Newspaper Page Text
wu»(ir re— fiprfiutti
For Dofly, hrAMMMi <~ IS 00
«te Maamfln 3 00
** “ 50
WMkit trm, Pttr Annum I 00
Kiwbrr linar*
o W *>*■«• • fit*, a* gaaafi
tMiwM !*.(» ml« a*oo
Ffeswigm— mm: sum M.m
Wmt mm m.m wum mm
S3 23 £S
qmterOafaaaa MM UM M.M
iita Mmmm. MMf mm MM
TreferidaOefeaM, MM MM MLN
UmMHmMi Mr « kM« »«W On*
be Mri afUl dsdsrttosi nf la nut/ pa
far meh tawi of M bane ar lane, forth* in* te*^
mab* a agnate.
Mm cash, before Or w tend after tw* tint to
* jSwrlliwWwifeaiiti»ot»»itl«iil time.
I mrrtanniilii in i irt‘i T 1 *- *- ~ I~*
- y -
unow own IKm tor each lassrllrm *•
aattas will ana ier for a tom earn teen o«»
ttnrtliia iali endec lri» w
twswtysswtaper tomarahrat toasrttta. »ad *• «—» f< *
11 ix ram muck build two on uaom ffßin,
oman ram poroffwi, mrormm^f^
rnmoop omp wniramAti*
fim-1 «| the Sorand Mcmlm »f the For
th-tk Cntegrtfifo
( phmuo—Ho.«.]
Am set mafchM snmoprtelinoa lar tbs •**-
aUvs.sadjMllatei expsosM of U»« govarumsut toe
tbs yasr amOng tba thirtieth of Jena. sights** h«»-
Us ti tasrte.l hr the Baaala sod ■«MMMfß*pr««a
-tatt««a «( Iti* CrnteA MM«m «f AJDMrtca ta M
that Um following mbi be, and the mm
barvtosAer tiiMMi, tee tbs bul **•
thirtieth of Jam, righteeo hundred tad sevmty,
Knr r ißni«iill-T ud Milam* of Amato ra. torn
UmM tbmal dodtess te sddittae to my un*x
gNMbteMof ■»■*»**»— •* <h*» P«nxa« J»
U r^ >> (nßyMyUoM A of ti»B officers.
-f ii - —— tiitlil usd twenty toiler*; odotr
chargsd Mlh dteburwsmotete «f tbs •note, An hun
dred unit srasniy-«s x Mon; shite etesfc, iw ltoo
•ad doOsw; prkdsol Mt aad principal sxacutivs
cjsrh te UKoffiesosfimcetary f <4 &» Bauato, te two
Uwtbnad t»a tntwt«STwnly dr Hon neb;
fct i in of tba uteßausiry. two mu now I one handred
ud IBS lefora toi tort* msten two msmengegs, at
aw thnus IM* two hundred sot stasty-eU debars each;
jlSwnd tour htrn-
Mitt dotlsn, F.sffitsiirrteihlaUste, two Unud
ere buttered dollars; assistant tsOotMw and mU
aerator, ana Item—dream hundred and twmty-teght
•teUara; tiro moil boys ot one thouasste two handred
do Haro ooofc; ißf ulatafiO—dent of the doouMtnt
room, oae thousand sight hundred dottuo; two areis
to»to to doomdont mass, at no IkwW ta• bwt
dnd wd tort* -ilrlim each. suneriuVendeet of the
feddWtwZrno II I shfiEl hundred doßtra;
three BIM IBS 111. OoMat 00 OOBMOONt tlll tll|Ol. Bt
=XS , .tfSi.£lX3ti STKS
t^aonoondo^'lnl»drtto > Mto t^*doauo^Bld"Jrty
canto; start to foo Osrerefttee on Vtooneo, two tbom
and las ban Brad and twwty to Daw; the
t • nominee on CtoAoto, two to wan S Wo hundred and
twenty dottnro; stark of |itHi| teeords. two thorn
and two hundred and twenty do Don; ctert to Oore
astttae an Apprugrtattona, too thousand two hundred
and luster dottaro oMwwtntandsn* la charge of Die
loro; assistant in Wafa of ftmaeoo, otgtt haodrod
and slsky-teur doQara; hteorsr Id ehurg* of priests
33S u^rbjss.“ssf,«e*3
van humdred and one the area 0 and sixty defers and
atom, at tt# tot* of one konwod and Wanty tao dob
hn fmt annum, nine thousand two hundred and
m bii-rtirtrT •Liid IbouHfldoQtfik s’
far ctortn to n'naimwaeo. pages. boroea aad carry
*^ii"iiri tjitlaif Mte*vsatasHag awnba,
iactodtag aooi, wood, and labor, twenty-tee tbcoaaad
|W tiilw and Uhor, i*o tbooaand
and repair*, tan tbooaand doUan.
rtl addOManai labsrsr« and aasaa.oge r*. ween tbooo-
W I autartabi. twenty tbco*-
•SanXfan bataa torttnaeSt?toa*olwß-*srtirtb
far bandaod aad doUara;
!!!!TwsanMa>ittnn«Uai' aiaarniutattm~ and
Xmm tm^JrJrzsrz
tli iidlm ba foaahaaad wfibaad «b* wtMtw aadag ad
tita atidaww nMfcaOi .mndWa to AddDt and Oantaai
Sssfe si •si -r ‘* h * ,, “ “• *
aftHi i»§iirT: mmhmpmt *» iwiigi wni
!* "gy**? r"**?""-
gaßi.« w*>x mm
JuoyjtiniMiMfln* Bmoaf Eetinii]
rStetotete^eanriMntom,~«mj%n|xwoy fepfifedf
"Ear fer tfe h—yommu of
dterira *** ."“■■•■A,
rw in^nm^iSSnySsjw£Ss^uy«Sytoawy?i^^
and rarwewapaVi raradrirtfatortT*hie^tw^ltasaradand
SSSK Mriy-fi** fetUare urkpu www,on^^S!
thaaaaO aua temured and tavattfer deftera
r n laairtj pages H lh« fiiwrtfeii Tl'ianseil lluao
rtdtag yagn» at the rate es taro Mm per day wfcQs
artnafly osapfeyed, «kn« ihsawiil twskwndrad aal
seventy dottara
Three Mouth*
| Tan# Month*..
low Month...
rrauc runmao.
iiptl tnwtfyd Mod I fhwp%MMi 4ku4ittnL
Far KaWMeU my ■ sees or hto «fIK vta: YOrsta
tlooscy.puegga. lAanqij tarsttnn, tra reflag ax
Par the pnbtte printing, fear kendrel thousand
Par paper fer the pa MW- printing, four hundred
UtOOttfid (ioiWt.
Par the puhttc toe (flag. three knadred ttOamf
donates Frsritail, That ail Waste books end WfdtaaJ
•hall bemad. and dona at (ha (mmuothttll
and all pajnaetitc of public mown fer
printing or btadiag not tom MM* jwxra
mritowedhr the aaewiMag odtoaro ffifeagpoam.
aaaad: rvovtSed farther. Thataopropoattfaa far print
tag extra eoptoe of public document*, the expanse of
which shall exceed the earn of ire hundred dottara
■halt be considered by ritfaer houae of Congress until
the same afaalt bare bean inferred to the Joint Com
muter oa Printing, and ordered by concurrent reaota-
Hill o( t&l two tTfiTTIfM
Far lithographing and engraving tor Iha Scania and
liuoae of Kepreaewtattraa,mghty-ttv* thoawnt Jo Here
unuii or ceaaua.
Far cueq pea nation of the Librarian, two ihoaaand
Are Uu wind and ninety-two dottara.
For three assistant hhnwiann, el two thooaud one
hundred and eixtr daUara each, alx thouaacwi toarhy
drrd and eighty uhK
For two uutataa* Uhmrlaaa, owe at one thoweaad two
hundred dottara, and owe at itta haadred and Uxty
dot tare, two thowaand ana handcwd and ctxiy dcßara.
For awe waaangcr. one thouaand arraa hawdradand
twenty-right dotlnrc,
For three laborera. at eight hundred and cixfg-feur
doUara each, two thouwid ire haadrad aad ninety
two doUara.
For three ant teat librarians, at fourteen hundred
and forty doUara aaeb, Mr thouaand three hundred
and twenty dottara.
For cootawot axpeeaes of aaid library, two tbou
•um) dolUtru.
For purchase of hooka tor udd Uhrary, eight thon
n&4 dolUn.
Par purchase of taw hooka tor add library, two thow
wad doUara.
For purchaae of Alas of nertodknla and nwwcpapeca.
one thousand Are hawdrad dottara.
Par botanic garden, grading, draining, procuring
manare.toots, feet, and repairs, aad ramOnaing traas
and ahrwfaa, aadar the direction of the Library Com
mittee of Conyreaa, Are thousand dollars.
Par paring the main walk through the groonda of
the botanic garden with eome anlforat apd dorafata
material. Are theaaand doUara.
Per pay of aaparintoadnat aad aaaintsats ha botanic
gardra and green houae*. under the dtreotion of the
Library Committee es Ooagreea, eleven thousand two
hundred and ninety-six dollars and nlaety-etx cents.
Par expense* es aschanging public documents for
tha pa biication* of foreign goTemmenta. oua thonaand
Are hundred doUara.
muc anuiDras ajtd anoeaxa. v _
For etork In fee ofeee of Public Buildings, one thou
aand two hundred dottnre ■
Par nnwingrr to the same ofeoe, right huadred and
joity daifefs.
For oompenaatton to Um pubito gardner, one feou
aand four handred and forty doUara.
For compcoaoUou to the laborer in charge of fee
wetar-ckMsta to ths Csptaot, ssvatt hand-wd and twen-
V Fjr*eunpeueetfon At: A to wen sml twrety-ou*
laborers employed to the ponUs grounds, Mnrteen
feoussad two hundred end ninety-six (totters.
For cstopoueetton es torn riborere fe fee Capitol,
two thousand right hundred end eighty doilare
For compensation of furnace-keeper under fee old
fefil of the Houae of Representatives, right hundred
end sixty-four doUere.
For confutation of furnace-beeper at the Presi
dent's house, seven handred end twenty dollars.
For two pdllcetnea at ths President's houae, two
thousand six huadred and forty dettere.
Forcotayeufetote es twowatohmaai at fee f resident's
house, one feouaead right hendtad dollar*.
For compensation of fee doorkeeper at the Prate
dent's ho one, one thouaand dottara.
For compensation of astestsiit doorkeeper at fe*
Preatdemfe house, atx huadread defer*.
For compensation of two draw-keeper* at the bridge
scrota the eerier* branch of fee Potomac, and for tael
oil end lamps, one thousand rtx hundred doUere.
Tor watchman to Franklin Square, six hundred
For coanpenaalioo of the paraoo In (barge of the
beating apyarotoa of tba Library of Oongnoa. ana
For ataotrttten of the Oapitoi, one thonaand two haa
dred dollars. .
For l uiafiawdttrra of watcbwaa in roaerraOon sum
her two, three thonaand doitan.
For ooaaponaarton of draw-baeparß at the Potoaaae
bridge, and for teat, oil, and hwps. aasea tbooaand
•re handred and aasonty doDar*.
ooukt or ouan
For salaries of Ire lodges af tba Oonrt of Cdbnso,
the chief ctert and aabatant otart,baflM. «*.■■■■
ger t»—of, twenty-ef* thouawd atgbt bandwd dally,
u Foe ooaapeoaaUoa of attorneys to attand to tafcbw
teabaaony,wttaaoaas.awil maaMlaalnatm.WottiuMid
•re tondrwd doQara. ~, „
Fcwatatlwory. boofca. iW. lateraraj biro, ttdoiW
*Fwwyweatef jndgaaeeta which atoy bo
by tbo oonrt in bror of oiniaaaßts, one handred Uon
th -waoad doUara.
Fog twupanaattow af tba Praaldant of tbo Halted
Ktateo, tweaty-dre thonaand doDaru.
For coorpetuottoo of tbo Vlco-Prwaidsnt of tbo Hat
oiarfcacf fonrtbclaaa, steward. and aMMMger of tbo
Fioatdoot of tbo Catted WaOsa. tadw thonaaad hso
bondrod dnUliri
Far uoatlagsl of «hn oaocnttso oAce. la-
Obidlng linl mil tnuaWi. bnr thanaand bdiwo.
.»»j Wi.mllwt f dd
au at .and no mew; efany juaw tat IBk-
otata< ****!* l •*“
voi m Mam—TM. akd oontaom n
manor tbb raranoß or stira.
ton hi Maaku tom and In
- ~»* •»
oocoittßww* nm ■!■»!■
JfS n» r «m
*T* y ■« ■■»« at nl ■lll. toto» tor
MITtSCTTwtSTaa* ito*»- ■»■«■>.
r* ■ ■ ■» ■SS5 l i?S55y;!«»
... m*«c Mm. WtoMMflwihaaf Am
****** *”**.. ilu™i wnaStoiaiil immlbwmwi. -fSTwr^
iwniu 5535 —a SBBiOBMBw
a«>ißiin» af tta ***'
JErffSaVl' tof—j *gJSS,
att. fhau—d^y^
to? H 3^3N!Si2L^S2? , *SES2i»! FI 3(JS3Sfe
jgSHib. , s3S^^s|
fernTtorcidafriartt. 1 ttwTthilwmß fldrttori |' ttTo" 'elrnta
of dnoo tour, thtrty-aix hundred deflnm; Are ctarita of
efeaa three, eight thouaand doUara; eight cierka of einaa
two, alorau thnuaand two hondred doUara; Are ctcrka
Os ataaa cm*, rix thouaand flmin; one meaemgrr,
eight hundred and forty doUngjad owe laborer, aU
hundred doUara; in aU, thirty-two thonaand etx hun
dred aad forty doUara.
Par Pint Auditor of tha Treasury, three thonaand
doUara; chief clerk, two thouaand doUara; two clerks
of elaae tour, three thonaand etx hundred doQare;ettM|
clerks of clam three, twelve thousand eight
doUara; three clerks ot class two, four thouaandM
homfred d,)iiar»: «*« cl.-rt* of cuss one. si ~«a6aß S« also two ' ,».»• ot cla*a mree,
- " •
-c ■ • ,-v
. l_- . . . j j g._. _ \-7
mfilt AWia Ml MIJ
, - »#*▼«> hawirnd and
>■ -f \ ,
F tr
art, tour thouaand two hundred dot are—three hun
dred thouaand Are hundred and forty dxUara.
Per Third Auditor, three AhfUaand doUara; chief
eierfc. two thnuaantl doUtra; efarmncierfcaof ctasa four,
utnataom ttoanM eight hundred dollars; additional
to one dark of daaa lour aa disbursing dark, two hun
dred doUere; tsrenty-aight derha of ehne threa, forty
four fhnuyar A eight hundred 1 II I naff Inn iilarU
of oiam two, one hundred and twenty-sight thnsnand
algal hundred doUara; ninety-six clerks of daaa one,
one hundred and At teen thouaand two hundred doUara;
ten copyists, nine thousand dairies; three messengers,
two thousand Are hundred anat twenty doUara; two
miitiat miaatngrrs. fourteen hundred dollars, and
seven laborers, four thousand two hundred dollar*—-
threa hundred and thirty thousand nine hundred and,
twenty doUara.
For trie Fourth Addfear, threa thouaand do.lars;
chief etork taro thouaand dottara; Art clerics es daaa
ftaMir, doStrt; dNvta 94 ckM
three, twenty right thouaand eight hundred dottara;
twelve ataefcs of criaa two, aixteeu thouaand eight Mm
dred doUara; eleven darks of clam owe, thirteen thou
aand two hundred ddfere; owe mass anger, eight hun
dred and forty doUara; one assistant maasenger, seven
ha&drad dottara; and Ava laborera, three thnuaand ddt-
SLtasja**^r* w rrr
P. r the Fifth Auditor, three thousand doDare; chief
clerk, two thousand dollars; two clerks of ctasa four,
three Uiaga»^jixhcnd^^doiri^
lara; fifteen crirka iof daaa and; elghtfra thosaatnf dol.
tare; six copyists, Ave thousand four hundred dsttars;
one maasenger, eight hundred and forty doUara; and
rj3»aj3Xf2! u^“Tr? o 'y
the Poet Office Department, three thousand- dollars;
chief dark two thousand doUara; nine clarfca of dam
four, sixteen thousand taro hundred doUara; addition
al to one deck af atari four aa dUteatag dark, two
hundred doßan; forty clerks of daaa three, four
Iknwant dollars; sixty-lour clacks of dam two, eighty
ntan thousand six hundred dottara; Ihli If as i ret triha
of daaa one, ferty-feor thouaand four handred miimak
one mesaeagar, eight hundred and forty dollars; one
11HI —i miammir. aerreohundreddotiars;andelsvan
tahorere, six thouaand six honored dollar*—two hun
dred and tweaty-aavan thouaand ire hundred and forty
* t paceompewaa*tou es the Triasuxa* ad the tioilid
Btataa, rix thousand Ava hundred dollars; Assistant
Treasurer, two thousand sight handred dottara; cash
ier, two thouaand sight hundred dottara; assistant
cashier, two thousand Ave handred dollar*; Ava chief*
of diririoe, at two thousand two hundred dollar* each;
two principal book-keeper*, two thouaand two hun
dred (toilers each; two toller*, two thousand tore toss.
iara; two aaaistaat feMere, two thousand dollar* aeehj
fifteen darks of class four, twenty-seven thousand dol
lars; fifteen clerks of dam three, twenty.tour thonaand
doUara; eleven clerks of daaa two, fifteen thousand
four hundred dollars; nine clerks of daaa one, ten
thousand eight hundred doilare; sixty female clerks,
seventy-two thousand dollars; fifteen messenger*,
twelve thousand *lx hundred dollars; five male and
aerea famale laborera, four thousand six handred and
eighty dollar*—one hundred and eighty-right thonaand
one handred and eighty doUara.
. For coaapanaaUon of the Keglater of the Treasury,
three thooawd dodara; Assistant Register, two tboo
•aad doOara; chief dart, two thanawit doßara; Ora
clerha of class four, aim thousand doQara; thirteen
derhi of ciaaa throe, twenty thonaand eight hundred
dollars; twenty-flre clerks of class two, thlrty-dre thou
sand doUara; elesen clerks of class qna, thirteen thou
sand two handred dohars; ana ■tßßWdar, eight ban
dred dodara, em ployed in his office; in aO, eighty-eight
llunaaml four hundred and forty dollars.
FW eoaaponaatim of tba Sobehor of the Treasury,
three thonaand fire hundred dollars; Assistant Solici
tor, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand
dollars; ana clsrk of rinse tons, alffrtaan hnndrwddat
hn; three (larks of ehua three, four thonaand eight
hundred dollars; three clerks of class two, four thou
sand two handsed dollars; one dark of ebasona, twelve
hundred dotfors; ana roeaeungrr, right hundred and
forty dollars; and one laborer, sir huadred dollare, em
nioyed in his afoot; in all, twanty-oae thousand nine
t TJ£StSEi3‘3. M „ *. oe
hsne Board, two tbouaend dollars; two clerk* of riaea
three, thres thonaand two bundled dollars; one clerk
of class two, fourteen hundred dollars; am dark of
ciaaa one, twfora hundred dollars; one aaaaangnr.
eight hundred end forty dollar*; and one labonr sir
hundred doQara, employed in his office; in all, nine
thousand two huudrud ud forte dollars.
Fur Own ptrwDaroffoe OtLrreocJ, Dvr Ihrmean J <l<A
lara; for deputy comptrolWr, two thousand fire hun
dred boUara; seven darks of ciaaa four, twelve thou
sand ats hundred dollars; twelve clerks of class tbsee,
ntoutewo thonaand two knndrud doUsrs; seven elurks
ofctsee two, nine thonaand eight hundred gotten;
■even clerks ofetaaa one, eight thonaand four hundred
dollars; twenty-one female clerks, twenty-five thou
siaas^aw ■Tigg
sand Avu hundred and Übtty doQara,
tor paper, prtotofc oapreaa charges,
MJatta iMMiintttowiMatMJ Immmmoi toe
—Hnnsl sernmy, Ahnsatonrt M«
PwrOanmtoalonar of Internal Serenas, six thon
aand Mm; three deputy mhl*w>ih, om a
three llwii In hndnd Mm, and two at three
twnmd daUtn • m* yJWjtef. foqr tLooMDd
. M lwnn ~r. n?: r -^ zl _
floIMn; nm dokii of cdtlwim, iwu wmoa «»«
handled dotiare ooeh ; ctarfcs of ctoaa ty,
totoy-ana toMMi MW MM Mn; Awkytora
atom of etoaa Mow. oarsnty-two Humana il dogate;
Afty clerks ot ahM two, wnaty tfcawaand to tori
thirty-acrea clerks of etoM one, torty-fanr thousand
a«M*tr*-d dollars. three m>'
ttfcweec'i w ano'l'ed ■'.
Uwadtonaal tot wito a tototoad report to Ooo
graaasf IM KrpenaOMiia oflhls nweapslettoa at too
KtoilrUatwtoMtoi to Swia?**
w>awi!?dtowto|!wtof tar by law, om Son*
■ ■■t initora _
rotoinxMarm. ajto oavnHoanr nm
# nr m tuasubt ntPAßnaorr.
aaJUtaMg| toLpaMM
oartaaw tawata at^to
«. *s«tSr - - * w e-f"-ir ,, Cf
stake af A.— C *s'iHSiliinHi*
urnum OF IDCCXnpI.
Ff VAiQiiks«ttftl lIKMfIM 4ot
j n-vb.'
AottArifo* i a
anuttngmrt cyan, atg tomdreddollar*;t* att.
oo^terfdriri'dS^feSS* riarito
fend*, three clarfca af alma mar. twewty-ttgua gfeaka
ks dam three, Ats riariri of oriaa Mre, for
ty clerks of daaf one, one drarimaa, ami*-
tftfit MMMttl; MMf
right watchman uiilfei ad mhtorittaes fe m, ariwhan-
and tt a two haridred «cA
ai ml
hundred and dftpfttwe: Poe mtjmtgal etork as
direoter, ana crick at dam threw four -ririr* of claas
«x a*a Jred aad om"y dottara.
Ite. - .
* ’'■ '>'■ -’ * W m '
1 ' “ ‘Mmylrerr-W-.rti ft» ,
oomraaerr expehses-db-
Ofßcc of tha Secretary of the Interior:
For ■liHrwMsy, furniture, and other ooatingencies,
'**** m>tav - Un Ulolimad
iha Patedt Offlca-building, ten
Fctr expenses of paakiag aad dteti|butiag congreas
ional joarnalf and dadumantS, in porsoance of the
proviadeoa rmrtalnad fe the Joint resolution of Congreaa
approved on fee ampg-rightt day af January, sigh
iii.ii l nrela»l and pr «*tsw ail Ihn nor nf tha fifth
day Os Pdwuasy, rightiwn hundred sod fifty-nine, and
and lor oottanttug, arranging, Hiarifying, and preserv
ing each (iimgrtwilmri Journals and documents to be
fouad fe the Capitol, of in tha various departments
and hgfeamgaf fedttrifefefefefe wfeak have Ml beau
disposed of aoronSing to law, and for oompUlng and
swpririring fee Biannfel Bigritaa. atx thousand Ave
hundred dnttam; awd the .PwMfeiy af iha Interior
ahull appoint a aupsriaioarisßt of public doc amenta,
at * salary of twebig-Ava hundred dollar* per year,
»“*■**»»*> ■»•
Bauch documanfe,and eaaufUiM apd aaperriatng
Bienial Eewister. hut tWB-W&ohflmoont to be ex
pended lor aaM ferindtog trie pag of said su
perintendent, atoHm* exceed tha aaid sum of six
thousand five hundred dollar*; and the aaid Becretmy
of the Interior is bandy directed to procure aad aa
•igD rnlnhH rooms for nch knnulf docaimti
in <ht gfii« fmoriar
To enable the Secretary af fes.fetariar to fulfill a
contract made by him under thi peovtslooi of a Joint
.vaankritou aatbaridtoga oonlrect wife Yfeadattaam far
tgdth of fee lase Abraham Lincoln, five tboumad
Par feel and liglto fer fee Patent Ofees kuiriUng. In
cluding the mlarisa afsatgfeeer and aastatont -if T
- the furnace*, snd regatta of fe* haaring apparatua,
1 frxiTTxi, icliLi *■
ow» or OM ixmiWiiMr Os laamis Aft&irf:
Far brink hookfe Ngdfag, sdririaary, aad ferioaUaa
•ou* items, inctudlag two of ths dally city newspapers,
tabs Alsd, linmfrfnd i»*sriViiferthssse of ths o#-
• 'n * fr 1 "rferifrthiiu If Tmriins
For atattonery, mgrawlTig, and retouching plates for
h«udy land fehdfeg tha aatna,
httot farelture, ariCfepniraig fee feme and miscel
h A »»n» ltasaa, taetuding two drily, newspaper*, to be
flUd, hflcnd, and preserve i for the as* of ths offle*.
and for dsteettou and fesaattgatloa at fraud, thirty
oaoe of the diriimlafe mer of the General Land Of
Foe cash system* fe4*» d<><pk*dt, stattoMfy.-fnrni
tnraand repairs of tha same, miaorilaneoua item*, in
aridics two cS ihftriiy gasasa. Os Oa died bound, and
preserved for the tuMVaftfieoarim; for advertising and
trieagaphtng; for mlSklAhu In mi riaaaa an ■* nisi ri
bounty lands and nilWtlttf patents under ths several
acts, and tor contingent Expenses under swamptoed
act es September twenty-eighth, eighteen handred end
fifty, eight thousand doUara.
For compensation Os the surveyor general of Minne
sota, two thousand dsttsre, and tha storks fe his office,
two thousand Ava hundred doUara—tour thousand Ave
hundred dollar*.
For surveyor general af tha territory of Dakota,
two.thousand doUara, and feariarha to hto afttee, two
thouaand five hundred doUara—four thousand five
hundred dottara.
For surveyor general, of Kins**, two thouaand dol
lars, and the clarka feu* ofttea, four thousand dollars,
atx thouaand Soften.
For surveyor gansval Os Colorado, three thonaand
dollars, and for the rinks fe hU office, four thousand
dollar* —seven thoufead AottaH.
For surveyor general of KfW Mexico, three tkoaaand
For surveyor general of OfofoKniaand Ariaooa, three
thcuesrvl dollars, and for derka iff his office, four
thousand five hundred dollars—seven thousand Ava
hundred OoDsn.
For surveyor general of Idaho, three thousand do!-
has, and lor clerks la his oflWe, Iter than sand dollars
■ aciTfii tho"**«d doQara.
For anrveyor feoegal of If evade two thonaand Ava
hundred dollars, and foe clerks In his office, four
thousand doQwre—at* thousand Ave hundred doOara.
Far surveyor general of Oregon, two thousand Ave
hundred dollars, and for the clerks In bis office, four
thousand dollars—eU thousand Ave hundred doßara.
I undred dollars.
Fear surveyor general of Hebraaka and lowa, two
fooosand dolUre, and the clerks in his office, four
thousand dollars—six thousand dollars.
For surveyor general of Montana, three thousand
dollars, and the clerks in h!s office, forte thousand
dollars—six thousand doQara. r^
For anrseyogfonwul of Utah Territory, three thous
and dollars, and the clerks in his odea, four thousand
_ Is surveyor general of Florida, two thonaand dot
[foHt, and for ctcswalnhia offioe, three thousand Ave
!‘tftf»iiani) fcn |an lUIDdMd AbTkffD,
FtemosSurU Mate tSbwtt hundred
Qtooa. tair thcnssnd Are hundred doUara; for chief
etork, two touasaart Ara liandrad dollars; one saperin
tandant of drawing tor the an ansi rap art, iwo ihoo
-1 aaod Are faandrad doUais; lor three examiners in chief,
at tlaraa thousand 4aDara each, nine thousand dollars;
1H aal j principal examiners, at two thousand Ara hun
dred oaslacßeecb; |to townaand dollars; twenty Aral
asaMtaot hoadred dollars each,
thirty six twenty second simulant
h, thirty two
j ," '/& ’ViH ; 'V ■/' [A- '
hundred dol-
nine at nine hondred dollars
two touted dollars
itch, two thooWM war ntmorca whmw.
For two skilled laborers, at om thousand dalles
M |l>imihlhfltowan, at nine hwndred doOan
Fartwo toboran. to Are hundred and a*»«wty-atx
lnltmi i~~*~ *'■—**“ hwndiad and Afty-two
iiMih-id iluimi ■* - f * ’ *
„ i »■ —a n n we
■■ ill ■ I ««ta*toa*
•■■tow Otoan^fewp
warn prstafaay %■
feSuSSWaf Uua fefi!
Par three cricks af claas few. ate* atari* af rims
fetai, twenty-sevaa clerk* of rim* trio, AAaAfeMB
•larks af daaa on*, aad two maaaaagriM, rifer rife
sand four handred and rifkty dattHU.
Far four date af class AMr; right clerks af afeat
threa; twahfp riritta of afeas tws; ssaantyrivsriarifeaf
eria* one supertatandent trim
taot messengers; and six and
sevririy orisfeowaadand feriy t Item
For chief ohwk, tour ctorka of store ftxir; ana dark
■raykree; also thre* ctorkx of erias threa. ante art
, tfcyijri act of February tvmlytfe.
HEfrid and rigrity daCJh^
nFar one dark of clam four, on# dark of class three,
toil stacks of clam two, twenty ctorka of atom on#, on#
a»asseaA*r. and two laborera, ferty-thres threuanrt
four hundred and forty doUara.
Far one clerk of clam four, one etork of clam threw,
two elaaka of glass two, tea ctorka of class owe, an*
messenger, end one laborer, nineteen Ihonmed alx
handred end forty do Oar*.
For five ctorka es atom fear; fswv rifetts of riamtttree.
fsur clerks erf claas two, three ctorka of clam one, two
Tueaaangar*. and one laborer, twantyrixYknamnd four
hundred and eighty dottara.
Far chief clerk, threa storks of clam four, two darks
of clam three, Ave clerk* of clem two, right ctorka of
cfer a one, end one messenger, twenty-right thousand
end forty dottara.
For owe clerk of erias f<mr, owe etork of daaa threa,
one clerk of claas two, aad two ctorka cf clam one,
mien thousand two hundred dollar*.
For two clerks of clam two, two tboomed right
huadred dottara. \
For one dark of claas four, eighteen hundred dol
lar*. •
' , MEET.
Office of the Secretary of War:
For brink hooka, riiMmary, labor, books, maps,
extra dark hire, aal miscellaneous llama, tan thou
sand dottara..
OUtoanrylMt AAJwfMp flllllWl
For blank hooka, atsttowary, binding, and mlscet
riniana ttaana, fifteen thousand dollar*,
of tha Qenriermaatar Oaawul:
For blank hooka, atattonery, binding, and ralanri
rinaoua Hama, ten thnuasnd doUara.
OSes ot tha Paymaster General:
For brink books, riattonary, binding, and mlaort
rinecus Item*, tan feoaaand dottara.
Ofeee of the Oaaaariaaary Garitari:
For office rent, three thouaiad three huadred dol
For foal end ttghta, one thauaand ewe handred and
fifty dottara.
For repair*, five hundred dofeara.
For two watchman, twelve hnndraA doUara.
For two ribrnw, terries hundred fiolrirejtoril,
seven tkimaawl seres hundred and fifty dottara.
Chief Engineer's Office:
For brianbeohm aterioaety, binding end mjneattsne
ona tteme. feree theaaaad five hnndssd dollms.
Office of the Surgaon General:
For brink foeff afetfooary, bia«*t"g, misori
laMOua Items, rant of oflfe tew thousand
Office of tha Chief of Ordnance:
Far blank hooka, stationery, binding, and nln-tl
riaawwaM»m« two feouaead dottara.
Oflioe of Military Justice:
For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscel
laneous items, one thousand dollar*.
For compensation of superintendent, four watchman
and trio laborer* of the building, thre* thouaeud sight
hundred and fifty dollar*.
For labor, feet, lights, and miscellaneous Items,
twenty thousand daUara.
for supertntandaot, watchman, rent, fuel, lights,
and mlaoattaimouß items, twelve thousand doUara.
For oocnpanmttow of superintendent, four watch
man, add two laborers for said building, three thou
aand right hundred and fifty doUara.
For fedeaueanaatton of flremew, end miter Iri as
oua items, five thousand doilare.
For compensation of the Secretary of foe Hsvy, eight
thousand doUara.
For oompoiaaDon of tba chief clerk at foe Wavy De
partment, two thousand two hundawd doUara; am
fourth class clerk, (siao as disbursing dart;) two clerks
of the fourth ciaaa; form ctetba of foo third dam;
three clerks of the second dam; form clerks of foo
first class; one mseeengwr. eight hundred aad forte
dollar*; one seeiatamt sense an g*r, seem handred dol
lars; and two laborers, twelve handred doUara-tweaty-
Am mnnasnl form hundred and forty doQara.
»br compensation of the dvU angtneer of the Bn
redb of Yards and Docks, two thousand dollars; chief
clerk, eighteen hundred doQara; oat dark of foe
fouifo chute; one dark of the third dads; two darks of
the Second ciaaa; one dark of the Asa* dam; am
drsaghtuan, fourteen hundred doUara; one unaam
ger, eight hundred and forty doUars;and two tebasma,
twelve hundred doilara—fourteen thousand sU hun
dred sod forty dollars.
for oompenastfon of foo ddef ctesk of foo Bnsssn of
«so% fourteen hundred doUara; one morn soger, etebt
hundred «ud forty dollars; end taro lebtran, twdvs
hundred dsOars—dx thousand sU hundred sad forty
fr* cotnpeoaatton of tbe chief clerk of the Boreaa to
and BocrtoUng, elghtoan hamdrad Adtoaa;
on« dark of the fourth Glass; one deck of the third
class; two darks to the drat clsne; and m bmmiw,
eight hundred seed tatty doHara-elghl Ihanaawd toaur
a. e, T « «._m
in r-f V* •-“***-«.*—■ «■■*»
•and two hundrad fpd forty dollars.
For oompenaattonoftoa cUaftoarkof HtoßwaMof
1 tnl wi ■ wTdranghtesnan, one thcmaand alght_han
inf ctoaa towr; two atotous of atone
twfilf* lituwSftMl teflwi; oil Bm*
toa fcwty Atotora; ml mm to*
yort^tnmmac^^ftoa ctatoctak of toe Bkasaa of
tors- one ST*©!? £*tauth "clanl, owa etork of the
hSaA and**aodnrk M «»
rwoTwnrrxi- amj> oomom ittww or
m KAfT monooß.
Por tototowary^toAwr^MW>i>>toi»AwA - Ajltototowwitoi
nmnuv oar nqwawnarr a»n Mummaa,
. tototonery, 111 nit > i ■>, »■ I Mlaototonaowe «to—w
j*. l **^* >llll,, - ,,,, . 111w *-
hewreiriSjttfifeE f tayfeSjenTSim?*hSriwSl
FfefefefejMUMriittd wlriiHmiana ten ate
at fifiaan Irinarifoe hnndeed ttriteaa aaafe am
dm iro Itahri
ham taw hundred 1 da^Sn;
driLe* Site.’
STfemaand^ StoMnat Ila^rilj
aadfortr dririre. —cdfioe, uadsr act
of Jaumry elghfeen hnarired Mi rixfe
fob coirmaxMT expenbeb of the for op
ficb DPAimn.
For brink baaha, blading, alettanary. tteri. MahAa,
IftboftrSs ifid anitßUMta sar idMUaoMi
lettor aarrtore and ai Ai af fee manay- srdsr syarim,
sixty ftm feouahnd dattam.
For n ampin write of Oommiantonar of Amtonltusa.
thaea thousand dclrire;cf:l*f driaktwu BusMssaf dol
thouaend tftat au|»»rtnh^riferi«f,*xpertmariatt^i»r^
iniiliiiiaslml nf fiddfeg tiiaai. trstn tmntnfi dottaar,
threa ctorka of cries four, five Utoumndfour handred
dollars; tour ctorka of dam threa, atx Ihmasai fear
hundred dottms; alx chnhiaf arias tesn, ajgkdfeauaand
tour hundred dottara; seven erirkaaferim awn right
tnanmnd four huadred doUara, fiveeoyyiata awd trim
iixnd dollars; thre* mmaangara, at right handred and
forty dottara each, two thsusawdav* teewfesd ml tsm
«y dattare; two wetehmstt, at rix handred doilare aash.
twelve hundred defirira; rtx riborere, at stx_ hundred
ttaOclaa, two
perimeutel gerdsn and gsaunda, rirelre handred dot
hue; saatarint superlnteadant af seed room, twelve
hundred trfiand; dribnrring riaak, afefeaan rimfewd
wmtiiaara, ana altoertaan hundred dettere,
sod one at tWVe hunAsfltettaae; makto^ta»B,*txty-
Taadred and twenty dolrirs. /
For continuance and oomptetiou of Invaattgrttow* «f
csttri disease, fifiaan tbocaead dollar*.
c.jXTnsoxncras.. ,
For at att unary, fttegbk and Inrtdenteri, . five- thou
■Addottm. / 1 - t v / v-',.-
For purchase# tor Kbraty, aboretor-. « iA aa areas*.
file thousand drtrieu. a- T
For feat, Ugtta and mtorrttaneom. rag mast, three
toonmnrt two handred doilare- ' »—-
For here of boeoatt fiAean hundred dottara.
For auamfor iiimanp. repairs of fasuttun, fmom,’
and wutor, two theumtill fire hundred dottara.
For lahar and rspirii fe tea an srtm mtol gnrdan,
end yurchaa* of printe for the asm, tan tkimmnil doA
; For pap forms mis of fee grounds, ton thousand daA
For pore ham at warn and relmhri writ fed lahar fe
putting them up, twenty thnuamd drilara. Am* *hto
set shall not ha to uiaatrui I aa to reds** fee onnretf
serioa of sny employe* of the gorerumant baton the
amount allowed fe trie ha* or pressed appregrtettaw
*nrr ut satunuLTritA.
Fo* Mfertas of tha director, temaarer. aamysr, feaA
tar aad ratear- chlsf octeer aad angrerer. *****
samyer, and seven crirka, thirty-arreo thousand nlaa
h vm eagjaa’flf woncmen ecu adjustors, one hundred
aad twwrty-ftve trionaard doilare.
Wm incidental and eoutlagaaa axpansre, termty due
thousand doilare
For apeetmsß* pf ores and coins to h« preserved to
ths cabinet of tbs saint, six hundred dollars.
For freight #u bulltoa and ooin, fire thouaand doA
wtafw mxr ax saji nunoiaoo, cuaonu.
For aariatoa of superintendent, treasurer, sassy er,
inciter and rsttnsr, ooteer, and atx crirka, thirty thow
madflre handred dottara. FOr wagm of workman
and adjusters, on* handred and fifty thousand doA
**For lncidsntal and contiagaot axpenseo, repairs,
and wastegu, atxty-nto* thou send five hundred end
tarty -fire doUere
Pcs eperimens of arm, three hundred doilare
isui omen, aaw toux.
For ariartes af aupartnlandnrt. aamyaa, and msJtor
and refiner, aaaistaat samyer, officers and etorka,
twenty-five feomand seven hundred doilare
For wages of workmen, in addltton to unsayandsA
of former appropriation*, forty thouaand dol
Ear Incidental end contingent expense*, fifty thou
sand dollars.
wmxmam tcarc ax xtnirvon.
For asMffer, who shsU have charge of the said mint,
eighteen hundred doQara.
■ For stellar eighteen hundred doUara.
For wages of workmen, twelve thousand dollars.
For two filer ka, si eighteen hundred dollars each,
form thousand six hundred Mbss
For incidental aad oonttageot expenses, form thou
sand dollars. . ,
soAuen ion At saw oat, pash
Fog the sore sasd psunsrmAAmi of tbo baneh artat
boUdtnga, mQsAlesry. and tusAerlsl at Xsw Orleans,
fores Owsud foffisrn.
bxajsoh m»* At ounofft man oasoixsa.
For tbs osresmd premrvatfon es foe bcaneh osbsP
huJUtngs, and sisAirbli, at Charlotte,
■orth Parobna. teitedSrg Ave hnwdred dollars tor ba
eewsry repairs, one fonnasnd doHsra.
bsasch mx At QAnaou cm.
For aalarteaof offienrs and filtska.for wages of *ork
■sen, sad fcr.lnrtdestSal sxpsnsm, to do ding asldo,
ohcaofoQla. and pootege tor foe fiecsl year ending dune
thirtieth, hundred and eevcoty, esventy-tour
thonsend Mx handset dollars.
Pot mtort— of tha aaalstent Uraonraw of the United
States to Paw took, Boston, Charleston, and Atoat
fi-re lliuaaMt A tolars; and toe om to Cfcartoo
fca. «~rr * f««iyee. Aw—ltot
‘‘rill iMM Mil atomy to tootonwwiraf too MM to
Philadelphia, Aftaan feandrad dollars.
FortoSlhowal aatorpof toa Iransnrwr of toe bmach
mint to Bew Orleans, Are hondred doUara.
For additional salary of thetosamirar ol too branch
;soa* tomatoSVnolnwisai toaton
M wtatlto wn tonnik BjiifHilil
IMtoAoTofMaamtotonllraaanrartoTtowPork, nlue
tr thimaionl dtolara.
M atoartsa to ilrnkp. awiMpn. and wntitoman In
tonodtawef toaaoMamnt to me are. to Phils lilphto,
tkMfliaA dMktfsi.
'por nimrof"derka, porter, and watoduann la too
odkaaaftoto Mtotowto traaonrar of Hear Wi, tos
toto^tyoito, 1 *gr7tll 'toß^
to* HdirliMf ctotoa In tooodtowef too tonototary
Otoe, of
Pttotonrto. fw «M—dfcwr hM
fwmiifdto Mdtoitojtokln tooodtooaf
For •—as toeska In toe tow af too dspatotory /
‘‘fwMMMtoito liltoitoad Imoallartn. ander
fomtoasetomef Ahaaetaf IngnettoA. ilghtoinhua
UrnTpoS^ wimJ‘dra
addUtowto etork, and addtttami ooan
pnmntoon af odtawa Md darks nndar ato of Angoto
oteonwsstotGn to
Isooha, MMHWIa, and aaMaya*XSTtotoaaanmni do
e w»c«{M«-XleJp Se^T"V.**
s Kn££tsa£iv*Zrirrr
gig .,>.ee.e, *~
ammmii tax uaanunx
or rwm wnm
For mtortaa of gnwarMr, chief and two isonrl-
Y(ML IV.—ML 11A4.
l 11 mmmm af arid Te.wn j. ash-.
11 " "'""•r^BariLriTd^
Fer mriatoa at gi emuat and oanariatMtoM es fe
»ikl MiiiwSr i
Fw Staring’. I! I erpewam eg feTraßamy sue mre
J^ sere
Jggapar g aarpLr
amridettsra 1 "* 1 *** ■SSfert’^amafeafe
.. y ?*' mmam . •** mttaage es me msmfeww es
Fravtdefi. -rem u— AL —T .JL" T*
of fee i igterittee ssmanhttm of fee mm ttiMutii
fesfl h* fe# fas fer sea team af few munifem
feme af fee tegritetra* ■ - 1
Arid red) liirrllrTle 1 jLJi e* * _ . _
fern atom fee piisteP mfeSe as* sari anisnniiii a*
riwferaanyfeg feriartfefe assert
•feted aterk. rire*uUrtT r 7 SmT'feJ*"tmT*"awrta
•>«*■ fe'#*, ana ataak af rims ewe. sad has
mmaangrfe hie cdtow Matedw ahsaasnd tern team
Far mfertm °ftwe mmmu i m
For ariaayed an* strife, teaafeanfefefidritefe.
For aafete ad Mm nfirifen ad efeas rim. feme sere
sred rixfefedaad feikur*.
letfeMe. fell nj. and mteam
busfeter ttwafi
For mlartss of fe* Chart /astern Mi rtx mare
fwariaas, hula See fesmaart dew riandaad dattam.
g' 'oesrid
of fife Dtoritot rtgrtTjtafeir,"!Ta
orphaaa' Sanaa, afeadmn hresi daA
For asriry of the rvwarrir safes fisnlri ws af fes«a
gvMwjOofetaMhs uattad Bahaa, temfihsnajmd fire
thouaand artttaMfarttotat* "wefesj#.
lhs fee bsstts rt
hmahy, dtfsrisd I* report a* the oaaadag af fee swat n
of Ocayam baglaatna an IrisfiralMiiadar afPewaaim
of daafe tn thrtr see oral depart
manta, ths number smptoynd tharofe during fee ps»
ceding fleaal yeer, when smpieyid and when driahisg.
•and. and the anonsi rt eampwaeetton reortrea hy am.
end what wrirtfe ts any, am Os mads to am num
ber of ctorka In anch grade.
Appeared, March r«».
*-* wo AS- a -a »a- * -» sm - Ar. --**,-*
vBI mmm F y*yyilwm te J s^mff
is | it g| citMtF
to mmriMft mmd mumMtm rmtt* ts mb* jwn prm
tie* im tk* I rtmhm tmt efN&mm l>»UiUy ■. emd
OtertsflCSteLTwif S“d'.' " A4drtm 4m
Btrmii from ffuteo of thu teerA.
Oowns on Maanooo.—M dsesteya sos tearful abeete
wrecked, by wbAeh be
svoftdmd eenyd
md maxims here Wd Aewn sup mam sis
oiAirlukocitoi nktorj || |h|b|ml 9pw9 iw
tend, and foe not of Dm enervate be mr res led by a
renewal of foe bastey. Bfgmnns opMte of foo tedan
thn*. l/m-i'tt fterimlsls
■Tters la m asonik sr of stately by whom foe beak
win not bn tosteO_matel. _lrhsfo»r\j —*■ petnm bote
the relation of a Fareut, FraospAtes or (bsifnM. -
Ccuns on Massooo. -This la really a valuable wwet;
for potnttag out the dlsssssp rmuHlag tram pnnasns,
foo evils of which are assnAtert In every insane aapkaas,
*ns tern than te sos fosWsred ausslWiJins of foam be
duiging- U will do Bauch te prevent sos eten whom,
by tte Aries Ini i among sos yswag. has m nnA Ss
fluence on tbs prasasM, as m lb# Mm wsfobfosg sf
m JXmMMbm.
I>r. E. D« r. CUKTIK,
A*. §8 lV«rth CkmrtmWkn*L -
r ___
Wfl.l, be sold bedßew sos Osnrt lams tesav. te sos
Tuisday la Map sext, wtfote foo Wat hasten sf
ante, the following tewn kdo In sos tewaof ffitewuman,
■os. n, so M and TL and ows #•• bnfog. usW m
foa arswartefif L, ■-IstAsn, te snteate s» teSmtem-n*
Affifimedfosm foo fovmdar Oonrt«f ante nsssfoy In
of Frtsr 0. files ii si and Tftessn Dr yum m mid
dins, At sos Mfite ttam sad pirns, DM sfosr sos late
in tho Area adsmestd. te-wli; Ute Mm. 14 «t Wfoh
M, and S3. Aoidmtns psaptety of L 1 DteSfo te sob
lafy • Ads Imusd frotn iho^ Superior OoyrteNnid mb
fos asms terns and plans, ted af bam IM te
sos Mil district and Ist ssottau Therm counts- AeM
ss sos property of Henry Atewm, dsete. temfofo • AfS
front foe iso inf nr Oemt stated eawsAT Idbmff •
r. Bail vs. dterlm B. AteSsn. msimins af said teaary
Alston, dos’d. Marsh tel, IMS. A. F. MOSTTO*.
aasPr-td Marti.
«. a c. PLtii,
ISA 4k LAW Chons hern SUrwnt Jaw lath
/ ' Bto Iftoglto ai4 lAilAin,
W*to4htowiik*B Hmwi, aB filer Wnw4-
Vito Iron Fia«ao and Xtoda, and afhar Wtotoh Am
Uitil wa j Hnupllan.
dneld to
f*j £
JR. ttoruoy at Xj fk.xtKr <
j .ATCAAPA, U.I / ‘ '
Mr Otoea, Broad to. Goa. Brown's Bnhdtog, '1