The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, May 10, 1912, Image 7

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Grand Opera House SATURDAY, MAY 11ih ORCHESTRA MOTION PICTURES 3-ACT VAUDEVILLE Admission = = 10c to All‘ MATINEE - AT 4 B Admission : : 5c & 10cC Sheriffs Sale. Georeia—BeN Hinn County. I have this day levied the within and foregoing execution upon the following propertv, to-wit: One certain six room house and lot in the City of Fitzgerald, Ga., Ben Hill County, described as follows: Fronting Jessamine Street, in Block No. 12. Lot No. 11, said lot being 60 feet wide and 160 feet long, and known as the ““Molcey Hutson” house _and] lot tin said Fitzgerald, Ga., said property levied upon as the ,property of Molcey Hutson Beecher to satisfy the within and foregoing execu tion, This 7 day of May, 1912. J. W. Norris, Sheriff Ben Hill County, Ga, Public Sale of Land - We, the undersigned heirs of James Dixon. deceased, will sell at public outery tothe highest bid der on Saturday, the first day of June, 1912, at 2 p. m. - the follow ing property. to-wit: One-half interest in sixty-two (62) acres of land lot No. 147, in the Third District of Irwin county, now Ben Hill county, Georgia; land lying on south side of Willacooche Creek, three () miles west of Fitzgerald, there being 20 acres of cleared land on the tract and some good timber on it. _ Also at the same time will be sold 86 acres on the north side of said Creek, this tract being well timbered.+ ; “Term of sale: One-third cash, one-third on the 15th of October, one-third: on . January. 1, 1913. Deeds to be made the day of sale, and notes to be signed by one or more good security. We are sell ing for a division among our selves.. This April 25, 1912. NEAL DIXON. JAMES ‘DIXON. Marx DIXON ELiZABETH DICKS. LOW ROUND TRIP ‘ ] : | . | Fxcursion Fares, Augusta, Ga. via Georgia & Florida Railway, Account Grand Lodge e Knights of Pythias, May 15-16, 1912. M On May 14th, ;md for trains scheduled to arrive in Augusta bafore noon May 15, 1912, the Georgia & Florida Railway will sell round trip tickets at very low rates to Augusta, final return limit tickets May 21, 1912, Apply to Ticket Agent for details. l . G. H. GATTIS, Asst. Traffic Manager. A clever arrangement of paint cans and appropriate advertising material form the basis of an ex ceedingly attractive window in Fitzgerald Hdw. Co. store this week. A special feature of the display is a set of . old weather beaten carriage spokes with half of the surface of the spokes treat ed to one coat of Acme Quality Carriag 2 Paint—each spoke show ing a different color of paint. The following statement is made on one of the display cards: You can make your old buggy look new for a dollar by the use of this paint, With this suggestion and the very small outlay necessary, we are sure that all of the shabby vehicles in this territory will im mediately « take on a new appear ance. 1 . Besides being good for all kinds of vehicles, attractive display.signs illustrate in colors a great many other uses for this wonderful paint in and about the home, The dis play is a creditable one and weil worth inspecting. 2t. Notice. . Executions will be issued against all parties subject to Oc cupation Tax, who have not paid same on or before May Ist. 1912, By order of the Council. Geo. W. Brown, 5 Clerk. 'Doan’s Regulates cure constipa tion, tone the stomach, stimulate the liver, promote digestion and appetite and easy passages of the bowels, Ask your druggist for therm. 25 cents a box. 24.8 t. IFOR SALE—One practically new " Lew roller top desk. W. H.Glid | de Is, Tifton, Ga. 47-4 t-w THE LEADER ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1912 Notice of Bond Elec tion, 'To the qualified voters of the City of Fitzgerald: You are hereby notified that, on the 14th day of May, 1912, there will be held an election in said city to determine the question whether or not the city of Fitzger ald shall issue its bondsin the sum of Forty-thousand Dollars, ($40,- 000,00), for the purpuse of paying for the paving of the following portions of the following streets in said city, to-wit: Central Avenue, fromjthe Alley lying paralell to and between. Thomas and. Sheridan streets, West, to and across Johnson streets; Johnston street, North to the tracks of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad Company; Pine street: from the point where the paving of said strcet terminates at Sher man street, East, to and across Sheridan street; Main street, from the point where Pine Street in tersects it on the South, North to Central Avenue; that portion of Sherman st r e e t lying between Central Avenue and Pine streets and that portion of Sheridan street lying between Central Avenue and Pine street. Said Bonds to be issued in denominations of One Thousand Dollars, ($1,000,00) each; to bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum said in terest to become due and be paid‘ semi annually on the first days of January and July of each year, during the life> of said bonds, None of the principal of said tonds is to be paid annually but all of the grincipal is to become due and be fully paid thirty, (30) years from the date of their issue: the principal and interest on said bonds is to be payable at some bank or Trust Company in the city and State of New York, in Gold Coin of the United States of the present weight and fineness; all of said bonds both principal and interest to become due and be fully paid within thirty, (30), years from the date of their issue, Said election will be held at the City Hall, in said city and under the rules and regulations provided in the Charter of said city for the holding of elections. Those per sons desiring to vote for the issue of said bonds, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, *‘For Bonds” and those desiring to vote against the issue of said bonds shall have written or printed on their hallots the words, ¢‘Against Bonds,” : ... .A, B. Cook, Mayor. Attest, / Geo. W. Brown, ‘ e Clerkit o ; Notice : The constantly increasing de mand for THE TELEO-ME CHANICS of NATURI: and SUB CONSCIOUS MINDS compelling me to move to u city with greater book-printing = und * publishing facilities,] will close out the few re maining copies of the $1,50 edi tion for Thet. and the $2,50 (cloth and gold) copies for $1.50 to save trouble and expense of transpor tation. ' Jobs left for repairs several months sgo must be called for within 30 days. Debtors and credi tors please eall:in for settlement of accounts. Household goods and furniture at half their actual value. Choice city lots and 5 and 10 acre tracts for sale cheap. Get or send for a descriptive price list of lots| and tracts. | | H. Wettstein, ‘ April 10, 1912, 414 S. Main st. P Notice to-Subscribers In consolidating the subscription lists of the Leader and Enterprise it is possible that some name might accidentally be left out. If, therefore, you fai! to get your paper, kindly notify the office, Phohe 328, one will be sent to vou and the error cor rected. Capture of Jeff Davis Explodes Fake Story - Philidelphia, Pa,, May B.—Cds per Knobet, of Philadelphia, the ‘honest Swiss who was a private on the fourth Michigan cavalry and was one of the captors of Jeffer son Davis, told his story of the capture here today. Even the younger northern historians still follow the old sensational ac'-* count of the capture of Davis in‘ woman’s clothes and Professor Dodd, a recent southern biogra- ‘ pher of Davis has cone the same thing. Yer Casper Knobet, one of the fourteen union soldiers ac tually engaged in the capture, pro tested against the story as far back as 1865 and has done so for pub lications several times since. - He earnestly declares that when Davis stepped out of the tent to surrender, his wife threw a shawl over his shoulders. The early morning air of May 10, 1865, be ing chilled. Knobet, being only a few feet away, distinctly saw all that occurred and he declares that this was the sole foundation of the slanderous tale. As our clders will recall in tho: e times many men in Georgia wore blanket shawls instead of over coats, & custom probably due to the straits of war and the block ade of a country without native manufactures, but Knobet sup posed that the shawl belonged to Mrs. Davis and at any rate she placed it over the shoulders of the president of the fallen Southern Confederacy. Casper Knobet, whose story is full in detail and absolutely con vincing, is now a core maker in an iron foundry at the age of sixty eight and lives at 1400 South ‘Second street, On May 10 he ex pects to celebrate the forty-seven ‘th anniversary of the most memori al event of his life. For People Who Have To Eat If you eat you need ‘‘Digestit.” It aids Digestion, prevents distress aftcr eating, stops gas formation, relieves indigestion instantly and cures dispepsia. Brown’s Digestit is a little tatlet easy to swallow and absolutely harmless. It has relieved thousands, Sold on posi tive guarantee, Your money back if you want it—>soct, Dixie Pharmacy. Notice of Dissolution The firm of Frazer and Holtzen dorf, Drug Co,, has this day been disolved, J. L, Frazer assura ing all the respounsibilities of the firm, and accounts due the firm are pavable to him, This Tth day of May, 1912, 3 J, L. Frazer, C. A. Holtzendor?, ~ SAM LEE FIRST - CLASS LAUNDRY e 4 GO '‘KEEP TAB’ w W on how often you send your shirts, ' collars, cuffs, ete.. to this laundry, until they re no longer wearable. That will convinee you that we pro long the life of linen beyond most washers and ironers thereof. Test our work—we ean stand it. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY, WANTED—ACGTIVE MAN IN EACH LOCALITY To join this Society. Sick, accident, death benefits. And introduce our Memberships. All or spare time. $5O to $3OO a month. Every Member se cured gives you a steady monthly in come. Experience not needed. Write for plans. Box HJ-293, Covington, Ky. STOVE WOOD—l6in best quality, quick delivery, phone 402, Bernie A. Fohl Roanoke Drive, over 13 years at the same old stand; a "square deal or I don’'t want your $ FOR SALE—Mare, 12 years old, $50.00 cash if sold at once. Rea son for selling lam leaving the country, Apply Telephone Office. 51-3 t. AUTOMOBILE—I have a new 1912 five-passenger Buick Automobile which has never run but little, that I will sell cheap. Postoffice Box 197, Tifton, Ga. 47-4 t-w FOR SALE.—Choice Canarie Birds, young Singers $3.00 each Females $l.OO each; pair $3.50. 50-3 t 515 W. Central Avenue. TY PLWRITER—An Underwood Tyrew.iter practically as good as new Will sell cheap for cash, Pustc Yice Box 265, Tifton, Ga. 17-4 t-w WANTED—Reliable Lady Agents to introduce our preparation. Write for information. Prophylaxis Product Co., Atlanta, Ga. 31-4 t SITUATION WANTED—As Lumber Inspector or sawyer. Can furnish good reference. Make offer. Ap ply to J. H. Bisxor, Wray, Ga. 30-4 t et etimha i, o >. : y M bkt S ; Gl S S gL ed ;,:‘? ?3’2# S, bt 8 . S e Sl LR '&3'&:«{(3"'33 gt i i gg%fixs@gfif«fiz Wi R B ViE F g PLt ke SRR RL R L [sRE et ?«;,-‘3-‘:“ fib % g}g ; L TRt L ¢ S § 4 ’?ig""/ s ,:'s._,3‘i i ,% s itiai e L e] D R S 7}s:a<fv%i? T s Hia efif’»ézf R Wt (o MR e L S it iaeeiy ekl ' fii@%fi* e AT chb SR UTNRNL g ERPL SRR N R e IR R T R L ~ 33 B R 488 "‘X!‘r et ~{\33g§: e uneht At fed i Bainßy | HEE e R R : s S W. W, Martin, The Auctioneer. Telephone or catl at Miller Furni ture Company, Fitzgerald, Ga. $lOO,OOO to Loan ON BEN HILL FARMS And on Fitzgerald Ci. ~ Property Loans Negotiate ! ‘romptly Terms the Best; Interest the Lowest. Come and See Me. W. M. BRYAN Garbutt-Donovan. Building Room No. 311, Fitzgerald, Ga. : Rep.reaenting ; ELLIS & ELLIS, Tifton, Georgia | Professional Cards | HENRY O’BRIEN, Plastering Contractor. Estimates on Material. All Work Guaranteed. Leave Order at Dan Mahoney’s 925 S. Grant St, CEO. McCALL Fresh Fish and Oysters Delivered Anywhere . intheecity ~". 7.5 PHone 269. 15 §. Sherman Stmt H. ELKINS JOSEPH B. WALL ELKINS & WALL Attoraeys at Law, Rooms ;08-11 Ga.rbut,;,-Donovan Bufldliné Will practice in all the Courts. DR. LOUIS A. TURNER DENTIST Rooms 208-208 1-2, 2ad Floor 5 Story Bu_lldlru m FRED & OTTO HARNISH, Boot and Shoe Makers. 212 E. Pine Street Fine and Substantial Repairing Promptly Done. e e e e DR. D. F. THOMPSON, 'Fitmgerald, Georgia 5 5-STORY BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR Chronic Diseases, Tumors, External Cancers and Goitre successfully treated without the knife. Try The 0. K. BARBER SHOP Best? Place In Town, P. B. & R. B. OWEN, Props. 119 East Pine Street - m ~ DR. J. E. GOETHE - Office Fourth Floor Garbutt-Donavan deg. Office, Hours: 10 to 12A.M." 3toSP. M. Phone 266 Residence ¢ 269 oOffice Specialty: Diseases of Wemen and Children m Registers Meat Market Prompt and Rel‘inble Service Fresh Meat at Reasonable Prices 319 E. Pine St. - - Phone 448 Dr. J. W. Ellioft Dr. F. E. Keefer DRS. ELLIOTT & KEEFER, OSTEOPATHS. Office Hours, 8:12 a.m. 2:087p.m. PHONE 327 Offices—2ll-212 5-Story Bldg. Fitzgerald, Ga. Keeier’'s Barber Shops 'UNION BARBERS BATHS ’ FITZGERALD : MA_NCIESTBR CITY PRESSING ' CLUB 211 SOUTH GRANT STREET Puaone 367. : Clothes called for and ‘delivered. DR. J. H. POWELL Specialist _— Eye, Ear, Nose w¢ Throat 315 Century Building ATLANTA, GEORGIA Eo—use for rent, 320 E, Magnol