Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Ben Hill County,
The Small Salaried Man.
The man with a small salary naturally finds it hard
to save any money out of his income. But, on the
other hand, it is surprising how fast even a small
monthly deposit, regularly made, will grow with a
liberal rate of interest. With a little self-denial, al
most anyone can save, say, one tenth of his salary.
And if he saves regularly he will soon have a snug
little sum to his credit. :
Why don't you try it? And by this time next
year you will have learned a lesson that will have
learned a lesson that will have helped you all your
First National Bank
Fitzgerald, ‘Georgia
The Bank for Your Savings
These July reductions on fine shoes for
men, women & children are noteworthy
1 4 Off R. T. Wood, Zeigler Bros., Scuffers, Goodmans Childrens Slippers.
i , 10 per cent off Pizhlers Childrens and Fox Soft Sole Slippers. 19
off Dorothy Dodd & all ladies Pumps, Slippers. 10 off Boyden & all men shoes.
Pd - nern a d g ) ; o
) : trom all over this section are
A4B : M MaEE of -
rident men and Womer: [rom ak f
’ ® ieg |° Y 0 oF ; % 7aB 5
aTal =TR A Q¥ ey ?‘ W NCTIOE &
ng dally to this Zmpire store July Reduction daie
WE know of nothing that attracts the intelligent public more than confidence in this stores methods of doing busi
/ ness---absolute truth in every statement; careful expert attention in the selecting of stocks; quantity buying
which enables us to sell for less; the satisfaction or money back guarantee. It's no wonder the store is crowded with
eager, thrifty buyers during this great July reduction sale, which began on Wednesday July the third.
25 to 40c Dress
Silks 19c¢ yard
97 inch, all new colors, 25
35 and 40c Silks in the lot
Dollar Silks 85c¢
the yard
Black and new coloring---
yard-wide Messaline
50¢ Dress Silks
35¢ yard
Messaline, Foulards, Silks
checked, solid and striped
$5 Voile Dress
Patterns 2.39
Voile $5 patterns in popu
lar shadings. Dress $2.39
20c Crepes for
Kimonas 15¢
For Kimonas and Saques,
these Serpentine Crepes.
Table Linen 89c¢
2 yards-wide $1 and $1.25
real Irish Linen, 83c¢ yard
Mohairs 49c yd
50in Panamas and Mohairs
36in wool Serges, Taffetas
Table 15¢ Goods
920-25¢ Mercerized Waist'gs
18-20 c White Indian Lawns
90-25¢ Dress Ginghams
18-20¢ White Piques ;
25¢ Fine Tissues ‘
$30.00, $27.00, $25.00 Mens Suits now $17.85
$22.50, §20.00, $ 18.00 Mens Suits now $13.45
$ 15.00, §13.50 §$ 12.50 Mens Suits now $§ 9.35
$ 10.00, § 9.00, $ 8.50 Boys Suits now $ 5.85
$ 7.50, $§ 6.50, $ 6.00 Boys Suits now $§ 4.35
Men and Boys Odd Pants, choice of stock, now 1-4 Off
Childrens Pumps and Oxfords, reduced, now 1-4 Off
This includes R. T. Woods, Zeiglers, Scuffers---every line except Piehlers---All Piehlers Shoes 10 per cent off
$35.00, $37.50 New Silk Coat Suits, now $22.45
1-3 Off -- All Ladies Coat Suits and Dresses -- 1-3 Off
Gage Pattern Hats, values to $15.00, for only $5.95
20 per cent Off all Trunks and Bags
10 per cent Off all Rugs and Squares
1-3 Off all Men and Boys Straw Hats
1-3 Off all Ladies Skirts
1-4 Off all Ladies Shirtwaists
T;[ull 90 inch
Nets sl§9
These are full size nets
Georgia Fought
- For 45 Ballots
And Then Joined in the
Stampede to Wilson
Baltimore, July 2.—Georgia
stood by Oscar W. Underwood
through forty-five weary ballots
and only left him when his name
was withdrawn today as a candi
date tor the presideatial nomina-
Randolph Anderson, of Savan
nah, Ga., who seconded the nomi
pation of Oscar W. Underwood
and placed the record of the Ala
bamian before the convention in
a speect which won wideapproval
has been one of the most indefa
tigable workers for Mr. Under
wood’s sucecess at the convention
Mr. Anderson exprassed confi
dence up to the last ballot that
Mr. Underwood had a chance for
the nomination. Just as on every
day for the past week, he passed
the hours of the convention guinyg
b ' !
| “sTORE
W.R. BOWEN, President J.A. MURPHY. Manager
up and down the lines encourag
ing the Unpderwood forces and
conferrinzg with the leaders, At
the very time Senator Bankhead
took the stand to announce the
withdrawal of Mr. Underwood,
Mr. Randolph had just left a con
ference of the Mississippi delega
tion in an anteroom, He caugnt
the intent of the first sentences
and rushed back to inform the
Mississippians that the fight was
¢J can’t do it today. for I haven’t
the heart,” said Mr. Anderson af
ter it was all over. *But tomorrow
I am going to put on a Wilson
button and go to work for the
ticket, lam a democrat.”
G. R. Hutchens, manager for
Underwood in Georgia, said: ‘““We
made a good fight. We demon
strated that the only people who
are afraid of a candidate who lives
in the south are the soutnern peo
ple themselves, It will be easier
pnext time.”
The devotion of the Georgia
following to Underwood was ex
ceeded only by that of the Missouri
Empire Store July reductions aie indeed
worth while---it’s because they are real
i i dy-made d th 11i
THige P e i e toe el
housewife these warm days. , Childrens Wash Dresses 38¢-$1.50; Ladies 95¢-$9.65
A Modern Store ,
Several days ago an out-of-town
customer went to the store of C.
A. Miller & Co., and purchased
some furniture for a new home
This customer was surprised to
find such a complete stock of furni
ture, carpets, stoves and house
furnishings in Fitzgerald under
one roof and found prices jower
thap in other cities.
The Fitzgerald Merchantile
Company has added a complete
department tor Undertaking and
embalming, This department is
under the management of : n ex
pert embalmer and experienced
funeral director. Prowmpt and
efficient service will be rendered.
delegation, who prayed for one
more ballot that they might cast a
finul vote for *‘Old Champ Clark,”
"That done, they joined in the de
mand to make the nomination
unanimous, having stood like the
Old Guard at Waterloo.
Every Day
‘Just received’
New Stair 29 C
Carpet _
2 piece Brussels, 40c val
VOoL. XVII. NO. 51
TNV 5 oelo 0 B
RESOURCES $300,00000
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By, e
" Keep your eyes on the ads and
learn where t 0 find your wants.
Raougzh & smooth
{'reshes 16¢
. The .owest colors, rough
and smooth French Crash
i only 39¢
Sweeping reduction. All
50c Neckwear this sale 39¢
75¢ Ellepepper
Sheets 63c¢
81x90 non-shrinkable full
size, fine 75¢ sheets, 63c.
Our 8c Girtham
612 c yard
Sold at 10c elsewhere. Our‘
best 8¢ cloth. This sale 6%
18¢ Pillow Tub
ing 1212¢
Our regular 15¢ grade of
Round Thread Pillow Tub
ing, linen finish. Sale 12%
Towels 45¢ pair
These are 24x48 inch size
in heavy absorbant cioth.
Finest best wearing Bath
Towel. 23c each, 45¢ pair
Table 4c Goods
500 yds fine White Lawn
1000 yds *“ Colored *
1000 yds best 6¢ Calico
Table 9c¢ Goods
10-12%c Dress Ginghams
1235-15c¢ fine White Lawns
10-12%c Fancy * Goods
12%¢ White Linen Suiting
10c Galatea Suiting