The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, September 17, 1912, Image 1

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EIGHT PAGES fficial Organ Ben Hill County. YOUR FRIEND IN MISFORTUNE That's your bank account. It meets you smiling when you're in distress and while others shun you. It’s the true friend that is always ready to meet the expenses of sickness, death, accident or disaster." Why not start an account NOW with this safe, strong bank. Your money wili be absolute ly secure against loss, will draw a liberal rate of interest, and will be always ready when you want it. Come in talk the matter with us. : First National Bank Fitzgerald, Georgia The Bank for Your Savings Cooking Demonstra tion. Beginning Oct. 3rd. for one week Demonstration of the Malle able ““Eteroal” Range. The latest model in Ranges. Fitzgerald Hardware Co. 9. E. Central Ave, specal showine Naww Dresses, Suits, Coats, 5 Empire Store ¢y &% In Mens € %' Good Clothes b =y \!» &, These Hart Schaffner and il & < , Marx Clothes of ours are by o % ~_ 748 far the niftiest things we’ve b i ”;,/ X W seen in the Clothes way--- N 7 : '!} _ They fit right, look right, / ' wear right---notice the young ' fellow in the accompanying é@ | illustration--- ~ /' ‘\\ You'll look as well as him 4 ) or better with one of these [ ‘ | 4 nobby suits on--- Come in and try on a coat ' or two---test their good fitting : qualities—--catch the “feel” of them--- : Costs nothing to try =' ‘ | Not much to buy--- / ; e Black, & Blue Suits--Novelties e » 818 to $27.50 ~-ight Hart Schaffacr & Marz } The Enid--- | The Harvard RN The Peerless--- b "‘,«é‘;’ : : Great fitting lasts these | fa ! Snappy -—~new ---stylish ?" 4 In Patent : o In Vici Kid T ey A In Gun Metal g/ & In Tan £~ 44D = K $5.50 and $6 4 The new Douglas and '33") 7 Thompson Bros., Shoes e also $3.50 to $5. SR ‘ THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE The members of. Magnolia Re bekah Lodge will ‘eelebrate the sixty first, (61st) Anniversary of the Order with a literary and musical program Friday evening Sept. 20th,, at eight o’clock at the Odd Fellows Hall. All Odd Fel lows and their families are cordial ly invited to attend these exercises. FITZGERALD, BEN HILL COUNTY, GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 17, 1912. Allen and Edwards Trailed and Caught Through Fiancee Virginia Qutiaws Taken in Des Moines When Girl Goes There to Wed Des Moin¢s, lowa, Sept, 14. Two mer, said to be Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards, of the Allen gang notorious in the Carroll county, Virginia, court house tragedy, were arrested here today. Detectives from Koanoke, \'a.,‘ made the capture, " The two men were betrayed by Maude loeler, a voung girl from Mount Ayr, Va,, who - came here to marry Edwards. She was fol lowed by detectives who knew ofl their romance. She positively Identitied the two men and the de-‘ tectives are jubilant at the capture. The men will be taken to ergima‘ at once. } The detectives mace the arrest at a boarding house and enforced their demands with shotguns. The local police were quickly summon ed and the outlaws were transfer red to the county jail, Two large furnished rooms for rent. Suitable for light house keeping if desired. Kvery con venience and splendid location. Apply Mrs. C. E. Crawley, 708 south Main street. el We cordially invite every lady in Fitzgerald to come in and look at these lines---the biggest as well as well as best we’ve ever brought on--- Charming Suits and Dresses from New York’s best known modistes--—-Correct in every detail of style---perfectly tailored---distinctive---new We’ll both lose meney if you do not see this line before buying-—-for we’ve bought in such quantities that the price-saving to our customers will be worth while. e Starting at $9.98 and ranging to $27.50 you’ll find the choicest selection of the season’s best styles. At every price they’re exceptional. At $12.98, $14.98, $16.98 and $19.98 you’ll find your savings to run as high as $7.50 on many of the suits. : Bought right and marked at a moderate profit for quick turnover it’s no wonder that ladies who've look through the lines are as enthusiastic as ourselves over the values--- And see these also The new one-piece wool Dresses $5.98 to $13.48 The new one-piece silk Dresses $9.98 to $15.98 The new Coats $5.98 to $16.98 The new Childrens Drssses 98c to $3.98 . % Lovely Silks $l.OO a Yard Serges and Messalene Silks in dainty stripes. The sea son’s best colorings. These are the finest 35 and 36-inch widths---values in this lot to $1.50. School Hose for the Cluld Everwear, every pair warranted, - 25 and 33c pair Wonderhose, truly wonderful wearers, - 28c¢ pair Best Ever, Fine Ribbed, guaranteed, - IB¢ pair Boys and Girls School Shoes--*"THIE: BEST?” Send us your Mail Orders TR Ae e ’ e lID ,)_;,“.“:‘‘ A : "‘L'L “.’W- L“l‘!f"ffl{‘ 2o AT b SR ete By O N AR TN '_‘ i Sgk lis 2 T W.R BOWEN, President J. A. MURPHY, Manager “TEN PER CENT OFF TRUNKS AND BAGS TILL OCTOBER IST. SEMI-WEEKLY Big Free Barbecue And Free Basket Picnic And Auction Sale of Busi ness and Residence Lots on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 1912 at Talmage, a New, a Beautiful Townsite on the Ocilla Southern R’y, Eight Miles from Rochelle, Ga. Talmage will be the only town between Fitzgerald and Rochelle, because it is so beautifully locat ed in a fine farming section and thickly settled )}eighborhood. WATCH TALMGE GROW ! Already “a large and modern ginnery is near completion, and will commence ginning next| week. - Several prominent merchants will erect three or four brick stores just as soon as the road can haul material, which will be Soon. Investor! Don’t fail “to plant a few dollars in TALMAGE LOTS, as they are SURE to ‘thribble in value within the next 12 months. Hear! The two Bodenhamer auctioneers of Greensboro, N.C., who will give you a fair, square DEAL. POSITIVELY there will be no by-bidding allowed on lots. Wm. M. Horton Dead News has reached the city of the death of William M. Horton, one ‘of tHe eaily colonists, who for the past six years has been making his home in Kogartyville, Fla. Mr. Horton passed away September 3rd. He leaves four daughters re siding in Fitzgerald, whoare: Mrs, Tom Hopper. Mrs. Mable Cline, Mrs. Dora Peabodv, and Mrs, Mary Linehan. Card of Thanks We wish to express our heart felt thanks to the many kind }frienc!s who ministered to our ‘wants during our recent sad be reavement, We feel that we owe vou a- debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. Mrs. W. F, Bullard, Mr. and Mrs. M. Griffin. Everyhody is invited to attend this BIG OCCASION. Come! bring the ladies and children and join us in partaking of the delightful ‘““‘CUE’’ and en joy the excellent music furnished by the superb Fitzgerald Band! RAIN or SHINE the Big Ex cursion will run! The band will play and the ‘‘Cue’’ will be serv ed! Attractive excursion- rates on Ocilla Southern R’y for BIG DAY at Talmage. ‘ Respectfully, “ ANDERSON & NICHOLSON. More New Pattern Hats Another shipment just received—Gage Hats and other celebrated lines---Newest ideas from Paris and New York---You are cordially invited to see them More popular than ever are the new Serges---one number in particular at 85¢c---1 1-4 yards wide---is sponged and spot proof---others from §oc to $1.50. Bedford and Repp Giess . Goods These of fine mercerized yarns, in Black, Navy, Brown, Alice White, Tan--The Bediord Cords 25c---The Mercerized Repp 35¢. Ladies Shoes Misses Shoes Infants Shoes TUESDAY FRIDAY VOL. XVII. NO. 71 Mrs. Womble Left Last Night : ‘ Mrs, G. R, Womble, wbo,haéf’?f just resigned her position as teach er of the sixth grade in Moultrie public schools has accepted a nice place in the Fitzgersld system of schools, and left last night for her new home and her new work. Mrs. Womble resigned here be cause of the fact that Mr. Wom ble had recertly accepted work at Fitzgerald and that he desired the removal of his family. During the time that the family have ‘lived here they bhave won many friends who regret to see® them leave Moultrie, 4‘4’ Mrs. Womble is an earnesb Christian, an intelligent and able teacher and holds the contidence of . her constituency. At the recent examination of teachers Mrs. Womble made the highest mark in the county, securing first grade license,—Moultrie Observer. Notice Spanish War Veterans of Fite gerald and Ben Hill County, there will be a meeting Monday night, September, 23rd. in the Armory Hall for the purpose of organiz a Spanish-War-Veteran’s Post. All veterans of the Spanish Ameri can War are earnestly repuested to attend and take part in the organi zation of this Patriotic Order. They are in now The Best at every price