The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, September 06, 1912, Image 3

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R R T :f - Duel Has Happy Ending. - At ‘Edinburgh two Itallans met at midnight to settle a dispute., Having but one pistol, they drew lots to seo which one shou}d ghoot first. The win her fired and miesed, and then polite ly handed over the platol to his agd versary. The second ghot likewlse proving abertive, the bloodthirsty com batants #oll upon each other's necls, then quit the field arm in arm, e M A Slmple Dlst tha Best. The fewer foods we eat together at a single meal the better, from the health standpoint; of that there can be no reasonable doubt. The poor man who can afford but a few simple dishes is far better off, in realitv, than the rich man with his extensive “course dinners”-—as many million aires have found out when they are re ducing to living on milk for a while. S e e L The Key. “And where,” my fellow citizens,” appealed the political speaker, “can we find an instrument so fit, so deli cate, so adjustable, and at the sanie time so unagssuming and popular that it will unlock every department of state for the benefit of the people?” “The hairpin!” shrieked" an enthusias tiv sufiragette in the audience.— Judge. T b G . Gave Name to All “The Bridge of the Seas” is the striking name which Pindar gives to the narrow isthmus which separates‘ the Gulf cf Corinth from the Aegean sea. It is one of the most interesting ! strips of soil on the five continents.} It is the isthmus of all the world; for | from its Greek name Isthmia, ever.\" other ic.hmus has been named. Condensaticn. Editor—“ How’s the new society re por,ter? I told him to conderge asz much as possible.” Assistant—*“He did. His account of yesterday's afternoon tea: ‘Mrs, Lovely poured, Mrs. Jahber . roared, Mrs. Duller bored, Mrs. Rasp- Ing gored, and Mrs. Embonpoint snored.” "—RgSatire, . Wihat a Woman Knows. Men think that wemen always talk about men when they are alone, says a writer in Harper’s Bazar. Wouild that that were true! For women are never so interesting as when they dis cuss the single aspect which men show to women, for that is the only subject that women kncw. Charming View, Y. Citiman (to house ‘agent)—l thought you said there was a charm ing view from the front windows? Why, there are only houses to be seen.” House Agent—*“So there is 2 charming view, sir. In the house op posite lives the most beautiful widew you ever clapped eyes on, and she’s always at the window.” Inevitable Result, . “l am surprised to hear that Dubb leigh has broken down,” said Stubbs. “He used to have a splendid constitu tion.” “Yes,” said . Wigglethorpe, ‘‘but he began amending it.”"—Harper's Weekly. Possibly Better Off. . Some one has compiled statistics showing that ene thousand persons in the United States are at present em ployed in walking for wagers. So ciety would be just as well off if they were working for wages.—Judge. Consideration, : “If T didn't have such a large family, I could save a little money.” “Don’t be too sure of it. If you didn’t have a large family you might have an sauto.”—Houston Post. - . Lost to Shame. “Bearson says his ultimate desire S to be a United States senator.” “When a man gets go much money as he has he doesn’t care what kind of a life he leads.”—Life. Wireless Divorce. One of the strangest things in this world is how willing a girl who can’t swim is to embark on the sea of matrimony without a lifeboat.—Gal veston News. ! That’s Something. The Charlestcn News and Courier \tells of a promoter who had a miiion dollars and who now has only a watch. Still, we suppese, that is going some.— Manchester Union. . eA i L ey Pessimistic Wail. «ghad is much like marriage.” “In what way?’ “Both are fine institu tions, but sometimes I wonder if either is worih the trouble.”—Washington Herald. R e Find Use for Cocoanut Oil. Furopeon margarine factories, using cocoanut oil as a base, produce sixteen million pounds of this butter substi tute a week. Sl L D e Gal-vanism? . There is frequently something about a girl that d&raws her closer to a man —_unless she asks him to remove it.— Judge. 37 e i Money Talks. A mere man says an ounce of sym pathy from the pocket is worth & ton from tie heart. 1 * BTG M, % | Piisscional Gards DR. B. S. CLAY, D. V. 11. VETERINARY Physician and Surgeon. Headguarters at GRAY BROS. STARLES. PHONE NO. 8 ' Fitzggm!d, Ca. WATER’S TRANSFER HOMER WATZERS, Manager. Headqua: ters at WILLIAMS & MAUND’S STABLES Telephene your wants end they will re¢eive prompt attention. Fhone 1951 CEDQ. RcCALL oo i .‘ Fresh Fish and Oysters Delivered Anywhere invthestity .o L i, Yilone 269, . 115§, Sherman Sfre: BTLKING . JUSEPH B. WAL : ELKINS & WALL Artoraeys at Law, Ro;)ms 408 11 Garburt-Donovan Buoilding Wilt practice in all the Courts ra by T I._ 4 F', AT £ 7 Joknnis [ae Eroughtor ~ Teacher of Piano - Synthetic : Mcthed Pupil of Herr Louis Schwebel FRED & OTTC HARNISH, Boot | and = Shee . Maker: . 212 E. Pine Btreet Fine and Substantial Repaun Promptly Done. i 30 3 INAIES It | BR. LOUIS A TURKNER . DENTIST | Rooms 208-208 12, 2nd Floos ' 5 Story Building i ' DR 1 POWFETTD | i Ejfifio bgo Ego F&fi?\{g} J‘LLL % i s i :i Specralist | Eve, Ear, Nose wd Throat { & ! | 318 Century Building | g ATLANTA, GEORGIA } &._mmmuawmwm-—_-j DR. J. E. GOETHE - Of(ice.'_}'ourth Flcor Garbuti-Donavan Bldg. Office Houre: 10t012A. M. 3tosP. M. Phcne 268 Residence “ 480 Oflice Epecialty: Diseéses of Wemen and Children Establish A Bank Account By Buying Seed of me or where I buyit Wylie Moore , R. F.D. No. 1 ® % Fitzgerald, Ga. Dr. J. W’.E;»tt Dr..F. E. K—ec;;; DRS. ELLIOTT & KEEFER, OSTEOPATHS. Office Hours, 8:12 a.m. 2:08 p.m. PHONE; 327 Offices—2ll-212 §-Story Bldg. » Fitzgerald, Ga. ' $lOO.OOO to Loan ON BEN L.ILL FARMS And on Fitzgerald Civ v Property Loans Negotiate 1 ’romptly Terms the Best; Interest the Lowest. Come and See Me. W. M. BRYAN Garbutt-Donovan Building Room No. 311, Fitzgerald Ga. Representing ; ELLIS & ELLIS, Tifton, Georgia iSale of Unreturned Lands Grorera—BeN Hin Counrty. ~ Notice is hereby given that the first Tuesday in October, 1912, at the court house door in Fitzgerald, Georgia, within the egal hours of sale, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following unreturned lands for the taxes due Ben Hill county and the State of Georgia for the year 1911. Said lands are lie in Ben Hill county, Georgia, and are described as follows: ’ FITZGERALD. Lort. Square. Block. Amt. fa ) 2 1 .90 9 3 1 48 i 3 1 48 11 3 1 A4B 12 3 1 .64 3 12 2 2.08 6 4 0 96 5 4 3 .. 20.16 1 11 3 16 2 11 3 .16 3 11 3 DR 4 11 3 22 5 11 3 32 6 11 3 32 7 1l 3 A4B 8 11 3 .16 9 11 3 .16 10 11 3 16 11 11 3 16 12 i 1 3 16 13 11 3 16 14 14 o 16 15 11 3 .16 19 11 3 .16 6 15 3 32 5 15 3 32 4 15 3 32 3 15 3 S 0 2 15 3 28 1 15 3 1.44 11 13 4 1.12 8 15 8 3.20 4 8 7 3.52 13 12 11 832 4 8 12 16 12 1 13 38 16 5 13 3% 15 3 i 3 32 12 8 13 64 5 T 14 11.20 6 7 14 960 7 Y 14 57.60 3 10 16 16 6 W 16 16 7 10 16 .16 8 10 i 6 .16 10 3 16 7.68 Of the City of Fitzgerald accord ing to the plat and survey of said city, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court. | WESTWOOD SECTION. | Lot. Square Amt. 36 26 19 145 129 19 45 26 43 54 26 .19 146 129 19 Of what is known as Westwood, according to the plat and survey of said Westwood, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court. NELSON'S ADDITION. Lot. Sec. Amt. 16 95 17 80 Of what is known as Nelson’s Ad dition, according to the plat and sur vey of said tracts of file in ihe oflice of the clerk of the superior court. JOSEI’S ADDITION. 18 282 Of what is known as Josey's Ad dition, according to the plat and sur vey of said tract of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court. : WILLIAMS’ ADDITION. e 5-acre tract No. 1124 y 30 Of what is known as Williams’ Addition, according to the plat and survey of said tract of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court. ;] WINONA HEIGHTS ADDITION. Lot. Square, Block. Amt. 12 7 80 Of what is known as Winona Heights, according to the plat and survey of said tracts west of the City of Fitzgerald, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court. ' BEN HILL COUNTY. Acres. Lot. Dist. Sub. No. Amt B 264 4 1439 1.90 5 91 3 1208 1.90 According to the plat and survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Ben Hill county. This July 1, 1912! J. W. NORRIS, Sheriff Ben Hill County Georgia. iSR R vryvrmm!.. FEP'I‘P’ 4 . 191 2 PN A S o B X SIS T S AOS KOPURL SR X OB S 3. News Boiled Down and Dished Up from Ash.- [ ten Graded 3chool | Messrs. L. E. Kirkpatrick and E. E. Robitzsch spent Sunday at Brunswick znd St. Simons. " The death angel visited the home of Mr and Mrs. Ben Barnes Saturday night and took from them their little daughter. In terment in Prospect Cemetery Saturday afternoon. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Barnes sympathize with them in their bereavement. Mr. W. Bishop, of Nashville, was in our vicinity Saturday, and was accompanied home Sunday by his daughter, Miss Jane, who has been the delightful guests of her sister, Miss Rachel Bishop. Mr. Guss Ewing and Miss Pearl Sapp spent: Sunday afternoon with Miss Effe Middlebrooks. Miss Fannie Lee Dickson re turned home ° Saturday from Athens, where she completed a course in music. 1 Miss Fannle Lou Sones, of Cut tings, is the lovely guest of Mrs. Mrs. Edith Walker. ; The protracted meeting which has been in progress for the past week, closed Monday evening. A number of Ashtonites are planning to attend the sing Sun day at Lucy Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Whittle, of Abba, are visiting friends here. LEONNE DELORAINE. = o Gasoline Engines SEE 93 Bl 302 South Grant St, Fitzgerald, Ga. Agent for the best Gasoline Enginesj-—l‘—}xpert on Cas Engines— will give prompt attention to all calls in my line. Db sel et (BT s o IIR S R —-f»-v—----v-----w-"-'.v-vwww'm"fl“fwwww , . o YAROAT “'v.;.f;“ ;K.“ Seasonable Goods At a Discoumt For 30 days the following articles will be sold at' a lily eral Discount:; ‘ $ r e | o a Refrigerators ; 1) . l Water Coolers | Ve T g Ice Cream Freezers Hammocks AT A, A TR YTR T A ) These various artticles are the best on the mark&‘t..? Teke advantage of the discount and secure a bargaim. ' Don’t forget REV ON Q € three-burner si 01l Cooking Stove. There is nothing like it : in oil cooking stoves---guaranteed 25 per @ ~cent saved in fuel. | - a Adams-Rogers Hdw. Co. 210 East Pine Street Fitzgerald, Ga. ' i Davis Semi-Paste Paint the best Painton the market, Guaranteed § vears Judge Charles Crisp Is Formally Nominated 0. H. Elking Calls Meeting ‘ ' to Order. ! Americus, Ga., Sept. 4.—One ‘bundred delegates representing ‘the fifteen counties of the Third District congressional = district ‘eonvention, which formally nom inated Judge Charles Crisp the demiocratic standard-bearrr for the next session as the Tiird’s representative. The convention was called hy Senator-elect Elkins, of Fitzger ald, who, upon stating the object of the meeting and disposing of the usual formalities, resigned the gavel to T. M. Furlow, the newly-eiected chairman, who pre sided over the convention, tem porary organization having by consent been dispensed with. H. 0. Crittenden, of Randolph, was elected permanent secretary. After the usual committee up on platform had reported, Hon. H. A. Wilkerson, of Terrell, in an eloquent address, nominated Judge Crisp as representative for the Third district, amid a storm of applause. Judge Crisp’s speech of acceptance was charac teristic. of the distinguished young statesman, and won for him many sincere compliments. A compilation by the executive committee of the total vote of the district in the recent primary showed that Judge Crisp’s ma jority was 1,500 over Mercer andl i Shaw, his opponants, and et e ;had won out either upon pegwlar majority or a county unit plim. ‘ After adjournment of the pom { vention fifty autemobßes iywonit /ing took the visitors ewmiiwwn !hours’ drive over Sumrier’s wr cellent roads. ! Tonight the visitors and e invited guests to the numbar i ‘nearly two hundred were knmng~ 'somely entertained at 2 bewzped l as guests of the newiy- noreinmiad: congressman. Colonel Hiydherd Allen gracefully presided ses toastmaster, while the bezapstimg:- viands were daintly served ko b lbeautiful voung ladies ams ‘especial compliment to Congrss ‘man-elect Crisp. Morse Entering Financial Life fgaim Atlanta, Sept. 6 —Dr. & W Fowler and the other Atlamiss physicians who expressed the-vur— tainty that Morse’s deatd wass only a matter of time, are eonsif erably chagrined over thwe mom fullment of their predictimm M fiable and well authenticsiad - formation reached here thiss morning that Charles W. Borse. who has rented a suite of ¢ fren in the heart of the Mew Yeathc financial district, has reeosemet) health and a great deal of Bas: former strength, and sem Yhe eve of actually entering it financial life again. : Morse was pardoned bw Presi. dent Taft on the suppesition st the banker conviet was, a lwelsem and dying man whom it woual be an act of only humzane mency to liberate. : ; Any ill wind carries ordlers the manufacturer of storm: dsswms at this season of the yess: ? ““Seedless lemons are develspeil by grafting.”” So are ibe iumiy sometimes handed to aficelmwims,