Federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1865-1872, July 11, 1865, Image 2

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■iiim-i. S' : -c * T l > T - if I"" • ' ■» 2 iH - . 5- ? iv^y* '- - THE FEDERAL UNION, (Cornerof Hancock and Wilkinson streets.) OPPOSITE TIIEfOl’RT HOI SE. ftOrCBTOII, KISBET & CO., Slate Pi inter*. Tuesday Morning, July 11. 1805. Afloat Agniu. After a suspension of two months, we unfurl the old banner, and, under our old name, resume our weekly publication. It is true we have not yet been furnished with mail facilities by which onr paper can reach interior and distant portions of the State, but we have strong hopes, now that a Provisional Governor has been ap pointed for the State that the Post Office Department will soon put in operation the postal machinery in Georgia. In this re lief we resume publication, I or the pres ent we will publish but a half sheet; but in a few weeks we hope to be able to fur- j uish our readers with a large and band- j some sheet at Hlie low prico»ol '1 href, i Dollars per year. AVe would thank such of our contemporaries as see this is- ! sue of benefit may not otherwise see it fin*. Ilrown. On Id * wsy Jioms between Savannah am] 5<i! { laJp-vlllo tl.e Governor had a severe attack, but recovered so as to rracli lurni*. Ever since bis ai ri val home be Las been prodtiaiet, with blLious fc-ver He is now i-.uivalesoent ayd* his friends hope is out’ cf danycr. Atthongh rcfire-l from public fife;and by tbe exceptions in the Presidi-m’s Am nesty P;ocis;iifttion, j-ret-ItnLjd Com exercising tire ordinary privileges of a citizen, yet his mind i*- constantly upon the fixture prospects of his be lov<*<] State. Georgia was and is still his idol.— To make her groat and prospermia. in short to make her a model State, was his ambition whilst he was her Chief-Magistrate. In this laudable ambition lie was in a fair way to be successful when interrupted by t! e withering blast of war. When the late war commenced Georgia was fast becoming a model State. All of her public works aad public institutions were well managed and in success'ui operation, her credit was good and ber citizens generallyVere prosperous and happy Savage war has laid bis red hand on all this pros perity and it. is withered. We hope, however, that the prosperity of Georgia wili^snon revive" It'is the anxious wish of Gov.* Brown that every good an 1 wis“ citizen of Georgia, who has not been excluded by the I’resid'-nt's proclamation, will qualify himself and take an active pais in en deavoring to restore our beloved State to her former prosperity and glory. Gov. Brown has now and always has had some very bitter and rua ligrant enemies, but he has also many, very many, warm and devoted friends : and what is strange, his enemies are his enemies for the very same rea sons that Us friends are his friends : on account of his virtues. We have no doubt, However, that it is the sincere desire and prayer of. a very- large majority of the people of Georgia that he may soon recover liis health and that hu> life may he long spared to his country and his friends. ytr.'iio >! Ft'RAGB A.\D tvo RE- !>r BY I S SO.X. Tfie" Best* aflon cf Georgia to the Union. President Johnson s Proclamation—Gor ernor Appointed, Com Is to he ow ned, j Taxes to he col ter ted, and Fast < lfees to he Opened—():/!<■>ui Announcement of the Appoint went of lion. Janus .John son. as P ronsitmal Gorernor. Whereas the fourth section of the fourth art,-.} j, ^ f obliged for copy of At- c*1e of um Constitution ot the Lmteu Stat- s 4v: s' 11 ! 7 . * », clar»-s that >tie United States shall guaranve-to ‘AS witli xour f.pe.eCii tn til ? 1 anini&DV every St h t« in the Union a republican form ot George Francis Train's Correspondence with the postov Merchant. Boston. June 1,';. 1SG3. ! George Fnipcjs Train. Fuj. : HEADQUARTERS U S FORCES. < Macon, Ga , Jnly 5, 18»v>. } Orders: Until further orJcrs are issued by the Freed- ‘ men s Bureau, the following rules will be in force. iligod t.-, coive the wages. and ( ,i fot' their Hippoit. In no east- will the frceilinen 1 toiuti about at night from are government, and shall protect each of them against invasion and domestic violence; and whereas, the President of the United States is. by the Constitution, made Commander-in-Chief ot ilie army and navy, as well as chief civil execn- ! prove Hall Democracy. 1 think the prednjice against the.negro— manifested—offsets all the good ideas in it. and are published for the guidance of the Freed- | plantation,- hut all are n *r ( . j ,, men and their former masters: j quietly at home on the plantari.,." j I. 1 he common law governing the domestic re- ■ 1 . J ■ ... lations, eiving parents authority and control over • employ ers < * a, "‘ 1 * ,eci ' :,1 y for tl. • ; their children, and guardians control over tlwir j tenance of good order, the military v, wards, are in force. The authority and ohliga I u^ed to compel them tn do so tions of parents end guardians take the place of j Tfa are forbidden to maraud or - ! those ot the former-master. 1 .. . , 1 "" II. The former masters are constituted the guar- * he killing oi cattle, sheeji, ccc., l, v t | i; i diaus of minors, and of the aged and infirm, in x must be discontinued at once, or ...... ! the absence of parents or other near relations ca- j w j|l be stationed on the plantation, any person detected will he instantly ,! The negroes are the only race that have I pable of supporting them. truly loyal to our flag, and every i HI Young men aad women, under twenty They are w arned that idleness and , leering in cities and towns, is fraught *•••-. the greatest evil to themselves : creai are idle t on • t‘21) vean- of age, will remain under the con- President of the United States, and to take care Bering them, and giving them every equal [ Come of age, thns aiding to support tl.eir parents that the vs be faithfully executed: and wl.ere right of citizenship ; they deserve more, ; ami younger brothers aud sisters, as. the rebellion which has been waged by a pm-! hut don’t ask it. ; 1V - Tte f fJ mer mwlers of treedmen must not lion or the people of the United States against i i f _ r inlK .|. tron K] p ««!«,, t L PV « r0 any- j ‘» rn - th « , ” d mhm ' “®f 4 r . etrt8 f,l 0 the prop* r!v constituted authorities of the gov 1 ^ ar / nach ; r0, J Ic u1Ae f U,< T ar0 f 1 ' ) give them food apd shelter, nor shall the ab.e j ernmeitt thereof in the most violent and revolting j «» 1 ’10 right or suffrage at once, such as , bodied men and women go away from their homes. , form?hut whose organized and armed forces have that the few wl i e men at ih? South will be | or live in idleness, and leave their parents or j now been almost entirely ovfrcome. ha?, in it* crushed out, disloyal men will' rule^^ their ii ehildrei* or younger brothers or sisters to e »up- 1 ^ ^ , , i ! ported by others. states anu get into Congress, and then r.e- v The foriDtr masters 0 f freedmen will not be j maud either the assumption of the Cotifed- j permitted to turn away or drive from their planta- j e.rate debtor its cons didation with ours,or 1 tions faithful hands, who have helped to make ; oomniand of fliovet Hr! ,, t i the crops, when the crops are saved, without pav- «* wmiimmi ui on the iPDU'iifttion or all. I '.. , , , , r , . • • . , . . . -. i mg tur the labor already performed. It is a mean an , barbarous .Ling to t o- : y[. Freeumai, like all other men.are amenable nv them suffrage on account of . eolor ; if , to civil sc-1 criminal law. and are liable to be pun- i«»norar.ce is ettest, then make it equal i i^hed for violations of law, the same as white c.t- against ail, but don’t let us retail any of j iz«bs, but i«no case will brutalitybe allowed on p . . I .. , , - the part oi the former master: Thinking men the barbarisms ot slavery—the great ene- i w jj| once see, that with the .end of slavery all H i\i, revolutionary progress, deprived the pecrpl theStufeof Georgia of all civil govemment, ami whorens, it becomes necessary and proper to car ry out. and enforce tfie obligations of the Urrite-i Sfa'o to the people of Georgia in securing th m in the erjoyment of a republican form of govern ment. Now, therefore, in obedience lo the high ar.d solemn duties imposed upon me by the constitu tion of tile United States, and for the purpose of enabling the loyal people of said State to organize a State government when by justice may be es j tablished, domestic tranquility restored and loyal j . citizens protected in all 1 heir rights of life, liber j US SO much suffering. Very truly. hey will soon become thie\ ( >. vagabonds; if they collect in cii!,> .. towns, suffering and starvation will 1 o inevitable result. It is only by rei. ; on ibe plantations and wftrking that •; can hope to be happy. They may ,* v understand lirst as last that the meut will ifht maintain them in i ! Gen. tl,:' Jn«. 1» Maitla.mj, U;.j:t. and A. my of our country and which has caused i enactments and customs which were necessary j for its preservation, must cease to hare effect. VII Persons of age who are free from any ot 1 the obligations referred to above, are at liberty to j find new homes whenever they can obtain proper J employment, but they will not be supported by the government or by their former masters in idleness and vagrancy T*if> uoal believe. UU1 IDim 1A .3 III- . in » P' ■* •• ,f onr paper, to conv this notice for the j They mu,t b*aru in the bate 11 „• ,, . .. , 1 they will not believe those w fit of some ol our old subscribers who * gu) ;- prt of tlieir duties and To Subscribers. Il scciff* r.npc'-silih; lo make the negro U .. va that, j though free, th*-y ml'-t work.and support their wivrs and children (Irdc-rs are published for their guidance but sn loth are they to work, that they will not believe here is any penalty attached to idleness and vagrancy, b-arn it: the bitter school ofrexperieiicc, if rho are ififorn)6d upon the j subject ot their Duties and deportment. Orders for their government are now made public and il they do not obey them, they will meet v.-ith the punishment infiiated on several malefactors in this city, on Friday Your friend, JOHN M. S.-WILLIAMS. JUr. Train's Reply. No 1R8', Madison Avance, ) Ni-:tv York, June 15 1865. ♦ Dear John M. S. W illiams: Ccnsistency is a jewel. Yon are con- tun I. Hence diamonds are fnirn; s. You prefer the negroes. ^ the Gen. Sherman's Report of the Cat, to Savannah.— 1'he New 1 oik I'm a .„ of tlie 21st u!t. publishes Gen. .Sherman s. report of the campaign from Atlanta t.> SaVannah. The anny .that left Atlnn'y for Savannah was 70,000 strong. SI » . man’s first oJ[>ject was to place his army in the heart of Georgia, inter posing betwc Macon and Auguata, and obliging: t ■ i enemy to divide his forces to defend ivt VH1 lrwillT*e left totlm employer and «er- oulv these points, but Milieu, Sav • ,-j. vant to agree upon th® wares to be paid, ami auv f ■ ‘ , r , , in*t arrangement or contract, will not, he interfer- * a ' eStOIl. lie then alui(*(i tu'i ty and property, I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, and Commander in-Chiet of the army and navy of the United States, do hereby spptdnt James Juln son. of Georgia. Provisional Governor of the Sr.te of Georgia, whose duty it shall be. at tlie earliest practicable period, to pre scribe suck rules and regulations as may hr- ne cessary and proper for convening a convention, i, r .» jimn.uuut; i ^ iwr. , • >. . - i i ,,r ,i„i . ... ,h ,t nor. lust arrangement or contract will not be interfer tion of the people of f.Btl State w ho ifre loyal to Dmr M. S. Williams: led with: but freedmen are advised that for the the coast, llis subordinates all obeyed the UnitedSfateii, and u<> others, for the purpose j Ccnsistency is a jewel. You are con- , present season they ought to expect only model- his instructions, and ell his plans-n’ci of altering and amen g U.« co-tsthutiou tit-re-1 sjstent—so am I. Jlence diamonds are ate wages, and whentheiremployeis eannot pay ; | u Uy realized. Details «.f the march five IlinrUaof-s idStat * i - ar y I trumps. You pie,ot the iicgi(>es. ^ tlie p. ir t pf the crop to be raised This »u!e subje-xt to a * l J?' l dy bccii ru cn to the public# In ad- prui r to enable such ioval r-etqdt of tb- Sfo.ti-oi: Ivisix. T know t on are honest—you know Btu-ft modification as the Freedman’s Bureau may i dition to railroads destroyed, 8i> rmap Georgia to restore r dd State te its cor.stitntionalil am. I court no man’s votes—neitherMo require, . . i says : * relation’s to the Fedir.-d government, nud t<> me-; ., ou> You would Lot accept office—neith- ; JX ' Ab officers, soldiers and citizens, are re- ; consumed corn and fodder in tbn 1- I-« «* *luk«L,^ 1 «.v.r «*i«. of country Ibitfy mil™ „„ ,;,W the whiles^—you the. blacks. My philan- ! obligations. . | side of the line from Atlanta to Savannah," thropv is home made—yours is import.— 1 X. All sub district and post commanders, are I a $ t also, sweet potatoes, caltie, hogs, she [Hi beobeved, to the very letter. last, by the military authorities. < ’apt. Xunan isdeter- T“crson3 in this and adjoining counties I mined that order xvho nmy desire to take our paper, can pay us in provisions and wood at market pie ces. We shall be pleased to have our friends in Ifaldwiu, Wilkinson, Hancock, Jones and Putnam, renew their subscrip tions with us on the above terms. t United States therefor, and its people to prurec tiou by tlm United States against invasion, insur rection and domestic violence. Provided, that in any election that may be held hereafter for choosing delegates to any State con vention, as aforesaid, no person shall be qualiti-.-d as an elector, or shall be eligible as a member ol such convention, unless he shall have previously i.jiken ;lnd subscribed ihe oath of amnesty, as set r^* Subscribers who have formerly received our i forth in the President’s proclamation of May 29- h. paper at the Poet Office in this city, will ph-ace call r.t ; A. D. 1665. and is a voter qualified as proscribed the Federal Union office, for the present. '17’Tlio.sc of our former subscribers who do not wish to continue their subscriptions, will please let ns know at once. CotlOIl. This is one of the few articles in the hands of our. peoplo that will bring the cash in currency. At a time when money An Order in Niirlli Carolina in Relation to Erredmcu. The foliowirip by the constitution and laws of the Cobdcn, Bright, and Gold win .Smith are »ut‘m.ized and required to correct any violation \ . ^ ... ,, it n ** of the above rale, within their jansdlctiou.. All not our fricnt's : nciflier foxeter Hall nor 0 ff ence8 hereunder will be triei before a military Free Trade Hall should govern America 1 commission or provost court. The Irish have no defenders. The negroes ‘ By command of Brevet Maj.Gen Wilson. Did the negroes build our; EDWARD P. INHOFF, • Capt. & A. A. A. G. have many. factories, foundries, canals and railways 1 ! Tlie Indian has no vote, nor the California 1 Head Quarters Ditachuent U. 8. Forces, ) ~ “5. } Chinaman ! Are they free and equal ? mer! and bretlne^T c V VYhite New England j a • j <■ , T , '•u.> .... p ! Until further orders are received, from Head Qwir women: brave, moral, interllectlial WO- | ters the following-rules will bt in force and are pub Are thev not j fished for tho guidance of the Freedmen and their for- Wuuld ' nler fnaB ^ er8 > fi'-iug in the city of Milledgevihe and it* to tlie present time. And 1 do lioteby direct. f->v the government First—that the military commander of the de , - , i - , - ^ l' n , I onrriu-nt and all officers and persons in the miii.a- is 80 scarce among us, and particularly as of Freedmen in North U arolma are publish-; , y afl(J n . lV(ll serv j C( , a{1 . ;lss ; 8t the said Pro cotton is bringing such a good price, we j C( J j n the papers of that State' 1 visional Governor ill carrying inioclio.ct this proe " -si i . „..,i er.jt>ined to abstain from impouing or discouraging hope those who have cotton will sell. - We j ndrirs Dept x. C. Army of the Ohio, } are not selfish in the matter, for it is our j 1 Richmond, May 15, IS6-5. \ opinion cotton is briuging as high a price • following rules are published for at present as it will bring at any time du- ti ie government of freedmen in North ring the year. Tf all the cotton iff private j (Carolina, until the restoration of civil gov- hauds was sold, great relief would at once ernmC nt in the State : SiHtc of Chinaman ! Are they free and equal / j . Mil!*dj,rill# Ga. July 6th, JM5 Georgia, in force immediately be lore the 19. h of January, A. D. 1861. the date of the so called or dinance of secession. And the said convention .... , when convened, or the Legislature ihat may be men lime no \ote. ii} . thereafter assembled, will prescribe the qualifica capable? Stuart AI ill says so. xt ouiu j v i c inity. tions of the electors and the eligibility oi person* ,y 0U make the unlettered negro their 1 1st, The former masters of freedmen mtiRt not allow to hold office under the constitution and laws of j ^ • f t y . jr p c .jin oristo- ! any vagrancy ou their plantntious, all that can work tho State—a power the people-of the several b P. ’ ‘ * ’ ' .’ *, ' * .... mustbesettowork.andiftheyfailtodoittliepun- States composing the Federal Union have right | cratic Caucasian New F#nglattder, xvillmg - ishraent- will be severe. | fully exercised from th-origin of the government i t hat Hf r. A. in 0., the ignorant African; 2nd, Freedmen going from one plantation to another negro, shoiilu make laws to go\etn nv, ; proper auttiontyio go on tii« premises property / Again, we have a million edu- intend to visit before they can enter, eated youths, between sixteen and twenty- one... (many of them• soldiers.) would you give the boorish plantation freedmen more I'political povFer thau ^iIese enterprising. J Americans possess ( oroceed ' You must stand hy the working man’s iamation : and they a in any- qpty hindering loyal people- from the o r g«nization ot a 8 eminent as herein authorized. Second—Tnat the Secretary of Suite tale to put in foice all laws of the United States, the : f r ; en d—Andy Johnson. He says let the administration whereof belongs to the State D- i g Betl l e tho question. Twice New partment, applicable to ti.o geojranhical limits 1 . , • . aforesaid j \ ork has saiu no. and a dozen more North- | Third—That the Secretary of tho Treasury pro | ern States say no. Massachusetts, having he leit throughout all the ramification.-* o j The common laws governing the do- ceed to nominate tor appointment assessors o ! negroes, only said yes recently, business. If it is held up for higher prices j me9 tic relations, such as those giving pa- j colicdors of customs and vf internal j Vo U °say the negroes were the only race there cannot be any money in the country j rents anthorityand control^oxer their clnl- j Oepa.rtu.ent as ore authorized by law, and p»t ,,,! who proved loyal to the flag. Not so for a long time. Oar Tbanloi Are due, and hereby tendered, lo the proprie tors of the Macon Telegraph Herald, Atlanta f the ^ aardians of -minorg and of the aged Intelligencer, Angustt. Chronicle & Sentinel and I ^ Jn t]l(J absence of pflrents or Constitutionalist, for their daily issues daring our ! nenr relatives capable of supporting them. | I'll. Young men and women under j twentv-one years of age remain under the I control of their parents or guardians until publish to-day an address to the people of | tbcy become of age, thus aiding to support Georgia, hy their late Executive. Tho advice rt:e ( j )p ; r j, ar( . n ( 3 ;ilK ] younger brothers and writer gives, he is willing to follow himself.— sisters. Every good citizen will do as the Governor ex- jy The former masters of freedmen , ! on a visit are requires to hftvn permission from tlie I proper authority to go on tho promise* w'nere tli.-v iDtHii.l tr 8 d. All Freedmen in the city nn-1 vicinity will I immediately get passes showing where they belong, and ail coming to this Post on business am required to Siave a pas* from their former ouster.-, otherwise they will be arrested. i 4th, Freedmen that will use any disrespectful lan guage to their former masters, and those that will not obey what proper orders are giveii them, w ill be severe ly punished. 5th, The practice of stealing and killing stock by Freedmen has been very extensive on the planta tions and in order that (bis may be put a stop to imme diately, all employers of Freedunen, will have a daily " inspection of the Fried men’s cabins and if anything is found in them that does not properly be long to them it will be reported at this Post for further examination. <5th, A certain class of citizens in this city make it a practice of trading with Freedmen from the country, which encourages the Freedman to steal and plunder from his former master: the following rule will be ob served before the purchase is made hereafter. 7th, Freedmen pedlors are required to have n paper and poultry, and carried away m no than 10,000 horses and mules, also a countless numhur*of their slaves. I estimate, tlut damage done to the State of Georgia and ita military resources- at $100,000.(J(>0, at least ■ 810,000,000 uf which has inured to our advantage, and the remainder is simp- lv waste ar,d destruction. Application for Pardon.—Tiie ‘ Inc::;- nati Commercial states that the Attorney- General has issued a circular letter to tho various Provisional Governors, ns kin* their co-operation i;i flie settleme:.! ofc;> ses arising under tiie amnesty : .mil lion. lie says lie will hereafter rei or ap plications for paidon, with all tree.-sary papers, to the Cdveruor of the State in which persons d rim to reside, and wilTa.sk reports from them, first as to whether the petitioners' will make useful and peaceful members of society ; second, whether pro ceedings have In-eu commenced* against them under the confiscation act ; ti if his property is now in the p -- ion of, the United States. Among the reasons why the Attorney General says that those cases will be thus referred to the Governor aforesaid, is this, viz : that the Pivsfo r.t is anxious to avoid the risk of granting; pardons to persons who are not tn be tn s - ed with the contiol of that class which ins happily been converted by tlie rebellion from slavery *to freedom, and in w' ’ ii tint dren, and guardians control of their wards, j execution the revenue laws of the United State.- ! 1 hey prolonged the war; they gave.the are in force. The "parent’s or guardian’s I within the geographical limes aforesaid In mn ! enemy the earliest information; their knife authority and obligations f^ke the place j‘ in £ appointments the preiVre.u-e shall be given } $ botl) w lh ev took money on both of those of the former master. I t.r.ci« wl.eic thc-ir respective d. he per ! sides ; their most re’ ride spies were ns- ! from their former master, sfo.wmg they have prop.-. Government; looks in the not fm ^iai„,. ncc mstti/w, davp; Inval ? authority tasell the articles that are ennumerated o» ; pocs. { mi. million^ ot s,a\e 0 loyal, , the pilp ^ r8> anJ h!1 fl . e€H i Illen not having the written future lor support, as from into upront and To whom : their masters l J es, but not I authority to 8©u will bo immediately arrested by the J loyal citizens, Isa^hnUr Pff vy and to 11?. Otherwise, had thev been worthy * civil marshal or military authority. *. _ I Qih Atlv HYnodmun nr u' ntp nr suspension. Thev* were never more welcome we i assure them, and we never more obliged. — —P« «»«■*»■» (*ov. Rrown’it II. The former masters are constituted | formed. But if suitable residents of districts shah n >t be found, then persons residing in othei .State* or districts shall be appointed. Fourth—i hat the Fostnqa3tcr General proceed to estabii.-h p**t otlices and post routes, and put into execution the postal laws of the United •States within said Soil!-, giving loyal res id nt> the preference of' appointment ; blit if suitable residents are not found, then to'appoint agents. Ac., from other States. Fifth—That Ihe District Judge for tho Judicial District in which Georgia is included, proceed to hold courts within said Slate in accordance with „f votes, there would nave been a servile insurrection. Four millions of loyal men would not have remained siient through fear. Where were their Toussant L’Ouv- erttires ] I question not your philanthropy or your patriotism. No matt has done more —no, not so much as you for their cause pects to do, namely, obey tho iaws and orders of the Government under which he expects to live.— This is the whole duty of the citizen to the Gov eminent and should be performed cheerfully. ProriusaBl Oovvrnor of <aror(in. We publish elsewhere the Proclamaiion of Brisident Johnson appointing Hon James John son Provisional Governor of Georgia, and accom panying orders with reference to the restoration of j tlie Stale to the Union. The people of the State have, with no little anx iety, awaited tho publication of this important dooament, and with no less anxiety await the ar rival of the distinguished gentleman who lias l»e*-n honored with the authority of restoring the State to its original position in the Fedeial Union We have not tlie pleasure of a personal ac quaintance with Gov. Johnson, - but we know trim by reputation as a lawyer of high standing at the bar, and as a clever and sociable gentle man. Those who know him best ngreo in tho opinion that he will discharge ably’and faithfully the duties of the important position to which ho l:as been invited by the President. Death of Ilobert .llicklcjohii. Robert Micklejohn, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, of the lesidents of M illedgeville. died in this plaeoon Sunday the -find of July, on bis 6Gtli birthday. Mr. Mickb jobn came to this city a mere child in the year 180-1, and has resided lore, with the exception of throe oi four years, from that time to the day ot bis death. He bin* h**1d many offices of responsibility under the State. County and Oity, and has always discharged the trust with fidelity. lie was a good man. and a he provisions of the act of Congress, and the. , . | Attorney General will instruct the proper officers but 1 lrankly confess my sympathies are may not turn away the young or the infirm,; to libel and bring to judgment, confiscation and | not in that quarter. * nor refuse to git’® them food and shelter ; sale, propeity subject to confiscation, audynforce | 'Fhe poor negro must follow the Indian 8th, Any Freedman or white person 1 arboring or i feeding Freedmen that run away from their former ] masters will be immediately punished by the military authority. Particular pains will be taken to read the j (.-tiers published by ordir ot Mqjor Gen. Wilson of j July 5th, 1865. By order THOMAS NUN AX, (.’apt. 3rd Ohio V. V. Cavalrv, Commandiug Post. John W. llr.ACKMA.v; Act. Poat Adjutant. * l'ii '1 he New Volk .I'-ir’.'-. New \ ork, June IT.*.—C’o'i mi lint!- : l’loyr heavy—50c ; lower— $5 ■ i Ohio. I ’lu* nor may the able bodied men or women l *‘ e administration go away from their homes, or live m idle- tion o( Federal court ness, anil leave their parents, children, or Sixth—That- the Secretary of the Navy takt young brothers and sisters to-be supported possession of ail property belonging te the Navy bv others I Department within said geographical liirnta. and c ' , put in opt ration all acts of Congress In relation V. Persons of ago, who are free from j to naval affairs having application to said State, any of the obligations referred to above, ' Sevt-pili-—That the Secretary ot the interior J . i-i i . i 1 put in force all the Jaws relating to the interior are at liberty to lmd net* homes wherever ‘ , . .. n , . , J . , c Department app.ic.vile to the geographical bruits f iioy can obtain proper employment; but [aforesaid. fhev will not be supported by tlie Govern-1 In testimony whereof I have hereunto s-f urn merit, nor their former masters. hand mid the sea! tf the United States to be xed \ I. It will he left to Lie employer find, Done at the City of Washington, this seven i ! justice \. it bin said > t Be in i ^ j j hunting field, with this epitaph over toe cognizance and pirisdic- . ■». J r «s. ’ ’ his Potters Field grave—IJiad from an Correspondence ofllie New Fork Tribune. The Negro Question io Virginia. * Lynchburg, "Va., June II, 1865.—The , end of tho war and slavery and the re-cs- overdose id Lxeter ..all. Four millions . j tablishment of the Union are ac.knowl- I hat would git e forty negro Represanta- e <jrr e -d hv all parties here as accomplished lives, making a whortleberry pudding ; factg> q5 hpy now w j sh to drop tbe ^ ho]e lor Clement, 1 W1 bjeet and take the best and speediest servant to agree upon the wages to he paid ; hut freedmen are advised that for, the present season they ought to expect | only moderate wages, apd when their em-! plovers cannot pay them money, thev i ought to be contented with a fair share in the crops to.be raised. They have gained ; their personal freedom. P>y industry and j good conduct they may rise to indepeud-j cnee and even wealth. VII. All officers ar.d soldiers and chi i h™ applfoa to the'Exocurivn at Washington for .v. * * tiie exurciao ot clemencv- ro lmil this Slopes zens are requested to giro publicity to j eimneiiNy w lS e, t.ud judicious and patriotic. Au rimts atnl f'lenth day of June, in ilia year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, aud of tho independence of the United States the eighty-ninth. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: William 11. Sr.tVARD, Secretary of S r sle. From the Richmond Tiroes. June x!0. (Ini. » Application s'or Pardon. The Northern papers state that Gen. It E Lei Congress. Exit Colfax. Sunset Fernando and Benjamin will make a combination and elect Frederick Douglas Speaker of the llon-e of Representatives! 1 Don't forget that the repudiation idea came from the negro suffrage orator—not from the defender of the w hite man. Sincerely, GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN. Fro.n- Neic York to Atlanta.—AVe are M O N TIIL Y C I T A T i 0 N S GEORGIA, Pieroqcounty. lUIIERK.lS. John Siiii ksuid \J Ir tor ■■' i f Daniel J. Slone represent.-* to i ■ ' in i ■ petition duly tiled that he :ia» f.i-ij a i . I Daniel J. Stone’s estate. Thi^ is therefore to cite nil per.-- show ca :se, if any they cun, why .- sliou.il uot he disc.iarged froai the receive^li-tters of di.-inisston on the October next. Witness my hand aud ofilcinl sign a: - 6th 1,865. Id mom i Pd .*16.) Ii. \V. GR'iDV, il r,.- neil M nii.istratnr ration aid Monday in this AT arch method to get back from where they start ed, A large portion of the people have come forward and taken the oath of al!e- giauce, and others are doing so as opportunity offers. The negro, however, ; for letters dis w hose idea of freedom is (bat the remain- I 11,1318 tl,e! I i u • i-c . i i • ■ to slum cause, if au> ihe-v : der o(^:ts hte is to be passed in case and ' by filing their objection.*- in this : luxury, without labor, wdll for some time ! first Monday in ,Vpteir.be) ne>t. ; be a sourcoof trouble and annoyance. .9.‘ ve1 . 1 uui *.’ r f,: i v y. i Numbers pf them left their-homes in 1 (P‘) JWL.VM) !. GEORGIA, JiiiKts County. Ordinary's OJfcc% said Cvu/i'y, Filntarti VUk, 18t»». if aiie- | t\r HERE AS. E. C. Grin-, Ahi strata^ of fast as j * » Giles H. Grisivnld. d -c< .> *1, ■ '! ■ s tome dismissory ften sai l «st; • jrefoic to ci o all ;-t ■ • s coitcenW, have to the contrary, liis o;.a.-o on or by 'is Oriy. these rules, and to instruct tlie freed people as to their new rights aud obliga tions VIII. All officers of the army, and of the county police companies are’authorized and required to correct any violation of the ‘ 'j 1 ; . ' ■ • above rules v. ithin their jurisdiction. ) his ;.lh. .i.focc, who need cn I advised that we may w itness, this after- ! the country tc dock to the large towns and [ noon the first arrival of the passenger train i cities where they passed their time in idle- I in Atlanta direct from Chattanooga, which lit was to’leave tLis morning—tlie Western i and Atlantic (or State) Railroad, through •great perseverance and energy on the pait of the military authorities, who directed it, having been reconstructed. We con gratulate the pubiie generally upon this ness, living either .upon the bounty of the government or stealing from the citizens. This, however has been summarily stop- ! ped by General J. Irvin Gregg, command- [ ing this dep^Tfinexit. He has also issued the following order to the colored people, i that they may’more fully appreciate their j early .and successful restoration of a line ! responsibilities and ditties under tho new ' of railroad travel direct from the Gate city J order of things ; oft lie South to New York. Soon now wc i hope to see mail arrangements extended ■ t cGEGRGIA, Pulaski Uouat' . TkARLLNU JOHNSON, hai :-.. ],j n pplicarion IJ to this Court for l.'tr. sc: isiliiision i' rCO Hit! estate of Isaac Jehus ,.,. All peraonsfintorest.-d wiri !:!• ri • r o'.i-fcewmi 1 ' any they canon ox bei rc th rouiaji*^. Hi be gran 1 - 1 tember next;or letteis oi-m - ry v the applicant. ia Math 1*** Givei. under my hand offiifi iVlv ; example s*:» illa^irimia s. fi w orthy uf imit.atiuu must be alien i v.;i the happiest results. It ivimno'ft ruiifiy ( ifficuUirjs from 111■• - path t*i theso y.-libhavi- hesitated and questioned the propriety of pursuing a niunlar course If this noble and fatuous Bayard of tlie Sooth, w ithout hesiration,. _ . ayknoivl.-dges the sitnr.niiaoy of the government, j along this great line of travel, ana below' .a citizen, and tender.-* lo Macon, branching, too, from this poiijX I to Columbus and Montgomery via fhe At- We hail the 4-? mfim. JOHN J. FRARR* ? W Ora'y GEORGIA, Pukiski comity. fl Eli LAS, lti*iliAr-l Linzey appli* -to me: a douki I Alfred Shivers, estate. 1 AH persons cooccioed will IMetheirol , they can, on or before the first Moufisy i • otherwise letters of dwiuissim, > •'» u at fill citizen. He has been fora great part of j bis long life an acceptable member of Church, and died ill the faith of ihe siir tian or pror or cmpiojmsni. i ne cmperi _ Orders.—We refer the reader to orders from dent will send back to their homes all whof- Gen. Wilson: also we cal! attention to orders have left them in violation of the above from Cap*. Thos. Nunan, Commandent of this rules, and wilf endeavor to*find homes and suitably employment for all others. They will provide suitable camps or quarters for GENERAL ORDERS—SO. 15. Headquarters Military Sub District, ) Lynchburg, Va. May 31, JSt>5. ! In order that' the freed people may ; appbvai.t ki ter.ns^ t:,.■ fi-... . , , . . e r J Given uni.' my ii.i_. fi and < more fully compreueau fbeir position, and ! ^pri'. i.-t 1S65. ilroads in our State more pearly understand their duties and' l info,u retnrning pros- responsibilities as freed men and women, Atlanta TrfltUigencrr 4th rnst. ; the following information is published:— fiectlons if St (),-tuber ..A - ^ranieJ & ’inature, 0 r< »HN ,T. SPARROW. Ord/- poet. Capt. Nunan, so far as we can learn. 1ms discharged the difficult and dc.iqpto duties •".t'sipn- -i hiui, wi^ii as uitich satisfaction to tlie people , such as cannot feo othc-rwiso provided for, as the uaHire of th*s cireuinslanc's surrounding j and attend lo their db.eipiinc, police, stib him v^ould permit. Wo hope that our citizens} sisfence, &(*. .will cooperate with him in giving efficiency to his orders for the regulation of tho conduct of ihe fined men of tho couiily. {y We undorstaad that lion. JaiA J..5: ■pccted-«t the Capita! early tLis week. nion is rx Q^Mr. Henry Amos of Hancock county was idiot in his bed on Tuesday night last. No clue as yet to flie murderer. EF*Wc nro in the midst of drouth. the most disastrous X The superintcu'ien'.jj he.ar all The Sooner the Belter.— r Lho, Richmond c«7rro«pondeni of the Nev/ York V/orlu well remraks : This transition from the.martial to civil regime is gratifying to ail. General Weit- zel and his colored troops have gone, and bet a -small garrison is left. Yet, email . a? it is, it ft large enough. We arc of the compiainls •;{ guardians or wards, am! ro-1 opinion that tho bmallei* the garrison i. port the facts td the district Cormoanders, j tbroughout the interior towns of the Boui L j ! n -- vvlio arc authorized to dissolve the existing I the better. The*presence of soldiers, in 1 ^ , .. P 1 1- i- - -- •' - North Carolina GEORGIA. Irwin count?. r:TT j T»rHEUKiiD. j. r«i „. T : , r..II.M-- , -*“*T ba.e all mikw at praaeat that | V, Daniel, »Jn«aUira!ors.... . ..ut ; Re-orpani gallon .—The work of re-or- j peon!/; of color nave heretofore had j hani^McDauief, dectaoed, h-..-, in&d.* r.n > ganization of tho States is being pushed in ^ irgiuia, and ao more. rapidiV forward. The following have •’« must laBbr for the support of riieir wives aud fomuies, sons for their following elected regular governors : Kentucky Thomas E. Bramlette* Maryland Thomas Swann. Tennessee William G. Brownlow. Virginia Francis II. I’ierpoint. MFsonri '! Iioraas C. Fletcher Arkansas . John Murphy-s Louibiaua James M* Wells ro® for letters of dismission from sai- TbU i»therefore to cite all persci: b* and appear at tup office vvitbii , ! scribed by law, and show cause. paients, anti brothers tor their yonnger j letters should not be granted p brothers and sisters. j Given under my b ud offici. Neither the freed men, women jior chil-1 j dren have any right to remain cn the j plantation of ihefr former master, unless' GEORGIA, * employed by him, and whenever the freed i \V I! ^ R J fiAS JqlmUrHutcr i «;*r- tnan ceases to be a good and faithful labor- j ftu ' ! or, Rod refuses tb work, Ibe emr loyer has * ’ .1 .1! L.I _ _ _ J IP'S M.-C(/LL!E The Pieridcat hasappMnted the follov/* , lber| , Lt to aisebatee him and* efecl his X I mvisional (.lovcrnor.s lor tlie lOllotv* i %L a™ .l. William \V. Holdea. James Johnson. William L. Sharkey for tho wards, in accordance with the j wilI*bo necessary, hot the sooner the post j i oXaa above rules. . j offices,- the railroads, steamboats, courts, j Alabama By command of Major-Gen. Schofield, jand public officers are placed under the j Provisional Governors are yet to be ap J. A; Campbell, A. A. G. < control of the civil officers the sootier will’painted for the Stales of South Carolina I redbrick Anderson, Lieut. A A A G. j plenty follow, and Florida. family from the premise*, either by due course of law -or by the-military authorities. The freed man must rceogBiao hi* re sponsibility to l’rre -with and support his . , T IT , - fiMnily; 6 must idvride them wth * Andrew J. Hamilton, house, food, clothing, and all in bis power ’ * 1 * J ’ Farswis. for.theif eojnfort; be must be responsible for.tbeir conduct; must compel his sons and daughters to perform &nch work as they are capable of: he il entitled to re- j Roberta, dveemad. All persons iiiter&strj me do; f obisci 'oim by tin- M*y t-.-nn ot t.j Witueiwmy Kau ] a»;.I .1 6tli, 18--.,'. • ’ 40 5t. J. E. 'IcBUNALl for lew; fi'a tu*o- «, ■ i yrilp ; last'ri 1 GEORGIA. Twi«aa countv- \|THKiH;as. J*t«, Faulk I r • ■ ▼T sad: testaOKu! of If L. S.ilom-*n > " oi«*l Ms petition (o lie di.-.ii.We. ., . All parties mtcrest, i an- «:•* J r»hi-« io«sm uiyorii- 5 u fiv or bet AUKO.-L next ’ . m tiiv**n nmii*r biv lurid nr<i oier rion, January Ittli IWt. 0 i’r. .Onfoin J F. M< !'.V.VLD. v 1 •