The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, July 02, 1912, Image 7

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Disastrous Storm In Canada, Relief Train Is Rushed To The Stricken District. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 30. —lln is estimated that 200 people were killed and property loss of $10,000,000 was entuiled by a tor pado which, after a day of thun derstorms and high winds, struck Regina, Saskatchewun, late this evening. The local telephone office was wrecked and it is feared that fiftecn girls employed there were killed, The telephone exchange building, the Standard Block, the Frst Bap tist Church and the Baird & Bottell building are among the structures destroyed. All wires except one telegraph wire are down, This one wire is crowded with private messages from people who wish to send word of their safety to friends and relatives. A special train left Winnipeg tonight with doctors and nurses and telegraph and telephone rc pairmen. WHIRL AUTOS INTO AIR. The tornado came from the south and first struck the new Parlia ment building, just completed at a cost of $2,000,000, The building L is of steel and concrete, and, while } it still stands, is badly shaken, The storm swept northward, mowing a path six blocks wide through the fashionable residence : district, Along Victoria street, from Sixteenth to Eleventh streets sixteen houses were destroyed and many people killed. Automcbiles filled with people were hurled ¥ high in the air and dropped blocks away. At eleventh street, in the busi ness district, warehouses, banking institutions and retail stores were sent into heaps of ruins, while the air was filled with the wreckage. Passing the buasiness district, the Canadian Pacific Riilway tracks were reached. Six big grain ele | vators were toppled over like ten \‘npins, the timbers being piled in y heaps on the tracks. - May Ask for Probe Of Tallulah Dispute Atlanta, June 29, —Representa tives Ellis of Tift and White of Screven are making an investiga tion with a view to having the Legislature thoroughly sift the Tallulah Falls matter. It will be recalled that Governor Brown. basing his decision upon the opin ;’ion of Attorrey General T, S. Felder. recently held that the state had no legal claim to Tallulah Falls, and refused (o bring suit in the state’s name in the effort to re cover them. If there is any possibility of the state’s ownership being sustained Me-srs, Ellis and White will take the matter up in the Legislature and ask that a thorough legisla tive investigation of the entire situation be made. Preacher Predicts » End Of Time. Atlanta, July I.—Atlantians in West End yesterday enjoyed the remarkable sight of a preacher standing waist-deep in the muddy waters of a lake, preaching calmly to a crowd of converts lined up on the shore. It was the Rev. Carlyle B. Havnes, Seventh Day Adventist and sensational predicter of the end of the world, whose remark able utterances from the Taber ‘nacle Baptist pulpit, recently oc " casioned such a stir among the old time orthodox brethern of the faith. While standing in the water of McDaniels Lake, Evangelist - 3 Haynes baptized seventeen con verts by immersion. For Sale or Rent—l 6 room hc tel in Willacooche, Ga. For partic ulars apply to J. H. Shearer 601 west pine st., Fitzgerald, Ga. It. Announcement (0f Wright T. Paulk. FOR RE-ELECTION IN THE GEN ERAL ASSEMBLY OF GA., From Ben-Hill County, Under - Such Rules and Regulations as Prescribed by the Proper Authorities To the People of Ben Hil] County: During the 1911 session of the General Assembly of Ga., which I served you, I endeavored earn estly and faithfully in the support‘ of all the General measures that I advocated and pledged in my for mer race for Representative. viz. Laws with reference to Labor, and the extension of Education. 'And in co-operating with others equally interested, such Laws enacted and in my opinion of thought, have met with approval in general to the people of Geor gia, especially in the New School Law where an additional One Hundred Thousand Dollars goes to the children of this State. I voted for every meaure that tended to uplift the people and state, I was always on the side with the people fh common as against special interest, I met regularlly with my Com mittees, having been assigned to some among the most important, such as, Education ¢Banks and Bazking” Railroads” Ways and Means and Corporations ete. My conduct as your Represen tative is a matter of public record, and with such experience as I have had I feel that I am in better position to still render more and better service t 2 the people of my County. I am anxious to serve yeu again in the General Assembly from our County, not in any consideration of money for, all one can get out of it is the consciousness of hav ing served his people well and faithfully, and to me this is great er than money. I therefore earnestly appeal to your kind consideration, promis ing if re-elected the best efforts of my life in all matters of general as well as of local interest. Faithfully Yours, tf, Wright T. Paulk. ANNOUNCEMENT. : For REPRESENTATIVE. To the Voters of Ben Hill County: I announce myself a candidate for Representative in the Legislature in Ben Hill County. I shall favor an absolute secret ballot under the Aus tralian ballot system; a better edu cational system with sufficient funds for the prompt payment of teachers. The repeal of all the bad laws and the enactment of all the good ones I can get on the statute books. I challenge any opposing candidate in the county to a joint discussion of these and other questions. S. S. Hue. For Congressman ~ ““To the Voters of the Third congressional District: I bave the ambition to represent the Third district in congress. As to my fit ness and worthiness, I propose to submit that to the voters of the district, along with the other gen tlemen who may aspire to the hon or in a democratic primary, “] am a farmer, was born and reared on a farm in this district, and have contributed all that I possibly could to the advancement of the farming interests of my section of the country. «“ As a member of congress I would be controlled largely by the same desires and purposes that have actuated me as a private citi zen in advancing the farming in terest of the state acd country, which ultimately is the interest of every person, whether merchant, lawyer, doctor, banker, mechanic or citizens following other callings. I shall be glad to meet the vo ters face to face in every county ‘of the district before the dav of election. Sincerely, | John K. Mercer. THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY JULY 2, 1912 For Congressman To the Democratic Voters of the 3rd Congressional District: I hereby formally anrounce my candidacv for the oflice of con gressman from said district to the Democratic primary to be held next summer. Owing to my fa miliarity with conditions in Wash ington (being the official clerk to the speaker of the House) I pelieve if tue peoplz wilt hovor me with the great office, that I will certain ly striv: to faithfully apnd intelli gently represent all the people of the district, Their interest and welfare shall regulate, control and influence my every note and act and at all times I will be true to the masses of our people. Before the primary I will announce a for mal platform of principles, address the voters on the public questions of the day, presenting my views fullv to them and endeavor to see as many of ther in person as pos sibie. If you can give me your support and influence I shall al ways be most profoundly grateful. Very respectfully, - Charles R, Crisp., Announcement To the Voters of Ben Hill County: I am a candidate for the State Senate as the representa.ive in that body of the Fifteenth Sena torial District, subject to the com ing Pirimary Election, If elected to this office, I will appreciate the honor of the position and will en deavor to realize its dutics and re sponsibilities, I will consider the position as a public trust, and will be untiring in my efforts at all times to discharge the obligations of the trust in such a manner as will be to the credit of the Dis trict, of Ben Hill county, and of myself. I will be very grateful for ail support given me, O. H. Elkins. Special Ten Day Excursion Fares to Tybee Island, Ga. Via Seabeard Air Line. Rate from Fitzgerald is $6. Tickets on sale every Saturday from June Ist. to Aug. 31st limit ed ten days from date of sale. For full information relative rates, schedules, etc, See nearest Seaboard Agent or write C. W, Small, Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. Notice Notice is given to the public that if no good and sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, the Com missioners of Roads and Revenues will on the first Tuesday in August pass an order establishing a public road as follows: Commencing at the Hawkinsville and Irwinville public road and running the Steele & Pope Tram Road Southeust to the County line about one mile in length. t By order of County Commis sioners this June 4th, 1912, J. G. Minshew, H, M. Warren, Wesley R. Walker. R. L. King, Clerk County Csmmissioners. 45-4 w. A good reliable man can get permanent employment at the Cherokee Marble works to take orders for monuments. 39-tf, Registers Meat Market Prompt and Reliable Service Fresh Meat at Reasonable Prices 319 E. Pine St. B - Phone 448 $lOO,OOO to Loan ON BEN HILL FARMS And on Fitzgerald Cit v Property Loans Negotiate { 2romptly Terms the Best; Interest the Lowest. Come and See Me. W. M. BRYAN Garbutt-Donovan Building" Room No. 311, Fitzgerald Ga. Representing ELLIS & ELLIS, Tifton, Georgia WE WANT TO SELL YOU AND IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET, WE CAN MAKE IT INTERESTING FOR YOU Our large line of Household . Furnishings embraces everything under this head; we have goods to fit any pocketbook---from the cheapest to the most expensive. ‘Extraordinarily pretty line of : Bird’s Eye Maple, Mission, Mahogany, Etc. Call-and see our Co-Carts, Davenports and Dining Room Furniture. x e We want your business, and will \\\;Z:;; take great pleasure in showing you A\V:\Z;‘?/// through our store and warehouse. (A A S ] = Ny e N Sandlin Furniture Co., \%/% UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS \' | 118-122 S. Grant St. e . f‘?@;’%‘f\vw FITZGERALD, - GEORGIA. ‘g =‘s\ Notice | Notice is given to the public that if no good and sufficieut cause is shown to the contrary, the Commissioners of Roads and Reve nues will on the first Tuesday in August pass an order establishing a public road as follows: Commenc ing at the North end of Sheridan street and extending due North between Land Lots and on original Land Line between Lots (150 & 299) in the 3rd and 4th Land Dis trict to Northwest corner of Land Lot (299) intersecting with road at Mr. George’s place. By order of County Comuis sioners this June 4th, 1912, J. {z. Minshaw, H. M. Warren, Wesley R. Walker. R. L. King, Clerk County Commissioners. 45-4 w. Hall for Rent Any Order or Organization wanting to rent a Lodge room or reading rooms can secure same by applying to R. L. King, Secretary Order of Owls. They have a nicely fursished Lodge room and several rooms that can be used for regalia etc.” 49-Bt, June & July Specials. For Cash—Molases, Horse and Mule ground mixed feed $1.90: Cotton Seed Meal $1.50; Hulls 50 cts; Syrup 50 cents gallon; Bran & Shorts $1.50 per sack; ¥lour $5.90 per bbl; Phone 354; your cash will go farthest here. 47-3 t Dodd Supply Company, Give us your order for a porch swing. We make them reasonable and can please you. F.M. Graham & Co. Phone 14. 45-tf STUART’S BUCHU AND JURIPER COMPOUND FOR KIDNEY TROUBLES 80 Years on the Market A BEARBRAND /™) -~ PAINLE,S)S EYE WATER an¢, SALVE . If you have weak, watery, sore or inflamed %yeslsgranulabed lids, wild hairs, eye ulcers or even TEMPORARY BLINDNESS resulting from either of these, _Z3& : ~ Bear Brand Painless Eye Water and Salve ~ ' Gives Instant Rellef. It is healing, soothing, easy to i . apply and harmless even to the youngest babe. Price, includ- ‘ / ing bottle of eye water, box of salve and glass pipette with A é rubber bulb for dropping water into the eyes, 25c at best stores G 4 orby mail. Try it today, if not satisfied, your dealer will refund your 25¢c. W THE LEWIS BEAR DRUG COMPANY, Inc., Montgomery, Ala. QuicK RELIEF FOR. SORE EYES COFFINS and CASKETS, : All prices from the cb‘eapest \\; ; ‘]‘)! : t...% to the best. All calls will re- i» A AN ceive our immediate attention. e h;@;?, 'f’@\_\'\§'s sSandlin Furnitwre & Undertaking Gompany, Day Phone 1186. - Night Phone 375 | Lumber! Lumber: Let us figure with you before you pur chase your Building Material. : : F. M. GRAHAM & CO., Mill Kast Magnolia St. Office East Pine St. Phoue 14, FITZGER ALD, GA. ‘KEEP TAPB’ M M on how often you send your shirts, collars, cuffs, ete., to this laundry, ‘ until they’re no longer wearable. That will convinee you that we pro long the life of linen beyond most washers and ironers thereof. Test our work—we can stand it. : siy WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY.