The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 08, 1873, Image 2

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH And MESSENGER.* SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 18^3. &rltQraplf <$<g$tsstngtr >ATl HDAY MoRINNfl. xov K 1-75. Kufutila Correspond dice. A’d.f-.rj TtUg >) K at,.l \trsirr. er: Wkle in Mit<-on U-t w relt. you honor. -i mu with the }Kj4it.on .*f a local oorresj -in-lent at this i>.mt. Ya i are uwiir,- tha but little transpire* in th is city, calculate *dbo inter- oat a lar K '.j jx r ‘OO of jour r.-M-ler, : y.;t there are, occh* onaljj, iuM-k-n, ten of much impottan- which they diocua* nine: read about in the local more than ordinary oc you ported therefore, local new* aa will inter to paopU. aawaftfar, wfch neern. To ke^ in such current Mt your mule. here, will bo the mjun object of all ooni- mnnicatiom you will reeeiTe from me fee publication. The {'Motion, now before this people are: When will the preaent hard tim*i andacarcity of money oeaae; and when will the city council of Eufaula declare* the city bridge aereee the Chattahoochee- rirer a free institution P Both are pur . zlera. and a clear eolution to either la hi nted. The eaardty of money ia mart aerioualy affecting trade in tUa market, and for the first time in many yean, I have recently eeen the atreete of Eufaula lined with ootton, and not a dollar to more it to the porta. And eren now the price ia lovely equal to the productiru ralue of tho ctaple, leaving nothing in the shape of a profit in tba hand, of the producer. A few who are able to du ao will, «f eoune, hold for higher prior*, and it may be that a few who are inneuible to their obligations to those who furnished then witli the means to make a crop, may hide out their ootton until prioe* advance- - wliab-vor damage nuch a conns may be to their honor and honesty! but the hon est planter who ku staked his all on oot ton, and is now coming up with bis crop to protect hi* credit, will suffer severely for a short time, but in the long run be is bound to outstrip his crafty and du. rreditablo neighbor.. When, therefore, the financial pwosure la removed, the on- will receive his reward in the conscious ness of having done right, and the other hie punishment in the oonsdouaoess of having impaired his honor and credit, with no hope of again securing the confi dence of hi* mercdant, or the favors of hi* warehouseman. As to toe bridge question, I would sim ply state, that sooner or later the city council of Eufaula will be compelled by the people to declare the bridge perma nently free. The council received, re cently, a petition to that effect, from a large number of our merchants and bus iness man, and it ia confidently behoved that over three-fourths of the citisene of Eufaula, including nearly all the Ur- payere, are in favor of the movement- The bridge was declared free during the last month on account of our fair, but tolls were again imposed on the first in- stunt, and already toe old complaint* of the people of Quitman. Stewart and Clay counties, Ocorgla, who trade in this market, are being heard. You will re member the fuse of several years ago, that the people of Jones, Twiggs, I*ulaski and other oountiea made, about the eity toll bridge acroa* the Ocmulgvu at Macon. The old city council of Macon, just like the present council of Eu faula, stood out against the poli cy of freeing tho bridge, on Un- plea that the city was too poor to lose the tolls. They had, however, to suc cumb at last to the wg>hct of the people, and such will eventually be theoaae here. No avenue to a city's trade can be ob structed without curtailing its trafiic and hampering the progress of the plaoe, to ai nothing of the short-sighted ami illiberal policy of so doing. Free trade is a sound and good old democratic princi ple, and wo want to see the people of Southeast Alabama, and Southwest fleorgia enjoying it to the fullest extent. Neither should be required to pay toll to get into tho other's market. Tho large number of ladies and gentle men from this point, who attended the State Fair last week have rdturned. and all art delighted with what they saw and heard, and the opinion ia general, that Hurr ia tha greatest man for his weight and site that now walks Georgia soil. You were mistaken in saying in your Sunday's issue that I was conducting the Eufaula New*. It ia *till in the hamla Mess** John i)Uck A Son, with Mr. A. C. Butler as it* principal editor. He i* a fine writer and wcholar, and eveiy inch a A Free Hanking System. Tue Cincinnati Commercial*l \Va*iiiag- ten correapen-l'-nt writ*-, that the cpin- ion obtain., there that the Nst-ouai bank ing system is daily growing in dish throughout the country, that the KsnViwg :o>„- .ati- -ns will not be able to resume payment, that the whole system is badly shattered, and that tba shrinkage in ralueof the securities held bj these bank* can never be remedied by inflation. Ex pert* in finance aay that every hour of suspension makes resumption more ditfi c.dt. since a new channel of trade is iz tha meantime being established by a class of man whose interests will be hostile to the suspended bunks, and win shortly control tho business of the country. It is believed that tba banking associations intend to postpone resumption until the lint of January, in the hope that they wUl be relieved by Congressional legisla tion. Nevertheless, the opinion gains strength that a free banking system will be popular, and with tho recommenda tion of a plan of that sort in tho annual message of tho President this scheme wUl assume a formidable shape. We sincerely hope thia measure will assume such "formidable shape" as to overcome all opposition and become a law before many months. Firm Avoroa Horan Goasir.—Every reader know* that there ia nightly. Sun days not exoepted, a general gathering of broken, bankers and financiers in the oorridoM of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, to discusathe financial situation. The World says Sunday night the topic of discussion was the exhibit and propositions of tho Spragues, and Hoyt, Spraguea A Co., which was considered very unsatisfactory: What they owed was a fixed and proba bly not exaggerated sum, while what they had to pay with was a mass of mixed assets of a sort liable to an unlimited amount of shrinkage in market value. On the whole there was a gloomy feeling, and the opinion that thia great firm had been “kiting" unwisely, and doing mil lion of busineas on a floating paper basis, wa* freely expressed. The length of time asked by tho Spragues wsa *Lo looked upon a* an unfavorable indication of their condition, and one which outweighed all the complimentary reaolutiona of tho ex amining committee. It was thought that oolong an extension as three year* could not reasonably be demanded by any bouse, and only indicated a vague hope on tho part of the firm that by some lucky ebanoe they might in some of their many operation* "make a big •take” during thi* unheard-of interval. In view of tho general condition of things many seemed to think that the only safe course was to let all luuound houaea in every branch of trade go under, and then begin bum- nee* again on a totally new baai*, backed up by oonaervative management, and sustained by economical living and di minished values all round UlflMEjfr. nbdalaf Llilaeatla U»e Work It it recommended with unbounded URN too* In *11 CUM of Cutft.Bralaes.Burn*, Sprains, Bfieumstism. Hard 8wrliin~«, I-.'-cs, ChU* ViUir.a Htlfff.Mgfi* tho Joint*. 1 rOSCU Fbtt, ZJLTW. Ac.. Ac., among *11 persona. *ai for Sprain*. Founders. Ringbone, PoU-EtIJ. Scratch**. Wind- Gtiia. Hoof-*!*. Spavins, Springhalt, Fad lie, Col lar and Hars^a* Gall*; alao <L****** of tho ty* and Ear ia Horses, Mules or Cattle. m 1 Liniment Cora Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Laaa Back, Balt 1-henna. loiaanoua Bit**. External Boneanl Mu-rle Aifects.,i**.-•'or* h-rp* •Ddmar be JuaUjtonaolth* panacea for all EXTERNAL ‘WOUNDS. gg* Remember, thia Liniment did not spring up in a. dayor a yeag,pro- doting rax non absurd and ornraui ccara y-r intro BT J»XW-BO*ir AMD MCSHROOSf LlX> wrrn But wo have tho experience of over thirty years of trial, with tho moot aab- C’istial raauha^ud by a multitude of witness**. 1/ the Liniment la not aa recommended, tho Do not b* tnpnaad upon by using any other Hutment claiming th* aamo properties or ro- Tl t are a cheat and a fraud* be auao aad get Lw.V-lng but Mtiisaa Hulanj LbubL qy Sold st all Dauoaiaxa ajr> Counmt Bxouaax 20c., COc. and $1 per Botfilau Hoses Sob or Botox. Bttxx, Ac. lyon nra. cot. The Special Attention Of tba Lwfi— is oallod to tbe floe stork of French Millinery RUCH1NGS and RUFFS, of all tho new styles. Fancy BABY CAPS, in Lftee and Merino. A fine aaaortment of REAL LACES. Ladkw* and Mium’ FRENCH CORSETS. Tho HAIR DEPARTMENT ia complete. HAIR woven and arranged in any deaifmd style. A Itwutiful aaaortaMntof HAIRORNAMBNTS, in Cut Steal. CORONET COMBS. FANCY COMBS. Gilt and Silver BIRDS and BUTTERFLIES. A complete aaaortment of NOTIONS. Then i* a full atoek of everything usually kept in my buainem, which would be too numerous to mention hers. Prompt attention given to order*. MISS A- O’CONNOR. oetlS tf Cotton Avenue. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON TEAXSACTSA GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. DIRECTOR;: L C. PLANT. D. VLim H. L. JEWETT. W. B. DINSMORE H. B. PLANT. B. & LITTLE. G. n. HAZLEHURST. L C. PLANT. President. W. W. WtlOLXT. Cashier. malO-tilnovl MACON FLOUR MILLS NISSET’S FOUNDRY FOR SALE. ► account of ill health, I now offer the above r for sale. The Macon Flour Mill* is more gentienutn and it afford, me to ; drop into the office occasionally, and write by more powerful machinery than any mill in i Macun. The foundry ia in aucceaaful operation, anil in th. urtirlcoi cutton pn-%*** alone pah! dur- a few paragraphs for him to help him out when hie time ia limited. A heavy ehower of rain fell here thia morning, and the indication are good for more. R. D. 8. Eufaula, November 5,1873. Protest of a Southern Lady. Atlanta, Ga., November f». 1873. Editor* Telegraph ami Menmgor ; Will you allow spaoo for a true Southern woman to enter a diaciaimer, ami make an eamoat protoat upon a aubject which interoata all tbe daughters of our beloved Southland t It waa with grief nnd indignation that I recently rend an account of a woman’s oongreaa in New York, where Mr*. Weat- moroland, formerly of Atlanta, appeared upon tbe stage, cordially inviting that mongrel crow to begin a crusade in the South, declaring that her countrywomen were ripe and ready for such a proceed ing, and that "oould they have heard the paper* read at that meeting they would, with one accord, claim the righto of the ballot T* Sisters of the South! Can we submit to be ao misrepresented, ao tro- duoed F No, never 1 It shall not go out to the world that such are the sentiment* of the countrywomen of Lee and Jack- son, without denial; yea, earnest, em phatic denial. With all the strength of our souls let us acorn and deny the false, the delving imputation. Wo said wo were grieved and indignant at the remarks made by Mrs. Westmore land i wo cannot aay we were surprised. ••Coming events cast their shadows be fore/* and none could doubt but that the author of "Heart Hungry** waa not among sympathetic associates in her na tive land. am! that time and opportunity alone were wanting to cany her where the sentiments therein expressed, and ao heartily condemned by eveiy modest maid and matron Aera, would there be ap proved by kindred spirits. Hut while wo arc willing for her to en ioy her “ affinities,** And satisfy the crav mgs of the " Hunger** o# her *• Heart,” to satiety, in Yankee land, we earnestir ami vehemently protest against her being considered an exponent of the women of the South. We fulemnlv affirm she as not, an.I any ** letters of introduction” she might give to the female carpet-bag ger* would be ignored by her quondam acquaintances. No drafts made by her on their hospitality or politenews would be honored; for she has severed all the ties, made weak for some time past, by her own incompatibility with the genius of Southern womanhood; and the ex- exchequer of their forbearance and silence is exhausted by this unprovoked and wan ton misrepresentation of them in that which >• their pride—modest adherence I to womanly ways and walks, and utter I repognaaos to brave the public gaze. Such > objects as busy the brains of | these suffrage s*.vkersarv never thought of but with ridicule and diogust by us. No, indeed, we wish no "awakening” to the objects *ought after by these bus- Kind-deserted and husband-deserting re formers. We kre behind the "progress” of the times, jvrhaps, in this action, but wo believe that the fact that God made man first vi* a most significant one, and we know that tho Bible instructs wives to submit themrielvtoi to their hu»liand^, an 1 we find to fulfill the sacred duties of Acme occupies our time too happily for us to do more than reded our husbands? po litical view*, blindly, it may be, but very cordially as wclL We do not concede any inferiority of position for ourself, but a» totally differ ent as night and day .let each pursue his or her own appointed rountiof duties an 1 IWinn.ililfts As the most powerful forces of nature are the most quiet and unostentatious, so let’s UiflwSQCi continue to be in our own beloved Dixie- Let ti»v it male aspteats for the prir- ileges of tho ballot make them>< Ires and ins the last season ts per cent, on what is asked ‘ the whole property, and thia in tbe absence proprietor, avid under tboaole maiutfremenl T. C. NISBET. 11 GREAT PANIC! Prices to Salt the Times. TF you want to save SS per or it. in buying X Resdy-UMdc Clothinir. so to D.Bser’a cor ner Third and Cbeny streets, Macon, Ga He ■MB lot Me extra fine, latest styles. Black and Blue Cloth and Beaver DRESS SUITS, at 525 00. worth fto 00. LOW Men’s latent style CASS1MERE r-CSI NFhss SUITS, at tit 50 each, worth«»S0 mt suit 1X00 Men’s Custom Made Scotch and Ewriish CASS1MERK SUITS, at «50 00 each, worth gS 00 ^*L000 Freedman’s SUITS, at $5 00 each, worth Youth’s. Boys’ and Children’s SU1T8 I . speciality, and will sell them cheaper than they an be made at home. I offer 1.000 Boys’and Children's CASSIMERE SUITS, at 14 00 a suit, worth «800 a suit. t.000 Children’s extra One, latest atyle. ___ ported CASSIMERE SUITS, at 9600. worth ft* 00 a suit, a trerat bargain. 500 Boys’ imported Caasimere. latest cut and -jrle SUITS,at 91000. worth 515 00a suit. 5J00 Beys’ SATINET SUITS, at 91 SO, worth |9 50 a suit. AI way* on hand a full Una of Men's and Chib Arena* CLOTH 1N G, of all styles and dcarription. coo numerous to mention. An extra inducement «dr red to merchants. CaU cm !r at the w. 11 known sum of D. J. BAER, oefttin Oornsr Third, and Cherry street. LOOK HERE! IV A XT OS1 TELLS TOU D. J. BAER 8 not selling roods 25 per rent cheaper than . any How in Maa«i. Ga.. call around and con vince yocnelf. See Pnce List: • pair Gents' Fine CaU Sewed Boots at 95a pair, worth 9*. Opmr Gents' Sewed Gaiters at 92 a pair, worth l.'W tsur Men's all leather Kip Brogans, at 91 *5 a pair, worth 9* a pair. 1(00 pair Ladic*' Sewed Kid and Cloth Shoes at D 50. worth 9* M a pair. 30 doaen latest style and colors Gents’Fur Hats a 92. worth 94 each. A special Bargain. SO doasn Gents* Black and Brown Wool Hats at 10 cents each, worth 91 each. B jy»’ and Children’s Hats, at 50 cents and 75 cts. L 0. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers! MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Exchange, Gold, Silver, Stocks and Bonds. Deposits Received On Which Interest will be Allowed, AS A a MED cro.v. PAYABLE ON CAUa. Advances made on Cotton and Pro* diicc Mi ftKirr. COLLECTIONS PROJIPTLY ATTENDED TO CITY | W. P. Goodall. . Cashier. BANK MACON, GEORGIA. Capital 200,000 Dollars DIRECTORS: WM. B. JOHNSTON. JOHN J. GRESHAM. 8. G. Bcsnv. President. R. F. Lawtox. Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Office In ksufTa New Building. Receives Deposits BOYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE. Makes Advances on Stocks. Bonds, Cotton in Store. Alao on Shipments of Cotton. Planters 7 Bank. FORT VALLEY. GA. TJECRIYES Deposits, discounts Paper, buys and XL sells Kichan-v; also, Gokl and Silw. Collections made at all accessible points. Interest paid on Deposits when made lor a Mwfied time. Wm. J. AxDXRSosr. Prest. W. E. Browx. Cash' A NORTH GEORGIA F* A. XI M FOR SALE. T OFFER FOR SALE, on reasonable terms. X Loth as to price and payments, my farm in North Geonoa, conUimn* 1606 acres of land, some 500 acres clean'd. The cleared land am- Mores some fine level mulatto land*, some gray lands, and about aeventy-flve acres of bottom Und Tbsr wood land heavily timbered with oak. hickovy, poplar, and interspersed with pine. The Kweilin* bouse u finely tmdt. contaimnfr tew ooms above and bnck havement. costing alone 9&S00. Barns. steblM. pm-bou'e and tenant bouses aie ample for tbe place. A fine, unfailw. raring of freestone water convenient to the baarJ It ts located ten mile* from Dalton, on a near ’.in* of East Tennessee and Yinrinia Railroad, tho road running within a mile of the house. It i« tvr oa r.d half miles to tbe nearest station; five m to atoosa Springs, and seven miles to Tunne i] HilL on tbe State Road. The pbes is healt*^. and offers a beautiful home in a fine crowing ~cion of country. Sold for the reason that otty r Micaire- ments prevent me from giving itmy » r^cm&i at- tention. For further i»rtii*ulars ad Grilfin. Ga. ALEX. X SPEER. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. CLOTHIN C3- AT WHOLESALE. WE bare opened & wholesale apartment over our retail store, and invite the Georgia, Alabama and Florida merchants who buy in this market to give ua a call. We will sell them on as good terms and at as low prices as they can buy them : " New York. Our stock is the largest that has ever been brought to thia State. The RETAIL DEPARTMENT Is filled with everything that is choice and stylish for a gentleman’s outfit. Call and see the Virginia All Wool Cassiinere Suits, Good as the Scotch, for $15 per suit, worth 925- octl2tf 60 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. The Largest and Best Assorted Stock of CLOTHING FOR- CENEBAL TRADE IN THE STATE LOOK AND BE CONVINCED HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO., octutf 90 CHERRY STREET. GEORGE W. HEjAJD, EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER AND CIGAR MANUPACU R IB, Wo. 4 Blake’s Block, ..... Poplar st., Macon, Ga. m».v l.v C. J. GAMBLE. A. W. GIBSON. at 10 rents a yard. * ’ £2 *t th.- well known ttor^ c4" D.J.BAKR. Gornrr Third and Cherry Macon. Ga. HAGAN’S IMPERISHABLE FRA .GRANCE GAMBLE, BECK & CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, PROVISION AND LIQUOR DEALERS. CELEBRATED Magnolia Balm A FEW APPLICATIONS Mirr X Pure Blooming Complexion. Itu rortJr V«rrt«bl^ uj it. opemien 1. FLORIDA WATER! The richoar. mot L -tict r. yet most delicate of hanjskerch iefT* ^ At tl» TC »1LET, And in tbe BATH. As there are imitation* and counterfeits, always ask for tbe Florida Water, which has on tbe bottle, on the label, and on the fmmpKkU the na MURRAY A LAN MAN, without which 1 reuuine. For sale by all pcrfunen<,drufrists. and dealers U fancy co^i-c julyfeoddm • 1 Ilmplr*. diffpcLin* dark and ua sigh Gy sp-fa. Drive* awsy Tau. Freckle* and Sun- «x-n. aa.l by its* bat pawwfal Infica&ca pintles the isdea chc' k with SC'CTOFTL BLOOM ANI) BEAm. Stad br xH TVrurglfits and Fancy Storea. Da- pot. 59 Park Plaoe. New York tha, fin-" of the poliutal arena; U- on. iho “still. »niall foioi” of duty in the do- SMttic ein le. w ith its ownet •x*<ling' great rewards felt in the co&aaiouQfiai of be ing "help-inreta." -vun<M-llor.- ^nd guide to t.iOM» timrer tc- a- t’..m hff. Fully conscious uiv we taut thetM* >k*n Uiuente art? shaxvd by all who t?t*ieavo: worthily U» fulfill t:ie tiuu**?, ^ad *h> glory m the title of A SoUTuaiuf Wo e and Mother. CANNED GOODS! CHOICE 60G0S IN TIN AND 6LASS. FRUIT JELLIES. FRUITS. PICKLES. SALMON. LOBSTERS. OYSTERS, ete Juki WiYiiril Lrivt frja. o?.f t^ the* most rvl^- Li* r*U:-:.»l.:#rnU .r. tin 4\.c: ortt.t B. H WR1GLEY j BUR? KATALYSINE M ATER—T*EOMMAXStoll >r Natvkx. lsith Medical Authorities. Re stores Muscular Fow- r to Paralytic. Youthful Vigor to the Aged, and iVMrlof* tK* Youneat » Criticml Perwd; Di>- nhts ukaMaad ikdkj” Deposits; Cures Jv-ut. Rheun.5U.-n!. l^itenax Ncuralria • !*••• i iu • - > !' - ' : h . »«d8tiaAhksriuril)a<ioM ; - i. 1-.- - ■how. Cuu*ti;»t»on. Aithma. Nervxiusne**, Gvn: ml Debility, and nejtr^- ev- ry class ci Cbrorir I>i«.tue. Pamphlets eon- bu H otteey of tbe Spring and Testhnonisb rom Medical Journals. Eminent Fknkha< a.d distixwutshod ettizer.*. sent free by mxi ■> Wii;iSI \ m:- - i-r: v-utl Front >t, Philadelphia. For sale by all druc-Hj Kjp: anrfo.lXm PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. ways uniform. Illnmimtinr qualities supt- lar Burns in any lamp without dancer of tAkuur fire. Mv:u£»< tund exj-res- r cf volatile and dangerous o*L undtT firrr J-or-ii,;.- t<-t, x:.-« t- • ‘ipU aline • ui»p.atv th.- Its aolcty nndJHffiPBMHVHRPP feet bcminc qualities, art- proved by its continued ue in over MUKB fanulie». Millions of have been sold and no accident—directly or indi rectly—has ever txvumti fn»a. b u n, i iuc.'rton nr or hs.miling it. The bmm yrarlr Lms to li/e ami property, resulting from the nae ii and dan- apptuhi.k'. The as the best aab'cuard when lair _ circular. Per sale at rvta;! by the tr» .JIv.and at wholreaie by the prvpnrrorx. PK t"TT r CO. Ur. Fuirvu >trwt, Sr* Ya LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. ei THIBX) STREET. WING & SOLOMON Offer to tbe public a large and newly selected stock of FINE JEWELRY! STERLING SILVER AND PLATED-WARE. And embracing- many, new and novel styles, just oak They are sole scents for the celebrated X*. 6c M. PERFECTED SPECTACLES I THE BEST* IX USE. ’ork Department i§ complete. New Work and Badges made to order. To fine watch lAsnutf. *peuaJ aucutivi: j t'.'cn—and juatactee tLcir work—at omit nit: chargua North British & Mercantile I>'SURA>’CE COMPANY. OP LONDON ANT) EDINBURGH. CAPITAL—SOLD - - - - $10,000,000 Insure* Stores, Merchandise. Dwellings. Furni ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! I )gep!6 6m I. C. PLANT A SON’. AgmU. WHOLESALE Drug and Chemical WAREHOUSE, 82 and 84 CHERRY ST, Hunt, Rankin & Lamar Offer to the trade and other, trho boy in quantity their off*’ large and well Assorted stock of every di-scri,-tionof pood, in their lined business on most favorable terms. 100 ora. MORPHINE. 1000 ots. QUININE,] 100 lbs. CALOMEL. 100 lbs. BLUE MASS. 5 bbls. BLUB STONE. 50 bids. BEST KEROSENE OIL. Orders solicited with s guarantee d lativlartton. HUNT. RANKIN 4 LAMAR. Dnipgists. octlBtf CARPETS! Oil Cloths. MATTING, RUGS, MATS, ETC. T HE largest stock of the above goods ever of fered in thia market now in store and amr iiur daily direct from manufactory, of the bes <Iua »«»clfe S . TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS, THREE-PLY CARPETS. EXTRA SUPER CARPETS, MEDIUM and LOW GRADE CAR PETS, VENETIAN CARPETS, HEMPS CARPETS, VELVET RUGS, BRUSSELS RUGS, BEAVER RUGS, MATS OF ALL STYLES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINOLILUM FLOOR CLOTHS. FELTS AND DRUGGETS. TABLE OIL CLOTHS, COCOA MATTINGS. CANE MATTINGS, CANTON MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPERS. Purchasers are invited to examine my stock be fore buying, as I can show a greater variety and at aa low prices as any market in the South. No. 88 Ciierry street, next door to Ross A Cole an’s wholesale dry goods house. ■ B. P. ROSS. STONEWALL 3®f.. FERTILIZ ER For sale by TURPIN & OGDEN, SOLE AGENTS. MACON, GA. LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM CO., (GUION LINE.) F IRST-CLASS STEAMERS sail between New York and Liverpool every Wednesday, afford ing the best possible accommodation for the sa loon and steerage passengers. Drafts issued for passage money from Europe at current rates. For rates of passage and other information, ap- j to WILLIAMS 5 A GUION. 29 Broadway, New York. Or to W. McKAY. Agent, No. 63 Second street. Macon. Ga. COTTON STATES life Insurance Company. PRINCIPAL OPFICE MACON, - - - GEORGIA Macon, Ga* October 10,1873. rim IS company is prepare* to issue policies c A the “stodc plans,” the premium* on which are from 20 to 25 per cent, less than on the mu tual rates. An opportunity is thus afforded to all who desire insurance, or who may wish, f 10m any cause, to transfer their policies from of' companies to place their risks in a reiiable hi institution, at a lea* rate, notwithstanding in crease of age, than original cost The “Cotton States” has an available reserve of capital and de posit* of $500,000, which ia entirely independent of it* business, and is not used therein. Good agent* wanted. Liberal inducenient* will bo giren. GEO. 8. OBEAR, oetlf lm Secretary. B. P. WALKER, Late of S. T. A B. P. Walke JXO. H. DOBBS, Late of Wise, Dobbs & Co. 23 0 Crates of Crockery WALKER & DOBBS’ Crockery and China EHvUE 3 ORIIJM We liave in store and to arrive two hundred and fifty orates C. C. uu.l W. G. Crockery for our wholesale trade, which we intend selling as cheap as the cheapest, Now York. Philadelphia or Baltimore not excepted. In short, and as proof, bring us your New York invoices and we will duplicate, say nothing of the ruinous freights and breakage. , CHINA. CHINA CASKS REAL FRENCH CHINA. We have now in store twenty-five casks of real French and English China which wo will sell for thirty days at the following low prices: CHINA TEA PLATES - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES - CHINA TEA SETS. 44 pieces - CHINA DINNER SETS, 1S7 pl« CIIINA CHAMBER SETS, English CHINA TEA PLATES - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES ■ IMITATION CHINA TEA PLATES BREAKFAST PLATES - - - - DINNER PLATES TEA SETS. M pieces DINNER SETS. IS7 pieces - - - CHAMBER SETS. 11 pieces - - DEC. GRANITE SETS. Upfems 100 sets CUT GLASS GOBLETS - 500 sots GOBLETS 1 00 1 45 5 50 47 00 55 00 100 TRIFLE-PLATED CASTOBSi 6 CUT GLASS BOTTLES, $G 00 EACH. 160 dozen BKITTANIA DIPPERS, to tho trade at New York prices. Cutlery and Silver-Plated Ware, GLASS WARE, LAMPS, KEROSENE AND GAS CHANDELIERS, DRESSED TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, KEROSENE OIL, By tbe Gallon. Barrel or Car Load. Come and see or send us your orders. WALKER <3c DOBBS, 82 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GA. SOLE ABENTS FOR THE PORTER COMBINATION AND PLANTATION HOE. sep21eod3m CLOTHING I take pleasure in announcing to friends and tho public in general that my stock of MM’S AM DOTS' (MUG! Is now complete, and I am now ready to dispose of the same at as LOW or LOWER prices than any other house in the city. My stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods Tins been selected with more care and elegance than any in the city, comprising the most fashionable goods in that line. For Sale. FERTILE FARM, situated on* and a half miles south of the town of Cuthbert, Ran dolph county, and containing four hundred and fifty acres, of which about two hundred and fifty one double log dwelling, and a sufficiency of _ _ jrer*’houses, a fine well of water and a good mill seat. There is timber and fuel sufficient on tho place also to realize more than double tbe pur chase money. This property will be aokl on ac commodating terms, or exchanged for city im provements. Apply at this office, or to TllOS. POWELL. Trustee, octf2tf Cuthbert. Georgia. BROOMS, BROOMS. TB have just received 100 dozen assorted BROOMS. It Rtf SEYMOUR. TINSLEY t CO. MATCHES, MATCHES. J ~Q GROSS ROUND WOOD PARLOR MATCHES. SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. CADDY LARD, 3,5 and 10 pound caddies—FRESH. SEYMOUR* TINSLEY A CO. 300 octlStf MACKEREL. PACKAGES MACKEREL just in SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Eeeds, Harnesses Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. 7PPL M juIy2-4 6m Howard house. BROAD STREET. Nearly opposite Montgomery and Eniaula Rail road Depot. EUFAULA. ALABAMA. J. w. HOWARD, - - Pxorxrxroxa. OrJv a short walk to and frqm the Southwest- cm Railroad, seventy-Are cents saved in omnfr bus fare. Which is undoubtedly the best shirt brought to this market, unequaled in. ZFIT and QUALITY. Shirta made to order and fit guaranteed. Ha,ts, Silk and. P\xr- The nobbiest and latest styles of Hats constantly on hand and new ones arriving • _ weekly. Prices to suit everybody. The public are invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing elseu 'here, and be convinced that I mean what I say. CHAS. WACHTEL, Fourth street. No. 1 Brown House, next door to the Ladies* Entrance, °ct26tf Opposite Passenger Depot. PHELPS, DOREMUS & CORBETT (Late Phelps A Doremus.) MANUFACTURES* AND DKALER* 15 PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITURE MATTRESSES, SPRINO BEOS, ETC., and 26ti Canal SU Near Broad*ay. New York. WM. PHELPS. OTIS CO&BKTT. WM. X. DOLE MCA sepia 6m* ** D. L. ROBERTS. 1. x. CARDS* DWIGHT L. ROBERTS & CO.. * FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Sfavanuah, Ga. Liberal advances made on Produo* in h»T>d. We have a good stock of Bagging ai.d Ties on — ’—7 rates. agpigfta hand, h hieh we offer a WM. H. SIARK. H. p. RICHMOVD WM. H. STARK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS ANO COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH. GA. Careful attention given to sales or shipment of Cotton and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advance* made on consignments. Agents for the sal* of K. Frank Coes Bone Superphosphate, Magnolia Light Draft Cotton Gins, Princeton Factory!’ arns and Arrow lie*. «pI2 3m K. H. CO HEX. JR- JOS. HULL COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com* mission Merchants, 66 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Refer respectfully to J. W. Latkrop A Co, N A Hardee’s Sou A Co., Tison A Gordon, H. Mayer A Co., Milo Hatch, V. P. Savannah Bank and Trust Co.sepixem J. N. LIGHTFOOT, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, 106 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. L. JL WARFIELD. R0BT. WAYNB. WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and ^Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA O FFER their services to planters and shippers of cotton, etc., and solicit a share of their bus- ness. Cash advances made on consignment* at lowest rates of interest. All business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. “Fu tures” bought and sold in the Savannah and New York Cotton Exchange on the most reasonable terms. sepl2 Cm W. DUXCAX. J- u. JOUXSTOX. M. MACLKAX. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON 00., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 92 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. aagl Cm B. C. * LAX SAG AX. W. W. ILAXXAQAX. A. P. ABELL. B. S. MORGAN. FLANNAGAN, ABELL & CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 185 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA TV TANAgING Agents for the English Stonewall JJLL Fertilizer, etc. Baggmg and Tic* furnished, and liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor respondents in Northern, Eastern or European markets.augiem A. M. SLOAN. ARTHUR N.SOLLKK. G.V.WYLLY.JR A. M. SLOAN CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, Claghom A Cuninnglmm’s Range, May Street, Savannah, Ga. T)AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal JL> cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, New York, Philadelphia, Boston or Baltimore.augl tfm ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 57 THIRD STREET, octlitf Macon, Georgia JAMES H. BLOUNT. JOHN I BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 31 AC ON, GA. Office, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s, augiotf II KKHKHT FIKLDK1L IDUb L. VIKLDEH. H. & I. L. FIELDEK, Attorneys at Law, ClTHUEUf, GKOMGIA, \ if ILL give prompi attention to all business v V confided to them, in the counties of Ran dolph, Stewart, Quitman, Clay. Early, Calhoun aud Terrell, tho Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District and Circuit Courts of the United States for tho Southern District of Georgia. sept!7-tf SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, GEORGIA MILES f AXILLA, LEMON, ETC., For Flavoring lee Cream, Cakes and Pastry. With great care, by a new process, we extract from the true, select Fruits and Aromatics, each charac ftt -istic fla vor, and produc- Flavoring* of rare excellence. Of great strength and perfect purity. No poisonous oils. Every flavor. as represented. No deceit—each bottle fuU measure, holding one-half more than others purporting to field same quantity. Use them once, trill use no other. The most delicate, delicious flavors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by' STEELE & FBIOB,' Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUia Manufacturers of Dr. Prices Or* r ‘~~ Baking Powder. THE MILD POWER CURES! HUMPHREY’S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS nent and Reliable. They are the only medicines j>erfe< tly adapted to popular use—so simple that mistakes cannot bo made in using them; charm less as to be free from danger; and so efficient as to to be always reliable. They have the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Price, in large three-drachm vials, with directions: Nos. Cures. Cents. 1. Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations, . . 5« 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . . 50 3. Crying-Colic, or Teething of Infants, 1 DiarrncBre , of Children or Adults, 50 im cun m Always in the Van, Tie Best Flour on tie Best Ti irms. PATRONIZE HOME INDUS'] 7RY orbas. Vomiting, 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. 60 8. Neuralgia, Toothache. Faceache, .... 50 9. Headache, Sick Hemlache, Vertigo ... 50 10. Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach, 50 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, .... 60 12. Whites* too Profuse Periods, 50 13. Croup. Cough. Difficult Breathing, ... 50 14. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, . . . 60 15. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Fains, .... 50 16. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever. Agues, . . 50 17. Piles*, blind or bleeding. 18. Ophthalmy, and Sore or W ea< Eyes, . . 30 19. Catarrh, Acute or Chronic Influenza, . . 50 30. Whooping-Cough, Violent Coughs, . . . M 21. Asthma, Oppressed Breathing, . . . . 50 22. Ear ’ w «—* 24. General Debility, Physical Weakw 25. Dropsy and Scanty Secretions, . ... 50 36. Sea-Sickness*. Sickness from Riding. . . 60 27. Kidney Disease. Gravel ....... 50 28. Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, or Involuntary Discharges, . . * ,. .. .1W •23. Sore Mouth, Canker, . . . . . . . . 50 SO Urinarv Weakness, W etting the Bed, . . 50 31. Painful Periods, with Spasms. 50 52. Sufferings at Change of Life, 100 55 Eriilepsey. Spams, St. \itus Dance,. . .100 34. Diphtlif fia, Ulcerated Sore Throat, ... 50 35. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions, . . . 60 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of Directions $10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 lanro vials and Book. 6 00 These remedies are sent by the cose or single box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREY’S SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO. Office and Depot No. Mt Broadway, New York For sale by all Druggists. And by John In galls and Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, Macon, Ga. A Hundred Symptoms and One Cure. HERE disease not experiei t does » bilious, nervous," ha* > ,.i„ as, as in heart disease, is afflicti-d. rith severe headaches, and^ is either constipated r subject to diarrhoeal c Tarrut's KflVrvescent SeHitr Apperiwit affords immediate relief; effects, if persevered in, a thorough renovation of the digestive organs, and restores to healthful activity the whole animal machinery, Sold by all druggist*. ocW¥