The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, June 11, 1912, Image 8

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Society News Notes | ' C A. Holtzendorf ! DENTEST g é AR [ S TAAL RR R A | | a 4 Floor Rooms 205 9-10 [ Garburt-D)novan cldy. ‘ Mrs. C. B. Brown and little son, James, went up to Vienna Sunday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Carnes and daughter were among the visitors from Abbeville Saturday. Miss Belle Williams, of Cordele, is the attrective guest of Miss May Wilcox, Miss O’'Neal has arrived in the city from Moultrie to accept a posi tion with the Postal Telegraph Co. Mrs. Lilla Brooker and daugh ter, of “cDonough, are visiting relatives and friends in the city. Miss Marguerite Blackshear, of Dublin, passed through the city yes terday enroute from Thomasville, where she has been visiting, to her home. Misses Julia Prentiss and Daisy Boney have returned home from the Southern Female College at LeGrange. The many friends of Mrs, J. E, Crawford will regret to learn of ber serious illness at her home on Wheeler Ave, Misses Myrtice and Frankie Howell, of Ocilla, were in the city Saturday to attend the Hobson- Hanley debate. Mrs. G. C. Smith, Miss Katleen Braswell and her guests, Miss Mary Alice Smith and Miss Ruth Abram, of Lithonia, visited Ocilla Sunday, £oing over in Mrs. Smith's automo-‘ bile. U Y S F' O R L E S S riE ] 3T 4 Ny @ e e 15 ) . 3 A R : igl'ljif H" ey A ‘f;.;:,‘,\:‘ '/ .7; ,‘;' ‘vél G %L{ “fl.:’t : ~‘f;"‘ p, IR TR ;‘ ,;r’ / & £33 eQ: G o ‘,t,:_;;; g 520 " # ,:-? 2J :li: . P i 2 BEE W S Y o B RSy TN 3§ & ¥ S 5 B BS Bie B Rl P i .Y (Y B At 5 B T s .::« (BN R 4 ]BE 0%l ©9 B 8 MY PR 4 AN “.&-’ %BBHBF 9 M EB3 & i Vil HoaPl B 8 P N L 2 oB B N A s’%;;,&} .‘fi‘ N -‘,f! BBN it ot b e W ,5.‘3 A 1 i B i e O i o Un 4 # &2 i .», 4 £ ‘:‘ Pl ‘;"l 3 G SRR YRR R R Y SRR R G R o B / iy Wh QLY Al BGULBNGt St O N @ 9 iGyWY o B iW @ sO W @0 @ We have accumulated quite a bunch of Remnants in every department, during the BIG SALE just closed, which will be on display Wednesday till Saturday. One lot of Silk Remnants, Messaline, Taf feta, Foulard, China and Wash Silks, all colors, one to three yards. All to go at 12 former price This will be a sale extraordinary; possibly we have just what you need and that at only half price. J. H. CHURCHWELL s=Story Building SELLS IT FOR LESS Fitzgerald, Ga. Dr. G, W.McLean ! DENTIST i VT LSRR R l Kooms 512-513 PHONE 433, 1§ Garbutt Dongvan Huilding i 'ifth Floor £ Sunday Hours, 9 to 10 ' Mrs. Malae Craddock’s many friends will regret to know that she has been indisposed for the past tew days, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown, of Brunswick, are on a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Garbutt on Lee Street. Mrs. James Jones, nee Miss Mary Stronach, of Raleigh, N. C, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Blunt Moore, on South Lee St. Mr. G. C. Smith, of Brunswick, spent the week-end here with Mis. Smith, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.. H, Keim, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dickey have under course of construction a 'very cozy little home on their prop erty on West Central Avenue. | - Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Shelton left this city on Saturday for their former home in Indianapolis, Ind., where they will spend the summer, Miss Ruta Ciark, of Stockbridge is the attractive guest of her sister Mrs. Robert Hawkins, who is stoping with Mrs. John Tramell on Suwanee Street. Mrs. Moritz and Miss Moritz, wife and daughter of Supt. Adolph Moritz of the A, B. & A, have arrived in the city from Montgomery, Ala., to make Fitzgerald their home. Ex-Gov. J. Frank Hanly, of Indiana, and Capt. Richard Pearson Hobson, of Alabama, were the cuests of Rev., and Mrs, K, J. | Hammond &t dinner on Sunday. THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, JUNE 11. 1912 i Friends in the city of Miss Kath leen Peacock, who was a popular lvisitor in Fitzderald last summer, iwill be interested to learn of her marriage to Mr. Georgde Robertson, | which eccurred at Dublin last Thurs gday. The best dressed women wear the 'DeBEVOISE Brassiere. Ask at our Corset Department. -43-2 t % McCarty-Jonstone Co. | e : Mr. John C. Field’s spent Sunday in Atlanta. Tom Taylor is with D. B. Broad hurst Co., furniture dealers. 1t Mr. Henry Stilwell spent Sun day in the city with frienas. Mr, Wright Torrence spent yesterday in Thomasville on busi ness, Mr. Will Moore is able to be out again after an illness ot sever al days, ‘ ~ Go to 125 East Pine Street for Furniture—D. B. Broadhurst Co’s. new Furniture Store. - 0o Excursion rates Thursday morning. Wait and ride with us. I. Goldenburg Co. Mr. Mike Murphy has severed his connection with the City Drug Com pany and is now with Fraser. Mr. C. E. Crawley has returned home after an absence of several months, during which time he has been in California. Call on D. B. Broadhurst Company | for Household Furniture, 125 East Pine Street, next to First National Bank. 1t Mr. Clyde Walker expects to% leave this week for White tluins,l Ga,, to spend about tea days \-\'ith’ his parents. ! Dr. R. A. Major’s many friends are glad to see him on the streets again after an illness of several weeks. We sell and recommend the De- DEVOISE Brassiere. 43-2 t McCarty-Jonstone Co. Mr. L. H. Rigsby was called to Albany this morning on sccount ,ol’ the illness of his son, who he gvxpecbs to accompany home. " Mr. Farrand Osborne is expected ihome from the Georgia School of Techology within the next few days. lhaviug received his diploma this year. Our stock is unequaled for size and variety. Our Excursion Rate Sale gives it all to you at Bargain Prices. The 1. Goldenburg Co. Give us your order for a porch swing. We make them reasonable and can please you. F. M. Graham & Co. Phone 14. 45-tf The Deßevoise Brassiere gives the fashiopable “{incorseted” effect. 50c. and up. 43-2 t McCarty-Jonstone Co. | The Chautaugau has received a liberal patronage from Ocilla, there being a large party coming over in automobiles each night when the weather was fair enough to permit of travel. The Mclntosh property on West Pine St, better known as the old college property, has been purchased by Engineer W. A. Stilley, who will have the same converted into a palatial residence. : Our Excursion Rate circu lar gives the reduced rates for the biggest Bargain Sale ever held in Fitzgerald, get One. Remnants of wool dress goods, white and colored Suitings, Lawns, Dimities, Cham bries, Ginghams, Poplins, Soisettes; Em broidery and Laces. All 12 regular price. e ® ' Fruit Canning deason Here: fl——-fl-—_—ww_———-'w Nature has again provided us with a bounteous €rop of berries, plums, peaches and grapes; also the prom ise of plenty of tomatoes, corn and other vegetables. To reduce the high cost of living put up plenty for winter We can furrish you with cans, rubbers and scaling wax. “Economy” They keep the fruit for any length of time. Fill Glass Fruit »Your cans with fruit, sweeten and fill with cold : Jars! water, place lid on, place cans in a vessel of cold e water on stove, cook as per directions with cans, take off stove and they are ready to put away. No fussing, wip ing off, screwing down lids, testing, ete., to be done **Economy”’. PRICES Mason Fruit Jar5............88¢, 75¢, $l.OO dozen “Economy”’ Fruit Jars .. $l.OO, $1.25, $1.50 dozen Mason Jars, Porcelain Lined T0p5........ 28c dozen Extra Quality White Rubbers ........... 8¢ dozen Best Grade Wide Red Rubber 5........... 10c dozen Red Sealing Wax...... ................ 10c pound w# R S T(L 2 RSDRS S LR BT BT B R A BTy M Buice Building 106 E. Pine-st.‘ - Our Ladies and Childrens dresses all at Bargain Prices for our Excur?;on Rate Sale. The L Goldenburg Co. The contractors are now on the ground and work on the Third National Bank building will begin immediately, at the corner of Maine and Pine streets. The new bank building will be a modern structure in every way and will add considerably to the appearance of Pine street. June Specials For Cash—Cotton Seed Hulls, 50cts, Cotton Seed Meal $1.50 Bran & Shorts $1.50. Mixed feed $1.90. ¥ree delivery, Phone 354 or 283. Dodd Supply Company. 44 2¢. FOR SALE—One gasoline range, set of haviland china, dining room table and chairs, squares and rugs. Practically new and will sell at about nalf cost, Other articles for sale also. 408 South Grant or phone 275, Mrs. E. M. Stoddard, 44-3 t, The fare is cheap and all may ride at Goldenburgs Excursion Rate Sale Thurs day morning. FOR SALE-—The woman’s ex change, novelty goods, toilet arti cles, two show cases, a few pieces of furniture, etc, Will sell at a bargain and immediate sale is necessary. All who are indebrted to the Exchange are urged to call at once and settle up. Mrs. F. P. Stoner, Mgr, E L L S O R L E S e