Newspaper Page Text
arty Johnstone Co., ¥
&% McCarty Johnstone Co., <B%
i By
TN, Leaders in the Correct Things { ‘
o !fix K “
|v \ \Zz’:\lv@“/f, ‘ | ‘ ‘}‘
'f'fl' ‘il i | We were given the exclusive sale on American Lady Corse.ts 5 months agq whe.n '-‘"\ A
H, o || A we began business. We have just received our 3rd Big Shipment. That is evi- De Bevolse
- dence that the correct dressers know the correct corset. We have all the new
r | “r’l!lj\ | Spring Models, $l.OO to $5.00, no old styles to show you. .
| HIEC b : .
“ad! : : :
b We can fit any figure, sizes 18 to 36.
Lake Lucy Ideal
Picnic Grounds
About a coach load of Fitzgerald
people visited Lake Lucy on July
3rd and found it an ideal picpic
location on the O, 5. about twenty
three miles southwest of the city,
Mr. Henderson is owner and
manager of these grounds as well
as of the R. R. and he is expend
ing some effort and money to make
the place attractive to pleasure
seekers. A large pavilion and a
swimming pool and electric lights
board walks and ample table
accommodations are some of the
conveniences while within a stones
throw is a bridge spaning a pictur
esque bend of Allapaha River
offering easy inducement to the
erstwhile fishermen Jarge and small
as well as delighting the eye of
every lover of out-door beauties,
by its restful background of real
and reflected vendure,
The convenient schedule and
cheap fare added to its attractive
ness is making Lake Lucy a popu
lar rescrt.
Want to sell new Perfection
number 3 oil stove. Phone No
1005 or call at Leader Office.
We, the undersigned, voters of
Ben Hill County recogrizing the
worthiness and ability of D. L.
Martin to serve as representative
in the General Assembly of Geor
gia, hereby annouvce him as a
candidate for nowi.ation at the
Democratic White Primary to be
beld in August.
His past record has proven him
to be straight forward. honest,
temperate, ardent and indefatig
able in any public enterprise and
fully capable of anv demand that
might arise from this trust and
we announce Mr. Martin with the
assurance that he will be honored
by a very large majority from
those whom he will serve:
L. S. Yarbrough
D. A. Bragg
J. J. White
T. F. Ransom
John Bucher
W. L. Babb
U. D. Cunningham
L. H. Yarbrough
Dr. C. D. Seely
D. B. Hanes
H. C. Daniel
J. S. Pittman
C. L, Minter.
J. A. Porterfield.
H. B. Deyo
H. G. Powell
C. H. Owen .
J. H. Moss
T. J. Haile
R. C. Butler
Early Gibos :
A. J. Swords
Geo, Drexler,
If you are a hustler a good posi
tion is waiting for you at the
Cher>koe Marble Works, Fitzger
ald, Ga, 39-tf,
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Southwestern Divis
ion of the Southern District of
In the matter of Eugene E. Roach,
To the creditors of Eugene E. Roach,
Bankrupt, of Fitzgerald, in the
County of Ben Hill, said district,
bankrupt. : .
Notice is hereby given that on
July 1, 1912, the said Eugene E.
Roach was duly adjudged bank
rupt; and that the first meeting of
his creditors will be held a Valdosta,
Georgia, on July 11, 1912, at nine
o'clock in the forenoon, at which
time the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trus
tee, examine the bankrupt and
transact such other business as may
properly come before said meeting.
The bankrupt is required to be
Please file your claim at once.
At Valdosta, Georgia, this July 1,
1912, WiLFrep C. LANE,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Application for Leave to
Sell Land.
Georcia—BeN HiL Counry.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the ordi
nary of said county for leave to sell
land belonging to the estate of Dora
Hitch for the purpose of mak
ing distribution. Said application
will be heard at the regular term of
the court of ordinary for said county
to be held on the first Monday Au
gust next. This July 2, 1912.
CrarLes Hitch,
Administrator Estate of Dora Hitch.
Application for Leave to
Sell Land.
Greorcia—BEN HiLL Counry.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the ordi
nary of said county for leave to sell
land belonging to the estate of Dor
cas Grimes, for the purpose of pay
ing the debts and making distribu
tion. Said application will be heard
at the regular term of the court of
ordinary of said county to be held
on the first Monday in August next.
This July 1, 1912.
Frep J. CLARK,
Admistrator Estate of Dorcus Grimes.
Professor Simeon J. Smith so
journed in the city with friends
vesterday. being en route to Talla
poosa, (Ga., where he has accepted
the superiniendency of the Pub
lic Schools.
| = Kills the Pain; Curzs the Cora
‘}e/”‘ No matter how painful the corn
| §#f| Bear Brand Corn Paint
§ /B will relieve the pain in one hour,
| Fitet and in four nights you lift out the
EH ER corn easily and painlessly with your
{ P B 8 fingers. No cutting, bandaging,
k: ,t_ changing shoes or keeping off your
| 80 B 3 feet. Absolutely guarrnteed to
: a Q z satisfy or money refunded.
7 A n wmem Frice, including
L) £ glass rod for apply
ing, 25¢ at all stores
or promptly by mail upon receipt of price.
TEE LEWIS BEAR DRUG CO., Isc , Montgomery, Ale.
First M, E. Church
Services next Sunday as follows:
Sabbath School at 9:30 a. m,
Morning preaching at 10:46.
Sermon theme—*‘The expansion
of Truth in Our National Life.”
All patriotic societies are especial
iy invieed to attend, Epworth
League at 6:45 p, w. Night
preaching at 7:45,
Sermon theme, ‘‘The Third
Temptation; being the last of a
series upon ‘‘The Temptations of
There will be special music at
both preaching services; orchestra
at’ mght. The general public,
especially strangers, will find a
cordial welcomme at every service,
E. J. Hammond, Pastor.
United Bretheren Church
Bible School—9:3o a. m,
Preaching at 10:45 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.
Morning Subject—‘ A Great
Purchase’’—“‘Buy the Truth
and sell it not.”’
Evening Subject— “Selling out
to the devil,”” Tubject suggest
ad by a visit to the City Council.
All are invited who wish to
dear the discussion of these
timely topiecs. »
J. L. Leichliter,
We take the following from a
current issue of the Montgomery
Adviser, which appeared be
neath a photograph of Mrs. An
drews and her two attractive
sons: ‘‘Mrs. Andrews is one of
the best known club women in the
State and one of the most popu
lar elub women in Montgomery.
She is especialiy identified with
the Mother’s Circle and served
as president of this club. She
was also vice-president of the
State Congress of Mothers.
She is a woman of exceptional
ability and is much beloved by
hosts of friends who deeply re
gret that she has gone to Fitz
gerald, Ga., to make her home.
Her eldest son, Master Earl, is
an attractive Jad and has made
a splendid record at Barnes
School where he was a student.
The baby Jack is a winsome lit
tle fellow.”’ Fitzgerald extends
a cordial welcome to Mr. and
Mrs. Andrews who are now lo
cated at 215 West Orange street.
Mr. Andrews is chief Dispatch
er for the Atlanta, Birmingham
& Atlantie Railway Co.
A Dividend Bank.
The Directors of the Third
National Bank have declared a
dividend of four per cent, pay
able July 20th. This bank has
paid out in cash dividends
It has over 100 stockholders
and conducts a strictly commer
cial banking business. :
¥OR RENT—One 5 rcom cot
age 411 W. Pine. All modern
conveniences. Apply 415 W, Pine.
Fitzgerald Boy
Captures Place.
A Telegram received from Sam
Kassewitz as we go to press an
nounces that he raceived 2nd place
in the Oratorial Contest at Athens.
There were G 0 contestants,
Mrs. J. Brockington has return
ed to her home in Brunswick, af
ter a several month’s visit with ber
daugnhter, Mrs. . M. Warren,
She was accompanied home by hLer
grandsons, Wilbur and Needham
Mrs. William B. Moore expects
to leave soon for Raleigh, N, C.,
for a visit with relatives., She will
be accomdanied by little Mise
Margaret Wise.
Mrs. Chas, Gill and little son
have returned from an extended
visit in New York State,
Mrs. Ern Chapie, of Miona
Springs, is visiting the family
eTR T S I e T
_ Lt ke y s AT LY ’:‘/’\nfi{%;fi:—.xw A
UL \ = fteei (AN EK= AT
7 s e =RS e . e —~
7 LN e ,@ffl L N
@\%—ifism e " K
Quality Backs Up Every Single
ety Dollar You Invest in
° o ® }
Furniture and Housefurnishings At
q Every dollar you spend for Merchandise should come back to you full 100
cents worth of real true value. Only quality goods will bring you this return,
such goods as you are assured at this store. -
§ One hundred cents worth of real value, always at this store, money spent
here is always money well invested.
€ Bring in your pictures, and have them framed to order. We carry a se
lected line of high grade moulding, and can satisfy your wants in our fram
ing department.
M .ll ‘ F ‘ C
~ Muller Furniture Co.
Corner Main and Pine Street
of Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Chaple on
North Grant street.
Messrs John King and Sam
Kassewitz left Tuesday for Athens
to attend the State athletic and
oratorical contest which is in
session this week.
Miss Marguerite Durrett and
Mr. Krazer Durrett, of Cordele,
are the guests of their cousin,
Miss Nelle Frazer, They wiil
leave Sunday, accompamed by
Dr. Frazer and fawily and Mrs.
J. W. Rodwell, for Cumberland
Island to spend several weeks.
Mrs, Otto Beckham and Mrs.
Levy Glenn, of Abbeville, visited
friends in the city yesterday.
Mrs. I. M. Kennon, Mrs. T.
Burden, and Mrs, W, Brett, of
Osierfield, were in the city shop
ping Thursday.
Mr. Eliis Blandford has return
ed. from a enjoyable visit of four
weeks in his former home, India
napolis, Ind,
Mr. Earl Chaple is spending
several days with his parents on
north Grant street.
Mr. J, S. Wilcox, of Mcßea,
spent the Fourth in the city at
the Aldine,
Dress making a speciality, 511
S. Grant, 49-8 t
Mr. W. M. Harris, of Ocilla,
spent Thursday here. :
Mr. Warrep Fiveash, of Ocilla,
was in the city yesterday,
Mr. H. F. Land, of Tifton, was
among the visitors in the city on
the Fourth,
Mr. W. H. Gorsuch, of Hatcher
Station, Quitman County, spent
the Fourth in Fitzgerald. Mr.
Gorsuch expressed himself in
glowing terms upon the appearance
of this 16-year old town, and was
well impressed with the prospects
of our ccunty.