The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, April 30, 1912, Image 8

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! Society News N otes C. A. Holtzendorf DENTISI *nd Floor Rooms 20% 9-:0 Ge rbutt-Dnovan Eldg. Miss Grecw's Porc' Dance. liss Isla Green entertained very de hghtfully at a Porch Dance last eve ning at her home on North Main St. Ti:e spacious verandah was brightly lighted for the occasion and with the rcireshing breezes, the dance was mast exhilirating. Excellent music was furnished by an orchestra, con sisting of Mrs. W. A. Green, Messrs. Charles Merci, Jim Mixon and Tur nce Brown Throughout the eve ning delicious punch was served. . Among the invited guests were: Wlsses Caroline Hoover, Mary Mars toq, Fline and Kathleen Braswell, Mildred Hanger, Fannie Boyd, Mrs. G. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore, Wr. and Mrs. Ike Levin, Messrs. Geo. Kilcsease, Alex. Harvey, Robert Kil ercase, Fred Harrington and Earl Braswell. Umbrellas recovered same day you bring your handle in. McCarry-Jounstone Co. Mrs. Chester S. Johnson, 535 Georgia Ave., Macon, Ga., is prepared e entertain during the Soldiers' Re union im Macon. She will furnish beds and breakfast to the guests. . Miss Fannie Lou Camp, of Val {dosta, spent several days recently ms the guest of Mr, and Mrs. E. -C. Miller, .4 'Are you thinking of VALUE in clothes? 'or of STYLE? Why not have both ? You can get boz/ —here. Because we deal in the clothes of the tamous Kirschbaum Cherry Tree Brand. You cannot buy clothes of better style: as the Kirschbaum design ers are creators of style. - You cannot get better quality: for the Kirschbaum clothes are chemic ally-tested all-wool and fast color; and each garment is thoroughly hand tatlored. ~ We have these Kirsch haum suits In’ a complete range of modcls and pat terns—from ultra conceits for the younger fashion leaders to con servative cuts and fabric ‘effects for men of quiet mien. Splendid “T'rue Blue” serge and other blue fabrics ; alluring browns and snappy tans; cool, restful grays, and so forth, in many weaves. All dependable. All J]. HH CHURCWELL, - Fitzgerald, Ga. Dr.G.W.McLean DENTIST S NSRS 5 Rooms 512-513. PHONZE 433. Garbutt Donovan Buildiag Fifth Floor Sunday Hours, 9 to 10 Mrs. Alma K, Buice, of Ro chelle, spent the week-end with friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. John B, Russell are preparing to move to the Mal lory place on south Grant street, Mrs. G, C. Smith spent tin week-end very pleasantly wi'h friends in Douglas. | Dr. and Mrs. Peruchi and grand-daughter, Miss Harriett Ferguson, will leave to-night for Ko xville, Tenn., where they will spend about six months. Mrs. G. C. Sinith left this after noon for Bruuswick to join Mr, Smith, who is connceted with the Southeastern Yaryarn Company, with Brunswick as headquarters. Mrs. Smith is universaliy popular with the young married set of the city, aud her departure is - the source of much regret to a large circle of friends. Mrs. Nellie Jones, of Cordele, is in the city visiting her children. Hon. U. V. Whipple, of Cor dele, formerly Judge of the Su perior Court of this Circuit, was shaking hands with friends in the city yesterday. Pictorial Review Patterns for June ‘ now in and on sale at McCarty-John stone Co. : I'S,, ’ & Z “"\ q N 4 / R . > 5 r e T g | ™ ) \ i ‘-. | ?’ % : bt o ‘:hL.“)‘\" '2‘!/./&. Sy, pyrighted 1912 A, ::. :;mscunauu & COo, The Kirschbaum Dixie with the Kirschbaum label. All guaranteed. And at these modest prices: $l5, $lB, $2O, $22, $25 to $35. See the Kirschbaum $22 Special Worsteds. Rich in colorings; soft and silky in feel. Woven with two-ply warp both ways. A forty-dollar value in a merchant tailor shop. THF LEADER-ENTFRPRISE. TUFSDAY APRIL 30. 1912. Mr. and Mrs. S. B, Bainard and daughter, Miss Nellie, nnd son Mr., Sam Barnard, of Pitts burg, Pa,, who bhave spent the past month bere, will leave tonight for Savannah and latter visit Richmond and Washington, D. C. before returning to their nome for the summer, Mr. B. T. Strickland v:ent to Atlaota yesterday to spend several days with his mother, and inci dentally to bring back a ‘‘Max well”’ for Mr. A. B. C. Dorminey. This is the fourth ‘‘Maxwel” that Mr, Strickland has delivered in Fitzgerald in the pist trirtv days and Lesays they havecome to stay. Mr. Dave Silverman, the weli known traveling saiesman of At lanta, has been in the city for several days, during which time he has greatly delighted his many friends with his violin selections. Mr. Silverman is a very skiliful violinist, which coupled with his gemal disposition makes him quite a favorite 1n all the cities in his territory. Quick Delivery Service. Phone McCarty-Johnstcne Co., Dry-Goods, Notions, Shoes, etc. Your orders filled and delivered at once, regard less of how small or large. Mr. Hugh Jenkins, of Way cross, was a business visitor in the city Saturday. _ Dr, M. L. Dent has arrived here from Douglas to take Dr. Delly’s place as prescription phar macist at Frazer and Holtzendorf’s Drug Store. Dr. Kelly and family have moved to North Georgia. Boy Scout Suits. McCarty-Johnstone Co. sole agents for the National Boy Scout outfitter. Anything for the Boy Scouts. Mr. Cleveland Fennell came up from Brunswick Saturday mght to spend Sunday with Mrs. Fen nell who has been here for a week or more visiting relatives, They returned to Brunswick yesterday. Mr. Williamson, of Brunswick, who spent last week in the city with Mr. Earnest Hopson left Sunday for Macon where he has accepted a position. . Machine Needles for all machines. McCarty-Johnstone Co. can fit your machine regardless of the make. A delightful musical program at Central Methodist Church was ren dered last Sunday night, one of the leading features being the violin selections of Mr. Dave Silverman of Atlanta. ' LOST—Last Friday night, either in Lyric Theatre or in the business section of the city, a baby shoe. Finder willf confer a favor upon the owner if this office is notified. | Vote for the May Queen at Adams’ Candy Kitchen & ~ Mrs. A, J. Rouse and Mr. Hu ‘bert Roush have gone to Passagrill, Fla., for a stay of four weeks. When you want a team to haul or plow, call up the Big 4 Tailor E,Shop. Have two large mules and ‘wagon or one ‘horse wagon, 105 }E. Pine Street, Phone 297, 32-Bt, | Vacuum Cleaning. . Art Squaresand Carpets lt‘.horoughly cleaned at 50c per 'room. Apply A. J. Schroll 716 S. Grant street. ' Eleven Illinois railroad compan ies have discontinued sale 'of lipuors on their trains, These roads are the Monon, Wabash, Rock Island, Illinois Central, Chicago & Alton, Chicago & East ern, Chicago & Northwestern, Chicago, Burliacton & Quincy; Achison, Topeka & Santa Fe; Mil waukee & St, Paul. : Idleness the Root of All Sin. ; Idleness is the unforgiveable sin, be ::::e it is the mother of all other l Organize Qpe p ~ - Your Neighborhood The young people of our neigh borhood have organized a “Country Life Improvement League.” We have already derived mmuch ben efit from it, and I would like to sce such leagues formed throughout our Southland. It is asplendid medium. for bringing the young people to gether for pleasure and profit. We meet bi-monthly at the homes of the members. At each meeting an entertainment committee is appoint ed (by vote of members) to prepare a literary program for the next meet ing. ; We have our regular officers who look after various departments of ‘ the work. 1 After the literary program—oom-‘ posed of recitations, readings of ap propriate selections, songs, jokes, etc., games and pleasant conversation are indulged in until the bour of ad journment. : We would like some good books from which we could obtain selec tions. We would also like to secure a good, clean magazine on technical and mechanical questions for the boys and also one or more on ques tions that will interest the girls. I will thank yeu to make any sug gestions which you may thiok help ful in the selection of these publica tions and also in the conduct of “The League.” 1 am always looking for some appropriate selections from your paper.—C. Neale Stacy, Ame lia, Va., in Progressive Farmer. | Card Of Thanks. To our friends in Fitzgerald and Thomasville who so kindly assist ed us during the sickness, death and burisl of our mother, Mrs. Sarah .J. Youngbiood, we wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation, and may the God of love watch over each of youal ways, Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Fretwell. Chat With My Many Friends How much better is a plain, Chris tian home where all is cordiality and peace, the neighbors heartily welcome to come and go at will, and freed from the pestering, senseless conventionaliti >s of fashionable life! Why should our earthly life which at best cannot continue a hundred years be fretted and burdened and worn out permanently by vain efforts to ape the manners of the idle, irre ligious, self-seeking, rich devotees of pleasure? How great a beaty and blessing it is to hold the royal gifts of the soul so that they shall be music to some and fragrance;to others, and life to all! 'Some women cling. to theiri homes like the honeysuckle over the ‘door; yet, like it, sweeten all the re gion with the subtle fragrance of their goodness. S. G. Hurron. We note with much interest the way some of our enterprising local dealers are putting forth every effort this spring to make their stor2 attractive. This week Fitz gerald Hdw. Co. whose prugios sive policy has been strongly shown this spring by their large, attractive advertisements in our 'columns, have a fine window de voted entirely to house paint. . On close inspection one finds not onty the usual display of paint cans, but long cards showing rows of houses in new and handsome combinations of colors for exterior painting. An attractive window border brightens the appearance of the whole store and draws much attention from the passers-by. It attractively illustrates how easily and well any shabby surface in or about the house can be fixed up. Fitzgerald Hdw. Co. deserves much credit for this window and we are sure it will prove of much benefit in reminding people of the many things around their homes that can easily be beautified at house-cleaning time, 2t, W. J. Pearson of this city has been made the authorized agent for a book, ‘‘The Sinking of the Titanic.” ~ 'AMERICAN STATE BANK, FITZGERALD | Let’s Get Acquainted We want you to know us and have confi dence in us before you decide to open an ac count at this bank. This bank began business with the fixed determination to make every customer a friend of the bank. How well it has suc ceeded can only be attested to by what our friends say of us. We have made it a policy to make of our depesitors more than mere customers-—we develop them into clients to whom we can safely and gladly extend assistance and courtesies in all their business dealings. Our bank has grown and prospered be cause it has been a bank for ALL the people, in which the laboring man’s dollar is just as big and just as much appreciated as the rich man’s thousands, and because its accommo dations, advice and assistance have been for no single class, but for ALL its depositors alike. T The officers and directors of this bank, as you doubtless know, are men of long bus iness experience, careiul and conservative. They have made this bank successful be cause they are giving their time and ‘atten tion to the management of the bank’s affairs. If yim will come in and make yourself known, you}will find a ready respone to any request for assistance in starting the “bank ing way.” We respectfully solicit the patronage of all those who desire Banking Home, where their interests will be safely guarded, and where they will find their business to be perfectly satisfactory in every way.. W. R. PAULK, Pres. P.F. CLARK, Cash. A. B. C. DORMINEY, C.Z. WALKER, - V-Pres. Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. R. Paulk A. B. C. Dorminey 0. H. Elkins Eli W. Walker J. B. D. Paulk R. L. Duckworth P.F.Clark - Arch Griffin Wilfred C. Lane American State Bank Central Avenue «The Bank Around The Corner”’ I FITZGERALD, - GEORGIA l