Federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1865-1872, May 05, 1868, Image 3

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lycjrtral fflnimu - ■ 1 TKRM8.—Three Dollars per annum in advance, r-ji- Any per.en rending us three rufcsci ib« ».with lln-cash. wiH beemitlcuto a copy of t!ia p«] nr. fur out- v, .free. LOCAI... TUESDAY, M A T 1868. City Election. r?rw» are authorized to announce the nam» of j_ |! BRI6COF. a* n cnndiJule for MAYOR at the enrnmg election. March 24, I8G8. - 34 5t ^y*\Ve are authorized to announce Col P. FAIR, our present efficient CLERK UFT11ECITY C’OUN- ( !!.. a* a candidate for re election to .aid office at tl, ( . approaching eltction. Milled Seville, April 7, 1808. 36 tde » rt' \\'e are authorized to annoanee the name of Mr A JOSEPH as candidate for Councilman in the iifli Ward. Miiledgeville, May 5, 1%-V 40 td JI ST ARRIVED, S. STETSON \ \n FOR SALE LOW, IVY W PRO., A large lot of MACON. A Urge ;„t of CORN. A laige lot of OATS. A :s:ge lot of cheap FLOUR. 36 tf For l.iloerin.—Five or nix families of negroes, i-unse-tiug of men, women and children, from the a,I- ■ining cusiity of Hancock, panned through < nr eily in Thursday last, on their way to Savannah, to take passage for Liberia, where they expect to arrive about ti.o lbth of June. They seemed happy and hopeful I. ing perfectly outisiied tlmt they weie uuliiig wisely in seeking their fortunes in their own Country among their own people. If we could p'et rid of the worse epins of the negroes in thin way it would * e of great benefit to the country, but unfortnnat* ly those wlio go to Liberia are among the best, mo d sensible nud >n- duntrious of their rac . Ladies, Gents, and- Bovs Hosiery at Joseph & dim ing of the I r^idnliirr. • We hope,” say* the Macon Telegraph, that “Gen- j e M ade will have the good .sense to disregard tic clatnots of interested parties and order the Legists- j l,ire to meet at ttie capitol in Miiledgeville, where j i-vry provision for their com forte bie accommodation j i- complete and in perfect order. until a copiiol buiiJ- j :- and government offices slmll have been erected at j Aliauia The loss, expense and iuconv. nieno of lug - ng the public records and other property to Atlanta I, tore tiny provision has been made to leecivo them, J an I then huddling the Legislature tog-tber in iiie-ou- j veuient and wretched rooms far npait, wid e superior j ft nmodatious are to be found in Millodgeville, re j c ntlv much improved at a great cost, is tb j sheerest ' A, - ii « of the Orral Noulh-tVestmi Again. We have just received a communication from our late visitant Alexander Robinson, who, by the way, is well known bv'every one here, he having spent sev eral da vs with us lately, repairing, fire. The inhabi tants of this city arc most all aws.re of the inauspic ious circumstances under which this Circus entered our town, having become nearly wiecked on the lee shores of Mississippi, in the mud and water, and for eihly compelled to ship lone to recuperate. We are tv,piested by Mr. Robinson to insert the following CARD. Having been compelled to lay tip my company some days for general repairs, I entered Miiledgeville. and -Iter being the recipient of so many favors am! cour tesies, extended to raj; by the goodly cMiseiis of ,\i li- h ig,-ville, 1 fuel it my duty to retain iny most iieart- 1. It thanks foi the kindness generally extended to me 1 also wish particularly to mention Col. Andersen of the Penitentiary and Mr. Sherlock, also other officers of -aid institution for the interest shown bv them in the completion of my work, and I recommend nuy per s.-tis having work to do of any description to make their contract with Col. Anderson. For durability of work anil iairness of price the Colonel is the uiuu to I also return eiucere thanks to CapL Nvvcatmnn, Military Com., for his most gentlemanly and kind courtesies during our stay under his command. Also Mr. McCombs and Brothers and in fact all residents j , T of Miiledgeville, mid should any of them at anytime j O visit our Inane shall he highly gratified at the oppor tunity to reciprocate their favors ten-told. Choice Dicss Goods in Fattcrns at Joseph & Fas*. Democratic Clcb Rooms, i May 2, 1868. \ Ata called meeting of the Democratic Club of Mai t- w in County, held at the Court Room, this day, Presi 'Wot A. Butts was called to the chair. Col. A. 11. Kenan, after explaining the natnre of this meeting, offered tile follow.ug resolution which was ununirconsiy adopted : Resolved, I’hat the Cl ainuanof this meeting appoint four* :; in ns from each District to present lists for mem bership to the Democratic party id tuis county, irres pective of color, and ihut said commiitcue present the result of iheir • (forts, this day two Weeks, to the meet ing. and urge upon iheir fellow citizens the m-ce*«ity ot punotnal atten lance at smd public meeting. C.ipt. Thoui,os Newell urged no those present to en roll their names on the list. This appeal was responded to by a large number of while as welt ns colored citizens. Dr. S. G. White proposed that * Cnmmitte of three be appointed by tbe Chair as advisory to the Commit tees railed for iii the resolution of Col. K. 1 lie i male of Gen. J. W. A- Sanford being proposed to he added to the list of Vice Presidents,it was unani mously agreed to. Captain X.-well offered a resolution that the pro eeediags ot this meeting be published in the city pa p-r«—adopted. Toe meeting then adjourned to meet on Saturday the 16th inat., at II o'clock. A. MUTTS, Puts. L. II CoMPTOV, A. Moffett, Sec’*. coryimrrTEEs. Town —T. Newell, M. McCombs, T. A. Caraker, Lewis Callaway, (ool.) Seottsboro Diet.—W. A. Cook, 11. Stevens, A. Mc- Mi.lan, F. Mloodwortli Salem Dist.—John Muck, Tlios. Latimer, Jas. M. H .11, .1 Stcuibridgu. Giunm’s l)ist.—N. Peu, E. P. Roberson, J. M. Thom as. Warsaw Strother, (qol ) Hi' - Dist.—n. Stevens, D B. Hill, Win. Ennis, Hump Torrence. Smith’-* Dist.— Sam’l Hughes, II. M. Rose, Terri! Barksdale. diaries Hawkins, (col I Pittsburg Dist.—J. M Webb, John Wood, Lueco Moore, Asa Jamison, (eol.) Moots Mid Slices of all manufactures at Joseph A Fa s. T51 Er OTIVIf/H VIWIT TO W1VHI.T6TOB The D< vil ant on his sulphur throne, And heard with a bitter grin. Reports from the planet lie deems his own, As his black subs brought them in. T)o Fenian scare in Great Britain pleased His cynical temper well, And the news from Brazil ami Paraguay, From llayti, Peru, and Sisil Bay, X >t fore, tti .g the late Chinese affray, Rather tickled the King of Hell. But when his scouts of this “ Happy Laud” Delivered their dark report, The Demon waved in the smoke his hand, And gat e ;i triumphant snort. “ This news,” lie yelled, “ is the best I’ve heard Since sin on earth began ; The woik 1 id von goes bravely on, Tue modei Republic’ is dead and gone, Ami the powers tlmt govern at Wiuthington Have adopted my patent plan.” Tlicn tinning to Moloch, Ilis darkness said, " i oi oft for the Tec Miles Square ; Rule ttiou, old buy, in thy master's stead, While I tee to business there.” The bl .chaiiinur ciuiiers, one and all, AI pleaded their chief like mad; So he changed his shape, us the devil can. And up to earth on tire-streuk ran. In outward seeming a Congressman. Of the lovely genius liad. 'Black ness was well received .,p of special friends. (turtle's Weekly for Iloyn suit Girl*. This paper has already established itself us “the Southern favorite.” It is just the periodical for boys and girls. "It brings ruashine into the household. Marbles and dolls are laid aside to welcome it. It in structs and entertains ut the »nnic time, and even tin- old folks find interest iu its pages.” A new volume begins in July, with increased attractions. Now is the time to subscribe, and to renew subscript iniis. A beautiful title page and index will be furnished at the close of the volume. Terms J.’ a year, or thiee copies for J W. Burke A Co , Publishers, Macon. Georgia. Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings at Joseph »Sc Kass. < enlrul Itnil [COMMCNIC ATXIi] OUTRAGEOUS 1 tad Nclirilnlc from .TSillcdfcC- viltc to TTSacon. Messrs. Editors-. Can't you intercede with the President of the Central Railroad i nd gut him to giv- different schedule between tli (>f course 1 By ties t Who laid before him the plans conceived, To compass their private ends. Timet. Stevcus, Sumner, and old Ben. Wade, Ned Siaiitou and Butler too ; They told him ol dodges, plots and schemes, Atrocious beyond his foulest dreams, Until lie exclaimed, “ For me it seems There is nothing on earth to do.” So he turned on his heel, and went his way, A sadder, a wiser sprite, Observing, “A lesson I’ve learned to-day, That has changed my nurpose quite. I meant to have had these fellows mulls. When from earthly bonds set free, l’.ul I now prefer ihey should go it alone, In a separate, private hell of their own. Per i swear by uiy horns, my tail and throne, They're a little too much tor tne.” Democritus. Meeting of Railroad Presidents. —Tbe Presidents and Superintendents of several railroads in friendly connec- tion with through lines by way of Au- usta, of mail routes from New York to New Orleans, were iu convention yesterday. The object of the meeting of these chiefs, we learn, is to arrange schedules on two daily lines, north ward and southward from this point. The Boards represented are the Rich mond & Petersburg, Roanoke, Wil mington & Weldon, Charlotte, Wil mington & .Manchester, South Caro lina, Atlanta & West Point Roads. Among those present, we notice Messrs. Magrath, Fremont, Pollard and Johnston, and Crane. Augusta Chron. 4' Sctn'l. have to remain in Alacon from S 15 a. in., until 8 4ft p m—all day. If we detfira to go to Batler, Talbot, Co- lumbu- or beyond, we have to remain in Macon until 2 I - J a. in.—all day nad part of tbe night, and if we di—ire to go over the Southwestern Road to America-* ,,r below, we have to remain until about S o’cjpck the next morning. Returning from Columbus, we have to remain from S 10 p. in. to 4 15 p. in. next day, and from Atnericus, Ac., froin4 JO p. in. to4 15 next day. 'i n go a trip and return of 100 miles from Mijledgc ville aud lieyond Macon On the South-western and Muscogee Roads, one is detained in Macon two days. and hi- hotel bill is $7 at Mar,.:, alone. Now i.- not this shameful ? The President ol the Central Railroad inav practice for u week and lie canuottix the sched ule more oppressive to the travelling public going be yond Macon than this one. It couueeta with no iridti whatever, except the morning dowu train to Si.van nab. As passengers are dciuhied in Mnevn, so an tin' mail* detained by this arrangement Thru vital IS the best scheduled I think the S' lied- nle in use two or three months ago the best we have had iu several years. It was to leave Mi Hedge ville at 4 45 p in., and return at 9 o'clock p m. This con nected closely or as neurly as possible with all the Roads leading out of Macon—but lately the Ceutral night down train has been detained in Alacon two hours later. Then why not again adopt this old sched ule, with the exception that the cars reach Mlffedge- villo at II o’clock at night instead of 9 o'clock. But few persons get their mails at night. Realty Mr. Wadley ought to take sonic compassion on ns and give us a belter schedule than the pieseut one A Citizen’ and Traveler. NOTICK. The annual meeting of the Baldwin County Bible Society will take place at the Presbyterian church oil Wednesday the 6th iust .at 4 o’clock, P. 51. All of the members and the public are invited to attend. Ready Made ClotLing for all ages and sizes at Joseph it Fuss. Musquito Bars and Fans at Joseph & Fuss. Straw Hats for men and hoys at Joseph A Fa'S. French Soap, .Shrunk Linens at Joseph A Fass Nansook. Swiss, Jaconets and Lawns at Jo sepb dt Fass. Fancy Linens, Embroideries, at Joseph A Fass. A full assortment of Spring and Summer goods at Joseph At Fass. — mm Off.—Three hmtd'ed negroes left Columbus. Oa , on tbe 28tli alt., lor Liberia. They .sail on the ship Golcomla, from Charleston. Death of a Georgian.—Dr. James II. Berrien, formerly Surgeon U.S A., aud late. Medical Director for Texas,'ll S. A., upon Gen. Mugfnder's skiff, died at San Luis Potosi on the 25;li ult.. from the effect of an overdose of chloroform which was administered on u> count of an aching tooth. Dr. Berrien was a son of t:.e iate llon.J. McPherson Berrien, of Georgia [Co/. Hurt. mil. Hon. Win. C. Rives, of Virginia, for a long time Senator from that State, and once Minister to France, is dead. The ‘'Opinion” at Atlanta lias been sold to John M Floyd &. Co., and will hereafter bo devoted to Hie cause of the National Democracy. Tile name lias been changed to “The Southern Opinion. ’ The remains of the lute Justice Mayne, of the Su preme Conrt, have been brought South and reiutcred iu Laurel Grove Cemetery, at Savannah. ■ LECTION BKTCBXM. eeistra 1867. Appling Baldwin Baker Banks Berrien Bibb Brooks Bryan ........... Bullock Burke 1 Butts Bartow .1 Calhoun Camden ! Campbell Cm roll j Catoosa ..I Chattahoochee.... Chariton j Catoosa Chatham.. .... ; Cherokee... ....... Clurke | Clay .1 Clayton | Clinch—.•• .* Columbia... Coffee. • • ■ •. Coweta Cobb Colquitt Craw ford ... Dade—.........I Dawson | Decatur ' DeKalb Dooly ; Dougherty Robots Early .1 Eitingliam Elbert Emanuel Kanniu I Fayette. Floyd 1 Forsyth j Fianklin Fulton I Gilmer Glasscock ; Glynn ; Gordon ...I Greene | Gwinnett. j Habersham ' Hall * Hancock ! Haralson I Hurt Harris Heard | Henry j Houston Irwin Jack'on j Jnspor Jefferson [ Johnson j Joues — Laurens Liberty ...I Lincoln j Lowndes Lumpkin j M a. i in j Marion ■ Madison : McIntosh j Miller — j Milton j Mitchell I Monroe. \ Montgomery j Morgan.. — j .Murray j Muscogee | Newton | Oglethorpe I Paulding j Pickens | Pierce i Pike Polk Pulaski— j Putnam I Cuitiuuu Rabun Randolph .... Richmond.... Schley... I... Screven Spaulding ... Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tati) all Taylor Telfair Terrel! Thomas Towns Troup Twiggs Uuiou Upson Walker W alton Warren Ware White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson.... W ortli Total Constitn’n For Gor'r 1868. 1868. ! For. Oord Bull'k 233 C2 23»j .59 4 1 j 99b 717 996 49t 251 606 119 367 26fci 314 1894 2299 1919; 2192 3781 65f 4-21)' 619 381 70 161 j 3t 0 Bibb, Turner, negro Rad., and Franks and Fitzpatrick, white Rads. Berrien, Faulk, d. Carroll—Long. Dem. Campbell—Zeilars. Rad. Calhoun—Feppc. Item. Cobh -Andrrson and Gober. d thirteen thousand and thirty-six coun ties unreported- It transpired in the Court of Claims Washington and Jones counties are contesting the right of Houston to be cil'ed the “Banner” county of the dark: Matt. Davis and All. Richardson, negro but extended here by contmissixH! from i phonographic notes. The Court or- I dered new depositions, causing delay j and disappointment in many cases. I The Reconstruction Committee met to-day and considered the Sou tit 5«fti 21331 o r. — Carolina and Arkansas Constitutions but came to no conclusion. They meet attain Saturday. that many depositions in cotton cast s I State, as neither of the former cast a were not properly read to witnesses Radi Columbia—Rice, iv r and Moon u r. Cl.attaLoot bee—Me Domi td. 1 'em. Chattooga—C. C. deghoru. Dem. Clay—Turnjpseed, D iu. Clinch : Lastinger, r. Chatham : Osgood w r aud Porter and Simms 382 tSFiN, 4*45 1414, 219) — I 603 17S0; ...I 356 92 ) 457* 1332 1221 IU7 1021 1120 1341 530 3901 607| Inal 166“ 5sn 350 77 510 7*7 328 SOS 1632 886. 505 304 312 1520 573 1 145 350. 3H5 “70 682 1067 . 459 32 838 1100 1080 s 05 1113 6S< 2264 3262 1723 in os 1747 397 4 ... 329 501 36t, 3S0 374 654 916 224 740 675 r..i 840 769 698 801 67 • 853 1519 922 76*2 941 1 sJ'Z 075 1924 108;-, 1312 13 55 1049 778 1256 754 1046 768 1067 386 :$32 028 347 022 456 165 215 110 78 fil9 506 57 i5 540 57C 536 339 H.3 691 804 860 311 89? 337 786 I54l> 1215 1680 424 25 1116 1991 1143 17710 1216 1689 522 999 193 1170 261 1128 17 820 821 765 738, 4 S5 72$ 1184 298 49 659 51)9 1947 673 677 053 725 532 727 1221 491 1119 544 1124 227 134 106 109 lUh 198 1261 1330, 1232 1909 1278 1075 I 157 69 •12 393 380 430 212 444 290 512 80 25b 237 273 211 1175 *77? 5‘> 387 775 «57 248 118 167 119 184 193 591 1341 06“ 67*2 979 911 869 561 645 >131 329 19s 98 248 81 96262 95971 1 1234) 46* 169* 9S8 1180 580 California Getting Crowded.— California is rapidly tilling up with immigrants from the Atlantic States. The exceedingly low fares, caused by the competition of the rival lines of steamers to California, it is said, are flood in if Sttn Francisco with more „ pi )CCand Alacon ? i people than cun find employment, and Under this schedule, if we desire to g> to Atlanta, we the newspapers of that city are begin ning to complain of the rapidly in creasing surplus of population. They say trade is dull, wages low and pro visions high, aud that persons with limited means, who are able to raise the money to get out there, find them selves unable to get back. They deny also that San Francisco is any longer a “new country,” in the sense of need ing fresh immigration.” Railroad Conventions.—The an nual Convention of the stockholders of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company will be held in this city Tuesday, 12th May, at which time election for President and Directors will take place. The annual Convention of stock holders of the Macon and Augusta Road takes place on the stune day— the last annual Convention having changed the day from October to May. Chronicle 4‘ Sentinel. Incendiarism in Thomasville.— We learn from private sources, that af ter the votes were counted, and it was iisci rtained that Thomas county had gone lor the Democrats, on Friday night or Saturdry night an attempt was made to bum down the city of Thomasville. Fire was set in fifteen places, hut the citizens were on tbe alert, and succeeded iu preventing a conflagration. We had satisfactory evidence that it was the deliberate purpose of the Radicals to bum Albany in the event they were defeated, but the count was in their favor and the vigilance of the Young Men’s Democratic Club amount ed only to timely precaution.—Alba- wj A fuw. A Prussian woman has revealed the fact, upon her deathbed, that she sub stituted her own child for the infant of a countess; in whose employ she was some thirty years ago. Both are alive, and married irt accordance with their widely different stations, and tbe mud dle is as bud as can be. Clavton—C ! ouJ, Dem. Crawford—Vinson, Dem. Dawson : Perkins, rad. Dade: J. Coop<*r Nisbet, d. Dougherty: Fbil Joiner, n r. aud A. R. Reid, r. Dooly—M. Wi iiams, Dtna. Early: H. C. Fryer. Kvbols ; Philips, d. Pulton —Sisson, Taliaferro, end Oullatt, Denis Franklin: Harrison, u. Forsyih—Kellogg, Dein. Floyd—Scott aud Ballenger, Dams. Fayette: John Hein, d. Gwinnett—Nash and Parks. Denis. Gordon—R. A. Doiialson. Dem. Greene: McWhorter, w r, and Colby, n r Houston: Duncan, Matthews, and Felder Dems Habersham: Erwin, d Harris: Hudson, vr f and Williams, n r. Hall: Cochran, d. Hancock: Harrison and Barnes, n rs. Haralson ; Brooks, r. Heard ; Shackelford, d. Jefferson: B. Ayer and A Stone, negro Rads. Junes —VV. M. McCulloch, Dem. Jackson : Beunett. Jasper : Allen, n r. Johnson : Meadows, d. Lumpkin : Price, d. Lee : Lindsey aud Pago, r. Liberty : Golden, n r. Lincoln : Madison, r. Lowndes ; O'Neal, r. Milton- Hook. Dem. Miller; Hopkins, d. Marion—\V. M. Butler, Dem. Moreau—A.J. W’Iliams, Rad., and M Floyd, negro Rad. Maccu—Lumpkin and Fya!, negro Rads. Monroe, Ballard, w r. and George Glower, u r. Muscogee, Smith, negro Rad , and Maul, w hite Rad. Murray—Harris, Dem. Madison: Mooa, d. Meriwether ; Ciienibeis and Hail, r. Oglethorpe, Adkins and Cunningham, r. Pierce—Carpenter, Kao. Putnam--Prudden, Rid. Pulaski—Buchan, Rad. Pike. Fanis, d. Polk—L. II. Walthall, Dem. Quitman. Warren, d. Richmond: Tweedy and Bryant, white Rads, and Beard, negro Rad. Randolph—Tumliii and Goff. Dem*. Sumter—John A. Cobb and G. R. Harper, Dems. Fcriven: W. B Hamilton, Ind. Schley, Rainey, d. Ppaloing—Ellis, Dem. Stewart: lluinber, Bain urn, Dems. Troup—Caldwell, McCormick, Rads. Talbot: Bethune, white R«<1', and Costin, negro Rad. Taylor—Wi'cher, Detn. Thomas ; Evans and Carson, r. Talliaferro. Holden, r. Terrell—Harper, Detn. Twiggs—Hughes, Rad. Epson—Drake. Dem. Wilcox—Johnson. Dem. Walker—Gray, Dem. White, Lyttie, d. Wiiittieid—Shumate, Dem. Wilkes: Richard Bradford, Dem., and Belcher, negro Rad. Washington: W. G. Brown aud R. W. Flour noy. Dems. Wilkinson—C. H. Hooks, Rad. Walton—Sorrells, Dem. Wayne; Humph, d. Warren : Non! and Gardner, r. Webster. Geo. .S. Rosser, d. Worth—J. W. Rouse, Dem. 41 etuber* Klcrt to Cougrcaa. First. District: Clift, Radical. Second District: Nelson Tift, Democrat. Third District: Edwards. Rad. Fourth District: Gove, Radical. Majority over Lociirane, L'em., 2061. Fifth District: Prince, Radical. Sixth District: Christy, Democrat. Seventh District; Gen. P. M B Young, Demo at. Alajority over Adkins, Rad., 3 413. From Abyssinia.—London A[rri/27~. Official Abyssinian datps state that the Europeans lately captured by Theodorus, numbering sixty souls, in cluding men, women, and children, were already en route home, and that the entire force of Theodorus’ army had been either killed, wounded or captured. General Nattier takes by white Iladica! vote. MARKETS. LiVERrofft., Mo v 2, noon.—Cotton a frr etion IfioV < r: sale* 159 i> bala* : Upland*ou spot 12 o-Sal2 3-4J. atio it 12 7-8*1; Di li-ans 12 7 Sal3d. % Liverpool, May 2, evening—Cotton easier am! a '• fraction lower—Upland* 12 5 8, < liieuue 12 7 *d- X»w York. Mav 2. noon.—Cotton n sh.ido firmer | «t 32 1 2a33c for Upland*. New Vi'kk, .May '2. p. ml—t'ottou a shade firmer and inT:iir demand—sate* 2.800 bales at 32 a 23c chiefly 33c, but closing with no buyers over 32 1-2 BelteMore, May 2, p. m.—Cotton firm at 32 12 u33.\ Wilmington. May 2, p. ni—Cotton nominal— Middling 30c. Savan.vih. May 2. p. m.—Cotton firmer—holder* asking an udvnmv ; Middling 32c; sales 357 bales: receipts 450 bales : eipoi ts to-day coastwise 9SO bales, to Liverpool 1,85ft bale*. Augusta, May 2, P. M. FINANCIAL—-Brokers we buying and sell ing to-day at the following quotation : Gold in good demand. Gold buying at 140 and selling at 1414. Sil ver, buying at I in and selling at 137. COTTON —The market remain* in the snme condition that it has during the week. Ttu-re is his victory the twenty-eiilht laree guns j li” 1 * ,” r no d- mand, and seller* are asking 3U a 3i / . , r y c r cts for Middling. just used against him, 5.00U stand of small arms, 10,000 shields, such as are used in battle in open field by trie Ab- yssians, 10,000 spears, and many other articles of war equipments. The same account says: Tlieodurus com mitted suicide when he found that the fortune of the day was against him. Theodorus’ two sons were taken pris oners. The interior of the fortress of Nagdala presented a splendid sight, the place glowing with barbary splen dor. The British troops plundered it at once. They fouutifour royal crowns of solid gold, $^U,UU0 in silver, 1,000 silver plates, several lots of rich jew els, and other articles of great value. General Meade has ordered a board of officers to meet in Atlanta on Mon day to investigate the election frauds, and decide upon the result ot the same. bab Sales 97 bale*. Receipts 47 IkJLt .AN.-Si Lti-S'_s£i s On Mmv 4th, in Miiledgeville, Ga. by Rev. Win C. Maloy, Ja.mi.sA Gurry? to Mrs. Mar v K. Kwo. JIhioii & August:! SEaitrnail Compauy. Algl’sta. G» . May 3d, 186*. Tiic anmiul ineetirg if '.lie Stockiioliler* of tbi* Coir.pauy will be held in tins city on Weiiucsday tbe I3i !i iustiint. .7, A. S MILLIGAN, 49 "ft. Seo’y & Ticks'r. S pecial Notices* Agcu.-; 71. A A . K. K.. Milledgevil.c, Jaii.‘20tli, 1SC8.—Passenger* goiug to poit.ts on tliu Macon A Auguste II all toad or Georgia Railroad anil branches nr.- li qiL'sIcd to liitv tickets at tbe Depot of tire form ur Road, OU Jefferson street. The Train leaves at 5 3.1A.M. J. H. NISBET, Agt. M. 6l A. K. R. Nii;»pvinli‘i»driil'* OlHre tin. H. K. ) AL'itL'sTa, Ga., January 45th, 1868. y On anti after tbe 2Sth iust., the rate on Cotton from UiiU-dgcviilyto Augusta will be Forty cent* per liuu dred pounds—twenty cents ou M. &. A. K. K., and tlie same on On. R. R. E. W. COLE. •27 tf Gen'l. Supt. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which lie was cured of ailing affection und that liroad di.-.'ase Ciaisiinlption. Ilis ouly object i« to bcu eiit tIn- afflicted and he hopes every snfferer will try tins prescription, as it wiB cost them n .tuiug, and may move a li cssing. Please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. Iii5 Soiitli S«.ci*ud bt., Williamsburg, New York. Fell. 20,1864 * 31) 4m AT NEWELL'S UALL I Around (he World and Home again! HARRY MACARTHY’S PERSOMT ATIOU €0»TCEHTS, ENTITLED I Musical Moments with Merry Mourns, or Hide si Sapis I | MACARTinr, the mar. of versatility Ini INFORMATION. nnation guaranteed to produce a luxuriant ,,i upon a bald head or beardless tace, also a recipe fur the removal of Pimples. Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, aud beautiful, cuu be obtained without charge bv addressing J THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 30 lm 823 Broadway, New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. 4 Gentleman "'ho suffered for years from Nervous /v Debility: Premature Decay, ami all the effects ot youthful indiscretion, will, tor the sake of suffering hu uiauitv semi free to all who nepd it, the reeeipe and directions tor making the simple remedy by which he was i User' conti 10 ly. 1. Skfferer* wishing to profit by tho adver xneriei.ee can do so by addressing, iu ported JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New York ne. H Majorities are denoted by an asterisk [*] Members elect to the next Legisla ture. 9KNATB. First District: Chatham, Bryan anti Effingham— Bradley, negro Radical. Second District: Liberty, Tatnall and Mclntobh— Campbell, negro Had. Third District: Wayne, Pierce and Appling—C. 1>- Graham, Dem. Kouith District: Glynn, Camden and Charlton— Fiftli District: Coffee, Ware and Clinch— Sixth District—Echols, Lowndes and Berrieu—Grit- fin, Rad. Seventh District: Brooks, Thomas aDd Colquut— M. C. Smith, Rad. Eighth District: Decatur, Mitchell and Miller- Ninth District: Early, Calhoun aud Baker— R. T. Nesbitt, Dem. .. Tenth District: Dougherty, Lee and \Vortli— Welch. Rad. Eleventh District: Clay, Raudolpli and Terrel.— Wootten, Dem. Twelfth District: Stewart, Webster and Quitman— Moore, Dein. Tliirtoenth District: Sumter, Scliley and Macon— Jones, Rad. Fourteenth District: Dooly, Wilcox and I ulaski— Collier, Dem. Fifteenth District : Montgomery, Telfair and Irwn —McArthur, I)em. Sixteenth District :• Laurens, Emanuel and JoIidsod -s-Hicks, Dem. „ . , „ . Seventeenth District: Bullocli, Scnven and I>urk» Eighteenth District: Richmond, Glasscock anil .Tef ferson —Conley, Rad. Niuteenth District: Taliaferro, Warren and Greene —Adkins, Rad. Twentieth District: Baldwin, Hancock and Wash ington- -Wallace, negrs Rad. Twenty first District: Twiggs, Wilkinson aud Jones—Griffin, Rad. Twenty-Second District: Bibb, Monroe aud Pike-- Speer, Rad. Twenty-Third District: Houston, Crawlord and Taylor—Anderson, Di-in. Twenty-Fourth District: Marion, Muscogeo and Chattahoochee—Hinton, Dem. Twenty-Fifth District: Harris, Upson and Talbot— Higby, Rad. , _ Twenty-Sixth District: Spalding, Fayette and Butts —Nunnally, Denu Twenty-Seventh District: Clark, Walton and New ton—Harris, Rad. Twenty-Eighth District: Jasper, Putnam and Morgan --Jordan, Rad. Tweuty-Ninth District: Wilkes, Lincoln and Colum bia—Sherman, Rad. Thirtieth District: Oglethorpe, Madieon and Elbert —Mattox. Dem. Thirty-First District: Hart, Franklin and Haber- siiam— Thirty-S.cond District: White, Lumpkin aud Daw son—Landrum, Dem. Thirty-Third District: Hall, Banks and Jaeksou— Stringer, Rad. Thirty-Fourth District: Gwinnett, DeKalb and Henry-'-Candler, Dem. Thirty-Fifth District: Clayton, Fulton and Cobb— Winn, Dem. Thirty-Sixth District: Meriwether, Coweta and Campbell—Smith, Rad. Thirty-Seventh District: Troup, Heard and Corroll —Merrill, Rad. Thirty-Eighth District: Haralson, Polk and Pauld ing—Head Dem. Thirty-Ninth District: Chert kee, Milton and For syth—Holcombe, Dem. Fortieth District: Uuion, Towns an J Rabun—We.- bora, Dem. Forty-First District—Fannin, Gilmer and Pickent-- Forty-Sccond District: Bartow, Floyd *aud Chat tooga—Bums. Dem. Forty-Third District: Murray, Whitfield and Gor don—Fain, Dem. Forty-Fonrth District: Walker. Dade and ( atoosa —McCulthen, Dem. Special Correspondence of the News and Ileral l Lrtlrr From Washington. Washington, April 21, 1SG8. The speech ofMr. Groesbeck, in be- half of the President, is the talk of the town. He hail been a silent observer during the trial, leaving to Messrs. Stanbery and Evarts the conduct of the case, and it was not proposed that he should speak at all. But “’tis an ill wind that blows nobody good,” so the illness that befell Judge Stanberv brought out the great argument of Mr. Groesbeck. His principal force was exerted on the question of the power of the President to remove Mr. Stanton and confer an ad interim ap pointment on General Thomas. lie dealt with it logically and with extraor dinary power and ell'cct, and command ed the earnest attention of the entire Senate. The concluding portion was in a strain of eloquence rarely heard in the Senate chamber. Mr. Groes beck spoke under much disadvantage, his voice partially failing him m the earlier portion of his speech, but lie recovered it after two bourn. It would be claiming too much for this effort to say it has turned the current of public opinion as to the final verdict, but it certainly bus contributed to check its force, which hitherto had set the other way. But be that a3 it may, the irn- peachers are alarmed. Yesterday two of the managers, with others, were visiting the doubtful Senators, with a view of working upon them by per suasion or entreaties. It is believed they met with no satisfactory res ponse. ARRY with bin MiMIC ENTERTAINMENTS, Pronotmcud by tlie entire press to be the most unique, pleasing, chaste and astonishing pei loi'iiiauoes ever presented to the world, assisted by HSiss Sallic Partington, The fascinating Dansuese and Commedien and Mr. M. O Reardon, The Musical Genius of ’68. Mr. Macarthy has new songs, new dances and new .characters with which to entertain us. He will play i for TWO NIGHTS ONLY, commencing ou WED NESDAY NIGHT, MAY i'.th, 1868. Admission, 75 cts. Doors open a! 7 to commence at 8 precisely. Miiledgeville, May 5th, 1868. 40 It PIANOS TUNED By Prof. M. O’Reardon, Leader of nnrry Macarthy’s Troupe, who can he found at MILLKDGKVILLE HOTEL, for two days. May 5th, 1868. WU INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS! R ESPECTFULLY announce to the public, that they are now ready to supply the wants of those SPUIN'!* AND SIMMER HOODS, Prices lo Suii (he Times. Their stock has beeu selected with care, and ut prices to compete wilh any market. jy'Give them a call ere purchasing elsewhere.^ S aJCIIEDULE OF MACON AND AUGUSTA O RAILROAD— Leave Oauiak dai'yat....- 12.39 p.m. Leave Miiiedgevilie ....5 39 a. in Arrive at Miiledgeville 4.10 p. m. Arrive at Can.uk — — 9.00 a. m. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on the Day PasseDgc-r Train of the Georgia Railroad wid make close connections at Camak for inter mediate points on the above Road, and also for Macon. Passengers leaving Miiledgeville at 5,30 «. m. reach Atlanta and Augusta ihe same day. and will make close connections at either place for the principal points iu adjoining Slates E. W. COLE, General Superintrnd’t. Augusta. Jan. 7,1868. 24tf. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE GSOEaiA &AX£ROA2>. O* ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29th. 1868, the passenger trains on tbe Georgia Raiboad will run as tollows : DAY PASSENGER TRAIN (Suudays excepted). Leave Augusta at .7:10, a. m Leave Atlanta at ;*:90, a. m Arrive at Augusta at... 3:30, p. in Arrive at Atlanta at ,6:10 p. m NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at P - m ' Leave Atlanta at — P' ni ' Arrive at Augusta at 5:30, a. m Arrive at Atlanta at-- 4:00, a. m. BERZELIA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 4:30. p. m. Leave Borzelia at 7:00, a. m. Arrive at Augusta at 8:45, a. m. Arrive at Berzeiiaat 6:15, p. m. Passengers for Miiledgeville, Washington and Athens. Oa., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery. Selma, Mobile, a'nd New Orleans must leave Augusta on Night Passenger 1’rain, at 3:45, p. in. to make close connections. Passengers for Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville anJ St. Louis can take either train and make close connections. Through Tic kets and Baggage checked through to the above place*. , ^ Pullman’s Palace Sleeping Carson all Nigbt Passen ger Trains. L. W. COLE, (Icul. Sup’t. Augusta, March26tli, 1868. NOW IS THE TIME ! Be quick and come on with your GREENBACKS and get the Iheappsl and Newest Styles SPSZXft 89«M* H. TINSLEY, Agent, Has i'isf returned from NEW YORK and other Northern n.arkt ts, and invites his old Friends aud Customer* to cad und examine his stock of 023133-^1*, Staple anil Fancy Goods. DON’T DELAY, but come on and bring your friends wilh jou. Tluy shall not goaway dissatisfied. - April 13, 1868. ' 37 «f “beef contract. S EALED PROPOSALS will be received untiltha 1 111 dnv Mav. P’68, for furnishiug the State I,n- nalic Asrlrn i 'with 3<1U lbs. of good Merchantable Beef, consisting of equal portions of bind and foro quarters, to bo delivered every moniing by or before J o'eiockl r Delivery to commence by the 20th or 25th ot May. Tiio contractor wH! be required to give a bond with g.s'd seem ity foi 8J,liti9. Pollies will save time by Liviog aie the name* of their Bondsmen with their bid. Direct your letter to April 20. 18i;s. E J. WHITE, Steward it Treasurer State Lunatic Asylum, Miiledgeville, Ca. 20 3t HAVENS «fc BROWN, Wholesale nnd Retail Bock ScIIcr3, Stationers and Oener* alTIcws Dealers 91 CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. New publications received as soon as issued. March 26,1868. GEORGIA, Baldwin Couuly. \\7HEREAS, Jesse Horti p. Guardian of the prop- T T erty ot Isnat* ami \\ iiiiuiu Juhnsmi, has filed his field leturu aud pi titii.n for letters of Diamiauou. These are thetetoie tocite and adinonisb all petrona adverr.«ly ecneemed. to file their objections ou or be fore the first Monday iu July i.' xf. Given under my Lad end . thcial signature this 20tli Mart'll, 1868. JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y. March 20th, 18f.S. 34 lot CASH! 9 \\ r ANTED—LAND in the 18th District 3d Seotio* T f Clierokoo, Ga. Will pay CASH! U^“Enquire at this office. Miiledgeville. Feb. 28, 1868. 31 6m APPLING COUNTY. w Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA, Appling County. ILL be sola before the Court House door in said County on tbe first Tuesday in MAY next, Lot of Land No. 339 in the fifth District of Appling county —well improved—ui.d sold as the property of Joice Johnson, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and credi tors of said deceased. Terms cue fourth cash, tba balance twelve months credit well secured. LEMUEL JOHNSON, Adm'r. March ICtb, 1868. [J. L.J 33 tda GEORGIA. Apphng County. \\rHE4EAS, Ervin Bullard applies to me for Let- T I ters of Administration on the estate of Benja min F. Bullard, deceased. These are therefore tocite all persons concerned te file their objections, if any they have, in terms of law or said letters will be gruuted to said applicant in terms of law. Witness my baud and official signature this March Kith, 1868. J. LKfllTSEY, Ord’y. A. C. BERRIEN COUNTY. GEORGIA. Berrien County. HWM mf KrprrMKlatir... Appling: Reddish, Dem. Bartow : F. M. Ford aud M J. Crawford, Dems. Baldwin—O’Neil, negro Rad. Baker : A. M. George, d. Brooks—W. A. Lane, Rad. Butts— Hark new, Dem. FKO.1I IV A SUIN'err ON. Washington, April 29, p. iu.— Meade telegraphs to Grant that Geor gia ratifies the Constitution aud elects Bullock Governor but that the Leg islature is Democratic. Stanbury will deliver his speech in person. Evarts spoke all day. He concludes to-morrow. Acquittal stock is {up. Bets even to-day. Nelson’s triumph over Butler to-day was com plete. Trumbull moved Nelson be al lowed to explain. Nelson, as part of bis exphination, was reading a letter. Butler objected. Seuator Davis said a manager bad no business to object. Senator Sherman then objected. Hen dricks moved that Nelson be allowed to read so much as would show the date aud signature. Carried. Neisou, holding the letter faced toward tbe Senate aud said: Senators will see that the letter is dated tMarcli 9th, and here attached to it they will see the auto graphs of B. F. Butler aud Jolm A. Logan, The leadership which Sumner has assumed, regarding new iu!cs, is evi dently distasteful to several of the Sen ators. Cauby telegraphs to Grant that tbe majority iu North Caioliua so far is JOSEPH & FASS, WAYNE ST. Miiledgeville, May 5,1868. 49 It Baldwin Sheriff's Sale. rfTILL Ik- sold before the Conrt-honse door, in the M city of Miiledgeville, ou the first Tuesday iu JUNE next, between the legal hours of sale, the lo! lowiug property, to-wit : One half acre, more or less, in lot 3, square 41, in the city of Miiledgeville, arid hounded a.- f Hows : Norih by Hancock Street, West by Wilkin non St., Sontli bv McCombs’ blacksmith-shop, iHnt East by Dr. Hall's lot. Levied on a* tbe property of the es tate of Seaton Graullaiid, to satisfy one tax ti. fa. O. P. BONNER, D S’ff. May 1st, 1868. 40 td* GEORGIA, Bulloch comity. To all trhnm it may Concern \K7HEREAK, John Deloach and Mathew T. De- IT loach will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of Dismission 'is Administrator* on the estate of William Deloach, Sr., of said coauty, deceased. These are therefore to eite and admonish all aud singular the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in November next; otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 19th day of April, 1868. DAVID BEASLEY, Ord’ry. April 20, 1868. 38 mom GEORGIA, Bulloch county To all K-kom it may Content. Y\7TIERKAS, William G. Anderson will apply V T at the Court of Ordinary for letters Dis- niissory as Administrator of the estate of William W. Deloach, of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all whom it may concern to be aud appear before said Court to make objections, if any they huve, ou or before the first Monday in November next; otherwise said let ters will hi* granted. Witness mv official eignntnre this 19th day of April, 1868. ' DAVID BEASLEY, Ord’ry. April 30, 1863. 38 mtim Administrator's Sale. W ILL he .old before the Court bouse door, in the town of Mount Vernon, Montgomery county. Ga., ou the first Tuesday ill Juue next, beiweeu the u.ua! hours of -ale, the following property, to wit: Lots of Land No's 9, 493 and 494, ie the 6th and 7th district of said county. Sold us the property ot William Waldron, deceased. Also, at the same time and place -. Lot No. 61, in the bUi district of said county. Sold as the property of Samuel Kelly. All sold for the benefit ol the heirs nnd creditors. Terms cash. BENJAMIN MILIKIN, Adm’r. April 6,1863. (j L) 49 tds GEORGIA, Bulloch County. To oil whom it may concern. lFfHEREAS. John Everitt will apply at the Court tt of Oidiuary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Joshua Everitt Hnd Jiney Everitt, latent' said county, deceased. Tiiese are therefore to eite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before Mini Court to make objections, if any they have, on nr before l e first Monday in June next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witutse mv official signature this 23d day of April, 1868 ' DAVID BEASLEY, Ord ry. April 23d, 1868. 49 it S IX MONTHS from dale we will apply te th« Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from the estate of Moses D. Harris, deceased. These are to cite all concerned to file objec tions, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted iu terms of tbe law. JAMES S. HARRIS, Adm’r. JANE E. HARRIS, Adm’rx. Nov. 4th, 1867. W e c 17 rnfim GEORGIA. Berrien County. S IX MONTHS from date 1 will apply to tb« Court of Ordinary of said county for lettara of dismission from tbe estate ol Thomas Baker, deceased. These are to cite all concerned to file objections, if any they have, why said letter^ should bet be grauted in terms of the law. D. K. WILLIS, Adm’r. Nov. 4th, 1867. w E c 17 rn6m IRWIN COUNTY. GEORGIA, Irwiu County. OIX months after date I will apply to the Court of O Ordinary of said county for letters of dismissio* from the estate ot Eiius D. Whiddeu, deceased. These are to cite all concerned to file objection*, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted iu term* ol Hie law. LOTT WniDDEN, adm’r. Jan. 10, 1368. [l.m.c.] 25 m6m GEORGIA. Irwiu oounty. W HEREAS, A. P. Clements, administrator on tbe estate of John W Walker, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite aud admonish nil persona concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if auy they 'have, whv said letters should not he granted. L. .M. COLBEKTH, Ordinary. Mareh 17, 1868. 33 mtim Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of an order fr*qn the Court of Ordinary of Appling County, will be sold before tbe Conrt House door in Appling County on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of LaniUNo. 122 in the fourth District of Appling county, belonging to the estate of Elijah Griffis, deceased.— Terms cash. ISHAM REDDISH, Adin’r. April 9th, 1868. *. t. 37 td* GEORGIA, Bulloch county. To all ahum it may Concern. l\7TIKREAS, .Seaborn B. Cowart will apply at the tt Court of Ordinary for letters Diamissorv a* Guardian of Dennis Keleber, orphan of Patrick Ktle- lier. deceased. These are therefor* to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before »aid Court to make objections, ; ;f a „y they have) ou or before the first Monday in Juue next; otherwise said letters will be grant* d. Witness mv official signature this 10th day of April, 1868. DAVUJ BEASLEY, Ord’ry. April39, 1868. 38 fit BANKRUPTCY. T HE U. S. DISTRICT COURT OF GEORGIA is now open for eases uudtr the Bankrupt Act. The subscriber having been re-sworn and re-admit ted to practice in the United States' Cireait Court, i* now furnished with all the Court Forms, Schedules, See., fur practice in Bankrupt cases, aud offer* his ser vices to debtors nud creditors. Insolvents cannot safely pay confidential debts now. It is illegal, cannot be hid, will be certainly set aside, will cause friends to lose nil share in the assets, and also to forfeit double: and above all, will prevent debtors from getting a discharge. I beg leave to warn my insolvent clients earnestly on this point: pay no one, not even your best friends, for the present, for it will injure them, aud ruin yourselves. \v». McKinley. Miiledgeville. April 1, 1863. 36 ly *1 i IN HE Undersigned is no w prepared to do 1. all kind* of Cabinet work. Old furn iture repair* d and made as good as new*.— | Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Tahles, 4kc., made to order on reasonable terms. Work war ranted. Z*icc or plain Coffins put up on short notice. R. N. ADAMS. •Miiledgeville, Ang. 1.1667. 1 3m SAWYER’S FIAN0 AND Ml SIC PUBLISHING ROOMS: cor. Pnlton Avenue and 7ay Streets, Brooklyn, Wew York. F IRST CLASS PIANOS and all other Musical In- strument?,&a<l Malic ot every description prompt ly t'nrniAhtoJ to order. April 7,1 dCd. tf Pulaski Count j Sheriff Sale. TVMLL he sold before the Court-house door in the tT town of Hawkinsvilie, Pulaski county, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, the following property to-wit : Three lots of Laud, No 214, 247, and 263, all in the ll'tli district of Pulaski county, to satisfy the State and county tax of Stephen Pittman, for the year 1867. Also, one half lot of Land as tbe property of Retchings, tv satisfy hi* tax for the year 1867. Also, lots of Land No l i*. 152, and 232 1-2 acres; all in the 20ib district of Pulaski couDty, against Carlia Hogan, to satisfy his tax for tiie year 1867; all levied on and returned to me by John T. Nicholas, Consta ble. Also, at the same time and place 3 lot* of Land No’s 375. 376. 377, two hundred two and a half acres, more or less ; each levied on us the property of T. F. Walk er. to satisfy his tax for the years 1866 aud 1867. NICHOLAS RAWLINS, D. Sli’ff. April 13,1868, 17 td«,