The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, October 18, 1873, Image 4

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The Macon DAlLi teleoUAPH and Messenger i Saturday morning. OoloBE.: aR. 18?3. 1 JIK CITY. SATl KDAY MORNING. <*T. ]». ], 7 j Hon K. V. of <’«.vin'rt‘>n v-u-h in tl*«* city yeaterdav. A Hot'kto* .y.untv U*iy will one hun-lrcd and fifty article of fUunc-ti manufacture at the nppmachint' Vtur. J few more »fuch womenfM ild g»»t up,* *».*► fair at any time. Tilt Brown Il«u»r %% IfbloMin (aunty. The Superior i>jrt of Wilkinson ■ounty, J Mi'.- Barth-?? presiding, ad- j ,-i r.|.,r. after a iVr. r -.-i- of two mein. It it regards* a.- j «>in .-thing anpr.-.--d,-i.tod that to long a | t-rm of court should !- bald; bat the lid..'.- «.-nt there f.,r bonne-- mad he meant ha-in.— It j. now estimated that •r^err man in c«> inty, who is liable 4© x-m* his oonn<xy in the jury box, baa on Imle wtx chmt thft pub- cf other*. are dwtanUr tryfr hr by MbtHoliMT imUstinr ud f*i*ifyinr fiin* ska ’ Lmr Relator: tot hrawre J take none , . .r ■ •' ■ ■ - luni. <J i. II. 7-nhn a . th< hotel ■ •. first the L-.-l o red." The I for ladi-•» ArrammMailna Traia la antannah. The Central Rail read will put on a daily 04'.« mmodation train ,t,i. L run r-ifularly from Mo^n to SiiV.Li.roih. commenrinK Sundajr n-^ht • Th.- f.,11. ... injf i. tho schedule i Je-nvr 7:30 r. M. Arrive at n - 8:20 A. W. Uftva IUcpo ,.,...7:35 M« Arrive ui Kavaunah .. A. M. The rsuaiy Weama lad h url. Judg him ),*Vrl«v. Jin char if ♦.'d with oteolir field, wru tried and f< meat in the case wo Sol at jKirti i. Thi a caad* before -ooka, white, >n from the lilty. Judg- ^u»u wax * impended until a tor trial can 1m.* beard, or ten wnnuntii were iasuod a charged witli varioua of- girea prorata* of future Nriurnrl Mr. Harry M. Drown, of Drown & Co., rho bus lx?* n in Now York for tnoru than ► month, returned &• tho dty laot night, ,< • ooipanied by hi* mother, who cornea tat to spend the winter with her boys, f irry completed the purchase of good fur hi. li HUS. a Pr* Dpoaci to show tho. . •moth ng h MiuUom e, before u i;renl wh le, in tho way of Looks, Hta- tloDvry ar d fan *y art cleft. A ftur lion Without an Aji*wer. The K r unt U •ul c -rnindr mi now in. -When is it 4"'in^ ton ai nP’ No satiafoc- tory en«w fr him yet JO' !] g von. Even Old ProLii who lovea to (piLl le out what bo Icnowr al*out the w.ath. r, it aa rqti- c-at sboa it a thft* ffh he wero a deni • II.-1 Mind mute. Anx ety nbo ut tho mat- ter is on the increase in ratio with th- dust, and the chief perplexity is to knpv whether or not it will rain bofore the Fair. Hail I nl rlllKrrwf. Our friend Capt. W. W. Cornea received a dispatch from Memphis, yesterday morning, bringing him the sad tidings of the death of hi* brother, Jam*-* A. Cornos, who died at 0 o'clock yesterday morning. It is supposed ho died of yellow fever, though tin* diwpatth did not *Lat-e what his diseaso wax Tho docuasod was the joongest of four brothers, and was in his SOtb year. Tho Captain has still another r resi.ling in Memphis ('ls) 'a Hnr*r« si I hr Fufmila Fair. • i*iVt*d dispatch Tho following last night: Kufaula, October 17. 1873. Kditon Tclrfraph and Mmengart Clay's horses bare taken every premium tl cenUodid for. Gray Eagle ttotted three heats making only one break. He mod tho lost mile in 2.3G|, the fastest time oror made on our track. W. Smith a. C. C. Skillmaw, Mandmln of tho day. The Prlxe Brill, Tho order (n which the companies will drill for the premium during tho fair was determined a few evening* ago by lot. 8ix companies hare upt*f*d» throb of which will drill on Friday afternoon and tho other three on Saturday morning. The companies will drill, as follows, ip the order in which they ore named Friday—Atlanta Cadet*. Savannah Ca det* and Governor's Guard, (Atlanta.) Saturday—Goo.gia Zouave*,(Atlanta) j Washington Kitlcs, ( Sundew ville,) and Mat «>n Volunteers. The price of watermelons *Tis" during I the terra of the court. Several lads were prosecuted for foraging on patches which ! did not belong to them. One of them 1 am- to trial, and tl.** rr.- l-.r. i.- ‘ him exactly eighteen dollars and twenty- five cento- The Judge met the lad next dar and joked him a little about the melon. The lad told him he had saved the seed and meant to raise a crop of his own next year and meant to call them the Bartlett melon. jfcmrt. Smith and Brannon, Deputies Sheriff of Wilkinson, arrived in the city last night with three convicts, to placed in the Bibb county jail for safe keeping until calbd for by the peniten tiary authorities. The following are the names Of the parties: Willi* Whipple, a negro boy 16 year* of age, who killed a negro woman, coo rxted of manslaughter and sentenced to t* n year, in the penitentiary. Adam Brown, a negro preacher, con rioted of the murder of one of the official members of his church, but recommend to the mercy of the court, sentenced imprisonment for life. Tbos. E. McCreo, white, who killed negro man, convicted of manslaughter, ai d sentenced to eight years imprison m int. A motion for a new trial has been m.ule in this case, and will probably be granted, and the prisoner admitted to huil to make his appearance at the next term of the court. The brvt two named will lie held here until called for !>y the penitentiary am thoritiea. The Macon Postofflcc. There is certainly very great carelesa- ncaa in the handling of the mail in the Macon poatoffioe. A friend showed us last night three letters which had been put into bis box. One of them was ad' dxaoaed to a party at Collicrsvillo. Tenn. another to a firm at Forsyth, Ga., and the third to a party in Brooklyn, New York. All these letters were postmarked — Ma con, October 17," and should have been sent off last night. It is rather a singu Ur circumstance that all three of them should have been put into thu same box. Another Train from Havana. Measre. Greer. Lake & Co. will have in this morning another car-load of fruits fresh from the Antilles, including bananas, orangus, lemons, limes, cocoanuts and large rod apple*. While these gentlen have not contracted for all tho fruit in tho tropics this season, they havo bargained for enough to supply tho half of Qoorgia, and it U just beginning to arrive. None finer, sounder or swoctcr was ever seen in this market. rith ..L .irusxc ether SrorTXD Lies Homxoiu.—The me (gekM J every defll wiewt * mi then every twenty-four Loan. To do this IIIr like -VModonl. It lit- -i in-.p*-ne«» sad ioie- SertBsIlj there DIED. .U hi. tnidenre in tio'doyfc] by. Mr. Buisiix P. Srrass. in the * «sr <d his or. NEW ADVEKT1SFMKNTS. Prlhiiiirr* Krm|Murnl. Sorno two week* ago, it will bt> wu'in- ImtihI, half a deien nagrooa, who wero moving out Ht*ntonc««ii in tlio chain gang under Mr. Cordells road contractor, pver- powored tl»* guard and miwlo theyr e»- <i|M, Two of the**) Dogrooi—AndpnoB Johnoon and George Washington—luive 1hm*u nvapturod in Wilkinson .-mniy. nnd wo re bro ight «the city hut mi{ht l>y Dej Utica Sheriff Smith an< Hrannan and L» lgod m the county jai i.. await fn.thi-r order a. Th ere ia a rowi uni of ton dollar. .•IJ.ICN for tl e«. r..f.i K .xx lilnd ttnnl.. We lire i n r^jfi dar nveipt of Kind W.mlx. n »erj- hm> ItOoft little Sn nday- x,lu»I l-'I-'r nnd idmiralilr xlitt .1 hy Rot. S. lloj L ii, of thia city. 1 ’he paper i. pnbl xh.d d M» non. Ain., b y th e Do- Baptint lilt*-.tie and Indian MUhi>>n and school D.mrtl of tho South.-rr Convention. Tho buxinofts msaagifinsnt in in tho hands of K«*v. M. T. Sumn«*r, Conrsspuiiding Sserotary, Marion, Ala., and the printing is done at tho sstahliah- iaont of J. W. Burke A Ca, of thi« city, READING NOTICES. A vctu/s.—Cojiuj one*, come all to O. £. Ilciioro's auction sale this day at 10 a and buy your household and kitchen fur niture, crockory, glass ware, ete. It Laconic and humorous wss Admiral Duncan's tiddiYiM to the officers who mme on board his ship (or instructions, previous to the encasement with Admiral De Winter. "Gentlemen, you see n vrre Winter approerhirar; I hsve only to sdvU? you to keep ups pood fire!" Now in our little tlomeslic arrantrement. in order to keep up s pood tire, it is wry esaontial. next to furl, that we pos- xts h r<-nlly nod stove, and tho "Barley Sheaf" iVek tsjnst the pnrtieuUr article that will render the must perfert satisfaction—winter, summer nnd other sssanns alike I Its fuel may be either wood or tml-st your discretion. The improve ments recently added, render the " Barley Sheaf s model of peifecUbility. These consist in part .f» l*atent nnti-I>ust Shaking Sifter in the hearth; ]«o.ui anti-Dust Fhakinpand Dumping Grate, while the centre pieces, which bold the piste*.snd nre very heavy, are perfect pss burner*. Mensrs. Stuart. Peterson A Oo* Phitadelphis. are the manufacturer*. ^ Mrs. H.—WaxelUvum must have had hnt Brussels carpeting given to him—he : ells it so cheap. Mrs. L.—No, ho bought them during the panic, and paid cash for them. Bo les, at the New York Store they always sell goods for less profit than anywhere else. Mr*. II.—Well, I heard so before, but never believed it. Mrs. E. told me at tho society last Friday she only paid 85 nts for her bmvtiful prune colored each- mere at tho New York Store, and I paid Messrs. — $1 for my ugly dirt colored one. It moke* mo so mad to think about | it. I'll buy everything I want at the New York Store hereafter. oct5 tf •Tniaurnov b the better part at valor;" but all sre not discreet. When alUrked by disease* of the kidneys or urinary organs, take iheptat diuretio, ILehaboid’* Burba. It U warranted. Beware of worthless m.uauon*. The genuine may be known by th»- pniste propncUry *tamp of H. T. H" lmboM.on mch bottle. John F. Hen- rj. New York, soil spent. \ Tmt Cheapest jljd BMPflaokk Eureka liver Medicine gives universal satisfaction in the treatment of Liver Disease. Dy*pep«ia.Skk Head- ache. Cosuvenesa. and all that class of disasa ahrinr from a disordered state of the stomach and liver. novSOly Financial and Commercial OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, - ) Ocrosn 17—EVX5I5G, 1S7X. J Cotton. There was a good demand for cotton to-day at yesterday's prices. We quote low middlings at u*&14|c; mMdttags 14f. There Is no inquiry for lower grades, while dirty, inferior cottons are not The receipts to-day were bales—Mi by rail and 857 by wagon. The shipments were 377 bales; sales 65k VAC05 corroy btatkhsxt. Stork on band Sept. 1,1673 ..„......... Lite Rsmvod to-tisy — Received previously 11471-U470 13.7® 577 7,113— 7-6*9 64*0 OBITUARY. Died, in Macun county, at malarial fever, on the 10th id October. A LICK Ikcm. olikst daughter of Dr. Alex. A. and Era Watts. Swrrt. and gentle, she bad endeared herself to nil who knew her, but to none more than her devoted parents, and fund * inters and brother*, whose hearts at thi* nwst are filled with the deepest grief. The brightest hopes lie buried 1a W trek She bad hern spending s monih with a relative, sni had only been home s day. when die took fever, in Its meet malignant form. And tho angd of death hovered round, and placed his icy hand upon her brow; and angels bright were waiting n*«r. and bore her gentle spirit to God who gave It. Farewell, my darling little Alice. • Yon are gone; hot your sweet smile, like s sunbeam, or s swost (lower, though with ered. will be treasured in th* hearts of thy dear ones. 1 hope yon may greet us on eternity’s shore, and coodurt us to snme beautiful vale in heaven, where parting i» no more, and we will re< forever, free from the cares and sorrows of life. • E. H. H. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT. Shipped to-day- Shipped previously Stock on hand this evening LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Financial, New Your—Noon—Gold opened at 7|. Stocks Money 7. Oolb h. Exchange, long short "1. Government* dulL State bonds quiet and/lull. Evening—Moneyfanragulsr. being do**? nnd easy at interest; do5ed 7 goM to 1-Sr and interest. Ex change firmer; demand limited at 81. Gold firmer at b Goventments steady. State bonds dull and steady. * Midnight—81s life 61* 5; 64s fife 65s 7; new 10; 67e 11; 6'* 111; new 5<* 6b 10-40* 5. TenncssfOB 70; new 70; Virginias 85; new 35: consul* 46; defd A; Loui*Unit« 42; new 40; levees 50; 8s 58; Akw— 8s 70; 5s —; Georgia 6k and "• no bids; North Carolina* 20; new IS; special S .uth Curolinaa 25; new 10i; April and October 36. The Sul»-Treasury balance* gold $46,000,700; renry ItfitejUfi. Nkw ORLKXTS—Gold llgm for currency; VS 5 premium. Exchange, sterling bank 161tAl^i- New York sight i^fi nraretnm Loynox—Noon— Erie 401. The Stock Ex change baBsvss that the rate.* of the Bank of En gland will be advanced on or before Thursday. 5 r. M.—Paris despatch*** quote rentes 57(97ic. PsBls—Noon—R/'nt-is 5S(05c. Later—Rentes 56L Cotton. Nkw York—Noon—Cotton sales 081; upland) 161; Orleans 16|sl6l; market firm. Futures opened as follows: Ducember 167-16 alfll; January 16ial6 0-16. Evening—Cotton, net receipta 158 boles; gross 1570; sail"* 2510; uplands 16J; Orleans i7t; market firm. Fnturcs rlosoil basely steady: sales 18.200; Octo ber 16b NovuSIbsmbar 16 17-32al6 0-16. Deoemhcr 16 17-S2al6 0*16; Jnnunry 1617-53sl6 9-16; Februa ry 16; March 16Jh16 18-16. Oamulhs Cotton Statement—Net receipt* at 271.675; to tains date Iasi year 418A50; exports for week StMlM year 48L0I3; tob*l exports to dote 171; stork at all United State* port* 18OJM0; Ia>t year 320,155; atnrk at interior townV 414)17: same time last year KMMk stork at Livt-rjuiol 567.000; but year 5814)00; American Tiik prettiest calicoes in Macon arc a the New York Store oct5 tf Tn each ii^«*>t variety of silks, kitines, v, velours and camels* hair cloth in the city at the New York Store. oct5 tf Doy’r to send your waste grease • the i^tsp factory to-<lay. septlOtf wh ire it ia imm . dmUdy ui der the eye of tho tflfer. W ■etlv, will -monthly an.l ino utlily ©tlitioi » of the rajMir are pub- Huh od, all of wh tab are vor v nsntly 01ns. tra ed. We ho vthe won ^ of tho famil- iar eon* may iroro appl cable to thia i«i or; "Kind ift ord* can n ever die.” Heath tf as Awed Citizen. M r. Borndeli l .Stnblw di xlat 11 o'clock yo*t cnltj, Jat tl. * ri»atdenc« of hia son-in- law K. W. Jomt aon. Eat]., rvftor a painful and protracted llnocu*. nt tbo advuncod a*re t^f 71 yeou**. S months and 14 days. -Mr. Stnbba m, V>rn in Kll •ort tNiunty in thia Stoic, on ti e 3d of K •Lruary, 1703. In 1x17 he r. norod to Millixlp-ville. win- X' he rc.i.Ux until in 1871, when he vauu t>> M.ux>n iu»d made 1 is homo with lu* » ai-in-law. lor forty yean ho war an d ter in the 1 roebyteriar chords and was teacher in the first Sunday-achool that the A I-amab.—This well known ave received a large lot of Dr. ■cr Medicine, it has thepmiao sdU. In bottles at SO rent* ; Doctor's Ihui-—Who: of Wild Clicrry will ci g st the luncs and an iMimplion. it docs more i Dr. Wb- iro coughs. •>t (ho fell than in04 i*l look The use of a single bottle, will satisfy the incredulous no farther for the requi afliat for Gnut Britain S8JW0: but y®r 85.600. Haltimore—Colton, net receipt* —. gnmeGKh, exports eoutviw 72; Great Britain —; sale* 90; ituHiM middling* I6J; b»wmiddlings I5|; strict good ordinary lfife market lower. Weekly net riwipU 39; gross 1775; exports ooaatwue 419; sale* ll50. SttirOULKA xs— receipts 1150; gross 1837; exjiort* to Gn-at Britain 4657; to continent 3814; sale* 2000; stock 45.507; middlings 17(; low middlings 16|; strict good ordinary 15b market strong. Weekly net receipt* 17.178; gross 18,466; export to Great Britain 4857; coastwise 3599: comment 11,219; sales 1L000. WiLMJVoroy—Cotton, net receipt*92; export* coastwise 150; rales —. stock 834; middlings 151; market nominal nnd dull. Weekly net receipts 900; exports coastwise 1373; ilea 4M. ArorsTA—Cotton, net receipts looo-. rales 800; xtork 5872; middlings 15; market steady; fair de mand for good gnulcs. Weekly net receipt* «466| rales 4396; taken by ']!» 181; shipments 5425. Savaxxah—Cotton, net receipts 3194; sales OvS; exports OHutwiM 3250; stock 31,924; mid dlings 15h market dull. Weekly net receipts 21,664; exports coastwise 11>1S5; rale* 41*93. CnARLRSTOK—Cotton, net receipt* 3814;exports roastwira —t sales 1000; stork 17JH5; middling* 161; low middling* 14jal5; strict good ordinary 14}: market steady. Weekly net rtceipts 1587; exports coastwise 6600; rontinent 2.v-» ; rale* 5K». Mocilr— receipt*1085; exports . wine 920; rales 500, stock 12,880; rokidlincx 16}; low middlings 15b strict good ordinary 15}; mar ket quiet. Weekly net receipts, 6887; exports coastwise 314H; continent —t sale* 8050. Botrox -Cotton, net roceints W>; gross JM0; tales 200; stock 6S00, alddllngs 171; market lull. Weekly net receipts 221: gross 6814; sales 1020. Norfolk—Cotton, net receipt* 1481; exjorts co*stwi*e 1588; sales 50; stock 6083;low middlings ijintorint lower nnd quiet. Weekly net receipts9S65;exports coastwise 8321; !«•* 148. MKMrnis—Cotton, net receipts *959; shipment*. 4: stork 15.785; middling* 15t; market dull. Weekly net receipts 94*3; hliipmeol* 4o3S. GaLVRSTOX—Cotton, net receipts 762; exports roast wise —; sale* 100; stock 10.426; good ordinary .!; Texas ordiawy 12}; market weak. Weekly net receipt* 8280; exports to Great BriUiu 276; continent 2010; rales 7242. illLAPKLPHIA—Cotton, net receipts 58; gross 88; middlings 17; low middlings 1C}; strict good ordinary 15}; market dull. Weekly net receipts 125; gross 1586; exptrt5 to Great Britain 531. Columbus—Cotton, weekly net receipts 2080; hipnient* 2156; rales 1519; stock SSS1; demand tod; low middling* 15. Movtoomely—'Weekly receipt* 1608; shipmnt 1161; stock 8570; tle.mMul weak; low middling* 14}. Sklma—Weekly net receipts 2841; shipments 1298; stork 4099. Nasirrillk—Cotton,nvekly recreipts 1441; ship ments 1279; stock 1990; low middlings 14}; market nominal. City Foixt—Cotton, weekly net receipts. 2538. Prouidkkcr—Weekly net receipts 2500; sales —. stock Livkhtocl—Noon—Cotton.rales 10,000 hales; spacqlatfcw and exjiort 2000; uplands 9|n9}; Or- lonni 9fs9h market ndst. Solus of tho week 75.(**>; export lOJXV); *j«eeula- tk»n IfipOO; dock 567.090$ American 128,000; re ceipt* rtjpnfe Amcricta 16.090. actual report 11^***. afioat 152/00; American 25/00. Later Sale*, uphold- on g.-jtl ordinary, diip|>cd October and NovembO’. 8}. Later—Sale* of upland*, lnuis low middlings, shipped October 8J. o-daar include 5800 American, nnd fabrics at Manclicstcr dull and tend ing downward. A POUR-ROOM boose on Oak street, between Second and Thud. A good well of water on have just received T > all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby riven to the members of Cool Spring Lodge No. 1*5. F. A. 31. that the Lodge has resunfed labor. Brethren will bkc notice thereof and gov ern them xe! re* accordingly. oct58wltn Q. L. HARVARD. Secretary. NOTICE. I OFFER for sale a small fanniz. ty. five miles from Hon&alviUe. S. W. R. R, contoitung 405 acres, under high state of cultiva tion. being level, with good fences, good water; buildings new. except the dwelling, which has been recently repaired. Said jdace is level and in a healthy locality. Terms made cost. Apply to GEO. 8. HAS LAM OctlSCw THE BR01VX HOUSE DURING THE FAIR. TN reply to many letter*, the Proprietors of the 1 Brown House. Msrcn. Go, vtoU ray: No rooms will pro enrarwL The House will be be run buq the aid plan—firet come, first served- AH the oldeu9tomei> </ the hou<« will be accom modated to the farther extent but ill choicest room* will be newved for ladles. But i no event will a guest be turned out of a room to across modate any one. E. E. BROWN A SON. oetlSSt Proiiri-tor Life . ize Portraits, In Oil or Pa*tel, copied from small pictures, at PUGH’S GALLERY, Corner Mulberry *nd Sceond Mtrrrt*. Artist on :?*♦ -i r > . w !i.( ii facto rily. spoC to retouch or oolor^as per or ill be executed promptly and satis- BROOMS, BROOMS. 100 down wortol BROOMS. HI. IGLAUER, TVHOLBSALB dealek in SEGARS AND TOBACCO •» t-lIKKUY theet, siacon. ga. The Following Leading Brands of Segars Always On Hand JASMINE. MORNING CALL,'LUCCA, GRENADIER, FORTUXA, PARTAGAS GOLDEN BUG, CUBIT, UNITY, LIBBY, LA TENTACION. SIN PRETENCION, LA SONATA, COTTON BOLL, FRENCH SPY AND JUST OUT, Together with a splendid assortment of the Leading Brands of Imported Segars! vliav SEYMOrtt. TINSLEY A CO. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bant of Macon, AT SCACO.V, 15 XHX STATS OP GEORGIA. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPT. 12th. 1978. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. $187418 93 Overdraft*. 472 99 U. & bonds to secure circulation. lOOjUOO 00 Due from redeeming and reserve agents (New York Exchange) 12*357 67 Due from other National Rinks 1,104 28 Banking house and lot 15/toO OO Other real estate. 4,576 00 Current expenses 3/*56 56 Checks aiMl other cosh items... an 92 Bills of other Notional Banks. 7.181 00 Fractional currency (including nickels) 80fi 08 Legal tender notes. 80,00000 $363^62 87 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid to............ jfilOMOfi 00 Surplus fund 48,047 91 Discount 5^72 43 InteresC. 366 20 Notional Bank circulation 88,000 00 Indiiidoal deposits 60.527 46 Demand certificate* of deposit 57^)00 00 Dae to National Banks 7.954 86 Due to State Banks and Bankers 493 98 $363,362 87 State or Georgia, CorNTT or Bibb. I. W. W. Wrigley. Cashier of the Firet National Bank of Macon, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the l»ea.t of my knowledge and belief. W. W. WRIGLEY. Cashier. Subscribed ami sworn to before me thi* 17th day of October, 1878. E. M. ZEALY. [L. 8.3 Notary l*ul»Uc. Attest: oet!8 It D. FLANDERS. HENRY L. JEWETT, L C. PLANT. Directors. IS Sjnmt.k and doul>le-buttoni>l kid pi n all colors (lM‘nutifui li^ht party shades), just reorived a: the New York Store. •ctfi tf t kRoml TIBS.—11 «v. r t>ivuiux«Hl raised a family < to ace thorn all 1 to him. of the S Hi* rein MUlodgorilte. of ton children and 1 ft** w]. t ghteen y«-*n Court of BnVlwin co 1Utaren to Milled^ id >o an honor he was clerk for inter Lraiu thi i-nt, < Ms id Ar (fusta •i|«U :w thi n the cit> • tingthat public The Mayor** Court. It was not even necessary v»jH*n the dvX)rs of tl*e ft of justice yesterday ir was not a re^isto docket, anil not a dollar the treasury to aid in cr« school house. But such is life. Lieut. Taylor looked over the Wank docket for awhile, with t<vxrs atandin^ 1 in his eyes, and then went away muttering to him- a»slf : Xot ft cm* to bo btWfd; not s fight, nor a drunk. Via » row la Murray** «l!»y: Nut rum » %-m vfio iml tnsdc h * bi.rtk In rv-ftl* tftix. and lift brth«* |«1 b JImI n 1 on fur fiiat alarm | Of the lrvft.1the inrlcr, «x»mmg. 1 Then roundly slrpt wtth hw (Mad on hi* .nn:;. Nor know lb.- ummhuiUw* Mi-it- bumiS-'.ft'- All** quiet along the Ymet life branch. AihI quiet 111 Sftiijt licttom. Each Bridge Row cad iuu quit )n» rsiu h- , Or i* quid loo. d-U-drat huu- Xoghtly they talk tJ thi» d«M*k«t Wre. And roiue will e^eu up4»r*ni u», But. i( uirti won't dnnk and grt "«»n m tare-.*' Tb* ctHiri U ju*t gone Pj H-H.-uI. a After singing the above to a solemn old tune, he went to the City Treasurer • uj t...« rr tbf 1.4 Ul all. Millions are idw»y 5 Nick as;;, a union or child is uniformly in p limit)). Muclw hoacxer.of the sickness and suf- ('■nig which render lit." :> burl. 11 t.- r.i.-u-x .rf •>xr fellow bcimo j* iImc to cwjvl«^snera and neg lect. \ mighty Hiitidote to (be leading rauras of »h «ex-*e 1 ;*» been (gvvfcltd. It i* as harmfera u i.-i ! V- ;■ -u* .In,.- . :r- a.U- r. campcritioa. lti«an utHlcfiltd stimulant, tonic ■uni ajicrient. of which every ingredient is vege table. This unexceptionable preventive and re storative medicine is not "a new thing under the sun." Hosteller’s Stomach Hillers will soon bows fees bdbn Un world a quarter of a cen tury, and ij ia not too murii Jo averthatthou- and s. aye tens of thou sands, are now u*ine it who mold hare Iwn in their craves years ium had h«*y not lftvn strenctls-tusl and sustainul by this * rate stimulant. The rapidity with which n.iior ailmrots often become, when neglected, •bstiuate dl^vtsm, is well known. This tonic is moutu for the nnimslisU" check which it prives to these bnxftler* of deadly disorders. The senra- t»on cl languor, the sick h--ad*. In*, the nervous- ::e>s the indfafoutiuB to exertion, the nausea, the o-: Ii.rau o! bram. the J *;>d-hlMj. which’ ore itiU'tidivl t«» prvmonisU us of the ai>prenrhof invariably removed by a few Produce. New Yoke—Noon-- Flour dull and heavy. Wheat rather mure steady. Com quiet and un changed. Pork dull; new mess 15 75. Lanl dull I mi heavy; old or new- sUwm Ad 8-16. Turjwilin lull at 41a42}. Rosin dull st 2 S0a2 S5 for •trained. Freight* quiet. Evening -Fl«*t.r, southern in tn«^l-nit.> re<iu->t: nomateri2i change; common to fair extra 6 25 c . 0<>. good to choice 7 Nml 1 00. Whisky active arul tinner at 92i «9S. Wheat a shade firmcn mod erate export inquiry; winter rest western 1 52a 157. Com in good exjmrt demand and n shade tinner; rtnoar western mixol 5s}. Rico un- rhangtxl. Pork dull; m 11. quiet, rocs* S y«10n»). I^»nl firmer: state 8}. Tur- ru nt me lower at 41}. Rosin dull at 2 70a2 75.— Freight* steady. Louisville—Flour in cOod demand and nn- eliaiiged. Com sUmdy and demand light; shelled :n»85. Provisions quit* nnd unchanged- find 15 on. Ravv.ti. kfexilders s} ; Hear rib sides S}; clear rib 9. |NM-k«si. lanl. tierets 8}oSj; keg 9}; v Whisky dull *t M*a90. OnraxXATl—Fkmr steady at 6 90g7 10. Com nui«q at W. PRorWhoa deU. Pork quiet at 14 50. fan! dull, steam nominal at 7h kettle 71; small lots. Bar*>n quiet, only jobbing raleas shouMers 7} dear rib 7r clear 7las. WMoky steady at 89. St. Louis—Floor wenk; liasincv-* s;,)nl!. Com dill! and 1.-W, r N... 2 »-ost sid • iij. Whi-kv lower at 91. currency. Pork dull; jobbing k*ts 14 5o. K«cv<ti dull; small business; time rales, clrsir rib ^}as}; clear s}aP; a few cash lots at 7}as, currency and checks. Lanl unchanged. Wilmimotox—Spirits turpentine quiet aj»d steady at 39. Rosin, quiet at 2 3t» for strained. Crude hiwnfiaa quiet; hanl 1 60; yellow dip and virgin 3 00. Tar steady at 2 50. LrrKRrooL—Noon— Breodstufis dnll. Evening—Lord 41*6d. Marine Nows. Neu'Yoek—Arrived.Old Dominion. Victoria. Chakliwtgx— Arrived. Jas. Adger. Tliumas Miinlder. Munliaiun, Auhland. Philapeltaia—'The steanor Vaderland i* re- •n<s 1 below. ii—Arrived. Hatfield. Leo, Beodia. li::2VZ 272AL NSW 7CSSZ2, the (treat Illustrated Agricul tural and Family Weekly, is Mm:third Auilinrlt> ujion Practical Subjects and a High-Toned Liter- *ry Journal. Only $2 50 a year—less to dubs. Great Premium* or Cosh Commission* to Agent*. Thirteen Numbers (October to January.) On Trial. lor Only Fifty Cent* ! Premium Lists, etc.. sent free to all Trial SulwrriberH. Address . D. D. T. 31 PORK, New York City. MATCHES, MATCHES J.-jQ CROSS ROUND WOOD PARLOR MATCHES. oil-tf SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A OO. CADDY LARD, JN 3,5 and 10 pound ovUiej-FRESIL ocli«lf SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. MACKEREL. 300 packa6es ^ckerel just in octlStf SBYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. /^lEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Anna M. Holl V stein lias applied for exemption of personal- ally. and I will mra upon the some at 10 o’clock A. 3t^ on the 27th day of October at my office. Given under my hand officially, octlH 3t C. T. WARD, Ordinary.| Jeffersonville, mi the first Tuesday in December next: Fifty (50) acres and one hundred (100) rods of land, more or less, being the southwest quarter of lot No. thirty-four (84.) Also the southeast quarter of lot No. fifteen (15). with the exception of ten (10) acres ou the southeast comer of said lot. containing forty (40) forty acres and one hun dred (100) rods, more or less; all of said lands ly ing in the 27th district of said county. Sold as the property of Uriah Maxwell, deceased, fordistribu- tkm among tbo heirs. Terms rash. W. G. KEXXINGTON. oct!8 tds Administrator. to sell the p.operty, real and personal of the es tate of Alfied Iverson, Sr„ deceased, for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors. ALFRED IVERSON, ;17-law3w* Administrator. FOB BENT. A COMFORTABLE, well arranged Dwelling —seven rooms and double kitchen. rooms and double kitchen. Also, for sale, several vacant and improved lots I different part* of the city, worth from $500 to $5,000. Apply to MRS. REEVES. ocil7tf Cor. Spring st. and Washington a Hume Life In the Billie, by lhiiifel March D. 1)., author of “Nirht Srones in the Bible,*" ami “Our Father’s House,” WANTED respe addre 1 adjoining tovf nslups. Business r and pays well. For particulars, VTON M CO.. Hartford, Conn. ‘VlOMES7/rg IMwyil d st A gent k Wn n tod. Send for catalogue. Paatrtls Swiss Kxcihi Ccspxsy, )>bt TcL Graj’s CdflirattJ Anli-Friction Collin Press. The cheapest, aimpfest, and most perfect Cotton Screw ever invented. Scad for circular. WASH INGTON IRON WORKS, 60 Veaey street. New York, sole manufacturers. THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT! The Scientific American is the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paj**r published. Every number contains from 10 to ISoririnal engravings of new machinery. Novel Inventions, Bridges, Engineering Work*. Architecture, Improved Farm Implements, and every new discovery in Chemis try. A year's numbers contain* 832 page* and several hundred engraving*. Thousand* of vol umes are preserved for binding and reference. Tlie practical receipts ere well worth ten time* the suliseription price. Term*. $8 a year by inaiL Specimens sent free. May be had of all news dealers. PATENTS obtained on the beat term*. Models of new inventions and sketches examined, and advice free. All polenta are puhHahad to the| Sciknlific Amekicax the w., lltl)f*y issue. Send for p&miihlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full directions for obtaining patent*. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN A 00^87 l*ark Row. New York. Branch office, comer F and 7th sto, Washington, D. C. STEAM ENGINES BOILERS AND MACHINERY. Stationary and portable Steam Engines and Boil- **rs Gray * Anti-Friction Cotton lYnfi Circular, rang and Mula.v Saw MilLs; Portable and Sta tionary Flouring Jlill*, Sugar Cane Mills and Su gar I*an*. Narrow Gauge Locomotive* and Dum my Engine* for street rooda ami miningpurjK*es, new and second-hand Iron and Wood Working Machinery of every descriptioiL Send for cir cular. modi m tho largest light. Can be used ou any cool oil lamp. For sole by ail lamp dealers. USSR 1 BAIUN CABINET-ORGANS. For Churvhes, Schools and Parlors. CHEAPEST AND BEST. SUPEItloli TO AliLi. Furl* ISO?.] - Tire [Vienna 1873. First Medal at the Vienna Exposition TT AS. by the concurrence of the SPECIAL XL J URV. the INTERNATIONAL JURY mul two SUB-JURIES, of the mast eminent artists and experts from countries exhibiting, been irxlud to the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs in competition with the best makers from all countries. This is not only the lustiest award to any instrument, but is the ONLY" 3IEDAL awarded to American manufacturers. It is in ac cordance with the Uniform result at previ hibitions. | New Styles, including those first exhibited Vienna, now ready at REDUCED PRICES. Style P. Double Reed. Five Octave Organ, with Knee Stop and Automatic Swell, fine quality and power, $110. Style IL Double Reed. Five Octave, in Upright Resonant Case. Five Stops, with Tremulant and Automatic Swell. $125. Style T. Double Reed, Five Octave, in Upright Resonant Cose, Five Stops, with Vox Humana and Automatic Swell. $13o. Style S. Five Octave, Double Reed, in Upright Resonant Case, Seven Stops, and Octave Coupler and Sub-Boss, very powerful and with mud riety. $190. Other new styles at proportionate prices. Illustrated Catalogues, with Supplement, taming descriptions of new styles. Also, Testi- lonial Circular Free. WHOLESALE SOUTHERN DEPOT. As Wholesale Southern Agent* for these organs, e can supply dealer*, teacher*, agents, churches, schools and private jmrties, at the manufacturers’ lowest prices, either for cash or on monthly pay ment*. We display in our ware-rooms the largest and finest assortment of organs ever displayed in the South. Prices from $55 to $1,000 each. All persons thinking of purchasing an organ shnuld by all mean* write us at once for full description of styles and prices. Very liberal terms given churches, schools and teachers. Organs delivered free of charge to rash buyers in any part of the South. IN> not buy any but a Mnvm A Hamlin ‘Organ; they are the best and chcaj»est. LUDDEN A BATES, pl2 Sm Savannah. Go. Three Hundred 3toves GUARANTEED! WE have just received two car loads “ HARLEY SHEAF ” STOVES, and have in st with them the “Great Seuetactor,” “Sumy South,” “Cotton Plant,” “Stewart, And other fir*«t rlare Cooking Stoves; also, a fine assortment of HKATIN« anil best araortment of ENAMELED GRATES ever brought to lhu» market, low Knife to the finest POJKET cutlery. And from the cheapest to the best IVORY HANDLE TABLE CUTLERY A large lot of Wood and Willow Ware. Crockery and Glassware, and a full line of House Furnish ing Goods, and manufacturers of and wholesale and retail dealers in Tin Plate, Sheet Iron and Plain and Pretwed Tin Ware of all descriptions. Call or send vour orders, as now’ is the time buy your fall stock of Hardware and House Furnishing Gouda, on as good terms as ai bouse of the kind in the State. Prompt attention given to all orders. Oliver, Douglass & Co., s»-p2> tf No. 42 Third street. Macon. Ga. BTJRKLtC & COBB, FEE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS „ 68 Second Street. Macon, Georgia. Home Insurance Company, of New York. CASH CAPITAL, $2,500,000 00 CASH ASSETS 4.408,573 BURKE A COBB, Agents. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co., OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CASH CAPITAL... $200,000 00 CASH ASSETS...... 342,090 01 BURKE A COBB, Agents. North Missouri Insurance Company, OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. CASH CAPITAL $ 500.000 00 CASH ASSETS 1,030,413 81 BURKE & COBB, Agents. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. CASH CAPITAL .'. /. $200,000 00 CASH ASSETS 244,441 2i BURKE & COBB, Agents. Cotton States Life Insurance Company, OF MACON, GEORGIA. ASSETS, NEARLY ’. $500,000 00 sep27 2aw4m # BUKKE & COBB, Agyits, The Special Attention | North British & Mercantile 01 the Ladies is called to the fine stock of French Millinery S A BOARD, BOARD! WHMF'Nr Girl* and Boy* wanted ff UlldlllN to roll our French and Ameri can Jewelry, Books. Game*, etc., in their own lo calities. No capital needed. Oatakciie. Terms, etc., sent free. I*. O. VICKERY ± CO, Augusta. Maine. ■pSYCHOMANCT. OR SOUL CHARM- X 1XG.” How either sex may fascinate and , „ lri , Iin . , i the love and affection* of rny person they 15 75al6 06. lt«vf uhooae._fnsti|ntly. This simple m**ntal acquire ment all ran poftsets free, hy ra*iL tor 25 cent*; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle. Dreams. Hints to Ladies. A queer nook. 10(M)00 sold. Address T. WILLIAM A CO, Publishers. Philadelphia. BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY MEDICINE SANDFORD’S Liver Invigorator ! A purely Vegotable Catlmrtic and Tonic. fo» Dvs- gjrifi Const ij«tion. Debility. Sick Headache. Biliou.s Attacks, an<l nil derangenumt* of Lirer, Stomach and Bow Is. A*k your Dnugist for iL Ifeware of imitations. “Cotton Sample Paper,” A FINE LOT. JUST RECEIVED AND TOR SALE BY J. W. BURKE & QO. TO '{iOO l—rdaj! Ac-nts wanted! "P'J . . 3>SlJ .\Il« I:i.v*sof workingpeo* pie. of eitiK-r ^-x..voutuf or old, make mum money at vrork for us in :h-.r spue moments, or mil the time, tton at an,thine else. Partienlan free. Addnma O- STINSON A OO. ror»l«wl w.i~. TIME WILL TELL.” ^ AM NOW OPENING AN EATING HOUSE! I hare not as fine a’place as BENNER, VALENTINO. CASEY, or ELLS A LAXEY, but I do think I ran brag on mv cooks, etc. on16 St W. P. HAVENS. I ASH RIBBONS. FANCY NECKTIES. RUCHINGS and RUFFS, of all the new styles. Fancy BABY CAPS, in Lace and Merino. fine assortment of REAL LACES. Ladies* and Misses* FRENCH CORSETS. The HAIR DEPARTMENT is complete. IIA1R woven and arranged in any desired style, beautiful assortment of HAIR ORNAMENTS, CutSteeL CORONET COMBS. FANCY COMBS. Gilt and Silver BIRDS and BUTTERFLIES. A complete assortment of NOTIONS. There is a full stock of everything usually kept in my business, which would be too numerous to roenticn here. Prompt attention given to all orders. MISS A. O’CONNOR, oetl5 tf Cotton Avenue. Teacher Wanted. A FEMALE TEACHER is wanted for Depo sition of Assistant in the Boys’ and Girls’ High School. None but licensed teachers are eli gible. An examination of applicants for licenses will be held at the High School building, comer of Bond and College streets. THURSDAY, the 10th instant, at 8 o’clock p. M. The election will take place SATURDAY, October 18th, at 10 o’clock A. M. By order of the Board of Education, octlltd INSUKAXCE COMPANY. OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. JOHNSON & DUNLAP, 72 Third Street, Macon, Ga. HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE. Middle Georgia, We have in store the Lest selected stock of HARDWARE and defy competition in quality or price. I’OC'K *STP CUTUKRV. IYe import diiwt from Sh.- ield, England, and will guarantee to duplicate anr bill bought in New York from jobbers. . Table Cutlery, Plated Goods, Britannia and Iron Spoons. 1Yo are prepared to offer estra inducements, as we buy from manufacturers by the case, and get extra discount. BUILDK.KS’ hardwark. Our stock is large and complete, and prices lower than at any time since the war. A Full Line of Saw Mill Goods. The largest stock of IV AG ON and CARRIAGE GOODS in the market. Agents for the Celebrated Howe Platform Scales. P. II. Stark’s Di -ie Plows, 1 and 2 horse. Last, hut not least, the D. PRATT COTTON GIN. IRON and STEEL and everything kept in a first class Hardware House. We mean business, and aU we ask is a trial. If we don’t sell you, it thail not be our fault. ' octl5 tf GEORGIA MILLS We are still offering to tJieTrad.* our celebrated brands uf Flour W ILEY’S XXXX, PEARL DUST, AMBER AND CORAL. challenge competition in the grades of Flour offerered. Our XKXX has no superior. Th.v are manufactured by us. and we claim but manufacturers* prices, as they are handled but on* We do not. and never have charged DRAYAGE on our Flour. The attention of the trade is resj»ectfully railed to our BRAN, possessing, as it does, a largf j«t- tentage of middlings, and is very nutritious and )datable to stork. GRAHAM FLOUR, always on hand. Remember, Flour is Our Specialty. BURR & FLANDERS, iepsitf No. 4 BLANK S BLOCK. CAPITAL—BOLD - $10,000,000 Insures Stores, Merchandise, Dwellings, Furni ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! Bar and Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. j. Valentino K AVIXG refitted his entire premises, is prepared to furnish his fnends and patrons witli everything prrtainiiigto :i Iir>t-elavs n*d:iu- rant, whic h will oe served in the very best style. Ho will always have on hand FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, GAME, ETC. Strangers visiting 3Iacon should give him a < I will jpen on the 1st of October, at No. Cherry street, next door to my present restaurant, Ladies’ Eating Saloon. Macon Street Railroad P IXELS for Business Cards < in the Cara of this Con secure a place before the Fair.^ Octl5 lw OPENING OP MRS. T. W. FREEMAN, T HE Ladies of Macon are respectfully invited to attend my Opening of Fall Millinery and Goods, on THURSDAY. October 16th. Z. Bi WHEELER. Saloon and Restaurant, Fourth Street, opposite Express Office, MACON. GEORGIA. Meals Served at all Hours, DAY OB. NIGHT, First Class Establishment. STOCKED WITH FINEST WINES AND LIQUORS. aug31 2m Leb Boh- . W. K~ Kofe- * of the dy>Kp> valid of the la rti*d as faivi Rakiiur I*«>«dc of the prvqitration THE STATE FAIR. \ FEW more Fruit and Confectionary Stands can be secured by rallimr on M. R. ROGERS A (XX, oct!7 3t 106 Clicrry street. TO RENT. \ THREE-ROOM d««lhng-boaaa on Fifth >tnvt, n«"»r Walnut, with kitchen, garden and irokfti ^ dl of wal«-r. Apply to 0(117 M D. DALY A BRf r(W.g inmend Special *:th and quiuil Motiikk*. Moiutki*. Mutua-Ks. ikfi't fail to pn-eyre WlsaLow'* Sx»J»IHi<J Sygl'P SV- Ht i* l«>r all diw.».v•> n rwl«*nt to the |in*<id of terthiiMT in children, ll n-lietua tli«.- child from pain, cure* wind cxdic. rvirul»U->. tixr buwcLv and by giving relief and lienlth to the child, give* rent '. Be aure to call lor "Mao. Wins- Private Boarding House. S EVERAL tfentfemon con aecixre funiish-tl roomN and iruod Inarel: al.-^a numh-r of .iianudM^.1 bv apphiTit.o M RS. t*. SPRINZ. ffirelera can octlT lftt NOTICE. that 1 have moved mode occupied bv R. WorgmsUin. hen-ftfter h* ld at my offir<-. ft U* on hand to attend to all with thcuffireof Jufttkce<if tie- K.SVRINZ. WANTED. J Q CIGAR MAKERS Apply to aep30tf GEO. W. HEAD. FOR KENT. FIVE room ferrlliiir. attaelhoi. t»i uf Mr. K. PiVo. at $85 per . J t mi asmia yjVER MLLS./ * The startling drawback on nearly all medicinal airents lia> ever been that in their proraa* of ].unratkm and purificatio:; they have olftodebili- rtafin the Rjfin. To ohviafte thia diUcultj pfty- ftfeians hm long sought for an agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen At One and (lie .Haute Time. Their reworrh has at last been rewarded bv a dtonagr which fully rmlise* the fondest desire* of the riledl'-al faculty, and which is iu>tly regard- td o»» the most topOlOBt triumph tlut nhannaev has ever achieved. This important desiaentumu Ur. Tutr* V egetable Liver Fills, Which purify tie blood andnwM all corrupt huranrs ami unhcallliy accuinmulaLioni from the liody. and yet prolurv no \» t-aknes.*. t,r latitude what«.*\er. bn: ui the crnairetry tone the stomach, ud invigorate tl»e hodjr during the progieas of theiro|n--rati- Tbevm.ite tin- heretofore im- <v>rfi liable qualiti*»<if a Strengthening, INuniin and u l^urifying Tonic. Dr. Tutt’s Pill* an* the mot active and .-••an hing niolicine :n existence. They i:t core attack :h"* vervru-tof toeoM, and tlwir action i«. >** promj>t that in an hour Country Cured Hams. Q nnn POUNDS sound texxes- OjVy V7 v_J SEE country cured Hams. Just received and for sdebv JONES A’BAXTER. CORN- OAT 5 AND HAY. X CAR LOADS CHOICE WHITE CORN. D 2 car loads TENNESSEE OATS. 1 carload RED RUST PROOF OATS. 200 BALES CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY. 75 BALES CHOICE CLOVER. HAY. UJB00FOUNDS WHEAT BRAN. 300 BUSHELS COW PEAS. In store and for sale cheap bv JONES i "BAXTER. FIRE BRICE. The of theirj AXB CAR LOAD OP BEST QUALITY. " JUst r*k\a\ni and for safe cheap bv titan rinri|«l Office. 4e Cortlai.*lt street New 1 •pl2*f lAwlv GIN YOUR COTTON. AM !.r |«;sr -.1 -^Cotton for my nchrl J ERE HOLLIS <iti Houston rexui. three urn* > in-n- t< v DWELLING TO RENT. A COM PORTABLE DWELLING in Vinev.l tainiiur eight n<ouift. with er*nl garden, wt of water, etc. Terms* >ery mmlerate." Apple to a«u28tf L. W. ^AftDAL. FOB RENT. O DWELLING HOUSES, eliribly located. Apply to • R.F. LAWTON. At Exchange H:tnk. or to 1»K. A. 1*. COLLINS. 07 tf At CvUilt*' A UeaUi’ MISS WARD’S HANDSOME STOCK OP MILLINERY GOODS COTTON CROP OF 1873! CAMPBELL & JONES, WAREHOUSE ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ron Warehouse, Corner Second and Poplar Streets, Macon. Georgia, PMIW the tender of their services in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. J20-eod£w3m Removed. I BEG leave to Inform my friends smoking community in general th: removed from the Brown House Segar Store to the National Hotel, on the same street, and also opened a Wholesale Segar and ToIracco Store at 72 Cherry street. Thanking you for your kind and liberal jmtronage extended heretofore, and hope by strict attention to business and fair treatment, a continuance of the some. Respectfully, W. W. CARNES, General Insurance Agent, OFFICE NO. 86 CHEBKY ST. Represents the following first-class Companies: HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Organized lSlO ... ksjiets $2,250,000 GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Columbus, Ga. /• - Assets $500,000. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, NEW YORK, (Composed of the Germania, Niagara, Hanover and Republic Insurance Companies), Assets ..... over M;000,000. PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Memphis, Xenn. - - Assets $258^10. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Organized 1794 ... Assets $3,500,000 Policies written on Dwellings. Stores, stocks... Merchandise, Cotton, or other insurable property at fair rates. My sleeping room adjoins my office, and I will cover Cotton or other property at any hour of the 1 night. B-tf W. W. CARXEg. RT Sc Clll WHOLESALE HARDWARE CUTLERY, ETC., Cherry Street, - - Macon, Ga. octlfftf B. P. WALKER, Late of S. T. & B. P. Walker. JNO. H. DOIiBS. Late of Wise, Dobbs & Co. 25 O W. A. HOPSON & CO Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! They invite particular attention to their departments of HOSIERY, DAMASKS, LINENS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS, TOWELS. FLANNELS, JEANS. CASSIMKRES. SILKS, DRESS GOODS, etc., eta. Due notioe will be given of their OPENING DAY, COTTON STATES Life Insurance Company. PRINCIPAL OFFICE MACON, - - - GEORGIA. Macon, Ga^ October W. 1878. •HIS company is prepared to issue -olicies on the “stock plans,” the premiums on which _ from 20 to 25 per cent. Jam than oi the mu tual rates. An opportunity's thus i.ffonled to who desire insurance, or who may i ish. from J cause, to transfer their policies .from other companies to place their risks in a reliable home institution, at a less rate, notwithstanding in crease of age, than original cost. The “Cotton States” has an available reserve of capital and de posits of $500,OUO, which is entirely independent of its business, and is not used therein. Good agents wanted. Liberal inducements will be given. GEO. S. OBEAR, oct!2 lm Secretary. Crates of Crockery WALKER & DOBBS’ Crockery and China move oielitxim: "We have in store and to arrive two hundred and fifty crates C. C. and W. G Crockery for our wholesale trade, which wo intend selling as cheap as the cheapest New York. Philadelphia or Baltimore, not excepted. In short, ttnd as proof, brim: us your New York invoices and we will duplicate, say nothing of the ruinous freight* and breakage.* CHINA. CHINA CASKS REAL FRENCH CHINA. We have now in store twenty-five ca ka of real French and English Chins which we will sell for thirty days at the following low prices : : POE SALE. -erson fann. situated 1} miles from Mo rn, opixwite Row? Hill Cemetery. Said farm con- -••tft of 147 1-5 a.Tv*. including some of the beat ,nd in Bibb county, with many advantage* of water, muck-manure, etc., required on a model farm. Examination is invited. HOdSw A. IVERSON. Admr. Housekeepers* Situation Wanted ^ WIDOW LADY, aged about thirty. -hiM, desires a situation as house- family. a hotel or public institute »ake lien-elf useful, igibted te*timoniali of good the Senior Editor of the Telegraph. oug26 tf DR. W. W. FORD, dentist, •moved his office from > .v -vO. 106 Cherry street, ov« Rogers’, next door to Mr. Berg*’. CHINA TEA PLATES - - - - CHIXA BltKAKFAKT l-LATES - CHINA DINNER PLATES - - CHINA TEA SETS, 44 ijiuv, - - CHINA DINNER SETS. 137 riecei - CHINA CHAMBER SETS, Enifli-h China - -- -- -- -- - CHINA TEA PLATES - - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES - I CHINA DINNER PLATES - - ' DINNER PLATES j . CHAMBER SETS. 11 pi 7 50 10 50 DEC. GRANITE SETS. 11 1 00 1 50 100 sets CUT GLASS GOBLETS - I 1 35 J “j - } 5 50 7 - Ii7 00 35 f 1 . 5 M • . ] 0 50 0 #« 1 751 2 50 n COAL before the 10th i charge winter n oct5tf : to lay in winter stocks of well to send in their orders istant, as after that time we will ^ BUTT?! A ROSS. E. B. POTTEB, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST r public institution. I* ul. and will bring un- I character. Apply to | V/ ,FFICE Wood’s Block. Second street, third door la*low Johnston jewelry establishment. Residence Lanier House. July 15 tf 100 TBIPLE-PLATED CASTORS; 6 CUT GLASS BOTTLES, $G 00 EACH. 150 dozen BRITTANIA DIPPERS, to the trade at New York prices. Cutlery and Silver-Plated Ware, GLASS WARE, LAMPS, KEROSENE AND GAS CHANDELIERS, DRESSED TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, KEROSENE OIL, By the Gallon. Barrel or Car Load. Come and see or send us your orders. WALKER «5c DOBBS, 82 MULBERRY STREET, MACOh. GA. SOLE AGEHTS FOR THE'PORTER COMBINATION ANO PLANTATION HOE. sep21eod3m t