Federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1865-1872, April 28, 1868, Image 3

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)/f«r?ral ifnfon, Three Dolim* per nunnin in advance. J.*'. 4 , l r person sending us three snbeeribMs.witli •’ ’ » iC be entitled to a copy of the paper, for ur.frec LOCAL. I l BSP A Y. APRIL 28, 1868. aknooncekerts. City Election. ,-y'Vfe are untborized to announce the name of I’.KWOEm a candidate fur MAYOR ut the ' rf riection. April 2»ltli. , j4. 1868. 34 it Jl" ■"W e ttrt . authorized to annuur.ee Col I*. FAIR. efficient CLERK OF THE CITY COUN- a candidate for ri*.election to euld otiiee at .'-f approaching eltetioo. \ jjgevitie. April 7, 1868. 36 tde JLST ARRIVED, FOR sale low, by w. s. stetson & V IiKO., ' . .rife lot of BACON. C L lot of CORN. ; lot of OATS. ; lot of cheap FLOUR. 36 tf THE ELECTION. OFFICIAL. VOTE IN BALDWIN. } jr the Constitution, 939 Tribale (• the (’•afederalc Dead far (he I Decoration of ur Soldier Crarea. by the Ladies Mi tnerial AaMcialisa, April Mth, ! ISOS. j , . — * HI < ARRtE REI.L SINCLAIR. " ° <v ’ me with flowers to stew their graves, j ik'\ v ate offerings of love to fallen braves ; | Vtehavc gathered them fresh, and their sweet per fuais j Like holy incense will fall o:, each tomb! j I or the breath of the South nud tlm April showers | Have brightened the bloom of these summer Sowers ! ! To day, n'l through our sunny land. | Fair garlands are wreathed by woman’s band ; j And soft and gentle shall be oar tread j As we twine them over our gallant dead! ! Where ever they slumber their dust is ours. And we’H wreath their graves with sweet, fair flowers! Oh! not alone where the tnarble stands Wifi be twined f sir garlands by loving hands; But where ever the humblest soldier may sleep Sweet flowers their sentinel-watch shall keep. And their spirits wiil look from the world above. And smile on the offering ot holy love! Though the marble above them may never bear. The deeds of the brave who are slumbering there , ^ st pure as the marble is fair and white Was the honor they kept so uobly bright! And | roudly it stands o er these graves of ours As we wreath it to-day with these sweet, fair flowers! We give them to tirose who so nobly died As tributes of lroly love and pride! Then lake them—ob ! gallant dead who sleep. The marble that guards you—the tears that we weep, And longas it stands these graves shall be ours, i And we’ll wreath them each year with beautiful flowers Special Dispatch to the Journal At Messenger. Albany, Ga., April 24.—Election closed quietly. Armed negroes ap peared at the Court House last night. Several were captured. Four mus kets were also taken. The prisoners said that Murphy, tlie Radical candi date for Sheriff, had ordered 100 armed negroes to the Court House. Coch ran discharged the prisoners. Vote closes—Democrats probably ahead. THIi K LECTION IN SAVANNAH. LEARN A TRADE. In this utilitarian age, when great results are constantly being achieved iu the arts and sciences, we should not forget the rising generation. They are to ocrupv at some future dav the places ot their elders; how important is it, then, that tiiey should be taught to work, and that whiie young they siiouid perfect themselves in sortie useful trade. This is necessary for many reasons. A man may be wealthy to-day and to-morrow a beggai;but Special Notices. Ageacy 91. 9c A. B. R.. Milledg.ville, Jan.20th, 1868.—Passengersgoing to points on the Macon A Augusta Railroad or (Georgia Railroad and branches, are requested to buy tickets at the Depot of the form er Road, on Jefferson street. The Train k-avne al 0J«A. At. J. H. MSBKT, Agt. M. At A K. R l 1 v-.. * _ -i r,. r PI ,, , 1 if he has a good trade, he can laugh at •Savannah, April 24.— The Board ., , , ’ , , ♦ ‘ , the turns ot fortune, ami be able to •ttegistration commenced counting at , ^ c . ... , . .. \..ainst the Constitution, 7 IS For Governor. ,« IJtlllock ........... .990 1 I. O. O. F.—The Odd Fellows in this State wT 1“ * , * ""*«.«! plensed to i^arn flint their former Grand Master, M i jliii 13. Gordon,..... i«J ! ir m u d.— ui i_ 4 .. For Congress. S. F. Gove, - 9S4 (». A. Lochrane, 704 For Senator. Wallace, (col.) 932 K.iughton, b93 For Representative. < I'Xtal, (col.) 941 >. .McComb, 7 '61 For Clerk Superior Court. >. J. Kidd 9<S M. McComb, ^92 For Ordinary. \. L*. Moore, 1073 John Hammond, 5S7 For Tax Collector. J. K. Strother, 954 j j.. X. Callaway, 7241 For Tax Receiver. IV. E. Quillian, S. II. Hughes, For Sheriff. 0. Arnold, It. W. Trapp, A. McMillan, For County Treasurer 11. Temples, li. P. Stubbs, For Coronor. 1. T. Cushing, T. Jenkins, T. Johnson, Wm. H. Barnes, is doing noble work in tl-e cause of Odd-Fellowship. Mr. Bernes was once a compositor in this cflice, and was initiated in Sylvan Lodge No. 4, in this city, iu 1855 or ’56. He has recently been lec turing in Canada, of which the American Odd Fellow, a Magazine published iu New York, says: “Ontario papers speak in glowing terms of tbs ef forts of P O M. Barnes during his late visit to the Pro vince. He seems to have carried all before him. “Un bounded enthusiasm" appears to have been the unex ceptional rule wherever he lectured ; und that his la in behalf of the great cause of Odd Fellowship 1 bringing about unwonted pros- vili bear rich fruit of Legislation 4 p. in., having beeu delayed on the question of admitting challengers and others. The city vote up to 7A P. M.,! was 326 Conservative and 261 Radical.! The large boxes are yet to be counted. The conservatives claim a majority. The general opinion is that the Con servatives are ahead iu the city by a large majority. Saperialraiiral • Writer On. B AvoOsTt, Ox-, January 25th. 1868. [ Os and after the 2Sth iust., the rate on Cotton from | Milledgeville to Augusta will be Forty cents per bun dred pounds—twenty cents eu M. k A. U. it., and toe same on On. R. K. E. W. COLE, 27 if Gen’l. Supt. TO CONSUMPTIVES. ses of fortune come, is but pooriv p pared to stem the current of adverse circumstances. We have but one de gree of nobility in this country, and this is the off-spring of labor. From the very nature of things, in a repub lican form of government, there can be no nobility but grand, aud never ceas- Orders were received to-day bv the ing labor. Hence he or she vvliore- Commander of the Post from General i fuses to work, or neglects to make Meade, to notifv the Daily Advertiser himself or herself master of a useful supply the wants of himself and family. But he who has never learned to work, j The Rev. edwakd a. vvilsox win *end (iree or has neglected to make himself «m». |.CSSKtSS ter ot a useful trade, when the rever-1 by which he was cured oi « mug affection and that • . i i dread disease Consumption. Hia milr object is to beu tune COUie, IS but poortv pic- etit the afflicted aud he hopes every sufferer will try A NE WBFIPER WARNED. j pel ity uiiuutg the noble Brotherhood of Ontario, it is f I safe to predict We have room for only the append ed extract, from the Windsor Record & Journal, which i- a fair sample of the very favorable opinions ! ot the press: “Mr Barnes’lecture hereon Odd Fel- lowsbiptuly jnstini-d all the encomiums pronounced upon him ns nn ebspieut and well-informed speaker. A large and respectable audience were delighted." We are indebted to our friend, Rev. F. L. Brantly, for copies of the Journal &. Messenger of Friday and Saturday last. ...1004 ... 677 Tie Crnlrni Rnilronti Alt (Sight.— 1 The reg. alar train will !"(jve on schedule time this morning.— The repairs upon the road were all completed yester day aud a freight train came through during the day, at.u the regular mail came in from Savannah luat night. Ji/vrnal A- Alcssentrci nfSalurdai/. 1334j Molasses and Sugar.—A good ar- 262 at l° w price can be found at the 60 1090 , 327 .. 1047 .. 442 .. 115 6tore of J. L. Johnson & Co. Pure Domestic Wine can be obtained at J. L. Johnson & Co’s. . Flour and Bacon—A large lot for sale by J. L. Johnson & Co. Milledgeville, April 27, 1863. The citizens of Baldwin County OFFICIAL VOTE IN HANCOCK. | tl)is the CoU,lcil Cham * For the Constitution 1.383 j ber of the Clt ) 7 IIa11 10 Milledgeville, Against the Constitution 509 a "d was organized by calling Colonel for governor 1 Miller Grieve, Sr., to the chair and R. B. Bullock ’. 1,394 ! appointed T. T. Windsor as secretary. J no- B. Gordon 525 j It was moved by Dr. S. G. White, for representative—congress, that this meeting, now resolve itself n u T, • n OQ1 ’ into a Democratic Club irrespective „ , , i , 0 .,~ of color, to be known and designated n ' ' «, n ias the Democratic Club ofBaluwin D. h. Butler 21(Ji . ■ ,. . . , . TT < County, whicli was unanimously for representative—Lower House, j carr j e ^ Wm. H. Harrison (col.) 1,377 0n | ll0 tion ofZ. I). Harrison, Esq., Eli Barnes (col.) 1,379 j j|. wa8 resolved that the Secretary be S. E. Pearsons 479 requested to open a list, and that all Geo. S. Carjtenter 479 I persons favoring the preserv’ation of S. Hitchcock 5 J peace and good order, the supremacy for state senator, of law, promotion and success ofDem- George Wallace (col.) 1,381 ocratic principles and men, be request- Z. Roughton 505 rd to sign the same, and the list be for sheriff, kept open iu the hands of the Secre .Dines H. Rogers .’ 1,726 | for a11 desirous or willing to sub- L.S. Stewart 239 scribe thereto. Resolved, that a Committee of five FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. , - . \ , , , , J be appointed to select suitable persons .T. B. Johnson j as officers of this club, when thefollow- 8.11. Wiley ° \ ing were appointed : for tax collector, President, Howard Tinsley, Vice S. C. Shivers 1,414 Presidents, T. T. Windsor, G. D. Case, A. I. Butts, Henry Stephens, Wilkes Flag, (col.,) Hamilton Brown, (col.) Sect’y., Lyman Compton, Asst., A. Moffett, for ordinari, Treas., Mark McComb. Thomas I. Little 1,893 i Resolved, That this club meet again for tax receiver, j on Saturday next, 2d of May, at 11 E. B. Fears 1.S96 ; o’clock, at the Court House, to ratify for county TREASURER. i the proceedings of this meeting. J. B. Johnson 507 MiIoLEr Grieve, Sb., Prest. S. II. Wiley 3j T. T. Windsor, Sect. FOR CORONER, J. C. Simmons 372 FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, L. Wilson.... 1,841 W David Sherwood (col.) 1,376 J no. M. Lary 503 Lantermau Home Again, With an elegant stock of Dry, Fan- Struck by Lightning.—The Court house here was struck by lightning last Wednesday night, in three places, and damaged to a considerable extent. The chimney directly over the office of the County Court, was demolished, and the fluid passed into that office, cy and Millinery Goods, which will be tore out a window and split the wall to cease incendiary and inflamatory articles, or it will be suppressed. THE ELECTION IN AIOISTA. Augusta, April 24.—The counting of the votes is progressing slowly. It will be several days before the result is officially known. It is believed that the Radicals have carried this District, electing Prince to Congress and giving a majority for the Constitution and for Bullock. The Democrats claim five out of the seven members elected to Congress and a majority of the Leg islature. The Republicans are confi dent of Bullock’s election and the Democrats ditto of Gordon, butull this is conjecture. The official count will show a close vote. The negro man bayouetted by a soldier in the row yesterday, was buried this afternoon, and was followed to the grave by a large procession of men and women. All “ serene ” now. WELL DONE, MI’.TITER. We have great gratification! in an nouncing, upon the authority of a pri vate dispatch received in this city last oightfrom a prominent citizen of Amer icas, that Capt. John A. Cobb, has certainly been elected one of the Rep resentatives from this county, and that Gordon will have a majority at the close of the polls. "Well done, Sum ter, we say again. We send hearty thanks and greeting to the good men no matter what the color of their skins who have done this glorious work. Journal Messenger. Second Baptist Church.—The ser vices of laying the corner stone of this Church took place as announced, on Tuesday, in the presence of a large crowd. Rev. B. L. Blitch opened the exercises with a prayer, after which Mr. Wills followed with a very able and appropriate address, adapted to the occasion. Mr. Warren, also, addressed the as sembly, making an appeal for aid in completing the building. A good ma ny 5 and 10 dollar bills were contribu ted; but we understand that about S1000 are yet lacking to complete the structure. When we consider how much such a church is needed in that neighborhood, and how useful this is likely to prove, we are constrained to hope that the good and benevolent people of Macon will lend a little more timely assistance, and aid the strug gling band to finish the work so auspi ciously begun. The house will be very handsome ornament to that part of the city, and quite an accommodation to the citizens of that entire neighborhood. Telegraph. Radical Justice and Logic.—It is en tirely right to turn a man out of office and employment—in the Freedmen’s or Registry Bureau, for instance—for talking on the Democratic side, but a great crime for a Democrat to discharge an employee for voting on the other side, of which the military commission will take retributory notice ! Telegraph. trade, can rarely expect to acquire, and take care of a competency, much less teach others bow to do it. In this this prescription, as it will cost tliem lothiug, atm may prove a b essit!){. Pioase address Kev. EDWARD A. WILSON. No. 16.5 South Second St., Williamsburg, New York. Feb. SO, 1S6S. Mil Ini INFGCSSATXOr*. Information gnnrantee.l to produce a luxuriant gron'tn of Irair upon a b.rld ucad or beardless luce, also a recipe for the removal of Pimple*. Blotches, Eruption-, etc., on the skin. leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge uv addressing THUS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 30 4m 823 Broadway, New York. A PROCLAMATION. OBOILCUA. By THOMAS II. KL'OER, Provisional Governor of Mid State. VYTHEREAS, official information has been received tv at tiiis Department that a Murder was cmnuiit- ted in the County of Fuitoo, on the 20th of March, 1S6T, upon the body of John A Carter, by FRANK BALLARD, and that said Ballard has fled from jus tice,! have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, mv Pi M-Hnmtien. hereby offering a Reward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehetmiou and de livery of the said Ballard to the Shei iff of said County and Slate. And l do moreover charge and require all officers hi this State, civil nad military, to be vigilant in endeav oring to apprehend the snid Ballord, iu order (bat he may be brought to trial for the offence with which he stand* charged. liiveii under my hand and the Seal of the State, at the Capitol iu Milledgeville, this gecoad day ot April m the year ot onr Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-eight and of the Independence ot the United Statvs of America the ninety-second. THUS. H. HUGER, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Army, Provisional Governor Bv the Governor: C. fVuKA i on, Capt. U. S. Army, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION. Ballard is about 3!l year* of age, about 5 feet 10 inches high, weighs some 140 pounds, dark coinpiex- on, eyes and hair black, cheeks liUle florid as it tnun drink. wears beard u!l over his face, speaks quickly and politely, has a bad couutenauce, except while con versing. April 7,1868 36 Jt. HAVENS & BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Book Sellers, Stationers and Gener al News Dealert 91 CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. New publications received a* soon sa issued. March 06,1868. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. \\T HEREA.v Jf“«r Horton, GnuHisn of the prop- vv erty of Isa v und William Johnson, has^ filed bis final leiiun and petition for Utter* of Dismission. I hes-e are then t -te to rile end admonish all person* adversely c« nceiuea. to tile their objcolu.na on or be fore the tiist iii-Ler._\ in July nest. Given uruler mv bat! nnd • fib int signature this 2Cth March,, 1>oS. JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’v. II inch 20th, 1868. 34 15t LJXMX) WANTBDI 0A sn! 9 ERRORS OF Y01TB. Gentleman who suffered for years tvoiu iVervouA Debility; Premature Deeay, aud all the effects fiffe and country a good trade is capital I youthful indiscretion, wB, for uie sak.- oisntr- ring bn- . ° i •_ j . '° . , r 1 i ! tmmity, neud free to all who need it, the reccipe huu direction* for making the simple remedy by which he was enred. Sufferers winliinjr to profit by the adver tiser’s experience can do so by a«tdresNin^, in pericet confidence, JOHN 15. OGDEN, *10 ly. 42 Cedar Street, New York in business; and it is a kind of capital that always brings a good interest when rightly invested. Nothing pays better in these times than a useful trade, and as the coun try advances in wealth and population, the demand for competent workmen will proportionately increase. A good carpenter, tinsmith,blacksmith, mason, upholster, &c., lias always enough to do, and earns a good living tor himself and family. A good trade teaches economy 8| Passengers leaving Milledgevilie at 5,30 a. m. lesson which none can learn too well; j reach Atlanta and Augusta she same duv. and and the man who works tor his daily " u in ™ k . e «;' 08 ? connection, at either place for . . ~ the principal points hi Adjoining State* bread IS not apt to become a spend-I E. VV. COLE, General Superintend^. - - - • 1 - - 24 tf. S CHEDULE OF MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD— Leavj Camak daily at 1‘2. 30 p. m. Leave Milledgeville 5 30a.iu. Arrive at Milledgeville 4.1 Op. m. Arrive at Camak 9.00 a. in. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on the Day Passenger Train of the Georgia Railroad will make close connections at Cainak for inter mediate points on the above Road, and also for Macon. Augusta. Jan. 7, CRIME thrift. A successful craftsman is most always a good citizen—sober, honest and intelligent. He is rarely found at the “ store ” evenings, rior is heard dis cussing politics at the “post office.” He believes in an economy of time as! XT’ ON and AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH Well as means, and hence his efforts!*?™- 1<*W. the passenger train* on th® Georgia are generally crowned with success. 0F SCHEDULE ON THE as07*.ax A. XAZLZOAS. A PROCLAMATION. as!9S.axA. By THOMAS II. HUGER, Provisional Governor of said State. TtiTHEREAS, official information ha* been received it at this Department that a murder was commit ted in the eouuty of Houston qu or about the 28th ot March, 121)8. uuou the burly of Mitchell II Taylor, by J AMES M I t N)MY, nmi that *uid Tinny ha* tied from justice, 1 have thought proper, theirlure, to i-sue thU, my Proclamation, hi rchy offering a reward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for the approheusion amt delivery of the said Tuoiuy to the Shei iff ot said county and State. And 1 do moreover charge aud require all officers in tiiis State, civil and military, to be vigilant in en deavoring to apprehend the said Toomy, in order that lie may be brought to trial for the offence with which he stands charged. Given under my hard and the Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Milledgeville, this third day of April, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hun dred and sixty-eight, aud of the Independence of the Uniied States of America the uinety- secoitfl. TIIOS. H. KUGER, Bvt. Brig. Gen’I U. fi. Army, Provisional Governor. \XrANTED—LAND ip the 1 Stb District on Section it Cherokee, Ga. U ill pay CASH! C5 r> Eiiquiie at this i flic*. Mtlledgcv ills. Feb. SSJ, IhtiS: 31 6m APPLING COUNTY. Ad mini sti aha ’s Sale. GEORGIA. Appling County. \V’ ILL be sold before the Court House door in said IT C' imty on the li:*t Tuesday in MAY next, Lot of Land No. 330 in the fifth District ot Appiing county —well improved—und sold na the property of Juice Johnson, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and credi tor* of said deceased. Term* one-l'ourth cash, the balance twelve month* credit well secured. LEMUEL JOHNSON, Adm’r. March 10th, Itibfi. [j. r..j 33 Ida GEORGIA. Appling County. ; \\'11KKEAS, Ervin Hulinld implies to me lor I.et- Tv ter* of Administration outlie estate of Benja min F. Bullard, deceased. These arc therefore to cite all person* concerned t. tile their objeetioi *, it any they hn\ e, in terms of law or said l< tters will be granted to said a> plicant i> terms of law. Witness iny hand nnd official signature this March 10th, 1868. J. LKHlfSEY, Ord’v. A. C. By the Governor: C. Whk atom, Capt. C. S. A., Sce’y of State. DESCRIPTION. Toomv:a about 40 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, blue i ves, ied complexion, hair in front thin and short, and a heavy red beard. April 7,1868 30 3t. materially enlarged as soon as the Railroad can carry freight again. His Bonnets and Hats are little gems, comprising all the modern shapes. Call and see hint before purchasing elsewhere. Mr. L. will be out in an advertise- i meat next week. Beef Contract.—By reference to Ibe advertisement of E. J. White, Steward and Treasurer of the Lunatic Asylum, it will be seen that he will receive sealed proposals until the 10th of May for supplying that institution j with beef. The Democratic Club of Bald win County will meet at the Court House in this city on Saturday next, at 11 o’clock. CARDEN MEED. Many persons will be compelled, on account of the recent heavy rains, to plant their gardens again. J. L. John son & Co., have on hand a lot of gar den seeds which they will close out at half price. in several places. On the opposite corner it struck a window in the Or dinary’s office, and passed through to the lower floor, doing some damage to windows, plastering and the floor. A tree South of the building was also badly used by the lightning. From the signs on the moulding near the eaves of the roof, the building was set on fire by the lightning, but the heavy i mu that succeeded it extinguished the fire. If any of the Court-house offi cers had been in their rooms, they could not have survived that terrible thunderbolt.— Forsyth Adeertiscr, 21 st. MARKETS. Savannah, April 25. Cotton firm and advancing with mod erate demand; sales, 130 bales; mid dlings, 32; no receipts; exports— coastwise, 280. Augusta, April 25—P. M. GOLD.—Buying at 140 and selling at 141*. SILVER—Buying at 132 and sell ing at 13S. COTTON.—This morning several lots changed hands on a basis of 31 cents for middling, though some hold ers were asking 3l£ cents. This af ternoon the market became dull and closed quiet. Sales amounted to 104 bales, and receipts 86 bates* And here let me remark, that no young man or woman can ever hope to suc ceed in their efforts to gain a position in life until until they have learned the value of money and time. A dollar frequently spent, or an hour wasted, is but a small item when taken alone; but when measured in the account of a single life, how vast the expendi ture ! Parents, teach your children a useful trade. No matter how great your wealth may be, you have no sure guaranty of possession for your chil dren, or if you had, you have no secu rity that they will use it wisely. The best fortune you can leave them is a good trade; wealth and friends may fail, but a useful calling in life is an ever ready friend in need. Nor can you begin too soon. Delays are dan gerous, in the individual as iu the State; and if you would have a master crafts man, do your work early and well. And don’t imagine that trades are for boys alone. Give the girls a chance to battle with the world as well. The time may come when they may be thrown on their own energies for sup port; then what a guardian will a good trade be. One of tlie greatest evils society has to contend with at the present day is, that so many of our boys and girls are being brought up without any def inite idea or purpose ot life. Work j is considered degrading, and a trade, or ; profession, fts fit only for those who DAY PASSENGER TRAIN (Sundays exempted). Leave Augnsta at 7:10, a. nw Leave Atlanta at.. 5:00, a. m- Arrive at Augusta at 3:30, p.m- Arrive at Atlanta at 6:10 p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 3:45. p. m. Leave Atlanta at 6:45, p. m. Arrive at Augusta at 5:30, a. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 4:00, a. m. BERZELIA TASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at — 4:30. p.m. Leave Deizelia at 7:60, a. ui. Arrive at Augusta at 8:45, a. m. Arrive at Berzeliaat — G:15,p.m. Passengers for Milledgeville, Washington and Athens. Ga., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery. Selma, Mobile, and New Orleans, must leave Augusta on Night Passenger Train, at 3:45, p. m. to make cioss connections. Passengers for Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville and St. Louis can take either irnin aud make close connections. Through Tickets aud Baggage checked through to the above places. Pullman's Palace Sleeping Carson all Night Passen ger Trains. E. W. COLE, Geul. S«p't. Augusta, March 26th, 1868. NOW 18 THE TDIE Be quick and come on with your GREENBACKS nnd get the Cheapest and Newest Stjh s of H. TINSLEY, Agent, born with silver spoons in I Has jnst returned front NEW YORK and other were not their mouths.” Alas ! how many have ! Northern markets, and invites his old Friends and i ,, , , , „ i ,i _ j Customers to call and examiue his stock of been compelled to learn by the saddest experiences, that life is both earnest und real, and that sooner or later all must meet its demands. Rome, X. Y. Experience. CHEAP, Staple and Fancy Goods. FBOJI WASHINGTON. Washington, April 25—Noon. It is Gen. J. W. Schofield, com manding first military district whom the President has nominated Secretary of War. Geu. Lovell W. Rousseau has ar rived from Alaska, uuder the summons as witness for the defense in the im peachment trial. Regular pools have been opened at the fashionable gambling houses, where bets are made on all impeachment questions involving the final result, votes on interlocutory questions, fi nal result as to termination of the tri al. Thus far Nelson’s speech is uni versally read and applauded ; it is ad mirable. Gen. Rousseau left Sacramento on the fourth of April. In the House communications were received from the Secretary of War re garding the detention of the steamer Sabine at the Navy Y"ard in New Lon don for alleged political purposes, and from the Secretary of the Navy regard ing sales of gold, but were not read. The House then went to the Impeach ment Court. In the Senate the resolution that the proceedings of the Court in retire ment be published by the regular re porters in the usual way was postpon ed until Monday. Chase ordered the prosecution to proceed.—Steven* being absent, the prosecution asked time. The defense then proceeded, and Groesback is speaking. The weather ia inclement. Counting the Votes.—The work of counting the votes commenced at the Court house yesterday morning. Rather slow progress was made during the day, and it is doubtful if a com plete count is made before Monday. It is saitl that all illegal and fraudu- dent votes are being promptly thrown out, and of these there are between five and six hundred.—Journal Mes senger, Saturday. BEEF CONTRACT. S EALED PROPOSALS will be received until the 10th day of May. 1868, for furnishing the State Lu natic. Asylum with 300 lb*, of good Merchantable Beef, con*i*ting of equal portions of hind and tore quaiter*, to be delivered every morning by or before a o’clock. Delivery to commence by the 20th or 25th ot May. The rontrnctor will be required to give a boud with good security for $3,000. Parties will save time by giving me the name* of their Bondsmen with their bid. Direct your letter to E J. WHITE, Steward <Si Tiea*urer State Lunatic Asylum, Milledgeville. Ga. April 20, 1868. 20 3t DON’T DELAY, but come on and bring veur friend* with vott. They shall not goawuy dissatisfied. April 13, 1868. 37 tf GEORGIA, Bulloch county. To all whom it may Concern. WT’HEREAS, John Deloach and Mathew T. De- Tv loach will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letter* of Dismission a* Administrators on the estate of William Deloach. Sr., of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and pingnlur the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to tile their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in November next; otherwise said letter* will be granted. Witness my official signature thi* tOth day of April, 1868. DAVID BEASLEY, Ord'rv- April 20. 1868. 38 ntfim A P R O C L A M A T I O X. GSOITG2A. By THOMAS 11. EUGER, Provisional Governor of said State. \\T HERE AS, official information has been re T T oeived at this Department that a murder was committed in the city of Columbus on the night of tho 30th of Slntcb, 1868, upon the body ot GEO. W. ASHBURN. by unknown and dis guised persons, and that said unknown and dis guised persons have fled from justice, I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, my Procla mation, hereby oflering a reward of TWO THOU SAND DOLLARS for the delivery first made of any one of the principals or accessories to the Sheriff of Muscogee county, Ga , and a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the delivery of each and every one of the other principals or ac cessories to said Sheriff. Aud I do moreover charge and require ail offi cers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said unknown am] disguised persons, in order that they may be brought to trial for the offence with which they stand charge!. Given under my hand and tho Seal of the State, at the Capitol iu Milledgeville, this fourth day of April, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and sixty eight and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-second. THOS. II. RUGLR, Bvt. Brig Gen U. H. Army, Provisional Governor. By the Governor: C. Wheaton, Capt. U. S. Army, Sec’y of State. April 7, 1868. 36 3t A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA. By THOMAS II KUGER, Provisional Governor of said Stuto. VITHEREAS, < fficial information has been receiv- * 7 ed at this Department Hint a murder was com mitted in the county of Thomas on or about the titli of April. 1808, upon the body of WILLIAM HAR DAWAY. (p. e ) by G. G. GIBBS, and that said Gibbs bus fled from justice. I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this mv Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Gibb* to the Sheriff'of said coun ty and Suite. And I do moreover charge and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in en- druvoi ing to apprehend the said Gibb*, in order that he may be brought to trial for tho offence with which be stands charged. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Milledgeville, this tenth day of April in the year of our Lord eighteen liun dred sixty-eight and of the Indepen dence of tho Uniied States of America the ninety-second. TIIOS H. RCGER, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. 3. Army, Provisional Governor. By the Governor: C. Wheaton, Capt. U. S. Army, Sec’y of State. DESCRIPTION: The said Gihbs has dark hair and is of dark com plexion, weighs iihout 1511 pounds, 5 feet 6 inches nigh, and ha* a brother iu Augusta, Ga. April 13, 1768. 37 3t BERRIEN COUNTY. GEORGIA. Berrien County. S IX MONTHS from date we wiil apply to tho Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from the estate of Moses D. Harris, deceased. '1 beso are to cite all concerned to file objec tions, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted iu terms o! the law. JAMES S. HARRIS, Adm'r. JANE E. HARRIS. Adni'rx. Nov. 4th. ]Sf,7. tv e c 17 m6m GEORGIA, Beirieti Cbnnty. S IX MONTHS irom date 1 will apply to th» Court of Ordinary of said county for letters ot discussion from the estate of Thomas Baker, deceased. i keserare to ciie all concerned to tile objections, if any tiiey have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the law. D. R. WILLIS, Adm’r. Nov 4th. 1867. tv f. c 17 m6m IRWIN COUNTY. GEORGIA, Irwin Couuty. S IX month* after date I will apply to the Court of Ordinary ot *aid county for letters of dismissiou from the estate ot Elias D. tVhidden, deceased. These are to cite all concerned to file objectii ns, if any tiiey nave, why said letters should uot begranred iu terms ol the law*. Jan. 10, lSt>8. LOTT’ WHIDDEN, adin’r. (l. M.c.j 25 ntfim GEORGIA, Irwin county. IIEREAS, A. P. Clements, administrator on the 7 T estate ot John VV. Walker, deceused, applies to me for letteis ot Dismission front said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persoaa concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. L. jL COLBEKTH, Ordinary. March 17, 1868. 33 mtiui W. G. McADOO, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, lilillciljsrillr, Oeergia, (Office over Stetson's Store.) W ILL coutinuo practice in the various Court* of Baldwin, and other counties, bis partnership with Capt. Newell being dissolved. He will give special attention to EAKlEZlUPTCir CASES. Persons involved in pecuniary embarrassments will find relief under the U. S. Bankrupt Law. They can retain a c. mlurtable home, aud uecessary furniture, clothing, aud provisions, to the valtu* of about $1,000, or more, aud be discharged of all their debts forever But they must act promptly and apply before June 1, 1868, as the ro/untary feature of the Act is limited to that day. Jan. 13, 1868. 141m A PROCLAMATION. BANKRUPTCY. rpiIE U. S. DISTRICT COURT OF GEORGIA J is now open for cases under the Bankrupt Act. The subscriber Slaving been re-sworn and re-admit ted to practice in tne United Males Circuit Court, is now furnished with all the Court Forum. Schedule*, &c., for practice in Bankrupt cases, aud offeto his ser vices to debtors and creditors. Insolvents cannot safely pay confidential debt* now. It is illegal, cannot he hid, wiil he certainly »et aside, will cause friend* to lose all Bharc iu the assets, and also to forfeit double: and above all, will prevent debtors from getting a discharge. 1 beg leave to warn my insolvent clients earnestly on this point: pay no one, not even your best friends, for the present, tor it will injure them, and ruin yourselves. wm mckinley. Milledgeville, April 1, 1868. 36 ly GEORGIA. Bulloch county To alt whom it may Cow cm. W HEREAS, William G. Anderson will apply at the Court of Ordiuary for letter* J)is- niissory as Administrator of the estate of William W. Deloach, of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all wtoni it may concern to be und appear before said Court to igake objections, if any they have, ou or before tlie first Monday in November next: otherwise said let ters will be granted. Witness my official signature till* liitlidayof April, 1868. DAVID BEASLEY, Ord’ry. April 30, 1868. 38 uitim Administrators Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Appling Couuty, will be sold before the Ceart House door in Appling County on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, within the legal hours of sale, Led ol Land No. 122 in the fourth District of Appling county, belonging to th* estate of Elijali Griffs, deceased.— Terms cash. ISIIAM REDDISTT, Adm'r. April 9th, 1868. J. L. 37 tds A PROCLAMATION. aEORCUA. By THOMAS H. HUGER, Provisional Governor of said State. W HEREAS, i fficial information has been receiv ed at this Department that two murder* were re cently committed iu the county ot Early; the first on the :Jl*t of January, 1868, upon the bo.lv of DAVID HUTCHINS, by'GEORGE CHANCY, and the second on the 3d of February. 1868, upon the body of MOSES ALEXANDER ilreed.nanl, by BENJA MIN CHANCY, and that the said Chaneys have fled from ju-tice. I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this ray Proclamation hereby otleriug a reward of six hun dred dollars lor the apprehension and delivery of both, or THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS lor either of them, to tne Sheriff' of Early couuty, Ga. Aud I do moreover charge and require a'l.-ffiiers in this Slate, civil and military, to be vigilast iu en deavoring to apprehend the said murderer*, in order that they innv be brought to trial fur the offeree with which tiiey staini charged. Giveu under my hand and the Seal of the State at the Capitol in Milledgeville this eleventh day of April, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixtv-eight, aud of the Independence of the j United States of America the ninety-second. THOMAti H K'UGER, (Brevet Brig Gcc’l U. S. Army ) Provisional Governor. By the Governor. C. VVhbaton, (Capt. U. S. Army) PVov’1 Sec y of State. GSCRSZA, By THOMAS, II. HUGER, Provisional Governor of said Stale. YV’HEKEAS. official information ha* been received I * at this Department that a murder wa* commit ted in the county of Putnam in the mouth of July. 1867. upon the b.'>dv of DANIEL CUNNINGHAM, by ZED Cl IFF, alias ZED SLAUGHTER, (frecd- r.a.i) end that said Z.,d Cuff', alias Zed Slaughter, (freedman) has tied from justice. I Iw.ve thought proper, therefore, to issue this iny i Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of TWO 1 ( HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Zed Coff, ali.,8 Zed Slaughter (freedman) to the Sheriff of said county and State. Audi do moreover charge and require all officers in thi* State, civil and military, to be vigilant in en deavoring to apprehend the said Zed Coff, alia* Zed Slaughter (freedniau) in order that he may be brought to trial for the offence with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Milledgeville, this eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty eight, aud of the Independence of the United Stutcs of America the ninety second. THOMAS H. RUGER, (Brevet Brig’. Gen U. S Army.) Provisional Governor. By the Governor. C. \V hi atom, (Capt. U. S. Army) Sec'y of State. DESCRIPTION. The said C,ff. alias Slaughter, is about 45 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches liigb, weighs uear 160 pounds, uuii is of black complexion. April 13. 1868. 37 3t AN ORDINANCE. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of th* City of Miileugeville, that the following License Tax be imposed for the year 1868: Oa all Retail Dealers ia spirituous or fer mented Liquor* a tax of $100 OO On all Blacksmith Forges,.. Jo off “ Printing Offices, 30 00 “ Biltitirff Tables, 30 00 “ Bagatelle or Roulette Tables 30 00 “ Livery Stables, 100 00 “ Two Horse Drays, not connected with Livery Stable and used for hire, 5 00 “ One Horse Drays 2 50 “ Omaihusses, Hacks. Carriages or oth er vehicles used for hire 10 00 ** Kesideut Contractors for wood or ma sonry work, plastering, painting er tin work, with the privilege of one shop, 10 00 k * Non-residents double the above rates. “ Hotels. 25 00 “ Restaurants or Ealing Houses, .-. 25 00 “ Public Exhibitions, other than works of Science or Art, for first day 10 00 And for every day thereafter 5 OO “ Express Companies, 100 00 “ Insurance Companies, 2 per cent, ou their premiums. “ Artists Dagoerrean or Photographic, exercising their culling iu the city 5 00 Circus»es and Meuageries, each, per day 25 00 “ Side shows, $ 00 “ Shoe or Harness Maker's Shop, 10 00 “ Jewelry Stores where repairs on silver or gold is done, 10 00 Transient traders in goods, wares and mer chandize shad, before exposing their articles for sale, pay to tho Clerk such percent as the Mayor and AldernuoD may determine on at the time. Other iiiueraui vendors taxed or not at th* discretion of the Mayor. On all Gross Sales a tax of one-third of one per cent. On all Auction Sales a tax of 2£ per cent, which must be paid to the Clerk within 24 hours there after. ritHE Undersigned is now prepared to do J. all kinds of Cabinet work. Oid furn iture repaired and made as good as new.— Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Tables, Ac., made to order on reasonable terms. Work war ranted. Fine or plain Coffins put up on short notice. R. N. ADAMS. Milledgeville, Aug. 1. 1867. 1 3m DESCRIPTION. George Chancy is a stout built man, 5 feet 6 inch- p - high, about ifffyiors old, blue eves, light complex ion, light hair, i* tongue-tied, and speech very thick, weighs about 160 pounds. Benjamin Clouicv is short chunky stature, 5 feet 1 or 2 inches high, weighs 1(61 pounds, 25year* old, whifisli complexion, sandy hair and beard, talks fatter than usual, has a downcast but determined look. Uuthbert papers please copy and send bill to Secretary of State. April 13,1860. 37 3t Pulusl i County Sheriff" Sale. 4\' ILL be sold before tho Court-house door in the 7 7 town of Hawkinsvilie, Pulaski county, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, the following property, to-wif : Three lots of Land, No 241,247, and *63, all in the 19th district of Pulaski county, to satisfy tiie State arid county tax of Stephen Pittman, for the year 1867. Also, one half lot of Laud a* the property of Kctchiug*. to satisly his tax for the year 1867. Also, lot* of Laud No 1 i-8. 152, and 232 1-2 acres; *11 in the 2L'th district of Pn!a«ki coanty, against Carlin Hogan, to satisfy bis tax for the rear 1867 ; all levied on and returned to me by John T. Nicholas, Consta ble. Also, at the same time and place 3 lots of Land No*? 375, 376. 377, two Imridted two and a half acre*, more or less; each levied on ax tho property of T. V. Walk er. to satisfy his tax for the years 1866 and 1867. AN ORDINANCE. Be it orduned, Ac That merchants who hay* or may hereafter tail to make their quarterly re ports of gross sales in conformity with existing Ordinances, that the Clerk proceed to collect at once, from such delinquents, a tax on the higbeat amount which he or she may have made during the present or preceding year. SAWYER’S PIANO AND MUSIC rVBLISHlISS ROOM*: cor. Fulton Avenue and Fay Streets, Brooklyn, New York. F IRST CLASS PIANOS and all other Musical In strument*, and Music ot every description prompt ly furnished to order. April 7, 1868. 36 tf WASTTSB! dhy aiDBs. JjMfR which the higliest market price will be paid April 13,186R—37 4t 8. J. KIDD. April 13,1868, NICHOLAS RAWLINS, D Sh’ff 37 tds. GEORGIA, Bulloch county. To alt whom it may Concern. TITHEREAS, Seaborn B. Cowart will apply at the 7 7 Court of Ordinary for letters Disimssory as Guardian of Dennis Reteher, orphan of Patrick Kele- her. deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to tie am! appear before said Court to make obj ctaon* uf any they have) on or before the first Monday in June next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 10th day of April, David beasley, ord'rv. 1868. April 36, 1868. 38