Newspaper Page Text
: Porch Swings, Hammocks. Porch Rockers,
YOU are he;leby d Complete line of Mission Furniture for your Porch
R i & d Lawns.
o call an o
lnvlted, to ca Also, the only Solid Stone-lined Refrigerators in town.
in sp ect our StOCk Of Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers--the very best makes
_——————Fitzgerald Mercantile Company ————
G- o gt s
Confederate Monument
Erected At Milledge
Milledge, Ga.. April 14.-Memorial
day in Milledgevillewillbeobserved
this vear with more thanp usual In
terest. The cheif feature of the
day’s program will be the nnveiling
of the monument to the pemory of
Contederate dead, erected by the
wembers of the B. E, Lee Chapter
of the United Daugbters of the,
Confederacy. The work of prepsr
ing tae foundations is DOW being
dope ard the monument will be
ready for unpveiling bV the 26th
wost. The Jocation selected lis ip
the center of the business section
where it will be a great addition
to the appearance of the city.
The address of the day will be
delivered by Dr. W. L. Wray,
pastor of Mulberry Street church
of Macon. A dinner will be served
as u: ual, to the veterans and other
guests on the courthouse grounds.
Joining in the parade will be 600
college students, the voung ladies
of the G. N. and I College and
the cadet battsllions of the Geor
gia Military College.
Public Installation
The newly elected officers of
Gethsemane Commandery No. 20
wil!l be installed next Friday night
at their Asylum at 7:45, arnd in
vite their friends to Wwitness the
ceremonies and participate with
them in the pleasure of that oc
casion. Speeial music will be pre
pared and refreshments served.
E. K. Farmer
S. (3. Prvor
T. M. Calloway,
Atlanta Financier Dead
Atlanta, April 16,—Thomas
Jefferson Cooledge, Jr., of Boston
and Atlanta, a direct descendant
of Thomas Jefferson and one of
the best known financiers operat
ing in the south, died yesterday
at his home in the former city,
according to telegrams which have
been received by H. E. Atkinson
Mr. Cooledge was well known
here and in other parts of the
soutn, He had extensive invest
ments in this section of the coun
try, most of which he handled
from Atlanta.
Attention Sir Knights,
Gethsemane Com
manderv, No. 20
“ There will be public installation
of officers for ensuing Templar
year, on Friday night Avpril 19th
at Masonic Hall at 7:45, Full
dress uniform. Music and refresh
. Almonte E. Jones,
Eminent (Commander.
9 o You Wani.
Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsie, Heartburn
vAs KA t The Dixie Ffharmacy.
No Eggs But
Some Possums
When Mrs, E. J. Hogan wernt
01t to her hen house one day jast
week to gather the eggs, she
found in one of the nests six little
baby possums, The Ilittle mother
less creatures at once fourd their
way into the sympathies of Mrs.
Hogan, and vpon the failure of
the motber possum to return, she
has taken them ip cbarge to raise.
At last reports they are doing
g s
1 « 4w .
Convict’s Life 18
] ‘
~ Enforced Slavery
Atlanta, Gs., April 13.—“ The
convict’s life is enforced slavery.
His existence is one of repression.
Every condition s&bout him mili
tates agaipst manbood. His one
dream is of bome;and, in most in
stances, he has no bome, He isa
slave without a chance.”
This is the impression Philip
Weltner, deputy solicitor general
of Fulton county, Orought back
today from two days spent asa
copvict in the Campbell county
chaingang, for the purpose of
studying the lot of state prisoners.
He had no criticism to make
of the guards or the warden, But
he caid he found the system per
nicious. Instead of reducing erime,
1t encourages criminal tendencies.
far from making men better, it
represses their good impulses and
stimulates their prompting to
wards crime.
For Cash Only
Cotton Seed Hul's $8.95 per ton
Phone 283, Central Avenue Ware
House. 28-2¢
Over 100 Millions
Naval Appropriation
Washington, D. C., April 14
The house naval affairs committie
yesterday agreed to report a bill
carrying appropriations aggregat
ing $100,700,000 for maintenance
of the navy for the coming year.
This does not include auything for
construction of new ships, that
question having been deferred un
til next Thursday.
A Card From J. B. F. Dixon
To the Voters of Fitzgerald
and Ben Hill County:
I have served one year of
my first term as Tax Re
ceiver. During that year I
have tried to do my full duty
to every tax payer, rich and
poor alike. Ishall continue
to do so; honest people don’t
expect any more, and I shall
do no less. My opponent
had two full terms when I
was elected, and I only ask
the voters for a secend term
which it has been the cus
tom to give in the pasti.
Yours sincerely,
(Rew Orleans Bankers ~
Thrown Into Prison
New Orleans, La, April 14 —Eu
gepe F. Buehler, president of the
lTeu(onia Bank and Trust Company
|of New Orleans, and Joseph H. Go
mila, a director, were put in the par
ish prison here tonight, charged with
making false statements to the state
| bank examiner and concealing the
true condition of the bank.
Frank J. Braud, a former cashier
of the same bank, and now a public
accountant, was arrested at the same
tine charged with embezzling
$60,000 of the bank’s funds. The
arrests were made after an investi
gation by District Attorney St. Clair
Adams. The bank is a state insti
Part of North Georgia
As Forest Reserve
Atianta, April 14.—Petition for
appraisement of 32,000 acres of
land in north Georgia intended to
be part of the Appalachian forest
reserve was filed in the federal
court here yesterday by governs
ment representatives. The land
lizs in Fannin, Lumpkin, Gilmer
and Union counties, 1t is said that
the government has practically
agreed to buy the land from an
Atlanta real estate man who has
purchased it from individual own
ers but wishes to dispose of any
possible contests over titles before
closing the transaction.
Henderson Announces
for Congressin 11th
Douglas. April 14.—The Doug
las Enterprise carried today the
official announcement of J. A. J.
Henderson, of Irwin county. for
congressman from the KEleventh
<0 Igressional district. While sev
eral other names have been men
tionecd in connection with the race.
Henderson is the first to throw
his hat into the ring,.
Special Meeting of Owls.
A special meeting of Fitzgerald
Nest of Owls is called for Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock. Every mem
ber of the order is earnsstly reques
ted to be present, as matters of im
portance are to be brought up.
H. A. Witham, Pres.
R. L. Kixng, Sec’y.
All Guided hy the Will
The will of each man or woman is
like the compass ¢! a ship--where it
points, the ship goes. If the needle
directs it to the rocks, there is wreck
and disaster--if tc the open sea, there
is clear sailing.—Marie Corelli.
Two Leading Japanese Industries.
Nearly a miliion and a half families
in Japan devote all or part of their
time to silk .cuiture. A million per
sons are exclusively engaged in flsh
eries, while anotbher millien and a
half combine fishing with some other
g v
Vatt ¥i E S |
The Great Cough Cure:
For Children and A "uits. !
i COrigin of “Mauscieum.”
' When Mausolus, king of Caria, died
' his widow, Artemisia, decided to erect
[over his body the most magniticent
|tomb that the world ghould ever see.
' Sculptors and artists from every
| kpown land were put to work and no
kexpense was spared, and for years
' {he work was pursued, though it was
!not tinished even at the death of his
widow. It is from thig incident that arose the word “mausoleum,”
Which means a stately tomb.
; et G e
)[ Sold Wife to Friend.
i At the viilage of Utznach, Switaer
land, the other day, a curioug sale
[taok place. With her own consent &
woman was sold by ber husband to
‘azcther man, an ltelian, and a friend
of the Swiss couple. The price agkeéd
by the affectionate husband was four
dollars. To further “legalize” the
bargain, the Italian procured two wit
nesses to the transaction and had a
contract written on stamped govern
ment paper.
et o eAy ORI
Seok the Beet.
Nobleness springs to cur eye¢ wher
ever we look, rich stores of poetic in
spiration, if ore has receptivity large
enovgh to take it in &nd reveal it
touecbed with emotion, the magic light
of the imagination. Bravery, good
ness and truth lie on every side. We
need not seek the exceptional for
. themes, the usual affords more than
enough. Look closely with under
standing into the common; you will
finéd everwhere the uncommon, the
wonderful.—The Christian Register.
Tailor's Cutting Retort.
A newly elected Australian labor M.
P. returns his occupation as “tailor’s
cutter’-—an avocation rarely repre
sented in pariiament. Some time ago,
says the London Chronicle, Australia
had a remarkably eloquent and witty
tailor, who became not only an M. ..
but a minister of the crown. To him
a new governar made this maladroit
remark: I hear, Mr. Jones, you were
onee a tailor?’ ‘Yes, my lord, I
was.” “And how are you engaged
now?’ “Taking your eXcellency's
Stolen Jewels Are Recovered.
Over £lO,OOO worth of precious
stones which. were stolen from the
effgy of the Virgin at Czenstochowa,
Poland, two years ago, have been dis
covered in the shop of & jeweler
named Adler, in Lublin, Poland, whose
premises were being searched for Ni
hilist correspondence. Clues were
also found which led to the discov
ety of another £5,000 worth of these
jewels in a house near Lemberg.’
As They See Us in England.
Political riots in America are car
ried out in a thoroughgoing fashion.
Lord Rosebery tells a story of a friend
of his who visited Baltimore when an
election for congress was in progress.
Turning in for a shave he complained
to the negro barber that his razor was
very biunt. “Vurry likely, sir,” was
the reply; “I was out Jast night at an
election meeting.”—London Chronicle.
Elephant Lived for Centuries.
When Alexander the Great con
quered Porus, king of India he took
a great elephant that had fought gal
lantly for the defeated king, named
him Ajax, dedicated him to the sum,
placed upon him a metal band with
the inscription, ‘“‘Alexander, the som
of Jupiter, dedicated Ajax to the sun »
The elephant was found alive 360
years later.
The Divine Law.
And what is the divine law to &
man? To hold fast that which is his
own, and to claim nothing that is an
other’s; to use what is given him, and
not to covet what is not given; to
vield 'up easily and willingly what is
taken away, giving thanks for thke
time he has had it in his service.—
Purely Speculative. :
“I have always been interested.”
said little Binks, “in the utilization of
waste. Now where do vou suppose all
these bursted tires go 7o in the end””
“1 don't know,” s#id the Genial Phil
osopher, “but if they go where most
people consign ‘em there must be 2
terrible smell of rabber in the here
after.’—Harper's Weekly. :
N . »
Direct line to Augusta
and all points in the Carolinas, Virginia, Washing
ton, New York and all Eastern cities via Augusta. Close
connections made at Hazlehurst with Southern Railway for
Helena, Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga and peints North and
West. Sleeping Car service on trains Nos. 6 and 7 betwee
Augusta, Valdosta and Madison,
~ No. 7No. b . R e N
9:00] 7:os|]Lv ..... .. Augu5ta.......... Ar 5:25/ 8:10
' 1:0010:46lv . . Swainsboro . . Ari 2;05! 8:5%7
5:00] 9:3s|Lv e BRI &i"'ggggf'g;gg
28000 y .- . o Videlis .v, Ar'l_2_;s_s! 1:45
4:15| 1:10{Ar .. .. .. Hazlebhurst......... Lvill;4e 12:16
dml 'Ly ... ... BHazlehusst.... ... .. Ar:11;46‘11:00
Gl 2iAr ........ Dongins ... .. . . Lv§lo:3o 9:30
7:30] 225|Lv ..........D0ug1a5...... ... Arilo:2s 9:00
8:27, 3:osiAr ....... Wiliacoochee. ...... Lvl 9:39| 8:12
9:15f 3:45/Ar .. ....... Na5hvi11e......... Lvl 8:54| 722
10:22 4:soiAr .........Vsaldosta..... .... Lv; 7:50 6:60
1145}§40_Ar Biissacs NN Lyi 6:15] 4:10
10:03' 6:08/Ar ......... .5park5.......... Lv| 7:25| 4:25
I Glesr . ... oel ......... LypTdo a 0
11:58) 7:55/Ar ...... Moultrie .. . LVI 5:15| 2:35
aily|Exsu| S
Douglas to Barrows Bluff ‘pm'y IWFK‘%\?—
v Dovgles. . ... ......... .00 ey 0t (G RREE
AP BN - oor osy e s 112:35;11:4-5-
Ar Batrows Bl . ....... ... ..& ... 00 b pli g
H H Thompson, Commereial Agent, Douglas, Ga. ; .
H C McFadden, Traffic Manager, Augusta, Ga.
C H Gattis, Assistant Traffic Manager. Augusta, Ga.
{Gommunicated) i
To the Voters of Ben Hill County :
Dear Sir :
1 write to eall your attention again to my candidacy for re
election to the office of Sheriff of Ben Hil] County. 1 have held
the office for only one term. Of all officers, the Sheriff should be
given a second term because no man can get sufficiently well
acquainted with the details of the Sheriff ’s office during the first
term to do himself justice. But while I have held the office only
one term, I am willing to stand squarely on the record I have
made. 1 have undertaken to conduct the duties of the office with
out favor or enmity to any man; I have had no pets to favor, no
enemies to annoy and harass. I have not filled the jails and the
courts with prosecutions founded in maliee or spite, at the expense
of the county and to the benefit oniy of the officers. I have been
content to serve papers placed in my hands and make out of the:
office what honestly came to me. A careful investigation of the
books of the County Commissioners will show that the jail fees
paid by the County for last year aggregated $1.143.34 less than for
1910, shewing a saving to the tax payers during the first year of
my term of that amount in jail fees alone. The books of the Com
missioners together with the records of the Clerk’s office wilk
show a like saving of more than $2,000.00 during that first year of
my term of office in the way of expenses for holding courts. And
yet our citizens have been protected and law and order has pre
Some of my political enemies have circulated a report that ¥
have been tendered a nice job at a big salary, which of course is
true, and would probably accept it and retire from this race. I
have never had any idea of accepting any job with the amount of
money offered in addition to salary or any amount of money that
could be offered for retiring from the race; nor have I at any time
had any idea but what the good people of this county would re
elect me by a big majority.
I will appreciate your vote and influence, and will, if elected,
continue to fill the office to the best of my ability.
Thanking you, one and all, for your past favors, I am
Fraternally yours,
Sheriff Ben Hill County.
Closing Out Sal
lam closing out my stock of Glassware, Crockery
ware, Chinaware and Enamelware, at close prices.
See these goods before buying.
125 East J k )("
Centrai Ave a e e myer