The leader-enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1912-1915, October 11, 1915, Monday Edition, Image 1

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Official Organ Ben Hill County,
COTTON 12c IN FITZGERALD CgttonSeed $36.00 per Ton
Special to The Leader-Enterprise.
Bucharest, Oct. 11—Bulgaria has completed her dispositions
and is now ready with a half million men to enter war at a mo
ments notice.
Special to The Leader-Enterprise.
Rome, Oct. {l, —Premier !Salandra to-day laid before King
Victor Emanuel at Army Hendquarters a plan for Italian Inter
vention in Balkans Italy with other Allies is expected to take
steps to force Roumania and Greece toallign themselves with en
tente powers.
The Young Peoples societies of
the churches will hold a meeting
to night at Ist. M. E. Church to
organize ‘“‘Going to Church’’ Sun
day’s movement.
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Copyright Hast Schaffner & Marx :
Glen Hemminger returned
from Atlanta Sunday to re-enter
school to-day. Mrs. Hemminger
stopped over in Macon for a few
days to visit friends.
Cheer Up! Dress Up!
Its Prosperity Week
Week To ““Dress Up”” Begins Wednesday
Dress Up! Everybody’s doing it! ;
It's time to smile. Your store should smile, your
home should smile, your clothes should smile, your shoes
should smile, your “duds” should smile, you should look
the prosperity that[lis yours. .
Every stumbling block has proved a stepping stone;
we have left hard times behind us; we have crossed the
threshold of October Ist: we are at the very door of pros
A hundred million people from the Great Lakes to the
Gulf* from the Atlantic to the Pacific, are joining in this
movement to Dress Up. October 13th begins “Dress il
week, in Fitzgerald.
The Fitzgerald Merchants will hold a “Dress Up”
week, all this week! The wise, the thrifty, all will “Dress
Up”---Look, Talk, Feel, Be Prosperous. ’
Dress Up! Cheer Up!
i, You are %Cordirlly Invited to visit the Empire Store '
ssO ; .
The Dress-Up Week proclaimedby Hon. Drew W.
Paulk will be fully observed by the Big Store. .
FITZGERALD Men, Women and Children [/ fnd every de
good store ready to help them in carrying out the spirit of Mayor Paulk’s proclamation.
UPSTAIRS in the Ready-to-wear and Millinery Departments, you’ll find the greatest stocks of
Ladies’ Ready-to-wear goods you've ever seen in Fitzgerald—Suits, Dresses and Coats of new
est style from New York’s leading manufacturers—Millinery and Trimmings—the new and be
coming kinds; and CORRECT styles at every price and in every grade.
IN FACT--you’ll find it easy to DRESS-UP at the Empire Store for our One Price to All Department
Store way of Quick Sales and small profits saves you good money at every turn.
Dress Up, Men! Hart, Schaffner & Marx new
Fall Suits are good enough for any man!
ALL WOOL Suits, Hand Tailored and READY! Dress-up Week will mean a whole lot to vau in the
weeks to come, if you get into one of these really good Suits or Qvercoats---Hart, Schaffner & Marx made.
T,HERE are some splendid patterns in these new Suits---One suit of a kind only in fancy weaves---
Scotch weaves as well as our own best Americsn fabrics; so that in addition to getting the bert
Men’s Clothes in America READY-TO-WEAR, you have the added advantage of Exclusive Patterns.
Suits and Overcoats $lB to $3O.
Gy s ‘ : 1)
The Best Furnishings to Dress Up in, Men!
MANHATTAN SHIRTS $1.50 to $3.00; NO FADE SHIRTS $1.00; Wilson Bros. Underwear---Furn
ishings that are correct at every point. ‘Let us help you Dress up.”
9 ' Boyden and Douglas for Men.
The Shoe l)e t Dorothy Dodd, & Groverfor women
® Piehler & Empire Special for children
D set Ghed are Kmemicrts bt oeel Lt
N v s 5
You cenof:we choice of all leathers---Patent, Tan, Gun, Vici!
Dress Up Everybody! Let Us Help You!
Wm. R. Bowen g . J. A. Murphy
One Price to Everybody
e s
Styleplus $l7 Suits for Men - - Stetson Hats - - “Xtra Good” Boy’s Suits
Special to The Leader-Enterprise.
Rome, Oct. 11, 1:30 p. m.—The Greek Minister here declares
that the position of Greece is quiteclear. Greece had no part in
the original conflict betweee Serbia and Austria and has no re
sponsibility in present Balkan complications.
- Terrible Slaughter Of Germans Reported
i =
| Paris, Oct. 11, 1;30 p. m. —Furious efforts in which the cost of
human life was not reckoned have been made to dislodg2 the
French from positions they took from Germans on Champaigne.
French War Department officially announced to-day that be
tween seven and eight thousand corpses of Germans were left on
French lines.
A party of good roads boosters
will leave Saturday morning to
meet the Dixie Highway associa
tion from Illinois and Indiana at
Macon to secure their co-opera
tion for the ‘‘Short Route’’
through Georgia.
VOL.XX. NO. 121
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Boone of
Orlando Fla. drove through in
their car via the Dixie Short
route for Louisville Ky. where
the doctor will take a p. g. course.
While in Fitzgerald they were
the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Luke.