The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, January 24, 1869, Image 4

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DAILY NEW ERA. JL JRKSAIJTFILKr UX* #* i HOLIDAY GUT ! Wmmt a—»• *'. “twbubnmim , '■’■-Bsaffib. mwm pistols. TOMBS, MELTAII * 00., SOLE A OEKT« t OmWWDL pabiiMFh.a».m.MW. agents WANTED ! AGENTS WANTED ! agents RANTED ! rat \ SERVICE AFLOAT, Ik the SUMPTER AH) ALABAMA. jrr iMUAL EAJPKAEL NHPOE u—w-a ** * aSwi «iw«ssJsSryr^2riiS3 ls2a&x£xm£^>£*&b. wftW MM —nM» m gggA Rgy toptoa a(hr toe teas weata; —echsr »•“* !» ***** gg|wggg=7sg.*E "ggaL" lilogj r Oanoer,Cancer, Cancer. THE CELEIBATED P W. j) O U DEN, GANGER, Wkjok k* IWMTW wi—** Um OM of tb. kaih, o. M 4 Ml TiHT • —*“ •*“ Duty*, Tnykyi**« riaii n>MlMfU* * «oimm. ■flu mt hnwmif Hi n«n ii 11 “«o —«f a haSr AmM mr bo wttkawt it” *• ~.*Mir It to KW. wiabowi ha. —ft 0»>«. iMMrwMM . _ r odor*. It is iavehmbi. in *» at* room. It has the beet to i i—mmdaHn— es any aaadtolna to the Onitod Mates. AUDraggtalghMpt* Tjkdja^Mfcgtte proprietor*. *>** »*■■** °°- v i« WittUm Btoeet. 4ees-e ">»»»>• TWELVE TUB * VBi, The hMt Imih* far Fanllf Hmßbe tee beat hamma .TiMjIBR feff.fffljESa.3L Hr THE WOfDEH OP Tffi^WOBLIX ONLY OUT* DOIXAB, i?T^ wl i l,^l, f *su*nno WATCH. gp^jgl £Bssffipiy?*sss omM WV9+ SXMJUM. ar ... WPVIGV TO IKlnlAniß -*m- 1 SHIPPBBB. ' jj.fl-1 r vrYTiii .b --_lB,: k * '* iodfl, i iQOS<I s^BUOO I \« A •ml - v jet JMC' m z yr-jk. ct ; ;• *1, ■. *'/•;. LEATHER, w _ I . . V W«U mpl ■*s,*• Jp§ £ « —*T , | gji 1 .£• *7ffWijj:; f Jk • i 1 I. T. BANKS’ ■AWWOra BUILDING, ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS. S' ■'> ~°T h •#v A ftMr JUST ARRIVED M raftering 4Mly, “T ELEGANT BRIDAL -AHB- ; CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! MW/ \\TW IT! RT ROSY, DIAMONDS, Larne, tinaai and rorrlod MM—b canelating °* scabSmftjsswSiJ'fts Style sice of Diamond. WATCHES, U ftpmf/i #**£4 YSfcMfiSKNIIW fcpi iiihßMr ; fi ; : J AT YORK PRICKS. All. Ml» JCWCLRY, w WARE, 1< Jtyi.wK l »» WW'TI KWW WH :>y-4 ( , <3Sw mb tC BE ■ HPWIWMMf .•■1 ■ ftWlliw-’- iBBWfIMKIWI 4* 4®ttoßfci!i 'u’lfJft j l >•• ■ ijferiii tfittototol fcn Smi <gTto tiiiint mi iuj> ii 1 J 1 1 :•.'! * l nSMfrtf ?*» *«W :■•'•'■' « «m«*m «* s» * < JtmmiM* . (litrwffflr-HJ|j*«««|y<wM»<>**»■■><» <■ jmWmi Cc*S M» Wkawl VlMrtv M( Mb* nAvra f* WtmMSnULAJtt Brnmt ■toMlM, AMMHBMSSSnSZwMK a< jg m o as M T « . *"* **■ wBESW I'MR. fHB, VMWI ‘ MaUni, Baa, WMte, Ood, U mm mi Mtrrag. < , L *"* VU —I 75“~ ... * VNESA _ WB»i— Haail OM-MHialbom - W> —i 'I —r *— B— Og'twa. • ta—W*** Of—«l T Mp—karMt ha—M bate* »alataa» mmm,mm araMha— at paioaa —aaMj in h*ar atom oafl hj—B— l» Bh In— —4 iaMwW| Mw>WM>BCBMh.WI——ACWA—WiMbahI .a: B- Boerwyc, ; a« -i JUST RECEIVED ! A. StoS^'w 1 TAn3tl> * b4 wizx RBUcrn > DRUGS, MEDICINES, li Ct ;|. • « <5 *’ ■' ? - ig. i The Finest LIQUORS in the Oitj. CAE LOAD KEROSENE HEAD-LIUHT vivAf•'■■'• N ‘ | OIL. J,v •' , i «■• . / m Shga—a VIM fhht A— all gooda nanally kept in • FIMT-CUMMUfi STORE. • , . .; • <L PRICKS L6W FOR CASH, J. S. WILSON, Whniaaala and EaMU Ora«ht, (Mar Wail rad Bod, Atlanta, <H. ‘i STONE’S' 1. I 3 1 1 ■ aaa£—^- I ' 4 - • * PERFECT CLOTHES FRAME; Ba—aMiMh hgn—Wg tkaAqr.. IkihagathHftakt am tea—tad, tad tet an eratts. ad will laat t Hfa time. MtaaM—h ad atraeig. tt la light and port gk—aMeTaf—aMaf' ** oCcV^m *° JM—aa2f£a ana—a Tig. S) tttalaaa na —atwaa to p—ohaaan at taarltortd «. W. BTOOKTK. ' UV foai MAOgUQLY DEPOT ■ if,.! ■ - , ,"*.< I aaan» I I 111 O. tk C. PLACE, Id 4k Uk Chaikrra Mmt Haw Vorh If—wtartutaaa ad Daalaantn amj —acription of CIRCULAR SAW MILLS mcnuir AMD eOBTABLX StMUB Eiflaet MS Boilera, a2Sar«SiHM—tth aiaiwMuM*' pssAMI In MmMms s MsM* WAY A CB.’» ODNwvao ICROU IAW, B SHtABR. k -ti.:* »5 ait- ; B«tlw»j ■applies. mommrtMm. MO 4 ~ JIMICe JJMvHs von. THJ I—pw<rro4H Vi| -. »>om iiii—a nuastn mmmma. kflwia»a*i*OMrfWiiww sr. / Mho** Mb* Snafe Ohm «S Moaiuiy. ■■**•»«**■* to MoO*** M». ■MSPMUM* «» kn«i Bat Im km boUM PM*L ,-;■: • liaaasaHSWSMSretWawiMMi pwnrfy wpkikii «MlMltatMV|aMWiss«i ft* MM Hmk smlmhaw) Ue/Mo * (kisaassi* . ;; ~ ~ y;> -«r **^® , **^ fc<—l *^***' ll lill ,l- *lsfi*if * WESTERN AND ATLANTIC liTIJPIP OB ABD ARBB BOT. IT, MM P44MWM* Trsina will ram aa MBaaaa: UAvTJSffIwTA A 13 A. B. —ill —fawyt Mateirtl !*• parana rnaaangn ■ A>it>ajtga^gpga «.15 F. MrpnllF— «—yt laiMßni'a) Dattaa A49 F. BL Paaflhr Brant BnntAaraa MaaftA*. inaton. Idtiaaaara. IW—ahkh ad Haw leak. Aittna at <a M«M A. aa, eommmUmm ahk hdna or BaahaUM and ChjUtuoo— MMaaA At BMa Inmia- MadlaiSd Aw Saw Tact ad 3SB£*£aS? ABUVIATATUNTA Mt A. HU BaaWi #d kaaMiaa >a»» 11.00 A. mu BaO|jmaF Bw»««n.ya_)_ galtaa K. B.;*Hwaton A», A^lTowtamfflte4lß; , AX; lladetta MT AB. r Ad F. HU ghdjy. wa«A Paitaaaa’a mtiinat-nf!"* WA—M '•* 1 A NfeW YiAR AMNSSS 1 TO tU Merchants of Atlanta. Ton aw all promlaeotlaly Oraetad mr oardlnlljr, And ndmonlahed reapcctiTaly, To rac'd yonr Xntriea correctly. * H yonkaag a Day-Book neatly, - *. And jcnmnatfcw eoaaptatady, foot raw Idgar ranalarly Kmy day, waSdy or monthly. And try your Balance quarterly; l < Show out your BteeA tn trade yearly irf BaXaea ahaat InAlUbly, Do this periodically With inatruction <rf JB. lnnry. Thla is the time to put yonrßooke in order, if you would know your JBraflt and Uoaa, ad to open your new Books, if you would pursue your busiseat sydan atitally. If A—a aadrea of aeo—aay you do not mm intaOgaatt cdk, who heka AaaAnaation to be roar book-keeper, la data him to taka tan leaaona. For further particuiara apply to B. LETT, #* Rrmra Jlo. 14, Giutte Blick, decM-lm Orer Tonne Men’* library Aasociation. JMKB M. BISHOP, * AITORNEY AT LAW, DAWSONYILLE, GEORGIA. T>&AOTICZSin all the eounUea of the Blue ldge S^BcaagJrAHge CARDEN SEEDS ! I AX now ready to bilf wholeeale and retail erdcra for aU kinds of Oardes Seed*. ; i Also, for ONIOB BKTTg —d SWEET 00E.N8/ f A large lot of POTATOES aoon to aerie/ * Agricultural Warehouse »»4 Sued Store, ' Broad Street—by the Bridge. deUBX GREAT DISTRIBUTION. METROPOUTAN GIFT CO. f . •* r —— Cash Gifts to tlie Ajnonnt off 250,000. KVEBT TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE SCaah Qlfu, " - ~T* V Each SIO,OOO li « - . . | •• 8,000 SO . •« . • i ■; * « 1,000 «• « . • A ** 60S too •* . « 100 Sf •-• .;. :* S S XrSodeou*. I*o Sawing Machine*. . eotolTk IDO Musical Boxea, • « Vi*to MO •00 Ptna Gold Watches, - ' - •• to to 800 780 Fine Silw Watebes • “ kb to 80 Una OU Painting*. Framed ftbureirlngs, Silrar Ware, Photograph Album*, and a large aeeortmeut of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all rained at SIOO,OOO. A Ckaata ta Draw aa ytf llu aker* Prizes by purchasing a sealed Octet for t» eta. Ticket* de scribing each Prise are moled in anralopca and thor oughly .niiied. On receipt of twenty-five cents a sealed —fenaJMU be drawn without cboiea ad debvarad at our ofikee, or sent by mail to any address. The prize —wsg It am be —ilmed to the MhMmMwm payment of one dollar. Prises will bs immodiataly I •ant to any address, aa requested, by ezpreaa or return mail. Yost will knew what yonr prize la be* hr* yaa par Aw it. Any Primmmgte anekgnped hr matter < tkt tomt valve. No Blnnka. CT Our patron* can depend on fkir dealing. Eedbremeen.—We select the few foltowbu naznea Bum the many who have lately drawn Valuable Prices and kindly permitted n* to publish them: , 8. T. Wilkina, Bufitalo, If. y., 1,000; Mias Annie )|(m saSgfeKiSK&’tariSX LouiatK, Ky., DtaSond Clnekar BIMROO; B A Patterson, Bew Bedford, Maae_ SUver Tea Sett, $178; Xlaa Inna Walworth, Milwaukee, Win, Piano, $*00; Mom. T. W. Pitt. Cleveland, 0., Malodeon, $l3B. *F We pnbUah no names without permission. —hilnpa at Use Pres*. ~Tt>*y are doing the lergeat btittbn*; Ibe Arm is reliable and deeerve their wirvue* "—Weekly Tribune, Feb. A lAW. ”We have eremtaed their system, and know them to beattrdealt— *am.”—B. T. Herald, Fri>. 38, IMS. •taat weak a Artood of ourt grew a tm prim, which wm promptly reeetred.”—Daily New*. March A IMA Mmfl tor dredw many more mferenoe. y« m’tndOm BODCAS ITOtH tRS prtii. UDwnl lDuuOm—ill to Agents Barirfacti—guaranteed. Xvery neckage of Baal 11 Tn ri—ni finals In* on* «M otrt. Six tteketa Aar fit U larU; M fpr $•; |lO for sl*. All iettara OkuM be adtreeaed to HARPER Vruu*Oß4kOO n lt» Broadway,B. Y, /l KOBOIA, TUWSS OOCXTY.—Oeorgs W, John won VJ boring applied to bo appelated gtuwdiaa at tbo poroc* andproperty at Martha A. Johnoiw, * minor, wadot Smbmib poan oJog*. featdant of Hid eoamty. Thle to to ette 00 porecm* concerned to be and appear at the termed thoOawtof OrdtHMy, to bo hold next oftor tbo imMllob efOUrt/dayo ft— Bo floot pobK mot ph of tfchinatOae, aadabow earn*. If they eon, why oold OeocM W. Johaooe ilwdd not bo OBtnmtod with ttbO 'MbMffjbtt A. fhhntocL hobt-fti" > ">' omam* towm «nSt. /IHxwtt, tosmAb ceosrt.—JboQ* a. atboo* U bartHg applied to be oppoMod OHardlM of tbo MM MM pcoMrtj of Am, Kerru e, Piooon aad ionb Aac Borah, minor chUdreo, under ftrartren ye—o of Ofo, reeddeoto of Mid coanty. TbM Mnii MM oil MidiWo oiionS iihl •» bo and «p - bo&i *. y g??° °* oOciol etgnetare, J«m^oU^M» >oh 10—061. Ordlaory. SffaoMoOHJsTtMMM ■■> dbyoffdo Mi M Mdfcoti tniMMi i. a* Mae Mm of ha TSSdtVa. MM W«rm Jaa U-o« OrdMory. . - . . ■ - 1 — 1 Jl MM T Mmmm^o»#| imeßy,‘MdVtts tpM •ad nhoßm es kcMMied aad lvtll peas upon the a. m. \ ~ Axn wkxtk. M iwanai*. QTAjaor asMiMmußM oobßtt-tii .iCppsTMMMi ißriic <SflWHkds igiiast Uvirt /.HmriiMi laii erf Bjt<WßiliL.irTi fciTtbj w>tlflf>rl 4odl tmqtSatmd k> piMiililia, gfifirty rttoited, to th« oa^ jg^ , A,^»J s SlS"g|g ,, f tt lllf iffjg» ■“ larTrM 'oif t^Tit uLt i MMiof&T B«kn Ui# ©f ■riiMMAStoSSI * STfco Moo poaoaMbQSbrtaM.tfc Mae am, if any jaoMWIsMI OrdtHory. Ipßriiftor for ExmafOm. —. •tu^Mk > !TK|^*Mftiw</SS7 > m*. * ~~ „„ DAimCi >rm«jjt. roBGM^TCTJPM •nr ii ■■Mm of pemcmafey, wl nMk| feM* •■• ~inrii Tarniur at amufitateS ■ SHpiXl. CtlSw, jPffplHlfc* tt > I SHERIFF SALES FOB FKBBIJARY, IM». IK/TLL be aoM bate* the Court House Aoor la te* V> City at AtiMfe, Fulton eewnty. On.. am tee riret Tuieitay te TUbruery next. wttOto the Up! boom of onto, ttefoUowteg property, to-wtt: Two(l) bloc* mom «>«l«e of medium (tee. one (I) sett double hireisq. one fl) two-here* wagon. levied on ee the property of W. H. * a A. Jotms,sr*fr«M ri Mb ntt*e Mbbwil ftooo rnlton BerestovOmit In tear of Hiram Ma to. W. IL Jonoo >oi fl. A. SlilgsiSslii fe fronting on lfirtelH ole eel M feet, end running book on North Forsyte strata 1M fcot. eetd lot lo on tee cor nor of MArlette and Norte Forsyt'i street*. City of At- Unto, an sold lot then If o two otory brtok building nnflaiatiiil Levied on no the property of "The Me. eonleHoß Company." by vtrtn* of end to ooMofy o th toned from tee Fulton Inotli Ooert tn fever ri Heely end Benry to. The Moeonto Hall Oompany.— Property pointed out by Heely end Berry, Dec. »Tl8«8, Also, at the me ton* end ptbao. Theen* third, one undivided third of the following lot tn the 14th dlatrlot S3SSSREsS^SsSSS eoot corner of anid lot. tbonce Booth-westerly on W original Boot hne es eetd lot,MM 18-100 fori to a stoke corner, thence at rlgbt-angtaft Berth srty, to 0 Mote and stones. an origins! Weet tine of oold lot. to the be ginning. containing One Hundred ocrae, more or loon. And also, one undivided third inlereat in the following Sd*' acres, mere oo ten. South eoot of the Macon h Western Beil Band, and Booth of and fronting on the pubtto rood from old Whitehall to Atlanta, by the L. Windsor omits njLtefite. 431 tt .Mm vMioa John and. Me hroufl. D. Guthrie, 1 soignee of Mitotan! fitalsram k 00., to. Ttrao T. ftrolth. Propifty pointed cot by A. W. Hammond h Bon, and in OUd Mortgage Ufa. Dee. 2 let 1868. AJeo. at the oame time and place, all that tmet or parcel of land In the Hih district of Patton ooanty known as part of Land let TO, corn mend eg fourteen feet from the Booth seat comer of PttFntoi, naming South thence MS feet, thence Weet MB MM, fcooe North 989 feet, thencc Kaet 2» fort to the beginning, having a street 80 feet wide by With ere" lot, and one 14 feet wide by Pitt’s lot. Darted on ee the property of Bobert A. Johnson, Trustee for his wife, by Virtue of and to satisfy a Mortgage fife Issued from Pulton Superior Ocurt, in fetor at W. J. Houston. Treasurer of the Mechanics’ Bonding aid Done Association TO. Bobert A. Johnson, Trustee for Mb wtla. Property pointed oat by A. W. Hammond k Son, and in said Mortgage Ufa. Deo. Slot, 1888 P Also, at the some time and place, a part of City Dots, same width through said Block to the alley running up and down the branch, fronting on Thomas street 420 feet, being a part of Land Lot No. 77, In the 14fh district of originally Henry now Pulton ooanty, CM. Levied on aa the property of Anderoon M. Porter, by virtue of and to am turfy a Mortgage fife issued from Fulton Superior Oourt in favor of NT K- Fowler, Trees orer of The Union Loon end Building tmenisttnn vs. tint, 1888. Also, at the oame time and place, all that tract -or parcel of land lying and being to Land Lot Ho. 18, to the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton coun ty, known os the North half of tot Ho. I, ta the sub -41 vision bounded, at the date of tea Mortgage, by L. J. Parr's reaidenoe, North by Horn altar's lot. West by J. G. Johnson, and Boat by the lon<& belonging to the estate of Allen E. Johnson, containing • acres, more or less. Levied on os the property of 8. B. Osteon, by virtue of and to satisfy a Mortgage fits leaned from the Fulton Superior Oourt, Is fiver of I. B. Fowler, Treasurer of the Union Lean end Buildtog Assocteton Also, at the saute time and place, all toot tract or parcel of land lying and being In the City of Atlanta described as follows: being the West ten of City lot No. IST, and the Weeterh half of fraction P of land tot 52, to the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton ooanty, Go., bounded North Dy.Deoatnr street, 80 feet, West by City lot 1M and fraettok K, and Booth by the right of way of a*. B. A, *0 feet, and teat by the other half of said tot and fraction F, containing six eighths (8-8) of an acre, more at lees. Levied on as the property of Dennis O’SalUvan, by virtue of and to satisfy a Mortgage Ufa issued from the Fulton Superior Court, to fhvor of N. B. Fowler. Treeaurer of thd Ful ton Loan and Buildtog Asscdotloa va. Dennis O’Sulll yan. Property pointed out in sold Mortgage ftfa. Jan uary 24,1869. - LUo/te the same date and place, one Sundown (two seat) Buggy, one ece-horse Wagon, onatwehars* Plan tation Wagon. Levied on as the property of A. T. Fin ney, by virtue of sad to satisfy three (8) flfke Issued from Pulton Superior Court, to fhvor of John H. Perry, etal vs. A. T. Finney. Property pointed oat by said Finney, Defendant to rxeeutton. Jon. Id, IMB. Also, at the tarns time and place, all the Defendant’s Interest in and to s lot in the City of Atlanta ooanty of Fulton, fronting an Whitehall street and running back 128 feet. Said lot Has adjoining the W. AA. B. 8., and extending therefrom to the Norcroee lot. Held interest befhg a lease thereon for the term of Ten years and five months from the lot day of August, 1868. On said described tot the" National Hotol” now stands. Said Interest levied on aa the property of 'fhlte W (Srey.for tto tng D JESteeSlCeh friST Property pointed cut by MA L Plaintiff** Attorney, and said Mortgage Bfos. January Id, 1888. Also, at the same time and ptaoa, a CSty tot known to the plan of the City of Atlanta, os pert of City lot No. 121, bounded South-west by Marietta street, 10 feet, North wart-fay pert mow or frrtewhr awnedhy ft. Frans ford, 218 feet, on the North saeSby City tot now or formerly owned by P. P. Perdue, *0 feet, end on the South-east by an alley or street, 115 feet, and contain ing one-fourth of an acre, more or lean being pari of LendJetteM)to Mte dttefcfcteeatoteMyßaary ! Kisr s» ghisifcrfiSfeffl 1 Mooes Frank, Trustee, by virtna of and tortWsfy a Mortgage fife issued from Fultoo Superior r.o.,r', in favor of N. B. Fowler, Treasurer of Fulton Loon tu 4 Buildtog Association va. Mrs. Jane Frank, formerly Mrs. Jane Wilson, and Moose Frank, Trust*- for Win. H Green. Property potntad out to ate Mortage fife. January ad, 18e«. Aleo, at the mm tta* and flaw, ait that paroei of land in Atlanta known in the plan of Mid OltT a* lot Ho* *». bounded Mouth-east, 100 feet. Be t «tr tear by Wadlej street, on the Honth-weet, MO fee, bnV-j or „oas, by caty botSA on the WorthMUH feet, aeon or teas by aa alley, and Worth tout. MO toot, more or lean, tj Church nreet, being part of Lnd Lot Ho. 78, la the 14th district of originally Henry now Hatton county, Ga, Letted on aa the property of la B. Dams, by rlr tneof and to JUafy a Mortgage Ala lamed from Fulton Ma peri or Court in teror of Noah B. Howler, Trnaeurar of the Union Loan and Building AaaertMteh mLE. Darla. Property pointed eat by H. J. Hammond, PlalnttfPa Attorney, and in laid Mortgage Ufa. Janaary Sd, IM9. \\V W Alao, at the fame time and plane, all that tract or parcel of land lying end being in the City of Atlanta, rattan count? . Ga., and tuowa ad duringntehad 11 the plan of m*A city eooordiag to Cooper's map, aa all that part of Block Ho. i, in Land Lot Ho. 46, of the MM toMdl* of oririaiaiy Henry new Holton ooanty, On., which Mae is too oonm,ot ttofrOrtn and Jaokacn Findley and whereon aaAdVindtflp MMdtdUeautotoing two acres, man or lean Lsrtad an ae toe property o Jarara B. D. Oxbom*. by rirtaa * and to rattefy tone Oarhart h Bra., and U. It Caldwell re. J. B. l>. Qa nS«r?Sm.%S!tL tET* by Alao, at the wnae tone and plain Me Defendant’a to* aEs&sarrAM^Ksa Proof Praea. *hr v handled (806) pounds of Type, mar* or lien all i-e Mae and galley a, one (1) Hound Tahtr, twn <t> taura benw * aid Magaaintoe, two !*) plain Pina Irahlaa. fleid internet terbdoa ae Me property es V. /. Scott, one of Me Pidmtonta, by rlrtne of andte satisfy a flfahnnad from Hatton Superior Oonrt in Boar af 9. W. Craig ra. eg ■ga n 7ft it dm mi DMumradwtinlndei —v._ H44A OCvW • rHWiBiMl* M pvilnflH Util »/ IfiEUil HIM* man, thia Jan. Ist, IMS. and t!^m! tha praparty of J. B. nowMOiy rtrtne ofandtonS* iaft an attaehmant ttfa bemad from Me ICM dlatrict G. M. in fitror of Wattoa E Motth m J. B. Theraas.— Levy made and returned to me by J. T. 1re.1.i., U 0..De0-MAMA „ Also, et toe tome time and plain e enrtoto meant City lot, known ae the Berto fcto es OMp tot Ho. l\ Sty tot "mT 7»*mUtem bj the other half af Gttr lot Ho. M, in Me City af Atlanta, being part of LmdLoAße. to, in theMM dtetrtoi o< erigtomty ene half an earn, more or teas. Lertod an ha M« peep, arty of J. X. Hagan, by rtrtne of and to ntofreft leaned from Fatten Tnhrter Oonrt, in Carer of Behe, hackh Wanningra-J.B- Hagan AdA Property patoe ed ont by Ftatottfra Attorney. ton. M. ISti. Atoo, at the ran* ttoaa and ptaea. all that tract or aaraal of toad, wtto ttoprartonmfr Mraaen. iyhig and being to the Ctty of Ittnata, bonded on the Worth to Bliiitomt afreet, Bento by Brae afreet, Bead by HID etreet, Weet brOooaUy rtreet, InratdOfry. being part ton Superior Court in Seeurm Henry Herat A Mu. ra, toante J. Bna, tobeecid eubfret to a Ben tor funtom tooaeyof SMOS with totonat frnra UMtonEMt Property | nfatol out by Hen and Bpraybarry. Ptttn toKlttiwalu ton. Ua,MM. * Atoo, at the natoe ttoaa and e r irtito tract ar fgr* * irr •nVMsStone S^mSmS£SSSSl^Bt^^mUS^ grjiSrr.'agcTaua eato and toe property of B. D. MAh. toanrawttototo «ae lrtodnl Cart loflw barttoetog. Lertod onaa the praparty of Joeeph L King, by rtrtne of add to Mertgega Mo, tooted tees PuMon Buorier in terntT■ sberi Ed re us. Ate. of Vn. *. rirthy B E terinaMte MtoMrmd mnSg I ll SSW i fefc riite A tedyfeee, tori T and foto tea ptedtjefidfe ha Wh MM mtIL terJteff ■eeteriPriri* 1 riit-^teteTthl ta Brier us W. B. Lew* k 00. ’ To. uti ML ton agetetedaetemedaßmehy eOanriaten femwryfeC uew eerigted by J. E BerisrisE am m wbefeeate dee* Sorry Store. Levied m an Boa peeperty of Mheene A. Bed, by vtriteef end to aottsfy thews (fe fete tn fever es fa, Botoriaa v*. M*»tee A. Bad, lean id feeaa fori ton Buperte Oourt poisifted out hy Va. InmSgteri* te %teltete r tteri t 194 tee Mrifieost rid* 100 Itetenh. being the Week D. Ward 80, L ted pari of lend tot 88( ta the 14th District es originally Henry, now Fulton scanty, Ge. Levied ten* the geoferto efE A- Ptohey. by rirtte of and to esttofy tee JwSee Oonrt I. foe. teted frees tee Math Printed. M., In riror arm. A. Water, teont rir B. A. Wnten v» E A. Dtohey. Said rivtoeriaaeby J. Ba Thompson, L. C., and returned te past daatuatfp 8, Atoo, at tbs aerie time and prioa th* northwest par giofhrid it* Jhteriri ofjwtglßaß|r BeMMte’*tot,and ewriorie TO 7-1 M eeree it being the tdoee wfeoreon riid aetedaot fhen Bred, and am which Mhedgbfetewery. Aria,* tract containing tot Hasree, it betogW lot No. 88, to Hm 14thlMeriiet aTorigto *Uv Keury, new Felton county, do. Arin tl\ am, ttbetng tsia northwest fonsth of rind tot No. tn, tn the 14th Dfierict of originally Hetud, now Fulton oounty. da. Ateh >8 aerea ■djnfdag eetdridfe laet shove «*- scribed, tt being port of land tot No. 88, to the asm* District, with a Stri p of rind ITO 88-lM leet wtde. and running north end aotefe aorees Block No. IT. All riTridteengtetecnlyef Mlnheel Kriee, ty virtue of and to satisfy a Mortgage 8 fk loaned from Fulton 9u partor Oenrt tn ferrur at John L. Hopfona vs. Mtohoel Aries. Property printed out hy John la Hopkins and ri aoM Mortem* idA January X I*BB. AtentritenrinsriritenrlMlltelia.lL fronSng ateMrinMi fe the city es Atlanta, brifeg agnrt of land let N*. TO, In the ME district eferiglosJty Henry, new Button oounty, CM, oooritotog % acre, more or lees. On Mid tot to • one- IgA nriri I. —AAak A|| , Jl -s„ a A. tewy Wfei Bm WP *Hd ■BBMMIBBB BVW ate* rides. Levied an ee the property of F.6. House, by vtrtn* es and te aadlafy two I fas rioted from Pulton SupseierOtrittofrierof Joe. M.G. Bead and J. B. Valentine TO. F. CL Home. Property pointed out by OUn Wdbten. Pffdaadtoraey. January M, 1888. AfrOi|ri the tens time end pleas, the hoMMri Eaownee tte Kstes property, th* known as Ih* Kriw Brewery. Levtod on an. the property of Michael Xrias, by vtrtn* es and to satisfy e & la riteid leaned upon a mechanto'a Ban, (ram Fulton Superior Oonrt in favor us Mthnl Gardner, Wißtvm Denote and John Go van vs. Mlehael Kiris. De Georgia A 00. Pro perty pointed oat by D. P. Hammond, plaintiff's at torner, sad in said 8 M This, January 1.1888. Atoo, at the same time and place, twelve and 8-100 acme, more or toes, open which th* Fulton Brewery now erinda. tt bring a part ofth* ncilhwaet earner ri land lot No. 86, in the 14th Dritriot of originally Henry, now Fulton eeimty, am, tt Bring tte amount left ri 87 and 8-100 acres betonntog to mlchael Kriee, after 25 acres wwsri apart as homestead exemption. Ario, tend lot No. n,la the ItthDritrict ri originally Henry, now Fulton ee., GM, containing 202){aeres,moae or tees mm rite■ wee aanwmadhTdeedto Mtoteel bias an 15th Augush 1868. A& levied on as th* property ri MtotesUKrri*.by vtrtue of and toeatiafy three Bfe* lasted from Fulton Bupnrior Oonrt to favor ri Jennh Day, admlnlatrafetx of Francis Day, deceased, Holmov. Brils sod Fredrick Bmlth vs. Miobaei Kriee. Property pointed out hy pritottffs attorney. January XIBB9. Also, ri the anew time and price. • port ri land tot He. TT, lathe lAth dritriot of originally Haary, now Fultoo ooanty, On,; th* partko levtod on lain word 1, block 12, city »t Me. 8, fronting on WtchaU and Loyd streets in th* city ri Atlanta, and containing \ of on •ere more or lean Levied ou aa the property ri Pat Connew, by TOrtne aPund to mtiafy a tax B E for spe cial tax, under act of the Georgia State Convention, passed Feb/Bth, 1888. Property pointed out by J. M. Harwell, Thx Collector. Atoo, at the rims time and place, a port ri loud lot No. (1, to th* ME dtotriri ri ortgtoaUy Henry, now Fulton oounty. Go.; tte port so levied on to to word 4, block 24, elty lot 129, fronting on HUs and Oelhcmn Ui—tn.lo Ibf ally of Atl—Ci.' < >niallnlh|f KsrM.aton or tote Levtod on ee tte property ri IHoSen k Kennel )y, hy virta* of eari to eelrify » rix 8 fit, for special tax, under set riEsGeorgia Brito OonventtoeTperiad Feb. Bth. 1888. Property printed out by J. M. Harwell, Tax Atoo, ft th* same time and place, a part ri land tot NcTll te the 14th district at originally Henry, now Mferi oounty. He- S to* pert ae levied on to to ward 1, fronting Peter* street, to the city ri AW* n i*> and con taining Hat an acre, more or toes. Levtod on ee lb* property ri Sarah Adkins, by virtu* of and to eettefy a tax fl fe, for specUl tax, under sat of the GeorgU Slate Otevearinn, passed Feb. Bth. 1888. Property pointed out by J. M. Harwell, Tax Collector. Atoo, at tee trine time and plane a part ri land tot Nm 88, to the ME dtotriri ri origin »Ily Henry, now Fulton ooanty, Go.; the part so levied ou to to ward 3, fronting on Blmoryktreet, In Ee elri of Atlanta, and containing 8 acres, more a* too*. Levied on as tho property of Selina Bowling, by virtue of and to aati-fy a rix Bm, for special tax, unmr act of the Georgia St»l* Convention, passed Xeh. Bth, IMB Property pointed oat by J. ts. Harwell, Tax OoOeotor. . Atoo, ri Ee same time sod pleee, a pest ri land lot Ha. 82, to the 14th dtotriri of originally Hanry now FBMM ooanty, Go.; the part oo levied on la toward 8, rife tot Nat 888, fronting on Fair and Terry streets, la the etiy ri Atlanta, and containing ons-eighi of on acre, mere or lees,. Levtod on ee Ee property es A. B. Knight, B. V. Williford, as Adns r, by vtrtne ri and do **®y • tax B fa, for ayecial tax, under act ri the Geor gENtoto Convention, ysanl M. Bth. 1888. Property nototed oat by J. M. HanreU Tte Collector. Ato , at tbe rim* time and pleoe, a pert at land lot Ma JE to Es ME dtotriri ri arigtte&y Henry, now Fulton county, Cos.; the part so levied on ta to ward 1, fronUwg on Paters street, ta the ally of Attante, and ooatoinmg *Bxl9o feet. Levtod on ee Ee property of E N. Williford, by virtu ri and to satisfy e tax fl to, tor apodal tax, under oehof the GeorgU bteU Oonven tton. peeaed Property pointed out by Afro, at Ee same time and place, a part ri land lot M*> «E to the 14th dtotriri of originally Henry, now Pulton counts. Go.; the part to levtod on to in word A city lot No. M, fronting on OotiUS street, to th* city of Atlanta, eql eentsinkig one eighth ri an acre, more or toe*. Levied cm as the property of Blcterd Flubfbbon, by vtrtne e< and Erittofe • special Es life, under set ■v the Convention. penwdFrii.feh. 1888. Property pototed out by J. M. Harwell, Tat Collector. time and piece, a poet of land lot 'Ai set, t* the UE dtotriri of originally Henry, now r*lw and Scanty, G*.; th* pert ao levied on ta in ward 8, city tot Mo. 94, fronttog Fonyto street to the city of Adento, seed oentoEEg H aim acre, more or lean— LettoSa ee the property of W. L. Essard, by virtue ri m»d Weettriy a tog Ase. for sperirftaxj under act at PEbsrarF&ea enAbyAJEMtonraU. 1 Tax MfemEr. Atoo, at the aeina time and piaoa, a part of land lot 80. TB, to toe 14th dietrtet of Henry, how Hntoon eesato, On; the pert eolevied on tola ward 1, ftoatfng on Huge atraet. In the oity of Atlanta, and mtitoilg H °f— aare aaeraor Iran LertoA on aa the praparty of Owen Callahan, by rtrtne of and to aat tofy a taac Bfa, tor apeetal tax, under act es tea Geor gia Mate Convention, paeaod Hah. Mh. 1888. Proper ty pointed ant by J. M. Harwell, Tax Collector. Aleo, at the tome tone and plaoe, a part of land lot Ho. aa, to tha 14th diatotot of orfgtaauy Henry, aow Hutton county, Go. The perteo lertod la to Ward A city tot Ho. M, Grunting on Oalboaa end Georgia Bail raud atoeeta, In tha rtfr of Atlanta, and containing u an acre, more or ieaa. Lertod on as tha property of HraT. 9. Darby, by rtrtne of and to satiety a fra fl fa tor apeetal tox under Ms aah* of tha Georgia Oonatttn ttonal Orarinhia, paaaai Jfrbruary ath. IMB. Pro perty pointed out by J.M. Harwell, T. O. Atoo, at tha araaa ttraeand place, evert es lead lot 80. TP, to the 14th Plrtriot of originally Henry, aow Hutton eematy. The part ao lertod to la Ward A hwet togun Itnwh tor a ■ kelly of tttonta. and eeotaina Kof an aenA Mere or laua. Lertod on aa toe property f«KSa«stf.^at£sa:is zzvrtssv:* “* Alee, M toe atone tone andgtaoe. apart of toad lot Mtoa Hto a and jplaea, a part of land lot gtoto» baton Mtodtotrtet ad ntotonalfr Henry, new ga^ia^TfgKSSsa Henenangh and Chaw etototo, to toaetty of Attonto, Md aenhiatag torn aertA toon or toaa. Lartodooaa gsasaigisg&aa^LTs rnwyAttSS* Praparty potntodnrttyV tttlS T 0. 51* "SSJK!? • taaa. Lartol an aa toe property Afthfrtoiittttortokr rtrtne eTaSd y IfiffirtMtotoSatotwA I 'SISZZX** *" MM, ~ (MtoutK JMtoiHr, hpuhtonef and to eattoty a ton i * tor Ms Mate and Onento ton tow MB. Proper ty ptoarac out rv Jit HarwaO, T.4i . " ' sw j«rtto an* *. Mtojwß, County BafUff. and Jan. Pd, MBB. 1 5raBtaStof**?Mto5l^ <r ' B&MAag: tumtortePaLuaryßnprtSSTtSlr^ijjat tonTS : ggto tob trtlßrttogniMaiiy to nMt AHtoto,,Bgtoea.Wy. MM UM* IM MM W „ , Eraa story wbh* rhtearei brtok beAdtng, end Ev Eteafeeete itBE emit ifejIMMMBEBEA. feEg terf fceEg *■ the teeth tide riMriistta EnL en thawvei frdbfete nM »«Ar> u« I m IHU N—k VM Wl Nil O MAPI Atoeqetfhe miae tens* gfeee, lot amker 2U. (two hndred eeri ‘oXrr.^r;- ■ krtrief eslgtoaity Henrr, now Pulton county, Be containing Two scree of Und, ssor* or toes. Lrrialea s potried out by k fema, P»-jfe rites Mara, Dec. 6th, IBM. Atoo. ri E* mm* Uas* and P ***, ok that Iraqi or peroel of tond. lying «M teEg E the ally at Attar, to. ivemenntte ri Who! wee feemeefr tte erwuer ni Martotta ai,dßrid«e riraria and aztostakng norti- »*ri erty along Mart ate arises M seek, then as eEEfeEg eauera book the seme width ee Ee front 108 tori to a> •Bay, bring bennted by what wee fevaoesty BvM«w sr on tb« BoaUmctk nrifeteiwittg 1616 foot an 4 k—N a port of city tot number 88, and knewate number if is the anEEvktett efetty tot number « BXmte he tofevat riOtea. Bohnefeldva. Mareus A. Bed. Prop erty pointed out by Pl’flk attorney. Deo. »th, IMA ‘ Aloe, at Ee asm* ties* and piece, • eastern let and to toe city of Atlanta, tt*.. known oafraritonallou Noe. T and XrihtoehaM usd 88. fronting U lari on Hastate efenri ted lag am* en Brood otraet. Levtod on tte proprty rifitareua a 8011, by virtte rited E onfete tw* kTfen., sm a mart sage A fa., th* ether a Ase. on • meeksnte’e ten, ta Cvor ri Heater A lUmtin va. Marcca A. Belt Pvwp erty priotodostotosariA tan, Itoo.BU.IEA Also, si te* nai Urn* and plaoe, all that tract or poroel ri End lying and bring to E* city ri Attont* Go., and bounded aa follows: On E* weet by Lsrkta tete4,on th*eewEby Oawfordstieri. an to* north bar Mr*. Johnson’* lot, on Ee aouEeeri by Mr. ■totm** lot, coutehrtng x of an am*, aooee ar toe* - On arid lot to twoemoll houm*. ooouptad byLev endtosatisfyGrafuLs. tolmaditem Puiton OourX on* tofevor ri LH. dtordy, the other ia tsvor * tending, Trustoe tar wtla, TO- teha B by V^krao. ofirtsz snpataravrsiVffi; dborto* of arigtaollyHanry. sow FuHan connsy, Ge to « ate tte aaetarn pottton ri th* city of Aitont*. bounded aa follows: oommenctog at a stoke an th* right ri way ri the Georgia BaUroed, an Ea USE otdq ’ Vld •‘"to 828 X feet, thence w** t fheatteeeet 140 feet. thenoe north SOU ft, Eenoe seat 110 ft E the bagt&Blm. property ri W. C. Kuaeeau, by virtue of sad toeettafr i Juattoe * oonrt Afea,leaned from the 1028 <JUt,.G M7h» fevor of Jemea W. Crockett va. W. 0. ”— IT Lev. t° me by J. h. Thompeon, La v *2? Two (so Iran Slide InEahll feet bed each. Three ft) Large Iron Vice*, riltovtod on ae the property ri lemee A Gultalt. hy virtue of and to satisfy aft. fe. issued from Poitou ft* parlor Court to fevor of James Denial v*. Jam** H Gut iott. Property printed out by Geo. Hillyer. Pi-ff* at torney, Dec. 7th, 186A WM. L. HUBBAKD, jLQ6-30d-pnfees2 80 per levy Dep. Sheriff. AD JfINISTKATOM’S BALS. T^ , L T ?f tae ei ord * r trom ““ 01,,,rt Ovdtaary of X> Pulton oounty, Q*„ will b« sold before E* Oourt Bote* doer to Ee elty ri Atlanta, on Ea Bvtt Tpsatey on Whitehall street, adjriatog M« M. Gannon; th* Lot knosrn aa Ea AUanu Garde* at tending from Marietta to Walton streri, wttb Perayth street cm E* east, divided into Eras let* os Marietta •treet, on on* of which there 1* a two-riovry brick dwetitog. end B»nr tots fronting PonyE street, with. brfafe s tore on one. One lorn Mansion, on Peach Lo, street, bring E* reetdence of ttto Into WUltom Harrtaa the most desirable ri any to the city; en. varantLw'. on Peachtree itreet; two Lota, on Church frost, on* having a oom for table dwelling ri four room*, with kitchen. All of th* above property to near or cohvsn Unite th* paaaenger depot, on E* meet bnrisi.i tb* Plantation known aa tte "Bd. C<* ItsrPlabe, ou fe« Peachtree road, four milea frees AV tonka, coalalnlng 170 arras, ou scree excellent -—— land, lying on £*ch traeTreek, 20 ErirariUteAttos ta Gee Light Company; 48 28-100 Starve Athene Man ufactoring 00. Stock; li shares Novelty Iron Work*, par value, SBOO sack; 2,500 oopitol stoek ri New Mb* cheater Manufectaring Co-1 Notes and b*. ..mgtog to Wm. Herring k Bon end W. P. Herring A Cos.; several Lota ri Wild Lshde. trill ss the tunueie ri William Herring, late ri Mid oounty draee-eTfto ' tte benefit of Ee hetr* and creditor* of said decease t Term*—One-third cosh, one-third t mantte, dte-third 8 months. J. W. HKBHl.fa, f w. f. nmMi!. A LKYDHH. it i N. L ANOIiK,, )afll4-40d-prafee|sper eg Admlnietratos*; CatepbcU Cwitj hberJT Hblb^ TIT ILL he sold, before Eb Oourt Rceae few. ias h!Tis C y?. p )^°?i l Py co l an *T’ *;«**.«» 4“ hours ri sale, on Ee first Tnsdey to Pehrnary i c tte foUowtng property, to-wlt; One lot of land, number thirty-nine (89) in Es ilk Dtotriri of originally Ooweta, but nowCampbett *<eetr. containing 202)4 acre*, more or lean. Levied en m toe property of Francis Nixon, t) satisfy six 8 fee, ot*tir ed from a Justice's Court held tn Ee 66M Hstrlsl 111. M„ st tte August Term, EIBBB. to favor of W. J akn rett va. sold Ntxan. Propertg printed nntbg W.J. On r relt Levtod and returned tom* by A L JKhaosk, lJcl" Aim, ME*rime Ena and ptoos. will be sold, one He of lent to the townof PaimeSao. number oeS known.-on the weet tide ri Ee BaUroed, fronting sixty-six fast'oe Brand steeet, and nmateg bock one hundred end tfefe to-tvo feet, containing one-fllth ri aa sera, more or too* Levtod on ae Ee property <*«• W. Penn, to mtiefrTl fe from a Justice’s Oourt hfedta and for thsute life trict O. M., at the February Term, IMI. tn favor <3T [J. Ptoaon. Property pototed out by pfelutirs tatter ney. Levied ted returned to me by £ L Jectaen. Lj<* Atoo, on# house end lot to the town of Paimoli. number net known, lying on E* north riteriE* Hit lipe’ Ferry rood, containing two acres, more or teen- Levtod aa ee the property of Andrew J ortfilE, total tofr on* fl fa frvnt the Interior Oonrt ri laid nriM at Jitoe Term, IMI, to fevor of J. C. BmiE. I-»vi, ? and ratotesd to ms by K.L. Jackson. L.O. jenl-tei I**' 1 **' 1* H- GBIFFITH. ] /71 KOBGU, CAMPBKLL OOUNTT mbudi* rita* teto h nseE, spphootton wifi he mete to ib« riseid for leave to th« ttnds katongtng to Ee setato ordsartm James, etoevt* ed. for the benefit ri the heira end ar«dHcn of tat deceased. Drn. 88th. 1898. ° _ JOfiSPH BLAIR, AfiEfr de bents aon, WIE E* Will annexed, ri Char toe James, decU. - ‘ jfeteßE - AdmlniitPHtor’i (tele. btaougi to tte e^friAteteMPtoDr: deolltaOd prs fee* ft^^B±!-aggaanag,i £ac»JsS&,*sss«a?i| asssssswriiiti’srrjras andtth section es Polk oeuofr. ta the *4 I P nw n decaaeed. for the benedt o hetraand credttora oftotd (Voeaanl Her Mth, l*r.H THCML W. lATE4M, Adis'* aoe*»-an l EBTKAY NOTICE. OHBDIHABT B OiTICB, HAHHIH OOCHTT a I peraons tetantoed are haaahy nottßed stet fan anna, of the iat7 dtotrtet, toUe batons M. w. ua. 10-eny, one of the Justices of the Pease hr mid diatnn twe eaeruya: One Cow, pate rad, wNh seme wbiu» ptdee. Marked in the left ear smooth eanp. toe Mb! s^rtS^twTcsrt to h£S aawtty and dtetotel to be worth twenty daHtou. The owner of aaldeetrayate reeulred to epraa *,n wnN. pay chargee and MBs rail oow and yawtong deatotod partes tga Oadinaay gßOßaid. HAHHIH OOOfrTT.-THto | Mail, aa teradT. V. OU ear's aetata, . , rl nie tetoetoSnate AaaU pareone ooncarneA kladn-t toy head rad dgi.hd, tote aa oc-IA intm -pea fas <6 to <- Wrtßjfry. seraanrad praprafr of ArtSTtoeAVtoSS teter fourteen yaere af m,aart*snt«f ertd catohto. This to to die aflparaons aoncerned iTKa and an paarattoe tertoofMadhartaf oadfrdfr,m ha held aags^ißags - toe HffMHiii MBs Iteranto* Tth. deeHMßg ~ | LKTTERH Off MMMMfI.a, »»Wr.| lrW * ?r< *%totory ItTUnSAHH. B- Batowtto. adtotltttohMPen toe -W. «!*!!*■ toamert. aMMe. to Thera arathrtaton to aha and nBtohrtMMHMM «» tutortoaMhdanlahilntodltoaart afrf deamagtob 1 '- -' .. i w. wooaa vtuayrfj orMWf.