Newspaper Page Text
e eeraraNaae {
Sebscription Rates
Ose Year. ..... 31.50
8@ Months ......cs: .55
T ree M0nth5....... 50
Otficial Organ Ben Hill County,
The Value of Money
If vou would learn the value of money. tiy
to borrow some, and you will find that it 13
not so easy to do when you have nothing
to secure the loan. :
_But if you would save a part of your earn
ings each pay day, and put them in-a safe
bank where they could draw interest. you
would always have ready money, and not
be subjected to the embarrassment of being
refused a small loan.
Yes. vou would have it if would save; but
unless vou determine to save, and save reg
ularly, vou're likely to be embarrassed at
any time.
® ° .
First National Bank
Fitzgerald, Georgia
The Bank for Your Savings
Sam Kassewitz Wins
In Decl>mation
Flsewhere in this Issue will be
found a complete report of the
Fitth Inter-High School Contest
of Schools in the Third Congres
sional District of (Georgia, the
contests being held in Americus
last Fridav and Saturday, Mr,
Sam Kassewitz captured the only
“first” that fell to Fitzgerald this
year, and his work in Declama
tion was complimented very high
ly by the judges. The Fitzgerald
school feels very proud indeed of
Sam. and he was chosen to rep-e
-sent the ‘Third District in Decla
mation at Athens this summer. He
certainly clothed himself with
honor, and his winning at Ameri
cus reflects much credit upon
Mis. A. H. Thurmond, who in
structed him.
Gage Hats Reduced
These lovely new pattern hats
have been marked down about 1
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e 5 4
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Baby Dresses and Caps
Lovely Dresses, for the infants and 2
to 6 year little girls, in white, lace and
embroidery trimmed, 50c¢ to $1.48
New Rompers, *Girls and Boys,”” 80c
Baby Caps at __2§sl_ ?_Sc, B§oc and 59c¢
' Two Straps
\ Pumps
. Oxfords
' & G
. rover, Dor-
Aez Ca othy Dodd,
»\, Zeigler,
’ Goodwin,
——mme—nes $2 to 35
New Evergreen Cemetery
J. A. Justice the local real estate
and insurance man has secured the
Bowman Realty Co. to handle the
New livergreen Cemetery adjoin
ing the present cemetery which
has recently been laid out and ac
cepted by the citv. This will be
quite an improvement to the
cemetery also to the city as our
present cemetery has very few
high lots left for interment pur
poses, and adjoining Fitzgerald,
Messrs F. A, Nolte and Frank
White local representatives will be
found at the oflice of J. A. Justice
ot Lee Grant Hotel and will be
glad to call on you and quote your
prices on these desirable lots,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Holt of
Montezuma, attended the Buckner-
Work wedding Sunday afternoon.
These Dainty Dresses for
Little Folkis and Junior
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A sale of new Lingerie Dresses $1.98 to $19.95
A sale of new Silk Dresses at $6.98 and $12.98
Girls are very
GINGHAM and madras dresses
I in great variety of styles,
colors the best, :
ages 6to 14 yrs 59c to $1.19
Junior Girls, the 13, 15, 17 year
sizes, made to fit the girl in her
teens, in white &
colored materials $1.25-$2.98
Longer white and colored dresses
for misses and
small women $1.49 to $3.50
’ :
Thompson’s ¢
t = 5
Glove L
Fitting O,
Corsets N
The corset | Sf%s > |
that gives " x”}’ I
correct il i
form. Made '"’
along lines /RS W
of health [/ gl WS
giving sup- J/ ]
port. | i :
$l.OO 1)
$1.50 \ | i
$2.00 \R wih
$2.50 AN e
ewish Woes, = W T
The Sanitary Floor Covering
For bath room, dining room,
kitchen, hall. Full 2 yds wide.
“*lt cuts house
work in half” $l.OO yard
Engineer T. T. Buckalew Killed
In A. B. @ A. WreckK Sunday.
Trestle Near Hansen Station, on
Thomasville Division, Collapses,
Engiseer T. T. Buckalew was
killed and his fireman. Henry
Hardy, seriously injured Sunday
Imorning at 11:15 o’clock when the
Atlanta, Birmiogham and Atlan
llic passenger train, due here from
Thomasville at 11:35 a. m., was
wrecked on a narrow trestle eigh
teen miles from Fitzgerald. Tbe
wreck occurred near the Hanson
station, The foundation of the
| trestle had been washed away by
%cuminuous rains, and the track
’c.ollapsed as the engine rolled up
’on it.
| The faithfvl engincer’s first
thought was of his passengers,
and the next instant after applyivg
Ithe emergency brake the encine
% went down. pinning the ergineer’s
'bor'y between the tender and the
longine, The bagoage coach was
ialso pulled into the washout, but
} the passenger cars remained undis
{tarbed none of the passengers be
ling injured.
. News of the wreck was phoned
here from Mystic: eight miles
| from the scene of the disaster, and
13;1 relief train wasimmediately sent
‘lout The passengers were trans
ferred to the relief train and
'brought to Fitzgerald. but it was
limposs ble to extricate the body
lof the engineer from tle debr's,
. Oaly the lower limbs could be
'seen suspended between the en
'gine and the tender and the
! mangled body was not removed un
‘til middight Sunday, when the
|wrecking crew arrived,
] Mr. Buckalew was 67 years of
]age and had been with the Atlanta,
Items of Interest
from all over store
THE new Tub Silks in great
variety styles—values
todle ymd oy ... ........... 25c
The new Lace and Ratnie
Bands in white and tan,
%eta. - . $1025
Fans! Fans! the most desirable
styles in Silk Celluloid and best 5
Jap styles, $1.50 and down t 0...... C
New Black Silk Waists in love
ly designs, long or short
sleeves, $3.00 values for .... $2.50
New Parasols in plain and
bordered designs at
Special sale sun and rain Um
brellas, values in this lot
to $1.50 while they last. ... $lOOO
Everwear and Onyx Hosiery in
silk and silk lisle. Special '
values this week for.. . ....... 50‘:
Silk Hose for Ladies, 25 dozen
black, 50c kind, while they
S i 43C
See the special Notion Tables:
Sc, 10c, 15c and 28c
Hundreds of articles on these tables that
#ill interest you and save you money—in
center of Dry Goods store.
B THE lR E |
| EM I sTORE |
"W. R. BOWEN, Presideat J. A. MURPHY, Manager |
Birminglham and Atlantic for ten
years. He wasone of the wost
vatued enginears in the employ of
the road, He was very cautious,
and at the time of the wreck that
cost him his life was making only
four miles an honr on a six-mile
schedule. He was a highly esteem
ed resident of Fitzgerald and is
survived by a widow and nine
childven. The clnldren being Mrs.
FEugene Burch, of Hawkinsville,
Mrs, Ola Brooks, of Tennille, Mrs.
Berry Hightower of Tirton, Mus.
(z. A. Kent. of this city: Messrs.
Edgar, John. Herbert, Wallace,
and Horace Duckalew.
The funeral was held this morn
inz at the Central M. li. Church,
of which the deceased was a metm
ber. The Odd Fellows and rail
road orgrnizations attendea in a
pody. The foral offerings were
beautiful, and the service was at
tended by a large concourse of
svmpathizing friends, Rey, Guy
ton Ifisher otficiated.
Interment was atkvergreen
. Notice
The Ben Hiil Chapter U, D. C.
extend a cordial invitation to ail
Confederate Veterans to attend
their memorial exercisesto be held
at the Central M. K, Church at
three p. m. April the 26, Mr.
Colliers of Pelbam will be orator.
' \Committee,
= Mrs. W, P, Myer
TTTT T Mirs, WA Grden
. M 1 1L Mawen, -
Mass Meeting
At City Hall
To=Morrow Morning
At 10 o'clock
The progressive citizens of Fitz
gerald are requested to meet with
the Odd Fellows' Orpaan Home
Committee at the City Hall Wed
nesday morning, April 24th at 10
o'clock, for the purp se of making
arrangements to meet the commit
tee sent out by the Grand Lodge,
to consider the ditferent proposi
tions. The Grand l.cdge Com
mittee will be here Thursday of
this week and a meeting will ve
held at the Lee-Grant Hotel Thurs
day morning at eight o’c'ock, The
Grind Lodge Committee is com
posed of C. L. Elhott, of Bruns
wick, and Mr, Gaunt, of Macon.
They will meet with the committee
This 10°- Discount Sale on Men
and Boys Suits is indeed
a great chance
MERICA'’S best clothes makers can produce $ suits $
A no hing better than these suits 30 ._;(:r 27.00
Snappy stylish hand-tailored suits that wear - 3 suits $ ‘N
and fit right : 25 for 220b0
its .
Hart Schaffner & Marx %20 “haes 318.00
Fine serges and fancy weaves in finest all wool S suits $
materials 18 “for 16.20
i ite
Miller Brothers 319 =pies 313 50
Fine Cravenette Mohairs, Serges and Mixtures— s}o | suits $
l:fi ofr 2;7!;:: gf'eatova;ues at the regular prices 12|50 fq:rs "|25
This 10 per cent. saving is therefore a clean $lO.OO suits for $9.00
pick up for the buyer—and thrifty buyers $7.50 Boys’ suits $6.75
are taking advantage. Come and get yours, $5.00 Boys’ suits $4.50
| A $5.00 Panama, new shapes, $4.00
Straw Hats Boys’ and Men’s Yachts, 50c to $3.50
Our Nofade Shirts
Are the shirt sensation of the sea
son. They have 4 cuffs.
A 51.50 shirt for . . . $1.28
Best Underwear
Nainsook. Porosknit, Balbriggan,
Crepe, Athletic Shirt,
long or short drawers Soc
. Children’s Low
Plehlers Cut Shoes
The real hand turned kind, nature
lasts—Tan, Patent,
Gun Metal, Vici, Red sito $3
N%[[I\ONML 2
/ S/
Our Mail Order Dept.
Gives prompt and efficient
service---make use of it
Boyden Oxfords
For Gentlemen
In Tan, Gun Metaland
Vici—best fitting styles $5.50
In Patent Button or Lace $6.00
‘r%‘\;\ \;
25 \\‘ ) -
R\ o
dficlal Qrgan of Ben
Hitl Couaty, $1.59
2 Year,
from the local Rebecca Lodge,
this committee being Mrs, A. L.
Moote and Wiliilam MeCormick.
Fitzgerald Odd Fellows are
making an carnest eifort to get the
Orphens Home and it is to be
hoped that the citizens of Fitzoer
ald will join in with them and do
their part, There are sixteen
lodges in the Eighteenth Division
and each one of them :as promis
ed to help Fitzeerald get the home,
Now with the backing of our own
citizens there is no reason why we
should lose it, The Grand Lodge
Committee will report to the
Grand Lodge on the fourth Mon
day in May at their meeting in
Remember the meeting at the
City Hall tomorrow morning at
ter. o’clock, and the subscribers to
the fund are especially invited to
be present.