Newspaper Page Text
Published Every Tuesday and Fridey by
4SIDOR. GELDERS,.. ..... D R S L arveesr uMANIEInG R@itns
ARE BRASWELL. ... oo civosnistas peonsonshossine oiasnus geresaranens ....City Editer
.———————:————___————————-——————'——“—_—__-——-———_ - e ————
Enteredat the Postoffice at Fitzgerald, as Second-Class Mail Matter, under Act of
Congress of March 18, 1879.
Official Organ of Ben Hill County and City of Fitzgerald
Rates for Display Advertising tuinished on Application.
Local Readers 10 cents the line for each insertion. No ad taken ‘ol
less than 25 cents.
As we go to press 528 votes have been polled. Democrats and
Progressives are competing with each other in a friendly contest
at the polls. Ben Hill county willin all probability be safely demo
cratic by about 150 plurality.
A eR e e
The popularity of the Hon. Chas. R. Crisp democratic nominee
for Congress is being attested to day at the polls. Mr, Crisp will be
the unanimous choice of Democrats, Progressives and Republicans,
as his name appears on all the tickets,
Fitzgerald is peculiarly honored at the election today by the fact
that two of the National Parties have as electors on their tickets two
of our citizens W. L. Smith appesrs as elector for the 3rd district on
the Progressive ticket and D. Bu. .»* on the ticket of the Socialist
Party. ‘ £A
e s R
Chamber of Commerce To Organize.
Hon. D. L. Martin has called a meeting for Thursday night}
at the Aldine Hotel for the purpose of re-organizing the Chamber
of Commerce. The business men are giving him their cordial co
operation and a large attendance is expected. The following gen
tiemen have agreed to be present at the reorganization:
W. R. Bowen
J. E Turner
J. D. Dorminey
W. T. Paulk
E. Hussey
J. A. Parrott
R. I. Maffett
D. B. Ware
C. W. Hayes
T. C. Gilbert
I. Gelders
J. B. Seanor
B. T. Strickland
Lon Dickey
W. B. Haile'
H M. Warren
W. H. IF. Lee
Bob Owens
P. R. Owens
J. A. Owens
John Ellington
J. C. Glover
J. H. Mayes
E. E Roie
H. M. Dodd
R. E. Lee
P. M. Adams
C L. Sanders
E. J. Thurston
D. F. Scarboro
E. H. Chaple
C. L. Fox
E C. Perry
C. G. Sandlin
N. N. Littlefield
3. A Murph.y
Dr. J. E. Goethe
E. P. Wightman
W. D. Dalee
F. R. Justice
J. A. Justice
A. C. Justice
F. J. Hansen
R. L. Hillard
M. E. Pitman
B. H. Beall
R. Davis
Sheriffs Sale,
Notice is hereby given that I
will sell at public outery to the
highest bidder for cash at the
court-bouse in said county within
the legal hours of sale on the First
Tuesday in December, 1912 the
following described property, to
10 acres, more or less, of lot of
land Number Ninety two in the
Third Land District of formerly
Irwin now Ben Hill County, Geor
gia, and more particularly des
cribed as Five Acre Tracts Num
bers One Thousand Tree Hundred
Nine and One Thousand Tree Hun
dred Ten of the Isnds in said coun
ty surveyed and platted by The
American Tribune Soldiers’ Col
ony Compay, a plat of which is on
file in the office of the Clerk of the
C. F. Davis
George Boney
Davis & Higgs
T. M. Griffin
J. L. Jackson
C. A. Newcomer.}
G. P. Mingledorf
W. C. Wilkerson
Geo. W. Brown
H. L. McLendon
J. W. Morris
J. A. B. Faircloth
J. R. Horton
H. G. Paulk
E. M. Whitchard
W. W. Martin
Fred Clark
A. H. Thurman
P. R. Morrison
Wm. McCormiek
J, P. Patterscen
J. Pitman
J. D. McLauchlin
J. S. Smith
D. E. Griffin
J. A. Griffin
Dr. D. F. Griffin
L L Griner
J. W. Scarborough
Newton Watkins
J. C. Wilson
W. R. Dykes
Sam Abram :
J. Kansewitz
R. B. Fletcher
C. A. Renard
I. Fisher
K. T. James
E. L. Dorminey
J. L Dorminey
Frank Hager
George Davis
W. L. Hammock
J. W. Pass
D. W. Paulk
D. W. M. Whitley
Superior Court of Irwin County.
Said property levied upon and to
be sold as the property of Jose
phine E. Cary to satisfy a mortg
age execution isssued from the
‘Superior Court ot Ben Hill Coun
ty, Georgia, in favor of Ellen
Wilhiams, et. al. against the said
Josephine E. Cary, This Novem
ber 4th, 1912,
C. C. Dozier,
Deputy Sheriff Ben Hill County,
~ Georgia. :
For Water Light & Bond
I hereby announce myself a car
didate for the Water. Light and
Bond Commission, subject to the
December Primary. Your vote and
influence will be appreciated.
Homer Adams.
'Jaws Were Locked
Can Usz Them Now
Baltimore. Md., Nov. 3 —A re
markable operation which has
resulted successfully was recent
ly performed at a local hospital
on a fourteen-year-old boy who,
since birth, bhas been unable to
move his jaws, The fact become
Known today. From the time of
his birth it had been necessary to
feed the child through a tube as
bis jaw bones were stiff, having
no normal hinges.
The surgeon cut through the
soli4 bone where the joint should
have been and modeled on the
sectional joints such as nature
usually provides. The child has
left the hospital and now has the
normal use of his jaws.
Near Death From
Bite of Spider
Valdosta, Da., Nov. 4.—John
Balcaum. a well-known white
man living in the Lake Park dis
‘trict, has been lingering becween
life and death for twodays as the
result of a spider bite on his foot.
Local physicians who went to see
him declare that the bite was al
most as bad as a rattlesnake.
Mr. Balcaum got up early in
the morning and put his foot in
his shoe without looking into it.
This spider, which was a big
black one with a red tip, stung
him on the instep. The wound
began to swell and it soon re
sembled the bite of a deadly ser
pent, The doctors believe that
it would have been fatal if it had
not been for Balcaum’s wonderful
vitality. |
This Week’s Weather.
Washington, D. C., Nov. 3,
A storm is now central west of
the Rocky Mountains is coming
east eastward, bringing local
bringing local rains and snows
for the northern and rains for the
scuthern districts. - The storm,
aecording to the weather bureau’s
weekly bulletin, will prevail over
the great central valleys Tuesday
and the Eastern States about
““This disturbance, says the
bulletin, g‘will be preceded by a
general rise in temperature the
first part of the week in the
Eastern and Southern states and
be followed by a change to colder
weather, which will appear in
the Northwest Tuesday or Wed
“Another storm attended by
general precipitation will reach
‘the North Pacific states Wednes
day or Thursday, prevail over the
Middle West about Friday and
Saturday and the Eastern states
near the close of the week. A
change to decidedly colder weath
er will follow.
Miss Hazel Tisdel was the hos
tess Thursday evening at a de
lightful ;Halloween Party at
which Miss Ina Nelson, of Lo
gansport, Ind.. was the honor
guest. :
The house was decorated most
artistically for the occasion and
the evening was delightfully
spent by the twenty-five guests,
all of whom donned their Hallo
ween garb.
Refreshments consisted of de
licious punch and a salad course.
Rev. I. G. Burton, of Logans
ville, Ind.. will preach Sunday
and Sunday night the Christian
Church. A special musieal pro
gram will be rendered. Every
body is invited to attend,
Estra vy Notice.
I have taken up two mules at
my place east of the city, and
this to notify the owner to call
for them, ray for keep and this
ad. Oneisa black horse mute
with mark in right ear, and the
other is a red mare mule with
mark in left ear.
34-2tp R. F. D. No. 3.
Administrator’s Sale.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, under and by virtue
of the power and authority vested
in him in and by the last Wiiland
Testament of C. A. Bueher, late
of said county, deceased, and for
tte purpose of raising funds nec
essary to be expended in proper
ly caring for and providing for
Samuel Bucher, the sale of the
property herein described being
necessary for that purpose and for
the purpose of paying other de
‘mands against the estate of said
deceased will sell at public outery
to the hizhest bidder for cash
within the legal hours of sale on
the First Tuesday in December,
1912, at the court house door in
said county, the following de
scribed property as the property
of the estate of said deceased, to
_City Lotsof land Numbers Two
and Three, in Sauare Number
Twelve. in Block Number Eleven,
in the City of Fitzgerald, Georgia,
as shown by the original towon
site plat of said city.
Also Ten Acres, more or less,
of lot of iand Number One Hun
dred Fifty in the Third Land Dis
trict of originally Irwin, now Ben
Hill county, Georgia, and more
particularly described as Five
acre tracts Numbers Nine Hun
dred Fifty-two and Nine Hun
dred Sixty-Seven of the lands in
said county, surveyed and platted
by the American TribuneSoldiers’
Colony Company, a plat of which
is on file in the office of the clerk
of Irwin superior court.
Purchasers will pay for titles.
This November 2, 1912.
Executor of the Last Will and
Testament of C. A. Bucher.
One of the most elaborate so
cial functions of the season was
the Halloweel Reception given
by Mrs. Lucien O. Tisdel Thurs
day afternon in honor of her sls
ter, Mrs. S W. Bivens, sf Tam
pa, Fla., and Mrs, J. G. Knapp,
of Reno, Nev., and Miss Helen
Shallenberger, of Pittsburg, Pa.
The parlors were most appro
priately decorated for the occa
sion, the Halloween colors being
used, and a decidedly spooky at
mosphere pervaded the rooms,
where j ack-o-lanterns, ghosts,
skeletons, black cats, imps and
bats played an important part in
the arrangement. The guests
were met at the door by little
Theda Tisdel, garbed as a witch
who escorted them to the parlor.
In the receivingline witht he
hostess were Mrs. Bivens, Mrs.
Knapp and Miss Shallenberger.
Mrs. Tisdel was becomingly at
tired in a corn collored messaline
dress draped with dew-drop chif
fon. Mrs. Bivens wore a lovely
toilet of baby Irishlaceove r
pink silk. Mrs. Knapp’s frock
was of Copenhagensilk, trimmed
with gold lace; and Miss Shallen
berger wore yellow satin with
overdress of lace.
The favors of the occasion
were fotunes in peanut shells
and were pinned on by Mrs. Hel
en Maldoon. Miss Lobingier pre
sided at the punch. bowl, and
Miss Hazel Tisdel, Miss Ina Nel
son, Mrs. E, N. Davis snd Mrs
L. H. Keim served refresh
ments which consisted of a dr<-
licious salad course. Dainty
mints of red, green and yellow
were served by Miss Elsie Tis
del. Mrs. A. H. Thurmond fav
ored the guests with seyeral de
lightful readings. Those assist
ing the hostess were all gowned
as witches. The affair was in
deed most delightful and about
seventy-five guests called during
the afternoon.
Members of the Blue and Gray
Association are urged to be
present at the next regular meet
ing, to be held tomorrow, as a
matter of considerable import
ance will be taken and the opin
ion of every member of the organ
ization is necessary in the matter.
General Banking
very best facilities for the prompt and careful
transaction of all kinds of banking business; and
those who entrust their accounts to us are as
sured courteous and eminently satisfactory
If you live out of. town, you can do your
banking by mail; if you have any valuable pa
pers or jewelry to be kept safe from fire or burg
lars, we rent Safety Deposit Boxes at reasonable
rates; if you deposit your funds with us, we will
promise you perfect protection.
First National Bank
Fitzgerald, Georgia
Capital and Surplus, $205,000.00
:rfl N 3
e [ SEEDE { ;
‘i‘\ &N P N ,A‘_.‘.‘
| @ D onr MIAF 'I;é':?‘(/" ‘
Wl%fiéér I
WL I Trode Mark Kogistored
' Buy Buster Brown’s
66 99 <
For Your Husband, Your Children and Yourself
and you can quit darning. If any holes appear within four
months, return the hosiery and new pairs will be furnished
without argument.
For Men, Wemen and Children
e - Box of Four Pairs
250 a P All' Guarenteed $l.
Made of fine long staple Egyptian yarn with wearing parts—
heel, toe, sole, knee and top---heavily reinforced with 2-, 3,-
and 4-ply strong linen thread. Kbnit to provide elastic snug fit
as well as leather-like durability. Guarantee coupons with
every box. Buster claims he replaces less than one-half of one
per cent. of the output of his mill and this statement is borne
out by his own sales. All sizes, colors, styles and weights.
McCarty, Johnstone Co.
Sole Agents for Buster Brown’s Hose ever since
we began business.
/@ : é’@ “GOOD )
' ’\?’/‘ 0
)’, ‘ /4[ {, (& jli ‘i\u’x\i«;\; {wsak 4%
i 0 I LY U
| »«
I s ¥ ll be doing with ' ; \\
7’j chase .l;hr;:nl:w al;afio:nzl Winl’e:‘:i of agi'itf,a"(‘)‘:'cl:éz:l: Pa‘:d
/7} Raincoats. {
/ /l; There isn't a “dull spot” in the entire line—there isn't a thing f
4 that you can find fault with either now or hereafter. |
? There is a pleasant surprise in store for you when you come }’
/ to visit us, and it has to do with the fact that so much of sterling |
. 4 worth in clothes is to be had at so small a price. ’
{% Clothes made by /,
f will brighten up your appearance and keep you in this happy mood {}“/
when _you learn the satisfaction that they never fail to bring. ///
{ J.A. Jones, |
i I
e, (SIS, et
= QYN ron b\i'sf*fif';‘?:i?w
S INAL worzN B ”’Z/Q\
L& é ' -‘%«ffln"r Registered