The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, August 23, 1912, Image 4

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T T L GRS o 0 Py R A 78 WW M S U ERTESE TR - I /e LEADER -ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by THE LEADER PUBLISHING COMPANY : ISIDOR. GELDERS,.. ..... B L et dis Tl b eee it sos MERDINGINE I AINOR LARE BRABWELL.. -..s oieieisbersss sionrs 9o irasassnssnidoasnsscae 10y CHY Editer ___‘__-__________—____———————-—‘__—_———___———_——— ————————————_——v—_—_——__——————————_—-—_—.——— ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER YEAR ________—_—————‘,————————'—"_——'———————-————_____—______ Enteredat the Postoffice st Fitzgerald, as Second-Class Mail Matter, under Actlof Congress of March 18, 1879, L—MWW Official Organ of Ben Hill County and City of Fitzgerald Rates for Display Advertising fu nished on Application. Local Readers 10 cents the line for each insertion. No ad taken for less than 25 cents. : w You can never tell until ¢he votes are counted and then you can’t tell how it happened. - Governor Slaton buried factionalism in Georgia. The com bined opposition couldn’t muster a corporal’s guard, ”———__—_—_—————————,—“—-———_———r——-—__—-_ Let all pull for the County Fatir and belp President Martin make it the biggest ever. We can all pull for Martin now. ——_————————--_——‘——-—————————"‘—'—— e—————————— Ao, e A One of the surprises of the election—Themas E. Watson’s per sonal candidate for'Commissioner of Agriculture carried Chatham County by over 1,000 majority. ; _.__————————~—————“‘“-_~————~—;—-——~— The Democratié House, through the initiative of Representative Sherley, of Kentuckv, its author, has adopted a measure recommended by President Taft which is intended to correct a serious defect in the food law. The defect '(':ame'_thro‘ug'h a decision of the Supreme Court in effect that the Pure Food and Drug Act did not cover false claims regarding the cirative properties of medicines and that manufactur ers complied with the law in.stating merely the ingredients of their goods. The Sherley bill amends the law so as to provide that drugs shall be held “mishranded if the package or label shall bear any state ment, design or device regarding the curative or-therapeutic effect of such article whieh is false and fraudulent.” 4 ‘ 3 W”*————M 1 Stick To The Agreement. The farmérs é}iduld make every effort to stand by the Agricultur al Society’s efforts to control the price of cotton picking. The price agreed upon is fair and good wages can be earned by it. With a short crop and late season it will be possible to pick the entire first crop at 30ct per 100 at a saving of from $lO,OOO to $20,000. Stick to the agreement, Wall Wins for Solicitor-General; P ® 0 'Ghas. R. Crisp Elected Congressman Hon. Joseph B. Wall, of this city, triumphed over Max E. Land, of Cordele, for Solictor-General of the Cordele Circuit, his majority throughout the Circuit being 881 votes. . Mr. Wall carried Irwin county by a majority of 500 votes; Ben Hill by a majority of 821 votes, and Dooley by a majority 286 votes. Mr. Land won in his home county, Crisp, with a majority of 694, and in Wilcox county with a majority of 14, ; ; * Mr. Wall’s victory was the source of gratification to his many friends, not only in Fitzgerald and Ben Hill county, but through out the Circuit. He is one of the leading lawyers of the Fitz gerald bar, and his popularity throughout the Circuit is evidenced by the large vote he polled. : ; The election of Judge Charles R. Crisp to Congress is indicated by the complete returns from fifteen counties of this, the Third District. Judge Crisp’s. plurality is estimated 'at approximately 1700. He carried eight counties—Sumter, Schley, Ben Hill, Lee, Macon, Randolph, Stewart and Webster, and lost Crisp county by .only sixteen votes and Quitman by thirty-six votes. Emmett Shaw won out in his own county, Clay, and also car ried Taylor, Dooley, Crisp, Quitman and Turner. Johnß. Mercer, the third man in the race, carried his home county, Terrell. Judge Crisp’s friends over the district are elated at his victory. He is no stranger in Congress, having served the unexpired term of his distinguished father, the late Speaker Charles Frederick Crisp, besides fillin,g the responsible position of house parlamenta rian thisyear. : ' Bowen and McDonald ~ Elected Delegates ' Hon. William R. Bowen and Col. Alex McDonald have been appointed to represent Ben Hill county at the State Convention which convenes in Macon on the 98th of this month. The gentle men were appointed as deleagtes with authority to choose their own alternates, New Executive Committee. The new executive committee for the 1537th District was elect ed Wednesday, Aug. 21. The following gentlemen were elected for the next two years: Jesse Grantham, J. D. McLauchlin, R. V. Handley, J. D. Dorminey and L. Kennedy. | . liibel For Divorce Noah Troup Libel far divorce. 1 Vs Ben Hill Superior Lecie Troup Court. Oct. Term, | 1912, }To Lecie Troup: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of said court to be held in and for said county on the Ist Monday in October next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s com plaint in ‘an action for divorce. . Witness the. Hon. Walter F. George,: Judge of said Court. This Ist day of Aguust, 1912. D. W. M. Whitley, Clerk Superior Court Ben Hill Co. ‘.~ 2t Aug, 2t Sep. ~ Woman conceals only what she does not know.—Proberb, THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1912, esolutions Te " ’ Mr. T, F. Hemminger Unity Lodge No. 86 still con tinues to hold meetings every regular meeting night, and there is hardly a meeting night but that they receive a new application, or put on some Kank work, Ata meeting of the Lodge keld last Thursday evening resolutions were adopted by the Lodge in regard to Bro. Heminger’s removal from the city, and as to his faithfulness and efficiency in the Lodge. We give same below. Pythians of Georgia should take an added in terest in the Order from the fact that the Supreme Chancellor, Thos, J. Carling of Macon, is a Georgian and one of the most zealous Knights that the Order has ever known. ' R. L. King, K. of R. & S. Whereas, Brother T. F, Hemin ger, has removed his resdecce. from Fitzgerald, and Whereas he has always been so faithful and true to Unity Lodge No, 86, both in and out of the Lodge Room, and wishing to express to him in a small measure our appreciation of this service, Therefore, Be it resolved: that, in his go ing away, we feel that we have lost one of our very best Knights and faithful woikers, and his efficiency in Rank work will be greatly missed and his_ place hard to fill. We unhesitatingly say that but for his zeolousness, our Lodge would perhaps still be: in a nermal condition, whereas, in stead it is in a flourishing condi tion, and with his example before us, we will strive to keep the good work up and soon place Unity Lodge in the Front rank both as to membership and efficiercy. Resolved furtker that this reso lution be spread upon our minutes and a copy furnished Brother Heminger, also a copy to the Leader-Enterprise for publication. A. H. Thurmond, =g e TOTane Committee. City Court Jury--Aug. Term Monday, Aug. 26, 1912. Jas. M. Hutchinson. J. C. Holder. A. H. Hitcheock. H. M. Hutchinson. F. R. Justice. ; S. Y. Gibbs. Walter Wilson. C. A. Fretwell. W. H. F. Lee. L. N. Buck. C. M. Simons. W. H. Odom. W. L. Stovall. J. M. Carter. R. O. Stone. - D. F. Freeman. S. R. Walker. J. E. Mercer. W. R. Dykes. M. D. Robitzsch. A. E. Ennis. G. W. McCall. M. A. Hartley. M. S. Hopkins. ; 1. B. Murray. . J. M. Fountain. . Fred H. Ray. ~8. T. Strickland. . W. H. Robitzsch. ‘ M. E. Whitman. ; | Jas. Barrentine. | - H. L. Beauchamp. 4 T. J. Livingston. ~ G. W. Williams. ‘ James Hanes. 3 * L. L. Griner. | Jesse Taylor. i ' G. J. Dorminey. !First Baptist Church. Brother Calloway will return from his vacation in time to preach Sunday morning . and ie_vening._ Let every member who can possibly do so attend the Sunday morning Service and greet the pastor. Strangers are cordially invited to all services. ; G. A. Jolley Clerk # The Democratic Executive Committee met yesterday at noon to con solidate the vote of Ben Hill County, which is as follows: i e e e oe e e e S ey e e ] B s T Pl 8218 CANDIDATES. G R B e e £l * o . . ' = - ! 2 i = | Sl*|. 1 iy | il Lo e ey el 0 Sy e L i S e e For Governor Hooper Alexander___........ 176 25 48 2 629 286 Joseph H. Hall ... .. ... .. 42 9 00 0 1 1 53 Johe M Shten ... 837 . 23 19 .18 16 - 16. 2B For United States Senator s 3 5 v 15 g Augustus 0. B coio s - : ugfi? ?Is Perrya_c _o .n_ 00l s SO 24 36 12 12 8 345 For Secretary of State ik o E 8 TTB 64 19 24 46 94 For Comptroller-General ' Woi . Walhe oo o o 708 120 6619 B 45 94 For Attorney-General Thoa 8 Felder ... ... 7L 33 50 15 17 39 72§ WoR e 1T 39 15 2 6 6 245 For State Treasurer ] Wl Sier . ... .68 73 64 19 23 46 993 For State Bchool Superintendent ‘ . P Beck .. .- .. 204 24 8 8 15 7 328 M. L Bodten. ... .. 480 47 59 9 9 38 642 - For Pensien Commissioner : WoR ety - 2le 40 42 11 14 24 343 Jio.- W Lindeéw: .. .. all 29 19 6 10 20 601 For Prison Commissioner A. N. Grovenstein___________ 74 6 2 1 4 2 89 ' S:W. Jebhsen> ... ..ol 0258 .81 43 11 8 40 391 i e o Pattevsan . L 308 34 18 5 12 2 464 For Commissiemer of Agriculture o A D Blalook .o ..o glk 12.:+ 26 b 3 31 388 A e o SR 53 24 5 16 10 358 eoL 206 6 6 b a 4 3 230 For Commissioner of Commerce and Labor edloWE SteldeVoas Lo RER -Y9 65 9 24 46 994 For Associate Justices of Supreme Court : for Full Terms, Beginning Jan. 1, 1913 Samuel C. Atkipson__________ 168 58 48 14 39 9t Joseph Henry Lumpkin ________ 768 58 54 4. 520 41 945 For Associate Justice of Supreme Court for Unexpired Term of Justice Horace M. Holden, Ending Jan. 1, 1915 Himm Wamer il s___. - 768 ‘72 64 19 ‘24 46 993 For Judge Court of Appeals Full Term | e e TR 8 8 19 48 om For Judge Court of Appeals Unexpired , Term ef Judge Arthur Powell Nash R. Broyles_..___._._... 3876 53 50 T .16 43 548 FRPoltle: i, s 10 W 10 5 B 48 For Railrecad Commissioner : JoaF Gmy 0. .4 3833 8 6 4 470 Johp B Jamtes. .. ... WU 5 3 1 3 : Jobe HL.MeGRNS: . . % g 1 21 5 8 14 1 Shat 3Sy- .. A 10 5 Ul gy an R For Railroad Cemmissioner A : . W. Trox Bankston __________ 148 9 8 4 4 2175 George Hillyer .. .. .~ <216 33 43 00 10 29 401 S G Molendon.. ..o 80 2¢ —43 13 9 4 . 383 For Railr}oa&l (;glmmissioner e Bt sy BT 28 16 9 ' Paul'B. ‘Trammell..... ...... 834 -45 44 9 lg %é fig For Representative in 83d Congress From 3rd District of Georgia : : Cherles K. Crisp.-- .- .... 4239 25 15 John R Mercer....___.._. 101 5 21 51) : 3 gg ?gg Emmett R 5haw._......5.. 236 '43 31 9 7 7 333 For Judge Superior Court Cordele Circuit ‘Walter George _.______._._.. 768 73 65 19 ~24 46 99 For Solicitor-General Cordele Circuit ' o Mok L :kangd oo . 64 9 5 00 4 Joseph B. Wall . . ... .. 695 : 63 32 149 ' '9p 4§ 932 For State Senator From 15th District OtsiH. Biine oo 000968 98 66 19 94 46 906 For Representative : DL Masin ... ... 3868 "9§ 24 9 8 7 Vol Bl b 10 i e ,’Rufus Horton Has Charge ~ of Central Warehouse ' The patrons of the Central ‘Warehouse will be glad to learn ‘that Mr. Rufus Horton will be in charge of that Enterprise again this year. Mr. Horton is univer sally popular throughout the county and his connection with the Central Warehouse last. year is very ‘pleasantly remembered by those who had dealings- with the concern. They are getting everything in shape for the open ing of the cotton season, and ex pect to do a record breaking business this year. - Carry your cotton to the Cen tral Warehouse where they handle Columbus wagons, wire fencing and feed stuffs at lowest prices. - 63 3t, ; . Report of Water, Light and Bond Com mission for Month of June, 1912. * July 31. Light L LSRG RSN e 963.90 S 0 N 72891 . Sl. Metersaleb acoomuit: 7., ;... ... 0.5 29.50 oo Sk Water taD BbCOM. ... ... 4.00 “ 31 Reconnecting acc0unt.................. 17.00 : “ 31. Bills Payable acc0unt.......... ...... 1500.00 ; oo k. White Wak:aceount.:b, 00 il UG . 360.00 : %3 81, De1inquent'acc0unt.................... 16038 * . 3. Redeposited check 5..«................. 17.50—3781.19 et DISBURSEMENTS. Ly BB o e isaes ADBER i ¢ S oo SUINEY DECPURE. . . isevnhds cestt, ik DBB 18 G, " 31. Improvement acc0unt.................. 62366 e B FORORINIE v oos . eet 130444 B BL BEDANE MCEOORE . .e i OIE9D So Sk WG WaE SOOMNE ... .. L 0 0 Sy o ol INTRRE BECOMRE. .. ... i T 000 12008 T Uncoliected checks. ......- .0 0- T e 15.87 A% BNS e L SR et ia