The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 04, 1873, Image 2

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH And MESSlXGER: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4. 18/3. gtlc(p;ii>1iA3$cssn\$n B V T E L IK IRA PIT. TUtsttaT MO -I N DA V DISPATCHKS. I>ISI*OSLNG OF STOKKS. }'re Srrnr. Nt tkr I .nrlr-lnn of (hr Trie —A l »nr-« IIIdrd l liarcf aud s 111.. Kii.lrd Jndcr. to t h» cbkwo Tis-su] Oi ti-licr T i.- ( iii.'! d nt tin- iY«rt hou«- t->-U; * of vitamdiiif the ooo- ‘ H-,, trial, wer-i larger; If pwiibli-, than any day <■* on of tin- two pntTioua trial*. The gnat- r num V®* »rra -1 n- <—}ty jni -I: .1 froto in: taring the cowt room, jet they hhn-r waul thr oorri-lor all day, thmknmg, ca • joint*, and at staff}' - i j.-rt v atta tnpl- ing to foroa thamaalrea pant the guard. The police foroe on doty waa double 1 at an early hour, and, aa an addition. 1 E caution.tliO *»>/- 1,-adiin; into th ief juatice a,Tc I-. ic..| ..u-i larreil. ooeaaiuning groat itkaniv.-uioni --to the- who had In trie*, there. 11- j-oli-sewer • compelled at ffterralr to itrtr, thb mult: - tude down etaim. aa they were reiy nt. ruly. Several tlmee a large body* .or- ceudad in bunding into Our gant icon, and the guarda had to club them out. In- aide the apace waa packed to Ha utmost capacity. Tha entire left aide of the room iruide tha railing, and part of that ouUide. were filled with paint-,1 proet-- r of them of the ■»>-( w-pulmv poerftW appearance, whoee indenSt gig gling durtnw Mr. Phelpa' ap-ech aevenil time, required to be n-bukeaby the -tourt ofleera. Thera may hare been one or two decent woman beaidea theprimner'a rata- tivee in the crowd, bat it would putale a peraon to pick them out. Theaa women remained in their aenta til day long, hav. ing taken well-DUed lunch haakida an 1 huge package* of oandiea with than in the morning. Inaddition to the uaual intenartml par. taaa, than were many di.tingui.bed (tw- yere and politician, among the audime > to-day, but aa baa heretofore Loun th i rule throughout thi. trial, no well-know-i friend of Hak wa* viaible. Tlie apoecii of tlie DietrictfAttorney iaoonoodedon all aide, to hav. been an oioeodingly able of- fort auui baa gieatlyaatoniahed ererylody. Judge Daria’ charge wa. another anton- iahmant In the rat place, contrary to hi. habit* it waa y ry t-xhniiativc, ceett- pying over three hour* in it, deliiery. and aooondly, devpite tha anticipation, of everybody, it waa very damaging to tho priaoner. mpedally in regard to the medical taatlmony upon which tho oeun- ael of the defence relied more than onj- thing elae. HU Honor charged that if Stoke, intendo-l to murder Kink, and if the wound wl,i'.b ho gave him wae pli ably mortal, the fact that Fisk’s dtath waa haalenad by medical malpractice or aa overdoae of morphine, did not relievo the priaoner of full repo mobility. The jury went out at a. uuartor Wore 5 o'clock. The eighth juror, who U charged with vid ting aeeenil of the wont nwoita in the city the other night, uid while drunk lioaeting that ho and an- Other bad rvoeived fsno each to acquit Stoken, waa tho cynosure of all eye. to day. He ia a tall, fina-looking mail, with on unu.ually high forehead, an inb.lli gent countenance, and a full black beoid He bore the .ecutiny bravely, aa ha i proltahly .till unaware of the stands thi, have l.wn publiabod about him. dtokee appeal* to have changed but little einco the night of hie uniat. Tho etoor about hi* boing grayer, and about hU looking ill, ia all IxmIi. Ho waa nwtly dre*.,l in tlio height of the reigning fuahion, but taatefully no, and soumeo to be in the beat of epirita, .toiling and chatting gayly with thoao around him. Hi. father, mother, brother, .inter anil four uncles anil aunta ant in bin rear. Vriy few except tho counaol and tho prieonor loft their aeata when the jury retired. The women drew forth thiir lunch luakota (gain, and tho men lighted thuir cigar, and prepared to atick the night ont, fur tho ooter doom of the court-houa* hail been locked, and no por- aon waa admitted from the atrect without authority. So tha diyary hour* peered in chatting about the care until 25 minute, part ten o’clock, when a atir waa created by the entrance of tho ooifnael for the defenae, cloaely fotloeroil by the priaonjr and hi. relative*, the counsel for the pree- ecntlon, tlie judge, and, at half pant 10. the July. I intently every count! waa huahul, ami all hernia bent forward, as the chirk aroae and jiollml tbe'juiy. " la the jhiaam-r heref" waa the next inquiry. Htokea and his brothernaawefed ainmlti- neoualy in the alBrmative. The priaoner looki.1 aober and anxhiua. « Have you agrvod upon a verdict.'" For auroral soc- omU there waa no reply, and the alienee became painful. Then the aged foreman alowly aroae and aaidi "Wo wish, youf honor, to be instructed aa to the dil- foreooa Itutwoen - ’—(here the ,i> her- ifated for aevural aoconda) "murder and the dogreea of mamdaiighh-r.'' Stoke < turneil a alwle paler. wW-rer of hop, bo may hare had of acquittal luul been rudely dispelled. The effect upon the audienco was equally marked. It wan soon that the verdirt would -probably bo a compromise one, and that in any event Bloke, waa certnin of the State'a prison. Judge Daria read the Uw in regard to murder ortho first degn-i-and man.laugli- ter in the aecood, thin! and fourth de grees. At the suggestion of Mr. Tre maine, hia honor read a second definition of manslaughter in the fouth degree, but said that it did not apply to this ease, whereat the defence took an exception. The jury then retired for further deliber- tion, and the talking and smoking waa re sumed. t t y At twenty minutiia' past' eleven the judge, counsel, prisoner and juiy again catered the ceurt-room, and once more a deep hush fell on the aaaembled multi tude. The ceremony of polling the jury having been gone through with, they were asked again whether they had arrived at a verdict. To the aetaaiah- uicnt of everybody, the answer this time wae "yea,” Stokes stood up. "What ■ay you. gentlemen," said the clerk, " ia the prisoner guilty or not guilty f” "Utility," rejdusl the foreman, "of manslaughter in the third degree." For a moment the spectators were aurpri into a deeper eiirncf. if possible, than be fore. Then, aa with one accord, wild hurrahs, mingled with the clapping of hand* and the .tamping of feet, buret out from all part* of the room, but were promptly suppressed by the court. Tlie district attorney moved for im mediate sentence. ami Stokes wa. aakeil what lie had to my. He hung hi. head directly, and made no reply. Mr. Tre maine, however, .prang to hia feet, and made an earneat appal to hia Honor take into oooai,lection the long impr onment and great suffering the prisoner had already undergone, lie begged that the utmost morey should Is. accorded hi* client. During this harangue JUilgi- Davis' twuntenanee was obmrved to flush with Ul-upiineemd indignation, and ru moo aa he got a cbaniv he burst out with r "Stoke*, the venlirt at the jury haa exhausted the merry of the court. I would that the Uw empowered me to im. pu»e a punishment more adequate to the awful crime that r**ta upon your guilty head." Then ho proceeded to euntonoe the prisoner to the full extent of the statutes four y.-ara at hard labor in the Stale prinon. Stokes' friends immediately E sther**! about him, kissed him. shook is hands, and cobgratutited him with every manifestation of delight until tbe ahtYtff*. officer* summarily stopped them by escorting the object of h to m Tombs, to await removal to Sing Sing. This un- erpvted verdict is not well roceive,l about town. Even those who objected to hanging Stokes mj that he should be much more severely punished. PolKIcs—Agreement lo Pro long JturXanoR’-i Term. Past-, h'ovemher 2.—The deputies of the flight are generally in (aver of pro longing a monarchy an-1 appointing the Prince de Joinville Lieutenant General at the Kingdom on the M-opening of the Assembly. The Orluuu Prinora bare reiterated verbally the assurance that they will not oompeto with each other for the throne. ■ ThnOrleen* princes have united in a family doclateBon that they will not ac cept a lieutenancy of the kingdom, and this they do to avoid all appearance of competing with de Chain boro. All the factions of the Eight have consequently o give a prolongation of Presi- agnodto giro a] dent m There is a differone* of opinion as to the length of time, some favor making MacMahuu President for life and others for extending hU term air or ten year*. All are determined to continue the ex istence of the present Assembly. A mo tion will plot ably be introduced p*et- poning its dimoliitioa for three yearn. It hr reported that aa attempt will bo made to arm the government with dicta torial powers similar to those granted in 1M52, and to iatroduoc a bill prohibiting the election for vacancies in the Na tional Assembly until the electoral Uw U amended. The Left have resolved to demand im- medUte election* to fill the vacant scat.. It U stated MacMalion’a forthcoming message to the Assembly will ask for an extension of his term for so long a time as may be required to straighten the au thority of the government in older to in spire the natron with confidence. Spanish Affair*. Mariam. November President Cas te liar U better. He waa able to go ont yesterday. Reports received by the Government represent that the demoralisation and in subordination among the insurgents are culminating. The released convicts are closely watched by their leaden for fear tney will betray them. The German squadron which wa* at Malaga, ha* suddenly sailed for Carta gena. From Austria, Vixwwx. November 2.—Tho Universal Exposition was formally dosed at four r. m. to-day, without special oeremoniee. The Bosnian difficulty has l-een arranged. Turkey has removed the offending functionary and has pardoned the politi cal refugee*. Labor Movements About New York. New Yon, November I.—The secre tary of the Employers' Association re ports that nearly all the men were at work yesterday, as before, at the reduced wages, and he has no doubt those absent will soon return. He says if the society men do not submit to reduced pay their places cun be filled by outsiders. A central meeting of the BrickUyen' Association was held last night, but the proceedings have not been made public. The member* express the eonvictiea that the societies will adhere to the old scale of prices. Fire hundred hands wero discharged from the Danforth Locomotive Works in IWrson. N. J., last night. Nearly the entire force was discharged from the Grant Locomotive Works in the same ty. The salaries of the men at the Rogers works were reduced fifty-eight cents a day so m to make it eqi^iTalent to the proponed reduction. Thu Patcrnon manufacturers consider thcru is little prospect of an improve* ment during the winter. It is thought the city authorities will take measures to give employment to the unemployed du ring the winter. Bullion Movements. The rates for the purchase of silver were yesterday reduced at the New York Assay office from 120 to 118 per'standard ounce. During the day $21,000 in gold was received for coinage. The Sub-treasurer has determined to roe silver only to those persons likely to circulate it. Ev»»ry attempt to obtain silver fer mere speculative purposes ia *!bhn McNumera, alias John Keefe was arrested on the charge of killing Bernard Kelly fourteen months ago in this city. Arrival of Senator Sclinrz. Senator Schurx returned from Europe yestetday, and left for Washington to-day. (’barges against tlio San Francisco Mint. Sam Foamctsoo, November 2.—The Daily Call publishes an account ^ serious charges against Gen. O. H. La tod Sprague News. { PaoviDKMcs. November 1.—At a meet ing of the Lar.k representative* to-day, I the report, of the committee was pre- I seated. B. F. Thurston, counsel from A. i W. Sprague A Co., stated, on behalf of the members of that firm, that they are in full aooord with the committee who have made the recommendation, and pro pose to adopt in full, and have adopted in full, the recommendations. Senator Sprague has retired, by voluntary con sent. from the presidency of the com pany, and Amasa Sprague has been dea- janstid to fill bis place. A .mortgage deed has been prepared for the purpose of securing all the property and assets, private and corporate, for the benefit of the creditors of the company, agreeable to the principle suggested in the report. A meeting of the creditors will oe called at an early day, and it is hoped they will aee that the plan which has been proposed, and the execution of it beat possible t^** w g under cir cumstances, can be done for their inter ests. It is in their power to accept or re ject, but the alternation of its rejection will be to throw the property into bank ruptcy, and its sacrifice as a necessary consequence, or at least imperilling of the value of the obligation of the com pany, which are held by their creditors. Ex-Governor Smith, of the committee, strled that every facility waa proffered the books were opened and everything •lone that could be done to fadlitatH their labor. Mr. Thurston remarked, concern ing the trust deed, that at present it wa>. not ready for inspection. The creditor* of the company will see for themselves when they come to inspect that instru ment. He said that there is a perfect, reso lute and complete control on the part of their trustees, acting in the interest the creditors of this vast property ; that while, on the one hand, the compa ny, which has met wit-i ixnm**n.-e disas ters, is overwhelmed, in thi i their fhour of adversity, with unmerited insult, nt the same time the property of this company is to be preserved in such a way that the creditors shall see that by no bad management, by no possibility of ooonsel. exceptptuch as may come from the creditors themselves, can this prop erty be subjected to sacrifice. I can state in behalf of the Company that there will be the fullest and most hearty co-operation on the part of the corporation with the creditors although their trustoees, in the manage ment of this property shall see that out side excesses and excrescences, or rather their parasites which have fed upon the narent tree, shall be cut off and leave intact that manufacturing property which for so many years has been the glorp and pride of the State. The meeting passed a vote of thanks to the committee, but of oouree took no the recommendations, WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. | North British & Mercantile LrU b 0 > £• INSURANCE COMPANY. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CLOTHING CAPITAL—6010 - $10,000,000 that devolffinff upon tbe creditors. This phase of the matter is canrassed with interest, bat as copies of the trust deed are not yet received, no due as to tho probable action of tLw creditors be given. The creditors are very numerous and represent every possible interest. It would not, therefore, be strange if serious and perhaps insurmountable objections should be raised to the individual trus tees or to the terms of the trust mort gage under which they are expected to act. The general features of the plan, however, seems to meet with popular ap proval. BUY THE BEST JOHN INGALLS, Druggist and Apothecary, DEALER IV PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMERY. Hie roort eWsnt stork of TOOTH BRUSHES in the State, manufactured exprcsaly for hia trade. HAIR BRUSHE8, COMBS. SOAPS of every grade. PURE SPICES, Whole aud Ground. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, And every article usually found in s First-class Drugstore. JOHN INGALLS, orfcffttf Fourth and Poplar wtrvet*. FOR SALE. 11.2 MILES FROM THE CITY. 55 i HOUSE AND LOT. v without furniture." containing all bIIbsih. stables, etc. and orchard. Wesleyan Female College- tltf M. J. BAER* NOTICE. TYURING Fair week a Special Train will be run XJ on this road for tbe accommodation of visit ors to the Fair at Macon. 400 AM 900 AM *45 I* M MSA PM & K. JOHNSON, fiuperintsndopt. LaGnuige. superintendent of tho Mint in this city, and says specification* have been forwarded to Washington. One of the charges is that he has sold material und machinery at private sale instead of at public auction, and that several thou sand dollars, received in this way, were never accounted for. Another charge ia that of general looseness in business and the working of tbe Mint, and that tbe superintendent employed incompetent persona at tbe dictation of Hilly Carr, in the intercut of the Central Pacific Com pany, discharRinif competent employes to make places for them, and that bo asessed his employee* for Nevada election -urpoeen. in the interest of certain ean- idutea to the amount of $2,000. There arc thirteen charge* in all. Strike in KnoxTllie. Knoxviluk, November 2.—On account %| - - - - and Georgia Railroad Company, the en- ginecra, firemen, machinist* and black- I bamcxl w. goods. stkkuvo b. toxkt. smith* quit work. Some delay in the GOODE & TONEY train* resulted; but the company has I ’ : u ^»S^ p ^tot^|ATTOR]raYS AT LAW, fere with the passenger The company ordered a twenty pcr,^.__„,_^ cent, reduction in the wages of employes SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, w cor —orking*^°rttime, hut node<mea«por KI FAILA. AI.A iti.ivtfioatai 'hem. The company will not recede. „ . - There have been no demonstrations by the employes. 7 WXC The Memphis Frauds. S Hinrms, November 2.—Tlie Appeal I G * on[ “^ " al “ ral W t had tithe when contains particular* of the alleged fraud I ortglm practiced In the oornmisraiy department | M ISS W A R. D ’ g Best Plantation in Middle Georgia. FOUR MILES FROM MACON. FOR SALE. <]f eoitou trithout guano. Kotxl jmu.- tarr* on the phuv which will keep csttlo fat all winter. Everything rained on the place can be -'-diapueed of in Ihoun market at good price*. a general redueti)!) in rragra <rf £ AT WHOI ESALE. WE have opened a wholesale apartment over our retail store, and invite the Georgia. Alabama and Florida merchant! who buy in this market to give us a call, i We will sell them on aa good terms and at as low prices a* they can buy them in New York. Our stock is the largest that has ever been brought to this State. The RETAIL DEPARTMENT Is filled with everything that is choice and stylish for a gentleman’s outfit. Call | and see the Virginia AH Wool Cassimere Suits, Good a* the Scotch, for $15 per suit, worth $25. 50 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. Insures Stores, Merchandise. Dwellings, Fumi- I ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! L C. PLANT A SON. Agents. FANCY AND FAMILY Igrogeries Of every description. The Largest and Best Assorted Stock of | Fruits of All Kinds! Both Native and Foreign. | Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, etc., Received every morning. Give me a call. GEO. F. HUGE. CLOTHING JNO. H. DOBBS, Late of Wise, Dobbs Co. 23 0 PHELPS, DOKEMUS & CORBETT (bate Phelps A Doremus.) MVN^FACTt RKKS AMD DKlLERa IM PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITURE MATTRESSES, SPRINS BEOS, ETC.,' ‘ " Canal Su. -Near brwulvts v, New York. «*epl2 6in* . rHELPS. OTIS CORBETT. WX T. lKJBEJal s - GAJUJSX. Crates of Crockery WALKER & DORRS’ Crockery and China ESIMIIE 3 OIRrlTTIM: We have in store and to arrive two hundred and fifty crates C. C. and W. G Crockery for our wholesale trade, which we intend selling as cheap as tho cheapest New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore not excepted. In short, and as proof, bring us your New York invoices and we will duplicate, say nothing of the ruinous fx-eights and- " [ breakage. CHINA. CHINA WHOLESALE -FOR- GENERAL TRADE IN THE STATE Drug and Chemical WAREHOUSE, 82 and 84 CHERRY ST. LOOK AND BE HERTZ, VIRGIN £ CO., GEORGE W. HEAD. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER,! AND CIGAR MANU FACT3EER, Hunt, Iiaukin & Lamar T tf! I 1 T Offer to the trade and other* who buy in quantity VV/Al V ill V.rl 1/ • I their usual large and well assorted atnek of every I description of goods in their lino of business I must favorable terms. . (on. MORPHINE. 1000 ozs. QUININE.: 100 lbs. CALOMEL, 100 lbs. BLUE MASS, 5 bbls. BLUE STONE, 00 bbls. BEST KEROSENE OIL. I Orders solicited with a guarantee of satisfaction. SO CHERRY STREET. STONEWALL Mo. 4 Blake’s Block, Poplar st., Macon, Ga. A. tV. GIBSON. 25 CASKS REAL FRENCH CHINA. We have now in store twenty-five casks of real French and English China which we will sell for thirty days at tho following low prices: CHINA TEA PLATES - - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES - CHINA DINNER PLATES - - CHINA TEA SETS, « pieces - - CHINA DINNER SETS. 187 nieces CHINA CHAMBER SETS, English China - -- -- -- -- CHINA TEA PLATES - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES - 1 75 IMITATION CHINA TEA PLATES 2 uo! I BREAKFAST PLATES - - - 2 M I DINNER PLATES 10 «> TEA SETS. 44 pieces - - - - 45 00(00 oo DINNER SETS, 187pieces - - ! (CHAMBER SETS. 11 pieces - 7 60 10 50 DEC. GRANITE SETS, 11 pieces 1 00 1 50 100 sets CUT GLASS GOBLETS 1 25 1 75 1500 sets GOBLETS 1 50: 2 00! I 1 00 1 ! 125 II 5 50 7 i 27 00185 { m 7 no 9 00 2 50 100 TRIPLE-PLATED CASTORS; C» CUT GLASS BOTTLES, $6 00 EACH. 150 dozen BRITTANIA DIPPERS, to the trade at New York prices. Cutlery and Silver-Plated Ware, GLASS WARE, LAMPS, KEROSENE AND GAS CHANDELIERS, DRESSED TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, KEROSENE OIL, By the Gallon. Barrel or Car Load. Come and see or send us your orders. WALKER «3c DORRS, 83 MULBERRY STREET, MACON. GA. SOLE A6ENTS FOR THE PORTER COMBINATION AND PLANTATION HOE. -■ ■]■- CLOTHING A Minnbaimx.1* painter received on order from a xvwtouratour to paint* sign with the wont "oysters in various las gtuu?es. so that a nun of any nationality xulfffat un Jorxtan J that that ni the place to iprt bivalves. And that pointer went to work and made the sign road -Ameri can, Butch, Nor»i and French oyv to is." That painter Mould perceive hi misapprehension if he wen* compelled to eat a plate of French oysters. TV, have many beautiful meteor, these autumn nights.’ One evening a tender ■wain said to his -* sweetness: " Some of those falling star* seem to leave behind them a bright path, as it they were oe- lestial messenger, flying eastward, the dust at Heave.-i falling from their feet, and a track oi light behind. To which the mai l rOpCed " Thev ulln make tm- think at. that .wallowed lire '' of Howard Aasociation by acting Mayor I hull Cioalli. It is charged he made requi sitions for aupplie* in the name of a widow lady known to be destitute—that he se cured supplies of food and clothing for herself and family of eight persons and fonr children of her aiater's, a victim of yellow fever, for thirty dim and appro- I LOOK Jiriated the eras to hia | HANDSOME STOCK OP MILLINERY GOODS TSnow open lor the inspection of her friends I and customers, and she invitee them to call tamine before purrhaain* elsewhere. 4tf Corner Cotton are, and Cherry st Health of Memphis. Mcmdiis. November 2.—Another frost to-day._ Seven yellow fever death* and HERE ir ajtt on mu too D. J. BAiiiR iotw others. Draths ol the week: yellow A sny utore in Miwon. Os. ra fever 86. other* 47: showing a decrease 7 0 " r w. u ; 8“ }hv«'.l-ta in yellow fever deaths 83, and in other | *tSnha" Pn “ c * UbewedBoot, “* 5 »l*h'' MMo.r Grata* Sewol Gsiten at J2 s pair, worth iliseoses twelve. Great Fire In New Orleans. 1.100 pair Men's »U lesther Kip Bragan*. at tl Fur Hat. were burned to-day. The las* ia eati-1 “«•««» f*"*- A .preal Ihroun. nrated at ISO.OOO—moetjy insured in New ( u^muSh. Wo0> “ Boy,' and Children's Hsu, at M cents and ;< eta. extra bargain. lMvl ran!, tsst colored and host quality Calico. atl* cents a yard. * omw Bkedunf. CiiMMe, Jcsras. Homespuns at Fse- MTpncnt. lndmHURb offered to dealers. CaO early at the weO known slcse of D. J. BAER. Corner Third and Cben7 ets^ Msccn. Us. thliwn*. Gored to Death. Nnw Yon*. November A—A little boy nomed Marshall, aged thirteen, was gored to death by a mad steer in the street in Newark to-day. Brooklyn Races. Pnoarxer Pxnx, November 2.—Arnett-, „„„ _ . sssaatavcaa-i ME IMAT PANIC! Time 2:2&i; 2:21 j £2Sj—mile heats to A lilliu . hinmi. Marine News. OHAatsKnoN, November 2.—Arrived. . __ Ch»deston and Flag, from Savannah:] Cynthia, Palma, Milroso, Helen, Augusta, raw Tktal »ud Cherry »tA*ts. llvoo. Ga. He Cnarlds Stanford and G. B. Thacher. I <M| S I Swlmk schooner Fraaeenia. BIwoAtams! WDRKiSstlTa.^w'S Tftrw Yon*. November J.—Arrived, mwth oa ‘ ^ Gtxcg* WasUngtoo. Angel ia. Nevada. I ****** lavexpooL CaSnIMERE SUITStet (SO (w etch, vonb 555w .vannah, November 2.—Arrived. I !»«*■ ship Cali*to, Hawes, from Liverpool: «fli SUITS, at $5oo each.worth I Prices to Snit tlie Times. schooner* Jo Smith, Sulioto, from catcu* man New York; brig Helen, Philadelphia; I * •peoahre, and wrill *ell them cheaper thm* they steamship H. Livingston. New York. I aui ^ oa * 41 home. 1 k ’ ' • I Bor,*and Children** CASSIMERE ITS, .it 54(•» a *u:t. wrath $$00 a «uit- Children’s ntr* flra*. lat«»t >tYk*. im- P^d CASSIMKRB SUITS, at *>00, wrath $12 00 a suit, a nw* barrain. *• 1^1*0 ruxi OaariBMre. latent ret and style SL 1T>. at 5101»>. vx>rth 515 00a suit. .* '•«» B« y> SATINET SUITS, at 51 50. worth UMaauit. Always on hand a full line of Mrn’s and Chil- drvz.*' CLOTHING, of all atylrt and : . Uo numrrou* mention. An eitra indureoient oflt rv«I U» mcrvhanta. Call at the wrll known g, D. J. BAKE, octib Sm Comer Third and Cherry atnwt. FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL, '■OK- OOBTLANBTsadNBW Cln'RCH STS Nh\t ioRK. Onth.- t- [ i i.-ui K]t ii. tn 1'. PKKNt', hlc A X' rZ Jr, More Aid for Memphis, Toronto, Xori*mber 1.— 1 The Odd Fel low* are aubacribing liberally for the ” mphia cofferers. Dix'lmrg'e of H’orkmen. Banook. Ml, November 1.—To-night quite a number of workmen in the iron worki of this* city have Uva discharged on account of slack work. Various man ufacturers intend to redan* the working forces of their establishment*. Bismarck and the Catholics. B k&l:n.November 1.—PrinceBi.-marek ' l..s- rf-flved t*> !*ummon the Roman Cath- . 'k who refugee to evmply witli j GAMBLE, BECK & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, PROVISION AND LIQUOR DEALERS.! F E R TILIZ FR. For sale by TURPIN & OGDEN, SOLE AGENTS, MACON, GA. FOE SALE. A FTER the term prescribed by law for adrer- tiaement. I shall be prepared to make titles I to the Iverwin farm, xituated 1| miles from Ma con, opposite Rose Hill Cemetery. Said form con sist* of 147 1-5 acre*, including some of the best DWIGHT L. ROBERTS & CO.. FACTORS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS Suvaunali, Ga. n hand. Liberal advances made on Produce h. have »S»si stark at Bsajiiig tS , supirsm hand, which we otter at low rates. WM. H. Sf AKk. M . V. IUCHaOM>. WM. H. STARK A CO., WHOLESALE 6RCCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS ANO COTTON FACTORS. SAVA.N.NAli, GA. Careful atteution given to sales or sliipment id Cotton and ail kinds ofPredutv. Liberal ad v >iuv« made oil omsiguments. Agent* lor the sale of I * r3 *" k _C^ KS “ 2hMHi Superphosphate, ilamiolU K. a. COdKM, JK. COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com* mission Merchants, GG llay street. Savaunaxi, Ga. Refer respectfully to J. W. Lathrop A Co \* A. Hardee's Son o. Co^ Tiauu a Gordon, u A Co. .Uilo Hatch, V. P. Savannah tfoiik ifd Trust ’ ' ‘ . seput 6m J. N. LIGHT POO T, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, lOG llay Street, Savannah, Ga. Agent* for the sale of Merryuuui’s Aiumumated aepl- oiu VAVak. L. a. WAUFlELl). WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and .Commission Mercnants, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. O FFER their sen ices to planters iuidslupjiury of cotton, etc., and solicit u sliureof their bus- uess. Cush ud\ unc.-s made on coiisigiuneuls at lowest rates of interest. All business eutrusied to our cure, will receive prompt auenuou. “fu tures'’ bought ana sola in the aavunnuii aisl New York Cotton ftxcbAngo on the most ressoiubfo PLNCA.N. J. U. JOIINSIOX. U. >UCUak. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON CO., Cotton Factors and Ooneral Com mission Merchants, *•> - Ituy slifftl, asvuuuau, Ga* augl Cm C. KkAXX AdAX. W. W. rtAXXAOAX. F. AxIKLL. K. 8. aOUUAX. FLANNAGAN, ABELL & CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Mercnants, 185 BA 1 SIHl.fiT. SAVANNAH, GA A T ANAolNG Agents lor the English Stonewall i-vJL r'ertihxer, etc. Hugging und xics lunnshed. liberal cash advuiiees made on i-uiisignmeuts fur solo in buvuimuii, or on siiipmeuts to our cor respondents in Northern, Eastern or European markets. augl era A.M.&LOAX. AUriltIR X. SOtXKK. O.V.WV1XY.JK A. M. SLOAN CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merciiunts, Cloghom A Guuiuiiglium’s Ruuge, % ituy street, foavaunah, Ga. IJ AGG.NG and Ties advanced on crojis. Liberal _L> c.s.i advances made on cohsignmenis tor sale in ouYuuindi, or on shipments to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, New 1 ork, I'luludelphiu, iloston or Haimnore.augl um X. J. S1MHOX8. C. 11. WOO’A'KX. biMAIONS A WOOTEN, ATTORNEYS AT DAW, 57 THIRD STREET, octnu Jlacun, Georgia BLOUNT, HARDEMAN X HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS at law, B. w. & S. H. JEMJ.S0N, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OUicc 52 aeeonu si., Aiaeoii, Georgia. W ILL practice in the courts of 3lueun and ad jacent circuits, aud iu the Supreme and Fcucrai Courts ol Georgia. Special attention given to matters :n Bankruptey. ITKltllKRT VIKLIIKR. lDU'b L. F1KLDKK. H. & I. L. FIELDER, Attorneys at Law, Gt'TlIllLltT, GEORGIA, TILL give prompt attention to all business the District and Circuit Courts of tbe Uuited States for the Southern District of Georgia, sept 17-tf ADMUNISTRATOB-’S SALE I take pleasure in announcing to friends and tho public in general that my stock of in Ml) HOW CLIIllillli Is’now complete, and I am now ready to dispose of the same at as LOW or LOWER prices than any other house in the city. My stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods Has been selected with more care and elegance than any in the city, comprising the most fashionable goods in that line. form. Rumination is invited. A. IVERSON. Aumr. DR. W. W. FORD DEXTIST, LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM CO, (GVIOX LIKE.) F IRST-CLASS STEAMERS sail between New York and Liverpool every Wednesday, aHonl- I ing tbe beat possible accommodation for the sa- * steerage passengers. Drafts isst ' _ money from Euro|>e at current rat For rates of passage and other information, ap ply to WILLIAMS A GUION. 29 Broailway, New York. Or to W. McKAY. Agent, nrtl lm No. Secornl street. Macon, Ore COTTON STATES LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. I ^ Company. SI THIRD STREET. | MACON, - - - GEORGIA. Mkcox, Gkra October 10. 1878. r HS company ia prepared to issue policies on the “stock plans,” tbe premiums on which I are from 20 to 25 percent less than on the mu- j tual rates. An opportunity ia thus afforded to I all who desire insurance, or who may wish, Dorn | any cause, to transfer their policies from ’ ’ ■ to place their risks in a n imble n. at a leas rate, notwithstanding in crease of age. than original coat. The “Cotton States” has an available reserve of capital and de- I posits of $5MU)00. which ia entirely independent I of its business, and ia not used therein. Good | ajrenta wanted. Liberal inducement* will be | given- GEO. S. OBEAR, octlf lm Secretary. WING & SOLOMON Offer to the public a large and newly selected stock of FINE JEWELRY! STERLING SIL VER AND PLATED-WARE. vl -.-iastirjJ tender theii ARD 1 French, of French’s Hut*-!. ha» ti»k«-r newly ntted up anti entirely reruamt.- Landifta' nn«l Gcntiemxn » Duong Route .juuoina And ezabr-kcin g and They are sole agent* for the celebrated ML PERFECTED SPECTACLES I THE BEST IN USE. Their Work lV-i*rtn»ent it complete- New Work and Badges lmwle to ordei -- -. . - —„—. M — To jrateh —„ — work andrepainug, >peaal at|cntiuu is gi\ca-f-aod guarahtoc tWir uyk—at mudcraU: efiaye^. For Sale. 1FJ dolph county, and containing four hundred and fifty acres, of which about two hundred and fifty are cleared and under cultivation. On the premise*area gin house and excellent gin, one double kw dwellinsr. and a sufficiency of laborers’bouses, a fine well of water and a good mill seat. There is timber and fuel sufficient on the place also to realise more than double the pur chase money. This property will be sold on ac commodating terms, or exchanged far city im- Apply at this office, or to THOS. POWELL. Trustee. oct22tf Cuthbert. Georria. ONLY MANUFACTORY la this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —JLXD— Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. jnly24 6m HOUSE AND LOT IN FORT VALLEY. WILL be sold on tho first Tuesday iu Novem- ♦ hern —^^‘ J ’ ‘ lietwcen thi in Fort Val . Lot four acres. Situated near the Churches aud School-houses. Sold us the property of Mrs. Mary Jones, deeeasod. H. T. BROWN. octlX-d»w Administrator. THE MILD POWER CURWri !' HUMPHREY’S HOMEOPATHIC SPEOIFIOS XTAVB proved, from themostample exjienence, II an ontitv success. Simple, Prompt, Effi cient and Reliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to ikjpular use—so simple that mistakes cannot lie made in using them; so harm less as to be iree from daswer; ami so efficient as to to lie always reliable. They have the highest with directions: Nos. Cures. 1. Fevers, Congestion, inilnnimotions, 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Which is undoubtedly the best shirt brought to this market, nnequaled in FIT and QUALITY. Shirts made to order and fit guaranteed. Hats, ©ilk and. Fur The nobbiest and latest styles of Hats constantly on hand and new ones ai weekly. Prices to suit everybody. The public are invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere and be convinced that I mean what I say. CHAS. WACHTEL, Fourth street, No. 1 Brown House, next door to tho Lm lies’ Entrance, oct26tf . * Opposite Passenger Depot. GEORGIA MILLS 1 ■ IijiimT.'i'a'v,', ,- Always in tlie Van. HOWARD HOUSE. BROAD STREET. Nearly opposite Montgomery and Eufaula Rail road Depot. EUFAULA, ALABAMA. J. W. HOWARD, - - Proprietors. .hurt walk to and from tbe Southwcst- & saved in cmni- aeptSfim Tie Best Flour oe Ao Besl Terms. 5. Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic, , 6. Cuolera Morbus, Vomiting, . . . . 7. Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis. . . . . 8. Neuralgia. Tootku hu, Faceache, . . ». Ilcail.tche, Sick Headache, Vertigo, . 10. Dyffj-ejAm, Bilious Stomach, . . . 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, . . ? 2. Whites, too Profuse Periods, . . . IS- Croup, Cough. Difficult Bnnthing, . IA Salt ltlicum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, . — Rheum 50 21. Asthma, Oppressed Breathing 50 22. Ear Diadnrgea, impuirod Hearing, ... 60 28. Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, Swellings, . . 50 24. General Debility, Physicnl Weakness, . . 50 25. Dropsy ami Scanty Secretions, .... 50 28. Sca-Sicktiesss, Sickness from Riding, . . 50 27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, 50 28. Nervoua Debility, Seminal Weakness, or Involuntary Discharges, 100 ore Mouth, Canker, 50 SO. Urinaiy Weakness, Wetting the Bed. . . 50 81. Painful Periods, with Spasms, 50 82. Sufferings at Change of Life 100 *“ Epilepsey, Spams, St. Vitus’ Dance, . . . 100 Diphtheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat, ... 50 85. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions, . . . 50 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of Directions, ... . $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and Book, 6 00 • These remedies are sent by the rase or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt til price. Address HUMPHREY’S .SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO. Office and Depot No. 5*>2 Broadway, New York For sale by all Druggists. And by John In galls and Hunt. Rankin A Lamar, Macon, Ga. ml endliTtf I I wKATALY SINE \V ATER—The Great Medi< ■ t ' ink op Nature, indorsed by the Highest , -I• Iitti 1 Authorities. Restore*MuscularPow- 't to l*aralytic. Youthful Vigor to the Aged, and Develops the Young at a Critical Period; Dis solves Calculi and “Chalky” DeiKisits; Cure* (tout, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Gravel, Dtubetis, Diseases of the Kidmy’a, Liv- :r and Skin, Abdominal Dropsy, Chronic Diar-_ •heea. Constipation, Asthma, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, General Debility, and neariy ev •iy class of Chronic Disease. Pamphlets con- an ling ULstorj of tbe Spring and Testimonial.' rom Medical Journals, Eminent Physician* nd distinguished citizens, sent free bv mail *>* WHITNEY BRO.S., Grail Agents, 227 South throat at, Philadelphia. For sale by all drug- augSeodSm IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE MURE Y & LANMAM’S CELEBRATED FLORIDA WATER! The richest, moat lasting, yet most delicate of a perfumes, for use on tho HANDKERCHIEF. At the TOILET. .. . , And in the BATH, there are imitations and counterfeits, always for the Florida Water, which has on the bottle, the label, and on the pamphlet, the names of MURRAY A LANMAN, without which none fo For sale by all perfumers,druggist*, and dealers fancy-goo Is. juIySeodCm PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY octsett . - , [EBBBESHS'SS 1 sjtwdy c e of the . Syphi of a private nature, call, 0. rireular of advice to both sexes. Address Bo: Western Medical Institute, 137 Sycamore street, ^medi^s are so certain of respo s for ire m will c uretl. A visit to its K this Institute i-s tho