The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, April 16, 1912, Image 8

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Society News N otes “C+ A. Holtzendorf DENTIST 2nd Floor Rocms 203 9-10 Ga.rbutt-o>novan bldg. RIVIERE-LEE WEDDING Mr. aud Mrs. Robert E. Lee have returned from Jacksonville, ¥la., where they attended the wed ding of Mr. Lee's sister. Miss Neliie Lee. The following write up of the ceremony is from the Jacksonville Times. Union: “The attractive home of Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Kabrick, 218 E, Church strect, was the scene of a pretty wedding last evening when Mr. Frank G. Riviere and Miss Nellie G. Lee were uritad i marriage. Rev. J. T. Boone performed the ceremony in an impressive manner, The house was tastetuliy deco rated with palms, roses and ferns. Before thie ceremony. Miss Nallie Scrobel, niece of the bride, sang, O Promise Me! in a clear, sweet voice. | To the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin the bridal party entered, The bride was never lovelier than in her wedding gown of silk tissue over white satin, trimmed in shadow lace and pear! ornaments ] and wearing a long illusion veil with rcrongd of orange blessoms. B 8 bagrF couple received num bers of handsome presents of sil-, ver, cut glass, china, furniture and checks attesting to their popu-, larity. [ The groom is a weli known young busit ess man and is bem,«_r! congratulated on winping so| charming a bride. t The bride is the daughter of the | late L. B. Lee, of Leesburg. She and the groom have a host of friends in Jacksonville and throughout the state who will ex tend best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Riviere will be at home to their friends at the Col amns after April 15.7 ‘ Miss Margaret Harr:s returned vesterday to her home in Atlanta, after a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends ia the city. During her stay Miss Harris was the honor guest at several delight ful affairs, the different hostesses being Mrs. Thomas J. Dickey, Mrs, Thomas M, Griftin, Miss Blossom Mercer and Mrs. James M. McDonald. Mrs. Kate Myers left yesterday gor a visit of a week in Atlanta and Belton, Ga. Mres. W. A, Green, Miss Bessie Nicholson, Mrs, Mary Green and .Mr. P. F. Keefer went to Duolin yesterday to attend the Grand Chapter Eastern Star, Men's SUMMER Underwear Balbrigan, Gauze and Check Naifisook, 502 quality, 39c; 25¢ and 35¢ qualities, 19¢ f Men’s Genuine Scriven Drawers, 75¢ quality, 59c; Elastic Seam, 50c quality, 39c 1 Men’s Atlantic Underwear in Porosknit and ‘Nainsook, 18c; Standard Brands, 4lc 4 _ | catwon, i ws| THE SURPRISE STORE, ™ ABL,, |Goots devere| our wants. 5 o < Of |to any part of fi’hone A 46. “Your Mpngy’s Worth or Your Money Back” B the city. : \ . = ‘ Dr.G. W.McLean 33 DENTIST et |RAR IR TP Rooms 512-513. PHONE 438. Garbutt Donovan Buildiag Fitth Floor Sunday Hours, 9 to 10 . Mrs. Adolph Moritz and two ‘daughters, Misses Mary and ‘Geneva, of Montgomery, Ala,, 'spent the week-end here with Mr. 'Moritz, superintendent of the A. ;B. &A. It is the purpose of Mr, ‘Moritz to move his family to the city about the first of Jure. . Mr. and Mrs. George A, May of 'Macon announce tt e arrivial of a ‘baby girl, Saturday at the home of iMrs. May’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Marston, ! Mrs. Maggie Dean Morris, has ireturned to her home in Hogans ville, after a visit of several weeks ‘with Mrs. K, K. Farmer, Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Ware an nounce the birtn of a fine baby boy at their home on Central Ave. Mrs. William B. Moore is ex pecting her sister, Mrs. J. M. Stoker. and Miss Stoker, of Raleigh, N. C., to arrive in the city within the next week to spend l sometime with her, | MES. IRVING ENTERTAINS FOR VISITORS. Mrs. J. C. Irving entertained very delightfully last Thursday f ternoon, in honor of Mrs. F. Ez ell, of Leesburg Fla, who is visit-, ing Mrs, A. K. Russell, and Mrs.l James Forgart, of Pittsburg, Pa., the guest of Mrs. Spiller. The! apartments were decorated pro fusely with Spring Flowers,and the afternoon was devoted to Pridge and Rook,being two tables of each osame. The favors for each table were dainty pieces of handwork, andthe honor guestswere each pre sented lovely glass covers, At the conclusion of the game deli cious refreshments were served. Mrs. Irvin was assisted by Mrs. J. Hawkins Gceodman and Mrs, Will B. Moore, and the atfair was greatly enjoyed vy those present. MORNING PARTY FOR MISS HARRIS. Mrs. James M. McDonold en tertained at a delightfully infor mal party last Saturday morning in honor of her neice, Miss Mar oaret Harris, of Atlanta. The tables for Rook were arranged on the verandah, and at the conclu sion of the game, the top-score prize, a pair of silk hose, was awarded to Miss Gertrude Peacock. Mrs. McDonald was assisted by Mrs. Thomas M. Griffin, Mis. James L. McCarty, and Mrs. Thomas J, Dickey. The refresh ments consisted of a aelicous ice course. Invited to meet Miss Harris-were twelve of the younger society contingent, THE LEADER ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY APRIL Ib, iyls American State Bank Desires To Be A Home Bank Every business man or woman haye their ‘*headquarters,” where they seem to feel more at home than anywhere else. People from the country are especially fond of making some particular place of business their ‘‘headquarters”. Now, there is nothing we like to do more than to mwake our custom ers and friends feel ‘‘at home” with us. None of us are what the world mizht call rich and we are conse quently just plain folks with a desire to treat our fellow man as an equal, At the same time, we try to be business-like and handle the alfairs of our customers in a manner that wili be perfectly satisfactory to them, A farmer knows a whole lot more about farming than a bank man and a bank man understands banking better than a farmer, but we desire to learn more about farm ing and to teach the farmer more of banking principles and rules. In other words, we want to co-ope rate with the farmer and the me chanic as well as those of every other trade and profession with a view to enlarging our knowledge as well asto give them a better understanding of banking. ’ We wish to encourage ‘‘saving” for investment and for emergen cies,. Qur fast growing Saving Department is an evidence that we are making progress in this direc-i tion and it is pleasing to us, We are always ready to assist in making transfersof money from one point to another free of charge arnd to attend to private business of | our customers. Our vault is large and we are glad to keep papers and securities free of charge, or if preferred, will rect one of our steel, fire-proof deposit boxes at a very small rental. l Ovr business is growing and we are confident that it will continue to grow so long as we pursue the | policies that we aire now endeavor-! ing to follow. If you are louking for a “Bank-l ing Home,” we take pleasure in di recting you to this bank and hope to see you real soon and add your name to our growing list of custo mers. You are welcome at AMERICAN STATE BANK, FITZGERALD, GA. “*The bank around the corner” The musical feature of Sunday night’s service at the Central Christian Church was greatly augrpented by the performance of Pr: Fessor Charles Merck and Mr, Tuiaer Brown. who played most beautifully on the tromboue and claronet. FEEOE DT D For Sale Three R. C. White Leghore hens and four White Rock hens, all young and laying. Call phone 62. or call 117 Central Ave., Fitz gerald for prices. R, Mrs. L. W. Meakin is visiting relatives in Atlauta. Capid Worrie. Atlanta School Board Attanta. April 16.—Dan Cupid 15 the latest pupil in the Atlanta pubiic Sctool. And he is giving the board of education more trou ble than all the bad boys of the third and fourth grades. The board of education has in formed the public that it wants applicants for new places on the teaching staft, because so many of the voung lady teachers have heard the call of love and spring and have been married. Every vear, usually about this season, a dczen or more of the most charming of Atlanta’s school ma’ms tigure in the hst of wedd ings in the society columns of the local newspapers. It is mighty fine for the teichers, and for the bridegrooms. but it is tough on the poor old board of education. The April historical and social meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will be held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs.J, k. Mercer, ;soutn Main street. ' Mesdames E. J. Dorminey and ’J. C. Bush have arranged a very attractive programe. Subject, Orig‘n, Missien and Objects of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Members are urged to be present. Mrs. C. E. Baker, Rec, Sec. Torturing eczema spreads its burning area every day. Doan’s Ointment quickly stops its spread ing, instatly relieves the itceing cures it permanently. At any drug store. 24-8, The Eckert Family . At the Motio A large and enthusiastic crowd attended the Eckerv’s pertormance at the Motio last night. The splendid program was possibly the best that has been rendered by these talented musicians during their engagement of a week and a half at the Motio. Their en tertainment is one tnat appeals to the relined and intelligent classes land that this element is over whelmingly large in Fitzgerald is attested bv the crowded house each night. Miss Eckert, who han dles the violin with marked skill was repeatedly encored last night and was the grateful recipieat of many beautiful bouquets from her admirers. The Eckerts will close their en gagement in Fitzgerald tomorrow night, and those who have not yet atttended their elevating entertain ment, should avail themselves of the opportunity. | B AL ! Woman loves a clear, rosy ‘complexion. Burdock Blood Bit ‘ters purifies the blood, clears the !,skin, r stores ruddv. sound health. - Ok 8t Miss Wynoma Fora. one of Tif ton’s charming daughters, is here this week. the guest of Mrs. Edith Hoffman at her hom: on South Main Street. Rev. S. G. Hutton, pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city, i company with Mr. R. L. King, left last evening or this morning for Statesboro, Ga., where they go to attend a meeting of the Presbytery, which will be in session several days. Miss Spring has put on her clothes of green and all nature is smiling. The trees in leaf, the ground car peted in green, with roses and other flowers in bloom, and the air per fumed with pine and wild flowers, makes this time of the season a joyous one for all. The Ladies’ Aid of the FKirst Methodist Church will serve their regular monthly dinner at the W. R. C. Hall, Wednesday April 17th Dinner 25c¢, : NEW ECZEMA CURE. Antiscepitc Remedy that Gures Worst Cases in Short Time. The many sufferers from eczema in Fitzgerald and vicinity will wel come the news that a new antiseptic has been discovered that relieves the itching and soreness almost as ’soon as it is applied and which will 'soon make an absolute and thorough cure in even the worst case. Renovo bills the antiseptic germs when applied to the diseased skin and grows new, healthy flesh that is free from soreness or eruption. The new remedy is putupin a collapsable tube, the only package that should be used for an ointm and a three-inch tube can be obtain™ ed for 50c of J. Hawkins Goodman, who guarantee to refund the money if Renovo does not do all thatis claimed for it. Do not suffer longer with Eczema or other skin troubles, but use this pure healing remedy and you can‘ be cured. 28 3t I F oU Y IF You hava some- “' -...‘ jj;\' You are in need thing you wish ‘.\ SAY g of good Station to sell. adver- 3 \\._, » ery—and good tise it through iy business men the ‘columns 'of §= 7 % 77 == 753 use no other The Leader and PHONE kind let the it goes. 328 Leader do it. Mr. Hugh Kerr Passed Away Yesterday The many friends of Mr. Hugh Kerr will regret to learn of hisdeath which occurred yesterday afterncon at 1:30 at his home on Lincoln Ave. Mr. Kerr has been in failing health for several months, keeping to his bed for the past two months. Since taking his bed little hope of his re covery has been entertained, and he gradually grew worse until the end. Mr. Kerr was an oid colony citizen, a veteran of the civil war, and in the 74th year of his age. He mourn hie demise a widow and one granddaughter, besides a wide circle of friends. Mr. Kerr was a quiet man, but a worthy citizen and a consistent Christian. The funeral services wlll be held tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First' M. E. Church, of which he was a member, and the remains laid away to rest in Evergreen cemetery. ;l’reacher Richeson Now Pleads Insanity Boston, April 13.—A conference held here last night between District Attorney Pelletier and William A. ‘Morse, counsel for Rev. C. T. V. !Richeson. who is under sentence to ‘die next month, is believed to have related to the proposed attempt by Mr. Morse to secure from Governor Foss a commutation of the death sentence. The ground for a plea of ‘clemency put forth by Mr. Morse is that Richeson at the time of the murder was insane and is so now. ’ For Cash Only [ Cotton Sced Hulls $8.95 per ton, Phone 283, Central Avenue 'Warehouse. 28-2 t. No Usz Trying. “Live within your income,” says An drew Carnegie. We could do it if the pecpla next door didn’'t inzist on have Ing 50 many things we can’t afford.