Funding for the digitization of this title was provided by the R.J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation in partnership with the Atlanta History Center.
About The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1869)
DAILY SEW ERA. THB UIT V - ~ Bat. A ft Mvmuuat. of ft» tawrtc. ni Mi. VftfMA of «m Ban— of lyiHU im, w«ro htffc* rtty yrwtardny. iii ul*ir?Tni if **"• um ptw—ma«iy —L W* mU ft* |W L> —am** v Tarmui «« tb* mofo ffitt|ktfal Jutm day w« *v*r Mt. Tb* air aft* wool and soft as a dream of Italy end tb* *ky was c!«u sod tamatifni a* Ak* a—My get (0 t>*. It wa* a mart hwttii sty. ' Taa Nartftarm and I—tom awaite do* on liaaftf, iai alas tftat to ya—Mday aoniag did a*t anti** antol to* oafeafc ymtorday.— Tftey faitod to male* awiamtioo *©m*wh«r* . (Rfggqg Mmi Mm* rMnwM kaltiaf at Cftattaaoof* will find tft* National Hotel, at tint plae*. a moot m \ cable slopping piac o. Mr. A. X Miliar, tb* proprietor, d**m* it hi* first duly to Bake an go*** o*n<nrtaH*. and U any an aot so kfanat h*e*n** they bar* not exaeUeat food, citaaly apartmeate, and oerofol attautkm. Taa Oosstitataoa, of ywterday wetting, Utmra aoder a mt**pp**lnart<m W*. by ao mean*, meant to "tnftttW the poff-atorial propeneitie* white tb* Bo* tedalfM to tbs wf data edtAaetoa of tb* Ceswrtt—lost; bat ■tidr noted snder as boom* endeavor to atato tft* io«d afoot eotwnpomry in tatting the r. Ibiw know that ft* had Bad* a lot* vtaH to Mampbis and Maw Ortaanc That ia afi. Taa Treaearar'* office wee closed *U yester day morning, and sntii *ome time ia the after ntfwiu, to tb* aeriohs iaeonreat—»oe of gentle men who bad beta**** with that department. It weald be tr*U for tbi* and all other of the Mate office* to be kept open daring reaaoaa- M<> boainee* boar*, b*ena** Um* great In t.Muvuuieno* for parti** who bare basis*** therewith to |b*r* to cell frequently cm tb* >«me efrand. Via tad» «•»! ytantay town Mr. F. B. Howard, who wpmsftta tb* boa** of Mr. Uttartu* Into Jofcnmm, of Philadelphia, who ie urn* of tfta moat raftabia, rmponeibta and «xjtoartv* manafaotnm* of and dealer* in pm,ting ink in fimmta* We take great t lreeure la recommending the boaae to oar bnrtteMt of MM Soatkaro pnm. We bar* ttownueiag hi* book, new* and colored inks for nearly three year*, and they have all the lime given th* greateet eattatwHioo. The iuke work well and are datable. Mr. John *.* haa always been prompt ia Ming order* add eJway*send* preeta ty what 1* ordered.— lie deeerree pataaaag*. Taa Coaettlat im of ywtavdey morning Srea tfta atartbag InielUffmiee that 'tb* City raaeU, on Friday night, adopted a mentation to eon* the Georgia Batlroad, *a Beil etreet, with n hrlda** Whom bride** Wham doe* .),* eotne from t Os what rae* l* taa. Look oat ye yoang married mw,feat no improper see bemad* of yoar ‘‘fifiddedlovm. What urn bee tft* alroeV o» tM IpUtaad. for tWdi f Certainly H would bem toomt UMsamly poai t,On for a lady to b*ta**ta ta W* ha reread of taa rkiliiwlbl of ftbodaa, bat n«v*r before here we heard of .ate a Cofoemm ofmlirodda. tbemdiee oflft la aider to mt tkok mind* at B*WB ■■■ ttUBH-tir JfinNlfotl^. wm Ttona {jLJftit [ yqeHoreT Order of Ohwnfofi and antnbsf of oma* from mjjmi gOiraait ..SB oner*. ■tarn dyalt 38 *• j • C—MR.,..i4«»# 9 * Ctssatt . H " %* Ctroull 1 “ gyi i *; V Cwta u A. —manse# tfta Mteotag *». *"*-*■* . *•* wU««wm 4%> m*«mm« «»*%*• -,.TT. irti Hi ifliltaiTrifcn-dT !■■ SMH -rrtr » it* ii»<t hC r m f *• •*» »«n r> MeCay, A, *nnntn»*ai tft* Jodg- Beta of tlm Coart fn the earn ta WSite on. rieianair awn warrants from Cftatftam. lodgment of the Coart balsa iweamd so tft* groand that th* Oemrt erred ft* svamding the Tianmim to tbs Itabramtaß, end on fee to thar groand that (be Court erred In admitting the temiaony Df Altwrt Jaekaoo, a* to hie asm a* —taster, and of Dr. Image, th* enmioiag e^iJSLSsMaa™ of—Ttowt being of tfts opinion that tb* demarrer to the informaUon ought to bate been —toed, aad tfta whole Court holding that th* testimony of J—keon and «f Yoang* and of th* *opy paper were not propar evidsase 00 tfta trial of the I—n* tb— before tft* jury. Ia tbi* ease, tft* member* of the Coart aQ eoneorred la tfts foregoing judg ment, bat for different leesoa*. and each an nounced hi* own written decision. Chief Jtutioe Brown and lodge MeCay hold that tfta negro ia eligible to office la Georgia, ledge Warner hoida that be ie not Ma 1. Southwestern Circuit—Toler vs. B**brook, Administrator, was aalfod in it* order and argued by CoL Stroxiar and lads* Biehard Clark, for plaintiff ia error; aad by R. ft. Hie**, Esq., for def— daat in error.— On conclusion of this argument tbs Court BY TELEGRAPH. AMMOCUTBP Plow BItfATCBM* * NOON DISPATCHES. W—tow. lon* lA—Delano will require the removal from hood and eomplete aettla meat of Ml matters pertaining to hooded whisky, by tft* foot of Inly. | Boeeat Bio Janeiro latter* a*om to eoaflna the report* that Lop— ha* McMahon trader restraint Pot—tratu. Jam 15.—The Knight Tem plan' prooemion —landed one mil*'. Th* Grand Oamiaandary officers and Chaplain* we— monntol and wore white ptamea, gay aaah— and gold kilted award* They made a bnilieat diepiay. Several Oommaodarlee marched in triangle* and o rosace, which nov elty provoked great applause. It was a great aueoeaa. Th* none— along tft* line of march were beanUfnliy decorated. 8— Fbamcuoo, Jon* 16.—Mexieaa advieee my gold fields have bee* dleeevered ia the Ooloma District one hundred and forty mile* ia length, richer than California. People are rashing. 'jV t . The Governor of Oolom* make* kidnapping a aapital offence. Politic* in Sonora are quiet ! MIGHT DISPATCHES. Wa—ovom, Jane 16.—Rev—ao to-day nearly half a million. The printers employed by Clepp held a preliminary meeting ngardiag tfta artfoo of tha Notional Union. The, pro everting* indi cate that Clapp will be an el a inert by hia em ployees. The negro, Dooglaoa, ootainae* at Tfta Treasury h— ad rices of the morder of Dumont Inspector of Custom* for Tex—, near Brownsville. He ia aappooad to have been killed by smaggte— InteUigeaee tea —n rvoelved hen from Gabon eoaroea, of o fight between the revola uooary forom tad Spata*k troop* near Puerto del Padre.' The Cuban troop*, an—ftertag about A 000, wen• altaelneil in tata eta—th* meat* by tft* ftpaniards, nearly doable that 00 ob bar, and were Hrlo* repulsed. The tern of the Cubans weals— than 100 kilted and joamhta That of taa attaching—thra* *ao*t —eon—(png affeo" —— Mm Cuban army, which 1* reported gain’— ehreOgth wvety day from tft* wry beet po-tfon of tft* peopla of th* W—d. The w*m 0/ ha—ny between tb* officers ia oouu&t id of the government troop* in th* fiald ar4 the volunteers who bavte— tah— »*——to * of th* Govarnmeta of ihelel—d m exhibit ag Itself in th* damnr atkmtfoa of Ifta dpaa aft troop* aad I—go number of deeertlo— to the Gab— army.— Tftis oonditiou of thiag* has given anew baa* pal— and str—gth to tfta Oab— oaase, the feadaw having no doubt of their ultimate —*• CM*. A number of rear*!!*, otoetty from VUftaia, left here (Washington) yesterday and to —y, to jute alar** whteft are redeavoeeing tft* B—tftsra *o**t. preparatory to joiaiag 5&0T5-. •— r. - Cftari—l*Mb w— am— for fotally rteiituvg a man named Dugan. fFtaffib'j’ il tfiiiffi m •*““*"TTldffi I fttll ItMftta MM eg!— mataMing thirty fire mite* north of ftrtlo— it*— A party fottewed. but finding 4a Xmfoata ta f— artara— Maruvy teS for taa —a a WtofiCitartWtataftfit WKNITfi. B«tf ft—ft Jan* It rtmdy S—• active and daoktortty tgb*r tefoa* f Mfo Mm sfi fill to ttn FW -fova nnft a _k tag. M wftggA —qhlbtf fotHijrl A— Inf it if oT-rtalass. ft!. atortm, a.^-!r.. ” ...... ."T' mnm— as—oa a ae !,"■ * ess m ftft Inai in fi. ffi .so Wefidto%*n stnTtht tot -* t ,« At msih ffiffififfiffiPAfofo fofifot * —l—ffi ■iifolfii'l Ml —rt’ftST— fiTto fijf i fiftafato fififif j *mP» •• B Otai ... .. i foi % ... . '_" I-., ! J*; "■ **' I ipP^Mlimom ™npnp j \ fi—inatte* of bo—l for geatlam— ift our X—TffiWt - Dr. Thytrt'a *M d-g ohm, Decatur street. ~JM LATEST YETB*Y TELEGRAPH! Another forgo pnrifteoe of Weft—, Mb m—da, and Jewelry, by tbaLlr* Jrttofor.— All th«—good* vrdl b* sold at teas than tfoty can he bongfttanywb—a. All lata so—grim elsewhere first, aad eotne te me to bay. J wifi toil you fine good* lower tft— they esu be bought in tft* Meg |Mk mark est ftp « twenty per eeta. Com* early and get fi—t lectio*. Gao. Bsuxt, J*., Live Jewelry Store, jam 16-6 t WhitehaU Street. » f Goo. fl—, Ja., —hi* Mr* Jewelry don, to prtf—d to do all kind* of wtata work at fair, reasonable pries*. I wfH, however, atate, lam no ebaap workmen. I Albwt-clese wortt —d guarantee satis— ol —pay. Watch repairing I give my peruana! attention to. jane 16-dSft Finn Fovnu*.—On* hundred and fifty Brah ma, Blank, Spanish, and Leghorn Forts, weighing from sight to fifteen pound*, war ranted pure, for art* est—p. A j O. A. V. Boar. jane 16-11 > - , Mxsem. Bnmiurrr A Gnmr advertise ISO nerve of land to b* sold, or exchanged for goods or other property. Bexar—Live Jeweller—haa employed a first rat* Jeweller workman, and te prepared to make engagement ring* of all kinds. Jewelry carefully repaired and made to look like new. Wa will offbr our entire stoek of Fancy and Staple Dry Good* at auction ou Tuesday, June 22, 1869. Until that date we will seU at prioes that defy competition. Call and aatiefy yourselves that we mean what w* my. P. H. Shook A Go., jane 13-d2t. No. 4 Peachtree Bt v ; ■■— ——■ ■ LOST. A Lace Hankerchief aad a Gold Hanker chiai Bing, marked “Maggie./ The finder of these article* will be rewarded by leaving them at the offio* of the United States Marshal, next door above tft* Fostoffio*. jelStf i “THB LIVE DBUG STOEEI" Wear* autftorixed ag—te for the—l* of Tofta* "Arctic" Soda Fountains. Will sell at Factory prioea Catalogues, with price* an-, nexed and sketches of all tft* improved styles, will be furniehed on application. For sale nt a reduced price, the beautiful aad perfect ap paratus, used by oureelv** teat —cm. —ld for no fault, butte give plaoe to Tufts’ "2f* Ftm Dttra,” a double appa—fo*, aurpa—tng in boa—y aad architecture anything— bo-. Ib— find*' for —Ha water. S*o4 to yo——m dltotawiFWiiiini »wi Atlanta, Georgia. STILL ALIVE--FBOM 1 TOIO.OOO. Determined to k**( up with th* Mm**, our friend Wm. B. Hanleiter, Granite Bloek, ha* added to hie Establishment a most beautiful and aocurate Machine for paging Blank Book*. KEY BOX, 249. Win. B. Hanleiter, Book Binder, Blank Book Manufacturer and Baler, first Stairs from Bridge, Granite Block, Atlanta, G*. ~ IffEOUiryOTIOES. 1 ” Mil na»—-tt— ftfiatn I—fitnvw ffita— lb* Iffi—flhft m# —i———E|fo—- Wtaw— itai*w*yj —■ IBV EEwmMPMPfo filrfr iTtirhtinf* HotfMft Mffi4 Frw Ouotaißitttt ffo n 11 gL. n—* rJHi 1 so Hu .min 11 - Ofom *— m eii^ UffiMMffi Iffiffie MB. Twffi K‘‘»wßß| WffiTffi ll« BJWB Iffita bera Juan tft U— l junatSAtt EOWAlft ft CD., tfoa—iw. — m, jffili 111 1 1 a «A«Ar» fttMOUA SAU-TM. go. —tenthattea—l *#»*—». H te vftrt fo— —l* t—% AetMMNW —ft t—MS so—MB —• t* aletorti —rmr v r » nan* *N *«H—ft— —atoa«a a—wariteto —a, to* tewa —< Efift— af — m Wte— *ta *>»** tetatoaa———afifooftfog tortfo *> t—w*wmi ft—aOßUta—evr- ft-#—* *teto « a— Her a— **»—>—■in— **—«*. WVfiM— rt*« —tetaM—tk-vto a teave Worn »vwv*^S|—rtl rtT *1 te-ftNav* —l—M—weawrti —or I,lxl rm r Kim tax n jtr "* —aft rtfodff ft**— r«*w—foft v—m »%* m* *«**— »mwm4 —ft l t—Mopoteto te aw— yvkfoita, foffiHfiita te p—ty-feWawto w— tfta —a* omm **»*»■ n. *m. •Nkt— ft— yaw otmm to —tewteftte ft —j — l — taw —1 ft— —a naftfo—l' ■ Wit *• —a . VMWM—oft—— - m <y —**Sp p . l a ~ #sdl 3fmi 11 in ii 11 ... . ,[.: n- taa|m |lW# iß|Wf|rt # filtaifti—»« nuni. iieaui ratets. tSwH) 8». ESr:: 1 nr. * * * sSsT:: SteMfoMfo 1b... Sfoic erhaaagrt— Hw— | mil Mackerel— oStarOftete...* -* HO. Xft bbL *l*oo OB Set «—3 te - ft «te I* 00 -2* Estate* *• - ifxtu. aso $1 yStatjfffi. jj-torti-f bbt sL.tpeke * lta» New OrUeaa *• Wim Sgsarr’s,-, —ft—M.;.. I—lß ImC ua*r.. tl.7BteX.oo tad —.04.... 14—30 I lease (1 OU.. I.W#L» Ste.'.v.xrip a?ftr-jES ?—W* 1* 3*..*.**"?*... tscsi: ynafc^iufoi JM- i... I*X UT«rpool... —7B r.attew aew, *#te Vtegtole 3-80 Wtowur—p bb*. panft 4*lote fort f bag. totolamOy » rt A» Patent —W forte**—p lb and v3l Heteore.AUeaU.toWX Pteel— pViL.l. SoSTte gvakOo. 11X dT—p'd..., U—ltaeal-P». «*»—*—p ha. Flew UX Oo—. White. ...1 «BAI 10 Oaet »a3T ”*How #IM torman j lOfolO o—B $1 00 nvgSMr-p ft. 0ima—......... San n.a u-ie mgbf. keg 04.60} ftetoed A Itol8« S?BA , pßa^Et Dry teMei.... *—3* Tetewo p ». s A PBW mntlemeD oan obteta board In s pioeaeut A lecn—m,v—Ova artaatae'walk of the Depot. TteieerueeeeHl Apply sktAisudta*. JelP* A*iwTrai»r-for Bt— ft anfto-w.M. hiu, Ano- A. * eater. Tburetoy mo—teg, ltth of June, him •'clock. APl—Ptefoe—bte Oteta*» and Bameaa. ae good as new. foie peetetea. \ T |*l*-** O. W. ADAIR AWottomeor. Thompson Property on Long Time. OHM TJtoSlf MKXT, tea ink laatate, at tve ■ o'—, l wUt ean. en tea n nnteee. Tklrto— Lot* of the Tftamp—a I’raporty. Tftree wet etdete Pryor etreet, OMearte Dr. Tboatp- SBM. ea tee aame btoofe, fronting *aot nFfuifti 1 1 t t-UNn.i uffirtit pitas ot H n fonffiffiffi W milllngUM* tlr**. nu, I.C. {toil rGCA ft jjx# (itnuAt tt tt s . x. tt ftl it pm tii p (t"—fttft u —ae l. l*ki J'oi l Out tS foil! tto ITPiIM lit hw ftf»4 altkof * jrt *'**"******* ** latete „ (ftp. auata. mjm Worth of iiwtdH Aft* A «•*-<»« .«• 1 ffiy lernu ta «krt«ffi». f. ml imju Aomomnm. S»n»im»iuto| frtefoy, Jtt— It, at fi otateft. 'i'tol— te*te f XintCiT amTjE 4 * pm—ma*** . —mo ft— g— mg—w— fiF ® I ta EM ffiw —ft ffip fiffi IPa-i* { ""tel.jjHr* wifitafi <toft. ban— ftve veamft tabu, V qverte**, etetea. brge toft ftoety efeh*de«pd ftvkhee*. eetee weß af wetm ell ia rood reortr— ISl* Stats «r ononoix MKAS—ooinrrr^-aapte eone tteeseated wftt tehe a——l win proceed. »f. tar cos aaoatti firam thto «— ft te toato aad deal on uy onraeawaaftaad wiUb**aa*aa— teatamyeon ntms uajtoek Ttea tab PnaftlM* . OftSAX ML BULUVAK. * I aerate to teeabera. jelAlte G*a K. BUIXZTAM. THE VERY LATEST ! BOSTON KVACUATBD! Import— from the Arctic Region t GRIP DISCOVERY OF THE NORTH POLE. Immense Concentration of Waters 1 “ THE LIVE DRUfI BTORE !” ■■ I.rt Vh Have Peace;" Pa are gratlflad to enaouaoa to tha .pabUc tb* do> parture from Boston, and arte arrival te Aftaate, af our aagalfloant HM-PIATS-ULTIA SODA APPARATUS eteeafteeatervadyteiderye. Ooaeaatratad ia and fiowia* from thi* beanttfal ar> chltactural —ructare, la tha deUcto— SODA, tbawvrid roaowned TIGHT, the popular COHORMBS, tea APR RUUrr BRLTZBR. and the delightful KIBSMMQXH Watecs, white, together with oar Pare fornft ■praps, are aneurysm ad If. equalled la th* world. Don’t tell to ouH »t the •OJVM DBUG BTORR,” It will ooet yon nothing. If you Should spend ten cents te the N»-Plu*-Ultra, you win not only get your money back, but be,eurprlaad that eo u aoov a thtvq” caa be had at AAT ooet If yon cannot come to the Pbvntetn, sead end get tee water In our improved Syphon Bottteft —th a htqff tea you’ll find it jute at nice ae If directly from Ike Fountain. Ia procuring thlamagwlficentApp.ritee.wv have not ocmnted the east. Peeling aarftfNaa tee Übecteenatem la ftt* past, that wa oould make it racauneeethrft w* bwtyJetaedaMlaty to Mm tod that ear people ought to toea*9tti* -ie*— ing city deeeree end ought to have aa “good a thing” ae any other peapto* -W1 HAT* IT." xedwhte a roi. Georgia Marble Works. OHM of tha joint owners of this valnahl* property, living in a Meter t State, and detertng to teaage Ills Inveetaiaaft th* preyrtetor* era ftutaead te —it tor sale. The property aomprtoee tto serve of toad, epos white am erv taeilieiislshto beds of exoeUent Mar- We, a good Herbie HIU. drives, by an ebaadaot water power, with how frames sf Sewft sate Mdger, aad Oeest HIU, ell to good noodiUma, and new to eu> eeeatel ap> The DweUtegft Shape, bteblee, itela ete., eta., ate fodMl ffitMNMßljtffik what they own, th* ewavaaf have b lease ter » yews en a qtieety affine Marble —to • tea of tee Hill. Wtlh eettweft Item tea gteaey to ftta torn. Tlfiffi ffitfiiffilMffifot chui lilffittffiMffi —ll—ffifo Wttftmfiii tffi pertp —Uteteddal aatelon,ta te eg el str ftntoer teLteneitea y*y a- rrTnrri% TBOMAB a ftlMpm, Afmta » w a Um * te, AttMfifig Utafgll, m rv tbi nui ran ••• 'B *' kffo* ÜBft ritafoPfo MM MMk « r m A <—ft toaaaftatoev —ft eeft Wate weteteg fejlSfrrui «M igtu«to*«! ' *3Em*» ate MS team MMfofiLftpft hfifoift— MO*i 4HB «kom [■Jl AM. • li, V ,-a !,t --gfrip , etetert jJi xA' 1 •' ' --As iMw rli —PMpffiw “ ita < '*F‘a—A—ft Mfil —s ■Pffiffiffiffiffil taa eytegtoteft afßvm f QJMliAira KE pain lathe side. Soiae | WiMiUl O pato to tv tee ete te general eeertvft enaß^SSaaSm— the heed to troubled with pel* and dull eaneetlne. considerable lose of memory, ecooenpanted with paia tel —of baring left nudoaa aomethlag white cnghUohave beaa done. Oftoa mmplMnlag of weak nsri DR. SIMMONS’ LU EH HEGILiTOffi, A preparation of roots aad herbs, warren ted to/ be ■tAotly vegetable, and oan do no lnjery to any one. It haa been used by haadreda, and kaown tor the toettoyeersesoßeef ike moat reliable, etteaetom aad hanuleaa preparation* ever oft— to tha mftm lag. If taken regularly and perrtataatly, Hto Bare to headache, jaundice, ooettveoeaft took HMgtagktaffiHfofofo chronic diarrheas, jREfiULRTOHpp^^ colic or palna In the bowels, pain la thmbead, tew and agaeTdropey, beta, prtbn to bate andfilmba. Asth ma, ei/aypelae, temale affot Uone, and bUtooa dlaeame JT. H. MMMNteOpM Draggiata, Macon, Oa., Prioegl; hymaUfil Jf. The following highly respectable persons can fUHy attest to thevtrtees of this valnable medicine, aad to whem we most roapeotfOUy refer: . Oen. W. a Holt, Preelden- a W. I'.. R. Go.; BeV. i. a Felder, Perry,Ga.; OoL M Bp»rka AJbeoy, OosO. i. Lunsford, Ksq., Oooduotor a W. a B.; 0. Muter bob, Keq„ Sheriff Bibb oountyj J. A. BniU Bain brtdgftGa.l Dykmftßperb*wh, editors “rtorlrtea. Teliebeetee; Rev. A %. Burke. lUooa. Ga.j VUgil Powers, Sea. Superintendent a W.8.R.; Daniel Bui. lard. Bullerd’e Station. Muon ft Brunewtok H *., Twlgoa county, Ga.: Greenville Wood, Wood’s Paste rr, Macon, Ga.; Bev. HF. BeeterUng, P. a Florida Conference; Majw A. P, Wooley, Kingston, Ga.| Kdl tor Macon Telegraph. may ftdftwtkn NOTICE. THK underrtgned baring had eppDoaUoa for term lands and tends anitabu ter the colter of ootton, In the Stole of Georgia, tabu this method of latorm lng the rtUsene of Atlanta, and State of Georgia, that be will undertake the sale of said lands in the above places. Parties having any tends lor sale will do well to correspond with the underrtgned. No charges mads unless sale la effected. MICHAEL O’HARA. Attorney at Law, 30th Ward Beat Pittsburgh, Fa. mag IMn* TOBACCO FACTORY* I have just completed a large and commodious . , Tobacco Factory, gi^n^r^’3»fi. r aca popular brands, which will be menu—w»q—jjuffijfcitho / finaat Vlrrtnia leaf. 8. H. lolUnd’e Cat— Twist. & H. Holland’s Pto^|||j*.TwUt. B. H. Holland’s (J—ji Ag«. . 8. H. Holland’s Indian Queen. C. M. Sublett e A So, 1. $ C. M. fiublsfL Whetoeaie darter* wfil find ttgreafty so te*lr Utsr sntteortft as I wtft mmmtantors any spertrt Wand <f tot of tetoooo. with »m asmt tel ytern of to—ta Wended oa sech box. If ordmed to m—at qasntt ; • ’ for ft H. Htenadh 00.. nutate* , ■ Li*.* . jmwn*a*> opmuLjite 4-jL, R. R. y- ,fo. w j ~;x ” ■' ■•“- ‘ r ,. JfojßJita, Ga., June ft Info or tofcn the 35th, seated proposals wffl be re- U esived at this office far 80,00* nose-ties, to b* de livered oo «h» Mn« es this road. *yateca(lons and any infonaation desired oan be had by application at tola sfttoa. Proposals will b# opened aad ooatrecto awarded ssaa« - Ai-jgL, ' SOtITHE*N WHITE L*A*“ /iSjr STBICTLTT If* vrnmu |o !■IEAD^j AND OOLOffi WORK*, BT. InOlJlB. ntuMOH of tats *rtnWtelmiMrt gaa»aau. I sgwsl fT^fSHtEBe 85 ““ S MARYS SCHOOL! c— wpoffi a— m%\ if a Ml vm muwt oo** Balfiigh.JSr. O. R—for Hat. T— Ifowaki—, I*. D-, Fftv. At**** ft— Aft Ik, HccL.r. for* —te—tv fosSftrtft A *« *»«*»■ sjfo— pw—w vb*m <4 taw firtwrt Will OomHMHiofi off thii lOUiftf Jolj, im, mm) CftftiiaiM fifotil Um» x m rs ■ for (unt—LAft amty tafowfisfftto « b, fc, sfttoirt,ldMF ar, v*Vte*jft .«f» !•» * * affiMßNffiNKßMl l • I, < 4 1 ftiu IH nI m fofo —— Shtafo »• so L fortf»fo»»fofifo » fotv. stafiMpaftKiffirtt fo*. forttafofifi. •*■ L .ftp font, fo *, so —tft m ren*sa tetlMfffiv •“ • so am ftwwte* te—rt so fo* ffolM ftfota* to* 1 •** asu-i—i —« J l»Hfr „/ , f g juffiffiNfr* «k «ffi. r r g sist Stetiwye cft-ifci |Cte io Wtat* tetefohdßlgl^