The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, December 02, 1873, Image 2

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'Ml! MJWBH IJflU Iffli.lKAI'W A5!» IRJBMWKj 1873. Sgthflraffh Ajfh'ssruijer TUESDAY WORMS' tin* HUM),..: WTit«-i*. Ti npl» roli-l ir touching F?_ F=J_ FR_ ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS attel lilsliop Bockwlth’S Discourse on Sunday. TIii» learned :in<l distim-'iilslied pr< jin-aclied to n crowded c- jilt: • n ;» • t'hriat Clmrd) in the forenoon i.fthepu ; Sabbath, and at ihe'cou l.i n of th*ei-. . reiser. administered the rite...' . ns.rn.a- tion to tfrelre candldat-t. j The Iliabop is ji.-tly cateamed on of the moat gifted and eloquent divine*, in the communion of the Pro‘.ant ]i;.i*oo. pal A. a speaker, liia elocution i* diatimhis manner fro? from affecta tion, and hia nice enphonioos and pow erful. The snbjo' t matter oi Li, s.-rnion also wna strictly orthodox and oreellcnt, and the t liaruiine jjraeca and eltaniri io of rhetone, oonple.; -with nn:e~an!)i... pioty, added much to the interest and effect of liis uiU-ran ’C3, Wo shall attempt no rouci ted akt t< h of this discourse, but from the Blender data at command, mendy fnmi-h an im perfect outline of the argument. The text was baaed uj>on a portion of the 21st verse of the 15th chapter of Luke: "I am no more worthy to be called tby eon.” , rho Bisop said in i-uh.'.tanco: It was Singular how honesty -om'.-til!. 1> jam an obstaclo to dnty. This would appear, at first sight, to Ihs a contradiction li terals, but was, nevertheless, true, A man may believe that ho ought to serve God, but esteeming himself unworthy, does not. Hi* error consists in the fact that be makes bis own worthiness the teat, and measure of the allegiance and doro- t ion, that be owes to hia maker. This has kept many a tinner from making hia peace with God nntil it wiw too late. Bnt the mercy of the Almighty U predicate-1 Upon tie- fact that man really it unwortoy. Considered otherwise, mercy would degenerate into an act of simple justice. If the sinner’s goodness and native excellence detenu God's bias- sing, it is Imt right that ho should re ceive it. Where, however, has such an instance transpired in the history of our fallen roeo F The very reverse is emi nently true. But when tho offender con fesses his sins, and prostrating himself at tho mercy seat, humbly sues for pardon, this isall sufficient. Tho Majesty on High then extends Us sceptre, and mercy and forgiveness orcrouchsnfod to him. The prodigal son understood this. This parable has been termed the "pourl of great price” among the Savior’s jewels. It was, indeed, a wonderful place of word painting. Tho subject of tho sketch was tho son of a noble sire, whoso abodo was sur rounded with every object and appliance of nrt mi l luxury. There was nothing lacking of a material character, to roako that homo pleasant and happy. The af fection of a fund iwrcnt too, was lavished upon this son. Hut unrest, and a desire for clmngo and new scenes, caused him to desert the parental roof und seek his for tune in distant lands. Soon tho scene shifts, and wo find him rushing head' long into the most enticing and corrupt ing pleasures. Ho wastes his substonoc in riotous livingand bacchanalian revelry. Destruction yawns in his pathway, and tho exultant orcli.fioml waits and watches for his prey. Soon his downward career is terminated, and in abject want and wrotcliednoss, he would fuin have fillod his belly with tho husks that tho swine did oat. Sin lias its stages of growth as well as righteousness. The first step, is tho gradual alienation of tho heart from tho paths of rectitude. If this could ho guarded against, how many woes would be spared to ns. But alas 1 tho sinner ' utterly rocklecs, and must reap tho eon sequences of his folly. Youth grows reck' less and impatient under tho restraints of religious instruction, and seeks to throw off the yoke. At first our sins aro not overt and notorious, but aro restrict ed to those of thought and desire. Thus eneoumgod and secretly fostered, how over, they soon booomo full fledged, and expand into a rank maturity of iniquity and crime. Like tho prodigal we wnnder far away into the lowest depths of de pravity and corruption, and squander talents and substance alike in riotous living. It u sad to behold tho spendthrift wast ing the earnings of long years in reckless extravagance, but sadder still to see on immortal soul with its gnat gifts and capacity, grovelling and wallowing in the filthy mire of vice, and yet calling itself amen. Into this world of sin and inquit;' the prodigal throw himself bodily, and rioted and revelled in its delusive pleas ures. Soon, however, the dragon's teeth of misery he had sown began to spring up around liiui, and yield a plenteous harvest of woe. 11c has exhausted his patrimony, and want anil starvation stare him in tho face. Then comes the sting of conscience, and those consuming re grets. and that humiliation, which arouse hint to a sense of his wretched and for lorn condition. So. in mom nt i of thought and la-si- tuiio, the sinner feel* himself isolated and a stranger amid all the sOuromsstta of pleasure. He even hears afar tho foot falls of approaching death. This earth is not our home, wt In ap np treasures and erect palaces, bnt to realise at last that we have tan chasing shadows, nail the days of sorrow and darknoas shall bo ninny. The prodlgi il joined himself to n citizen of that country, and was sent into tho field to fsotlswine. It was the only voca tion lie was fit for. And here in his ex tremity "lie sMtll f.m havo filled his belly with tno husks that tho swino did oat. ami no limn gave unto him.” His efforts to regnin his lost character and estate were utterly futile. Ho did dill not know himself. Ho could not es cape from tho terrible « n ioquNces of hi* o«n folly. It was impossible toover- • oiuo the confirmed habit* of long years. Ilis new resolutions wore weak, lie was n man in sin, hut a child inrigt The child was not equal to the Tile sinner may confess his faults and realise the full measure of his duty, but still bo unnblo to conform to it. “Can tho fig tree boar olive berrios or a Tine figs r The strong will may for a season chock a to-! habit as tho child dams up momentarily the, trickling rill, but a chocked habit is not a chsnytd heart. This is attempting to mak^Jrick without straw. Such an IndirWtal makes his own worthiness tho gr-.fhdof his accept ance with God. If this woro true, men could work out Ids own salvation,and wo should need no mediator and redeemer. Hut mercy ran not he dcjer.vj. It is a fore anting, idod the :t* at true •d fur the . B. John, sontifal ritual Mt.Psrt by the . with much gra n imposing and ■ I the entire exei •of‘A- THE GREAT REMEDY ?0R HOMS PURPOSES. , ami Wi D An Pi IUlI.KO.tD CO.. A i sfis Office. - ' j raberfo. 1873.) j . Mate Treasurer: j nd yon herewith hv the ! TAKEN onmiLLT-Bi APTLIED EXTEfiN AI.LT- ATU.VT1, Gi.. Cohmel John Jones. Deab Sib—11 T: - isunr of this Company, * ‘. KJ in cash, the ront.J due the State for the pro* ■ tit month of XovtmW. Fleaac send mo tlio usual receipt of tho Comptroller General for the amount. Very truly, etc., JoiEFii E. Bbow.v, President. CowrrEOLtXK GsyrmiL’s Omct, > A . taxrs, G*., November 20,1S73. Eeceired of W. C. Morrill, Treasurer of the Western and Atlantic Kail road Company, the snm of $25,000, rente! of Western and Atlantic railroad for No vember, as per certificate No. Si8 of John Jones, State Treasurer. V. L. Goldsvttb. Comptroller General. stops pain r erttem morphine, chloro- ber saodyns knen to the 3PTT<JH r S PRE3IIUM GALLERY ^ VH awarded 6 of tho 10 piminma oflrml at the late 8UU* Fair. Jiifi arw proeeaa for retouching is creating qu 3NT O TI C El T OFFER to airhange property in Griffin con 1 sifting of Throe Dtrolling Ilonscs, One Office, and Two Unimproved Lots, all eligibly situated, for Rood and WELL IM PROVED PLANTATION PEOPERTT. For further particulars address me at Griffin, Os. O. M. LAWTON. AUCTION! GBNHKAL Commission and Storage! H ..w ioatlr t, for, but which wo h demand. Heart ropontanev for . v We must iuvt»k who ask good ci' onti. The prodigal at 10© Cherry Street, Mac on. Go. /^ONRIGNMKJyTS of froodn. wwtw und roor- v rhandbo aolidttds to be »*ld at public or pri vate mIc. Ooods of all kind* received on storage at usual rate*. I refer by perm ion to lion W A Hoff. Mayor, Huron. Oa. Hon C A Nuttina. Prasklent City Hank, Maron. Hon John £ Jones, Pjv*idmt Central Georgia Bank, Maron. Mt fiirs Cubbedg.*, Hulehunt k Co.. Bankers, Maron. M«-•.n. J W Burke k Co, Mnoon. Mrasra J B Boss AST Colemsn. Maron. Messrs Johnson A Smith, Macon. Messrs Reymonr. Tinsley A Co, Macon, Mr*sw Qrnrr, I*ake A Co, Macon. Mr G II UoliertN, Maron. novttlm MlbO FREEMAN. ART GALLERY prepared, at No. 8 COTTON AVENUE, (Riddle’s old stand) To execute 3? I CJ T XT IR, ESI Of ereiy variety and style of the PHOTOGRAPHIC ART. Special sttcr.tinn is invited to his MELLOWTINT PICTURES! # Rcmsrksble for a fitTubar softness. ^(■entires retouched, wliereby all blemishes are arui.lod. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. T. It. RUCKMIIMIt. IP SUDDEN LY SEIZED with pain, one tea spoonful in a dan of water, will, in a few min* ut«-, Kasnri sil nneasim m. rav. headarht-«. roddvn faintdfSss. sbould the n-IW near them; a trafipowdal in water, in three minutes, remote all difficulty. Radway’s Ready Relief Its Grand Power In the Prevention and Cure of Pestilential and CoutairlouH Diseases. It is in diseases where immediate and absolute assistance and relief is required wherein this rem edy proves its superior, and w« mu-ht say. super natural power in saving life and promotinf health In canes where epidemic disease*, pestilence, small-pox. fevers, etc, exist, this remedy proves the potent power of a disinfectant, neutralizer and con. No out that uses the Ready Relief when Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, tjphotd fever, small-pox. dipt lieria, etc, prevail in a communi ty. wulbe Kited with these diseases; and if seized when using it, will be rared if the din-c- tions are followed. Simple as this remedy POmcmks the elements of cure of the roost violent, painful and fatal diseases that scourge the earth. RAHWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF TIIE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE I1LABDEB. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWEL*. CONGESTION OF THE LUNpS. SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART HYSTERICS. CROUP. DIPTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. .Tie Great ! Eclipse” Screw Cotton Press [PATENTED FEBRUARY *1.1>7L] % MANWACTURED SOLELY BY E. FINDLAY’S SONS FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER THAN OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. Two to three Hands, or one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes BaVrw o Cotton packed by this Press range from 500 to SCO pounds. WE GUARANTEE AFTER PURCHASE. AND WARRANTAGAINST LUtALAGt WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. The “ ECLIPSE" can be furnished all complete, or simpiy the Irons, as rarties may desire. Presses arranged for steam or water poirer when required. We hare TESTIMONIALS from many of theLurrst red Bate Ftewtess jeOtef^atsiiaantoB t _ ,) using this Press, whose names areas haulmr j*n"Sfgv*M*OT n/werv pfirncitlvalviaed not to purchase a Cotton Press until they LX.\M I a E CLOSh L1 ULY the * ECLIPSE,** and JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES. Scud for Descnptire visiting Macon AND THOROUGHLY the “ECLIPSE.'. Pamphlets containing testimonials and prices. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLVT IRON WORKS. MACON. GA. CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER or parts where the pain or difficulty exists vii ford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in 1 ^ ^ -.-r FOR DRIVING COTTON GENS. the Bowels, and all internal paint. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Bad- way’s Ready B. licf with tliem. A few drops in water will prevent sickouts or pains from diaruro i of water. It is hrtlcr tlun French Brandy or Bit ters as a stimulant. Recently Strengtlienetl and Improyed, now Perfect North British L Mercantile INSURANCE COMPANY. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. ATTEW^ION PHELPS DOKEMr.q A CORBETT MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS CAPITAL—GOLD - • $10,000,000 Insures Stores. Merchandise, Dwellings, Furni ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! STONEWALL FERTILISER. For sale by TURPIN & OGDEN, SOLE AGENTS. JIACON, GA. ortTtf CANNED GOODS! CHOICE GOODS IN TIN AND 6LASS. FRUIT JELLIES. FRUITS. PICKLES. SALMON, LOBSTERS. OYSTERS, etc. Just received direct from one of the most relia ble Hacking establishments in the country, and for sole at low prices. ortiltf B. II. WRIOLEY k CO. JOHNSON & SMITH UNPRECEDENTED ADVANTAGES TO MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS, IN 500 rolls Domestic Bagging, 2 1-3 lbs to yd. 100 do “Elephant” Bagging, 2 1-4 lbs to yd. 50 bales Gunny Bagging, 2 1-S lb to yd. 200 rolls Southern Bagging, 2 lb to yd. 10,000 lbs Arrow Tics. 25 bales Bagging Twine. sep27tf ! PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE VurnIti-dc ^MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, ETC^ 1 D L ~ht l. j:or,ERTs P fc<r FACTORS ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS Savannah, c; a . Liberal advances mad* «n p^i We have n good stock of B-iSiwm?* 4 * 1 haml, which u e olTer at InwViff. g “Hwij Wit. It. sx.lltk-. ^—siEta; ™ H. STAKE WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION mfr CHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS SAVANNAH, GA ’ %Si E. U. COHEN, JR. " " —J^PUXai^ COHEN AHULL.' '** Cotton Factors ana Goneral Com, mission Merchants, Gt! Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Refer nspwtfully to J. W. Lathrop y (v, - A. HnrdeeM Son a Co.. Tistm A Gerdt, mj 1 ' Trustee!* 0 HaUh> '• X ’ 33*12 6m B. P. WALKER, Late of S. T. & B. P. Walker. JNO. H. DOBBS, Late of Wise. Dobbs. & Co. & DOBBS FEVER ANTD AG-UE. •gent in the world that witt --ire Fever and Ague, and all other Matarkma Biltoua. Scarlet. Typhoal, Yellow anil other Fever, raided Kadway', Fills) so quick as Had way’s Beady Beadv Belief so cent* per l-.ttie, amt rn], fS cents a hoi. Sold by dniKguta MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY SAMUEL IV. GOODE. . STEEUXO B. XOSEY GOODE & TONEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,j mm mis FIFTY IIARUGLS CHOICB RED APPLES. Wilt be sold low to rlose consignment at JAQUES & JOHNSON’S. FOR SALE. A Farm and City Property. A! BBAUTIFTI-and delightfot borne In New- «a», fls. The dwellinc routainssix aree, wvll-wentilmted rooms, a cook-room, pantiy etois- ett. two halls.androkmade on throesklea. The outhuiMinga mwtst of a servant’* house of two a large barn, criha. sublet and forage rarriagp, fowl and smoke-hooseamnd other gsurre.iaiyonalot. Fruit* and flower, of the best varieties, and from the cariHat to the Uteri, are hero t an exert- lent well of sratrr.aymnl beautifully terraced, and rite unnirpaiued anywhere. ’ - ■ * irod and sought right or power "" fM and truo “I an secure it. giveneea and ttle chtldren, earthly ixtr- The to* ha* four acres a* land. Two ten-eerc tots, in line state of mlUvatkin. adjoin, which 1 will aeil with the honaennd lot, or wparatety. Alao a .ptemlid term, eight mites west of New- nsn. of two hunderd and fifty aeroa; about ena hundred sere, in the woods; the halanee rlrored. and one hundred sere, under fence. It is in a Snnehani’wSwSi. * b0a * °°* mUo ,rom * Terms very tow for alt each, or half rash Oth Deremhrr next, and other halt £Sth Dorembrr, l'TA with inteira*. W. S. BEADLES. novxaitiotatm Newnan. Ga. ZOS all th la in bis Jwn bitter expen.; v. The i.he.1 man wntelio* with vtdinl i;u,l ea» g«r oy.-s the grredy brutea .-.s they te vour th«* filthy • • • ruid even ’ " faro. All th CARPETJ5! Oil Cloths. HEALTH! BEAUTY! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-IN CREASE OP FLESH AND WRIGHT- | CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent n is nnule the most astonishing cures. So quick so rapid are the changes the body u udergoei*. unde the inrtucmxj of this truly wonderful medicine that KVStT PAT AX I JfCREASE 15 FLEsQ A5D | WEIGIIT iismixomT. TIIE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIED. Every drepof the SARSAPARILLIAN RF.SOL VKXT Cf»mmunic»tc!» through the blood, nw. n urine and other flukl* anti Juice* of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the waste* of the lKidy with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis. Consumption. Glandular Diseases, Ul cers in the Throat and Mouth. Tumors, Nodes in 1 the Glands and other parts of tho system. Scfrn I Kyds, Struraorous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst form of Skin Diseases, Eruption. Fever Sores, Scold Head. Iting Worm, Salt Rheum lipclte, Acne. Black Spots. Worms in tho Tumors, ('sneers in the Womb, and all Weakening and Painful Discharges, Nisht Sweats. Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life principle, an within the curative range of this wonder of Mod em Chemistry, and a few days* use will prove to any person using it for either of these linns of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily berorain* reduced by the waste and decomposition that is eontinuallj pro- gressinr, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood-and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does seeure—a cure is certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purifies* tion. succeeds in diminishine the loss o wn«te«, it* repairs will be rapid, and evefy day tho potient will feel himself prrowingbetterand strong* er. the food ” and flesh nr the 8AR8APA! known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic. Scrofulous. Constitutional and Skin Diseases, but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary :*nd Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes Dropsy, Stoppage of Water. Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Disease. Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an cpr. or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance and white l»onc dust deposit, ami when there is a prickinv. burning sensation when passing water, and pain in tbo small of the back and along tho loins. Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Radway’s Resolvent! Beverly, Mass- July 16,1867. Dr. Rad WAT: I have had Ovarian Tumor in I the ovaries and bowels. All the Doctors said “there wa■ VIA (lain fn. it " > triail avaarthin* that vaa I R. Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, solicitors in chancery, EUFAULA, ALA. (Office over J. T. Kendall’s store, Broad street.) W ILL practice in the State and Federal Courts of Alabama, in the Courts of Southwestern The superiority of this machine over all others intended for same purpose (including both the old | Georgia and elsewhere by special contract. Prompt a 1 Hl"ww lixhiua’’Gin Gear) are GUARANTEE. OR ASK NO MOSKY. Thin 1‘oirer is shipt«d n ■'^.!2g u {“ piece, as it were; require* no mechanic to put it up; sets on the ground; is attached m no wav 1:11X11 nv portion of the house; and i* indenendent of floor “sasnrins.” etc.; can bo used in ANY KIND I requested. oct - J lra HOUSE (one or two story), or l»oth tbo Power and Gin can bo run on the ground WITHOUT ANY HOUSE; drives a Gin from 275 to 200 revolutions per minute. Cw MACON, GEOBGIA. tan |grf!| , Igjf ..... m\ i|mL CHINA, GROCKERr^CUSS WARE THE FOUR LEADING FULLY WARE ANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. N. D.—Parti.’* preferring the "old fashion” Gin Gear or "new fashion” ditto, with centre support | can be accommodated at very reasonable figures. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GA MANUFACTURERS OF PIANOS Now manufactured are tbo Knabe, Hallett, Davis & Co., Haines Bros., And Southern Gem. And tlio best and Cheapest Place to Buy One Is at LUDDEN & BATES’ J. N. LIGHTFOOT Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, a LOG Kay Street, Savannah, ca. Agents for the sale of Merryman'* kmwmhM i™*?: won L. 31. WARFIELD. ROOT. WiSiT WARFIELD A WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. /'"XFFER their services to planters andshipneu V_/ of cotton, etc., and solicit a slutreof their bn*, ness. Cash advancYs inudo on consignments 4 lowest rates of iuterest. All business entrucM to our care, will receive prompt attention. “JV lures" bought and sold in tho Savannah and York Cotton Kxelumge on the most reaaooabtt terms. scpi*6m W. DUNCAN. J. U. JOHNSTON. M. MfiCLKfiX | DUNCAX. JOHNSTON CO.. Cotton Factors and General Com. | mission Merchants, 92 Huy .Street, Savannah, Ga. augl 6m n. C. FLANNAG.VN. W. W. FLANNAOAX. jL. P. A BULL. R. 8. MORGAN-. FLjLNNAGAN, ABELL & CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 1S5 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. M ANAGING Agents for the English StonemS Fertilizer, etc. Bagging and Ties tuniiaited, and liberal cash advances made on consignment* for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to uurccr* respondents in Northern, Easieru or Eurojmm markets. anel Urn A. Al. SLOAN. AU1UURN.SOLLKR. G. V.WYU.Y.JE A. M. SLOAN CO., Cotton Factors and General Com- mission Merchants, Claghom A Cunningham’s Range, Hay Street, Savannah, ta. n AGGING anti Ties advanced on eropA Liberal cash advances matte on consignment iorsal? iu Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corn* jjoudents in I.iverpoof, New York, Phili.ddpha, Boston or Baltimore. nugltan JAMES U. BLOUNT. ISAAC 1IAUDKMAJ. JOHN HARDEMAN. BLOUNT, IIAKDEMAN & 1IARDEMA5 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, fa A. Office, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’a auirlO tf R. W. & S. H. JEMISON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Office 52 Second st., Macon, Georgia. .L practice in the courts of Mmoii and ad* SAMUEL HALL V 82 MULBERRY STREET. POE, HALL & LOFTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, * MACON, GA. Office, on Third street, over City Bank. STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS. WATER WHEELS, MTT.^Tfj TTHTTQU tvn im rtvpu no MinniYunv ivn nwiYfid PTC VTP I A*J- K^/JL. \J J—I- V_/ Ky J-J AND ALD KlXrS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, ETC. ETC. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON. GA. GrJEt BA. T SAVANNAH. GA. From £5 to 50 different prices and styles always | on hand. Every purchaser guaranteed a good instrument. Largest piano trade iu tho South and lowest prices. Every one thinking of buying a piano is invited | to write us for terms and prices. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE. Soulern Freight and Passenger Line -VIA- II^IICHARLESTON, S. 0.. -TO AND FROM- BallMore, Mid, M York ul Boston! AND ALL TnE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. SPECIAL NOTICE 1 Until times are better, wo shall sell pianos at wholesale prices for cash or on short time. Wo guarantee first-rate Pianos for $2C3, $27'», $290 and $500. Superior Pianos, $325, $550 and $575. Tlie very best Pianos, $400, $440, $150. $475. $500, $550 and $600. Pianos never liave been sold so cheap before. These prices are only for the pres ent, Do not let the chance go by. Pianos delivered, freight laid, to cash buyers in the South. Pianos sold on long time. COTTON FOR PIANOS We will take cotton at Savannah market price, delivered at any point on the railroad, in exchange for Pianos or Organs, at cash prices. LUDDEN A BATES, SUf Savannah. Ga. W. W. WOODRUFF, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, MACON, GA. Cia it Crotej Mil. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF HERBERT FIELDER. 1DU8 L. FIELDEU H. & i. lTfielder, Attorneys at Law, CUTH BRUT, GEORGIA, "If/ILL give prompt attention to all businesi t V confided to them, iu the counties of Ran- nh, Stewart, Quitman, Clay, Early, Callwui ....I Terrell, the Supremo Court of Georgia, anc the District and Circuit Courts of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia. sept!7-tf CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLAMBE. (Pocket and Table Cutlery ! SILVER PLATJED WAJEIB - Resolvent, and thought I would try it; bnt I had no faith in it. because 1 had suffered for twelve years. 1 took six bottles of the Resolvent, and one nox of Radway’s PHfcL and two bottles of your RadjRdW; and tbeve is not a sign of tumor to ! be seen or felt, and I feel better, smarter and hap pier than I have for twelve years. The worst tu mor was in the left side of the bowels, owr the groin. I write this to you for the benefit of others. You can publish it if you choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. THREE TIMES A WEEK PROM NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS.! Tinware, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware! Standard of Excellence! THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. CHANDELIERS GAS AND KEROSENE. | Every style of Carriages. Buggies or Wagons fur nished at tho lowest possible price at tills Repository. [lamps, chimneys, wicks, etc. WORMS? ELEGANT STATE-BOOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 121 HOUBS SHOBTEE VIA CHARLESTON. I TEE SOUTH CAROLINA EAILR0AD CO., I The only rate and Wft.rqatjf .far TAPE. PIN J And connecting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet'of Thirteen First-Class Steamships to the and \> OlwJ.b of all kinds. J above Ports, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public I in the Codon States at the PRICE : : .00 PER BOTTLE. I PORT 03?' CHARLESTON, An Important Letter KEROSENE OTJLs BY TIIE GALLON, BAEEEL AND CAB LOAD. STATE AGENTS for -Porter Combination Garden and Plantation Hoes. We offer tho ahovo goods at very reasonable rates. Please crJl and examine our The Woodruff Concord Buggy, | stock - WALKER <3c DOBBS. novlGeodtf Celebrated for light draft and durability, is the lending^! uggy, and a specialty. O.. forth* pastforty ywwdlfeotn J Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not exceeded in excel | publishers throughout the luted | knee and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers ^n^ publishers throughout the United I knee and capacity at any other New Noar. October 11,1S75. H • Dx. Radwxt ; Dear Sire-1 am induced by a sense of duty to the suffering to make a brief state- roeniof the workincof your medicine on myself. J vtY „ ITT . V For several year* I had been affected with some | 7*tV k \YuiT?C* trouble in the bladder and urinary organs, which some twelve months ago culminated in a mosttere i Steamers are regularly on th I TO XEW YORK. out their bed but* contrast those MATTING, RUGS, ho Aoi lirqipj day. wj^hio vr. -.nt misery an ; dooolation. SW u r -‘. T ' ,f ill-::... tho future. M< morv alor.o ft'msx". ho is constantly tortnroJ with the vision a ::,1 and the of his father's princely horn hapiuneteffipsvl abumhuieo which wen* one*) hu^Ttion. Finally, thoroii-elily rahdnofi in spirit and yith a contrite lieart, he exclaims in a cony, "I will axis* end g" to my father, and will s .y nato him, 'Father. I have sinuod against heaven and before thee, and am no morv wort!.* !■ .i !:.* sou ; make mo os 008 of thy hii. d *. r- nnu."' I had rather Uffi doorikomr ia tlu* houao of iny GckI th:in to dw t J ir. tlu' tonM of wiek. duv.-. This huiuilitT provivl his eloiy and sal vation. He bod still a father win !. i- and waited, and prayed for las lost one. And now. to his unuttoniblo joy. h*' be holds the hungry# ragged ;uiti mlseiable wAUtitTor once more tuminjr his *tepa honn'wanl. Then, and not till then, did he go forth to meet him, rmd cow, and never until r.ovr, w.o-> be wdl.n^ to stri] off those tatt. rol garments, ur.d put a rol#,* upon him. Away with l.i disgrace rand st;vrA’:iU«.»n. The fatten] calf has !•*.• n killed for him, ;aid Uf$iiu he dti a cher- ished gUA*>»t und boil at his father’s table. You and I, dear brethren, are that prodigal son. His father is t-ur father, and we. too, may find rest and ccr-ohi- tion in Hia losotn. 'The above furnishes the JJisht'P Beck with’a disvcui B MATS, E T jp> T HE larpreat stock of the above gr* U *ld. .. ..L ■« ■■ ■ — i_ „.xl uvr daily dirtxa Ironi~roanutertc*7. * quality of mx*ls and at redurod pgF"s. IlODY BBUSSELS CAKTETS; • TAI'ESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS, THKEE-PLY CARPETS. EXTRA SUPER CARPETS. MEDIUM and LOW GRADE CAB- PETS. YENTiTIAX CARPETS, HEMPS CAEPETS. VELVET BUGS. if HKUSSELS BUGS, BEAVEB BUGS, s MATS 1«F AM S rVI.Es, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINOLILUM FLOOR CLOTHS, FELTS AND DKUGGETS. TA1ILE OIL CLOTI^. COCOA MATTINGS CANE MATTINGS. CANTON MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WAI.l PAPERS. Save it a* thrir opinion that my aat—TSymrs— would prevent my mrrrttinrradirally cured. I had triodannmbrrof phy*io»nj. and had taken a lam quantity of medicine, buth aJoiathiu and homeopathic, but hajqotno relief. I tod read o utonfahinq eurra harine been made by yonr run- | rdiea. and mae four month* ago read a notice in the Philadelphia Saturday Ermine Port of a euro tonne been efferW on a peraoo uh* tod lone been aufferingaa 1 tod been. I went rim toff arid ro« need taking them. In three. I was greatly relieved, and new feel as well as crer. C. W. JAMES. Cincinnati. O. DR. RADWAY’S PEEFECT PURGATIVE AM) REGULATING PILLS. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum. iiurins regulate.irnrify. dran«e and strength en. iindwn Vs Pills for iLe cure of all diaunlt-reo the $:c.marh. Liver. Bomwb, Km1ik*vx. Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache. CooxtipaSioa. Co*- CHAMPION.. CHARLESTON. I JAMBS ADGK&. C.EORGU SOUTH CACOLINA. CLYDE ASHLAND TO V. S. WooDunx, Commander. | IL W. Lockwood, Commander. I James Beery, Commander ^T. J. Lockwood. Commander. JAMES ADGER A COV Agents. Charleston, S. C. JS.CKOWZLU Commander. I k T. J. Beckett, Commander. ^..J, Kexxedy, Commander. Inguaham, Commander. WAGNER. HUGER A CO^l «.. nmpijxfnn c re WML A. COURTNAY. S A5ents * Charlcston,S . c * PHILADELPHIA. IKON STEAMSHIPS. REPUBLIC LIFE 1ISUR1ICEIJOIPANY CAPITAL STOCK, FIVE MILLIONS. CENTRAL OFFICE, CHICAGO, ILLINOLS*. [ JOHN V. FARWELL - - - - F RESIDENT- . jrjvrocnts of the Internal Ybcera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vecetabk. con taining no meirury, minerals or delete nous drugs. Observe the foltewing symptoms resulting from Disorders of tho Digestive Organs: :«t. -1. 1- '.-r.l 1 . >. i ..••vi ff the Blood in the Head. Aridity of the Stomach. Nan sen. Hiart'.-um, D.n.-,>: of Food. Fullness or Wt . :» '** • :( N ;;r Er; :. : - S.-.kir.-* or Flutterinr at the Heart. Choking or suffer,;^ Sen'sation* when in a Lying Posture. Dimness o Vision. Dote or Weba befere t:. :>: i Dull Pain the Heatl. Defirtencyof l’er-inration. YeUowneas of the Skin and Bjvs, I*ain in tbo Side, Chest. Limbs sad sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in the Flesh. A tew dote* of way** Pffls will free the syr- ASHLAND .Alexikdek Hu.ytkk, Commander. EQUATOR C. Hikckleb. Commander. SAILING DAY'S—FRIDAYS. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. The Whitewater and Woodruff Wagons. And other Western Wagons, at low prices. Descriptive Circulars furnished to those who will write for them. AH work warranted. oct2G tf TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BALES MONTHLY TO BALTIMORE. ** ."" **** . J>cttok, Commander. SAJUKO DAYS—EYniY FIFTH DAY. PAUL C. TRKNTIOLM, Awnt. Ctorleslon. S. C. TO BOSTON. - * OVER S50,000 IN USE] If you lliink of buying a Sewing Machine it wiai nay vou to examine the records of those now use i n 1 profit bv expericnc<*. TIIE WHEEbEI f k WILSON STANDS ALONE AS TIIK OMtJ L IGHT RUNNING MACHINE, USING T / fclTARY H(K)K. MAKING A LOCKSTIT l nlikts' on i>oth sides of tho fabric sewed. All i ■ tie mu 'dunes waste power in drawing the shu ra h*Hr a fi ».r tlie stitch is formed bringing do’ } wear and strain ujK*n lioth machine and ©per a h.-nro whb ’<*»>" TfSMSLf; WHBELER A WILSON LASTI. A LIPtTIJ.^,- ncomimirnl mvestment; Do ni.. h^linvo ..Il tluit it 1 promirol Ly ao-cnlloil “Cliinp mitlin.i vMi »1 miMiMiniro proof tlmtyrair* if ! “tav^St th ur value, honey oneethrowi|| a 'sen(nv!roiireirrulit'^- Mneliine, not'l on e»y W. A.UICKS.'A>*. Macon. G.- CAUTION. | BUY ONLY TIIK A GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALE,s 31 ASUFjICTURED BY E, & T. FAIRBANKS & GO W **I’ onjy Of ; paid ■, woven from j julyli WANTED AT ONCE. O N K OR TWO first-ctfois practical Gin M»1 (l!rc:i»t -r> to ul. t!:c **.-■. READ “FALSE AND TRUE!” Send one letter stamp to RADWAY ICO. No J 2 Warren, corner Church street. New York. I Information worth thousands will be seal yaw I BuyUooiltvXjr Rates guaranteed as low as those of Competing Lines. Marine Insurance one-half of one per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be had at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama. Tennessee and Mississippi. State Rooms may be secured in advance, without extra rhsrre, by addressing Arnits of the Steam ship* in Charleston, at whore offices, in all cares, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and Berths assigned. The Through Tickets by thi« Route include Transfers, Meals and State Room, while on ship boanL THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, GEORGIA RAILROAD And their connecting Lines have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight and Ilatu^eri b twreu the Northern Cities and the South and West. On the Georgia and South Carolina Railroads First-CLt^s Sleeping Cars. Freight promptly tran-femil from steamer today and right trains cf the South Carolina Rail road. Close <*or.nwtK:: made with other roads, delivering freights at distant points with great prompt- Th- Mr. will i>- ,\ r ry ex* to vUidy th*:r i ni runs that the line VIA CHARLESTON cannot l** surpassed in Dispatch and the Safe Delivery of Goods. I' r further information, apply to J. J. GRIFFIN. Western Agent. Atlanta. Gag B. D.HAS- < ELL . A- • : !’.<>. i*. x 4-.'7h. < >r!:ce 517 Broadway. N. Y.; S. B. PICKENS General Passenger and Ticket deent. South Caroana RaJroad, or J. M. SELKIRK, hurt? oudtcL- Supermtendent Great Southern Freight and Line, Charlcawn, S. 0. IRON & BRASS WORKS, Canal Street, front Ctli to 7th, RICHMOND, - - - VA. WM. E. TANNEK & CO., ENBINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ENGINES OFALLB3DTDS. Send for Circular. H. R. BROWN, r Agent. ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —AND— Patent Wire Hecldles Are made under one management. Also. SUPPLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly furnished. REPUBLIC BLOCK, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. ATLANTA, GA., BRANCH. OFFICERS—E. E. RxwsoJ, President; L. P. G&1ST. Vice President: J. P. i.CGA i, U. D„ Modi- ^BxiScUTrYE COKMITTEE—E. E. Ritvsoy, L. P. Guaxt, V. R.Tomuet.L..ScofiexJ), \F. P. Pxxtillo, J. A. lUrDrx, D. X Bexiie. ■ AUGUSTA, GA. BRANCH. OFFICERS—Geoboe T. Jackson, President; James T. Both well, Tice Preside mt; G. E. Rat- CL ENECUTITE^XniMriTi?E—Edward Thomas. W.Daniel, T. E. Branch, J ohn U.Metes W. il. Goodrich. GEO. I. THOMAS, Jm, SPECIAL AGENTS s JAS. W. THOMAS. DR. IJL S- JACKSON. A STRONG STOCK COMPANY. WHICH COMBINES STRENGTH OF CAJ »ITAL. character, and local influence, and provides Life Inmranro at the lowest safe rates, without d elusive promise of dividends, or rather makes the Dividend certain by decreasing the premium. By i .ts organizations it enables a to deal with his own neighbors, stockholders in th*: Company, me n whom he knows will do iu-tice to his family after he is dead, and also provides that his funds w ill lx? invested to de velop the resources of his own locality. A Company with Capital enough and hr radth enough to bo safe beyond question, with national extent and prestige, and yet a Home Compai y everywhere. An ea*y Company for Agents to work and retain the confidence of toeir neighbors, WILLIAM GOODNOW, Southern Manager, Republic BJ Vck, Atlanta, Ga. S. T. JENKINS, Sui>erinteiident of Agencies. . ocUiteod Sin STASDAKD SCALE SCALES REPAIRED PROMPTLY AND REASON* For sale ako, Troemner’s Coffee and Drag M Composition Bells,all size* Letter Presses. *k- THP MOST PERFECT Alarm Cash Drav;ei MILES ALARM TILL CO.’S EVERY MERCHANT SHOULD Use Them. tm:n.K3tfij] DR A WE! Fairbanks 1 Fairbanks SOLD AT k is’ Scale WarebonseA airhanks & Co., \ 311 llriKHlivny, Xcw York, 166 Baltimore Stree t, Battimon'. IS t*nip Street, Xow Orlass- FAIRBANKS A EWING, Maronic Hall. PhiLvletpiA- FAIRBANKS, BROWN * CO. i llilk Street, Boston. i !a, ' 5by CARHART & CURP. „ Macon. Ga. # FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL,! C OR. CORTLANDT and NEW CHURCH NEW YORK. Onthe Kurojiean plan. UU - —* « • .Ura UtolVClKl Riclia-U ARD P. FRENCH, son of the 7 French.of French’* Hotel, lias takoaathJjH t| newly fitted up and entirely renovated the ran’ Centrellv locotrel in the business l*art of ttori Landie*' nadGentlt-mon bDiuingRoomsattoifiei JuxeUtt i