Newspaper Page Text
Few more of those cool, cravenet Mohair Suits
$lB.OO valugs. only .. $12.48
Ask to see our $13.50 Serge Suits that we are
now selling at . . $9.48 :
Men and young men Trousers—We have them
in Slims, Stouts and Regulars—full peg top; also
medium, and at . . 25 per cent discount
All Boys Suits less .. 23 per cent
July Bth to 13th
One lot of Val. Lace worth up to 7%c only
2¢ yard
One lot of Embroidery worth up to 15c¢ only
: 7V2c yard
5-Story Building
C A. Holtzendort
2ad Floor Rooms 208 9-10
Garbutt-D)novan bldg.
Such a lovely interest do the
members of this needlework club
take in their weekiv meetings that
‘not a suggestion has been raised
for their discontinuance through
the hot weather as is usual with
social organizations. Sowe pretiy
pieces of handwork are being ac
¢ mpished and while it 1s easy to
guess thau tongues are busy as
fingers it wust be told to the honor
of the club that vot a word of the
personal is ever heard but the
tone of conversatios is Kept to &
Migh piane and each member feels
a loss when she wisses & meeting
On last Fridav Mrs. E. N Davis
was the hsstess. Today Mrs. Ray
¥rye entertains the club.
. EpcAr PatrersoN ENTERTAINS.
One of the most enjoyable affairs
of the past week was the party given
by Mr. Edgar Patterson at his beau
#iu! country home just south of
town. Various games were played
throughout the evening, and at a
late hour delicious refreshments
were served.
Those present were Misses Sarah
and Lucille King, Clara Britt, Lizzie
Butler, Nora Paulk, Wiedman, Liz
zie Mae Ellington, Melba Dozier,
Flsie Tisdel, Nettie Day, Bessie Huff,
Pauline Bowler and Helen Patter
son. Messrs. Harry Forbes, Asa
Smith, Chester Stricklan!, Eugene
Cass, Reason Paulk, Bryon Bowler,
Glenn Ryman, Jamie Johnson, Bris
coe Waters and D. V. Bowler.
e, T 17 R C ¥ W = I |
We certainly can save you money on that suit, and will appreciate the privilege of showing you.
s B EE R
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AT TRy TI 1 Y A N‘AW A b EEL Sat T i
b ) Aer P TR, he 2 h 4 A A i 1 il &) 4,
4 oty fEiEY N P e 4 e v, & s A 5 OYI P humrorrenlal
¥ N 5 b % SRL vl Bhs (e EEEtrTrrwEiay
L R Goiit) ) h bl D) Uad LIRS
i oy R <5 Pt ATk s St
A & S s ctibut Sl o SEAR E ARO AGE IR T B
A s ML) e L SRS ol LR
[ Dr.G. W.McLean
Rooms 512-513. PHONZ 438.
Garbutt Donovan Building
Fifth Floor
\ Sunday Hours, 9 to 10
One of the most delightful
events of the season was the party
cgiven Tuesday evening by Miss
Clara Britt in honor of Miss Jewel
(idden of Nashville, who has
been visiting here for the past
week, During the evening many
games were played and delicious
punch was served by Miss Sadie
oritt. At a late hour refreshments
were served. Those invited to
meet Miss Giddeas were Misses:
Pauline Bowles, Lizzie Butler,
Lazze May Klington, Nettie Day,
; Blsie Tisdel, Melba Dozier, Sarah
and Lucy Belle King, Hattie
}Wideman. Bessie Haff, Dora
Mathis. Nora Paulk; Asa Smith,
’Harrv Forbes, D. V. DBowles,
Glenn Ryman, Crowder Carter,
Kdgar Patterson. Chester Strick
lland Briscoe Waters, Reason
Paulk, Mark Mathis, Bryan
‘Bowles, Jamie Johnson and Eu
}lgene Cass.
| E o
Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkersor, of
St. George, is in the city visiting
‘her son, Chief Walter C. Wilker
son and family.
j Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ingram
returned yesterday from Ala
bama, where their honeymoon
‘was delightfully spent with his
~ Mr. Z. R. Bozeman and Mus.
. L. Davison, of St, Petersburg,
Fla., who have been the guests of
relatives here for sometime left
Monday for Athens.
Specials July Bth to 13th.
See Grant Street Window For Few of the Many Specials
Mrs. John R. Littie was hostess
at a farewell social on Wednesdasy
afternocon in honor of Mrs. L. N.
Hall who leaves soon for Ler future
home in Waycross. The parlors
t were beautifully decorated with
i terns and cut flowers. Interest
|ing games were played. The honor
!guest was presented with a pretty
' scene painted by Miss Webb., A
| dainty ‘ce course was served by
- Misses Webb and Littletield, Those
invited were Mesdames Cass, Spil
ler, Irving, Mingledorf, Herring
;ton, Miller, Hall, Keim, Babbet,
| Frink, Adams, Robinson, Hilliard.
' Brown, Littlefield, Webb and
! Smith,
! Miss Florence Stembridge leaves
| today for her home in Milledge
iville, after a pleasant visit with
l Miss Johny Mae Broughton.
{ Mrs, Maela Craddock has re
'signed her position at the Grand
? Opera House, and left several days
lago for Gainesville, to take a
Ispecial course in music at the
Brenau College Conservatory. Up
on her return this fall, Mrs, Crad
dock will open a studio here and
devote her entire time to the
teachinyg ot music.
®* Mrs. J. W. Clark and little
daughter, of Donalsonville, are
visiting the family of Mr. J. J.
Miss Claire White is attending
a house party at the home of Miss
May Dickey in Calhoun.
Miss Jennie Mashburn has re
iturned from Tate Springs where
Ishe spent the past two weeks
chaperoned by her aunt Mrs. D.
B. Ware, It will be a matter of
much regret to Mrs. Ware’s
!friends to learn that she became
lill while at Tate Springs and is
now at John Hopkins Hospital in
IBaltimore for treatment.
Judge and Mrs. Drew W. Paulk
left this week for an extended
visit to New York and other points
|of interest in the east,
E Street gas lamps were first used
tin London in 1807.
White Goods
Including Lawns, Check Muslin, Flaxons, Dim
ities, Long Cloth, Linene and Nainsook, worth
up to 15¢ per yard, all to go at one price . . 7%c
Messaline Silk, 36 inches wide, all the new
colors, only . . 83c yard
7 90 inch all linen Sheeting . . 79¢
10 yds of soft finish 10c Bleaching . . 79¢
All standard Calicoes .. 8¢
We can fit you with a pair of Walk-overs; all
We have filled in sizes of Queen Quality Ox
fords. Stock complete.
-Good pair of Silk Hose with them FREE.
“sells it for less”
| The Misses Tillman, of Sum
‘mer are the guests of Miss Ada
{ Horne.
Messrs W. M. nnd W. F. Me-
Kinney, of Hawkinsville. motor
ed over to the city yesterday to
spend the Fouth with their sis
ters, Mrs. J. C. Holder and Miss
Hollis McKinney.
~ White Oxfords
- White Pumps
White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps, ,
$1.50 and $2.00 values, only . . 98¢
White Pique Pumps, good qualty, |
$2.50 values, reduced to only . $1059
White Reep Oxfords and Pumps
$3.00 values, selling at only . . $1079
White New Buck Pumps, @
$3.50 and $4.00 grades sl-98 $2.39
Childrens White Canvas Pumps, . . 989¢ and 69c
Ladies White Silk Lisle Hose, 35¢c quality, . 19c pair
Pure Silk White Hose, 75¢ quality, 39c and 43c pair
Th S Fia St Your Money’s Worth
e ur pr lse or e-- or Your Money Back
25 per cent Discount off all Trunks, Bags and
Suit Cases. Just received a full line of Fiber
Trunks, roller tray; the same discount off them.
RUGS, ART SQUARES—We have decided to
discontinue this line and will sell what-we have
in stock at less than manufacturers cost. If in
terested, be sure to see our line before you buy.
New line of Collar anc Cuff Sets . . 28¢ - 80¢
New line of Lace Collars .. 25¢ to $2.5C
Special prices on all-over Lace and Embroide
ry; also Flouncing. :
Fitzgerald, Georgia
-Miss Annie Trammell and Miss.
Imogene Williams, oi Finleyson,
have arrived in the city to spend
a week or more with their uncle.
Mr. N. J. Trammeli. :
Miss Barbara Harless leaves
today for her home in Bartow,
Fla., after a pleasant visit to
Miss Isla Green.
July Bth to 13th
Cenrtal Christian
Minister: Lewis C. Hammond.
July 7 :
Bible School—9:3o a. m.
Meeting of Official Board—3 p.
People’s popular service 7:45.
Hearty welcome to all. :