The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, May 14, 1912, Image 6

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- 7R A HAPPY iz HOME Joy \oort AT F ALL AND N 2 NG U\ SICKNESS %@\ " TO BE HAPPY KEEP WELL 7 ‘ USE ONLY M DR. KING'S /77 NEW DISCOVERY/BrOUGHT TO CURE | JOY COUGHS AND COLDS - WHOOPING COUGH Millions / AND OTHER DISEASES OF THROAT AND LUNGS Price 50c and $l.OO SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY FEEEEE DENMARK DRUG COMPANY COFFINS and GASKETS, BAPGNG Dt IR el All prices from the cheapest to the best. All calls will re ceive our immediate attention. Sandlin Furniture & Undertaking Gompany, Day Phone 116. Night Phone 375. Established in 1896 : | 3 | Don’t Eat Everything PARTICULAR PEOPLE buy summer foods from the BEST FOOD STORES. ~ Our eatables are fresh, clean and tempting. We cater to the best trade, and, if it’s good to eat, we sell it. Prompt service and your ac counts always correctly kept. Your grocer, L. O. Tisdel PHONE NO. 25 | A : 3 o) a 5 B, SRR Ry 7 ‘4; R E TGS DD, s Mm ;‘.'\.;%w’//‘;‘—. %4 2 330 " } bl gg pA ; THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY MAY 141912 . . With The Farmers’ Union at High Tide, ; Says Barrett, The “Quitter” Indicts | Himself As Less Than A Man, Andi Works Injustice To Himself and His Children, Peter Was Once a “Quitter” But His Repentance is One of ' The Finest Chapters in Biblical History. To the Officers and Members of the Farmers’ Union: Peter, who denied Christ thrice, was one of the greatest ‘*Qut ters” in all history. But he repented. And his sublime atonement is one of the finest chapters in the story of Christianity, standing for ever as a sublime lesson to the great tribe of “guitters.” | There are plenty in the Farmers” Union who belong in that tribe. I want to say a few words of brotherly admonition to them. For with the organizaticn stronger than atany time since its* founding, it grieves me tosee a few short-sighted farmers put themselves off from its advantages, It may be that you quit because the order didn’t revolutionize the earth a month after you joined, You forget that tremendous results are accomplished slowly, that it took ages for the little coral pelyps to build up the state of Florida, and big islands by piling their bodies on top of the other. You forget that evils and ignoronce that have been centuries in accumulating ean’t be 'wiped outin a day or a night. It may be that you quit because, when you entered the organiza tion, you were full of steam and ginger and spent it all in the first few local meetings without setting the brethern on fire, Steam and ginger are good things—indispensible things—but they ought to be nursed carefully and chstributed gradually as you go alone, If you gush out ail your enthusiasm in one grand spasm, you won’t have any left to meet the big tasks and ordeals that are inseparable from an organiza tion of this national scope, and unprecented nature, .It may be that vou quit because you had a little streak of crookedness in you, and saw you could go back on the organization, or on some one of its en terprises, and get a trifling mess of pottage for yvour treachery. Benedict Arnold figured it out the same way. He got his pottage, all right. - But he died the most execrated man in America, the man most held in contempt in Kngland, which had bought him, and there were no loving respectful hands' .to smoothe his pillow as he passed | away in that lonely London attic, ‘ It!may be that you quit because you found some deviltry in thel organization, many specks of roottenness, graft here and there, in competence, selfishoess on part of leaders, a tendency to play the| organization for their political advantage, All these things have hap-l pened in the Farmers’ Union. Nobody with any sense or candor de nies that. They have also happened in all the churches, in all the secret orders, in all business, in every feature of private life. You don’t lay down and die when vou find any one of these weaknesses in onc or more of these places, But just because it crops up in a .‘arm-' ers’ organization—which is made up of fallible kuman beings—you ‘want to kick right out. I tell you right now, that joining the Fa'rm ers’ Union doesn’s make a man, automatically, an angel. We havel just as many devils as anybody of siwilar size, You needn’t be sur-| prised when you find them in your immediate vicinity. If you ({esert! because you do find them, instead of jumping mto the ranks and he}p. ing either to cure them or ¢ject thems, you ought to be ashanied -to look your wife in the face, - ‘ I look at the hundreds of faithful » members who h-ve plodded along with the long, hard, patient pull—enduriog, fight'ng and seeing just the evils you see, and then regard you with a feeling blerded cf contempt and pity and a longing to reason you out of your folly. It isn’t the Farmers’ Unicn you damage when you quit it in a fit of sulks. i It’s yourself, your wife and your children, Forevery one of you who lays down his musket and turgs tail, or becowes a knocker, t;here‘ are a dozen who enlist, who boost and who develop the sense to see that becanse the organ zatien isn’t perfect’ there is no excuse for their leaving lib, The deserter is everywhere held in loathing. He is about the lowest creature under God’s sun. The coward who flinches in the face of danger or inconvenience, is no better, You all know how the worid feels toward the few men who showed the white feather when the big ¢“Titanic” wert down? Well, the fellow who deserts the craft of the L'armers’ Union for some fancied or real grievance, and there are plenty of the latter, doesn’t deserve any higher place i;l hu man estimation than the buzzards who proved craven on the *““Titan tic.” Come back, you quitters.: Study the story of Peter, of Benedict Arnold, of all the great quitters. In Peter’s case, the quitter who re covered his nerve and manhooed did more valiant service than many of those who had never dreamed of deserting. You csn do the same There is no nobler work on: the Almighty’s foot-stool than sacrificé and labor for one’s fellows, work and sacrifice when it seems that neither is to count for much, when ingratitude looks like vour main reward and when vou are tempted to taze easy, instead of the hard road. But, bear in mind, we are engaged in the holiest work in civilization’s history, the effort to bring into his rights and his full man’s stature the farmer, that member of the race who has sufi'ered! most from neglect and from misunderstanding, frequently from the avarice of his own fellows, not to mention outsiders. Are you going to stop sulking, and help us in a movement that promises to b:; one of the greatest achievements America will ever give tr.e world? ~ Charles S. Barrett, Union City, Ga., May Bth. 1912. T. M. Hopper Old Harness Made Good as New, both in Looks and Durability. See me. Satisfaction Guaranteed : 221 E. Pire Street. £ e e < YA f!‘?w::"!,?“"')"}‘.‘:1’{‘.1‘: My, "1 } 9 R J 2 } : ! ' 3 8 i ; ; i i s ,’:-n:""' L e b ; STR AT (‘ ; - Sy AT B e S“’ 2 ,w‘"‘:; Zr s;( ""f.‘é;- - -—— & Al = = s B e L M WANTED—AGTIVE MAN IN EACH LOGALITY To join this. Society. ‘Sick, accident, death benefits. And introduce our Memberships. All or spare time. $5O to $3OO a month. Every Member se cured gives you a steady monthly in come. Experience not needed. Write for plans. Box HJ-293, Covington, Ky. STOVE WOOD—l6in best quality, quick delivery, phone 402, Bernie A. Fohl Roanoke Drive, over 13 years at the same old stand; a square deal or I don’t want your $ R s R e s FOR SALE—Mare, 12 years old, $50.00 cash if sold at once., Rea son for selling I am leaving the country, Apply Telephcne Office. -51-3 t. B AUTOMOBILE—I have a new 1912 five-passenger Buick Automobile which has never run but littie, that I will sell cheap. Postoffice Box 197, Tifton, Ga. 47-4 t-w eSR VR A C LRy FOR SALE.—Choice Canarie Birds, young Singers $3.00 each Females $l.OO each; pair $3.50. 50-3 t 515 W. Central Avenue. Ei e B R TY PEWRITER—An Underwood Tyrew. iter practically as good as new Will sell cheap for cash, Postofice Box 265, Tifton, Ga. 47-4 t-w WANTED—Reliable Lady Agents to introduce our preparation. Wftite _ for information. Prophylaxis Product Co., Atlanta, Ga. 31-4 t SITUATION WANTED—As Lumber . Inspector or sawyer. Can furnish good reference. Make offer. Ap ply to J. H. Bisuor, Wray, Ga. 30-4 t gt Gt o S D LR R R Tl T l Doan’s Regulates cure constipa tion, tene the stomach, stimulate the liver, promote digestion and appetite and easy passages of the bowels, Ask your druggist for them. 25 cents a box, 24-Bt. WANTED—Several high-class sales- I men this community for the sale | of modern House Lighting Plants, now being used in all high-class modern homes. Salary or com missien. - Write 80x.577, Macon, Ga., stating territory desired. 34-4 Notice to Subscribers - In consolidating the subscription lists of the Leader and Enterprise it is possible that some name might accidentally be left out. If, therefore, you fail to get your paper, kindly notify the office, Phohe 328, one will be sent to you and the errcr cor rected. e f ‘W‘-A;x.éa TR ssy B A R 2 S i ,fi;;igzst’s:"*‘:s?3{;“{'s;2;:%?%s >,,:‘_:;_;v&§§?§;"ii<;f§t,n§"z'? b S S G e {":3“‘”\?:\,‘ iAn iLT AAND e Vi-._i;fif;;: io S 4357 L e o S L ;«f’“ i gafllw,t\ Sy ’f‘«lfi "»Vgfl; A B ‘;‘l'4‘"‘& e sL o gSR s e . s»w e gfi;:‘-:fi"’:' Gvk e 5 « e B e .v\'?:v)_(__,'.,:_..__, G wh N oo i el R sae s P i . Geh E P "%\v" eo i . Wu;:fl:‘,fi gs o BeS Oy i Tas bt ;@i’*"%*wk? e E bR PEEe Lo 7 T ,::c:\i'-.ifii:.-‘i\‘:“: %et ("\‘ L : .i:},?:?_?- 0 SR s o ;’tg\%-‘v?"{ "é ‘:\:{}\: :“"-ll\fi : PSR ¢ MRk J’Q@a‘ e i . RAIA e ¢ 4% :._.,;‘3,.:».9-:@.4,.- s Re £ b i B SRR eA SR sl P $3Ea e ei S . ¢ ?f:}fé;_-;_- i & %3’?’;‘:’;;;. A VAN KON S *;fi‘ ity L o : b N \ b u'-:'»:;:g:;;c 6180 i g ,;z*w%w“?”"* o | g s w*&i&%@@sfi% i *)t*@*.f;@f?fi%a Lo o v,u R T PERL L SIS St G Y ‘.'3-?\;’-3:3:54:‘-.;\_xfii*)’i-:s;&‘% et %fi,»thz e fost ] 555 :x:.,..._5.e' ES I L S o%fi . %«m - __:_;.;3:--:‘9:"-"**"'" :;3-),::-,.?:;3.:;‘.-95.:&7:_:5- SN ERE ~‘,"§§€:"zh - . £ ;Az»;;.»,‘.::: <,--~ w< 2 v E o i 3{&:2;:3; .:-*33"{?4:{:‘-.2:‘-,:eizis?.‘%ft-x E ws”’?‘ «w*s, t« CEE M"' i e :’ ; ,m"’g «w»* st Ah £ izz.:..;u. ,_.,:;s-:-:,,:-...::;:-;A:-E:»:.t,.-'-'<.‘~:i!""<'A ‘;*‘ i & 4 5 ‘z : . :-::‘j‘:.‘i;flzfisws.‘::?;:::‘ HAt % x:.;:i*;»;».;.—.. iAR S A_‘_'_*,Bf,:,,;;:,-z.xfi“ v_fif,‘:’-* s A..gzq--?i-fi,-»:f.; SRR Ry PRSI 45:;...::1.;-;:izc'z;vy:fi_:-fi:::iv:":@' iSt *— ;T o \N“ SRS \:fgij -‘,*::';.-"‘91.:-,%:;::: et LR g Hi‘w:(%;\cu‘* ,z,n, z e s&i*_t:.‘_:;afi%b:;t:i;;ez—:;s._z:@:_._. ek A ey o ._‘,",__‘::.e(-(::fi*%:f"'é'&'K‘;A L 8 SRS ~.i"i‘:'<:"¢,.; aok 3 *)Q%Jv ’!\‘:3‘B : ‘.t:O Feine Bisn cigi 3e a 1 < e SRR §, gt oA ae Rt RK B ‘?k o *.:;31,»5.;2’: . ‘fl&\‘ S P LPR e oRS Ferwil Ri . LLo v.':“%t’*f‘**:***f7 a 3 e L i e e]£t £ YRR Taen ook R Sisy AR, o .:(;%; e o sa;.‘f’!{l;;«-._#!;z-:.q ”&f‘vfi%fi%’r‘«‘m_}g; i 3 ol i 5 ;;;{i:»”"flfi?;.--. x‘:»‘;.ff?* Sl R S e d i LA i L B Sk A R W. W. Martin, The Auctioneer. Telephone or cail at Miller Furni ture Company, Fitzgerald, Ga. $lOO,OOO to Loan ON BEN HILL FARMS ’And on Fitzgerald Ci. * Property Loans Negoiiate ! 'romptly Terms the Best; Interest the Lowest, Come and See Me. W. M. BRYAN Garbutt-Donovan Building Room No. 311, Fitzgerald, Ga. ¢ Representing ELLIS & ELLIS, Tifton, Georgia PR g R ARy g }S §Rd A e Efi% ;) BOCHT AND S 5 136300 : FOR KIDNT =0 BO Yo i s - Professional Gards | : , HENRY O’BRIEN, Plastering Contractor. Estimates on Material. All Work Guaranteed. Leave Order at Dan Mahoney’s 295 S, Grant St, M CEO. McCALL Fresh Fish and Oysters Delivered Anywhere intheeity « v 4 5 PHone 269. 15 S. Sherman Street _———-———_—-___ e e ieets H. ELKINS JOSEPH 1, WALL ELKINS & WALL Atitoraeys at Law, Rooms 408-11 Garbutt-Donovan Bullding Will practice in all the Courts. DR. LOUIS A. TURNER DENTIST e FRED & OTTO HARNISH, Boot and Shoe Makers. 212 E. Pine Street Fine and Substantial Repairing Promptly Done. ———————— DR. D. F. THOMPSON, ‘Fitzgerald, Georgia 5-STORY BUILDING, 2ND FLOOR Chronic Diseases, Tumors, External Cancers and Goitre successfully treated without the knife. Try The Best Place In Town, P. B. & R. B. OWEN, Props. 119 East Pine Street " DR. J. E. GOETHE. Otfide Fourth Floor Garbutt-Donavan Bldg. : Ofiice Hours: - 10t012A. M. StoBP. M. Phone 286 Residence 269 Office Specialty: Diseases of Women and Children Registers Meat Market Prompt and Reliable Service Fresh Meat at Reasonable Prices 319 E. Pine St. - - Pheone 448 Dr. J. W. Elliott Dr. F. E. Keefer DRS. ELLIOTT & KEEFER, Office Hours, 8:12 a.m. 2:05.p.m. PHONE 327 Offices—2ll-212 §-Story Bldg. Fitzgerald, Ga. e TR Y == Keefer’s Barber Shops ‘UNION BARBERS BATHS FITZGERALD :: :: MANCHESTER CITY PRESSING CLUB 211 SOUTH GRANT STREET Puone 367. Clothes called for and delivered. Specialist Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 318 Century Building ATLANTA, GEORGIA House for rent, 320 K, Magnoha.