The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, October 18, 1873, Image 3

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R FINDLAY’S SON S FINDLAY IRON WORKS C0W* MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER Trade' THAN OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN. and Curr of Fe»tflcnilal Contiiirloiix D!*cn*r« MACON. GEORGIA. It ta in dbnuM where immediate relief i« ivquiM wbn eJl proves iu »uj*rior. and va migl t.'itunl power in aavinf »*■ *« health. In rami wb<*re epidemic disease •mmlhpoz. fcrer*. etc., exist, thin n* the potent power of a dninlnrlont and nur. No one that umi the J when Asiatic cholera. v.liow fever, t * mall* i mix. diptheria. etr.. prevail in ty, will bn Mixed a itb tbeae «<i«n Fertilizing Compound! This fertilizer is again offered to the 'Public in its original purity. The stand, ard has been kept up in every respect and its intrinsic value has again been demonstrated during the past summer-. It is recommended, because: “It is permanent in its effects in return- ing to the soil the fertilizing ingredients taken from it by excessive cropping. "It gives to cotton the food necessary therefore, I Capital 200,000 Dollars Two to three Hands, or one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes Bales o Cot ion packed by this Press ram.'* from 500 to 800 jionnds. WM. B. JOHNSTON. JOHN' J. GRESHAM. julytite 8. G. Boss. I’r-'i WM. S. HOLT. it. R. P. Lawton. Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. WE GUARANTEE TO ALIKE coon. FREE OF COST (and mv cjprnsrs ot tnuisnortstwn) ANY PORTION OF T11E IRON WORK THAT MAY PROVE DEFECTIVE WITH IN POUR YEARS . AFTER PURCHASE. AND IVARiaNT AGAINST BRKAKACJJ WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. The " ECLIPSE” can he furnish..! all comi>lrtr. or simply the Irons, as parties may desire. Presses arranged for steam or wafer,sow er wla.u required- W«- have TEST I MO N'T ALS from many of the Largest anil Best Tlanters in Geonria (ami all the odfcrr Cotton Slat*-*) um.ik this I'ress. whose names are as “familiar as household word*.” Plantenj vi-itinr Marr.ii are earnestly ad vised not to purchase a Cotton Press until they EXAMINE CLOSELY AND THOROUGHLY the * ECLIPSE." amt JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES. Send for De*mptivo PriMfplilets containing* testimonials and prices. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, t FINDLAY IRON' WORKS. MACON', GA. BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE. to sustain life while fruitin< called rust seldom occurs wheia this fertilizer is used. “It is the best restorer of worn out lands known to agricultural chemistry. “Its effects are immediate . in the pro duction of largo returns the firat season. “It is good for all crops, on any soil, being pure unadulterated plant-food. “It is as good as the best, and is the least expensive of any known good fertil izer. “It is manufactured at the South and almost entirely of Southern material. “It utilizes the ammonia found on every farm which i? the most expensive part of all complete fertilizers.** We subjoin a few of the many certifi cates in our possession, as to its value, from well known parties who have used it, and to whom we would refer. ROGERS & LEMAN, Gen. Agts. LaGraxge, Troup County, Ga.,} Septemlier 14,1873. S Messrs. Rogers «C* Leman, Macon, Qa. : Gents : I hayo bought of your agent, Captain Y. L. Hopson, one oar load of the Logan Fertili zer, and used it this spring on my different farms. 1 am well pleased with it and shall use it another year in preference to any other kind. 1 also used what COLLECTION'S PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. f-hl5 iv . PLANTERS’ BANK, FORT V.1LLKV. GA. O MttlBi Deposited * omit- P»per, buy* and IV sen.* Exrhamre; also. Uukl and Silver. Col Union* made at all anvsaihle paints. Inter-st paid on DopusiU «b*M made for « ? willed time, M.i. Anderson, Pren’t. W. E. Brown.Casli’r *., * / directors ffdJ J. AnilerafiDj OJ. Hugh L IXsnnard Col. Wm. Felton, Dr. W. A llathmr< llr.M L. If. H»llimhM letst* SIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. 9:10 r M 10:20 p v Leatfe Macon........ Arrive at Eufaula. Arrive at Albany.. Leave Eufaula. Leri vfc‘Albany Arrive at Macon. ns lofting Macon and Eufaula on tl «le- Sunday, Monday, Wednesday m ay nights, connect at Smithville \vi to Albany. VIRGIL.TOWERS, 1 l.v Kmrinivr and Sup^rfutendent. CRAIG PATENT HORSEPOWER GROCERIES FOR DRIVING COTTON GINS. Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY EL Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, FEVEB AND AGUE. Paver ami Ajme nmd f«»r fifty rent*. The! GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP nof a remedial agent in the world that will duiv Fcrer amt A rue. ami all other Malarious, Bilious Hrarlrt, T.«phoid. Yellow ami other F«m?re (sidou l*y Railway 1 * Pilbtj so quick a* Railway's Rr*d\ IMW. Ready Relief fiO nenU per bottle, ami Pills 2? eenta a Iwx. 8oP. by druggist*. won Selected Groceries! MACON, GEORGIA. All bought The superiority of thia machine over all others intended for same purpose (includ nd “new feahwn” Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE. OR ASK NO MONEY. This Pus ne pjtsv. :u> it were; requires noiReepanic to put it up; sets on the ground; i* attn »any |M>rtiun of the house* ami is indepindent of lloor “saarinr,” etc.; can be used ip HOUSE (one or two story), or both the Power ami Gin can lie run on the gnu HEALTH! BEAUTY! AT PANIC PRICES! OF IIOUSK (one or two story), or both the: m — _ ANY HOUSE; drives a Oin from 275 to 3U) revolution* per minute. ffTRONG ANI) PURE RICH BLOOD-IN- CREASE OF FLKSII ANI) WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR- A ml arOl he wMYjelow the usual market crici Give ine a call before buying. • J. F. RARFIELD. ED TO ALL! DR-HADWATS Sarsaparillian Resolvent Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. New Singin, pan Fertilizer. It bent* stable manure alone, and l* by actual count of bolls, at least 200 per cent, ahead of my umnaimrud cotton. There is less rust where the Lo«m was used than where fer tilized by stable manure. Yours respoctfnllv, Si. ML THOMAS. Vienna. Doolt County. Ga- Sept. 1,1873. Messrs. Rogers it- Leman, Macon, Ga.: Gents : I promised to write you about the Lo gan Fertilizer I liought of you. I now' can safely say, that up to this time, it is ahead of any I have ever used. It is as good again as the Soluble Pa- eilic I used last year. I will use it altogether for the future. Resjiectfullv. . JOHN COLLIER. Wakuen Countt. Septemlier 15,1873. Messrs. Rogers «£• Leman, Macon, Ga.: Gents: f composted the 4000 pounds of Logan Fertilizer bought from you hut winter, with 12,000 pound* of cotton seed and stable manure and put tlie eight tons of compost on forty acres m cotton on gray land. The cotton grew well and seem* to be well fruited. I am well pleased with it. W hen the crop is gathered I will write you fully. Yours respectfully, JOSHUA NICHOLLS. Union Point, Greene County, Ga^\ September 15.1873. S Messrs. Rogers if* Leman. Macon, Ga.: .Gents: Bveiyroneof the planters in our sec tion, who has used the Logan Fertilizer, are well pleased w ith it, and will use it extensively for an other season. Yours respectfully. J. li. HART A SONS. Hogansvillb, Troup County, Ga„) „ September 12,1873. J Messrs. Stagers if- Leman, Maar*. Ga.: Gents: 1 bought of your agent 2f^)0 ppunds of the Logan Fertilizer, composted it as formula directs, and used it with other standard fertiliz ers- It has proved equally as good as the others, at aliout one-tliird of the cost, ai«d I would ad vise planters generally to give it a trial. Yours truly, J. M. PONDER. Americus, Sumter County, Ga., 1 ) SeptemlHlr22,1873. $ Messrs. Rogers if* Leman, Macon, Ga.: Gents: I compoxted the Logun Comjiound I lx*ugiit from you. and put it on cotton on gray land, and uml it on my farm at a cost of $1 87* per acre. 1 also used the Pendleton Comjiouml and the English Stonewall. The Logan has proved as good as either of the others. 1 am much pleased with it. The cottou has fruited well and Inis retained its fruit. Very little nut is oliservable wheri* the Logan is used and the weight of lint in’ proiMirtion to seed cotton is. remarkable, being much in exi-ess of what is usual. 1 found it equal ly good on coni mul iiotatoe*. The Logtui is an excellent feriilizer,iu\d lean honestly recommend it* use generally. Y’ours resi*<x Jfully, > J. L. ADDERTON. Newton County, Ga„ Septemlier 23.1873. Rer. Robert Logan : Dear SIR: 1 componted 400 pounds each of the Logan Comoonnd, cotton seed and stable ma nure, and put the comport on four arretjof eotton. Though the wonu 1ms stripped the cotton iwireof leave*. | will get three kiles of cotton fn»m the four acres. The season h:is not beqa a favorable one in tliis section. Yours tmiv, Mil tf J. M. llOLLINtfSWORTH. N. B —Parties preferring tlie “pld fashion” Gin Gear or “new fashion” ditto, with centre «upi»or cm) bo aecommodatod at v ery reasonable figures. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, most astonishing cun**. Roqalek rchances lbeb>nlyumlcrri> s t unde‘ i»f this truly wonderful tu.slicine VAT AN INCKRASK IN PLESU AND •lioirfi Iflltoff For in;-irsrlK..l« ml Sanbfcl riw. By \Y. S. Tilden. Just out. - §1 00 tIVER OF LIFE. For Sabbath-Schools. By ^e^^lj(. and 40 ythor gumpueers. 35c. :HEKRFUL VOICES. For Common School*. By L.O, Emerson. - 50c. lOUR.OF SINGING. For High Schools. By Emerson and Tilden. • - - • $1 tt) CAN DARI). For Choirs. Conventions, etc., itj FINDLAY’ IRON WOItKS, MACON, GA thi: tKKiT m oon i»« : iiiFieit. Kvcrv dropof the SAILS A PAR! 1.1.1 AN RKSOL VENT* comnroninitns tbreuch the bloind.sw<*a urine and other lUfid- and iuivVs of th" system ih.- vig»ir (d life, f..r it repairs the waste* of the bodv with n<*w' >md x.und nintennl. Seroftdn. s M .)hI,v. r, do! .r Di« is-r-in the Throat an-i Moiitli, Tiim.irs, Nedc-s ir the Glands and other itarts of th. -yjrtcui.Sore Eyes. Mnnnorons Discharg>> from the Kars, and tlie worst form of Skm Hi-, :.-. -. Krujdion, Fever Sores. Scald 11. ad. Ring Worm, vrit lUicum.Krw- -i|- in-. Acne. Black Sr^ts. Worm* in tlw* Flesh. Tumor-. Uaii'.'Ts in the \Vomlt. and Ml Wpakening and Painful Discharge*. Nu!-t Sweats. L'«ss of Sp. nn. and nil wa-te- of tlie life prtnciple. are Mrithin the curative ranrt? id thin wetwlec of Mod em Chemistry, ami c few days' use will pnrvc to any person using it for either of thi^w* (trnis ot disca-c its isttoiit miner to «*uri' them. . If tlie patient, daily bemmin* mlninf liy tlw waste and decomposition that is continually pro gressing. succeeds in arresting thes.* wastec ami repairs the same with new material made:from healthy hlood-ami this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and doc* secure— * cure is (.ertain; for nrhen om-e.this remedy commemvs its work of purifica tion. ami sumvils in diminishing the kfw o wastes, it* repairs will lie rapid, and every day the pnti.nt will feel himself growing liet ter and strong er, the food digesting better. ap|**tite improving, am! fl«*sh ami weirlit inrrrt«ing. Not only dun. the SARSAPARILL1AN RESOLVENT ex^ l all known remeiliM agents in the cure <4 CVpwnir. Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin hut it is the only positive cure for »j i I MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES. BOILES, SAW &. GRIST MILLS. WATER WHEELS, AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, ETC- ETC. H. FINDLAY’S SONS, jul*7codly FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON. GA. . and’-Instnimeittal.) - - - w - $2 50 Seven admirably construeUsl hooks, whose sales an* to he numbered by the humlretl thousan#; so perfectly is each fitted to tlie po|iular taste. [ - Either book sent. |io*t-paid. for tlie reeail price Cl I AS. II. DITSON A CO- 711 Broadway. New York. OLIVER DITSON A tXl- *e|i27il2nwAwtf Boston. WAGES UDltzH whd fciv irifBmp to-work.* JU old or .i - ■' : * 1 -— to$50a v.—. — — by gll.. Suitable tf> either city or country. ‘Dy tt Jhc 7.~T. This is a rare opportunity for thore wIhi are mit of work, amt out of money to make mi iiuL-pvmH nt living. Niu-ajiital lieina re- uf IU cents. Address A. BURTON A CO-Morris- or young, of either sex. can make from $10 week, at home, day or evening. Wapted .... ^ citlur .:W- r zzy A-asou of the y«wr. This i- a rare opjiortunity for WESTERN' AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO, Office General Passenoeu Agent, Atlanta, Ga., July 10,1873. O N and after this date— LIGHTNING EXFiiKSS For New York, Eastern and Virginia Cities, Leaves Macou, by Macon A Western Rail- CHARLESTON, S. 0 SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. sep!8-tf leaves Atlanta. -TO AND FROM- H1IB BECKWITH $2» PORTABLE FAMILY l SEWINGMAOiUKE.anSOdays'truil; many Arrives al Dalton. Kidney mul madder Cnmplafnta, Urinary ami Woti.b DLse:u>es, Gravel, jpfatihetea. Dropsy.Stoppageof Water. IiieontiiK nooof Urine. Rnjrn'iuHMfe Alhumlnurin. snd 1n all cm.-^ wh«*re there are brick dust deposits, or themfer is thick, cloudy, mixed with suhstano** like the white of an egg. or thread* like white silk, or then- i* a morbid, dark, bilious npi**nmmv ami white lM>m* dust de|, ami wl**ii there is a pricking. i at Chattanooga Ar(ivL . .-HHpil Pullman Pulnee Drawing-Room and-Sloeping- Cars by this train from Atlanta to Lynchburg and all intermediate joints without change. Passengers leaving by this train arrive in New York iho second afternoon, at 4:4! r >1, over thir teen hours earlier than jiassengers by any other route can with safety reach New York,leaving the same evening. HAY WESTSKN EXPRESS. Leave* Macon at i....U:10 r m Leaves Atlanta at....„ 8^30 A M Arrives at Otettzubottu 1 4:30 a M Close connection at Chattanooga for all points advantage* over all. Satisfaction guaranteed, or tit refutuiod. Sent nmletn, with full direftions. Beckwith Sewing 31*chine Co- Sfti Broadway, fpHE NEW EirASTIC TRUSS. An it X invention. It retains the Rupture at i and under thi* harilest^xcerrise» severe It is worn with comfort, and if kept on r day, effect* u iierUMiH'iif cure in a Jew wo eheap.and sent by timHWhen t- •!»?—:-M. I free, when ordered by letter sent to th< Truss Co.. Ne. 68S Bnculway, N., usi** Metal Spring Trusans: too painful: off bio fnsiuc^-Uy.. Toarf»odJ AND ALL TnE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. burning aonantian when passing water, and ikui: Car* on all night trains. ■ particulrs addraess IE W. WRKNN, '*v. # < General PassengerAger THREE TIMES A WEEK JFROM NEW YORK, PORT ROYAL RAILROAD* mhIukdih TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Office of Engineer ani> Sui’KRiNTENnKVT, Augusta, Ga., June 28, 1873. ) N and after Momhiv, June 30, trains on this Rond, wjll run mfollows: DOWN-PAY PASSENGER TRAIN, in leave Augn*t* at«:•» A M live at Pori Rotnlat 2:1G i» m ■rive at Charleston at - 4:45 l* M ■rive at Savannah ... i 3:3o P it 11MS ..itewsi****.: -.zmiOojxM • GETTYSBUHti KATALYSINE WATER-Xiie Great Meui- i gu * ■ • Highestj| A BIS Battle luw lawn going on for y«uZ lietweeu the Con*titutkm* of the Sick, on *»m- side, and all the Active .Kaunas, fair ly called remedies. <>u the other. The Pomou-s have had the iv-t ol the fight, and a long lid of the k&Ied may lie found in every cemetery. But fct bud. isauiuon sense i* putting a stop to thi* pernicious conflict. At last. * The Prisoners (cine of Nature. Indorsed by th~ . |Medi<til Authorities. Restores Auseular Pow-j ter to Puralytie, Youthful Vigor to the Aged, and] Develops the Young at a Critical Peried; Dis-J 1 Deposits; Cure* iwuiumM—, Dyspepsia, Neuhiliria. ELEGANT STATE-B003I ACC0M3I0DATI0NS—SEA VOYAGE 10 Leave 4* l t'ani Afrive at, Au 'UK •ulvea Calculi and “Cbiilky' Gout. Rheumatism, DyzplHHV Gravel, Diabetis Diseases of the Kidneys, Liv •r and Skin, AIMominal Drojisy, Cl^rCmu Diar- rlnea, Goustipatium Asthma, Niu*Voij-nc-> fiequMiaii, General Debility, and nearly ev- •ry claw* of Chronic Disease. Pamphlets con- earning History of tlie spring ar- 1 -rum Medical Journals Emit mil distimruished citir—“ — >y WHITNEYBROS.,^ c rout st- Philadelphia. For fists. HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. \rarfcatve idlrusl .Irrire at Port lb> wire at rlm-a ■deep , — nuning History of tlie .spring and Testimonial- ‘ |Ufe| fMHwriar EuaneptTlfhyzicUim! ’ ’* e by all drug ] aug3e«i3m THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD Ofthofi' k ran hare discovpirxl that in Tar- !. vy r ’a Ef*» kvfsc kyt Apflhri, they MVe /(M, VMMq(CV latntivr, a iliurelic. a corrective, a regulating ami anti-bilious mrdkfna equal to all ordinary exigencies and g«*i' tw every ailment uf the stomach, the bowels, the nerves, the musi-le*. and the s > re-tive oraus. Sold by all druggist*. ‘ oef1<-d2tawhw2w Ami connecting ’Roods ‘West. in aUanre with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steamshijis to the above Purts, invito attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in the Cotton States at the rom a prominent centVu*. an and resident o inoTniatuQ- tar tha p»t forty vears wvl knutn > tlw book pubUsher* tbreuaTi il the VnM late*: New Noes. Orloiwr it. 1873. Dx. RinvxT: Dear Sir—I are induced Uy a me of duty to the suffering to make a brief *tafc- lent of the working of your merticinc o« my-ell or revrnU jwn I had been afftvUd with socar ouhle in the bladder and urinary uncmx. which ane twelve munths ago Eliminated in a most ter* Mv afiintmg <»w »Nr*. wk Hi n»- ph. Han* al lid was a **p.-a»*lii* -tn.trroiu th« »:reta,a« Offering fffHtks ol Rail and Sea Trai tenor and capacity at any other Fort; line:. Imitation t-r Freight Sal Pa^ /n/iTS not exceeded in excel- The following splendid* Octal. Steamers are regularly ou the V'Xv c - ‘ -4- sod jwt- ffTr A'yf mneoUy cam! ly the usocf Da. Wr> tar's Balsam nr Winn Ciikset, whVh d.*-s r«»t d.-r op a cough and k«re tie cause hihkiLl. batl+direM^ ahtif the lung* audglhya trwtaUun, thus rvaiovuig the cause of the cum; List C0NST5PTI0N CAN BE CURED by a tinvdr report to tLU atandon! remedy, as U K red br naadreds of U'sfimonula it ho* i genuine is (‘xTie*! **/. JTuXIe” oa thevr-p: r tilTil a M>»\*i FEfaairrokO 1 * * MANHATTAN.. CHAMPION... CHARLESTON... JAMES ADGER. - ...M. S. WoodirrtL, Commander. R. W. Lockwood. Commander. -Q-H-..J Mjtm ftnn, Conmrindor. jf. Jr Lockwood. Commander. JAMES ADGER ± CO- Agent*. Charleston. S. C. S.Cbowill, Commander. T. J. Beckjstt, Commander. IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE GEORGIA. >UTH CACOLINr: Gift enterprise ASHLAND. WAGN EB.HDGBR MX). Wit. iu COUKIXAT. MURRAY Crockett’s Patent Balance Gear Portable Horse Power, Can be used 'iho only Reliable G Jt Distribution in the country $75,000 IN VALUABLE GIFTS to be distributed in L. D. SINE’S lt*4th ltegular Monthly TO PHILADELPHIA. th<- common gip house, or you ran do you ginning in a 1« cabin, or a 10x20 feet. Warranted to run lighter.than any Power mode. It has had its trial mul came off i rious.and ready to try again. Machinery of all kind* made and repaired at my works. $-nd for circular, to octlOtf CROCKETT'S IRON WORKS, Macon, U room. IRON STEAMSHIPS. 5000 prizes of 9 prizes of. 0 priZ'-H of. 8 priMtcJ. 9 pnzeof. SO prize* of. w, prizes of. 180 prizes ot. 5,000 prizes of. I prize of. 1 prize of. 1 prize of. 1 prize of. 4 priies of. 5 priues of. .—L...— Alexander Hcntek, Commander. ,......-4.. C. HI5CKLEK. Commander. SAILING DAYS—FRIDAYS. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. equator!] •KLEFRATED STAR AND TALLOW TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BALES MONTHLY To be drawn Monday, N ovember 21th, 1873. ONE CKAND GASH PRIZE, $5.1)00 IN GOLD. ONE 6RAMD CASH PRIZE, $5,000 IN SILVER. >] Greenbacks! handkerchief PURGATIVE ART) PERFECT REGULATING PILLS, TwoPrizes OF $1000 Six Prizes of $500 each in Ten Prizes of Sioo 1J)00 Gold awl Silver Lever Hunting Watches (mall) worth frua$20 to$300each! Coin Silver, Ye*t Chains, Solid and Double- Plated Silverware. Jewelry, *c- etc. * Number of Gifts 10,000. Tickets limited to 75J0OO. Agents Wanted to sell TICKETS to whom liberal Frciniiim* w ill he paid. Single Tiekets $1; Six T:ckc-t- 55; Twelve Tick ets $10; Twenty-five Tickets 520. Circulars containing a full list ctf prizes, a de- j script i<.i: of the manner of drawing, and ocher in formation in reference to the Distribution, will be j sent to any one ordering them. All letters mu>t ! be'addrej-ed to _ _ „ Slain Office. L- D. SINE, Box ^5. IU1 W. Fifth Street Cincinnati, O FALCON .Hainie, Commander. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean H AVING perfect.*! myninviir Lientato borreet tte slightest error in ths tim Regulator, by th... erection of in Observatory uml one of the rno>t approved i SKA GULL— Dliiox, Commander. r SAILING DAYS-EVERY FI PTH DAY. PAUL C. TREN HOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BOSTON. STEAMSHIPS MERCEDITA AXD PUG Sin, Evtet SiTTBDAT. JAMES ADGER A CO. A*er.U. Charkstoo. S. C. Ra:— nartiiiml i. Vjw th. rr of Cotnprtinr Iin«. Marine Insurance one-half 0i one per rent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can 1*»- had at all th*- principal Rdflruul Offices Stoic may U- -r«-urei in sdvanrr, witbc ships in Ciuirlesttin. ml wb>we offices, in all rose*, tl a«f:-rn»l. The Through Tickets by this Route i Time. Watches, as well as all kinds jul27 ly Georgia. Alabama, Tennessee and MissbmppL ••vi rn chanre, by a«birv— ing Agents of the Steam- RaAtsad Tirketa should I-e exchanged ar.<i Bertha lude Trwiiha Meals and State Room, while on LOUISVILLE, KY. 3000 CASES BOOTS & SHOES ; STKAL • i. |*TVt iip U.«inL THE SOUTH C ABO LINA RAILROAD, GEORGIA BAtLKO AD And their councrtiiur Line* haw largely inrrvased their facilitie-s f..r the rapid rooi oiol PoMemcyrs l«t««vu the Northern UV.-^ and the Smh ami West. On the G Carolina Rai'njrwU FiiM*t lav Sl-eping larv Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and nirht trunv ot the Sooth Carolina Rail rod. Clowe- of*unix*tKin mode with other ruxai.>. dd.i sring freight* »t diatanSpointo with great prompt !*■»». The Maijogera will u.-- every eie-rt>..n t*. v*;My th-irpatn.ns tliat the fine VIA CHARLESTO.' cannoc hr «urp*-* k **'d lI » Di-patch and the Safe l>-I:v.-rv of F<f furthe r n,b»nuat*on. apply to J. J. GRIFFIN, Awnt. Atlanta. On.; B.D.HAS SELL. Gifarnd Agmt. P. (X Box 4*79,«)tLiv 317 Broadway. N'. Y- S. B. PR KENS General ?.«»<•! and Ticket Agent, South Carolina Railroad, or J. M. SELKIRK, july2* eoddm Supcrintendetxt Great Southern Freight and Paa*riiger Line, Chark-stoii, S. C. A f. « do— . f Riwi*~ni \ U«t* (rt*H all the M. cent* per box. bold ly Dru KEEN A. RA5SOSL AARON P. RANSOM. RIl'sW. GEER- ROBEUT II. LOYD. W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of •m»iit of Freight ■oreia and South rvt«- nttoret rail. II selertpd stock of BOOTS low a-s in any other market BOOTS AND SHOES “FALSE AND TRUE I Rend one letter stamp to RADWAY AOO.. N. Warren. r»»rner Chnrrh stn*- T. \» u Yrrt l.iforniAiKMi worth thouxiuidj. will be gk|«* uuoU«4Awly d by R. W. Hogan, of Ga .< >v *r.|» .-no:* U’m«a Pia:«s to - II- atuTre vtorv manhood. d ;l2Udly AML EL A. NELSON. mess THE MACOS DAiLv TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: SATEKBAY AEORAInU. OCTODKli Tcltim'U F=^_ FR . F=R. FiRST national bank of macon j K(J L11’S E S - ai*~| , TUAN\U7> A (iL.NEKIL BAMUK BLSISESS. K ; MuCVINC. KT. 1 Pnlntlnff the Lily. THE GREAT REMEDY HOKE PURPOSES. TAKBV IYTKB.VAI.LT U f, I.iuWnI hi wnt-rr. is a pkwAant aniik- in«l vtivngtb mr A Pi’Ll KD EXTERN ALLY—wh FOR | DIWCTOM: i. c. plant. d. rnsniu H. L. JKWKTT, \V. H. DINSMQEE H. If 1UST. U. h LITTLE. «. JL JIV/I i:nrR.-T. I. r. PL.IXT. I*w.i.!ept. | W. W. Wr;glyt. r^tier. ■aia tih»o?r^ • I. C. PLANT & SON, -* Bankers artd’Brokers. rhlnT MACO.-V, GA. to the I - | ?nj aod S .. Exrh GokL SOver, Stocks and Bonds. r mm-1 Deposits Received. Oil \\ lilrit luiercl will !»e Allowed, > apnoiJezT. heart dia- KS AGUTD upon. PAYABLE ON CALL. I difficulty. AdvMiiees made on rnttwn tuid Pro- _ <lure in Mtore. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ‘The Breat ! Eclipse” Screw Cotton Press WAXED. TrH.uH.lln... nr » Couplr of l^ecr.. rt „ Crnni| pow< . r , n ^ prf ■ Tru»*k».*o, California, votmjr in* n. vi-:tintf th<* -nrn«> vo m^ la«lv, trirsl to •'freeze o:.^li other out/' or in other words, to zee which would *taj the loo^iMt. It appears that thla is a rtinmon amurc-munt at Tru«dtoo, tn 1 though perhaps pleasant to the youn_r mvn i* soroew at expensive and annoyin-r to the old folks. The Republican tells the frtorr aa follows; •'The hiwda of the family left the yountj people alone at the proper time and re tired. apjsirentlY for the purpose of rest sad slumber. About inidni ^ht the youn-^ kuly etpn ••**••*l a desire to step out on tjie p.ridi to soe the moon ami f^et the fre^h air, slid or tauirsp lioth the “fn-ezers’LfoI- low«*«). The floor wtu closed af»cr them. Wliile moon and star gazing, the man of the house ^t**ps unobao red into the par lor and distributes a lib«.*ral supply of »hoi*nraker*a wax on two of the of th** cane bottomed chaira thoee that the men had Yaeated. '1’hi* wax was of the rifdit consistency to serve the iiurpose in this case. The young lady on th * porch, who was in the w*cret, /ioon found an ei- inise for returning with her admire 1 he young men Honk down again into the ''reserved Hi-nt-j," nnd each, redouble*! hi* «*f: rt>* to pleaae the damsel, nnnoy his fellow, and Reap awake. About an hour paaacd in thia way, by which time th«* wax, aided by the warmth preaaing •Sown ujion it. liad become thoroughly amalgamated with the shoddy of the |*nt»—in fact, the cane bottoms of the • hairs, the wax and the pantaloons be came a nut of inseparable trinity. Tie* time for the crisis was close at hand. Tt came. Each one of the bachelors found himself glued to his seat, and no amount ••f pallingi»nd tugging effV te*l » release. If t!u*y arose the eluiini followe<l. At first they tried to look upon the matter as -a joke, but after a full half-taur's struggle to (rat* themselves from their cmliamisH- iag nrodioaiMSit, they boflaffi to think the- Imd got into a serious scrape. The lady suggested that they build up a rousing tin* in the stove, and then each ui.m lacking up as near the heat as pos sible, “melt the darned stuff off,” as she said. This method was tried, but did’nt work, s4 w ith the chairs Ll- ti-nrsl to them they . ..uldn't get near«*nough to the fire. Aftir they had i^weat in the heat**>l room for about, nn hour to no purpose, the wax r* t.iining its relentless grip^noc- tion, they saw no way out of tlfeir',;wk- wurel dilemma ©xeept to angage In > stir- gical Operation, It was gr tting along to wards morning, nnd daylight wn~vnear at hand. Tliey realized that whatever was («• Is* done must I* done quickly. Their jm k knives were brought into requisition, snd in u few minuUM each fellow was ro- leased from his uncomfortable position. They left tho voung laxly on«l the h< u<c in a hasty and unreri*inoniouM inann :r, with uoniio patch on the rear of their un mentionables al tout the size of a full moon. Fwffio put games are not as pop- ular as they w«ire. The Vlllngw A country village uffonls no re tremt- Thtro everybody knows everylsvdy’a bus- | inoss. You can not raise half a dozen go-dings without having them stoned for picking off your neighl*or*t gooseberries. Gossip wants no lH*tt«»r heav«*n than a small village. Miss Glib stands at her gate three times a day talking with old Mrs. VIlatter 1m>x • and on rainy’days, at the blacksmith's shop, the whole business of the town swims in a tank of toliocco 1 'iiioo of tho worst plug. Everybody nows whet her this morning, out of the hiiti'lmr cart, you liought mutton or calf s liver, and the mason's wife, at the risk of hrmking her neck, rushes down stairs to excluitu, “Just think of it! Mrs Stuck up has bought a sirloin steak* uml she is no bettor tlmn other peo ple !’* Your pn'serving kcttlo is sM hor- row»*d. Your bonnet bnfCs sct*n going from the millinery shop to tho house of a villager on Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday morning a score Pf p»v>ple arc early at church, heads half turned to ward the door, rewly to watch the coming of the new purchase, handkerchief up to tlie mouth, ready to burst out at what tlsiy tall a perfect fright of a bonnet. They always ask what you gave fora thing, nnd spy you wen* cheated; had something of »v better ouality they could have let you have for naif thi* money. We have at different t inies lived in a small village, and many of our liest friends dwell there, but then* are other places won* favorable for a man's getting to heaven.—TaU RADWAY’S READY BELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OP THE KIDNEYS. ’ 1N H A M M \ I ION OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHIN^. PALPITATION OF THE HEART HYSTERICS.CROUP. DIPTHERIA. CATARRH. INFLUENEA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, X I! URA LG IA. RH L U MATIS M COLD CH ILLS. AG UECII ILLS.", The application of the Reiulv Relief to the psi or rarU where the pain ar difficulty exists wills font ease and conif«»rt. Twenty drops in hslf s tumbler of wster will in a few moments cure Cnunr*. Spasms. S<sir Stom- seh, llenrtlmm. Sick Hcmeharlxs Colic, Wind it the Bowels, snd all internal pains. Travekra should sIwuaz »i*m- a bottk* of Rrsl way's Ihtwly h/Sie! uitli tlu iu. A f. s droiaii water will prevent sickness or pains fn»m elispir. ctf w»u-t. It iz belter tlmn French Brandy or Bit ten as h stiimilant. CELEBRATED AlLuilAN MATTERS An Old and Reliable Tonic. [PATENTED FEBRUARY 21. WJIJ Unwnpaased m a MEDICINAL TONIC. STHENGTHENING C0KPL\L and RELIABLE INVTGORANT. They ;u*e made of the purest material and guaran teed STRICTLY YEGETABLE. For the prevention and cure of Dy p* p ..v, Nerv*>.is Debility «aml all danuigements of the Digestive Organs they have no equal. UWRINC WVICHSELB4UM* F>»r sale by all Gnxvraond Dnirri-ds. , Sulc Proprietor-* ami »liolcialr Druggists, Savannah, Ga. For sale at manufacturer ‘ pr: >*s by II. MYERS A PRO.. Wholcs;il‘ Ag-uits. street. Savannah, <* t. oetI2 lffi ART GALLERY f pill! umlersimieil takes pleamiivin snnounrinfr 1 tliut Ih* is now prepared, st No. 8 COTTON AVENUE, (Raid!*** old aland) To cx.*cnte PICTU E E SI tM every variety and style ctf the PHOTOGRAPHIC XRT. Sjsvlnl attehlkm 1* hn ited to hi* MELLOWTINT PICTURES l R. nwrk«M. tor • porulnr . N.wliro, ivtourhnl. whrivhy «U MomMio. an 'saiUlkrtion outran tood in rnij iraUnra. T. H. III.H'KHWr.iW. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE HOI X| INK I.OT l\ FORT VAl.I.FV. \y iu. U> un »h<> Urn nmdagr " Mn PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. iUMJL.vm.Yi*:. p. rt.. :ly \ - .V . ... .... • «.J.- ... ,i .. ■» J>. Hi, l.ronnrb.riCHAK I'KU I ill* l.» .1 r*.vt. Nrw Yuri. HARRISON, BRADFORD b CO’S STEEL PENS. ej-x-uviM to the soil ki.\m ii numbers' ' 505-75-28-20 and 22. rartar,, m. Vrraaa; Udlrr n, J«k. •i„ New lark. fufMlia Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Radway's Resolvent! liKJ KKuV. Ma*1. July 1«. 1M7. Dr. Rapway : 1 Iwvh hod Ovarian Tumor. I» th»» ovothvi ami bawnla. a 11 the Doctors said **tlft*n was no hell* for it.” I tnol everything that vw reremimemleil, but nothing helfieil me. I kxm vour Resulvent. and thouzht I would try It; bur nml no fsitli in it, Unwiisi' i hml suffered fort welv* vmr». I took six bnttkwof the Resolvent.andon<- Imx of Rm I way's Fill*, ami two In>U1yw «f youv ■an Mhfi ireladptf taami Ik- >.*. , . r :w 1 I f > . tt- r. smarter and htfp- pw*r thnn I have for ttrrlreyesrs. Tin* worst tu mor wo* in tin* Mt side of the Israel*, over tht croin. I wnrite this to you for the benefit of others You can publish it if you clssae. HANNAH P. KNAPP. WO RIMES! The only aafe and aura remedy for TAVE.TCs and WORMS of all kinds. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS CHANGE OF SCHEDULE JOHNSON & SMIT UNPRECEDENTED ADVANTAGES TO MBBOEANTS AND PLANTERS. IN 500 rolls Domestic Bagging, 2 1-3 libs to yd. 100 do “Elephant” Bagging, 2 1-4 lbs to . yd. 50 bales Gunny Bagging, 2 1-S lb to yd. 200 rolls Southern Bagging, 2 lb to yd. 10,000 lbs Arrow Ties. 25 bales Bagging Twine. sep27tf [ SlTKKINTKNDKNrA.OrHCK M. A B. R. R-. t Macon, Ga., October 11, 1873. ) S ami after Sunday, 12th instant, until fur ther notice, trains on this road will run hs v , ‘-'f SKNOE5 * UAILT, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) IIAWKI.VSVILDK ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. DAILY, t (SUNDAYS EXCKITKD). Leave Macon 3:00 r M Amve at Mawm 10:SS * M the day tram leaving Moron at S o'clock con nects at Jesup with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad trams for all • points in Florida. The night train I.vnmg >lacoiii at.7:15 connects with trams of At- tenticoad Gulf Riilnvut at Jesup for Savannah, ** ° ’ * it. Sleeping annah at at night trains. JA8. W. UOBKUTSON. Cferiernl Superintendent CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Sin*K R l XTHNDENT'S OFFICE, Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, Ga., October 11, 1873. d after Sunday, the 12th inst.. Passenger tins on this Ruud will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon: 1.....'. &00 a m Arrive at Eufaula * r -- A > i- 4:40 r m Arrive at Clayton 6:20 p m Arrive at Albany 1 2:15 p m Arrive at Arlington 6:15 p m Arrive at Fort Gaines 4:40 p u Arrive ut Macon. Connects with l 1 ' ind tlie Fort . . Hi vjit Sunday. Albany Train connects daily witJ» Atlantic and lull Itulroad Trams|at Albany, and will run to Arlm^um on BlakelyTlxteiisioh Monday,Tuesday, \Ve»luesday and Friila.v, returning following days. COLUMBUS pAY PASSENGER TRAIN. .• Mao.n .. 7:lJ V u iVrrive at Columbus... ; 12:43 a m CLLINS 8t LITTLE, mac^ ► rvi : k<>eGfA, all kinds of CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Superintendent’s Office, M. A. A. R. IL,| Aumista, Ga.. Octolicr \o. 1S73. > /~\N and after Monday. Octol»ers 13, pntqpngcr vy./ trains on the Macon and Augusta Railroad will run ns follows: DAT TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Maftm... 6:30 a M Arrive at Angsnta... ......!...;.. ; 2:45 r m Loavo Augusta 8:40 A M Arrive at Macon....: 5:25 p m Trains on the Macon and Augusta Railroad will iffiiku close connection at Camak with day poawnger train on the Georgia Railroad for W'ashington, Athens anil Atlanta. il26| _ S. K. .InUN'SOX, Sun’t. _ CENTRAL RAILROAD. branches' and connections, will run as follows: GOING NORTH AXD WEST. Leave Savannali...'...,.I....'.....'.' 8.15 A M Leave Augusta SM*5 a u Alive in Augusta 4^00 p m Arrive in Macon 6:45 r m e Blocuu ferColumbus. { 7:15 r m Leave Macon for Eufaula S»:lo 1* >1 Leave Macon for Atlanta • 7:30 p m Arrive at Columbus 12:45 Ayrive at Butiffila'....J * Arrifaat At Luita. COMING SOUTII AND EAST. e Atlanta ..............12:20 A M Leave Eufaula.... 5:t5 P M Leave Columbus l:3o a M Arrive at Mncon from Atlanta. 6:30 a m Arrive at Msuon from Eufaula 5:26 a m Arrive at Macon from Columbus 6:15 A M ceMacoii.:..'. 7:15 P >1 Arrive at Augusta. 4:00 F M Arrive at Savannah 5:25 p M DAILY DRAINS (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) BETtVEEN EATONTON AND MACON. Leaving Batonton..5KX) A X Leaving Milledgeville 6:43 a M vVrrives at Macon ......1 0:45 am RETURNING. Leaves Macon 4.-00 p m Arrives at Miilodgevillo 7:14 p m Arrives at Eatonton... : fhOO P M Connects daily at Gordon With Passenger Train i an from Savannah ami Augusta. WILLIAM ROGERS, or£16 tf General Smwrintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. .... 2:10 P M ..,.11:35 P M .... 5K)0 A M ,..12AU P M UP NIG1IT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Port 1 toy a I at. 10:30 p M Leave Cliarleslon »t... 6SW*P xt Lc^ive Suviinnahat W® p M Arrive ;.t August** at •* 3:00 a m Passengers leaving Macon by the 6:30 A m train 1 Mscpu and Augusta R-iilroad.arnvc at Augus ta in tint# to irttkbckj^ connexion withthe down iglil posseiucec train on this rood for 1 ort Royal :.d Savannah. JAMES O. MOORE, July , tf Bttghwy#snd Kiipennteiylent. $300,000 1 <1 tMi I 11 jTBWffiBMMMWW Missouri State Lottery! by State Authority and Ora, a In Public at nt. •.Kills. Grand Single Number Scheme! 50,000 NtriiinEitk CLASS K TO BE DRAWN OCT'R SI. 1878. 5,880 PRIZES, AMOUNTIM TO $300,000. D. P. FLEMING & CO., STREET, CORNER OF CHURCH STRF.F.T I J J AM US UHLFILLIN *£■ . Our lotteries arc chartu^ -y .- ways draw n at tlm time munwl, ana an uraw, are under the supervision'of *worn commission. The official drawing will be; j*ul»li>nett Louis iiojiers, and a copy of urawing ser '^walK S in.ilar scheme the Jut -Uy of **Sw5t(rt our H»k .*by Vo»toii«. Money Orders. R. ? i-t.-red Letter. Draft or JJttpreM. Scud tor a eirvnlar. Ad,l "'' v 'j IUEEA y j MILLER A CO.. Postoffiw Bor 8«4A St. Louis. Mo METROPOLITAN IRON & BRASS WORKS, Caaal Street, freui st k te 7th, RICHMOND, - - - VA. WM. E. TANHEE & CO., ENSINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. Send for Circular. H. R. BROWN, Juiltly Aceat^