The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, September 06, 1912, Image 7

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fQ = ® 0 g ® £l ,% ::.'. i’iu ,-u,?i»; {#r,:"‘”:"%’k' ’:' bty LY il 8 s Sh EUEH SH H , Ay LS j *‘fij AN BA T e A ?:t’mgufi;;‘ ;‘}f* it &‘;fg i O il* Pel B Rel b \ CAREFULLY ~ ® ° o Don’t buy any more Buggies or Wagons on credit or cash until Saturday, September 7th. We are geing to auction off every Buggy and Wagon we have to the highest bidder. We are going to SELL THEMN, so after its over don’t say “if I had known that I would have waited.” We are going to do this also; we are not going to have any but legitimate bids, mo by-bidders whatever. If you buy a hundred dollar buggy and harness for twenty dollars we will take your note for that amount for Thirty or Sixty days, if you want to give it. That will give youa chance to get'out your cotton and pay for it. Now you have an opportunity te buy youa buggy or wagon cheap one time in life, so get busy and come over Saturday, Sept. 7th and buy what you want. You can call for what you want and we will put it up, then it’s up to you. Don’t forget this, you can give your NOTE if it’s satisfactory with us after you buy for thirty or sixty days—your credit is good at this sale. We are going to sell them so be on hand. One Hundred and Fifty for Sale. | ,fiu_},,_ "3‘”"3 ¥{,:JJ.4 ; ! ‘ I.‘%‘*‘.;‘“};“ )’,4.*%:‘; ~,;::‘ P \'x;:* “x, ){at“‘"f"l t-)“:’\ M )-: d‘é’gz,;’ ‘“r,:a 3 D ’\ ' u"-fi'?;, '3l sj“) ™ » ‘? : e th : East Central Avenue itzgerald, Ga. e £ ; Free Ink tr School Children Any child buying one ten cent Tablet or two five cent Tablets for cash will be given one battle of Carters black Ink FREE. Only one bottle to a customer. This offer good for one week only. We are exclusive agents for the genuine RN O. . , oL, Banal Tol Wy ougel Dlie Ripuon 1 itsfiiflia Tablets ® B i 190 Sheet Fairy Bell Ink Tabiels Note the sizs and quality of cur Tablets and you will appreciate the excellent values we are, offer ing. e e Druss, Seeds, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Ice Cream, Soda Water o - and Cigars The fie/xaflo Store e i —— ’ E. WALL ; C. A. FRETWELL Wall-Fretwell Realty Company Real Estate, Renting, Loans, Fire Insurance Collections. ! We make returns and pay taxes for non -residents Second Floor, Empire Annex Fitzgerald, Georgia We have an inquiry for a small farm to cost abeut , 316%; also an inquiry for a Five Acre Tract near the city. e have inquiries daily for renting property. FOR RENT We have two large rooms, furnished or un ; furnished, hot and cold bath and in desirable - location, for light house keeping. TUE T TADER-"NTERPRIS®. FRIDAY, SFPTEMBFR 6. 1912, fmmet R, Shaw To Start Newspa per in Cordele Cordele, Ga., Sept. 4.—Cordels is soon to have its fourth news paper, according to a stateruent made here today by Hon, Emmet! R. Shaw, who was recently defeat ed in his race for congress from t::e third congressional district by Hon. Charles F, Crisp, of Ameri- He said that most of the pro posed capital stock for the newn venture, $5,000, had been raised, and that already several hundred subscribets have been pledged. Al the arrangements have not yet been made for the launching of the new publication, according to Mr. Shaw, and it is not definitely known as to whether it will be a weekly, semi-weekly or semi monthly. Hon. Emmett R. Shaw, who has twice represented his home dis trict #s senator in the Georgia legislature, was formerly owuner and editor of The Blade and Blud geon, published at Fort Gaines. He anticipates that his paper will have a wide circulation in the fifteen counties e.nbraced in the pew third congressional district, from which he has already an nounced his candidacy again two vears hence. Catholic Chwurch SPECIAL NOTICE. Services at the Catholic church will be as follows: Sunday School 8:30. Mass 9 a. m. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9. Mass 7 a. m, H. A. Schonhart, Priest. For the sake ef preserving the hunters why not forbid shooling at deer? Girl arrested in Chicago claims she is an aviator. The police soy she is flighty. Farm Fer Sale. l 40 acres, 33 acres under cultiva tion; 4-room house and large barnl and shed: good water, and close to | good school; good neighborhood;‘ good 5-acre pasture, all under good wire fence; good graded road. Ap ply to. J. 0. McCuLLEZ, | 57-Bw-oaw R F.D. No. 1. ! | Old Papers Wanted e e I [ will buy some copies of the early issues in the Colony daysof | The Leader and Enterprise. | Would appreciate the loan of | them. Address, Curtis M. Wise, l Fiizgeraid, Ga. tf '. Bigest and best values in school supphes at Denmark’s 66-26. . el Strayed—a mlk cow. Owner can bave sume by paying for this ad. Mr. M. E. Hatchinson, Lin-l coln, Ave. 66 tf. . 1 Stove Wood. 12 and 16 Inch lengths. Quick delivery. Telephone 402. Bernie A Fohl. 63-tf. Good News to Farmers We are in the Warehcuse busi ness this season located in the Opera House building and are prepared to handle your busi ness to your interest. We want your cotton, we guar antee satisfaction. We want your cotton seed, we pay more for good seed than any gin in Fitzgerald. We will buy your Seed Cotton by the wagon load and save you the time and trouble in haviag it ginned. We will appreciate a share of your business Baker Supply Company, C. E. Baker, Manager, Opera House Bldg. 65-28 t ‘KEEP TARB’ on how often you send your shirts, collars, cuffs, ete., to this laundry, until they’re no longer wearable. That will convince you that we pro long the life of linen beyond most washers and irorers thereof, Tast Our work —we can stand it. OWINT i iUx Y WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY, Pf&;?\ RN el e I /= «Y GONORRHOEA MIXTURE \\ V.: g :’,,,/’ ”"‘,A‘:',’ /i o AR T T N lor Unnatural Discharges==MEN and WOMEN | f Money refunded if it fails to cure in three to seven days. ; Guaranteed not to stricture or stain, Prevents contagion. § : TREATMENT CONSISTS OF 1 bottle painless injection fluid. -~ "1 rubber tipped male syringe and { # 1 package medicine for internal use. 1 package of absorbent cotton. ' Complete treatment $1; 3 treatments $2.75 at dealers or by exp., prepaid. THE LEWIS BEAR DRUG COMPANY, Inc., Montgomery, Ala. ; OCILLA SOUTHERN RAILROAD CO., BETWEEN FITZGERALD AND NASHVILLE 6:00 a m 1:00pm Lv .. Fi:zgeral& . Ar 11:40am 930 pm WMA_L__Q‘Z&w;_PLJEM&% pm &:0U a m Ly, .. Oeilla ... Ar 9468 1n i B:2oam v Mystie. .. Lv 9an K:4O a m ‘ Ar Irwinville .Lv 9:ooam 735 am I:3spm Lv.... Ocilla 11:05am B:sspm 614 am 2:l4pm Lv... Lucy Lfi{e ..Lv 10:12am B:lspm 736 am 2:2Bpm Lv.... Alapaba ....Lv 9:42am 8:00pm 827 am 3:l7Tpm Ar Nashville... .Lv 855 am T7:oopm Connections at Alapaha for Savannah, Albany, Tampa, Jackson ville and other South Georgia and Florida points. : Connections at Nashville for Valdosta, Jacksonville and other oints. : e p D. C. SMITH, Traffic Munager. New crop onion sets and rr sh garden seeds jast arrived at Den mark’s. 66-2 t, If it is stationary OF school supplies you wans, Denmark has it. 66-2 t. Farmers for gnod prices take your cotton, seed cotten, and cotton seed to Baker’s. He guar antces satisfaction. 65-28 t Virs. Jumes Paulk retarned Sas urday from a pleasant visit with. relatives and friends in Meßae,