The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 11, 1873, Image 2

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Telegram messu^gEr* Tuesday ^mW il THE MACON HAlLV PHELPS, DOREMUS & CORBETT (Late Phelps A Doremus.) XAItUVaCTl RKK* A!f D DKAJLKBS IV PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITURE. MATTRESSES, SPRIN8 BEOS, ETC., JNO. H. DOBBS, Lata of "Wise, Dobbe & Co. North British & Mercantile. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, The Special Attention Of th* Lad** is called to the fin* stock of French. Millinery gelegrufilf <&Jf$cnsciu\tr Execution, T ( K*D\T M’ -H.I \ S'. N..\ 26* atui 266 Canal St„ Near Bread way, N.w York. cation st Yeddo, oat of » rile curiosity. I repeated of it. bat atill a was amort extraordinary spectacle. and impressed toe eery much. The culprit* were eight ia number, one being a woman. They ware all beheaded with a sword. The operation waa performed with wonderful dexterity and oordneaa, and not one of them, even the woman, ibowed the slight est symptom of fear. There waa a space it ground ropad off; inaide were three holes dug in the ground, with a little moutd behind each, on which was spread a mat for the criminal to kneel on. Oa one aide at the iacloenie were two Japanese officials, ia chain, to see the thing properly conducted. I bad a place directly ia front of the moulds at about six feet distance. The criminals wan planed in a tow. on one aide of the inclosure, blindfolded with pieces of pa pas (they use paper for ereiything then.) What struck me most was the horid eool- aaaa of the executioner’s assistant, a good-looking lad of about eighteen; be went up to each poor wretch in lus torn, gave him a Up on the shoulder, led him to the mound, and made him kneel on the mat; be then stripped his shoulders, madehiin stretch out his neck, said. That will do.' and in a flash the man's head was in the bole in front of him, and his bleeding nock was, as it were, staring me in the face. The assistant, still with the same pleasant smile, picked the head up, threw seme water oxer the face to wash off the blood and mud. and pce- sented it to the Japanese officials, who nod- <led and signed to goon with the next. The assistant then gave the corpse a blow between the shoulders to expel the blood, and finally threw the carcass aside like a log of wood. He then n-peatod the same W3C. FHKLIW. OTIS CO&BKTT. w,. T. DO&BXCS. Afliilm Iii Iiltikcly. Ruxxlt, Ox., Sorembsr 5, 1373. IJctor, TsWrupX saJ M,... „ . If too inserted my last SMinnnication, I hare failed to aaa it. I eras e, re than ss«Vnw for its publication for the reason that I gate you an account of my visit to the "cau^-meeting”in Calhoun county, which was a success beyond a doubt if a large attendance of both ministore and bearsrs can be so tensed. On the Sabbath tber.- must bare bean at least fl.000 persons on the ground, and on every other day, at least half this number was on hand There was plenty preaching, and many excellent sermons delivered, but up to the time we left, but few conversions, though there were many mourners at the anxious seat. I come very near getting to be u Methodist, for they /admit, and I was only sorry that I and the good things had to part. To Hon. R. O. Dunlap and lady am I indebted for many Carom at (^yty t<0Slfc* Arlington, an the Blakely extension of the southwestern railroad from Albany, ia looking up considerably, and snows signs of prosperity. Besides the store*' in full blast last July, Venn. Perry A Davis, Platt A Bawls, Gay f Evans, and James Brothers hare erected good busi ness houses and have stocked them with plenty of goods. As for eating here, Hon. F. L. Pepper keeps the betel of this sec tion, for ha certainly feeds better than any place we have stopped at ia many months. Board by the month only cost $13 SO. How ha affords such good fan- D. X- KOBK&TS. ■ASH,RIBBONS. FANCY NECKTIES. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS A CO. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. O RCCHISGS and RUFFS. <X sll the ne« •trim. Fancy BABY CAFK la Leo- and SIwtao. ▲ fine SMurtment ct REAL LACKS. Led*.' sod Misses* FRENCH CORSETS. The HAIRDEPARYMENT is templets HtIR sown and arrsnswl ia any desired riyls. I beautiful aaeatnanl o< IIAIR ORN AM ENTS, ia Cut Steel. CORONET COMBS. FANCY COMES. GOt sad Silver BIRDS and BUTTERFLIES, a mmiiT-r smonmeot of NOTIONS. There U a fuU stock of vu-rythtaf usually kept FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Liberal Advances made We have a good stock ol $10,000,000 CAPITAL—00LD wac. h. stajuc. * h. p. uckmosb. WM. H. STARK & CO.. WHOLESALE 8R0CERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH* GA. Careful attention given to sales or shipment of Co.toil uud ail kiiid-* uL i'rvduiv. Liberai adriuicw* made on consignments, Agents for the sale of B. Frank Coes hone Superphosphate, .Magnolia Light Draft Cotton Gins, Pnncetan Factory Kama and Arrow Tics. -*ep!2 am K. H. COILEX. JB. JOS. MCLL COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com* mission Merchants, 60 Bay street, savannah, Ga. Refer respectfully to J. W. Lathrop A Co, X A. Hardee’s Son £ Co.. Tisou A Gordon. H. Mayer A Co., Milo Hatch, V. 1*. Savannah Hank and *—* sepKfim MACON FLOUR MILLS WE hare opened a wholesale apartment over our reta-1 store, and invite the Georgia, *1*1™™* and Florida merchant* who buy in this market to give us a call We will sell them on as good terms and at as low prices as they can buy them in Onr'stock is the largest that has ever been brought to this State. The NISBET’S FOUNDRY Trust Co. J. N. LIGHTFOOT. Cotton Factor and Commission merchant, 1,0 Bay* Street, savannah, Ala. Axenta tor the sale ol Merryman'a Ammociated (Mill* dm Isa a WAUPIKIvU. KOBT. TTATN1. WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. O FFffRtbdr sen-ices to planter* AnJahipp.» ut cotton, etc. and solicit a sharoof thuir bua- nos*. (Yfli •dviuicifl made on cuiiaigumeuts *1 lowest rate* of interest. All business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. “Fu ture*" bought and t*okl in the Savannah and New York Cott% Exchange ou the most reasonabU OLIVER F. EVANS Builder and Contractor, never thought a man's head could come off no cosily i it ww like chopping ctb- Ijogoffi, only accompanied with o peculiar and most horrid sound—that of cutting meat, in fact. There was a dense crowd of Japanese present, including many Virginia All Wool Cassimere Suits, FERTir.12 EH For sale by TURPIN & OGDEN, ’ SOLE AGENTS. MACON. GA We liave in store and to arrive two hundred and fifty crates C. C. and W. G. Crockery for our wholesale trade, which we intend selling as cheap as the cheapest. New York. Philadelphia or Baltimore not excepted. In short, and as proof, bring us your New York invoices and we will duplicate, say nothing of the ruinous freights and breakage. W. DUXCAX. J. It. JOUSSION. K. MlCLSXS. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON CO., Cotton Factors and General Com* mission Merchants, 92 Buy Street, savannah, Ca. Jms <1. Arlington now baa five trains a week, and every one brings a goodly sun - her of passengers and much freight, ami every now and then a new settler. The fflturo really seems bright for Arlington. Ulakcly has been crowded the last tow days with attendants on the Baptist Asso ciation. Some twenty ministers were in attendance, and the Methodists having very kindly tendered the as. of their new A* L - » ■ L.IJ 1 aU ksMsa., Order* for B2ICZLAYING & PALSTESIN5 Either ia the rity or ham the cooatry. Wt sx Mr. II. L. JEWETTS stem, No at Henjnd rtmst, will be MvannSly sth-n-tai lo. onslswtw OctlStf LIVERPOOL AND 6REAT WESTERN STEAM CO., trH. The executioner poured water on hi* *word between each <b-capiUtion. m one wetd a knife in order to cut Indi*- nihlier." AUCTION (GUION LINE.) F IRST-LASS STEAMERS uR between New Yarkand LiwrpoolsverjWedrwsdaj. fold ing the bert possible accotmnodsnon tor the sa loon and steerage paMengera. Drafts issued tor aasssge money from Europe at current rates. * Porratesofpassaresni other infonuation,ap* ply to WILLIAMS A GUION. 2» Broadway. New York. Or to W. McKiY. Agent. Prices to Suit the Times. gationa at every service hour. As 1 was too f^bla to get out I can say no more. Our pise, has bam "as dull as an old froo" for a month, in canaaqnonou of the panic and no market for cotton. A friend at mine came to town a few days ago to eel] a couple of hales of cotton, and the boat offer be had made him was 12| cents That’s awful for UKNEItAte Commission and Storage! lOO < Uvrry fttrrct, Macon, Ga. AND CIGAR MANUPAC D EIB CASKS REAL FRENCH CHINA octl tin yo. Second street. Macon. Ga. COTTON STATES life Insurance Company. PRINCIPAL OPPICB MACON, - - - GEORGIA. Mxcox. Giw October 10, 1873. mnis company is prepared to is*u® polick* on X the “stock plans." the premiums on which are from SO to 23 per cent, less than on the mu tual rates. An opportunity is thus afforded to all who desire insurance, or who may wish, ftom any cause, to transfer their policies from other t/.i.b.,'.. n«V« in a rviifililt* homo Poplar at., Macon, Ga. mi (Atm wssAs liw. Blakely, and la calculated to do hermuch harm this Mason. I am apprised, though, that some of our mamhants will soon have the "sends,” and plenty of them, and then things will mend. We need ami must have a regular cotton buyer. Every a body down this way seems to bu "broke, w snd I aae very little prospect for a "mend” on- another crop cornea in. The sheriffs in theae quarters are certoinlj do ing a heavy business, but how they iniut- mve now in store twenty-five casks of real French and English China will sell for thirty days at the following low prices: Baltimore. I ouiUUSTIK. JOHN FLASSBRI. L, J. GUILMABTIN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AVI* General Commission Merchants, :Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. A GENTS tor Rnulley*, Snpcr-Phosphato of Lime. JowcH’s Mills Yams and Domestics, etc. BoKKintr, Rope snd Iron Ticaalsays on bond. Usual facilities extended to customers. CHINA TEA PLATES - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES - CHINA TEA SETS. Mpieees - CHINA DINNER SETS IS7 piec CHINA CHAMBER SETS, Enf CHINA TEA PLATES - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES - yaars and I must ► “Old Early.” in at GEO. 8. OBEAR. Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL BANKof MACON TIimCTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. For Sale. FERTILE FARM, situated one and a half l miles youth of the town of Cuthbert, Raii- ph county, snd containing four hundred sjuI T. J. SIMMONS. c. B. WOOTXX. SIMMONS & WOOTEN, ATTORNEY8 AT LAW, 57 THIRD STREET. Macon, Georgia 100 TRIPLE-PLATED CASTORS; 6 CUT GLASS BOTTLES, 00 ±jAA-u. 150 dozen BRITTANIA DIPPERS, to tho trade at New York prices. Cutlery and Silver-Plated Ware, CjASS WARE, LAMPS, KEROSENE AND GAS CHANDELIERS, DRESSED TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, KEROSENE OIL, By the Gallon, Barrel or Car Load. Come and see or send us your orders. OOipa ewnij, WM wtlMteisssa* turn ~ fifty acreffi, of which about two hundred and fifty are cleared and under cultivation. On the premise* ore a prin bouse ami excellent fin, one double log dwelling, and a aufflciency of laborers’bouses, a fine well of water and a rood null seat. There is timber and fuel suttirient on the place also to realize more than double the pur chase money. This property will be sold on ac commodating terms, or exchanged for aty im provements. Apply at this office, or to P TUOS. POWELL. Trustee. octSStf Cuthbert, Georgia. DIUCToaS: I. C. PLANT. D. FLANDERS. II. L. JEWETT. W. B. D1N83IORB II, B. PLANT. D. 8- LITTLE, G. H. HAZLEBURST. L C. PLANT, Preddent W. W. Waiourr. Csffihier. malO-tOnorl* death of one of our moat tunable lady citizen*. Mra. R. II. Jone*. wife of our ex cellent Ordinary, Judge 6. B. Jones. Sli«» had been in very bed hoelth for eeverad months, an<l despite every attention tlmt friend* and physician* could give her, she •spired at the residence of her hnaltand octlltf j a mbs n. BLOUXT. ISAAC ILAJLIISMXX, JOHX L. HJLRDBMAIC. BI0DJIT, HAKDEM.LV & HAKDEMAJf ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 3IACON, GA. OHlcv. Cheny street, over a T. Walker's. WHOLESALE GROCERS, 1 0. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers. MACON, GA. Buy stri Sell Excluuwe. Gold. Silrer. Stocks sad Benda Deposits Received, On Which Interest will be Allowed, AS AGREED CPOX. PAYABLE ON CALL. Advance* made on Cotton and Pro* auce in (store. i COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO BROOMS, BROOMS. ^E hare just received 100 dozen assorted BROOMS. SEYMOUR. TINSLEY* A CO. ftUglO tf WALKER <3c DOBBS, 82 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GA. SOLE ABENTS FOR THE PORTER COMBINATION AND PLANTATION HOE. IIEKUUUT FIELDER. IDV8 L. FIELDRB. H. & I. lTPIEIiDER, Attorneys at Law, CLJTHMKHT, GEORGIA, W ILL vivo prompt attention to all businew confided to them, in tho countie* of IUn- dolph. Stewart, Quitman, Cloy, Eanv, Calhoun and Temdl, the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District and Circuit Court* of the United State* for the Southern District of Georgia. frivnd* followed thorn to thoir routing place. I un«tcr*Und that the Rev. Mr. I«e*ter, 1'nwiding Rider of thi* circuit, will again make Blakely hi* homo for another year. I hope Rev. Mr. Haya will alao svtuaiii with u*. Our oomninnity «*ould hardly apart) them. lL*v. Mr. Wood ran, who hus had charge of the Columbia and Blakely Bapti«t churche* thi* year, willalao prol*- octistf MATCHES, MATCHES. 1.50 GR0SS SOUK® WOOD paw-oi sep21eod3m • Kim mmmmaaima imh .U»s. ».f U-IHUflOllk WOlIt another y-w*. ib—jsl. I .*u» not certain of thi*. lie i* a very clever Christian gen tleman ami a good minuter, and do««* what few prea*'her* do much of thr*e day*, ami what I alway* thought thoy ought to do; he rmf* his /lock mouthly during hi* idle time. SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. octlStf septl7-tf CADDY LARD. I take ploasure in announcing to friends and tho public in general that my stock of Missouri State Lottery! SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. octlStf MACON. GEORGIA. MACKEREL, fart that our worthy citison, Hon. II. C. Fryer, will bo our holt candidate for tho lower bench of the Legialatnro.and if h»-'a a candidate he’a elected, sura. Aa 1 write, oar biaaa band in regaling oa with some of its beat airs. They piny well, and with another aix works' instruc tion. from Profoaeor ,of llaroearil!e, they will be up to the "toot" with any of your city ban«la. Some of our first citi- sona belong to it During my reoent trip from here to Morgan. Arlington. Damascus. Colquitt and Bainbridgo I tried to get some sub scribers for your valuable paper, but on every side I was mot with. "Why, I take it.” We are to hare another adjourned term of Karly Superior Court onthetliirdMon- .lay in December. Five court* in one Legalized by State Authority and Drawn In Public at St. Louis. Capital 200,000 Dollars octlStf SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. Plantation Is now complete, and I am now ready to dispose of the same at as LOW or LOWER price* than any other house in the city. My stock of ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Seeds, Harnesses Grand Single Number Scheme! 50,000 NUMBERS. CLASS L. TO BE DRAWN NOV 29, 1873. WM. S. IIOLT. JNO. B. ROSS. WM. B. JOHX1TON. JOHN J. GRESHAM. S. G. Boss. I‘resident. R. F. Lawton, Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Office In taufPa New Building. Receives Deposits, BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE. Has been selected with more care and elegance than any in tho city, comprising the l compoottt*Imply of well-known ROOTS! HERBS and FRUITS # cotnW»«lwiih. thfr rroporti**. which lnihrlr nature are tatharUe. Apcricr.t, Nutrition*. Diuretic, Alter*tlT* and Antl-U boa*. Tho Whole la preferred in a anffl- ctffioft auauttty of aplrtt from the NUG \ K C'ANK to keep thein In any climate, whkh most fashionable goods in that line. Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. Also, SUPPLIESuscd in COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly furnished. D. a BROWN. * Lowell. Mas*. U. S. CGOO prizes of...... |1O0 9 prizes of 1000 9 prizes of...... 300 9 prize* of 300 9 prizes of..„.. 250 86 prizes of...... 200 36 prizes of...... 180 ISO prizes ol—. 100 5.000 prize* ot. 10 •*,. Quarters |2.30. tsvte. u. the State, are all named, and all drawing* ...y.. of sworn commissioner*. The official drawing will bo published in the St. Louis papers, and a copy of drawing sent to pur chasers of tickets. We will draw a similar scheme tho lost day of every month during the year 1873. Remit at our risk by Vostolfioe, Money Orders. Registered Letter. Draft or Express. 8end for a circular. Addvcss. MURRAY. MILLER k CO.. PoKto!fln*Ttox 2-Mfl. St. Louis. 3ffl ..^50,000 .. 13,450 1 prize of.. 1 prize of.. 4 prizes of.. 4 prizes of — 20 prizes of 20 prizes of.......„ 500 40 prizes of. 250 ^ Tickets 810. Half Tickets $5. C Our lotteries are chartered by tl ways drawn at the time 10.000 Store. Also oq Shipments of Cotton. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. July24 6m Howard House. BROAD STREET. Nearly opposite Montgomery and Eufaula Rail* teblSly Planters 9 * Bank, KOItT VALLEY, 4iA. R ECEIVES Depo*iU.discoants Piper, buy* snd «rlls Exchange; also. Gold and Silrer. Collections made at all arrcsaible print*. Internal paid on Deposit* when mode tor a \?k?j!andxxson. Prcs’t- W. E. Brown.Cash’r MWfW Wm. J. Anderson. OoL Rnah L. Dennanl CoL Wm. Felton. Dr. W. A Mathews, Pr.M U IT. TIfJlin»hre delWf one of the moot desirable Tonic* and Ca thartic* in th* world. They are intended road Depot. EUFAULA* ALABAMA. J. W. HOWARD. • * PaorsiROKB. Only a short walk to and from the Southwest ern Railruad. Serenty-fire cents oared in omef bos fare w»nt3 *”*■ JtnmcB. strictly s* a CiiUlvntlni; I’oor I^tntls. BtrrLXH, November 7,1873. £Jifon Teta/rapk <md Jt—mjar: Mr. Herbert Fielder in his lute ooumunice- tion to your piper iwpeeting the deplor able eomlitiea of too agricultural inter- oata has truly indicated the causes of our trouble and the remedies therefor. It is safe to say. that under the pies- ont thriftless and inefficient no-system of cultivation, from one-half to three-fourth, of tho land annually under the plow in this State, docs not pay the cost of culti vation. The question naturally comes in here, as to why farmers will continue from year to year to cultivate such lands. I apprehend the reply to be be. that they do not know what their loss or gain is as respects any particular crop, or field of land. The merchant, the manufacturer or artisan can readily tell tho corf of his goods or wares, and so after sale, tell WING & SOLOMON Offer to the public a Urge and newly refected *tock ol FINE JEWELRY • STERLING SILVER AHD PLATED-WARE. only to bo used aa a medicine, and always so. eordiM to directions. They or* tho sheet-anchor of tl»« feeble and debilitat'd. They act upon adioc-.-cd liver and Mtmalate to such a decree th; tah ~^thy action u at oooe brought abi>ut. Asarcnudy to which Women sire especially azb^oct it Is ■uper- eedtn* erozy oth> r *t.i.«ulsat> As a Spring «mt Tonic they havenocauT They are a wild and gentle rurgv.ive ea wellaa Tonic. They purify the b'ood. They m a splendid Appetizer. Tfc< yir.*L* tho weak strong. They portly and invigorate. They core Dje- pepeia. Conrtirollnn and nemdsehe. They ect m a specific in sfi specie* of disorders which METROPOLITAN Which is undoubtedly the best shirt brought to this market, unequaled in FIT and QUALITY. Shirta made to order and fit guaranteed. The nobbiest and latest styles of Hata constantly on hand and new ones arriving weekly. Prices to suit everybody. The public are invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, and bo convinced that I mean what I say. CHAS. WACHTEL, Fourth street, No. 1 Brown House, next door to the Ladies’ Entrance, retard f '■ ~ - IRON & BRASS WORKS. Canul Street, from 6th to 3th, RICHMOND, - - - VA, And embracing many .new and novel style*, juit oat Opposite Passenger Depot. WM, E. TAMEEF. & 00., EN6INEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ENGINES OF AJUL, KINDS. Send for Circular. H. R* BROWN, family GEORGIA MILLS They arc sole agents for the celebrated /X*. <5c M. PERFECTED SPECTACLES! THE BEST IN USB. Their Work Department is complete. New Work and Badges mode to order. To fine watch work and repairing, special attention is given—and guarantee their work—at moderate charge*. Afccnt. v D. J. BAER, Comer Third and Cherry >U, Macon. Go. ELLIS & CUTTER, A NORTH GEORGIA he nut employ ; plants all his old btootu straw and eld pine fields, which a mo ment', reflection would deter him from doing. Should he rmn«nber that hs can not reasonably hope to get a greater ji. Id per acre therefrom with his store bund,, than -from hands hired for meaejred wago^ it would never once enter his hood to plant such land with the latter clues of laborer,. Ho fail, to remember that if such land doe* not ji.-ld a profit to will be tho loser; that his store hands will be aa well off at Christmas ae tl..■ v wet, in January, although they may not have a dollar in* their pockets. If any fanner oould be made to see at the end of I the year that be had bet tea, twenty I or ether Urge per cent, upon hre [ year’s operations fie would be slow u> j again invest in the same venture. There-1 U no retie, no system observed by the mam of our fanners ia their farming op. station*, and there must be a revolution at the whole business before there can be any gvneral prosperity among the Gift ENTERPRISE T OFPER FOR SALK on reasonable term*. 1 K th as to price and payments, my farm in North Gccnri*. containin* &000 acre* of land. <uaw 500 acre* cleared. The cleared land em braces tome fine level mulatto Iand*, some gray fend* and about seventy-five acres of bottom fend The wood land heavily timbered with oak. ¥u«ai’s Glorr Is Her Hair. LYON’S The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country 875,000 INVALUABLE GIFTS to be distributed in L. 33. SINE'S IO-fth Regular Jlopthly 32. .Sufferings at Change of Life lOO 33. Epitepsey, Spams, St. Vitus’ Dance,. . .100 34. Diphtheria, Ulcerated Sore Threat, . . . 60 85. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions,, . . 60 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of Directions $10 00 Cave (Morocco) of SOlnnre vials and Book, 8 00 These rem».xlies are sent by the case or singta box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of pn.-e. Address HUMPHREY’S SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO. Office and Depot No. CSS Broadway, New York For sale by all Druggists. And by John la- galls and Hunt. Rankin A Lamar, Macon, Ga. 8»?p9-eod&nwtf■ White and Yellow Pine Goods, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Etc. are complete. 3uil we can fill orders at short notice snd at low prkvs. Our stock of lumber cannot lie excelled. We bare 300000 feet of dry flooring. 200JW) fret dry coiling. 10DAW feet weather boards, and common Building Lumber, in any Quantity. Our corps of mechanic* i* complete. We con build, repair, snd fit ap storeboure* and dwellings with difipatefa. We solicit a good share of patronage from our country fneods. We guarantee satu- faetioo. AH we want is a fair trial Try ns and be comuxxxL J. E. ULUS 4 3L H. CTJTTES. To be drawn Monday, November 24th. 1873. m GRAM CASH PRIZE, §5,000 II GOLD. ONE BRAND CASH PRIZE, $5,000 IN SILVER. TwoPwzsa or $1000 •) Sex Prizes o? $500each in QrefirihQcVg J to Prizes or $100 J vrccuuttORfl i ^ 1,000 Gold and Silver LeTcr Hunting Watches DR. WOODBRIDGE’S PAIN LINIMENT POE, HALL 4 LOFTON', ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 3U00.V. GA. Office, oa Third strert, oner City Bank, aovltf R EMOVES in from five to twenty minutes th® most violent pains of NEURALGIA and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, curing very sever® forms of these dii*eai»es in from one to five days; also the STIFFNESS OF THE JOINTS which sometimes accompanies tne last. It also cure* SPRAINS OF THE JOINTS in twelve hour* GUM-BOILS, NERVOUS HBADACHE8, ncludinr tho*e which follrw Intermittent Fever* and Tooth Aches,in from one to five minutes ;als® Colic, Ring Worm and Meningitis. The second case was cured in Brunswick, relieving in the last in a few minutes, the pain in the head and neck* and the rigidity of the muscles of the neck. See circulars containing certificates of it* virtue* from those who have used it, at the Drug Stores o R. B. HALL, Macon, and B. F. ULMER. Savon* puti. who hare it for sale. Address orders to DR. D. O. WOOD BRIDGE. ■rcb* SawAwtf Brunswick, Go* (in all) worth from $20 to $300 each! **° Coin SilTer. Vest Chains, Solid and Double- Pfeled SdverwBrew Jewelry, jte, etc. Number of Gifts 10.Ow. Tickets limited to 75.000. Agents Wanted to tell TICKETS t# wheti liberal Premium* will ' be paid. Single Ticket* $1; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tick ets $10; Twenty-five Tickets $20. Circulars containing a full lut ot prizes. a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other in formation in reference to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All fetters mast be* tod dressed to „ * Main Office, L- D. 8IN E, Box M 101 W. Fifth Street. Cincinnati, 0 FRESH CABBAGE. BEET. D. F.PI.EM1XG. JAMES X WILSO: 3000- CASES BOOTS & SHOES. LETTUCE tod RADISH SEED RANKIN. MASSENBURG A (XX :*• For a *i»wdy cure of three or other admeats of a private nature, call, or »«md tump fur pnrate circular of ad» uv w both mw Addn-re Box -O," '.t i-»UTTt Medical Institute, 187 Sycamore strert, Cincinnati. Ohxv Tbr remMire* are » certain that no pay will be required of iwpogatilr per- •o** fitr treatment until cared. A vwit to it* Mu- seum w;ll convince »ou that this In*t;tute is the only sure one in the Uruled dmte* tc cure Srphi- •are new from the Manufacturer* * very lore* amf. well selected stock of BOOTS ROBS. AND TRUN KE of every description, which will be sol ti a* low m ia ouy other mar act honta viffiiung Charfeotoo are invited to examine our stock. D. T. TLEMXEf O ft CO M X HATN'E 8IIUBT. OOKXEtt Of CHURCH STREKi - _ T — - — f^McodA&J JiXU OlLflLLIX SA’AUEL A.N'ILSO.\. -I • s K © '1 IMITATION CHINA TEA PISTES BREAKFAST l’l.ATES - - - - DINNER PLATES - - - - - TEA SETS.« pieces - - - - - DINNER SETS. 1X7 piece, - - - CHAMBER SETS. U pieces - - DEC. GRANITE SETS, nwa - 100 sets CUT GLASS GOBLETS - 000 sets GOBLETS ----- - 75 1 00 1 25 5 50 27 00 5 50 6 GO 1 75 50 1 00 1 25 1 GO 7 50 35 00 7 GO 9 00 2 50