Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ Ben Hill. County;
Cup Made From Skull
; Of His Sweetheart
Paris, Sept. I.—Drinking from
a cup made from the skull of his
fiancee is the way which a Ger
man student at Stranssburg has
adopted to keep the memory of
her fresh. The fact is vouched
for by the Abbe Wetterle, a fa
mous French. Alsatian priest, who
bought the grim relic from the
student to add it to his museum
of German civilization at Colmar.
The girl died a year ago in the hos- |
pital where the student worked,
so.that the latter had little dif
ficulty in removing the head from
the dissecting room. 'The abbe
was put on his track by a jewel
er-who studded the skull which
was brought him with rumbles.
B G = : @ ]
Empire Store News in Pictures
Some of the new things that are arriving every day-- L
The new Coat Suits and Coats--very interesting--you should see them
Waunderhose--for the school children--also men and women--best ever
Hart, Schaffner & Marx--new styles for men--The BEST line--
| Pleasant Surprises every day--new goods that will interest you--Come in
M e
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One of the new Coat Suits
All of our finer Suits are
,one of a style--no dupli
cates. Prices run $9.98 to
- $3O--styles of the directoire
period. ‘
. ol Glove
s | Fitting
‘ \ ‘ Corsets
| -{'«._;_‘L"i? : m’\? 3
] K ' j The Name
- L i sight
A / * f |
: / . They are
‘ oy Glove
T | fhftcoverrrrmes
it S Fitting
81 3t50 -52 $250
Corsets that give the
correct shape--a style for
every figure---
Commission Hearing
Baggage Check Case
Atlanta, Aug. 28.—How much
ahead of train time must a Geor
gian go to the station in order to
have his baggage checked? The
traveling men say fifteen min
utes is enough time to give rail
roads, even in cities of fifty thou
sand or over; but the railroads
insist that they need thirty min
‘utes leeway in the cities and that
‘they ought not to be forced to be
responsible for checking baggage
unless presented thirty minutes
before the train starts.
The railroad commission is go
ing to hear the point argued this
morning at the capital of the At
lanta Terminal Co. Traveling
men from various parts of the
state will protest that the pres
ent fifteen-minute rule is suffi
cient. :
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One of the new Coats
Robespierre and Dir
ectoire style are the
present rage--some love
ly numbers now in rang
ing from $9.48 to $19.50
TN ;
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Mosquito Nets complete $1.50
You'll need them this
6 eT L ARy o L]
Feaidd s ¥ e L
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W R BOWEN, President J. A. MURPHY, Manager
~ Weed Cutting Contest!
_ On account of many complaints received that the
rag weeds in the City are causing hay fever, pneumonia,
consumption and other minor diseases, I have decided to
offer a prize of TEN DOLLARS ($10.) to the boy or girl
between the ages of 20 and 60, that will cut and destroy
the most weeds in the alleys and streets or on vacant
lots in the City, Contest opens September sth and ends
September 10th. KILL THE WEEDS!
" A. B. COOK, Mayor.
Miss May Wilcox and little sis
ters, Miss2as Cathrine and Louise
and brothers, Gerald and & rchie,
have returned from a pleasant
visit witk their Grandfather in
Jacksonville, Ga.
W ¥ e "( TGN '
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Every .
Should Know
They mean complete frec
dom from mending, and
from the drudgery of the
darning needle.
M not only
excel in wear but in fit, style, .
finish and comfort.
Ask to see (imderiss at
our hosiery department. We
would not sell them if they
were not the best guaranteed
hose on the market,
: : sr“
Single Pairs ,$,
25¢ i
On sale in Fitzger- “w
ald enly at the Em- &3%
pire Stere Arsidi ¥
Lovely Neckwear
The new Lace Collars $
The new Bows, Sets 25c to 5
Miss Myra Hubbard has resign
ed her position as stenographer in
this office to accept a similar one
with H. A. Burkbart, Mss Erin
Hargrove succeeds her.
g T
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<5 AR Schaffner
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Copyright Hart Schaffuer & Marx
duplicates in any of the nov
elty Suits. The greatest line in
point of variety we have ever
seen--all of the attractiveness
of biggest city stocks-
In Blacks, Blues, Fancies---
$lB to $3O ““a suit for every man”
AT %
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RO"OI' Tray an .
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ge September
Nat’l Convention
Farmers’ Union
The National Convention of the
Farmers’ Union convenes in Chat
tanooga, Tenn., to-day, It 1s ex
pected that this will be the most
largely attended Convention in the
history of the organization, Presi
dent Chas. R. Barrett will be re
elected to the Presidency.
. Boy Scouts,
The Boy Scouts will meet Satur
day morning at 610 South Lee at
5 o’clock for a ‘‘hike” to Lake
Beatrice. We go afoot, ‘
Signed, Scout Master.
Mr, L. W. Meakin went to
Cincinnati Saturday on a business
Shoe News
of New Shoes
Fine Footwear—You'l
wantto know about-
Empire Store announ
ces big new stock-
We might spread this announcement
over several pages--In fact if we went into
detail description it would take several
pages to tell you the individual merits of :
thes;usfi‘li::es;; however for you to know
that there’s not a pair in the store that
we do not stand back of with our own as
:::I]ll :181 dtl;ee rx:;l::s guarantee for satisfac-
Fact is, that Empire Store Shoes are
proverbial for their good wearing qualities
as well as their newness of style and
snappy appearance.
Strong lines in boys shoes. Logan and
Dodge lines are known in the best shoe
centers as finest service shoes for rough
wear, and combine neatness and good
fitting qualities with the service. They
start at $1 in sizes 6 to 8 and range along
at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.785 for larger sizes
either of button or lace. :
Then of course you know the Douglas
shoes for boys. This season they’re better
than ever at $2.75, $3, and $3.50
Piehlers shoes for school girls are
wonders when it comes to wear---sty
lish and snappy in looks and fine service
in every pair. Priced $1.50 to $3.50
Special Empire makes in Girls heav
ier school shoes--all solid--ranging from
75¢ to $2.00 :
Little folks shoes--Werners--solid as a
rock yet soft as a glove. 1 to & infants
and 5% to 8 little childrens—all hand
turns--85c¢, 75¢c, 85¢ and $l. -
Yes we’re enthusiastic over these
shoes. They’re the top-notch in value and
our capacity for handling in large quanti
ties enables us to give our customers the
best in quality, workmanship and styles at
price conczssions that are unusual
Maks= th¢ Empire Mercantile Company
ysur store whenever you want anything in
shoes---Empire store shoes---at every
price-—-THE BEST ey
VOoL. XVII. NO. 67
Keefer Will Stady Law
Mr, P. L. Keefer bas resigned
his position with Miller Furniture
Co.. and will leave soon for Chica
go, 111,, where he will enter Law
school. Mr. Keefer has a host of
friends in Fitzgzerald who regret
to se2 him leave, although the ab
sence will of course be only tem
porarily. The Leader-Enterprise
joins his many friends in wishing
him much success in the study of
Mrs. J. D. Garrick’s little son
was very painfully injured yester
day when a horse threw him on
Grant street near Denmark’s Drug
store, An ugly gash was cut in
the little fellow’s head, but it is nct
thought to be in any way serious.