» rt h— { dot tea. MU. X Ami hr M terther eseud-d. Ih— if th. Pr«M t,-»t an—A eka. A u apy*ab( tto—er He* d— rt ttk* l i;ttrd M— re 4M 4 ...XtartS. U> |*rU» tto duUre <g , - km -r itudu foe i .ei a (sittsn Mr art) j V MSrr ktiU mv IM i .vnit—itteu for U—nta.* rt Stty p*r oenlera of the sent hsrrtabeAwv u-uuart porveant W> th* pnmswi. rt tha ninth »■ < Uua .4 tb# art of Au.ittal rtgbteanih. a««hieeo haadre.l and Ul} Nl. "To rvyrabtia tto dipkeuatac and i-unaal «v«*. u»• of Ito ( nltrd m—ea ** uu X And be it Cnrabxr -earAad. Th- the towiw l to and h, rv V-y ta. neihtwlßed to teak* su.h pr»vtak x. ito (—vr hM. tertedtag «he —rtaiy rt the Pwml mates for tto «o«b pees—Ben rt Cto an. yam. and rt tto anrw—ary who may to abosesi by th# Comm mss anrrs, tt> *to pr •vtaleas rt Um ran »*s4Ua. an ha shaft daasn a— and peoyrr Bm.'. 4. And to u further ma«J.T.ft m— sna*a .4 money as but to no nasea ■ y to «nrry set tto pnmmsu rt lhta art hajauj they or* hereby out rt i any n-eei ta the tswa*ur> art .dtoxwtae Apl-n v.vt, July hi. liC*. t'HlP.mrr Aa Art a<iM3utat.>rv rt in Art aa* k'.ng A j >pr. •prv—k,«■ W» *s|4l» lub.!.. - in th* Apfeifrulunk hr ««sm#Mil —p-uwt ■ tto H. ran of tto l nimd M—ra for the feral Tver anditni Jea* thttty. eigh'ean hundred aa— dA% siven and Art —her Krpen. Be tt ratde) by tto tonal* irt H«W#e rt- Heyrraee • t—lies f the t utUal tvtatra rt Ammo.* ia tOngrasa a* aarnbkrd. Tb— the ovacledtag portkne rt mOoa Hi I l an a. i-ati'ted An art making appeupn—!••«• v< sop- j pfv fefori art.a in Um sgprihflati hib foe satagast »U the waatert the United —ra f * tha ton yean smlfe* inn* thsrtMih. -ta—.ra her—red and Hu tv-areas ~ agyn-ved Mar. b iwrakp nurtfo .—era bumtre.l and maty era**, m th* eunb fcifovisg, to era— “Aud aft taw* attaeiag th* hi—ot tto tor* tary rt the tear* mr. ar Ito inn rt Iml tar. AttaUe to eater mse ten with any India* into* ar* ISttM rvpe—ed aatad ».> •lyww shaft toraaffer he tm . erred a. raOBUBf a treaty with auy Istui into untft m a(U*wiTtaUoa autborvung aau b as (ran-shaft to Ar— be made hy foe." to and Um iw ». brawhy n-. M—rt ipprvved, iaty lid.. KF,s( ti.rni ins. Vs i Keertetßue aepytoearetart to rtl>er i..tut Krta. iuU.xita to **ta*hfo tto Peoydert Ito Veiled tou. to (■srtictral* tn tto Advert—hm oTjfoftilvrnal It. t.OeUra Pan* tn IMTT Keaolved by the tonal- ami M um rt Reprv w—b aeiutded. 1 Tb— Ibe reewmiaatoa rt lb* l*i .ted HUtx tto UM vernal KahtMue to to he— at Ites m ti e year eighh-ra hundred and Hsly **•»*. shall oramtH rt whose ai'prtbUuefcl was 4*yr■ >ed by th* >*ni rvanl« Uoe rt iaweary rmrafp fee fin**# .. - hundred ami sixty-Hi ato. of tto thirty . aaMra nfoss app.eeUue«K aa. pewvided fcx hy the prat rve«>«Ufom> rt Jfti. iu. aighlora Lwift— ami lUneii amt rt twratj rsmmiausnare, «h*w apprarttu-r t ta heeftu afl*. nrovHkrd for tl Th— the owe ana—mr grae«— ahnß to ttr* gre— ra atotkev that mny arm IU. That tto s—e'Mtae sh—l mM at Pirn as -tauty a* f aaaii i Irtar. the i (wx—ng rt the rt N tiltkee upra tto rah rt tto rammrata.mee-ge«»rre* and . wh. u j THiparty organtnevL shaft aekt gnrh gwkm and rageu US— ft.} to n—rasar* for »Btt4*nt alke. * ;ih 1- wpr to # vvra- I'rasaSiai kn>lkM.en Barb r who. in tt* stow-r■ a« tto *t*«U peeaiir att — tto i— ~ i —xt to •tpattd com matters and ohurmra rt grawye IV Tb—the . unni n mu touun nW—ai IwswNUa, md tah—iH— twenty In Bern her, so ing <ui renx of tb-r—urd VAtaUs. kmraw to to dlfol >a *nv branch rt laforntry or art. eto ar* hereby —Htorvaeo «»itaUßnd tto marn mm rt Mrt rt tto land wmae*. V Th— Ito emumwa mav m(by a ewvtary rat efoefe for the rammt—nm th- nrwanry arsratflhr to smtanfo toddUfotthtaaerm as— may aupan* buMaU, b—UhffefUMUMgh HJfol m sammira ■ ■■ toad a— a* *w-at for the sheuwr aafo rt ray nrtmkr Mm afotoke. er to ie t »—'■«. dUvoritv av tn—rviAii tm an* podta i w rav foe % And to It tor—v mmdvmt Tt- tfor tome for tha foUgamß vase—y apm *>■ A are torahr appe» fihttvl oM s t suy money a U tto tranaery ul aStor * fwTl Hiiraal to%hfo torn tow Test so fora tor tranaperAnMen aud M|M Item lim p tons Wrn refer* frefeht rt -Ucfo* ewemd to ton Umfod Mtoohslttfe pmisnui by Tl tlulii tor hub. aud fee hwetramn tm fe« ufefe* t ue* KttrttMfetofo tov'Ttonra" tor to* iwp pm dldwras- raa rsr I Fra in to* dfora— forhuf Irt, art ft* toe feta * Aud Am tt farther s art**4. Th— * fend he Mil * fcg ml tft- . ; rrrttt-rTtrr um »i» * ■ h——«. n*. > to a—mi MJBtol to them fi%u i-.T 7*y i, l>pi AH, Mnrnh U, MS' h t' 1 WtaOhe erbnfdr ’**- Te* »*» U— V -<*■ ! he*" '-d try th* hub and tUmmm mi fepeaarat* Uvee rt ton l lHed MeSas rt Imi—ra U “ ~m ra I rati i Th— in* Atnae per wded for Aha wen L—s rt j . Um MSfeutaeataH rt toe res and tonrum river*, a— net rt PwngUta*, spyrweed AWdert dgttk. taAghura ] tn* eesef ity rt fond so art In tha fopM«raul rt to. i tor and VnfeSm rivers, end so >snn <A to* asm* hy j s raani In tha Trtßfory Vt-een. ’ ta ml ita earn* hereby Is a (for fed for Che form rt •*» yrarv i fr«Ui rad aftaw to* Sppeueal at ttu* ri»a—ett -n with ail ' T Che rvhta and yrtvAew "oahvnd by mad am 4/y r-rv.rt Mar h 11. M*T A 1 ; A ibeJstke pna—Alap tha Th—.As rt Um gv»aa ta deep > eahed} fortirt hy th* >nn at- and to nan» rt fopwna t— t»ra rt the Catted Mia Ara rt taaerwa tenpraas as Mtube.l Tb— tha thank* rt < uprra ba and they rev- t>y ar» r rmai ii so Ueorge tonhady. rt Heart its for hi* gvwmt and probar taerAra• ta giving a forge seat rt Burner, smrwinunp te tee uilfou W a Iha mat dam M—ea. the Imtmßm us wbar a a— rdta. so hH do un. ar* so ba dMgrxSuWd an,< Um mure papelm " ~rsH-r-iLHraEr: !1 !I Sh- duty rt IK- W ceaas B * 41 mefet to p* • tre k eilh s&.iabt* dftvwxM aul pV,-x.« aUft-u, • u*. tl,cr with * oipy rt tbir feilttfcs. »h*M be prv^ e-ated to Mr bft-dj -a the use * rt ib* pm»pta rt r» . tud ta .t fertfo » r-mdv*d That b nhrkvt r< by *(•] .«*t rt sey > ia lb- '.rrc* »,y u. therwfoe approprt—ed Approval Marrfc It. IBC7 N 4 A fo-.:a.t .u »m th- ICUeI <4 <x ita-tk-.air . .rarwl Pw-ph Ui the InatrvcS M uUakh tea*** rt tha ('luted Matae if Ik'rx r.*mgr-*s raettnl Ih— fifteen u. ra— duUar* be and toe '•ma M hrrvby appn^ar—ed "Ut rt aay mum-y tn the tr-eacry nrt —hietrfet appe. petsfed tar Um r-ttrt rt ftvmdmra ‘X destttttt* ' takforad pwopta in th* L—CX .4 f I'olutu'x*. the anane lu by- erynea i-d amter the .ttr- U a-rt to* Muniaasm r rt th* *-«-■** rt IrveOm-o Mam 18. UUT. S • i Joinl hem'utiOß so Mltoti* the rtitlklitw rt .1 » rtiu.n—ing l*eWe eiwted sp»e kfen bai..line imp.xiad tn Hawauan veaarta. fm u eftrt Ay (Ar A-nufr mmd H -mm «/ Jryrur«/ft,rv *f for fatfei Uifci «/ d—rare a* (Vap—av aaaee— ft 4 hat the a*, rotary rt the Ttvsaury ba ami he m hssehy a-.-ti* vi a*d so ret.) it nr refs let aft date* wh* h hnv# aud »i»bt r utkdrv.l aud Hatv to. on ttaaaoan *raam —»d U.-U car* we leyvmd the araxaat vbu-h wcwbU have fora pay—ft* ra trearte rt tha l afol Htaft. amft their carp we Appr. vtad March tJ 18TT No S' Joint heolotti'a in H-fo'i-o ta certHo Coin *f.'i Hubtra ra apart— Is-poaii ta toa Tran ary hft "raafed hy so hart rad //*«*» •/ ffy I— n i ' for farted .At—mt «/ Jam e te • awm IW if i’hat tbe wo* 1. indrwi tbuuannd Artfors or Uterrabrat. la an aud ieftiira. m>w ra .j- ul. det-mt iu th. trraaury rt th* I mtrd Mai-« affor raid ( lirtiru is crave*— by dArwrtana o« Urn tnmtuwr late .Aa. he I"** i tab' ttov Irraaary Artaxti) U-rh TL IwTT (N' T 1 Joint lowJutke axtb-viuug the so r»tary rt Wrt so tarn war rertmu I*r*| at ly rt to* I'aihni Slot e. t amp ttae. < ft**'* K/i th* Use rt th* Km Ue—i irvlem fur tunUal Voienteer ifoldfevrm. ami /ft »f 'vfttadky fAe feral# a— U-ne •/ JUy.«ealrtvi ih— th* fomun rt War so and fogwby ia aatfo.vfoe*t to turnover to- terra As. buftding*. udmkw »w<p*r\y rt th* l alfol stake*, now Cam r Oum. n-mr <' dem uun, Mu >, so fee t«*M rt tuAtut-n . I tea j asylam f -r •!■•*' • ! votualeer axhAt-r* fix th* am learnt us such rnddiere St 1 Aud b* .1 turttar rwa—vixf, Phst the fowtary of 14 *r so aa 1 >•• rv-bv i« **tlh- ift so Ml awefi aery dee >4«k. t< fiuutrf • aud aaedhai aftvwa aafo may dmu ut, first pruvra. W toe baftram aeyKltu fur tha Wee rt < fteateer artl.era N ) e Jrtat so aeppty aa Uanete ia (he kdtr (meet rt th* -Art so w,.iU >»vmed lUiraue j fim kmp"rted AwL aud for .4 for Pery-M-* Wimu. in Iha rarwtaurnt .-f th* htil emuitad An A. t so yo v>d* lßforail rvt-ee* ftraa tn - rted emft. aud for 'liter |er|<■*•*. 4,i*v»-u Ms- a a*, .m i. •kghtara li iidrd and Mly * • -B. the word* t'auad* b*w* wv-da were -mlited front ih* fsrv gr*4 h I- »-.ii*fod ucrd« ( the hemllag ' v'laae L Timt tag W da . and e fore as. said vrl* ar* a the *t gr.ra.-t hftt aud wane totemied *s pa— rt the art —UTe amiot at |rased b> the Thirty JtU.U. t ragrvae There fore, Jft.l rtrWerd hy tte Va— rad fine eg ttij r ifi Ttoita Art four vide it*. rsae» J r*«ra ne (hm uu I '• ! • » ; »»••* 1 i -dlter l uiyev —ireea.iC so i a h. r-by ! bv ibar—tiur sfWr the weeds ■ ita ell centaur w--ft. id Ifo | benfed Miami ifontNa* tt.*,,. “ tfo Wvxd* 'ihoßdik— trrsxti. M—eh 53, Irt* 1 A taskiUuß providing tor th* n*. aranry tar v.iefovatthir '—si foxee-o Imke fern and lmhe ouiarv<. tat laUilary naval and •vwerrrW per Jta-w K tfo tag, saj Htatata*. ./ JbyrmfoAM ' •fata f wild JtalA r< 4<*-<we >a (eu-yma aw ~ tfi I lb— to* N’TrUr) <•( War so and so is foil', anthnr ired and dtr-rtrd t raoav Mrrvy., with (dana and ret;mate* rt set. Ie be m*d> by an rtfeer rt ragia*— lx a ah'i ' tuft so .sienert kak-e C—e aud iletarv or . the navtgah.r wair ra iforwof. rt nulahle tanlm and dtaneest-. a*, fix military aav— and tamarrmi pur pme. ami th— tta* rt th* aam* so fettered frraa tfo mm* spprHvpnatrd :a the —tart Jane twraky three **ght*m hundred and anty-Ht. and Mar t t*.., rurhfoe*. bnnfevd and Ustymevra tar es—s.a—u>ae au i surveys r—stiag » • th* improvrmeui rt harb- r* aud r:»rr* ra th* a>ttv t*Hk takas Arraxfo.ltarvfin.iw . N,< I 4 tteewfeusu amendtug the ninth an lira rt • An Art so amend an Act aakted Aa A.t lo provide •dter tavrtty rt toe live* rt ftitiigiri mm Hoard af Veeseta prims Had ta wfefe nr U part hy I —•ran and fee other Tarj- e— approved A xgu-l lk *lrflli. etghtaea hundred aud fifty two he**/ f*' i'wta Jbmv* M nsraw aar— Tb— tfo- fifth drrtaHia rt the math ae.-tira f aa a. t prvnJ* I x th- better ascenty rt tbe live* 4 pearna gcr* ra Herd rt nraeta proyuiled te wbote er part by . tatemn. aud lor wtort pwrpeer*, apyrwv«d sage— ttur tjrlk ta tfo y*mr Hghte- n handr.d aud fifty-lew. is so I tar —err..lvd th— srepe. uw* may tn the hvau towiic 1 }n>vt.led tar. ea—npc a —ran tr-eu th* ‘ ‘•—I —n so • erry ta a mta. .-fowl, or armitmiat. ■-■—} 'ft af er Uned ««U laantt. .-.xnjmt pmhncrart , •rcurrt) perked la ftM— itght voaira eh*—* ar be* | tfo rovers at ehwW abmft be firm y taaa-oed av by tals, sttva w atkar tßUrnags- au* she h toast be s* vrJ m a aat* pen rt th- .saner limij-nai« 1 ta tbe*r lsvaar hy th* m*i>ura rm. and at a seta I—n r fotn auy firv. A rrm wu. March 31 lATT. ;V • W j Hraefoa ft tin* toe rata * I Dety an l mt>. aud m W t—* fiptae. rurmikers fertß—*. IK- :t rvmrtved by Ifo Wstu ami M xaee rt ftryrura tme'dsl, That fr ee an I -for tfo- ,mra*r (fthi! >lat th«. ttm*v ahull be W-vfod .-oOected and Paul upra ambr—lea, purvarte. aaul mo ahail >£. in» k-xfol from hswtgn ix-uuOrv-a, ehra mad* rt aiik. n.* --f rat* rt duty than th— no* Impost— ana pun aud drvra aiUta. nanM-iy maty per netaa ad valorra. aa 1 whet: B'nW rt .dh-r —,-rtals than adk the 4etv shaft so fifty per >» ntum ad nietm, ami to— wire • •. trttiinrr apnaga .mp.vrfed from forsucu rraa trwe n> taafeam.l rt true were, aha.: so res—wd so pay tfo ea*.. reta rt gety aa now impnaed ue true wire a—u-iy. two crate per pouad. and fifteen ptr orutum ad vak r»e ( ArvanA Marvfc U. tfeT ;h- 11) A b' trefo.aefo a Aauvt rt a Member rt . ague etch toe ftefofi., lWpsrlna*nt rt the l Utfot mate* rt inrfVa Wresaaaa. it h dertared by an atni ap- I pnrved Aped twenty find. HgKhra hundred and eight. th— *'!•<' teetefor rt Cnn*rvus ahall dkrmrty er tndi- j rst j —b. I pervs. ia Ire— tar hi" I Iv hk# A*e *W b*:-- ft». of tm fo* S'.HIIV. *»*- . Mfo. brat, or -U.. .V, ta efoO* .* u. part, any <>mAru t .x agT.emrut. bereaftrr so so —A. .w eutrrvd t»u<. eXtb any ■vto.wr rt toe t'aifod —-e * • • or so auy Uadt so arse* th*«*<i> at aud n> forth and * brreui. tfo premia ivnlraw* rt rvxifo X > UTttfi . frtra Iraoata Cwttlerrta. ta tawthmd. Ove«ow ha* rm <vatly fora afoled t 'autad me ale* Ih , r—uru. tad rrartved by to* fee ate aud Hunaa rt Itaprvaae taUveu rt tfo ra.ted Ntafo* rt Aaaarma tu Ovegrv NWtawhed. Th- the tawrmnatwrxtanarnl so andhe t* burehy anfe e— -4 ta .xntt to* oanttml bitwne tfo l sited Hta lea aud th* pneaet r—tiartw tar Iha traua pwfett 'b rt toe aaaft "U rvsafo *u Utfifi. hrtwere Un «*». fWfttonafe and I rtUand, Oregun. ansvltvag toe usaae to the saul ep,. ta tofo rfei ra Iha thtrtttfih so rt taitaatw Mfo Ttamdnl sattrw hanfevrt and • tlpaatm And tt ta for*tty toads tha duty rt tfo K rtirt.rdtaami. rtkr the iraa—f rt tow rvuol* ura. tt ad v. ran tar hida. tor to* peemraßaauw rt tfo serfeev fix toa rvemee rt tfo eautnefi form, tar —a— . i —sty day* fa Was «•» wvgayi r toe •*— rt piveoraat rt tfo feu rt fWtttan n . and <m* seen I paper pebttafod la ftvwlt—rd. t*r*«un. and ta rmirart •na fee fowart map. eelbta bidder PfovufoJ Tfot . tfo rw—iaesAH ttrnerei. to nnaMaii * with tfo uaag* 4 '-f tt»» twperrfu'uh fee** have the power b> re-ye.l n« had whu h he may tan anertttiant Arv-m sr Mar k fifi, lag? V M) **— fei Bfett a ptwvukfiag tar Ih* trup-wto wra Into fee t’—tttt Itt-ea rt onta wr.ek* <4 AH Italy ftea. aagfi* other Psrpeaa so tt rmedved by tfo heat* and Mean* rt foperars —ivsa rt ifo (fattad Mata* rt Amarfa tn le—ua an ■ernhta 4. That tan and attar tfo peerage af feta /so ! f > •Np 4 * ttft ly afea4l»any mdittde gift t* tfo Csttni mail i r'vvvwenafi^jMMtt—qlitair. •ta > Afid ha tt tfiffeer IgfelartL Th— tfo firar* **a rt fee TlttWf he and so ktt*h tt BBAfi ita>< b. ':;a“ Hfotth «art ta mmtt fee daaieeea mm sfiaam aarUfo. ftal iSaSnSttttrt fo* feed bad mty ftftt tariwtfed Thai ton —rara feat: . «»ap*'fed amfe* tfo ns* Aar tfo artm-thie / ta*<4 iu t* any yexv»wi rt tt** tabu %•■— »-v aurt Ippnral ttaeefi tt, IWI V U. A foe—sura tt* Brake va—d '.fie Luna foe It'll" tuaev l - tU- U,.era rt Utt Lr a*lat— *i • a so-d fin—e tt hv>as ton tae l Day rt Dwrutar. *vg% ta»n hendred at><l at—f ran. lu Uurty fir— l«sy rt Jan eary rlgkure bend*—l and —y-er**m uvea rt toe Cartel Btata* rt i—m* m n artn—ad Th— tfo *u» • (aaasl by the Lag—dot Am ratty rt tfo TarvMary rt forw M*lWv lta tart mm 1 aia, wh '.'L ti ■uen ra tfo th-rd la* nt [n>matter i » Jhtera bundrvM and Hsty ei *». f t—tv -u rfo thirty &r— day J senary. tin hAndr*-1 as— w—y seven, and algfod by w f M Army. *a.B| aar-retary »ud w—g gnvrreur f md Tarn Baev rt ferw Mevvm. rt»sl‘ ha*, tfo aaa— kn* and -frt s» toragh Ifo same uud tere aupr- 'vd aart s. ieU hy to* governor Ivaiy SpyabU—. aetof tta tfo nature rw—aara and *p- ’ i pruvnirt t -x-vaa*. Apprweod. Mark tt. I** >" U i I lue-'nuu -ua .rang ifo I .rm rt fo am to tfo ffiy I »mai>r > fisrW« rt lk-t I nfikad eta leu nemAvsadbytfo toeale and H-m t k-prerat. uv*a rt tfo f*ntte«l hi m ■ rt 4mr< ».* «u « ei—rrae ra ariu.fod. Tb— ai. per*-xxa kU AU- -1 . t -wuib- rt'.a rt tfo VuMsd rtafe* are pruh.MU-d fr>eu e.urveo any nu* •tam x -O.X— "fete —A prwum.y auto ru-d by Iwev-d. Msefo> Ti.jMR. No (A t -C- wfig ffo W-v-.:< a tta aurad irtke rt tfo actrt twa-<— 4 Uxih fek W—• kaufired and Hityrasr , lan., v. Ity fo ie .so mflttnry *arvb e Hue dead by tfo fern—* end Hue '* bysefe Wrurtlfo inftelnt—r« rt tores .a cnegreeaau ertubksd. Tb— tafia te« ' f -1 I Cragreua rau tfod “An net Be ore eld' fur tbe perm Hit rt «t( uei tiueratal by ifo Tsmbwte* rt and te to* 'einnenae rt tmlton h.*—Abe** (for* a. ta tb* ▼tnra e—btera ha-feed—ad ?•}-*-* ami —g—era huu dred am) fifty fee ' apptav*<l ar. rad rt MarrL . rigkttra h'mdred and sit» .xr utaff ta so ran—read Utat wfonevsr sey rlaieau rt *»t y- i<oi; shaft ..mfly wife aft tfo Ur— and -oadev-w rt to u t tfo toard rt ■urrfi. esgf.vwo haadrvd au-1 tarty ran*, ra to# •—«) rt rt property k— ta the tokhtory am he. stM or tfo > shaft be part tfo —nonet rt *tm tad# n>*nt* tn aaa. for x tour toeer. .aViel hy tfo tfosd aodocr aa 1 sarttfod by him a* r**iviir*.J hy ita ta—- namod art. ne* rt say taaaary .a tfo truu-ery me —for eier ip 1# ved. Mar. fc tt. lfiCT | fM* It J'dut fendutu xt ta fern.*U T rare;. xA—aei so It rradved by tfo A— U and K x_ rt toyrvam- Ut <'v of tfo t'uird feta f itnertre .» « -egrrm a. aem—ad. Th— tfo tort—w rt to- Wary - r ra Item j3« su a « oeelrfheuiw rt any p*ra «» ra thmr fohalf. so ami he i* fotray *«tbortnul aud !•< - so—era rrmmi to mnvsy y xmsm aratrrhwtad by tbr p-opia, ftavua Btahra rv, MarrWr. L ta WUmingh < ■ " lfifi ttTttttfcttHHl Kttfef tt firtttMttgfeg utew rtt*>- ■k-wfifi, tinder to* dzre—«*e 4 to* -ra trtbnbnw ami ert r*vnl—4 -aa as ass; i-y toa m. rv ta rj < tfo Wary so pr-errvbad kfggiiSkiL Msrrb *», tot ’ |*« lfi Jrtfo Kea-dtfeH le R-f-r-x -to tfo fafnsrxd so i rraatvad by toe ban—a and Bras* rt so r**ra taut;*** rt Ifo r site* an—-* rg Am rev a tr: :<t-u kanag ukm ia ! ictuntml to- rv-,u r-,1 rt-. «Au.. so rattttrd ta rv-emve hie rapraiM . - to rad rt nvA anfeVk. to* rate dww rat—#.k.bed b ne. u*..l ta am-xat k-iflkkcl b per tb- • ai.-t.e— u aud Biftaag' ta tor first day rt J aty Brit .. for by B|—vfgi a ted u«t rt aav nea#} -a tfo toaxTy sot ucbrrw.s* apfmopn «tad , App-wed. Marvh fifi tsfif. (Ko 19 J eul h*»«fwtsei ta H-rt a#, b t raLlfod • Au A— b- I* ’ ids iu Timird beVHi*. frrai tapir *d W oat. ar.X far other turprac* so tt rueftved by toe * e—» *xd U -tie* rt so |Oe»a tsu**. * Ifo i mted State* . ' Amerce iu a x<te» a* autubled. Tbft tlx at rnUUsl “Aa {r <d* :i --m uaed rw mor fraw lepcrtel » » —rt l-v -ther purree*. *«-proved Mar A found. #gktau batrtred a— (itHuvut. be amen led by eu* t ug oat ta toe yeerar— b rau.mrneanf wtto tfo evwda ran eebtanga. foit.Mga btudiags tamdu tfo Mfteog words, tu *~ennita*>) wtu. «.i bn t And be u farther remdvad. Th— so joint r. su-ii > f Man t ul. »vgtsta»o koalrvd and Slit, «#W*. ta asneed arm wv# .4 na art #et-u*d • Au art u tn. i*ra» ibe Aatm ra tßpsrt# atad fix otoar parp-ee*. * —fxwvv.l Jane thirueXh. #*gltMt. h—ulred and aity-lmir. —aft BftV ,-aaSnawl u> sppfy ta mat tfo nufinr cksfih. nlk. twiev or other mannfarturee and nm as cat tu au- ntinuar as ta so fit tar ttukua rviadhi} tpprjead -Mar b tt. IkT. • Stt ta Just.l iu-.. Jut* f. yrov4.BC t x tfo sraux) feraeyw for a Hklp t ftnai irwtd tfo Trtta rt toe tt u fe.vr fix mditary. rav* and rraueiciil fir- Hr it rradvud l y toa tannt* sad H -ea* at fieyxvraa Wot -V rt to* l Bktad Rata 1 Amn. 4ia a rag:ra> an aaubtxud TU—to so reSury rt War be and he 4* tar, by aettaxised and directed b> cause servey v witfi I Sane and em.males rt cwa*. bu ba mad* sty au Axt «4 eegmrega. so a aha; oan— ar und th* fel— and tfo Uhu> nv#r au tke !nlu— safe ifoxert. rt etutnU.# ta mtam amt daman—m* fix msUkary. nav— and >m taercßnl pwrpuras and ata> to cetane am 1 edtree ta ant > mala toa rxpurau rt rusapA«Wug to* Losmtib and fttxviaad cram, ra toe letrtmfiy auta rt aaut foe. ar srl.t>| ta toe plea ra which tha a—4 raaa# nxepat.. is now prvagrvxwlng with aart w<-cfi. and to— the r\ [ewm rt taxh bu wafehged tan to* hu* appr prin ted In tfo acta rt Jane twenty tore*, righttra bemlred and sujfit. and Marvh two. ngkira hundred and a*afy-sewn, so #t—etratl a and anrvrya r>t—:ag u» tfo leg rv v i'meet rt harbors and rVeers ra to* n-xfth Apfxvned. Martfa tt. I*’ . 1 tl Jo«nl !m* lataxu ta rail"cm tfo fecwxnry rt w*r ta betid Umlg* fist* fix Tar tt tfo Month rt the R#»s*e He .1 nwolveu by the fi snki and Hxw .4 fep— —■ sexLuttd. Ih— so for, tary . t W v so aod*l rath.nird. a tfo recoeaui■nisi 1 w ot the engine* r drfxrtn#—. U ImiAd and >p*Vfe two dr*.4g* brake fix to* porpsr rt deepen mg and ta p»n# »y»a the chau u. 1 rt .<na «x bmv rt fee man** to* awnlh af tfo Mknaaatpt>l. and ta eip*trt for that purj*— a. swk l —Zdfo*u "(tax *iaT'Lir # fix tfo ( repair, prae. rv aba, ami ooahptttaee <■: ivcfiln petabc wurfie tt—arr -raafexf kafir tha Krthetty # fekbas Baa draft and —rnty-errsa tpvr»w.i. Man U fe. It*:. [K tt J.—H feradsLoo saihorliing to hfo Va -Bfex ba Be! ike toe tersmat* m 4 (kfibxxra rt toa Army Ba tt martsed bv to* fen—, anft i-i. rt Wage* arniativra rt Uta C tk*4*4 fiftr* 4 4Hr raaa an Omureas rauraaKkd. Tb— tfo mva4 andstac ba aurt 1* beewhj Mltarued ami instructed b> aedu aud «tb to io i eexaeta rt Una fttam rt tfo arm y ta toe rskrat rt three puy fix tar uokva ra an h. de* ton feme toe l lutni fit—.-u. ui aft caeua » fore tek aofel cr —taft Ue natkafi -4 by afedavit rt an/h Ua* afen <x .gforwle*. rt to* r mabdlty b make tfoir • . nth:* rev-ria ar return* by res ran of toe— havuig bare pnartfi re in tor h—uta 4 to* (•>.„}. rt ray arvtdml x cieeally rt war. busy have bw a ana Ito so a. cmsai t«x trvpnv in lfi, tr (.'■eerai.Xi Ap; rv.vrvl. Mar a tt. IN-' N-» tt J>xßl Rr*a]«ti.* -vakaktve so tfo (a*u<- rt V, 1.. oiler— iVtlhgv x. rip ta th* Wata laiei. :o*KeU> few W tUi.A tm toe third day rt Apetl. elgUieeU huu Arid ami Ally* v. bv the MttarU) and ftixtan rt tfo rt the C—ted fWateu UgTb uHnral ruttege S.TVJ ' Venng axnrfy two baedrvd and «*v«et) torn* ana acts—, erne leaned ami fefiwi rat ta lb* HUU rt N.xto 1 under Ue —A rt a\h greea rt July me rt nemd . fekties hundred and —Sty lv pc-**4d>ng tar agm ultnra. coftegea. and wtaxeea. by toe aam authoOWy tor genvrs. land W« .a non p/vp—tag ta ue— scrip ta life nia mar b* fee Wam eg Virgin— ifoxgia aud Mieaiasdi - Ami eforsu*. *ai.t actum rt ; tor Krvradrnt tsk*e fur (Ttofod th— a—4 Xtatan are rv ; l 4 aad are ta W mcogauod ia aft may. :• ra en Uifol bntoe Hgbta rt the dfor Mt—re rt tbr Inn j Wfin-k okrtvci l\4igrree aAon* era rightfully deter 1 wane nsTKiX*. so it renrtvnd by the fenata and feraae rt Itayeru—. •4*. tufted. TV— tft< farther —an* cx drUverv Tfek n rip ta *«y rt th* mats# tbtal* in iwbaftwu sg—a— toe l a tost HUi*> fuept tfo taaße rt Traam x to* Ifo r. gisSem <x re. nun rt rai rt th* Inert fee re ul —4 MBbx he Bad tha —• . »e tartl y [Ckittked ts- Ut they shah b* tmjy- toEXkrt ta Ihrtr rights ta *l*4* • Apprsrt. Marv-h ?». MCI. {Xu Ift j A k« iJafthm m lnkUim u» Uw »Kti«iV4uJ lotoVMii *4 Ik* Ulfcli l >4 l r kwlli t>( Ik* Mil—4* —4 M —to fci|— ■ WUir*4U* V—M4 S»ato* .4 AtV'.VA i«« C-iBSTI' t« »M# l—n 4 to tVdanUo. «t«. r ttr as* ml *1 y— ; »».i iiNW* ia* <4 >mu*i oaaatk*# : *4 —to f*» dams »Wi 4C* M—4 —4 tM# wMbiki MM ar* M—4 duaak Ik* e*mWr aod .htivtH .4 pad h *k*l law. MHkr to to*rt-ra, —4 to# sowU « <•« pomtl* m —hi •♦, M—it* r —4 ik— Ir to n koto 11M*—, «—of teM —mM* —*4. i»**a*r» }-H*4 |--r —!M»k |M|4) to ito —I *f t* Ik* t»> < -*|ln*i *1 ft* Mil r—uhr —c*. • 'Wtok** •*! Mto —**— to Ik* -toll** »4kr—m- y <4 »’ • ajstow aom to W*• la —4 ln**rat. —4 sk*tk*r t»r addttoumaJ toftoteo- nto *if h—ry ia *4*r «a—- • *«* Ik* a#—Hji* to m 4 epsfa a kiA4 amd rktl Han M A iar i k*. * , 4 Iw4— m *«*—»' t- tkr -UK*-'- «M 4 r4toil of*— 4 ftAw 4 S»Uto*. ***«. —4 Harm**. «v tons MB BasoUM kft tk* M—4* awl Mo*— >4 Ba*-#—• «—a!ii^Twi^nkSr—? atsTraiikS** hi— kjf V total y tftUSB MitotnUM "ui —> .? *4 ? to J fM*4 *"* • m«- •— m glmr ik* —Mi ——i asa—m* j a— mot*. I•■ ' - * ton if .* M—’ s' Ur to—Tmm* w Z —*4. m*« an? tn—— at Ul—t, to—* * dtk —tiH to —to rftalm*. ur —7 pan fi—to. fa* to «*«to to «k —4 Mr rnm 1 —li l air ■t fay auj Hi a* to oSju, **4to —4 n a* j *»4 b* M furtk** r*M4««4 I <—t Um t—al» 4to A* (M— 1 Mar—b Mail t* toM —pa id* '•>— a*rto>) to—4 t* a— U sottua* with tM* attars.? «# mat mi Ik* -nl»i —*rvt ii—yllar a I • .tk U»* mot* 4 f— praambnt fav lk* —«l Bark— ; to 1 >toat fiajhm >a *pp—a*4 J*.:o* ivartjtoi togk » —Aal rj • f 1 —t r**4«Dui n*—ua| h— , In —huml *to4j*r* —4 tk»p—> *l. I—Mil and to t—a haitor-l auft atty at will la ovary .—* ’ 'f*tr*4 b*4 'tour *4 Bad 1/ Bay atonrs*y «r —I I Bka£ .* iVU », u> aatarto u— Bad —— to —i j i itouac *art» la— 4 rey—vu—oft (to m***y I—4 to —7 rt—.i 1 toaU fca r* •40 to Bdran * or t*»a'U to tk- I— ial m—— toad M* atikk—4 aad vM— tk* «—i-aaat toaTi ha** ' '•*— r^Tto 4 ? fcVatiaad, Bad Mi* U r—d; inr 1 ■ Wiaia it Ik* Mai—r*. a— toad M- paid tc. <amu faad*. Bad a— ia to<k* to draTu In I Bad W I kdkr —n't*! TU aary h**4 to lidH*«-d ib4m tk* p—r.jMM to It* r—a iuU.Hi toaiX Ij* t*ld aad «i*»>«!♦'*'•! BBdrr U.- aa» to-i to Ik* am, 7 Apprito Mari L ». IMT* >- 1 t iPilkitKa HUIHi lu tk* IX’H'Bt to El y*ti*n« * nrto «•* lk* Jail— to Em « tmr i&* •-ftoaato B Bad O— r»» v.*b g (Htorv-t of i«a«La kto«4 My Ik* Mraat* Bad Hoa— to kyr*— U*. >'« to Um l iilto Bt»u* to * —toV i lu 1 -«« ; MMtutad. TUto Um . urpurao. «• to tk* at— to tuh ‘ -41* BC.: i>- y»to.—M Kktonrt i C MaMi. U bck! Ik* b»* bkvtiy r-|».r4 to *• ’H* k- 1* 1 j—l BO mmrw»—rr *ry—r*. In -id: »**• pr.nUfi* r|#rk , Mi* 1 *l* ML M*Cto—7. Bad B p*r 4*— . toaprn— t— •* >—i*» to tk* j*4«— to ria ti.r. 1. tk* r—pi. ti»* U—, »w-mu.l a—Wr tk* at to i'.4jr*a -otaUad AB at L puaiak Jhfd *otta« .a tk* I**trwt to « «*• lafta rd lor tok*r ptrynk*." I F-kraary MTh *t*f /*» Baa. L—4 Bod —l| 11H B to A— 4a— prr Uv f.r *»*ry day tk*7 M—Ji Ur a turn u. —nptoj»J ■a ft* 4. run* ( tk—r fcaC— aad Ik** to tk-jwdf •to tor. * a to tilkar <ur -r » tkm4. to U*a x*T-*ta to at trriMtl in«iß« at to tk* a— to Mai ;*4tf—. •*-*»! W *—l akvil to r«a* b.u tk* aam* * -ft** d*to —taa*: tk* 0% to wMtrft tk* 1 *4f— a. «rttfyu«r akaJ) Makwc Aad it —ad Mtoaftfa. hr —7 to Ik* —id j—td— to rkw— to aim tdtorr *U»« .fa bU - aa— ndaUk* to tk* Auto* —- —4 tk—l IT u» Bkd my p lira 1 u wiUTa » eubAMbc * td* Miba'ii i—r to*.. 1 .. Ul'-a —7 to *U ,ia% a*. *>ibC h* W—4 fiillj «.( prrjurr. aad xatv C B I bmrmi —*d Ma —! j*rt l > l—yr-ruia/Lt to . »*ar 1 Aad M* it farther r—to—4 Tuat tk* ;ad#— us L>* a.; r*to* a-« ■( Ikr L/—rv~t ol i .. akad fc;<« i.-il t-r*a t_atai am A •lart*>o .l aa A rokad r r-* ia «4 «t—* to t—M<ta and U—f*to*rn. •i. akail k-dd Ikr.r u4c« (cr too j —r* aad anui It.' • r •!> - r**» -r* Br* Bkd qaaLftnU ak—a da ■ t —to! 1- ftp i*i» Ibui to tk* had-< at tk* r iki—!i rf-rtm. M> rarriy* aai 4rp*t la—4 I—* tk* haUto* at -raft—d —tar* la tk'ir r—parts*' - *— a t%m* tk* potto ar* h«—d. aad 4*r Jar* lk* r—»*it. aal tuaA- racapr • tßrr* / a* •—rt*« akali r**to*a tk* rot— to kU pm— wa— aamr. try atk tot of rotor* to Mai prakri. pea l*rrd By tka .m % to •*—* kh.rrato i. aao a—* ■ tan vbry akaJ Mara pan t> adatiajator toil a—i aa Vj tk* id—tdj to « 4«r» akd m&mil r—*(«• iroca :k«Cr raapartli* ftt*n tka toto* ~~ j ntoll 11 he tkmr a-maw a* aa* pato to Cm .•iiMßaainmii mi to rßrOoa :r. a—l c.l*« . and aa . par- a— fatotoy r—«• Mi itoMko —ad M* dr me-4 gniiry to —4 akad. cuavtctkto ikrraoC. to Boky*>4 to um prtana—t he tk* Wra to Mto Ua* u—a ok* aor —ora tk— t— y—r» AH acta aad t«n* to a. to tana ml at Bar-a-rt:. ar* toraky rap—kd. Apprxrr-d. MarrM J*. I4t. *» r —Mika m hdilMr to tk* tiani— ml -y*y» to lU«*r* ur—rad by 1 *—arr— ftaa>:««4 My tk* ft—at* and Hint— aoJ ftapnittA a—.toad That lk* luto to ***,'&— r* may***vttk tto aprmyal to—• ftt -j.~j mi W%r. —apin* —rft cm! ' •oAiaam, ato't. u— fry* m aamtar. lor tka pw 1— c f riM-ntth* . * —riaja aad kaateo——ia to n— li' aa— 7? ud th* •a. -w to bU—*d a raan— *l*—Lm Par tkrtr Him Dot to < b—l U* mbs to lAn* (1* ix—ad dtolar* l-T Mr. Btm kr—oTcx.. Manß AB, lad? tb* ' aad ft«atk«aaiar-& Htat— ■Pl—to**.l by tk* ink Bkd m<— to Mifr. ii v—a to Ik* l altod Wat— to i.w—ra w C ■—*■■ | —UmL That tk* MaiftW) to Mar to and Barak; a '■p—r4 akd dir—4 to »—* lEppilri to M—d Md fMkltopr—l atanaCLk awl mi —1 —1 h> —y aad Bl; toaaa.a to 4—utatr ar Mto|4r— to tka ator* a UL«r* to tk- rups aad otßn uau»* ha«* raM n*d atd**f*—d d—kw I Mai tk* la— to ria4* ikruapM lk* tr i haif. • bar—a. —far —u r UaUUM a* Ik* xrrrkrj to War lU.I pna to* Aad H tkai ra t tkr —Ttarr to War w M—to.y Mkruto a&4 d-ractnl tkrwdk tk* n—iaw t—r to tk* (r—4 a-b i bar—a. to ao aurfc m to way d— u* ta «»*?• aad wra— etUi p—»u—• raw—* m 4»l That tk* rtp—di—T' *k*d ito«uito toy—d tk* pr— rot Bppmt*-t*Ooa* fawtoj a—4* he tk* ft. *dwia » try* »Eis UanM k* UKI la— i akda. akd pr—faka« ha tka FtfaMw to 9m4 akl ttoir Laccr.lMnUoa ut tk* ftwivtorn Mtat—. toutml by tka —a* aad * to ft»pr— ia ] Lab 1— M tka Cattod Al*»— to Ammnrm U> « mmgimm **—Kbtol. TW tbm —W to Apt ft—a f A- dot* U roai!i.M.»»f to tk* Mar— u U fm* Imm. rtoa^a— —d at—A —d toad* Bkd pWrad t» tk* rrm dll to tk* d*yartwißi >4 agnoaltHra. aad tkat —»i —am —all Ma bq Vt tk* iWa-t— of tk* •‘uetk—rr to iprv altar*, he Ito parrMa— to a—4* to —pro** I *an*ca*s to »*t*Cald** —J v—ia, aad ttosr Jutn:<i.L >a la tto ■ lalM*— AWBr— Appnr—d. Marrk 3ft IB*T «l* Aft i A k—d—oc <tt—tta« tii* tocjprWry to War to fartitak cartaua Arw> Bad Ljiupaau ko tka .Hut* to Tmm—i ltaaol—.l My tk* 4Hi aad U-mmmm to ftapr— uu«— to Ik* l adwl Mtaft— to A wan— ia uapr* •an —aU*i That ia* kr, -vtary to War tv- aad M* M ktok to Ma MV—awrt Mr ky tk* «U»* to Tumn to Uto p*i«n—t to tk* L ataad dWa— Appn>r«d, Marrk. ft IMT Nvi XI , J hb' ft—ohnfajo aa*p*k.Uaa *U I>«—1- lap* u. lUWty— to PayaMkt tee trafWd or r*- mi«bl > nliiilnrt ut tk* aubtary TW-r»w « a.' Ik* t'uk] dta! wa it* ft raa.4*ad by tkr Hr-nak* aad U —ol H»| way MUn* to lk* l uilal »u— u i laavt .a C u*ra— aa a—ubfaML. TW all ffttoW pwtar—dui** tk* l**a ty Mtotftb ar—Oß to tk* ftt to Uiffi"* Bps'—4 fto»- raary ia—lyduartk. rtcMt—a Mwadrrd aad lutty t-ax. X- av*rd o—»— aafltoi to tk* au—ra to aia«— draft *4 wto Wm aukwry mt—a .4 tk* t ait*4 Hut—. —d »«art .-v-mpari—l> m u p—ai fa akoaa to«r«4 »«4- aataar* may •—« -rrti>, ‘ aad «tvJ*r tk<* *rr>*d ttoa to tk* at *rpvi«>t Jaiy h::adr*4 aad a.\tj «u. **waAia« apprynttia lor pay a—l W p*—* Aatawac arrrtr* ie kakor ftww —knad < toaatr*rp.* dra/W4 a—a." M* a«d tk* —m» ar* Mto*- My ranvi ini UtJ tk# Ha r—ary to War la iu—al iU> da—4' < tkr I—at— appoco—l I—4#r tk* —MI >rti to tk* wafarto. at**, tk*hr Budiay rvparfb tknr proo— dt—a M* CM* War Hrpartw— t Apt*rx ml Man h *•, I*T , ifta at i J*—l B—fail— pnntdiac lor Ik* Kip—• j to -arry w«* into toll Kflfart Art —ftltod -Aa art to wwafa he CM# wan iHrt—t UotrnuarM to tk# KrO*J Mat— Hr it r— d**»l by tk* Hra*4* aod H im* to &*pr— uuia to Ik* I'diVhl hwi. 1 to Amrrv a ui < oo*T—• ••-otUnl TW ruift. *•» ammammj I* Mrrtoiy appropeta j uwL o«i to aa j wo**] la Ik* Iraa* try •*.4 aorndM , appr—riaAnt. lo krttj Ik* *ip#— to arrytoft tain i rtxl! fhri la ad tw part* art «nuu*d “Aa art to proud, tor Ik* mot* toft. —.t n««——l to tk* r*ft#l tftat—." pa—rd Man h too, M|Wu buolrto aod at H —c. rtft all tu —tpliwaiTi #-u TrorKlnl. Tkai tk* wont »WI not *»<-—4 ftt* kawirad tkou* at*d 4toiar« A{>pn w>»V Mari ti 30. HPT. 1 No. S3 1 A ft—toutwm Ao Mtkurur tk* n —nMB 11114 c <•—*ral to tk* Army to prrmii Trad*— to r—a at 1 orrtaiß wtkAary h*ft ft—ol—4 Imp Ik* ft—ah* awl Moon to lUpr.—W u«— to tk* Tauto ftWli I to Aa—faa W t «nfin —btto. TW tk* wmain »w «—to to tk* army •kail M* —tkurtard to p—ont a tradum —AabUaftw—t to M* ■■>*— I I alt— ft* am 4ay of Italy. Mfbtnu haad—d wad Maty-—r—. at —7 aftury pot <a lk* truotH-r. am ta tk* yhiaiM ( *ey <Mj or fa *a. aad 4MWd at ar y pmul »*•**— lb* «** hundr— tk tun iaa to *—t »>— w—waft aod tk* —at rra hum da r~ 1 tk* -* at* o« • althntiia. «t**a. tat»» j aftjaim 1 Mfat **r»f :->niß*nt* a—d#d t r *tw anus aotoatvxi - *—rr—tk i—ipka*—. aad tok— ilifan. pranht.d TW mtu r lk* —l—ry depart—i toiali W pn-j*r*4 10 pply »tor— to aofalMr* a* mjutrad by trnm. BO trader, me. iito Vo r*a*aia at —ck p—. *MaU ILy —!ior 1 w*a tod pn.ytdnl fur»k*r TW nk uahn 42 b* «u>d r prutarttua aod military —atrol i— ran UMIWIW. A|s • nd. Mar. t. k». I—7 ! IMo M ! A ft—to-UMo tu* Ik# l*ar>ka— to Load* a.l PMoto, Nat) lard at ftntoly*. ft* .to by MaaaAr akd U— to ft*y*—W a*wU*d 1 hat tli* Mm—ry to tk* Mk*p M« aaffcor I—d to —l.i|ftfa tk* par. kam to tk# p—party adjwMiag tk* M— l»il Navy Yard Maova aa Ik* ftawto— pr— nk *Uh*-et tk* —mat to tk* MtaAa to to* IOT Pr> > toad Tk* —to I* tok*ra—> approvad My lk* Ah U 4pp—vad. Man* ft, UMT J ,> «to , Vir ‘**‘ l *!wmA* , **S—to—tHaftWSlflC*ywM ; ammmt a— n> to —adl* ft* ana b toft • ’*■* *Nfto|. wWEWftpWftMft Ha—» to— ‘ W ftn— -'lfk ilb * *tow totofta fattoy Mto.tft*—« rr_- 3SttA2»ttsaUacr tftfiki rw to* «U rarp Ml to ... r . - i r. rrrri “ »• V. VMH rail an Ml to Wm ft—mi pw —j i* Tto • n- J Tfa* Hail at to tk* I alhto HUB— —rami 4 a. - TW ikr* > mat m fptiinia da paoa wan 4 *** Itow* Hitoftapai ■ <krl & ft 0 ft I* r»# «t. n or raa l am— ftr«—a., iftiy it. Mrr J 1 liaatiuiiT*** , **~-~—***• *• p—MWM— to Wm a aS k—'Craft rw tft* —tall w 4a pa—. tft# ftaoat' as—aa k pa— tk* wwr i W Fi.ftftM . ftp J W I* &MJLL& 1 9 t%tto (Waft ; fMa Aa Jo—t Momtatfaia Mtk*uft| ■a to tk* Matl *ft——bip fann bata«*o tk# ( attnl Mate# awli to— and top— ft* u r—CK—4 My tk* ft—at* —4 M— to “-pr tato«— to W* I wtad Mas— to Aa—n— W n w —wbW TW tt. h—r Oiuaral k# akd M* |* b—to.* »bib<vim4 to *it—d aad laipi 11 1_ u 1. —amah ;>■ *c.» ft, top— awl lAUft* atukontto by 'A t 'broarj •#«'»—th. rtgkhma Maadr# 1 ar. 1 any 4v# My ■ Mft.Mtaa r—ator atafl -aa— «rtk •B . UAr —Bpo Wta Cktfaa aad Jap— a* mil-. - to* fW#BI pr' —4* lk# a—Olfa— u 4 HrhArt wy *** •r# wa.l* totk—» a.Mi!v*ti' *vp— to tk* (t>r«ra* oroL Apprv—4 July 3». IM7 N At. t ft.-••iuW*> *ympaAky vftk tk# —torn %ts rwapto to Or*A* lfa*4«H My ft* Mail, aod ■•>—# to ftapr— a* u»— to u— Catc*d at— to !■*» ruTirnia aa wmbtoft Tkat tk# p—pto to tk# TfuAad Mat— f— ■ *cnm* ■yuipatoy *nk tk* paopto to CMa. —aafttuWy a part to tk* Or—ft family fai tfark [ n—. ao mart tW lk*y ar* potato My tk# r*pu« to tin pr—t torrap to tkt* wtar—al pnpfa aod May man* ta tk# hop tw tkia li Mraa ia vMfa-fc tk#r t—t it tkatr d*?y L> mat- WftV b* ftauvakly ||, f I to' tka r»tir>wnt to TftrMry ta datarmiator Ito or*, t to—ill. r*l* •*' 1 ftad b# N ftxrtkar r—ol—ft Tkat M akafl ba tka dory to tka rrmm Mat to Ik# l'stood HWt— k> nm ainowta tkm ramiitk* L> Um (ovaratoool of Tftrft#; Approvto Jaiy AB, ITT NEW YORK MACHUTEBY DEPOT 4 ii. a c. pi. a r 1 * IM tlirtm Hm< liw | M h tw.n uj Lull r, tm wj flu t i I KC I L A K MAH Mil. I.s irrmoiUßi uii» h)itik.i Mrnoa KaitarUai Bailri.. Wawia-.iik*. Iliim, ut all atbrr ••rtiax Markin'*. uu» iv, Lnlk. lurau Ml hlto lun« uktxi mi Mto - win—l 11 Mi u, vm ■RkUaeklhaMta., BUI mu a«aiira»ai. raa a <!> •» uriorio khou iih **k —1 T»au. MB, dW *Wu.bU n. Wfiic ujinmii WTUumm aai m rracaaa aac mama Hull way Mappllm.* rua •rt *»~U . MitLBI rtOOt ATTENTION, PMIITERB! PKIITIIN Will E AMU EATEKIII. FOR Ir-i. a f .tt; TANARUS»« taVu* Iml*, HUM u U m.l mm a. I b—c mi tsrwa o— Bo* Dnua Cyftt Aar Pr—a. —■ins mb*, w par tan raa aw* order «W* Lyja dob Pr—a c«a# W* Marry pr—a. AIAO, A torpa tot to Typa. to *«sry itoarnpCli—. Qwm. ftA—d« Imp*—a* hi— v Cktwa-. aad —nWftg ftasftad M Ik# IT*?**. «sftddoftOHaw. wa* "* ***** *° P |rr >» l »t TMnsa I—aa liSrfti to ywrrMaai «sa mmrnd tor —d,_ k. T B. NlftUftft to r i woii am, 11 IStftllk Ba. * t tOßttlA. WALJLDI rOCBTT.—J M WmoarA ‘ V Manas appknl to Ma aponatni Uaardtoa to tk* pr*p*rty to W J War**— ad Thowaa n ■ r*°". T—e«. Tkts toto dk aft pmwa Mawal to to amd app—r at IP* harm to tka Last to Urdmay to Ma Mato a#n f tka ftrtopab *by -to J M War*act 4mto tk* tl—rftianaktp to M# p—iiM amd pmparty to W j Wanaacft amd TM—a* J Wswt W'to—a wy oHewi atssaMra. rkta tpnl Aft lias. T. W. COBB, mayl —JMd pm to* AJ Oaduun (H KoBtUA, DthWfaOX «u TkLW M 1 V"«l V**U*™iiUlabtaM eM to to. .toll 11 , •two .4 tolaiuwaAratioa tk* aataSa to TtU— A a l*toa. tot* to mad awiy- Tkt# ta to ett* afl amd atagsWr. tka rrairtaja aod ant to ba to WttlWw isdaraaa, u> b* amd appa— »i asy toßea. *«Uua tka Worn aik—ad My M*. amd aft .a <— if aav tk*y caa *hy parwamaat tEi akii 11 ■Mamid mat Ma prastod to r wdln Amßmosm amd #**,, Ffaato William Aadar—m a aaftaA* W r— wy Maad amd toßnaJ iftsitai 1 DAKIKL fOVUUL s*yt> *fal prto— A3 Lftdtmary. i N EtifttUA. COHBTT —Two *, «n rr V I dot* mpftaua *tU ba aiada to tka ton to Or duary . J WUA*r 'uaatj. Ltoor»ta, aft tka ftr*t r—Wr wrut after tk* fipTUMB to two uxartk* from tkia nail r Mtotu#* K##<k, of —tod *mmsty VI aa— |T. Ids tk? bn>? Aito Wr* acid rmlttor# to ad Itim ■I. AprU tt. O L ft J m nan s. way l —ftftd pr* (W M Idmislamn 1 J ' BuIUAU. WALJLKB OOCXTY T— aaoatkaadvi I ? 4*l# apfdfaratwa sIU Ma stad* to tka ttmrt o< «», dioary to Watftar cantj, Itoaqpa. at Ik* ftrvC rrpniar tana totor tk* B>ytr*Wna to too a—atka frma tkl> data tor ton to mil tk* Mu>4* brh>«#ta* to tk* trial ) to D. (• A##lk. talc to —i t NoatT itaraaaad. ft# tk* t—#M to Mmr» and emlnora to aatd dm—.l April 2ft. lafta o. l ftftrru kOa> l Mat* '' Ailm r fftfcllr Skerir* half. VI r lUV trn n.M. b#f u— Oourt Bam— *—r ta tk* If fa'** Os raytoiavtlft. W aakl tmty. am tk# ftrm T—My m Jan# a#*t, aubtm tk* aamai Mam— to —fa. 1 tk* bkioM pniparts. to aft tw* aft—* Mad*' —4 lot. atosbar ft amd «o* idftr# aod h 4. number 7. ft tk# torn* to PMy«M#vlll#. m —aJ ..aiaty L*r—l aa a* tka proparty to J L BLdork. ar im Matt ;o<#r—t tu tk* amwa. to wftwry laaftry —to ft t**a#d (r— tk* Wipartor Coon to aad ramty in ta«or to .tot to to tk* Uuaaft. apaiam ft. ft. Bmv aod | J. L ttlafauA. Mta atturmay at lao. Mav ft. iw. JOHN T ROVBX, tuayft - Xud pmli 111 M Lisp. BbsHft It >k* »1 A. W VI.KJCJt ctX in f -Two w—tka after \T data amplfatotan wfft ba loads to tka C—rt to Or Ai ** r toalr WamrpWtoWk fZ«mWtolll4*Hßftß JJ® 1 * tfaw tor t* .v* toaUfttkal f atnmftimf —tat#?* t J Wanaaek. tat* to aaftd lamaty ImaEE I A. tor tftv haiftl to krtf* amd rvwdHora to sard dftsamaad J. M. WftßßAt A. way I told pr* to* fft Adto'r g 1 BUBiitA. WAIJUUt OOUHTT—WW—a. Jam#* VI H tu+*rm Maitmft appHad to w* tor Ltotorv to at!um.,»tAnii -*. apoai nw —tat* to lawn Maad# to —fat catoly. fti naaaaft 11. all amd atmpmftßr, tk* Atwimt amd mol lim to aadd 4amaa*ft ass karaky ##tqft amd aftmamMkt tu M* amd app—r aft wy iftfti a aMkta to*fmo* ar»—nV*d by Ww amd atoow Mm**. If say. sky tsttors akoatd ms ba giwHlUlHl—l !»(>«■ wmßar my ksmd amd totowl atsaaftar* at tohr*. 'lb April «ft IBM T. W t«BB aaa«t ftftd pr* fa* pi uadtoary UftlkftH. CtJIPHPd. oommf -/Ta aB wtoma ft o—i .Mb w*yk— BliiMwa kavtop ftlto kta patumm in prop*# tors* to a—. p*apta« Bar kfttow to - ~ *l*h Ik* artlt —a—ad. am tk* «4W* to Juo*pk Btofcbp Iki# Ift to cHft *a to ia. *i«# oftoto to tkt* mMh. fßlMlh HaHftw. mu to too. aod —* aftari toHMs—ift to M*am4«ppsa* bt (U* a*tt Jatm. Tarw to tk* told to Ordtoftsy to —dtwmmfty. aai «Bww —a*. B ass tos» aaa. tovW tor* to ntoaWft—iftftft._wttk mm wjl ftftkkftsft toaMftft ■SR—..*