The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, June 25, 1868, Image 1

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UM §>Jl| |n *n »• igM «r H Mr - *ftf Mk TT— K» t'ft *•» Kwh®- | 00 ar maw #« r ■ »?«• «* AOWUllfMlu T - !»• |h» « •T-" •»* •• »»* tm.m-m*.* i*m Um •• **•«• ii bm» * • •*«* • • •«« »-• ttgwa®w» «« mm ‘ N**m«o - ■*. *» •«• Ml ***• Hk M «. «-* >4tM «m» mil «m» •'* . thie-fi* rw .. aft m MM rn m -« *<!■■ x*«fi IWM ttttßa «fa*-u»d **• »*■■■■*»< wiiiH^M «J< f*<Wß <ta s»#-«v« M« * "* «ir«K »4 It (to.®* m torn. tW ttte t«M Mm I'M 3**-* <4 e*Hl Ia agnrrtt M li« u M**< mftlf • kjU4/« , UMUMMIIt Mtt«l M I. Mll< tv Ml IMII IUM imiiM M HitofM to be W IUMU>« *®l# » IHm fast M> A UMMH. IU •taf-tt • •« HW tormlsmm mam Mb «m MUM 4-s Bis IMU |N»liMl >r M Ibb—ting. iml UmM tar fota <-»•/; r HiißlMiriM. mmMMn IMBtmlUhi 4f <BM(W< Mn, W Hlfitifi ft'lM r»M? (j«4rt» w.w-« I III: KWA om( i» in tut UK-K ihuiimi It* iUjriM4 min • 4«m«m thk loßturvid/ttrvuji Uk.’Al) AMO ■■im'll I r u > ■» *.» »1 4 -nWi 41* Jte—.#* Mw Tteg ■ Mj )uiim to tmioto k.»K Ilfaß ■ >BUU4, ■dvußM' *wt4 vnd tact fa ward robing «• lit* Hooili’ . Tfa« i*i iinig iary ÜbMrJ *u4 in** ta mr7<«*MMl f*- - Hsve fH|M M gtarfaotw H u.l fling b»« tenner uul Hum 4 ' Hurra. For itami lira!, birra ' llurra lor tta Ottio*.rts» W.Ui every Hu«iMni tui lor wei* ot HmMidnuUun rnU* Fvum tad Vjrftnis * htU*. At rv«i Um luulb Ui Tru«)>Uißt 4iJ iwr| fieftfittl IBWT. When this 1« door, well )o*u the Mr lit. lub <ulU xr l4A4i!r% •*v«ata And HlUr him hMtd'bl Hurrai. ' Hurrah. 4. BraidTSUF JackNn'i grave To buu uui; lor tb* uuu Wbn o*o lb* Talon bbv*. By all tbr Uoo.l U»* war hes -hud, By aU ara b>>w b> Ba. Wr 11 rally to tbr eteuiterU uoa nil lo.,« Uir Irra <»# Hurrah ' llurnsfi. . I. tbr; r. rmitjUig North. Mol KM. and Wml Wr it rally to the Mouth. IV nil nomine <doul4 L't General lirat l immi «b b patriot Muulb M ./rail kw (Irani ' th*> ab.>uA* uual Mil Inuß rta; t nuxa Up, And mrj man must rally ik>w t-n mao tit* 1 m*m atrip Hurrah Hurrah, Hr. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Zr —<r _r~^—.-~rz: ~ J 111. I’tlutiplr. or lltr >nliouiil l( r|>) l*arl* Koun c titled. Equal Civil and Political Rights TO All National Repudiation and Orime Sy u. ay mo us Terms. nil hji iLlXiTloior TifaiTlox *M» uovEPim Kio'ioiv UIVWiTIfI. Tht- Declaration of independence the True Foundation of Demo cratic Government. i„i nmv ilium KiHMiHii 1u« IvrllnaiUK (•Ulforui. r*p**rl«-J l»j thn (ocuanUr- on Read lUonn, »a- uuAiiiMonnly j aiiopt«nl by lb« N»tioi»ni U«|>uU>«oii OouTwn tion to n—njnn at Cbkttfo on the Slat t—t J Tb« NiUonal Republipan j«wrty of the Cot- j Ui.i Htalea. aanettiMerl IO NaUooal ton Tent ion in tha city ot CbioiMfo oo th« ‘JIHh day of May, IHfdi, tualie the Miowitt fc ; .ler'larmtKmof prtoan ! Kirat We isnigratuUU lb« oonutiy on the i4»Niumt auocena ol the rfrooUHtruclioii |M>)i«*y „( t ne r tioretl b.' lti« aJrnrti«'U, m a majority of lh« Bi*i lately in retrellum, of t iinaUtntioua aeeurmK < * |T>l HU,i political npbl* to all. and tagard tt a* the doty of the ! Oovnrnment to »uaum Uiihmi inatituttoiiu. and • to prevent the paopla ol auob Ktatea from ha- i i remitted to a »tate of anarchy. Second I'bc guaranteo of ('oimreaa of eqtteaj ««nfTr.4p , e to aU loyal n»eu at the tioutb waa , lent nude. I by every I'onvidoration of pa la in- rutfi-ty. of Kf*tJtadr, and of jontice. and moat lw uiaintainrd. While Uie q—uUon of ittdraife in all the loyal Staten proparly be lonßn to the people of thoae Staten Third We denouuce all formn (»f repudta turn an a natmmd crime ami the national ii<>nor require* the |«yn>ent of the public Mv, I . ieblednent* in the utiuoat gornl faith to all ' redltom. at home and abnwui. not only ao- j .wording t > the letter but the hpirlt of the lawn ( inder which it waa cH»ntract»-.t Fouith It i* due to the labor of the nation •that taxation fdiould l>e aqunlued, andrerlaoed #d a* rapidly ** the natu>nal faith will per mit. Fifth The national debt, contracted aa \it Ama Le«u fur the preaervatton of the T'nion for •dl tttna to come, alioald be extended over a fair perkd for redemption, ami it la the doty of Fondle** td reduce the rate of interest there on whenever it can poeaihly be done. Hixlh Thai the beet pohey to dimtneh oar burden of deU i* to eo improve our credit that raptf *4*l» will mh k to loan ua money at low— rate* of inlireal thau we now \m* t and uinat Nkotiaar to }ay au long M rwa—Uon, partial or total, open or eofert, U tnrWrtaned or anapactad. Seventh - The Government of ilia llnHad State* ah on Id be adndntalere<l with the «tnct> rx.i m-oftomy. and the corruption* which have ttean ao shamefully nurwed and foatare*! by Andraw Johnson •'all loudly for radical re form Fighth W* prufuudly depkue the antirne ly ami tiagie death of Abrahaig Liaeoin. and ,*grei the acna**i‘»n of Andrew Job—onto the Prcaidaney. whQ ha« acted tre—herotialy to the p«M»ple whu fleeted hlui and the —He# he wnn |4edged to S«p|MWt . bae «M—ped legiela nrrand judicial fuuciiou*. b«« tawaed u» e*- cute the law*, haa Hard hia high office Ui in. dace other otteera »c» iguure and violate the law*, haa employed hie aßeooUtre power to fender toaerore the prosperity, peace, Ittwrty •ud life of the citl—p*. haa aboard U.e ym.i iiootng pvw«w. haa danO—led the N*t»«*nel aa nnc«matiiiitoooal Ha« |*rr*4a tentiy and cwraplly rwaieted. by every »* *•»• iu hie power, every proper attempt at the re cf>natmction «and the Hialee lately la rebellion t.aa perverted »he pnhfte nrtmnaf" into an engine « f wholeea«c corruption, aud bae beep uetly .«,--a«'bedfor b*|fb ertfnra and »»-«U iiimhoh »o»d proferly ura—maiwd guilty **f lha vote* «.( thirty five Senator* Si nth The doutriaa o# Or—t Britain *«d •*ber Kareceeua pnarcra, tbai baeaqaa a man la a eatqeH be U alwata m—t ha reaiat *A u •*«TJ '-T «“*• »- * ..Ur ..I UM l»«*l W* O) ...» IBV M •* •“ »W> «B » |mUh<i and mdependefi«w smarai. THK DAILY NEW ERA. in nami kl ><titii. right# «* rtti>ewiiig ae they were we- Itvwbura ami ao wtn*e <a the V*Med *“-1 —. Mb*a at aaHandiaad not W Haute u at ra— ami (mfWWwaaewi by «ej »»r» «* p-en I— acta dim* «v w—4a apoae* la tht* —airy Ami If arreeaed *a4 impnany 1 tt aa the 4afv of the tl*»i nanaf u» iattrfw« ha haa be hW faatth «H all wh. ? arete taaUfal la the »r* S ale of the late air tier* we** we* niliilaf » • ! ttautw aapaaial ho—w Uma the br«»e auttiro ami aa—l who eanta—4 the bmblnfe of and na— ami tag—led Heir bwe« »a (ha aenAaa at th* euwaiey The hoae «>«* and peaatn— arw**kt*-1 l y law fcw the** brave 4ammimm m the 11 .«, are «ldi|4ttM neve* to be facmWUu The Widow a m.J - fatten* of the pdlanr U-a* at* the weed* -*l ttte fi min a aaarwt leg*, y brqocettted to the ne th— a paydectiuai u—a. Bavanth For—gn -mlgrrlira who h in ttte p—l he added to Matt In the wwahh and . deveiopoM-t.i of tUe rewatßre* end the la . r*wae of power wf nahei • the aerbam •4 the uppr»*MM> iof aIV n\U»>i.« «b*-uid !•* hartarirvd and ncoangwl by a liberal ami j»*i policy, Twalflb Ihia *ua*«etßtu 'l* Ui. • It* aygy* pnthy With all tbe<mgraa t \ |euj < *b ar. •IgiKglitg for then nghta <l« motion of General Ceil .VLut/ iu f«»i lowing ad.fatioMl neolatWaa wer* uiwiii.tae* ly adopteal ea part of the p—llona ffiedwL That we highly euiuium I the , •part! of maguamtmiiy and furt***r*n- • with ■ which tbc m*u who he««-ee«ved tn ib* rebel lion. t>Q( now frankly and bonretlt •-«» .*j*eiaU *wt>n» iba fewer - - • ehd yenfrg t!;j* JUrm.tJirn;- *w*r- ■ n ouivnle up.>it the tW* of nsjartiw ;■ ■** ■“* aud eqoal ngbl*. arc received ha<A u.t • '!*« -(muuuixfi of tbe l-* Va* pc«>ple. and we (a«»i | ttte rvtnm a I of the die |«v*hficHi»i»n« eod n •trtctioiM im|cßM-.I u|k- u the late rebel* in the I name maaaiv* a* th»*‘r *p»rtt *4 1 -vaH will I •tirvcl. and m may be cooaiafent with »hr s*!- ' ty of the h««l pMOplc (T«r ■ of "Good ,-»l ) /.'»*Vnal. That wc rwrogita« the <rc»»i priu j 1-t plea Uid down in the immortal LhcUtaliun of Independence a* in* ua*- hmmtaUon if ) dean*-ratio an I w* hail with i gladuca* every ert ut t.-ward making the** J pimopica a Uvti— reebiy .»» r»cr> iu< L of t.b« \ luenceu *umL UMAIT A»l> (Ot.Mt I M 4.1 a UTTKA-. or &• • ITTiKt » W n.ITMAH M—h' ■ -J Ihe ale the' Irttrla lieoe**! Grant and Hon rv imyi. i Cuifai. un jkUig { the notmueik.** Ua tb* hv-dsory and ' ire Prvaidenflh ot the I t.iU-d Hint* * by (be K*- ppblicati National i ’cnvmtuwi WAammtroa. I). C . May Jv Inr’rft • o,i. '.mfiX H //'i *4ry, /*r*«i/lr»J Vi/ii*. i. I uhm i '« samitir* . In formally accepting the mmiiiwii u of th«- >ati/>uel l oion IU puldicrtu i'onv« utn«n. of girt-of May inateut. it proper thus; mu— k'atcmcut of vice* beyond the mere ar riqitaice of the notuinatiou should i*e erprea* •*1 The nroceediujr* of the Goavruli.m were marked with wiwdotu. miHlerationcbnd patn- < litiaiu, and I believe express the feclinga of | the gfc*t —e. ot thoev who ataatniued the , country through ita rm-ent trial* I emk>r*«- th. ir resolution*. If e.Wcted to the othce of )‘real.lent us tlie I’ultcd Htate*. it will lw- iny endeavor to admintaicr all the law* to good faith, with •-ot.nomy, aud with the view oP giving peace.qntet and protection every where In tunes like lb* prvaeut it iv liupoaxlda, or. at leant, eminently improper, to Uy down * |h»Ji«-\ to be adhered to right (»c wrong, throngli an -ot nn mat ration of f«>n r y. ar*. New political iMUwa, not fon-aeun, con aieutiy analog lh« view* of th® pobh<- t.o owl .•nee are conatantly chaugmg. and % purely ndtuintetrativ* officer abotild always l*e left free to eiccute the will of the people lal wav* have re*pe«-ted that will, und alwaya' aba’ll. IWd ami univriael prt>*)a«nty,»U with ei ououiy us admiuiatmtioii. will tighten the burden of taxali.m, while U m uataalJy re duce* the national debt I s-\ id have pence With i. >t !»*}*• >n. aervanl, l H. Grart. WnmtaoTOß, lU> *) II IN Havlry. Niuidrml So Inl.m firjmMtrun (Wn tvafioe Util H|a The pUiforui adopte«l by |he pa , Itk.'Uc conVruUotl uv»r which you pveal«Wwl and th* reaointinn* which «» happily —pph ment if, ao entmdy agree with my view* aa to a ju»i uaUoual policy, that uiy thank- »r*dtM to the delegaiea. —much lot thla ( leer and auapicums declaration of principle* ■« «<v th. nommatiou with which 1 have been h<»oored. and winch 1 gratefully accept. When a greet awbelltoa which imperiiesl the ' lottiownl fvietenrr. we* at I—l overtbrowe, the duty of all other* davolviug ou thoae entrust ei with the re*pow«iblJiU— of legialalioii rn 1 •lenity we* to require that the re volte# I State* vhookf be r«-admitted to participation m the Government again at which they bed wax red only on aerh a bema aa to fbereeae aud fortify n<d to weaken or endanger the etrewgth «>f the oetiou. C«rtaiul> no one ought to have claimed that they should be re-edsntted under anoh rale that their •trcaotaetton aa Stalea conlil aver j again bo used, a* at the opening of tht* war. to defy the national authority, or to destroy the national umtv. Tbi* |»nncipAe ha* been the jH>le star of thoa* who have tngexrbty tn aiatad on the fnagrriaainiial policy yonr con vention *o cordially endorsed. Hamel by Kx e-ative «q>ja**mo*». and by peraxateart refit— I® to accept any plan of r*oooairuotA«a pi offered by Cougreaa. juatice and public aafaty at laat . onxbtned t«* icaob aa that only by an enlarge ment of anffrwge in thoae Stales N.yld the de aired end he al tamed, and that it wa* even more Mfr to give the ballot to iboae wb » loved the Union than to tho— who had ao<ta*bt in effectually to deatroy It The aaaurtvl s.iccaa* of thia IrginLitiou h» bring written on the ad* maet of burtonr. aud will be onr tnuuipb vut vindication. M»»re clearly, too, than aver l>e fora. dm* the nation now reonjnixe that the gr— teat glory of a republic la, that If throws the alueld ul Ha protect*.»u ov*t the wimUml aud the weakeaA ol lU people, aud vindicate® the right® of fhr p»»or an#l the jxiwer’-MMi a* faithfully a* thoe* of the rich auii Uu (M>wor ful 1 rejoiee, too, in Una connection, to dud in your platform the irauk and frarle** avowal that the naturalised citixen* moat t*e protected abnwkl “at every haxard. aa though they were uative born ** t »ur whole (>e«>pie art! roreigb rra or deereu.lauta of furrigoeiw. Our fathers eetabliahw! by anna their right to be called a nation It remain* for id to eatabliali the right to welcome t»» oor *hi*re« all who are willing by • alii* of allagiau<*«, to become Ainerioeii citixena Terpwtual alh-giauce, m* churned abroad \* only another name for peit>*tiial bondage, and wonhl make all alavea In the wall where flrat they —w the light. Oar it dional j cemeteries prove how faithfully the** ...ah* of fidelity t* their adopted land ha— baauacaled iu Hfe-blood of Ihou—nda upon thda— Should we not then be falthlean to the dead if we did not protect then- living brethren *u the et.joytneut n f that nationality, for which aide by aide with the native born our aoldtera of foreign birth laid down their live* It wa« fitting, too. that the representative* 1 of a p4irty which ha#! proved an true to datum al duty in time of war, whould np*ak ao dearly in time "T pence fi»T the main ten* no*- ttutar uiabt-d id uetiolial honor, national credit, and good faith a* regard* ita debt. the. <>wt of onr i national etialance. I do not need In extend thi* reply by further ounment on a platfoiui which haa elicite*! •aeh hearty approval thr*>ogho«t the laud The debt of gratitmte it acknowledge* to the brave men who ved IMddd fr«»n» d—tme i l»4»n the frank amneaty baaed on r*|>enuinr* ami loyalty the demand for the rmwt thoroagtt eoonomy and honeaty In tha Govrrmseat th* ay—pathv of the party of liberty with all throughout ttte world who long fbr th* lilwity ww lirr* eftfoy a»*«l the u»i»«*u of (ha eabhta* prtn<4pl— of the Dec I vratkva of 1 mlapawdauoe. are worthy of it*. otgani—llih <•*! who— banner* the) ar* to l»* written In the earning cCuteat N It* pa-I TvrHWtl aaxuut U ttlotlad uetix for gotten If tliviw had haew no . party »I*very would to day eat Ua h**eful •haifow rfin (ha Mope »4u If ltt*r» tt*4 beaa u** Hejojldi- on party, a free —e«« and f—a •pa*«’h wtvabl he aa unknown fr(UI th* |\ito mac to lb* Bm Gland® aa tea year* ago If v ATLANTA, (*A„ THURSDAY MuRNLNG, JUNK 25. IHtth. I ftta Bapatilirai party a—il ha— heea gnrtta few® e—ataa*e rtaa th* t.anae® and lttem>a •true aefertaal aa4 ttw th* oq—e and no ! raw—auw *»• iratf al tlx* Marih. •« * *M ha— had ha n?ll a BhU; Hat lor tha It* pwhAaan party dartag u> rtmk ttte ®ttxa 4 tat wad draft laea, uai tt—l cwetd oat ha** U>a kept tying ow tlw fteAd Uh ttte ha— hefted ka rtrtovy r—a ftHttata4 a liptt fi—a jaiq ' the rdvtl rghta bit. ft— faaranta 4 eqaaiity ehdae the law la (he ha—W* *ad the defew—- ta— ha wall •• to the nrnag e%—l4 ant ba to | day wpna mr aai^a—l ehut t* t»mk With each leapwwtkaaw fVnaa the pa*«. and Ml.-wing ttte »»ample of ttte fwattri .f thi_ lUfwttlhh Whu rolled ttte vtniaeto— Gaidnr* r ttte If mluiAix la pntttt wear Aa lead H» trtumptta had aa—d fnm tt* *•—wlaa. f eann.4 dowttl that wr Ulon wdl he eiowaad with aw And it will he • ■nc i— that will br—tt tea hired hum, nualttaor. proapertty, and prnwraaa. Rortl aa well aa Nmta W**t aa wall aa fid, and above all, ttte btaaneg* an der Fxnetdenat nf wall—| aahtawrl and peace - Very truly, part, hti IUU (W» 1 tATIOVAL NIPTBuTAk rOttttTTTKR. • <-aan* rn* mr .« ran Mtatia* lauixin noa Wa |unil helue a correct ||*4 <•( tb< Natnue l *J I nwa Heymbficau ('oiunittM by ' tba National ( <*nv*ulk*o jn*t Hk>i|o adj *nrq uiaot The liata pubtwttad heretufor.- ware iiicot r«*rt, and w® ah*.# give th- pteb.ft-#- a.!- AR-' -s-t-Sr3cAwfc’Meke»t- V • r. p-. r ■ *•" ’+** dfc -Wa ■ - J I ’ * j 4r* ®ar H F Rice, Little H'-* 1 i h/iti—ij George G fkirtmu ti»u I ran I n—ro (ttvwh Itauk'l Witter. Denver i onjttrf . 1 H. Nr Starkw*atbi-r. -Norwi It ' Ikiift'i N*wton F<luiunda. 1 Ihrlamtt* K.I ward t' firadford lhatrui #jf Kay U-a F. Boweu. I MokinetoL ** h'lunda- -ft H Ounover. let® Cay. bear.;tot .John II t'al>l«tli. laGrxnv. biako J. CL Hanley Ittxoo J. H loan. Gttirag . ImUana 4‘yrua M Alien. Vuxc«—A*e« lotto Joaiab Tracy, Hnrfingt4io hanea« John A Martin. Atchi*r>n Kentucky Allen A Itnrtuu. j LoMuwirai 1! li. South* »rth. Ne* Or ljatta Vfitm* lamds Harkfi. Hu-Uon lAiryluf*d t'hmi t* Kflttna. Hahrmrwv tfajaucAuartL* Wui. ( aidiu. thwkm i tu-KufUH Marsh t iiddiug* l . kaUin®/ • WtiuMaofa J T AveriJl, St Paul A IX Fiak, VTckaburv Vumjvri Bcnj. F. Ixan. St. Joaepb Mo’dawt S. Wiiaon. Hoxeman City. YrhrueA i F- B Taylor, Omaha. A, auL i ’has K lirlamg, Ytrgiuia f'Uv Nr.r Hfutmh »* Wa F. t handler. W ash tugton, D. U Nr. ./rr**y James Uubaill. J*rs«-v I'll) Sett l'«» k --Horace Grrdrt N*-e l“ik < itv. NorfA GirrWufW W HUmta (>Haj li. 1L Cowau. Bellaire iAragon II W Oofbety, WH®Uingt*»n. I» t*. / J f«aayf.v.-...i W H. Kemble Fhilmb-lphia. RA./r Wonl (tan L H Fr.ix*. Frovi denoe. - - Smlh <VinpffnM J H Jenk*. t'harleston Tennmnr* W B Hti.kes. Liberty !rjo m A I'ii YtrvunJ T W' Park, B* uuiugfc.w l nyiNhi Franklin (Manta. U .i*Aj/*.yf»m TerrUtmy HrW I’m .i S. D k* ra*. Pat kr.«»ttfirg lIuCUAJItN David Atwuod, lI»'I|S'U At a meeting *>T th** Committer, held on I Friday tuoruiog, an organ V A, i‘*n aa® rffn-ied aa follow* Ho* NYu I'uruv, t hail man Wm F. ( HikDLU, Secretary , . MTtiL XXf# t'TIV 1. • <XMirm v [Ho*<b|n®rt*rs at New York f'm l Wm. Claffin Ctieirmau Horwee Gr— Uy. T W’ Park. Marab Gtddiaga. W m II KernltU*. It B fVtweu, H II Stark*etthei ru< inn nißxinti run rax wxnr ( Headquarters at Chicago ] J H J nnee F. H Taykw. Cvrua kl Allen - an • i > i . iMMiirxiKi T«r with . (tlrndquarter* at Atlanta. Ga ] II U South worth John H Caldwell. B F. Run i uu' -MMirm run Tiuc|rA<'tri< <v»*ai [Hi-avlquartara at han Fnxnciaco J (kv C. WorUaui Cttaa. K lie Umg ■Y AUTHORITY, PC HI, I C A4* T H l*'. it» «■ t 1 * Oo ug rmm r N l T 1: 1 > S T A I' K s, /Wt At Ua r%rU Mmmtm , —m 4 wai tags* B»J AW lal tht >V) mj W*+tmoim. i® rkt PtMrul ,/ (Wb—j. a* Msndan. tkt *mrt A 4mm •/ »•*•*. A P I®»T. s-oj m4jo*rnmd mm Xtturrtam. Ita r»«ftaU —y *4 Mur<*. A. p. l«n. tm m*ft mm W-4m fnUmp. Ita tk*rd dm ymf Jmiyt A. D l—T. «e( *s (ta mnU OUrd duf Jmi 9 amd mm rtmmml tm l®B ns *mtu Aalwnf®®. tta taesi wtk anda 9 <■/ *m*4 Jmif. mm —m* gay g mdfmurmmi tm ms*l mm f Xs' * •Us. tta am Us •/ .VuiWlrr, A P IX*? met mm Um mmA Ummmdp grW Us rs St ■■■(>*. mmd sta Ita memmd U 0 ms UmwmUr, a. b. A—7 OHAV XXIII -Aa Art axteaWtaf to th® Kata of V bra—a tha Prev—oa® of— Art i ihrtan v» Agrtru. taral Onllgw. tt® u —taf By tha hsaata aad ttou®* 4 ttrprvw* tail*•• us tha Uawel Kali af Awn.* la Ooagr*«a ®®a®aihlw<t. That tha grant raada br la* of tha »*swd •Uj of July. MglMeae buaJred aaJ «xtj iwe. lo *ark Btata. of iaa4 mqmmi ta thirty th—and a* r*a tor murk ot ita aanators aed r*pr*®>BtafW*® la Ooagr»®a, Lr Us iwri.sM ot Mhihttaklag *grl- ultarml « oUcg*a. la m\ Uaded ta Ua Kata of I&btaafca IO tbs ®*m« manner as if N*Uraaba bad bsao a Mtata >4 lb® t mmi at the data of tU* paa®—* of mtd »aw\ Am-rov rd. March SO. I—l. ( HaK XXTT -Aa Act h> perrouts ta Bart fnr grmJtum th* Bwbbc Droauda, aad fo® ether Ptirpia*4 JU it enact*#) by tbe Krnate And U#etk® at Heptmn t*Uv*a of tbe I‘nttad Kata* of Ataaoca la Oongr**. Mo-atiM, That the ®a» of twwaty thousand itaUar® la harehy ®ppr«prtaie<l oat of may money la the ta*** ury ».«f other* mm appro)>rla!«st. tr* ba mpanded by th* ftantary of the latartor aatter the nprONon of the arebitaut of tbe Oapftnl riU—o®. ta grading, fthtog up. removing bnibtMw®. and improving tha pnbtta grounds and streets aremtd th* «V—tal. ta:. 1. And ba tt tartbar an*> te»t That aU iwpairs and of tbs Oapttol building shall b* ma»t« uadar tha br* U >n aad a*pervof the arcbM«s t of iba Ongstol sitananm Anwruwd March ta. I—l. Ctt AF. XXVIt-Aa Art ®npeAs«4e*tary ta* aa As® eat. ! tied “an Art making Approprlau— for snmiry (*mi j Kipenaea of Iba ibwrnnanl tar Iba Yam aadtaa ! Jnsm th—. rlgbtoan hundred and Mitpwlgbt, and he idbar |Mrp.n®ta‘* >■■■■> Marrh aemn-t. et«bte«n hundred aad ®Ujy awv—. Ba tt aaartad by Ib* Wsnsli and H»u*a .»f B*|w*m-* tatlvna us tba Calk— tali I ot Aouerv * in ( otigr*** —btaA Tba* it.m roncludmg proviso of sm-u—x tan I of tbs art lUs-nti. I in tba VRla hareof ®Ba4l a— be b*Ad ta prsvant tbs mmemummry priauag, as hen tatarr dona, Ba lha Tr—ury Daparunant aad tba tamo, •her*..( by thsfr own a«|J.<vare but the nnmbar of ! par*— >a»|>tay*d ta tht® sarVw aball o*m be tn#T*aa. A Anwuvod. /uiy IX. lar? CftAP. XXVni. -An Act for the Belief of certain tad dtar® aad Math** ttanu fssAgasie* B® H —tad by tba ta®«l» awl House of Hgrmn '“*«• of tba BsiUJ Baht of Amsrt* to (ta«rm aammbknl. Thta—auidtar or ataior -hall tatahaaer bskt to ha itaiwtau tha army or —vy who taiib tally aart—arcorJagtatttaeaUataDant urttl tha ntasr u—th es Apr .i Hgbtaaa hwadrad and ttxly tva, aad who, wttbout pcopar autbortty «* taa™ Xr*« .btaiuad tad quit his command or rtf— la asrva ®IW aald ! data , but no'blag herein »ntaiae.t shall cpwl* ®a s i ram ism .c us nay fortartu r* Incurred by aay am b -A ; «*r •** —nor Os Mx pay. bwsiy. p—e.n, ar Khar *k U.waiuwn. bat this art ftaU ha .xmatruml antaty —a I removal of— y ftanluttvy mtch anbtasr or ®a*tar aaft | hava Incurred by tha lac’ of bis citlseutaip tn con— <t nance of hi® desertion Approved. In)y IX, IMI. I ('NAP. XXIX - Aa tad to aaMbltah critnm Boat Hoad. Ba H aaartad by tba Asa sis and Mourn af ttvpesssn inMvaa of lb* United Mataa of AmartaA tn Coaffrea® smsmbled That tha fedlawlng I* sOsMiDhad a® pom . Maine. fr®s EmHiahnnk. via Ecanabnnkport, ta nape frm ttttMbrt to ibn* Approved. i«ly IV. Inf* \ < MAP. 11l AX ttM —Him too ,ta aa Art **U TW Xn A.ila MSWWta tm tba mm* e«.iautO v rramanl af th® h— dtataa.” paam * n (he n»ed day nf MarH| | starbte*a> a*,4 *itl> aaven. l*as*ty third dng #d MUm h. rtgbte*« bnn.rwd and day aavsm B* X ai —< ks lh® B—ata aad tt— af Bapri ...a i ssr &. , srJsr££rs tsrer z true latanl aai —tag ®f tba mu af tha dar ! af kiwi. lhnnaaad sfghl hundred end tab attut SbMted (a art ta prortd® ta tba ax*a tdhtan' gav r<m ssL amini 4 asgn* hsaLvdald nVt; wary an ■atm «rs - «• ssf a . tha yen aa* i ait uX| af (X^ War t And be tt IttrtA— aaar tad r«m tb« «en ■ into ms aay tamtam aaenad ti« ®md *< «hwii be** ysV* ®ntg*r® ta Ids Ximpgravt mt tta tseaaml .4 tha , army mt th® Lnttmt ttsisi, end ta haw eWht tab pms**4. nh®aav®» tn tha »m»p and tat •measJ'f 1 (he teopar sd .Hnttiatti® af aatd act shad rsjsu. v , mJTTrtlhvm da— and ttha "Wmnlßr <4 adtamTp»* tesMsg l la htai er nefi gtaU or mihtarv * • m wui tbs®* f. «g nay mamtaxgal at ethsr dtv m*n ge*« . i®s ■dev mbiita ta iStdlaappawaal <d the (taurral sa ih ewwd. aaail hb«a pawmr ta pw rkh from ta« w Sklimm* iapi i?Jkoar 1 % f rS^ 3 4 -dseCh. or < th®fW|ga aac 1 Aad »•* H further eaactad. TIM th* (btarsi >4 Ih® aitny us th* Cn.tad mat* • sh-Jl ba tpisesusl SSLxamnttttbCm*" 4 ** " 1 ***** ay A And l#a a fUrtbes »«-». i. 4, Ibs( U». it- t tbs <taker® «f tbs army atraaf * ututlny in ®tad dmtrh is pagnma ■*—a r the tnnrm 4 ■tavl takers, sal spn-aatatm taha# a Itadr as**l s - afirant Provided Thai ss ? j-rn-as hc-r*W> far* af h*r»-*ner appear#tei >. r any .ttmrW xanvuaruUr ta rtm .ss ths fnuctietis 4 any <-trU rth • mr b*» r* u l v-d#.ik-r by tha mtata-' -tah er .a cutuutand <A th# diauvu. <w I>y th* Omsers. 4 n»e army xad >1 shell be the 4#rtg «fas b QU4B&. H-> t W fAXv» • /wap - ss sf-if>sai,l all pemws »!»•> ar* iis.- jsl iu rn# . »• m 'ft,ataeT '^j^tggbmnJj• | art sod th* art* ta vhhfc it Is s*pph Oi*(.U.-y I Ha. ft And le it furtJ.- r ei.s* Uml. iLsl U»» ksnli lot rvgwiwltaa b. o( taad lut IU. the art aehUoO -An a* « t tyyl.n slsry ta an art enwqgd ‘An art to tawsmte t- r lb- mmm rd i*o( g ,-verumen 1.« f lha rt-te-4 -uslea, | i-ne.l Mane two. uyUlaMi h-.mlrad sad s*4tya**<c>. lO'i I fa /.Mat* jpeatHUtK r.. pS**»l Mar i i«rt,f I thru atgßtave hi»»tr*d and «(*«( wesia *hs»] bars I power, slid it shall be U**ir duty before sltovisf th* 1 rspanua • 4 any perwun. ta sstku.ii. tpa n- h fact* ur lifannsbun s* th*) tau übtaio «u*b«; s®. h i ;crsii 1* mtitW (•» ba ruiu-hd- under said net. sod 1 th« ontb r*-jn'.red by smj s* t shsD r».»t •t. .te.« •>a **< b <}a» «u«.u. sud b*> pK»n *hsli • - -mistered t (iu<**■ su* b k*H alisll deride Utst he is sbUU <1 lh-re 1 to, sud ®i* b l»uard shall ®te» bsi* pu«K to aaoui#*. uudrr oath, tta b* ndu-..uater*d by soy r ■( I sttch '■ -ard. any m.s lb* (tislir. art •«. « f say ! i«rws visusUf mgirtrsttau . lei #u evdry rs** --f re f issl by tbe bturd ta register su sypikaat. sud it* every ■ I . sae ’4 sinking h • usise tn m tba list t> uercousfter i proruted. lb«- '*oard stmU rusk* s note or menu>r*t>.tuua, wtii.ii sbhii b* returned with tbe rsglslrst, 1 Uat to th* . omntsoding gene®*] us tb« dmtrivt. ■< tuu® l-rt tha grounds of such refussi or sut h stnXing fr .uj the nar mm dr a. -turn r . 8" ■ "kt* l r. 1 44. member ul aay board «and ragtaCnttiun by r***. u of re * or uuh»r Ha# A And ba It further •■ftSHCteal. I'ha* U#e true iu teat and meaning of tbe enftb prse rtW>l i» ■ as*d asp ptaansetary art Is. tsmntig usher things. , that no perwae j or who has bald any simitir* or judusal ofboe ,c nnr iWnte vbsther be bn® taken an *a»k ta tbr > unsUtut.m us th* United HUU* .#r nut. snJ wb*te,.r b« wss tending suck (4kcc St tbs awmec -eatn t us tbs retwlKHi. ur bad b*id 11 before, and «b» haa alter wards *agngad in inurr-v n ur rsbCi -u sgrninm the rnilad t«tstr-s. ur gl»e* Sid ur uosa<.*rl ta tba m. -» j tberrad, is "lit.tied tabs or v> v*H* . and tba I words - as*, utlve <*r Inb isl .ft 1 in any m*w in sail ustb n<«U*«ril sbail b* ronstrued ta inti ode a., civil ott-es rested by law tar tha sdn#it>.«trat. <n *.f j u; gri.rm# law us s mate, or fur it- Bda ttMatttttll u >4 j arnica. Ho 1. A»#«i be It farther *na.’»»-t Tbsi tl*e am# tar otnpleung th# >rlglnal r*g;ataati m for at ■ <uud act ms; . In the di* ration <4 IBs ruiomaeder of si#r .Umrtrt be ests - lesl ta tb* Arm day of • * uxbar j r*€i*tr*ti«a. slva» baia. puwar. bo) it an*. 1 b* tbetr duty . utnßrs -iti taurteen days prtur ta any atacuoe under said s. t. and upim rvwauaabU p ibb# nou. # of tba ttm* and place thereof, ta revtar, fur a iar*.«l of Bve days, tba regiatrnUon lists, sol upon bafug satis bad that any paraou nut rotated |b#rvta baa baan r#« lslrfed. to strike th® id ®u 'b para <l. from tt.* list, and such p>-r*r-ti sbal: u.d !•« allowed ta »*4* AO<t such l-unrd shall sl»u. during the yam-' |*artad. add 1 la su b rrgtetn the nStar 4 ,{ all perac-ns who Bt ‘.gHr puaaee* tba <) istlfaxtmDi required by sa l art ebu Lava not b«ee already rwglstorwt. and uo |— r* o, shall at illy tun#, ba caCtted tn hm rrgisterM v(4* by rmv of any eiecutiv# jard n ur aiuarp' I*r soy art or thi nr *bt» b without su U |ardT. ur amneaty. would iliai|nsdify him from rvg •trmmr. - v ting HA# * And be it furth.'f * 4VS. t«d. Tti*l W, 1*..4. f..ur iif «ai.l laet named at shad be uun*tr*ed t author**" th. ..UDraandlng geoswal Mnwl «ber*.n, «brs»«W he •bail daeru tt boiaffa. ta raanove soy males -f a board us nglfirsu.* and to appoint another In l#ta ! stead, and fa. XU any vacancy In such beard Hx> 9. And he tt farther ecarted. That all m-mb-r# 4 miA buant* of nvi«tr»ue and ai# j#;*•*• L# -.after .1* ("I ur nppuutted ta aM*m m aai4 military dtasn. under any au-emted Mate ur innate ip*l aelbueity. or by detail or s;i-eatm*nt .4 Lb® detnd ixennsi>d«r» abaU he rwqalmd to take and ta subscribe tba uwtb • f »A." prescribed by tew tar af the I a;ted | Xx# IX. Ami ba U farther #u. ted. That no die rlrt ' • ommaader or mernte r ul th* Unrd of (rgiatew#u-n. lur an; at t be o4B*«r* ur sppoteteee a. bag #»u.w tta m ®ba» ha hound in bia scute by aay opaaosm -f an; rtvtl witter #>f tba United state* Ha# 11 Awd be ft further res tel Ik.i *; u ,1 • ; vt»Mos at Uit* a«-t and ms «ti* a. «* i<> el#-., h tht»'\« *up . pieman tar; aball l»* cwwatrwrd bhera»iy. to” the *».-! that all lh. lnteu‘ lb-«•••■: ins; ta fell) and prrfc-Uv a. mni.ut • *1 » tY -'* V ** k r -S tee 4> trnm beprearnmwte -« 1., -id. ul .if u»an»nate pro tomip* I re* Me. * -j* ttßgttVHtyrsTTV. L'. tt. I Jolr 10th. IMI. <t I n# Urwaldesit us th* talked Xtotes. bsitag rrtnrt.. 1 i- the Muwae of Heye-vaeetobvaa. IB Vhick tl original—l Ui# Uil entulsft Aa a1 awpptemeninr) ta aa ac: #uu tied Aa act ta ur /»wd* fcw th* mure eA iant gov* rrt luaatt us Ih* rebel Slate-, pseaad aa the eecoOd .lay ul Man L. right*-* n ban-trad sa l at it*-seven, and th* art sutptemefcLary thareta parts J on th- twenty (bird dav us March, mgbteun hundred and aiily •*▼*«. ' with U» A # U>>m therei.> tbe H -uee us utsMvra | r - •wedm), in parenanr# ot the I'iKuUhiUte. ta rveuasi tbe same, end JfMelf-d. th* bill ik» paee. t®‘- third* H th- Hose* m lUprMrslslityi agreeing t# pass the saia* Allart HltWl* M-HIUs. s Clerk H R I . H. le vwa Xa»sVß of rwa r®rTri> HtsrxAf July I®. IXX7. ] Tbe huoal. bating promedml. lo parwiiaiut* •? u#. 1 ComUuttaa. to ra.ashkr th* bill -nUUed "An a 1 ' sui-ptamvotary U> an act entitled Ac net to prs»* nt# I (or ih* star* rttwat gwverwraent >1 lb* r*#be. Htnu-e. - } assi it oe lha e*»«md day of Mar# a. eigkterui bundnsl . and ttxtytepvwe. and Um art ewppteto< utar« Umrreta. peywed on tba tweedy tbwd day of March, eighteen Ihft ad red and sixty aevsm. relumed t#> tba Mo.i*e of Hap rear r.u live* hy the President of the l lute! kui.. J wtth hi® objnrWnea. and •#*» hv lb* Bosam # t Kc. rr tdaoi rrturr t«g the httl I ftetwf, That th# fall <ta |>ase. Iw»teir4s ul th# Menate agreeihg ta |«e lb# warn# I Attest i • foltNkY. Hi e j M tv>> u.r». T * t tfAl* XXXII An Arl I*l ratal>h«h h®. # - ib certaftn li.iaiite Imtian Trite* j ft. it mart#.! hy the Senate aod M-ma# I Kcpreeen I tatties ->f th* \ uited gtatea of tmertr* !« Coo*.-*#•* a* eembUd. Thai tha Pr"*e-Uv t of th- failed Mates ta. and be l* berrt y. autb<wt««*#l »■* ai-peat s omtuiaet -n ! ta •'usiet of three otter* ,4 tbe ar»-. v ao< ta.- w ta* | rank rt l.rtgwdler gen-ral. wh#i. tagether with S l. ! Toylgr. tvesimlammsw •* ladiaa ,a«bir®. John tt H.w | il-rx*. # of Um rtwamuta* of India® Afters I f the Newate tt »T ay pan. and J *ho H Bante>m. shall have power and aalhrtty to call together the chtef* 1 and bead men mt ae#‘h Band* or Whu 4 lb<lwi:i a# are no* wwgtar war agalnet tba L otted *ata® • r .vwu" * 1 ttag defwwrtaucm* wfwm the p«#opta there- r w as.-mta#. I tbe allegad rmnii ftw their a# taos hneUnty to>| ui their dtaMton under the dlrw-iioa of tb# Brxwid-nt t.> rust- aad ronrtwde with eakl hat-to -W tribes ouch treaty ®ttj>*latem*. eob;#rt ta 11 *.l « t tr.- . ae may rwn.ove all turn mu»*e of omidsdul on tbetr j part aad al ths same uatehiiah aecunty tor 1 ■##*.*» and property afamg tb* H»s* rt rwavewi *-*■ ♦—®w.g c#.-o 1 itm.-tatta tbe BBrttt-an.l other tb.'o u^t-fan- ( iraie. I In tb* wester* 1 entterve* and sa. fa aa will rn««m bkelv ■ to*4l re rtvtttßßttoe for the Indian* an#t |#eerv and ealrt# ! for tb# white*. Hr# 1 Aad ba It further *4,a» t«d. That aatd c»#mntia stimeew are required ta saamtn# an I aster a dtetrv t . r I u-u>. u us MMistry having awftt tont srv® t > receive ail ■ th" now occupying temtoo *nt 4 (h# Korty mounttrtba. noi now peacefully rwasdtng -#e jw® maswat ti®Brtß>isns under trvwiV ®k«pntaOet.4 t wbteb lb* government haa tbe right of m#ce|Wi >;# ta which aatd rmmßsiwm «wn obftwHve i«v«faiua. and In wbteb dtotro t or rt*tr*rt* tterv ■asd tribes, rwaperttvwty. fto awwport Ikinw-cs by mg rtewttmral and pmrtwnl par wen* least dtaerjrt or 1»* trvu. wtam ao eel*.Wed. end tbe aatombm approved by t'nagrena. shad fat and reams permanent bam »s f.#r atod lo.tlnna t# he tacetod asal ne per*# » • not ateml>*rw of aatd trUww aball ever ba permitted t I toteatod. etcawt nttere and empfa-yee- of the ( ailed [ urate*. Wo#td#d That tb* ttetrVt at dleCrvta etudt ta Ifacated by autbeHtv #rf th# United Mate*, nor with tb* IWttto <-f tbe Northern Tte ih> Railroad, (be U-ai# « B% <fti (ba ram hrtftr IMUmnd taxi •toe, or At® prupoead vemftr of tbe AUaatH ksXrosf A (ba may of Albesqoerqo# Bert X. Aeg be II further smarted. That tb* wing -n»* mt am* ate hereby mnywlol ur.t at aaj mimmyrn ta tttmttttrf. in wit To carry owt tb* pc - vtstana rt tba BW a ill > aectJ-un of thu art. Lu«. dr*4 and ftfty tt Vs ( .tolMo. ta«ea<d# tbd Be--rotary J af A® tnftwrtar to nettem eneb BtemUy Indian* a- may ! bar* asperated Os may tan*A*C seperm* tbameeiv-* | ftwm tb" I smite hand* af tribe® and aeek t* * proU*. i tarn es tta# United Mil*®, there bandrwd ttamea# 1 (tafias® Dm- ft. And »*# U further •an tod. Thai tba Bocrrlary | of War ba veqettwd u> fiiwfab ttatatautau u-. owbai#( j saw*, and prutoirtfn ta tbs mMttrtiserv b*r#.* named during tba (I® rbllgv c 4 UMI datlee to ft. And ba tt further enacted That a to-l ..m j missuner® (ml ta tocvit* ■be eons»eit of the Indsau- to i— v ta tba retort nil #w and fail ta ne-ewre pa*.—. ! than lb# Bacretary **f War «U4*k th® fttivrte* of tb# i Breafaftenl 1® hereby ateh -naed le rn'wpft the amiteea j aval MM- •mm A Twnfa-n-. ia #.rganlse4 saw.pas. tee awd Uiuli -tn n«ft emWUug tour ttewaannd mania own fate, and f Ut teub tern* ..f sen wm a® Is fat* meat, na; k* am never' ( •» »h# *•# j \ •*«*« «4 Mas k K’ title* •« L - egtod irtsß toiftsitad wgan (Be eswao bsottns m Juk ta-4- and ta® girtm army te-iimwAtetmanbi ftae a®ae asm■ at m*«o® Npm itaa* ftmnggj H®X® BQftJlieUte hm iaftg ax um <a a/ XXXUi Ae ftetswfvr mu —■ i tb# < «m --• eafaa rtlt the Bigeßßt <4 lemrt to btt •* ei asset 4 tai® mt rßteseae -4 A® fltai Btotew uu.odlto t nsft»*t xam-w 4 An«V« ta < awgrtta ta me*teed. Thai, tar (he pnrgiews ei tofwyteg tort tttrt »<-i|toß-tttad^Sil 1 mt muTTsurnd m tta it"*l7XßA 1 Uy^T l Tvemdent ui tta • -.tad Bis tea. try •mfvUß to# ®d »* | and "vemrnl es (be tanm vfttell be allowed a "Tjwn •eiitei* fee lev hm ®i rvmea af tbf*a tta e m 4 Bo*ter». yens ..a ter tta ttm* a# Easily and nan amrivy asv ®c*®4 Lteg-ear true® tta pane* ei k.e r*md*a» to (tan a*. , aawi ret im.r,g fa fae be®* after tta terseifteti -n 4 bte Ba* 1- AC-) be tl fwrttae mmrn.UA Tbai >f ita Troaft I dent ttavtej to aggNini tba Mete si er bon- taut 4 tta United atm®* >e Yette®net*, to parXcirm tba Xwttee mt f •mmieftai't * Wrier the aanvewMoe atafeto T. Wk parenuaTta tta pnrvsstniis e*f tta BiUth eetai of tba art 4 August 'tgbtoanth sightm. aatrtrad and tn* SIX. "Tu togulsli th® dipt —nr and .ea miter ■yaftems # f ths l uited Be® *«. X Aad be *t further aearted Tbe® th# k and tar* try is. ta make ®nnb pr- üßte' I M*tia !-r tta -enje-nwq>® 4 tta rnpre. ml us lha J m atevtow j iSJ;; sitsrir:-m.-m- Mt ■*: aay m-ney iu tta tr.asuri u • uttarw.** tppr pr sted ; Apv»# ed, 4tiiy *. UK'. UM Al XXXIV An Art sniestlsfae# us Aa Art aa . Slug Af-propneiiona to ®upp>7 Ix-faatae* u# tta : Aiqivopriidtotta ter omtnngsnt Et> on®— of tta A sente us tha Urn.tad totatee fa r Ita Xwal Tver thirty, "igh-eeu hundred aad etxty-aevew. and tar , oitar purpem. be it enm-lsd by the Inisli an t it -tsar mi ttsfwwsan , uu- ** -u fan Ui.ited itente® -4 A marten tn Cimgr-m a® ■mii-ed. That the om-irttag pcwtfaee 4 wanton an •*of tta temato' uflhm'vMlUd ■mate® far tta ft- A ▼*ne iuta thirtieth, eighteen hundred and tot tvaeieo. ajprmed Mar*h twettty ninth, right®** Uua lr- l Bte) sixty seven, ia tha w #rda tallowing, to *ll And all i*w* aUoe.tig tbs Pn aitawf. tb* 4*-r» tary <4 the latex tor. or tbe (heaisntor of India® (ft*.-• to stnu rmw trwnde® wuh say Indiaa tnboa are hen-by rvj-ni-1 and n-» *-ipe«*e *haU tewnltor ta um mrred In favgouatixi a u*niy vut any Mi— tribe until an *pi-r #j nto<« lytfa eiitsf enfa express shall b* firm ta inad# by law be and ths a*m# to taratey < M*»i*i _ Ippniwd. July to lmT. iti:s( >i,rn< »ns. S I 1 K*e suppiemertar} ta ufthsr Joint Imololmm I** enable U.r Ix pie ot tbe United Mate* t<> jaruclinte. tn lb* A4i entire «*f tta Unlvirtnl Ex- 1 hi bit® -n al raris, te lIT Utra us tta l uiu-d Hte-u ■ ui ftnasn.-x U. « mgraaT' sa a-mbM. I Tbm tta romnasshm *4 tba United ton at th- I'ui versa] f if-M.-j. lo ta bold at fVU in tba year eighteen Nendred aud ®4xty erven, shall ix«nM mt ■ ta- spp*4DUuent was approxrd fax tha , *»t rmofta bon of January fmw» fm #4* uteem hundred and sixty vu a—> rt tta thin* -.manaai man vh-m app--intment tu prowled for by tb* y#*at roaulutoae . . MIT 7 atx. and at . after pruvided for 11. Thai the wriwli®nserf*s*id atal be the {West- - dev.t -f U-e •> buml' #s» tnus i -i.-t t it- and. WILL s *i»to <>U All uoeet# 'te U*al ms; *M>* Ul- Thai Aba • aarntJi. ehail •***< si Parts sa rally Mprn.w* before the <*pm.i A ot tb- rtIUMIKIA - upw the rail <4 th* ow»nn*wsw r-orrsl. and *b«n 1 pr iprrt| .-rgauiasd. *h*#. asak* sn#U rut** an>l regain pvt; to de t situ» praetdmit Mow. tbstr -n a urn tar •b' It# tba si—- u 4 t it. <c£miser'Tjar-gecer* she preside st Al m-etinr- at the cotnmiaefa«u Slid to , . l- fw i.. im4 *x#« twenty in nnmtar being m = 4*n* f Ui# l n’te-t*. ka so ta ta sxrbed #a sa< farsneh • ( industry •• srt. wbo sr> hereby suth-wn-d to sttend tbe exhibitson Ih behsll us tta l total teals* sa f.- , sr; tou.ita *»;• wiu.. tor utprnsat. « \ Thai tta . «iur.*«. -u ms* employ s sevretatry and ■latest* and drnttgi.tßineu. and may «ughg' vuitale# VI ittat n • "oentUM-iMt ttoli a» ti* sr-ut Um tta l"r*»t»#l. dirertly #*r tMiwUi, in anv j r hi* Into. *ny su t. Article Ba i And ta u larva -1 r**i> ed. Tbai Mb tte-o. sn-1 I>-tiar* <*r a- niiih tbrr.» f a* tu*; ta ni wansry Aw th# imir;*-*•'• aavwvnllr ag—rttad. ar* tarwby typ - i rtated eit of scy immeia in fata uwanury not -tta wis— i|prfmi*l P-w siblilinwsi freights 9h*u Haw Y et fto Barr* I- tn»fi®portatJ.>n sj.d fr*-^l.l tt u# ttavr® u- Parte Tor return freight at -rU le* -*:,*! by tb* ÜB.ted rtsie* oe lent ta> tit* pi'Ktiavftl h> u..lm4mk Tor marin-e and hr* in-unat- * i. th® artfa tos tha* ) r al t U -us. etoetL ;»-•*» si Hm, in tha ' •pala- e eu l t:.e -wnuei. •*.- supple man BM bwtfattng. and la gr -uitols «4>vbt lur the axhiteu-to ui o#A#.hin*a. sg-i* aHna# sad tab ee. and tor lha evwotton - l fattd'Sf* fto (floatrm# the wlieaii -u and ifnrailurt at tta United mate*, and ter the -oWtton of • 4 sgrv-ultuT ai prodoctema, at.der th* >o»nt rmt-istee tar that Mppaeo. for tha oa#m-i sipanee of entortisf. -mmUying isbHhag. and parking m n-rAWwal awd meisffargvwi 4(*l ..*044. b> nwpe#* the vifadJUus ui the miser*, eeaith of the Unlfted Hftatav ii ■* In th# < ftrt® st Pan* and New \ -ck. and far tb* Pipetteea <4 a ec Mm •" tor fas. srtenttß. east etas Is sod .lnkogfataurn. ruon*. sod taher mctdowiaJ -xpen®** f tta utuisalon Ms* ) And bo M fontae r*a-lv®d That it <rt*L be tta dntv ui tb# gemusi agent si Ke® York, and us tta retrain!«*fa*«**r^fenevsl at Parts, fto irscnsit to Onogrews. u.r *vti (ta l-cpartmenfas. r hist# a detected Wstow. «. f th* rr.Anner in vfah tta MpM 'ur*v tarels 4® th-niad ar* msu® by them reapw-t# v*4j Approved. March IX InTT > A Iv**#>.'uturn MUadin, tb# Tuna far lb*- i\a pteti- -n ta tb# impro -cotent .4 tta f t sad Xaros alu Hi vert, o Reeoli *1 by tbe Brnst" ami Mows* af Bapraasot® Ui"®u< tb* Idled Hftajas .4 ta v uecrtswa* *"iu Uie-' Thai the bar* fronted f r tta .'cmpAeiton af th# t»a;**cr»-oiewi nf the r->s and Wisi isWl near*, and s . anal .. ■anertio® tta same, by sartion three ta an a tta Uaegnm. spp.*ovw«l eighth, elgbftecn k isdiAd snl funy-aifa. cntlUcd An sni va grtmt s enr rain qaaruty «>f land fa* aid in tta Uaprwamaot ta tta Kov and Wtenmida river®, sn#l tu xwsel the am by ft .anal tn tbe l errifawy ta ttexaes." be and th* aa; - berebv i« -Ilanded for the ter„ ot five i*er» fr n. and after to.* approval ta tht® resvlalfaw wtth all Ui. anil prtviteg.-a mvtmrrmd by aatd at Appr-ed Marrh. IX IXttT N 1 A htmi-mu t the Tb*ek« of ('On gTrae to l»a»|t Peobudy Kec-.v.w) by Uis hmste amt Hcoa* of Hr;>"**■>a taii'-e 4ii tba In. tel mats* of A marten m uongrea- as •eii#fa -xl Thai Ui* thank® at t .wagrow* t«e aad they hereby 4 ywefetci fa’ (tehfga fvafatai. ta Ms»ea fau toftto tor hi* great an 4 paeuUar twiefavav in g>«mg a large aw m « turmev amounting fa' tm mtlb#i* W lata. h r tb* prv.-auii 'a ta edacaltow in th* mart a** t. Ui te jv'eti -*• ta th* a-uthrm and eunthweatern HUtea. the Ixeneftte \4 which, acorfm; te bts dfa-m U- ii, are fa- t-r (t.«trfaoVJ am-uig tta enttr® pwpula IV>n wt.b#.«t si.* «(ieu». t.-v#, • iccj t what tea* fa* bond in srtaior »fp -eluuJViva ta aataalseas M i And be it further revolved. Thai it shall fa* lb- duty at tb# rrealdent te can** a v-cdt*®Dd»! t». b* .tr j. fa ® th -unable J"# c# ar t iun-nyitoas. »hi- h HfrtbK with at; af th>» reantutfaWA. shall fa* pr* t Mr Piabody In tb* uaa-e ta the p*.’| *• ta the Ultfftrd Matoa ss. t. And be farther remdrtd Ttedr.f: .. ul • I#l#, ta most-; tv <wer> IhU rwatautjon into attrci t® ; tartaiv appn>prlai*s) owt ta auy m<*ney ta tta treasury me otterwte* App r> -petolci A|iprv-ved. to an It Ift. lw»T A He® ..fa>B r#» th. H*B» f ta t i'dat*v ur I tret it ul* 1 ##h4*wd Pwupto tn tba iHmrvt ta CuiamU* by tta itennie and H.-uar ta Heprteett tattv-a of tta United !Mafa*« es aa-rva ta ( .ta«re*» see#mbled. Übat ARevwt tta'uaaod ttUlar® b* ami tta am* i* her* by Sf pn'pnata! .ul ta sni ».«*' in tn* trea-ury m .-(L. run**- anp(\>prtatcd. lor the r*u#i ta frwdui-n ar .Ae*utute .xdured |wopU tn tbe iHstrut .4 ] « taumbta. tbe ÜBII to be *t|nwk#ied under the dir*#- U.'tt ta th- ■ »iiivu.aa*uo"r ta tta burvau ta free linen and r-fbgee* A|-proved. YUrwi Ift. lw,T ,2*o S J.ant H# tu-lui. ut fa> authorise Ita tefun.t.:.. ta dterlu# .natiug Ouliee nat-J apow tter.hnndftse imported IB Usvadu vewasla • H. t T n-te-J kg rfar .Al eei#v gmd Wa* ta tagrve*■*"■>■ ■ t That IN* umiarr <4 th* TVenaory be awd ba M hereby atiUi -rlsed t*> remit or refund aU dnttea wkfarl. have been aecewerd mu.® tbe Brtt day of Jan Wary <m* tbon® ib I eight bandied and sixty-Xve. ewa (ftawaiiaa ve*a. |- sad their ■ ary u-. bryowd tta amount Which Wuald have twwe parable on vewaete ta tha Unttrd total"• XH-1 tbrtr rarvme Apvwved. Marrh n. UKT , Mo. ft j Joint Re-colute*a in Heteleu* fto eerttew 4 tan and ktuilauw o* Jb U rss« tef by flto .Bwantt awd JTmn g ttpwnttteN I <•/ IA. Uavtof .totote* mt Arnsruom « iiftrwftt'f. •IXva* tb* on* hundred ttaumnd ttdkwra, #w tomafaai in earn and bwlifaiw. nnw oo agarsai Bag wt tn the treasury ta tba United state*, after aasd bailout to • aWiverted by 4tr«cU.« ta tta treasurer Ms man. to l *irrfa*.v«D Ma rh tk iBfT ■too T i Joint HtetJuU.* authortaing tha te.rtaeri .4 War to turn over certain Property of tba United test-*, at # amp t haa*. iihio. far tta las ta tta Na tiana. Asylum far Inaabtod VtdaxnArer iftAtert. a*.l for oitar PuquMaa Hr U csMteta by (hr ta M. ard Neor ms ttvpvteswia/te*® ta Mr / v.M JMAv *r te-Tv® >■ (teagrrar isrell 4. 1 fatal Ita ;® r.lsry ei Wee to and bsrsby to aaUr#mac4 fa. tarn-xer ita burr*, ft*. Uulldlwgauand oitar <4 U>« 1' tilled Male* new at < awp<bwn near (team bus, tbe boerd el wfuawer® of tta nwlfatw®: asytomt tar d.eal l-d vtauutswt s lttl-rv, ftw Ita we and taitefit of ouch auidteve tom X And »>e tl further recolved. Tbnt the ttsrwotari ta IT a* ta ana tarebi tv atsfahenaud te aad sorb ®wrpta® cteihtßg. quartermnaftrv'® e*d aaadteul ®>nn t aa ta I may de*u. . > |*<ti<it at first fwteua. te tta natfamaJ and bw" tata® pmrpmee tpprt vd MaorA. svaA rtgttSaae bwwdand rnd Wfaty soften ttf w eft* tliHi ' gugh BwttgßZS awd— tta^tau.iir ' 7 dat rr.w.i MX awd e®. maewded aa gwm 4«w»(ite» ! utt as gnawed by Ita Thirty Jllnib <«wpia IW* ta®e. 1 bfjta ttmat" wavl fleet** ms bgrmc , Thai tta *ha« ft* peortdu ■tonomo'd m«#we Mam m i tested nut. and ta ether purge*ae * aA.rteaif be and to fawtti amawfiel by ins alter tta ftwfte I- -tba* a iWUM wefts *ta tar faefyrlfl kawde 1 *”Alaei X • awswang W<-he fata weed* -S snude faeg Arr ft* « Bn. Marsh 13. IflT ** •era ta a «b®p (BtoTtoiMus Laas tr - aw A Lose ■ merle, be matter > mural and i mm ®un gw* Kgnfeed by tfar Jftmuie cud Jf-u m ms ttrprvmeeuTt •*> */SAe ffftrfei flkwta y l*"*ve .« Ueswg ui aaanuAfted. ttwhelew —ry ®f War ta and ta l® Imkftolfae toad Btod gtiuetaft te "aaai »*r-#*y*, sXi. pitoe and ftw a ettlp oonwrttohS tote and ’tbi!. or ■lie**cm water onittter? narnl seed wsi’rto p*j pr-ieew. wad that tta expeame* ta the ate ba dafmyad tnm ttte earn egieurl til m tta* mruut Jaw* twenty thrwa. i#liei hundred awd aityat and ftftaaeh in#.. Mfkteft tawdwed and wxfty **■**. lor a®mwmmine» aa * ot/VT's raßfattttf te tta lmu®'ii *ewii wf ta ft art ire awd mere aw fta wtahwim.iow ftta * AmaVßft. Mmett H. IMI. * l~ i lemltthan meftißj tta faiwkh tatae c 4 fatt.tegl te eaiww I ew hrt taßWi ft ‘lfa Art ftp »n •lifts ter tta uaftita 11 iimtaf aTttte fitew af >ffaf .Sdg it « Mti ta fawpb inagattii m erttaßr waimfay ■lb,' iftitottttr rup a* a»r%-rai Aa*c»t ytrtafb. «igbyww tondrtd two ! lha® ita fifth divteisa u tta use aecteusTta aa art mutlad “An Act fto aaami no art *uUu*d aa art ta prortdo te tta bemer aarmtay ta »ta Owes 4 pew*, t. gure -e biwwfj at wsawele yeag Ii I te artada jt gwrt by naa and Is* eta*; pryetewn ®fag®a»ed heruta th#/ tanh. m ’a® year teghlnra hemtovd ud hr ; iwu. a e fa/ amen Xad ftAai (n®pa#-t#rt may te tta tkuauu ttaiwec wT^r^y*p®^ed^icmrig. l rt!irrrir? n t"' m. the rotew . 4 wbich ehafi b* Xrtn!» fttefwed n ty aftene.d tea ante pan af U>* Auwk e*.igß®i> i tn ttieir Uwftte* bf tta lwaparb wa, and m a mf* t -ism e fnun any fir*- Am- 'f. Marrh T3. lar* • Isa. !t "-M#—' Bnantevtiß fttang tta rate ei lab v * 1 i fa ilftw eal oa Win Bperat Purmtare toprtng* Ba nrwam-ed by ita Bewei* awd ttaae. mt tape. ■■ a B f-r *l#®.. M EM end Uk rate 4 ftatfuai. that wo« -spued am pswea and dree® u!Aa. namely, etxty par arniin-m ad *qbjrcu. aad when mafli <4 -totae mat-nala than aUk tta dwty ahafa ta fifty pee rawtuaa ad eaten m. and that eir. toes noukulactu red #4 -rue. «—a. ehaJ ta raqure-l in eewtew ad '«MVo#J ArteKte. Marvb Jft. fm: Mamber ta < lWgnim wuh taa Del-A #e|*4laabi td tta L'etaud fiftaiea ta America. W ertuv tt to teetered by as awt 4 *. ngr-aev ap proved April twenty XrtA (figWftr*- udred aad eight, that **B« mtvwßiv of Lbngyaw® aha!) dirurttv ew trUl rertly. htaarft #f by p®r*.w» n tram ter i cats, taftd. or enjoy, tn wh- Var is part, a a; coins, t er agraowterii. ftaufm tv- be mafi* ar v«f*rtd wa. . «Mh any taficcr <4 th# t aatud nfilu • * • ar to i any toaeftt te an** ttonhom. ss* a® forth and a berase, fi* jreneei- ..aatrmqur • f route N# .fn. Lewrrtn, fMttf - m is Pwrttend. ‘tac «. taa ro cwoUy bewn eftertad l eased Mai®* Bemaaur Tbsgaf Jta. He it ram .lived by tb® hewste and Houee .4 Beprase-r. tefavre of tba l l tel Belli #4 ABincj ih l if.® see* r..S*cd. Thai tta Putoiiaietar-Oemcvaf H* And be ia heret.y ami, - -d t*> us><*. lh' uir s t W*'*d l- L hiked NUtue shl tbs press at nswirartew for U« trsan j-.ftaft. >b 4 th* anafl aw mate Bo HT. bet«•*t Lsn utn. (beilagßdtt And Portland. 'Aragon lb# sacne la Us# oauai ÜBy. te take state on th* th#n rth #l4 '®-;4®tui«r anno Itemim eagbteaw hundred and act; errta. AcA Mla hevcfc; Hand* ttte laty >f fta >• jelmaefawr-itel.* rtfa aft* t tb* af (has r*w - . u.-h. L adverts** tar bsdn ter te ptrtenesn us ft.# siity dav*. ra *r least owwapanwr ac the aeai ct gov innwt ta tta tosh m Osiikworn . nod •** wvs \c,-T pu Uatad ib L urupou. and fat c U* a# « wuh the bhAVr Pnn id®4 That ' b- As#;* ei 'rtutat- IMm imoKt Marsh Xft. IXft* IX Idftt Brunhrteoei pn-wding ter tta Impart* cmw .as® thu C Dtood Mama ot cwrtac® Worts .4 Art iHity free and far other INtrpjue® H* il ftesoivud by tta fiensti an • Mown- 4 k*yru*»i asm btod. That trvaa aad after the nvamutt w. any v-b’srt *4 art uapewted by any fandi vete fr-e <4 duty underote kruimm ar. ! ragulaCtens a® Ita te Msrj ta Um i iqgury may tresrnba Ito®. 7 Awd ta it furttar rvwtovcd Ttat tta fta-re *utf at tta Trussnry ta and ba hereby ® aslbgrttel fa refund ttte (bln® gold ow any weune agrtrutoaca. ma chaserj imported mfa- tb# l Hiked itacan Asrfang tta < wrrowt hnanl year m neiib or tar *ipmme«al pur pun. awd fto remit tta fitufoa any at«ui® ®— hmen of lift- tem-rtptbjo wbtob ftafty be Dawertcd ftor amh pwrpcme poor te tta thirtieth ta Jabe. ftta ’ «n-d and stxTy-eight ttottftM, Tbta this aort*#« aOtal atn.K-®mta ttv swum pftougta Ha. <S And ta tt further r*ua»vsd. Tbta the ts-rrii ) ry at tta Truaaar' to hereby suth rtxed and to di-cow On u# the mptorwn of aay taßcwr or p®r» « "iupteysd under the a#te ter tta swtectua ta dirsrt take* ta twaarrartcasarr dmrvte of the Tatted Baaies. • k-Bf’er w tus ;udgteex.r u—.. an.* u a toog*- a*, ted and he to tarsb? actbcrtxed te derive m|MW bay -fll *ror itafti er 4 interna, r*resit*# i® euAd ii® trv. (* anv p.rtv<a ta th* tabu u®|®med bi used a-to who -tad peak cm #u#h ftsbu without aAliUes. Ai-Vrtved. Marrh Jf- ItaT ! ;Xa Ift A (U-s.4«itfa r. fa> soak* vnJv.l the Ijiw® ot N.w Keitel (uauel al tb* toe-oc es tta Ugvatatuou tafal at unnta IV frvaa tta Urt lay ta [uvntor rqfa taco handrsd and utty ui. to tbirty firm Ufa? of Jan uar* elgbfteen hundred aad wily eerea Kea.4v*d by tta bate and Mouse es ftegrruota i tire* .4 tb* I • ted totafaru ta Awrfan n t owgreua aa. uwnhted. lbta tta :awpft.*e 1 by thu Leqwbi i* A* •*n#b|y ot tta Tcntorj ta New Ylnkv. at lie (s®l ua # —a, «h began an tta tbtrd day m 1- < eigUtson buadrwl end *.#(.• mi; and —-ei«ig ua ttte ■ thirty term day Jenwßry. eigbftewn fa end red aw#l sixty erven, and signed fa# ft PM Army, acting s-nur) and acting gwoomor es aasd Territory mt New M« im. •tall base tta ne* buve and ettm a# th-rngh the mm* bad been ftppn vsd w 4 sorted by the pn«r»r dnly apfutafand. etob’ci te tbe fftturu revtakeu ail q pr»-i al ta vteoc • Appc.ivwt. Menh ftft. IBftT it*' Ift 1 A cvx>. emiag the Uattem. .4 h® a#«a te tbe leg! unsu# fiarvfacw'ta tbe l ailed ate;e» Hem. iv*4 fcy th" wuet* and H <a*e at Krprvesuts tivcv 4 tta Übited it®ls* at l®.r,v ib t uwgrve as —a#fated, Ttal all perawi* ta tta dip«c(gei#. »r> .* -4 th* t ailed mate* ar* prohibited frv#m wserthg anv ttn* i f«nw or .dHtal ouium* on« prewmeiy suth r ;.-d by vvmgrsu® Ipici-J. March 7". IBfT N. la A luuuiti* duianag tta ftfeuatu* of Us* eevi'od Serttoa ta tta a. tta tb# mr-cmd 4 M#r b. eigh t**n hundred and taxty-ewe, MaOu to Pruperti vut 1 tn be milt Sari urWe fateivm by the tael* sad H ue# us Repnraento 1 pics ta ita United flenhru ta Aaiervu ta u««p>« a# entted. Thm aarttea Poo of tta art of tVwgrvua enu tied "An art te for the pa; assett of etpewee* .u. urred by th* reertfade® *4 Wa*b.wgt#>o and > «mg l *u ta th* a spy ramson ta Indian k.MWihtse® therein ia lb® y-ftrt -kghscco hundred aad fifty-five and eighteen fasa drc#l awd fifty-*#k. app«vre#l th* rnowi at lfisrvh. "igbtecn bandred and sixty-os*, aball be ao cvuMtrwud ttal whenever aai • toimeet for faui property shell . tan ply «tfth all the terms and omd’ttowe c 4 tta art of ! u#r tbu-d ta Mart±. eigbtrwa huaiired and forty nine. < b th. ®Bb] ct • 4 property lost lh tta mill fairy emw. , he *he or they shah I* pmd lh* suksul ta tb# >odg Oicr.t* in kl*. her or tbeir Tav.c. entered by th* third 1 auditor and cmUWs] hy him a* required by ita am named art. owe ta any m®wey .a tbe trseuirv n#>4 tatar wvar a» peunnatol Apf-rt'vett. Mo;- b *v IStT . Jui—Ll_, Joist Bemdwiiun te Btmt-i. Traa®|»rt*ti.-u j ta fruviwai to tbe Itektati tn the ioaih hr .1 rreaiird by tbe Henele end Hot®* ta Kropreucn . Ul.'*® ta tb* United mate# ta Ame run IB C'owgre m ae : 4-uibtei. That tb* H#«-rmery "f tta Bevy, ape the ip fteowttou #4 «ta oanlrtbutorft or ta way perwm oa (ker behalf, ta and ta to hereby anth-wlerd and dir*, tod to ■ tarter s rueaol te cemvwy poi Mme coalitbehd by the pcsqdu. frt®u Bolttmanes JBarytend, te Wtoiiqt n. N rth (nrtatose. ttrgraCttitnua dkmrttMeUon ng tta deiekltofts ta (he H»«ftb. ttnder the dire-'Uuw <4 tta no trtu.iiora and *w.-h rugutei-.i* as wsev by tta th-weftw rj .4 Ita Navy, hm preecrtbe.l Apc#ru«*d Marrh h 1 AftT [No. 18. Jwaal ttftwtauln-a i« kUiaryqn-u lo |ta Pu» wscx4« ta tb* fißftrtßg mt Member* ta Congress tt* ift rvmtated kg the tawei* awd* of tt»-, rwww tatoiiveu of the Uteftad ttttre #4 lIMVB th iWtOgB » Onfall i(. Thai owefit ftwftßf, wembsT .4 tta M.**** . • KeprreeeßUvta, and fiaftramie tm CVmgrem. war basing tefaee awd esebomhefi fift required --tab eha U U-ec.mwdte Heertvw hm n«MtoS' *• Ita end ta . m| n-u h. mt tb® rule now Bftßhfl ‘ ‘ by taw. awd an awtoxiwt euffirtewt te pay their .-■mt'—mlt-#® and ..utoegu Both, firm ttqgßfXW weak ftßlHftßhf Bwprwpvfa siesl Mt any mnwep ta tta ttafiftKerwi** IJIWHI ltd Approved Mardfi fifi. ftflfit. ! Ittu. I» |J em fn-uduto.Hs t® emus 4 an AM mii.'fa.i ' An Am te preside teeruwmd ttew wo® hem imp wt #4 WomU ftfad tut 4db*v Purge me Be M veetaved by tta Be use- taf Mouse of ttepreacn util*® t 4 tb# l Uiied itetou of AawMWU #e t vgrvu ae i e*mt>Aed That the art eulitl—.l -'fto nt b> Brtrtfafte In ('.weed rev*®- lows l—porftvf ftunl, and few Mfari I gsrp-ue sppv ■**'] Hi” h se4.o#ft e#«tt*ra hendre l ««übk »4 t—m% mmmm m tw#*ar**o* —■mm •*«* u*aV2te » *■*«*■#> *U Mr Mk ns* wwtog. m*s*iwlTif HM Aifnwi >WrA». i«rr ! Tka » l *4at to. tmm w , <«m>. k * •M' CM MoM tba Islte ■* m. »<r»IWT Mt» Iti «n>M«; fw UUrw -4 lit ( t:|»4 tte**a <»f Uurirt la (Jt<r<i M aa noted Ttalti- larHw. «< Vw kt at! kt h k-r» I tt a szjrsjsrs./s stir ai*rr*at p ry goa • n**t M» tw to—i mui -dkasr u» mc nMU tb* r i( «H*. of lb# LwtfvtOi a»4 ■al.ii, to IU * wfad* Cx *w»4 -tons. «iyn? .« »r« H"Cfi .sating fffk mj! wort. taf tbat tb* n I >■«■— jf te* ts tmm C.. mm mr, r.i wad ia (U irti -ffut* tw< bit tkr« w|%xt taadMl tal at si 7 #»s. •*»< M*r#b *w.» togkSi >■ t«4r>l 4>J kj* tilia>to m tod wntji rtteuai to Qm i sap-re, - • IQ—l 4 barVw atet r*»*rs -a tba oortb- A;i-r »*1 Mv A » Id* ’ t .\., a: Jusai kaaUbwA tu aaU tu* IU tanlwy af War to bataf DMr. kata f■# Taa u tto* Vbaik la it rwl'ti by via >waa aal H ax at lafwi a teKr»M e 4 tfe# In tad ktta 4 A mmrs% Id i*oa«T*a ** asißtili 1 Tkat Oka Hinaan -4 War ia aad u bar#ay -4 Ik* mu aaMjtolttow j4jh* *•* VXT psaa.n n tea at-'-ik *t ! r-f«awt: fUa a-wxtb o< kCTltoaMtotppl r»aar. s*'*- ridad tor n Ik. Art a»a.n| ay a |rtW tor tka rtpal* pr#—r*mu-« an-i t wruit. ,«Mt» »r!.wt baaJM atiit am a#t*» 'ol Murk 9 1M ferttb tta terMaak * ‘tl%r*r%-4 tka A rmj :w ft-rtain f'amm I la* M vaani'ad b# tka Minin tad tka* of Iryf* arbMflfa <4 tka l a Had ‘taloa us A ■art .a ta Cntograaa aaa-asbird. Tkat tka •*>• oj an*.: r U aa-1 K baraby aaitkorxard Ml want t#4 as atodn aad aaata* tka a . -aufa 4 uaa ak -n f tb# tnt’ u. l_« nirnl of tknr par for tkak aar»wt aa s«. k da* tMB fro* vaa i.- ‘-1 italaa. ut •» caaaa akira aw A tali wr abaii ba Mikftnl * « tkltlt >f aor| Vm ikrir >r oktraua <4 tka-. r ...i-i-Jy tr. s-aA- lh*u to ml toy npa% or nacni* i cj tkrtr Moa pnte«#rs ta tb* bat. . tk# #a#say. or aa* sorldatot or -Banaiey 4 ***** ** —»* Ap(«n»»*«l Mar**b Tt. IW rv • .Hag# .-wipe to tka Mtta iM; mWsbaf W list it oa tka thud day Os April. ««fetm fcw . -*4 at- ; •iity-ai*, b« tka MtlMllT aad ItWltnt at tb# T*##.l#r.: CT U. t SUrd Matos. tflt tlkrtl ml an# ar-p. <«—nag Mtorty Mo baalr«t aad arty Ikotta ai wm traa laaaad aad dalt»*rad Ik. kat* «t rtk oadar tka ►< -4 (V» frrar 4 J»h / ■aaad. aftbra aaa trad aaad adyta for afraokarai rodacaa. aad »ka**aa by ikaaMi. MCboruy. tka faira wad dk« U too prrpsflaf to ws. arnp ta aka asaaaf a> tka Imm af Vtnpa < Mrrfia sad M.aataa rv tki wkarata, ad actlaa 4 tka 1-rakl lat takra far f ran Hi tkal akd Wit ■ trr ia storad U ikau proyrr .. mUkdatl frtaltaa ta tk* 1' ua. aad ara ta br rar> t>l— l 4 -o s*~ r*at*- Uaa «k- UUad to lk« r**ta 4 tka ott MaJr* U tka l atoi., aktcfc . «<WIM alaar rad rvfktfaSty data* Hr itraaoiiad oy tka aun a-d kwaa >4 kayr aa as. tan ««• of (t»a Vtuwad Mtatra of Aatrrva ia Coapraaa •rt-.j- w aay af ta. Waaaa taaaly la r tisiina ipal tk* futtad KUtar n apt tk- Staia cf Tsantaaaa, or tka a««|Hu « «ii aitry or of aay kcwafc&uaa Mad by ta* rrftairr» or rw«i*Ms 4 aay of Ik# lad jkrr. .-4 aaad Mat* a k#. aad tk. mm.* ta karaky, prokaUtad aa- Ul tk#y tkal! ba fady f to tkatx rtfbta aa Mai#a Mint ». »*' la X A- ta KataCoa to tka akura lav r. a*a -4 tka l aaanrt, <d f iifinakta luau.«*4 by tka .taßatt aad Boaaa of k#tcr—a tali **a .4 tt raitad Wax** of Awrvi na > .-afiai i d~r*»i#*:u ir-naia tk# aeiatrrd clu#Lrra rmukat ia tk# IXatrWf of (\4miMs aaar tka af# of Ms r#ara a&J aadar tka a«a of j«a» tka a«mb#r • 4 aaa-. ckl <lr#a tbat ara bltrvi. sad tka aaaabar tkat ara d*af aad daaak tka aaaskar aad rkarudar of fa»b lu »k«l kouara, taabat of taa. b#rs aad tka aaasbrr ♦4 prf|d* ta sltaadaa ■#. sraNr aad ckarartar y-r. and i«rr• U.B-Bi #ack pupal to aad -\*t oft» tka aaaaa to v afria at Oa b#it ruwar mia a t. prfkrr rrtfk bta rydaarai mt tka rridtr. tsaf.j at } u * #ya*#M saw is tarra m aaad Datnd. aad wkadkar aay addin «u. ifiaiatva la »*.a«rr ia urdrr So aa- Appraaad Har k 2*. t«M“ ;Vo and , A to.dau« ta aad Psyatrat of ■ trya da# CUorrd V*d>rs. aaa sad *»nka*. dr Boars aaarahUd TTjit all karka aad twaaarr *f«fr>SM k k# toaaad ta tka aatOnaaaM af ckai tor pur. bourn< - pnaa Moary. ar ofkar aiwyi dda to roiurad salkiirr. nrdw. or aka May ka«a rwlii. ia aay Mat# ai vkwk skr#r. #s!Mad a tka »w »*f ktaaa kuadr#u aad totty tka etotas kar wksrk k*a kaaa ar mmj ba proar>-a»ad by aa Ap#si or asiam#y b# sala pay «ko ssail par tk# Hid saraat or utunay Ms lavftsi wa sat riptotH sa i •W. koU ta# balaar# aakya. t u>« bat a# asvug itosll ta# pasJ to soy y ■ rawa isrsp U.# rkMisl ark» or br tops] raynaastatlras if dr tk#nw4. b# no gaiaoif or ai rs, and br tkr n<aaw.i!!r r by say £*-ar or a**at aakaf sadvr (mbs as£d tt *h*;i ba tv- doty of Os# aaad o-c niiaatap#r tk# ofkrrra Ur aa poaodtoa tka Itoi-f.rj. tdn>Uk(»Uua aw. ;ay suae 1 lad ba it farad i r rwad»#d Tbat tka fima u. of ttafrintawn tom; ttoi b# krkd r##|>. 4. tka Mads k#r*ky iMsraa >i 4to a>m la aartUap »>** tk* sMon»»y of f#al of tka Hshaatit arw-t .xwrpkai- » us # yotat « s#*a fcaadwi aad ai% ui. aaustrd • Jotat raa lasß-n ry of s yuAat mtoatsa »to baaau#« to rokadd aodb-'r sad tka p*MK<ni. baaotM sad al -1 ton&r. I# itoir tor*. - apy»rca,a f«a# Iftoaa M#b taaa kaodrad sad ■» sty ati. triU ia *my esa ta a ‘ sad olrrO sad ts say stu m«y or sp#at toliU lack v-tous daiuati.l rapayosaat for Oion-r Saaad <r alrsai-ad Sa aay -iurm. k. «kail bar# ■i a; rad to ad. otk to tka dsi# sa.l saaoaat 4 ou. A V ton or sdtsno#, or irsyawai ,4 tk# l#aa sad «mw aksH ba urttfckald sat vkaa tk# Ml Man I akaU kau# baao pruparty btroUkad. sad ki# scovoat t* raady for ouv»ot. tk# tsskasaa da# •£*.: b# paid ta rtmat raoda. and a.4 iu cktoki or draft# hi i Aad b# it furtkar monad. Tkat aX. aon baid or and#r tka poontooaa of tkva r#a.. lauoe atuwil b« bald ax>d dtaboratd uadar tk# aau># rukaa aad ropaUnoa* pmarataf .rvf and .turns# A .-ora of U.# army An*" Marrfc ». IIW S JA I lu* .uu ii raiaku to tk* fsywaat .4 k.» up und t t it. Jodfv. at Dm f. r Ui<- . tua# .4 k aakusk-Soa aad •feurtak tra. tUmtrut at tVdaasMat- Braohrrd b) tk* S#s*t# and H uaa of kapraaaa uuiaot tU« lsi tad tan. .4 Ataart.a ta uapw *—#Mb.#<l Tkat UM -rpomioa* .4 tka rsttaauf Waak i ajrtuM aa<l *•# rfa*»»a ;;. Ditorut <4 i'fdaaakks ka aad tk# MM# b#r#ky r«H|atr#d to pay. <» <MM So ba paid, all wn #sp«aaaa. in lu.t.&f pruOUi. dark ' turn to k of\k<- idfaTof . S vlTo ta tka rsaparflrr , nOaa, apvotni#d oaMrr tka . 4 fiafTSM aaotlal "ka at So pamtak'*tapal votUst ta Ika DtasrtM ai Cs iautoa. aad lor ott irrma. ippnmd fbkraary bftk. rtfktaw k«n , *«4 atity waa*. «f fts« kaLtor* par day f- r amy a tka* Mali b# ataaUj >Mt|.hiy I m tk# dwrkarf* ' t jHosa, aad tka oarttkrai# <4 tk' judfa- of air- ik» db . itkar ittb. ar a tbarauf. .4 tka .vrra.-tM#— and aay srvuasat artatnf oat of tka s.-ti«to <4 Mid iadpsa. akall ba . HMiJ tui saot so ntoatit»t# tka mbm a topal tfabf tka -tty k> whi b tk# iodtpsa ao MfkiytM akali b#..c/ Aad N T stall brtoaftii tar MOT ai Ika said )»lpa of atomoa so adtotaiater oolks ta dl rmmm nddlnf to Tk# datm aa au:c#d tkaas tyda». aad toy p#r«ua vtllfkily a>akin. a Ukw iUUMBt osdrr oatk. b#fora say of said ju.l* #a. akali ba daotardl guilty f paryarr. aad oa nosts uoa tkarswf akali ba anHart a> mpranasAMt far tk# 1 tana of SM kaaa tksa oto. aor a-ora In yoar* Mb- 1 Aad ba it ftsrtkar molord. Tkat tka lad*#* ut tka Miprrsß# *>H <4 tka lh#tn.-t of Ta umU# »baXl apfUHOt tkra# uium.Mi *»>#r. *4 ta Oft rnduajr pratart ta and 4 Waaktogtua sad OaorgMos a wka Mtoll kukt tkatr ofkroa lor two yoara aad aatU ttirT au«'••#aw>ra ar# apfwoatod aad wkaaa da ty ft *b‘* ; W u- take Übarg* at tk# fcailot-bosaa at tk* poC# at «•> k #tortk*a. to varotva sud drpoast la aatd boa## tk# ballot# af toigailJtod rotara ia tk»ir IMgSfthu , and d#« tors tb* rasH. aad aaaka raturaa tkarwuf a# D-w pr-rtdad by law And tt>* mh! caatastaatoarra .4 *l#.4b« aft all raraaro tka rot#a of ail p#raoaa vWw aaa.## ar# oa tk# bat of ro*### ia said pfortorf. pr# l#w#d by tk# jodgoo us atari* a ofovuaatd. aad ana# I .4k#r#. th.-y akali ka## puw#r l > wlaiiaurtar oath#. u 4 tu ruiviu- [#ra«a idanag t* Tola, sad otkar wits—., aa to tk# tdaattty at sitors aad akali ranafwa trow tk#.. ’ , #rr>w#* a# t# so# paid to tka WMatMos.r. ut Bast a ta aaldrtuas, SMd aay nail «#tartb« fakwly r#l*tf##to tk# MS* akali U rWq.4 (witty of parjur. KiwaaMl it tka Sara* of aid bwa (lua um um :» o# tkaa a«w ywara AM Mda aad fan# -4 Bfks q,-* Aptroaad. Marrk W^tm. I fk* T? ! A M#«4*ti.4s ta Matotba. to Ska riaruStaa o Harv, %• .4 fctwvra «<rdf#ad ks «tofK* 1C / »# 1 » j Ik# Mroat# aad Hhm aad Mprto4»M s-ssnvrseja Bar to a any# Ba i»f sod M pskar waa 4 «aa wo* sad ta* pMßak# wg* p ■« «wp »T*»- gjy—»- > ** aMl ►■».*#• O ».«■! « RtffM. — ft- «*»*—» * »«« w M srifCTjqcrvgr^jSS ». a* MM.i , L M.O <*- W - —.T fthb Hh# —■ Wi»n a.ii> Aft . «r *■■« I —ft-, ft. i■». A ftlft ftftft ftft lft ill ft. Tkat tk# *i < #adaM»fbd>4Hitol b#y BsiTkkt r#qa | tM#aaa ii *U* »u A toawsMs aatkaiiflag Br Tsaaadir .4 aar twr riwda aad I btol lUiw b!m ? ibml aOtoml ■ ■'■■Mtl I Tbat tka aaa af kfty tkwwai daCar# t* :-#r*—T tratod'rrod frw tka fmsdr la Barg lOf *ka U.l nai-te.' #aU sad pl£d la fW tk# ui#m.»n 4 sgrbaHaj. . aad U*H said saw akali g* 1 Odad. sadar Ma fuwtks of tka r ■■ dl iaa i af syn - #ad TWVUq k 30. mi ' 'H.i M * a iMwfafisa bai»S «ka tsrrsMTl 4 War t tobd osrsata Anaa aad L. t a<pasamda 1.. tk« kaani#«d by tka baa at. aad Bara af Iw . tattOM <4 Ma TsMad Mat## of ( M - • aa a#wbtod Tkat tka bamtary of bar ka usd ka to ktow by Bmtad %» ftonuk rwa aad is—t i inf to ik# beat# 4 Ttasmis aoßataat l.w Sea Mowaaad astkua to ka anmwatod %m by tk# Mata <4 Ir r ,to tka r tppra.Ad tfarrk ». IM7 tor* .a lelMMi to ftyw«ttT<r lnltol ..*n rwsaa btssoa •» * '** - *■ - l. Jr * r -~^ a#mU#d Tbat a*t MrtMar p- riisji .odrr'ikMnn ty r.ft«ru **#txw of tka a. i <4 t <-ngraai tpprovad f#k fcMrti. ngbiara hisdrtd aaad assty f mr #4 into vaa Mtitiary aarW-a Os tka ' nlad 9uia* < tn t unlaw# stay ova aaJU, LT 1. 41 4 uta srt srv nxrrd Ja*y ttnstT#4fbtb. afgb«##-t. buadrad -4 Mstyatx. MAAtag spyrnprisnaa tor pay swtot tr porwoo. toiffiiag aarrVa or labor fntu odar#d ar drafted bm." br sm« tka #w#aa mm tor ,by aaap*adA.l Atad tka borratary cf »ar la dtmtoo to Into*. • tk# rwaktok appointed J»dar tka #oM wttw. sad a. aka pay Mast to tka tifiss aad narks tor tka armoaa road■»..!. ipam tkatr ataAtaa rapart .4 tkatr So tk# War Triislas f typwwd, Marrk at. lit:. i* *3 *l ot lua-iatvw pr*'.iltag far tka s*j- • -arry tof mu. U«r sa Act asuttol -An tt u, f 1 #B#s#at o<TTrrsm#tii mi rto ka tt n»dnd by tka l*sui aad ■ -ir of krpr- . a taom af tka Cteted btetaa us Aaarkoa la Coagr*#. as seteWrd. Tbat auM k#st to ary ta konrby appr ; r-.a * •-* M4«yaas*f ia Ma -rrr aMaSwa* Upri|Hili .. so dafrwy tk# tiyisi i af aarrysag lau toll Mat ta all ite paru sa art aaoUad “An set u. ar #tda tny tka asca# rfklect y— —• of tka r#b#i WtoM.” pasii 1 1 Ban-tt too, afttot baa brad sad ati i# woaa wttk all its anpplaaawtory arta Psw.wAad Tka* «*• akali aoi *v#t4 ft# toedraf ttoma sad to I tor* ' Appmrod Mar-fc B. I*T • ' B * koadattoa to aatk«#i># Ma mmiaadlaa ttoasral of tka Amy to p-naa 1 mdaaa to rawala »< iwrtaia ralMari P><at» »#an#w#ftl by tk# VaaU sad bowaa of at. ttvoa of tka Cat lad gs ma 4 i saar ww ia uaar#.. aa rai—V. Tft»l U. i —i.j .» a. imi ■ftftfi W —Oft.ftift.ft »> ftllmil ft Oftdtoft I, •o ft. fttlftft UM ftm 4»J .ft ftftly. ftftgftto— t "ftftftftft —ft MfttJ ft—. ftl J ftOb—rr jftftft i—mo-r —mo-r ft— Ift ft— .Wftuftj ft —ft Mtft ar ma ftt—l M P—ftl ftft.—i I— oftftftHftftift—k ft-r. ftftft M .ftft—*• »—« I— Mft*. —ft Ift. —ft . ft. ft—ftftft»7 W Aft "MM -ft ftftlAftftl.. ak—, I. fti. -ftftftißftel. h Mftftui—ft— tft iftftH fc» Aft • MftWu— M i.iftt a—. —ft M— n—u i pTmvdrd. Tbat atft#r ito —si mi —ij -*—g ttm 1 akalt ba prAfarod to nmpp/j #Sor*ato arddisra. as by tow. ao trakar. pwniMUad to —miir at Msck pool, akai* •ad ana root# A#J* by tka nramHMry (toftorUamt t. aay #aftosSF3 aara Aad prortdad fvtkar. Tkat aock i Walter >1 ill ba wspA# pritoarttoa and as casfp toiiawmn tpymad. Marrk S», UT >- M A lUaokUua tor tk# hi* A**# of Land* ad yotatag b* Mswr Tsrd sc Brooklyn ■ fc-w*i»ad by tb* bteiai* sad Uowa# of k#pr* .#ui* t*s#a U tka L'SkiSad KCatss of Ana.rwa x O-war### aa wtnktod. Tbat tb# tomtan of tka Xa#y ba aatb-r toad to iimp>«*i tka p*trcA*aa# af tka prop***? adtotata# tka Mow Yack Mary Yard, toon aa tka prop #rty witbom tb# saauat V tb# Meats of Y#w York rrondad. Tka ttu# m uUwrrtar spprroad by tk# it tora#y ttoo#ra. tppr .«#< March to. lgg? .> M Kami krwtouiMM aatkortMug tka .M.w#Sary at tk# Mary to ad am to tuasiaaO.« Morrtf Maw E*aa# tor AftlaaMSkw So tk# Kami Anatomy »a brptaMbar k# It rated# 4 by tka banal* sad Botsaa of |r#|i*.>in Mutm af tka Tailed btsasa 4 Amartra tk sa Tkat tka barrstary of Ma bawy ha sad to » karany aatkonnad k -saimaa Aw admtasma Sa tka X# »al sradrMy. ia AapteMbar a#st. Mama kisa Ins* M tka aaa** teansar #s tkawgh ka bad r ust I hto Si :r ta Tua so pron-lad by ng-ilsMiin AppmwMi. tof* if tar fko to ’ Ivatu kasoluboa M car*r taSo FArt tka am# ra. A.ta prnwltoag kw tk# Mora etodaut too#«UM#b' at tka It#Oat btetaa i M Tt issftef *ry tka Metarv sad Rosa af M tail*## .4 tka Tnited btetaa ul Amofkca to Coctgraaa u ???• ~ r L^ a CTTTtmt Ifttu —,l * MI. »A* u—nr. •*. ' ft*.——*ft^i'ru—lft i Ift. « oft oft. fti..uft ftau— mnui coven. *"* ' wadi* *w—*<y—. ( V—ftft—. a* Aft Ma— —. t—p>, la TVS MoC»« or karatoirwisrrwra. C a . duly IA IMT Tk# Priiatdsat af tb# TafSad ktetaa ba*tsg ratameu to tbs * uaa <4 h#r*sr#as. in wbtobH ongisw* tad tk# molnbß rattCsd ‘Jotat kraadaUos to aarrv Mta Bo Ska Moors i srte arwrxßaf tor Ma tote #« fttaad ftetrsmt of tba rab*l Mbs." trfh hfsato#. —U— Ift. B— aft A#r——fti—• [ftur—Xm to pcrwoaa « of tba Con- WtoWots. So rrrn—iln ta# sau# aad kaaof#*d. Tkat tb> lout roaofatkM dv maa. tn, tktrf* «4 ta# H o“ of ftrproatatolliM sgm am _ to SISTte n>wp v. Nxsa-.s tlark H ■ t - i rw* or is* I'wrtD tTsraSti Juts 1%. i»rr. , Tto Nr-*a# ka*Ui4 t-rv- wdad. ia ptarsaan.# .4 tk# I ««*!!tuu.»a *0 . aauter tb# rosoiato. o tbLUnl iuini r#w 1 u->■ o u -arrr into rkrt tba sa«#ral *l. pn * vd»ar t. r iba tor* rßcsaat goowmnsaai us tka r* b #i!«a'A# r#«nm#d te tka Mows# of fcrpmanuti •, * by lb# >4 tb* rmlsd Ntotaa. with kto ~S)r **aai# with tb* u.>*«ag# of itw.^mdTwV'msrLmT tk# iwtedauxa k##. . »#ftl. Tbat tb# r*«ft4mUow do (AW. IWw ikird. tb# H*t»at# sgrAAtug Sn [waa tb# ram# Altoto J w rOBkKt. ktesatory By J W MrDOTf AU>. Tkisf clm l V> u> i«4:>t NAMfauoti aatbasmtag l*stot>il l* ■* tu* Mail -a#wra#bip Sarrvw tka Tatted Mat. • sad < ktu« aad Japan Hr it r#*o-#wd Xy lb# toaala aad Buaa# .4 Bear. #-«, tati*«o > f tba United Mas** af btearum ta <'oagi##« *# roMAftl. Tk*t tk# hstaabr «**naral ba sad 1.. .. k* r#fc' SUl.'n Tiled to utasJ aad lapmn lb# H*l. •«#*JM*: . wrrtft to Japan aad tluaa. satb n/#o ' wy 4 »*hru*ry <*#*#nucatk. atgkkwa hsad/ed *o.i «ity flaw, ly *ata>illabtag muiar avail rnaai u . with #Wft k 1 tbar *rop» uin Cbtaa sad Jwpoa aa ail. ta kta JWfttgiaant unoaoso tk# aarfUlaaaa ai>d atoriaa AftCii -ft,— — m 1 Tkat stork *stnamtu avd imukqswin cf tba mm, . sr# wvaftia wltbowt at dm o*l aspauw b. tba p»*sra Approrad. July *•. IM7 |H-> it , 4 kr* iti.* ta. larukir kyte|«alt.) o«*b 11.. >ufl#nag Pw pta -4 Crtor Mate. >Ad by tn* s#a*i# sad B<wm4lw m ,,u | t»*— .1 tb# 1 bitad ktetaa of Aasartra la Ooagr*#* ** •aasbiaftt lbat ta* p—>pi# at tb* I wMwd but## l#,t « siruaf ay nipathy with tb# paopto us Cktoto. eaastoMtfr.. s pait .4 tk# i»rw*A fkasily K> ■Mdl n*UlßaU> n owe. a> BiUft k . tbat tkay are patnad by tka mpon <4 tka prwMßt *ntmat« *4 this laSaroanag pawpl*. sad tba* <n*te ta tba to p. tbat this dsdaratoao. wkwi. tk#y f##l II Ikau dmy to uiaAa. will ba favorably ooaoldarwd by tka govwramaa* .4 Turkay ta dsfssaaiaJag Its uk , towards Trot* H«< t had ba it lartbat raaulwad. Tbat tt Mall W tba fttwry us tba Prwatd«at of tba Uatoad ktetaa ta ma ■iwnwata tbta roaoloOaa to tba **<>*arutoatot of Tkrtoy Appfwrod July to. lift. NLW YORK MACHINERY DEPu i t 4*» U. Jk C. PLACK, »<d to It* t kaasbrriJitorpto!, ftato | uaa Uanuta. tur* ra aad Boaters ta tttry da arnp It , « I H «1L A K MAW Mill . CTATIOMAkt ft]R> KMUASVC . ftlraa r'aslaeftaa# Bailert H—Xwurth’* Pham, an# ftil aUer Wu-t w*rtlaf Sflilaw. LaA>. Wftft ift. Unite, IftftAft. —4 »ft —.i —amft, A lift# ftftd ft— Ci—ll. ftte. ft, ten~ —ftdfui i> ——» . ft*. I—4 . —ir "fti , e*« *••>.■• .aeaorßD H miu un. ftwft 11— .>•—• —* Aft*., . —ft— raft—l— -1, in *-, .btuaftiwi um-menuanaval— HII I t fti « f Nnpplli' A. omommrurn a.* • BAB!I* H AG* «