The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 16, 1873, Image 2

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH A1VD MESSENGER: SUNDAY MORNING, NOYEMBER 16, 1873. &UQrwh<(3j$c'iscii!itr 1 SVNIHT MORINNG. NOT. IB. 1«7J BEECHEK’S LECTTRE-KOOJ! TALK Chi-m*, Attribute. -The Only ftnrr Hupimrt on which to Lean In liu,c of Trouble. In consequent-*- v»f the storm last cv-v ninjf there waa but a KUiali at ten l*ne»* at the Plymouth b-cture •room. Mr. Beecher naitl that in tracing oi it the life • f *■ m-* aa it lutd bo n left to >n» in the reeord •’ the four cvaiiffe’iM^, ,, s;.- m. ■ • . . tho small amount tl.., t bad . : - d of the events t,f that life. John himself was impress^! wit h th:*. th.,t h • r.’/d that "the world <*>v ild noW «,.nu n th- l--*k»" if everything t Li it f’hri’t * u 1 and did had been r.-or«l. *»1. and yet lathe aK-n ler records that t c# r.* in.ade, wit'.lO’.t at all tir.derv.iiuiji^ the %!,ito- menU, we learn-vl nio »re of the in* r.or of Chr- '.’ft life from n&h* mcnbtntol ro- marks than frrim t h* • >e «taart»ent». When, for in.,Line**, C hrUtrebuko-l IVUr. wo ffot a clear ldo.. of difcoiidifabt an<i in another juirt . : f the ccan^eli 1*. whore ho dUtribub M to sJDDO men. besides women and i children, ininc- ulously, UlO Wmve. i. then- faith in hiu. u.- the promi-.-1 M - . tah catno to ft BAUEAV. . Mincklni; Treatment of Cranl'. His torian. ItamPUtt.] By-the-by, Gen. I!a/lean lira* in pr.nee- ! ]v atrl.-ootai‘1-.* of London, and may be | mu by er-ryb-lv but Americana in one I -.ho Del left little ari tocratic turnouts, ia tho way of a brougham, in or about the city. And tho General’* circle of ac- I quaint.’.n ea ia of the n.ivt (elect and j aristocratic of lint:!.m l. The way he I wat inu olucod to this ia a little curious. I We £ct t':<• fa-t’ from Janes, who had 1 them from the General direct. Now it I mast be remembered tint an American J C-.n-tnl General in London u not xqgarded ! as a lanrn ri-’etable in a social point of view; and a Consol General of the United I States may live in London until he Rains I the ripe eld aRe of Methuaelah without tmi/e<l or known even to ti The Special Attention j WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. French Millinery &nd*gezitry of England. This nappen to Bidcto- When that CJASH RIBBON'S. FAKCY O Kl '< HIM.." Hfii ill it". .1 . ' - styles htqr BABY CAPS, in Laoe and Merino. A flftc ■ ■■orf iit of HEAL LACES. Ia.I^Vhii I Mives* FRENCH CORSETS. TV HAIR DEPARTMENT U cnvplet*. H AIR woven and amused in any derired style. A beautiful c‘«>rtinetit of HAIR ORNAMENTS, in Cot Steel. CORONET COMBS. PANCT COMBS. Oil! mid Silver BIRDS and BUTTERFLIES. A complete assortment of NOTIONS. Tl*re is a full stock o( frerythinx unaUr kspt in ray business. which would be too nmnercms to mention hem Prompt attention Riven to all orders. MISS A. O’CONNOR. CLOTHIN C3- ortUtf . A\ • MACON FLOUR MILLS —ASD— A. Tho a port •'■'i I ph rill ha ind tli iniclu wah M.v^'u IctLm aid, make him kir took any purl and r«*i it « tho S-ivi.xj through tii'i wero fiat n ingly lumini of th»* mibr.L infinitely be ataxu o gnat that it i.r of o-nthuiiaam, Ho in a God; we : to seize him and Now, that the diaciplea thU wa» not recorded, w.n apparent t.’utf they did, ■ that ho wa nt up into a znoan- Otnj*aflk* I Uie *i ipl-« logo > and go over on the other to that one word “compelled’’ a window opened, through ;ct a glimpse of the relation of lr to hU di.afiplea; and all •rded If/f of Christ there tints, which were exceed- In tracing tho history ith throe twelve men, so h him in knowledge and ity, there were few in- 1 whore ho faulted them in which ho r*-hukod them, hat in .■ !.*• rather :iv.i : . .: • their wrong-doing to draw them nearer to him, and in doling with those, many time* provoking them, he so carried himself with llietu that thov wpro in habits of endearing intimacy with him. Ho wi i.t abroad in R’. n n way with tho common people and with dbciples. that every where their greeting of tho Lord w.n familiar ; men. women, and little children all oofed a.- though the wbolo community knew tiiafc this was a man that OMld oe approached. They brought their sicknoas to him and all their griefa nnd troubles, and when they little children they brought tl tho strsam of sympathy act Tn towards him all tho time. “Now,” continuod Mr. Booeher, “for the appreciation of this: Our Lord has gono up on high, not haring acted a part which he loft behind; for some people think o ir Saviour ■ | earth to do certain things, and, haring dono them, lie wa* like an actor, who, haring dono his part, throws off his clothes and leaves the stage; but so I do now road so much of God as could bo manifested in tho lxvly was manifested l>y tho Lord Jesus Christ, nnd when ho left ho went to tako these attributes on in a larger form ; ho went that ho might bo ablo to do th:.t which tho limitations of tho fiosh did not permit him to do hero; ho went wliero love might have its infinite career. Hera ou earth it was comparatively oclipaed, and so tho exhor tation that sounds out in every ago to go to Christ in porrow, in temptation, under burdens, in darkness, when lonesome, for saken. botmyod; whatever may bo tho experience, draw near to tho Lord Jesus Christ, 'for ho id the High Priest that con ho touched with the feeling for our infirmities/ Wo sin, but ho did not; he is perfect in power ftXftUod nt tho right hand of God. He can do this very work which wo need every hour and need mo ment of life. Ho can help our unWliof; ho can find ua if wo are in trouble; ho can lift up tho so that are cost down, and ho can brfitho life into those thataro dead, and bind up the wounds of those Hint are bn:i.-*fd ; *.»! •:, \ :y v- - over comfort ho may have in companion- ship or in tho sanctuary, remember that tho foundation of all comfort is tho gra- ciousncds of God ns manifested in Jesus Christ/grlFWJ. Tlio Career onkfiMfinghon; J»mU Mall Gazette.} Without diare-poet to the gallant sol dier who now rule, Franco, it may be n;ud that to the redoubtable history of Athos, PorthiH, nnd Animat alono might ono turn for a precise parallel to many of hid exploits ami achiovoments. Hero is ft private who had carried his baton in his knapsack. Hero ia an &dventurer who at the Hword’c point hits won his way up to perilous aoclirity of promotion—aoi un- liko tho grand plateau above Chamouni, in traversing which the climbers of Mont lllanc are liable at any moment to be swept from creation by the storm-bolt of an avalanche. Here is a younger son who, sent into the world to seek his for tune, lias advanced stop by stop to the very summit of his ambition. Entering tho military service of Franco in 1825, when barmy seventeen, be became in 1889 Captain, in l.s.19 Major, in 1&J5 Colonel, in 18-18 General of Brigade in 181)2 Geuorai of Division. In 1859 be obtained on ono day tho coronet of a Duke and tho baton of a Marshal. In 1804 bo assumed pro-consular powor as Govemcw-General of Algeria. In 1872 he grasped the supremo baul*lo of do minion. almost r«‘lnctantlr, when nn over whelming majority of the Assembly thrust upon his acceptance tho Presi dency of the French Republic. His ca reer is all the more extmordinnry, more over, by reason of its startling contra* * dictions. As Sydney Smith once laugh ingly said to his brother, “ My dear fel low, we are running counter to the laws of nature. You have risen by your grav ity, whil.i I Imre sunk by my levity!" So ono might say of MacMahon, his brightest successes have come to him out of his darkest defeats. He has fallen to the lowest ouly to rise to the highest. Whore others have found merely obloquy, ingratitude and expatri ation he has actually found tho way back open to him. through a chaos of disasters, to higher houor*, greater power, and a loftier position than ho had over before ambitioned. His apparent death-wound nt Sedan not only g&vo him a new lease of life, but won him sympa thy where others encountered only exe- crations. Notoriously outwitted, loth at the ojvning and tho closing of the cam- )«aign. ho was, nevertheless, w, l.w.: d l*ack bv his afflicted country n«* oth. r marshal of the Empire was welcomed. France in him again f^und one who, if he had lost ovorytniag i lse. luul certainly not lost honor. Returning from tho veiy jaws of death, he did so net only u:t rl. ing seco'jafully sought in the cannon*.> month the bubble reputation, but after having found it harden ::i hi- -rr.i-p i* to an empir* as solid and real as any gold* u orb regalia. NISBET’S FOUNDRY FOR SALE. Fenton ruffian, tbe bhah, came to i^on- don. General Badoau, in common with other consuls, wu-i invited to l^c presonte^l to this brother of the sun and cousin to irdanoo with the inri- tion, Gen- ral B. donned that uniform f the late war, and seating himself in his brougham behind two flunkies in livery ditto, and wo Landsomo horses, was roiling along London ward, when he encountered a lot d bloods out ou a lark. V Vow to encounter this lot i* abont as T»EIXG S, re 5 i Ili r S cr ll Se , Sm . ,. ... . m _ J) arojunto# ill hcaJtn. I now tsoruio •*«» c ible a thing u ono can find of a I Th.? Floor Jim. innoro momin- or night either, for ninmuentlr Btaatcd for bo«ne..and udrsren Kaffluh jilay U hor*o-pl»y, and it ia con- hr me wwiM waawT «!” ■ygl aide-rod a rare joke to pre and take black ~^\ bl .J t i r i e a%iiaav>r~a dor- _i ** •- tT - # — in* thclutieuoaSS percenton whst vaskeflj for th« w hoi*? pror- rtr. and this m the shames of the proprietcr. and under the sole manatrement of T. C. NISBET ortfllm ejee and bloody noeee. Unfortunately car consul general wae not in a situation ;ccpt .uch!., a, his battle- ed uniform and intellectual oounten- had to bo presented to hie Imperial Scorbutic Majesty of the Eaet. Hi* car- riago »a* surrounded by the blood*, and the first demonstration consisted in cov ering our elegant and able consular agent with flour. To this General Badeau re monstrated. Ho did not like floor ap plied externally. He said aa much. He clothed hi* ideas on tho occasion in any thing but flowery language. He called tho offender* dirty blackguards. To a PAtsizaras he was a howling <sul; nnd, when our excellent commercial representative, get-1 JEWEri’S store. No. 04 Second street. OLIVER F. EVANS I Builder and Contractor, HACOXi CA. Orders for ting a further advance on flour in his I will he promptly attendM to. mouth and eyes, grew furious, a resolu- 1 tion was offered and passed unanimously to have the cad out. The sergeant-at- arms, which meant the entire party, pulled the noble representative from his brougham, and ono of the set proceeded, aa lia Ghid "t/i ilmu him down/' The ortS lswtw as he^ said, “to dress him down.” The General called on his myrmidons on the box, and the myrmidons coming to his aid, a general engagement occurred that THE GEEAT PANIC! I Prices to Suit the Times TT you w*nt to mve SJ per crat. in bujing -L Kidj-maile Clotbinr. go to D. J. Baer - *, tor- ~ . . .. , ner ThirU and Cherry street*, ilacon. Haia would have been bad m the end for the oflering , S"C , X'"bSS”S'S"™S -- hare tho young gentlemen arrested; he I 2.000 Men's latest style CASS I MERE BUS! only asked for their names and address. 3 t f s SSUlTC,»t*ISS0«*jb,wMAtlswi»-r.ui h . They wore given and tho bolligorcnts c {ssimehesuik.MWtOO«ich.worthts-oo \vhcn General Badeau, in no plight to 1 s.oto i'nv’draan’. SUITS, at $5 00 csch, worth be presented to tho imperial old bUe of >nd Children-. SUITS I mjte Pcr.-ia, rctxtrnod home, ho found on the a jp^oiitr, at will tell them cheaper than they oaxds names of voung gentlemen con- can be malic nt home. picenrunr tu-cted with the OAvornment.and through our Minister he made complaint. At unit «ooq rhQdren’s extra fine, latest style, im- they were inclined to laugh nt tho affair, j parted CASS1MBRK SUITS, at $000, worth but their respective relatives, high in ^d b cSimnr. htort rat and office, characterized tho act as exceed- 8tv io SUITS, at $1000, worth $uoo a suit, ingly brutal and stupid, assuring these * Bovs’ SATINET SUITS, at $150, worth wild oats that to assault and insult a ^^'^nhnmlaMllme of H) and Chit consul in that way mado up a very sen- drtnl . CLOTHING, of all atylca an.l description. On* state of affairs. At last it was set- too numerous to mention. An extra inducement tlod that tho youthful ruffians should go offered to merchant*. Call eai ly at the waUlUuwu in person end apologize for tho outrage. | Corner Third nnd Cheirystieet. They did ao. Badeiu had tho good sense P ,.,|/ r***pmtl to receive tho gentlemen and their apolo- FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0T MACON gy in a graceful manner. I ^SSJ^SfJSSk^fJ: I TE.tSSACXS A CESECAL BASUSfi BC-SIXESS. acted liko bln-gaiui-ls—aw—fact is, raw- titer, vary. Hope'll forget—vary sorry. But hod a bad lot of stuff, altogether stu pid.” “Don’t mention it,” cried Gen. B. “I wouldn’t have minded a little lark, but tho fact is I was about being put to tho Shah,’ and although ho represents the flowery land of song, flour don't make a good court dress. But it's all right now. Come, let us seo if Z haven't some better stuff.? I>IIi:CTOR3: L C. rUST. I). FLANDERS, n. L. JEWETT. w. B. D1SSMORE H. B. PLANT. D. S. LITTLE. G. II. HAZLEHURST. L C. PLANT. President. W. W. Wainutr. Cashier. mal0.tnnevl' L 0. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers MACON, GA. fellah,’’ and so Badoau was thrashed into I Boy on j Sell Gold. Silver. Stocks nnd Tho young lords found tho Yankee Consul, as they called him, a “tip-top good society. Bonds. Deposits Received oil Which Interest will be Allowed, AS AGREED CTOS. PAYABLE OWT CALL. Advances made on. Cotton and Pro duce In Store. | COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO cbO ly * A Haunted Locomotive. From the Hpringdeld Rrpublumn.] A locomotive that is possessed of ndovil is the sensation at South Manchester, Conn. The engine is called tho “Pio neer,” formerly the “Canonchct,” and belongs to tho llartford. Providence nnd FishkUl railroad. She was sold to another road recently, but owing to somo misunderstanding was never delivered, . and to got her out of the way the com- c - pony sent her from Hartford to South Manchester a week or two ago to bo CITY BANK housed m tho engino house there. She 1 behaved herself liko any well-bred engino tho first two nights, but on the third tho watchman heard strango noises issuing from all parts of her, noises unlike any thing he over heard before. This con tinued every night, nnd was heard by his brother, who came to keep him company in the uncanny place. Then the story got abroad that there was a haunted en- n a <o4un K o-at the shop, and believers and unbo- I John*L GRES LIAM, -era began to floekafouA TTranni— I Mytiant continued to bo audible. There was a | s. g. Boss. President. R. F. Lawros. Cashier, rapping, now in the fire box, now in the boiler, and anon in tho smoke stack as though somo peTson inside were striking the iron with a muffled stack, and a hol- JIACOX. GEORGIA. {Capital 200,000 Dollars; DIRECTORS: I WM. B. JOHNSTON. TO S- H< EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. omce in MnlTs N'ew Building. low and dismal reverberation followed | Receives Deposits, each blow. * Tho most careful and thorough oxami nation fail.'d to disclose any trickery or the possibility of any, nnd the impudent spirits would keep up tho racket even while tho scrutiny was going on. People go to the engine house and stay nights to hear the manifestations, and it is rela ted that one young man who was makin unseemly jests about the ghosts suddenly BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE. Makes Advances on Stocks. Bonds, Cotton in Store. Also on Shipments ol Cotton. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO- feblS tv Planters' Bank, FORT VALLEY, GA. eroir iKwthlv pale and foil in a swoon. "DECEIVESDeposit*,di»countsPa|>er.bajr3aiid When he recovered he said he .aw a | .tywQpM ghostly figuro glide ont of the engin. and point its bony finger at him. There are divers theories to account for the business, A gentleman from Pittsburgh, who knows all about iron and looomotivos, says it is the {molecular action of the iron striving to return from the artificial fibrous state, r.s teen in wrought iron, to the granulated, or pig-iron state. The believers in the npir.t theory floor him at once, however, by ashing why the noises are loudest on alternate nights, and why they always occur between 9 o’clock r. K. and 5 a. m. Collections made at all a<vessible points. Interest paid on Deposits when maud for s specified time. ^ . Wm. J. A5DKKS05, Pres L TT. E. Bxowy, Cash r DIRECTORS . . w . Wm. J. Anderson, Col. Hush L. Bernard 1 Col. Wm. Felton. Dr. W^A Mathews. Dr.3l L IT. non indie*gg LOOK HERE! IT AST OXR TILLS YOU D. J. BAER r \ not scllinir roods £5 per rent, cheaper tlinn 8 any store in Macon, Git, call around and con vince yourself. See Price List: 600 pair Gents' Pino Calf Sewed Boots at $5 a pair. worth $i . S00 ]iair Gents* Sewed Gaiters at ?£ a pair, worth {3 50. 1,000 pair Men’s all leather Kip Brorans. at J1 £5 pair, worth a pair. Kxciteiueut Among Haolielors. Ftora t!u* iNo\ntl:i' K< j-.i;'.»I:ca:;. Tho report wus circulated yostordsy that about fifty marriageable girls from migrant train on their ia, and would bo in ght. The number of ell were on tl way to Li* Angel Tnickcc about inidn report was true. the st i tense. tibia young ing of tho pu- OVC r California tho 1! o’clock in oriler to tnin. and the.? the girls aud their txuuiug was concerned. The excitement among the Knchelors in this plsA-e, in oonjoqucnoe of tho new* tliat »iuch a precious invoioo of freight was near at hand, w.i; most ir: Some of the most i iuon, who luui been K\ poriority of Kastorn gii dftughters, went down on th j*. as. pa-wengsr train to Bv t-omo up on the cm' to hsve a fair view and make the <{iuuntancc of some of the fascinating Lowell dsmscls. The trvin, with feminine cuxgt>. Arrived here shortly after midnight. The bachelors who went down to Boca are mum over their trip. They got aw fully sold. Then* wjlm scarcely n j^retty girl in the crowd. One had lost her t *et.i. .mother wa-' deaf, and L.i«l ghe - eyes, while the most promising looking 1 one in tho crowd was tongue-tied. One of tho bachelors undertook to pay his addresses to this, the most likely one of all, and .urtuslly offered her his hand, name, and a home in Truckee. She 1 puckered up her mouth for half an hour | in the vam endsavor to answer him. an l | probably would have smoeode-i had not | the remorseless conductor cried out “All I aboard and started up the train. 50 dozen Gents' Black and Brown Wool Hats at 50 cents each, worth $1 each. Boys’ and Children’s Hats, at 50 rents and 75 cts. extra barcain. - • 10,000 yards tut colored and best quality Caaco, at 10 cent < a yard. _ A _ Bleachinc. Cassimeres, Jeans, Home*puns at Fac tory pnara. I mlurexnents ofiered to dealers. Call early at the well known store of D. J. BABB. Comer Third and Cherry sts., Macon, Ga. octSS Sm A Groat Wrong’ Riglifod—The Largest City in the United States. From tho Courier- Journal.] Philadelphia was shamcfallv treated . by the Government in the census report Clot of 1S70, which, in making up a table of lOJoirn lilratsljls snJ colors Gents’ Fur lists tho population of fifty principal cities, | ’"wrth ftysclu A^si^osl Bs^sio^ gave Philadelphia 874,012 inhabitant.-, ! but gave New York 012,202. N'ew York's triumph was of brief duration. 'Tis a long Lino which hath no turn. Murder will oat. •"Time at hut brines si) thine, even. And if we do bat mtrk th, boar. Th ru never yet was human power. Whirh could crude, if ur-fomven. The pitieal s wreh and vigil loon Of bun who treasures up a wiuog.- An election was held in Philadelphia tho other day. and previous to that a reg istration of'the voters had to be taken. A lot of serene, pious, upright, truly loyal registration officers were appointed, and the work begun. Tho voters poured in front all quarters. They crowded the streets in front of the office. The like was never seen in the Quaker City before. The registration was completed, when it waa found, to the exceeding gnat ,"oy of tho godly Philadelphians, that thorn city had 45,000 more voters than New York had, being equal to a population of 225,- (■V> larger than that of N’ew York! Trae, certain envious, evil-minded per- SOUB hint that the Philadelphia regis tration was gotten up to suit the Cameron-Administration faction.and that the 45,000 voters aforesaid are not men of flash and blood, but mythical persons whoso names were copied for the nonce of London and AT WHOLESALE. WE have opened a wholesale apartment over our retail store, and invite the Georgia. Alabama and Florida merchants who buy in this market to give us a call. We will sell them on a, g.*>l terms and at as low prices as they can buy them in New York. Our stock is the largest that has ever been brought to this State. The RETAIL DEPARTMENT Is filled with everything that is choice and stylish for % gentleman’s outfit, and see the Virginia All|Wool Cassimere Suits, Good as the Scotch, for $15 per suit, worth $25. 50 SECONDJSTREET, MACON, GA. GEORGE W. HEAD, EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER, AND CIGAR HANUF ACUREB, No. 4 Blako’a Block, may ly Poplar st., Mi .con, Ga. C. J. GAMBLE. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, North British & Mercantile XJfSUItAXCJE COMPAXY. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CAPITAL—SOLD - - - - $10,000,000 Insures Stores, Merchandise, Dwellings, Fumi tare and all other property at LOWEST RATES I CLOTHING PHELPS, DORHMT (list** PheJi's a * CORBETT | PARLOR. CHAMBER ANO OFFICE FURNITURE 1 MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, ETC Sfttond snt Canal at, Avar Bruu Iwav tin " I take.pleasure in announcing* to iriemk aud tho public ip general that my stock t STONEWALL w FERTILIZER For sale by TURPIN & OGDEN, SOLD AGENTS. MACON. GA. LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM CO, * 4 f ,: A (GUION LINE.) F IRST-CLASS STEAMERS sail between New York and Liverpoolevery Wednesday, afford ing the best possible accommodation for the sa loon and steerage passengers. Drafts issued for passage money from Europe at current rates. For rates of passage and other information, ap ply to WILLIAMS A GUION, 29 Broadway, New York. Or to W. MCKAY. Agent. No. CS Second street. Macon. Ga. COTTON STATES life Insurance Company. PRINCIPAL OFFICE 3IACON, - - - GEORGIA Macon, Ga„ October 10, 1S73. niHIS company is prepared to issue policies on X the “stock plans,” the premiums on which are from 20 to 23 per cent, less than on the mu tual rates. An opportunity is thus afforded to all who desire insurance, or who may wish, flora crease of age. than original cost. The “Cotton States” lias an available reserve of capital and de posits of $500,000, which is entirely independent of its business, and is not used therein. Good agents wanted. Liberal inducement^ will be given. oct!2 lm For Sale. fERTILE FARM, situated ono ami a — miles south of the town of Cuthbert, Ran dolph county, and containing four hundred and fifty acres, of which about two hundred and fifty are cleared and under cultivation. On the premises are a gin house and excellent gin, ono double log dwelling, and a sufficiency of laborers’ houses, a fine well of water and a good mill seat. There is timber and fuel sufficient on the place also to realize more than doublo tho pur chase money. This property will be sold on ar commodating terms, or exchanged for city hi pxxivements. Apply at this office, or to THOS. POWELL. Trustee, oct22tf Cuthbert, Georgia. BROOMS, BROOMS. •^JTE have just received 100 dozen assorted BROOMS. PROVISION AND , LKOT0R DEALERS. SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. MATCHES, MATCHES. I 150 GE0SS E0UXD ' V00D PARLOR MATCHES. SEYMOUR. TINSLEY & CO. LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. 61 TKCEEO STREET. CADDY LARD, |*X 3,5 and 10 pound caddies—FRESH. octlStf SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. MACKEREL. 300 PACKAGES MACKEREL just in SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. ONLY MANUFACTORY In this count O' where SADDLE R Y ! Loom Reeds, Harnesses A VARIED .SSOETMENT OF SADDLES AND HARNESS, BRIDLS, WHIPS, HORSE COVERS, COLLARS, BITS. SADDLERY aa CARRIAGE HARDWARE. CARRIAGE MATERIAL—HBS. SPOKES, RIMS, BUGGY SEA'P CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES at REDDED PRICES for CASH. Also 4 BUGGIES at ESS THAN MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. nevG lm DAVIS SIITH, X02 Cherry street, Macon. I Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. UPPL M ju!y24 6m JIEJ'S MB BOB' CLOTBIIC! Is now complete, and I am now ready to dispose of the same at as LOW or LOWER prices than any other house in the city. My stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods Has been selected with more core and elegance than any in the city, comprisinj most fashionable goods in that line.. DWIGHT L. Hi F - garden )BEHTS & CO.. FACTORS ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS Which is undoubtedly the best shirt brought to this market, unequaled in FIT and QUALITY. Shirts made to order and fit guaranteed. Hats, Silk and. Fur. The nobbiest and latest styles of Hats constantly on hand and new ones arriving weekly. Prices to suit everybody. The public are invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that I mean what I say. CHAS. WACHTEL, Fourth street, Vo. 1 Brown House, next door to the Ladies’ Entrance, oct26tf Opposite Passenger Depot. GEORGIA MILLS Always in the Van* Tie Best Flour on fbo Best Toms. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ccKfitf * JJJJsWius sod Ik, „ it. r. aicaauxp WM. H. STARK A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION un. CHANTS ANO COTTON FACTORS, ’ SAVANNAH. GA. Careful attention giv, u to sal_., or j-hiu-n,,.,. Coitu.1 and ail kirnis .^Produce. Libere!SKS5c2 umdo on conv.ptmaats. Agent, for the «daX£ MagualiA Super, a Gii;-, Fnucvtou Faoto^^J XVlt .tm JW. HCU. A. liuivli & Co., Milo Hutch, Trubt Co. Light Dran i and Arrow T K. II. COllJKN, COHEN A HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com. mission Merchants, OG nay Street, Savnttnnli, La. Ecfor respectfully to J. tv. Latltrop A Co V " - Gordon. H. mV', '• 1- Savannah llaat auj sepiXtot J. N. LIGHTi’OOT, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, JOG Bay Street, Snvnimali, Ca. Assets for the sale of Meriynian’s Annnoniated aept; oni s~ si. WAStmu). noai. witst - WuVRI’IKLD &. WAYNH, Cotton Hrohors and (Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEOUGIA. O FFUIt their services to planters andshipnere of cotton, etc., ami soli,it a share of their Sus. Cush advance uuuic ou con.signmoui«, nt lowest rates of interest. All business en trust ea to our care, will receive prempt attemion. -p u . tures” bought and sold in the Savannah and New York Cotton Exchtmgo on tho most reasonably W. DUSCAX. J. H. JOHNSTON. M. JIACLKAN DUNCAN, JOHNSTON 00., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 02 Bay street, Savannah, ta. augl 6m B. C. FIsANNAGAN. W. W. FLANNagaN. A. F. ABKLL. R. 8. MORGAN. FLANNAGAN, ABELL & CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Morcnants, ISA BAY SIRUKT, SAVANNAH. GA ]\ /TANAgLN'G Agents tor tho English Stonewrll -IVL Fertiliser, etc. Bagging and lies furmshtni, and liberal rash advances made on consignments for sate in Savannah, or on stnpaients to our cur- resjiomleuts m Northern, ItMswrn or Kiu-ojumii markets. Ugl li A. M.SLOAN. ARTHUR N.SOLLRK. G.V.WYLLV.JU A. M. SLOAN CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, Cinghom & Cunningham’s Range, 5lay Street, Savnntiali, Ca. T>AGG ING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal jLJ cash advances mado on consignment)* lor sale in Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, Aew York, Philadelphia, Boston or Daltimore.augl Gin ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 57 THIRD STREET, octlltf Macon, Georgia JAMES H. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARDEMAN. JOHN L. HARDEMAN. BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office, Cliorry street, over S. T. Walker’s. auglO tf HERBERT FIELDER. IDl'tJ L. FIELDER. H. & I. L. FIELDER, Attorneys at Law, CITHBEKT, GEORGIA, W ILL give prompt attention to nil business confided to them, in tho counties of Ran dolph, Stewart, Quitman, day. Early, Calhoun nnd Terrell, tho Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District and Circuit Courts of the United States for tho Southern District of Georgia. septl7-tf ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS Tlie Great "Eclipse” Screw Cotton Press [PATENTED FEBRUARY 21,1S71.] HOWARD HOUSE. BROAD STREET. Nearly opposite Montgomery aud Eufaula Rail road Depot. EUFAULA ALABAMA. J. W. HOWARD. • - Proprietors. Only a short walk to aud from the Southwest ern Railroad. Seventy-live cents saved in enrni bus fare. ■cntl * METROPOLITAN A NORTH GEORGIA FARM FOR SALE. OFFER FOR SALE, on reasonable terms. A both as to price and payments, my farm in North Geonria. containinc tJbOO aerrs of land, some 500 acre* cleared. The cleared bud braces some line level mubtto lands, some gray lands, and about seventy-five acres of bottom land. The wood land heavily timbered with oak. hickory, poplar, and interspersni with pine* The dwelling house is finely built, containing ten ru*mi above and brick basement, costing liana $81500. Barns, stables, cin-bouse and tenant booses aie an pie for the place. A fine, unfailing S nr.c i f !r»f ::<■ watcnvmmie::: tv the buw*. It is located ten miles from Dalton, on a rear line of East renne-seearai Virginia Railnmi, the road running within a mile of the house. It is two and half nr.lestothe rn-anTt station: five miles to WING & SOLOMON Offer to the public a largovd newly selected stock of FINE JEWELRY! STERLING SILVERS And embracing many'newid novel styles fast oat THE BES Their Work Department is complete. New W tombstones of Laurel Hill; but xve reject ‘ Catoosa Smaand seven miles to Tunneli iliil, the insinuation as calumnious, rhiladcl- on the * taU \ Boad. The rim is healthy, and way be a^si^ned he? by the Administra tion. With the help of th&t good man ^:mon Cameron, she will always strive to register enough votes to carrv the State of lYnnsjIrauia for the Credit Mobilier aud the District rings. treason that other engace- . pis mil me from gmn* it my nal si re For further particulars address me at i. Ga. ALIX.1L SPEER. work and repairing, ydri alum lion is given—amlarantee their wosk—at moderate charge*. ELLIS & [ IRON & BRASS WORKS, Canal Street, from Gtb to Itli, | RICHMOND, - - - VA WM. E. TAENEK & CO., EffBINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS, ENGINES OE ALL JEGLNDS. Send for Circubr. H. E. BROWN, 2* Asent. D PLATED-WARE. They are sola agentk tho. celebrated PERFECT!) SPECTACLES! USE. and Badges made to order. To fine watch UTTEE, A sixorLAS revival occurred at a Quaker meeting in Richmond, Ind., a few nights since. The converts stripped thomaelvee of all articles of jewelry and do voted them to the Lora. Women partsd with their vriiiii^ rings, nnd tuc-s with their watch-chains, until the ladies appointed to receive them had about three hundred-dollars’ worth of trinket* ia their possession. One man, a Knivht Templar, added hit regalia and cword to {he treasures. I&DDSN Yesjel or Wrath.—It is said, with how much truth wo know not, that there i» a can or gil&s jar of nitro-glycer- me cr some other explosive compound burieil in the southwest comer of the Capitol square, near the old Arsenal, which has been there for many years, having been to re ted there prior to the surreudci, and the place of its conceal ment having been lo^t. No one dares to dig for it, aa the blow of a pick might send the enterprising digger to roost on the Presbyterian Church steeple. And so t will sleep until a happy chance or some dreadful accident ahall reveal its resting place.—Talnyh (X. C.J Xexcn TON rOE. SAMUEL HALL. WM. A. LOFTON. HALL A LOFTON, ro ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GA Office, on Third street, over Citv Bank. Weakness, Desponden cy. basffiui- aesa Syphi »». Iw a tpredy cure of three or other ailnu-r.n tj a pr.iaxr naiure, cadi, or send >uunp forpnmLc cttvular of advice to both sexre. Addn*» Box “O. V c * u ' rn Medical Institute. 157 Sycamore street. , Cincinnati. Ohio. The remedies are so certain i that no pay will be required of responsible per- j tons for treatment until cured. A vm: to its Mu- j seam will convince you that this Institute is the only sure one in the United States to cure Svphi- lis and restore mar hood. doullcodly 1 PBOPETElRS OF WHARF STREET FACTORY. Rari^fnto— 3IACOX, oioilGIA. to ourffiaadl tii vsre still running the above machine, and | Im public than evs Or stock of White and Yellow Pine Goal, Doors, Sasli, Blinds, Bouvets, Mouldings, Etc., are complete, and we can fill orders at short notice and^: U prices. Our stock of lumber cannot be We have 200-000 feet of dry flooring. 200,000 fret dry ev in HftSOO feet weather boards, and common Building Lumber, ii oy Quantity. nechnnins is complete. We ran bvfld. * fr, and fit up storehouses end dwellings We solk-it a rood share of patiow^v trd Ir country fnends. We guarantee satis- want is a fair inaL Trj us and be cm 4 ML Our corps of with disjeuch. factam. Ail vr ; ELX.I3 k M. H. CUTTEK. Gift Enterprise The'only R-j-iible Gift Distrilmticn in tho country ©75,000 INVALUABLE GIFTS to be distributed in I*. D. SINE’S 164tb Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE! To be drawn Hondav, November 2 ith, 1373. OS* GRAB) CASH PRIZE, $J,000 1.Y GOLD. ME BRAND CASH PRIZE, $5,000 IN SILVER. TwoPxizes OP $1000 Six Prizes op $500 each in > Gt*ppti nff.P.VR f Txx Prizrs of $100 j uretJuudUAb i L000 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in all) worth from $20 to $300 each! Coin Silver, Test Chains, Solid and Double- Plated Silverware, Jewelry, :tc., etc. Number of Gifts 10,000. Tickets limited to 73.000. Agtiti Wanted to sell TICKETS to whom liberal Premiums will be paid. flnrie Tickets SI; Six Tickets $5; .Twelve Tick* Is $10; Twenty-five Tickets $20. Circulars containing a lull list of prizes, a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other in formation in reference to the DUtruration, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters xmut bs>ddreseed to Main Office. 101W. Fifth Street, octl d-kw6w MANTJFACTtTKED SOLELY BY R. FINDLAY’S SOYS FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER THAN OLD WOOD SOUW EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. Georgia Land and Water Power Por Sale. ment and a clmngo of business, I offer for sale a fine body of oak nnd hickory land, which embraces a first-class water power, uml eligible site for building up a large cotton nmnurncturiug interest. It is on the Ocmulgoo river, six miles above Macon. I can sell tracts of from luo acres to two thousand. Address WM. LUNDY. sep28 2awAwtf Macon. < «a. THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO FORTUNE. $100,000 FOR ONLY $2 SOI THE LARGEST RETURN FOR THE SMALLEST INVESTMENT. AGRAND GIFT CONCERT! WILL BE HELD AT LEAVENWORTH, KAN., DECEMBER 31st, 1873, FOR THE HENKFIT OF A JUVENILE REFORM SCHOOL. 40,000 Gifts, $450,000 in Prizes, Principal Prize $100,000 Consisting of the superb j<ilatial residence of Si mon Abe lea. Esq., unsurpassed as a private dwelling in tho United States, being only a few blocks from the Court-house, snrrounded by mag nificent grounds, orchards, gardens and vine yards. The building has been only recently com pleted with all modem improvements. PRIZE LIST. 1$ Prizes. Beal Estate, - - - 1 Cash Prize, 2 “ “ $10,000 each, - - 4 “ 5,000 “ - - 4 “ “ 2,500 “ - - 20 “ 1.000 Two to three Hands, or ono Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes ' Bales o Cotton packed by this Press range from 500 to 800 pounds. WE GUARANTEE TO MAKE GOOD, FREE OF COST (and Tray expenses of transportation) ANY POI’.TION OF THE IRON WORK THAT MAY PROVE DEFECTIVE WITHIN FOUR YEARS AFTER PURCHASE. AND WARRANT AGAINST BREAKAGE WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. The "ECLIPSE” can be furnished all complete, or simply the Irons, as parties may desiiv. Presses* arranged for steam or water power when required. We have TESTIMONIALS from many of the Largest and Best Planters in Georgia (and all th© other Cotton States) using this Press, whose names are a«“ familiar aa household wonL. Pgntera Visiting Macon are earnestly advised not to purchase a Cotton Press until they EXA3IIN E CLOSELY AND THOROUGHLY the “ECLIPSE,” and JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES. Send for inscriptive Pamphlets containing testimonials and prices. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON. GA. CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER FOR DRIVING COTTON GINS. Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect manufactured solely by R. Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. OF rtOUSE (one or two Story), or both the Power and Gmcanbe n ANY HOUSE; drives a Gin from 275 to 300 revolutions per minute. 50 100 1,000 1,158 36,450 500 200 100 i on the ground WITHOUT -fttt.T.Y ware anted in every respect. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. x. B.—Parties preferring the "old fashion” Gin Gear or “new fashion” ditto, with centre support can be accommodated at very reasonable figures. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON M'ORKS, MACON, GA MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS. WATER WHEELS, AND ALD KINTS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, ETCU ETC. E. FINDLAY’S SONS, falTeodly FINDLAY IRON ^ORKfl, JIACON, GA. $159,125 20,0110 20.000 20,000 10,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 15.000 13,060 10,000 6,700 01,125 40,000 Prizes $150,000 The title to the above real estate is guaranteed The liberal terms of this scheme brings it with in tho reach of all-the greatest opportunity over offered for the poor man to nse to wealth. PRICE OF TICKETS. Single Tickets. *3 SO: ElevraTickcU. SMOO; Fifty-six Ticket*. $125 00; Oue Hundred and fif teen Tickets $250 00. The drawing will be made under the superin tendence of a committee npnointed by the high est officials in the State, duly sworn to the faith ful performance of the duties assigned them. The highest officials both of city, county and State have not only endorsed 31 r. Abelcs, but also ^Thodwnuri for tickets is unparalleled, nnd all desiring to participate in the drawings should at once form their clubs and send in their orders. AGENTS WANTED in all States, Cities and Towns in the U. S. and Canadas. Money should be sent by Registered Letter, P. O. Order or Express, with the full address of the purchaser in plain writing. Every* package of 11 tickets has a chance to win 11 prizes, but positively certain to win one, while one person out of every ten who purchase a pack age of 11 is bound to win two prizes. For further information and particulars, send for circulars to tho Manager ami Proprietor, and address SIMON ABELES, sep23eod$m Leavenworth. Kansas. The Greatest Strike Yet. T 7WEBYWHERE the sick are striking ag»«* li metalic medicines and powerful vegetal* poisons. Everywhere they are strong in the «• lief that a Constitutional Invigorant—a prepay* tion uniting the properties of a tonic, agentle pur gative, a blo*xl depurenfc a sedative, and a geoe- ral regulator is absolutely necessary in all dwesjgj; Everywhere they are coming to the conclusion that * Tarrant’s Eflervtscent Seltzer Apperient is precisely such a preparation. Within the PJ* rear thousands of families hove adopted ■ household remedy— di-Mirdine all the imd previously taken, and adnumsterod » JP” children. In general debUity. nervouraraalJT complaint, constipation, ln ii^ dtion, rlieumai and is indeed a marvelous med«w- Sold bv all druggists. Siii- BAILEY’S —CELEBRATED— FE7EB AND A CERT All CURE FOR CHILLS ANO FEVER. B ISHOP PIERCE says a tair to proof. Thousands more will test.*. “fo/wL by Hunt, Rsntini Lamer, cf.M^-n d Green A fcossignol, Augusta, niul druv.v.. merehanU generally in Goor^a, Fjong^^ hatruL, Miasiswppi. Louisiana and Soutn e- Agent* wanted where chill* *ep4 Staw2w±wlm General