Newspaper Page Text
| Professional Gards - |
Plastering Contracter.
Estimates on Material. - All
Work Guaranteed. .
Leave Qrder at Dan Mahoney’s
223 'B, Grant St,
Frosh Fish-and Oysters
Delivered Anywhefé
mthe ity .o 2
PHose 263, 115 S. Shermaa Street
Attoraeys at Law,
Rooms 408-1-1 Garbutt-Donovan Building
Will practice in all the Courts.
| Rooms 208-2081-2, 2nd Floor |
|: 5 Story Building
Boney & Ware,
Livery and Sale Stable
S. Grant St.
Luke and Handley’s Old Stand.
Draying and Hack
Yhon2 272.
S et e g R
G e e
e e R e
o "*‘%f‘i%* ”%‘
s oiax TR
L el
Lo Ee
W. W. Martin, The Auctioneer
Telephone or call at Miller Furni
ture Company, Fitzgerald, Ga.
s g
; Eat What
f) @ You Want, X
“\ gfl-';‘ 4 el L W ¢ 4 ‘ 1 8 v
Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsis, Heartburn
Ask At the Dixie Pharmacy.
Foot fashions change
mighty often these days.
Jt keeps the manufac
turer busy guessing
which way the cat’s go
ing to jump.
We make a close study
of “what’s next.” You’ll
find all the up-to-the
minute styles in the
Red Seal line for this
Ask your dealer to
show you ‘“Ty Cobb”’
and “Red Rock,’”’ two of
the latest lasts. They’ll
please you.
‘ >
A ‘
G fl
) = =gy
J. K. Ors . Bhoe Co,,
Red Seal Factory, Atlanta
. Hraeaie O AR
Subscribe for THE LEADER.
~ Sale of Land
Groragia—BeN Hrur CounTy.
By virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary, of Ben Hill
County, will be sold at public
outery, on the first 'Tuesday in
May, 1912, at the ‘Court-house
door in said County, between the
legal hours of sale, a certain
tract of land in said County. de
scribed as follows: One hindred
twenty-two and one-half, fl_22-2]
acres on the South side of jot One
hundred forty [l4o] in the Four
th Land District of said County,
and bounded as foliows: on the
North by lands of Sam Young,
on the "Bast by lands of Dick
Tucker, on the South by lands of
Jacgb <M. McMillan .and.on the
West by lands of M. Dickson;
said ‘lands “will be sold to the
highest bidder for cash.
This. April 4th, 1912. :
Thomas A. Young,
Administrator of Estate of -
Mary Young.
Administrators’ Sale
By virtue of an order of the
the Court of Ordinary of said
County, will be sold at public
outery, on the first Tuesday in
May 1912, at the court house in
said county, between the usual
hours of sale, the following de
seribed real estate situated in
Ben Hill County, Georgia, to wit:
Lot number One [l] in square
number four [4] in block number
eight [B] in the City of Fitzger
ald, Georgia, as shown by the
recorded plat of said City. :
Terms of sale: Cash.
This April Ist, 1912.
W. W. Pickens,
Executor, estate of
Sarah J. McFarren.
Guardian’s Sale
Grorcia BeEx HiLr CoUNTy. .
By virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of said Coun
ty, will be sold at public outery,
on the first Tuesday in May 1912,
at the court house in said county,
between the usual hours of sale,
the following described real
estate situated in Ben Hill Coun
ty, to wit:
Twenty [2o] acre tract number
Four Thousand Two Hundred
and Fifty [4250] of the Colony
Domain, as shown by the record
ed plat of such sub-division: the
said tract Leing a portion of land
lot number One Hundred Seven
ty Nine [l79] in the third [3rd]
land district of Ben Hill County,
Terms of sale, Cash.
This April Ist., 1912,
Hugh Kerr,
* Guardian of Gertrude Kerr.
: Sheriff’s Sale
Will be sold, on the first Tues
day in May, 1912, at public out
cry at. the court house insaid
county, within the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which
the following is a full and com
plete description:
Onre oak gear, rosewood body,
end spring, steel “tire, Huil
buggey bought by C. A. Gibbs on
the 16th day of June, 1911, of J.
W. Secarbrough and Company.
Said property levied on as the
property of C. A. Gibbs to satis
{y an execution issued from the
City Court of Fitzgerald, said
said county, in favor of J. W.
Scarbrough and Companyv against
said C. A. Gibbs: said property
in possession of C, C. Dozier,
Deputy Sherit,
This the Ist day of April, 1912,
C. C. Dozitr,
Deputy Sheriff,
City Court of Fitzgerald.
Sheriff’'s Sale
Will be sold before the Court
House door in said county on the
first Tuesday in May, 1912. With
in legal hours of sale the follow
ing deseribed property, to-wit:
Lots of land- Nos. 38 and 40,
together with all improvements
thereon situated in what is
known as Moore’s Addition to
the City of Fitzgerald, said coun
ty, said Nos. beingin accordance
with the map of said Moore’s
Addition as appears of record in
Plat Book 1, Folio 10, office of
the Clerk of the Superior Court
of said county. Said property
levied on as the property of A.
L. Moore to satisfy an execution
issued at the Jan. Term, 1912,
from the City Court of Fitzger
ald, in said county in favor of
The Third National Bank of Fitz
gerald against A. L. Moore as
principal and Early Gibbs as
This the sth day of March, 1912.
| J. W, Norris, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Sale .
GrorciaA—Ben Hill County,
~ Will be sold the first Tuesday
in May next, at public outery at
the court hgsue, in said county,
within legal hours of sale, to
highest bidder for cash, about
forty bushels of corn and from
150 to 200 bushels of fodder.
Said property levied on as the
property of S. W. Walker to sat
isfy an execution issued from
the City Ceurt of Fitzgerald.
said county. in favor Planters
Warehouse & Loan Company
against said S. W. Walker and
being in possession of S. W.
This sth day of April, 1912.
i Deputy Sheriff,
City Court Fitzgerald.
- Citation
GrorcilA—BEN HriLr Counrty.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Margaret M. Pantridge having,
in proper form, applied to me for
Letters of Administration with
will annexed, on the estate of
Andrew Pantridge, late of said
county, deceased, this is to cite
all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of Andrew Pantridge
to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law,
and show cause, if any they can,
why Letters of Administration
with will annexed, should not be
granted to Margaret M. Pan
tridge on Andrew Pantridge’s
Witness my hand and official
signature, this Aprii Ist. 1912.
C. M Wise, Ordinary.
Georcia—BEN HiLL County.
Mrs. Malvern P. Mallory hav
ing made application for twelve
month’s Support out of the estate
of W. H. Mallory, and appraisers
duly appointed to set-apart the
same having filed their return,
all persons concerned are hereby
required to' show cause before
the Court of Ordinary sof said
county on the first Monday in
May 1912, why said application
should not be granted. e
This April Ist 1912. LR
C. M. Wisge, . -
Classified Advertising,
"For Sale, Aucnas
‘Eggs, 15 for $3.00. Prize win
uers at Atlanta Show.
G H. Johnson, R. F. D. No, 6.
Seed Corn
I have for sale 200 bushels of
Whatley’s seed corn at $2 per
A. J. Sword, R. F. D. No. 6,
20-Bt. Fitzgerald, Ga.
For Sale or Exchange
One new two horse wagon, will
take one horse wagon in trade,
John Huft,
90-tf. New Arbor Chureh.
Egdgs for Hatching
Prize-winning strams S, C. B.
Orpington -eggs, $2.00 per 15.
Fertility guaranteed, * After Apr.
Ist, §1.50 per 15: also baby chicks.
E. J. Hammond,
118 W. Magnolia St.
Notice To The Public
It 1s a violation of the Law to
ride upona Bicycle upon any side
walk in this City, this Law will be
strictly enforced, hereaiter all of
fenders will be dealt with accord
Herman Smith,
20-4 w. Chief of Police,
For Sale Choice
Birds young Singers $3.00 each.
Females $l.OO, pair $3.50, 515 W.
Central Ave,
I am in position to furnish
rough lumber for building. De
livered on your lot atsl2.oo per
1000 foot.
A. J. Swords,
20-Bt. R.F. D Ne. 6.
Try our Ice Cream. City Drug
Co. 25.2¢.
' Notice of Bond Elec
’ tion,
To the qualified voters of the City
of Fitzgerald: ; ¥
You are hereby notitied that, on
the 14th day of May, 1912, there
will be held an election in said
city to. determine the question
whether or not the city of Fitzger
ald shall issue its bonds in the sum
of Forty-thousand Dollars, ($40,-
000.00), for the purpuse of payivg
for the paving of. the following
portions of the following streets
in said city, to-wit:
Central Avenue, fromjthe Alley
lying paralell to and between
Thomas and Sheridan streets,i
West, to and across Johnson
streets: Johnston street, North
to the tracks of the Atlanta,!
Birmingham and Atlantic
Railroad Company; Pine street,
from the point where the pavingl
of said street terminates at Sher
man street, Kast, to and across!
Sheridan street; Main street, from
the point where Pine Street in
tersects it on the South, North to
Central Avenue; that portion of
Sherman straet lying between
Central Avenue and Pine streets
and that portion of Sheridan street
lying between Central Avenue anc
Pine street. Said Bonds to b
issued in denominations of. Ou:
Thousand Dollars, ($1,000,00)
each; to bear interest at the rate
of 5 per cent per annum said in’
terest to become due and be vaic
semi annuallyfon the first days o!
January and July of each year.
during the life of said bonds.
Noue of the principal of saic
tonds is to be paid annually by!
all of the grincipal is to becoms
due and be fully paid thirty, (30)
years from the date of their issue:
the principal and interest on said
bonds is to be payable at some
bank or Trust Company ‘in the
city. and State of NeW:York,'in
Gold Coin of the United States of
the present weight and fineness; all
of said bonds both principal and
iinterest to. become due and be
fully paid within thirty, (30),
kvears from the date of their issue,
Said election will be held at the
City Hall, in said city and under
the rules and regulations provided
in the Charter of said city for the
holding of elections, Those per
sons desiring to vote for the issue
of said bonds, shall have written
or printed on their ballots ' the
words, *“For - Bonds” and those
desiring to vote against the issue
of said bonds shall have written or
printed on their ballots the words,
¢“Against Bonds.”
A. B. Cook, Mayor.
Geo. W. Brown,
The constantly increasing de
mand for THE TELEO-ME
me to move to & city with greater
book-printing and publishing
facilities.l will close out the few re
maining copies of the $1,50 edi
tion for 75ct. and the 82,50 (cloth
and gold) copies for $1.50 to save
trouble and expense of transpor
Jobs left for repairs several
months ago must be called for
within 30 days. Debtors and credi
tors please call in for settlement of
accounts. Household goods and
furniture at half their actual value.
Choice city lots and 5 and 10 acre
tracts for sale cheap. Get or send
for a descriptive price list of lots
and tracts,
H. Wettstein,
April 10, 1912, 414 S. Main st.
For Sale—White Rock Eggs for
setting. I also have a few fine
Cockerels, Patterson’s strain,
price $2 to $5.
23-tl-4w. L. S. Osborne.
White Plymouth Rocks,
Barred Plymouth Rocks,
and White Leghorns,
75c per Sectting of 15 Eggs
1414 S. Main S'. Mrs. C.A. WETTSTEIN.
Pains All Over! ’
“You are welcome,” says Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Broken
“Arrow, Okla,, “to’use my letter. ‘in any way you want to,
if it will induce some suffering woman to try Cardui. I had
pains all over, and suffered ‘with an abscess. - Three phy
sicians failed to relieve me. Since tdking Cardui, I am in
better health than ever before, and that means much to me,
\ because I suffered many years with womanly trcubles, of.
- different kinds. 'What other treatments I tried, helped me
for a few days only.® ' ‘ e s o
. - ] : i ..‘.w- o . Eagiad
~. TAIK)EU ['Womer
(:A ARDU | Womans Tonic
Don’t wait, until you are taken down sick, before. tak
ing care of yourself. The small aches and pains, and other
symptoms of womanly weakness and disease, always mean
worse to follow, unless given quick treatment. i
~ You would always keep Cardui handy, if you knew
‘what quick and permanent relief it gives, where weakness
,and disease of the womanly system makes life seem hard
o bear. Cardui has helped over a million women. Try it.
. Writs fo: Ladies’ Advisory Dept., Chattancoga, Medicine Co., Chsttanooga, Tenn., |
for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, 'Home TFreatment for Womea," sent free, J5l
SRR T R P e S 07l .’4‘ i) M(; ”,
. All prices from the cheapest &\% o “i- w \"~"’
to the Lest. @Il calls will re- . {12’:";;\ e %‘%{
ceive our immediate attention. J;'l%z\}i« iy %\\%’(Z“
- Sandlin Furniture & Undertaking Gompany,
Day Phond 116; + 4 omoee o Night Phone 875,
- < idpa Y g SR E P .
._l.)‘ ’: b ;s e 2 ',,A(‘l g
The Equitable Casiialty Company
‘Of ,Atlanta, Georgia phe
Is the only Compa.ny”thabis'speg thé'EGGA POLICY," " i/, 2
Which pays for every kind of Death, -gvery kind of Sickness; every kind of
Accident, Hospital Indemnity, “Trained Nirse Hire, Quarantine Indemnit, .
Burial Benefits, Carbuincles. Boils and Felons. ~ -,
' ALSO Givés your Beneficiary Free Insurance, Monthly Settlements at
the request of the Insured. ' ; :
Call on M. M. Sapp and have him show you a Sample of this Policy.
We pay our Agents to Represent us. and not to Knock other Companies.
Agents wanted. = Address : G
M. M. SAPP, cen’l Agt., Fitzgerald, Ga.
B B f "“‘l:')r e yo I %
Harness Maker i s%'l}‘l[' " <
.. :.“f’?é q, ’ f f‘% =
and Rapairing "‘“”5::.:”;;;%
o e e s p e
Old Harness Made Good as New, both in
Looks and Durability.
See me. Satisfaction Guaranteed
221 E. Pine Street. _
Bv helping your land to yield the greatest possible production
will accomplisd this end. :
Its intelligent use will enable you to make more money
on less acres with less help. To this end call on our Agent
at FITZGERALD or write us at SAVANNAH for valuable
printed matter.
We have in stock at
a oood stock of Ohemicais and Complete Fertilizers, and our
prices, like our goods, are attractive.
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.,
D, L. MARTIN, Sales Agent.
Savings Bank
Open for Deposits
Each School Day ‘
8:15 to 8:30 a. m., $:l5 to 3:30 p. m.
We'll take care of your Pennies.
Let the Big Banks care for your Dollars.
Open An Account With Us.,