The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, September 13, 1912, Image 1

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EIGHT PAGES Official Organ Ben Hill County, 5 ¥ o % *fg ’pi -« w:"' N %‘%F E~“ o afi; Smail Deposits Welcomes Just because this isia “big” bank, don't think that we only wait “biz” accounts, for this is distinctly not so. We welcome the small depositor as ‘cordially as the larger one. We want the business of small proportions and the man of small means, to come here and bank with us; and we will help them to increase their business and personal assets. : With cur financial assistance and other help, the small depositor will ultimately develop a “‘big” account. e . ° ? Y _First National Bank Fitzgerald, Georgia : E. K. FARMER, A. H. THURMOND, Paesident - Cashier FOR SALE—Good Highpoint Or gan in splendid condition. Price $35.00. Apply to 612 West Jes samine St. Empire Store Thompsons ~ Glove Fitting Corsets You’ll feel better, your clothes will fit better over them--new Fall styles $! to $3 = \ : R T T A% \.,-;‘::2: '\‘f‘.;‘.‘,-‘-_ ; @ 4 - O -.‘u’) e . -‘;“_": 4 ;f.';'-; S ‘_.;','; \:. i',.fi:'l “}l‘.;; . Y / i L ",3."';;' SAI B o] TR ' gy i £ " gy ;gf.’ p e 3 Ny LS 05~ 4 M ) Sfi* S B R 0 &1, ' - sMo e, DH T R - L 5 N A vA% = B “&:u"‘r"‘:? = et e AN (N, AN SN SRRY SE SO ISR &Y N S7A //%'”//; ; £ v [ et ARER A ARPTNE g SRS & W o Y i "‘";" sl BR W 0 I PR AN Gia A Bk Al 25 Y X E 7/ ISP : ¢Q\ - LA/ o= (e ey 5t i :’?’-J 2«-‘? 4y P o alels ity i A / ‘ =\ 1o BB (=< bR~ AAee S 8 K e el IR N ißee (O mn g e et oy xS . R N 7.\ \ \N\ Nk {7 B A FXeR e S :f"i's e e IR oMo 8 [3B) Lo ks (e s i '/f - /;”, SN B o bk i;,“’ AAN o Medl P BER -3N fhhe KT S \ /7 oIR B ¥ o A (PO KPR NN PR W BSR RS [ B O 0 BE i, 8 /fi/l“}fi- ,; BN NA B G F i 1‘ ‘ BN b hoahi BMR AL a 3 ; | /l, -, 7A\ 2 N B & B & B OR B T BLAED BN OB OB B B S R - ! Y[N % ) By 58 sselt N FEA fery Bk Sl (AR s R o N 3 R e ’i‘ . X o e By B W e e Ry %gt AN L b i]] f} |/ ‘\\\ \\ / ,"; D - j:.;,.1,_ ..':'.;' ";:.;.',’ :'::,:‘ ?l'é;-_‘ ff:‘-‘f.: :-"_“;,: '..'-‘.,“ _‘v-:' : / :.....:: g :.‘: -..,,_' -'..-. o .‘-. 'v-.:_-. 2 y:':__‘.‘ // { / i]‘ /‘/‘l ) Ll 2N S =i e A 255 Ry . o o KAI RS & I f’\ i oS R, 0. AR, B S Ry A 5 BE. SaB H../ % 1 V’«' I * j”,’f \'Js i ; ® IR S o o % \4[ % 5 ‘:—3 ,it “:Z" f ~‘, ':‘ 3 ‘..":." oiy 'u‘ / / | Y N VGHL PR 7T ‘it ‘ { "‘.\’ ‘\‘\' ‘1';”11 X 0 : .-A.-.:':-,::_‘-‘:‘v:.,:f“'.v." g ‘; Ry \r) ‘E / \'““ N R \4T ! \‘“ \ ;l',“ | l‘,: | These new Printzess Coats and Suits are unusually attractive. Their distinctive features will appeal strongly \\‘ \ i \ I){ i to Fitzgerald women--They will appreciate the fine lines and fitting qualities---the correct little style points of 0l ‘ ! ‘ : I 4 i| 1 ; . - . . . - . . . R i bl e i| R making and trimming---the generally chic air of them---which only the best workmanship and highest artistic { |‘k i 1| t talent can give--- ; : 1A A '*\ fill !' 5" \' -~ o » . . . . “ ‘\ ’ l “x \ ] i | Printzess Chester Coats with the Directoire Collars of Louis IV period---and the Robespierre Collars of same i\ {i \ R period are perhaps two of the newest featuves this season---Then the materials---there’s an unlimited choice--- \'\ 3\\«\_ il \‘ \ 4 ',' Diagonals, Whipcords, Serges, Boucles---Individual styles-—-no two alike--- (I i | fy}?" 633 Our profit sharing idea too, is an item---Owing to our large purchases this season we are enabled to make Princess] /@"Jv‘\. \\ *‘ SRS Cegil . . - . 1N DRI > N R osmicTOMmoness I prices of exceptional interest-—-We dare say you've never seen such values as these Coats and Suits from 31498 " \§o26 to $27.48--- There’s a saving of $5 to $lO a suit we're going to give to the Empire Store customers right now at the beginning of the season that will appeal at once to thoughtful, thrifty buyers--- e ? The new Silks, Serges and Evening Dresses for Ladies $5.98 to $15.98 ‘l al"mln ne: lece re Sse S The new Woolen and Cottan Dresses for Children $4.48 and down to 98¢ The new Skirts $3.98 to $8.50 wonderful values. The new Kimonas $1.25 to $5.98 Exclusive lines for Men & Boys Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes Hercules Clothes for Boys Woodbine Boys Clothes Manhattan Shirts Remington and No-Fade Shirts Boyden Fine Shoes for Men Douglas and Thompsens Shoes The Logan and Dodge Boys Shoes # E MPIRE M sTORE THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE Rev. and Mrs. Guyton Fisher have returned from a pleasant visit in Waynesville, N. C., and Atlanta. In your Fall buying remember that these Good lines can be had in Fitzgerald Only at the Empire Store__:’tfl\::iia:rg;s;’te afq::?v:rme':{e :lalg:"f;f:’t,ion guaranteed by the manufacturer as Thompsons Glove Fitting Corsets $1 to $3 Royal Worcester Corsets $1 to $3 Bon Ton Corsets $3 and $5 Shervan Rugs and Squares $1.98 to $12.50 Calcutta Fibre Matting Squares $4.50 to $9 Armstrongs Lineoleum $1 a fard . Wilton Rugs and Art Squares | FITZGERALD, BEN HILIL COUNTY, GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 13, 1912. Savannah Heads Wirelsss Pistniet. Washingteon, D. €., Sept, 11.— New regulations for earrying out the law for regulation of wireless' equipment on ocezn and lake ves sels were issued by the Depart ment of Commerce and Labcer today. They establish administrative districts in charge of radio-in spectors at Boston, DBaltimore, New York, Savannah, New Or loans, San Francisco, Seattle, Cleveland and Chicago. The regulations place the radio service on all ships under the su oreme authority of the master, who must keep an operator on duty at all times. President Mergenthaler 1 Company is Dead Baltimore, Sept. 11.—Abner Greenleaf, 68, president of the Ottmar Mergenthaler Lynotype and an inventor, is dead at his home here. Watch the columns of Leader Enterprise. Empire Store New Sixteen Button Kid Gloves Best Glove in America for the money. Black and Colors---every pair guaranteed. $3 quality SEMI-WEEKLY Wunder Hose, guaranteed for Children, Ladies and Men 25¢ single pair $1 box Everwear Hosiery for Men, Women, and Chil dren, silk and lisle 25¢ to 7S¢ pair Brandum Ladies lisle hose 3 pairs 50c¢ “Best Ever”’ Childrens Hosiery 15c¢ pair Merede hand finished Underwear Ssoc to $1 Butterick Patterns 10c and 15¢ World Regulation of Faod Coloving Urged New York, Sept. 11.—Uniform legislation in all countries of the of the world governing the use o eoloring matter in food pro ducts, is to be urged by the world’s chemists who are atiend ing the international congress of applied chemistry here, an ‘‘in ternational committee on analy sis”’ is to suggest to all govern ments identical regulations con cerning coloring matter to be permitted or forbidden. This committee also will obtain the aid of manufacturers, and will publish from time to time its findings regarding newly invent ed colorings. . Notice. There will be preaching at the Presbyterian Church next Sun day, the 15th inst., both morning and evening. S. G. HUTTON, T Supply. Dov’t buy ‘‘unsight unseen-” Let the man who knows show yon all about Ranges—at our store one week Sept. 16 to 21st. Watt & Holmes Hdw. Co. Empire Store New Short Kid Gloves One Dollar Imported specially for this store, Black, White and colors $1.26 quality Panama May Protest At Uncle Sam’s Bomand e | Panama, Sept. li.—Members | of the Panaman adx.:’xinis(:rationl express alarm over the reqxiestl made by Maurice H. 'J_‘hfltcher,l governor of the cana! zone, that the Panaman government issue a' decree providing that ail conues—‘ sions which Panama might make to individuals or corporations to use the waters of the republic must contain a clause that such concessions are granted subject! to the superior rights of the United States over those waters. ;They fear this means that every i concession of lands in the repub lic must include a clause {ully retermining that the grantis subject to the right of eminent domain by the United States. Two members of the cabinet today said that the proposal was a serious one and appeared to be detrimental to the sovereignty of ‘the republic. It is thought that difficulties may arise through a misunderstanding of the real question involved. Dorothy Dodd Shoes for Women $3 to $4.50 Grovers Shoes for Tender Feet 3 to 4.50 Piehlers Misses and Childrens Shoes 1 to 3.50 Werners Infant Shoes 85¢ to 1.50 Leach Nurses Negligee Shoes 2.00 to 3.50 Punjab Percales---They do not fade New India Umbrellas 1.50 to 5 VOL. XVII. NO. 70 Must be Globe Trotter To Keep With Family Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 11.—C. B. Nelson, ol the Isle of Man, when not globe trotting, at pres ent a guest of W. S. Kerrish, of this city, probably has a family more widely scattered than any other living man. . "T'wo sons are homesteading in Alberta, Canada. One daughter is the wife of an Australian ranch man. Another daughter lives in London. A third, who is about to be married, will live in Madras, India. A son whe fonesht through the Boer war, is in North Rhode sia, Africa. Arnother son is at ‘home on the Isie of Man, They talk of the eye kiss, the soul kiss and other modern inven tions, but what’s the matter with the old-fashioned smack? Your neighbor knows his Majes tic Range uses little fuel—bakes perfect—heats abundance of water good and hot and costs practically nothing for repairs. Let us show you why, Call during our Demon stration Week, Sept, 16th to 21st. Watt & Holmes Hdw. Co. Empire Store Childrens Muslin Drawers Ten Cents Hemstitched Drawers made of good bleaching--fine stitching, ages 2 to 12 years Gage Pattern - Hats Mon. & Tues. Sept. 16, 11 _—THE. - g EMPIRE TUESDAY FRIDAY