The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, January 24, 1869, Image 3

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DAILY NEW-ERA. .hikday uownm, 4am. u,mm. 'rtnMtWfi Qiy y^ TmFmmm TVteAy M. B. otaueh tnS fpHI ftHiMRi IhM * "" Ts* **w dank «Mt be pad ap os tbe tower rtf % GepttoJ ta * sow fey*. fal m In mi. to odiv* dnty to ttoitrwt totft. Amt Mm toatoi Aattoi Amt* bm «A- Mlfir’iCwit. Thiriio wakiagatary, tairb*- Tn Orrt Onm on Friday night, igmd to mtol tot Aftohm. pmiMllw par thm go to Ah* Min to In office wd pay up oe or Min Wednesday acrt. Unm torun eangfct» Mgro toitag famm fraw Mr. Williamsaaey or two egn.-- The negro Am tod Ato trial, and tow tow m ilfßil tT Hit T*r*~ I—l1 —I * k T~r~ in r^tri A fwiwr warn amt tarir tbe City Gotodl om Friday sight ariiij for a tomw tor a eock jxi. Tto petition m rrimtd to a aommittce. * only aw an progvoaoiaif in Warn Fawn will ant Aa pnawtad to At Uat* until WedbrtoUjT eventa*. when egr rid lovcwfta, John Templeton. wto ptodiw H Aiw Ma ■n n nnAndiMAiitM tmrliwfr llamaal of F*« W snap mßvnmwmwto •Am—aoof toe png*. Tnu her* bam no aratoL by tAa police, of aay note, stare oer tori tspdt*. Tba police aratigfcal to looking oni far otamden end ■taringnaata, wbo am aAArr becoming acute nr MN adroet. Jo. & Burnt, City Ta* fWArlor, reported to Coearil om Friday sight. Bine* Ato fioel raport Aa Aaa collected and paid over to the Hark es the Tones*! it* ttoim—fit, I" taa ■ trad and fifty-eight dollar* and fire cents. On Mr. Laaahert bad a “fomily afidr" wfaick wwenbvertoTe of good order. He bad a bearing before Mayor Halsey yieiwday morning. and *w aaaaaaad fire doßnre end cneta, and advised to Iw a better baba red lad tu future. Yhtuumv afternoon wa wa inwlonr Cm. bale negroee enjoy lag them eel *m at a beehhy k um of m av. Either of them waa capable of making a fall band in a not ton field, and no tboaght it a pity that they warn not there. Tax Charter Reporter ia tba name of anew papar that baa reached *u front ChaoUr, 8. C. It U finely gotten up, typagrapbicatty apeak iag. and in rfM with aoat# Ufa, bat little prndeocw. Tba papar i% Democratic. Tn atraeta, for a law day* past, bare been iMuaanalty Uvaiy. Thera baa bean a steady ■notion among bnainaaa mao, while tba ladiaa were oat ia aqnecta, ptatoona and regimenta, rendahag tba atraata U*raly with their pran •oca. TimnD!f, with bia excellent Company, bat gone to Montgomery, to delight tba peo ple of tbet rlUiage for a abort aaaaoa. Be will return to Altaata again aboat tba atgbtb of February, and play at Daria’ Theater. Ha doea not mean to foraak* oa vary long at a time. * Jui Jettnoa, tba celabaatad aoagand dance man. ban ant red ia the eUy and wifi make bia ftnt appearanee at tba Variatian Theater on Monday nigbt. Re la ranbad among tba vary fan in bia profaaaion. Indeed be ban rary tow aqmda Re will dettgbt thorn wbo freqaant tba Varieti.-a. How la an adwdanbto twee tar tranaptenting shade treat Many of oor paagb tmaaplant ed tort yaw and tba treat did W*H. Let aa many or aaoaa>a ant oat tbia ynwr, and want; end It wtfi not ba long aaftfl Ibn atty to abna . lastly angpHil with abade. Shade Mai are mi mi Wt aaw on yaatarday, ngon Banter atooet. a i-ootldarabla agnad nf wdala hadind wen rigor ■ only working oat that# puna Up ngen tba •beak Mr. Btowart wan aatng them tn good edrantaga. Alia! tbam aaaaaed datamninad to gira tba city tba toll worth of Ita money. Tbeponm waaamadtoyof Mark and whan. Tag mmmftoaa appointed In wait agon bia Lxeafiraey, One. finfloek. and mmbh bia armbaa tn Hgard to a Qaheraalortnt Maaaion. ngnbC to CtoanaU an Friday nigbt that an iotarrtow bad bean had «ith tba Oowaraor, and it waa aaeartatond that ba did not with any proaimoa made fur a raaideocaat prraant; imntT IkMUI A hiUmm wonld p*ob*My tbnnßpt Mr. RtWK A Mußiu. HaareUry. baa our tbanka Am a BMdty godtrn ay poMpUd report of tAa ymeeßiteei of tAa Stole Iftmteß) wtolleto ffßiitofi#(iNlteßiißßiitetohterißh 1 flirrgto. DereehAwMA, IMAmd IUA. IMfi. te vAAA to iffßfifffl tAe report of Be*. C. W. Mu ward on (A* iriiiin end condition of Qwight; eafi m aenay by Got Frank S«-bai lor ea imntgnMioa/' In TWO Uw Rrawm District Coart, ou the Mftoitfl A My, Bn*. Mar to t'haasary, in tba matter of Barter. Beakrapt. the Btgtotm m|wim angrwdhti *rr r-1 brt-T am erdtarad fan Ig Twnrttog nwet rt tan •‘MnrtL Tn Mtowtog ttttsw ana baht fair port agatottngnntadWm. totfato andnttt ba m W*+amm, Omlw Q«*. MftfitMkMili Oflwnj fta Mta ttM? b OulanWi ’* mu mmmtok -mm** V.&MMmu MieMaUp* ISmewtk. . ' ** ** i 'nt vaamr — atoaetoto Amnw towed tAe tednto "fforilßKb Opaan inn* era ■fee tolAml prior faT^— ef ******* Ml be to imwitMM, at mom Mo. Si, mny day. from*a. * hfitt, eton I UffßAeptaasriltomatoMyfotaßteffßdffta— ti rrrnpjtog toefe. L 4. Hitaa. Atlanta, ieaaary W, MM. A Kutaanr’s Am Daror.— Kearny te yeotor* day reeedred aa 1 r hlgmial id tba eel* eAretod LtM’a Chicago fide. Tbto wee aae of tbe target aktpriienui el Ato ever to Ceorgto, and U letAe beat Aleaohlto A—ltoo. ana, Kenney bee lAe beet ordered ter to She eity. It ta stocked *Wb the very fisato wtaee md Hgwaea, ead la reelly a place OAAIA gmt tWen eta/ (reqeeat. It laordertoanhenMMi for a large aloek of Spring Goode, I will**# the Aetoaee of my Winter stock of (betting ead Geato* PamtaA -’ ry g-"^. , TT -“T rery to* ft* cask. - t’.TXX V v Pieaae rail and rmniee for ymmmtt m to price and qaalfty. A. Ininwrw n. Gate Oily OoAAtog Mere, jan S3 -fit Atlanta. Geoegte tomiai to Om fia Fassno—TAe fob toning NMtatioe, edArod by Da ieaeA, tree adopted t>y tbe City Oooaeti laet aigAt: Jkmfotd, Tbet, in eaaaa of doable tax, that tbe doable tax be rmitua, provided, tbe taxes » eaoh raaae ere paid at (Aa Manritol'e ofitee on or before Wednesday next, tbeS7tA of tbe preeeat anariA. + Atlanta, Qk, Jaa. 11, IMBI Home two yean age Jb. A. GL Idfi) eroded W t/tJk/MJta/i JQLejgj. jwto maw fto ,^Bwr tMBB gfin mPU^RRnRRR^ bar tael, dartag e tAaader atom, tAe HgAt ning peasad down om of tAe rodL I was te A roea within fifteen feet of «A* rod, aad felt bo aAoek. A mail ebild waa aeleefi is a drib wttbia Ira foal of tAe red aad tern not awefcsaed. Vagetottoa tAat eeeae ta contact with the rod waa at ones killed by tAe etoctrieity. ‘ Jawm B. Wiujam Jeatl—fib CnauaDauM. Wbnt in n Aaa gw tAnn dirt! Am. RMtnrm k Fox’ Tcxxucr Box re, md HI prove ft right now. - SNA makes goer foe* tore; thee* Totur Boam will laaaov* tAe enaee and aava yea a Doctor** ted} therefore they are cheaper then dirt. Having ftar fihacod their mittaodi Mock of aoape, at aa cnomoaa dioconnt for cerib, Bcdwkae ead Mat enn almost Afford to give it nway. If |M don't believe thin, come aad see. Bwt tbet ain’t nil There nr* Coarse ead Baaagßl caoagb ta Redwiae k Vos' Lrrm Dan ftram to take care of Ml tAe baaaaa Ask, aatoral aad artificial, ta CArietoadeeh “It afford* we greet ptewere to Ae a wißeaa to tbe ciccUence et the Grover k Baker Fami ly Sewing Maebinea. I bate Aad oak ta top family ter aa* tore yean, aad Beat atari I know of its wooktage and from tAe taattaaemy es many of my Mends who aa tAe BEfo I can hardly ass Aow..shyiAisg could be fIMBB coaafriato or give bettor fftoMtaritaa. Theam eteM I hove ta aae of tbe west stages! I Aaffs gyiy flu DU- **-* Jj&#T fpfflß Mfr& 09RL tasiwtw X* D B T*G OG D ft. J. M. oanmoa’s Otoahtag oat mto of Wtaftor Goods, commwm lag Mfliadaf. January IMA. tie greetari bnrgaim of tbe aeenesi wiß Ae afibaed fin tbe east thirty day*, anna to sake mow for a forge Kptwg Mock. J. M Gt—»*. Cofptr WhMuM A SMMMMHr ' jnnl&dlOt WIUX)X’B CTRCTTLATOIG übbabY. No. tl. hacatauritiß, tiuflri, Qsoneu. Tama—fiOeeato par aaeatb, dmtag wAMA time ehbeeribecs ere rntitled te e* areap teak* Mlbymmf. Ssbecripttoee eeßattod freea any gnat el tbe ranstoy. Boafce seed by aad fmifpnAagt. jmlA-lri Hxw Mill eos Sot*.—A fine newawjtoß, with tarty bene power epgAw, are ta ffovannsh. la offered sass goto to n low pates. Fall tatoruMttaa rm be eAletaefi to tAG.dtoe. < - | , -; ■ - dies’ ten jeat enrtved, end for ante to sms sear emmMe prices to Mm- FhoaX decW-c. Docntor street, opposite Oriy Feck. Mbits end mtandStaMMb MrOtoefoa to tlerfifi-c. Ihoceitiff eUeer.jrifmito lAafi. et the vsritataa State Ewmm redneed IS coeds to decSAw. Docatoar otmet uppewlc dtp letk. Ik. o. t» iu»Tlu>»«a •aarta-ty Li.»f»n>M«ofw*** H»Aw town [ jg v« MMtoP-" ' imtStot* —*j| <m»»x.uiiu«i 11 inimi Mi •—ii MpasMiif : mmnt mu min l*B»,wl»WM»i«i ■»■>*» * ; Ht>HMM«ai nwMiflft Wr iwiiilriirtfcg wSSSiHiiuitk gai^.y,te u [HAMT imumiM i Mnl IffWtvON ! \ #l% ..- 4- ■ \ * H • . ] r i" ■ ■ ■ '• ■ j NEW SEA JOB OFFICE Hiaßaiteß&taWJggs . JOM OFFICE, : ■ . • • —rr-J .... ■ 1 JOB PRINTING. Oar It** aaidtoae were «Aariae|by aa trpttaid totem,ead iietoriwefl Ow LATIIT IMMIIOVKMKNTB IN TtPIB, ranMMBIK KTC., €i Am J gm Aw *“imnet n minftenofnllw mtA rnmm rv mt s/uipete RircgginilVy wttfi Sray IhltUig ArtiblMnMtt i 111 TKI SOUTH t k. • hafforri wo SMgrogsooi to prtet onytoinff Boos e The NfogOrid teeMt—CITK Wto, hi eetyfo to salt too mo« hriMMsos, and ass ee s* to a FAIR TRIAL! cue PAtauTßto won . ... •*> ; • soot ratariaa hsrioo eeariecenylbTwert to am ato* propoiuff t» prist MLL ENADC, fIttoOBMBA «* LITtH 9M63K\ R4l LEOA D Wan, Pimm HMt« » Ij4(h? *1 V , «■• ~ . r Fwmr mitmirav t RW JHHI/BJil ! ****** * IMWSti 9A&» ■ AM UKMINTI. UAVIM* THKATCK! taeraiAage, . . - fOH TKXnJCTOH. 4 JTem fiTa i•I I• a f 'Teat-etto 1 Sato~eAA toe 9MEATWSTSOUTBnK FAVORITES ! ML so MBS. HABBY WATKINS! • aly lew and iaperA Plays! Atoaihr etoant Mm Oewa;. “wirr£ Fiinr."—oabd. ■M ‘ Otoe te male to fiebariMM too OcaeMea Oo0t3UB« tM h'wawtoMA afotitrew aim ~~r I iwtk a janTM^jffwCCa."^^ tomtod | «p*7 | «■* Tbe iweitoilemeiii gm trail i iw iwfiij toe >raie> ■namrmPA— I leito**"* *•***• ma fSfS m ‘ mm VAMFIIES THEATRE!, (I,ATE BELL-JOHNSON HALL.) Open Bvarg 3Vlglit, WIT* annST-CLXSB tajuxtt oompasti eealafoa M rieata. eoM-tf PEASE aad hla WIFE KMWIIKE RESTAURANT. Atateuaa Stmt, Atlaata, Georgia. gamtQ perduaod a let of now broom, and h tteofafcerebb Moyo, ee taro owrebaod, rnbbad any* aB too eoto-eebe or toe old jar owoy.— teaaorod rtc«* too Mart oat wtto too no* ymr. Wo aaptre te too jodgoohlp o# toytrerao. Te the Soweto aad Haase of Kopreua tattweoi Toe Sere rotod for ead toted to Tto DOCTOR «e too totattaf; Bet rota which way yen wffl on that; But nun waatdotto Poedtoff. OonttaMon. if 1 am oleotad. only think vhnt I cut do Sir you. IwN gn yous pure cep of Koooe; pt np too boot ffrisd OyitiM—thooo ••Ooldm Trios.” APmey N hnfosritri, Now Tart. Don’t yen fc«l hungry x« you rorimrmn rood thin*.? AH es which wMf be yomstf lOMrioctod. Tmrifof to year Ptohjpd ■ggrintoffna of my morits, I remtan veer oSofihnt r'rrn- 1 O. L. PKABR.. jonU-lM Dr. J. Bradlield’s Fenale Regulator Woman’h Best Friend, -Ateo,- X>r. JBmssa hNAESS *1 irfir and Dyipeptio Medidnea, MRKMAREDAND SOLD L. H. BRADFIELD, mtoJfMle UrMfgrifff, isnlS-lM' ATLANTA, GEORGIA. C. B. WELLBORN f in ADJUSTER OF LOSSES. OFFICE WHITEHALL HUT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. C. B. WELLBORN, Amt Harts dMWiMO for* Inmrwac* Company tCarrhoata sad MoohonliefVe las. 00., of BoMlmoo*. Mnblb Mitvsl LUg In, Os., es Baft/oed, Oobb. HkhaMai tanhfoff laonrosr* 00., of Rlrhmood. Vo, JOrnoo Brier hw. Oa, of Mchtoond, To. tawrwn *al»orinff*oo.. of Rlchtooud, Te, jwun DRUGS! o WILLSON, Tiie> X^ruLgrerist, Hiion Hand a SfilaoWd &nd LABOR LOT OF FRESH GOODS! BenyAf Arne /tor ftoto. —AT- WMolntonln amd IHntnll. All U>W AH TBS UVIBT. KEBOSEtfE andiEothw«Lß, *1 P A I N T M., Toilet Md PiMy AitiekA aorruD n» the Aaaat nmrty. that will gtr* fcm b» thoae who am these. CALL ANI lEt, ▲Uanma«na,* - Oh m o nr « Ana . LAW IIHD. mu. JOHJHWN. ATTO « HIV AT LAW MwnrßU Bat to Canty. UewfU Lmi BM TnM <’o. - »M*l Iff. tMAWfA. QA. QUIT Chaaba o* Nnr York at pur. MUht Chaefes an Q JMmw Imrk toton to v* Mini aSowad am da- TSSS** «. «. DOniHg, Fraa. B ANTON! MANURE !! K /W\ UMMKM aAabto MbUM7M tor djV/UUj* Qwfcf _aii» taw SEOSOE • .\TnTr™- hM life tagVgMm. ■tow.Oto.tato. *. BjWwr THE GREAT S9STSKRR PABSFVUEE AID MATT. ROUTE! IK . ATLMTA m AUOMTA! THE Efims HOCBM Oe tola Uea hero hooe fin naglly eoorhaehfi oad r» SMod. iMfia torn la grim hr Mtato sal 01 repwr OOKBOOTOmoe tololJaaaw otodto eea^ceerto- NO CHANOE OF CARS West Petal, W, aad Wlkßiagiito, A L quid TIME aad SEMI CONNSCntM, ru aaoBMA aanaoap. raeaaaßMS «aa paratooo Thraaeh Tiehote oaS hsrotoafr Baggage CheekedThreagh heat Kew Oriooas, MohOo, _ _ , HoDtffflMory. Oolewbeo, ee tochasoaS, BoMUoon, Woahtoftoo. Pkilodolphia, ond Hew lob n towr Different Routaa, rto Aeceoto. OoorfU. Pullman’s Pal&oe Sleeping Oars OH ALL NIGHT TRAINS LEAFING ATLANTA BT THIS BOtmt. Ttooo Splendid Haoptaf-Gom run Through tree Ah hatn. Ox, to BraechriHoT on S. O. It R.. wttooet ahongo ot Aagnato. ft The Orest Southern . PASSENGER and MAIL ROUTE. Tto ADQUBTA, to Ohorieotoe. Colomhis, Oharlotto, Raloigh. Wilmington, Weldon. Rfchmoed. Weto lngton, Baltimore, PMledalphis, oed Hew Toth. r—inom can too* CHOICE cf Boer IHtoreit lmtMriaAngMtatoWotolafftoe, torthdoghh, and tARS THB SAMS BT EITHER ROUTE! Tlo Angnoto, Kiogooillo, aad Wlltotogton; oia Ceb nmbto, Ohtihdti, and lahtfffc i ria nnjeiMo. Patriae and Richmond; oia atlnntn, Anguatn, Wilmington, aad Bay Ltoa. FARE AS LOW BY A (TRUST A AS ANT OTHER ROUTE. ; A ■3S i aw THROUGH TICKETS aold at Now Oriaaaa, Mo hllo, KontaoaMry, Colnmbna, and Atleetn to Rich, toond, Waateafftan. BdtoaaM, HShdaimneed Haw York by tola Route. THROUGH TIOKXT3 ootd at AUaarifc to Oharlao. WMk - P taking toM BMto MnJtoTo togego Checked l>rouyhW Jc WwUmli rijyrtrw, IMMunaMingw jEWMaTIIgF TUMT an* msto to^ob^Mtoe^'^BnmhtofM^ma^w The'ftuto tototShtodMib n. toeot cloao Connactloea at tngrria %tot_hitoS» toe teOew- New lock. tt’i'lSrSetotohr^into* ton. OatatoHa, Chartotta, Raleigh, WOtolngha. Web dee, Rtohaooed, Woahtogton, Pbihdatyhla, Yettitoore, aad New fork. Pamngara wishing to go North by ameM Bad a Splendid line of Steunsbipfi Proa* fhariiatie. A 0., ta Battneoae. Mhßl|k Boston, and Now Tort. TIE CGRLISTON STUBBS w%*. - - - >. _ .. »JBW SBQBMMHMBB WW WMM aBBBSS m» n— W m, ,-l - - ■Bppuesi whb ftwr wiwy ms sonews wmßm UuMifir toe Market* ran afford, and for Saiaty. Sgoad,aad Cant fart are \ UNRIVALLED ON THE COAST. Through Ticket* oe Sal* at BNattganMiy, Wear Petal aad Alla a* a *o NEW TORE VIA CBARI.EBTON STEAMffBTPS. SBJISS OiSSARBSi TlsiMN AgRMSfe AsOeOBA. BOVERNRfinr SALE! hem off Rnffgansa. Tunumwm, Ac . 1 Omn A. A. Q.JMLaup l*ammavm Ovr;«-«n.^ Hynxtoaeld lidroiMffAattoaaMaeof BA&REIT (k SOUTT, Auctioneer a ftewaMig friar/ IBM, At 11 o'daafe. a. a. too fadowtog aaaaad property of too Ttallll rißl*. to-wtU » OBtoa Cbatoa. - 11 OtM Dmlii, , 8 Mow, 18 triad** HAadaa. 1 Prktott Piw ni Plitow, SO Ilk fltoMito, 38 Papar MdtH, 4 Ooptoa Irwto'a Bariaad Code to Georgia, - 30 Bulan, 30 Franca Me., kc The property caa ha aaaa More (ha aato tot'appUrs tion at Ihia oAoe. tanOah. c. r. WMtmm, i**3M t A. A. » M.. a«d » O SEED POTATO*f 1 A LOT OF KaHt UtMlitefe IteCf HtrrtMM, • >.•..»« - ■ 'ifeafe Malta »«»*@ .-.kMaaiwfe-. w—v >. a i * • 61 •'■ r4* * WAgHPEIH WAH r I%R! • f WvT, WW'aO-'.© " '#! ALIj KINI>S OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, FOR CASH! L. A. KNIGHT,, SAVES MAZiXd BUZIISZNa, ■BOID STBRRT .ATLANTA FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . . FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS, hsedved assay day aad earcaatad too heat la too toty. aorihiy DRY GOODS I DRY GOODS Great Bargains. Great Bargains. ONB PRICE ONLT ! ONE PRICE orvi.v AU GOODS WARRAHTED, ALL GOODS WABBAHTBU? JOHN M. GANNON, j Oorxmr Whltehnll and MCunter »«- HjcSSSmI 0 ™ 1 “* yuam fiTOC * of Frill and XKTlixtnr JUhVIUKIIviTnfce PIECE! DREII GOODN, ooeaUUng in part of Kariaoa* r NyHetihgicea. AB Wad ffoahh fhida, Canton Cloth., AH Wool DoUlne.*W.L fCTqfRriRPTEfcTftmCrSaAB, at aB ptieaa. JUS* RBGETVKD, Ht SHAWLS, at Extremely LOW PRICK. £2l gggSl*P' ?Q* doe- Booebfal Jtojftohtai n— rilrillfflriy. J iH££ stcxrrtX} - Sf^gjg l W— l uohk -^sfTO«JEfterassrssw o 5aK , " T ’ JUST RECEIVED, lee BOULiOARO IKItTI. JUfff REOPTED, ee piaoaa flao IRHH UN BN. JUST RECEIVED. BS piaooa Splaadld LINKS TABLE DAMAKM. • JUST RECEIVED. BS ptonoo Rich CURTAIN DAMASK. JUW RECEfVRD. BedALMAMBBA riPILTe. / JUBTEBtaBTED. 188 TWIJWP arid MAMBMlf.l.rifi %PRUTt. jmn RECEIVED, a ftphndhHdn* of Notioaa. DoomTrtobalngm, Embroiderio*. Urea ■•adkerohlor. ond But JUST BBCMyS), o baantunl Lot of OoresM end Lean Ooßarm. JPgr RRCMYED. bee ptaoo* XoniocAy aad North ChwSnaJKANB. . JUffT BBOMTEP. see ptoeao KBMETA JUST RECEIVED. 800 alaeaa Wool UlM]|. m . ' „ «sptT. »y^witofrL*yraßff rLOTW " * fc ' < /tTlw,rT «« , JUfa received! 100 pairs fins Bibbop boand All Wool BLANK ETC. V JUWT RBOEIYED. 100 pair* Colored BLANK.ETC. grifiMb BOOTB, BHOEB AND TRUNK* I 1 I . , / ■ .;> ► i / G. H. & A. W. FORCE, (SION OF THE 810 IF. ON BOOT) --; .. ,{, ..... . . * 4 . *•' *• {A •'.£ . ‘ • WhiteliHll Street, , Atlnntn, Georgld. * ONE of oer ffrat haring jeat rota road from too Easton marhata, on* stMR la now 0 . to to* Urada ot tha ri^a?marelMta^(to||ad• hgStotohitodl. oar atoah of aeotoen mad* Boots and Shoe* for hdlaa*. gantlaaMn'* and ebU WONDERFUL REVOLUTION IN THE BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS I M. O. MARKHAM, I. Ti V * # ? r J u.- a-. ■ N rinceeenor to' ' f v«- * •! ■ * u* ; >.,, v • .v. l :• . .... • . . At bis old stand In to* EHPIBK .BLOCK, WlßHiill *tr*< Atlanta. fflet rg „, teMriH MkHfoadhn 4*^M WWM Bay BedMlto gtir*.)f4Aßlfig ritri 1 VW . - *• MAKKMAM. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Far Pteeaeia of tba Throat and Imnga. anab aa Oowcbe, Gold*. Whooping v * Oongh, Bronchitis, Asthma, ' and Oonaomptfou. vpo, UM Bukiu. I.IUMM rrintol- ft* miliimmapw i»nmgiaigtn ThfOMllAlonc •eriea ofyeanTaod among mom of the race* of men tt ha* Heaa higher and higher.. their e*Uma- Boa, a* It baa become better known. Ite aaitorm character and power te cnrw the rartona abaction* of the taamand threat, harawadeit kao\n* m a ro- tten tba be gtraa tor Incipient c—nmyttoc, and the dan geroa* adbeboa* of the throat aadlniiga. A* a pro gSgBBjSBM sisssaigi =s~ptors: aSET* always iritored and otom Wholly antbytt. ... BramMtu i* maaOr cared by taking the Cherry IWOralh email aad ftaMant doaaa. JaanH. Ayer’s Agon Core, (tend jazcM, ami g rma mtthrn. m trstsop realm*—arrwhne. >m7dn ffsttoc Mu BMUnmmi C’o® t cMPt'Ors* ' fionnix »ai.e.°” A BBT to 80. 1 BKMTm mUATOIOM, 4 foto dtoat rA>ta% .nr - ■ BMMBBW. iMHiI, BLBYATOBB, toe. Far aato j^sM3gfe^ 4iiofe#fe AWANTA WMamM BMCTtoy •££&. rim*.Attach.Qo. Sopririn«£nrur«tarin^»|pi Uotut aMM « >«r Mmb mey 14—ly • i'.v; • . v J f - ' ' HOUBHTOPBMi HOUSEIEEPEEfi t Men-Women-and OhHd ren ! Meo-Women-fond Children! ■ ItEABMtKAD. ■•Pooling to analila lad Bam," • sspcrttstr' ‘COSTMPV BUCKTHORN NALVII to the to<to* aa.mailaa«7 BAX.TE mrUm |i. sy~oSix!bvfSas?t“.! 0 K:, a^M^’s«a£E ! jfe»p. I. AM Dragffstn'iu ATLANTA Mir It. ' LA DIRM! t (Ml UM *M ! ! I.Kuk OuAl IrMk OM ! * i, -X , ."Jawtlto* il» CooiAta.,- ■ tolaaa a h»»r Otor (Ifto Cheaka," -A B«-J Tioga to lAnMa,” "BmoTi a all Blotehaa Mad Ftaarfctoa, f: ■'nm Baa Ala the WottoL” “OOSTAB’S" BEAUTjFIER. •Illrr-lwrat aad Ora>|* laaaani. Oaa Bottto tor f 1 40—Three far to * <, “IISTAI'I* Standard Prcparatton* MjPMPECtr**'' Baitli Af K&t4NraBAMM*v > *< M Oaatir‘a" Btoto tag pßßwaa}ia%cra. hCmuFT' joaly pan! ■■■»»* mmmm. -■IB TT-Min - ATLANTA aril Man." I Jto A cnMr d,l;!. JMtanM A> a MMMM, *" <M(