The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, October 14, 1873, Image 2

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ink MacON Daily TLLKUkAPH axd MJSS^kNGkRi TUESDAY morniNO, October ir 1b7«. ITr!rur;ipli d-Jffaseiiiicr A. ll.COlijUtTI. COLQUITT * H.\' Cotton Factors and c Merchants. H4 Hay si., aavanni * GENTS for C-T.-i-i f r "1; V Su]HT|>hc»]>h-t I'h -■ l»*rplio^jihi»tc/’ John> A Herat r'» ! ph> .1X0 If. DOBIb ■ >{ V.hh-.JmM^ COLQUITT. '•> (loo rnmcnt It<-n< if Xi>irr» K»cr. * CORBETf, • .r to til.- ix i white : I*7G tHrinri 'P»-«:flil aulatmf PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITURF MATTRESSES, SPRING 3£l.S. ETC. JMandaMCMMlM. \’«*r Broadway, K*w v,.k WM. IMIKl.ra. OrlSCOBIlSTT. WX.'t. DO«IXCX aLtouiii t. k. ttiuixx ©WIGHT L. ROBERTS A CO.. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savannah, G'a. Liberal advances uiaUo ou Produce in hand. M i* haw a eioiil vtn.-V of .. i ». iUBJECT to aponfdexv. bnrt dfa- s. Min font,:- should km> • y •■?n; % »— -lful in 1 mu remove oil difficult y. WM. U. STARK. u7rYU?S^ W.M. n. STARK A CO WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS ANO COTTON FACTORS, BA VANN Ail. UA. K. H. COlIEN, JR. COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, GG Kay Mrtfi, .Navannah, tin. Refer resjsethtily to J. W. L; throp A o»„ X A. Hard, v\s Son a. Co., Tim>u a. • iunlon, ll. \Uj*tr A Co., Milo 1 hitch, V. 1*. Sav.umah Bank a'iuj TmiitCo. ■ sepl-oui power m ovinit life and promoting pm where epidnair diaraars. pratilmre. t,lmr%rt«wn)4. this remedy prove* nl jhowrr ft a dwn(rrtant, neutralizer V. • that ure* the Bendy Relief •eti^ f-hblmrirellow fever, typhoid fever, t dfpthrria. *r„ prevail in a communi- be mrd with three dfaraaea; and if ben using it. will be cured if the direr- fallout'll > tuple n» this rowdy fa, it t‘n i t- f ?it i of rum a# tLem<»t ihiltfiT. ! ;n ii.wt i—•«. that wocre the earth. EADWAY’S EEADY RELIEF WILL AFPORD INSTANT EASE. INF!,\MMATION OK THE KIDNEYS. IN 1 I. \ MM ATION OP THE BLADDER, i INFLAMM ATION OP THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OP THE LUNGS. | SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OP THE HEART HYsTI RU n CROUP, DIITHERIA. CATARRH. IXPLUENZA. If KADACIIK. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM COLD C1HJJA AGUE CHIU*. The application of the R or part* where the pain or • fonJ mm and .comfort. YYe have in store and to arrive two hundred and fifty crates C. C. and W. G. Crockery for our wholesale trade, which we intend selling as cheap os the cheapest. New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore not excepted. In abort, ami as proof, bring 1 ns your New York invoices and we will duplicate, say nothing of the ruinous freights and breakage. • seplg Sin W. DujrCAN. * J. H. JOHNSTON. M. A| 4< LK\N PUNCjYN, JOHNSTON CO., Cotton Factors and General Com-* mission Merchants,’ «2 Hay .street, Savannah, tin. ' SuVl dm term. CENTRAL CITY PARK, MACON, GEORGIA OCTOBER 27 Relief to the uM* exfata wil lack man has a vast advantage, drift of which , mention has ■i j m»ie. fVT U Ton most singular feature of this ■wand .comfort, it J diofi* in li*lf»tumbfar of water will in lonient* cure Cramp*. Spurns. Sour Stem- <-:irtl.Eim. Sirk If.-ns-bar 1m*. Colic, Wind in srl*. and nil internal pain*. pJrr* shun Id nlwnixenrry a bottle of Rad ii. C. FLANNAQAN. W. W. FLANXAUAN. A. P. ABELL. R. *. MORGAN. FLANNAGAN, ABELL A CO., Cotton Factors and General Com- mission Merchants, 185 BAY si BEET, SAVANNAII,«A. TANAolXG Agents lor the Knriish Stonewall ijJL Fertiliser. etc. Bairjriui; and T»<*» funiisluxi, and liberal vatli ndvanee* inmle «m iVaini/ninHitfl for sale in Savannah, or on siiipiuer re.*ipoiuleut.s in Xorthem, Last.iru -nthn*r» Mawhen*, j-olil i. ui l ivngtli, the •owerful. Take South CASKS REAL FRENCH CHINA FEVER AND AGUE. »i<V> by «i'L with it. H.-rv u,th« Uhls frum wliicll tli,A iiox-JMinr la.:ti may Ui •Iruirnk/ I ix,u>iu D rrtrrr.ATToy iw is,'/) *xn 1^70. Ofl. 1M70. .770 47U40 JJU« (177 >1.1,8',' nl'x ;, t:,, I u: ,r>^ .i»>o .3»l 41h.RU ,010 331', XII £>21 ! SM.tlfi ,!K»7 V *512Wf 373 3(U,21K ,IW7 222.210 ,-Jot 414.2(11 “whito nmiT» inmiuojruui i. in N tl, Lmtli CitroTinn. Ffl'r ;,t -I Ak-ii,- mr-,1 for fitly r,-nl., Th*>po is , A I, n j .1; I mnt in tin* wi.ri'l that .ill rurv Pri-rrm.I Amc.imt >11 ntt„r M.tarlnn.,Btlkxu. Sr.rtrt. T(|,l»,„l. Yrllow and otlwr Frreri (aided 1 \ !: ,Jw:ii I*ill.) m quirk a, Itadwa.v'* Rixidy II,kIa Bclii-I 90 rent. i« r bottle, and Pills 29 cents n l-,i. Sold I,’ dni.-.4rt». And Continues the Circumstances may Warrant, We have now in store twenty-five caaks of real French and English China which we will seU for thirty days at the following low prices: Eum|»ean nuci r.m markets. A. M. SLOAN. AUTUL'H N.SOI.I.LL. «. V. WYLLV.JU A. M. SLOAX CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, Claghorn X Cunningham's Ruinn*. Ilay Street, Navannali, Gn. TY.V9GIXG -'Uhl Tiosadvjimvtlon i injjes. LiU-niJ J_> i ish itavanoOf made on «-uusUnnn>n)s for sale iii.SaV5um.ih, or on slii;mi,iiu to nth* I tic mm*. iiondetitH in Li\vrj»ool, New York, Pliilatlelpltui, Boston or Balfimnre. amrl «‘ni Carolina. The People of Georgia will, on this Occasion, Develop the Strength and Variety of .their Resources to the Satisfaction of IMITATION CHIN \ 1 i! \ I'l.ATKS 1IKKAKFAST 1M.ATES .... ‘DINNER PLATES 'TEA Stf-ITS. B pi**rrs .DINNER SETsTl57 piece* - - - |»icr.w - - DEC. G RAXITB SETS. 11 njives - lOOwt^CUT tiLASS<;OBLKTS - 500 m*U GOBLETS CHINA TEA PIATES - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES - CHINA TEA SETS. « piece* - I HIVI IIIWI'BSFTn' 1*7 n«.xr HEALTH! BEAUTY! themselves and the Astonishment of the World. CHINA DINNER SETS. 1S7 CHINA CHAMBER SETS. China • ------ CHINA TEA PLATES -* CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES - STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-IN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! Zmrlisth L. J. OL’ILMARTJJf. JGHS F!.\NNK«Y. Jj. J. GUILMARTIN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Merchants, Hay Street, Nuvaimuu, Cu. i GENTS fur Bradley’s Super-Phosphate <J f~\ T ii.i.i T.,\i ..Il'd Villc Vinii; nti.l ' Id Omivia. rulmi tiy it ipirt-rniui'iit." wo Hud the lNkit,. ]S70b> be 17 i> r < Outilinn 0 |»'f cvnt.; Tn S 100 TRIPLE-PLATED 1 CASTORS; G CUT GLASS BOTTLES, $G 00 EACH. 150 dozen BR1TTANLA DIPPERS, to the trade at Xew York prices. Sarsaparillian Eesolvont ^jl Lime. JewcII’k Mills Yanis and I>oiin*>ti(ii, etc. Huggiinr. Kopennd Iron TicunlwM.VKotiluiMi. Usual facilities extended t<> customers, mugl dwtovGm ■' Cutlery.and Silver-Plated Ware. in t e k 't>v -rum .t w.ut 171 jvrr ©unt.; lt> ] *r r*n»t.; Mi-** i- i h^tw^-n m it. . ■nt. Aiotatcd before. II - i \f th« mi- t wstoni-Jiir-' cuirs. Poquirk - * rt* the ^banoe* the lioilyuudcnri- *,undo tin* miliJ* io- «<f thi* truly wonderful medicine Iff'* KTKRY PAT AN INCKXASft IN 7UT9H AND WRIOUT M SEEN AND FELT. nlw*y tfrU % t in ArmuMi GLASS WARE, LAMPS, KEROSENE AXD GAS CHANDELIERS, DRESSED TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. KEROSENE OIL, ' By the Gallon, Barrel or Car Load. Come and see or send us your orders. COnfiMlSSICf- MOUSE It. M. WATERS & CO, tup: or rat rmmmi ptrifirr. I ,. ,fr |„.| thiMRf A PA III LLUX RP.SOl l‘l .Vi , -i” ir.i.ihn.iu-ii I),,- M.^d,.wra Ibne.imd other fli * * ‘ ill llroail St., New Yu; k. iana, vrhicU ovur rink.* thu war La i been a i*ort of LtlnTia, hhow« (1 Jour }+r cent, only ! U then: ODlhtojf in the^* figiixv.tU* afford the negro for refioction ? Can he find nothing in thi* sWn “Wh* «»f, fact*” to convineo him that (lie If nt j ijiterffibf and future w el fan* or hi* own nice de mand a "white man'* government for Ala- kin* of tin* gitim ^ ,-ani the wn*te* of the lmdy with new i»n«l whiimI msterol. Srrofuln, S> I'liUi*, CotiHumptkm. Glsmlulnr Dinnmni, Ul- w* hi the Thnwt nral Month. Tumor*. Nexlr* in the Gland* and other mrt* the ■jrtiini S<»iv K u • tlio w»»m fi»mi of Skin Di-vow*. Eny Son**, ftnfd Ilt-vl. Rina Worm. Salt R WALKER <3c DOBBS, 82 MULBERRY STREET. MACON, GA. SOLE A8EMTS FOR THE PORTER COMBINATION ANO PLANTATION HOE. ! 1 eod3m * Oottoa Commission Merchants. Buy and *«j1I contracts for future delivery of cot ton. Depout accounts of liaukcre, mcrclmuts nml Othemw e*peri*lly solicited. julytM^ro LAND FOR SALE. fTIHE most desirable farm in Macon county, J . owned formerly by Hinnn B. Troutuuin, nntl now by us, lyinv on the west hank of Flint river, just five miles below the beautiful and fiourishimr town of Reynolds, (S. \V. R. R.) a d containing Kyr". StiNWbvdo* DUtmtiwh from thi- Bara, and ** * ' ™i.. Ui r.rjntion, Pcvcr ■nM Head. Rina Worm. Salt Rhram, Knr- Acne. Black Sine*. Worms In the PIc«n. Turner*. Cnnrrrw in the W«*nh. ami all Weakeninc awl iVi.iful 1'inhar.'i ■>. Xiirht Suouti*. Ix»s.* of >1- nn. and all uasteii of the life principle, are *» " '>• • (in «*.’• llii- wonder ( 't • i- cm Uhcmintry.awl a few day*’ nac will prove to any person u*inr it for either of these farms of disc*** it* i"*U nt iM»wer to cure them. If tin* patient, daily licniminr reduced by the fwUMMW ioli thnt »« continuallv pro- e: liiiff, mtererd* ill arrv-tiiut tlvwc wastes, nml repair* the same with MV material made from healthy likxsl-and thi* the SARSAPARILLIAN will and doe* aeeure—a cure is cvrtain; for when oner ihi* remody mnnnem*** it- work of puritica- tit*iv and ««a***1* in dimmUhimr tho !<>** o w**t«**. it* repair* will be rapid, nml every day tho IMticnt will feel himself ffniwimcbetternnd strong er, the food diiawtin* heiter. appetite improving, and tlc'h and weight inen-ssinr. Not onlv do*'* the SAKS Vp.\ KILLIAN RJKQLVKNT ezrel all kndwii n>nk*ti*f a ©mi* in th«* «-nn* of Chronic. SerofMkMi*,C(«tisfitutional and Skin Diseases, but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Hladdcr Complaint*, Urinary and Wonih Disease*, Gravel, Diabetes, I«r*>|»sy.Si(.|.|8of( i f WafeT. Incontinmceof Urine, Bright's lliseaae, Alhuminuna. and in all cases when* tfa're are brick dost deposits, or th«* water i». ihick.cloudy, mixed vrnli -u)>-t:i > ..s*N like tha I *n n I shim* n( of* IMstiirhors. lioya who disturb miuji-uux-tings hj cryinK ''Amen in tint wron^ pliux-, nn.1 rvuitrkini; "Glory" with ^iiyrc z.-al Southern Freight and Passenger -VIA- CHARLESTON, S. than ^ the fat.* of mi nil I. »yiTm Kiuo^u. TImwi thirU-on ill-iuiTiwd l«oy, wrn- Ifuilty, ao tho atory. ^ouk. of <li lurl'in^ a Kmunii■ .inp-ini-t-lliTii byha.i-.tiat> uj.'ii ahoutihK " Anion," when a Tory iiiiiacuUr pmaoher. who prihod biniM-lf onhin Toii-o. waa ain^ini; a hymn. Tho prwi lior hon- it for aomo tiino,' but f dully; 1^-fniuni.* lillol with righUxhui wnitn, lie ihwoonueil from tho pulpit, ami dotot dneo intorrupt- <■>1 hia liyuiu. >uoot -.-iv. ly roronoil ami -panknt the thirteen small boys. A» hi> aV'-iiirin;; timul dwtrndel. an«l tho iluet of tlieemail boy*'flled -the 'air; tho «wt < of the (Mn^rv-^atioa shoutol in raptnro •ml rilcntTa ;v«l him with lomi erica of M Goon, brother, uim ii.” Tii< n he return. 1 U> the pulpit, still singing, and those boys went Mu n mild nwny, l>ehind a hay- vtaek, and laid down with their fact** to the ground, weeping bltUrly. aug!92m -TO AND FROM- Corn, Oats, Wheat and Hay, AXD ALL THE XEW EXGLAXD MANUFACTURING CITIES. EXCLUSIVELY. Xo. 20 Second street, between Main nntl Riven Tumor of 12 Tears' Growth Cured by Radway's Resolvent! An an illustration of tho iniincnto to- racity of mnall bird*, nml of tha quanti ties of tnsocta th*stroyetl by them, a our- re-jHUi lent *»f tho L.n l*>n*Tiine» writon: "The blue titmouse hiu luvn wateiiwL and Lmntl to feoil iUt young, from 3:30 a. m. t«» *n ;ii* r. m.. 17.’* tiiiics, bringing OGU' largt> v'r two or three small ItlfCw t j oaoh time. Tho thmib, tivm U15 a. m. to 0:16 r. M.. ^vh; time*. Tho bhu'khird. from Ml a* S* to 8i40 r. ■„ 113 finss. . ’..v t*H,'h. iv» m i ;•» s i m tki time-, on.*h tium hr:nit: t-crural large worm* or ins«*cta. Tho nparrew, from two or thxv>o to nix or right instvt-* at THREE TIMES A WEEK FROM NEW YORK, Bkykrlt. M isa. July Id. 1S«7. D». Rapkw*: I h»vr 1 *. 1 Ovarian Tumor in the orarie* and bowel*, all the Doctors said “there wa* no hrln for it.” I tried ev* Al ‘ retMunk^noeiL but nothinc helped ».*ir !lc* lTTr.t,5rM •«»»— k * * * rani no faith tn iubcrtiuu I tt*»k nix bottle*of the IL'-ehent.amlono PUU. and two bottle* sf your ’ ■ 1 ‘ not a *bm of tumor to -martcrand hap- ...... The worst tu- - .... -ide of the bowel*, over the I write thi* to you for the benefit cfothers, n pabliah it if you chotwe. HANNAH P. KNAPP. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, fthiiUt that wa* ..... , - -1 me. I saw Kent, ami thought I would trylt; but “■ •* fe—iiiiladr*—" — 1 — VBI fill order* for Corn fcom points in Illinois, parties making purcluweaccepting through Bill o1 ‘aprgSSm years. . ... T*oxt f Hiulway’. ...._ _ K'-mIv Relic#; and there lw *r»*n or f* lL and 1 feel bettl r lii*i 1 'i l..r :«el»r >• aier vrw* in the left '* Lading from shipping points. JAMES U. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARBEMAS. JOHN L. HARDEMAN. BLOUXT, HARDEMAN' & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACOX, UA. OlBrc, Cherry street, over 8. T. IValker'fc . tiiziotf ■■ ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. 11 the year, they must de *• number. I *.tlc!u*i : ugtail catching insects to ifld it totA eight or nint minute or two, and had' l l turned away. The lu Jy observeil getting cal • young, flying from tr«v > or thx\*o ttogether in th imtnen THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD E. W. & S. H. JEMISON, ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Office 52 Second st.. Macon. Georgia. T\riLL pnu tioe in the courts of Macon ami ad* v v jaoent circuits, and in tlie Supreme and Federal Court* of Georjria. Special attention frivrn d WORMS to matter* in Bankruptcy. .%n l n i port ant Letter BOB’T. A. XISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AVE. (Over Pajne’* Drug Store), MACON, GA. rrom a pn»min-*T'.t ©rni!»-man and resident o C;n*nnnati.O» fhr th* past forty year* well known m t!»e txx.k puhh-hcr* througnont the United New Nork. Octobt'r 11. U71 Dk Ktrw.iv H - S.r l ;r. .• .in.*-.1 by % wiw of duty to the nuffering to make a brief *tat«'- met i «f th.- n-rliHc .# your aalidre on myrelf. t r several year* i ljul h«*-n oOfriod with pomo tr\* Me in the Madder ami tin nary orv*n«.. which twelve buwi tin ago culminated in a m«t>t ter ribly aflUcfin* «lmw. which the )>hy«imn* a) iMM was a spasmodic stricture in the nreta. a« al*o infivnauiticn « f the kidney* and bladder, and (favel: x T’ . »r :h«| IBI *se—73jmet ■ Wv*ild prevent aiy rrer arttinc mlirally (mi I had triel a number of phv -ician*. an«t had taken ■ farm* a unt> Lty of moltcine. both alopathie and botnecpRlbtc. fait nrel «>t no relief. I h»«l read o *»!• Mi'li<»te nir**» h*vi*?r favw made hvyour rem* ^'.i -v ami four month* act> n-iwl a notice in i • *4* t..% a -'.»x h'- i .lie F.m cf arur* 'iiu: a vffirtel * hmC wk had IflQf ru I hadi** I m *r.t fin loffaad 4 ^ Mieof earn—a»*t:r Sanaparalfafl 1>—Irent I' Pill*—and cxmi- a» l wTt> greatfy Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Trnnsi lence and capacity at any other Port, 1 ation far Freicht and I*a*sensr»*rs not exceeded in exccl- following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the NEW YORK, BALTIMORE AND MANHATTAN. juneUdSin CHARLESTON .James Berry. Commander. LAW CARD. -\TESSRS. WOODWARD A TOOLE, of Dooly 1VJL county, Ga., I taring formed a leaptl .copart ner* hip, reapectiuiljr «»:ier their service* to the public*, and will practice in tbecottmaea WrWikox, Dodg--. Irwin ,\V urth, )lwon, Sumter, and Hous ton. apodal attention riven also to cane* in the Supreme and JHderal Court*. Address, Vienna, Ga.julyl5d3in* JAMES ADGER A CO-. Awnts, Charleston. & C. —i — S.Crowell, Commander. ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN PERFECTED FOR THE FOLLOWING down. Boat I BORGIA SOUTH CAROLINA ASHLAND. FAIR EXCURSION RATES TO THE Hits L. VIKUiEa HEEUEUT FIEJLPBa ton© ASHLUTP EQUATOR Alexander HrvTEt. Commander. Hincxlix, Commander. SAILING DAYS—FRIDAYS. WM. A. COURTENAY. lank Charleston. & a Retdy Relief nnd’ R>**ufal] mswasit taking them. Inthr Attorneys at Law, QlTliUEUT, CUBOUGIA* U r LLL prompt attention to all business coniided to them, in the counties or Ran dolph. Stewart. Quitman. Clay, Early, Cal bum anti Terrell, the Supreme Court of G*-onria. and the Distrut and Cirru.t Courts of the United State* for the Southern District of Georgia. TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BALES MONTHLY BARLOW HOUSE, AMERICUS, GA., WHEY JONES & CO., Propr’s, Is Rrat-claa* and in business renter. PERFECT PURGATIVE AND XEGULATING PILLS. wmia re turn; FALCON .HaIxte. Commander and utrenith- SAIL1NG'DaYS-KVKRY'"FIFTH DAY." T V - ’ PAUL C. TRENHOLM. A«e:it. Charleston, S. C. TO BOSTOX. STEAMSHIPS MERi KUITA AXD FLAG .. -Sxi: ErEKV SimoiT. JAMES ADGKR A CO, ArenCkiikaton,S.C. Rate* CT'.aranUxal a» l.»w *- of Com|«*tiniT Line*. Mann- Insurance one-half of one per rent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AXI> THROUGH TICKETS Can l«e haj at all the principal Railroad Office* m Oeonria. Alabama. T-nnessee and Mi—i«%ippL Slate R.r<m« may fa *reure«1 in adtanre. witfanit evtra rhanre. by adore*-nur A rent- ct the.'mam- ' .A h;.rU*»t«4i. at a !»*««•• in all «■*.'«**. tlie Rai!n.-'wl Tiek**t--h*-i.iu i»* <x. hamr»-d u/w! Kr-nh» avxuri.«-»l. 1 he Through Tn-krU by this Ruite include Tranxfenu Meals aad State Room, on "'.dp l-ianl. ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —JLJTD— Patent Wire He dAles Are made under one mimaa- jiut nt. Aisq, SUPPLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly furm>hed. D. C. BRTAVN. Inljatftn ft* 1 ' - JUJl^SS IlIXSiDAl.l:-'" (Funnorlv Mr-. Jl..o-auU> » SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, 275 and J77 Madison V X Y < ity. I )ROF. GEORGE S. BLAi KlK having fa- come associated in the management of tin* established *ud suctxWul institution, beg* to win* mend it to fiiTattention of his fecutliem fn.-i.da. For cirrufara and |»articulsrs. ........ pep? liu -77 11-VhliO.N AVEXLE* EVERYTHING READY AND WAITING. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD,GEORGIA RAILROAD tutai l«K> And thetr omneetinr Linn Imre fanrelv inetvaMeit their fai dities f. >r the rapid movement uf Freirht •nd pAwnc-n fatween the Northern Citire and the S-utii slid West. On ifa Gtonru anti fa-utb Carolina Badlands Firat-Claas SUxrpina Ckra. Pn-urht promptly transferred from steamer to da.*, axsi x.faht tram* of the South Car.^lma Rail- n«il. Ckiw» ronnrrtjon jnadc aithotber roadv del verina freight* at distant point* wit h great pne.-d- rD -**. Tfa Managers will use every eaertion n* rau<v tfa-ir patron*that the line VIA CHARLESTON cannot fa surpanacd in Di*iatrb and the Safe IVl.terv «*f faaaia Pnr further udunuaUun, afadj to J. J. GRlPKl.Y We.ten Agent. Atlanta. (7%^ B-D. HAS SELL. Graeral Aaam. F.O. BoiM*. Otffex-91V Broudwat. N. Y . S. B PICKENS General Pa**i^er A 4-.^, J 1 1. D..1 1 - Accommodation of Visitors, Committees of Reception will be in Atter FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS , ;ut t-y forty-live jiei„.ru. tventr-M-vm vutau- tli» k'rom tb«aa>. uit-iit tli»* n*.«lt wa.. aoQ,,ulii4d the n.'iii- inktion for Coa^reje-Uem went » be^vu,^. Both theptotfcrni '■“i'lwLi'e iuv repuduiti-,1 by hundreds ot UephldicuU. .MAI.COM JOHNSTON, Secretary, Or W. A. HUFF, Mayor. Superintendent Grew! SuuUk-ru Freight uiu Pa TUI SDAY Mol Tin- Dili! f Kan Drill to <1 We u.;. Urn fc] ti.A.-i tt tear of l>-tli Mu n k ari-i The oew « - of 1 it would 1 Hl .j| - »ine hoed to. It State* of tl S.t,' Alab’m.i t-r- nt, f r-Mn IK t; ■ 1 ?>r.n | to i87'* ArimSm r