The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 29, 1869, Image 2

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DAILY SKW^fifU. tuuiwday mSfiraio. awil u, um. THE MWI j - - n *• lamkiaa Tha ftte*Hff Itw4 —P *“*.«*• H* 11 * ■£ *• tow to* *» "•SS^SSSsyS wn Mte twl flfrtirt* •tor ftowwi wmm. briffct, ud to totefo ah: or imn test** »*t • Tire editor of tto Alton* W«teb«*a mju ttot a *Mto gw» t «r qa*atity of »otoeoo eon *? srovß ** A ” pK^l<^?-.^!orgift time oa tto tool Icjtoooo tauffl to Virginia. BetKirta fK« Pitoirr tjowaty state tbe* tto Mi. Xtotof WBl&mmb died *t bl* rmOeatsa mmt lafttiß ftyirtim on tto 2W *fij*4 j TtoMMUto A4m«torto|« »to ****** su itssE! S^ftss 4 £ t£.*sS“? £ c?as Es&smf: crop to atotopoM. l o« *<#* *ri!yiiSL2r»!SS? 3!3SmF£^3 SgSjSggUS* who »lira* life of picnsnra oto die e daath of etome.” ~ ‘ oof tto ITtfc. ray* ai£7 £* mb of prtto piM » tore. vaiaati »t Ow lofkmttt toy* Itot tot Boato? S^lMHMMNiCvtth*o*rttoti». eora erift of M*. (Stark to terai ft k*d of oora. Ttoy tofto tow, btototoftdoto, toon tto 2S2SK tto ottor btotel of ttoiom. *-*---« jb imtoft to n MiMMMfcMI jhff JuBMI Ul*w« PUp* wmWW mm*w - toMrtoa etottov* to • IwM-owraa rae* la tantoitodktotocrleP nut went atom, *od ftctwd ly itolinilewyftl Tto How York Aaranbljr too rotod to otto mil tto Hftarartkl Iwradmowt to th* p*opU to tto ton! gwscßl stratisM. Tto ftwiiTf to tto Hudson rivwr to Atony, N ¥., ha* riant WitbtM too took of tto point reached ts tto grata Aood of 1867. Potty jrrara age ft yowp l*dy in Now York state *tmrnr* t s“. «ad too aineo ttot tin* u --tt oti‘ir-v 4 -nf ihi »l*isbn—n Afowdoyt wiuee xto neofwtitotodL le now mm.- ing anptontowo wtik totowM n ftoy*totod Naviffttoo will ooon to MOMnodm tto Ota*- ad* rivers. Ooocgtea Boytootaor of tot, tot 'Wftlkutd mnftl ti btoeksd ap by to to Port OptbofMe «&4 Mrkk lot iboet twentj* SX^ta^toTtoßdhto fafcnly tS- I tklDMwii opened tX Freeth on the 33d b; the ling to Hengiry ha person, sad In the address, which ra to A pssinfol toner, he re- y n .l i- Ato a I r i —A MM&MnMUH fkft# h»a Sn# esfie^B MMIY, InVlonn* the Boloharath taw paseod Um tmmory wshool low, notwithstanding pro test* from Um Folkhand Tyrolese delegate*. Two lads committed nkM« In Vermont, Fatten county, 111, on Monday lost, at dif ferent planes and at different Hnw of Um day, but bath in Um am peculiar atanw-By k.aging ihrmmhrm with streps, Mo eoaaa k amigeed tor Um acta, and tha strange ooind dcacm with them bare occasioned Ho farther donhts eon cTfe*, aaya Um Hew (vritaaa Tierne, regarding tka msgnitedo to Um Oatma immmeUcn, when It k Mated that Oct. Prim k ahoat to taka command in the gcney which hmm Km now ploying with crown* iika a child with its toy*, to lay them oeids tor tha fanfare and diaoomforte to held aorvtak Dupatahes dated April lTth, Mate that mil itary preparations am being made in. Xaman in view to pMKtbie compimaucns with kpoin. Keepers to fight hewers on tha ooosl have boon instxwstod to prohibit the approach to foreign veamk the dsmind to tha Spanish manto* wet for Um enmndrt to those OtkM who The Mew (Menas Timm explains a fact tha whisky naer in the city was aamad yeatot .s— w tMunfonm Mdmt fa f Vhiife* wut WPWI *»vi« m ’ayvwwA'OilHlmnSw wtM" mlmimwr. Tide wan, to eomoe. dona to pot a shook torimOtiwhnnti mewogsfr whisk, hy **? of the Mtkm sirasSr %&M bit tfi owt loisl to eke*. it kema weeks tnisnrtie la ■eeeetoksni ktodsm who knee fNweksmdtn toMMmry^nM'iMwSmiMmr §&&& tiki SJaxm Mitr tS mA ih# b in NpHM tbtft Th&A)ot& Qni% tmttimrihi it ttaH fjtbt ttw* tti t tiwui|^i^ii hhtoA into foe amnetohg editor to a Miiff Iftsb'dbiit mm Immhi it jtt taa fd> nfon titii anwin afokto It net given * ntotlMe is tha neume tofoa pen nr; kttti fassks ntototo « Sia "kekaemnn^im* vetpfoeyfenaa nnthe-very •rent mak <r / Tin iigniniaiiiiiiimil k Will, «Mnn«lnM§MtoLekh4'wa a went. Mi kedl known ia x 4tiuta, wk^ A atteioMonfflnftwa tote Km » KppOBMAOWtofIBMOIOOtoMOte Tto foUawtaf ptragnpA, wo copy from tto dto" TtooStortottotpopor lto»ttooatiL dor too nol^i!nwto!otoatocT.* tto oowordDy deed woo wioiMtol in tto dork, tow io no diMonlty fa ooeortoioiog tto mooft oi mm nto io to toot f%..|nto*A«to Tto fbPowiag wo oopp front tto OowtfO [lf- Y.) Oasnonhl tovirtto of tto Ci YTton rooiodho del ipfton wont front Gkno yte to Woottogtoii, topototo todolo now woontotioo. to Oofwoo andor ItO poooont lowo, otokro and dyH jyo% kt *|oto w*y oadttooMttooowborto toOooygm Logto lotwro. end loader of tto dofawtiott ttot wont IW.WmW ngtoa, mo fbond an Friday hiog doad to tto onfsido mor Mo toooo. Tto oowordiy deed tod boon dooo andor tto rail of dortncm of tto nigto. A pirtoi ballot oroOtod ttoongk Mo todnond ka ao loyal flMUfe &MHI in •re to loot, and abettor way one lototo pan* aotodfer ttoooorioios, tto goremineat aloao oonoay. Hod «iih«r or both of U»* abort emimWl frOfll ibo mlMMbte tsnntot, wo tfaooU not btr® gnnMnMl ; ttoOfinn* *3bttk fttot tlfti mib i dctizv to mt ownlf tta the i ortination of Utoao oaMtoo of which oh toro any oMivt for o wftMl nio> fopiwoftotation of oiitor tto Haw Eft*, or iia editor. Both aro fur removed flraaooer locali ty ; both aro zealoao BepnblioHO popeto, and oxASting hi ttolr dooMuadt few a ortirtbotory otow of loyalty on tto port of ttoao Staton lately la totoSioa apinot tto onttorUf of Mo Cknarnnent; tonoo, tadaoaood by tfrofer oeol, tore potad by oar pototoj onandeo kaformotton eo fcloo oa it orer oniorad into ttoartod of aaon to eoooeire. < Thooo who are toft aeqaalntod with tUo paper and to Editor know ttot wo era no an* aaootn, nor aro we an fautlsolQt of orfrno of any kind. Wo tone olwayo ooomrtod a low* abidiog apkrU on tto part of tto people. Wo toro condemned, in tto mort pooitfro man nor, eeevot ooganioaHaw wMoh wp Itoogbt on con dared o to inrimtna, and binp®d tbi 14Unsnst ftinoMlMMi Hmmmi wfco wo bahaaed onrxmmgod mu* organioa ~f4nns* W® 4b® ®®v® to -bn ■ npmi ottor teoord tbaa oor ftloa. * , Bot, aa wo aaid before, the inforaiaAkm ap on which the above paragraph* were prodioat ftd, waa promalgoted for ttalioioaa purpoaaa, by oar political onoaioa Tto bride waa too palpable to admit of a aaioeooooptloa whoro aii the pftrtiea ore known. Tto papers, pab* Making the paragraphs, were too far renowned to rightly andotot and the start rttwtioa; heaoe We ask (torn, m a motto of joatioejto aa, to correct the ImpreooVm they tore oral oat, by poHjohing |th refalatkwL <* • Written ftw the Barer SOW Baa. Iktto af Itaatar WllUnan fonget. Ron. William Sprague, who io at thia lime tto oenaotional man of the United State* Sen ate, wao bora in Cranotoa, B. L, in 183a Bio frther wa* a arenafoctarer. His grandfather ■eight tore been a prince, or a peddler,* mat ter* little which, as it is incontestable that to had me who thought tto little State as good o pine* to die in ao any other. Hie mother is of genuine old French Hoguenot Mood, and from her he undoubtedly takes his elear dire complexion, his well eat features usd at* tw« ni lower maxillary. ReiS of slight figure, abort Are feet tax inches, has the pmsenafe of a quiet, thinking student, his head slightly bent forward, and bis eye introvert ed, til aroused, when it is foil of Are. Bis action is always prompt, evidencing sagacity, to aay tto least of H. Every maoeolar fiber too o double twist in it, and erary nerve is As an Shut ration of this, last autumn, re turning to his eoaxitirj residence late one even ing* Mo ton* stopped into a tote and fell, throwing the rider and breaking hi* teg. After a abort time to moonted and red* tome, » diatom* of ooom mile*—bot, though (he frac ture was o bad me, and scanned late in too season, he was at hla post whgp Congress spot. Ao a boy, ho wao hi* father's pride. This was evident from hla always taking him, when vaiy young, on his business owmmkom tod ear |y e&iraa!i»f hi® witii- tug® ” tkP®MM®tai®e His fathev was assassinated on hia own prem ises, it is supposed, by a Awrignor whom to bad prevented from establirlilßg a drinking saloon in hla manufacturing village. Re wao, at this tisao, «x-Governor of tto State, a very positive' and determined man, who ruled his domains in ton Art style. On tto deoeeneof tto father, tto yoong William, then bat sixteen, was taken into partnership with Ms nasi* and to this harinreo to devot ed himself most oandnoorty to some years, enlarging and extending year by year. Boren or eight press atom tto old Area woo dtoeotred* ■to* *hteh time tto two Mottoes hare tore ‘ tto Spragues,” and they are now, without dtoht, tto rtstost and most posracfrrt. Ann in Now Swgfead. ft la mStf detigbtfrt to as* tAwltlorettobM9llbcn Fer tto opnistlvss, ■MSA ftNh e«h mpgftiii; tawl fewil ®f '(ho%a | f®4®h lot ®®&fc Immmm® bred horses are on a princely srrta. ®®®® ®CNKMM|t W-IMMNI 4®®4tl®HF ®t teortl / a toky man. It la tons ttot to % |Mh % was slsatal QsvrenarW lire Mute of IftnAs Xatend, When' the war areas mS yraddaat 4tiH® 44®® are* tto torea: «f» hhfrW'CAx terew tto qao» ts from tide State shaft areash,"* ■ Mo> hesita tion, «iftt,« defrg- YfrW titirt. aud to . _ , rin.inir* th*m vmm togareßh and» sawft® treanßfr tolto ertreai hresps andrenaftad 4#®A ®tt®i®p® Iftfl®®* It is often shared ttot to la a fonatorS; ha* hi* prerenrt iigsssnasn girea, tto here manitia j %® orgy aadftMtonmitahle will srefl anything STlKtof np are a hrea Jh nf this i tart Huh ■«■> ' B VIrt:Y&4IU3»« SOON dispatcher Nsw You, April R-Chu. A. Dana, of the Son, waa arrested oa a suit af J. Easrell Young, managing editor of the Tribune, for libeL The tost'a ariteU impltestea Young to receiving bribes, and fraudulent use of the Associated Pram Dispatches. Hivnu, April 88.—It it reported that the tevetettee>ary Governor of Leg oll Ytilas has been captured. The Spanish vessel. Union, has captured two' or three suspicions vessels oft Veto Aba jo. Huger quiet at 8f to BJ. Fsrea, April M.—The Corps LegWatifl ad learned sine die amid nearly equal cries of Viva la Empasoar. and Yhti la Liberie. MIGHT DiaPATCHK^^^g® ar«e temreetownp ' Mr. Boria, Aeowtery of tto'l®®M ftecretary of War, and tto Prertdeat, eoaartte? to-day. Tto object is unknown. Boris sad Great will make an cxeareten down the Potomac to-morrow is tto staaaare Taltepoooa. Hi«A the 4th of Mareh one hundred and Maeteea Aseemrire sad one hundred and twen ty-two Collectors has been appointed. Cap*. Dsnlnl Arearenhas boon appointed OMof of tto Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks, sics Admiral Smith, resigned. Nothing whatever to* transpired regarding tto eadtsmeat in Georgia, Mlariasfppi and Texas. The Secret aay of tto Interior decides that six reontto abandonment of a homestead for frits K. Greeley decUnev the FaciiM Railroad Com misewmervhfp tendered t™ by Grant. The Herald correspondent mya be baa au thority for mying that General Lea will visit President Grant. Bax/rnfoaa, April 28.—The quarantine reg-> stations aemaienas May Aral BsTunuK, April 28. In tto United States DistristOemrttflHdsMn tto re*» es Waa. Havre va. the James River Iwraranee Compeny, tto defendant's counsel demanded ttot the jury subscribe to the iron clad oath of tto act W lone 17, 1782. Tto oath, on being feud la them, every juror left the box, and tto eaa* fell through from want of a jury. TELEGRAPH MARKET REPORT* Nsw Okxjuxs, April 28 —Cotton easier; middling 28c; sales 1,800 bales; receipts Alt. No export*. Fleur dull; superfine 15 70; double 86 76 te 6; treble 8 28. Corn quirt; white 76 to 77e. Oats 70s. Bean 1160 ts 1 6ft Ray—prims 190. Pork dull at 892 25. Bacon—jobbing at 131 to 171 c. Lard dull; tierce 13lc; keg 19jc. Sugar duß; common 18 to11c; prime 131 c. Mrtaases unchanged, resfahy Araaer; Western rectified 90 to 08e.— Coffee unchanged. Gold 134{. Sterling 46|. New York eight 4c premium. Nxw Yoax, April 28. —Cotton quiet and unchanged; aalea 17 bales. Flour; low grade* firmer; high grades heavy. Spring wheat better; winter doll. Corn; new unchanged; old lo better. Pork beevy at 831 25 to 81 371. Imrd heavy; kettle 181 to 18|c. Whisky dull at 91a. Bic* Arm. Sngar steady. Coffee firm.. Milrreee toll; New Orleans 80e. Naval ■tores quiet. Governments strong; 1862's 211; Soathsa bonds quiet; mcmey 6 to 7c; sterling 8] to 9, Gold 133|; stocks feverish. BsMtntoxrt, April 2a —Cotton at 28c. Flour favor* buyers. Grain steady. Mess pork 831 7i to 82 00. Shoulders 12fe. Virginia’s, old iumribed, 61 bid; North Caro lina, ex-coupons, 63 asked. Lotnmxxa, April 28.—Mere pork 831 15. land 18c. Bhanldmw 131 to IN*! elear side*. 17| to 171& Lrvzxroob, April 28.—CoUon dull; uplftada ll|4 Orie*u ltjd 8*l«s 10,000 bates. Crtuinot, April 28.—OoUob 4*ll aad easier; arte* 800 bate*; middlings 274 e; raedpta 191 bate*; *xp«ris«***twi** 208. Aeousxa, April 17.—Cottoa market ckread weak aad d*li; aale* S7brte*;reortpte 84; arid dung 28 to 084a. Savannas, April 28.—^Cotton io fair de mand; rates 1,300 bales; receipts 410 bate*; raidOiaff* 874*. Wtuttomxoit, April 28.—Torpftottae il) to 42!«. Brate qrtrt rt 81 86 to 314; era4* tinpaarta* «ta*hant*d. Tar umhaaged. f ftfijftM® IT® Ifrfttilft.lßiJ ®ttAMB®NU druolsdr No. 73, jail Sxsaed from tbe Inter «rt finraw Sanaa, to ** foUow*: Tmuwoxt Dwabciont, Qfto* of hkrmL ifttwrt April m raid taxtite i tit! ftSQLF^frO® » rtMßp so **od Um initial* of BBBtWMk* tbe riawp *TSm P> eawwt jSoMNfcaflteifeftwt mim m fpMot to It II 1111111 Hill 111 of Hm wdn MtttoM of «Mtl toMß».«tot Wttt Mtot f to all Os UM toMDJM totoanlMrt Sto or wh tbo iatoaii mr—m ■■rifaSl nr romtet'kimm ■•••••I® mm 'to* too aototogoaondly. a toMtato pwvtotam of M«tio«t two of tto m 4 of April & toon rhltll **♦«>-* fgS a# 4(pPy mmmrnmy vwwi jwvtwitob Mmm »w» boom, ’ to mi M ondod tototlMOtoM «f ito Mt rs Mr to to*ihttotoign j tom»'w Midi oflmi fSTtoto Twwi, to paniiino, ttaloNMfet, tow taw toAt* «r < ■*i" w >iitoii>A ear? •£*** «■—»» tog SI,OOO, mto totowai to ad ndto toottt to Itoril tonMPAMA 4tow oo DAVIS’ THEATER! 4®tsorxcKrarr ~iinmiiwiiT! j ENGLISH OPERA. aro urn jrioura , r/“ ApftMfoHretehMrefisre. ; Abb VMM IIW lllltriCM, areuriaMre Bka«seatftnsmJMaan MIBB JENNIE KIMBALL. Xhe (MM WsnSsr. Zsn Pwtito Oorrlnne I And a Talented Company af Ladles ami naMsodtetatatin KtesrvsS Bsate ft M, ti he he* at VUSMa sa* Qrvwta. tlrtwry M ash. Pesssjfmst fa’ slosh, utA spraa ~aniaE»- i-oajhiw hta simSini will srriess ta tbs «Sttn— at Ittmta fib üBl istshlU* sa ortes t* the are huWStaf efMsore h Msssh, eensr at rinstir aa* foyer strvsts. aa* wBL ta ths mem ttsst, stare* to ■reeeß IsA ■* the Dvuc state at fomhsrto*. WUaoa. fort* A Oa., eorerer foeeMree an* Itarelns staueta. sertaot• la Baatoruptcy. l« U,« Wrtnrt Orertor Um CnlM* l floathani ii. 1*1« b«bl at Um lMi»d M tevreataL, (re. U.M f Wm IMS. WHI JAKKoSCTWg^P OEOEOE W. ABUTS CRKATRKAL IST AT® • A Lift at thx cm Mail, RntTufisday in May Sala Iky. IM.-THI HOWARM PRftmVT. - pifflßlwhiutSft atStaesresrer Dsuttaar sad JEi Ley* ataaste, eppostaa tea fort, aa* Uta WiXtep. hrea luntias. ini pmHse—B ptata at say ngre 24. - A ram nf 121 Acres im Cehh •WL/®RB®IOTtJTft t i im taldJbJS at rey rttea. 84L-A 70-Acre r*m Im CUnytnm Cmmrntf. , % , ’ mZl£'*m£ZTSaSSr^rnmmm ” ?”** In' 4dL—Fwwur Wood irttsmsi ftw Air- Jle4te# They tea kef surtefteut, foe enripriftw Mae at fftSbd pMftt fit ®U®® |o| jmKH®M®®®^Rß®MflU ptatartstyofere Thia la part # fiaaftalS tat StIta—EUEYHW Um, gatwgtfgftwgaftfjs SRWKSfcsanf *• fitk-FOUR LOTS, at short Marena isrt, hetas mttatabasa at taafort haW at ianS lot la las, am am vunrea t Bullnnn T nnr.Prtfwar* Pf~t nIIST Wre ta-t- folr n „, TLH"SS£re^»^ This Is a vary tafottatah* tity. suhrehaa aa* country property, OspHatUte art roqaastad to eaß md |g| pints tinri tecdpiiMMLli® umblsa lM®d before ths day. BansretarTlh* sale la at tta City HsU in Atisata, rele Sap to May* O. W. ADAS, Baal Batata aa* larermns Apreh spryast; N0.6, Bstiroa*Slook,foachtrvsatareet, BO¥DB FOB BALE. TjTTTLL b« sold hetors tta Oourt Barea Sore In At Vs teats, oa Tusadur, U ay tta, UMW ahoM |»,000 of eight par oant. beads of tha ttaiftf fhltea, I a aaadsrevsahfy to reset of tbs fteasn* Aassashly at tbs Stats U Oeorgis, sad sa oedsr of taw XUawvsbto Oourt of Ordinary of said county, pres sd April tth, IMS, (or the pajramt at white foe u*sl> es the UuaMs jropsr ty ofths etty sad ootaity srv Btedpad. TWs vrfll he a must to to vast to undoubted MearttlM. fUrttalliift reanUana, trus ires sad tax-payers, would So wet! ta reared tbs sale. o.x.nm apr Je-tfl may 4 Oearty Tsmaun*. |QMD *r>XßSo>a who dealM seed boas*, aft roams tape Jl ud piom®®A fEniimd ft® ®&ran£®®M®p srb iMira es tho sarea upou sppUeattao ta Stta ortre Three da tiHapertyfoyhomk, saw he irmumtndats* spe »-« BOOTS AND 8NK8! Yjrrx tavtte itaieMta taths tup* an* smefrtly es- W testa* STOCK of ■■ ' BOOTS AND SHOES, For the Spring and Sommer Wear, OOMDPBIBINO . ' ■ .... teflw Wesre. cocstst Inaun. Second R^piMtioiL WBfi oun rt tee fern* at ■Smm • »*•■*«* JD . Isa (t*? apr esatarea ta taiawsi to tajtato m . sw wirtirta tartw raewtate'tart^iw- ■ - -tatata JPSk* - v a Bmocuve .inn ~i"fl l < *T j'ajssgsjjg-'**"*-* or rent Sotrrn, HSkh Office. "KtOt. ApraatUL. I*3. j ■ Rfißßlh . re liii r Imm T nr-rauiat uUt. *»V Ist, Ist*. %> j "W K rate tret lEi* Mhos - _ m * rets » |#{ - TANARUS,: - - • fit- « gxS - ‘m? * " J * xß ® " a Aktoymfoyrltntdland fteaed, • Hgta IfoU AbstoSSw of Irerebre. Brtek and other saaterteL te vtKj> 10 nmorm tJa ® 38® ®NNftPMA ©■ftfflNSnhl •-i-it-ri Brwat Captata U. a A-,- - •pcri-St Aetiac Chief (fTIL Drrt .« B ®MOa Stacy reterprisia* and capableJJmf-r Mata, w» do not viaU to Lm too peraoual; MhO T ;• Wt are tarilnad. hrervvor, to aecrtba tbel reason [to Ui boytagfioaly}reck S ( Oetata«them hum Srrt haads, pastes tor them at oaao. ml res king terpo sates. Wc knov his profita must bo swan. Thom who bey to seU, or thorn who boy , arty te theta res use, eenaot tail of beta* pleased by settaseu htas ta Muueon’s JuUding, oorner White k®jj ifmiir itmciiß Ha atee has ban.ere, sole sad upper leather, calf stare, ha. rear 11-ttteprim THOMPSON’S OPERA HOUBE EXCHANGE! Entrance’ on Forsyth Street RESTAURANT AJTD BILLIARD ROOMS! OPEN FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF 6UEBTB AT ALL HOURS. WINES AND CIGAItH, (Os the Yery Best QnaUty.) SERVED AT THE TABLES ONLY. |.r ' • Prirate Dining Rooms! For the Accommodation of • MAZsXj X*A.HTXBO AMD REGULAR BOARDERS. LUNCH COUNTER. A Ooe* hat Cheep timl eaa always be toend. febrt-tUmayrt THOMPSON’S Ladles’ and Gente’ I"• .V ”'•••' * , . - ’ ’’ ■ ; HUB ALL OPERA HOUSE Opes tor (he accommodation of Gssertsfrosm ft im the msra imft uuutil 12 at might. o aa , PWpAMILIEte, pPwHb PLAIN end ORNAMENTAL DISHES at a* kfeM£. Ate*. Sftttpa, Creams, Brandies, Wines, A 1« a • eft* o„, ' f portal iribnw*b ifrrat to Begaiar fJVKE APPOINTMKXT* IB THU BSTABUBHMXNI SMeqpnl ta a** fa Hew Tort eg else where. COME TO LITE AGAIN I ® ft’® ft !■ 4 rt MW rtBBHB A^Th-rttaWCT 0|l« BlillUKFryf flßift Tvrthtyn IHK axuar, > SNUFF BOS3M, TOBACCO POUCH**, fatal or walks Momw* tchuooo, WhMta ta sdhrs re Whoteuftte and Betsfl re tee Ldwert MBrtrt fotaafe E H. COLUMN. DR. J BRAUFIELD’S FIIll! HIEILITOI Wi ■ t % ' Woman’s Beet Friend. mHIB valuable Medicine is prepared for Wouxa ex -1 restarts ss ii to ta utsd ter woam am fcr. U ta steptod e«i«cteUy to tboae easee where the worn is disordered, sa* wtß care say irregularity to tbe "mre sea.” except in *art eases ss require a surreal opera, tton. Aa thaaeltat are very rapa, the Xuauui Rare luATOa is to almost universal appticaUoa. In a sodden cheek of the 'monthly courses ’ firaia oou>, trouble at aaind. at Uke cause, it acts like a charm, fay aaawaatm tux dmcu tare i* uvxut nreraaca, tbaa reUevtaxlta, fever, headache, pain iaihe asaflef the back and "tow. er stomach.” Sashas af heat abort the fees, chilly sea aatioß* burning of the ereUds aad «eoerai nrttere aaau. Taken In time all these eyreptosu pare away iremediataly, without injury to the coreUtntton. Fre qucotly, however, the proper remedy is not applied la time, the disease becomes chromic, aad tbs (oaodataen laid for a umber less evils to the eonaMtnttoa cf tta wo man. Tbe next ‘Wnra” oorere around and there ta no “show,” or perhaps the “whites" will appear. Three tall be some nnrestaees about Ore womb, but very tip tie or none of the natural Sold eeeapteg. The core piexton lieccuioe sallow, buweteswoltea. a sort of green ish easteabout the sere, constant doll aching pains about tbe bead, weight in the fewer stomach and W with or without whites, palpitations of the heart, pal lor, exhaustion, indigestion, was rinses, languor, ach ing across the lotas, lore at appetite, pain la Wt breast, tightness across the chert, cough, and giddiness. If sull allowed to go on “grew stoknvas” will be fully de veloped, the headache becomee severe, with sere of memory, diminishing sensibility, ucx stomach, dys pepsia, no relish for food, low us flash, tar res sad flat tering of the heart, swxluuu or rex rxxr, tegs and body, and occasional spitting of blood. Tbs sllghtert effort causes huxxxzd xxxsthxbo, almost stnrrocs nox. The akin is flabby and a “doughy feat.” This is a sad picture, hut Uis tbe rendition at thousand* of women between the ages of fifteen and forty-4 re who are brought to the verge at tbe grave by Ignor ance or neglect to take the proper remedy. ToaUwh>> are efilictoo with any Os the symptoms above mention ed, in connection with an irregularity of the “monthly Lrekreas." we earnestly aay TAKJC DR. 1. BRAD MUMJLV-H FEMALE REGULATOR, a few ounces tt- st once eipe.rienre its sjid wllh you will be folbr restored to health. Wo ref eat that DR. J. BRADFIELDb Fllftrv REGULATOR is preperred for WOMESandto ta uiS by Women only. A trial 1* *ll we ask. Prepared and sold In any quantity by L. H. BRADkIEhD, WHOLEiALX DBUGKIIHT, Atlanta, Georgia. Price |1 50 per Bottle. KW BoH by Drnggiste generally. f ATUurrx. Ga, Deownber 59,1&C8. Dr. i. Bx*mnxu>. Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that some time previous to the late war. I used, with tbe utmost success, on a servant girl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared then re Bndfleld's Drug Store, Wert Point, Oa. Bha had beret suffering severely from suppressed menstreetiou, axfl this Med icine soon restored hhr to health. She la, today, liv ing In Atlanta, sound and well. I will state, further, that I tt ow of Its being used, with equal success: oa a servant girl of my brother in-law, Professor Rutherford, of Athens, Ga. TUla woman had, I think, been diseased for six years.— She was s house servant, and seemed cured up to the time of “freedom.’ Ido not hesitate to Indorse your preparation for the purposes for which youreMom mendlt. Yours truly, * 1 NO. 0. WHITNER. STATE OF GEORGIA, Taour Ootrm. This is to certify that I have examined the receipt of Dr. JOeeph Brad field, of this oounty, aad ana med ical man pronounce It to be a combination of Medi cine* of greet merit In the treatment of all tbe diseases of females for which he reoommenda It This Decem ber 21, 1868. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. Momrrvuxx, 1868. Dx. J. Bxabfield—Dear Sir : I have much pleasure la saying I have witnessed tbe most decided and hap py effects of your Female Regulator in this nelghfe*- stood- WM. H. FIN CHEN. Mouirmux, 1868. Da. 3. Bxadviixd—Dear Sir: I have repeatedly used In my femily, your Female Regulator, and have, in ev ery case, met with complete success. G. L. DAVIS. *»-1 also prepare and have for sale s YEAST POW DER. equal to the beet, and for much tees price. gST I also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now in use by many at tbe best housekeepers in tbe city, and pro nounced by them to be very superior. L. H. ORADEIELD, Druffigiot, Atlanta, Ga. Bote Agent for Geo. M. Hay’s Sure Core for Intemperance. marli-eodly dr. o. a PROPHrri’g Family Medicines. CONSISTING OF HIS CELL)RATED LIVER MEDICINE, Anodiue Pain Kill It, ANT -BILLIOUH PILLti, AGUE FllgXsS, —A.XD— Dysentery t or dint, Female Tonic —•AJfD — PURIFYING PILLS TIE excellent remedies of O. 8. Prophitt, M. D'. heed no recommendation, their well-known power in removing the diaeaeee peculiar to our Southern cli mate having already established for them an enviable reputation in Georgia and the ufjoiaing States. As the majority of persona Bring in thejfeuth are predisposed to disease of the Liver, it is granted by all intelligent physicians that most of the pains and aches of our peo ple are due to organic or functional derangement of that important organ. Prophitt's Liver kfedidua and AntbßiUious Pills strike directly at tbe rodtoftfiS'evll. , They cure the Liver, which in nine eases out of ten, is at tbe bottom of tbe Coughs, Dyspepsia, Colic, Sick Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Menstrual Ob structions, etc., ao common among our people. Ear ache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and bodily pains of every kind flee before Prophitt’# Palp Kill It like chaff before tbe wind. If yon have indigestion or Dyspepets in any form, er any other chronic diseases, use Prophitt’s Liver Medicine. It U safe and reliable; wore Vegetable, ands liquid ready for use st any and all timet. Price $8 a boute— -83 1-3 per cent, discount by tbe doaea bottles or more. If yen get snake bit, use PHOPIIITT’B PAIN KILL IT. internal and extOrnaL If you have a fresh around of any sort, use the PAIN KILL tt. It you get dog bit, the PAIN KILL IT. db. o. a wterarrrs A*rtf*®lHfcniß Vegetable Pills, Purgative and JFebrifu*e, xwy be relied upou aafejnM and efficient csthsrU in all Febrile and AcufojSreses of all kinds. pa. o. a PBOPHrrrs VEGETABLE AGUE PILLS, A safe snd cwrtaln remedy for Ague and Fever, Chills sad Fever, aad all kinds of Periodical Diseases, and is ante and reliable for an ta taka at any time. dr PBOPHrrrs \ mm Biscmsi mm A arts and genuine remedy for all kinds of Bowel Dis eases, Dysenteries, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux, Ac., It Ssay ta given to all sizes, ages asd sexes, sad at all tiaees. with perfect safety, where there is anything of ttMU eiifif Corftlml -Female Tonic, PUEYFYING PILLS The Purifying Pills and Female Tonic are associated together as a fall preparation, sa you are la the Blite Ftay haws gtvan perfect aatiaiwifton in say praatbua fat Ssar«raivSTrja ,| ir szs waa. u> a. nSal fltaru la any Indtartfen for tbesa, anaft aaShartnesa o* Biislh, DwslHng at tta Fart ar Free, or a Pate. Weak rtatetxflteßfeod, or altebby state or the Muaetea; aa geoereliy follow Fever and Chfite aad Fever. a ssynenf gsnemoy laMtQMU. tna Bi ninwert. Fart sate in Blakely, Gfo, aft thaltows Offtes, JM Prepared only by DR O. S. PROPHITT, A* the above remedies for sale by L. H. BRADFIELD, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST. WNfTXHALL BTBKBT,, ATLANTA. QEOEGIA ssarll sarty • if ; TH M 2 BH9BTEST 480 QUICKEST 1 q* aa tt. t.trreamp BETWEEN Atlanta ajid New Orleann, JACXBOW, Mis*. VIQXBBUBO. Ktaft. aad Mußß.ft . Ate., art ALL POINT! IN Misiitgippi, Lookianft and* T*m, , ' TIA Waster* k Atlantic, Rome, flrtaaa. has A fort«to. Srtma h MerMteft, Ttotaburw * froOtaft atad Brer Orteaua, Jackson, ud Grsat Rorttar* Isltessli CONNECTIONS. PABBKNGKBO by this Itas aeaff rely with sresreaty upon does eounectfena being made at ait points tedi eatod. and upon tbs utmost attantfen ta>ag pah) Id their comfort and eo*re*ls*oe. Etefftat IWsger Ctiockw mm the KsOrs Liao. Time from Atlanta to New Or loan* 44 Heart bb4 Cifteea Miaalte. osLftjtrO'M o®p t* *a Tti Only TWO rtaacre of ears tstwijji Kingston and Nsw Ortasai, and only OB* between Kingston aad Vicksburg. TICKET®. THHUbttH tleketa ante J» ult Usystasst baccaci. Baggage Checked Through. TIMKTAni.K, KRWRUARV 228, !<*»». WEST: Leave Atlanta..., 4:46 r. w. Leave Klngafoa 11 Nr.t Leave Oelmft l 00 p. m. Arrive at Meridian 10 00 r m Arrive at teekaon IWax Arrive at Vteksbur* » *6 a. *. Arrive at Nsw Orterers 8 *0 *. i. Arrive at Mobile 1 so r. m. REMEMBER: TBIB la tho only routs by which the evening trains out af Atlanta make close connections at ail potato for New Orleans, Jackson, Vicksburg, &0., (kc., 4a For further Information concerning this GREAT CENTRAL LINE, apply to L H. POSTER Esq., General Ticket Agent, Atlanta, Oft* or to myself. THOMAS 3. ECHOLS. General Peamaaer Aaaat. marlO-tiUjunelO Atiantisßa. WENTER.N A,M> ATLANTIC RllLkoili ON AND AFTKB NOV. It, 14S*, ril—fß* Trains will run m follows: GOING NORTH. LEAVE ATLANTA ft. 1»A. M. IteilyHsimpt leeSay.i ■*- preni Psmmgtr-dwlf. rt Ohaltaaeigs rt 4.4* P. M„ cona using with TrainertT- Naabvilte sad ChrtkMoaga Bartread for Nashville. Loutevflte, an* the Weal, aad for Mew Tort and other Bast aw etitas via Loutsvilte; atea with Tasias at Memahteand (teriutot Railroad tor M*aa»hta, Mew Or l.ia H. M. Dslly-iempt Bandays) Deltas Artommsdatlon Arrive at Marietta 6;66 PM; Osrtersvilie, A18; Kingston, *.U; Dalton, 11*4 P. M. •« P. *• Patty Great Rsriksre Mail Ar rive at Daiaox rt LM A. M.. eoanerttog with trains for Knoxri&s, Lynchburg. Wash- Baltimore, PhilfifW|iht> MMI Mow York. Arrive at Cxarraaooaa re AlO a. oosutarttag with trains at Bssfcvtlte sad Chattanooga BaOroad for Haahvilie, Loata rilte and tea West, aad Ist Nsw Tsrt aad othar Eastern cities, via Loutanjtei ftte». with trains of Memphis aad Charleston Bait road for Memphis, St Loafs and the Wart. COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA 3.3. t A. rt. Oatty-Grret Saatham Mall-. Leaving CHATYANOOGA 4.M P. M., eoa tecting with Trains of Nasbvilte sad Okatte noogn and Memphis and Ctariirton Bait roads, and Dalton at *.40, PM. conneettag with Trains of East Tsoasaaes aad Ueotgie Raifroad. 11.00 A. rt. Dallvl*i«pt Band ays) Oaltaa AeeeaaaeArtatlam—laars DsMoartlM - A. M.; Kingston ASS, A.M;CartersriUs ftl»; A. M i Marietta AXT A. M. a.OO I*. Ml. Daily (except Sunday*)—Ks- X P**m Chattanooga / re A4O A. M., eonttaeOag wife trains at / Nashville * Chattanooga aad Memphis / sod Charleston Railroads. /Pulimaa’s Patent Bleeping; Canyhsa ass *44 ft-u Right Trains. R B. WALKER, feb‘2l Master Tmaagortattoa. United States Mail Stage 4 FBOM ATLANTA TO DAMLONECA ! T EAVKB ATLANTA MONDAYS WHDBBSDAT* aad -L FRIDAYS, at t o’ofeck a. a. *tage sStea ta Atlaa ta, at the Uuiied States Betel, which hi a Srat-otaas Hotel. Proprietors aad Oterhs always ready aad wtittag to fiocomzpdAtfi. Passengers stopping at other hotels am re quested to register their naatas for s sees by.« atetaak s. m.. of arell days, aad they wtU ta famtahad • ttrkrt when registered. Baggage tabaa to aad tram ttes stare free of charge. AOHN OAIM, Proprietor. Atlanta, tennvy,pOth, P. R—ExprerepaoksgaMskentotandfroai the otaca. Alba, Ksßoggi Oofs store, oa Peachtree street, Iwlfeateo, setae Agmttareforeaoe so aay tend lets ta Forsyth county. Address are at Camming, Ga. jantl-ly '~~T ; ■ IPmm 4vo 969 Hons* Powxa, tnctadlng the Od skirted Oor -1% Cut-off Bngtaaa, BUds Vslvs Strttonary EogUre, tag. ntieys. he.. Lath sad Shtagte Mills. Where rad Corn Millt, Ctrcnbr Basra, Belting. Ac. Band o< descrip tive dreutare sod pries Bat. WOOD ta BLABB. STBArt CO.. \ j. feblMm fifrrthci> DWnUCT OF artHWftb-iw^T To*B wbomitsmy eanesrn: Tbe hote upon hta own petition, by the District Court at A DUtriCt NOAH JL FOWI4BL eprft-wSw ■ isri**re jDWTMOTOF GHOBOU- To ad whom It may ooaosM : The uadsrstgnsd hereby (tree notice sfiteafpstetasret retsrtgx— at estate at MART F. DURAND, of FuMoa, cremw. State of Oaorgta, wtttf* arid Wstehte who baa been adjudged a Bankrupt no* her awMprttare, by ta* (V ' n^?^% o AH 4L FGWYJra,^ P .LAWCARIK 8. C. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW ' Ikffftarfii*. Itewtss GiMHfip. W hn^sSaTfiteataw Uleirlrit mart nf Hta TTsttsi *tatis Is the kertasre