The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, July 19, 1912, Image 2

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$lOO,OOO to Loan ON BEN E'Li FARMS And on Fitzgerald Cii * Property Loans Negotiate ! ‘romptly Terms the Best; Interest . the Lowest. Come and See Me. W. M. BRYAN Garbutt-Donovan Building Room No. 311, Fitzgerald Ga. Representing ELLIS & ELLIS, Tifton, Georgia Registers Meat Market Prompt and Reliable Service Fresh Meat at Reasonable Prices 319 E. Pine St. - - Phone 448 FOSCRRIE v A se Ul R L R Bl i SR L TR ona el TR W AR it . A AT v N e R A R | ACHESRRR o B T T alt 1 ",;:'("».'s‘-?’2"3‘f‘;fl’fig}’.-’\"flfl; ’ ;flf,fizfl ARt T R g it o L e it Py OB e Le R por S RRILL < L i‘gfi’fi? in OVA L o L f‘éfi%‘gd 2 l\"'."r P e hghgs it .::2*;" SIS P :iy i «,?;;;;f:;;ii‘i‘,;?:;i',i’;'«g’;f,zgfii'=t Nk, | L e S %;3}:};: Fit v S et n s }:, ! »*; Lo 'll.'s'* e % , fif?" ;‘fimiz it e x..'.f,.'y:-t-i.u Tt e PEERERT W. W. Martin, The Auctioneer. Telephone or call at Miller Furni ture Company, Fitzgerald, Ga. e i it asil For Sale —Four dining room chairs and a table of Mission, Will sell very reasonably. Apply this office. % 52-tf. Is your subsecription paid up? Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today. 'MOTHER TELLS HOW SAXO SALVE CONQUERED ECZEMA. “Yast fall we noticed small rough and red spots coming on baby’s hands. The skin was very dry and ghe kept scratching them until they would bleed. We lost a good deal of ‘sleep with her. Finally we took her to the doctor and he treated her several weeks, but it kept spreading until we Jad to keep her little hands tied and Mress and bandage them several times a day they were so sore, and we used everything we could hear of for ecze ma. Finally our druggist told us about SBaxo Salve. We tried it and one and a #alf tubes has entirely cured her. Her little hands are smooth and not even scarred, and we are so glad to tell others what Saxo Salve has done for us. Mrs. M. Stephenson, Lebanon, Ind.” You cannot do better than to try Baxo Salve for eczema, tetter, ring worm, or any skin affection—we cheerfully give back your money if it does not help youw Denmark Drug Co. : STUART’S BUCHU AND JURIPER GOMPOUKRD FOR KIDNEY TROUBLES 80 Years on the Market ~ HO! FOR HENDERSONVILLE! The St. John Hotel : (FORMERLY THE GATES) The mountains of Western North Carolina have long been accorded the invigorating, strengthening and life-giving qualities incident to a high and dry atmosphere. Here Summer life is about as ideal as can be imagined. Good pure air, fresh spring water, newly paved streets and perfect sanitary conditions. At the St. John everything modern and up-to-date. It caters to a refined and select clientele. Modern in all its furn ishings and equipment, it is just the right place for one to spend a vacation most enjoyably. The Orchestra, under the direction of Miss Charlotte Er son, furnishes music of a high class. : For rates apply to ST. JOHN & SON, Hendersonville, N. C. A - o | Frenchman Falls . ‘o Heir 1o Fortune Atlanta, July 18 Loais Dupin, a French employe of the Durand restaurant is today the happiest young man that ever folded a nap kin, He has just been told that he has fillen heir to a nice estate of 150,000 franes, which in Ameri can money is something like §3O-, (00, in round figures. Dupin is well known here, in Macon and in other southerp cities where he has beenemploved. The announcement of the bequest from his French relatives came as a complete surprise to him. Special Ten Day Excursion Fares to Tybee Island,Ga. Via Seaboard Air Line. Rate from Fitzgerald is $6. Tickets on sale every Saturday from June Ist. to Aug. 31st limit ed ten days from date of sale. . For full information relative rates, schedules, etc, Seg nearest Seaboard Agent or write | C. W. Small, Division Passenger Agent, ' Savannah, Ga. Judge George Hillyer Announces for Raiiroad Commissioner. I am a candidate to succeed my self in the office of Railroad Com missioner, of the State of Georgia, at the expiration of my present term, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held on Thursday, 21st of August, 1912, If re-elected, I will try to do my duty as 1 have done in the past Guided now by a large experience in the very trying and diflicult duties of this important trust, I hope to do even more, if possible, and better, for justice and equal rights to all; and for fidelity with diligence in the service of the State, than I bave ever done be fore. Tt will be hard for azy new man to promise as much, or more than this. George Hillyer. Wanted to let contract to cheap est reliable bidder to tear Jdown and load on A, B, & A. flat cars, All the good lumber and stone pillows of the partly burnt house on corner Qconee and Sherman sts. Address Box 87, R. R. No. 3. 54-2¢. Glenwood, Ga. i ittt s BEAR BRAND N CORN PAINT B 4 ge=py, emoves the Entire Com ™ gomane, “Root and Branch” “@Q Has glass rod attached to stopper for | \ A\, conveniently applying it, Abso : 3 ] lutely safe, harmless and pleasant, T : Salves, plasters and cutti ) mfißg “‘ dlsap;:?nllvng. etsß::u Sam;’ g(':g:: @: % Paint NEVER disappoints. Your | éé money refunded on request if it | £8 g| fails to quickly remove, without ‘ CORN z,g pain, the largest or smallest hard | L::?_"““Nl% ! orsoft corn. Get a bottle today and B e make your feet glad, Take » | |SERIER 2 g no substitute, Atdealers2sc fe ‘ | “;-.;:.‘.:"“:: or sent promptly by mail 7 ) |.‘ A 2 :’;/ upon receipt of price. ¢ M i S T MBI 7 LEWIS. BEARIDRUGICO. [T eTa Ala ” THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JULY 19, 1912. S Sy e VA 6 2= @fi@f% G f'f: L@@E’ !5 ” ' by £ 0 ;\. "'Q,E: - i"f \-Jx P‘ifi Nl ";‘;”!. J“{JF“}Q“ Bmm l'lfl"r (3 4:—-\ el fi Ehuhd siy 3 (%\\\ j_/é‘ % ucuoooou—oo-000000 N[~ 1\ ° 77/ (7 When you want anythin 5 A e 8 ¢ Y Y IR+ P ke %Y 7| n Funiture and House Furnishings &y e . R No matter what your ideas may be as to their styles, or how critical you may be as to their general appearance, and no matter who you are or where you have been in the habit of getting your House Fur nishings. We want you to come here to see our splendid STOCKS. : A FEW SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK : * Closing out Acme Paints at $2.00 per gallon. 10 per cent. off Refrigerators and Porch Swings at © $1.90 in 5 gallon cans at o MILLER FURNITURE COMPANY NMain and Pine Streets Justice Courts _ ; Take the Count Atlanta—The house passed the bill to abolish justice courts in cities of 10,600 population or more, by a vote of 148 to 5. The bill provides an amendment to the constitution of the state and will have to be submitted to the qualified voters at the general election in August. It will apply, if ratified, to the cities of Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Macon and Columbus. A companion bill will be introduc ed to create a municipal court in cities where justice courts are abol ished. It is the aim of the advocates of the bill to have a system of courts, such as are in vogue in San Fran cisco and other cities. The first bill to be introduced will relate to the creation of municipal courts in At lanta. The bill drew no opposition from the house. The system of justice courts was bitterly assailed by McElreath, who declared that every grand jury of Fulton county since 1903 had made reports condemning ijustice courts, and he explained that the Atlanta Federation of Trades, the Atlanta Bar association and the chamber of commerce had voiced its sentiment against the bill. He declared that the bill was not a lawyer’s bill, but a bill based on sound business policy. {Cotton Gambling | Placed Under Ban | S | Washington, July 16.—Heavy pen alties for gambling in cotton ‘futures’ are provided in the Beall bill, pass ed by the house today by a vote of 95 to 26. The bill has yet to run the gauntlet of the senate. Efforts were made to amend the bill to include provisions, prohibitivg gambling in grains, but these failed. The supporters of the bill asserted that the efficiency of the measure would be impaired by adding com plicated administrative features. They pointed out that a measure now awaiting action in the house is directed against gambling in grain. The bill would prohibit all dealing in cotton futures, and fix heavy pen alties for purchiase or sale of cotton not actually in existence. Heavy fines would be imposed for the use of mails or telegraph for the dissemination of cotton speculative information. Representative Fitzgerald, demo crat, New York, led the opposition, declaring the bill unconstitutional, and would handicap the cotton pro ducer and consumer. Music Sale at 119 E. Central, on Saturday, July 20. 1t ~ For Sale. ~ The following car-loads just arriv ed: Brick. Flour, Horse and Mule Sweet Feed, Hay, Wire Fencing and Nails, prices as follows: Brick 90c per 100 or $8.50 per 1,000. Nails Sc per Ib. or $2.75 per 100 pounds. Flour 75c sack or $5.75 per bbl. Mule Sweet Feed $1.90 sack or $35.00 ton. ! Cotton Seed Hulls 50c sack or 158'75 per ton. Cotton Seed Meal $1.50 sack or $27.00 per ton. Best Granulated Sugar $1.50 sack ior $5.75 per 100. i The above is for cash only—quick sales and small profits. 52-tf Dobp SuppLy CoMPANY. Notice of Sale. Pursuant to an order heretofore granted by His Honor, Judge James F. McCracken, referee in bankruptcy, will be sold before the store house | door, of one Eugene E. Roach, bank .rupt, at Fitzgerald, Ga., at 12 o'clock 'noon, on Thursday, July 25, 1912, \free from liens, the following de ! scribed real estate, to-wit: l One city lot, No. 1, upon which there is now erected one three-story house, the entire building 14x36 feet, in Square No. 6, Block No. 13, in the City of Fitzgerald, Ben Hill county, Georgia, as shown by the ‘recorded plat of said city, said lot | being located on West Orange street. 'Said property being sold as the property of E. E. Roach, bankrupt, and terms will be ten per cent casti, and the balance upon confirmation of sale by the court. This July 15, 1912, Geo. E. Simpson, 54-2 t Trustee in Bankruptey. - Farm for Sale. - 20-acre farm, 1 mile from’city, 6% acres in cultivation, goodj pasture. Improvements, farm implements, crop, mule, cow and 100 chickens. Address W. Daniel Gosham, general delivery, or apply Leader-Enter prise. 55-tf For Rent—Two nicely furnish ed front rooms for onme or two men, near Post Office. Apply at Leader Enterprise office. POSITION WANTED—By a young man, industrious and of sober habits. Expenence in Grocery business. Apply Leader-Enter prise. 55-2 t When a man’s conscience trouks les him he thinks he has indiges tion. ' And many a sober young man jurn s out to be a gay old boy. f APPSR A Sl th 0 S e R 2 LR R Sl he BBR 0¥ Atinnia B ’ o g"‘h"f‘\:"“; LRI b e gvA D T g Saldun i, 'fuan . . o e _ “ns Sovin’s great Sl e g DL g Yeolpiral and tt—g::’ -’: i .'-':.,-': mat eS TN b ‘ ad . oL ‘ f%"’,"/ se b ¢ . Taeh Spells ““Oppor. ‘ RRY L iaeelY TRI L SEY waie’ Lor the o oung ™ iy 4 W FRye o e 5 g b : o % Rf? s s"?fi,* Tgt w—cwzien of Georgia and the Ay 7 Tl T ' Soup. : 1 kS 51 A ee | <§ ol s}’% V‘s “'-'\ s fal fanr yrarconrses i Aot pA ] it PR eLI N e s sis ! 4\6{” : g"- N\ Hlechenses’, Tentle, Chemieal, Civil .;\?w\}.‘w&:/fi : v,‘_\‘;,;%,\,\ aw i Liscwical Engineering, ol =4 Sirchitechire. { The graduates of “Georgin Tech™ zre in gre # demand, owing to the splendid training offered st this inscitation. Courses of study practical and thorough. For Cataiog addre: ;, Improvements in past year: New Eospital, $25,000; New A Q s, New Eospital, 325,000, &% K. G. MATHESON, LL. D., Pvesident $75,000; Dormitorizs, reasonable cost. II S T TSP ~R4STTRST £, SR g W—— ey e e "'-W:"M OCILLA SOUTHERN _,RAII{( OAD CO., BETWEEN FITZGERALD AND NASHVILLE 6:ooam 1:00pm Lv... Fitzgerald... Ar 11:40am 9:3opm 6:35am I:3spm Ar.... Ocilla ... Lv 11:05am B:sspm 8:00am Lv. . Epilla .Ar Ddham B:2oam ¥.. Mystie ... ILv' 925 am 8:40 am Ar . Irwinvile Lv 9:ooam 6:35am I:33pm Lv.... Ocilla fr 11:05am B&sspm 714 am 2:l4pm Lv. . Lucy Ige... v 10:12am 815 pm 736 am 2:2Bpm Lv.... Alapal® ....Lv 9:42am 800 pm 827 am 3:l7pm Ar Nashville. Lv 8355 am 7:oopm Connections at Alapaha for Savannah, Albany, Tampa, Jackson ville and other South Georgia and Florida points. Connections at Nashville for Valdosta, Jacksonville and other points. : , D. C. SMITH., Traffic Manager. FO . \\\\;,_ s N AR o gN <A \M 0 b 0157 ol L L ’R) -v (é{;‘: ‘Tf' ‘;‘.'Z'_,f fi \| / § N\ ;::‘"::*: = ';'5,'.%%\ 3 “'f‘f‘-.i;:' 7 ’ ’ B ARERRSINS '2s‘-“"'2l‘,-:'s'2':,' NS/ y 4 W 8 ey —EaEE N\ A . | i?”@j/»} ey i ‘ ! A - g) ( ‘: ; T\ ,‘," A RSP ) 5 4 J % A s @/ . ; Substitute For Calomel Thousands of commercial travelers now constantl carrfl with them a bottle of BEARLAX (liquid laxatlvex BEARLAX is a safeguard against torpid, inactive liver and attendant ills which are the results of irregular hours, change of water and sometimes poorly cooked food. A to?id or inactive liver means bad health, and maly brin§ on a train of ills—lndigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Flatulence, Foul Breath, Constipation, Biliousness, Jaundice, Chills and Fever, Sour ' Stomach, Piles, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Flesh, Sleeplessness, Low e Ridney Complaint, Blood Immsitice all thess, £ 1 seastty tism, Kidne, mplain mpurities—all these, if not ac caused by tge torpid liver, are eacgl and every onc made worse by it. £ etli’onof the liv : 'iue‘l?n dot? n?i:ip fl’mmemdifion? “&"a‘:’&'& er » i Dt At valiie ity AeSon 1o tho Boweis o Tion 16 Tty eet Mild and safe. 50c at dealers or by express, prepaid. uonqmu’mm. ' E“asel wh&emnflcinc is gt FREE! 2oz - & fi'm;g' %‘%:’:‘%“ mit BEARLAX n:etm ot 5 per SRRDO s FREE with each bottic of nmm?ofiem“ e : Suppository. This Suppository when inserted inte iel e s o utionofggerbuwehwithhswsmm Bfl LAX, Liquid Laxative, is then taken, just the same, to act upon the liver, stomach and intestines, as the Suppository does not affect these organs but ia on intended to to relieve immediate distress. ¢ o THE LEWIS BEAR DRUG CO., Inc., Montgomery, Ala.