The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, July 23, 1912, Image 1

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EIGHT PAGER Official Organ Ben Hill County, Our Care of Details. In spite of the large number of “big” accounts handled by this bank and in spite of the hundreds of dollars that passes through our hands every day, both our official staff and our clerical force are careful that no detail of business shall be overlooked. Accounts are handled with the greatest care and accuracy. Ask any of our depositors about the degree of perfection that our methods have reached; and if this is the kind of a bank you would like to do business with, we will be glad to have your account. First National Bank Fitzgerald, Georgia E. K. FARMER, A. H. THURMOND, President W. H. BAILEY, Cashier Assis't Cashier & ® ® Sensational Sale of all Summer Shoes at the Empire Ebyden Oxfords | for Men Per . Dorothy Dodd Oxfords & Pumps Douglas Oxfords for Men ; Grovers Oxfords and Straps Thompson’s Oxfords for Men Ce nt Zeiglers Oxfords and Straps Douglas Oxfords for Boys. . " Piehlers Oxfords and Pumps for Children | ThisthSal;;lmbrac:ls otur entitre t;“::;::t Summer Shoes for Men, Women and Children—--Every pair of low cuts in the store is included.—-It's a saving at will appeal at once to the ones-—- REP:hEP!BER lilt,’l;rtor st.wfen t(!ays on;y--i:s_:: s:iatt:}g wind uptthedbigtgest July sh:cls business we have ever had. Esx:lplre St;re ::fo::h m'zeo noted for R S Tie i i M e Ty M T And every pair men, women and children’s high cut Shoes at 10 X} off for this sale BEST BAGGAGE Per Trunks--Bags 20 ¢ Off Canvas and Fibre Trunks in automatic and plain style--- Fine brass hardware trimmed Trunks that are built for rough usage. W M Art Squares—--Rugs 10 per cent off Armstrongs Best Linoleum “2 yards wide” $l.OO yard 9x12 Matting Art Squares for $2.69 M 'M Savings in little Notions 100 Gross 10c Pearl Buttons 5c Fine Pearl, all sizes in this lot 75 Gross Pearl Buttons 10-123-15¢ Deep Sea Pearl, superfine quality 25¢ Dress Ginghams for 15¢ yard Fine for Children’s dresses light or dark 20c¢ Colored Flaxons for Is¢ yard Fine variety new neat designs American Lady Corsets for Soc Special lot $1 to $3 numbers Buster Brown Hose for 20c pr Black and tan, ladies’ and misses’ Mercerized Spool Cotton lic speol 100 yard speols _ M Savings in Domestics 1000 yards 10 Bleaching for 8c yard Seft Finish for Underwear Ellepepper Double Bed Sheets 63c, 75¢ 81x90 size, fine round thoead 72x90 Ellepep’ # Bed Sheets 55¢ The same as above but 2 yards wide 123 and 15c White Lawn for |Qc Either Persian or fine India Lawn $1.25 Table Lawn for 89c yard Special lot selected from $1.25 line 50c Mercerized Table Damask 39c Beautiful patterns, fine weight 50c Breakfast Napkins 39c dozen 50 dozen in this lot, big saving zq . THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE FITZGERALD, BEN HILI COUNTY, GEORGIA, JULY 23, 1912. | Annual Singing Convention A Success The annual Royal Singing Con. vention at Frank, seven miles from here on the Ocilla Southern, was held Saturday and Sunday last, and was pronounced the biggest and most successful convention held since its organization twenty years ago. Large crowds from Fitzgerald, Ocilla and other near by places went out Sunday, and the number present was estimated close to three thousand, but not withstanding the enormity of the crowd there was dinner forall and then some, The Royal Singing Convention always plans things on an elaborate scale, and have pever vet had a crowd that thev could not feed. The Convention was a success from every viewpoint. Mr. Walter Andrews has return ed from Savannah, where he at tended the Postmasters’ Conven tion, substituting Mr. Ricker who was unable to attend on account of being sick. Also the Men and Boy’s Suit Sale wall ' Mens’ $17.85, $13.45, $9.35 l aSt Gut the month Reductions on these lots run to one half in many instances . Boy’s $5.85, $4.35, $3.45 ‘ $8 and $lO Suits $5.85 $6 to $7.50 Suits $4.35, $4 to $5 Suits $3.45 Enthusiasm in this great July clearance of Men and Boys fine suits has grown in interest every day-—- Men who bought the first part of the month told their friends and so the good news spread---and the volume of Clothing sales has increased with each succeeding day--- It’s a great opportunity either for present or future---$3O, $27, $25 Suits for $17.85----3522.50. $2O, $lB, Suits for $13.45. $16.50, $17.50 Suits for $12.65. $l5, $13.50, $12.50 Suits for $9.35 Usual guarantee with every sale. : 8 e o . .y = in Ladies R d Sensational Pricing .. ciic:s Ready-to-wear Coat Suits, Silk and Linen Dresses, Wash Dresses and Lingerie-—items in fact through the entire Department are going at a fraction of actual value-—-it’s clearance time---and---your opportunity. Ladies’ Coat Suits and Dresses 1-3 off---Ladies’ new est Waists 1-4 off---Children’s Dresses 1-4 off--- Ladies’ Skirts 1-3 off - Mail Orders receive prompt attention “Made to YOUR measure”’ THE . Opening Wi Clothes for Men M P ' Wednesday and Thursday July 23 and 24 i BVE B 7 STORE S eiDo o SEMI-WEEKLY e . . Tippins Bill Would Bar Household Necessities Atlanta, July 22.—According to Dr. W. 8. Elkin, Jr., chairman of the legislative committee of the Georgia Druggists’ Association, the passage of Tippins bill would seriously crip ple the legitimate drug business in this state. It weuld be a serious menace, he declares, to health and comfort because it would render im possible the sale of many drugs and preparations regarded as essential. Notonly will it interfere with the sale of many necessary drugs, he says, but will break up the sale of many innocent proprietary toilet articles, which must contain more than one-half of one per cent of alcohol. Antiseptics, flavoring ex tracts, vanilla, listerine, simple elixir and a great many things regarded as household necessaries are among the things which Dr. Elkin says the Tippins bill would bar. Mr. Julian Drew spent Sunday at St. Simons, THIRD NATIONAL BANK We have arranged to have the Southern Rur alist, of Atlanta, one of the best farm papers of the south, sent free to those farmers in this county or those trading at this point. If you want a good farm paper free send us your name. The Southern Ruralist is published twice a month and contains much valuable information for the southern farmer. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF FITZGERALD, GEORGIA Poultry Meeting. A meeting of the members of the Ben Hill County Poultry Association will be held at 7:30 p. m., Thursday, July 25, at J. P. Patterson’s store, to consider the matter of holding an exhibit at the County Fair this fall. All members are urgent to be pres ent. - A. C. Jusrice, Pres. C. B. Lek, Secly. TUESDAY FRIDAY VOL. XVII. NO. 56 Wanted Teams and men to do grading on race track, beginning Monday, July 29th., Wagons must be provi ded with beds sufficient to hold one yard of dirt. Ben HioL FAR AssoCIATION. 56-2 w Per D. L. MArTIN, Pres. Mr. Hoke Riddle spent Sunday at St., Simons,